The Slaveck Moraru Podcast
Slaveck Moraru
In a world so focused on materialism and the pursuit of pleasure, Pastor Slaveck Moraru invites you to live in the light of eternity. This means living with an eternal perspective, immersed in a lifestyle of Christ's exaltation and gospel proclamation. This is a podcast about theology, spirituality, and Christianity, featuring sermons, teachings, and interviews about Jesus's life, death, resurrection, and the power to live in light of eternity.Visit: for more!
Who is Jesus to you? Sermon Based on Mark 8-9
Send us a textThis message was preached at the Answer The Call Conference by Make Jesus Known Ministry In Bellevue, WA, on Sunday, October 20, 2024 By Pastor Slaveck Moraru For More Info Visit: Light in the DarknessA supernatural & paranormal podcast with Christian perspectiveListen on: Apple Podcasts SpotifySupport the show
By Faith In Christ Sermon On Hebrews 11, 12
Send us a textFor more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is, in light of eternity. Blessings This messsage was preached at City Hill Northshore in Kenmore WA on Sep 22 2024 By Pastor Slaveck Moraru Support the show
Why Theology Matters
Send us a Text Message.For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is, in light of eternity. Blessings Support the Show.
Have The Mind Of Christ
Send us a Text Message.This Sermon was preached At ILOE Church in Bellevue WA, on June 16 2024 Support the Show.
Hope After Disappointment
This Message was preached at Ilor Church In Bellevue WAFor more information visit: Support the Show.
What Does the Bible Say About Same-sex Relationships With Rebecca McLaughlin
In this episode, I'm speaking with Rebecca McLaughlin about what the Bible says about same-sex relationships and how we should respond to the challenges of culture.Rebecca McLaughlin Links: Website: Moraru: Website: Slaveckmoraru.comPodcast: Website:
The Cup Of Wrath, Sermon On Mark 14 Jesus In Gethsemane
This sermon was delivered at ILOE Church In Bellevue, WA On March 17, 2024 Visit for more sermons. Support the show
The Price Of Worship Mark 14 Sermon
This sermon was delivered at ILOE Church In Bellevue, WA On Feb 18, 2024 Visit for more sermons. Support the show
Trust God In The Last Days Sermon on Mark 13
This message was preached on Feb 4, 2024, at ILOE Church In Bellevue WA, by Pastor Slaveck Moraru.In a world filled with uncertainty and turmoil, anchoring our faith in God's promises is crucial. Drawing from Mark 13, we will explore how Jesus prepared his disciples for the challenges they would face, providing timeless principles for believers today. Discover the importance of trusting God amidst the chaos, uncertainty, and tribulations of the last days.Visit: ChristianityCulture.comIloechurch.
The cursing of the fig tree meaning
Explore the profound spiritual lesson behind the cursing of the fig tree in this insightful sermon, delving into the symbolism and deeper meanings within this biblical narrative. Uncover the relevance of faith, fruitfulness, and the transformative power of belief in understanding this impactful moment in the Gospels.For more, visit: the show
The Fake Coronation For The Real King
Ever felt the sting of disappointment? You're not alone. We're about to explore the twists and turns of unmet expectations and their far-reaching implications. We'll uncover how our desires, when not aligned with God's will, can lead to feelings of bitterness, sadness, and self-pity. Yet, there's a silver lining, a beautiful concept: hope deferred. When a longing is fulfilled, it breathes life into us and our surroundings, a testament to God's plan for our lives. Shifting our attention to Jesus,
Marriage,Divorce And Remarriage For A Christ Follower
Visit: Have you ever wondered about the impact of divorce on Christian testimony? We're diving into it. From scriptural teachings to the big question of remarriage. What are the takeaways from all that the Bible has to say about marriage, divorce and remarriage after divorce? Be really sure the Lord is calling you to marry a certain person. Marriage is for life! Its “for better or worse.” Marriage is a death sentence to “self” and to “selfishness.”Divorce should never be
From Thanksgiving to Black Friday: A Cultural Paradox
Ever wonder why we're quick to transition from Thanksgiving's gratitude to the frantic rush of Black Friday deals? This episode takes a hard look at this cultural paradox, casting a new light on the true essence of Thanksgiving. Join us as we celebrate our podcast's first anniversary and reflect on our mission of scriptural teaching, congregational singing, discipleship, prayer, and fellowship with a year of God's unwavering faithfulness. We'll also dig into the heart of Thanksgiving and the imp
Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude
This sermon about Thanksgiving was preached at In Light Of Eternity Church By Pastor Slaveck Moraru on Sunday, November 26 2023 For more info, visit: Christianityculture.comWelcome to Chritianity Culture where faith meets daily living! In this special sermon episode, join Slaveck Morarru as we delve into the Christian perspective on cultivating an attitude of gratitude. As we approach the season of Thanksgiving, we explore the profound significance of gratitude in the light of our Christian fait
The Rich Young Fool
For more info visit: Christianityculture.comThe Rich Young Ruler's encounter with Jesus serves as a powerful reminder of the tension between material wealth and spiritual fulfillment. We'll examine the challenges he faced, the questions he asked, and the choices he made, offering us a valuable opportunity for self-reflection.This sermon is an invitation to contemplate our own priorities and the treasures we seek in life. By studying the experiences of the Rich Young Ruler, we can find inspiratio
Help My Unbelief
This message was preached at Iloe Church ( in Bellevue, Wa On Septemeber 17 2023For more info, visit:
The Transfiguration of Jeus
This message was preached at Iloe Church in Bellevue, WA, on Aug 27, 2003. For more info, visit
Exploring the Woman with the Issue of Blood - Insights from Mark 5 Sermon"
In this sermon, join us as we delve into the remarkable story of the Woman with the Issue of Blood from the Gospel of Mark, chapter 5. Discover the profound lessons hidden within her journey of faith, perseverance, and healing. We'll explore the cultural and historical context, unravel the significance of her encounter with Jesus, and uncover the timeless principles that can transform our lives today.For more info, visit
Unleashing Divine Power- Exploring Jesus' Miraculous Encounter in Mark 5
Join us for a compelling sermon on Mark 5, where Jesus performs a remarkable healing of a demon-possessed man. Witness the extraordinary authority of Jesus as He confronts darkness and brings about liberation and transformation. Explore the profound spiritual lessons and practical applications that this powerful encounter holds for our lives today.Visit: for more.
Unlocking the Parable of the Sower: A Deep Dive into Mark 4's Powerful Lesson
Unveiling the Parable of the Sower in Mark 4" - a thought-provoking podcast that delves into the timeless wisdom found within this captivating parable. Join us as we explore the profound teachings of Jesus Christ and uncover the spiritual significance of the seed, the different types of soil, and the crucial lessons they hold for our lives today. Get ready to cultivate your faith, nurture your understanding, and sow the seeds of transformation. Tune in to this enlightening podcast to embark on a
The Sweetest Sound: A Person's Name
God calls you and me by name to follow Jesus. Apostle John seized an opportunity to minister to the Lord when he was taken to the island of Apopmos and started his own church, the Church of I John. This podcast explored the notion that God names us and discerns us by name and that name has a special significance, as it provides us with our identity. Naming is done for practical application as well as an homage to heroes and influential people. The name carries power, familiarity, and meaning.For
Jesus Lord of the Sabbath
Discover the Power of Sabbath: Join us for a transformational sermon that delves into the importance of taking a day of rest and worship. Learn how the Sabbath can revitalize your body, mind, and soul, and deepen your connection with God. Find rest, renewal, and spiritual growth as we explore the biblical principles behind this sacred day. Don't miss out on this inspiring message that can transform your life and faith.This message was preached at ILOE Church on April 23, 2023 By Pastor Slaveck M
Church, The Body, Interview With Evan Thomas
If you have wondered what a biblical church looks like, listen to this interview with a good friend of mine, Evan Thomas. A biblical church is where the church acts as the body of Jesus with every member functioning in the gifting that God gave them. For more information visit Church: IloeChurch.comMinistry:
A Recipe For Life Change, Jesus Heals a Paralytic, Mark 2:1-12
This message was preached at ILOE Church on March 12, 2023 By Pastor Slaveck Moraru for more media content visit iloechurch.comMark 2:2 And when he returned to Capernaum after some days, it was reported that he was at home. 2 And many were gathered together, so that there was no more room, not even at the door. And he was preaching the word to them. 3 And they came, bringing to him a paralytic carried by four men. 4 And when they could not get near him because of the crowd, they removed the roof
The Transfiguration of Jesus
This message was delivered at the Kingdom conference at Cty On A HIll Northshore by Pastor Slaveck Moraru. For more info visit:
Created With Purpose
This message was preached at ILOE Church on March 12, 2023 By Pastor Slaveck Moraru for more media content visit
Whoever has the Son has life 1 John 5
This message was preached at ILOE Church on Feb 12, 2023 By Pastor Slaveck Moraru for more media content visit
