Citizen's Guide To The Supernormal
Citizen's Guide Productions
This a podcast dedicated to the weird, unexplained, and all things sticky, stupid, and uncomfortable like a gloryhole in a nursing home.
Scary Nature: Forests, Everest, and Butterscotch Pudding
Sorry for dropping this one so late so let's just pretend it's still summer. In this episode we talk about the terrifying nature of... nature. We explore the terrors of Sarge's summer camp and then take a trip to the tallest mountain of earth. The we wrap it all up with a rousing edition of dick news!
The Great Molasses Flood: Death, Negligence, and Walls of Goo
Back from a short break, the gang covers the insane story of the Great Molasses Flood, the history of Boston's North End, and some political intrigue.
Episode 46: Things That Aren't Flat: Lunar Eclipses, Dunning Kruger, and DICK NEWS!
We talk about Earth and other things that are definitely not a disk. Also, behold the glorious return of DICK NEWS!
A Conversation With Jeremy London: Ghosts, Aliens, and Courtroom Farts
We give Laura the day off and welcome special guest, Jeremy London. We discuss ghosts, aliens, remote viewing, psychics, premonitions, and ancient aliens.
Episode 44 - Ancient Torture Methods: Butts, Petting Zoos, and More Butts
Maynerd, Laura, and Sarge the Destroyer have returned from a long hiatus to talk about torture methods, ripped buttholes, and all things sticky, stupid, and uncomfortable.
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Episode 43 - The Khamar Daban Incident: Stop Hiking In Siberia
In 1993, 150 miles (241 km) south east of the Dyatlov Pass, 6 hikers would die suddenly and mysteriously while hiking in a Siberian mountain range. We take a deep dive into their story using multiple sources and try to figure out what might have happened. Check out episode 43: The Khamar Daban incident - Stop Hiking In Siberia.
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Episode 39 Space Conspiracies- That's no moon, wait it is a moon, or is it a satellite
In this one, we talk about space conspiracies and how thunderously stupid they are.
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Back From The Dead: Shirtless Weirdos, Graveyard Surprises, and Blowing Smoke Up Your Butt
In this episode, the gang talks about all the ways they tried to revive the dead and a couple of folks who survived being buried alive.
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Episode 37- Naked Hotel Parties, The Jusco Phantom, and Claustrophobia
We did our first ever livestream episode! We talked about the Biltmore Hotel in Rhode Island, The Jusco Phantom, and a haunted mine in Nevada.
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The Adrenochrome Conspiracy: QAnon, Anti-Semitism, and Beliving Nonsense
In this episode, we cover one of the core tenets of the Q-Anon conspiracy theory. It's just as stupid as you think it is...
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Three Stories- Frozen Relatives, Ghost Town or Bust, and Stuff Named Nancy
This episode tells three stories about the supernatural in New England and at the end we have DICK NEWS!
Lincoln's Ghost - Presidential Spectres, Turning Purple, And Blind Love (2)
Lincoln's Ghost - Presidential Specters, Turning Purple, and Blind Love
Welcome back to Citizen’s Guide to the Supernormal, Episode 33. In this Episode, special guest Octopus Caveman, ( joins us to talk about the ghost of America’s tallest ghost, Abraham Lincoln. Are the stories tru
The Poltergeist Curse: 80s parents, Major Dad, and dick arms
Citizen’s Guide To The Supernormal - Episode 32
The Poltergeist Curse: 80s parents, Major Dad, and dick arms
Welcome back to the Citizen’s Guide blog. First of all, sorry we took so long to get back on track but if I’m being honest, it has been a year. Our podcast Twitter was recently suspended for unknown reasons but thanks to Maynerd’s quick thinking, we’re back like cooked crack, y’all. Check u
The Great Barrington Event; Corn, Butternuts, and 40 Pound Dildos
Citizen’s Guide to the Supernormal
Episode 31- The Great Barrington Event: Corn, Butternuts, and 40 Pound Sex Toys
Special Patreon Shoutout! - The best whip maker on Earth!
