You Have Been Told A Lie - Blood, Borders, and Biloela

You Have Been Told A Lie - Blood, Borders, and Biloela

Jay Ooi, Thinesh Thillainadarajah

A family ripped from their rural Queensland community, and a town fighting to bring them back. The Nadesalingam family captured the hearts and minds of people across the world when they were ripped from their regional Australian community of Biloela, but there’s more to this than a heartwarming story. You Have Been Told A Lie will explore the social fabric of Sri Lanka forcing Tamils to flee, the geopolitical and national forces at play when it comes to Australia’s immigration policy, the groundswell movement from their local community and beyond, the treatment and processing of asylum seekers in Aust...

Episode 6: Cockatoo Homeland

Episode 6: Cockatoo Homeland

Welcome home. With a Labor victory at the 2022 federal election, we join the family as they return home to Biloela. It’s a teary, frantic, and joyous reunion for them, but what does this mean for other families like the Nadeslinagams? Is Labor’s election win the victory that people think it is?In this episode we explore what our government is still doing to not have to accept asylum seekers into our country, what made this family and this campaign so special, as well as what’s next for the famil

Jul 7, 2023 • 56:25

Episode 5: The Ballad of the Ballots

Episode 5: The Ballad of the Ballots

Everything is riding on the 2022 federal election. The LNP have held firm that the Nadesalingams would not be returning to Biloela, and no special visa would be granted to them, but the Labor Party has made an election promise to return them to Biloela if they are elected. How did this one family become an election talking point in 2022? We find out if four years of campaigning to bring this family back to Biloela is actually changing the way people vote. And we join the campaign team as th

Jun 30, 2023 • 56:12

Episode 4: A Private Affair

Episode 4: A Private Affair

Another deportation attempt is made, but this time, more people are following their story. Supporters drop what they are doing and dash to the airport to help. Campaigners jump the fence and get arrested. Nevertheless, the family are separated and forced onto a plane. But an urgent injunction is granted mid-flight, and forces the plane to land in Darwin. Rather than fly them back to Melbourne detention, the Nadesalingams are flown to a detention centre on a remote offshore territory of Australia

Jun 23, 2023 • 55:58

Episode 3: Track Changes

Episode 3: Track Changes

Early one Monday morning, having spent three and a half years building their life in Biloela, the Nadesalingams are forcibly removed from their homes, thrown into white vans, and flown to a detention centre in Melbourne. The family are told they can’t get access to a phone unless they sign documents saying they would leave the country. What do they do?Why was their visa application unsuccessful? What information is the government using to assess them? And what else can they do to not be sent bac

Jun 16, 2023 • 56:11

Episode 2: Bloody Pearl

Episode 2: Bloody Pearl

It was conventional British colonial policy to look for minorities in colonised territories to use them where possible as the administrative class. Minorities, like the Tamils in Sri Lanka, tended to be more amenable to be used in this fashion because at times this strengthened their position in society. Following Sri Lanka’s independence from the British, the majority Sinhalese ethnic group take power. Racial tensions escalate, erupting in a war in 1983, with government sanctioned troops killin

Jun 9, 2023 • 48:11

Episode 1: The Birth Lottery

Episode 1: The Birth Lottery

Nades says he couldn’t sleep when he arrived on Christmas Island. The beds felt like they were moving just like the boat he arrived on. Priya started to feel scared as other asylum seekers around her were being removed by SERCO guards with their belongings in black garbage bags in the dead of night. Nades, Priya, and their two Australian-born daughters, Kopika and Tharnicaa, commonly referred to as the ‘Biloela family’, became the faces of the rural Aussie community of Biloela, but how did

Jun 9, 2023 • 45:33

Trailer: You Have Been Told A Lie

Trailer: You Have Been Told A Lie

The Nadesalingam family captured the hearts and minds of people across the world when they were ripped from their regional Australian community of Biloela, but there’s more to this than a heartwarming story. This series will explore the social fabric of Sri Lanka forcing Tamils to flee, the geopolitical and national forces at play when it comes to Australia’s immigration policy, the groundswell movement from their local community and beyond, the treatment and processing of asylum seekers in Aust

May 9, 2023 • 1:48

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