Beware Of Fasle Teachers
This message was preached at ILOE Church on Jan 29, 2023 By Pastor Slaveck Moraru for more media content visit
Love One Another
This message was preached at ILOE Church on Jan 15, 2023 By Pastor Slaveck Moraru for more media content visit
We Are God's Children 1 John 3-1-24
We Are God's Children 1 John 3:1-24 is a sermon preached at ILOE Church in Bellevue, WA, by Pastor Slaveck MoraruFor more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit
The Fight Against Antichrists 1 John 2: 18-29
The Fight Against Antichrists 1 John 2:18-29 is a sermon preached at ILOE Church in Bellevue, WA, by Pastor Slaveck MoraruFor more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit
We Have An Advocate 1 John 2:1-17
We Have An Advocate is a sermon preached at ILOE Church in Bellevue, WA, by Pastor Slaveck MoraruFor more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit
Walking In The Light 1 John 1
Walking In The Light is a sermon preached at ILOE Church in Bellevue, WA, by Pastor Slaveck MoraruFor more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit
Jesus Our Atonement
Jesus Our Atonement is a sermon preached at Passion For Christ Church in Everett, WA by Pastor Slaveck MoraruFor more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit
Dry Bones Come Alive
Dry Bones Come Alive is a sermon delivered on Sep 17, 2022, at the Make Jesus Known Gathering In Bellevue WA, by Pastor Slaveck Moraru. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit
In Light of Eternity- Perspectives on Heaven
What if you lived every day with an eternal perspective? In Light of Eternity- Perspectives on Heaven is a sermon delivered on Sep 4, 2022, at Living Hope Church In Kent WA by Pastor Slaveck Moraru. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit
The Vision For The Church, Previous Sermon
These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of eternity. Blessings For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Real Christianity Is Where The Lost Are Found Sermon Based On Luke 15
Real Christianity is where the lost are found, and the dead in sin are brought back to life. This sermon was delivered on Friday, July 22 2022 at The Barn in Redmond WA. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit
Progressive Christianity is not Progress or Christianity with Alisa Childers
In this podcast episode, I'm talking to Alisa Childers, who has sounded the alarm on the progressive Christian movement making its way into so many churches. Her book Another Gospel is must read for every church leader. On the Podcast, we discuss what progressive Christianity is, the possible motivation behind this movement and its dangers progressive Christianity, and how to be well equipped to call it out by telling the truth with gentleness and respect.Visit: Christianityculture.comConnect wi
The Joy Of The Lord Is Your Strength
James 1:2-10 Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. 3 For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. 4 So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer
Foundations Of Our Spiritual Life
Build your life on the rock of ages which is Jesus. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
The Hope Of Resurrection
If Jesus did not resurrect, our faith is useless, and our preaching is in vain, but if Jesus did resurrect, our hope is not only for this life but for life to come in eternity. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit
The Aroma Of Brokedness
When the alabaster jar was broken the aroma of the perfume filled the room. When Jesus has crucified the hope of life eternal filled the earth. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Hearing God Through Scripture Sermon
If you think God is not speaking, maybe it's because you have a low view of scripture. The scripture is sufficient for all of our needs. Embrace the word of God. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Pursue Spiritual Growth Not Just Experiences
So many of us are constantly trying to circumvent the process of growth by choosing shortcuts. But the truth is that to grow spiritually, we have to go through the process of sanctification. We have to pursue discipleship, study the word of God, and fellowship. There is no quick way to spiritual maturity. In this episode, we discuss what spiritual maturity looks like and how to grow in your faith with the Lord. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit’s Web
Do people have free will? Why Calvinism falls short, Provisionism with Dr. Leighton Flowers and Slaveck Moraru
If you struggle to understand how God saves a person and have questions such as Does a person have free will? Is God is truly sovereign? Then this podcast episode is for you, In this episode, we discuss why we think Calvinism is flawed and Provisionism is a more biblical approach to understanding a person's salvation. Furthermore included are websites for more resources and ways to support the ministry of Dr. Leighton Flowers and Slaveck Moraru For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit: www