Welcome back to the CGS blog. Where I get to wax philosophical about all things unexplained. In this week’s episode, we have a special guest, Ms. Tiffany Vanderlust or
The Axman of New Orleans: House Axes, The Black Hand, and Jazzin’ it into the good towels
Citizen’s Guide To The Supernormal
Episode 28 - The Bermuda Triangle: Atlantis, Poorly Made Boats, and Sanitary Napkins
Well, we finally released another episode and it didn’t take us a month. That sounds like progress to me. This is another true crime episode and it’s got a spooky scary monster who used old-timey bible terms and loved Jazz. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear the Axman of New Orle
The Servant Girl Annihilator! – Gloryholes, Bailey Jay… again, and Schrodinger's fingerprints
Citizen’s Guide To The Supernormal Ep. 29
The Servant Girl Annihilator! – Gloryholes, Bailey Jay… again, and Schrodinger's fingerprints
Well, it’s been a fucking lifetime since we had an episode release. As two out of the three of us are essential employees and Maynerd working hard from home, we were unable to get to our show. As we’ve not gotten a little more stable, we’re ready to make love to
The Bermuda Triangle Charcoal Drawings, Sanitary Napkins, and The Sinky Cyclops
Citizen’s Guide To The Supernormal EP-28 REMIX!
The Bermuda Triangle: Charcoal Drawings, Sanitary Napkins, and The Sinky Cyclops
Guys… we fudged up. We thought the audio was too quiet on the first Bermuda Triangle episode so we rerecorded it. However, Maynerd found it accidentally, edited it accidentally, and I released it… accidentally. The bad news is, we dropped the wrong episode, the good ne
The Bermuda Triangle: Atlantis, Poorly Made Boats, and Sanitary Napkins
Citizen’s Guide To The Supernormal
Episode 28 - The Bermuda Triangle: Atlantis, Poorly Made Boats, and Sanitary Napkins
Welcome back to the CGS Blog! Holy shit, a lot has changed since we released our last episode. Jordan dropped something like 240 pounds, Maynerd and I sang a ballad, and the new Trolls movie came out! Honestly, I think we’re all in a weird place right now but keep your chin up. We’ll get through this together, one dick joke at a time.
Cropsey: Urban Legends, South Sides of Towns, and Coke Pockets
CGS Blog Episode 27
Cropsey - Urban Legends, South Sides of Towns, and Coke Pockets
Welcome back to the CGS blog. We got a crazy episode for you. It’s got true crime, urban legends, and dick news, like usual. We had a lot of fun recording this one and with any luck, you’re never going to see Newark Airport the same way again. Laura joined us again because frankly, she’s the only mature adult we know.
Cropsey is a scar
CGS episode 26: False Flags - Torpedoes, Exploding Toilets, and Scary Weather
Citizen’s Guide to the Supernormal – EP 26
False Flags: Torpedoes, Exploding Toilets, and Scary Weather
Welcome back to the CGS Blog. We took a little hiatus after the new year because I started a new job and a new semester at school. Sorry for the delay and thank you for coming back. This episode covers a topic near and dear to my heart. False Flag is a term used all too often these days. Our friends over at Infowars would have you believe that the US government is somehow capable of killing p
The Warminster Thing - Aliens, Bangers, and Hitachi hums
Citizen’s Guide To The Supernormal Episode 25 – The Warminster Thing: Aliens, Bangers, and Hitachi hums
Welcome back to the Citizen’s Guide Blog! This was supposed to be a Christmas episode but I had a sort of crazy couple of weeks that resulted in my lazy ass getting a job so unfortunately, I had to put this episode on the back burner. However, here we are, better late than never.
This Episode is fun because we get to talk about Aliens. I love aliens b
La Llorona: Ladies in white, Period Jokes, and Sassy Snakes
Citizen’s Guide To The Supernormal - Episode 24 – La Llorona: Ladies in White, Period Jokes, and Sassy Snakes
Welcome back to The Citizen’s Guide To The Supernormal blog. In this episode we cover a weeping woman from South America who lives by water and steals your children, like an aquatic Madonna. We have a special guest, @its_me_your_mom or Ms. Tiffany if you’re nasty. Anyway, this story is crazy for a number of reasons but none of those reasons expla
Lizzy Borden and The Bloody Hatchet Wounds
Episode 23 - Lizzy Borden and The Bloody Hatchet Wounds
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Welcome back to the CGS blog. This episode is not just a true crime story, it is the stuff of legends for anyone who grew up in Massachusetts. Lizzy Borden was accused of murdering her parents. The evidence seems overwhelming at first but once we analyze it, you’ll hear some incredibly reasonable refutations (I use big words sometimes, you guys). Anyway, this story is as fascinating as
Episode 22 Crop Circles
Citizen’s Guide to the Supernormal – Episode 22
Crop Circles and Terrible Christopher Walken Impressions
Welcome back to the CGS Blog. It’s our one-year anniversary and we’re knee deep in impeachment testimonies or witch hunt 2019, depending on where you get your biases from. We’re just sitting here in the middle while mom and dad are fighting. Much like when my parents fight, there’s no resolution and no matter the outcome, tomorrow everyone still resen
Episode 21 - The One Where Jordan Speaks Welsh
Citizen’s Guide to the Supernormal Episode 21
The One Where Jordan Speaks Welsh
Welcome to the CGS Blog. We’ve been a little preoccupied lately but we finally got this one done. When I say we, I of course mean Maynerd. Anyway, we’d like to drop a big thank you to our special guest Summer or as she’s more infamously known, Brunette Bohemian. You know, the one with the hair and unhealthy obsession with New Kids on the Block? Yeah, that one. In this episode, we ta
Episode 20: Local Legends and Disappointing Pot
Citizen’s Guide To The Supernormal Episode 20
Local Legends and a Disappointing Pot
Well, here we are, Episode 20! Sorry it’s a little late but while editing, I deleted everything because I am a dumb stupid poopy head according to sources close to the matter. Anyway, we’ve come a long way (name of my sex tape, naturally). I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of you for listening and supporting our show. We are hitting our stride and we have made a lot of new friends. We can’t wait fo
Episode 19: Possession is the mother of invention, probably?
Citizen’s Guide to the Supernormal Episode 19
Possession is the mother of invention, probably?
Welcome back to the CGS blog, y’all. On this episode we cover possession. Specifically the possession of a young woman from 1675 in Colonial Massachusetts. Elizabeth was haunted by demons or more likely, not haunted by demons because demons aren’t real and neither is climate change. I’m kidding of course. Demons are very real. Just ask anyone
Episode 18- Guam got ghosts
Citizen’s Guide To The Supernormal -Episode 18
Guam’s Got Ghosts
Well, here we are at episode 18. This one took a long time to get released because I was working on a project in Atlanta. While I was there, I was supposed to be meeting some famous people but they mysteriously came down with a case of “We Were Lied To By A Total Jackass”. No harm done though. We made some awesome friends, we berated an 18-year-old boy to the point of tears, and learned that a woman can definitely sexually assault
Episode 17- Betty And Barney Hill If You Love Brown And Green, You’re Going To Love New Hampshire
Episode 17- Betty and Barney Hill: If You Love The Colors Brown And Green, You’re Going To Love New Hampshire
Welcome back to the CGS blog. This episode is the second part of Betty and Barney Hill’s incredible story. In the first episode we talk about what supposedly happened. In this episode we break down the aftermath. Barney Hill was a broken shell of a man when he passed away. Betty hung on to her story but as time passed, she became somewhat discredited due to her increasingly bizarre behav
Episode 16 Betty And Barny Hill: Abduction, Aliens, and Racist Mountain Names
Episode 16- Betty and Barney Hill: Abduction and Racist Mountain Names
Wow I fucking loved this episode. We recorded with very small live audience of some really good friends of ours. We laughed, we cried, we broke someone by accident. I hope you like it as much as we liked making it. We picked this story for one reason, it was about alien abduction. I mean, we’ve covered some nightmare fuel in the past, mysterious deaths, randomly catching fire, Maynerd’s sex swing. However, all things conside
Episode 15 The Willey Family: Live Free And Die Horribly
CGS Podcast Episode 15- The Willey Family: Live Free and Die Horribly
Welcome back the CGS Blog. It’s been a bit since we dropped an episode but we’re back like cooked crack, y’all. This week, we’re going all the way up to the great white north, AKA New Hampshire. We talk specifically about the tragedy of the Willey family who were killed in a mudslide. While this wasn’t a necessarily supernatural story, it is damn creepy. Imagine seeing a 60 mile an hour rush of mud 3 miles long coming at you
Episode 14- El Chupacabra: Lady-Gardens and The Worst Santa Ever
Episode 14- El Chupacabra: Lady Gardens and Evil Santa
Hey everyone, we made a survey, we'd love your feedback, it's just 5 questions.