When people chase experiences instead of Jesus
Ever wonder what happens when people chase experiences instead of Jesus? In this episode, we discuss the disturbing trend of churches pursuing experience, emotions, and entertainment instead of biblical doctrine and true devotion and passion for lord and savior Jesus Christ. This is a trend that causes spiritual highs and spiritual lows leaving people exhausted and hungry for true spiritual food. Please help us get this message out. To others by sharing this podcast episode. For more podcasts, v
How To Guard Your Heart as a Christian
If you ever had a time when you flew into a rage and you got angry and wonder why you act the way you act, this sermon is for you. We are talking about how to have emotional freedom. How to deal with anger guilt, jealousy, and greed. Hint, they all get results of the cross of Jesus.For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Death of Death By Slaveck Moraru, Dramatized Audio Blog
Death one day will also die. We have a hope for life eternal.For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Dealing With Shame
If your sin has you down and ashamed, please know that you there is no condemnation for those who are in Jesus. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
God With Us Is The Best Gift Of Christmas
God gives the best gift. This Christmas focus on the greatest gift of God has given us that is his presence amongst us through his son Jesus Christ. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Trust God's Word Not Modern Culture
Trust God's word not modern culture is a sermon by Pastor Slaveck Moraru. As Christians we are called to reject the voice of the enemy and the world. Take a stance and trust the word of God above all other voices they are trying to get your attention. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Build On the Rock
Built On The Rock is a sermon by Pastor Slaveck Moraru. Life has its ups and downs and sometimes it takes a toll on us. Jesus instructed his disciples and us to build our faith and our life on the foundation which is Himself. Furthermore we are to build on this foundation with gold silver and jewels not wood, hay and straw. Top 100 Best Christian Podcasts: more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Dealing with Shame and Regret
Dealing with Shame and Regret of Your Past is a sermon based on Genesis 38 by Pastor Slaveck Moraru. Throughout the bible, we see how a good God constantly takes the broken things and brings healing and restoration to his people. In chapter 38 of Genesis, we see a broken family that does wicked things, yet God redeemed the whole situation, and in the end, includes these people in the bloodline of Jesus Christ. What an amazing God we serve!For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit: www.chris
You Have Left Your First Love
First love is a sermon by Slaveck Moraru. The biggest problem with our generation is that we constantly look for comfort, which causes a lot of us to get apathetic towards the things of God. In the sermon Pastor, Slaveck talks about how the church needs to return to its first love. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
What Will People Say After You Die
After You Die is a narrative story read by Slaveck MoraruFor more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit: www.christianityculture.comHave you ever wondered what people would say about your life when you pass into eternity? Well, what they say about you then depends on the choices you make now. We can only hope that no one ever again has a similar obituary written about them like in this next example. In what amounts up to be arguably the most honest defamation of character of all time, a daughter
We have to Stay On Mission
On Mission is a sermon based on the parable of the talents by Slaveck Moraru. The parable of the talents is not about your abilities and doing things for God. But rather how do you respond to the saving faith and knowledge of the good news of the gospel of Jesus. Do you invest it or do you hide it. what you do with the faith that God gives you has massive consequences. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
How To Leave a Legacy, Past Sermon by Slaveck Moraru
We only have one life on this earth and living with an eternal perspective is to constantly look for ways to impact peoples lives and eternity in a Godly and positive ways. Donate:
How To Hear God's Voice, Past Sermon by Slaveck Moraru
Like tuning a radio to the right frequency, we must turn our hearts to hear God's voice. This means turning off all noise and just reading God's word and meditate on it day and night. God is always speaking; are we willing to listen?Donate:
There is Purpose in Our Pain
Purpose in Pain is a sermon by Slaveck Moraru, based on James Reeb 1. How do you rejoice in the midst of suffering and pain? Regardless how overwhelming it can get and feel, there is a purpose in the pain that we go through. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Jesus is Our Advocate