Well here we are at episode 14. This is should be a light journey through the weirdness that is The Puerto Rican Yeti. The Chupacabra is a relatively new phenomenon as far as cryptids go. This legend can only be traced back to 1995. I find that fascinating. While I an a pretty firm skeptic, it’s always interesting to he
Episode 13 - Spontaneous Human Combustion: That's Some Shoe...
CGS Blog Episode 13- Spontaneous Human Combustion
This episode covers one of the craziest phenomenon in the world. It plays on the unthinkable fear of burning alive. The flames are inescapable. Do you suffocate? Do you burn alive? Is it a quick death? We just don’t know. There is really no consensus on whether Spontaneous Human Combustion (SHC), is even real. The only thing we know for sure is that the victims of SHC are nearly entirely consumed by flames while the room they’re in is virtually
Episode 12 - Maynerd's Ghost
In this Episode, we learn about Maynerd's haunted house.
Episode 12, Maynerd’s Ghost
Welcome back to the CGS blog. Last episode was pretty dark. This episode takes a different route. We enlisted the help of Maynerd’s long suffering wife as she talked to us about the ghost that lives in their house. Naturally, we were concerned for the ghost’s emotional state given Maynerd’s affection for animal skulls.
When we wer
Episode 11 - Hinterkaifeck: You're A Real Weirdo, Karen
This is a story about the horrible murder of an entire family... it's not an easy listen. Maybe don't make this your first episode with us...
Episode 11- Hinterkaifeck
Well, here we are at episode 11. I’m pretty excited about Citizen’s Guide To The Supernormal and I hope you are too. I have no idea how many of you are reading this but I have to believe that it’s upwards of 8 people? Anyway, as we search for things that we think are worth of your attention, we go down some pretty weird rabbit-ho
Episode 10 - The Bridgewater Triangle Part 2: #itssometimesyetis
Part two of our conversation on the weirdest area in Massachusetts.
Episode 10, The Bridgewater Triangle: Yeti Boogaloo
At the start of this episode, my 9 year old daughter gives a pretty spot on definition of cryptozoology. After a brief description of what that word meant, she and I came to a pretty quick agreement on how she would define it for the show. You can’t put much past that kid. She had Santa figured o
Episode 09 - The Bridgewater Triangle Part 1: The World's Okayest College
Part one of our conversation about the weirdest place in Massachusetts
Episode 9, The Bridgewater Triangle
Welcome back to the CGS Blog. In this episode, we are discussing something near and dear to my heart, the weirdness that is Massachusetts. The Commonwealth has a checkered past, you guys. You’ll be hard pressed to find a more angry group of people than anyone who lives in this rocky, miserable hellscape with recently good sports teams. Unfortunately
Episode 08 - The Jamison Family: Ghost Bullets
On this episode, we cover the strange disappearance of the Jamison Family
Episode 8, The Jamison Family
Welcome back to the CGS Blog. In this episode, we talked about the disappearance of a family of three. As a father it always bothers me a little more when we find out that children are involved. Due to substantial decomposition, no one knows what happens to the family and for once I’m kind of relieved. I think, in a case like this, it’s easier not to know what happened in their final moments.