How does an elite person in society go from persecuting Christians to advocating for a runaway slave? It's only possible by encountering the living God in the person of Jesus Christ.For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Beholding Jesus Transforms Us
Nobody can live the perfect life. We either are lascivious or religious and legalistic. What transforms us is beholding Jesus. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Passion For Missions And Evangelism
Preaching the gospel is the most important mission that every Christian has in this life. Preaching the gospel is to love God and our neighbor and serve those who are less fortunate. In this episode, I am talking with a friend missionary who dedicated his life to the cause of Jesus. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Christianity Culture is a submersion in a lifestyle of Christ exaltation, gospel proclamation, and saints celebration. Sermons, stories, and interviews, about Jesus's life, death, resurrection, and the power to live in light of eternity. Donate:
When You Question Your Christian Faith
If you have ever questioned your Christian faith, you're not alone, but I hope you understand and know that there are good answers to all of your questions. In this episode, we talk about what to do when you struggle with your faith, it's a humorous episode, but also it's a serious one. I hope you have a circle of friends who tell you the truth and go to a church that preaches Biblical truth. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Freedom From Sin
If you have ever been in an abusive relationship, you understand how the enemy uses sin to destroy our lives. The good news is that Jesus Came to give us freedom and hope. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
The Jesus Place Interview
Have you ever wondered if you should start a small prayer at your house? Well, you should. Hear the story of Jesus' place and the miraculous things God is doing amongst young people. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Put on the Armor of God
You are fighting a spiritual war at all time. This is the reason why it's so hard to follow Jesus. But there is hope. Jesus won the war over the enemy, and we are instructed to put o the whole armor of God. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Who Am I
In Light Of Eternity Podcast To be a Christian and live out Christianity is not following rules or joining a men-made religion, philosophy, or theology; rather, to be a Christian is to encounter the Living God and His Son Jesus, our Lord, and Savior. As a result, our apologetics, theology, and philosophy ought to flow from our intimate relationship with Him. This is why pastor Slaveck is a preacher who is committed to preaching Christ-centered sermons in order that all people would hear the gosp
Make a Difference and Leave a Legacy
What is your life mission? How do you live in the light of eternity? And many more questions between a young and an older pastor! Enjoy this conversation about life and eternity while focusing on the bigger picture in this present life. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Speak Life in Broken Situations
When all hope seems lost, God takes His prophet, Ezekiel, through a valley of dry bones and asks Him If these bones can live again? The Prophet's response is "Lord You know"For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
The Good Father and the Lost Sons
A tale of two rebellious sons and a good father. A representation of the religious and the sinful and the mercy and grace of a good God. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
The Return Of The King
Palm Sunday is God's glory returning back to humanity. The return of King Jesus to Jerusalem!For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Look Up To The Crucified Savior
John 3:14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, 15 that whoever believes in him may have eternal life. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Live a Life of Honor
Are you a peter or a Judas? Will your life go down in history as a life lived for honor or dishonor? it all depends who do you go to when you just sinned. There is only one hope and that is our lord and savior Jesus. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Feeling Hopeless? Jesus Is The Answer
Feeling Hopeless? Jesus Is The Answer, who has been serving alongside me at the same church for a long time. Even though Paul gave his life to the Lord a long time ago, his journey took a lot of unexpected turns and he got himself in trouble. In the process, he lost hope and for a certain period of time his faith. We discuss his journey from faith to utter helplessness and back in the community and relationship with Jesus. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit: www.christianityculture.
Faith And Hollywood
How to Influencing the Influencers, Faith And Hollywood. On this episode, I am talking with Dennis Mulyar. A Hollywood producer and Co-Founder for Now Rewind. A few years ago he moved to Hollywood from Portland to pursue his career in filmmaking while trying to live out his faith genuinely and impact those around him. While living in Hollywood can be stressful and challenging he expresses hope that he can make a difference not only in his professional field but also walking out his faith. No mat
Sermon on the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ
When you need a breakthrough remember that the presence of God changes everything. All christians ought to pursue Gods presence and beholding His Glory. Donate:
Fear of God is The Beginning of Wisdom
To fear God is the beginning of wisdom. God is the same yesterday, today and forever, and for those who approach Him, He will show Himself holy. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Christian Influencers and Making a Difference
Beauty And Influence With Tanya Cheban. On this episode, I am talking with a friend of mine who is a beauty YouTuber influencer. Tanya Cheban is known for her beauty videos and an overall great personality on camera. However, the most crucial aspect of her life is the fact that she is a follower of Jesus and is committed to serving people with her gifts and talents. Even though growing up in the public eye has some benefits it also can bring some harsh criticism. But what keeps her identity gro
Christianity Among Tradition And Culture
In this episode, I am talking with Vitaliy Isak. He is a preacher and a friend of mine who grew up in the former soviet union and immigrated to the US. The one thing we both have in common is growing up in a conservative Pentecostal church. This is where tradition and the way our parents and grandparents believed is held in high regard. In this conversation, we explore the difficulty of finding genuine faith and walking in our convictions when tradition is what shaped our younger years and cultu
Life is Like a Vapor
Your life is like a vapor. It's here and then it's gone. It is pointless to chase making a name for yourself and trying to make a mark with things that are temporary. Focus on the eternal things that are above. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Godliness and Manhood
On this episode, we are talking about the definition of biblical and Godly manhood. My guest is a coaster and friend who has been such a father figure for our church youth. Here are the questions we address: What is the biblical definition of a Godly man? What does real godly masculinity look like? What would you tell a young man who is struggling with their identity due to childhood Physical, Emotional or Sexual abuse? What advice would you give to young men who are dealing with porn/drug addic
Christian Music With Leanna Crawford
On this episode, I am talking with Leanna Crawford who is an up and coming artist and songwriter. But most importantly she is someone who has chosen to live her life in light of eternity in order to glorify God and inspire people through music. Currently, she is touring the west coast with the 2019 Roadshow tour and she is collaborating with Matthew West and Michael W Smith. Leanna hopes to inspire people to live out their faith boldly while displaying the love of Jesus to everyone around.Would
Jesus Is Righteousness Peace and Joy
Jesus is the light of the world, hope In the hopelessness, healing in the midst of brokenness. He came to make us in right standing with God and to give us peace and joy in the holy spirit. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
What is a Biblical Church
So what does the pure Bride of Christ look like? The simple answer is that the church of Jesus Christ should have Jesus as its center in every respect. A Christ-centered church is committed to personal and corporate prayer, passionate about the word of God, and being led by the Holy Spirit. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Jesus Calms the Storm
Regardless of what you are going through this year. Jesus is the answer to all of our problems and worries. Learn how to find rest in Him.For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Truth Will Set You Free
Truth is not subjective, and the author of all truth is God Himself. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Preach The Word of God
Paul instructs Timothy to preach the word in season and out of season. It's also a good reminder for all of us to be ready to preach the gospel at all times and at all costs. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Real Faith In a Dark World
What are the marks of a genuine Christian? In this sermon Pastor Slaveck instructs all believers to examine their own walk with Jesus and to test and make sure if their faith is genuine. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Light In The Darkness
Jesus is our light in the darkness. No matter how difficult and dark things get, we can not lose sight of the true light of our Lord and Saviour Jesus For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Hope In The Midst of Sadness
In this Sermon Pastor Slaveck encourages those who have been going through a difficult time and who think that the persistent sadness will never leaver. There is hope and that hope is found in Jesus alone. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
A Life After God's Heart
We are called to live as godly ambassadors for Jesus. Though we are in the world we are not of the world. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Walk By The Spirit
When we walk by the Spirit of God we don't give in to the daily passions of the flesh! For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
We Live By Faith Not Fear
We live by faith and not fear. The enemy uses fear to tempt and to accuse us but our strength is what Jesus has achieved on the cross. If God is for us who can ever be against us. For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
When God Seems Late
Lazarus come out is a message based on John 11For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
I am Mephibosheth
I am Mephibosheth is a message based on the Story of 2 Samuel 9:1 For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
The Woman Caught In Adultery
The Woman Caught In Adultery is a sermon based on John 8 For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Vessel Of Honor