Episode 7- Strange Rains: Meat Showers and The Gulf Stream
Episode 7, Meat Showers
Welcome back to the CGS Blog. Last episode was heavy. We covered the horrors of the unknown and how it can lead to wild speculation. We talked about silent struggles and the darkest side of mental illness. This episode couldn’t be more different and yet it still maintains some elements of fear and the unknown.
In the book of Exodus in the bible, there were 10 plagues. One of those plagues was a rain of blood. Another was frogs. This episodes covers both those things but
Episode 6 - Elisa Lam: How Could This Day Get Any Worse?
This is our stand-alone episode exploring the mysterious death of Canadian student, Elisa Lam
Welcome back to the CGS Blog. This episode was a brutal one. Elisa’s death is the epitome of a mystery. A young woman seen on tape behaving erratically is later found deceased and completely nude in a relatively isolated water tower. Almost as disturbing as her death, is what little we know about the days and weeks leading up to her demise. One major detail about Elisa that is known, is that she had bee
Episode 5 - Salem Witch Trials Part 2: You're the One Drawing All the Dirty Pictures
Let’s start with a joke. A guy goes into a therapist’s office, “Doc, I think I might have a problem.” The therapist says, “Okay, have a seat. I’m going to show you some ink blot pictures. Tell me what you you see.” The guy sits down and the doctor shows him the first ink blot. “Well Doc, it looks like a man and woman having sex.” The doctor nods. “And this one?” The man gets even more uncomfortable. “Well, I think that’s a man having sex 3 women.” The therapist raises his eyebrow, “And what abou
Episode 4 - The Salem Witch Trials Part 1: The Devil's in the Details... and Glassware
This is Part 1 of our episode about the Salem Witch Trials.
Episode 4, The Salem Witch Trials: This Actually What A Witch Hunt Looks Like.
Welcome back to the CGS blog. This is another big episode for us. So big in fact that we had to make it a two part series. We originally decided on the idea for this show in mid-October because it was Halloween and we were feeling spooky. What’s spookier than archaic beliefs leading to mob mentalities and the death of innocent men and women based on ignoran
Episode 3 - Dyatlov Pass: USSR You Ready For Part 2?
This is Part 2 of our Dyatlov Pass Episode.
Episode 3, USSR You Ready For Part 2
Welcome back to the CGS Blog. In our last episode we discussed the gruesome deaths of 9 hikers, killed mysteriously deep in the Ural Mountains. Admittedly, the episode was a little dry. We covered the timeline and the people involved. Officially, we wanted to get the details out of the way so episode two could focus completely on the theories. In reality, we tried recording two shows in one night and let me tell yo
Episode 2 - Dyatlov Pass: USSR You Afraid of the Dark
This is part one of our Dyatlov Pass episode. It gets better.
Episode 2: USSR You Afraid Of The Dark?
If there is ever a searing indictment on the dangers of hiking, Dyatlov Pass is it. One guy fucking quit before it even started. The whole ordeal starts when 9 people enter the woods and it ends when no one survives. I don’t want to spoil the episode but that is a fucking understatement, you guys. In all seriousness, these poor victims succumbed to a horrible death and there is nothing funny ab
Episode 1 - The Moon, The Myth, The Legend
This is the first episode of The Citizen's Guide To The Supernormal!
In a dark, weirdly decorated south eastern Massachusetts basement, 3 people sat drunk and bleary eyed, considering the next step after the anticlimactic end of their first podcast. The sun had set for Misguided Musings after 50ish episodes. Jordan, Maynerd, and I were disappointed but not yet ready to give up on the possibility of continuing to entertain literally tens of people with humor, insight, and childish sexual referen