Vessel Of Honor is a sermon based on 2 Timothy 2:20Would mean so much to me if you can rate this podcast! Thank youWebsite: SlaveckMoraru.comAll Social @SlaveckMoraru
Thriving In Babylon Sermon
Thriving In Babylon is a sermon based on the book of Daniel For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Abide In Me Sermon
Abide In Christ is a sermon based on John 15For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Holiness Sermon
Pursue Holiness is a sermon based on Isaiah 6 These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of eternity. Blessings For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Freedom and Deliverance
Jesus The Deliverer is a sermon based on Hebrews 3 These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of eternity. Blessings Would mean so much to me if you can subscribe, rate, and review this podcast! Thank you. Contact Email: iloeministries@gmail.comWebsite: SlaveckMoraru.comAl
Samson and Delilah
Blind With Eyes Wide Open is a sermon based on the life of Samson. These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of eternity. Blessings Would mean so much to me if you can subscribe, rate, and review this podcast! Thank you. Contact Email: iloeministries@gmail.comWebsite: Sl
Jesus The Deliverer
The LORD turned to him and said, "Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian's hand. Am I not sending you? Judges 6:14These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of eternity. Blessings Would mean so much to me if you can subscribe, rate, and review this podcas
Grace Through Faith
Grace Through Faith is a sermon based on Ephesians 2: 8-9These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of eternity. Blessings Would mean so much to me if you can subscribe, rate, and review this podcast! Thank you. Contact Email: iloeministries@gmail.comWebsite: SlaveckMorar
God Is Not Mocked
God Is Not Mocked is a sermon based on Acts 5 1:10These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of eternity. Blessings Would mean so much to me if you can subscribe, rate, and review this podcast! Thank you. Contact Email: iloeministries@gmail.comWebsite: SlaveckMoraru.comAll
The Great Redeemer
The Great Redeemer is a sermon based on the book of Ruth.These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of eternity. Blessings Would mean so much to me if you can subscribe, rate, and review this podcast! Thank you. Contact Email: iloeministries@gmail.comWebsite: SlaveckMoraru
The War We fight
The War We fight is a sermon based on Romans 5These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of eternity. Blessings Would mean so much to me if you can subscribe, rate, and review this podcast! Thank you. Contact Email: iloeministries@gmail.comWebsite: SlaveckMoraru.comAll Soc
Dangers of Riches
Dangers of Riches is a sermon based on James 5:1-12These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of eternity. Blessings Would mean so much to me if you can subscribe, rate, and review this podcast! Thank you. Contact Email: iloeministries@gmail.comWebsite: SlaveckMoraru.comAl
The Power of Words
The Power of words is a sermon based on James 3These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of eternity. Blessings Would mean so much to me if you can subscribe, rate, and review this podcast! Thank you. Contact Email: iloeministries@gmail.comWebsite: SlaveckMoraru.comAll So
The Rich Young Ruler
Teh Rich Young Ruler is a Sermon Based on Matthew 19 These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of eternity. Blessings Would mean so much to me if you can subscribe, rate, and review this podcast! Thank you. Contact Email: iloeministries@gmail.comWebsite:
FInd Rest, Sermon
Find Rest is a sermon based on Matthew 11:28These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of eternity. Blessings Would mean so much to me if you can subscribe, rate, and review this podcast! Thank you. Contact Email: iloeministries@gmail.comWebsite: SlaveckMoraru.comAll Socia
Trust The Holy Spirit
Trust The Holy Spirit is a Sermon Based on Galatians 5These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of eternity. Blessings Would mean so much to me if you can subscribe, rate, and review this podcast! Thank you. Contact Email: iloeministries@gmail.comWebsite: SlaveckMoraru.c
Must Be Born Again
Must be born again is a sermon based on John 3 and Jesus Encounter with Nicodemus.These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of eternity. Blessings Would mean so much to me if you can subscribe, rate, and review this podcast! Thank you. Contact Email: iloeministries@gmail.
Embrace Grace
Embrace Grace is a sermon based on Ephesians 2:4 But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much, 5 that even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead. (It is only by God’s grace that you have been saved!) 6 For he raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ JesusThese sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in B
Dealing With Regrets
Regrets is a sermon based on Romans 5: 6-11 When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners.7 Now, most people would not be willing to die for an upright person, though someone might perhaps be willing to die for a person who is especially good. 8 But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. 9 And since we have been made right in God’s sight by the blood of Christ, he will certainly save us from God’s
Christmas Carols
Christmas Caro is a sermon based on Isaiah 9:6. For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.7 His government and its peace will never end. He will rule with fairness and justice from the throne of his ancestor David for all eternity.These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that th
The Amazing Race
The Amazing Race is a sermon based on 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 24 Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win! 25 All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. 26 So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing. 27 I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself mig
Dry Bones
Ezekiel 37:1 “The Lord took hold of me, and I was carried away by the Spirit of the Lord to a valley filled with bones. He led me all around among the bones that covered the valley floor. They were scattered everywhere across the ground and were completely dried out. Then he asked me, “Son of man, can these bones become living people again?”
The Heart
Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.Proverbs 4:23All Social:
Encounter Grace
Genesis 50:20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of eternity. Blessings Would mean so much to me if you can subscribe, rate, and review
Don't Just Listen, Do
James 1:22 But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. 23 For if you listen to the word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. 24 You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like. 25 But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it.These sermons are recorded live in churches all around th
Dysfunctional Saviors
Mark 8:31 Then Jesus began to tell them that the Son of Man[a] must suffer many terrible things and be rejected by the elders, the leading priests, and the teachers of religious law. He would be killed, but three days later he would rise from the dead.These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective
Out Due Each Other In Honor
Romans 13:1-7 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is ri
Faith That Saves
Mark 8:37And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of eternity. Blessings Would mean so much to me if you can subscribe, rate, and review this podcast! Thank y
Communion With The Saints
1 Timothy 2:2 I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. 2 Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. 3 This is good and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth. 5 For,There is one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus. 6 He gave his life to purc
Apostles' Creed Sermon
I believe in God, the Father almighty,creator of heaven and earth.I believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, our Lord,who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,born of the Virgin Mary,suffered under Pontius Pilate,was crucified, died, and was buried;he descended to the dead.On the third day he rose again;he ascended into heaven,he is seated at the right hand of the Father,and he will come to judge the living and the dead.I believe in the Holy Spirit,the holy catholic Church,the communion of saints,th
Be Set Apart
Romans 1:19 They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them. 20 For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the
Find And Live In Freedom
Ephesians 6:10-10 Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. 12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope
It's All About Grace
These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of eternity. Blessings For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Breakthrough Faith
God: Matt 11:28 Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to t
Living Water
Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst, but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life. ~Jesus For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Powerless Christianity
These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of eternity.For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Because He Loved Us First
1 John 4:19 We love each other[a] because he loved us first.These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of eternity. Blessings Would mean so much to me if you can subscribe, rate, and review this podcast! Thank you. Contact Email: iloeministries@gmail.comWebsite: SlaveckMor
Do Not Quench the Holy Spirit
Zachariah 4:6 Then he said to me, "This is what the LORD says to Zerubbabel: It is not by force nor by strength, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of Heaven's ArmiesThese sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of eternity. Blessings Would mean so much to me if you can subscribe
Playing With Fire
Proverbs 6: 27 can a man scoop a flame into his lap and not have his clothes catch on fire? You don't want to catch on fire don't play with its that simple.These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of eternity. Blessings Would mean so much to me if you can subscribe, rate,
The Great Exchange
Galatians 3:13 But Christ has rescued us from the curse pronounced by the law. When he was hung on the cross, he took upon himself the curse for our wrongdoing. For it is written in the Scriptures, Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in
The Prodigal Son
We all are like the prodigal son. These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of eternity. Blessings Would mean so much to me if you can subscribe, rate, and review this podcast! Thank you. Contact Email: iloeministries@gmail.comWebsite: SlaveckMoraru.comAll Social @Slaveck
The Promise Of The Holy Spirit
Acts 2:17 In the last days,’ God says,'I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of eternity. Blessings Would mean so much
In The Image Of God
So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of eternity. Blessings Would mean so much to me if you can subscribe, rate, and review this podcast! Th
Knowledge Is Not Understanding
Romans 12: And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. 2 Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.These sermons are recorded live in churches all
True Love Is Sacrifice
There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends. John 15:13These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of eternity. Blessings
Mending A Broken Heart
These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of eternity. Blessings For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
In Your Strugle Against Sin
These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of eternity. Blessings For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit:
Renewing Your Mind
Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of etern
Make a Diference
These sermons are recorded live in churches all around the U.S but primarily at City Hill Church in Bellevue WA. I hope that these messages inspire and encourage you to walk closer to the Lord Jesus and to live your life with an eternal perspective, that is in light of eternity. Blessings For more podcasts, videos, and articles, visit: