

Jay Dyer

The best audio selections from Jay Dyer.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.



Tonight we catch up on news, current events and geopolitical contexts, nonsense and other such tomfoolery. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders f

Mar 3, • 2:30:40

Pt 2 Epstein Files? Calin Georgescu & NATO, Elon Baby, Bryson Nonsense, Ybarra, Movies & More! -Jay Dyer

Pt 2 Epstein Files? Calin Georgescu & NATO, Elon Baby, Bryson Nonsense, Ybarra, Movies & More! -Jay Dyer

Today we catch up on news and recent big events as DOGE continues its audits, the supposed release of Epstein files and delays, the state of the economy, relationships and more! Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnt7Iy8GlmdPwy_Tzyx93bA/join Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosop

Feb 28, • 1:43:46

Pt. 1 Epstein Files? Calin Georgescu & NATO, Elon Baby, Bryson Nonsense, Ybarra, Movies & More! -Jay Dyer

Pt. 1 Epstein Files? Calin Georgescu & NATO, Elon Baby, Bryson Nonsense, Ybarra, Movies & More! -Jay Dyer

Today we catch up on news and recent big events as DOGE continues its audits, the supposed release of Epstein files and delays, the state of the economy, relationships and more! Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnt7Iy8GlmdPwy_Tzyx93bA/join Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosop

Feb 28, • 1:42:15

JAY VS EVERYONE! Hilarious Debates Ensue!

JAY VS EVERYONE! Hilarious Debates Ensue!

Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnt7Iy8GlmdPwy_Tzyx93bA/join Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for

Feb 28, • 2:47:23



Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnt7Iy8GlmdPwy_Tzyx93bA/join Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for

Feb 28, • 2:50:14

Pt 2 Debate! Donnie Darkened Refuted, Winemoms & Dispensationalism

Pt 2 Debate! Donnie Darkened Refuted, Winemoms & Dispensationalism

Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnt7Iy8GlmdPwy_Tzyx93bA/join Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for

Feb 25, • 1:30:25

Pt 1 Debate! Donnie Darkened Refuted, Winemoms & Dispensationalism

Pt 1 Debate! Donnie Darkened Refuted, Winemoms & Dispensationalism

Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnt7Iy8GlmdPwy_Tzyx93bA/join Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for

Feb 25, • 1:58:00

Debate: Who Keeps the Torah? Bryson Gray Vs Jay Dyer Highlights

Debate: Who Keeps the Torah? Bryson Gray Vs Jay Dyer Highlights

Bryson Gray, who had me on a few months back to discuss Orthodoxy, comes on for a debate on the subject he finds most compelling - the status of the Law. Bryson describes himself as a "Christian who keeps the Torah" and takes issue with our view. We will have a formal debate on the topic.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Feb 25, • 57:23

Debate! Is Christian Zionism Biblical? Misfit Patriot Vs Jay Dyer & END TIMES CALL INS!

Debate! Is Christian Zionism Biblical? Misfit Patriot Vs Jay Dyer & END TIMES CALL INS!

MP agreed to a debate on X so here we are! After that 15 minutes of comedy we proceed to take calls on end times, etc. Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnt7Iy8GlmdPwy_Tzyx93bA/join Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount

Feb 25, • 1:59:48

Pt 2 - Muslims & Anti-Trinitarians Demolished! FULLY WRECKED! Jay Dyer, Godlogic, Fearless Truth

Pt 2 - Muslims & Anti-Trinitarians Demolished! FULLY WRECKED! Jay Dyer, Godlogic, Fearless Truth

A killer 3 hour open forum that ended up with perfect callers bringing standard challenges to the doctrine of the Trinity, as well as a host of oddball arguments and claims. Enjoy! GL is here https://www.youtube.com/@GodLogicApologetics Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with

Feb 23, • 1:37:59

Pt 1 - Muslims & Anti-Trinitarians Demolished! FULLY WRECKED! Jay Dyer, Godlogic, Fearless Truth

Pt 1 - Muslims & Anti-Trinitarians Demolished! FULLY WRECKED! Jay Dyer, Godlogic, Fearless Truth

A killer 3 hour open forum that ended up with perfect callers bringing standard challenges to the doctrine of the Trinity, as well as a host of oddball arguments and claims. Enjoy! GL is here https://www.youtube.com/@GodLogicApologetics Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with

Feb 23, • 1:35:44

DOGE, USAID, Regime Change Operations, The IRA vs British Intelligence & CIA in Serbia (Half)

DOGE, USAID, Regime Change Operations, The IRA vs British Intelligence & CIA in Serbia (Half)

Tonight we cover some topics that will only be public for a short while and then subsequently made available for members. We will look at the overall history of the IRA and MI6, the CIA regime change operations through entities like NGOs and USAID, and much more! Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnt7Iy8GlmdPwy_Tzyx93bA/join Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jayd

Feb 19, • 1:21:22

How to RIZZ MAX For Guys! Advice on Navigating Women #rizz

How to RIZZ MAX For Guys! Advice on Navigating Women #rizz

If you're in your 20s, it's RIZZ.  If you're a millennial, it's "playa" qualities, and if you are a Gen X, it's being a "mack."   Not all dudes have it, in fact few do, but here are some tips for guys to better themselves given the fact that (allegedly) large percentages of young guys have never asked a girl on a date and never had a girlfriend.  Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnt7Iy8GlmdPwy_Tzyx93bA/join Send Superchats at any time here: https://strea

Feb 16, • 2:35:30

Top 10 Ideas for Young Guys: Women, Life, Money & More - ADVICE!

Top 10 Ideas for Young Guys: Women, Life, Money & More - ADVICE!

We return to Top 10s with a video on advice for young men based on what I have learned. Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnt7Iy8GlmdPwy_Tzyx93bA/join Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now

Feb 15, • 1:27:28

Part 2 - INTENSE DEBATES! Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Evangelicalism, Atheism VS Jay Dyer

Part 2 - INTENSE DEBATES! Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Evangelicalism, Atheism VS Jay Dyer

Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnt7Iy8GlmdPwy_Tzyx93bA/join Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for

Feb 14, • 1:28:50

INTENSE DEBATES! Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Evangelicalism, Atheism VS Jay Dyer

INTENSE DEBATES! Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Evangelicalism, Atheism VS Jay Dyer

Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnt7Iy8GlmdPwy_Tzyx93bA/join Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for

Feb 13, • 1:31:42

Jordan Peterson & Carl Jung's Archetypes of The Collective Unconscious -Jay Dyer (Free Half)

Jordan Peterson & Carl Jung's Archetypes of The Collective Unconscious -Jay Dyer (Free Half)

I have read a good bit of Jung's famous text on his archetype theory and tonight we will begin a part 1 of that work. The full talk is available for subs to JaysAnalysis or to my R0kfin or here on YT. Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnt7Iy8GlmdPwy_Tzyx93bA/join Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.aut

Feb 12, • 1:58:51

Pulp Fiction's Briefcase Mystery Solved: de Palma & The Philosophy of Tarantino -Jay Dyer

Pulp Fiction's Briefcase Mystery Solved: de Palma & The Philosophy of Tarantino -Jay Dyer

I've never analyzed Pulp Fiction on this channel, which is odd since it's such an iconic 90s film with some of the most memorable 90s images. Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnt7Iy8GlmdPwy_Tzyx93bA/join Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscrip

Feb 11, • 1:43:22

USAID & INFINITY FRAUD, NGO Churches, Women Comics & Full Spectrum Dominance!! -Jay Dyer

USAID & INFINITY FRAUD, NGO Churches, Women Comics & Full Spectrum Dominance!! -Jay Dyer

Today we catch up on all the wild NEW blitzkriegs of news, including more Rogan clips about USAID, Trump's Executive Orders, Elon and DOGE audits of billions, women comics & MORE! Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnt7Iy8GlmdPwy_Tzyx93bA/join Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/ph

Feb 8, • 2:32:20

Jay Dyer | The Legacy of David Lynch, Twilight Language, and Crowley'n Lynch

Jay Dyer | The Legacy of David Lynch, Twilight Language, and Crowley'n Lynch

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Feb 6, • 1:47:43

Jay Dyer: Trump's Strategic Bitcoin Reserve Will Send Bitcoin To $1 Million

Jay Dyer: Trump's Strategic Bitcoin Reserve Will Send Bitcoin To $1 Million

Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnt7Iy8GlmdPwy_Tzyx93bA/join Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for

Feb 4, • 37:08

HOT DEBATE! Muslim Contradicts! Protestants Refuted, Sola Scriptura & Sacraments -Jay Dyer

HOT DEBATE! Muslim Contradicts! Protestants Refuted, Sola Scriptura & Sacraments -Jay Dyer

AGAIN IT'S open forum debate & QNA ! The topics are literature, books, Bible, Church history, patristics, councils, Islam, Koran, revelation, Protestantism, CalviToday we RETURN to open forum debate & QNA ! The topics are literature, books, Bible, Church history, patristics, councils, Islam, Koran, revelation, Protestantism, Calvinism, evangelicalism, Arianism, cults, Hebrew roots, JWs, etc. Calling all MUSLIMS, Catholics, Protestants, Calvinists, Evangelicals, Arians/JWs, Hebrew Roots,

Feb 4, • 2:30:15

Middle Eastern & Cartel Elite Controlled Pawns, The Fake End Times & Is Bitcoin Safe? W/ Jay Dyer

Middle Eastern & Cartel Elite Controlled Pawns, The Fake End Times & Is Bitcoin Safe? W/ Jay Dyer

Cult of Conspiracy invited me on!  They are here https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/cult-of-conspiracy--5700337Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnt7Iy8GlmdPwy_Tzyx93bA/join Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44

Feb 3, • 2:07:00

THEY'RE ACTUALLY DOING IT! (Prepare for Maximum F-U-N)

THEY'RE ACTUALLY DOING IT! (Prepare for Maximum F-U-N)

Today we catch up on all the wild blitzkrieg of news, including more Rogan and UFOs, Trump and Elon and USAID, bit news, new cults and more! Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnt7Iy8GlmdPwy_Tzyx93bA/join Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscript

Feb 3, • 1:52:02

Nosferatu Sucks, Bram Stoker's Dracula is Cool & Vampire Films! -Jay & Jamie

Nosferatu Sucks, Bram Stoker's Dracula is Cool & Vampire Films! -Jay & Jamie

Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnt7Iy8GlmdPwy_Tzyx93bA/join Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for

Feb 3, • 1:23:12

Bitcoin, Transhumanism & MORE! Danny Polischuk Show with Jay Dyer: Low Value Mail

Bitcoin, Transhumanism & MORE! Danny Polischuk Show with Jay Dyer: Low Value Mail

Danny Polischuck, Ryan Long's Co-Host, invited me on his podcast to chat! He is here https://www.youtube.com/@dannypcomedySend Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/c

Jan 28, • 1:17:34

Michael Saylor Bitcoin Philosophy Lecture & Trump at DAVOS!! -Jay Dyer

Michael Saylor Bitcoin Philosophy Lecture & Trump at DAVOS!! -Jay Dyer

Today we catch up on the big moves being made that are a mixed bag, as well as Ai issues, Project Stargate & More! Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnt7Iy8GlmdPwy_Tzyx93bA/join Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount

Jan 28, • 2:35:52

HOT DEBATE! Muslim Contradicts! Protestants Refuted, Sola Scriptura & Sacraments -Jay Dyer

HOT DEBATE! Muslim Contradicts! Protestants Refuted, Sola Scriptura & Sacraments -Jay Dyer

AGAIN IT'S open forum debate & QNA ! The topics are literature, books, Bible, Church history, patristics, councils, Islam, Koran, revelation, Protestantism, CalviToday we RETURN to open forum debate & QNA ! The topics are literature, books, Bible, Church history, patristics, councils, Islam, Koran, revelation, Protestantism, Calvinism, evangelicalism, Arianism, cults, Hebrew roots, JWs, etc. Calling all MUSLIMS, Catholics, Protestants, Calvinists, Evangelicals, Arians/JWs, Hebrew Roots,

Jan 27, • 2:30:15

Project Stargate Is A Luciferian AI Plot - Jay Dyer Hosts

Project Stargate Is A Luciferian AI Plot - Jay Dyer Hosts

Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnt7Iy8GlmdPwy_Tzyx93bA/join Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for

Jan 27, • 26:50

The Weird Worlds of David Lynch -Jay Dyer

The Weird Worlds of David Lynch -Jay Dyer

A retrospective analysis and reflection given Lynch's passing and my many years of Lynch analyses. Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnt7Iy8GlmdPwy_Tzyx93bA/join Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 4

Jan 25, • 2:08:46

TRUMP PARDONS YAKOUB, The Sam Hyde Show & Satanic Cinema (Free Half)!

TRUMP PARDONS YAKOUB, The Sam Hyde Show & Satanic Cinema (Free Half)!

Today we cover the recent talk I gave and our first horror convention - meeting Alan Howarth and the vibe of John Carpenter LIVE, as well as the first 2 episodes of the Sam Hyde Show (new one dropped today), and the new TRUMP EX CATHEDRA LAWS! Support my work below by purchasing signed copies of the books or by subscribing to my site or channel:Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosop

Jan 21, • 1:35:31

The Secret History Of Israel, British Imperial Spies, & The Fabian Round Table Elites -Jay Dyer

The Secret History Of Israel, British Imperial Spies, & The Fabian Round Table Elites -Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer hosts! Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-

Jan 21, • 40:58

Was Jesus Vegetarian?  Jay Dyer Vs Dr Narco

Was Jesus Vegetarian? Jay Dyer Vs Dr Narco

Was Jesus Vegetarian? Jay Dyer Vs Dr NarcoHe argues "meats means seeds." Kid you not. Lasted 14 mins.As I referenced: 1 Tim. 4:4: "For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: 5 For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer."The context of 'broma' is flesh meat in 1 Tim. 4.Next live event here: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/MLR5FN2CP7W57/checkout/2LK2ZBXTKO5QW5ND4IGMYVRI Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/ja

Jan 17, • 44:55



Next live event here https://checkout.square.site/merchant/MLR5FN2CP7W57/checkout/2LK2ZBXTKO5QW5ND4IGMYVRISend Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders fo

Jan 16, • 1:57:30



Next live event here https://checkout.square.site/merchant/MLR5FN2CP7W57/checkout/2LK2ZBXTKO5QW5ND4IGMYVRISend Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders fo

Jan 16, • 1:57:30



Next live event here https://checkout.square.site/merchant/MLR5FN2CP7W57/checkout/2LK2ZBXTKO5QW5ND4IGMYVRISend Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders fo

Jan 16, • 2:06:44

Jay Dyer Hosts to Cover the Elite Strategy to USE ISLAM in the WEST!

Jay Dyer Hosts to Cover the Elite Strategy to USE ISLAM in the WEST!

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Jan 13, • 30:22

Hereditary, Lost Boys, Halloween 3, Velvet Buzzsaw & Starry Eyes - Jay ⧸ Jamie

Hereditary, Lost Boys, Halloween 3, Velvet Buzzsaw & Starry Eyes - Jay ⧸ Jamie

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Jan 12, • 1:16:48

Big Trouble in Little China, Dagon, Circuitry Man  & More WEIRD Movies! Jay Dyer

Big Trouble in Little China, Dagon, Circuitry Man & More WEIRD Movies! Jay Dyer

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Jan 11, • 1:54:46

Pope Francis' Apostasy!  Pachamama! - Part 1- Jay Dyer / Snek

Pope Francis' Apostasy! Pachamama! - Part 1- Jay Dyer / Snek

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Jan 11, • 1:17:07

Elites' Strategy To Use Immigration & Islam To Destroy The West -Jay Dyer

Elites' Strategy To Use Immigration & Islam To Destroy The West -Jay Dyer

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Jan 11, • 3:21:14

LA Fires, Rogan & Mel Gibson, Wes Huff, Tarantino, Elon Vs Kier & Dyer vs Razorfist!

LA Fires, Rogan & Mel Gibson, Wes Huff, Tarantino, Elon Vs Kier & Dyer vs Razorfist!

Today we catch up on recent hot topics, including new Rogan episodes discussing theology as well as Hollywood, including the recent Mel and Tarantino installments, and the Dee Eee Eye elements in the LA fires as well as Fabian socialism in Keir Vs Elon. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq

Jan 10, • 2:34:00

Jay Dyer LIVE at the Tampa Bay Screams Convention - Esoteric Hollywood 3

Jay Dyer LIVE at the Tampa Bay Screams Convention - Esoteric Hollywood 3

I will be LIVE in Tampa here: https://tampabayscreams.comTIX here: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/MLR5FN2CP7W57/checkout/2LK2ZBXTKO5QW5ND4IGMYVRIBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Jan 8, • 1:13

Total Recall & Jacob's Ladder: Mind Control Classics - Jay Dyer / Tristan Haggard

Total Recall & Jacob's Ladder: Mind Control Classics - Jay Dyer / Tristan Haggard

Tristan joins me to cover two mind control classics I've long been meaning to cover - Adrian Lyne's Jacob's Ladder and the Verhoeven Total Recall.  Combining both lighthearted fun and absurdity with Arnold and the dark, brooding mk uItra subplot in the other, both films combine to display important insights into the realities of psychological manipulation. his channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/user/PrimalEdgeHealth  Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get

Jan 8, • 2:27:15

The Sopranos - Full Analysis & Breakdown - Jay Dyer / Jamie Hanshaw

The Sopranos - Full Analysis & Breakdown - Jay Dyer / Jamie Hanshaw

Note: there was another page of notes i forgot which included all the JFK references! Also / season 6, Ep explicitly mentions past lives. I’ll add those to the podcast version. My mistake. Be sure to like, share, comment and subscribe! Time for a return to esoteric Hollywood by doing a full analysis of the entirety of The Sopranos.  One of the greatest shows of all time, Jamie and I will decode all the archetypal symbols, philosophical references, literary references and tropes, real espionage a

Jan 8, • 2:29:50

Was Vatican 2 Infallible? Are Catholics Imploding?

Was Vatican 2 Infallible? Are Catholics Imploding?

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Jan 8, • 1:08:32

Disney, Beyonce & UFOs?? Jay Dyer, Jamie Hanshaw Dyer & Isaac Weishaupt

Disney, Beyonce & UFOs?? Jay Dyer, Jamie Hanshaw Dyer & Isaac Weishaupt

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Jan 8, • 1:16:17

Pt 2 Debate! Filioque, Protestant PSA, Lutherans, Papacy, Reformation Solas & More!

Pt 2 Debate! Filioque, Protestant PSA, Lutherans, Papacy, Reformation Solas & More!

Today we RETURN to open forum debate & QNA ! The topics are literature, books, Bible, Church history, patristics, councils, Islam, Koran, revelation, Protestantism, Calvinism, evangelicalism, Arianism, cults, Hebrew roots, JWs, etc. Calling all MUSLIMS, Catholics, Protestants, Calvinists, Evangelicals, Arians/JWs, Hebrew Roots, Black Hebrew Israelites: Open theological debate. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swan

Jan 7, • 2:13:01

Pt 1 Debate! Filioque, Protestant PSA, Lutherans, Papacy, Reformation Solas & More!

Pt 1 Debate! Filioque, Protestant PSA, Lutherans, Papacy, Reformation Solas & More!

Today we RETURN to open forum debate & QNA ! The topics are literature, books, Bible, Church history, patristics, councils, Islam, Koran, revelation, Protestantism, Calvinism, evangelicalism, Arianism, cults, Hebrew roots, JWs, etc. Calling all MUSLIMS, Catholics, Protestants, Calvinists, Evangelicals, Arians/JWs, Hebrew Roots, Black Hebrew Israelites: Open theological debate. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swan

Jan 7, • 2:21:34

Pt. 2 Vatican 2, Geopolitics, the CIA & the Jesuits - Wemhoff's Book (Half)

Pt. 2 Vatican 2, Geopolitics, the CIA & the Jesuits - Wemhoff's Book (Half)

Tonight I will be covering the first several chapters of traditionalist Catholic lawyer David Wemhoff's magisterial Cold War analysis of the geopolitical forces in the background of Vatican II.  Contrary to the standard "trad" narrative, Wemhoff forces trads to swallow a new reddplLL that the CIA co-opted the Roman church through Vatican 2 operatives like Jesuit John Courtney Murray, CD Jackson and Henry Luce of Time Magazine.Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip G

Jan 6, • 1:17:53

Pt. 1 Vatican 2, Geopolitics, the CIA & the Jesuits - Wemhoff's Book (Half)

Pt. 1 Vatican 2, Geopolitics, the CIA & the Jesuits - Wemhoff's Book (Half)

Tonight I will be covering the first several chapters of traditionalist Catholic lawyer David Wemhoff's magisterial Cold War analysis of the geopolitical forces in the background of Vatican II.  Contrary to the standard "trad" narrative, Wemhoff forces trads to swallow a new reddplLL that the CIA co-opted the Roman church through Vatican 2 operatives like Jesuit John Courtney Murray, CD Jackson and Henry Luce of Time Magazine.Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip G

Jan 6, • 1:38:25

Sam Harris, New Atheists & "Vegan Natural Law" - Jay & Jimbob

Sam Harris, New Atheists & "Vegan Natural Law" - Jay & Jimbob

Jimbob asked me to hop on his IG livestream as he fields questions from his audience on monism, dualism, pantheism, deism and Aristotle, the peripatetic axiom, basic empiricism and modern new atheists, David hume and Ayn Rand, natural law and Mark Passio, and much more! Follow him here: https://www.instagram.com/madebyjimbob/?hl=en Superchat via Streamlabs: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Join my site here: https://jaysanalysis.com/membership-account/membership-levels/Send Superchats at any t

Jan 6, • 1:13:41

Apocalypse Trilogy! The Thing, Prince of Darkness & In the Mouth of Madness W⧸Tristan

Apocalypse Trilogy! The Thing, Prince of Darkness & In the Mouth of Madness W⧸Tristan

TRISTAN joins me to REVISIT and cover two of my favorite topics - John Carpenter and the end times.  Luckily, John Carpenter has given us an insight into the end times in his famous trilogy.  I covered the trilogy a few years back, but now that things are buckwyle crazy than they were, we can learn even more from Sutter Cain, the green goo and Kurt Russell.  We'll look at the Cold War and the thing and its GMO theme, the CERN-ish portal green demon gnostic base matter goo of Prince of Darkness a

Jan 6, • 1:45:33

Philosophy, Universals & Divine Conceptualism: Dr. Feser, Aristotle & Augustine (Half)

Philosophy, Universals & Divine Conceptualism: Dr. Feser, Aristotle & Augustine (Half)

Today I will be taking Dr. Feser's Five Proofs book and analyzing the pros and cons.  I will start with the chapter "Augustinian Proofs" since it comes the closest to the transcendental argument for God, as well as looking at other works about the inadequacy of bare monotheism, St Basil Vs Aristotle's "great architect of the universe god" and thus no natural theology in the Thomistic sense, as well as some rejoinders to these problems from St. Maximos, as well as Q n A and super chats.  The full

Jan 6, • 1:24:19

Gaslight! Gaslighting, Trauma & Hitchcock's Marnie! Jay Dyer + Tristan Haggard

Gaslight! Gaslighting, Trauma & Hitchcock's Marnie! Jay Dyer + Tristan Haggard

tristan is here https://www.youtube.com/@tristanhaggardSend Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/p

Jan 6, • 1:56:43

Plato's Phaedo - Jay Dyer

Plato's Phaedo - Jay Dyer

In this sample talk, I give an indepth introduction to Plato's dialogue, The Phaedo. The dialogue is packed with esoteric and profound concepts that would come to define much of the trek of Western thought after. This discussion is a beginner to mid-level treatment of the metaphysical and epistemological aspects of the treatise, including the meaning of the descent into Hades and the higher dimensions. The talk expands on my article "Plato's Phaedo: Esoteric Analysis," filling out the ideas more

Jan 6, • 1:47:48

Aliester Crowley, Marjorie Cameron, Jack Parsons & More - Isaac + Jay

Aliester Crowley, Marjorie Cameron, Jack Parsons & More - Isaac + Jay

Isaac Weishaupt joins me to cover the dark, bizarre, occult world of Crowley and Cameron and how it ties into Parsons and Hubbard.  Isaac did his series on Cameron a year ago and it was a killer dose of info.  What is the real story of these weirdos and their fascination and manipulation of the cults they controlled? Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://m

Jan 4, • 1:47:20

Vanilla Sky, Videodrome, Lawnmower Man, Existenz & More!

Vanilla Sky, Videodrome, Lawnmower Man, Existenz & More!

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Jan 4, • 2:01:16

Jay Dyer Vs Rome, Protestants, Islam and More! - Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer Vs Rome, Protestants, Islam and More! - Jay Dyer

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Jan 4, • 2:23:26

Top 10 Gnostic Movies: Dark City, Creator (2023) & More Explained! Buddhism, A.I., Etc. -Jay Dyer

Top 10 Gnostic Movies: Dark City, Creator (2023) & More Explained! Buddhism, A.I., Etc. -Jay Dyer

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Jan 4, • 1:55:02

Are Icons Idols?? - Jay Dyer ⧸ Snek

Are Icons Idols?? - Jay Dyer ⧸ Snek

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Jan 4, • 1:41:29

Flashback: Great Reset Explained (And Will It RETURN?)- Jay Dyer (Half)

Flashback: Great Reset Explained (And Will It RETURN?)- Jay Dyer (Half)

Having read Klaus Schwab's new book Fourth Industrial Revolution, I will bring you the new installment of the elite books series.  We will look at what Klaus says Davos has planned, the continuity across spheres, the layers, the use of crises, the new economy, and other so called fantastical ideas of the Great Work that are glibly discussed at the elite level (that you cannot!).Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbit

Jan 4, • 1:26:31

School World Order: The Technocratic Globalization of Corporatized Education

School World Order: The Technocratic Globalization of Corporatized Education

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Jan 4, • 58:41

Glitch in the Matrix?! The Multiverse?? wut? - Jimbob + Jay Dyer

Glitch in the Matrix?! The Multiverse?? wut? - Jimbob + Jay Dyer

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Jan 4, • 2:11:56

Psychedelics, Altered States, Renegade & Clockwork Elves Jay ⧸ Tristan

Psychedelics, Altered States, Renegade & Clockwork Elves Jay ⧸ Tristan

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Jan 4, • 1:43:52

The Holy Mountain Explained - A Jodorowsky Esoteric Analysis (Half)

The Holy Mountain Explained - A Jodorowsky Esoteric Analysis (Half)

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Jan 4, • 1:07:48

Great Reset Happytalism & Dolphin Love (Half) - Jay Dyer

Great Reset Happytalism & Dolphin Love (Half) - Jay Dyer

Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Orders for new book here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/meta-narratives-essays-on-philosophy-symbolism-new-jay-dyer-book-pre-orders/ Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code 'Jay53LIFE' R0kfin signup: https://

Jan 3, • 2:07:11

Filioque? History of a Doctrinal Controversy - Fr Dcn Dr Ananias / Dyer / Lewis

Filioque? History of a Doctrinal Controversy - Fr Dcn Dr Ananias / Dyer / Lewis

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Jan 3, • 2:05:28

Breakfast Club, Say Anything & Ferris Bueller! Jay Dyer + Jamie Hanshaw Dyer

Breakfast Club, Say Anything & Ferris Bueller! Jay Dyer + Jamie Hanshaw Dyer

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Jan 2, • 2:01:36

Death of Reason: Natural Theology in Rome & Orthodoxy - Fr Dcn Dr Aanias / Jay Dyer

Death of Reason: Natural Theology in Rome & Orthodoxy - Fr Dcn Dr Aanias / Jay Dyer

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Jan 2, • 2:33:46

Eyes Wide Shut & Ninth Gate - Esoteric Hollywood 2 - Jay Dyer

Eyes Wide Shut & Ninth Gate - Esoteric Hollywood 2 - Jay Dyer

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Jan 2, • 54:05

The Beast System & The Resurrection -Jay Dyer

The Beast System & The Resurrection -Jay Dyer

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Jan 2, • 1:42:14

Nihilism, Relativism, & Conspiracy Candy Culture Poison Pills | Fr Ananais, Jay Dyer, & Tristan

Nihilism, Relativism, & Conspiracy Candy Culture Poison Pills | Fr Ananais, Jay Dyer, & Tristan

Tristan is here: https://www.youtube.com/@tristanhaggardSend Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/

Jan 2, • 1:57:52

Scanners, Society, Ghoulies, Phantasm & MORE! BEST BAD MOVIES!

Scanners, Society, Ghoulies, Phantasm & MORE! BEST BAD MOVIES!

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Jan 2, • 1:40:15

The Wicker Man | Jay Dyer & Tristan | Neopagan Revival, Burning Man, & The New Myth of the Old Gods

The Wicker Man | Jay Dyer & Tristan | Neopagan Revival, Burning Man, & The New Myth of the Old Gods

Tristan is here https://www.youtube.com/@tristanhaggard/Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/

Jan 2, • 2:21:13

Hollywood Handlers, Celebrity Trainers | Jay Dyer, Jamie, & Tristan | Mechanics of Mass Manipulation

Hollywood Handlers, Celebrity Trainers | Jay Dyer, Jamie, & Tristan | Mechanics of Mass Manipulation

Tristan is here: https://www.youtube.com/@tristanhaggardSend Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/

Jan 1, • 2:29:08

Killer Klowns From Another Dimension - Out of This World #55

Killer Klowns From Another Dimension - Out of This World #55

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Jan 1, • 1:57:48

Mystery University (History & Symbols of Masonry) - Out of This World #54

Mystery University (History & Symbols of Masonry) - Out of This World #54

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Jan 1, • 1:20:41

TOP PsyOPs, Debates, Movies & Posts of 2024! -Jay Dyer

TOP PsyOPs, Debates, Movies & Posts of 2024! -Jay Dyer

Another F-U-N stream where we break it all down and reflect on the years biggest online events and psy ops as well as real world madness to top it off at the end with the POTY (Post of the year). Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off

Jan 1, • 2:18:49

Just Parasite Things - Out of This World #53

Just Parasite Things - Out of This World #53

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 31, 2024 • 1:24:21

Islam, Deity of Christ & Prophecies - Jay Dyer ⧸ Sam Shamoun

Islam, Deity of Christ & Prophecies - Jay Dyer ⧸ Sam Shamoun

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 31, 2024 • 1:37:04

Orthodox Theology Explained: Dr David Bradshaw, Jay Dyer, Fr Dcn Ananias

Orthodox Theology Explained: Dr David Bradshaw, Jay Dyer, Fr Dcn Ananias

The eminent Orthodox scholar and professor Dr. David Bradshaw, author of the well-known book Aristotle: East and West joins me and Lewis and Fr. Dcn Dr. Ananias to discuss all the hot topics - Aristotle and his different use in East and West, the Orthodox fathers and philosophy, the essence - energy distinction in Aristotle and beyond, the L0g0s and the Logoi, the western conception of simplicity in Aquinas and Roman Dogma, natural theology, and the critics. Send Superchats at any time here: htt

Dec 31, 2024 • 2:26:50

TWIN PEAKS: Jay Dyer's Esoteric Hollywood Analysis

TWIN PEAKS: Jay Dyer's Esoteric Hollywood Analysis

After multiple viewings of all things Twin Peaks, including Fire Walk with Me, I piece together an occult tapestry woven together in the popular cult series, soon to return to Showtime from Lynch and Frost. Unlike any other analysis, mine takes you deep down the synchronicity rabbit hole to the dark side of Laura Palmer's murder and its symbolic meaning. If you like this analysis, purchase my book, Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film. Send Superchats at any time here: https://stre

Dec 31, 2024 • 1:39:21

Beware of THIS Kind of Person...

Beware of THIS Kind of Person...

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 31, 2024 • 1:16:00

Flashback! Orthodox Vs Oriental Theology Explained - David Erhan + Jay Dyer

Flashback! Orthodox Vs Oriental Theology Explained - David Erhan + Jay Dyer

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 31, 2024 • 2:03:32

The Taylor Marshall MATRIX (He Gets Refuted) - Jay Dyer / Snek

The Taylor Marshall MATRIX (He Gets Refuted) - Jay Dyer / Snek

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 31, 2024 • 2:34:25

Doctor Sleep Vs The Shining! Esoteric Hollywood - Jay Dyer

Doctor Sleep Vs The Shining! Esoteric Hollywood - Jay Dyer

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 30, 2024 • 2:33:51

God the LUCIFERIAN King - HG Wells - Jay Dyer ⧸ Jamie Hanshaw (Half)

God the LUCIFERIAN King - HG Wells - Jay Dyer ⧸ Jamie Hanshaw (Half)

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 30, 2024 • 1:31:53

Flashback: PACHAMAMA, Antichrist, Amazon Synod & Rome Unravels - Jay Dyer

Flashback: PACHAMAMA, Antichrist, Amazon Synod & Rome Unravels - Jay Dyer

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 30, 2024 • 2:19:30

Tragedy & Hope 1 (of 8): Revolutions Are Funded - Jay Dyer  (Half)

Tragedy & Hope 1 (of 8): Revolutions Are Funded - Jay Dyer (Half)

This is part one of an 8 part series here https://jaysanalysis.com/product/tragedy-hope-lecture-series-jay-dyer/Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Ord

Dec 30, 2024 • 1:00:45

Blade Runner & Blade Runner 2049 Decoded!

Blade Runner & Blade Runner 2049 Decoded!

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 30, 2024 • 31:09

BIGGEST DEBATE OF 2024: Christianity Vs Islam (Jay and Sam)

BIGGEST DEBATE OF 2024: Christianity Vs Islam (Jay and Sam)

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 30, 2024 • 3:10:04

Food of the Gods - The Madness of Terence McKenna - Jay Dyer (Half)

Food of the Gods - The Madness of Terence McKenna - Jay Dyer (Half)

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 30, 2024 • 1:46:03

Luciferian Transhumanism: History and Philosophy COTEL / Jay Dyer

Luciferian Transhumanism: History and Philosophy COTEL / Jay Dyer

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 30, 2024 • 40:02

Derek MythVision VS Jay Dyer Heated Exchange! Epistemic Foundations! Via MadebyJimbob & Crucible

Derek MythVision VS Jay Dyer Heated Exchange! Epistemic Foundations! Via MadebyJimbob & Crucible

This is still getting tons of views so I am posting the audio here. Jimbob and the Crucible invited me to hop on a discussion which I thought was a debate. I came in hot and heated and things escalated into a wild chat! Full show is here: https://www.youtube.com/@MadebyJimbob Derek is here: https://www.youtube.com/@MythVisionPodcast Crucible is here: https://www.youtube.com/@The_Crucible Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https

Dec 29, 2024 • 36:15

Disney to Brzezinski: Full Spectrum Mind Control – Jay Dyer

Disney to Brzezinski: Full Spectrum Mind Control – Jay Dyer

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 29, 2024 • 1:44:27

The Secret Society That Ruined the World 2 (Half) - Jay Dyer

The Secret Society That Ruined the World 2 (Half) - Jay Dyer

This is an addendum to the 8 lectures last year on the monumental Atlanticist apologetic Tragedy and Hope – based on Quigley’s other telling book, The Anglo-American Establishment. The first section is free, while subscribers gain access to full talks and lectures. “The goals which Rhodes and Milner sought and the methods by which they hoped to achieve them were so similar by 1902 that the two are almost indistinguishable Both sought to unite the world, and above all the English-speaking world i

Dec 29, 2024 • 20:07

The Secret Society That Ruined the World 1 - Jay Dyer (half)

The Secret Society That Ruined the World 1 - Jay Dyer (half)

This is an addendum to the 8 lectures last year on the monumental Atlanticist apologetic Tragedy and Hope – based on Quigley’s other telling book, The Anglo-American Establishment. The first section is free, while subscribers gain access to full talks and lectures. “The goals which Rhodes and Milner sought and the methods by which they hoped to achieve them were so similar by 1902 that the two are almost indistinguishable Both sought to unite the world, and above all the English-speaking world i

Dec 29, 2024 • 29:41

Islam Vs Orthodox Christianity Debate - Jay Dyer / Paul Williams

Islam Vs Orthodox Christianity Debate - Jay Dyer / Paul Williams

A classic debate!Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology

Dec 29, 2024 • 2:23:03

TikTok Theologians: "Deconstructing My Christianity" with Jay Dyer & COTEL

TikTok Theologians: "Deconstructing My Christianity" with Jay Dyer & COTEL

COTEL is here:  https://www.youtube.com/@ChurchoftheEternalLogosSend Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanaly

Dec 29, 2024 • 2:16:13

Aquinas, Kant & Hegel: Critiquing the Continental Tradition - Jay Dyer (Half)

Aquinas, Kant & Hegel: Critiquing the Continental Tradition - Jay Dyer (Half)

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 29, 2024 • 59:37

Mystery Babylon: Ecumenism, Public Education & Intrigue - Jay Dyer

Mystery Babylon: Ecumenism, Public Education & Intrigue - Jay Dyer

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 29, 2024 • 2:34:19

Satanic Infiltration of the Vatican Proven: Jay Dyer -- Free Half

Satanic Infiltration of the Vatican Proven: Jay Dyer -- Free Half

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 29, 2024 • 1:09:53

Top 10 Craziest Cults - Jay Dyer + Jamie Hanshaw (Half)

Top 10 Craziest Cults - Jay Dyer + Jamie Hanshaw (Half)

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 28, 2024 • 1:32:57

ATHEISM:The New Religion is the Old Religion - Jay Dyer ⧸ JimBob

ATHEISM:The New Religion is the Old Religion - Jay Dyer ⧸ JimBob

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 28, 2024 • 1:46:08

Vatican Compromised! Jerusalem Vs. Athens - Jay Dyer & FrDcn Ananias Sorem (Half)

Vatican Compromised! Jerusalem Vs. Athens - Jay Dyer & FrDcn Ananias Sorem (Half)

Fr.Dcn. Ananias Sorem returns to cover the relationship between Jerusalem and Athens – revelation and reason. Firstly, they are and aren’t in tension – and we’ll see how. Secondly, terms and words are not synonymous – there may be overlap at times, but the meanings of the words are unique in Orthodox theology. Second, we want to look at the Amazon synod, the relationship to Vatican II and perennialism and true and false ecumenism. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/

Dec 28, 2024 • 1:35:17

Jesuits: The Real Truth - Jay Dyer With Snek

Jesuits: The Real Truth - Jay Dyer With Snek

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 28, 2024 • 1:59:44

Alien & Aliens DECODED! & More  - Jay Dyer

Alien & Aliens DECODED! & More - Jay Dyer

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 28, 2024 • 1:17:11

Enneads of Plotinus Deconstructed (Half) – Jay Dyer

Enneads of Plotinus Deconstructed (Half) – Jay Dyer

In this talk I dive into an overview of the Enneads of Plotinus. We consider its similarity with the rest of so-called ‘perennial philosophy’ and how this doctrine is not compatible with biblical theology and why Augustine was influenced by it in his filioquism. Full talk available in my archives for paid subs. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketp

Dec 28, 2024 • 55:31

ZARDOZ & Logan's Run - Esoteric Analysis -  Jay Dyer on LF

ZARDOZ & Logan's Run - Esoteric Analysis - Jay Dyer on LF

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 28, 2024 • 1:37:28

The Secret Plan To Destroy The West LEAKED

The Secret Plan To Destroy The West LEAKED

Jay Dyer hosts Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-p

Dec 28, 2024 • 46:15

Fatima, Forgeries, Frauds & Fantasies: Jay Dyer ⧸ Snek ⧸ George (Free Half)

Fatima, Forgeries, Frauds & Fantasies: Jay Dyer ⧸ Snek ⧸ George (Free Half)

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 28, 2024 • 1:46:49

Geopolitics Explained  - Brzezinski Works Analyzed - Jay Dyer on Sunday Wire (Full)

Geopolitics Explained - Brzezinski Works Analyzed - Jay Dyer on Sunday Wire (Full)

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 28, 2024 • 49:41

Serial Killers, Psy Warfare & McGowan's Programmed to Kill

Serial Killers, Psy Warfare & McGowan's Programmed to Kill

Flashback! Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philo

Dec 28, 2024 • 1:51:32

Split - Occult Symbolism - Jay Dyer (Half)

Split - Occult Symbolism - Jay Dyer (Half)

Join host Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks esoteric Hollywood and movie magic with returning guest Jay Dyer. This is the first half of a full talk which can be obtained by subscribing to JaysAnalysis or HigherSide ChatsSend Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscripti

Dec 28, 2024 • 1:13:18

Classic Comedic Debate: Jay Dyer & Primal Edge Vs AskYourself & Vegan Gains

Classic Comedic Debate: Jay Dyer & Primal Edge Vs AskYourself & Vegan Gains

This "debate" was a doozy, but the crux of the issue centered on whether logic and meta-ethics are related. It took two hours to get AskYourself to finally admit he thought we "should" accept logic. In other words, logic entails truth and that one ought to accept what is true. Simple error in the debate was their assumption that because you can speak of things as distinct in discourse, they are in actual fact really distinct. Took two hours for him to trip up and admit they aren’t.Send Superchat

Dec 28, 2024 • 2:34:25

Stoicism, Logos & Marcus Aurelius' Meditations - Jay Dyer (Half)

Stoicism, Logos & Marcus Aurelius' Meditations - Jay Dyer (Half)

In this half video for free, I discuss the historical circumstances and philosophical schools in the Roman Period. Still intoxicated from Hellenism, the Roman Stoics imbibed a syncretic blend of various philosophies that even included a vague notion of a universal "logos" principle, as we see in Marcus Aurelius' famous 'Meditations.' The full talk can be obtained by subscribing to JaysAnalysis at the PayPal links at my site. Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-

Dec 28, 2024 • 52:39

Anarchism, Marxism & All Revolutionary Thought Refuted - Jay Dyer (Half)

Anarchism, Marxism & All Revolutionary Thought Refuted - Jay Dyer (Half)

Flashback: Reflecting on the FIRST big, public debate I did with Adam Kokesh and briefly replying to the hit piece written about me by a pathological skeptic, I give my response and launch into a lengthier critique of all modern revolutionary thought. This critique analyzes the assumptions of all modern liberal positions, from Marxism to anarchism to fascism. In hour two for subscribers I do a presuppositional critique of the nonsensical, somewhat famous essay of Umberto Eco on how to identify "

Dec 27, 2024 • 1:07:45

Dialectical Marxism & the Real Alchemical Plan: Jay Dyer on Afternoon Commute

Dialectical Marxism & the Real Alchemical Plan: Jay Dyer on Afternoon Commute

Flahback! John and Myself (Chris) welcome returning guest and stellar researcher, Jay Dyer to Afternoon Commute to discuss: Carol Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, Russia, Nukes, Nuclear Politics, Edward Teller, Robert Oppenheimer, Communism, The Police State, East Germany under the Stasi, Statecraft and Politics, Perception Management, The Panopticon, Kissinger, The Soviet Union, VICE Network, Lord of War, Nicholas Cage, Black Ops Video Games, Black Mirror, Gamification, Smart Cities, Minority Report,

Dec 27, 2024 • 2:09:00

Occult Wikileaks & the Atlanticist Elite -  Jay Dyer on OIT

Occult Wikileaks & the Atlanticist Elite - Jay Dyer on OIT

Flashback!Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philos

Dec 27, 2024 • 1:43:51

The Coming Satanic AEON - Jay Dyer (Half)

The Coming Satanic AEON - Jay Dyer (Half)

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 26, 2024 • 1:40:06

Luciferian Cults - Illuminate Confirm - Jamie Hanshaw (Half)

Luciferian Cults - Illuminate Confirm - Jamie Hanshaw (Half)

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 26, 2024 • 58:46

Narcissism Engine Hollywood & The Inversion - Jay & Jamie (Half)

Narcissism Engine Hollywood & The Inversion - Jay & Jamie (Half)

Jamie joins me to cover the bizarre, the cult and the occult in Hollyweird once again, as well as the music industry and its insanity. We will cover Luka Magnotta, Natural Born Killers, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry and more! Part 2 is for subscribers to JaysAnalysis.comSend Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy1

Dec 26, 2024 • 1:00:05

Exorcist & Exorcism Films (Fallen ⧸ Constantine)! Jay Dyer

Exorcist & Exorcism Films (Fallen ⧸ Constantine)! Jay Dyer

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 26, 2024 • 1:39:42



Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 26, 2024 • 2:16:28

Conan the Barbarian, The Destroyer & Red Sonja - CROM!! Jay Dyer

Conan the Barbarian, The Destroyer & Red Sonja - CROM!! Jay Dyer

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 26, 2024 • 1:13:12

Under the Silver Lake, Spring Breakers Analysis - Jay Dyer & Tristan Classic

Under the Silver Lake, Spring Breakers Analysis - Jay Dyer & Tristan Classic

Tristan at P.E. invited me back to do a film review of two similar films - Krorine's Spring Breakers and Mitchell's Under the Silver Lake. Both films are incisive commentaries on post-modern hipster culture and the hedonistic abandon of millennial nihilism, contrasted with Korine's commentary on Gen X, Kids. We also investigate the subtle conspiracy elements of Under the Silver Lake, Hollywood Decoded, ritual crimes, 60s center-culture as engineered - almost as if Dave McGowan had written the sc

Dec 26, 2024 • 2:16:57

How the CIA Subverts Religion - Jay Dyer on OIT

How the CIA Subverts Religion - Jay Dyer on OIT

Next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Icon Conference: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-theology-of-the-icon-image-likeness-conference-tickets-1031683682667?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE f

Dec 26, 2024 • 1:46:01

One World Religion: The Heretical Problem of Ecumenism: COTEL & Jay Dyer

One World Religion: The Heretical Problem of Ecumenism: COTEL & Jay Dyer

Flashback! Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philo

Dec 26, 2024 • 44:08

The UFO ALIEN Deception: Invoking the Beyond - Collins Bros. ⧸ Jay Dyer

The UFO ALIEN Deception: Invoking the Beyond - Collins Bros. ⧸ Jay Dyer

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 25, 2024 • 1:51:26

Lucifer’s Evolutionary Babel – Jay Dyer

Lucifer’s Evolutionary Babel – Jay Dyer

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 25, 2024 • 55:25

Aleister Crowley - Secret Agent 666 & Shambhala - Jay Dyer & Dr. Richard Spence (Half)

Aleister Crowley - Secret Agent 666 & Shambhala - Jay Dyer & Dr. Richard Spence (Half)

The first half of the interview is free, while the full 2 hours can be obtained by subscribing to JaysAnalysis for 4.95 a month or 60.00 a year. Dr. Richard Spence, author of Secret Agent 666: Aleister Crowley, British Intelligence and the Occult and Trust No One: The Secret World of Sidney Reilly, joined me to cover the fascinating material in his historical espionage works. Seeking to uncover the real Crowley and who his handler might have been, Dr. Spence demonstrates how Crowley's mystical j

Dec 25, 2024 • 57:45

Laurel Canyon - Weird Scenes  - Review & Analysis (Half) Jay Dyer

Laurel Canyon - Weird Scenes - Review & Analysis (Half) Jay Dyer

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 25, 2024 • 1:08:14

Evils of the Vatican: Pope Frank, Heresy, and Globalism with Jay Dyer

Evils of the Vatican: Pope Frank, Heresy, and Globalism with Jay Dyer

"In this stream I am joined by the great and mighty Jay Dyer to talk about the multitude of heresy and evil coming from Pope Francis and the Vatican. Be it medical passports, partnering in resetting the Global economic structure, Pachamama worship, mass migration, or outright Christian heresy, the Vatican is a key culprit to the tragic ills that plague our current world. Make sure to check it out and let me know what you think." COTEL is here https://www.youtube.com/@ChurchoftheEternalLogosSend

Dec 25, 2024 • 2:16:27

Drone Warfare & The Alien Deception - Maria Zeee & Jay Dyer

Drone Warfare & The Alien Deception - Maria Zeee & Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer joins Maria Zeee to dissect the drone warfare operation sweeping the U.S., explaining the alien/UFO agenda and how this may be used to further the NWO in future. Follow her below: https://zeeemedia.comSend Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIF

Dec 24, 2024 • 1:13:22

Pt 2: "My Arguments for Catholicism" Refuted: Plus Libertarian Fantasy Island & Infinite Universe Chats

Pt 2: "My Arguments for Catholicism" Refuted: Plus Libertarian Fantasy Island & Infinite Universe Chats

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 24, 2024 • 2:33:52

Pt 1: "My Arguments for Catholicism" Refuted: Plus Libertarian Fantasy Island & Infinite Universe Chats

Pt 1: "My Arguments for Catholicism" Refuted: Plus Libertarian Fantasy Island & Infinite Universe Chats

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 24, 2024 • 2:33:52

Project Blue Beam & Preparing for the Coming Deception -Jay Dyer & Maria Zeee

Project Blue Beam & Preparing for the Coming Deception -Jay Dyer & Maria Zeee

Next live event here: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/MLR5FN2CP7W57/checkout/2LK2ZBXTKO5QW5ND4IGMYVRI Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders

Dec 24, 2024 • 1:03:20

Drones or ALIENS? THEY ARE AMONG US! 'CONTACT:' The UFO / Alien Deception Rolls Out -Jay Dyer

Drones or ALIENS? THEY ARE AMONG US! 'CONTACT:' The UFO / Alien Deception Rolls Out -Jay Dyer

We have covered aliens, but not like this! The drones have arrived and many people are screaming aliens! It's time to come back to the history of the phenomenon in the US, the early 40s-50s "abductions," the connections to think tanks and intelligence and military, as well as analysis of the present attack of the "drones." Video from https://www.youtube.com/@Jaymez Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jayd

Dec 24, 2024 • 2:35:12

A New Alien Religion: Jay Dyer on Nephilim Death Squad

A New Alien Religion: Jay Dyer on Nephilim Death Squad

NDS is here: https://www.youtube.com/@NephilimDeathSquadNext live event here: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/MLR5FN2CP7W57/checkout/2LK2ZBXTKO5QW5ND4IGMYVRI Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee

Dec 24, 2024 • 37:32

Numbers Prove God Pt 2 - Defense of Metaphysics & Traditional Philosophy -Jay Dyer

Numbers Prove God Pt 2 - Defense of Metaphysics & Traditional Philosophy -Jay Dyer

Next live event here: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/MLR5FN2CP7W57/checkout/2LK2ZBXTKO5QW5ND4IGMYVRI Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders

Dec 21, 2024 • 1:59:18

Numbers Prove God Pt 1 - Defense of Metaphysics & Traditional Philosophy -Jay Dyer

Numbers Prove God Pt 1 - Defense of Metaphysics & Traditional Philosophy -Jay Dyer

Next live event here: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/MLR5FN2CP7W57/checkout/2LK2ZBXTKO5QW5ND4IGMYVRI Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders

Dec 21, 2024 • 2:05:48

The Occult And Satanic Philosophy Behind Terrorist Events -BX & Jay Dyer

The Occult And Satanic Philosophy Behind Terrorist Events -BX & Jay Dyer

BX is here https://x.com/bx_on_xNext live event here: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/MLR5FN2CP7W57/checkout/2LK2ZBXTKO5QW5ND4IGMYVRI Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.pa

Dec 20, 2024 • 54:03

Pt 2 - HOT DEBATES! Church of Christ, Catholicism, Protestantism, Evangelical, Atheism

Pt 2 - HOT DEBATES! Church of Christ, Catholicism, Protestantism, Evangelical, Atheism

Today we RETURN to open forum debate & QNA ! The topics are literature, books, Bible, Church history, patristics, councils, Islam, Koran, revelation, Protestantism, CalviToday we RETURN to open forum debate & QNA ! The topics are literature, books, Bible, Church history, patristics, councils, Islam, Koran, revelation, Protestantism, Calvinism, evangelicalism, Arianism, cults, Hebrew roots, JWs, etc. Calling all MUSLIMS, Catholics, Protestants, Calvinists, Evangelicals, Arians/JWs, Hebrew

Dec 20, 2024 • 1:58:27

Pt 1 - HOT DEBATES! Church of Christ, Catholicism, Protestantism, Evangelical, Atheism

Pt 1 - HOT DEBATES! Church of Christ, Catholicism, Protestantism, Evangelical, Atheism

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 20, 2024 • 2:12:27

Pt 2 - Can The BEST Muslim Debaters Defend Islam? | Godlogic, Sam Shamoun & Jay Dyer

Pt 2 - Can The BEST Muslim Debaters Defend Islam? | Godlogic, Sam Shamoun & Jay Dyer

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 17, 2024 • 2:11:38

Pt 1 - Can The BEST Muslim Debaters Defend Islam? | Godlogic, Sam Shamoun & Jay Dyer

Pt 1 - Can The BEST Muslim Debaters Defend Islam? | Godlogic, Sam Shamoun & Jay Dyer

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 17, 2024 • 2:09:40

Prometheus & Alien CovenantThe Nietzschean Deicide & UFO Symbolism - Jay & Tristan

Prometheus & Alien CovenantThe Nietzschean Deicide & UFO Symbolism - Jay & Tristan

Prometheus & Alien Covenant: The Nietzschean Deicide & UFO Symbolism - Jay & TristanSend Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red

Dec 17, 2024 • 1:26:06

They Live, Predator, Star Trek, Signs, Under the Skin & More! Jay & Jamie Dyer (Half)

They Live, Predator, Star Trek, Signs, Under the Skin & More! Jay & Jamie Dyer (Half)

Flashback! Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philo

Dec 17, 2024 • 1:21:31

Jay Z, Diddy, Beyonce, Oprah & Esoteric Hollywood: Shaun Attwood / Jay Dyer

Jay Z, Diddy, Beyonce, Oprah & Esoteric Hollywood: Shaun Attwood / Jay Dyer

Shaun is here https://www.youtube.com/@shaunattwoodOFFICIALSend Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.c

Dec 16, 2024 • 1:03:57

UFO Alien PSYOP - Close Encounters & The Fourth Kind Explained - Jay Dyer + Tristan

UFO Alien PSYOP - Close Encounters & The Fourth Kind Explained - Jay Dyer + Tristan

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Dec 16, 2024 • 1:56:46

Part 2:  OPEN DEBATE! Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Evangelical, Atheism!

Part 2: OPEN DEBATE! Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Evangelical, Atheism!

Today we RETURN to open forum debate & QNA ! The topics are literature, books, Bible, Church history, patristics, councils, Islam, Koran, revelation, Protestantism, Calvinism, evangelicalism, Arianism, cults, Hebrew roots, JWs, etc. Calling all MUSLIMS, Catholics, Protestants, Calvinists, Evangelicals, Arians/JWs, Hebrew Roots, Black Hebrew Israelites: Open theological debate. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swan

Dec 16, 2024 • 1:33:22

Part 1: OPEN DEBATE! Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Evangelical, Atheism!

Part 1: OPEN DEBATE! Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Evangelical, Atheism!

Today we RETURN to open forum debate & QNA ! The topics are literature, books, Bible, Church history, patristics, councils, Islam, Koran, revelation, Protestantism, Calvinism, evangelicalism, Arianism, cults, Hebrew roots, JWs, etc. Calling all MUSLIMS, Catholics, Protestants, Calvinists, Evangelicals, Arians/JWs, Hebrew Roots, Black Hebrew Israelites: Open theological debate. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swan

Dec 16, 2024 • 1:48:46

RED ALERT— UFO DRONE Alien Deception Plot Rolling Out: Jay Dyer on Alex Jones

RED ALERT— UFO DRONE Alien Deception Plot Rolling Out: Jay Dyer on Alex Jones

Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Subscribe to my site here: https://jaysanalysis.com/mem

Dec 15, 2024 • 49:45

The Technocrats WANT You Believing in ALIENS!  UFO Psy OP! -Jay Dyer

The Technocrats WANT You Believing in ALIENS! UFO Psy OP! -Jay Dyer

Flashback! Next live event here: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/MLR5FN2CP7W57/checkout/2LK2ZBXTKO5QW5ND4IGMYVRI Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coff

Dec 12, 2024 • 51:39

The UFO / ALIEN DECEPTION is HERE! Jay Dyer Explains!

The UFO / ALIEN DECEPTION is HERE! Jay Dyer Explains!

FLASHBACK! Next live event here: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/MLR5FN2CP7W57/checkout/2LK2ZBXTKO5QW5ND4IGMYVRI Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coff

Dec 12, 2024 • 1:11:52

Alien Demon Overlords! Childhood's End, Close Encounters & The Blob! - Jay Dyer

Alien Demon Overlords! Childhood's End, Close Encounters & The Blob! - Jay Dyer

Flashback! Jay on Film. Welcome to the new show format. Now, we're going to cover 3 films with similar themes a few times a week and hopefully a few days ahead of time so you nerds have time view or review them! The new format will allow me to streamline the process and integrate the old "esoteric" approach in with *other* types of films that aren't just esoteric. Our first new episode will cover Childhood's End, Spielberg's Close Encounters and the 1988 DER BLOB! Music by Amid the Ruins 1453: h

Dec 12, 2024 • 1:21:49

Mario 64, Resident Evil, Assassins Creed, Deus Ex & Esoteric Games - Jay Dyer

Mario 64, Resident Evil, Assassins Creed, Deus Ex & Esoteric Games - Jay Dyer

Flashback! Many have requested an esoteric analysis of several games, so here we go. I will look at a few examples I'm familiar with and consider the WHOA appearance of Keanu for Cyberpunk 2077 at E3. I cover Cyberpunk 2077, Mario 64, Resident Evil, Assassins Creed, Deus Ex & more! Enjoy Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.c

Dec 12, 2024 • 2:29:18

Is Christmas Pagan? Refuting the Yearly Nonsense: Jay Dyer on Quite Frankly

Is Christmas Pagan? Refuting the Yearly Nonsense: Jay Dyer on Quite Frankly

Next live event here: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/MLR5FN2CP7W57/checkout/2LK2ZBXTKO5QW5ND4IGMYVRI Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders

Dec 12, 2024 • 2:07:39

Midsommar, Wicker Man & Stranger Things - Explained - Jay Dyer

Midsommar, Wicker Man & Stranger Things - Explained - Jay Dyer

Flashback! Next live event here: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/MLR5FN2CP7W57/checkout/2LK2ZBXTKO5QW5ND4IGMYVRI Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coff

Dec 11, 2024 • 2:22:40

Papal Circularity, Ecumenical Councils & Created Grace: Flashback 2019!  - Jay Dyer

Papal Circularity, Ecumenical Councils & Created Grace: Flashback 2019! - Jay Dyer

Next live event here: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/MLR5FN2CP7W57/checkout/2LK2ZBXTKO5QW5ND4IGMYVRI Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders

Dec 11, 2024 • 2:34:03

Paganism Vs Orthodoxy Debate: Flashback! - Jay Dyer Vs Boglord Dave Martel

Paganism Vs Orthodoxy Debate: Flashback! - Jay Dyer Vs Boglord Dave Martel

An. impromptu debate over the question of the Neo-pagan revival. Our debate revolves the question of whether paganism and in his case, Asatru, are objectively true and can be proven in terms of logical, rational and philosophical discourse. How are claims justified? What is a universal claim? How is it justified? Is logic just a word trick? Dave's channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnaQkJ6jGvxqMfFAmqlyLoQ Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get sta

Dec 11, 2024 • 1:21:46

Byzantine Secret Societies, Islam, Illuminism & More! Jay Dyer on Jeremy Slate Podcast

Byzantine Secret Societies, Islam, Illuminism & More! Jay Dyer on Jeremy Slate Podcast

"The Dark Truth: How Byzantine Secret Societies Control 2024 Join us for a riveting conversation with Jay Dyer as we uncover the hidden connections between ancient Byzantine mystery schools and today's power structures. From the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire to modern global events, discover how secret societies have shaped our world through centuries of careful manipulation. In this eye-opening episode, Jay Dyer breaks down the fascinating evolution of neoplatonic thought and its profound in

Dec 9, 2024 • 40:51

Part 2: HOT DEBATES! Billy Carson Vs Wes Huff & Ubi Vs Ybarra! -Jay Dyer REACTION & REVIEW

Part 2: HOT DEBATES! Billy Carson Vs Wes Huff & Ubi Vs Ybarra! -Jay Dyer REACTION & REVIEW

Today we will cover the recent debates rocking the religio-sphere. We will also have OPEN FORUM DEBATE! Come challenge and demolish me! Next live event here: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/MLR5FN2CP7W57/checkout/2LK2ZBXTKO5QW5ND4IGMYVRI Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscripti

Dec 9, 2024 • 1:49:35

Part 1: HOT DEBATES! Billy Carson Vs Wes Huff & Ubi Vs Ybarra! -Jay Dyer REACTION & REVIEW

Part 1: HOT DEBATES! Billy Carson Vs Wes Huff & Ubi Vs Ybarra! -Jay Dyer REACTION & REVIEW

Today we will cover the recent debates rocking the religio-sphere. We will also have OPEN FORUM DEBATE! Come challenge and demolish me! Next live event here: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/MLR5FN2CP7W57/checkout/2LK2ZBXTKO5QW5ND4IGMYVRI Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscripti

Dec 9, 2024 • 1:46:05

Spies, Lies, Bitcoin, Oil & The Future Of Money: Jay Dyer

Spies, Lies, Bitcoin, Oil & The Future Of Money: Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer hosts to cover revolutionary topics!Next live event here: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/MLR5FN2CP7W57/checkout/2LK2ZBXTKO5QW5ND4IGMYVRI Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: h

Dec 7, 2024 • 52:12

You Can't Understand the World Without THIS! (Free Half)

You Can't Understand the World Without THIS! (Free Half)

Today we will cover the spies that made the modern world. This crucial history is absolutely essential to understanding how we got to where we are and how the world really works. We will be analyzing the book by Gilles Munier, Black Gold Spies. The full analysis will be available to subscribers to JaysAnalysis below. Book is here: https://a.co/d/epSVb4D Next live event here: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/MLR5FN2CP7W57/checkout/2LK2ZBXTKO5QW5ND4IGMYVRI Send Superchats at any time here: ht

Dec 6, 2024 • 1:09:00

Diddy, Trump, Epstein, Alex Jones, RFK Jr & MORE: Jay Dyer with Jessica Reed Kraus!

Diddy, Trump, Epstein, Alex Jones, RFK Jr & MORE: Jay Dyer with Jessica Reed Kraus!

Prominent independent journalist and writer Jessica Reed Kraus with over a million followers on IG and a popular blog read by 500k joins me to discuss her awakening and the hot topics she's focused on of late!Her site is here https://www.houseinhabit.comHer substack is here https://jessicareedkraus.substack.comNext live event here: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/MLR5FN2CP7W57/checkout/2LK2ZBXTKO5QW5ND4IGMYVRI Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started

Dec 5, 2024 • 30:34

OPEN DEBATE! Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Evangelical, Atheism, Hebrew Roots/Judaism, Arians!

OPEN DEBATE! Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Evangelical, Atheism, Hebrew Roots/Judaism, Arians!

Today we RETURN to open forum debate & QNA ! The topics are literature, books, Bible, Church history, patristics, councils, Islam, Koran, revelation, Protestantism, Calvinism, evangelicalism, Arianism, cults, Hebrew roots, JWs, etc. Calling all MUSLIMS, Catholics, Protestants, Calvinists, Evangelicals, Arians/JWs, Hebrew Roots, Black Hebrew Israelites: Open theological debate. Call in here: https://x.com/Jay_D007Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started

Dec 5, 2024 • 2:23:29

Understanding Bitcoin: The Ethical Money! Jay Dyer on Bible and Bitcoin

Understanding Bitcoin: The Ethical Money! Jay Dyer on Bible and Bitcoin

Understanding Bitcoin: The Ethical Money!Check out Pastor Coin  here https://x.com/pastorcoinSend Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Boo

Dec 5, 2024 • 48:39

Simulation Theory & The Pagan Gods Refuted - Jay Dyer (Half)

Simulation Theory & The Pagan Gods Refuted - Jay Dyer (Half)

I reflect on the lengthy, highly philosophical debate from last night and reconstruct the arguments since we had technical difficulties. I consider how it is we can associate Aristotle in the pagan tradition, how my Aristotelian pagan opponent used his argumentation and how the position was flawed. My Site: https://jaysanalysis.com My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JayDyer My Book: https://jaysanalysis.com/shop/ My TV Show: https://www.gaia.com/series/hollywood-decoded Follow on Twitter: https

Dec 3, 2024 • 2:00:57

Laurel Canyon, The Source Family Cult & Fabio  - Jay Dyer + Boiler Room

Laurel Canyon, The Source Family Cult & Fabio - Jay Dyer + Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Uninterruptible Talk Radio - on ACR Join Hesher, Spore, Randy J, Jay Dyer and Fvnk$oul for a meeting of the Social Rejects Club think tank. The show kicks off with an Icelandic woman who says she is having relationships with Elves in the Icelandic forests, Amazon selling some questionable "sex dolls," and yet again one of the previously covered oddities from BOILER ROOMs of yore returns, the "cuddle party" is back in the news feeds. Once the odditi

Dec 3, 2024 • 1:45:21

Carry On My Wayward UN - Out of This World #52

Carry On My Wayward UN - Out of This World #52

Courtenay Turner joins to talk about the United Nations 2024 Summit of the Future, the A.I. world society, increasing "global shocks", surrender of soveriegnty to the UN, Mass Luciferian visualization, and the Archangel Michael.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Dec 2, 2024 • 1:25:47

Fifty Shades of Greys Part 2: The Abduction w/Isaac Weishaupt - Out of this World #51

Fifty Shades of Greys Part 2: The Abduction w/Isaac Weishaupt - Out of this World #51

Join me and Illuminati Watcher as we continue our trace of aliens and humans gettin jiggy with it throughout history. WATCH TILL THE END where we get abducted mid sentence!Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Dec 2, 2024 • 36:33

Spare Hearts w/Bazed Lit Analyzer - Out of This World #50

Spare Hearts w/Bazed Lit Analyzer - Out of This World #50

We discuss the book "Spare" the autobiography of Prince Harry of Wales, where he dives deep into his role as a prince, the death of his mother, Princess Diana, his adventures across the globe and his relationship with Willy, Pa, Mummy, Granny, Gan Gan, and Meg.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Dec 2, 2024 • 2:01:09

Adam Weishaupt & the Truth About the Illuminati & Templars

Adam Weishaupt & the Truth About the Illuminati & Templars

Flashback! Eric joins me to cover this history of this famous secret society and its pedigree. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red B

Dec 2, 2024 • 1:13:51

The Pentagon's BRAIN - Flashback! DARPA & WAR GAMES - Rise of A.I. - Jay Dyer (Half)

The Pentagon's BRAIN - Flashback! DARPA & WAR GAMES - Rise of A.I. - Jay Dyer (Half)

Sub for part 2! War Games and The Pentagon's Brain by Annie Jacobsen reviewed for the Globalist Books' Series. This part of my famous elite books series! Be sure to like share and subscribe! Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now h

Dec 2, 2024 • 1:41:49

Defense of Metaphysics & Traditional Philosophy - Flashback! Ep 1 - Jay Dyer

Defense of Metaphysics & Traditional Philosophy - Flashback! Ep 1 - Jay Dyer

Many objections and challenges have come in recently after the last couple debates so I thought it would be useful to do a stream specifically on several fundamental philosophical questions and challenges. Most people are not familiar with the basics of philosophy, yet attempt to engage in debates and discourses on highly philosophic subjects. In this talk we will consider the three branches once again, as well as the assumptions of these branches and modernity's deconstructing of them leading t

Dec 2, 2024 • 1:47:29

Rockefeller, CIA Cultural Marxism & the New Age Inversion - JAY DYER (Half)

Rockefeller, CIA Cultural Marxism & the New Age Inversion - JAY DYER (Half)

Flashback! Classic global elite lecture. Today's livestream will be me solo manning the chats and images with a discussion of some basic, but often forgotten aspects of how we've gotten to where we are. It's impossible to understand modernity without understanding the ideological and financial origins of modernity and how powerful social engineering in pop culture and public education truly is. Nation, family, church, state, philosophy, education, and the arts have all been revolutionized. As lo

Dec 1, 2024 • 2:05:31

Advice to Young Men, Economics & BTC, "Van Living," Rogan on Debanking (& Crypto) -Jay Dyer

Advice to Young Men, Economics & BTC, "Van Living," Rogan on Debanking (& Crypto) -Jay Dyer

Today we catch up on news, discuss economics and young men, the international economic order and a key Joe Rogan interview and how it relates to crypto and markets, as well as another TinHatCat Giveaway! Next live event here: https://checkout.square.site/merchant/MLR5FN2CP7W57/checkout/2LK2ZBXTKO5QW5ND4IGMYVRI Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketpl

Dec 1, 2024 • 2:33:51



My godfather Dean Arnold joins me today to cover his completion of a 4 year work transcribing and editing James Jordan's thousands of pages of lectures on the Apocalypse into a 3 vol. set. The work includes Orthodox commentary and insight from Dean, as well as proofs for the partial preterist position, as well as much more - to complement the Anglican-ish position Jordan has, as well as utilizing Jordan's expertise in symbology and biblical hermeneutics. Get the set here! http://dean-w-arnold.co

Nov 29, 2024 • 1:38:03

Classic COINTEL Deception Tactics (Relevant For Today!) - Flashback Jay Dyer on Sunday Wire

Classic COINTEL Deception Tactics (Relevant For Today!) - Flashback Jay Dyer on Sunday Wire

Almost a decade ago! This week’s edition of THE SUNDAY WIRE is on the road broadcasting LIVE from Austin, Texas. This week’s special guest host Hesher from ACR’s Boiler Room takes the helm to covering the audacious US and international news. In the first hour we’re joined by special guest and 21WIRE contributor, Jay Dyer, author of the new book, Esoteric Hollywood, to discuss the ‘Social Justice Warrior’ propaganda in Hollywood’s new Star Trek blockbuster release, and a deeper look at Tragedy an

Nov 28, 2024 • 2:02:25

Think Tanks, NGOs & Foundations: Oligarchs Destroying Tradition-Jay Dyer Flashback

Think Tanks, NGOs & Foundations: Oligarchs Destroying Tradition-Jay Dyer Flashback

Almost a decade ago this key podcast was prophetic! Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/prod

Nov 28, 2024 • 1:34:41

The New Aeon of the Hivemind: The Net, Neurohacking & Cybernetics (Half) - Jay Dyer

The New Aeon of the Hivemind: The Net, Neurohacking & Cybernetics (Half) - Jay Dyer

Flashback! Tonight we will be looking at some recent clips that surfaced from Klaus & Co., as well as a mini doc on Pharmakeia that is unintentionally comical with goofy presentations promoting tranzhoomanism, and then we will cover a few elements and clips of old school propaganda. The full show is available to subs to jaysanalys or r0kfin Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! R0kfin signup: https://rokfin.com/creator/jaydyer Join my site here: https://jay

Nov 28, 2024 • 1:17:00

Philosophy of Globalism - Julian Huxley, UNESCO & The Final Revolution (Half)

Philosophy of Globalism - Julian Huxley, UNESCO & The Final Revolution (Half)

We move on in the globalism books series to cover another Huxley, Julian, the father of the term "transhumanism," who outlines the open philosophy of globalism in his famous essay "UNESCO: Its Purpose and Philosophy." In Part 2 we will cover the first half of his book On Living in a Revolution and compare it to the subject we often cover known as the "final revolution." Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com

Nov 28, 2024 • 1:06:28

Protestantism & Evangelicalism Refuted - Orthodox Theology - Jay Dyer (Half)

Protestantism & Evangelicalism Refuted - Orthodox Theology - Jay Dyer (Half)

#debate #atheism #catholic Tonight I will cover a topic long-requested by followers - expand on refuting Protestantism. We have covered many aspects of Roman Catholicism, but what about the reformers? Do the problems in Rome vindicate Protestants? What about reformation principles compared to Orthodox theology? What about the "solas" as compared with Orthodox Tradition? The first half of this video will be public, while the second half will be for subscribers to JaysAnalysis. https://www.stgr.or

Nov 28, 2024 • 2:34:04

New World Order By H.G. Wells: Global Elite Book Series - Jay Dyer (Half)

New World Order By H.G. Wells: Global Elite Book Series - Jay Dyer (Half)

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Nov 26, 2024 • 1:27:46

Dark Hollywood: Devil's Advocate, Silence of the Lambs, Identity, From Hell -Jay Dyer

Dark Hollywood: Devil's Advocate, Silence of the Lambs, Identity, From Hell -Jay Dyer

Esoteric Hollywood!Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theolo

Nov 26, 2024 • 1:10:18

Flashback - Geopolitics Explained  - Brzezinski Works Analyzed - Jay Dyer on Sunday Wire

Flashback - Geopolitics Explained - Brzezinski Works Analyzed - Jay Dyer on Sunday Wire

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Nov 26, 2024 • 49:41

TinHatCat Quiz Giveaway! Something Different!

TinHatCat Quiz Giveaway! Something Different!

Today we experimented with a conspiracy quiz question giveaway.  Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Nov 26, 2024 • 1:32:52

Papal Infallibility, Council Dogmas & Protestant Millennialism - Flashback! Jay Dyer/ Fr Dcn Ananias Q n A

Papal Infallibility, Council Dogmas & Protestant Millennialism - Flashback! Jay Dyer/ Fr Dcn Ananias Q n A

Flashback! Tonight we ended up not covering the work by St. Theodore the Studite On the Holy Icons which forms part of the theological basis of the argumentation of the 7th Ecumenical Councils.  Instead we did Q n A that covered Protestant assumptions, ecumenical councils and the canons - are canon laws infallible? - addressing the recent bogus Roman Catholic canard that I "deny councils," the issue of icons as types, typology and hermeneutics, Protestant standards for "revelation" versus "tradi

Nov 25, 2024 • 2:23:29

Eyes Wide Shut-like Films: In Too Deep! The Firm, The Game, Golden Child-Jay Dyer (Half)

Eyes Wide Shut-like Films: In Too Deep! The Firm, The Game, Golden Child-Jay Dyer (Half)

Tonight we cover a series of revealing films relating to the theme of normies caught up in the layer cake - they're in way too deep!  Call Phil Collins and the momcore rescue brigade cuz Sandra is in too deep.   We will analyze Enemy of the State, The Firm, The Net, The Magus, The Game, Lord of War, Golden Child and Eagle Eye.  This is a half and half episode - subscribe to JaysAnalysis for the full show below! Order signed copies of my books here: https://jaysanalysis.com/shop/ Sponsor - use pr

Nov 25, 2024 • 1:21:11

How Geopolitics REALLY WORKS: NATO, Vatican, Cold War & Empire - Jay Dyer

How Geopolitics REALLY WORKS: NATO, Vatican, Cold War & Empire - Jay Dyer

A recent lecture that functions as a basic introduction to the topics you hear me cover, focusing on the Cold War, NATO, intelligence agencies and the overall imperial plans. The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Orders for new book here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/meta-narratives-essays-on-philosophy-symbolism-new

Nov 25, 2024 • 37:49

Bitcoin, Crypto and the WEF - Flashback - Jay Dyer on Gday Bitcoin

Bitcoin, Crypto and the WEF - Flashback - Jay Dyer on Gday Bitcoin

Sean is here https://www.youtube.com/@gdaybitcoinSend Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product

Nov 24, 2024 • 41:48

Crypto, Memes, Conspiracies, Comedy & Psy Ops!  Jay Dyer on TinHatCat Chat

Crypto, Memes, Conspiracies, Comedy & Psy Ops! Jay Dyer on TinHatCat Chat

The conspiracy meme cryptoo community around TinHatCat coin asked me to come to an interview on their Spaces Podcast and we had a great chat on a host of topics! They are here: https://x.com/TinHat_CatSend Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44%

Nov 23, 2024 • 1:36:25

Heretic (2024) Decoded & Explained - Esoteric Hollywood - Jay Dyer

Heretic (2024) Decoded & Explained - Esoteric Hollywood - Jay Dyer

Tonight we will cover this year's most interesting religious / philosophical film to date - Heretic. The film was not at all what I expected, and although I don't agree with the apparent theological meaning of the film, it was fairly deep and complex in its themes and symbols. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy10

Nov 22, 2024 • 2:08:06

Introduction to Bitcoin: Michael Saylor, REAL vs FAKE MONEY, History of Fiat Economics (Free Half)

Introduction to Bitcoin: Michael Saylor, REAL vs FAKE MONEY, History of Fiat Economics (Free Half)

This is a half video - the whole video can be found at my site for subs. Today we discuss the economy, it's coming collapse (eventually) and the possibilities of the future. We need not be overly conspiratorial, in fact, it is necessary to figure out how to manage sats for becoming wripped, wrich and wrare. Support my work via Bitcoin here or the QR code: bc1qwzk8gvsentmmkd7vz48qlxfw8wy5pwzxx6f3nv Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is h

Nov 21, 2024 • 1:23:49

Tibetan Book of the Dead, Timothy Leary,  Empty Man & More! (Half)

Tibetan Book of the Dead, Timothy Leary, Empty Man & More! (Half)

I happened to watch a film related to Tibetan Buddhism without realizing it, as I have been reading the Leary version of the Tibetan Book of the Dead we mentioned with COTEL.  After watching the film, I noticed several relevant patterns of ego death, "enlightenment," the LSD journey and the death journey, manifestation of the throughtforms, etc.  The second half will cover the rest of the Tibetan Book of the Dead via Leary's book.  Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer

Nov 20, 2024 • 2:25:04

Bitcoin Will Go To Millions - Flashback - Jay Dyer on Gold, Silver, Bitcoin Show

Bitcoin Will Go To Millions - Flashback - Jay Dyer on Gold, Silver, Bitcoin Show

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Nov 20, 2024 • 1:06:05

Bitcoin Explained: Flashback 4 Years Ago: Jay & Julia

Bitcoin Explained: Flashback 4 Years Ago: Jay & Julia

Julia from Brave the World joins me to discuss economics, the ethics of Bitcoin, Russia, Orthodoxy and the feminine.  Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffe

Nov 20, 2024 • 1:08:40

Predicting the Coming Dystopia: C.S. Lewis' Space Trilogy (Half)

Predicting the Coming Dystopia: C.S. Lewis' Space Trilogy (Half)

Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra and That Hideous Strength make up the lesser known C.S. Lewis space trilogy, covering the adventures of Ransom, the demoniac Weston and how the alien narrative might fit into the notion of the fall and there demonic. This analysis is public, while the full analysis will be available for subscribers to jaysanalysis.Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Ph

Nov 20, 2024 • 1:47:54

THIS Entity is How the Radical Left Took Over Western Civilization (Half)  -Jay Dyer

THIS Entity is How the Radical Left Took Over Western Civilization (Half) -Jay Dyer

Today we look into another angle on the elite power structure and the key think tank braintrust that formulated the techniques and strategies that allowed the left to take over. We will delve into the some texts and histories regarding this crucial institute. This is a half talk while the full talk is available to subs to my site or R0kfin below. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philos

Nov 20, 2024 • 2:59:36

Top 10 SCAMS: The World Runs on Concentric Circles of Scams! - Jay Dyer

Top 10 SCAMS: The World Runs on Concentric Circles of Scams! - Jay Dyer

I see scams within scams. Today we will analyze an essential element to understanding how the world really works: the importance of scams. In fact, it's more accurate to say concentric circles of scams. Scams within scams - ALL IS SUS. Deception is not just a fundamental aspect of warfare, but also geopolitics and social control. Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Orders for new book here: https://jaysa

Nov 19, 2024 • 2:58:16

Dialectics of Manipulation: Man Nobody Knew, Courier & Spy Who Came in From the Cold (Half)

Dialectics of Manipulation: Man Nobody Knew, Courier & Spy Who Came in From the Cold (Half)

In this new dialectics analysis we will cover more Cold War themed films and a documentary that was brought to my attention about William Colby: The Man Nobody Knew, produced by his son. Colby was a traditional Catholic Cold Warrior and headed up the Phoenix Program. We will analyze the documentary in light of Wemhoff's book, as well as the recent Cumberbatch film The Courier, and the LeCarre classic with Richard Burton, The Spy Who Came in From the Cold, as well as Mobius. Pre-Orders for the Re

Nov 19, 2024 • 2:04:21

Philosophy 101 Sample with Jay Dyer! (12 Lecture Course)

Philosophy 101 Sample with Jay Dyer! (12 Lecture Course)

Philosophy 101 is an on-demand digital course that includes: 12 lectures delivered by Jay Dyer 12 pre-recorded Q&A sessions for deeper exploration Distinguished guest presenters, recommended reading and more! #plato #philosophy Want a BETTER way to study philosophy, gain wisdom, and defend yourself against the regime? Introducing… get the full course at the link below: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-

Nov 19, 2024 • 40:52

Flashback: The Occult History of Punk Music - JA on JaysAnalysis (Half)

Flashback: The Occult History of Punk Music - JA on JaysAnalysis (Half)

This is the free half of a full talk which can be obtained by subscribing to JaysAnalysis at the Paypal links at the site. Musician and researcher John Adams joins me to divulge new details in relation to his series with researcher Nino on the secret history of punk music. Arising from the psychedelic genre and the 60s counter-culture (so-called) movements, punk became an iconic sub-genre that would have a tremendous impact on "youth culture" through the 70s, 80s, 90s and into today. The real qu

Nov 17, 2024 • 53:06

Pt 2 - How Religious Institutions Are Subverted: State, Intelligence & Foundation Funding - Jay Dyer

Pt 2 - How Religious Institutions Are Subverted: State, Intelligence & Foundation Funding - Jay Dyer

Today we return to a crucial subject that is even more in focus given the last 3 years' events, warfar3 in certain regions and the prevalence of institutional capture becoming more and more overt. Institutional capture refers to the covert and overt technique of infiltration, subversion and eventual coopting of existing institutions by rival or foreign powers. We will discuss those means again today in regard to recent events. The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.

Nov 17, 2024 • 1:34:14

Pt 1 - How Religious Institutions Are Subverted: State, Intelligence & Foundation Funding - Jay Dyer

Pt 1 - How Religious Institutions Are Subverted: State, Intelligence & Foundation Funding - Jay Dyer

Today we return to a crucial subject that is even more in focus given the last 3 years' events, warfar3 in certain regions and the prevalence of institutional capture becoming more and more overt. Institutional capture refers to the covert and overt technique of infiltration, subversion and eventual coopting of existing institutions by rival or foreign powers. We will discuss those means again today in regard to recent events. The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.

Nov 17, 2024 • 1:39:51

The Secret Philosophy of the Left & Its Technique! (Half) -Jay Dyer

The Secret Philosophy of the Left & Its Technique! (Half) -Jay Dyer

This is the free half. Today we look into another angle on the elite power structure and the psychology of the left which we haven't covered in a while: The Frankfurt School, which directly overlaps with the Tavistock Institute. We will delve into the some figures we haven't covered yet and their approach to psy ops etc. This is a half talk while the full talk is available to subs to my site or R0kfin below. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bi

Nov 16, 2024 • 1:01:28

Pt 3-OPEN HEATED DEBATES! Atheists, Mormons, A Neo-Con & Libertarian ALL COOKED!

Pt 3-OPEN HEATED DEBATES! Atheists, Mormons, A Neo-Con & Libertarian ALL COOKED!

Today we return to open debate & QNA ! The topics are literature, books, Bible, Church history, patristics, councils, Islam, Koran, revelation, Protestantism, Calvinism, evangelicalism, Arianism, cults, Hebrew roots, JWs, etc. Calling all MUSLIMS, Catholics, Protestants, Calvinists, Evangelicals, Arians/JWs, Hebrew Roots, Black Hebrew Israelites: Open theological debate. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoi

Nov 15, 2024 • 1:50:45

Pt 2-OPEN HEATED DEBATES! Atheists, Mormons, A Neo-Con & Libertarian ALL COOKED!

Pt 2-OPEN HEATED DEBATES! Atheists, Mormons, A Neo-Con & Libertarian ALL COOKED!

Today we return to open debate & QNA ! The topics are literature, books, Bible, Church history, patristics, councils, Islam, Koran, revelation, Protestantism, Calvinism, evangelicalism, Arianism, cults, Hebrew roots, JWs, etc. Calling all MUSLIMS, Catholics, Protestants, Calvinists, Evangelicals, Arians/JWs, Hebrew Roots, Black Hebrew Israelites: Open theological debate. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoi

Nov 15, 2024 • 1:49:52

Pt 1 - OPEN HEATED DEBATES! Atheists, Mormons, A Neo-Con & Libertarian ALL COOKED!

Pt 1 - OPEN HEATED DEBATES! Atheists, Mormons, A Neo-Con & Libertarian ALL COOKED!

Today we return to open debate & QNA ! The topics are literature, books, Bible, Church history, patristics, councils, Islam, Koran, revelation, Protestantism, Calvinism, evangelicalism, Arianism, cults, Hebrew roots, JWs, etc. Calling all MUSLIMS, Catholics, Protestants, Calvinists, Evangelicals, Arians/JWs, Hebrew Roots, Black Hebrew Israelites: Open theological debate. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoi

Nov 15, 2024 • 1:56:22

Papal Claims Discussion Jay Dyer & Chris Plance

Papal Claims Discussion Jay Dyer & Chris Plance

Catholic YouTuber Chris Plance replied to the recent temporal claims argument of the papacy I made so I invited him to join me for an open discussion of the papacy and its historic claims. His channel is here https://www.youtube.com/@ChristopherPlance Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq su

Nov 14, 2024 • 1:15:38

Part 2 - What Are They Planning Next...?? The Rise of BTC and the Coming Coup?

Part 2 - What Are They Planning Next...?? The Rise of BTC and the Coming Coup?

Today we cover the state of things post election, how it's looking for cabinet positions, the real economic situation, the rise of BTC, the. various possibilities of the system's revenge scenarios. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% of

Nov 12, 2024 • 1:44:50

Part 1 - What Are They Planning Next...?? The Rise of BTC and the Coming Coup?

Part 1 - What Are They Planning Next...?? The Rise of BTC and the Coming Coup?

Today we cover the state of things post election, how it's looking for cabinet positions, the real economic situation, the rise of BTC, the. various possibilities of the system's revenge scenarios.Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off

Nov 12, 2024 • 1:28:50

Flashback 4 Years Ago: Bitcoin is Ethical Money and Will Explode! -Jay Dyer on GSB

Flashback 4 Years Ago: Bitcoin is Ethical Money and Will Explode! -Jay Dyer on GSB

We called it!  GSB is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i31ICAHl3c0Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jay

Nov 11, 2024 • 1:06:05

Documentaries & Propaganda: The Good, The Bad & The Wicked -Jay & Tristan

Documentaries & Propaganda: The Good, The Bad & The Wicked -Jay & Tristan

Icon Conference: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-theology-of-the-icon-image-likeness-conference-tickets-1031683682667?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patri

Nov 11, 2024 • 2:23:29

Trump Won: Now What? The Psychology of the Left -Jay Dyer

Trump Won: Now What? The Psychology of the Left -Jay Dyer

Today I analyze the election news and madness as well as giving a deep dive into the psychology of leftism. Icon Conference: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-theology-of-the-icon-image-likeness-conference-tickets-1031683682667?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscript

Nov 7, 2024 • 2:35:06

ELECTION PREDICTIONS! Trump / Kamala Analysis: Madness & Mayhem -Jay Dyer

ELECTION PREDICTIONS! Trump / Kamala Analysis: Madness & Mayhem -Jay Dyer

Today I analyze the election news and madness as well as giving my takes and predictions. Icon Conference: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-theology-of-the-icon-image-likeness-conference-tickets-1031683682667?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the disco

Nov 5, 2024 • 2:27:29

Trent Horn's Embarrassing Anti-Trinitarian Argument: "What's a Triad?"

Trent Horn's Embarrassing Anti-Trinitarian Argument: "What's a Triad?"

Trent Horn again refuted. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on

Nov 5, 2024 • 38:58

Tolkien and C.S. Lewis Both Exposed Globalism & The NWO!! Must See!

Tolkien and C.S. Lewis Both Exposed Globalism & The NWO!! Must See!

Flashback! Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philo

Nov 5, 2024 • 35:21

HEATED Anglican Debate - Branch Theory!? Protestant Questions & Challenges, Triad & Aseity

HEATED Anglican Debate - Branch Theory!? Protestant Questions & Challenges, Triad & Aseity

Today: open forum debate & QNA ! The topics: Bible, Church history, patristics, councils, Islam, Koran, revelation, Protestantism, Calvinism, evangelicalism, Arianism, cults, Hebrew roots, JWs, etc. Calling all MUSLIMS, Catholics, Protestants, Calvinists, Evangelicals, Arians/JWs, Hebrew Roots, Black Hebrew Israelites. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: htt

Nov 5, 2024 • 2:14:17

Refuting Oriental Orthodoxy Part 2 with Orthodox Shahada & David Erhan

Refuting Oriental Orthodoxy Part 2 with Orthodox Shahada & David Erhan

part 2! Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosop

Nov 5, 2024 • 2:34:34

The Occult Worship Of Beyonce With Jamie Dyer on Tinfoil Hat

The Occult Worship Of Beyonce With Jamie Dyer on Tinfoil Hat

Tinfoil hat with Sam Tripoli features Jamie! Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the

Nov 4, 2024 • 2:22:12

Is Islam True? Fresh & Fit Debate Highlights by Kyle

Is Islam True? Fresh & Fit Debate Highlights by Kyle

Kyle's highlightsSend Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology

Nov 3, 2024 • 44:15

Jake Rattlesnake:  Peterson Vs Dawkins Debate Analysis ft. MadebyJimbob  & Jay Dyer

Jake Rattlesnake: Peterson Vs Dawkins Debate Analysis ft. MadebyJimbob & Jay Dyer

Jordan Peterson & Richard Dawkins Debate Analysis ft. @MadebyJimbob & @JayDyerhttps://www.youtube.com/@rattlesnaketvBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Nov 3, 2024 • 1:55:47

Pt 2 - Dr. Jordan Peterson Vs Dr. Richard Dawkins: Debate Review & Reaction -Jay Dyer

Pt 2 - Dr. Jordan Peterson Vs Dr. Richard Dawkins: Debate Review & Reaction -Jay Dyer

Everyone loves the classic debate reviews and analyses and Dr. Peterson has provided us with a new one! Finally - a full discussion between them and we are on the scene! We will analyze the strengths and weaknesses from a debate perspective. The video is here https://youtu.be/8wBtFNj_o5k Review now! call in here https://x.com/jay_d007/status/1851676156543844616?s=46 Icon Conference: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-theology-of-the-icon-image-likeness-conference-tickets-1031683682667?aff=oddtdtcr

Oct 31, 2024 • 1:34:07

Part 1 - Dr. Jordan Peterson Vs Dr. Richard Dawkins: Debate Review & Reaction -Jay Dyer

Part 1 - Dr. Jordan Peterson Vs Dr. Richard Dawkins: Debate Review & Reaction -Jay Dyer

Everyone loves the classic debate reviews and analyses and Dr. Peterson has provided us with a new one! Finally - a full discussion between them and we are on the scene! We will analyze the strengths and weaknesses from a debate perspective. The video is here https://youtu.be/8wBtFNj_o5k Review now! call in here https://x.com/jay_d007/status/1851676156543844616?s=46 Icon Conference: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-theology-of-the-icon-image-likeness-conference-tickets-1031683682667?aff=oddtdtcr

Oct 31, 2024 • 2:33:14

Nightmare on Elm Street & Squid Game! Spooktober!- BASED & FRED Pilled

Nightmare on Elm Street & Squid Game! Spooktober!- BASED & FRED Pilled

Spooktober flashback! Icon Conference: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-theology-of-the-icon-image-likeness-conference-tickets-1031683682667?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is h

Oct 29, 2024 • 1:51:16

Hereditary, Lost Boys, Halloween 3, Velvet Buzzsaw & Starry Eyes - Jay ⧸ Jamie

Hereditary, Lost Boys, Halloween 3, Velvet Buzzsaw & Starry Eyes - Jay ⧸ Jamie

Spooktober flashbask! Icon Conference: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-theology-of-the-icon-image-likeness-conference-tickets-1031683682667?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is h

Oct 29, 2024 • 1:16:48

Spooktober Flashback! Hellraiser, The CUBE & Child's Play!  - Jay Dyer ⧸ Jamie

Spooktober Flashback! Hellraiser, The CUBE & Child's Play! - Jay Dyer ⧸ Jamie

Icon Conference: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-theology-of-the-icon-image-likeness-conference-tickets-1031683682667?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patri

Oct 29, 2024 • 1:00:51

Pt 2 JOE ROGAN SHOUT OUT By Tripoli! Islam & Western Intelligence, God & Icons, Conspiracies, Occult Marxism

Pt 2 JOE ROGAN SHOUT OUT By Tripoli! Islam & Western Intelligence, God & Icons, Conspiracies, Occult Marxism

Icon Conference: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-theology-of-the-icon-image-likeness-conference-tickets-1031683682667?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patri

Oct 28, 2024 • 2:01:58

Pt 1 JOE ROGAN SHOUT OUT By Tripoli! Islam & Western Intelligence, God & Icons, Conspiracies, Occult Marxism

Pt 1 JOE ROGAN SHOUT OUT By Tripoli! Islam & Western Intelligence, God & Icons, Conspiracies, Occult Marxism

I opened it up to questions and debates - but more so Q n A today!Next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Icon Conference: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-theology-of-the-icon-image-likeness-conference-tickets-1031683682667?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set

Oct 26, 2024 • 2:02:21



Jay Dyer hosts. Next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Icon Conference: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-theology-of-the-icon-image-likeness-conference-tickets-1031683682667?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount

Oct 25, 2024 • 1:00:35

Things Are Getting CRAY CRAY! Here's What's Next....(Looking Back to CIA/Iran, Coups, Etc)

Things Are Getting CRAY CRAY! Here's What's Next....(Looking Back to CIA/Iran, Coups, Etc)

Today I will discuss the crazy patterns and prognostications I see: I will go full schiz0 for you and help you navigate the coming 3lect1on mayhem - which may be forestalled due to unforeseen planned events! Next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Icon Conference: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-theology-of-the-icon-image-likeness-conference-tickets-1031683682667?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with

Oct 24, 2024 • 1:58:46

The Secret Agent: Joseph Conrad's Prophetic Spy Novel: Analysis & Explanation (Free Half) -Jay Dyer

The Secret Agent: Joseph Conrad's Prophetic Spy Novel: Analysis & Explanation (Free Half) -Jay Dyer

Tonight we move on to our next deep analysis with a look at the second spy novel in modern literature, the classic from Joseph Conrad, The Secret Agent from 1904. This early British spy novel was amazingly ahead of its time with prescient predictive programming and foreshadowing. I will also compare it to the BBC version with Toby Jones. Next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Icon Conference: https://www.patristicfaith.com/events/icon2024/ Send Superchats at any ti

Oct 22, 2024 • 1:51:51

The Truth About Hollywood (With Jay Dyer) - Brittney Sellner

The Truth About Hollywood (With Jay Dyer) - Brittney Sellner

Brittney Sellner is here: https://www.youtube.com/@BrittPettibone Donate via my Website: https://brittpettibone.com/support Donate Cryptocurrency: https://bit.ly/3pEfb2xNext live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Icon Conference: https://www.patristicfaith.com/events/icon2024/ Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.auto

Oct 22, 2024 • 48:05

Why Islam is Clearly False | Jay Dyer & Apostate Prophet

Why Islam is Clearly False | Jay Dyer & Apostate Prophet

Jay Dyer has recently been studying Islam more deeply and also had a very successful debate in which he demonstrated many of Islam's mistakes. We will explore that more.Next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Icon Conference: https://www.patristicfaith.com/events/icon2024/ Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.auto

Oct 22, 2024 • 2:06:38

Dr Shabir Ally / Jay Dyer Debate: Is Jesus God Incarnate? Answers in Scripture, History & Logic

Dr Shabir Ally / Jay Dyer Debate: Is Jesus God Incarnate? Answers in Scripture, History & Logic

Dr .Shabir Ally joins me to discuss the Person of Christ.  What are the Orthodox Christian arguments in these three fields?  What are the Islamic arguments?  Dr. Shabir joins me for a formal debate on this topic moderated by Kyosan from the Politics Discord.   Support Jay Dyer at his site: https://jaysanalysis.com/membership-account/membership-levels/Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Ph

Oct 21, 2024 • 2:29:23

31 Million Views Mega Viral Video! 150K Sub Party! Esoteric Hollywood, Music & Nostalgia

31 Million Views Mega Viral Video! 150K Sub Party! Esoteric Hollywood, Music & Nostalgia

Today is a hype day! We celebrate yesterday's mega viral video as well as our 150k party stream! We will reflect on where we came from and where we are, and how things look in the future. We will discuss movies, music, 80s, 90s, pop culture, c0nspiracy, geopolitics, comedy, literature and more on this mega party stream. Next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Icon Conference: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-theology-of-the-icon-image-likeness-conference-tickets-103

Oct 20, 2024 • 2:35:19

Flashback - END TIMES NONSENSE DEBUNKED - Jay Dyer & John Adams - First Livestream!

Flashback - END TIMES NONSENSE DEBUNKED - Jay Dyer & John Adams - First Livestream!

Almost 7 years since the first livestream! John Adams of HBC joins Jay Dyer to dismantle and deconstruct the Old Time End Time religion and its uses for social engineering and geopolitical ends. We will tackle premillennialism and the "rapture," CIA and other Pentagon agencies using these tactics, biblical texts and preterism, as well as taking SUPERCHAT QUESTIONS.Next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Icon Conference: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-theology-of-t

Oct 18, 2024 • 2:16:50

Top 10 Signs We Are Ruled By A Death Cult: Jay Dyer on hAlex J0nes

Top 10 Signs We Are Ruled By A Death Cult: Jay Dyer on hAlex J0nes

Jay hosts the 4th hour! Next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Icon Conference: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-theology-of-the-icon-image-likeness-conference-tickets-1031683682667?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the d

Oct 18, 2024 • 27:44

Just Parasite Things (Parasites & Demons): Jay Dyer & Tristan Haggard - Out of This World #53

Just Parasite Things (Parasites & Demons): Jay Dyer & Tristan Haggard - Out of This World #53

Jay Dyer and Tristan Haggard from Primal Edge Health: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC03j2jcKwm0wTJpDsu-9u4gNext live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Icon Conference: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-theology-of-the-icon-image-likeness-conference-tickets-1031683682667?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://mar

Oct 13, 2024 • 1:24:21

Occult Horror: Rosemary's Baby & Apartment 7A, Jennifer's Body & Argento's Phenomenon & The Sect

Occult Horror: Rosemary's Baby & Apartment 7A, Jennifer's Body & Argento's Phenomenon & The Sect

It's that time of the year! SPOOKTOBER! Today we cover 4 occult films full of the things you would expect: the occult, mind control, trauma (basically every Argento film), as well as the new sequel to Rosemary's Baby. Next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Icon Conference: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-theology-of-the-icon-image-likeness-conference-tickets-1031683682667?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get st

Oct 13, 2024 • 2:33:31

TikTok Theologians: "Deconstructing My Christianity" COTEL with Jay Dyer

TikTok Theologians: "Deconstructing My Christianity" COTEL with Jay Dyer

In this stream I am joined by Jay Dyer to discuss the trend of the trend of Biblical deconstruction on TikTok and social media and refute some of their central arguments.. Make sure to check it out and let me know what you think.  COTEL is here https://www.youtube.com/@ChurchoftheEternalLogos Icon Conference: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-theology-of-the-icon-image-likeness-conference-tickets-1031683682667?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip

Oct 11, 2024 • 2:15:30

Animal Farm: The CIA Movie/Novel Explained: In-depth Analysis: Jay Dyer & Tristan Haggard

Animal Farm: The CIA Movie/Novel Explained: In-depth Analysis: Jay Dyer & Tristan Haggard

Tristan joins me to cover this story's rich use of symbolism and its crucial place in the history of intelligence and psychological warfare. He is here https://www.youtube.com/@tristanhaggard Next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurri

Oct 11, 2024 • 1:32:05



Tik Tok invasion time! ! The topics are literature, books, geopolitics, Bible, Church history, patristics, councils, Islam, Koran, revelation, Protestantism, Calvinism, evangelicalism, Arianism, cults, Hebrew roots, JWs, etc. Calling all MUSLIMS, Catholics, Protestants, Calvinists, Evangelicals, Arians/JWs, Hebrew Roots, Black Hebrew Israelites: Open theological debate. Full show is available for site or R0kfin subs. Next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Icon Conf

Oct 11, 2024 • 1:37:01

Cult of FUN! Top 10 Signs of a Cult, Learning Game w-Leonardo DiCaprio & Michael Bolton Fantasies

Cult of FUN! Top 10 Signs of a Cult, Learning Game w-Leonardo DiCaprio & Michael Bolton Fantasies

Today I cover recent weird and fun things and together with me you will watch and also grow. This is not the Van Dammaganza stream to come. Next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIF

Oct 8, 2024 • 3:15:20

Diddy, Oprah & Esoteric Hollywood - Attwood Unleashed 178 With Jay Dyer

Diddy, Oprah & Esoteric Hollywood - Attwood Unleashed 178 With Jay Dyer

Jay joins Shaun. His channel is here https://www.youtube.com/@shaunattwoodOFFICIALNext live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: ht

Oct 7, 2024 • 1:01:55

I'm Married to My Funko Pop Whoa-Oh - Jay Dyer - Dyer Mode

I'm Married to My Funko Pop Whoa-Oh - Jay Dyer - Dyer Mode

The oriignal hit. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Oct 5, 2024 • 3:06

How British Intelligence Infiltrated Islam & "Abrahamic" "Apocalypticism" -Tinfoil Hat / Jay Dyer

How British Intelligence Infiltrated Islam & "Abrahamic" "Apocalypticism" -Tinfoil Hat / Jay Dyer

Thank you for tuning in to another episode of *Tin Foil Hat* with Sam Tripoli! In this episode, we welcome back author and researcher Jay Dyer to discuss how British intelligence infiltrated Islam to aid the British Empire in controlling the Middle East. This episode is packed with information that sheds light on the chaos in that region and hints at what could happen here in America. It’s easily one of the best discussions we've ever had on the show—pure gold! Thank you for your continued suppo

Oct 5, 2024 • 2:16:19

Refuting Oriental Orthodoxy Part 1 with Orthodox Shahada & David Erhan

Refuting Oriental Orthodoxy Part 1 with Orthodox Shahada & David Erhan

Two good friends join me again after a long hiatus to begin a new series Qai suggested on the refutation of Oriental so-called Orthodoxy. This series will deal with Monophysite and Nestorian errors as well as defending the Orthodox position. Next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketpl

Oct 4, 2024 • 3:53:56

Van Damme-a-Ganza! Bloodsport, Universal Soldier, Timecop, JCVD, Double Team & MORE!

Van Damme-a-Ganza! Bloodsport, Universal Soldier, Timecop, JCVD, Double Team & MORE!

#jeanclaudevandamme #jcvd #vandamme Today we reveal our Van Damme deep dive findings as we emerge from the Belgian rabbit hole, assessing and analyzing the fascinating career and history of one of my childhood heroes - Jean Claude!  @jamiehanshaw4378  joins me! Next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is he

Oct 4, 2024 • 2:33:35

Zone Theory

Zone Theory

You can be rich and famous RIGHT NOW! Access the ability to translate the power that exists inside the zone and achieve an alignment of the zone system to make sure the alignments become congruent with the 7 simple steps of the zone theory.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Oct 2, 2024 • 2:17:50

Out of the Broom Closet

Out of the Broom Closet

How pervasive is witchcraft in the entertainment industry? Join my live if you're not a brainlet. Substantive claims will be made in the first 30 minutes or you can scroll on with your life.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Oct 2, 2024 • 2:00:27

Beyonce: Renaissance

Beyonce: Renaissance

Come join me in a case study of a modern cult goddess, the Queen Bee herself, Beyonce and her new and old concerts and symbolism!Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Oct 2, 2024 • 3:22:11

OPEN DEBATE! Heretic Pope? Islam, Protestantism, Gnosticism, Hebrew Roots, Mormon, Etc vs Jay Dyer

OPEN DEBATE! Heretic Pope? Islam, Protestantism, Gnosticism, Hebrew Roots, Mormon, Etc vs Jay Dyer

Today: open forum debate & QNA ! The topics: Bible, Church history, patristics, councils, Islam, Koran, revelation, Protestantism, Calvinism, evangelicalism, Arianism, cults, Hebrew roots, JWs, etc. Calling all MUSLIMS, Catholics, Protestants, Calvinists, Evangelicals, Arians/JWs, Hebrew Roots, Black Hebrew Israelites. Next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https

Oct 1, 2024 • 3:48:50

HEATED Muslim, Mormon, Protestant-Calvinist, Catholic, TAG MELTDOWN DEBATES!  WOW!!!

HEATED Muslim, Mormon, Protestant-Calvinist, Catholic, TAG MELTDOWN DEBATES! WOW!!!

Today is YET ANOTHER Another open forum debate & QNA ! The topics are Bible, Church history, patristics, councils, Islam, Koran, revelation, Protestantism, Calvinism, evangelicalism, Arianism, cults, Hebrew roots, JWs, etc. Calling all MUSLIMS, Catholics, Protestants, Calvinists, Evangelicals, Arians/JWs, Hebrew Roots, Black Hebrew Israelites: Open theological debate. Next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.co

Oct 1, 2024 • 5:34:49



Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Oct 1, 2024 • 2:44:26

Jay Dyer Takes Wild Callers About Top Plans Of The Elite!

Jay Dyer Takes Wild Callers About Top Plans Of The Elite!

Follow Jay Dyer on X @Jay_D007Next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the

Oct 1, 2024 • 44:07

One World Moves: Rome, Russia, Ukraine, Iran, Lebanon, Israel & PsyOps - With World War Now

One World Moves: Rome, Russia, Ukraine, Iran, Lebanon, Israel & PsyOps - With World War Now

Conrad and Dimitry join me to cover a host of topics in geopolitics and spirituality in a full podcast available for my members. They are here https://worldwarnow.coNext live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with t

Oct 1, 2024 • 1:21:19

Lord of the Flies, LOST, Mosquito Coast, The Beach, Treasure Island! DEM ISLAND BOYZ (Half)

Lord of the Flies, LOST, Mosquito Coast, The Beach, Treasure Island! DEM ISLAND BOYZ (Half)

Tonight we switch gears and return to some literature and compare it to the film version. Lord of the Flies by Golding is our headliner, while we follow with an analysis of a few film versions of the stranded on an island genre - a microcosm of the world. Mosquito Coast technically still counts, though he goes to the Rain Forest. This is half of the full analysis available for subs to my site or my R0kfin below! Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started wit

Sep 28, 2024 • 2:29:10

The Geopolitical Zeitgeist: The March Toward One Weird Order

The Geopolitical Zeitgeist: The March Toward One Weird Order

Next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jay

Sep 28, 2024 • 3:24:16

Mohammed Hijab Vs William Lane Craig: Trinity Debate Review With Dr Beau Branson

Mohammed Hijab Vs William Lane Craig: Trinity Debate Review With Dr Beau Branson

Dr. Beau Branson who has recently been published in a work alongside Dr Craig concerning the Triad joins me to review the debate with Mohammed Hijab. The debate is here https://youtu.be/LlHLJ1TQxKo Dr Beau is here https://beaubranson.com/media-appearances/ Next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: h

Sep 28, 2024 • 2:00:26

Deconstructing My Christianity! Jay Dyer & David Patrick Harry Cover This New Trend

Deconstructing My Christianity! Jay Dyer & David Patrick Harry Cover This New Trend

COTEL joins me to cover the recent evangelical pseud trend of "deconstructing Christianity." In reality, this just means questioning one's beliefs and their source, as well as adopting a new set of w0ke presuppositions. Next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/

Sep 28, 2024 • 1:35:42

Sammy the Bull Exclusive: Trump Shooting, Mob Life, Omerta Loyalty, Chess Games & Christianity!

Sammy the Bull Exclusive: Trump Shooting, Mob Life, Omerta Loyalty, Chess Games & Christianity!

Sammy the Bull breaks down his life and views and how he has now converted. Sammy is here https://www.sammythebull.com https://x.com/GravanoTheBull https://www.youtube.com/@officialsammythebull His Patreon is here https://www.patreon.com/sammythebull My next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: http

Sep 25, 2024 • 1:29:30

Diddy, Savile, Franklin Scandal: PsyPOP: The Patterns of Elite Entrapment: 16 Famous Cases

Diddy, Savile, Franklin Scandal: PsyPOP: The Patterns of Elite Entrapment: 16 Famous Cases

Today we cover the top 16 cases of elite entrapment and espionage in the circles of the rich and famous, including connection to the pop star / movie star world. These verified cases shed light on the patterns of elite deviance that still denied by the normie world. Next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course

Sep 25, 2024 • 1:51:17

R*pe of the Mind - Jay Dyer Hosts

R*pe of the Mind - Jay Dyer Hosts

Next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jay

Sep 23, 2024 • 48:08

DIDDY Arrest: Taylor Swift, JLo, Voodoo, Katy Perry & The Pop Star Fake & Gray Panopticon

DIDDY Arrest: Taylor Swift, JLo, Voodoo, Katy Perry & The Pop Star Fake & Gray Panopticon

The music industry is fake and gray and has been for a long time. Many pop stars spoke out about this and those who hammered this home were called tinfoil nutters: yet here we are. Vindicated once again! Next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Se

Sep 23, 2024 • 2:05:21

Ass*ssination 2! Death Cult! Pope Francis, Female & S0y Ass*ssins, 1800s "Babes" & Saloon Floosies

Ass*ssination 2! Death Cult! Pope Francis, Female & S0y Ass*ssins, 1800s "Babes" & Saloon Floosies

Today we return to geopolitics and meta politics since the timing is perfect with the recent Pope Francis statement which portends a one world religion and yesterdays attempt on Trump no. 2. Many documents and actions from the religious world have signified this apostasy and along with these religious moves comes the political moves toward a unification in all spheres: economics, statecraft, culture, etc. Next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Send Superchats at an

Sep 17, 2024 • 2:35:15

The Ethical Rizzler w- Fr. Deacon Ananias - Out of This World #49

The Ethical Rizzler w- Fr. Deacon Ananias - Out of This World #49

Fr. Deacon Doctor Ananias joins to talk about the rizz crisis, gender war, Islam, free will vs. governance, women's rights, and the S.P.I.D.E.R.S. method for rizzing up ladies.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Sep 16, 2024 • 1:58:50

From Idols to Icons_ The Paul Hall Tell-All - Out of This World #48

From Idols to Icons_ The Paul Hall Tell-All - Out of This World #48

Our favorite mysterious Disney detective is embarking on a journey to become an icon writer! Learn Pauls origin story from psychedelic bro to orthobroBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Sep 16, 2024 • 1:32:52

Man or Bear? - Out of this World #47

Man or Bear? - Out of this World #47

Father Moses McPherson joins to discuss trad wives, social media, romance, the purpose of marriage, family life, masculinity, health, bears and twitter wars.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Sep 16, 2024 • 1:47:57

Questions Atheists Can't Answer: Jay Dyer & JimBob!

Questions Atheists Can't Answer: Jay Dyer & JimBob!

Live with JimBob - Jimbob is here https://www.youtube.com/@MadebyJimbobNext live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.p

Sep 11, 2024 • 3:41:49

WILD, INSANE & HILARIOUS DEBATES! Heated & HOT: Islam, Idols, Catholicism, Libertarians & MORE LOL!

WILD, INSANE & HILARIOUS DEBATES! Heated & HOT: Islam, Idols, Catholicism, Libertarians & MORE LOL!

Next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jay

Sep 11, 2024 • 2:35:17

Jay Dyer EDUCATES Apostate Prophet on Islam and Christianity

Jay Dyer EDUCATES Apostate Prophet on Islam and Christianity

Jay Dyer has had a good streak of debates with Muslims and others. Follow him here: ‪@JayDyer‬ Support AP: https://apostateprophet.com/donate/ Twitter:   / apostateprophet  Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Sep 11, 2024 • 2:31:41

Hollywood Occultism w/ Jay Dyer - Inverted World LIVE with Shane Cashman

Hollywood Occultism w/ Jay Dyer - Inverted World LIVE with Shane Cashman

Inverted World Live dissects the strange, unexplained, and mysterious stories from guests and callers. The Inverted World is what you see once you begin to notice facets of reality that others refuse to see. This is the place of UFOs, interdimensional beings, demons, mind control, secret military technology, hauntings, and much more that operates in the shadows of reality. Join Shane Cashman and Alex Ayala as they share and listen to stories from the Inverted World. Shane is here https://www.you

Sep 9, 2024 • 1:44:35

Jay Dyer: Ancient Goddess Mystery Religion Is Back

Jay Dyer: Ancient Goddess Mystery Religion Is Back

Next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jay

Sep 9, 2024 • 38:11

From Russia with Superchats | Espionage, Occult Psyops in Mass Media | Jay Dyer & Tristan

From Russia with Superchats | Espionage, Occult Psyops in Mass Media | Jay Dyer & Tristan

JayDyer joins Tristan to discuss the history of cultural engineering through media and the influence of intelligence assets and organizations on mass media and social movements, as well as the recent allegations by the DOJ against Lauren Chen, Dave Rubin, Tim Pool and other influencers who are accused of taking "Russian money". Next live event here: https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/brohemian-grove Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here:

Sep 9, 2024 • 1:29:18

Lord of the Flies, LOST, Mosquito Coast, The Beach, Treasure Island! DEM ISLAND BOYZ (Half)

Lord of the Flies, LOST, Mosquito Coast, The Beach, Treasure Island! DEM ISLAND BOYZ (Half)

Tonight we switch gears and return to some literature and compare it to the film version. Lord of the Flies by Golding is our headliner, while we follow with an analysis of a few film versions of the stranded on an island genre - a microcosm of the world. Mosquito Coast technically still counts, though he goes to the Rain Forest. This is half of the full analysis available for subs to my site or my R0kfin below!Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with

Sep 5, 2024 • 2:18:42



Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Sep 5, 2024 • 1:25:08



Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Sep 5, 2024 • 1:36:15



Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Sep 5, 2024 • 1:59:23

Fifty Shades of Greys w- Isaac Weishaupt - Out of This World #46

Fifty Shades of Greys w- Isaac Weishaupt - Out of This World #46

Isaac joins to talk about his two books: Aliens, UFO's & The Occult: Use Your Illusion volumes 1 & 2. We cover ancient aliens, the Watchers, Nefilim, Annunaki, Cain, Egypt, Dionysus mystery schools and cross dressing cults.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Sep 3, 2024 • 57:21

Erm, What the Sigma is the UN Doing? - Out of This World #45

Erm, What the Sigma is the UN Doing? - Out of This World #45

Courtenay Turner joins to explain the United Nations World Invocation Day, Christ consciousness, cosmo-erotic humanism, homo-amour, and planetary initiation. You will never understand it, you just have to feel it.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Sep 3, 2024 • 1:20:42

A Spoonful Of Lies! - Out of This World #44

A Spoonful Of Lies! - Out of This World #44

Jamie and Paul discuss Walt Disney's Tomorrowland (2015) and Mary Poppins (1964)Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Sep 3, 2024 • 2:52:15

Comedian Gets Revenge: The Rise Of Nick Rochefort: Nick & Jay Dyer on AJ

Comedian Gets Revenge: The Rise Of Nick Rochefort: Nick & Jay Dyer on AJ

Nick Rochefort joins me on AJ!  Follwo him here: https://www.samhydelive.comHis channel for Scuffed Realtor is here: https://www.youtube.com/@PerfectGuyLifeHis business is here https://chamonixhouse.comSend Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44

Aug 31, 2024 • 44:28

Full Schizo Stream: DEBATE ME! Cringecore Songs, Fallacies & Theophanies Questions

Full Schizo Stream: DEBATE ME! Cringecore Songs, Fallacies & Theophanies Questions

Today is open forum chill and chat, and if someone REALLY wants to debate, I will allow it. We ended up singing for 45 mins and taking calls on fallacies, theophanies and more. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.co

Aug 28, 2024 • 2:11:24

The Socialist Agenda with Islam in the EU & Sam Shamoun -Jay Dyer

The Socialist Agenda with Islam in the EU & Sam Shamoun -Jay Dyer

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Aug 25, 2024 • 1:43:51

Part 2 OPEN DEBATE! Muslims, Catholics, Protestants, Cults, Arians Vs Jay Dyer!

Part 2 OPEN DEBATE! Muslims, Catholics, Protestants, Cults, Arians Vs Jay Dyer!

Today is open forum chill and chat, and if someone REALLY wants to debate, I will allow it. The topics are only: Bible, Church history, patristics, councils, Islam, Koran, revelation, Protestantism, Calvinism, evangelicalism, Arianism, cults, Hebrew roots, JWs, etc. Today we are not covering Orthodoxy FAQs or atheism. Calling all MUSLIMS, Catholics, Protestants, Calvinists, Evangelicals, Arians/JWs, Hebrew Roots, Black Hebrew Israelites: Open theological debate. Send Superchats at any time here:

Aug 24, 2024 • 1:49:29

Part 1 OPEN DEBATE! Muslims, Catholics, Protestants, Cults, Arians Vs Jay Dyer!

Part 1 OPEN DEBATE! Muslims, Catholics, Protestants, Cults, Arians Vs Jay Dyer!

Today is open forum chill and chat, and if someone REALLY wants to debate, I will allow it. The topics are only: Bible, Church history, patristics, councils, Islam, Koran, revelation, Protestantism, Calvinism, evangelicalism, Arianism, cults, Hebrew roots, JWs, etc. Today we are not covering Orthodoxy FAQs or atheism. Calling all MUSLIMS, Catholics, Protestants, Calvinists, Evangelicals, Arians/JWs, Hebrew Roots, Black Hebrew Israelites: Open theological debate. Send Superchats at any time here:

Aug 24, 2024 • 1:29:07

DEBATE: SNEAKO / Muslim Lantern Vs Jay Dyer - Islam Vs Christianity Impromptu DEBATE!

DEBATE: SNEAKO / Muslim Lantern Vs Jay Dyer - Islam Vs Christianity Impromptu DEBATE!

Open debate returns today with open hot mics: ready for each and every opponent to wow us with their special gnosis, rhetorical skills and wine mom poetry. Topics today include: Bible, Church history, patristics, councils, Islam, Koran, revelation, Protestantism, Calvinism, evangelicalism, Arianism, cults, Hebrew roots, JWs, etc. Today we are not covering Orthodoxy FAQs or atheism. Vote here https://strawpoll.com/e2naXXLjpyB Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Ge

Aug 21, 2024 • 1:25:00

They Do Massive Lies ON PURPOSE: Understanding PsyOps & Your Defense: The R*pe of the Mind (Half)

They Do Massive Lies ON PURPOSE: Understanding PsyOps & Your Defense: The R*pe of the Mind (Half)

Today we will cover the well known book Grape of the Mind by Joost Merloo. This text covers the history of brainwashing and totalitarian regime techniques from 1950. This book will be particularly relevant for the last few years and what is coming in the bear future. This is the free half, the rest is available for subs to my site or R0kfin. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy

Aug 20, 2024 • 2:01:42

Part 2 - Dispensationalism & Christian Zionism Refuted: Jimbob, Jay Dyer & Posh

Part 2 - Dispensationalism & Christian Zionism Refuted: Jimbob, Jay Dyer & Posh

Jimbob is here https://www.youtube.com/@MadebyJimbobSend Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/prod

Aug 18, 2024 • 2:15:42

Part 1 - Dispensationalism & Christian Zionism Refuted: Jimbob, Jay Dyer & Posh

Part 1 - Dispensationalism & Christian Zionism Refuted: Jimbob, Jay Dyer & Posh

Jimbob is here https://www.youtube.com/@MadebyJimbobSend Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/prod

Aug 16, 2024 • 1:54:27

Religion Debate: Islam vs Christianity: Fresh & Fit: Jay, Sam Vs Daniel, Ijaz

Religion Debate: Islam vs Christianity: Fresh & Fit: Jay, Sam Vs Daniel, Ijaz

Fresh and Fit hosts a 2 Vs 2 religion debate. They are here https://www.youtube.com/@FreshFitMiamiSend Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Re

Aug 15, 2024 • 3:10:04

Jake Rattlesnake & Jay Dyer on High Profile Rituals & Symbolism

Jake Rattlesnake & Jay Dyer on High Profile Rituals & Symbolism

Jake is here https://www.youtube.com/@rattlesnaketvSend Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/produ

Aug 14, 2024 • 1:02:29

(Half) Spies, Lies & Cults! The History of the UN and Its Modern Plans: Courtenay Turner

(Half) Spies, Lies & Cults! The History of the UN and Its Modern Plans: Courtenay Turner

Courtenay Turner joins me to cover the key elements of the UN plans and where we are headed. Courtenay is here https://courtenayturner.comSend Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patr

Aug 14, 2024 • 50:53

Part 2 FUNNIEST LIVESTREAM DEBATE EVER! LOL! Myron Gaines Calls In: Islam, Catholic, Prot, Winemoms!!

Part 2 FUNNIEST LIVESTREAM DEBATE EVER! LOL! Myron Gaines Calls In: Islam, Catholic, Prot, Winemoms!!

One debate is back today! Calling All SNEAKO / TATE fans…Muslims! Calling all Roman Catholics..Calling all Protestants! Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/cof

Aug 11, 2024 • 2:16:58

Part 1 FUNNIEST LIVESTREAM DEBATE EVER! LOL! Myron Gaines Calls In: Islam, Catholic, Prot, Winemoms!!

Part 1 FUNNIEST LIVESTREAM DEBATE EVER! LOL! Myron Gaines Calls In: Islam, Catholic, Prot, Winemoms!!

One debate is back today! Calling All SNEAKO / TATE fans…Muslims! Calling all Roman Catholics..Calling all Protestants! Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/cof

Aug 11, 2024 • 2:32:43

Open Debate! TAG vs Atheist Relativist, Black Hebrew Israelite, Catholics, Protestants Etc -Jay Dyer

Open Debate! TAG vs Atheist Relativist, Black Hebrew Israelite, Catholics, Protestants Etc -Jay Dyer

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Aug 8, 2024 • 1:45:41

The Fabian Socialist Plan to Make Uk / EU Muslim Revealed - Jay and Frank

The Fabian Socialist Plan to Make Uk / EU Muslim Revealed - Jay and Frank

Quite Frankly invited me on to discuss the recent riots and the planned deconstruction of Europe.Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red

Aug 8, 2024 • 49:36

High Profile Rituals?  The Symbolism of the Olympics, VMA's, Super Bowl & Ancient Ritual Ceremonies -  Today!

High Profile Rituals? The Symbolism of the Olympics, VMA's, Super Bowl & Ancient Ritual Ceremonies - Today!

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Aug 7, 2024 • 1:16:10

Flashback: Writings of the Elite! The Milner-Fabian Strategy: The World Economic Forum Part 1 (Half) - Jay Dyer

Flashback: Writings of the Elite! The Milner-Fabian Strategy: The World Economic Forum Part 1 (Half) - Jay Dyer

We return to our elite books series with a book chronicling and organizing the elite power structure of monopoly capital, the true source of power behind the Anglo-American establishment. Romanian historian / author Ratiu continues the work of Professor Sutton's unique analyses into the great game and the real power behind the throne. Fabian socialism is crucial to understanding our era, and this work relies heavily on Quigley, but provides a unique take that delves into more depth about old sch

Aug 6, 2024 • 2:23:25

The Central Banking Fiat Scam, And How Bitcoin Is The Solution

The Central Banking Fiat Scam, And How Bitcoin Is The Solution

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Aug 5, 2024 • 39:17

MARKET CRASH: SPOOKY THINGS Are Coming...You Need to See This: Birdemic & UK Riots, Etc.

MARKET CRASH: SPOOKY THINGS Are Coming...You Need to See This: Birdemic & UK Riots, Etc.

Tonight we will have fun and cover recent news and events, including old clips, Rogan clips with AJ, AJ standup (??), Tucker on ghosts and entities, economic fears, spooky videos, and the return of KLAUS and the WEF. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code J

Aug 5, 2024 • 2:06:51

The Most Racist Disney Movie? - Out of This World #43

The Most Racist Disney Movie? - Out of This World #43

Paul and Jamie talk about the occult elements of Disney's The Black Cauldron (1985) and Song of the South (1946)Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Aug 3, 2024 • 2:06:30

United Nations of Lucifer w/Courtenay Turner - Out of This World #42

United Nations of Lucifer w/Courtenay Turner - Out of This World #42

Courtenay Turner joins to discuss Theosophy and the hidden masters floating in the Himalayas who influenced the crazy women who formed the religion that became the United Nations.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Aug 3, 2024 • 2:12:54

The REAL Symbol of the Illuminati w- Bazed Lit Analyzer - Out of This World #41

The REAL Symbol of the Illuminati w- Bazed Lit Analyzer - Out of This World #41

Jamie and Based Lit Analyser discuss the Dan Brown novel, The Lost Symbol.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Aug 3, 2024 • 2:13:45

Donnie Darko, Prisoners, Enemy, Nightcrawler & More -ESOTERIC GyllenHOLLYWOOD

Donnie Darko, Prisoners, Enemy, Nightcrawler & More -ESOTERIC GyllenHOLLYWOOD

Tonight we cover Esoteric Gyllenhaalywood. Life, Enemy, Velvet Buzzsaw, Prisoners, Enemy, Nightcrawler & More. Thankfully, no Brokeback Mountain.  @jamiehanshaw4378  joins me! Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq

Aug 2, 2024 • 1:30:04

FUTURESHOCK: PARALLAX VIEW / Trump Assassination Analysis - BLA / Jay Dyer

FUTURESHOCK: PARALLAX VIEW / Trump Assassination Analysis - BLA / Jay Dyer

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Aug 1, 2024 • 1:39:34

Mr Beast Scandals, Olympics Occultism & Inversion, Cultural Engineering & Bitcoin Conference -Jay Dyer

Mr Beast Scandals, Olympics Occultism & Inversion, Cultural Engineering & Bitcoin Conference -Jay Dyer

#mrbeast #olympics Today we analyze the symbolism of the recent occultic Olympics ceremony, the issues with Mr Beast Scandals & BTC conference. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://ww

Jul 30, 2024 • 1:49:51

Billy Carson, Space Cults, WEIRD Shamanic Religions & Jewish Debate -Jay Dyer

Billy Carson, Space Cults, WEIRD Shamanic Religions & Jewish Debate -Jay Dyer

Today we catch up on recent news, dialectical conflicts, wild events, weirdo cults being hyped up, and much more! Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ O

Jul 26, 2024 • 2:30:37

Predictive Program Patsy: 1994 Illuminati Card Reveals Trump Sniper Ass*ssination Plot???

Predictive Program Patsy: 1994 Illuminati Card Reveals Trump Sniper Ass*ssination Plot???

I joined the D1ed Suddenly Show!  Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-e

Jul 23, 2024 • 1:51:53

Occult Symbolism, Mocking New Agers, Cult Ideologies & Worldview Debates -Jay & Jimbob

Occult Symbolism, Mocking New Agers, Cult Ideologies & Worldview Debates -Jay & Jimbob

I joined JImbob's stream and we had some fun. Jimbob is here https://www.youtube.com/@MadebyJimbobSend Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Re

Jul 23, 2024 • 2:28:51

Discernment, Wisdom, Trump, Long Legs & Bitcoin -Jay Dyer

Discernment, Wisdom, Trump, Long Legs & Bitcoin -Jay Dyer

A collage of clips  - see you at the Nashville Bitcoin Conference! Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysan

Jul 22, 2024 • 43:43

Evils of the Vatican: Pope Frank, Heresy, and Globalism with Jay Dyer

Evils of the Vatican: Pope Frank, Heresy, and Globalism with Jay Dyer

"In this stream I am joined by the great and mighty Jay Dyer to talk about the multitude of heresy and evil coming from Pope Francis and the Vatican. Be it medical passports, partnering in resetting the Global economic structure, Pachamama worship, mass migration, or outright Christian heresy, the Vatican is a key culprit to the tragic ills that plague our current world. Make sure to check it out and let me know what you think. God bless" COTEL is here https://www.youtube.com/@ChurchoftheEternal

Jul 21, 2024 • 2:16:19

Medieval Heresy, Cathars, Cults & Papal Power - Jay Dyer (Half)

Medieval Heresy, Cathars, Cults & Papal Power - Jay Dyer (Half)

In this talk I will cover my extensive notes from the magisterial scholarly work on latin medieval movements of of the western medieval cults, Malcolm Lambert's Medieval Heresy. We will look at the sects and secret societies, manifold heterodox and their papal challengers, as well as the ideological motivations.  Also covered is the papal "reforms" and the relationship to the Orthodox East.  After many years of reflection on this topic from the Orthodox vantage, we will be able to read this work

Jul 21, 2024 • 2:20:07



Today we will discuss the history of western hermeticism, mysticism and esotericism from the recently published Cambridge Handbook of Western Mysticism & Esotericism. This is the first half of my analysis, while the full talk can be obtained at my site below or at my R0kfin. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101

Jul 21, 2024 • 2:18:33

Flashback: Tristan & I Warn of Cyber Outages Via Leave the World Behind

Flashback: Tristan & I Warn of Cyber Outages Via Leave the World Behind

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Jul 20, 2024 • 1:50:52

Trump Shooting Developments, Bitcoin for US Reserves, Cyber Polygon, Max Boot Spy Wife-Jay Dyer

Trump Shooting Developments, Bitcoin for US Reserves, Cyber Polygon, Max Boot Spy Wife-Jay Dyer

Today we will cover new info about the Trump event, the recent cyber outages and the long term goals of Trump and BTC and the possible coming plays from the elite. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee

Jul 19, 2024 • 1:11:51

Trump Assass*nation Oddities & Contradictions Panel

Trump Assass*nation Oddities & Contradictions Panel

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Jul 18, 2024 • 2:19:58

TRUMP Shooting Oddities -Jay Dyer

TRUMP Shooting Oddities -Jay Dyer

Breaking news! Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-p

Jul 16, 2024 • 1:04:21

The CIA's MK ULTRA Project Analysis - Jay Dyer (Half)

The CIA's MK ULTRA Project Analysis - Jay Dyer (Half)

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Jul 15, 2024 • 2:10:49

Roger Stone on JFK Assassination & Deep State Trump Assassination Attempt

Roger Stone on JFK Assassination & Deep State Trump Assassination Attempt

From 6 months agoBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Jul 14, 2024 • 47:43

TRUMP Assassination Attempt! Civil War PsyOp: Geopolitics Gets REAL! Establishment Strikes Back?

TRUMP Assassination Attempt! Civil War PsyOp: Geopolitics Gets REAL! Establishment Strikes Back?

Breaking news! Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-p

Jul 14, 2024 • 31:01

Kabbalah, The Ancient Mysteries & The New Age Ties to Espionage -Jay Dyer

Kabbalah, The Ancient Mysteries & The New Age Ties to Espionage -Jay Dyer

This talk covers the Cambridge Handbook again and touches on many more chapters that tie ancient mysteries, medieval mysticism and modern day espionage. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: h

Jul 13, 2024 • 56:25

The 80s, 90s & RIZZ Hits of Today! 90s Florida, Van Damme, Star Trek TNG, Wine Aunts & Doral Uncles!

The 80s, 90s & RIZZ Hits of Today! 90s Florida, Van Damme, Star Trek TNG, Wine Aunts & Doral Uncles!


Jul 12, 2024 • 3:02:25

Roman Catholic Histrionic Women "Saints" Refute Papalism

Roman Catholic Histrionic Women "Saints" Refute Papalism

The wild, sensuous, histrionic women "saints" of medieval and modern Roman Catholicism is one of the strongest overlooked refutations of Rome.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Jul 9, 2024 • 13:15

Western Mysticism & Esotericism: Ancient Mysteries, Kabbalah, "Women Mystics" (Half)

Western Mysticism & Esotericism: Ancient Mysteries, Kabbalah, "Women Mystics" (Half)

Today we will discuss the history of western hermeticism, mysticism and esotericism from the recently published Cambridge Handbook of Western Mysticism & Esotericism. This is the first half of my analysis, while the full talk can be obtained at my site below or at my R0kfin.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Jul 8, 2024 • 2:18:24

Western Mysticism & Esotericism: Cults, Spies & the Dark Side

Western Mysticism & Esotericism: Cults, Spies & the Dark Side

2 Shows in one! ENjoy! Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-th

Jul 7, 2024 • 1:21:45

Predicting the Future With Global Elite Books_ MILLENNIUM by Jacques Attali! -Jay Dyer (Half)

Predicting the Future With Global Elite Books_ MILLENNIUM by Jacques Attali! -Jay Dyer (Half)

Thanks to whoever recommended Jacques Attali's Millennium from 1991, as it is a supremely prophetic text with a forward from Alvin Toffler. Attali's prophetic text is 15 years prior to his infamous Brief History of the Future in 2006. We will cover the first half for free today, while paid subs get access to the full text analysis. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is

Jul 7, 2024 • 1:28:53

Part 2 - OPEN DEBATE: Roman Catholic MELTDOWNS, Thomism Ended By Theophanies! Vs Jay Dyer

Part 2 - OPEN DEBATE: Roman Catholic MELTDOWNS, Thomism Ended By Theophanies! Vs Jay Dyer

Open call for all opponents to come make their case! Libertarians, Atheists, Protestants, Catholics, Muslims, Black Hebrew Israelites, pagans / Neo-pagans, etc., can all come make their case. This Yves Congar paper backs up my claims about the difference between Cappadocian and Augustinian views of the Triad: https://www.crossroadsinitiative.com/media/articles/augustine-the-trinity-and-the-filioque-yves-congar/ Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with

Jul 7, 2024 • 1:58:22

Part 1 - OPEN DEBATE: Roman Catholic MELTDOWNS, Thomism Ended By Theophanies! Vs Jay Dyer

Part 1 - OPEN DEBATE: Roman Catholic MELTDOWNS, Thomism Ended By Theophanies! Vs Jay Dyer

Open call for all opponents to come make their case! Libertarians, Atheists, Protestants, Catholics, Muslims, Black Hebrew Israelites, pagans / Neo-pagans, etc., can all come make their case. This Yves Congar paper backs up my claims about the difference between Cappadocian and Augustinian views of the Triad: https://www.crossroadsinitiative.com/media/articles/augustine-the-trinity-and-the-filioque-yves-congar/Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with

Jul 7, 2024 • 2:21:36

OPEN DEBATE: "Mystics," Charismatics, Catholic Women "Saints," Miracle Claims, Protestantism

OPEN DEBATE: "Mystics," Charismatics, Catholic Women "Saints," Miracle Claims, Protestantism

Open call for all opponents to come make their case! Libertarians, Atheists, Protestants, Catholics, Muslims, Black Hebrew Israelites, pagans / Neo-pagans, etc., can all come make their case. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now

Jul 4, 2024 • 2:34:45

Part 1-OPEN DEBATE: Sneako's Islam, Skeptical Atheist MELTDOWN, Catholicism, Protestantism

Part 1-OPEN DEBATE: Sneako's Islam, Skeptical Atheist MELTDOWN, Catholicism, Protestantism

Open call for all opponents to come make their case! Libertarians, Atheists, Protestants, Catholics, Muslims, Black Hebrew Israelites, pagans / Neo-pagans, etc., can all come make their case. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Jul 4, 2024 • 2:03:51

Debate Review: Redeemed Zoomer Vs Luigi - Open Q n A

Debate Review: Redeemed Zoomer Vs Luigi - Open Q n A

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Jul 4, 2024 • 1:29:49

Part 3-6 Hours of Meltdowns: Sneako, Islam, Judaism, Catholicism, Zealots & Open Debate

Part 3-6 Hours of Meltdowns: Sneako, Islam, Judaism, Catholicism, Zealots & Open Debate

Open call for all opponents to come make their case! Libertarians, Atheists, Protestants, Catholics, Muslims, Black Hebrew Israelites, pagans / Neo-pagans, etc., can all come make their case. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now

Jul 4, 2024 • 1:56:14

Part 2- 6 Hours of Meltdowns: Sneako, Islam, Judaism, Catholicism, Zealots & Open Debate

Part 2- 6 Hours of Meltdowns: Sneako, Islam, Judaism, Catholicism, Zealots & Open Debate

Open call for all opponents to come make their case! Libertarians, Atheists, Protestants, Catholics, Muslims, Black Hebrew Israelites, pagans / Neo-pagans, etc., can all come make their case. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now

Jul 4, 2024 • 1:50:37

Part 1 - 6 Hours of Meltdowns: Sneako, Islam, Judaism, Catholicism, Zealots & Open Debate

Part 1 - 6 Hours of Meltdowns: Sneako, Islam, Judaism, Catholicism, Zealots & Open Debate

Open call for all opponents to come make their case! Libertarians, Atheists, Protestants, Catholics, Muslims, Black Hebrew Israelites, pagans / Neo-pagans, etc., can all come make their case. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off now

Jul 4, 2024 • 1:56:14

Sam Hyde & Nick Rochefort Ask Jay Dyer Wild Questions About Crazy Things -PGL

Sam Hyde & Nick Rochefort Ask Jay Dyer Wild Questions About Crazy Things -PGL

Was a blast to be on PGL! Full show is here https://samhyde.gumroad.comBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Jun 22, 2024 • 46:18

New Papal Document Contradictions: Roman Primacy & Synodality -Jay Dyer

New Papal Document Contradictions: Roman Primacy & Synodality -Jay Dyer

Today we analyze the new papal document that dropped. Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount

Jun 14, 2024 • 1:48:56

Part 2 - MELTDOWN DEBATES! Jungian Gnostic, Protestant & Perennialist Refuted! -Jay Dyer

Part 2 - MELTDOWN DEBATES! Jungian Gnostic, Protestant & Perennialist Refuted! -Jay Dyer

Open call for all opponents to come make their case! Libertarians, Atheists, Protestants, Catholics, Muslims, Black Hebrew Israelites, pagans / Neo-pagans, etc., can all come make their case. Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ T

Jun 14, 2024 • 2:19:12

Part 1 - MELTDOWN DEBATES! Jungian Gnostic, Protestant & Perennialist Refuted! -Jay Dyer

Part 1 - MELTDOWN DEBATES! Jungian Gnostic, Protestant & Perennialist Refuted! -Jay Dyer

Open call for all opponents to come make their case! Libertarians, Atheists, Protestants, Catholics, Muslims, Black Hebrew Israelites, pagans / Neo-pagans, etc., can all come make their case. Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ T

Jun 14, 2024 • 2:15:50

How Vatican 1 is the Key to Refuting Roman Catholicism - Jay Dyer

How Vatican 1 is the Key to Refuting Roman Catholicism - Jay Dyer

Since it seems 95% of Roman Catholics have not read the actual documents of Vatican 1 to know precisely what the doctrine of papal infallibility is, we will cover the documents and the relevant encyclicals that expound them today. We will look at how this council is really the fundamental means to refuting papalism, while Vatican 2 is merely the outworking of centuries of previous innovations, evolution, forgeries and deception. Without the clear definition of Vatican 1, RCs convince themselves

Jun 10, 2024 • 1:44:16

LIVE DEBATE On Science, Religion & The Future Of Human Civilization | Jay Dyer vs Yaron Brook

LIVE DEBATE On Science, Religion & The Future Of Human Civilization | Jay Dyer vs Yaron Brook

Jake is here https://www.youtube.com/@rattlesnaketvIn the first ever Rattlesnake TV live debate, objectivist & writer Yaron Brook takes on author, lecturer and comedian Jay Dyer on the topic - Can human civilization survive on science and rationality alone? Find Jay - @JayDyer Find Yaron - @YaronBrookBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Jun 7, 2024 • 1:18:24

Part 2 -DEBATE! Catholic Author Richard Storey Debate, Agnostic Joins, OT Trinity Debate! -Jay Dyer

Part 2 -DEBATE! Catholic Author Richard Storey Debate, Agnostic Joins, OT Trinity Debate! -Jay Dyer

Another impromptu open chat! Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% o

Jun 4, 2024 • 1:44:34

Part 1 -DEBATE! Catholic Author Richard Storey Debate, Agnostic Joins, OT Trinity Debate! -Jay Dyer

Part 1 -DEBATE! Catholic Author Richard Storey Debate, Agnostic Joins, OT Trinity Debate! -Jay Dyer

Another impromptu open chat! Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% o

Jun 4, 2024 • 1:03:24

Libertarian DEBATE & Muslim Gets COOKED- Vs Jay Dyer

Libertarian DEBATE & Muslim Gets COOKED- Vs Jay Dyer

Open call for all opponents to come make their case! It ended up being a refutation of Trent Horn, a libertarian calling in to debate for a bit, and then a Muslim getting cooked, followed by a host of Protestant and Filioque related questions. Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with

May 31, 2024 • 2:06:45

Trent Horn Refuted AGAIN: Trent Triples Down -"What is a Triad?"

Trent Horn Refuted AGAIN: Trent Triples Down -"What is a Triad?"

Trent Horn tripled down on his embarassing mistake, not knowing what the word "Triad" referred to (The Greek word for Trinity) in order to repeat his heretical idea the OT saints worshipped a unitarian deity and not Jesus or the Triad. Open call for all opponents to come make their case! It ended up being a refutation of Trent Horn, a libertarian calling in to debate for a bit, and then a Muslim getting cooked, followed by a host of Protestant and Filioque related questions. Next LIVE EVENT in V

May 31, 2024 • 41:01

Part 2- Debate! Protestants, Evangelicals, Cults, Black Hebrew Israelites, Arians, Muslims- Vs Jay Dyer

Part 2- Debate! Protestants, Evangelicals, Cults, Black Hebrew Israelites, Arians, Muslims- Vs Jay Dyer

Open call for all opponents to come make their case! Protestants, Muslims, Black Hebrew Israelites, pagans / Neo-pagans, etc., can all come make their case! Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: h

May 31, 2024 • 1:56:58

Part 1 Debate! Protestants, Evangelicals, Cults, Black Hebrew Israelites, Arians, Muslims- Vs Jay Dyer

Part 1 Debate! Protestants, Evangelicals, Cults, Black Hebrew Israelites, Arians, Muslims- Vs Jay Dyer

Open call for all opponents to come make their case! Protestants, Muslims, Black Hebrew Israelites, pagans / Neo-pagans, etc., can all come make their case! Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: h

May 31, 2024 • 1:38:36

OPEN DEBATE! Libertarianism & Theism - Vs Jay Dyer

OPEN DEBATE! Libertarianism & Theism - Vs Jay Dyer

Open call for all opponents to come make their case! It ended up being a refutation of Trent Horn, a libertarian calling in to debate for a bit, and then a Muslim getting cooked, followed by a host of Protestant and Filioque related questions. Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with

May 31, 2024 • 2:23:23

Part 2 - MELTDOWN DEBATES! Roman Catholicism, Miracles & Fatima, Papal Infallibility, Epistemology

Part 2 - MELTDOWN DEBATES! Roman Catholicism, Miracles & Fatima, Papal Infallibility, Epistemology

Open call for all opponents to come make their case! Continuing the embarrassing RC fumbles yesterday today we continue the debate! Catholic topics ONLY today! Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here

May 31, 2024 • 1:42:36

Part 1 - HEATED DEBATES! Roman Catholicism, Miracles & Fatima, Papal Infallibility, Epistemology

Part 1 - HEATED DEBATES! Roman Catholicism, Miracles & Fatima, Papal Infallibility, Epistemology

Open call for all opponents to come make their case! Continuing the embarrassing RC fumbles yesterday today we continue the debate! Catholic topics ONLY today! Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here

May 31, 2024 • 2:06:44

The GEN X PSYCHE! Before Sunrise, Reality Bites, Empire Records, Mad Love: 90s Alt Dram-Coms!

The GEN X PSYCHE! Before Sunrise, Reality Bites, Empire Records, Mad Love: 90s Alt Dram-Coms!

GEN X alternative com-drama - comedies stream, analyzing films like Before Sunrise, Reality Bites, Empire Records, Mad Love, etc. What can we decipher from these generational defining films to understand the psyche of the emerging ruling class as the boomers pass the torch? This is a follow up to this stream https://youtu.be/KBV2E3klcu8 Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtd

May 27, 2024 • 1:26:01

Furiosa & Mad Max Fury Road: The Descent Into Dante's Madness (Esoteric Hollywood) -Jay Dyer

Furiosa & Mad Max Fury Road: The Descent Into Dante's Madness (Esoteric Hollywood) -Jay Dyer

Tonight I give my reaction and review to the new Mad Max installment. As a huge Max Max fan, I had to tie these last two narratives together into their esoteric framework, elucidating once again the dark gnostic female goddess savior archetype. Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with

May 27, 2024 • 20:05

MELTDOWN - Black Hebrew Israelite Vs Jay Dyer "Debate"

MELTDOWN - Black Hebrew Israelite Vs Jay Dyer "Debate"

Tonight was supposed to be a 3 way debate but didn't really end up that way. See this https://www.blueletterbible.org/lexicon/h3064/kjv/wlc/0-1/ Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marke

May 25, 2024 • 1:06:56

Fatima & Mysticism, Latin Theology & Epistemology, Reason, Logic & TAG -Fr Dan Ananias & Jay Dyer

Fatima & Mysticism, Latin Theology & Epistemology, Reason, Logic & TAG -Fr Dan Ananias & Jay Dyer

Fda joins me to cover the issues relating to western theology, rationalism, scholasticism, heterodox ideas and more overlap with Fatima and mysticism in the west. His channel is here https://www.youtube.com/@esorem Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swa

May 24, 2024 • 2:23:38

Sovereign Brah: OPEN DEBATE: Roman Catholics Vs Protestants Vs Orthodox -Jay Dyer

Sovereign Brah: OPEN DEBATE: Roman Catholics Vs Protestants Vs Orthodox -Jay Dyer

An impromptu debate forum opened up via a discussion on Sov Brah's Twitter concerning EO and Roman Catholics. Roman Catholics are fuming in the chat - so let's open it up! Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Get started with Bitcoin here: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/jaydyer/ The New Philosophy Co

May 24, 2024 • 3:04:01

Top 10 Necessary Ways to Oppose & Exit This Existing System -Jay Dyer

Top 10 Necessary Ways to Oppose & Exit This Existing System -Jay Dyer

Today we will return to practical streams geared towards helping in a more pragmatic sense - I made a few of these videos 2-3 years ago and aged well, so now we can update it with a popular tweet from yesterday with more detail on each entry. Everyone loves top 10s so here we go! Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streaml

May 24, 2024 • 1:53:46

MUTANT MK KIDS! Firestarter, Raising Cain, The Fury & Scanners with PsyOp Cinema + Jay Dyer

MUTANT MK KIDS! Firestarter, Raising Cain, The Fury & Scanners with PsyOp Cinema + Jay Dyer

My old buds at PsyOP Cinema join me to discuss a bizarre theme in film: the Mutant experimental KID who undergoes trauma based mind c0ntrol. These 3 films contain that theme (as do many modern films) at an extreme degree and could point us in the direction of deeper MK symbolism. PsyOp Cinema is here https://psyop-cinema.com Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Sen

May 24, 2024 • 2:31:57

Vatican Aliens & Apparitions, BTC & Blackrock, Quiet Quitting & WAGIES! -Jay Dyer

Vatican Aliens & Apparitions, BTC & Blackrock, Quiet Quitting & WAGIES! -Jay Dyer

#catholic #alien #money Today we party 70k on twitter! We catch up on recent geopolitical news, including the odd timing of the recent Vatican apparitions / aliens document, more on the BTC information we missed. Support my work via Bitcoin here or the QR code: bc1qwzk8gvsentmmkd7vz48qlxfw8wy5pwzxx6f3nv Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any ti

May 21, 2024 • 3:10:41

Introduction to Bitcoin: Michael Saylor, REAL vs FAKE MONEY, History of Fiat Economics (Free Half)

Introduction to Bitcoin: Michael Saylor, REAL vs FAKE MONEY, History of Fiat Economics (Free Half)

This is a half video - the whole video can be found at my site for subs. Today we discuss the economy, it's coming collapse (eventually) and the possibilities of the future. We need not be overly conspiratorial, in fact, it is necessary to figure out how to manage sats for becoming wripped, wrich and wrare. Support my work via Bitcoin here or the QR code: bc1qwzk8gvsentmmkd7vz48qlxfw8wy5pwzxx6f3nv Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-h

May 20, 2024 • 1:23:49

Exposed_ The Hidden Truths Behind King Charles’ Portrait with Jay Dyer, Doenut, & Tommy Truthful

Exposed_ The Hidden Truths Behind King Charles’ Portrait with Jay Dyer, Doenut, & Tommy Truthful


May 20, 2024 • 1:31:01

Introduction to Bitcoin: Michael Saylor, REAL vs FAKE MONEY, History of Fiat Economics, CBDC vs BTC

Introduction to Bitcoin: Michael Saylor, REAL vs FAKE MONEY, History of Fiat Economics, CBDC vs BTC

Today we discuss the economy, it's coming collapse (eventually) and the possibilities of the future. We need not be overly conspiratorial, in fact, it is necessary to figure out how to manage sats for becoming wripped, wrich and wrare. Support my work via Bitcoin here or the QR code: bc1qwzk8gvsentmmkd7vz48qlxfw8wy5pwzxx6f3nv Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Se

May 20, 2024 • 2:52:38

GIRL DEBATES! Pearl, Trent Horn, Lauren Chen, Rachel Wilson, Witches, Satanists & MORE!

GIRL DEBATES! Pearl, Trent Horn, Lauren Chen, Rachel Wilson, Witches, Satanists & MORE!

Today we will return to our classic debate analysis installments where we review a couple new debates which garnered a lot of attention: Pearl Vs Trent and the roundtable discussion on Tim Pool's culture show that featured a 4 way discussion. GRRRLL power! Support my work via Bitcoin here or the QR code: bc1qwzk8gvsentmmkd7vz48qlxfw8wy5pwzxx6f3nv Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777

May 17, 2024 • 2:24:29

Islam VS Judaism VS Christianity!!! "Monotheism"? & Lebanese History & Geopolitics with Jeem

Islam VS Judaism VS Christianity!!! "Monotheism"? & Lebanese History & Geopolitics with Jeem

Jeem joins me to cover some of the basics in regard to different conceptions of "monotheism," what the major problems with Islam and Judaism are from our view, his recent videos, and the issue with saying we all share an "Abrahamic faith." Jeem is here https://www.youtube.com/@Jeemapologetics Support my work via Bitcoin here or the QR code: bc1qwzk8gvsentmmkd7vz48qlxfw8wy5pwzxx6f3nv Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspi

May 16, 2024 • 1:15:44

Open Debate: Protestant & Catholic Charismatic Cults?!? Elijah Schaffer Calls Me Out! -Jay Dyer

Open Debate: Protestant & Catholic Charismatic Cults?!? Elijah Schaffer Calls Me Out! -Jay Dyer

Tonight we will open it up to discuss charismaticism in both Protestant and Catholic forms, as well as many more errors from callers. Note I meant to say Pope Leo III at 2:59:00 Support my work via Bitcoin here or the QR code: bc1qwzk8gvsentmmkd7vz48qlxfw8wy5pwzxx6f3nv Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jay

May 14, 2024 • 3:45:08

Mathematics In Nature Proves God & Refutes Atheism: Jay Dyer

Mathematics In Nature Proves God & Refutes Atheism: Jay Dyer

I recent clip that led lcke to call me out! This was my first clip to get a million a views. Support my work via Bitcoin here or the QR code: bc1qwzk8gvsentmmkd7vz48qlxfw8wy5pwzxx6f3nv Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/phi

May 13, 2024 • 33:56

Satan, God, Witches, Atheists, Cults & Comedy -Jay Dyer with MadeByJimBob

Satan, God, Witches, Atheists, Cults & Comedy -Jay Dyer with MadeByJimBob

Jimbob joins me to cover the odd trek culture is taking.Support my work via Bitcoin here or the QR code: bc1qwzk8gvsentmmkd7vz48qlxfw8wy5pwzxx6f3nv Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subs

May 13, 2024 • 47:24

KOMPROMAT - Diddy, Eppstein and MORE! -DeAnna Lorraine with Jay Dyer

KOMPROMAT - Diddy, Eppstein and MORE! -DeAnna Lorraine with Jay Dyer

Support my work via Bitcoin here or the QR code: bc1qwzk8gvsentmmkd7vz48qlxfw8wy5pwzxx6f3nv Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY44LIFE for 44% off no

May 11, 2024 • 1:00:24

Disenchanted Collapse of Society, Culture & Civilization: w/ Jay Dyer Isaac Weishaupt on Doenut

Disenchanted Collapse of Society, Culture & Civilization: w/ Jay Dyer Isaac Weishaupt on Doenut

Doenut is here https://www.patreon.com/doenutSupport my work via Bitcoin here or the QR code: bc1qwzk8gvsentmmkd7vz48qlxfw8wy5pwzxx6f3nv Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Set up recurring Choq subscription wi

May 11, 2024 • 53:24

This Secret Has Altered History & Rules Us: SEXPIONAGE! History & Techniques (Half)

This Secret Has Altered History & Rules Us: SEXPIONAGE! History & Techniques (Half)

Tonight we return to the dark side of geopolitics and espionage history by dealing deeper into he lesser known yet immensely important history of entrapment, blackmaiil, Sxpionage, etc. which has toppled kingdoms, won wars, and destroyed nations and dynasties. Full talk available for paid subs.  Support my work via Bitcoin here or the QR code: bc1qwzk8gvsentmmkd7vz48qlxfw8wy5pwzxx6f3nv Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-con

May 11, 2024 • 2:33:21

TIMCAST + Jay Dyer: TikTok SUES Biden Over BAN, Israel INVADES Rafah DEFYING Biden

TIMCAST + Jay Dyer: TikTok SUES Biden Over BAN, Israel INVADES Rafah DEFYING Biden

Timcast invited me back to discuss the recent news! Tim is here: https://www.youtube.com/@TimcastIRLSupport my work via Bitcoin here or the QR code: bc1qwzk8gvsentmmkd7vz48qlxfw8wy5pwzxx6f3nv Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.

May 11, 2024 • 2:04:13

Christian Zionism / Millennialism, Antichrist & End Times-Nephilim Death Squad + Jay Dyer

Christian Zionism / Millennialism, Antichrist & End Times-Nephilim Death Squad + Jay Dyer

Support my work via Bitcoin here or the QR code: bc1qwzk8gvsentmmkd7vz48qlxfw8wy5pwzxx6f3nv Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Set up re

May 3, 2024 • 1:41:49

Creation, Orthodoxy Vs Rome, Transhumanism & Eschaton: Jay on Blonde in the Belly of the Beast

Creation, Orthodoxy Vs Rome, Transhumanism & Eschaton: Jay on Blonde in the Belly of the Beast

Blonde's info: He YT channel is here https://www.youtube.com/@BlondeintheBellyoftheBeast Platforms: Twitter: https://twitter.com/Blondes_tweets Gab: https://gab.ai/Blonde_Beast Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/BlondeBeastSupport my work via Bitcoin here or the QR code: bc1qwzk8gvsentmmkd7vz48qlxfw8wy5pwzxx6f3nv Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at

May 3, 2024 • 1:04:13



Tonight for our party stream I will be decoding a few classics of the occult music video genre and some honorable mentions in honor of the first video to break 1 million views - my talk on numbers, God and philosophy that Icke and Alex shared and debated. In this chill stream we will break out into decoding some things you would have expected me to cover....but didn't....until now. Support my work via Bitcoin here or the QR code: bc1qwzk8gvsentmmkd7vz48qlxfw8wy5pwzxx6f3nv Next LIVE EVENT in Vega

May 1, 2024 • 2:12:59

The End of the Globalists: The Duran + Jay Dyer

The End of the Globalists: The Duran + Jay Dyer

The Duran invited me on to discuss the nature of globalization, its origins, progress and telos. We consider as well the transhumanist ethos and how it seeks to overcome man himself. The Duran is here: https://www.youtube.com/@TheDuran Support my work via Bitcoin here or the QR code: bc1qwzk8gvsentmmkd7vz48qlxfw8wy5pwzxx6f3nv Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Se

May 1, 2024 • 1:41:04

Illuminati Exposed As Normies Awaken To Black Sex Magic! Luke Rudkowski, Ian Crossland, Jay Dyer

Illuminati Exposed As Normies Awaken To Black Sex Magic! Luke Rudkowski, Ian Crossland, Jay Dyer

Luke is here: https://rumble.com/c/WeAreChangefind out more about Jay Here - https://youtube.com/@JayDyer?si=ZwqjAeckgLABPCE1 We have a new fundraiser for the new studio under - http://saveirishman.com YOU CAN NOW CALL IN and send us videos to react to by signing up to http://LukeUncensored.comSupport my work via Bitcoin here or the QR code: bc1qwzk8gvsentmmkd7vz48qlxfw8wy5pwzxx6f3nv Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-consp

Apr 30, 2024 • 2:24:24

Fresh N Fit Miami Event, David Icke CALLS ME OUT (Gnostic BADDIE), Luke Rudkowski & MORE

Fresh N Fit Miami Event, David Icke CALLS ME OUT (Gnostic BADDIE), Luke Rudkowski & MORE

Support my work via Bitcoin here or the QR code: bc1qwzk8gvsentmmkd7vz48qlxfw8wy5pwzxx6f3nv Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Set up re

Apr 30, 2024 • 1:46:50

Inside the Mind of Charls Carrol: MDE/World Peace 2, Creativity, Tolkien, Lewis & Energy Vampires

Inside the Mind of Charls Carrol: MDE/World Peace 2, Creativity, Tolkien, Lewis & Energy Vampires

One of the 3: legendary comedy triad member Charls Carrol joins me for a longtime coming discussion of the inner workings of Charls' mind: his origin story, his pathway to MDE, World Peace 2, his studies of the classics, Tolkien, Lewis, his comedic influences and more! Charls channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/@CharlsCarroll1 Charls is here: https://linktr.ee/charlscarroll Support my work via Bitcoin here or the QR code: bc1qwzk8gvsentmmkd7vz48qlxfw8wy5pwzxx6f3nv Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas J

Apr 29, 2024 • 1:01:44

Part 2 - Open Debate: David Icke Calls Me Out, Sim Theory, Gnosticism & Platonic GITCH IN THE MATRIX!

Part 2 - Open Debate: David Icke Calls Me Out, Sim Theory, Gnosticism & Platonic GITCH IN THE MATRIX!

GLITCH IN THE MATRIXXXXX???? Since the Icke call out got over a million views I thought it would be worth revisiting the issues relating to the basics problems in sim theory which is just a version of gnosticism and/or platonism and a flight from reality. We will discuss the role of psykedeliks, religious deception and delusion, and the relation of over-indulgence in bizarre c0nspiracies that lend credence to this false gnosis. Support my work via Bitcoin here or the QR code: bc1qwzk8gvsentmmkd7

Apr 29, 2024 • 1:56:58

Open Debate: David Icke Calls Me Out, Sim Theory, Gnosticism & Platonic GITCH IN THE MATRIX!

Open Debate: David Icke Calls Me Out, Sim Theory, Gnosticism & Platonic GITCH IN THE MATRIX!

GLITCH IN THE MATRIXXXXX???? Since the Icke call out got over a million views I thought it would be worth revisiting the issues relating to the basics problems in sim theory which is just a version of gnosticism and/or platonism and a flight from reality. We will discuss the role of psykedeliks, religious deception and delusion, and the relation of over-indulgence in bizarre c0nspiracies that lend credence to this false gnosis. Support my work via Bitcoin here or the QR code: bc1qwzk8gvsentmmkd7

Apr 29, 2024 • 1:34:06

Open Debate Pt 2: Muslims, Protestants, Messianic Jews & Gnostics Refuted by the OT & Is. 49-50 -Jay Dyer

Open Debate Pt 2: Muslims, Protestants, Messianic Jews & Gnostics Refuted by the OT & Is. 49-50 -Jay Dyer

Support my work via Bitcoin here or the QR code: bc1qwzk8gvsentmmkd7vz48qlxfw8wy5pwzxx6f3nv Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Set up re

Apr 23, 2024 • 2:22:59

Open Debate Pt 1: Muslims, Protestants, Messianic Jews & Gnostics Refuted by the OT & Is. 49-50 -Jay Dyer

Open Debate Pt 1: Muslims, Protestants, Messianic Jews & Gnostics Refuted by the OT & Is. 49-50 -Jay Dyer

Back to open debate! We will give a chance for opponents to come and present their positions: Mormons, cults, JWs, BHI, Hebrew Roots, atheism, transcendental arguments, Triad and Logos, biblical theology and the OT, Islam, Protestant and evangelical errors, Roman Catholicism and the papacy, and more! Support my work via Bitcoin here or the QR code: bc1qwzk8gvsentmmkd7vz48qlxfw8wy5pwzxx6f3nvNext LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood

Apr 23, 2024 • 2:22:07

Luciferian Secrets Of The Transhumanist Technocratic Elites -Jay Dyer / DPH

Luciferian Secrets Of The Transhumanist Technocratic Elites -Jay Dyer / DPH

Jay Dyer hosts the final hour of the Alex Jones Show with special guest David Patrick Harry. Get tickets to our live event in Vegas June 22 here https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreatorBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Apr 20, 2024 • 42:57

Esoteric Hollywood with Ken Matthews

Esoteric Hollywood with Ken Matthews

Support my work via Bitcoin here or the QR code: bc1qwzk8gvsentmmkd7vz48qlxfw8wy5pwzxx6f3nv Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Set up re

Apr 19, 2024 • 1:15:48

Part 2 - Alpha, Beta, Gamma, IPA BeerBro SIMP: The Psychology of the Feminized NuMale -Jay Dyer

Part 2 - Alpha, Beta, Gamma, IPA BeerBro SIMP: The Psychology of the Feminized NuMale -Jay Dyer

Today we piggyback on a recent cotel stream where he highlighted the anatomy of the simp: we will build on this and get into the the psychology of this mindset, the key areas weakness to identity and overcome, as well as tips on how to not be like these "nuMales" that Klaus and the elites intentionally want to engulf society. His stream is here https://youtu.be/Hgl8Z9dqTVU Support my work via Bitcoin here or the QR code: bc1qwzk8gvsentmmkd7vz48qlxfw8wy5pwzxx6f3nv Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22

Apr 18, 2024 • 1:40:20

Alpha, Beta, Gamma, IPA BeerBro SIMP: The Psychology of the Feminized NuMale -PT 1

Alpha, Beta, Gamma, IPA BeerBro SIMP: The Psychology of the Feminized NuMale -PT 1

Today we piggyback on a recent cotel stream where he highlighted the anatomy of the simp: we will build on this and get into the the psychology of this mindset, the key areas weakness to identity and overcome, as well as tips on how to not be like these "nuMales" that Klaus and the elites intentionally want to engulf societySupport my work via Bitcoin here or the QR code: bc1qwzk8gvsentmmkd7vz48qlxfw8wy5pwzxx6f3nv Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-

Apr 18, 2024 • 1:56:27

How End Times Evangelicalism is Manipulated for Geopolitical Ends: Hagee, Red Heifer, Etc

How End Times Evangelicalism is Manipulated for Geopolitical Ends: Hagee, Red Heifer, Etc

Jay Dyer joins Patrick Henningsen to cover how the red heffa and John Hagen's blood moons nonsense is a useful geopolitical tool.Support my work via Bitcoin here or the QR code: bc1qwzk8gvsentmmkd7vz48qlxfw8wy5pwzxx6f3nv Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-882418596777?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https

Apr 17, 2024 • 55:45

Debate: Messianic Judaism, Is "The World" Evil? Nostra Aetate & Vatican 2 & Aristotle's Categories

Debate: Messianic Judaism, Is "The World" Evil? Nostra Aetate & Vatican 2 & Aristotle's Categories

We haven't opened up for debate in a while so we will give a chance for opponents to come and present their positions: atheism, transcendental arguments, Triad and Logos, biblical theology and the OT, Islam, Protestant and evangelical errors, Roman Catholicism and the papacy, and more!  Support my work via Bitcoin here or the QR code:bc1qwzk8gvsentmmkd7vz48qlxfw8wy5pwzxx6f3nvBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Apr 15, 2024 • 2:22:51

Mossad Spy MOVIES! wait WUT: Little Dummer Girl, Heart of Stone, The Debt, The Operative -Jay Dyer

Mossad Spy MOVIES! wait WUT: Little Dummer Girl, Heart of Stone, The Debt, The Operative -Jay Dyer

Tonight we delve into the mysterious world of Mossad espionage films, with the best of these being the LeCarre Little Drummer Girl series. We will also look at well known films like Munich and the recent Gal Godot Heart of Stone and Diane Kruger's The Operative. Given recent tensions with Israel and Palestine and Iran, these films are very topical. Next LIVE EVENT in Vegas June 22 here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-jamie-isaac-hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-live-tickets-8824185967

Apr 15, 2024 • 2:30:24



Today we return to the epic topic of BIZNASS CHURCH. The circus world of churchianity and its spectacle of oblivion has been the focus of the internet's gossip since OF chik NALA "converted" to a place with a husband wife co-"pastor" team. Ye has also "left Christianity" and no one has any wisdom or discernment at all. Will be a FUN stream.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Apr 14, 2024 • 2:26:46

Tavistock & The Architecture of the Entire DEI / SDG Enslavement Plan -Lisa Logan (Partial)

Tavistock & The Architecture of the Entire DEI / SDG Enslavement Plan -Lisa Logan (Partial)

This is a partial clip. The full clip is available at my site or R0kfin for paid subs below. Lisa Logan joins me to breakdown Tavistock and DEI / SDG scams and cons intent on enslaving the world.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Apr 14, 2024 • 19:54

Diddy, Dan Schneider & Sexual BlackMail: Sam Tripoli's Tinfoil Hat -Jay Dyer / Jamie DLux

Diddy, Dan Schneider & Sexual BlackMail: Sam Tripoli's Tinfoil Hat -Jay Dyer / Jamie DLux

Thank you so much for tuning in for another episode of Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli.  This episode we welcome back two podcast favorites, Jamie Dlux and Jay Dyer, to the show to discuss their research. Tripoli is here: https://samtripoli.com/tfh-765-p-diddy-dan-schneider-and-sexual-blackmail-with-jay-dyer-and-jamie-dlux/Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Apr 12, 2024 • 1:59:57

Transcendental Argument Objection Replies: The Reason for Reason & FDA's TAG Paper -Jay Dyer

Transcendental Argument Objection Replies: The Reason for Reason & FDA's TAG Paper -Jay Dyer

FDA joins me to cover his new paper on TAG and what it means to make meta-level arguments and how TAG is not another rationalist argument relying on absolute logic, etc. FDA is here: https://www.youtube.com/@esorem Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount cod

Apr 12, 2024 • 2:30:35

Transcendental Argument Objection Replies: The Reason for Reason & FDA's TAG Paper -Jay Dyer

Transcendental Argument Objection Replies: The Reason for Reason & FDA's TAG Paper -Jay Dyer

FDA joins me to cover his new paper on TAG and what it means to make meta-level arguments and how TAG is not another rationalist argument relying on absolute logic, etc.Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY53LIFE for 53% off now https://choq.com L

Apr 11, 2024 • 2:30:35

Part 2 - Sneako's Islam, Black Hebrew Israelites, "Hebrew Roots," Anti-Trinitarian Cults & More! -Jay Dyer

Part 2 - Sneako's Islam, Black Hebrew Israelites, "Hebrew Roots," Anti-Trinitarian Cults & More! -Jay Dyer

Today we analyze a recent clip where Sneako didn't fare too well debating an Orthodox lad, we take a step into analyzing BHI theology and their claims, as well as some other cult patterns we can identify and spot to hopefully increase our discernment. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Set up recurring Ch

Apr 5, 2024 • 2:02:06

Sneako's Islam, Black Hebrew Israelites, "Hebrew Roots," Anti-Trinitarian Cults & More! -Jay Dyer

Sneako's Islam, Black Hebrew Israelites, "Hebrew Roots," Anti-Trinitarian Cults & More! -Jay Dyer

Today we analyze a recent clip where Sneako didn't fare too well debating an Orthodox lad, we take a step into analyzing BHI theology and their claims, as well as some other cult patterns we can identify and spot to hopefully increase our discernment. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Set up recurring Ch

Apr 5, 2024 • 2:25:20

Russia's 9/11, Iran & Israel - Jay Dyer / Jason Bermas

Russia's 9/11, Iran & Israel - Jay Dyer / Jason Bermas

Bermas and I discuss the potential explosion of a world war and the greater Israel project.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Apr 5, 2024 • 55:55

Richard Dawkins & The Incoherence of "Cultural Christianity" -JimBob & Jay

Richard Dawkins & The Incoherence of "Cultural Christianity" -JimBob & Jay

Richard Dawkins & The Incoherence of "Cultural Christianity," which leads to an in-depth discussion of the history of western law and ethics in relation to canon law, the inquisition and biblical law. JimBob and I do a deep-dive.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Apr 3, 2024 • 1:26:15

Christ is King? Female Priests? Trent Horn, Ben Shapiro, DailyWire, Con Inc & More -Tim Gordon

Christ is King? Female Priests? Trent Horn, Ben Shapiro, DailyWire, Con Inc & More -Tim Gordon

Tim joins again to discuss the similar moves to liberalize the east and west, Tim on Poole's show with Rollo, the exchange with Trent Horn on the Church's social teachings, and more! Tim is here: https://www.youtube.com/@RulesForRetrogrades Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Set up recurring Choq subscrip

Apr 3, 2024 • 1:25:21



This evening we will cover the sequel to Lewis Carrol’s famous Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass. This deep dive will look at the esoteric and occult elements, the historical and geopolitical elements, and the psychological and metaphysical elements. This is the first half of a full lecture/analysis.Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Use JAY50 promo code here http

Apr 3, 2024 • 2:43:34

The Great End Times Religious Deception: Dispensationalism & Rapture Refuted -Jay Dyer

The Great End Times Religious Deception: Dispensationalism & Rapture Refuted -Jay Dyer

I offer a critique of evangelical end times speculations, premillennialism, dispensationalism and other such nonsense. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY53LIFE for 53% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com

Mar 30, 2024 • 42:06

Occult UFOs, Aliens Myths & Espionage: HG Wells, Huxley, Etc - Matthew Ehret (Half)

Occult UFOs, Aliens Myths & Espionage: HG Wells, Huxley, Etc - Matthew Ehret (Half)

This is the free half of a full interview which is available for subs to my site or to my R0kfin. Matthew and I cover the history of espionage and technocracy in relation to the alien psy op. Matt is here:    / @canadianpatriotpress3573  Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Set up recurring Choq subscriptio

Mar 29, 2024 • 44:39

IS Christ King??? Catholic, Protestant & Orthodox Views: OPEN DEBATE! -Jay Dyer

IS Christ King??? Catholic, Protestant & Orthodox Views: OPEN DEBATE! -Jay Dyer

Tonight I will opine on the recent fracas relating to the question of Christ is King, and whether this is an appropriate teaching, or something novel, bizarre and co-opted.Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY53LIFE for 53% off now https://choq.co

Mar 28, 2024 • 3:08:26

DUNE Part 1 & 2 | Occult Worldview Warfare & Parapolitics | Analysis w/ Jay Dyer & Tristan

DUNE Part 1 & 2 | Occult Worldview Warfare & Parapolitics | Analysis w/ Jay Dyer & Tristan

Dune Part 1 and Part 2 deep dive analysis- @JayDyer and Tristan delve into the depths of the 2021 and 2024 Sci Fi epic by Denis Villeneuve, based on Frank Herbert's 1965 novel, Dune. Geopolitical intrigue, religious engineering, parapolitics, the utilitarian leveraging of revolutions through weaponized anthropology are some of the themes discussed. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philoso

Mar 28, 2024 • 2:08:31

Cancel Culture! Aliens R Fake n Gray: Comedian Leonarda Jonie Joins Me! -Jay Dyer

Cancel Culture! Aliens R Fake n Gray: Comedian Leonarda Jonie Joins Me! -Jay Dyer

Her channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEQ3H4Gdxjc0J-jx6WzpxYQ Her X: https://twitter.com/Leonarda_Jonie?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor IG: https://www.instagram.com/leonarda.jonie/?hl=en Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Set up recurring Choq subscription with the

Mar 27, 2024 • 52:07

The Trinity in the Old Testament: Trent Horn, Natural Theology / Nostra Aetate Refuted AGAIN

The Trinity in the Old Testament: Trent Horn, Natural Theology / Nostra Aetate Refuted AGAIN

Today provided its own content and material as Trent Horn released a series of comments on Twitter that were embarrassing to say the least, given they demonstrate not only Trent's errors, but also his fundamental ignorance of terms like "Triad" which he thinks is somehow Arian.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Mar 26, 2024 • 3:49:59

DEBATE ANALYSIS & REACTION: Is Papal Supremacy in the First Millennium? Jay & Luigi

DEBATE ANALYSIS & REACTION: Is Papal Supremacy in the First Millennium? Jay & Luigi

Tonight Ben/Luigi joins me to review his debate with Voice of Reason on whether the papacy of the First Millennium fits the Vatican 1 autocrat model or the Orthodox synodal model. We will hit the highlights and have fun. Guaranteed. Luigi is here: https://x.com/langluigi_?s=21&t=hQiZkWecKyAh1gAlbWlc2w Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.co

Mar 26, 2024 • 1:41:05

Trent Horn, Gavin Ortlund, Bless God / Ruslan Refuted AGAIN AGAIN -Jay Dyer

Trent Horn, Gavin Ortlund, Bless God / Ruslan Refuted AGAIN AGAIN -Jay Dyer

Tonight we reply to Protestants Ruslan AGAIN again AND check in on our papal papalists and their roman papalism - again. Open debate in 30 mins! Prot, Catholic, Evangelical, Atheist, Open FORUM - and Q n A. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY53L

Mar 26, 2024 • 2:45:20

Kate Middleton, Princess Diana & Theories - Jay & Deanna Lorrane

Kate Middleton, Princess Diana & Theories - Jay & Deanna Lorrane

Deanna Lorraine invites me back to discuss speculations on Kate: this was recorded 2 days before the announcement of cancer. This was recorded prior to her annoucement and our suspicions were correct. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Mar 24, 2024 • 20:59

WEIRD RELIGION: New Papal Nonsense/Mass of the Ages, Bless God / Ruslan Refuted AGAIN -Jay Dyer

WEIRD RELIGION: New Papal Nonsense/Mass of the Ages, Bless God / Ruslan Refuted AGAIN -Jay Dyer

Tonight we reply to Protestants Ruslan again AND check in on our papal papalists and their roman papalism. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY53LIFE for 53% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Ord

Mar 22, 2024 • 1:27:56

Bless God / Ruslan / Gavin Ortlund / Method Ministries REFUTED: Sola Scriptura & QNA! -Jay Dyer

Bless God / Ruslan / Gavin Ortlund / Method Ministries REFUTED: Sola Scriptura & QNA! -Jay Dyer

Tonight we reply to Protestants Ruslan & Gavin Ortlund and common protestant / evangelical arguments on a variety of topics. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY53LIFE for 53% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristi

Mar 20, 2024 • 2:27:14

Dark Forces: Religion, Technocracy and S*xpionage! The Deep State is Totally AWESOME! (Half)

Dark Forces: Religion, Technocracy and S*xpionage! The Deep State is Totally AWESOME! (Half)

Tonight we catch up on our recent LA event and how it went: dinner with Jamie Kennedy, meeting Rob Schneider, Jimmy Dore, Kurt Metzger (kinda), seeing Eddie Bravo play live and sing about hamburgers, meeting Alison from OAN, and then get a verified Sam Tripoli personal tour of The Comedy Store! Was an amazing weekend! I cover here the fake deep state and the real one from my live event talk. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: h

Mar 20, 2024 • 2:04:06



Doenut Factory invited me on his podcast to discuss how espionage is an overlooked element in the NWO plan.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Mar 13, 2024 • 48:51

SYSTEM COLLAPSE? CIA Secrets, Candace Vs Destiny, Spiritual WEIRDNESS, Bitcoin Vs USD, Etc! Jay Dyer

SYSTEM COLLAPSE? CIA Secrets, Candace Vs Destiny, Spiritual WEIRDNESS, Bitcoin Vs USD, Etc! Jay Dyer

Today we cover many of the topics and articles I didn't get to in the last stream, noting the weirdness of evyething across the board today: Tik T0k oddballs, economic madness & Bitc0in, Candace Owens Vs Destiny, our upcoming event with Jamie Kennedy in Hollywood this weekend, the recent Busamante podcast (CIA secrets), martial l@w, collapsing infrastructure, the mass lack of discernment and more!Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/supp

Mar 12, 2024 • 2:18:25

Joe Rogan, Katt Williams, (Candace Owens is RIGHT) DIDDY, CIA Admissions, BTC: IT'S MEGA WEIRD NOW!

Joe Rogan, Katt Williams, (Candace Owens is RIGHT) DIDDY, CIA Admissions, BTC: IT'S MEGA WEIRD NOW!

Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.Tonight we catch up with Rogan and Katt Williams, the recent Al3x and Tucker discussion, the Bobo SOTU and response from Col Douglas MacGregor, recent information I've read on CIA and religion, economic madness and the victory of BTC, and how all this madness ties together!New live event!  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-jamie-kennedy-jay-dyer-jamie-hanshaw-tickets-8258194

Mar 10, 2024 • 2:36:50

Addressing Common Catholic & Protestant Arguments - Jay Dyer & Maria Zeee

Addressing Common Catholic & Protestant Arguments - Jay Dyer & Maria Zeee

Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support. Jay Dyer joins Maria Zeee to discuss the case for Orthodoxy and address common Catholic and Protestant misconceptions and arguments. You can view Jay's work and purchase his books via this link: https://jaysanalysis.com/shop/ If you would like to support Zeee Media to continue getting the truth out to more people, you can donate via this link: https://donate.stripe.com/6oEdUL2eF1IAdXibII Website:

Mar 8, 2024 • 1:20:14

Flashback: Matt Dillahunty Vs Trent Horn Debate Review & Reaction - Jay Dyer

Flashback: Matt Dillahunty Vs Trent Horn Debate Review & Reaction - Jay Dyer

Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.In preparation and celebration of our upcoming debate tomorrow night with Trent Horn, I will be reviewing and analyzing his debate with Matt Dillahunty on the question of the resurrection. Although this debate is not directly relevant to our debate tomorrow, it is tangentially related to Trent's apologetic methodology. Although I have not seen this debate yet, I look forward to hearing it afresh a

Mar 8, 2024 • 3:57:51

Dune Symbolism, Ryan Garcia's Conspiracies, Disinformation in the Truther World, Epstein, Katt Williams & More with Jay Dyer!

Dune Symbolism, Ryan Garcia's Conspiracies, Disinformation in the Truther World, Epstein, Katt Williams & More with Jay Dyer!

Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.On today's episode of the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt podcast we are joined with returning champ Jay Dyer! We catch up on his research into the secret groups pulling the strings on our reality and discuss major themes he's found in entertainment! We talk about Dune's occult symbolism, the science-fiction agenda and connections to James Shelby Downard's King Kill 33! We'll

Mar 7, 2024 • 53:41

The Wicker Man | Jay Dyer & Tristan | Neopagan Revival, Burning Man, & The New Myth of the Old Gods

The Wicker Man | Jay Dyer & Tristan | Neopagan Revival, Burning Man, & The New Myth of the Old Gods

Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.Another deep dive analysis with @JayDyer and Tristan on the classic 1973 British folk horror film The Wicker Man and the 2006 remake starring Nicolas Cage. We discuss the cultural phenomenon of neopaganism through festivals such as Burning Man and the cultural revolution of the 1960's, and the engineered reimagining of the "Old Gods" as a tool for power and manipulation.New live event! https://www

Mar 7, 2024 • 2:19:57

On Belief, Praxeology and Metaphysics w/ Jay Dyer -Kyle Matovcik Podcast

On Belief, Praxeology and Metaphysics w/ Jay Dyer -Kyle Matovcik Podcast

Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.Libertarian podcaster Kyle Matovcik invited me on for a hefty philosophical dialogue.New live event! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-jamie-kennedy-jay-dyer-jamie-hanshaw-tickets-825819417107?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Use JAY50

Mar 7, 2024 • 2:07:47

Dune 2 & The History of OSS/CIA & Their Religious Manipulation: Jay Dyer (Half)

Dune 2 & The History of OSS/CIA & Their Religious Manipulation: Jay Dyer (Half)

Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.Dune 2 & The History of OSS/CIA & Their Religious Manipulation: Jay Dyer (Half)New live event! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-jamie-kennedy-jay-dyer-jamie-hanshaw-tickets-825819417107?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Use JAY50 promo

Mar 4, 2024 • 58:31

Putin & Tucker Interview & Commentary - Full Coverage -Jay Dyer (HALF)

Putin & Tucker Interview & Commentary - Full Coverage -Jay Dyer (HALF)

Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.The Free Half of a full 4 hour plus breakdown available for subs!New live event! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-jamie-kennedy-jay-dyer-jamie-hanshaw-tickets-825819417107?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Use JAY50 promo code here http

Feb 25, 2024 • 1:56:08

Open DEBATE! Redeemed Zoomer REFUTED, LONG Trad Cat Debate, Atheists, Etc. Vs Jay Dyer

Open DEBATE! Redeemed Zoomer REFUTED, LONG Trad Cat Debate, Atheists, Etc. Vs Jay Dyer

Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.Today we will have open debate! Topics include the existence of God, Trinity, theology in general, philosophy, logos, logoi, TAG and presuppositionalism, atheism, materialism, esoteric issues and questions, natural theology, papacy and Vatican issues, and much more! Note: Sardica is covered in the Chieti document, not Alexandria, although Alexandria document refers back to Chieti http://www.christ

Feb 23, 2024 • 4:30:26

HUGE ISLAMIC CONTRADICTIONS: DEBATE REVIEW: Dyer Vs Haqiqatjou: Orthodox Shahada Joins Me!

HUGE ISLAMIC CONTRADICTIONS: DEBATE REVIEW: Dyer Vs Haqiqatjou: Orthodox Shahada Joins Me!

Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.Full title of this debate: Christianity Vs Islam, Which Is the Religion of the Prophets? The debate from a few months ago was due a review but wasn't possible due to scheduling issues. I finally catch up with Orthodox Shahada and we do a deep dive on Daniel's arguments and more in anticipation of the upcoming Islamic debate. Orthodox Shahada is here: https://www.youtube.com/@OrthodoxShahada New li

Feb 22, 2024 • 2:22:12

There Will Be Blood [Jay Dyer & Tristan] Abandonment of God: the Protestantism to Nihilism Pipeline

There Will Be Blood [Jay Dyer & Tristan] Abandonment of God: the Protestantism to Nihilism Pipeline

Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.Deep dive analysis of P.T. Anderson's 2007 movie, There Will Be Blood starring Daniel Day Lewis. Jay Dyer and Tristan analyze the historical and philosophical forces that midwifed the modern world out of the oily primordial soup stirred by the "Protestant work ethic", the rejection of God and embrace of nihilism and the will to power, and the insatiable drive of industrial magnates and monopoly ca

Feb 22, 2024 • 2:25:37

Joe Rogan, Occult Hollywood & Demons!? Wait, Sam Tripoli Said WHAT? Sam Vs Machine Gun Kelly!

Joe Rogan, Occult Hollywood & Demons!? Wait, Sam Tripoli Said WHAT? Sam Vs Machine Gun Kelly!

Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.#joerogan #joeroganexperience #spirituality Sam Tripoli joins me to cover Rogan, spiritual warfare and the dark side of Hollywood! Enjoy! Like and Share! Sam is here: https://www.youtube.com/@SamTripoli New live event! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-jamie-kennedy-jay-dyer-jamie-hanshaw-tickets-825819417107?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://stream

Feb 21, 2024 • 43:39

BITCOIN Basics Vs Klaus & The WEF! -G'Day Bitcoin & Jay Dyer

BITCOIN Basics Vs Klaus & The WEF! -G'Day Bitcoin & Jay Dyer

Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Feb 20, 2024 • 41:48

TOP 10 90s Movies, Confronting BEASTMASTER & BLOCKBUSTER VDEO VISIT Nostalgia Stream -Jay Dyer

TOP 10 90s Movies, Confronting BEASTMASTER & BLOCKBUSTER VDEO VISIT Nostalgia Stream -Jay Dyer

I had fun on our last 90s Gen X stream so tonight now that the most recent debate is done we celebrate with a MALL and chill stream reflecting on our favorite 90s films, as well as other pop culture relics and artifacts - perhaps even 90s albums...if you're good. Otherwise I'll load you kids up in the car and we'll go straight home and it's time out for you. New live event! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-jamie-kennedy-jay-dyer-jamie-hanshaw-tickets-825819417107?aff=oddt

Feb 20, 2024 • 2:40:23

DEBATE: Jay Dyer Vs Jake Muslim Metaphysician Trinity Vs Tawhid on MDD

DEBATE: Jay Dyer Vs Jake Muslim Metaphysician Trinity Vs Tawhid on MDD

Find us on your favorite PODCAST app as all our YouTube debates end up on the podcast within 24 hours of being live. New live event! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-jamie-kennedy-jay-dyer-jamie-hanshaw-tickets-825819417107?aff=oddtdtcreator Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Set u

Feb 18, 2024 • 3:11:51

THE EVENT: Tucker & VP, UFOs & Intel "Warnings," Elite Plans From Yesteryear Manifesting! -Jay Dyer

THE EVENT: Tucker & VP, UFOs & Intel "Warnings," Elite Plans From Yesteryear Manifesting! -Jay Dyer

Tonight we catch up with meta-politics as we review the recent Tucker / VP talk, the official "warnings" of the intel establishment, the recent economic chaos, the rise of BTC, the predictions of the coming "event," as well as flashbacks to Bertrand Russell's important plans in his scientism texts. New live event! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hollywood-conspiracy-comedy-jamie-kennedy-jay-dyer-jamie-hanshaw-tickets-825819417107?aff=oddtdtcreator

Feb 17, 2024 • 2:06:56

Satanic Superbowl Psyop Exposed! Symbols, Rigging and more with Jay Dyer

Satanic Superbowl Psyop Exposed! Symbols, Rigging and more with Jay Dyer

WATCH Shots Fired show with DeAnna Lorraine, weekdays every Tuesdays AND Thursday at 7pm CT/8pm ET! Make sure you FOLLOW DeAnna on Gettr, Truth Social, Telegram and Gab: @RealDeAnnaLorraine and join her Telegram channel and live chat during the show and throughout the week! http://t.me/deannasChannel Protect your wealth, Invest with our friends at Goldco. Use this link, and receive up to $10k in FREE SILVER: https://goldco.com/shots

Feb 15, 2024 • 32:58

Taylor Swift: Rituals

Taylor Swift: Rituals

I watched the Taylor Swift Eras tour so you don't have to. I think you'll be surprised at my analysis!

Feb 14, 2024 • 2:01:51

Delusional Expectations

Delusional Expectations

Have you seen the viral list of the places women refuse to go on a first date; and the mens response of what they're looking for in a woman? Join me live if you're a 10 and think you have something to bring to the table!

Feb 14, 2024 • 2:13:16

The Red Pill to Rainbow Pill Pipeline

The Red Pill to Rainbow Pill Pipeline

Join me for my first live stream where we roast some nuts, talk about gender wars and attend a red pill wedding!Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Feb 14, 2024 • 3:02:11



Full title of this debate: Christianity Vs Islam, Which Is the Religion of the Prophets? The debate from a few months ago was due a review but wasn't possible due to scheduling issues. I finally catch up with Orthodox Shahada and we do a deep dive on Daniel's arguments and more in anticipation of the upcoming Islamic debate. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Feb 12, 2024 • 2:22:12

Eyes Wide Epstein: Jay Dyer on the Nick Bryant Podcast

Eyes Wide Epstein: Jay Dyer on the Nick Bryant Podcast

Jay Dyer is known for his deep analysis of Hollywood, geopolitics, and culture. His graduate work focused on psychological warfare and film and he is the author of two books, Esoteric Hollywood 1 & 2 and the co-creator and co-host of the television show Hollywood Decoded. Nick is here: https://www.youtube.com/@nickbryant8580

Feb 9, 2024 • 1:11:57

Debate MELTDOWN: Worst opponent Yet: Austin Peterson Libertarian Debate

Debate MELTDOWN: Worst opponent Yet: Austin Peterson Libertarian Debate

Debate MELTDOWN: Worst opponent yet - libertarian Austin Peterson loses it when I dare challenge "degeneracy" in regard to what his basis for ethics is. Shoutout to Miss Ruby's 4th grade class for helping Austin write his cutdowns. The "wash your hair." "You look like you smell" and "Do you shower?" ZINGERS were fire.

Feb 9, 2024 • 1:35:13

Taylor Swift PsyOP, Katt Williams & SEXPIONAGE! Jay Dyer on Chrissie Mayr

Taylor Swift PsyOP, Katt Williams & SEXPIONAGE! Jay Dyer on Chrissie Mayr

Jay Dyer on Chrissie Mayr Podcast! Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce Psy Op, Cults, the WEF, Kat Williams and MORE! Chrissie is here: https://rokfin.com/ChrissieMayr

Feb 7, 2024 • 1:13:43

BOOMER TO GEN X: Behold Our New MTV Generational Overlords! -Jay Dyer

BOOMER TO GEN X: Behold Our New MTV Generational Overlords! -Jay Dyer

Tonight we reflect on the 90s and the adults that came of age in the 80s and 90s that will soon become our new masters: the GEN X OVERLORDS! What will their regime be like? Will they be better than our previous boomer overlords? Will they be worse? Tonight we will look at the pros and cons as we prepare for the upcoming stream with Jamie on GEN X alternative drama - comedies stream, analyzing films like Before Sunrise, Reality Bites, Empire Records, Mad Love, etc. New live event! https://www.eve

Feb 7, 2024 • 2:55:07

Hotep Jesus - The Grift Report with Jay Dyer - Taylor Swift, Katt Williams, Economics, PsyOPs, HG Wells

Hotep Jesus - The Grift Report with Jay Dyer - Taylor Swift, Katt Williams, Economics, PsyOPs, HG Wells

Jay Dyer, a prominent figure on Infowars, is known for his deep dives into philosophy, theology, geopolitics, and conspiracy theories. He blends academic rigor with a keen interest in esoteric and cultural studies. Dyer's work often focuses on critiquing mainstream narratives, offering alternative perspectives on global events. He has authored books and hosts a popular website and YouTube channel, where he dissects complex subjects with an analytical yet accessible approach, attracting a diverse

Feb 5, 2024 • 2:23:21

HEATED & Hilarious Debates: Catholics, Protestants, Atheists, Gnostics & More! VS Jay Dyer

HEATED & Hilarious Debates: Catholics, Protestants, Atheists, Gnostics & More! VS Jay Dyer

Open forum! Time to call in with your issues and questions regarding these hot topics: Logos/logoi, TAG and presupp, theological qualms and issues, metaphysics and epistemology, logic and universals, and much more!

Feb 5, 2024 • 5:31:51

Rap Music, CIA & Organized Crime: Usher, Katt Williams, Ice Cube, 50 Cent, Diddy - Tristan / Jay

Rap Music, CIA & Organized Crime: Usher, Katt Williams, Ice Cube, 50 Cent, Diddy - Tristan / Jay

We've been covering the history of entertainment lately and the overlap with intelligence operations, but we haven't gone deep into the world of rap. We will discuss recent revelations about Kevin hart, P Diddy, Ice Cube, etc. We will also delve into the emerging facts around the history of gangster rap being a social engineering operation tied to the prison industrial complex.

Feb 4, 2024 • 2:00:46

Taylor Swift PsyOP, Katt Williams & SEXPIONAGE! Jay Dyer on Chrissie Mayr

Taylor Swift PsyOP, Katt Williams & SEXPIONAGE! Jay Dyer on Chrissie Mayr

Jay Dyer on Chrissie Mayr Podcast! Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce Psy Op, Cults, the WEF, Kat Williams and MORE! Chrissie is here: https://rokfin.com/ChrissieMayr#chrissiemayr #taylorswift #jaydyer

Feb 2, 2024 • 1:13:43

The Taylor Swift PsyOp: The Long History of Intelligence Created Culture -Jay Dyer

The Taylor Swift PsyOp: The Long History of Intelligence Created Culture -Jay Dyer

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY53LIFE for 53% off now https://choq.com Lore coffee is here: https://www.patristicfaith.com/coffee/ Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-

Feb 1, 2024 • 1:56:16



We carefully curated and distilled the top weirdest kid movies that make you go HUH? From Oprah's tesseract to peanut butter spread on scalps, these are by far the weirdest kid movies of all timeBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Jan 31, 2024 • 1:59

People Have NO IDEA WHAT IS COMING - How the World REALLY WORKS (Dirty Espionage)! (Half)

People Have NO IDEA WHAT IS COMING - How the World REALLY WORKS (Dirty Espionage)! (Half)

People are oblivious - and it's frustrating because many of my warnings and predictions are coming true. There is a world people think is the case, and another world where things are even crazier and the opposite of what it really happening. Tonight we will look at how the world really works compared to the separate reality most people live in by looking at sexpionage. This is the free half available in full for paid subs

Jan 28, 2024 • 1:41:36

All Out Information Warfare News Apocalypse -Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

All Out Information Warfare News Apocalypse -Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Learn to protect yourself from predatory mass media This episode the gang explores how far we've come with regards to deep fake tech as shown in the breaking Taylor Swift AI porn story. The Social Rejects Club breaks down the stories of the week and goes deep into the cultural decline of the Western world. Boiler room is here: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/boiler-room--1396285

Jan 27, 2024 • 1:58:32

What Happened to the Truth Movement? w/ Benny Wills - Out of This World #40

What Happened to the Truth Movement? w/ Benny Wills - Out of This World #40

Benny and Jamie talk about the history of the alternative media movement and how will we communicate in the future.

Jan 26, 2024 • 56:13

A Nu Goddess for a Nu Age w/ Isaac Weishaupt - Out of This World #38

A Nu Goddess for a Nu Age w/ Isaac Weishaupt - Out of This World #38

Isaac Weishaupt joins me to discuss the Scarlet Woman, the goddess, and all of her incarnations throughout history and pop culture. You can find more great content from him here: https://illuminatiwatcher.com

Jan 26, 2024 • 58:44

Britney Spears: The Woman In Me - Out of This World #37

Britney Spears: The Woman In Me - Out of This World #37

Rachel Wilson joins to discuss the new best selling book by Britney Spears. Is she really free now?

Jan 26, 2024 • 1:58:52

TWIN FLAMES CULT & Life Coach Grifters -Tristan Haggard & Jay Dyer

TWIN FLAMES CULT & Life Coach Grifters -Tristan Haggard & Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer and Tristan (Twin Flames?) explore the millennial new-ager normie cult phenomenon of "Twin Flame" relationship gurus and the nihilistic pop-culture of narcissism, self-love, isolation, and desperate search for meaning and truth that breeds these strange post-Christian cults. A fun comedic deep dive on the world of Twin Flames, including analysis of the Netflix doc series "Escaping Twin Flames" and the Amazon Prime documentary "Desperately Seeking Soulmate: Escaping Twin Flames Universe"

Jan 25, 2024 • 1:57:59



Tonight we will catch up with our friends Klaus and company in Davos since their yearly party just ended, to see what the plans are coming down the pike for us plebs. We will see how eating meat is bad, how any narrative counter the establishment is misinformation, climate change is real, it's time to end fossil fuels and what our new ETHIC is!Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Jan 22, 2024 • 2:27:23

Life Coaches, Spiritual Delusions & MEAN Masculinity Open Chat -Jay Dyer

Life Coaches, Spiritual Delusions & MEAN Masculinity Open Chat -Jay Dyer

Tonight's discussion did not end up being about what I expected: we ended up on a totally different wavelength concerning what constitutes "meanness," who qualifies to give spiritual advice, life coaching, becoming a guru, etc. Leave a tip!

Jan 21, 2024 • 3:16:56

Taylor Swift, Katt Williams, Britney Spears: Pop Star Secret Agents & Assets -Jay Dyer

Taylor Swift, Katt Williams, Britney Spears: Pop Star Secret Agents & Assets -Jay Dyer

From Ye to Taylor Swift, the notion of pop star controlled operatives has long been theorized and explicated but nowadays the thesis seems obvious. What now seems obvious was mocked only a few years ago, and with the recent mega viral Katt Williams interview, we see even more confirmation of the usage of the stars by the system.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Jan 19, 2024 • 2:07:11

Derek MythVision VS Jay Dyer: Heated Exchange! Epistemic Foundations! Via MadebyJimbob & Crucible

Derek MythVision VS Jay Dyer: Heated Exchange! Epistemic Foundations! Via MadebyJimbob & Crucible

Jimbob and the Crucible invited me to hop on a discussion which I thought was a debate. I came in hot and heated and things escalated into a wild chat!

Jan 17, 2024 • 36:15

WALL STREET: Vulture Capitalism & Neo-Liberal GOONERISM -Jay Dyer & Tristan Haggard

WALL STREET: Vulture Capitalism & Neo-Liberal GOONERISM -Jay Dyer & Tristan Haggard

Tristan joins me to cover the classic Oliver Stone film Wall Street! It will be a blast!

Jan 16, 2024 • 1:31:46

OPEN DEBATE! Problem of Evil, Protestant Canon, Energies & More! VS. Jay Dyer

OPEN DEBATE! Problem of Evil, Protestant Canon, Energies & More! VS. Jay Dyer

Today is another open forum! It's time for atheists, Roman Catholics, Protestants - Lutherans, calvinists, evangelicals, etc., Muslims, pagans and more, to call in and offer their best replies and challenges! Topics include TAG, presupp, metaphysics, epistemology, skepticism, materialism, universals, logos/logoi, ethics, and more! Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Jan 16, 2024 • 1:53:36

Occult Government: Gateway Process & Project Stargate: Remote Viewing, Intel Agencies & SRI -DPH

Occult Government: Gateway Process & Project Stargate: Remote Viewing, Intel Agencies & SRI -DPH

COTEL joins me to cover the tie ins between the deep government establishment and everything from UFOs to the occult: SRI, ,CIA, Remote Viewing, Stargate and much more!He is here: https://www.youtube.com/@ChurchoftheEternalLogos Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Set up recurring Choq subscription with th

Jan 14, 2024 • 1:47:06

WEF Plans for 2024! Attwood Unleashed 125: Power Elite Control In 2024 with Jay Dyer

WEF Plans for 2024! Attwood Unleashed 125: Power Elite Control In 2024 with Jay Dyer

Shaun Attwood interviews Jay Dyer on the WEF and 2024 plans. Shaun is here: https://www.youtube.com/@shaunattwoodOFFICIAL

Jan 12, 2024 • 2:16:29

Catholic Thomist Discussion: Diverging on TAG, ADS, Theophanies & Epistemology - AJ Barker

Catholic Thomist Discussion: Diverging on TAG, ADS, Theophanies & Epistemology - AJ Barker

The Catholic Thomist who called in the other day, AJ Barker requested a new dialogue on the same topics from his studio. In this discussion we can hopefully come to some closer understanding of the precise differences at play in our different systems. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Set up recurring Ch

Jan 12, 2024 • 1:51:11

NEW YEAR'S MOONBEAVERS IDIOT PARTY: Witches, Feminists, Atheists, Starseeds, DINKS! -Jay Dyer

NEW YEAR'S MOONBEAVERS IDIOT PARTY: Witches, Feminists, Atheists, Starseeds, DINKS! -Jay Dyer

Party time! 2023 ends with a party to recap the hits and misses of the last year at JaysAnalysis. 2023 was our biggest year: we hit 100k, had our biggest shows and events, and more! We will reflect on what went down and how 2024 will be even bigger as we check in on our TikTok friends!

Jan 2, 2024 • 2:44:06

The Stepford Wives | Femcel Feminists vs. Tradwife Fembots Struggle Session | Jay Dyer & Tristan

The Stepford Wives | Femcel Feminists vs. Tradwife Fembots Struggle Session | Jay Dyer & Tristan

Jay Dyer and Tristan analyze the 1974 film The Stepford Wives, based on the novel by Ira Levin (writer of Rosemary's Baby), and the hilariously bad 2004 remake with Nicole Kidman. A fun, comedic deep dive review and analysis of he sci-fi tinged, satirical feminist suspense thriller about fembots, male-female dynamics, women's liberation, and the mean bad oppressive patriarchy turning women into vacant trad robowives.

Dec 31, 2023 • 2:15:16

The Big EVENT Coming Next Year! The Elite Plans & UFOS on Tucker: Aliens Are Fake n Gray! Jay Dyer

The Big EVENT Coming Next Year! The Elite Plans & UFOS on Tucker: Aliens Are Fake n Gray! Jay Dyer

Time to check in on our favorite WEF elites and their cohorts to see what signals they're sending and what their big plans might be for next year. We will reflect on 2023 and see what was accomplished and what failed and what might be coming! Come tell me your theories as well. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tipBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Dec 29, 2023 • 2:25:01

Catholic Dogma Has Changed: Matt Fradd, Cameron, Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Refuted -Jay Dyer

Catholic Dogma Has Changed: Matt Fradd, Cameron, Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Refuted -Jay Dyer

I couldn't resist another livestream tonight, even with my Vaticoof illness of throat aids, to look at various ideas relating multiple changes in RC dogma. Beyond that, we want to check in on our RC YT pop popesplainers and see what amazing charudible nuance they offer to make the system work.

Dec 27, 2023 • 2:59:52

Open Debate! NIGHT OF THE GNOSTICS / Marcionites Vs Jay Dyer

Open Debate! NIGHT OF THE GNOSTICS / Marcionites Vs Jay Dyer

Tonight ended up largely being various forms of gnostics and hermeticists who called in to offer various rebuttals and arguments against the Bible and the Notion the OT God is the same as the New (Marcionites).

Dec 25, 2023 • 2:58:26

Ben Shapiro Vs Cosmic Skeptic REVIEW & Rollo Tomassi & James Sexton Exchange -Jay Dyer

Ben Shapiro Vs Cosmic Skeptic REVIEW & Rollo Tomassi & James Sexton Exchange -Jay Dyer

Tonight we return to debate reviews as we check out a key clip from the recent Ben Shapiro Vs Cosmic Skeptic debate, as well as a breakdown of the recent red pill discussion with Rollo and James Sexton on Destiny, Women and God, and more! Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Set up recurring Choq subscripti

Dec 23, 2023 • 2:37:26

AI Girlfriends & S*x Bots! Revisiting Ex Machina's Predictions - Tristan Haggard & Jay Dyer

AI Girlfriends & S*x Bots! Revisiting Ex Machina's Predictions - Tristan Haggard & Jay Dyer

Tristana joins me to revisit the classic dystopian horror from Alex Garland, Ex Machina since we are coming up on almost 10 years since its release, as well as other films like Spike Jonze's Her. Tristan is here: https://rokfin.com/tristanhaggard

Dec 22, 2023 • 2:13:06

The Coming Civil War Predictive Programming with Jay Dyer - Avoiding Babylon Podcast

The Coming Civil War Predictive Programming with Jay Dyer - Avoiding Babylon Podcast

Jay Dyer joins us to talk about predictive programming and what a civil war in America might look like. Venture into the realm of speculative fiction and reality as we scrutinize the eerie prescience of "Leave the World Behind", the upcoming "Civil War" movie, and other dystopian narratives with Jay. These stories often eerily echo our present concerns, from cybersecurity to high-profile influencers like Obama. Delving further, we unravel the threads of predictive programming and dissect the pot

Dec 21, 2023 • 1:04:02

Pope Francis' Blessings: Another Change in Dogma & Praxis - The Big Picture - Jay Dyer

Pope Francis' Blessings: Another Change in Dogma & Praxis - The Big Picture - Jay Dyer

Everyone is talking about it, but what is the bigger picture? First, we will establish that it is a change in doctrine and morals, then we will see that it is much bigger than just a "blessing," and then we will see the overall endgame goals. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-ph

Dec 20, 2023 • 1:17:35

JONTENT - Jon Curtis From Fishtank & Jay Dyer - Interview!

JONTENT - Jon Curtis From Fishtank & Jay Dyer - Interview!

Jonathan Curtis from Fishtank invited me on for an interview. Enjoy - Jon's socials are here: https://linktr.ee/jontent117The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Orders for new book here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/meta-narratives-essays-on-philosophy-symbolism-new-jay-dyer-book-pre-orders/ Send Superchats at any tim

Dec 19, 2023 • 42:41

Satan, The Fall & Angelology As Well as F*rts - Jay Dyer

Satan, The Fall & Angelology As Well as F*rts - Jay Dyer

Another open forum for a broader range of topics! Culture war, history, geopolitics, the NW0, Protestantism, atheism, Roman Catholicism and the papacy, as well as philosophical topics - it's all open forum today (within in TOS guidelines).

Dec 18, 2023 • 1:31:41

LEAVE THE WORLD BEHIND Analysis | Jay & Tristan | Predictive Programming

LEAVE THE WORLD BEHIND Analysis | Jay & Tristan | Predictive Programming

Jay and Tristan go deep into the symbolism and message of the terrible apocalyptic thriller, Leave the World Behind- a 2023 Netflix film starring Julia Roberts and Ethan Hawke, produced by Barack and Michelle Obama. A fun deep dive analysis of the occult symbolism and real meaning of this movie about a foreign hacker group staging a cyber attack to disrupt communications and power and bring order out of the controlled chaos in a high tech coup-d'etat with, of course, race relations as a primary

Dec 15, 2023 • 1:50:57

Red Pill: Neo-Masculinity, The Hope of Bitcoin & Economic Collapse (HALF)

Red Pill: Neo-Masculinity, The Hope of Bitcoin & Economic Collapse (HALF)

The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Orders for new book here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/meta-narratives-essays-on-philosophy-symbolism-new-jay-dyer-book-pre-orders/ Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Follow me on R0kfin here: https://rokfin.com/jaydyer Use JAY50 promo code here

Dec 15, 2023 • 40:56

Leave the World Behind PsyOP!  Charlie Robinson Show with Jay Dyer & Mel K

Leave the World Behind PsyOP! Charlie Robinson Show with Jay Dyer & Mel K

On today's show, Jay Dyer discusses the Netflix movie "Leave The World Behind." Later, Mel K discusses the 8-Minute Glitch on the Republican Debate. Charlie is here: https://tntradiolive.podbean.com/category/charlie-robinson

Dec 14, 2023 • 55:44

Dr Peter McCullough / Jay Dyer on Kristi Leigh Show - COOF Lies & hAlex J0nes BACK!

Dr Peter McCullough / Jay Dyer on Kristi Leigh Show - COOF Lies & hAlex J0nes BACK!

Dr Peter McCullough rips FactCheckers and AI for blatant lies about the Coof & Jay Dyer joins to cover hAlex J0nes / Elon Musk and the real battle of our time!Kristi Leigh is here: https://twitter.com/KristiLeighTVThe New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Orders for new book here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/meta-na

Dec 14, 2023 • 1:00:04

The COLLAPSE OF AMERICA! The Top Apocalyptic End of America FILMS / Shows Analyzed - Jay Dyer

The COLLAPSE OF AMERICA! The Top Apocalyptic End of America FILMS / Shows Analyzed - Jay Dyer

The propaganda of a coming, imminent collapse is heating up with new Obama-connected Netflix movies like Leave the World Behind (which I will cover tomorrow night with Tristan) and the coming Alex Garland movie about an American collapse and internal war. There have been a host of USA-collapse related films and shows, however, and today we will run through an overview and analysis of this genre, emerging largely out of the fears of the Cold War. The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketp

Dec 14, 2023 • 2:17:26



Hot rap / R n B single just dropped.

Dec 12, 2023 • 3:41

This is a WINDOW Into Seeing the ENTIRE PLAN! Must Hear - Jay Dyer

This is a WINDOW Into Seeing the ENTIRE PLAN! Must Hear - Jay Dyer

Another overview of the importance of Kissinger and how his operations were crucial, from Gladio to war crimes, Kissinger is a crucial figure to understand to grasp the global power elite's plans.

Dec 12, 2023 • 45:00

TIK TOK CRINGE: DINKS, Witches, Crazy Preachers, Starseeds & Gurus -Jay Dyer

TIK TOK CRINGE: DINKS, Witches, Crazy Preachers, Starseeds & Gurus -Jay Dyer

Saturday is fun day - where we entertain ourselves by refuting and demolishing the LOWEST HANGING FRUIT - the trends on Tik TOK! What could be more fun? Nothing. We will check in on withchtok, the atheists, our new age gurus and started friends, the latest spells and incantations and our new friends, the DINKS. Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY53LIFE for 53% off now

Dec 10, 2023 • 2:42:28

HEAR THIS and You Will Understand the ENTIRE PLAN AGAINST US! -De Anna Lorraine & Jay Dyer

HEAR THIS and You Will Understand the ENTIRE PLAN AGAINST US! -De Anna Lorraine & Jay Dyer

DeAnna invited me on her Shots Fired show to do a deep dive into Henry Kissinger and his more nefarious operations few are aware of. She is here: https://x.com/DeAnna4Congress?s=20 Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY53LIFE for 53% off nowBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Dec 9, 2023 • 45:29

Western Civilization Will COLLAPSE From GLOBAL GOV & Their DINK ARMY - Tristan Haggard

Western Civilization Will COLLAPSE From GLOBAL GOV & Their DINK ARMY - Tristan Haggard

Tristana and I cover COP28, the alternative lifestyles we MUST accept to save the planet and how the DINK ARMY will save the world by destroying western civilization! The good news is, many are not buying it - but unfortunately many are! Tristana is here: https://www.youtube.com/@tristanhaggard Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code JAY53LIFE for 53% off now Richard's new course is here: https://www.unive

Dec 8, 2023 • 1:54:26

Henry Kissinger: Passing of a Global Elite Architect - Jay Dyer

Henry Kissinger: Passing of a Global Elite Architect - Jay Dyer

Today we will analyze the life and influence of Henry Kissinger, one of the key architects of Rockefeller power and the creation of the global order as we now know it. In the last few years we have seen the exiting of numerous old guard global elite and with Kissinger we see the end of an epoch. Richard's new course is here: https://www.universityofreason.com/a/2147619501/hZMWNFNp Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://mark

Dec 4, 2023 • 1:36:46

Dune & Dune Messiah Explained - Deep-dive Esoteric Analysis (Free Half)

Dune & Dune Messiah Explained - Deep-dive Esoteric Analysis (Free Half)

Dune and the Dune series are the most profound science fiction novels of all time. In this deep dive we revisit the overall themes and patterns found in Dune, and expand into a new analysis of Dune Messiah, the famed sequel. I cover the esoteric, geopolitical, consp1ratorial and predictive programming elements no other podcasts have touched on. The full podcast is available for paid subs to my site or my R0kfin.Richard's new course is here: https://www.universityofreason.com/a/2147619501/hZMWNFN

Dec 1, 2023 • 1:08:44

CRAZIEST CULT EVER??!! Jay Dyer / Tristan Haggard Classic

CRAZIEST CULT EVER??!! Jay Dyer / Tristan Haggard Classic

In the full stream, Jay and Tristan continue where the discussion left off, noting the numerous fallacies that underly the vegan worldview. Based on a strict and arbitrary approach, veganism is not a position based around health, but the notion of strict ethical standards, supposedly. But are these ethics based on anything that isn't arbitrary or a restatement of endless logical fallacies? We will find out. We had connection issues throughout but we persevered.Become a supporter of this podcast:

Nov 30, 2023 • 2:32:45

Cannibalism, Blood Drinking and High Adept Satanism

Cannibalism, Blood Drinking and High Adept Satanism

We discuss the books Angelic Defenders & Demonic Abusers and Cannibalism, Blood Drinking and High Adept Satanism by Kerth Barker

Nov 28, 2023 • 52:13

Secret Life of a Satanist

Secret Life of a Satanist

A biography of Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan, by Blanche Barton

Nov 28, 2023 • 1:24:34

Who Are They?

Who Are They?

Did this book predict the future or is there an overarching agenda being played out?In this episode we review the classic conspiracy book, "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300" by Dr. John Coleman

Nov 28, 2023 • 1:33:34

Open Debate & Q n A: The Mosaic Law? Icons & Idols, Augustine & Filioque, Canon of Bible

Open Debate & Q n A: The Mosaic Law? Icons & Idols, Augustine & Filioque, Canon of Bible

In today's open forum for members we covered the Mosaic law and fulfillment, the place of icons and kissing, the relationship of Hagar and Gen 16 to Islam, the canon of Scripture and Protestants, the mode of willing in this life and the eschaton, the Filioque and more.We return to HOT debate with a few gnostics, some protestants and some questions about is/ought and atheism's value claims. WE got deep into comparative religion, the Trinity and the Torah, the fiilioque, nihilism and morals, logic

Nov 27, 2023 • 2:30:47

OPEN DEBATE! New Revelation Cults?? Trinity in OT? Gnostic GODS?? Atheist Ontology? Jay Dyer

OPEN DEBATE! New Revelation Cults?? Trinity in OT? Gnostic GODS?? Atheist Ontology? Jay Dyer

We return to HOT debate with a few gnostics, some protestants and some questions about is/ought and atheism's value claims. WE got deep into comparative religion, the Trinity and the Torah, the fiilioque, nihilism and morals, logical contradictions and much, much more! Richard's new course is here: https://www.universityofreason.com/a/2147619501/hZMWNFNp Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/p

Nov 25, 2023 • 3:14:18

Jay Dyer Debate Vs Gnostic Scott Smith

Jay Dyer Debate Vs Gnostic Scott Smith

I was invited back to Aeon Byte for a debate - this is uploaded with express written permission. Jay Dyer and Scott Smith joined us for a civil but passionate debate. We discussed the Gnostic and Orthodox differences on Theodicy, Biblical Inerrancy, Free Will, Salvation, the nature of Jesus, and much more. Is the world evil or in harmony? Is the Old Testament about a good or evil god? What were the true origins of Christianity? And much more. For some reason, my vaping was as incendiary as the t

Nov 24, 2023 • 1:36:45



Welcome to Exclusive Interviews with Sammy The Bull... Join Sammy and his guest, best selling author and investigative researcher, Jay Dyer on the anniversary of the JFK assassination. Listen to the two speak about never before heard stories straight from the mafia's administration as only Sammy can tell it regarding the hit on the presidential hit, including Sammy getting questioned at Quantico! Don't miss this extraordinary interview, and hear Sammy like you've never heard him before. Sammy is

Nov 23, 2023 • 1:27:38



In this classic clip I summarize the overall gamelan of the elite, with a focus on the Jacques Attali text so many have not read or even heard of. Attali is the Kissinger of France, and a key global player. The book reveals all. Richard's new course is here: https://www.universityofreason.com/a/2147619501/hZMWNFNp Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are

Nov 19, 2023 • 38:39

Secret Plan for a World Socialist Dictatorship Analyzed! Jay Dyer

Secret Plan for a World Socialist Dictatorship Analyzed! Jay Dyer

Jay analyzes the moves made by many philosophers, elites, monopolists communists, socialists and Fabians for a one world socialized order, organized under the ethos of a techn0cratic centralized AI system. Richard's new course is here: https://www.universityofreason.com/a/2147619501/hZMWNFNp Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanaly

Nov 18, 2023 • 41:14

Jordan Peterson Vs Sam Harris Part 3: God, Atheism, Bible REVIEW & REACTION - Jay Dyer

Jordan Peterson Vs Sam Harris Part 3: God, Atheism, Bible REVIEW & REACTION - Jay Dyer

It's been a good year since we reviwed a debate! Today we will review the second Jordan Peterson / Harris discussion with over 2 million views on the issues of biblical ethics and morals and the question of human sacrifice and Genesis. We move on to PART 3!!! Richard's new course is here: https://www.universityofreason.com/a/2147619501/hZMWNFNp Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy1

Nov 2, 2023 • 3:20:21

Christianity, Enlightenment, Post-Modernity & Marxism: Kyle Maxwell & Jay Dyer

Christianity, Enlightenment, Post-Modernity & Marxism: Kyle Maxwell & Jay Dyer

Kyle Maxwell hosted me to cover a series of topics related to Christianity, western history and decline and the role of philosophy.Richard's new course is here: https://www.universityofreason.com/a/2147619501/hZMWNFNp Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-boo

Nov 2, 2023 • 1:29:12

Elite Dinner Invitation HORROR: Menu, Get Out, Fresh, The Invitation - Jay, Jamie, BLA

Elite Dinner Invitation HORROR: Menu, Get Out, Fresh, The Invitation - Jay, Jamie, BLA

Bazed Lit Analyzer invited us on to cover 4 films for Spooktober. DARK FALL: HORROR HOTEL V Jay and Jamie will join me to discuss four films for Spooktober: THE MENU THE INVITATION (2015) GET OUT FRESH These four movies revolve around wide range of subject matter, but they all concern destination: de4th. We'll discuss monarch, mind control, the most dangerous game, and elite shenanigans. Peak Spooktober.Richard's new course is here: https://www.universityofreason.com/a/2147619501/hZMWNFNp Send S

Oct 28, 2023 • 2:32:46



A flashback to a classic - Sam joins me on Lord Voldemort to cover his takes on the hot topics. WE dive deep and hear the Candyman's deepest hopes and desires. Sam is here https://samhyde.gumroad.com and here: https://www.mde.tv/l/HydeWars Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Oct 28, 2023 • 42:46

The PSYCHOPATH: Narcissism & The Dark Triad Archetype Traits Character Study in Film & Lit

The PSYCHOPATH: Narcissism & The Dark Triad Archetype Traits Character Study in Film & Lit

Is Hollywood mainlining the psychopath? In this conversation with screenwriter / producer MeI K we cover recent films and shows that highlight the narcissism of the psychopath and his amoral attitude becoming heroic.

Oct 27, 2023 • 46:27

Jordan Peterson Vs Sam Harris Part 2: God, Atheism, Bible REVIEW & REACTION - Jay Dyer

Jordan Peterson Vs Sam Harris Part 2: God, Atheism, Bible REVIEW & REACTION - Jay Dyer

Is Hollywood mainlining the psychopath? In this conversation with screenwriter / producer MeI K we cover recent films and shows that highlight the narcissism of the psychopath and his amoral attitude becoming heroic.Richard's new course is here: https://www.universityofreason.com/a/2147619501/hZMWNFNp Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https:/

Oct 27, 2023 • 46:27

The New Order and the Biblical End Of Days with Isaac Weishaupt and Jay Dyer - Tinfoil Hat / Sam Tripoli

The New Order and the Biblical End Of Days with Isaac Weishaupt and Jay Dyer - Tinfoil Hat / Sam Tripoli

Thank you so much for tuning in for another episode of Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli. This episode we brought in the guns, Returning Champions Jay Dyer and Isaac Weishaupt, to discuss the ramp up to World War 3 and how the New World Order wants to bring the Biblical End Of Days! This episode is pure fire! Thank you for your support. #NothinButBangersWant to see Sam Tripoli live? Get tickets at SamTripoli.com: Nov 3rd: Tin Foil Hat Comedy and Swarm Tank Live In Indianapolis Tin Foil Hat Comedy: h

Oct 27, 2023 • 1:45:21



Jamie joins me to cover two of the worst genres of horror for spooktober: BAD witch movies & Horrid Asylum horrors. As for the witches, we've covered a few of the decent films like Suspiria and The Witch, but as for the rest, they are the bottom of the cauldron. We will also cover another genre full of junk aside from a few gems, the mental asylum mkuItra horror.

Oct 26, 2023 • 2:25:56

Apostolic Succession & Normative Authority in the Church: Jay Dyer, Fr. John Whiteford & Fr. Jonathan Ivanoff

Apostolic Succession & Normative Authority in the Church: Jay Dyer, Fr. John Whiteford & Fr. Jonathan Ivanoff

On this special episode of Faith Unaltered we invited Jay Dyer, Fr. John Whiteford and Fr. Jonathan Ivanoff on to have a roundtable discussion about the Normative Authority of the Eastern Orthodox Church and Apostolic Succession! Join us as we will be taking audience questions (superchat priority) during the episode!

Oct 24, 2023 • 2:18:42



Tonight we return to F-U-N time! FUN means riffing and reacting to the top ghost, witch, cryptid, UFO, cult, started & atheist vids on Tik Tok, YouTube and more! Can we find solid PROOF of ancient aliens, hidden civilizations, star seeds, witches, ghosts and cryptid????? Will we finally have sold proof??? Will the Tik Tok atheists demolish our worldviews????

Oct 22, 2023 • 2:45:56



Today we will have a casual conversation contrasting our histories of thought with Redeemed Zoomer. The conversation is not a formal debate but an exchange of Ideas fostered by Kyle. Richard's new course is here: https://www.universityofreason.com/a/2147619501/hZMWNFNp Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red

Oct 21, 2023 • 3:03:01

Awakening From the Meaning Crisis Analysis: David Harry & Jay Dyer on John Vervaeke

Awakening From the Meaning Crisis Analysis: David Harry & Jay Dyer on John Vervaeke

Tonight COTEL and I discuss the philosophy of John Vervareke and his analysis of meaning, flow state, Buddhism and Shamanism as well as his overall approach to cognitive science. We will look at both the pros and the cons of his views. Richard's new course is here: https://www.universityofreason.com/a/2147619501/hZMWNFNp Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Bo

Oct 20, 2023 • 2:22:06

The Trinity, Monarchia, Energies, Filioque & Unitarian Arguments - Dr Beau Branson & Jay Dyer

The Trinity, Monarchia, Energies, Filioque & Unitarian Arguments - Dr Beau Branson & Jay Dyer

Richard's new course is here: https://www.universityofreason.com/a/2147619501/hZMWNFNp Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Subscribe to my site here: https://jaysanalysis.com/membership-account/membership-levels/ Follow me on R0kfin here: https://rokf

Oct 19, 2023 • 2:46:16

Protestant Precursors Refuted: Gnostics, Arians, Nominalism & Penal Substitution - Jay Dyer

Protestant Precursors Refuted: Gnostics, Arians, Nominalism & Penal Substitution - Jay Dyer

Today I will discuss some of the recent texts I've been reading and how they are crucial to the Protestant / Catholic issue. Papadakis, Louth and Siecienski texts are a helpful addendum to the history of Byzantium and the later issues of the papacy and the rise of Protestantism. Questioners can have the floor for as long as they like.

Oct 16, 2023 • 4:07:16

Military Industrial Compliance - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Military Industrial Compliance - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Learn to protect yourself from predatory mass media. #ClownWorld marches onward as the Boiler Room sees a resurgence in 'creepy clown' stories in the media which we flagged up back in 2016 originally, what's the deal with it, whats the esoteric meaning, whats the archetype... A massive conflict in the Gaza Strip has broken out this week, after the clowns go winding down, The Social Rejects Club takes a long hard look at the geopolitical, propaganda

Oct 14, 2023 • 2:49:52

Filioque Debate Review - David Erhan & Jay Dyer

Filioque Debate Review - David Erhan & Jay Dyer

Jay and David break down the arguments from both sides of his debate with Wagner on Sam Shamoun's channel. Richard's new course is here: https://www.universityofreason.com/a/2147619501/hZMWNFNp Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Subscribe to my site

Oct 12, 2023 • 1:58:52

SIMULATION THEORY - Secrets of the MIRRORED REALITY & Supercomputer Control - Jay & Jimbob

SIMULATION THEORY - Secrets of the MIRRORED REALITY & Supercomputer Control - Jay & Jimbob

MadebyJimB0b joins me to cover the mass tech surve1llance state and the idea of mirrored reality and simulacra. The simulant world is taking over as the real world and this is not an accident. We will discuss the notions of tech and platonism and much more!

Oct 11, 2023 • 2:01:23

Latter Day Satans: Mormon Cults Exposed - The Hamblin Case with Chiller Queen & Jay Dyer

Latter Day Satans: Mormon Cults Exposed - The Hamblin Case with Chiller Queen & Jay Dyer

"This marks the first part of the David Hamblin case series...." Chiller Queen returns to cover the bizarre case of the recent revelations of the inner Mormon / LDS cult operation surrounding the figure of Hamblin. Chiller Queen has gone deep into this cult case and many more here: https://www.podpage.com/chillerqueenpodcast/ Richard's new course is here: https://www.universityofreason.com/a/2147619501/hZMWNFNp Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosop

Oct 10, 2023 • 1:12:21

The Key Errors of Islam: Hadiths, Justin Martyr, Tertullian & Early Triad Disputes with Sam Shamoun

The Key Errors of Islam: Hadiths, Justin Martyr, Tertullian & Early Triad Disputes with Sam Shamoun

Sam joins me to cover the incessant Muslim refrain that the "Trinity wasn't taught" until Nicaea. A couple of the key quotemines come from Tertullian and St. Justin Martyr. We will consider Sam's articles on these topics and a defense of eternal generation and the unity of the Persons in the fathers.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Oct 6, 2023 • 1:27:01

IT'S ALL OVER - IF This Happens....

IT'S ALL OVER - IF This Happens....

Tonight we will have a new deep dive into big scale meta politics and the geopolitical movements that are sure to rock the world the next 12 months. This will be, I think, a heavy 12 months but we can already see the big moves being made for the world the elite want to put into place... Richard's new course is here: https://www.universityofreason.com/a/2147619501/hZMWNFNp Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.a

Oct 5, 2023 • 2:24:26

The 1960's Counterculture Was Controlled from the Top - Laurel Canyon & Jay Dyer on Counterflow

The 1960's Counterculture Was Controlled from the Top - Laurel Canyon & Jay Dyer on Counterflow

My guest this week is Jay Dyer. Jay runs one of the largest podcasts in our space as well as being the author of "Esoteric Hollywood" volumes one and two. He is known for his deep analysis of Hollywood, geopolitics, and culture. His graduate work focused on psychological warfare and film. In this episode, Jay and I get into the non-organic, controlled-from-the-top nature of the 1960's "counterculture" that so many people still think was a grassroots freedom expression. Jay discusses the multiple

Oct 4, 2023 • 1:10:21

How The Papacy & Vatican 1 Are A Contradiction - Jay Dyer (Flashback)

How The Papacy & Vatican 1 Are A Contradiction - Jay Dyer (Flashback)

Tonight we will work through each of the canons of the councils that refutes the Vatican 1 dogma of papal supremacy. If the papal dogma of Vatican 1 was the perennial view, it should not be contradicted by multiple canons in each council. As Vatican 1 states: "For "no one can be in doubt, indeed it was known in every age that the holy and most blessed Peter, prince and head of the apostles, the pillar of faith and the foundation of the Catholic Church, received the keys of the kingdom from our l

Oct 4, 2023 • 2:20:00

Open Debate! Pope Francis Does It Again! Dubia & The Blessing of Gae Unions & Vatican 1 - Jay Dyer

Open Debate! Pope Francis Does It Again! Dubia & The Blessing of Gae Unions & Vatican 1 - Jay Dyer

Today we will have open forum on all things Roman Catholic and papal. We will look at the Roman Catholic Dubia (questions) posed to Francis and the answers, as well as reminding Roman Catholic of what Vatican 1 actually says. Can a valid pope be a heretic? Do papal dogmas contradict? Have we seen a change in Roman Catholic moral theology (which is part of dogma - faith & morals)? What is the longterm plan for these recent changes? The very fact that the pope is being questioned on his statem

Oct 4, 2023 • 4:23:31

Peter Pan-demic Part Deux - Out of This World #36

Peter Pan-demic Part Deux - Out of This World #36

Based Lit Analyzer and Jamie talk about the book The Great God Pan, Peter Pan and Wendy (2023), Pan's Labyrinth, and Hook

Oct 2, 2023 • 2:59:56

Peter Pan-demic - Out of This World #35

Peter Pan-demic - Out of This World #35

Jamie and Based Lit Analyzer talk about the hidden god Pan, the classic "children's" book Peter Pan, and the 2015 movie "Pan"

Oct 2, 2023 • 2:01:47

The Devil and Walt Disney - Out of This World #32

The Devil and Walt Disney - Out of This World #32

Jamie and Paul talk about voodoo, The Haunted Mansion, The Princess and the Frog, The Devil and Max Devlin, and Monsters Inc.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Oct 2, 2023 • 2:58:32

Marxism's Dialectical Materialism: Mystery Religion of the Revolutionary Faith (Half) - Jay Dyer

Marxism's Dialectical Materialism: Mystery Religion of the Revolutionary Faith (Half) - Jay Dyer

Today I will discuss the religious background to Marxism and how it functions as a religious movement, with an actual esoteric background and presupposition - magical materialism and process philosophy. We will look at how dialectical materialism and praxis are crucial to understanding the global elite philosophy - it is not a real opposition to the power system. It is in the final analysis a self-negating worship of power.Richard's new course is here: https://www.universityofreason.com/a/214761

Oct 2, 2023 • 2:19:01

Creator (2023) Explained! Buddhism, A.I. & Other Hollywood Platonic & Neo-Gnostic Films - Jay Dyer

Creator (2023) Explained! Buddhism, A.I. & Other Hollywood Platonic & Neo-Gnostic Films - Jay Dyer

#creator #buddhism #thematrix After seeing Creator, I couldn't resist an analysis given the Buddhist and eastern philosophic underpinnings, combined with the gnostic elements. We will also cover other famous Hollywood films predicated on Platonic and gnostic themes. Richard's new course is here: https://www.universityofreason.com/a/2147619501/hZMWNFNp Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/phil

Oct 1, 2023 • 1:54:56

WW1 & 2 and Axis & Marxists a Controlled, Managed Dialectic? Open Debate (Free Half)

WW1 & 2 and Axis & Marxists a Controlled, Managed Dialectic? Open Debate (Free Half)

This open forum emerged when many mainline rightwing and leftwing began debating the 20th century wars while opposing the Quigley - Sutton thesis, which I defend. The full 4 hout open chat is available to paid subs to my site.

Sep 30, 2023 • 2:34:19

Occult Secrets of Witchcraft and the Rise of Feminism - Jay & Rachel

Occult Secrets of Witchcraft and the Rise of Feminism - Jay & Rachel

Jay hosts lord voldemort and is joined by rachel wilson.

Sep 30, 2023 • 35:15

Did the Early Church Teach the Trinity? Jay Dyer & IP

Did the Early Church Teach the Trinity? Jay Dyer & IP

Recently, Jake the Muslim Metaphysician said on the PBD Podcast that the early church father prior to the Council of Nicaea did not teach the Trinity. Jay Dyer joins me to discuss the writings of the church fathers where we demonstrate Trinitarian theology in the early church. IP is here https://youtu.be/Gq1uYD8CzJ8

Sep 28, 2023 • 1:22:06

Russell Brand Drama Roundtable - Shaun Attwood Podcast - Jay Dyer & Charlie Robinson

Russell Brand Drama Roundtable - Shaun Attwood Podcast - Jay Dyer & Charlie Robinson

Shaun hosts Jay and Charlie to cover the wild drama concerning the Brand conspiracy. Shaun's channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/@shaunattwoodOFFICIAL

Sep 28, 2023 • 1:43:36

Maga Communist "Debate" - Is Materialism True?

Maga Communist "Debate" - Is Materialism True?

A ridiculous debate about "maga communism's" materialism. "Haz" comes on at 4 mins and the "debate" lasts about 5 mins, where his arguments for materialism are actually worse than Tjumps.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Sep 28, 2023 • 52:41

HUGE Geopoltical Events Happening NOW! All Based on UNREAL Past PLANS!

HUGE Geopoltical Events Happening NOW! All Based on UNREAL Past PLANS!

Today we pick back up with our deep geopolitical analysis of recent events with Yewkraine and Z., as well as 4 recent big zingers from Francis that signal big developments in the world of religion as a whole. We will also look back to some key elite speeches and texts from the early 80s relevant to where we are now! Richard's new course is here: https://www.universityofreason.com/a/2147619501/hZMWNFNp Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course

Sep 27, 2023 • 2:02:30

The Mechanics of Culture Creation & Toxifying Society on Purpose - Jamie Arrigo & Jay Dyer

The Mechanics of Culture Creation & Toxifying Society on Purpose - Jamie Arrigo & Jay Dyer

Jamie Arrigo discusses culture creation and faux counter culture with Jay Dyer.

Sep 26, 2023 • 1:14:54

Aliens, Demons & UFOs: Orthodoxy & The Religion of The Future - Jay Dyer & Maria Z333

Aliens, Demons & UFOs: Orthodoxy & The Religion of The Future - Jay Dyer & Maria Z333

Maria Z333 interviews Jay Dyer on the book Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future. Maria is here: https://zeeemedia.comSend Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Subscribe to my site here: https://jaysanalysis.com/membership-account/membership-levels/ Foll

Sep 26, 2023 • 1:34:01

Operation Paperclip, Gladio, OSS & CIA and COINTEL Fronts Explained - Jay & Patrick Henningsen Show

Operation Paperclip, Gladio, OSS & CIA and COINTEL Fronts Explained - Jay & Patrick Henningsen Show

Patrick Henningsen and Jay Dyer discuss the history of Paperclip and Gladio, cointel operations, FBI informants and cut out organizations that have been used as staging grounds for shadow government operations and destabilization operations. Patricks show is here: https://tntradio.live/shows/patrick-henningsen-show/Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Sep 25, 2023 • 56:00

Pirates of the Caribbean's Symbolism: The Real History of The East India Company & Skull & Bones

Pirates of the Caribbean's Symbolism: The Real History of The East India Company & Skull & Bones

#pirates #piratesofthecaribbean #johnnydepp Jamie and I revisit the last fun Disney franchise, Pirates of the Caribbean to see what bizarre and esoteric elements we missed. We delve into the history or Pirates and the East India Company and the model of corporate governance. Not surprisingly, we found quite a few subtle references and occult nods throughout as we react to this 2000s era notable. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is her

Sep 25, 2023 • 1:25:56

DISGUSTING! Russell Brand Drama & The CIA's Control of the Media & Arts

DISGUSTING! Russell Brand Drama & The CIA's Control of the Media & Arts

Jay Dyer comments on his hour of Lord V how the CIA uses their control of media and arts to debase and control society while simultaneously running moral outrage campaigns against people who challenge them like Assange or Brand. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-j

Sep 23, 2023 • 45:38

The Heresy of Calvinism and Protestantism w/ Jay Dyer

The Heresy of Calvinism and Protestantism w/ Jay Dyer

Transfigured Life Podcast hosts a discussion on Calvinism. Their podcast is here: https://www.youtube.com/@TheTransfiguredLifeSend Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Subscribe to my site here: https://jaysanalysis.com/membership-account/membership-levels

Sep 22, 2023 • 1:08:39

TIK TOK CRINGE & Bizarre, Weird Events & Strange Phenomena - Jay Dyer

TIK TOK CRINGE & Bizarre, Weird Events & Strange Phenomena - Jay Dyer

We return to analyzing Tik Tok cringe and strange, creepy phenomena, with maybe a little slapped ham and bizarre Bub in the mix. We shall see. Either way, some fun clips emerged this week that bear analysis, as well as some interesting philosophical angles. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays

Sep 20, 2023 • 2:30:56

"NO WAY" FACTS That PROVE Crazy Things Are Happening BY DESIGN! (Partial)

"NO WAY" FACTS That PROVE Crazy Things Are Happening BY DESIGN! (Partial)

Jay Dyer joins Richard and Tony on GTW to discuss the manifold ways intricate scams and deceptions are being fostered to dupe the masses! Don't fall for it! Richard's forensic approach to history demonstrates insights into the elite gameplay you can't afford to miss! This is the first third of a 1.5 hr chat available at my site or my R0kfin. GTW is here: https://rokfin.com/RichardGrove

Sep 18, 2023 • 25:45

The Global Elite Satanic Agenda, DMT Entities and Eating Ze Bugz! (With Special Guest: Jay Dyer!)

The Global Elite Satanic Agenda, DMT Entities and Eating Ze Bugz! (With Special Guest: Jay Dyer!)

Connect the Dots invited me on. Was a fun chat!

Sep 18, 2023 • 44:35

A Critique of Libertarian & Classical Liberal Ideas - Pros and Cons - Courtenay Turner Podcast/Jay Dyer

A Critique of Libertarian & Classical Liberal Ideas - Pros and Cons - Courtenay Turner Podcast/Jay Dyer

Courtenay Turner podcast hosts Jay Dyer again to discuss critques of classical liberal and libertarian thought, including the history of libertarian groups in the 20th century. Courtenay is here: https://rumble.com/user/CourtenayTurner

Sep 16, 2023 • 59:29

Top 40+ Admitted False Flag Events Used to Manipulate the Population

Top 40+ Admitted False Flag Events Used to Manipulate the Population

Jay Dyer hosts the hAlex J0nes Show to cover the history of 20th century false flags that are admitted.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Sep 16, 2023 • 36:01

Roman Catholic History & The Papacy Critiqued & The Ukraine Schism Explained - Fr John Whiteford

Roman Catholic History & The Papacy Critiqued & The Ukraine Schism Explained - Fr John Whiteford

Fr John Whiteford returns to join me in giving a critique of the Roman Catholic system and its history, including the historical evolutions and revolutions fostered by the institution of the papacy itself, particularly historically and ecclesiologically. From the Gregorian reforms to the New Testament passages usually used, we cover the problems in the papal prooftexts and move on to explain the history of the EP in modernity and its relationship to the Ukra1ne schism and other parallels to it i

Sep 15, 2023 • 1:32:33

Thomas Aquinas & His Follower's Pseudo "Debate:" Review and Analysis - Jay Dyer

Thomas Aquinas & His Follower's Pseudo "Debate:" Review and Analysis - Jay Dyer

Today's debate didn't go very far due to the typical Thomist penchant for avoiding answering objections by simply repeating the position. When we agreed on what Thomism teaches, I asked specific questions which resulted in further stating of the Thomist position. When I said the conversation was "bs" the opponent whined it was a personal insult (it wasn't) and tried to play victim, so it was going nowhere. Here we will open up the chat for any Thomists to finish the discussion for Astro.

Sep 14, 2023 • 2:25:01

Insane BIZARRE Phenomena HAPPENING! Big Scale Geopolitical Events Explained - Jay Dyer

Insane BIZARRE Phenomena HAPPENING! Big Scale Geopolitical Events Explained - Jay Dyer

The news gets crazier and crazier every day and we are here to give the big meta picture analysis: it's the big 9 event remembrance and we will look at its symbolic significance and the geopolitical entanglements that underlie it as well as the strange occurrences since and in recent news.Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis

Sep 12, 2023 • 3:09:41

Post-Modernism, Fake ART & Aesthetic Theory - Jay Dyer on COTEL 20k Stream

Post-Modernism, Fake ART & Aesthetic Theory - Jay Dyer on COTEL 20k Stream

The 20k COTEL stream led to an interesting discussion on aesthetics and the objectivity of the beautiful and the good.

Sep 11, 2023 • 1:36:00

The Satanic Panic: Truths & Lies of the Bizarre Phenomena - Quite Frankly & Jay Dyer

The Satanic Panic: Truths & Lies of the Bizarre Phenomena - Quite Frankly & Jay Dyer

Frank hosts Jay Dyer to discuss what is true and what is false surroundig the infamous 80s Satanic Panic event.

Sep 9, 2023 • 2:11:59

THE WORSHIP OF FLUX & Cognitive Warfare - Revolutionary Movements Are Controlled - Jay Dyer

THE WORSHIP OF FLUX & Cognitive Warfare - Revolutionary Movements Are Controlled - Jay Dyer

Follow my work here: https://rokfin.com/jaydyer

Sep 9, 2023 • 39:40

James Bond in the 90s! Goldeneye, Tomorrow Never Dies, World is Not Enough & Die Another Day!

James Bond in the 90s! Goldeneye, Tomorrow Never Dies, World is Not Enough & Die Another Day!

Jamie joins me for a total momcore / mombond analysis of the 90s Bond films - the Brosnan era! WE will cover all four and go deep into the esortica and propaganda - and ridiculousness of one of the funnest eras of the 007 franchise. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-n

Sep 9, 2023 • 1:43:41

These BIZARRE PSY OPS Are Launching WORLDWIDE Jay Dyer

These BIZARRE PSY OPS Are Launching WORLDWIDE Jay Dyer

Jason and I join forces to decode this 80s classic that was a blast to revisit. I hadn't seen this since high school, but the film contains a bizarre sequence of vignettes that cover near future dystopias, other worlds and dimensions, ritual magic, aliens and goddesses and more!

Sep 8, 2023 • 1:25:29

HEAVY METAL! The Bizarre 1981 Dystopian Alien Animated Classic DECODED! Bermas & Jay Dyer

HEAVY METAL! The Bizarre 1981 Dystopian Alien Animated Classic DECODED! Bermas & Jay Dyer

Jason and I join forces to decode this 80s classic that was a blast to revisit. I hadn’t seen this since high school, but the film contains a bizarre sequence of vignettes that cover near future dystopias, other worlds and dimensions, ritual magic, aliens and goddesses and more!Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Sep 8, 2023 • 57:48

OPEN DEBATE! Trinity, Pope Francis' Anti-Trinity Faith Center, Prot Relics & Icons, Dialectics, Daniel's Beasts

OPEN DEBATE! Trinity, Pope Francis' Anti-Trinity Faith Center, Prot Relics & Icons, Dialectics, Daniel's Beasts

We return to our normally scheduled broadcasts as we open the forum back up - tonight's topics include: deity of Christ, Trinity, biblical theology, OT-NT relations, TAG and Logos / Logoi, comparative religion, "Palamism," tradition and solas, calvinism and predestination, Vatican and its teachings, EP and the schism in Orthodoxy, epistemology, etc.

Sep 6, 2023 • 3:47:56



A recent Lord Voldemort where I discuss Funkopower and its relation to international relations.Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Subscribe to my site here: https://jaysanalysis.com/membership-account/membership-levels/ Follow me on R0kfin here: http

Sep 2, 2023 • 32:13

OCCULT PLAN FOR THE FUTURE REVEALED Attali s Future History Book (PART 1 Half) Jay Dyer

OCCULT PLAN FOR THE FUTURE REVEALED Attali s Future History Book (PART 1 Half) Jay Dyer

A vintage talk that should not be forgotten!Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Aug 28, 2023 • 1:26:59

Satanic Initiation Through Pop Music - Out of This World #33 with Brittany Sellner

Satanic Initiation Through Pop Music - Out of This World #33 with Brittany Sellner

Jamie and Brittany Sellner talk about music, healing, Doja Cat, Lil NAS X, Beyonce, and other pop stars and their satanic imagery in music videos.

Aug 27, 2023 • 1:03:09

Leave Britney Alone! - Out of This World #16 - Jamie & Rachel Wilson

Leave Britney Alone! - Out of This World #16 - Jamie & Rachel Wilson

Rachel and Jamie talk about Britney Spears' childhood and MK Ultra/Project Monarch

Aug 27, 2023 • 1:44:33

The Occult Roots of Feminism Part 2 - Out of This World #15 - Jamie & Rachel Wilson

The Occult Roots of Feminism Part 2 - Out of This World #15 - Jamie & Rachel Wilson

Author Rachel Wilson returns to discuss her book, Occult Feminism: The Secret History of Women's Liberation

Aug 27, 2023 • 2:33:03

The Occult Roots of Feminism - Out of This World #14 - Jamie & Rachel Wilson

The Occult Roots of Feminism - Out of This World #14 - Jamie & Rachel Wilson

Author Rachel Wilson joins me to talk about her book Occult Feminism: The Secret History of Women's LiberationBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Aug 27, 2023 • 1:23:10

Jay Dyer’s Journey: From Red Pill to Hosting with Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson & Twin Peaks Symbolism!

Jay Dyer’s Journey: From Red Pill to Hosting with Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson & Twin Peaks Symbolism!

Jay Dyer’s Journey: From Red Pill to Hosting with Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson & Twin Peaks Symbolism!@IlluminatiEyesand I chat pop culture symbolism! Purchase his books here: https://allmylinks.com/isaacw My books here: https://jaysanalysis.com/shop/

Aug 27, 2023 • 1:05:34

Dr Jordan Peterson: Egyptology, The Timaeus, Carl Jung & Piaget Analysis - Lecture 2 (Half)

Dr Jordan Peterson: Egyptology, The Timaeus, Carl Jung & Piaget Analysis - Lecture 2 (Half)

Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Subscribe to my site here: https://jaysanalysis.com/membership-account/membership-levels/ Follow me on R0kfin here: https://rokfin.com/jaydyer Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off!

Aug 26, 2023 • 1:02:51

Why Islam is Clearly False | Jay Dyer & Apostate Prophet

Why Islam is Clearly False | Jay Dyer & Apostate Prophet

Jay Dyer has recently been studying Islam more deeply and also had a very successful debate in which he demonstrated many of Islam’s mistakes. We will explore that more.Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Orders for new book here: https://jaysanalysis

Aug 23, 2023 • 2:06:38

Open Forum Debate: Islam, Trinity, Hypostatic Union, Filioque, Energies - Jay Dyer

Open Forum Debate: Islam, Trinity, Hypostatic Union, Filioque, Energies - Jay Dyer

#islam #trinity #debate Today we will have open forum chat with those who take issue with my argumentation or topics. If you are a Roman Catholic and have issues, an Orthodox who disagrees, an evangelical or even an atheist: topics include: Rome & the papacy, TAG, presuppositional argumentation, natural law & natural theology, metaphysics & epistemology, logos / logoi, Islam & the Quran, atheism and materialism, Calvinism & its errors & More! Send Superchats at any time h

Aug 20, 2023 • 2:53:01

Writings of the Global Elite, Mind Control & Comedy - Jay Dyer on Lodgical Podcast

Writings of the Global Elite, Mind Control & Comedy - Jay Dyer on Lodgical Podcast

Lodge and I discuss past debates, the philosophy of debate, the writings of the elite, comedy, mind control and much more! The Lodgical Podcast is here: https://www.youtube.com/@lodgicalpodcast6608Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Orders for new boo

Aug 18, 2023 • 1:02:28

The Global ELITE in Their OWN WORDS! They Said WHAT????

The Global ELITE in Their OWN WORDS! They Said WHAT????

Today we create an easy reference for listeners to see the so called elite in their own words and recent speeches that the move for the one world operation is absolutely under way. Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Orders for new book here: https://

Aug 18, 2023 • 1:08:20

Leaving Islam: Critiquing Islamic Contradictions, The Quran & Sufism: Apostate Prophet & Jay Dyer

Leaving Islam: Critiquing Islamic Contradictions, The Quran & Sufism: Apostate Prophet & Jay Dyer

Ridvan joins me to resume our conversation from 3 years ago as we expand to cover his own thoughts on why he left Islam and why he felt the Daniel Haqiqatjou debate was relevant. Tik Tok https://www.tiktok.com/@jaydyer Ridvan's video on YHWH is here: https://youtu.be/AYbBqK0_7FQ The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Orde

Aug 17, 2023 • 1:21:20

The Conspiracy Rabbit Hole!?!? Satan & TECH?? -Jamie Kennedy Podcast With Jay & Jamie Dyer

The Conspiracy Rabbit Hole!?!? Satan & TECH?? -Jamie Kennedy Podcast With Jay & Jamie Dyer

The Conspiracy Rabbit Hole!?!? Satan & TECH?? -Jamie Kennedy Podcast With Jay & Jamie Dyer "Hey guys! If you wanna check out the full interview, it's on my Patreon or also here on youtube as a channel membership perk. I'm gonna be uploading lots of exclusive content to the patreon/channel membership so join up!"

Aug 15, 2023 • 29:13



In this interview, we get to meet Jay Dyer. Apologist, comedian, and Orthodox Christian. We had a great time discussing Jay’s background and how he came into the Orthodox Church. As well as discussing some apologetics topics and even getting questions answered from fans regarding eschatology and theology.

Aug 15, 2023 • 1:06:40

The DARK GODDESS Savior Archetype? An Emerging Trend Explained - Jay & Jamie

The DARK GODDESS Savior Archetype? An Emerging Trend Explained - Jay & Jamie

The dark goddess is an emerging archetype we are seeing repeating in film. The teenage girl badass who kicks butt is a mini version of this, but beyond this we are seeing more and more films presenting female saviors who also have a dark vengeance streak. We will investigate a series of films with this theme and why it's a growing trend. Tik Tok https://www.tiktok.com/@jaydyer The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here:

Aug 15, 2023 • 1:33:21

How Geopolitics REALLY WORKS: NATO, Vatican, Cold War & Empire - Jay Dyer

How Geopolitics REALLY WORKS: NATO, Vatican, Cold War & Empire - Jay Dyer

#geopolitics #history #philosophy A recent lecture that functions as a basic introduction to the topics you hear me cover, focusing on the Cold War, NATO, intelligence agencies and the overall imperial plans. The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Orders for new book here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/meta-narratives-

Aug 14, 2023 • 37:47

People are GLITCHING OUT! The Liminal Space: Explaining These Bizarre Manifestations

People are GLITCHING OUT! The Liminal Space: Explaining These Bizarre Manifestations

#glitchinthematrix #demon In this installment I give my breakdown of the philosophical, spiritual and metaphysical implications of the bizarre manifestations occurring in recent years. The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Orders for new book here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/meta-narratives-essays-on-philosophy-sym

Aug 14, 2023 • 38:01

A New FEMINIST World Religion is EMERGING - Jay Dyer & Tim Gordon

A New FEMINIST World Religion is EMERGING - Jay Dyer & Tim Gordon

Tim Gordon joins me to discuss 3 patterns: religious institutional subversion and capture wit secret societies & intel operatives, the rise of a new world religion and its connection to the worship of the feminine principle. Tim is here: @RulesForRetrogrades The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Orders for new book

Aug 14, 2023 • 33:37

The MOST UNBELIEVABLE Secret Operation That is REAL

The MOST UNBELIEVABLE Secret Operation That is REAL

This operation beats re-repeating: Mockingbird is the essential structure of today's online tech control system for media that echoes the Cold War era Operation Mockingbird that recruited hundreds of journalists and Hollywood moguls. The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Orders for new book here: https://jaysanalysis.com

Aug 14, 2023 • 40:12

Top 15 Artificial Intelligence & Hollywood Transhumanism Films! - Jay Dyer

Top 15 Artificial Intelligence & Hollywood Transhumanism Films! - Jay Dyer

The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Orders for new book here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/meta-narratives-essays-on-philosophy-symbolism-new-jay-dyer-book-pre-orders/ Subscribe to my site here: https://jaysanalysis.com/membership-account/membership-levels/ Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/j

Aug 14, 2023 • 1:52:31

Super Duper Gnostic Feminism & Barbie - Jay & Jerm Warfare

Super Duper Gnostic Feminism & Barbie - Jay & Jerm Warfare

Jerm hosst Jay again to cover the gnostic and esoteric elements in Barbie.

Aug 9, 2023 • 55:13

DEBATE- Jay Dyer Vs Daniel Haqiqatjou: Christianity Vs Islam Which Is the Religion of the Prophets

DEBATE- Jay Dyer Vs Daniel Haqiqatjou: Christianity Vs Islam Which Is the Religion of the Prophets

Welcome to Modern-Day Debate. Our vision is to provide a neutral debate platform so everyone has their fair shot to make their case on a level playing field. Live at 7PM CST I will be doing a panel discussion and book signing at Heroes Force Gaming & Comic Con in Benton, KY with Game of Thrones Artist Tommy Patterson August 12, 12-5 PM

Aug 6, 2023 • 3:34:11

Mockingbird & Mockingbird 2.0 - Trump Indictment, Spygate, Russiagate & More -Jay Dyer (Half)

Mockingbird & Mockingbird 2.0 - Trump Indictment, Spygate, Russiagate & More -Jay Dyer (Half)

Today we will walk through one of the most important discoveries of the last several decades that helps understand the architecture of perception management: Operation Mockingbird. The C1A's control of media didn't stop with the original disclosures: it expanded to the cyber Mockingbird we have seen in the last few years of the Don's emergence. The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product

Aug 2, 2023 • 1:30:31

The UFO / Alien Hearings Are a SCAM! - Invoking the Beyond - Collins Bros.

The UFO / Alien Hearings Are a SCAM! - Invoking the Beyond - Collins Bros.

The Collins bros. join me to return to the predictions we made 2 and 10 years ago: the alien deception card is being played! This is the first 30 mins of a 3 hour podcast! The full podcast is available for my paid subs. Their book is invoking the beyond here: https://www.iuniverse.com/en/bookstore/bookdetails/822540-invoking-the-beyond The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-

Aug 1, 2023 • 2:32:28

The Occult High Art World: Corruption, Brutalism & Aesthetics: Cancelled Artist - Arthur Kwon Lee

The Occult High Art World: Corruption, Brutalism & Aesthetics: Cancelled Artist - Arthur Kwon Lee

Arthur joins me! His site is here: https://www.arthurkwonlee.com/about The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Orders for new book here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/meta-narratives-essays-on-philosophy-symbolism-new-jay-dyer-book-pre-orders/ Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Follow m

Jul 31, 2023 • 1:07:01

Barbenheimer!!!! Barbie & Oppenheimer Deep Dive! WEIRD THINGS! Jay Dyer

Barbenheimer!!!! Barbie & Oppenheimer Deep Dive! WEIRD THINGS! Jay Dyer

Jamie joins me to offer a deep dive into the 2 seemingly opposite films that actually share a lot in common, especially the gnostic and post-modern themes. We will go deep homeboiiii!!! The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Orders for new book here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/meta-narratives-essays-on-philosophy-sy

Jul 31, 2023 • 1:51:41

Debate Part 2: Who Keeps the Torah? Bryson Gray Vs Jay Dyer

Debate Part 2: Who Keeps the Torah? Bryson Gray Vs Jay Dyer

Bryson Gray, who had me on a few months back to discuss Orthodoxy, comes on for a debate on the subject he finds most compelling - the status of the Law. Bryson describes himself as a "Christian who keeps the Torah" and takes issue with our view. We will have a formal debate on the topic.

Jul 27, 2023 • 1:24:44

Debate: Who Keeps the Torah? Bryson Gray Vs Jay Dyer Part 1

Debate: Who Keeps the Torah? Bryson Gray Vs Jay Dyer Part 1

Bryson Gray, who had me on a few months back to discuss Orthodoxy, comes on for a debate on the subject he finds most compelling - the status of the Law. Bryson describes himself as a "Christian who keeps the Torah" and takes issue with our view. We will have a formal debate on the topic.

Jul 27, 2023 • 1:39:58

Root Issues of the Orthodox / Papal Schism - Jay Dyer on Orthodox Squad

Root Issues of the Orthodox / Papal Schism - Jay Dyer on Orthodox Squad

The Orthodox Squad invited me on to cover the root issues of the East - West Schism. They are here: https://www.youtube.com/@OrthodoxSquadBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Jul 20, 2023 • 1:13:28

TOP 5 PROS & CONS OF THE RED PILL! Jay Dyer & Julia From BraveTheWorldChannel

TOP 5 PROS & CONS OF THE RED PILL! Jay Dyer & Julia From BraveTheWorldChannel

Our old friend Julia makes a return to chat about the rise of the red pill and the manosphere - a topic she was covering 10 years ago! We will cover the pros and cons.

Jul 20, 2023 • 1:22:26



Today we will cover the profound elements of predictive programming in the recent Tom COOM smash hit, Mission Impossible 7. Dead Reckoning represents the reminiscent nostalgia we all have for classic action films and good filmmaking. On top of the film being a good film, we also have a deeply relevant esoteric / technocratic plot!

Jul 19, 2023 • 1:28:36

Open Debate! Reformed Baptist, Humanism, Protestant Minimalism & More! Jay Dyer

Open Debate! Reformed Baptist, Humanism, Protestant Minimalism & More! Jay Dyer

TODAY we will open it up apologetic exchanges and discourse as we allow the opponents from Protestantism, Catholicism, Islam and any manner of cults and sectarian groups to come on and make their arguments for why their position is correct. Topics include: atheism, philosophy, thomism, energies and divine simplicity, TAG and presuppositional argumentation, papalism, cults, world religions and church history, as well as paganism and eastern religions.My substack: https://jaydyer.substack.com/p/ec

Jul 18, 2023 • 1:59:26

Open Debate -Ancient Faith Comes After Us Again! Tate & Islam, Orthodrama, TAG, Atheism & Energies

Open Debate -Ancient Faith Comes After Us Again! Tate & Islam, Orthodrama, TAG, Atheism & Energies

#ancientfaithradio #orthodox #antiochian TODAY we will open it up again for an apologetic exchange and discourse as we allow the opponents from Protestantism, Catholicism, Islam and any manner of cults and sectarian groups to come on and make their argument for why their position is correct. Topics include: atheism, philosophy, thomism, energies and divine simplicity, TAG and presuppositional argumentation, papalism and church history, as well as paganism and eastern religions.

Jul 18, 2023 • 4:32:36

Just Pearly Things: Occult Feminism - How FEMINISM Infiltrated RELIGION: Pearl, Rachel, Jay, Tim & Glenn

Just Pearly Things: Occult Feminism - How FEMINISM Infiltrated RELIGION: Pearl, Rachel, Jay, Tim & Glenn

Pearl Davis invited me on with Rachel and Tim and Glenn to cover the occult roots of feminism and how it has infiltrated the religious world. Pearl is here: https://www.youtube.com/@JustPearlyThingsFollow me on Rokfin here: https://rokfin.com/jaydyerBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Jul 18, 2023 • 2:23:41

Luciferian Satanic Nature of Feminism Exposed - Brittany Seller / Jay Dyer

Luciferian Satanic Nature of Feminism Exposed - Brittany Seller / Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer of https://jaysanalysis.com/ guest hosts with Brittany Sellner of https://youtube.com/brittpettibone/ to expose the luciferian satanic nature of feminism.

Jul 10, 2023 • 32:06

Aliens, Demons & God: Rocker DOROTHY Joins Me to Discuss!

Aliens, Demons & God: Rocker DOROTHY Joins Me to Discuss!

Dorothy is a rockstar and joined me to discuss her wild journey and deliverance. Was a fun interview and covered a lot of theological territory, especially given the recent alien news.Her new song with Nita Strauss is here: https://youtu.be/1oaeTi9poBU Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Orders for new book here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/meta-narratives-essays-on-philosophy-symbolism-new-jay-dyer

Jul 10, 2023 • 38:39



Jay Dyer breaks down the top 10 films exposing the NWO. Next up on our live tour is Los Angeles - July 6 with @jamiekennedycomedy !! 5 hours of shenanigans with Kennedy as headliner! Get tickets here! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-dyer-jamie-hanshaw-live-philosophy-comedy-show-tickets-615141423557 The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theolog

Jul 9, 2023 • 43:01



Jay Dyer and Jamie Hanshaw break down the history of the rise of witchcraft.

Jul 9, 2023 • 37:28

HEATED Protestant, Atheist & Weirdo Debates! Universalism, Is / Ought Question & Naturalism!

HEATED Protestant, Atheist & Weirdo Debates! Universalism, Is / Ought Question & Naturalism!

Tonight we will open it up for more apologetic exchange and discourse as we allow the opponents from Protestantism, Catholicism, Islam and any manner of cults and sectarian groups to come on and make their argument for why their position is correct. Topics include: atheism, philosophy, thomism, energies and divine simplicity, TAG and presuppositional argumentation, papalism and church history, as well as paganism and eastern religions.The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autono

Jul 9, 2023 • 3:11:06

Higher Dimensions, Neoplatonism, Alchemy, Giants & Orthodoxy - Sam Tripoli's Tinfoil Hat Feat Jay & Jamie

Higher Dimensions, Neoplatonism, Alchemy, Giants & Orthodoxy - Sam Tripoli's Tinfoil Hat Feat Jay & Jamie

Thank you so much for tuning in for another episode of Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli. This episode we welcome Jay and Jaime (Hanshaw) Dyer to the show to discuss their upcoming Los Angeles show and we dig deep in Othrodox Christianity. Sam's got questions that he need answers to. Thank you for your support. https://samtripoli.com/tin-foil-hat/Follow me on R0kfin here: https://rokfin.com/jaydyer Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Set up recurring Choq subscri

Jul 8, 2023 • 2:10:28

Indiana Jones The Dial of Destiny: The Full Franchise Esoteric Analysis - Jamie & Jay

Indiana Jones The Dial of Destiny: The Full Franchise Esoteric Analysis - Jamie & Jay

Indiana Jones and the Infinity Milker is the new film premiering this weekend and it includes a mystical device that allows the whole franchise to infinitely produce sequels that make bank. In this full analysis we will cover the esoteric elements of all 5 films! Next up on our live tour is Los Angeles - July 6 with @jamiekennedycomedy !! 5 hours of shenanigans with Kennedy as headliner! Get tickets here! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-dyer-jamie-hanshaw-live-philosophy-comedy-sh

Jul 3, 2023 • 1:51:18

Jamie Kennedy + Jay Dyer + Jamie Hanshaw - Philo. & Comedy LIVE

Jamie Kennedy + Jay Dyer + Jamie Hanshaw - Philo. & Comedy LIVE

An evening of philosophy, comedy, lectures & Q n A with Jay Dyer & Jamie Hanshaw with headliner standup from Jamie Kennedy 630-7PM!TIX here https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-dyer-jamie-hanshaw-philo-comedy-live-tickets-615141423557?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshwebdesktop

Jul 2, 2023 • 1:31

Fight Club 1999 - A Prediction of the Redpill Coming Nihilist Collapse Tristan Haggard

Fight Club 1999 - A Prediction of the Redpill Coming Nihilist Collapse Tristan Haggard

The internet's second hottest rapper, Tristan Haggard joins me in E Celebdom's most hyped comeback of 2023! What a perfect return - to cover one of the wildest 90's films of all time - which I have not covered somehow. We will explore the primitive / archaic revival and predictions in the film, as well as the ultimately anarcho nihilism themes, as well as mind control and dissociation.

Jun 30, 2023 • 1:49:06



Today we begin our analysis of Dr Peterson’s system of thought as it pertains to the psychology of the human person. We will look at the pros and cons from the metaphysical perspective I see missing in his system as well as other insights and agreements. This is the first half of a lecture which in full can be found by subscribing to my site and work below. Live at 830 PM CST

Jun 29, 2023 • 47:31

Jay Dyer's Journey: From Red Pill to Tucker Carlson & Special, Jamie Kennedy & Twin Peaks Symbolism!

Jay Dyer's Journey: From Red Pill to Tucker Carlson & Special, Jamie Kennedy & Twin Peaks Symbolism!

On today's episode of the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt podcast we are joined by a very special guest- Jay Dyer! He's back to catch up on his projects and we're gonna get into it!! We'll talk about what it's like hanging out with Al J0nes, how he got Tucker Carlson fired (*joking of course- maybe??...), his philosophy research, a MASSIVE EVENT on July 6th in Los Angeles he's doing with Jamie Kennedy (yes- the actor from Scream) and Jay's journey from red pill to hosting I

Jun 27, 2023 • 1:04:29

Jordan Peterson, Andrew Tate & Richard Dawkins: Psychotheology the Metaphysics of Atheism

Jordan Peterson, Andrew Tate & Richard Dawkins: Psychotheology the Metaphysics of Atheism

Today I want to prep for tonight's discussion with JimBob by returning to some of our older critiques of classical liberalism and the enlightenment's dialectics. In my redpill critique streams, after highlighting areas of agreement, my disagreement focused on 2 areas of significant disagreement and what I see as a blindspot in what the ultimately utilitarian and pragmatic ends for which most alt media content orients us.

Jun 26, 2023 • 1:54:21

Matt Dillahunty Vs Jay Dyer Debate on Theism

Matt Dillahunty Vs Jay Dyer Debate on Theism

Matt Dillahunty and Jay Dyer square off in a long-requested discussion about the existence of God and the validity of the transcendental argument. Matt Dillahunty is a well known public speaker and debater who has appeared in debates with Dr. Jordan Peterson and remains a skeptic, while Jay Dyer is a comedian, philosopher and author. Purchase my books here: https://jaysanalysis.com/shop/

Jun 25, 2023 • 2:31:04

Luciferianism, Tim Leary, Barbara Marx Hubbard & The Dark Side of the New Age - John Klyczek

Luciferianism, Tim Leary, Barbara Marx Hubbard & The Dark Side of the New Age - John Klyczek

John Klyczek joins me to cover some of the change agents in the academic, cultural and religious sphere, such as Maslow, Leary, Hubbard, Harman, Deepak Chopra, the Huxleys, and many more! John's book is here: https://www.schoolworldorder.info John's essays are here: https://unlimitedhangout.com/author/john-klyczek/

Jun 24, 2023 • 1:46:26

Sola Scriptura Refuted? A Discussion with Jay Dyer &Dr Beau Branson & 2 Protestants

Sola Scriptura Refuted? A Discussion with Jay Dyer &Dr Beau Branson & 2 Protestants

On this episode of Faith Unaltered we are diving deeper into the #Orthodox perspective on the Protestant Doctrine of Sola Scriptura with our Special Guests, Orthodox Apologists Jay Dyer and Beau Branson! Do Jay and Beau make convincing arguments for rejecting and refuting Sola Scriptura? 2 Protestants join.

Jun 24, 2023 • 2:49:52

Red Pill, Feminism & Dark Triad Virtuous Victimhood Paper: Tate, Rollo, Pearl, Whatever: Jay & DPH

Red Pill, Feminism & Dark Triad Virtuous Victimhood Paper: Tate, Rollo, Pearl, Whatever: Jay & DPH

Today I will begin to cover this recent frenzy of red pill / manosphere stuff as we do this week's stream with COTEL on the same topic. It looks as if we may be on Pearl this summer to debate with a Muslim so it's time inject our view into this drama sphere. What about MGTOW? What about PUA? From Neil Strauss' The Game to ROK to Tate and Company, the return of the manosphere is making waves.....

Jun 19, 2023 • 2:16:31

Roman Catholicism Admits Orthodox Positions...Again: David Erhan & Snek with Jay Dyer

Roman Catholicism Admits Orthodox Positions...Again: David Erhan & Snek with Jay Dyer

Today we will cover the recent Alexandria document which, much like Chieti, admits many contentions Orthodox have leveled for centuries. Is this consistent however with Vatican 1's claims? Snek and David join me to discuss.

Jun 18, 2023 • 2:07:33

Dinosaurs, Real or Sus? - Out of This World #13

Dinosaurs, Real or Sus? - Out of This World #13

Well, are they?Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Jun 15, 2023 • 1:11:35

Elon Musk Slippery Sorcery - Out of This World #12

Elon Musk Slippery Sorcery - Out of This World #12

Jamie and Kristin talk about Elon Musk, Transhumanism, hive mind, Satanic Methodology, the monolith, the videodrome and Amber Heard

Jun 15, 2023 • 1:28:56

Grimes' Most Dangerous Worldview - Out of This World #11

Grimes' Most Dangerous Worldview - Out of This World #11

Kristin and Jamie talk about Jordan Peterson, Grimes, Elon Musk, Karl Marx, Amber Heard, Communism and Satanism

Jun 15, 2023 • 1:39:04

Whatever, Rollo, Tate, Pearly Things: REDPILL Manosphere! The Good, The Bad & The Ugly~! Jay Dyer

Whatever, Rollo, Tate, Pearly Things: REDPILL Manosphere! The Good, The Bad & The Ugly~! Jay Dyer

Today I will begin to cover this recent frenzy of red pill / manosphere stuff as we prep for this week's stream with COTEL on the same topic. It looks as if we may be on Pearl this summer to debate with a Muslim so it's time inject our view into this drama sphere. From Neil Strauss' The Game to ROK to Tate and Company, the return of the manosphere is making waves.....Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Jun 15, 2023 • 2:32:28

Debate! Roman Catholic Trad Meltdown on Stream + Evangelical Debate - Uncreated Energies & Tradition

Debate! Roman Catholic Trad Meltdown on Stream + Evangelical Debate - Uncreated Energies & Tradition

You asked for it, you got it! The crowd has spoken: you want debate and open theology Q n A to return. In this discussion we will cover the classics: Roman Catholicism and the papacy, the issues in Orthodoxy, the history of the Church, geopolitics and the power elite, transcendental arguments and TAG, biblical theology and more!

Jun 10, 2023 • 2:32:01

Aliens, Demons & God: Rocker DOROTHY Joins Me to Discuss!

Aliens, Demons & God: Rocker DOROTHY Joins Me to Discuss!

Dorothy is a rockstar and joined me to discuss her wild journey and deliverance. Was a fun interview and covered a lot of theological territory, especially given the recent alien news. Dorothy is here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGV_u12VUQY9aI5l14skRSg Her new song with Nita Strauss is here: https://youtu.be/1oaeTi9poBU Next up on our live tour is Los Angeles - July 6 with @jamiekennedycomedy !! 5 hours of shenanigans with Kennedy as headliner! Get tickets here! https://www.eventbrite.com/

Jun 10, 2023 • 38:42

My Full Plato Lecture From My Philosophy 101 Course!

My Full Plato Lecture From My Philosophy 101 Course!

If you are interested in the full course, you can get it here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Jun 10, 2023 • 2:02:29

UFO / Alien Disclosure & Crashed Physical Evidence Plus UAP Clips - Jay Dyer

UFO / Alien Disclosure & Crashed Physical Evidence Plus UAP Clips - Jay Dyer

It's back as we predicted - the pentagon is hyped up about aliens and UFOs and the recent claims of crashed craft, recycling the old Roswell myth. Area 51 and the underground base claims are also resurfacing, but what it is really behind alien disclosure? Is it a massive deception?

Jun 8, 2023 • 2:26:51

Flannery O'Connor's Prophetic Novel Predicted The New Atheists - Wise Blood - Jay Dyer (Half)

Flannery O'Connor's Prophetic Novel Predicted The New Atheists - Wise Blood - Jay Dyer (Half)

Hazel Motes is a wild dude. In fact, his character is in many ways an archetype of the new atheists and the cult they head nowadays with their scientism lab coat vestments. We will do a deep literary analysis of the symbolism and philosophy of this Southern Gothic classic. This is a half analysis - the full analysis will be available at my site for subscribers.

Jun 7, 2023 • 1:36:06

Part 2 - Incarnation, Icon, Old Testament & Papacy - David & Jay

Part 2 - Incarnation, Icon, Old Testament & Papacy - David & Jay

Jay Dyer joins David to talk about various different topics relating to Orthodoxy. David is here: https://rokfin.com/therealmedwhite

Jun 1, 2023 • 1:11:28

Part 1 - Incarnation, Icon, Old Testament & Papacy - David & Jay

Part 1 - Incarnation, Icon, Old Testament & Papacy - David & Jay

Jay Dyer joins David to talk about various different topics relating to Orthodoxy. David is here: https://rokfin.com/therealmedwhite

Jun 1, 2023 • 1:43:57

Spies, Soldiers & Controllers: Occultism & The Military - Jay Dyer / PBF

Spies, Soldiers & Controllers: Occultism & The Military - Jay Dyer / PBF

PBF hosts Jay Dyer to discuss the history of the overlap of these odd worlds.

Jun 1, 2023 • 2:15:25

The History of Orthodoxy Italy, Renaissance Florence & Our Pilgrimage! -Fr Vladimir & Jay Dyer

The History of Orthodoxy Italy, Renaissance Florence & Our Pilgrimage! -Fr Vladimir & Jay Dyer

Fr Vladimir Kaydanov gives his background in Florence and his connection to Italy and how Orthodox Italy is a real thing - in fact, we will be doing a pilgrimage soon where you can sign up here: https://nikatravelers.com/en/

Jun 1, 2023 • 1:17:12

Psycho, White Heat, Fritz Langs M: Hell on Reels: Dark Occult Noir - Character Study in CHAOTIC EVIL

Psycho, White Heat, Fritz Langs M: Hell on Reels: Dark Occult Noir - Character Study in CHAOTIC EVIL

I was on a quest to find dark occult noir and we found them. Jamie and I will cover 5 or so films from the 40s and 50s air ahead of their time in terms of cultural zeitgeist. White Heat, Fritz Lang's M, Black Cat, Sunset Blvd, Sea Wolf, and Psycho, though Psycho is 1960 neo-noir. These films are some of the first popular films to picture the pure chaotic evil of the joker archetype - evil for the sake of evil. We will focus on the psyche of the various villains in these films and their devilish

May 29, 2023 • 2:23:19

Marvel Movies, Men, Women & Feminism: Traditional Living Vs Nihilism - Brittany Sellner & Jay Dyer

Marvel Movies, Men, Women & Feminism: Traditional Living Vs Nihilism - Brittany Sellner & Jay Dyer

Brittany joins me to discuss the dangers and dark side of feminism and how it leads to nihilism. Far from empowerment, it seems built on the notion that there is no meaning or purpose in nature beyond what each individual creates. But created meaning is a futile enterprise for beings that are finite: we need a transcendent meaning and purpose, as well as standards beyond mere individual pleasures and ends.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846

May 29, 2023 • 1:12:50

What Was It Like in the 90s? High School? Dating? 90s Commercials! -Jay Dyer

What Was It Like in the 90s? High School? Dating? 90s Commercials! -Jay Dyer

I polled the youth recently and they said it's different than the John Hughes idea of high school. Tonight we do a bit of nostalgia and reflect on what had changed. The changes have been unreal if you lived in that time, so we will hav e fun revisiting some of the weird and wacky from my formative years. Although I am an 80s child, my formative years were the 90s and many viewers don't know what it was like growing up in the 90s.

May 24, 2023 • 2:24:51

Evil Dead Rise, Necronomicon & More - H.P. Lovecraft Themed Films! 8 Films That Will Break Your Mind

Evil Dead Rise, Necronomicon & More - H.P. Lovecraft Themed Films! 8 Films That Will Break Your Mind

Jay and Jamie cover 8 or so HP Lovecraft themed films that break through to the other side - the dark side. Lovecraft films and others inspired by them are unique in Hollywood and independent arenas, and even our favorite Nic Cage emblazoned one of the most famous titles. Enjoy!Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

May 23, 2023 • 2:42:06

The True History of the 19th Cent Vatican Marx, Lincoln & US Relations - Tim Gordon & Jay Dyer

The True History of the 19th Cent Vatican Marx, Lincoln & US Relations - Tim Gordon & Jay Dyer

Tim Gordon rejoins me to cover the modern history of the Vatican, from the era of Pius IX and Vatican 1 and the interesting relations with the US government at the time. Tim covers the era of Lincoln, the Italian revolutionaries and more, as we dive into the era that set the stage for WW1, the League of Nations and the 20th century papacy / Vatican 2.

May 20, 2023 • 1:55:11

Is SCIENCE a Religion Now Voegelin, Scientism & Epistemology - Dr Dcn Ananias & Jay Dyer

Is SCIENCE a Religion Now Voegelin, Scientism & Epistemology - Dr Dcn Ananias & Jay Dyer

Covering scientism and more! FDA joins me to cover modern philosophy of science and how epistemology has failed to give a coherent account of wether pure scientism can account for knowledge. We also summarize the major themes in Voegelin's work.

May 20, 2023 • 1:40:56

Free Britney, Free World - Out of This World #18

Free Britney, Free World - Out of This World #18

Rachel and Jamie conclude the Britney trilogy with Project Rose, fake charities and human trafficking

May 18, 2023 • 2:03:13

The Femme Fatale - Britney Spears Part 2 - Out of This World #17

The Femme Fatale - Britney Spears Part 2 - Out of This World #17

Rachel and Jamie talk about Britney Spears, mind control and the corrupt legal system

May 18, 2023 • 2:14:08

Leave Britney Alone! - Out of This World #16

Leave Britney Alone! - Out of This World #16

Rachel and Jamie talk about Britney Spears' childhood and MK Ultra/Project Monarch

May 18, 2023 • 1:44:33

The Real Meaning of the Mission Impossible Films  - Jay & Jamie

The Real Meaning of the Mission Impossible Films - Jay & Jamie

In this analysis we will break down all 7 installments of the Mission Impossible franchise in anticipation of the coming 2 part conclusion (?) - Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning to the wildly successful series from Tom Cruise. What is the connection of the series to real intelligence operations and the C1A? Who is the basis for Ethan Hunt? What are the curious pred1ctive pr0gramming elements, particularly in the JJ Abrams episodes like 3, 4, and later episodes like Rogue Nation? No one else cov

May 16, 2023 • 1:57:36

The True History of England & The Archetypal Meaning of Robin Hood - Scott Mannion & Jay Dyer

The True History of England & The Archetypal Meaning of Robin Hood - Scott Mannion & Jay Dyer

Scott Manion joins me to discuss his research into the real history of Albion, without any of the dross of w0ke nonsense. Since my background is Clan Maxwell and Clan Scott, I thought this would be a great topic to cover since we recently touched on this with CS Lewis' interest in true English history in the third of his Space Trilogy.

May 15, 2023 • 1:18:33



Frank invited me on to discuss the overlap between our recent coverage of Brave New World, Tavistock and the 1976 film Network, which predicts mass produced "humanoids." Frank is here: https://rokfin.com/quitefranklyBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

May 11, 2023 • 2:03:23

Imperial Strategist & Banker Shocktroop: Brzezinski & Unipolar World - Panel

Imperial Strategist & Banker Shocktroop: Brzezinski & Unipolar World - Panel

Patrick from 21 Wire invited me back to cover an overview of Brzezinski's works and the technocratic strategy for IMF shock doctrine and control throughout the post-modern imperium. 21 Wire is here: https://21stcenturywire.com

May 11, 2023 • 49:13

Total Control of the Mind: Analyzing Network (1976) - Bazed Lit Analyzer & Jay Dyer

Total Control of the Mind: Analyzing Network (1976) - Bazed Lit Analyzer & Jay Dyer

The 1976 film Network is one of the classics we have not yet come to in our analyses, but the timing is perfect for BLA to join us and breakdown the mockingbird mind management that made the American brain a test tube. BLA is here: https://www.youtube.com/@BAZEDLITANALYZER Next up on our live tour is Los Angeles - July 6 with @jamiekennedycomedy !! 5 hours of shenanigans with Kennedy as headliner! Get tickets here! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-dyer-jamie-hanshaw-live-philosophy

May 10, 2023 • 2:33:33

The Real Story of the Intelligence Agencies: OSS, CIA, MI6, & KGB - Jay Dyer

The Real Story of the Intelligence Agencies: OSS, CIA, MI6, & KGB - Jay Dyer

Today we will do another breakdown of key history most are unaware of. The true story of the intelligence agencies is being the servants of of the robber barons. This removes the glitz and glamour of espionage which might be an honorable profession if it were in service to the nation, as opposed to service to monied oligarchs.

May 9, 2023 • 3:15:06

The Dating Game - Out of This World #19

The Dating Game - Out of This World #19

Rachel and Jamie talk about dating, feminism, mens rights, red pill, cheaters and red flags.

May 7, 2023 • 3:03:57

The Occult Roots of Feminism Part 2 - Out of This World #15

The Occult Roots of Feminism Part 2 - Out of This World #15

Author Rachel Wilson returns to discuss her book, Occult Feminism: The Secret History of Women's Liberation

May 7, 2023 • 2:33:03

Coronation: The Ancient Rites of Inversion & The Metaphysics of Geopolitical Chaos  - Jay Dyer

Coronation: The Ancient Rites of Inversion & The Metaphysics of Geopolitical Chaos - Jay Dyer

The Coronation ceremony is what everyone is talking about, which is odd since this ancient Christian Rite bears no real significance to the modern world in any sense whatsoever. Even "Christianity" for the most part rejects this relic which was only a century or so ago a fundamental Rite, directly connection to the connection between divinity and human authority. With Charles we have a perfect image of a Post-Modern Relic emptied of significance.

May 7, 2023 • 2:18:41

The Occult Roots of Feminism - Out of This World #14

The Occult Roots of Feminism - Out of This World #14

Author Rachel Wilson joins me to talk about her book Occult Feminism: The Secret History of Women's Liberation

May 7, 2023 • 1:23:10

Braveheart, Apocalypto, Conspiracy Theory & Edge of Darkness Mel Gibson Films - Jay & Jamie

Braveheart, Apocalypto, Conspiracy Theory & Edge of Darkness Mel Gibson Films - Jay & Jamie

We are finally coming to Mel Gibson films! After many requests we've chosen 4 that are perfect for our channel and where civilization is headed in the West. These 4 films are a perfect 4 point analysis of corporate power, government power, ideological subversion & the solution in true freedom! Enjoy!Next up on our live tour is Los Angeles - July 6 with @jamiekennedycomedy !! 5 hours of shenanigans with Kennedy as headliner! Get tickets here! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jamie-kennedy-jay-dyer-ja

May 6, 2023 • 1:52:21

War Propaganda, Tavistock & Energy Control - 21 Wire Panel

War Propaganda, Tavistock & Energy Control - 21 Wire Panel

Patrick Henningsen hosts a panel of academics and authors to cover modern war propaganda and psyops - making public opinion and consensus reality on war. Be sure and listen to the end with Freddie Ponton give his analysis of 5th generational warfare and energy control as the key issue in regard to Ukraine.

May 5, 2023 • 1:48:59

Aldous Huxley, The Doors of Perception & Hollywood - Jay Dyer (Half)

Aldous Huxley, The Doors of Perception & Hollywood - Jay Dyer (Half)

This evening we will cover another Huxley text I got around to reading, his well known Doors of Perception. A mystical, religious text, this syncretist work of propaganda was instrumental in the drug revolution of the 1960s, and in particular, the promotion of psychedelia and hallooocinogens. I am not advocating for any drug taking. This is the first half - the full talk is available for subscribers to my site or my r0kfin.

Apr 29, 2023 • 1:43:01

This Organization Is Behind EVERYTHING & You Don't Know It! - Jay Dyer (Half)

This Organization Is Behind EVERYTHING & You Don't Know It! - Jay Dyer (Half)

I managed to get through a super obscure text that is not available anywhere - Dr Coleman's Tavistock text from 2005. This book has not been in print for many years but I made my way through it for you guys. We will cover the first half and in so doing we will see how, like the Committee of 300 text, it was spot on for where our world was designed to go and how far we've come in this emergent dystopia, as well as what is to come.

Apr 26, 2023 • 1:38:51

Jason Bourne Films: What the Series is Really About - Jay Dyer

Jason Bourne Films: What the Series is Really About - Jay Dyer

Another series requested for many years we are just now getting to is the Bourne franchise with Matt Dadbod...or Datt Mamon. Since we did his BAHSTAN BFF Ben Baffleck, we decided we would have to do Damon. I'm glad we didn't do it previously because a lot of details in the Bourne plots would have been missed on me prior to gong much deeper into the MK Ultra since seeing the Bourne films in the theater in the 2000s. Now, the plots are evident insofar as what they reflect, symbolize and even criti

Apr 19, 2023 • 1:37:36

Organized Crime & The Vatican: The Intelligence Connection - Daniel Estulin / Jay Dyer

Organized Crime & The Vatican: The Intelligence Connection - Daniel Estulin / Jay Dyer

Famed journalist / author Daniel Estulin has a conversation with Jay Dyer on organized crime and religious engineering. Daniel is here: https://danielestulin.media

Apr 19, 2023 • 42:42

‘CIA Holy Wars’ with guest Jay Dyer - The Sunday Wire

‘CIA Holy Wars’ with guest Jay Dyer - The Sunday Wire

ACR & 21WIRE Present: Sunday Wire with Patrick HenningsenThis week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on Alternate Current Radio, with host Patrick Henningsenbringing you this week’s top stories, both domestically and internationally. In this abreviated episode, Patrick talks with special guest, Jay Dyer, author of Esoteric Hollywood, about the history of CIA’s covert operations infiltrating and steering religious institutions, including with the current schism in the Orthodox Church in Ukraine – a

Apr 17, 2023 • 1:59:17

Let Them Eat Bugs Tucker Documentary & The Secret Council of Night - Tim Gordon / Jay Dyer

Let Them Eat Bugs Tucker Documentary & The Secret Council of Night - Tim Gordon / Jay Dyer

Tim Gordon interviews Jay Dyer on the recent Tucker Special Let Them Eat Bugs, but the conversation develops into the history of the Platonic model of shadow governance. Tim's channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/@RulesForRetrogrades

Apr 17, 2023 • 1:26:56



I join Steve and TLAV and Pasta on the AM Wake Up Show: https://rokfin.com/amwakeup

Apr 14, 2023 • 2:05:20

Aldous Huxley Reveals the Entire Plan - Brave New World & Berkeley Speech Analysis - Jay Dyer (Half)

Aldous Huxley Reveals the Entire Plan - Brave New World & Berkeley Speech Analysis - Jay Dyer (Half)

Since Frank and I did the recent breakdown of every chapter to Brave New World I decided we would analyze the famous Berkeley Speech where Huxley gives key insights into the text. I will break down the talk piece by piece with comparison to the rest of the writings of the elite we have covered. University lectures are public domain.Next up on our live tour is Los Angeles - July 6 with @jamiekennedycomedy !! 5 hours of shenanigans with Kennedy as headliner! Get tickets here! https://www.eventbr

Apr 10, 2023 • 2:36:26

Trump Arrest & Indictment: Operation Nonsense & The Art of Distraction - Jay Dyer

Trump Arrest & Indictment: Operation Nonsense & The Art of Distraction - Jay Dyer

Today we cover what will be a never ending circus we will hear about endlessly for weeks, perhaps even years - the indictment of a president - for his past indiscretions with floosies. Although this is a spicy news story, it really means nothing and functions as a huge political weapon and distraction. As the masses meltdown over these kinds of ridiculous stories, the techno agenda always marches forward. Big Live Event in Nashville June 3-4 before my Cali event! I’ll be speaking here! tix below

Apr 7, 2023 • 1:17:51

Future War: 5th Generational Warfare & Information War Explained (Partial)

Future War: 5th Generational Warfare & Information War Explained (Partial)

Military analyst JW joins me again to cover in a full 2 hour discussion concerning today's news and geopolitical situation while reflecting on the origins of modern warfare from the Cold War. The full talk is available at my site or my R0kfin. Big Live Event in Nashville June 3-4 before my Cali event! I’ll be speaking here! tix below https://www.eventbrite.com/e/creative-artists-uniting-for-the-sovereignty-of-everyone-tickets-559037254477?aff=Jay I’ll be speaking at this online salon event on Ta

Apr 5, 2023 • 42:58

How the Elite Control Structure Works: Tavistock & The Committee of 300

How the Elite Control Structure Works: Tavistock & The Committee of 300

C0urtenay Turner joins me and Jamie to cover a classic from former British Intelligence operative Dr. John Coleman who wrote his prophetic text in the early 90s that warned of so much of what is happening today. This is the first half of the discussion while the second half is available for subscribers to my site or my R0kfin. Big Live Event in Nashville June 3-4 before my Cali event! I’ll be speaking here! tix below https://www.eventbrite.com/e/creative-artists-uniting-for-the-sovereignty-of-ev

Apr 3, 2023 • 51:41

Woke Disney World - Out of This World #24

Woke Disney World - Out of This World #24

Paul and Jamie talk about Disney movies and Justin Bieber

Apr 3, 2023 • 3:08:19

Unholy Entertainment: Sam Smith Grammy's & Rhianna Super Bowl - Out of This World #23

Unholy Entertainment: Sam Smith Grammy's & Rhianna Super Bowl - Out of This World #23

Rachel Wilson joins me to talk about the 2023 Super Bowl/Grammy High Profile Ritual

Apr 3, 2023 • 1:55:29

Balenciaga Bitchcraft - Out of This World #20

Balenciaga Bitchcraft - Out of This World #20

Jamie and Rachel talk about #Fashiongate and The Satanic Witch.Watch on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@jamiehanshaw4378/videos

Apr 3, 2023 • 2:41:01

Online Dating, Neo-Masculinity, Economic Collapse, Bitcoin & A New System (Half) - Cameron MacGregor

Online Dating, Neo-Masculinity, Economic Collapse, Bitcoin & A New System (Half) - Cameron MacGregor

Cameron Macgregor, the son of Col. Douglas MacGregor, joins me to cover his recent series Men and the City concerning our reasons for hope: we don't need to be black pilled. The full interview is available at my site or my R0kfin for subscribers. His site: https://www.knighttraveller.com His twitter: https://twitter.com/ceamac

Apr 2, 2023 • 35:46

The Vatican, Intelligence Agencies & Organized Crime Gladio Text Analysis - Jay Dyer (Half)

The Vatican, Intelligence Agencies & Organized Crime Gladio Text Analysis - Jay Dyer (Half)

This evening we will cover the first half of the Paul Williams Gladi0 text, which is an info-packed mind-bender expose. I was left reeling after this text, and I am someone who reads and studies geopolitics and religion constantly. To see the level of corruption in the religious sphere of this magnitude boggles the mind - but it sheds light on the recent moral scandals of the Roman Catholic Church, as both go together. The full analysis is available in a few days to subscribers to my site.Get Gl

Apr 1, 2023 • 3:33:11

Pearl Harbor, Argo, Accountant, Gigli - Ben Affleck Movies: The Best & The Worst! - BAFFLECK!

Pearl Harbor, Argo, Accountant, Gigli - Ben Affleck Movies: The Best & The Worst! - BAFFLECK!

Jamie joins me to cover the best and worst of Ben Affleck, who has a curious history in Hollywood with his connections to intelligence. Affleck films span from great to horrible like few others: not many have cornered both markets of best and worst like BAFFLECK! Baffled about Affleck? Join us for BAFFLECKThe New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosop

Mar 31, 2023 • 1:47:26

Project Blue Beam & Alien Deception - Jay Dyer on Maria Zeee

Project Blue Beam & Alien Deception - Jay Dyer on Maria Zeee

Pentagon officials recently suggested in a draft paper that alien visitors to our solar system might be sending out smaller probes to Earth. Jay Dyer of https://jaysanalysis.com/ joins us to discuss Project Blue Beam, and preparing for the coming deception. If you would like to support Zeee Media to continue getting the truth out to more people, you can donate via this link: https://donate.stripe.com/6oEdUL2eF1IAdXibII Website: https://www.zeeemedia.comBecome a supporter of this podcast: https:/

Mar 29, 2023 • 1:03:20

Socialism, Feminism, Tavistock, Future Shocks & Tate Arrest Hot Takes - Kellie Johnson

Socialism, Feminism, Tavistock, Future Shocks & Tate Arrest Hot Takes - Kellie Johnson

Artist, model and hot take haver Kellie Johnson joins me to cover her recent deep dives into Dr John Coleman's book, as well as the history of Tavistock's research into social engineering. Kellie's channel covers everything from clown world to various takes on the Tates to conservative / liberal politics and more. Her channel is linked below. The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/t

Mar 29, 2023 • 1:07:36

John Wick 4 & The Real History of Assassinations - Jay Dyer

John Wick 4 & The Real History of Assassinations - Jay Dyer

We covered John Wick 3 back when it premiered and had a good response, so today we will cover what appears to be the final installment, tying into the real history of famous ass4ssins, hitmen and historical figures. We will look at the film's symbolic elements as well as the real-world historical figures who were notably ass4ssinated. The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-b

Mar 29, 2023 • 2:08:31

The UFO / Alien PsyOP and The Mainstream Media Push

The UFO / Alien PsyOP and The Mainstream Media Push

Jay Dyer breaks down the alien UFO Psy Op!

Mar 25, 2023 • 45:38

Orthodox Geopolitical Struggles, The EP & The Place of Dogma in Praxis -Fr John Whiteford

Orthodox Geopolitical Struggles, The EP & The Place of Dogma in Praxis -Fr John Whiteford

Fr John Whiteford joins me to cover the waterfront on the recent geopolitical status of things in the Ukraine as well as the place of dogmatics in relation to praxis. The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101

Mar 25, 2023 • 1:33:01

UFO / Alien PsyOp Rolls Out As We Predicted!Vindicated! - Jay Dyer

UFO / Alien PsyOp Rolls Out As We Predicted!Vindicated! - Jay Dyer

Today we return to Alien January from 2+ years ago - now we are dealing with the actual rollout of what we predicted was soon to come. The alien psy op is a significant portion of my first book and points to a wider plan to engage in religious engineering. We will cover the overall strategy and its purpose, which is far more sinister than most imagine.

Mar 24, 2023 • 1:33:16

Secrets of The Vatican - Pope Francis & More - Jay Dyer on Shaun Attwood Podcast

Secrets of The Vatican - Pope Francis & More - Jay Dyer on Shaun Attwood Podcast

Jay Dyer joins Shaun Attwood to cover the Vatican scandals and cold war history.

Mar 23, 2023 • 1:01:26

Secrets of the Jonestown Cult: PsyOps & Intelligence Agencies - Jeremy Kuzmarov

Secrets of the Jonestown Cult: PsyOps & Intelligence Agencies - Jeremy Kuzmarov

Jeremy Kuzmarov of Covert Action Magazine joins me to discuss the Jonestown Cult and the element many are unaware of: Intelligence connections. Was Jonestown in some way part of a mind control experiment? Was it a front for other operations?

Mar 22, 2023 • 1:20:21

Ecumenism and the Death of Truth - COTEL with Jay Dyer

Ecumenism and the Death of Truth - COTEL with Jay Dyer

In this stream I am joined by author Jay Dyer to discuss the ecumenism, its origins, its efforts for subversion of the truth, and how it relates to the relativistic empire of the Antichrist.. Make sure to check it out and let me know what you think. God bless

Mar 17, 2023 • 1:53:29

Economic Collapse? Dr. Steve Turley on The Metaphysics of Geopolitics - Trump, Putin & Feudalism

Economic Collapse? Dr. Steve Turley on The Metaphysics of Geopolitics - Trump, Putin & Feudalism

Tonight Dr Steve Turley joins me to cover recent shocking events relating to more bank collapsing, the fraudulent nature of a lot of these banks and their debt based betting, the changing structure of geopolitics in our day, as well as upcoming political tensions with 2024 and beyond.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Mar 17, 2023 • 1:01:01

Banking / Economic Collapse ? - The Real Secret of Money - Jay Dyer

Banking / Economic Collapse ? - The Real Secret of Money - Jay Dyer

Today we dive into some of the classics that deal with money printing and what money really and truly is. We look at the fiat system and how it is actually revolutionary, meaning part of the Marxist/socialist technique to engage in theft over time. We will look at the amazing admissions from Quigley and the wild parallels between the recent collapses and past scams.

Mar 16, 2023 • 2:16:41

The Dark Side of Disney - Jay & Jamie on Courtenay Turner Podcast

The Dark Side of Disney - Jay & Jamie on Courtenay Turner Podcast

Courtenay invited us on to cover Jamie's work on Disney. Courtenay is here: https://rokfin.com/courtenayturner

Mar 16, 2023 • 1:42:52

Rightly Ordering Your Life - Exposing Powerful Lies + Jay Dyer

Rightly Ordering Your Life - Exposing Powerful Lies + Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer is the creator of Jay's Analysis, he's an Orthodox Apologist, Comedian, Author, Host of Hollywood Decoded on Gaia, author of Esoteric Hollywood 1 & 2, and many great articles on his website JaysAnalysis.com he does lectures, pop culture analysis, teaches philosophy at Autonomy University, among many other credits.

Mar 16, 2023 • 1:29:42

Economic Collapse SVB & Tech Control Grid Failure CyberPolygon, Deepfake PsyOps & More! -Jay Dyer

Economic Collapse SVB & Tech Control Grid Failure CyberPolygon, Deepfake PsyOps & More! -Jay Dyer

Today we will cover the rest of the sci tech news I missed, including the Arthur C Clarke and A.I. clips, recent stories about how deep fakes and AI can be used for PsyOPs as well as CIA critiques and WEF style clips that have emerged.

Mar 16, 2023 • 2:01:36

The Secret History of Communism: A Stalin Interrogation, Dialectics, & Quigley (Half) - Jay Dyer

The Secret History of Communism: A Stalin Interrogation, Dialectics, & Quigley (Half) - Jay Dyer

Today we cover a little known interrogation of a Trotskyite by the NKVD. It backs up Quigley & Suttons' thesis, and more! Then, we will cover more tech predictions in famous clips and essays, as well as recent trends on tweeter. This is half of a full talk available at my site for subscribers or on my R0kfin.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Mar 9, 2023 • 2:02:31

Art, Entertainment & Spirituality - A Conversation with PsyOp Cinema

Art, Entertainment & Spirituality - A Conversation with PsyOp Cinema

A conversation with Jay Dyer and Father Deacon Dr. Ananias Sorem, on how we all think about film, entertainment, and the arts. As we frequently point out instances of destructive messaging and Satanic programming in pop-culture, here we have a broader discussion about the positive and negative aspects and potential of film. We share thoughts about the role of entertainment within an Orthodox lifestyle, the lines we all draw about what kind of art we'll expose ourselves to, and the relevance of e

Mar 6, 2023 • 1:33:08

Future Shock! Dead Internet Theory, CyberPolygon, ChatGPT PsyOp & The Matrix! Jay Dyer

Future Shock! Dead Internet Theory, CyberPolygon, ChatGPT PsyOp & The Matrix! Jay Dyer

Today we will cover new theories compared to old plans in regard to what they may be planning for the destruction of the internet as it, with the emergence of a new net where everyone is locked down...online!

Mar 6, 2023 • 2:32:11

Tolkien & James Bond Books Censored, GLADIO Secrets & Clown World PsyOps - Jay Dyer

Tolkien & James Bond Books Censored, GLADIO Secrets & Clown World PsyOps - Jay Dyer

Today we cover amazing recent developments of the emerging dystopia: The censoring of books in real time, with Dahl and Fleming texts, as well as Tolkien, being banned, censored and passed off as the actual texts. This revisionism ties into the Day Tapes, which revealed in the 80s a plan from the late 60s to roll out exactly what is occurring now.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Mar 2, 2023 • 3:05:54

Prophetic Podcast From 9 Years Ago on Ukraine, Etc - Jay Dyer / Brandon Turbeville

Prophetic Podcast From 9 Years Ago on Ukraine, Etc - Jay Dyer / Brandon Turbeville

In this interview, author and investigative journalist Brandon Turbeville and I discuss his many articles and books, as well as dissecting Western geopolitical strategies in Syria, Libya, Egypt, and the intelligence agency creation and support of ISIS, and machinations against Russia. We also delve into mass media psy ops and manipulation, as well as Brandon's work on Codex Alimentarius. Great insights!

Mar 2, 2023 • 1:01:25

World Economic Forum, Meat Rationing & Toxic Masculinity - Jay Dyer

World Economic Forum, Meat Rationing & Toxic Masculinity - Jay Dyer

Tonight we will do a chill stream analyzing the recent news coming out of Davos and their usual world governance propaganda summits as well as their greatest hits, the news surrounding diets as well as toxic masculinity and the war on m3n.

Mar 2, 2023 • 2:25:39

Institutional Capture How Religions Are Subverted & Coopted - Rachel Wilson

Institutional Capture How Religions Are Subverted & Coopted - Rachel Wilson

Rachel, who has done a good bit of investigation into subversive foundations and funding sources joins me to complement the last live stream we did on church subversion and state / intelligence agencies. We will look at the agenda many of these "activists" use who are often overtly funded and aided by these foundations, think tanks, NGOs and academic centers for subversion. The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: ht

Feb 25, 2023 • 1:39:31

Top 10 CRAZY Cult Films You've Never Seen! Jay & Jamie

Top 10 CRAZY Cult Films You've Never Seen! Jay & Jamie

We've all seen the classic, popular films about cults like Eyes Wide Shut or Rosemary's Baby, but there are several lesser known, forgotten or obscure films about cults that are worth perusing. We found 10 specimens that we have ranked from 10 to 1 with a breakdown and analysis of each.

Feb 24, 2023 • 2:32:41

Huxley's Brave New World - In-depth Analysis - Jay Dyer

Huxley's Brave New World - In-depth Analysis - Jay Dyer

A classic indepth analysis form 5 years ago. The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Orders for new book here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/meta-narratives-essays-on-philosophy-symbolism-new-jay-dyer-book-pre-orders/ Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip Use JAY50 promo code here https://

Feb 22, 2023 • 1:19:39

How Religious Institutions Are Subverted State, Intelligence & Foundation Funding - Jay Dyer

How Religious Institutions Are Subverted State, Intelligence & Foundation Funding - Jay Dyer

Today we return to a crucial subject that is even more in focus given the last 3 years' events, warfar3 in certain regions and the prevalence of institutional capture becoming more and more overt. Institutional capture refers to the covert and overt technique of infiltration, subversion and eventual coopting of existing institutions by rival or foreign powers. We will discuss those means again today in regard to recent events.The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.c

Feb 21, 2023 • 3:26:51

The Recent UFO, Spills & PsyOPs! Jay Dyer on State of the Nation

The Recent UFO, Spills & PsyOPs! Jay Dyer on State of the Nation

HEsh adn company hosted me on State of the Nation. TNT is here: https://tntradio.live/

Feb 20, 2023 • 55:40

Klaus Schwab, WEF, & The End of the World - Attwood Unleashed Podcast

Klaus Schwab, WEF, & The End of the World - Attwood Unleashed Podcast

Shaun invites me back with a panel to discuss the WEF, it's history and goals.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Feb 16, 2023 • 2:07:59

Tinfoil Hat Podcast - Sam Tripoli & Jay Dyer on Institutional Capture

Tinfoil Hat Podcast - Sam Tripoli & Jay Dyer on Institutional Capture

Jay Dyer joins Sam and crew to cover the idea of institutional capture and the subverting of existing structures for revolutionary ends. Follow Sam and TFH here: https://rokfin.com/tinfoilhat

Feb 11, 2023 • 1:32:53

Gnostic & Hermetic Roots of Scientism & Modernity - Jay Dyer on Year Zero

Gnostic & Hermetic Roots of Scientism & Modernity - Jay Dyer on Year Zero

Jay Dyer joins me to discuss the history of gnosticism and how it has infiltrated the modern world.

Feb 7, 2023 • 1:01:17

Satanic Grammys ? WTF....?

Satanic Grammys ? WTF....?

Satanic GRAMMYS? WHAT - who has ever heard of such a thing? Next thing you know people will say the super bowl half-time show was occult or the VMAs.....Live event in Austin TIX here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/an-evening-with-jay-dyer-bg-kumbi-jamie-hanshaw-tickets-515815416797 The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Or

Feb 7, 2023 • 2:17:51

The Emerging World Religion is HERE! Dr Tim Gordon, QuiteFrankly & Jay Dyer

The Emerging World Religion is HERE! Dr Tim Gordon, QuiteFrankly & Jay Dyer

Quite Frankly hosts Jay Dyer and Dr Tim Gordon to discuss the emerging world religion and the forces behind it. Frank is here: https://www.youtube.com/@QuiteFrankly

Feb 3, 2023 • 2:19:11

The Truth About Hollywood - Brittany Sellner / Jay Dyer

The Truth About Hollywood - Brittany Sellner / Jay Dyer

Brittany invited me on to discuss my work and Hollywood: we cover the usage and collapse of Hollywood. Her channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/@BrittPettibone

Feb 3, 2023 • 48:05

The Vatican, Jesuits, Marian Apparitions, Stasi & KGB, Cold War Espionage & CIA - Jay Dyer (Half)

The Vatican, Jesuits, Marian Apparitions, Stasi & KGB, Cold War Espionage & CIA - Jay Dyer (Half)

Today we will cover a few recent works that have come to my attention relating to Cold War Vatican espionage, the Vatican and the CIA, the Jesuits and universities as well as the long term plans for Orthodoxy in terms of geopolitics and the coming attempt at an ecumenist union. We will also look at how Marian "apparitions" played into various Cold War PsyOps. This is a free half of a paid lecture and the second half can be found on my website members section or on my R0kfin.

Feb 2, 2023 • 3:01:11

Why You Should FEAR 15 Minute Cities | Jay Dyer on Elijah Schaffer's Slightly Offensive

Why You Should FEAR 15 Minute Cities | Jay Dyer on Elijah Schaffer's Slightly Offensive

Jay Dyer joins Elijah Schaffer on Highly Offens*ve to discuss 15 Minute Cities, Austerity, Circular Economy & Great Reset.

Feb 1, 2023 • 1:16:11

How the Elite Control Us Breaking the Matrix Charlie Robinson  Jay Dyer

How the Elite Control Us Breaking the Matrix Charlie Robinson Jay Dyer

Macroaggression podcaster Charlie Robinson joins me to cover the history of the system, his book on the Octopus - what that is and how its global structure infects everything as well as his other books that explain how the US is being dismantled and more!

Feb 1, 2023 • 1:09:26

The Roots of Globalism, Who Killed JFK, & MORE: Dr Steve Turley + Jay Dyer

The Roots of Globalism, Who Killed JFK, & MORE: Dr Steve Turley + Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer joins Dr Steve Turley on his channel to cover JFK, intelligence agencies and WEF.

Jan 30, 2023 • 56:03

Anglo-American Establishment & The Final Cataclysm ft. Jay Dyer / Quite Frankly

Anglo-American Establishment & The Final Cataclysm ft. Jay Dyer / Quite Frankly

Frank invites Jay Dyer on to do a deep dive into the Atlanticist power bloc.

Jan 29, 2023 • 2:15:26

Debating God, The Doomsday Clock  Boomsday Clock, Timcast & Dr Steve Turley, Ortlund on Icons

Debating God, The Doomsday Clock Boomsday Clock, Timcast & Dr Steve Turley, Ortlund on Icons

Open forum discussion and debate today! Today we catch up on what is going on, what went down and who got dem gams! Reality is not only do I have the gams and am I the hottest e celeb on the rise, I am also THICCC and ready to comment on NOOZ. But in reality we always zoom out and give the bigger picture. Live event in Austin TIX here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/an-evening-with-jay-dyer-bg-kumbi-jamie-hanshaw-tickets-515815416797 The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomya

Jan 27, 2023 • 4:22:01

An Evening With Jay Dyer, BG Kumbi & Jamie Hanshaw

An Evening With Jay Dyer, BG Kumbi & Jamie Hanshaw

TICKETS HERE; https://www.eventbrite.com/e/an-evening-with-jay-dyer-bg-kumbi-jamie-hanshaw-tickets-515815416797

Jan 27, 2023 • 0:51

BABYLON (2022)  & Hollywood Babylon: LA Confidential, Black Dahlia & More - Jay Dyer & Jamie Hanshaw

BABYLON (2022) & Hollywood Babylon: LA Confidential, Black Dahlia & More - Jay Dyer & Jamie Hanshaw

Jamie and I break down the recent flawed masterpiece, Babylon, chronicling the history and decline of classical Hollywood from the silent pictures era to modernity. The film is aptly titled Babylon, recalling Hollywood Babylon from occultist Kenneth Anger as well as themes I cover in my Esoteric Hollywood series. We will also discuss some similar films in this genre. Live event in Austin TIX here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/an-evening-with-jay-dyer-bg-kumbi-jamie-hanshaw-tickets-515815416797 T

Jan 23, 2023 • 1:31:01

Timcast + Jay Dyer!  Global Elites Want Technocratic Global Secret Society!

Timcast + Jay Dyer! Global Elites Want Technocratic Global Secret Society!

Jay Dyer is in studio live for Timcast in this epic disucssion bringing red pills galore. Enjoy!Live event in Austin TIX here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/an-evening-with-jay-dyer-bg-kumbi-jamie-hanshaw-tickets-515815416797 The New Philosophy Course is here: https://marketplace.autonomyagora.com/philosophy101 Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/ Orders for new book here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/

Jan 23, 2023 • 2:03:06

There's Power in the Blood! Bloodline Cult Films Hereditary, Hellbender, Society  & More

There's Power in the Blood! Bloodline Cult Films Hereditary, Hellbender, Society & More

Tonight we continue our cult movie theme with films relating to bloodline and generational cults. The transmission of the power comes through the blood, where blood is also significant in the biblical sense as Leviticus says the Life is in the blood. Ultimately that is fulfilled in the Eucharist but even occult and pagan films still retain this notion. next live show! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/an-evening-with-jay-dyer-bg-kumbi-jamie-hanshaw-tickets-515815416797?aff=ebdssbdestsearchBecome a su

Jan 15, 2023 • 1:41:46

The Great Reset is a 100 Year Plan Playing Out Now! Jay Dyer on Shaun Attwood Show

The Great Reset is a 100 Year Plan Playing Out Now! Jay Dyer on Shaun Attwood Show

The Great Reset is a 100 Year Plan Playing Out Now! Jay Dyer on Shaun Attwood Show

Jan 14, 2023 • 1:02:23

Technocracy & MK Ultra - Jay Dyer on AM Wake Up

Technocracy & MK Ultra - Jay Dyer on AM Wake Up

AM Wake Up invited Jay Dyer on to discuss the history of MK Ultra and how it relates to modern media and control. Tonight we continue our cult movie theme with films relating to bloodline and generational cults. The transmission of the power comes through the blood, where blood is also significant in the biblical sense as Leviticus says the Life is in the blood. Ultimately that is fulfilled in the Eucharist but even occult and pagan films still retain this notion. The New Philosophy Course is he

Jan 14, 2023 • 1:21:41

Scream for Me, Jamie! Jamie Kennedy Chats Movies, Mind Control and More! - Jay Dyer

Scream for Me, Jamie! Jamie Kennedy Chats Movies, Mind Control and More! - Jay Dyer

Paul Gia-Hotty himself joins me! It's surreal to chat with people you grew up busting badass pranks and comedy skits, also the one and only Randy Meeks in the Scream franchise....who in a meta meta fashion comments on movie patterns and tropes....and then chats with the guy who chats about movies tropes and symbols in real life, with that guy! It's meta meta meta - triple meta! Was one of my funnest chats! Jamie's channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/@jamiekennedycomedy His site here: https:

Jan 11, 2023 • 1:11:01

EAT DlE BUGZ! Smart City Coffin Apartment DYSTOPIA!  2020-2030 Predictions - Jay Dyer

EAT DlE BUGZ! Smart City Coffin Apartment DYSTOPIA! 2020-2030 Predictions - Jay Dyer

Today I will cover recent news and reactions to various clips and articles. We will cover the push for bugs, no meat, no cars and more, as well as the engineering pushing us to adopt austerity and CBDCs as well as much worse.....Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Jan 3, 2023 • 2:46:36

Jay Dyer Exposes Ethical Veganism and The Elite's Strategies to Weaken us (THIS WILL SHOCK YOU)

Jay Dyer Exposes Ethical Veganism and The Elite's Strategies to Weaken us (THIS WILL SHOCK YOU)

My website: https://www.carnivorecamaraderie.com/ -Consultations: https://www.carnivorecamaraderie.com/... -My instagram: @carnivore_camaraderie -My new channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYLP... -Carnivore forum: https://carnivoreforum.org/index.php -Carnivore clothes: https://carnivoreclothes.com/ 0:00 Intro 0:41 ethics and veganism 13:30 Vegan atheists, meat tax coming soon 18:50 The elite and what they want 28:50 War is a lie | who really profits? 39:53 Broken education, Bitcoin 43:28

Dec 31, 2022 • 1:04:13

Writings of the Elite Part 2! The Milner-Fabian Strategy UN  CIA  MI6  (Half) - Jay Dyer

Writings of the Elite Part 2! The Milner-Fabian Strategy UN CIA MI6 (Half) - Jay Dyer

We return to our elite books series with a book chronicling and organizing the elite power structure of monopoly capital, the true source of power behind the Anglo-American establishment. Romanian historian / author Ratiu continues the work of Quigley and Sutton with the history of leftism, Labor and the RIIA / CFR / Trilateral / Chatham House oligarchs who structured the UN, OSS, CIA and British Intelligence.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--142

Dec 30, 2022 • 2:14:46

Wikileaks, Spies & True Crime  in Norway  Wigert, Isdal Woman & Kamphius  - Gita Lighthouse

Wikileaks, Spies & True Crime in Norway Wigert, Isdal Woman & Kamphius - Gita Lighthouse

YouTuber and Norway fan Gita joins me to cover some famous cases of Norway spies, deaths and disappearances: Sonja Wigert, the Isdal woman case, the recent Wikileaks disappearance of Arnjen Kamphuis and more! Her channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/@gitalighthouse

Dec 28, 2022 • 1:15:26

Jay Dyer REACTS to Bryson Gray, Protestant Pastor & Catholic Debaters!  Open Christmas DEBATE

Jay Dyer REACTS to Bryson Gray, Protestant Pastor & Catholic Debaters! Open Christmas DEBATE

Today we will have open forum chat and Q n A with anyone who wants to call in about: theology, philosophy. I react to the Bryson Gray Q n A at the recent 3 way panel discussion with David Gordon and Dr Michael Easley. I also cover open forum questions about energies and more.

Dec 26, 2022 • 3:36:56



A sassy but civil heated live discussion recently in Nashville. I'm Doing Great Podcast is here: https://www.youtube.com/@ImDoingGreatThePodcast

Dec 25, 2022 • 2:55:57

Alternate Personalities, Alternate Realities: Menu, The Witch, Morgan, Last Night in Soho, Split

Alternate Personalities, Alternate Realities: Menu, The Witch, Morgan, Last Night in Soho, Split

PsyOp Cinema joins me to cover Anya Taylor Joy films, which often contain themes of dissociation and initiation: although we will not be covering Northman or The VVitch (as we have already covered them), we will be exploring the themes in her films as a the new Milla Jovovich (who also often appeared in MK Ultra / MPD films). We will cover Morgan, Marrowbone, Menu, Witch, Split and more. PsyOp Cinema is here: https://twitter.com/CinemaPsyop Their Patreon is here: https://www.patreon.com/PsyopCin

Dec 21, 2022 • 2:23:47

100k Subs  Party Chill  & Chat Stream Freestyle Rap &  Recap of last 10 Years! -Jay Dyer

100k Subs Party Chill & Chat Stream Freestyle Rap & Recap of last 10 Years! -Jay Dyer

We made it! 100k and rolling! This evening we will chill and chat and play some classic clips, recap the last 10 years and cover recent vindications and declassifications about JFK! This is not the 100k RIFF on ROTOR stream and we will be having OTHER 100k party streams with Qai and other old school guests and longtime friends!

Dec 18, 2022 • 3:00:46

Part 2 - Original Sin? Catholic, Orthodox & Protestant Views Compared

Part 2 - Original Sin? Catholic, Orthodox & Protestant Views Compared

This chat arose from a twitter spat with P. Prime over whether Orthodoxy accepts inherited guilt. As a result, we had a 3 hour chat with many others covering the topic of how the effects of Adam's sin are distinct from the guilt of his sin.

Dec 16, 2022 • 1:30:43

Part 1 - Original Sin? Catholic, Orthodox & Protestant Views Compared

Part 1 - Original Sin? Catholic, Orthodox & Protestant Views Compared

This chat arose from a twitter spat with P. Prime over whether Orthodoxy accepts inherited guilt. As a result, we had a 3 hour chat with many others covering the topic of how the effects of Adam's sin are distinct from the guilt of his sin.

Dec 16, 2022 • 1:29:44

Chrissie Mayr Podcast with Jay Dyer! Twitter Files! Elon Musk! Kanye!

Chrissie Mayr Podcast with Jay Dyer! Twitter Files! Elon Musk! Kanye!

Chrissie interviews Jay Dyer about recent news!

Dec 14, 2022 • 1:25:56

Wizard of OZ & Return to OZ The Secret Esoteric Hollywood Meaning - Based Lit Analyzer

Wizard of OZ & Return to OZ The Secret Esoteric Hollywood Meaning - Based Lit Analyzer

Bazed Lit Analyzer joins me to cover Oz symbolism and the esoteric underpinnings of Frank Baum's novels and in particular the Disney version of the sequel, Return to Oz with Fairuza Balk.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Dec 13, 2022 • 2:51:53

The Occult Roots of Feminism - Out of This World #14

The Occult Roots of Feminism - Out of This World #14

Author Rachel Wilson joins me to talk about her book Occult Feminism: The Secret History of Women's Liberation

Dec 9, 2022 • 1:23:10

Alchemy, Philosophy & The Science of Dialectical Manipulation: Lindsay, Coughlin, Dyer & Turner

Alchemy, Philosophy & The Science of Dialectical Manipulation: Lindsay, Coughlin, Dyer & Turner

Courtenay Turner organized an amazing round table discussion with myself, Dr James Lindsay and Stephen Coughlin. We cover the history of Western dialectics, manipulation, Plato and Aristotle, Hegel and Marx and how the dialectic is used to control how the masses think and see reality. This is a powerful podcast with heavy hitters.

Dec 8, 2022 • 2:58:16

Brian Holdsworth's Why I Never Become Orthodox Refuted: Does the Papacy Give Certainty? Fr Dcn Sorem

Brian Holdsworth's Why I Never Become Orthodox Refuted: Does the Papacy Give Certainty? Fr Dcn Sorem

FDA joins me to cover to two popular Roman Catholic lists as to why they are not Orthodox: first is Brian Holdsworth's popular video and the second is Knowland Knows' list of top 8 reasons. We will first kick off the first section clearing up the confusion many RCs have making the category error that a papal office will guarantee doctrinal and theological certitude. This is question begging and simply moves the problem back a step: the exact same mistake foundationalists make by asserting the

Dec 7, 2022 • 2:30:59

Aquinas, Aristotle & The Insights of Scholastic Philosophy - Tim Gordon with Jay Dyer

Aquinas, Aristotle & The Insights of Scholastic Philosophy - Tim Gordon with Jay Dyer

Note: at 1:03:45 I said St Cytil of Jerusalem and meant Leontius of Jerusalem. Aristo-Scholastic specialist Tim Gordon joins me to cover the five desiderata and how they solve some of the philosophical issues of their time. We will also comment on the value and high status Aristotle had for certain common saints between Orthodoxy and Rome, like St. Maximos and St. John of Damascus. We will also discuss the aspects of Aquinas Tim sees as most relevant for today in combatting modern and post-mo

Dec 5, 2022 • 1:58:28

Balenciaga Scandal, Zoolander 1 & 2 & High Fashion Occultism - Jay & Jamie

Balenciaga Scandal, Zoolander 1 & 2 & High Fashion Occultism - Jay & Jamie

Tonight we will cover the bizarre world of "high fashion" which, for whatever reason, seems to be full of those who practice the dark arts. Fashion is an overlooked cultural driver on my channel as well often focus on Movies and some music. Cultural control is a holistic enterprise which includes social engineering through fashion and mind controlled super models and actors.

Dec 4, 2022 • 2:10:16

Brian Chips & The History of Transhumanism - Jay Dyer / Jason Bermas

Brian Chips & The History of Transhumanism - Jay Dyer / Jason Bermas

Jason hosts Jay to cover the history of trans humanism as an ideology. Jason is here: https://rokfin.com/JasonBermas

Dec 1, 2022 • 56:40

Transcendental Arguments, Paradigms & The Philosophy of Symbols - Jay & Posh Redneck

Transcendental Arguments, Paradigms & The Philosophy of Symbols - Jay & Posh Redneck

Long requested guest Posh Redneck joins me to cover his area of specialty - linguistics, and how the philosophy of language teaches us about paradigms. In fact, there is no better illustration of paradigms than language and the holistic context of meanings and referents. Posh will also delve into his deep take on various symbols and how they work.

Nov 30, 2022 • 2:29:35

Filioque Debate Review Ubi Petrus Vs Militant Thomist - Jay, Snek, David

Filioque Debate Review Ubi Petrus Vs Militant Thomist - Jay, Snek, David

We are going to analyze and deconstruct the recent debate between Ubi and Militant Thomas concerning he Filioque. Their debate focused on the theological and historical issues, but were the citations accurate from MT? Do the Cappadocians teach what MT attributes to them? Snek and David join me.

Nov 29, 2022 • 2:35:31

Jay Dyer Debate Vs Pastor P - Bible Alone?

Jay Dyer Debate Vs Pastor P - Bible Alone?

The Crucible hosts Jay Dyer and Pastor P on a debate on sola scriptura.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Nov 28, 2022 • 2:41:50

A Greater Reset: Pope Francis, Inclusive Capitalism & World Religion  Michael Lofton  - Jay Dyer

A Greater Reset: Pope Francis, Inclusive Capitalism & World Religion Michael Lofton - Jay Dyer

We continue papacy with by concluding the 3 part geopolitics trilogy concerning the deep connections of the Vatican to the world powers: Great reset, inclusive capitalism, intelligence machinations and laundering via the Vatican Bank as well as how these entities are also behind the push for the emerging world religion foreshadowed at Assisi prayer meetings and the new abrahamic faith center, as well as Francis' climate gospel.

Nov 27, 2022 • 23:03

Jay Dyer Debate Vs Pastor P  - Bible Alone?  -The Crucible

Jay Dyer Debate Vs Pastor P - Bible Alone? -The Crucible

The Crucible hosts Jay Dyer and Pastor P on a debate on sola scriptura.

Nov 27, 2022 • 2:41:50

The Logos & Uncreated Light of John 1 Explained - Jay Dyer on Luke Avery

The Logos & Uncreated Light of John 1 Explained - Jay Dyer on Luke Avery

Luke Avery hosts Jay Dyer on Lamda Bible Studies for an exposition and discussion of John 1 from a theological perspective.

Nov 27, 2022 • 1:12:10

Deep Secrets of the Vatican Jesuits, Intel & Modern Papal Geopolitics Part 2 - Jay Dyer

Deep Secrets of the Vatican Jesuits, Intel & Modern Papal Geopolitics Part 2 - Jay Dyer

We continue the chat about the geopolitical entanglements of the Vatican into the 20th century as it relates to the papal world power into WW2. We note that the papacy support the League of Nations, as well as eventually aligning itself with the Atlanticist power bloc's designs culminating in the Abrahamic Faith Center, all arising out of the co-opting of the Vatican by big geopolitical players.

Nov 23, 2022 • 2:44:04

JFK, CIA, Mafia & Marilyn Monroe: Jay Dyer on Shaun Attwood!

JFK, CIA, Mafia & Marilyn Monroe: Jay Dyer on Shaun Attwood!

True Crime YouTube star Shaun Attwood hosts Jay Dyer again to cover the mafia angle of the JFK / RFk saga.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Nov 23, 2022 • 30:13

Secrets of the Vatican Geopolitics  of the Papacy - From St. Peter to God Emperor - Jay Dyer

Secrets of the Vatican Geopolitics of the Papacy - From St. Peter to God Emperor - Jay Dyer

Papacy week continues with a crucial, yet not as theologically focused analysis of the history of the papacy as an emerging world power. From humble begins, the See of Rome evolved from persecuted Church of Peter and Paul to a global world power with a debt-based global-finance entwined banking system with Prince-bishops and papal armies. How did this evolution occur and where are we with today's papacy Post-Vatican 2 up to Francis? Today's discussion will chart that course noting the key da

Nov 22, 2022 • 2:33:16

Roman Catholicism Refuted Papalism's  Innovations - Intro Denny's Historical & Patristic Analysis

Roman Catholicism Refuted Papalism's Innovations - Intro Denny's Historical & Patristic Analysis

#taylormarshall #romancatholic #thebyzantinescotistToday papacy week kicks off on my channel as we introduce the classic work by Edward Denny, Papalism, which was a response to Leo XIII's famous Encyclical Satis Cognitum. Like Vatican 1, SC argues the V1 mindset was always the view of the entire church, even in the earliest days. Denny begins with the New Testament and works his way up through the councils to the Middle Ages, and beyond. We will also have open forum Q n A after from twitter sp

Nov 21, 2022 • 4:12:41

Darwinism, British Espionage, Transhumanism & Teilhard  - Matt Ehret /  Jay Dyer

Darwinism, British Espionage, Transhumanism & Teilhard - Matt Ehret / Jay Dyer

Researcher / writer Matthew Ehret joins me for an in-depth discussion of some of his recent work: particularly his excellent essay on Teilhard and transhumanism, and the deep connections to the deeper state, as well as his recent documentary on America's secret police and the overlap of secret societies and intelligence operations.

Nov 19, 2022 • 1:48:21

Is the Pope a Heretic? Marian Apparitions & Geopolitics? Jay, Mario & Joe

Is the Pope a Heretic? Marian Apparitions & Geopolitics? Jay, Mario & Joe

Christian Mario asked me on his stream to cover issues relating to Orthodoxy and trad Catholicism like Fatima, geopolitics, sedevacantism & Francis, Vatican 1 and more!Mario: https://twitter.com/superxtianmarioJoe: https://t.co/rJkpyBUJCc

Nov 18, 2022 • 2:35:14

Dahmer, Bundy & More: Mind Control, Serial Killers: The Deep State Connection - Chillerqueen + Jay Dyer

Dahmer, Bundy & More: Mind Control, Serial Killers: The Deep State Connection - Chillerqueen + Jay Dyer

The majority of the most infamous serial killers we know from the 60's, 70's, and 80's have some preocular similarities that seem awfully disturbing. Digging deep into their past, we uncover patterns that lead us to wonder if some of what our government was experimenting on in this era, left a wake of some of America's most disturbing characters. Besides the fact they are all serial killers, could their past reveal some sort of government mind control connection? Here to discuss further into thi

Nov 17, 2022 • 1:53:48

Pewdiepie Wars, Getting Girls  & Sam Hyde  - Philosopher of Comedy BG Kumbi sound fixed (Half)

Pewdiepie Wars, Getting Girls & Sam Hyde - Philosopher of Comedy BG Kumbi sound fixed (Half)

Philosopher of comedy BIG GANGSTA Kumbi joins me for a coming out party! BG is infamous for his YouTube wars with Pewdiepie as well as infamous Fox News level trolling that propelled him to internet diva status like myself. BG is a comedy genius and I was lucky enough to score an interview concerning his greatest hits, fails and the bright dysopian future ahead of us all.BG is here: https://www.youtube.com/c/BGKumbiBG Vs Pewdiepie here: https://youtu.be/afdbYnQsadABG classic is here: https:/

Nov 16, 2022 • 44:24

FTX, Fiat Crypto Scams & Deep Machinations  With Chase Geiser On One American Podcast

FTX, Fiat Crypto Scams & Deep Machinations With Chase Geiser On One American Podcast

Jay Dyer Talks About Esoteric Hollywood With Chase Geiser On One American Podcast.Jay Dyer is an author, comedian and TV presenter known for his deep analysis of Hollywood, geopolitics, and culture. His graduate work focused on psychological warfare and film and he is the author of two books, Esoteric Hollywood 1 & 2 and the co-creator and co-host of the television show Hollywood Decoded. He has been featured on numerous popular shows and podcasts and in debates with some of the world's top deba

Nov 16, 2022 • 1:02:07

Top 10 Celebrities Who Were Spies! And More!   Jay Dyer

Top 10 Celebrities Who Were Spies! And More! Jay Dyer

Today we give some context to the fascinating history of a list celebrities - and lesser known celebs - who were forced or cajoled or enticed into espionage work. Some are confirmed (illuminate confirm?) while others are suspected to have been spies or peripheral assets. This helps us have context for the recent news about Kanye and Britney Spears.

Nov 16, 2022 • 28:11

Great Reset, Russia, Ukraine & Western Geopolitical Strategies - Col Douglas MacGregor / Jay Dyer

Great Reset, Russia, Ukraine & Western Geopolitical Strategies - Col Douglas MacGregor / Jay Dyer

Col. Douglas Macgregor is a decorated combat veteran, the author of five books, a PhD, and a defense and foreign policy consultant. He was commissioned in the Regular Army in 1976 after 1 year at VMI and 4 years at West Point. In 2004, Macgregor retired with the rank of Colonel. In 2020, the President appointed Macgregor to serve as Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Defense, a post he held until President Trump left office. He holds an MA in comparative politics and a PhD in international relat

Nov 15, 2022 • 57:09

FTX Collapse, Elon Musk, COP 27 & Stakeholder Capitalism - Jay Dyer

FTX Collapse, Elon Musk, COP 27 & Stakeholder Capitalism - Jay Dyer

#ftx #elonmusk Today we cover hot news and recent events as we prep for a hype show tonight!Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Nov 12, 2022 • 1:39:31

Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Eastern Catholicism & Michael Lofton - Fr Mikhail  Jay Dyer

Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Eastern Catholicism & Michael Lofton - Fr Mikhail Jay Dyer

Orthodox priest Fr Mikhail joins me to cover the history of Unionism and his experience before Orthodoxy as well as the rest of the response to Michael Lofton's video critiquing me and my journey and argumentation. Support Fr Mikhail here: http://patreon.com/user?u=81091939

Nov 12, 2022 • 2:09:56

Kanye & Hollywood Handlers, Celebrity Trainers | Jay Dyer, Jamie, & Tristan | Mechanics of Mass Manipulation

Kanye & Hollywood Handlers, Celebrity Trainers | Jay Dyer, Jamie, & Tristan | Mechanics of Mass Manipulation

Tristan has us back on to cover the overall celeb mind control culture. His channel is here: https://rokfin.com/tristanhaggard

Nov 10, 2022 • 2:28:57

FULL - Jordan Peterson, Andrew Tate, Jonathan Pageau, Mohammad Hijab & Islam Our Analysis

FULL - Jordan Peterson, Andrew Tate, Jonathan Pageau, Mohammad Hijab & Islam Our Analysis

Qai and others join me to analyze the recent popular discussion between Mohammad Hijab, Jordan Peterson, Jonathan Pageau on Christianity and Islam, as well as the notable conversion of Andrew Tate to Islam. We will discuss whether the reasoning in these videos was substantial or weak and for what reasons Tate finds Islam convincing

Nov 8, 2022 • 2:37:11

Pope Benedict XVI New Letter on Vatican 2 & Lecture on Introduction to Christianity

Pope Benedict XVI New Letter on Vatican 2 & Lecture on Introduction to Christianity

Today we take a change of pace and cover what many have considered a classic introduction to the Roman Catholic version of Christianity: Cardinal Ratzinger’s well known Introduction to Christianity. Is this a traditional work? Does it contain modernism? How as Orthodox would we see this book and how useful are the admissions in Ratzinger’s well known book for us?

Nov 7, 2022 • 3:23:20

Jay Dyer on History H0m0s Podcast: Rosemary's Baby & Literal Movie Titles

Jay Dyer on History H0m0s Podcast: Rosemary's Baby & Literal Movie Titles

Happy Halloween! This week we welcome back esteemed researcher and media personality Jay Dyer to discuss a roundup of spoOOoooky intelligence and occult inspired films like They Live, Rosemary's Baby, Blade Runner, and The French Connection. We also introduce Jay to William's methods of deciding what films to watch and muse about Perennialism, Satanism and serial killers.Don't forget to join our Telegram channel at T.me/historyhomos and to join our group chat at T.me/historyhomoschat and check o

Nov 7, 2022 • 1:20:49

Jordan Peterson, Andrew Tate, Jonathan Pageau, Mohammad Hijab & Islam Our Analysis

Jordan Peterson, Andrew Tate, Jonathan Pageau, Mohammad Hijab & Islam Our Analysis

Qai and others join me to analyze the recent popular discussion between Mohammad Hijab, Jordan Peterson, Jonathan Pageau on Christianity and Islam, as well as the notable conversion of Andrew Tate to Islam. We will discuss whether the reasoning in these videos was substantial or weak and for what reasons Tate finds Islam convincing

Nov 7, 2022 • 5:01

Part 2 - The Papal Clown Mass & Circus Show: Replying to Michael Lofton

Part 2 - The Papal Clown Mass & Circus Show: Replying to Michael Lofton

Fair Use: Under the fair use doctrine of the U.S. copyright statute, it is permissible to use limited portions of a work including quotes, for purposes such as commentary, criticism, news reporting, and scholarly reports.In our new series we will be letting loose a flurry of replies to many of the prominent YT streamers out there like Trent Horn and Matt Fradd, as well as some the low tier people who rely largely on drama streams to generate clicks. This video will clear up Michael's recent dra

Nov 4, 2022 • 2:13:29

Part 1 - The Papal Clown Mass & Circus Show: Replying to Michael Lofton

Part 1 - The Papal Clown Mass & Circus Show: Replying to Michael Lofton

Fair Use: Under the fair use doctrine of the U.S. copyright statute, it is permissible to use limited portions of a work including quotes, for purposes such as commentary, criticism, news reporting, and scholarly reports.New live debate event: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/god-is-great-a-panel-on-christian-theology-tickets-443740548927In our new series we will be letting loose a flurry of replies to many of the prominent YT streamers out there like Trent Horn and Matt Fradd, as well as some the l

Nov 4, 2022 • 2:16:07

Poltergeist, The Ring, Don't Worry Darling, Kill List & Dr Phibes - Jay & Jamie

Poltergeist, The Ring, Don't Worry Darling, Kill List & Dr Phibes - Jay & Jamie

It's the last night of spoooktober! Some call it HELLoween, in the tradition of 80s hair metal bands. Jamie and I will cover the latest batch of fully grown and ripe for harvest stink bombs and genuine thrillers for your candy obsessed nape's consumption. This was all to be read in Cryptkeeper Voice.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Nov 1, 2022 • 1:43:31

The Absolute State of Catholicism & Protestantism: Taylor Marshall, Timothy Gordon & Jordan Cooper

The Absolute State of Catholicism & Protestantism: Taylor Marshall, Timothy Gordon & Jordan Cooper

Fair Use: Under the fair use doctrine of the U.S. copyright statute, it is permissible to use limited portions of a work including quotes, for purposes such as commentary, criticism, news reporting, and scholarly reports.Today I decided it would good to open up the discussion forum from discord for opposition and Q n A on the topics of Protestant and Roman Catholic (mainly traditional Catholic) apologetic discussions. Most Protestant apologetics relies on the assumption that the written texts a

Oct 29, 2022 • 3:05:06

Andrei Tarkovsky: A Cinema Prayer Introduction - Fr Vladimir & Jay Dyer

Andrei Tarkovsky: A Cinema Prayer Introduction - Fr Vladimir & Jay Dyer

Fr Vladimir joins me to analyze the documentary from Andrei Tarkovsky about his father, A Cinema Prayer. The documentary covers the life and philosophy of Russia's most famous filmmaker and tonight's interview is a preparation and promotion for the first interview we did with Andrey Jr. about his documentary. This is not the actual interview: Tonight we will cover the overall themes in the documentary and in the films.Documentary is here: https://www.criterionchannel.com/andrei-tarkovsky-a-cine

Oct 27, 2022 • 1:52:26

Greek Metaphysics, Problem of One & Many, Protestant Nestorianism & Uncreated Energies -Jay Dyer

Greek Metaphysics, Problem of One & Many, Protestant Nestorianism & Uncreated Energies -Jay Dyer

This evening we will have open forum Q n A for anyone who is interested via Twitter Spaces and Discord chat. Challenging arguments and objections are welcomed: Topics can include Trinity, Deity of Christ, biblical theology, Calvinism, philosophy, transcendental arguments, natural theology, Platonism, Pre-Sorcratics, epistemology, eschatology & preterism, etc.

Oct 24, 2022 • 2:55:58

Elite in Their Own Words: We Will Create New Humans!

Elite in Their Own Words: We Will Create New Humans!

The global elite have said some amazing things on their own that require a collection and commentary. This video contains some of the recent comments that are wowzers from the WEF and co. as well as a bizarre statement from Novocaine Euthyphro Ferrari about printing new humans (??).

Oct 22, 2022 • 45:23

Wrong Opinion Podcast - Hollywood Espionage - Josh Lekach + Jay Dyer

Wrong Opinion Podcast - Hollywood Espionage - Josh Lekach + Jay Dyer

Josh has had a lot of heavy hitters like Sam Hyde on and recently invited Jay on his based comedy / analysis podcast to cover Hollywood espionage! Josh is here: https://wrongop.gumroad.comAnd here: https://www.instagram.com/joshlekach/?hl=en

Oct 18, 2022 • 49:45

Smile, The Lighthouse, Hocus Pocus 2, The Wailing, Sentinel - Jay Dyer & Jamie Hanshaw

Smile, The Lighthouse, Hocus Pocus 2, The Wailing, Sentinel - Jay Dyer & Jamie Hanshaw

Jamie joins me to cover the most relevant recent horror films we watched with esoteric themes for SPOOKTOBER! It's that time of year, so reserve your tent in the your local Spirit Halloween store because things are about to get WEIRD!

Oct 14, 2022 • 1:42:01

Part 2 - Trent Horn, Matt Fradd, TAG & The One & Many, Borgias, Energies & Created Grace - Jay Dyer

Part 2 - Trent Horn, Matt Fradd, TAG & The One & Many, Borgias, Energies & Created Grace - Jay Dyer

Open Forum! Time to discuss Triad, Logos, philosophy, logic & logoi, typology, atheism, and whatever your arguments and objections are! Today's questions focused on one and many, Logos and energies, the Triad and uncreated grace, the papacy and Trent horn, matt fradd and more!

Oct 10, 2022 • 1:35:07

Part 1 - Trent Horn, Matt Fradd, TAG & The One & Many, Borgias, Energies & Created Grace - Jay Dyer

Part 1 - Trent Horn, Matt Fradd, TAG & The One & Many, Borgias, Energies & Created Grace - Jay Dyer

Open Forum! Time to discuss Triad, Logos, philosophy, logic & logoi, typology, atheism, and whatever your arguments and objections are! Today's questions focused on one and many, Logos and energies, the Triad and uncreated grace, the papacy and Trent horn, matt fradd and more!

Oct 10, 2022 • 2:34:44

NEW SINGLE DROPPED - I'm Married to My Funko Pop Whoa-Oh - Jay Dyer  Dyer Mode

NEW SINGLE DROPPED - I'm Married to My Funko Pop Whoa-Oh - Jay Dyer Dyer Mode

Depeche Mode influenced Dyer Mode is back with a sequel to the last Brit-pop single tearing up the charts with an ode to dystopian living in the C00mpod with a romantic dalliance with a Funkopop.

Oct 7, 2022 • 3:06

NEWER SONG! I'm In Love With a Hobbit - Jay Dyer  Dyer Mode

NEWER SONG! I'm In Love With a Hobbit - Jay Dyer Dyer Mode

I return to my romantic R n B roots: A follow up single inspired by Frodo's sassy ring attitude, style and the fan fiction we all really wanted: Kate from Lost Falls in love with Frodo.

Oct 7, 2022 • 2:18

A Protestant, An Atheist  & Jay Dyer Walk Into a Debate.....

A Protestant, An Atheist & Jay Dyer Walk Into a Debate.....

Open Forum! Time to discuss Triad, Logos, philosophy, logic & logoi, typology, atheism, and whatever your arguments and objections are!

Oct 3, 2022 • 2:43:11

Writings of the Elite! The Milner-Fabian Strategy: The World Economic Forum Part 1 (Half) - Jay Dyer

Writings of the Elite! The Milner-Fabian Strategy: The World Economic Forum Part 1 (Half) - Jay Dyer

We return to our elite books series with a book chronicling and organizing the elite power structure of monopoly capital, the true source of power behind the Anglo-American establishment. Romanian historian / author Ratiu continues the work of Professor Sutton's unique analyses into the great game and the real power behind the throne. Fabian socialism is crucial to understanding our era, and this work relies heavily on Quigley, but provides a unique take that delves into more depth about old s

Sep 30, 2022 • 3:28:41

Summoning the Demon! Tech-gnosis & Chaos Magick - Jay Dyer & Nick Hintonn (Half)

Summoning the Demon! Tech-gnosis & Chaos Magick - Jay Dyer & Nick Hintonn (Half)

Nick Hintonn joins me to cover his books and work as well as a plethora of bizarre and arcane subjects. The full talk is available on my site for members or on my r0kfin! Nick is here: https://twitter.com/nickhintonnAnd here: https://www.instagram.com/nickhintonn/?hl=enOrders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Sep 27, 2022 • 17:43

Cults, Killers & MK Ultra - Ant Hill Cult & More (Partial Clip) ChillerQueen + Jay Dyer

Cults, Killers & MK Ultra - Ant Hill Cult & More (Partial Clip) ChillerQueen + Jay Dyer

Chillerqueen, aka Avery from TLC's 90 Day Fiancé, joins me in this full subscribers podcast covering MK Ultra, the Delphi Murders and oddities in the case, Luka Magnotta and the Hollywood lifestyle, Hannibal the Cannibal, as well as the Ant Hill Cult and the occult elements in that infamous Canadian case. The full 2.5 hour podcast is available for subscribers to my site or R0kfin.

Sep 21, 2022 • 33:14



Lewis and Qai join me to cover the last couple years of Islamic debates and apologetics we have experienced. Along the way we have noticed crucial patterns and weaknesses that are relevant to the state of the question. Subscribe to OS below and support the stream by getting the products below.

Sep 19, 2022 • 1:46:57

Harry Potter - The Real Meaning of the Series - Jay & Jamie

Harry Potter - The Real Meaning of the Series - Jay & Jamie

WE ave yet to mention or cover one of the biggest franchises yet - 'arry Pot-uh and the Giblet of Dilldust, which shouldn't be confused with 'arry Pot-uh and the Order of the Asskabans. The good news is, we will analyze the whole series in one fell swoop and I will give my unique assessment of what I think the series is really about!Orders for the Red Book are here: https://jaysanalysis.com/product/the-red-book-essays-on-theology-philosophy-new-jay-dyer-book/

Sep 15, 2022 • 1:25:21

Monarchy, British Espionage, Fabianism & Esoteric Imperial History Vs Jay Dyer

Monarchy, British Espionage, Fabianism & Esoteric Imperial History Vs Jay Dyer

Open form debate on the UK monarchy, its esoteric history and geopolitical intrigues, Russia and betrayal, the Tolkien and Lewis issue, Royal Society and more!

Sep 11, 2022 • 2:18:21

The Occult Roots of Feminism - Out of This World #14

The Occult Roots of Feminism - Out of This World #14

Author Rachel Wilson joins me to talk about her book Occult Feminism: The Secret History of Women's Liberation

Sep 6, 2022 • 1:23:10

Grimes' Most Dangerous Worldview - Out of This World #11

Grimes' Most Dangerous Worldview - Out of This World #11

Kristin and Jamie talk about Jordan Peterson, Grimes, Elon Musk, Karl Marx, Amber Heard, Communism and Satanism.

Sep 6, 2022 • 1:39:04

Symbolism in Nature Liturgy in Scripture & Creation - Seraphim Hamilton & Jay Dyer

Symbolism in Nature Liturgy in Scripture & Creation - Seraphim Hamilton & Jay Dyer

Seraphim Hamilton returns to cover the principle of liturgy in Scripture, as well as how life itself and even the created order, are liturgical. Liturgy is the rhythm of life and centers around the notion of "times and dates" in Scripture. Symbology and ritual go together to give us the actual patterns and meaning of the universe.

Aug 29, 2022 • 2:10:21

Part 2 HEATED Muslim Debate on Naming God, Calvinist Meltdown & Roman Catholic Perennialism Vs. Jay Dyer

Part 2 HEATED Muslim Debate on Naming God, Calvinist Meltdown & Roman Catholic Perennialism Vs. Jay Dyer

Today will be another open forum discussion: Catholics, Muslims, Protestants & Calvinists, Atheists & Pagans are welcomed to call in and discuss: Trinity, Deity of Christ, atheism, invariant objects and essences, universals and particulars, one and many, Thomism & Energies, TAG, natural theology, justification & epistemology, cults, Plato & Aristotle, pagan thinkers and more!

Aug 29, 2022 • 2:39:36

Part 1 HEATED Muslim Debate on Naming God, Calvinist Meltdown & Roman Catholic Perennialism Vs. Jay Dyer

Part 1 HEATED Muslim Debate on Naming God, Calvinist Meltdown & Roman Catholic Perennialism Vs. Jay Dyer

Today will be another open forum discussion: Catholics, Muslims, Protestants & Calvinists, Atheists & Pagans are welcomed to call in and discuss: Trinity, Deity of Christ, atheism, invariant objects and essences, universals and particulars, one and many, Thomism & Energies, TAG, natural theology, justification & epistemology, cults, Plato & Aristotle, pagan thinkers and more!

Aug 29, 2022 • 2:33:36

Islam VS Judaism Vs Protestantism Vs Orthodoxy - A Question of Continuity - Jay Dyer

Islam VS Judaism Vs Protestantism Vs Orthodoxy - A Question of Continuity - Jay Dyer

Today we come from a different vantage point: what is the argument that refutes all three "monotheistic" religions and proves the validity of Orthodoxy against Protestants, Muslims and Judaism? It's all a question of continuity.

Aug 26, 2022 • 2:48:04

Debate! Protestant & Roman Catholic Assumptions Deconstructed Theotokos, Logoi -Jay Dyer

Debate! Protestant & Roman Catholic Assumptions Deconstructed Theotokos, Logoi -Jay Dyer

oday we return to normal proceedings: Open forum debate! Calling all opponents – come and make your best arguments - they HAVE to be actual arguments regarding your rejection of the Trinity, Deity of Christ, Scripture, philosophy & logical argumentation, the Koran, Calvinism, evangelicalism, the solas, etc. Any arguments are welcomed, as long as they are actual arguments

Aug 22, 2022 • 4:12:36

The Meaning of LOGOS: Trinity, Protestantism & Catholicism - My Infamous Red Book - Jay Dyer

The Meaning of LOGOS: Trinity, Protestantism & Catholicism - My Infamous Red Book - Jay Dyer

Tonight I will give an overview of the Red Book along the same lines as what we did with the Meta Narratives book. The Red Book is almost 700 pages worth of polemical essays, refutations, critiques and analyses of Orthodox positions versus Protestant, Roman Catholic and atheist takes. We cover a lot of ground, and while the book is not ideal in terms of my plans, it at least gets the job done well enough. Tickets for the Orlando Event Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/an-evening-with-jay-dye

Aug 16, 2022 • 2:35:01

Open Debate! Trinity, Epistemic Justification, Sola Scriptura, Atonement & More! Jay Dyer

Open Debate! Trinity, Epistemic Justification, Sola Scriptura, Atonement & More! Jay Dyer

Today we will return to normal proceedings: Open debate! Calling all opponents - come and make your best arguments regarding your rejection of the Trinity, Deity of Christ, Scripture, philosophy & logical argumentation, the Koran, Calvinism, evangelicalism, the solas, etc. Any arguments are welcomed, as long as they are actual arguments. I will take calls and challenges via Twitter Spaces.

Aug 11, 2022 • 4:36:31

Dialectics of Manipulation: Espionage in Man Nobody Knew, Courier & Spy Who Came in From the Cold

Dialectics of Manipulation: Espionage in Man Nobody Knew, Courier & Spy Who Came in From the Cold

n this new dialectics analysis we will cover more Cold War themed films and a documentary that was brought to my attention about William Colby: The Man Nobody Knew, produced by his son. Colby was a traditional Catholic Cold Warrior and headed up the Phoenix Program. We will analyze the documentary in light of Wemhoff's book, as well as the recent Cumberbatch film The Courier, and the LeCarre classic with Richard Burton, The Spy Who Came in From the Cold, as well as Mobius. Tickets for the Orl

Aug 9, 2022 • 2:18:56

Top 10 SCAMS The World Runs on Concentric Circles of Scams - Jay Dyer

Top 10 SCAMS The World Runs on Concentric Circles of Scams - Jay Dyer

I see scams within scams. Today we will analyze an essential element to understanding how the world really works: the importance of scams. In fact, it's more accurate to say concentric circles of scams. Scams within scams - ALL IS SUS. Deception is not just a fundamental aspect of warfare, but also geopolitics and social control.

Aug 4, 2022 • 2:58:16

A Philosophical Approach to Elite Power Grabs: Jay Dyer on Courtenay Turner

A Philosophical Approach to Elite Power Grabs: Jay Dyer on Courtenay Turner

In this episode, Courtenay invites Jay Dyer back to the show to discuss his new upcoming book, Meta-Narratives: Essays on Philosophy & Symbolism, which consists of 15 essays addressing platonism, number theory, evolutionary philosophy and geopolitics. In this conversation Courtenay and Jay analyze the history of elitist power grabs, including transhumanism and cognitive infiltration agendas, with a religious and philosophical lens that will leave you feeling hopeful amidst the noise of todays ma

Aug 2, 2022 • 1:47:33

Roman Catholicism Refuted PART 3-4 Trent Horn's Papalism A Response to Trent's Rebuttal - Jay Dyer

Roman Catholicism Refuted PART 3-4 Trent Horn's Papalism A Response to Trent's Rebuttal - Jay Dyer

This is part 2 of the stream the other day: Trent Horn did a reply to one of my brief videos covering the 10 reasons Im not Roman Catholic. Many ignorant Roman Catholics, duped as usual by simplistic answers, hand-waving dismissals and 'muh keyz' appeals felt this was an adequate reply to my rundown video. However, many of the cut and paste arguments from Horn were already dealt with in many of my videos, as well as Ubi's videos. I have not seen the entire video, only sections sent to me tha

Aug 2, 2022 • 4:51:14

Black Mirror - Top 5 Episodes That Predicted Everything! -Jay Dyer

Black Mirror - Top 5 Episodes That Predicted Everything! -Jay Dyer

Tonight ended up being a full analysis of the Black Mirror series, from seasons 1-5. We covered out choice episodes in terms of their predictive value, highlighting seasons one and two for having the best episodes overall. This stream was long overdue and many, many people have requested an analysis beyond my essays. After this we will also do an addendum podcast for dystopian films that don't state the date for certain. The full version of this podcast is available on my site for subs or at

Jul 28, 2022 • 2:12:31

Part 2 - Augustine, Analogy of Being, Delusion & Fr Romanides Worship in "John the Pilgrim" - Jay Dyer

Part 2 - Augustine, Analogy of Being, Delusion & Fr Romanides Worship in "John the Pilgrim" - Jay Dyer

Today I will be replying to an individual as a test case of mental illness and obsessive subversion which will function as a case study - not only in mental illness and prelest, but also in some of the real issues in the Orthodox world. For years various individuals, when opposed or refuted, become obsessive and as always happens, eventually out themselves as adopting bizarre heresies or having unorthodox pet beliefs all along. Often this has to do with not having actually done the reading or ha

Jul 23, 2022 • 1:34:14

Part 1 - Augustine, Analogy of Being, Delusion & Fr Romanides Worship in "John the Pilgrim" - Jay Dyer

Part 1 - Augustine, Analogy of Being, Delusion & Fr Romanides Worship in "John the Pilgrim" - Jay Dyer

Today I will be replying to an individual as a test case of mental illness and obsessive subversion which will function as a case study - not only in mental illness and prelest, but also in some of the real issues in the Orthodox world. For years various individuals, when opposed or refuted, become obsessive and as always happens, eventually out themselves as adopting bizarre heresies or having unorthodox pet beliefs all along. Often this has to do with not having actually done the reading or

Jul 23, 2022 • 1:54:21

Dr. James Lindsay & Jay Dyer: Gnostic Roots of Modernity: C0urtenay Turner Podcast (Half)

Dr. James Lindsay & Jay Dyer: Gnostic Roots of Modernity: C0urtenay Turner Podcast (Half)

This is half of a full episode linked below: In this episode, Courtenay invites power duo Jay Dyer and Dr. James Lindsay to discuss the ever-advancing war on humanity. This expansive conversation illuminates the road to transhumanism which is designed to usher in the 4th Industrial Revolution. Strongly rooted in Marxist ideology and gnosticism, the dark map to the future transhuman feudal system consists of AI instruments that will adapt humans to an unfit world. Such mechanisms include a circu

Jul 15, 2022 • 1:05:15

Why Philosophy Matters: The Metaphysics of Globalization - Jay Dyer on Church Shute

Why Philosophy Matters: The Metaphysics of Globalization - Jay Dyer on Church Shute

Jay Dyer is an author, comedian and TV presenter known for his deep analysis of Hollywood, geopolitics, and culture. He frequently guest hosts the Alex Jones Show on Infowars. He has a new book out titled "Meta-Narratives: Essays on Philosophy and Symbolism." We discuss a lot of great stuff in this episode including Ghislaine Maxwell, The Great Reset, the Montauk Project, MK Ultra, Alien Psy-Ops, Universal Basic Income, why Bill Gates is buying up farmland, D.U.M.B.s and more! Listen now befo

Jul 14, 2022 • 1:10:58

Part 2 - Trent Horn Refuted on Papalism: A Response to Trent's Rebuttal - Jay Dyer

Part 2 - Trent Horn Refuted on Papalism: A Response to Trent's Rebuttal - Jay Dyer

Trent Horn did a reply to one of my brief videos covering the 10 reasons Im not Roman Catholic. Many ignorant Roman Catholics, duped as usual by simplistic answers, hand-waving dismissals and 'muh keyz' appeals felt this was an adequate reply to my rundown video. However, many of the cut and paste arguments from Horn were already dealt with in many of my videos, as well as Ubi's videos. I have not seen the entire video, only sections sent to me that Ubi had already done, so today we will giv

Jul 11, 2022 • 1:58:20

Part 1 - Trent Horn Refuted on Papalism: A Response to Trent's Rebuttal - Jay Dyer

Part 1 - Trent Horn Refuted on Papalism: A Response to Trent's Rebuttal - Jay Dyer

Trent Horn did a reply to one of my brief videos covering the 10 reasons Im not Roman Catholic. Many ignorant Roman Catholics, duped as usual by simplistic answers, hand-waving dismissals and 'muh keyz' appeals felt this was an adequate reply to my rundown video. However, many of the cut and paste arguments from Horn were already dealt with in many of my videos, as well as Ubi's videos. I have not seen the entire video, only sections sent to me that Ubi had already done, so today we will giv

Jul 11, 2022 • 2:14:12

Cults, New Age Gurus, Transformational Festivals & Female Messiahs: Jay Dyer + Tristan Haggard

Cults, New Age Gurus, Transformational Festivals & Female Messiahs: Jay Dyer + Tristan Haggard

Tristan joins me for the stream that never was, covering his recent research into gurus and diet cults, as well as revolutionary cults and messiahs, including female messiahs. We will go back to ancient pagan worship and look at the rites and rituals as they are revived today by today's grifters, con artists and possess3d and prelested leaders.Purchase event tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jay-dyer-lecture-live-im-not-trying-to-be-mean-dude-new-book-event-tickets-379772709397Pre-Ord

Jul 8, 2022 • 1:59:23

ELVIS - The True Story of His Life & Our Speculations - Jay Dyer & Jamie Hanshaw

ELVIS - The True Story of His Life & Our Speculations - Jay Dyer & Jamie Hanshaw

Jamie joins me to cover her research into the king of pop, Elvis Presley. We will also analyze the new film and cover the best and worst Elvis "c0nspiracies," so this will be a wild one. I will also look at the odd figure of Col. Tom Parker and his role as Elvis handler and controller, which the film surprisingly references, as well as his m0b connections.Purchase event tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jay-dyer-lecture-live-im-not-trying-to-be-mean-dude-new-book-event-tickets-3797727

Jul 7, 2022 • 2:00:18

Antichrist & The End Times: Jay Dyer & Maria Zee

Antichrist & The End Times: Jay Dyer & Maria Zee

Maria is a journalist from Australia covering current events: she asked me on to cover a more sensible view of eschatology, covering in brief partial preterism, the types of antichrist in history, successive world empires and the book of the Apocalypse. My event is here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jay-dyer-lecture-live-im-not-trying-to-be-mean-dude-new-book-event-tickets-379772709397

Jul 7, 2022 • 47:05

HEATED Roman Catholic, Arian & Atheist Discussions Predestination, Papacy, St. Mary!  -Jay Dyer

HEATED Roman Catholic, Arian & Atheist Discussions Predestination, Papacy, St. Mary! -Jay Dyer

Today we will have open forum debate and Q n A from Twitter Spaces for those who want to challenge the Orthodox position or bring new argumentation against my positions. Open forum today includes topics such as: religious engineering, Calvinist and evangelical debates, atheism, universals and abstract objects, TAG and transcendental arguments, Logos and logoi, the Triad & biblical theology, Islam and Roman Catholic absolute divine simplicity, and much more! Opponents are welcome to bring any a

Jun 29, 2022 • 2:59:52

Wicca, New Age Cults, UFO Gurus & Creepers The I AM  - Jay Dyer

Wicca, New Age Cults, UFO Gurus & Creepers The I AM - Jay Dyer

Tonight we discuss the explosion of cults, gurus and new age decievers that have gained much attention via Internet popularity and instagram yogadom. From Teal Swan to Nature Boy to Osho to Sadhguru to many, many more, difficult times lead to people seeking mystical & religious solace in alternative viewpoints and movements when the "mainstream" religions fail and collapse due to their heresies and dead works.

Jun 28, 2022 • 2:26:18

Occult Nostalgia - Jay Dyer + Quite Frankly

Occult Nostalgia - Jay Dyer + Quite Frankly

Frank invited me back to cover cults and spies, Bitcoin and more!

Jun 27, 2022 • 1:00:36

CREEPY GURUS!  Teal Swan, AH Byrne & More Patterns of Abuse - Jay Dyer  Rachel Ann Dine

CREEPY GURUS! Teal Swan, AH Byrne & More Patterns of Abuse - Jay Dyer Rachel Ann Dine

YouTuber and therapist Rachel Ann Dine joins me to cover some of the newest crop of gurus that have arisen, as well as some classic and lesser known gurus we haven't covered yet! Anne Hamilton Byrne, mother god, Teal Swan and more!

Jun 24, 2022 • 1:22:57

The 10 Point NEW AGE Takeover Plan Espionage & the Age of the GURU! Jay Dyer

The 10 Point NEW AGE Takeover Plan Espionage & the Age of the GURU! Jay Dyer

Today we will look at Alice Bailey's "10 Point Plan" for new thought leaders to initiate the masses into the new aeon, who, along with Blavatsky, Crowley and others, kicked off the "new age movement" decades ahead of the 1960s counter-culture. The "new age" is really the "old age," as we see a return to paganism as a program of elite-supported social engineering.Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code 'J

Jun 20, 2022 • 1:42:45

Should You Move to the SOUTH?? TENNESSEE??

Should You Move to the SOUTH?? TENNESSEE??

A question that has arisen lately from many subscribers, followers and acquaintances: should I move to the South? What is Tennessee like? It is good for a family? What can I expect in rural or in city areas? What are the pros? What are the cons?Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Jun 17, 2022 • 1:38:20

Inception, Shutter Island, Cypher, Brainstorm & More! TOP 5 WEIRD Mindbender Films

Inception, Shutter Island, Cypher, Brainstorm & More! TOP 5 WEIRD Mindbender Films

Tonight we will cover 5 weird mind bender films that have become obscure and forgotten. We will do a deep dive on Brainstorm, Dreamscape and 3 more you may not be aware of! Step into the B movie aether with me.Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code 'Jay53LIFE'

Jun 14, 2022 • 1:31:41

Jurassic World Dominion & The Jurassic Franchise - Analysis (Jay Dyer)

Jurassic World Dominion & The Jurassic Franchise - Analysis (Jay Dyer)

It was too packed with conspiracy candy and propaganda not to analyze it. Jurassic World Dominion is a recycled Jurassic plot genetically modified into a laughable Goldblumian miasma. Time for a breakdown! Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Set up recurring Choq subscription with the discount code 'Jay53LIFE'

Jun 13, 2022 • 2:12:04

Demons & The Fallen Psyche - The Depths of Dostoyevsky - Tristan & Mark Hackard

Demons & The Fallen Psyche - The Depths of Dostoyevsky - Tristan & Mark Hackard

Tristan and Mark Hackard join me to cover the depth of Dostoyevsky in a new installment that fits well with Mark's older podcasts on the great Russian writer, as well as Tristan's new analyses of Notes and Demons, as well as other important texts like Crime and Punishment and Grand Inquisitor.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Jun 11, 2022 • 2:06:16

The Multiverse, God as First Cause, Creation & Emanationism (Jay Dyer)

The Multiverse, God as First Cause, Creation & Emanationism (Jay Dyer)

Today we will have open forum via Twitter spaces covering a wide array of topics, such as Philosophical debate issues: TAG, logic, and more, as well as theological issues relating to Triad, Christology, Augustinianism and Calvinism, original sin, Protestantism & evangelicalism, Roman Catholicism, as well as meta-politics, espionage and more.

Jun 7, 2022 • 2:11:45

Cognitive Warfare - Jay Dyer

Cognitive Warfare - Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer breaks down cognitive warfare and more!

Jun 5, 2022 • 42:20

Proof: The Great Reset Plan is 100 Years Old

Proof: The Great Reset Plan is 100 Years Old

Jay Dyer of https://jaysanalysis.com/ guest hosts to break down the proof that the Great Reset plan is 100 years old.

Jun 5, 2022 • 37:22

Brief History of the Bilderberg Meetings - Jay Dyer

Brief History of the Bilderberg Meetings - Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer of JaysAnalysis.com gives an overview of the once hidden history of Bilderberg and the people who called the meeting into being.

Jun 5, 2022 • 43:51

Spy & Assassin Secrets in Film Tinker, Tailor, Operation Mincemeat, Confessions & More

Spy & Assassin Secrets in Film Tinker, Tailor, Operation Mincemeat, Confessions & More

Tonight's podcast will cover 4 fairly recent spy films we haven't delved deeply into, in terms of insights, revelations, truths and c0nspiracies of recent note. We will analyze Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy and A Most Wanted Man from LeCarre, as well as the real Cambridge 5 story, P.S. Hoffman's last film A Most Wanted Man, and the infamous Confessions of a Dangerous Mind.

Jun 5, 2022 • 2:28:10

Tolkien & CS Lewis The Wizard & The Lion The True Story of their Rocky Friendship - Dean Arnold

Tolkien & CS Lewis The Wizard & The Lion The True Story of their Rocky Friendship - Dean Arnold

Dean Arnold joins me to cover an area in which he is an expert: The rocky relationship between two of the greatest authors of of the 20th century. Between Lewis' theology and Tolkien's theology, there were issues, combined with Lewis' choices in marriage, literary preferences for allegory versus mythology, and more!Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Jun 1, 2022 • 1:21:31

Jay Dyer  X RAP CAVIAR  'Pay Piggy' REmix

Jay Dyer X RAP CAVIAR 'Pay Piggy' REmix

Some are saying it's the summer jam of 2022. T pain gettin nervous.

May 29, 2022 • 3:48

Jay Dyer (Kolor Me BADDDD) - "Gossiping"

Jay Dyer (Kolor Me BADDDD) - "Gossiping"

Kolor Me BADDDD has dropped a new improv R n B track!

May 29, 2022 • 2:57

Stranger Things Seasons 1-4 ESOTERIC Analysis & Review - Jay Dyer

Stranger Things Seasons 1-4 ESOTERIC Analysis & Review - Jay Dyer

Recapping the earlier seasons and the newly released season 4, we will look back on the nostalgia based Netflix series that hearkens back to 80s culture. As many know, season 1 focused on MK ULTRA by name, noting the experimentation on the young, while eventually expanding to Cold War propaganda by season 3 and now a more overtly occultic theme in season 4.

May 29, 2022 • 2:02:17

The Book of Enoch - The Realm of Angels & Demons Out of This World Episode #3

The Book of Enoch - The Realm of Angels & Demons Out of This World Episode #3

Jamie and Kristin talk about the Book of Enoch, its history and its influence on Judaism, Christianity, Kabbalah, Hermetic Magic, Gnosticism and the New Age. Her podcast is here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOGG3wN0LjqxzdfQ-IaJdGg/videos

May 26, 2022 • 1:32:08

Top Ten Evil Science Experiments: Out of This World Episode #4

Top Ten Evil Science Experiments: Out of This World Episode #4

Jamie And Kristin talk about the religion of scientism, behaviorism, social engineering and countdown the most heinous human and animal experiments that have been declassified: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOGG3wN0LjqxzdfQ-IaJdGgBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

May 24, 2022 • 1:26:32

Eddie Bravo & Sam Tripoli On Weird Scenes Inside Laurel Canyon with Jay Dyer

Eddie Bravo & Sam Tripoli On Weird Scenes Inside Laurel Canyon with Jay Dyer

What a wild ride! Thanks to Eddie for having me on and getting into a host of crazy topics in a hype 2.5 hour interview. The FULL interview is available here: https://rokfin.com/post/86141/Episode-5--Featuring-Jay-Dyer--Sam-Tripoli

May 24, 2022 • 2:22:04

Dune, Wall-E, Planet of the Apes, Idiocracy & More Dystopia Now! Jay & Jamie (Half)

Dune, Wall-E, Planet of the Apes, Idiocracy & More Dystopia Now! Jay & Jamie (Half)

We pick back up with our final installment of the chronological ordering of the dystopian films, analyzing and riffing on Logans Run, Waterworld, Idiocracy, Brave New World, Wall-E, Planet of the Apes, Dune, and The Time Machine. This sequence covers the year 2274 to the year 802,701. After this we will also do an addendum podcast for dystopian films that don't state the date for certain. The full version of this podcast is available on my site for subs or at my R0kfin!

May 24, 2022 • 1:40:01

St. Augustine, Calvin, Original Sin & Orthodox Theology (Open Forum Q n A) - Jay Dyer

St. Augustine, Calvin, Original Sin & Orthodox Theology (Open Forum Q n A) - Jay Dyer

Many Orthodox and converts are confused over the position of St Augustine and original sin when it comes to Orthodoxy. This video will feature open forum Q n A from twitter space as well. In this video I hope to help clarify some points of departure and nuance that will help to contrast the various positions, including where Augustine differs from Calvin, Luther and Eastern theology. We will review the chart concerning genesis, kinesis and stasis comparing St Augustine to Origen and St Maximos,

May 17, 2022 • 3:14:32

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: Chaos Magick - Jay Dyer

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: Chaos Magick - Jay Dyer

We will be covering two films today that follow a trend of promoting the absurd idea of the multiverse. The multiverse theory is often coupled with chaos magick. I will also analyze Avengers, which has a similar theme. The multiverse is the reintroduction of metaphysics to the post-scientism world we live in.

May 13, 2022 • 3:15:50

City of God - Books I-X  - St. Augustine Analysis - Jay Dyer (Half)

City of God - Books I-X - St. Augustine Analysis - Jay Dyer (Half)

After many years of requests, I will lecture through St Augustine's City of God. I read the City of God when I was 21 and it made a profound impact on my thought. Even though as Orthodox we do not accept all of his ideas, St. Augustine's City of God is still an invaluable classic and unparalleled in terms if literature and scope. The first half covers books 1-10, while full talk will be available to paid subs to my site or r0kfin.

May 11, 2022 • 3:12:43



“In this stream I am joined by Jay Dyer and Tristan Haggard to discuss all things technology and it relationship to magic. We will be reflecting upon the famous quote by Arthur C. Clarke “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Make sure to check it out and let me know what you think.”

May 10, 2022 • 2:04:54

The Symbolism of Nicolas Cage Classics Adaptation & Lord of War  - Jay Dyer 90k Party Stream

The Symbolism of Nicolas Cage Classics Adaptation & Lord of War - Jay Dyer 90k Party Stream

We hit 90k - and we're almost at 100k! It took forever, but finally we are almost there. I am not sure what we'll do for the 100k - it may be a rifftrax style riff on ROTOR, we will see. For 90k why not do another round of Nic Cage we haven't done yet? Peggy Sue, Adaptation, Willy's Wonderland, Lord of War and Unbearable Weight. of Massive Talent will make for a fun 90k party stream. Come join us!

May 7, 2022 • 1:28:21

MET GALA, Sam Hyde, Standup Comedy & The Dark Arts Post-Modernism & The Self-Destruct Button

MET GALA, Sam Hyde, Standup Comedy & The Dark Arts Post-Modernism & The Self-Destruct Button

This goofy thing comes around every year and people always ask about it and discuss the "fashion." Today we will cover the meaning of this "event" and the high profile fashion world's longtime connection to the dark arts. In fact, the celebration of modern art and its obsession with abstraction, the ugly, the irrational and disgusting is a reflection of the zeitgeist.

May 5, 2022 • 2:11:21

The Northman - The Beast, The Witch, The Hero & The Mushroom Symbolism Explained - Jay Dyer

The Northman - The Beast, The Witch, The Hero & The Mushroom Symbolism Explained - Jay Dyer

We covered the Witch back in the old days when my podcast was just getting cranked up and director Eggers has upped his game with a gritty, brutal new film capturing the pagan / viking ethos with The Northman: an Edda style hero's journey full of natural magic and symbolism that accommodates multiple possible readings, including a katabasis / Christian style allegory.

May 2, 2022 • 2:32:58

Megan Fox / Machine Gun Kelly - Hollywood VAMPYRES Rituals & Cults Galore! -Jay Dyer

Megan Fox / Machine Gun Kelly - Hollywood VAMPYRES Rituals & Cults Galore! -Jay Dyer

Today we return to our origins: Hollywood cults and bl00d drinking classics! We will recall the forgotten tales of Jolie in her ritual stories with Billy Bob, the Kardashian classics, the recent statements from Megan Fox & Machine Gun Kelly as well as the overall cult ethos of Hollywood.

Apr 30, 2022 • 2:51:41

Phoenix From the Ashes From Vietnam Technowar to Technocracy  (Half) - Jay Dyer

Phoenix From the Ashes From Vietnam Technowar to Technocracy (Half) - Jay Dyer

Tonight's lecture will cover the real story of Vietnam as best I can tell from various academic, intelligence and historian sources. From the Jacobsen History of DARPA to Valentine's Phoenix Program, Vietnam encompasses a psychological operation like no other. The full lecture will be available for paid subs to my site or r0kfin.

Apr 27, 2022 • 1:47:21

The Elites’ Plan for the Next Million Years w/ Jay Dyer

The Elites’ Plan for the Next Million Years w/ Jay Dyer

In this week's Lions of Liberty, Marc is joined by Jay Dyer, author of "Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film" Parts 1 and 2 and host of the 4th hour of *that show we can't mention.* Jay dives into his background with religion and conspiracy and how his study of film coincided with his interest in the esoteric to bring life "Esoteric Hollywood". Marc and Jay take a side tangent digging further into Jay's bad acid trip as a teenage through which he believes he interacted with a demon

Apr 25, 2022 • 1:03:16

Evils of the Vatican Pope Frank, Heresy, and Globalism with Jay Dyer

Evils of the Vatican Pope Frank, Heresy, and Globalism with Jay Dyer

"In this stream I am joined by Jay Dyer to talk about the multitude of heresy and evil coming from Pope Francis and the Vatican. Be it medical passports, partnering in resetting the Global economic structure, Pachamama worship, mass migration, or outright Christian heresy, the Vatican is a key culprit to the tragic ills that plague our current world. Make sure to check it out and let me know what you think. "

Apr 23, 2022 • 2:16:11

The New Aeon of the Hivemind The Net, Neurohacking & Cybernetics - Jay Dyer

The New Aeon of the Hivemind The Net, Neurohacking & Cybernetics - Jay Dyer

Tonight we will be looking at some recent clips that surfaced from Klaus & Co., as well as a mini doc on Pharmakeia that is unintentionally comical with goofy presentations promoting tranzhoomanism, and then we will cover a few elements and clips of old school propaganda. The full show is available to subs to jaysanalys or r0kfinBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Apr 22, 2022 • 2:48:31

The Philosophy of Horror The Cellar, Last Night in Soho, Hole in the Ground & More -Jay Dyer

The Philosophy of Horror The Cellar, Last Night in Soho, Hole in the Ground & More -Jay Dyer

This stream will be Half / Half in a few days, with the full version being limited soon. For the full stream sub to my site or Rokfin. It ended up being entirely about the philosophy of horror, the grotesque, virtue and vices and the realm of hades . We looked at several recent horror films I thought were instructive and illustrative for various reasons and in various ways. I tied this analysis into the notions of a modern, demythologized and disenchanted world, as well the spiritual realitie

Apr 17, 2022 • 2:16:06

Reformation Refuted part 2: The Other Problems in Calvinism - Jay Dyer / Sam

Reformation Refuted part 2: The Other Problems in Calvinism - Jay Dyer / Sam

Jay Dyer joins Sam Shamoun to cover more problems in Calvinism and its theology.

Apr 14, 2022 • 1:43:10

Geopolitics and the Orthodox Schism - Deep Politics' Usage of the Church - Jay Dyer / TNT Radio

Geopolitics and the Orthodox Schism - Deep Politics' Usage of the Church - Jay Dyer / TNT Radio

Patrick Henningsen interviews Jay Dyer on his TNT Radio show concerning the geopolitical purpose of the Ukraine Church schism.

Apr 13, 2022 • 54:53

Predicting the Coming Dystopia C.S. Lewis' Space Trilogy (Half)

Predicting the Coming Dystopia C.S. Lewis' Space Trilogy (Half)

Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra and That Hideous Strength make up the lesser known C.S. Lewis space trilogy, covering the adventures of Ransom, the demoniac Weston and how the alien narrative might fit into the notion of the fall and there demonic. This analysis is public, while the full analysis will be available for subscribers to jaysanalysis.

Apr 13, 2022 • 1:47:54



Today we will AGAIN dive into the gaslighting and insanity out there causing people to lose it. What is leading to society breaking down in an even deeper, scientific way? As world gubmint is more and more publicly announced, we are STILL told it doesn't exist. Mass delusion and chaos are ensuing and the system becomes more and more maniacal as we look at the deep tech side of the emerging system.

Apr 11, 2022 • 2:07:44

World Government is Really Not Real, And Also ALIENS & UFOS - Jay Dyer

World Government is Really Not Real, And Also ALIENS & UFOS - Jay Dyer

Today we will dive into the gaslighting and insanity out there causing people to lose it. What is leading to society breaking down? As world gubmint is announced, we are told it doesn't exist. Mass delusion and chaos are ensuing and the system becomes more and more maniacal.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Apr 8, 2022 • 2:59:58

Who's Behind the Social Control & Propaganda with Jay Dyer

Who's Behind the Social Control & Propaganda with Jay Dyer

My guest this week is Jay Dyer. Jay produces a ton of content, including two books, over at JaysAnalysis.com. Today, he and I discuss the groups behind much of the evil that is directed at us on a daily basis. Through controlling various arms of pop culture including media, Hollywood, governments, etc they have their tentacles everywhere. Well, who the heck are "they"? How do we beat them? Are we fighting against men? I read somewhere that it's deeper than that ;-). We shall examine it all on th

Apr 6, 2022 • 1:05:43

Transcendental Arguments, Epistemic Justification, Foundationalism  & Circularity - Jay Dyer

Transcendental Arguments, Epistemic Justification, Foundationalism & Circularity - Jay Dyer

Today we will have open forum . Today we will have open forum discussion and debate from Twitter spaces. Topics will cover atheism, materialism, the laws of logic and justification. Open forum will allow for Trinity debates, deity of Christ, philosophical issues, the Transcendental Argument for God, and more!

Apr 1, 2022 • 2:36:32

Refuting the Pagans  Neo-Pagans Response to Cigar Stream - Jay Dyer

Refuting the Pagans Neo-Pagans Response to Cigar Stream - Jay Dyer

AA has stated that he welcomes people to reply to his stream on paganism recently so I will do a livestream response. I saw most of the livestream when it happened and was in the chat. Here, I will dissect the critiques one by one and offer the Orthodox response

Mar 30, 2022 • 3:50:04

Jay Dyer on the Hrvoje Moric Show

Jay Dyer on the Hrvoje Moric Show

Hrvoje Morić is a Geneva School of Diplomacy graduate, former Professor of International Relations, proud Croatian-American-Mexican, and founder of The Geopolitics & Empire Podcast. With the assistance of experts from around the world, he seeks to critically analyze global affairs and is devoted to examination of the perilous truths of our time.

Mar 30, 2022 • 54:51

Fatima, Signs & Wonders & Religious Epistemology  - Jay Dyer

Fatima, Signs & Wonders & Religious Epistemology - Jay Dyer

Today I will return to the saddle to cover the recent revelations of "Fatima" being done all over again by the Vatican supposedly, with the intention of healing the global conflict. I will look at this from the vantage point of revelation and how this is impossible as a realistic miraculous scenario, as well as how we should beware of such "signs and wonders." How do visions really factor into our worldview and what is the relationship to divine revelation? What are the patterns of sound epi

Mar 23, 2022 • 2:36:07

Black Goo Alien Nanotech Katabasis Movies! Phantoms, Highway to Hell & More - Jay Dyer

Black Goo Alien Nanotech Katabasis Movies! Phantoms, Highway to Hell & More - Jay Dyer

Jamie joins me to cover 4 B, or almost B, movies that we recently struggled with. Three of the four were actually enjoyable (from my perspective), and one was unbearable (yet bizarre!). All 4 make for an enjoyable evening of golden garbage cinema magic, all blended into a tasteful garbage juice smoothie. We will analyze and review Phantoms (1998), Highway to Hell (1991), Burnt Offerings (1976) and Invitation to Hell (1984 TV movie).

Mar 21, 2022 • 1:08:51

Defects in Western Theology Trinity, Mode of Willing & Uncreated Energies - Jay Dyer Open Forum

Defects in Western Theology Trinity, Mode of Willing & Uncreated Energies - Jay Dyer Open Forum

Today we will have open forum debate and discussion concerning Theism, the Triad, Orthodox metaphysics, logic and epistemic justification, the Calvinist theological system and presuppositions, Islam and divine simplicity and more! Any topics related to the above are open for debate or Q n A.

Mar 18, 2022 • 2:08:30

I'm Doing Great! Episode 19 - Jay Dyer

I'm Doing Great! Episode 19 - Jay Dyer

The great @Jay Dyer joins us to talk about Christian Orthodoxy, The WEF and some of his favorite films while also doing an incredible Nic Cage impression.Mike’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikealexlernGina’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gmflorioIDG Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/idgthepodcastJay’s Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/JayDyer

Mar 18, 2022 • 1:34:30

Metaphysics of God Essence  Energy Distinction, Triad & TAG - Jay Dyer

Metaphysics of God Essence Energy Distinction, Triad & TAG - Jay Dyer

Now that we got that Upgrayedd internet we can try for another livestream (Update: the upload speeds are still not functioning consistently so this was a largely audio chat). We will open up twitter spaces for another open forum discussion and to once again give haters the mic so they can make their case for whatever position they hold contrary to ours. Topics include: philosophy, metaphysics, epistemology, Trinity, biblical theology, church history, papacy, Filioque, calvinism, Christology, et

Mar 17, 2022 • 1:37:33

The Devil, Demons, Rituals & the Law and Prophets & Evangelicalism - Jay Dyer

The Devil, Demons, Rituals & the Law and Prophets & Evangelicalism - Jay Dyer

Today we will have another open forum discussion/debate and Q n A against any and all opponents. If you have an argument you'd like to present or a refutation, you can come on air and present your case via audio chat from my Twitter spaces room. Topics must relate to the issues listed above, and can include transcendental arguments, biblical theology, philosophical issues, metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, atheism, Roman Catholicism, Protestantism & Calvinism, Islam, paganism and more! Use J

Mar 11, 2022 • 3:13:43

Part 2: DEBATE!: Energies, Universalism, Protestantism & Justification - Jay Dyer

Part 2: DEBATE!: Energies, Universalism, Protestantism & Justification - Jay Dyer

2:10:30 Created vs uncreated energies 3:06:50 Rachel Wilson, occult femenism 3:10:50 Orthodox prayer for the departed 3:21:30 Election, Predestination. Sola fide 3:34:40 Orthodox sources of dogma 3:41:50 Pragmatism 3:54:00 Correct Canon 4:01:30 Superchats and promotions 4:25:30 Atheist CoomerBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Mar 8, 2022 • 2:19:35

Part 1 DEBATE!: Energies, Universalism, Protestantism & Justification - Jay Dyer

Part 1 DEBATE!: Energies, Universalism, Protestantism & Justification - Jay Dyer

0:01 Best part 7:26 Introduction 22:00 Universalism, David Bentley hart 1:08:17 Analytic-synthetic distinction, empiricist dogmas 1:22:34 Monarchism vs Democracy 1:32:20 Schism, evangelism, apostolic succession. evidentialism. 1:57:00 Protestantism and the creation of the modern west 2:05:40 Roman Catholic inquirer

Mar 8, 2022 • 2:10:13

Liberal Imperium Ideological Predecessors to the Present Conflict - Jay Dyer (Half)

Liberal Imperium Ideological Predecessors to the Present Conflict - Jay Dyer (Half)

This evening we will cover the historical geopolitical setting for the present conflicts and crises and how they may prepare us for further implementation of the Gre@t Reset. In order to understand that scenario it is necessary to give a background via the Cold War scenario and Quigley's analysis, as well as the sea power/land power thesis of Mackinder and others, brining in soft power and economic pressures utilized by western elites to bring us to where we are, and where they intend to go. U

Mar 4, 2022 • 1:14:36

Sam Harris, Transcendental Arguments & David Hume (Is/Ought) - Jay Dyer

Sam Harris, Transcendental Arguments & David Hume (Is/Ought) - Jay Dyer

Today we will review transcendental argumentation and how it works, as well as using a sample discussion between Sam Harris and another philosopher concerning the Is / Ought question raised on the Jordan Peterson podcast. We will look to understand the process of TAG, as well as how we can apply it to various situations and analyze some examples and take calls via twitter spaces.

Feb 28, 2022 • 2:01:21

Richard Dawkins Vs. John Lennox Debate REVIEW! Jay Dyer

Richard Dawkins Vs. John Lennox Debate REVIEW! Jay Dyer

Many have requested an analysis of this debate, so I am finally down to do it. Today we will review this debate and give commentary as we look for the standard Dawkins moves as well as looking for the good and bad arguments from the professing Christian, Lennox. As you know, I have not seen these debates, so my reactions are all on the spot.Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off!

Feb 24, 2022 • 3:57:16

Archetypes, Symbols, Meaning & Meals - Jay Dyer & Tristan (Half)

Archetypes, Symbols, Meaning & Meals - Jay Dyer & Tristan (Half)

Beautiful TrXtXnA joins me tonight for a long anticipated reunion stream. After several months it was time our fellow E celeb diva joined us for another commentary riff session covering the journey to truth, L0G0S, the meaning of religious symbolism, Protestant and evangelical worlds, archetypes and the counter culture scene, and the hEALF journey to Orthodoxy, as well as his recent geopolitical streams.Part 2 here: https://rokfin.com/creator/jaydyer

Feb 21, 2022 • 54:41

Hunger Games, Star Trek, Elysium, A.I., In Time, Forbidden Planet & More! (Half)

Hunger Games, Star Trek, Elysium, A.I., In Time, Forbidden Planet & More! (Half)

Jamie and I continue the Dystopia Now series with a new pack of chronological dystopian films analyzing them based on when the stories take place. AI kicks off the year 2100 ish, followed by black hole, hunger games, Elysium, in time, forbidden planet and Star Trek motion picture, ending in 2270. WE may not cover them in specific order, but based on our arbitrary fun ordering. Enjoy! Part 2 is for subscribers to my site or r0kfin!

Feb 18, 2022 • 1:23:26

Ancient Mystery Rites, Rituals & The Foundations of Space & Time - Jay Dyer & Seraphim Hamilton

Ancient Mystery Rites, Rituals & The Foundations of Space & Time - Jay Dyer & Seraphim Hamilton

Seraphim Hamilton joins me to discuss monotheism, the history of the OT, the notion of the gods of the nations, devils and the ancient pagan rites, the logos spermatikos, the Personal Logos as the fulfillment of what is lacking in the world religions, and much, much more!

Feb 17, 2022 • 1:37:46

Atheist Debates: Quine's Two Dogmas of Empiricism  & Apostolic Succession! Jay Dyer

Atheist Debates: Quine's Two Dogmas of Empiricism & Apostolic Succession! Jay Dyer

Today we will have open forum discussion and debate from Twitter spaces. Topics will cover atheism, materialism, the laws of logic and justification, Quine’s Two Dogmas, more on my last stream covering Peterson Vs Harris on is/ought. Open forum will allow for Trinity debates, deity of Christ, philosophical issues, the Transcendental Argument for God, and more!Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Feb 16, 2022 • 3:30:21

The Ten Commandments of The Luciferian Elite

The Ten Commandments of The Luciferian Elite

Jay Dyer of https://jaysanalysis.com guest hosts to break down the Ten Commandments of the Luciferian elite.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Feb 15, 2022 • 39:36

Gl0bal Elite Mandate US Must Collapse by 2030 For Technocracy

Gl0bal Elite Mandate US Must Collapse by 2030 For Technocracy

Jay Dyer of https://jaysanalysis.com guest hosts to break down the global elite mandate to collapse the US by 2030, and shines light on the book 'A Brief History of the Future: A Brave and Controversial Look at the Twenty-First Century' by Jacques Attali

Feb 15, 2022 • 31:07

Part 2 - PAGANISM & Debating Atheism, Free Will & Modalism! - Jay Dyer

Part 2 - PAGANISM & Debating Atheism, Free Will & Modalism! - Jay Dyer

Tonight I will open up the twitter spaces audio chat for challengers and Q n A. First, I would like to deal with the rise of Neo-paganism and the pagan argumentation concerning Christ and the origins of Christianity. Most of these arguments apply, as you can imagine, to heterodox versions of "Christianity" and not classic Orthodoxy. Is Christianity a c0nspiracy to subvert some group or the empire? Was it a roman conspiracy? After that, will deboooonk these ahistorical and arbitrary views once ag

Feb 15, 2022 • 2:04:23



Tonight we cover a genre we have yet to touch: DISASTER movies! We will hit a few of this big ones like The Day After, 2012, and the recent Moonfall and its weird symbolism. Come join us as we analyze and riff on these specimen of propaganda.Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off! Join my site here: https://jaysanalysis.com/membership-account/membership-levels/Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tipOrder signed copies of my books he

Feb 13, 2022 • 1:27:55

Part 1 - PAGANISM & Debating Atheism, Free Will & Modalism! - Jay Dyer

Part 1 - PAGANISM & Debating Atheism, Free Will & Modalism! - Jay Dyer

Tonight I will open up the twitter spaces audio chat for challengers and Q n A. First, I would like to deal with the rise of Neo-paganism and the pagan argumentation concerning Christ and the origins of Christianity. Most of these arguments apply, as you can imagine, to heterodox versions of "Christianity" and not classic Orthodoxy. Is Christianity a c0nspiracy to subvert some group or the empire? Was it a roman conspiracy? After that, will deboooonk these ahistorical and arbitrary views onc

Feb 12, 2022 • 2:01:38

Jay Dyer Dunk Compilation

Jay Dyer Dunk Compilation

A follower collected some of his favorite clips of mine. Enjoy

Feb 10, 2022 • 16:06

Part 2 - HEATED Debate with Protestant & More Debates: Tradition, Universals, TAG & Real Presence - Jay Dyer

Part 2 - HEATED Debate with Protestant & More Debates: Tradition, Universals, TAG & Real Presence - Jay Dyer

Today we will have open forum via twitter spaces. Preference will be given to super chats via Streamlabs but those who want to "call in" and ask questions or debate are welcomed, whether Roman Catholic, Orthodox, atheist, Muslim, pagan, etc. Topics can range from philosophy to apologetics and TAG to exegesis, to history, etc.

Feb 10, 2022 • 2:36:13

Part 1 - HEATED Debate with Protestant & More Debates: Tradition, Universals, TAG & Real Presence - Jay Dyer

Part 1 - HEATED Debate with Protestant & More Debates: Tradition, Universals, TAG & Real Presence - Jay Dyer

Today we will have open forum via twitter spaces. Preference will be given to super chats via Streamlabs but those who want to "call in" and ask questions or debate are welcomed, whether Roman Catholic, Orthodox, atheist, Muslim, pagan, etc. Topics can range from philosophy to apologetics and TAG to exegesis, to history, etc. Use JAY50 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 50% off!

Feb 10, 2022 • 2:29:06

Esoteric Hollywood: ALIAS Series Analysis - Jay & Jamie Dyer (Half)

Esoteric Hollywood: ALIAS Series Analysis - Jay & Jamie Dyer (Half)

Espionage and secret societies collide in this early 2000s series from JJ Abrams. I watched this series back in 2009 and noticed a few interesting elements that led to a premature analysis. Reviewing the series knowing a lot more about deep politics and espionage / meta politics I was able to notice a host of predictlve pr0gramming elements that blew me away. The first half is free while the full analysis is for subscribers to JaysAnalysis or on R0kfin.

Feb 10, 2022 • 1:00:04

The Philosophical Problem of Circularity with Jay Dyer

The Philosophical Problem of Circularity with Jay Dyer

In this stream I am joined by Jay Dyer to discuss the problem of circularity as it relates to foundationalism, worldviews, and why it is so important concerning Christian apologetics. We will be hitting on everything from induction (Hume & Kant), the work of Thomas Kuhn, Willard Quine, and Kurt Godel, as well revelation and the coherency theory of truth. Make sure to check it out and let me know what you think.

Feb 7, 2022 • 2:19:46

James White Refuted: Cosby Sweater Calvinism & Heated Debate with Protestant pt 2 - Jay Dyer

James White Refuted: Cosby Sweater Calvinism & Heated Debate with Protestant pt 2 - Jay Dyer

Today we will have open forum debate and Q n A concerning philosophy and theology with a opening discussion on the Trinity and an overview of James White's significant errors. We look at his book Forgotten Trinity and the bad argumentation and acceptance of the Lombardian identity thesis view and how this ends up denying the distinctions in Persons and how the Calvinist doctrine of substitutionary atonement and "damning of the Son" is blasphemous and Anti-Trinitarian. The second half is largel

Feb 5, 2022 • 1:57:59

James White Refuted: Cosby Sweater Calvinism & Heated Debate with Protestant Pt. 1 - Jay Dyer

James White Refuted: Cosby Sweater Calvinism & Heated Debate with Protestant Pt. 1 - Jay Dyer

Today we will have open forum debate and Q n A concerning philosophy and theology with a opening discussion on the Trinity and an overview of James White's significant errors. We look at his book Forgotten Trinity and the bad argumentation and acceptance of the Lombardian identity thesis view and how this ends up denying the distinctions in Persons and how the Calvinist doctrine of substitutionary atonement and "damning of the Son" is blasphemous and Anti-Trinitarian. The second half is largel

Feb 5, 2022 • 2:01:51

Is Jesus the Messiah? Messianic Prophecies Prove Christ: Jesus in the Psalms Pt 1  (Half)

Is Jesus the Messiah? Messianic Prophecies Prove Christ: Jesus in the Psalms Pt 1 (Half)

The Psalms are one of the greatest works of prophecy in Scripture. Written as the liturgical worship of Israel, the texts are, as the New Testament notes, the Spirit of Christ speaking. Like the book or Isaiah, the Psalms are another Gospel relating the death, burial, resurrection of the Messiah. Contrary to the false accusation the Law and Prophets fail to teach a "death of the Messiah" or a "resurrection," the Psalms demonstrate amazing accuracy in predicting with precision Christ's life as we

Feb 2, 2022 • 2:09:51

Top 10 Errors Everyone Makes - FUNKOPOCALYPSE METAPHYSICS  (Jay Dyer)

Top 10 Errors Everyone Makes - FUNKOPOCALYPSE METAPHYSICS (Jay Dyer)

Today we will have open forum Q n A after I discuss some of the most common mistakes and errors made in metaphysics. Although most people aren't aware of metaphysics or think they have evolved to be too sophisticated for such arcane, medieval speculations, we will see that most people still have numerous metaphysical assumptions (and most of them are wrong). We will also have open forum Q n A and debate from twitter spaces for those who want to bring something to the table.

Jan 31, 2022 • 2:08:17

Church Spies! Soft Power, CIA & KGB Churches, Cults & Geopolitics - Jay Dyer (Half)

Church Spies! Soft Power, CIA & KGB Churches, Cults & Geopolitics - Jay Dyer (Half)

State use of the Church extends far beyond the modern world: Many Byzantine Emperors attempted to use the Church, many kings attempted to co-opt the church, as well as using religions in general, which is a form of religious soft power. The ancient world saw the state proclaiming itself god, and often the state's official religion mandated worship of the state or ruler. In today's show I will cover new information I have uncovered on this topic, as well as revisiting a few classic materials o

Jan 25, 2022 • 1:54:58

H.G. Wells' Thesis Most Must Die - Jay Dyer

H.G. Wells' Thesis Most Must Die - Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer hosts to review HG Wells' famous lesser known book The New W0rld 0rder.

Jan 24, 2022 • 59:46

Critique of the Calvinist Theological Errors - Jay Dyer

Critique of the Calvinist Theological Errors - Jay Dyer

Sam asked me on to discuss Calvinist philosophical assumptions.

Jan 19, 2022 • 1:49:42

The Godfather Trilogy Shows How the Global Elite System Really Works - Jay Dyer

The Godfather Trilogy Shows How the Global Elite System Really Works - Jay Dyer

A classic interview with Jay Dyer on OIT. Leave a tip!

Jan 18, 2022 • 1:03:42

The Beatles a British Psychological Warfare Weapon? Jay Dyer on Rock N Roll Twilight Zone

The Beatles a British Psychological Warfare Weapon? Jay Dyer on Rock N Roll Twilight Zone

From 2018: Were The Beatles created as a psychological warfare weapon by British Intelligence? RIchard speaks with a media scientist, a pop culture critic and a music journalist who discuss the merits of this fascinating and complex conspiracy theory.

Jan 18, 2022 • 37:35

Atheist Presuppositions Annihilated - Jay Dyer + Deflating Atheism (2018 Classic)

Atheist Presuppositions Annihilated - Jay Dyer + Deflating Atheism (2018 Classic)

Deflating Atheism requested an interview and discussion with me regarding skepticism and the collapse of Internet atheism.

Jan 18, 2022 • 1:37:22

The G0vernment Plan To Mlcrochlp The World Revealed!

The G0vernment Plan To Mlcrochlp The World Revealed!

Jay Dyer of https://jaysanalysis.com guest hosts to break down the future of humanity according to the technocratic elite pushing their transhuman agenda.Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at Choq.com using promo code 'JAY50'

Jan 17, 2022 • 30:31



Jay Dyer of JaysAnalysis.com hosts to break down how an extraterrestrial life psychological operation prepared by think tanks- like the Rand corporation- could be used to manipulate the minds of the masses into following a new world order religious movement.

Jan 17, 2022 • 39:25

Buddhism, The Trinity &  Roman Catholic History - Jay Dyer

Buddhism, The Trinity & Roman Catholic History - Jay Dyer

Tonight we will have open forum debate from my twitter spaces. Anyone on twitter can join and challenge me to a debate where they can have the floor, or we can merely have a chill Q n A session. It's up to you!Use JAY60 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 60% off!

Jan 15, 2022 • 2:01:12

Papal Supremacy? An Analysis of Weltons Two Paths - Jay Dyer (Half)

Papal Supremacy? An Analysis of Weltons Two Paths - Jay Dyer (Half)

Tonight we will examine the classic Orthodox apologetic book Two Paths: Papal Monarchy or Collegiality in its first half as a helpful addendum to our previous two papal / canon law streams. The work stands as a great introduction to the topic, since many are new to church history and the two models of ecclesiology. The full talk will be available to JaysAnalysis subscribers. Use JAY60 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 60% off!

Jan 10, 2022 • 1:22:06

Nightmare Alley 2021 - Esoteric Allegory Analysis  Jay Dyer

Nightmare Alley 2021 - Esoteric Allegory Analysis Jay Dyer

Tonight I analyze the recent symbolic/allegorical film Nightmare Alley and how this remake of a 40s noir gives a fantastic account of the life of willful evil. It's been a while since we've seen a really good film that hits on all levels and functions with a deeper, symbolic level of meaning. Use JAY60 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 60% off!

Jan 10, 2022 • 1:03:21

3 Theology Questions & the Francis - Klaus - Liberation Theology Nexus

3 Theology Questions & the Francis - Klaus - Liberation Theology Nexus

I answer 3 theology questions and analyze the article by F William Engdahl on the nexus between Francis, Klaus, Kissinger and Liberation Theology.

Jan 8, 2022 • 30:04

Soft Power, Part 2 - Jay Dyer

Soft Power, Part 2 - Jay Dyer

The next installment of my talks on the road: "Soft Power."

Jan 8, 2022 • 10:12

Soft Power, Part 1 - Jay Dyer

Soft Power, Part 1 - Jay Dyer

The next installment of my talks on the road: "Soft Power."

Jan 8, 2022 • 10:53

Trinity, Energies & Mode of Being Discussion with a Roman Catholic - Jay Dyer

Trinity, Energies & Mode of Being Discussion with a Roman Catholic - Jay Dyer

This long open forum opened with a great discussion for about 2 hours with a Roman Catholic Thomist that was perfectly civil and fruitful. We delved deep into the question of the Trinitarian mode as well as the issues of stasis and change.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Jan 5, 2022 • 2:25:14

Batman (1989), Hide & Seek (2005), Movie Mind Control & More - Jay Dyer Show #2 (Half)

Batman (1989), Hide & Seek (2005), Movie Mind Control & More - Jay Dyer Show #2 (Half)

Tonight Jamie joins me to cover 4 films, Batman from Tim Burton, DeNiro's Hide and Seek on mind control, and the other two on R0kfin (and to JaysAnalysis subs tomorrow), Nic Cage The Knowing, and the dark classic, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane (1962). Use JAY60 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 60% off!

Jan 5, 2022 • 51:26

Shamans, TV Preachers & The Eyes of Tammy Faye - Jay Dyer Show #1 - New For 2022

Shamans, TV Preachers & The Eyes of Tammy Faye - Jay Dyer Show #1 - New For 2022

We are trying a new model this year: a daily satirical livestream show at 7PM CST weeknights, as well as the weekly long-form lectures. Nothing will change for the site, aside from more content, while edgier part 2 content will be available at my site and over at Rokfin. We will also do more live movie riffs this year and hopefully more high profile interviews. Will be 7PM CST week days. Use JAY60 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 60% off!

Jan 5, 2022 • 1:17:16

How Vatican 1 Contradicts the Councils - Jay Dyer

How Vatican 1 Contradicts the Councils - Jay Dyer

Tonight we will work through each of the canons of the councils that refutes the Vatican 1 dogma of papal supremacy. If the papal dogma of Vatican 1 was the perennial view, it should not be contradicted by multiple canons in each council.

Jan 3, 2022 • 2:19:52



Jason Bermas invited me back on to discuss the history, origins and plans of the Rand Corp. to enact a technocracy based on the ‘third way’ geopolitical philosophy. Commandeered by Neo-cons, the Rand Corp;. was both the mastermind of the Cold War and the “red threat” terr0r campaign, we dive into how Rand and DARPA were actually involved in much, much more!

Jan 3, 2022 • 1:01:24

How Vatican 1 is the Key to Refuting Roman Catholicism - Jay Dyer (Half)

How Vatican 1 is the Key to Refuting Roman Catholicism - Jay Dyer (Half)

Since it seems 95% of Roman Catholics have not read the actual documents of Vatican 1 to know precisely what the doctrine of papal infallibility is, we will cover the documents and the relevant encyclicals that expound them today. We will look at how this council is really the fundamental means to refuting papalism, while Vatican 2 is merely the outworking of centuries of previous innovations, evolution, forgeries and deception. Without the clear definition of Vatican 1, RCs convince themselve

Jan 2, 2022 • 1:29:19

Eastern Catholicism Refutes Rome

Eastern Catholicism Refutes Rome

"I would also like to thank you all so far, this channel has been going well and I appreciate it your support. My last video on created grace was especially very well received. Sure I got brigaded, maybe unjustly so, but these things happen on Youtube. I am happy that CT promoted me (by complaining about me on Twitter and Youtube) which gained me a lot of followers and subscribers (a lot of them are Roman Catholic). Also grateful that Jay Dyer and many other Orthodox Christians have been support

Dec 31, 2021 • 13:34

Fr Whiteford & Others Discuss Patristic Faith, Internet Orthodoxy, Technocracy & Gamma-Gatekeepers

Fr Whiteford & Others Discuss Patristic Faith, Internet Orthodoxy, Technocracy & Gamma-Gatekeepers

Join us as some of Patristic Faith's Senior Contributors (Jay Dyer, COTEL, Brother Augustine, the Norwegian Nous, and others) come together to discuss Internet Orthodoxy, Technocracy, its Gamma-Gatekeepers, and the importance of having an apologetic ministry like Patristic Faith.You can find our Patristic Faith website here:https://www.patristicfaith.com

Dec 31, 2021 • 1:52:11

BUSINESS CHURCH Pt. 2: Mega-Churches, Marc Driscoll, Paul Washer, Calvinism & Collapse - Jay Dyer

BUSINESS CHURCH Pt. 2: Mega-Churches, Marc Driscoll, Paul Washer, Calvinism & Collapse - Jay Dyer

Today I will be giving my analysis of the Mega church phenomenon, the origins in positive thinking, the connections of these movements to intelligence fronts and cut outs, the cultish aspect of many of these spin-off religions and CEO pastor-gurus, the schemes and strategies used, as well as an analysis of Calvinism and its heresies, including the bizarre mix of megachurch plus calvinism plus charismaticism. I will be analyzing the "Christianity Today" podcast series which did an entire season

Dec 28, 2021 • 2:05:13

BUSINESS CHURCH Pt. 1: Mega-Churches, Marc Driscoll, Paul Washer, Calvinism & Collapse - Jay Dyer

BUSINESS CHURCH Pt. 1: Mega-Churches, Marc Driscoll, Paul Washer, Calvinism & Collapse - Jay Dyer

Today I will be giving my analysis of the Mega church phenomenon, the origins in positive thinking, the connections of these movements to intelligence fronts and cut outs, the cultish aspect of many of these spin-off religions and CEO pastor-gurus, the schemes and strategies used, as well as an analysis of Calvinism and its heresies, including the bizarre mix of megachurch plus calvinism plus charismaticism. I will be analyzing the "Christianity Today" podcast series which did an entire season

Dec 28, 2021 • 2:00:43

Decent December: Wholesome Hollywood - Good Movies & Symbolic Quests

Decent December: Wholesome Hollywood - Good Movies & Symbolic Quests

Since we have covered many dark and devilish films, we decided to cover wholesome and positive films for December, as we complied a list of themes that include comedies, love, redemption, loss, healing and more. Some are Christian, while others are merely wholesome and others more serious, yet with a good overall conclusion

Dec 27, 2021 • 1:35:01

Spider-Man: No Way Home & Matrix Resurrections Chaos Magick: Meta - Multiverse of Madness

Spider-Man: No Way Home & Matrix Resurrections Chaos Magick: Meta - Multiverse of Madness

Metamulti propaganda is now the rage! As we covered in 2018 -2019, the simulation theory is aligning with the met averse who is making out with the other bff, multiverse theory. Multi meta everything is prepping us for the acceptance of new notions of what "reality" is, leading to the actual matrix pod. I've covered the original Matrix films in the past, so I may reference them, but I will be referring to the Andrew Garfield Spider Man.

Dec 24, 2021 • 1:56:13

The Matrix Trilogy - Symbolism Analysis - Esoteric Hollywood 2 - Jay Dyer

The Matrix Trilogy - Symbolism Analysis - Esoteric Hollywood 2 - Jay Dyer

In this live stream we will cover Esoteric Hollywood 2, the many more films I cover in the sequel, and in particular the Matrix trilogy in-depth, the symbols used, the managed dialectics of Cold War cinema, the mafia in films, Polanski's 9th Gate, Twin Peaks, Goonies, Time Bandits, MK ULTRA and mind control in film, Neon Demon, Dune, Signs, and then Terminator, Ex Machina, Cherry 2000 and Metropolis.

Dec 23, 2021 • 1:49:01

The Secret Goal of Mind Control is Transhumanism - Jay Dyer

The Secret Goal of Mind Control is Transhumanism - Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer hosts to cover the basics of MK Ultra and how it pertains to transhumanisn.

Dec 22, 2021 • 36:49

Total Recall, Children of Men, Mad Max FR, Minority Report (Part 2)

Total Recall, Children of Men, Mad Max FR, Minority Report (Part 2)

For a limited time as a Christmas special, some part 2 lectured will be publicly available showing what JaysAnalysis members get! amie and I will live stream our part 2 of Dystopia Now Ep. 5.

Dec 22, 2021 • 1:34:51

The WEIRD Scam of TV Preachers & Megachurches - Jay & Jamie

The WEIRD Scam of TV Preachers & Megachurches - Jay & Jamie

Jamie and I will cover the bizarre scams and cons of televangelists and TV preachers and prosperity profit$ and some surprising usages of these groups by bigger power elites.For a limited time as a Christmas special, some part 2 lectured will be publicly available showing what JaysAnalysis members get!

Dec 22, 2021 • 1:11:37

The Great Reset And Silent Weapons For Silent Wars - Jay Dyer Hosts

The Great Reset And Silent Weapons For Silent Wars - Jay Dyer Hosts

Jay Dyer of https://jaysanalysis.com guest hosts to break down the Great Reset and Silent Weapons for Silent Wars document.

Dec 14, 2021 • 39:40

Part 2: Philosophy of History, Geopolitics & Iconography Vs Renaissance Hermeticism: Open Forum Chat / Q n A

Part 2: Philosophy of History, Geopolitics & Iconography Vs Renaissance Hermeticism: Open Forum Chat / Q n A

To0day we will have open forum Q n A and debate from opponents among Protestant, atheists, Muslims etc., as well as my take on a few issues and topics . Use JAY60 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 60% off!

Dec 14, 2021 • 1:42:44

Part 1: Philosophy of History, Geopolitics & Iconography Vs Renaissance Hermeticism: Open Forum Chat / Q n A

Part 1: Philosophy of History, Geopolitics & Iconography Vs Renaissance Hermeticism: Open Forum Chat / Q n A

To0day we will have open forum Q n A and debate from opponents among Protestant, atheists, Muslims etc., as well as my take on a few issues and topics . Use JAY60 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 60% off!

Dec 14, 2021 • 1:47:29

Prometheus Rising, Protestant Hermeneutics & Psychedelics

Prometheus Rising, Protestant Hermeneutics & Psychedelics

Green Feathers hosts Jay Dyer on his new podcast to discuss a wide array of issues, from Robert Anton Wilson to LSD to Protestant views of Scripture and the Middle East.

Dec 13, 2021 • 1:07:54

Religious Journeys - Jay Dyer on Bruce Facts

Religious Journeys - Jay Dyer on Bruce Facts

◼ Jay Dyer is an author, comedian and TV presenter known for his deep analysis of Hollywood, geopolitics, and culture. His graduate work focused on psychological warfare and film and he is the author of two books, Esoteric Hollywood 1 & 2 and the co-creator and co-host of the television show Hollywood Decoded. He has been featured on numerous popular shows and podcasts and in debates with some of the world’s top debaters.

Dec 10, 2021 • 1:08:08

2 Key Pay Op Documents Analyzed - Jay Dyer

2 Key Pay Op Documents Analyzed - Jay Dyer

Jay breaks down two crucial psy op documents that give us an insight into the elite plans.

Dec 10, 2021 • 23:34

The Secret Destiny of America - Manly P Hall Analysis & Critique

The Secret Destiny of America - Manly P Hall Analysis & Critique

Jamie gives up a book report on her latest read - the well known classic text from mason Manly P Hall which gives the US a secret, force of "democracy' destiny with an esoteric twist. Use JAY60 promo code here https://choq.com

Dec 10, 2021 • 1:07:51

What is MK ULTRA? (Half) Intro. Lecture - Jay Dyer

What is MK ULTRA? (Half) Intro. Lecture - Jay Dyer

This is the first section of a lecture covering the various projects, history and works available on MK ULTRA. MK Ultra is a moniker for a host of now declassified projects that dealt with military, CIA and corporate experiments in mind control that involved dozens of medical, psychiatric, prison, military and other fronts and covers. These experiments also used bio and drug warfare and are essential for understanding the modern world.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/

Dec 9, 2021 • 21:35

Geopolitics & Empire: Great Reset & 60 Elite Books

Geopolitics & Empire: Great Reset & 60 Elite Books

"Jay Dyer discusses the dystopia we find ourselves in and what he calls the "business phase" of the Great Reset. The elite's overall plan of the last century is being rolled out through managed and staged crises. The initial phases of the global government technocracy arose out of the UN's plans for managing nukes. Elites such as Jacques Attali call it a "planetary empire" of computer dominance. He sees it possible that all nations are on board with the long-term Great Reset agenda, yet that the

Dec 8, 2021 • 57:10

Great Reset Transhumanism & History - Jay Dyer on Charles Moskowitz Show

Great Reset Transhumanism & History - Jay Dyer on Charles Moskowitz Show

Charles Moskowitz and Jay Dyer discuss the Darwinian ethos and trans humanism and the desire for man to be God.

Dec 7, 2021 • 1:01:29

The Transcendental Argument for God in Dr Russ Manion: Open Forum Debate and Q n A  Jay Dyer

The Transcendental Argument for God in Dr Russ Manion: Open Forum Debate and Q n A Jay Dyer

Today we will have open forum debate and Q n A, as I will discuss some philosophical and theological topics relating to apologetics, debate, atheism, the Divine Mind, the Dr. Russ Manion TAG essay, revelation and the texts and much more, depending on what topics the audience brings up!

Dec 7, 2021 • 2:54:37

Bitcoin & Crypto Philosophy: Jay Dyer on GoldSilverBitcoin, Ep. 35

Bitcoin & Crypto Philosophy: Jay Dyer on GoldSilverBitcoin, Ep. 35

In this episode of The GoldSilverBitcoin Show, we sit down with Jay Dyer, of Jaysanalysis (also on YouTube @JayDyer). Jay is an author, comedian, and TV presenter who focuses on Hollywood, geopolitics, culture, and cryptocurrency. We discuss bitcoin and the Great Reset. Jay covers numerous topics in this interview, including Carrol Quigley's Tragedy and Hope, cartelism, as well as a philosophical approach to Bitcoin and the blockchain. GSB is here: https://youtu.be/i31ICAHl3c0

Dec 6, 2021 • 1:06:05

Orthodoxy, Philosophy, Apologetics, Geopolitics, History, Transhumanism, Ecumenism, Globalism & more

Orthodoxy, Philosophy, Apologetics, Geopolitics, History, Transhumanism, Ecumenism, Globalism & more

Welcome to EPISODE 25 of my channel and podcast: The Devotional Hearts Show! My guest is Jay Dyer of "Jay's Analysis", well known in the Online Orthodox Community for his books, lectures, interviews, debates, and articles.Jay's content creation includes (but is not limited to) debate, apologetics, satire, metaphysics, film analysis, theology, geopolitics, literature and history.This is an interview for people brand new to Jay's work, so please share with someone who might find it interesting! th

Dec 3, 2021 • 1:38:13

0micron - Omega Symbolism - Jay Dyer / Clyde Lewis

0micron - Omega Symbolism - Jay Dyer / Clyde Lewis

"The word most definitely is known by many with geek cred as Trekkies or Trekkers remember that the planet Omicron was the planet that released spores that when breathed in would cause an LSD type effect on its victims." -ClydeThis is a clip - the full audio is available on my Rokfin or at Clyde's site My hour is towards the end. -Jay

Dec 2, 2021 • 16:12

Part 2: Atheism Factory: Pope, Preacher & the Circus' Collapse into the Post-Human + Open Debate & Q n A

Part 2: Atheism Factory: Pope, Preacher & the Circus' Collapse into the Post-Human + Open Debate & Q n A

Why is the Western world (and now most of the world), in terms of religions, a giant atheism factory? What are the events and ideologies that led to such a drastic alteration in human living where religion has not died, but been replaced by a new religion of techne? Many factors could be listed, but today we will look at some of the key movements and events (such as the papacy, the Reformation and the Enlightenment) that are often overlooked, as well as the geopolitical powers and their influenc

Nov 29, 2021 • 1:46:26

Part 1: Atheism Factory: Pope, Preacher & the Circus' Collapse into the Post-Human + Open Debate & Q n A

Part 1: Atheism Factory: Pope, Preacher & the Circus' Collapse into the Post-Human + Open Debate & Q n A

Why is the Western world (and now most of the world), in terms of religions, a giant atheism factory? What are the events and ideologies that led to such a drastic alteration in human living where religion has not died, but been replaced by a new religion of techne? Many factors could be listed, but today we will look at some of the key movements and events (such as the papacy, the Reformation and the Enlightenment) that are often overlooked, as well as the geopolitical powers and their infl

Nov 29, 2021 • 1:31:01

Flashback! Part 2 - National Treasure, Con Air, Nic Cage Hellfire Club Stream - Jay Dyer / BR

Flashback! Part 2 - National Treasure, Con Air, Nic Cage Hellfire Club Stream - Jay Dyer / BR

A classic Boiler Room + Jay Dyer analysis of the best of Cage. Nic Cage possesses me at will to cover the 2018 election and bring to attention the reality that is the only way to save America - decoding the mysteries of Nic Cage and National Treasure (as well as Con Air). This will be a stream for the record books - so bring your bunny and "I'm gonna show you God exists."

Nov 26, 2021 • 1:31:57

Flashback! Part 1 - National Treasure, Con Air, Nic Cage Hellfire Club Stream - Jay Dyer / BR

Flashback! Part 1 - National Treasure, Con Air, Nic Cage Hellfire Club Stream - Jay Dyer / BR

A classic Boiler Room + Jay Dyer analysis of the best of Cage. Nic Cage possesses me at will to cover the 2018 election and bring to attention the reality that is the only way to save America - decoding the mysteries of Nic Cage and National Treasure (as well as Con Air). This will be a stream for the record books - so bring your bunny and "I'm gonna show you God exists."

Nov 26, 2021 • 1:24:02

Blade Runner 2049, Dredd, Equilibrium, Children of Men & More: Dystopia Now Ep. 4 (Half)

Blade Runner 2049, Dredd, Equilibrium, Children of Men & More: Dystopia Now Ep. 4 (Half)

Tonight we return to the next installment of the dystopia series. Since it's Thanksgiving, viewing the dystopian warning should make us all the more thankful to God for what we have and what can be lost. We will cover Blade Runner 2049, Mad Max Fury Road, Minority Report, Equilibrium, Surrogates, Dredd, Children of Men and Total Recall in chronological movie world order. Total Recall ends in 2084: the second half is for subscribers to JaysAnalysis. Use JAY65 promo code here https://choq.com fo

Nov 26, 2021 • 1:35:31

Psy Op Documents: Jay Dyer on OIT

Psy Op Documents: Jay Dyer on OIT

Tim invited me back to cover psy ops and white papers outlining our future.

Nov 24, 2021 • 1:36:31

Part 2: Bitcoin, The Divine Mind, The Bible & Economics, TAG - Open Forum Q n A & Debate - Jay Dyer

Part 2: Bitcoin, The Divine Mind, The Bible & Economics, TAG - Open Forum Q n A & Debate - Jay Dyer

Today I want to discuss the biblical concept of money and sound currency, as well as principles behind the fallen "world system," avoiding gnosticism, the Ascension, philosophy of symbols and more, as well as the Trinity, Neoplatonism, the noetic realm and TAG. We will take open forum challenges and debates today and see what objections protestants, RCs, atheists and others have.Use JAY60 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 60% off!

Nov 23, 2021 • 2:01:51

Bitcoin, The Divine Mind, The Bible & Economics, TAG - Open Forum Q n A & Debate - Jay Dyer

Bitcoin, The Divine Mind, The Bible & Economics, TAG - Open Forum Q n A & Debate - Jay Dyer

Today I want to discuss the biblical concept of money and sound currency, as well as principles behind the fallen "world system," avoiding gnosticism, the Ascension, philosophy of symbols and more, as well as the Trinity, Neoplatonism, the noetic realm and TAG. We will take open forum challenges and debates today and see what objections protestants, RCs, atheists and others have.Use JAY60 promo code here https://choq.com for huge discounts - 60% off!

Nov 23, 2021 • 2:13:13

Metaverse, Simulation Theory, Virtual Worlds & Other Dimensions? Jay Dyer (Half)

Metaverse, Simulation Theory, Virtual Worlds & Other Dimensions? Jay Dyer (Half)

This evening I will cover the metaphysics of virtual worlds, the rising metaverse and the popular, connected notion of simulation theory as well as their connections to surrealism. How “real” are the elements and entities of the virtual world? Conceptual entities? Are things “real” in different ways? What about the connection to mystical experiences and drug tripz? We will also discuss some of Ray Kurzweil’s older text on Spiritual Machines.

Nov 15, 2021 • 2:19:06

Special Report: The Beast System Is Here

Special Report: The Beast System Is Here

Jay Dyer of https://jaysanalysis.com guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to break down how the Beast System has arrived.

Nov 11, 2021 • 34:14

Leaked NAT0 Document is a Part of a Bigger Luciferian Transhumanist Plan

Leaked NAT0 Document is a Part of a Bigger Luciferian Transhumanist Plan

Jay Dyer of https://jaysanalysis.com guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to break down the leaked NAT0 documents showing a part of the bigger Luciferian transhumanist plan.

Nov 10, 2021 • 39:34

Part 2 - DEBATE REVIEW: Trent Horn Vs Jay Dyer on Natural Theology - Orthodox Shahada, David & More

Part 2 - DEBATE REVIEW: Trent Horn Vs Jay Dyer on Natural Theology - Orthodox Shahada, David & More

Part 2 Today we will be reviewing the Trent Horn debate over natural theology. I will try to get to the other half of my note cards I didn't get to explain as well as showing how the Trinity and the theophanic view of the natural order is precluded in Thomistic natural theology. We will go deeper into the epistemic issues of the empiricist starting point that characterizes the RC view and how different this is from the holistic scheme of St Maximos, who sees creation as another "book" of the L

Nov 10, 2021 • 1:28:22

The Vatican, Natural Theology & The Denial of the Trinity:  Open Forum Q n A  Debate

The Vatican, Natural Theology & The Denial of the Trinity: Open Forum Q n A Debate

Part 2 due to stream issues. Today we will have open forum Q n A and debate concerning the Vatican support for the new "Abrahamic Faith Center" based on Francis' joint statement with the Grand Imam, with the explicit acceptance of humanism. Having become primarily a geopolitical tool / NGO, the Vatican is now positioning itself to become the head of the world religions, with a new sense of "Petrine Office" extending to a federation of the world religions. Shedding any pretenses of traditional

Nov 10, 2021 • 2:51:52

DEBATE REVIEW: Trent Horn Vs Jay Dyer on Natural Theology - Orthodox Shahada, David & More

DEBATE REVIEW: Trent Horn Vs Jay Dyer on Natural Theology - Orthodox Shahada, David & More

Today we will be reviewing the Trent Horn debate over natural theology. I will try to get to the other half of my note cards I didn't get to explain as well as showing how the Trinity and the theophanic view of the natural order is precluded in Thomistic natural theology. We will go deeper into the epistemic issues of the empiricist starting point that characterizes the RC view and how different this is from the holistic scheme of St Maximos, who sees creation as another "book" of the Logos, a

Nov 10, 2021 • 2:38:51

Do the Monotheistic Religions Worship the Same God?

Do the Monotheistic Religions Worship the Same God?

Part1: Today we will have open forum Q n A and debate concerning the Vatican support for the new "Abrahamic Faith Center" based on Francis' joint statement with the Grand Imam, with the explicit acceptance of humanism. Having become primarily a geopolitical tool / NGO, the Vatican is now positioning itself to become the head of the world religions, with a new sense of "Petrine Office" extending to a federation of the world religions. Shedding any pretenses of traditional Christianity, the Vati

Nov 9, 2021 • 52:35

The Shining, Doctor Sleep, IT, 1408, Christine, Geralds Game & The WORST Stephen Kings (Half)

The Shining, Doctor Sleep, IT, 1408, Christine, Geralds Game & The WORST Stephen Kings (Half)

The Shining, Doctor Sleep, IT, Christine, Tommyknockers, Sometimes They Come Back….Again – we will be covering a couple really bad Stephen Kings and a few really good Stephen Kings. This will be a fun one as we analyze the dark, esoteric sides of these films and stories, as well as the absurd and the goofy. This will be a half and half show, where the second half will be available to JaysAnalysis subscribers for this SPooktober Special! Live at 9Pm CSTRemember to boost that T naturally with 40%

Nov 9, 2021 • 1:10:41



Tonight my friends from PsyOp Cinema join me on my channel to cover a few odd selections I wanted their takes on. Recently I joined them on their podcast linked below to review the odd Jungian surrealist film, Come True. Here we will dive into Besson’s La Femme Nikita, the recent Empty Man, and Hardware, as we look for the deeper, hidden meanings and symbols in film and how they may relate to either MK Ultra or religious engineering. Live at 8PM CST Remember to boost that T naturally with 40% al

Nov 4, 2021 • 2:24:22



This debate will center around the Roman Catholic view of natural theology and its conclusions: are they right? Should Christians affirm natural theology? What is the Orthodox view?Remember to boost that T naturally with 40% all products at Choq.com using promo code ‘JAY40’Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Oct 28, 2021 • 1:59:53

Matt Dillahunty Vs Trent Horn Debate Review & Reaction - Jay Dyer

Matt Dillahunty Vs Trent Horn Debate Review & Reaction - Jay Dyer

In preparation and celebration of our upcoming debate tomorrow night with Trent Horn, I will be reviewing and analyzing his debate with Matt Dillahunty on the question of the resurrection. Although this debate is not directly relevant to our debate tomorrow, it is tangentially related to Trent's apologetic methodology. Although I have not seen this debate yet, I look forward to hearing it afresh and covering the (assumed) loss of Dillahunty.

Oct 28, 2021 • 3:57:51

Evils of the Vatican: Pope Frank, Heresy, and Globalism with Jay Dyer

Evils of the Vatican: Pope Frank, Heresy, and Globalism with Jay Dyer

"In this stream I am joined by Jay Dyer to talk about the multitude of heresy and evil coming from Pope Francis and the Vatican. Be it medical passports, partnering in resetting the Global economic structure, Pachamama worship, mass migration, or outright Christian heresy, the Vatican is a key culprit to the tragic ills that plague our current world. Make sure to check it out and let me know what you think." -COTEL

Oct 25, 2021 • 2:16:11

CULT Horror Movies! SUPER WEIRD!  The Brood, Spellbinder, 18th Angel,  Parents

CULT Horror Movies! SUPER WEIRD! The Brood, Spellbinder, 18th Angel, Parents

Continuing Spooktober, we dug out some gems related to Halloween: a choice selection of Cronenberg's The Brood, a rare Rachel Leigh Cook premier in 18th Angel, Spellbinder (a B version of Eyes Wide Shut), No Place to Hide, and a Jamie classic, Parents starring Mr. Quaid about eating people. These are gems in the cavernous abyss of bad horror movies which seem to extend into infinity. Don't miss this podcast!

Oct 24, 2021 • 1:26:06

An Orthodox Theory of Knowledge - Fr Dcn Dr Ananias Sorem

An Orthodox Theory of Knowledge - Fr Dcn Dr Ananias Sorem

We will be discussing Fr. Ananias' approach to Orthodox epistemology based on his published papers.Fr. Ananias completed his PhD at University College Dublin and was awarded his doctorate in philosophy on December 18, 2011. Upon receiving his doctorate, he moved back to the U.S. He taught philosophy at Cal State University Fullerton (CSUF), Fullerton College, and Azusa Pacific University. He currently teaches at Carroll College in Helena, Montana.He is also a member of the clergy in the Eastern

Oct 23, 2021 • 1:59:27

Antichrist Explained - Jay Dyer

Antichrist Explained - Jay Dyer

In this video I give a primer on the figure of the antichrist and attempt to dispel the sensationalism and Hollywood picture of this real figure. I cover the biblical types and symbols, including the significance of 666 as it relates to St. John's valid use of gematria. Far from the nonsense of evangelical hysteria, Matthew 24 and Luke 21 provide keys to understanding the immediate historical context of the Apocalypse as Nero and 70 AD, while also having a future, mirrored sense.Become a sup

Oct 23, 2021 • 38:02

Flashback! The Beast System  & The Resurrection

Flashback! The Beast System & The Resurrection

Tonight we look at the signs of the times and attempt to discern the spiritual battle behind what we are seeing occur. We will also look at more elements of the subversion of churches to various states, the usage of these entities for power blocs, as well as the victory we celebrate today through the Resurrection.

Oct 23, 2021 • 1:42:14

Leaked NAT0 Document is a Part of a Bigger Luciferian Transhumanist Plan

Leaked NAT0 Document is a Part of a Bigger Luciferian Transhumanist Plan

Jay Dyer of https://jaysanalysis.com guest hosts The -- to break down the leaked NATO documents showing a part of the bigger Luciferian transhumanist plan.

Oct 23, 2021 • 39:38

Squid Game EXPLAINED & Nightmare on Elm Street - BASED & FRED Pilled

Squid Game EXPLAINED & Nightmare on Elm Street - BASED & FRED Pilled

Tonight we cover the much-requested Squid Game series from Netflix, its meaning and symbolism, the deeper components of economics and social order and elitism, as well as the propaganda elements, and my reaction and review to the first three Nightmare on Elm Streets, which I had never seen (except for part 1). This is our second spooktober installment this year, so be sure to like and share, as well as supporting the show by the links below!Send Superchats at any time here: https://streamlabs.c

Oct 21, 2021 • 1:51:16

The Struggle Against Evil & Libertarian Philosophy - Jay Dyer / Pete Quinones Podcast

The Struggle Against Evil & Libertarian Philosophy - Jay Dyer / Pete Quinones Podcast

Jay Dyer is an author, podcaster, comedian and a philosopher.Jay joins Pete to discuss what he believes this COVID tyranny is and what it will lead to. They also discuss what is the best way to get through it and what caused it in a historical sense.Today's sponsor:Open an IRA w/ iTrustCapital to Invest in Physical Gold & Crypto TAX-FREE!Get 1-Month FREE with Discount Code ($29.95 Savings)Link: https://rebrand.ly/beyondthewall

Oct 20, 2021 • 49:56

The Coming Catastrophic Event, Breakaway Civilizations & the PsyOP of The End: Jay Dyer (Half)

The Coming Catastrophic Event, Breakaway Civilizations & the PsyOP of The End: Jay Dyer (Half)

From Alternative 3 to Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged to Noah and Genesis, the notion of a reset or a restart to civilization is a recurring literary and religious theme. In similar fashion, the notion of the end times – of an era, an aeon, a civilization or the world, is a powerful tool of psychological warfare and manipulation. We will look at the re repetition of this theme and its presence in religion, literature and fictional news presentations like the War of the Worlds broadcast, Alternative 3,

Oct 18, 2021 • 3:01:33

No Time to Die The Meaning and Death of James Bond (Half)

No Time to Die The Meaning and Death of James Bond (Half)

Wed night we will cover to the meaning and symbolism of 007: the propaganda, the evolution of the series, the intelligence background with Fleming and others, the symbolism and esoteric elements, including films we have yet to cover like On Her Majesty's Secret Service with Lazenby, and more. The second half will be available on R0kfin: https://rokfin.com/jaydyer

Oct 15, 2021 • 1:27:41

The New James Bond Film Predicts Pandemlc Bi0weapon

The New James Bond Film Predicts Pandemlc Bi0weapon

Jay Dyer of https://jaysanalysis.com guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to break down how Ian Fleming's James Bond stories have been used to inform the public how the world is run by the elite behind the scenes.

Oct 13, 2021 • 38:12

Demonic Delusion: The Dark Side, Fear & SelfDeception  Jay Dyer (Half)

Demonic Delusion: The Dark Side, Fear & SelfDeception Jay Dyer (Half)

Today I want to discuss the dark truths around the notions of delusion and self-deception. How is it possible to deceive ourselves? Do demons play a role in this process? What about drugz and the use of hallucinog3ns to achieve access to other realms, dimensions and illumination? Is there a progress into a demonic inversion of theosis where we become more and more evil? Do the demons empower those who align with them? This is the free half of a talk and the full can be obtained by subscribi

Oct 12, 2021 • 3:18:22



Jamie joins me to kick off our annual spooktober series where cover the worst and best of the h0rror and supernatural thriller genre with our commentary and in-depth analysis. We will cover Nightmare on Elm Street, Hellraiser, Friday 13th, Child’s Play! We will look at the symbolism and meaning of the slasher genre as well as the nihgtmarescape and what it really signifies. So far we have never covered these 80s beasts and tonight is the night. Use JAY60 promo code here https://choq.com for huge

Oct 8, 2021 • 1:00:51

Protestant Vs Orthodox Debate: Is Sola Scriptura True? Jay Dyer Vs Pedro

Protestant Vs Orthodox Debate: Is Sola Scriptura True? Jay Dyer Vs Pedro

Pedro joins me from the Crucible to debate the topic of Sola Scriptura. Is the classical reformation doctrine of sola scriptura true and should the Church accept it? The format of the debate will be formal exchanges with timed replies and responses as per Pedro's request. We will then have open Super chat Q n A session.

Oct 8, 2021 • 2:18:07



While most of us are spending time on Netflix.. he is in his books, sharpening his mind… edifying Christians throughout the world. All for the veneration and glorification of our Triune God on the public stage.00:00:00 Introduction00:05:00 Epistomological mistakes of the empiricists atheists00:08:50 Bad argumentations and fallacies from atheists00:17:52 Trancendental argument for God00:29:27 General revelation & special revelation00:31:40 How is atheism destroying civilization?00:39:03 Why are m

Oct 7, 2021 • 1:19:41

Jay Dyer on Occult Ideology, our MKUltra Culture, the Film Come True (2020)

Jay Dyer on Occult Ideology, our MKUltra Culture, the Film Come True (2020)

We talk with Jay Dyer, with discussion topics including the many elements of our culture that stem from MKUltra, the occult ideology of apotheosis, who exactly we mean when we refer to "the elites," and the dream-themed 2020 horror film Come True. https://www.patreon.com/PsyopCinemahttps://twitter.com/CinemaPsyophttps://jaysanalysis.com/

Oct 6, 2021 • 2:01:12

Theistic Fallacies: Why Natural Theology is a Failed Project - Fr Dcn Dr Ananias  Jay Dyer (Half)

Theistic Fallacies: Why Natural Theology is a Failed Project - Fr Dcn Dr Ananias Jay Dyer (Half)

Fr Dcn Dr Ananias joins me to discuss a paper critiquing natural theology and it's assumptions as we tackle the argumentation from the Orthodox view and elucidate the transcendental argument for God. The full talk is available for paid subs to jaysanalysis!

Oct 5, 2021 • 2:30:01

The Demonic Plan To End Humanity Revealed

The Demonic Plan To End Humanity Revealed

Jay Dyer of jaysanalysis.com guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Sh0w to expose the demonic plan to end humanity.

Oct 4, 2021 • 41:23

How the Nations Are Under Demonic Powers & Jesus is the Messiah - Seraphim Hamilton

How the Nations Are Under Demonic Powers & Jesus is the Messiah - Seraphim Hamilton

Seraphim Hamilton, aka Kabane, joins me again for a conversation that continues our previous chat on typology. Here, we move on to discuss Messianic prophecies, typology as apologetic and prophecy, the importance of 70 AD and the books of Daniel and Jeremiah, the role of the angels and demons in the enslavement of the 70 nations of Genesis and the eschatological victory.

Oct 3, 2021 • 2:10:55

Orthodox vs RC Papacy Debate Review:  Erick Ybarra vs Fr Ramsey on Matt Fradds Pints With Aquinas

Orthodox vs RC Papacy Debate Review: Erick Ybarra vs Fr Ramsey on Matt Fradds Pints With Aquinas

This is the full analysis: In this video, we do a review of the debate Erick Ybarra had with Fr. Patrick Ramsey on Pints With Aquinas concerning whether or not the Vatican I Papacy was present in the first millennium Church. Watch our full video on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ubipetrus The original debate can be found here at Matt Fradd’s channel.

Sep 29, 2021 • 2:20:08

Atheist Metaphysics, AFR, William Lane Craig's Errors &  Aquinas Natural Theology - Jay Dyer

Atheist Metaphysics, AFR, William Lane Craig's Errors & Aquinas Natural Theology - Jay Dyer

Today we will have open forum Q n A and call in for atheists, pagans, Muslims, protestants, Roman Catholics, and more! If you have issues relating to TAG (transcendental argument for God), metaphysics, Trinitarian theology, materialism, ancient hellenism & platonism, and more, call in via our discord!

Sep 29, 2021 • 2:58:37

The Coming Satanic Age Explained

The Coming Satanic Age Explained

Jay Dyer of jaysanalysis guest hosts The hAlex Show to expose the rise of the Satanic Age with the gl0balist Great Reset.

Sep 28, 2021 • 30:28

The Secret Destiny of America:  Manly P Hall Analysis  & Critique  Jay Dyer / Jamie (Half)

The Secret Destiny of America: Manly P Hall Analysis & Critique Jay Dyer / Jamie (Half)

Jamie gives up a book report on her latest read - the well known classic text from mason Manly P Hall which gives the US a secret, force of "democracy' destiny with an esoteric twist. Learn how Atlantis and Plato's Republic form the basis for the sacred religion of democracy and its revolutionary faith underlie the Masonic myths.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Sep 28, 2021 • 1:11:14

The Monarchy of the Father / Trinity Doctrine - Al Fadi / CIRA with  Jay Dyer

The Monarchy of the Father / Trinity Doctrine - Al Fadi / CIRA with Jay Dyer

Join Al Fadi and Br. Jay Dyer as they discuss the doctrine of The Monarchy of the Father in relation to Scripture and the church fathers of the first few centuries.

Sep 27, 2021 • 1:06:50

Theology & Debate: Islam, Ecumenism & Pantheism Discord Discussion - Jay Dyer

Theology & Debate: Islam, Ecumenism & Pantheism Discord Discussion - Jay Dyer

This recent helpful Q n A and debate led to an interesting exchange on the topics of Islam and the Bible, why Christ possesses no gnomic will, the issue with Ecumenism, the Filioque and modal collapse, and a debate with a confused new ager / pantheist and much more!

Sep 26, 2021 • 1:50:05

The God Debate Hitchens vs DSouza &  Dr Michael Shermer - REACTION  REVIEW  Jay Dyer

The God Debate Hitchens vs DSouza & Dr Michael Shermer - REACTION REVIEW Jay Dyer

Next up in the long list of debates is the popular Hitchens Vs D'Souza debate over the existence of God. It's another debate I have not yet seen, but if any of the other debates are an indicator, my hopes are not very high. I don't know D'Souza's approach but I assume it will be standard fare evidentialism. As an added bonus, the first 15 mins or so will be an analysis of a presentation by Skeptic (TM) Dr. Michael Shermer, with his "arguments" against God's existence. As you know, these deba

Sep 24, 2021 • 3:09:02

Eternal Evil! (1985) - 80k Chad Nerd Subscriber Watch Party! - Jay Dyer Audio Half

Eternal Evil! (1985) - 80k Chad Nerd Subscriber Watch Party! - Jay Dyer Audio Half

Be sure to go watch the movie on video with me - We hit a new milestone with 80k subs and this afternoon we will have a treat - rather than me talk to you about horrible movies, we will share in the pain together. Last time, we celebrated with the Ed Wood classic Plan 9 From Outer Space, found here: https://youtu.be/AuNz1Q0-rKQToday, we will watch a perfectly curated public domain specimen: pure garbage juice smoothie known as Eternal Evil. Eternal Evil or Blue Man is a 1985 Canadian "film"

Sep 22, 2021 • 58:13



Jay Dyer of https://jaysanalysis.com guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show with canceled pro skater “Joe Weckinghamerstein” of instagram fame to expose the New World 0rder. We cover the infiltration and use of niche subcultures, big corporations, and the illuminate confirm. Support Weck on his patreon here.

Sep 16, 2021 • 30:22

The Coming Satanic AEON  - Jay Dyer (Half)

The Coming Satanic AEON - Jay Dyer (Half)

Tonight we will analyze a lengthy essay written by a famous satanist before he passed away in 2010. The essay will delve into the plans and plots of intelligence agencies and underground groups and cults, the great reset, the new age, cultural issues and the plan to bring about a new aeon, or age. The new aeon will be characterized, this man believed, by the establishment of one true religion and church - the satanic! The full talk will be available for subscribers to JaysAnalysis.com

Sep 16, 2021 • 1:40:06

V for Vendetta, 12 Monkeys, I Robot, Ready Player One & More  Dystopia NOW Ep 3 (Half)

V for Vendetta, 12 Monkeys, I Robot, Ready Player One & More Dystopia NOW Ep 3 (Half)

We will cover the next chronological films in our dystopia series, including Demolition Man in 2032, V for Vendetta, 12 Monkeys, I Robot, Ready Player One, Event Horizon, Fahrenheit 451. My favorites here are now Demolition Man and 12 Monkeys, while the rest of these I find severely lacking. Never the less, we will have fun as we decode and deconstruct these texts. The full show can be obtained by subscribing to my site below.

Sep 15, 2021 • 1:24:36

4 Hours of Refuting Atheists - Jay Dyer (First Half)

4 Hours of Refuting Atheists - Jay Dyer (First Half)

A vast array of atheists made their case on discord for hours on end, and all ended up in philosophical nonsense and contradiction. Truly logic and reason are the enemies of atheism and its endgame is nihilism.

Sep 15, 2021 • 2:20:05

Babylon Berlin Breakdown - Symbolism, MK ULTRA, Cults & Transhumanlsm

Babylon Berlin Breakdown - Symbolism, MK ULTRA, Cults & Transhumanlsm

In this recent breakdown I cover the amazing revelations in the 3 seasons of the Tom Tykwer/German government production Babylon Berlin set in Weimar Germany. Babylon Berlin is a Neo-noir detective drama that centers around a traumatized WW1 soldier named Gereon who works as an undercover agent and spy as a local detective. The show ties together Weimar deg3neracy, organized crime, geopolitical espionage, stock manipulation, Stalinists, Trotskyites, monarchists, Satanists, film producers and

Sep 14, 2021 • 1:31:01



This is a clip from a full interview available to subscribers. Jay and Tristan cover the future plan of the smart cities, not for the elite, but for the slaves, while the .01% live in armored fortresses and underground bases. The smart city will be for the Pl3bs to track and trace like rats in a maze as the occult elite have planned for decades. Michael Aquino provides a clear example of this as well as the ZPG, Exctinction Rebellion and other Malthuslan movements.

Sep 11, 2021 • 17:08

The Divine Mind, TAG, Realism, Nominalism & Preterism in Luke 21 - Jay Dyer Q n A

The Divine Mind, TAG, Realism, Nominalism & Preterism in Luke 21 - Jay Dyer Q n A

Today we will have open forum debate and Q n A chat: Open forum means atheists, Muslims, pagans, Non-Chalcedonians, Protestants and evangelicals, etc., can come on the discord and ask live questions or raise questions via superchats (through Streamlabs now) relating to any of the issues or TAG, etc. Come join us!

Sep 5, 2021 • 2:28:45

World Health Organization Global ID & Pandemic Predicted in 2010 Lockstep Document

World Health Organization Global ID & Pandemic Predicted in 2010 Lockstep Document

Jay Dyer of https://jaysanalysis.com guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to expose the Operation Lockstep plans for global domination, tracking and suppression of the population.

Sep 4, 2021 • 30:41



It's been a longtime coming: Iconographer, carver and YouTuber Jonathan Pageau joins me to discuss the importance of icon writing and their meaning. For Orthodoxy, icons are not merely religious art, but windows to heaven itself. The icon presents us with the archetypal reality, without diminishing the incarnational reality that Christ, our True Protoype, revealed to us in becoming man. We will discuss the philosophy of icons as well, and how icons relate to other Orthodox "icons" like the B

Sep 4, 2021 • 2:08:04

NGOs, Soft Power Using Religion, Liberal Eliti$m & Color Revolutions - Jay Dyer

NGOs, Soft Power Using Religion, Liberal Eliti$m & Color Revolutions - Jay Dyer

The Crucible is a channel dedicated to live Debates primarily and providing a platform for differing opinions on current events to be first heard and then put to the test. This is a place where nothing is above criticism and therefore EVERYTHING is on the table to talk about. The truth will be fleshed out and the lies are thrown over the rail. Welcome to the crucible. Jay Dyer joins to discuss!

Sep 2, 2021 • 1:17:05

Great Reset & Operation L0ckstep - Jay Dyer (Half)

Great Reset & Operation L0ckstep - Jay Dyer (Half)

Today I will cover the full L0ckstep document and its 4 scenarios in relation to the Great Reset and Klaus and Gill Bates' plans. We will look at how all 4 scenarios contain aspects of the future, including hacking attacks (Cyber P0lygon), surveillance, climate change, and more!

Aug 31, 2021 • 1:34:01

OPEN DEBATE! Trinity, Pure Act & Filioque, Naturalist Fallacy & Justification! -Jay Dyer

OPEN DEBATE! Trinity, Pure Act & Filioque, Naturalist Fallacy & Justification! -Jay Dyer

Today we will have open forum debate and Q n A chat: Open forum means atheists, Muslims, pagans, Non-Chalcedonians, Protestants and evangelicals, etc., can come on the discord and ask live questions or raise questions via superchats (through Streamlabs now) relating to any of the issues or TAG, etc. Come join us! Trinity, Pure Act & Filioque, Naturalist Fallacy & Justification and more covered today!Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/sup

Aug 27, 2021 • 1:54:53

Protestantism Refuted: Justification by Faith Alone? Seraphim + Jay Dyer (Half)

Protestantism Refuted: Justification by Faith Alone? Seraphim + Jay Dyer (Half)

Seraphim Hamilton joins me to cover the exegetical questions around justification by faith alone, his debate with a recent reformed Calvinist, the issue of historical theology and created grace, Trent and the counter-reformation, the Augustinian problem (for Protestants - St. Augustine was not a Calvinist!) and the cosmic theology of Orthodox Ecumenical Councils, which also refutes Lutheran errors. The full talk is available at my site for subscribers.

Aug 23, 2021 • 55:59

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Philosophy & Geopolitics - Jay Dyer

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Philosophy & Geopolitics - Jay Dyer

#cryptocurrency #bictoin #ethereum Tonight I'll be getting into the crypto domain and analyzing my picks, as well as where things may be going with the Great Reset and more!Support via ETH here: 0xBF77E7bfef243859948B850E203040796774d366Support via BTC here: bc1q8zhv3yk4steuykflurjv3hlz9z8ctytc29ffkx

Aug 20, 2021 • 2:15:00



Fr. Vladimir Kaydanov joins me to cover the little known history that connects Byzantium, the Renaissance and Russia in a fascinating providential tale that needs to be told. Fr Vladimir’s focus is geometric analysis of Renaissance works, as well as the historical connection to fascinating planned cities like St. Petersburg, Russia. Fr Vladimir weaves a web of Byzantine intrigue, Russian wartime history, the secret techniques of the Renaissance masters and how their tradition is passed on in the

Aug 19, 2021 • 2:24:26

The War to End All MindWars - Jay Dyer on Quite Frankly

The War to End All MindWars - Jay Dyer on Quite Frankly

Quite Frankly invited me on to discuss the reality of social engineering, MK ultra and the recent PsyOps.

Aug 19, 2021 • 34:00

WECKINGBALL on Crypto, Skating SELLOUTS & Jersey Mafia Wives + JAY DYER

WECKINGBALL on Crypto, Skating SELLOUTS & Jersey Mafia Wives + JAY DYER

You've seen him all over YT on some of the biggest and best podcasts: it's time for me and PRO skater Weck to have a sit down. You've seen him with Sam Hyde in some wicked wack content. You've seen him demolish Tony Hawk in live celebrity boxing matches and you all know him as the most jacked skater man alive, the one and only Wecking Ball joins me to jabber about shiz.

Aug 16, 2021 • 1:07:40

Afghanistan, Bin Laden & the CIA - Hollywood Connection: Jay Dyer on Slow News Day (Half)

Afghanistan, Bin Laden & the CIA - Hollywood Connection: Jay Dyer on Slow News Day (Half)

Slow News Day invited me on to cover the recent news regarding Afghanistan and the Taliban. As we have covered for years, this was always a tool for the Pax Americana and the drug trade.  The full video is available on their Rokfin.  We get into forgotten news that demonstrates the FFO elements of the Big 9 and more, including the inside connection of the intel agencies to organized crime, Hollywood and serial killers, as well as MK ULTRA.

Aug 15, 2021 • 51:54

Robocop, Blade Runner, Snowpiercer, Terminator &  More Dystopia Now Ep. 2 - Jay / Jamie (Half)

Robocop, Blade Runner, Snowpiercer, Terminator & More Dystopia Now Ep. 2 - Jay / Jamie (Half)

Tonight we will cover the next installment of the dystopian chronological timeline, with Back to the Future 2, The Running Man, Blade Runner, The Island, Soylent Green, Snowpiercer, Robocop and Terminator, taking us from 2015 up to the year 2029. The full show is available to subscribers to my website! Join my site here: https://jaysanalysis.com/membership-account/membership-levels/

Aug 14, 2021 • 1:26:31

Vedic Jesus? Gnostic Jesus? Who is the Real Jesus?

Vedic Jesus? Gnostic Jesus? Who is the Real Jesus?

A rising trend among disaffected moderns and dissidents is the attempt to recast Jesus into another kind of figure: a Hindu mystic sage! As we will see, the approach of this new portrayal relies on a few ancient heresies reimagined. Much like the "gnostic Jesus," we will see the inconsistency in this approach, to the point of flat out contradictions. The gnostic and Vedic revisions of Jesus are becoming popular online pathways into Hinduism, perennialism, and Neo Paganism, but as we will see,

Aug 12, 2021 • 3:41:57

Jungle Cruise, Wonder Woman 1984, MORE Black Widow, Old - Weird New Movies! Jay Dyer

Jungle Cruise, Wonder Woman 1984, MORE Black Widow, Old - Weird New Movies! Jay Dyer

Time for an updated movie review stream with some new installments. I recently watched these films and saw some very strange things we need to discuss. The goddess theme seems to be more and more prevalent in films, as well as esoteric themes relating to the serpent, gnosis, the Tree of Life, and a suprising critique of BiGFarma in Shyamalan's Old.

Aug 10, 2021 • 2:14:49

How The COOFID Pandemic Comes Out Of MK-Ultra Mind Control

How The COOFID Pandemic Comes Out Of MK-Ultra Mind Control

Jay Dyer of https://jaysanalysis.com guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to break down how the Covid pandemic mindset of fear is straight out of MK-Ultra mind control programming.

Aug 6, 2021 • 30:26

Roman Catholicism, Islam & Greek Philosophical Presuppositions - Montana Lecture - Jay Dyer (Half)

Roman Catholicism, Islam & Greek Philosophical Presuppositions - Montana Lecture - Jay Dyer (Half)

This is the first half of the Montanica Lecture I delivered covering the similarities and patterns in the divine simplicity doctrines of Roman Catholicism, Islam and Eunomius. We look at Actrus Purus, the divine ousia as seen in Eunomius Vs the Cappadocians, the doctrine of the energies and more! The full talk is available to subscribers to JaysAnalysis below.Order signed copies of my books here:https://jaysanalysis.com/shop/Sponsor - use promo code "J A Y" - https://choq.comJoin my site here:

Aug 3, 2021 • 37:44

Trinity & Deity of Christ in Ezekiel Explained  - Jay Dyer (Half)

Trinity & Deity of Christ in Ezekiel Explained - Jay Dyer (Half)

One of the most difficult biblical books is the major prophet Ezekiel, who cannot be overlooked. As Orthodox, in fact, many of the more mysterious passages in Ezekiel make far more sense, as we will see. In this initial talk we will work through the early chapters and cover the profound presentation of the Triad, the angelic hierarchies, the principles behind the sacramental and microcosmic/macrocosmic principle, typology and much more. The full talk will be available for subscribers to JaysA

Jul 24, 2021 • 1:37:01

Debate! Byzantine Catholic Apologist "Benito" Vs Jay Dyer: Councils & The Pope & More

Debate! Byzantine Catholic Apologist "Benito" Vs Jay Dyer: Councils & The Pope & More

Today we will open up the discord for debate and Q n A for pagans, atheists, Roman Catholics, Muslims, etc. to come and offer their objections. Today a pagan showed up in the first few minutes for discussion and then deeper theological and philosophical issues of Actus Purus & modal collapse, then universals in Thomism. Then the Byzantine Catholic defender arrives at @2:27:00

Jul 24, 2021 • 3:13:01

Does the Papacy Provide Unity, Certainty & Preservation of Tradition? Ubi Petrus

Does the Papacy Provide Unity, Certainty & Preservation of Tradition? Ubi Petrus

Ubi Petrus joins me, as well as Orthodox Shahada, to cover the recent news Francis has gone after the Latin Mass, reversing the decision of Benedict 16. Since Ubi and Lewis missed the first stream, I wanted to get their analysis of the liturgical revolution, Vatican I and II and the place of the pope, the false notion the mass isn't part of doctrine, and the many myriad of cope we are seeing.

Jul 20, 2021 • 2:15:36

MK ULTRA, Tavistock & Psychological Warfare - Jay Dyer / Courtenay Turner Part 2

MK ULTRA, Tavistock & Psychological Warfare - Jay Dyer / Courtenay Turner Part 2

In this episode, Jay Dyer returns to The Courtenay Turner Podcast, for a discussion on the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. Though little known by the masses it has been referred to by some as the mother of all think tanks for its tremendous influence, shaping the opinions of the masses, through the excogitation of and promulgation of social engineering. This conversation covers some of the integral players involved and the specific tactics of psychological warfare utilized in the Tavisto

Jul 19, 2021 • 1:19:14

Jay Dyer:  Psychological Warfare, Social Engineering & Behavioral Modification

Jay Dyer: Psychological Warfare, Social Engineering & Behavioral Modification

Ubi Petrus joins me, as well as Orthodox Shahada, to cover the recent news Francis has gone after the Latin Mass, reversing the decision of Benedict 16. Since Ubi and Lewis missed the first stream, I wanted to get their analysis of the liturgical revolution, Vatican I and II and the place of the pope, the false notion the mass isn't part of doctrine, and the many myriad of cope we are seeing.

Jul 19, 2021 • 1:23:34

Pope Francis' War on Tradition: Time to Become Orthodox

Pope Francis' War on Tradition: Time to Become Orthodox

Mods and apologists from our discord will join me to cover the latest document from Pope Francis concerning the new restrictions on the "traditional" latin mass (the Tridentine Mass), while we will also recount Francis' greatest hits of his late stage pontificalism, recounting the logical outworking of Roman Catholic theology, the status of Vatican II and such restrictions from Denzinger, the common RC objections to Orthodoxy that we have the "same problems" (we don't, actually), and more.

Jul 18, 2021 • 1:49:51

Tavistock’s Transhumanist Plan To Collapse Society

Tavistock’s Transhumanist Plan To Collapse Society

Jay Dyer of JaysAnalysis.com hosts the fourth and final hour of the hAlex J0nes Show and breaks down how the Tavistock Institute has influenced society worldwide since its founding in 1947.

Jul 17, 2021 • 39:28

Debating Muslims as a Christian | Ben Beal and Bob of Speaker's Corner - Orthodox Shahada

Debating Muslims as a Christian | Ben Beal and Bob of Speaker's Corner - Orthodox Shahada

Ben and Bob of Speaker's Corner join me to discuss their experiences debating muslims as Christians at the park, what they have learned and how other Christians can and should apply the tactics they have picked up. Furthermore, we will discuss the future of Christian evangelism in Britain, muscular Christianity and what the future holds generally.

Jul 17, 2021 • 2:19:31



YouTuber “Vocab Malone” has launched a series of basic Calvinist attacks on Orthodoxy the past few weeks based on overly simplistic and misrepresentations of our position. We will be responding on Sam Shamoun’s channel with Fr Dcn Ananias to show the reformation was in fact a deformation and the bad-willed approach of Malone is emblematic of most classical Protestants, to misunderstand the Orthodox Church and her dogmas.

Jul 16, 2021 • 2:36:50

Black Widow Breakdown - MK Ultra Monarch Mind Control! Jay Dyer

Black Widow Breakdown - MK Ultra Monarch Mind Control! Jay Dyer

Black Widow included overt references to the MK ultra Monarch program like no other film has. Winter Solider had a similar theme, but it wasn't the main plot as it was with Black Widow. What was also amazing was the references to the Soviet illegals program, Directorate S. Mark and I cover the illegals program and Americans here: https://youtu.be/mcPMhA-EJkU

Jul 15, 2021 • 16:23

Debate: Muslim Opponent Vs Jay Dyer on Divine Names (Open Forum)

Debate: Muslim Opponent Vs Jay Dyer on Divine Names (Open Forum)

Today is open forum chat and discussion as we take questions from discord and superchats (which get the priority) as we promote the later, "edgier" stream over on the R0kfin. We will cover recent geopolitical documents, theological disputes, argumentation, and more!

Jul 12, 2021 • 2:37:31

Understanding the Old Testament: Christological Exegesis - Seraphim Hamilton / Jay Dyer

Understanding the Old Testament: Christological Exegesis - Seraphim Hamilton / Jay Dyer

Biblical scholar Seraphim Hamilton joins me to discuss the topic of understanding the law and the prophets and how to do hermeneutics. The science of hermeneutics is a science that can only be done in the context of the church: with repentance, following the fathers and participation in the liturgy being the keys elements which alone can grant the correct understanding. These are the means the Spirit uses and the framework of the Apostles and fathers is to understand the law and prophets in li

Jul 11, 2021 • 2:04:01

The Real Illuminate Confirm! Jay Dyer

The Real Illuminate Confirm! Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer of https://jaysanalysis.com guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to break down the real Illuminati and expose their modern systems.  The real illuminati was the elite of the British Empire and their plans to foist a technocracy on the globe after they brought the US back into the imperial system.  As a result, the elite sought to use the Jesuits as a model for the  Rhodes Secret Society.

Jul 10, 2021 • 39:27

From Protestant to Orthodox - Robyn Riley / Jay Dyer

From Protestant to Orthodox - Robyn Riley / Jay Dyer

Robyn joins me to discuss her journey into Orthodoxy from Protestantism, the struggles she encountered, what finally convinced her, and what her experience has been since.

Jul 10, 2021 • 1:03:31

Ted Bundy, Leonard Lake: Charles Ng, Gary Heidnik: Serial Killers, Occult & Mind Control 4 (Half)

Ted Bundy, Leonard Lake: Charles Ng, Gary Heidnik: Serial Killers, Occult & Mind Control 4 (Half)

IS Ted Bundy the HOTTEST serial killer, or is it Lake and Ng? Tonight we cover the next in the series of serial killers: the infamous Ted Bundy, as well as the more revealing cases of Leonard Lake and Charles Ng, where we see more of the actual profile. Contrary to the mainstream narrative, the serial killer "profile" is actually nothing like the official tale, and is seen especially clearly in the Lake and Ng case & Heidnik. The full show can be accessed by subscribing at JaysAnalysis below.

Jul 7, 2021 • 1:51:26

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Top 10 Episodes - Symbolism, Esoteric Themes & More (Half)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Top 10 Episodes - Symbolism, Esoteric Themes & More (Half)

Jamie and I will cover the esoteric themes and motifs in the popular and influential 90s series from Joss Whedon, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. In many ways, Buffy kicked off the vampire craze of the 2000s, while the original movie pre-dated Harry Potter and prepared the way for similar franchises. While appealing to teens, Buffy in fact included numerous episodes that quasi-predicted famous events and futurist themes.

Jul 5, 2021 • 1:06:26

The Dark Plan to Mutate Man - Jay and Tristan

The Dark Plan to Mutate Man - Jay and Tristan

Tristan Haggard of https://primaledgehealth.com joins guest host Jay Dyer of https://jaysanalysis.com on The hAlex J0nes Show to break down the globalist plan to mutate man.

Jul 1, 2021 • 40:04

Hollywood, Geopolitics & Psychological Warfare - Jay Dyer / Courtenay Turner

Hollywood, Geopolitics & Psychological Warfare - Jay Dyer / Courtenay Turner

In this episode Jay shares a broad strokes overview of the current geopolitical milieu, explaining some of the historical context that lead us where we are today, and where we might be headed in the future. Courtenay and Jay discuss psyops, and the goals/ plans/ history of the elites. They discuss their use of Hollywood, the media, technocracy, banking, transhumanism, scientism, and conditioning methods, culminating with potential strategies for freedom fighters to counteract their schemes. This

Jun 28, 2021 • 1:32:31

Shaun Attwood & Jay Dyer - Who Killed Epstein Book

Shaun Attwood & Jay Dyer - Who Killed Epstein Book

Shaun Attwood, host of one of YouTube's top true crime podcasts joins me to discuss deep politics, Epstein, and his new book on the true story behind one of the biggest stories of the last few years that implicates the elite in the very thing we real world analysts have known for a long time!

Jun 26, 2021 • 1:06:06



Popular YouTuber and IG fitness/lifestyle figure Jon Venus invited me on to discuss the basics of social engineering.

Jun 24, 2021 • 53:49



Jay Dyer breaks down the real narrative of UFO disclosure and the great reset.

Jun 24, 2021 • 31:55

Prometheus & Alien Covenant: UFO Alien Symbolism - Jay & Tristan

Prometheus & Alien Covenant: UFO Alien Symbolism - Jay & Tristan

Tristan joins me to cover the religious and Luciferian symbolism in the recent Alien installments: Prometheus & Alien Covenant. What is interesting about these films is the inclusion of the A.I. element and the biblical and religious "covenantal" notions.

Jun 23, 2021 • 1:26:06

Great Reset & The Shadow Government - Jay Dyer

Great Reset & The Shadow Government - Jay Dyer

Making Sense of the Madness invited me on to summarize the big scale plans of the elite and the real meaning of Davos and the WEF.

Jun 22, 2021 • 49:43

Jay Dyer on Austerity, Managed Crises and the Great Reset

Jay Dyer on Austerity, Managed Crises and the Great Reset

Jay Dyer returns to Our lnteresting Times to discuss his recent lecture "Understanding Austerity, Managed Crises & Great Reset." Jay is a writer, lecturer, researcher and author of Esoteric Hollywood and Esoteric Hollywood 2. His website is Jay's Analysis.

Jun 18, 2021 • 1:34:25

Trinity Vs Tawhid: Jay Dyer Vs Sheikh Asrar Rashid Debate Review: Fr DA, Qai, Jay Dyer

Trinity Vs Tawhid: Jay Dyer Vs Sheikh Asrar Rashid Debate Review: Fr DA, Qai, Jay Dyer

Fr Dcn Dr Ananias, Snek, and Qai join me to review the debate. We will cover Qai's issues first, the epistemology and problems in Aristotle's empiricism, the pure act problem with contingency and perfection, the problems in occasionalism and causal chains, gnostic assumptions about creation being "impure," and more.

Jun 18, 2021 • 2:40:01

1984 Predicted the Technocratic Takeover - Jay Dyer Hosts hAlex J0nes

1984 Predicted the Technocratic Takeover - Jay Dyer Hosts hAlex J0nes

Jay Dyer of https://jaysanalysis.com/ guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to break down the modern parallels of the modern Great Reset takeover to George Orwell's dystopian classic 1984.

Jun 16, 2021 • 44:41

Trinity Vs Tawhid: Debating the Orthodox Christ & Islam: Sheikh Asrar Rashid / Jay Dyer

Trinity Vs Tawhid: Debating the Orthodox Christ & Islam: Sheikh Asrar Rashid / Jay Dyer

Sheikh Asrar Rashid joins me for a formal debate on the question of the Trinity Versus Tawhid and the Person of Christ. Is the Islamic conception of God's unity correct, where Christ is a prophet or is Jesus the Son of God, the Second Person of the Trinity? The debate will be formal back and forth with periods of cross examinations. Shaykh Asrar Rashid is a scholar who currently lives in Birmingham, UK. He began his studies in Birmingham, later moving to Damascus to study at the University, t

Jun 13, 2021 • 2:08:11

Clockwork Orange, 1984, 2010, Mad Max, Metropolis & More! Dystopia Now - Jay Dyer & Jamie (Half)

Clockwork Orange, 1984, 2010, Mad Max, Metropolis & More! Dystopia Now - Jay Dyer & Jamie (Half)

We begin our analysis of the chronological treatment of the classic dystopian films. The timeframe of the storylines begins with Clockwork Orange in 1980, with 1984 being next, followed by the Mad Max installments, Escape from New York, Metropolis in 2000, and then Kubrick's 2001 and the overlooked 2010, which deals with a profound level of propaganda relating to the Cold War and the Alien PsyOp. This is a half show, while the full show can be obtained by subscribing to my site below.

Jun 11, 2021 • 1:52:31

Epstein, Robert Maxwell, the KGB, and Yuri Bezmenov: Shaun Attwood / Jay Dyer

Epstein, Robert Maxwell, the KGB, and Yuri Bezmenov: Shaun Attwood / Jay Dyer

Jay and Shaun Attwood continue their conversation on organized crime, intelligence agencies and blackmail operations concerning Epstein, Maxwell and more!

Jun 8, 2021 • 9:04

Resurrection & Transfiguration of the Cosmos: John 18-21 - Jay Dyer (Half)

Resurrection & Transfiguration of the Cosmos: John 18-21 - Jay Dyer (Half)

Today we will return to the Gospel of John following the High Priestly Prayer chapters and move to the trial, crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection and meaning of St. John the Theologian's Gospel. We will also look at the anti-gnostic significance of the bodily resurrection, the transformation of the cosmos and the eschaton. This is a half talk, the full talk can be obtained by subscribing to my site below.

Jun 8, 2021 • 2:36:11

Jimmy Savile, Peter Sutcliffe,  Ian Brady and Myra Hindley: Shaun Attwood / Jay Dyer

Jimmy Savile, Peter Sutcliffe, Ian Brady and Myra Hindley: Shaun Attwood / Jay Dyer

Following up on last year's popular interview with Shaun Atwood, Jay and Shaun do a deep dive in this sample video on the figure of Savile and his potential for being a hitman and/or intelligence asset.  Savile undoubtedly was used by power players for compromise and blackmail operations and perhaps even more, given his connection to serial killers.

Jun 4, 2021 • 10:39

UFO Alien PSYOP - Close Encounters & The Fourth Kind Explained - Jay Dyer + Tristan

UFO Alien PSYOP - Close Encounters & The Fourth Kind Explained - Jay Dyer + Tristan

Jay and Tristan will deconstruct Close Encounters and a recent film with a related theme starring Milla Jovovich, Fourth Kind, which has the theme of the demonic. Both films are unique in their own way for insights into the alien UFO deception and the relationship to the shadow gubmint and the manipulation of worldviews.

Jun 4, 2021 • 1:56:46

Hollywood, Celebrities and Symbolism as Occult Manipulation With Jay Dyer

Hollywood, Celebrities and Symbolism as Occult Manipulation With Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer author, comedian and TV presenter he is the author of two books, Esoteric Hollywood 1 & 2 and the co-creator and co-host of the television show Hollywood Decoded. Jay is a wealth of information and a truly brilliant mind, it was an honor to have him on the show. I asked him about how he got involved in this research, and from there we got into the good stuff! If you're interested in the Nexus Point between Hollywood, Espionage, Occult Orders, The Military, Organized Crime and Government

Jun 4, 2021 • 56:33

Jordan Peterson Vs Sam Harris Part 1 - Chaz Manson, Harambe & Cecil Declared Winners

Jordan Peterson Vs Sam Harris Part 1 - Chaz Manson, Harambe & Cecil Declared Winners

The next most requested debate was the series of discussions between Dr Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris, known as the Vancouver talks. They will begin the discussion by the issue of grounding ethics and "common ground," and whether we can do metaphysics. The full debate is linked below. Turns our Chaz manson, Harambe & Cecil won.

May 31, 2021 • 2:20:26

Bryan Callen & Sam Tripoli Debate C0nspiracies CLIP with Jay Dyer!

Bryan Callen & Sam Tripoli Debate C0nspiracies CLIP with Jay Dyer!

Conspiracy Social Club gets hot and nasty with Bryan Callen and Sam Tripoli hashing out the issues concerning culture creation, feminism, the origins of mass media, the intelligence agencies and more! This is a smallclip from a full episode you can find here: https://rokfin.com/post/41859/CSC-61--Jay-DyerBryan and Sam's Conspiracy Social Club YT Channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQMLxN4gj_PI-USw7eiTKIw

May 27, 2021 • 9:15

Rosemary's Baby & Reality: Trafficking, Mind Control & Cult Rituals - Jay Dyer (Free Half)

Rosemary's Baby & Reality: Trafficking, Mind Control & Cult Rituals - Jay Dyer (Free Half)

Tonight we will be looking at new connections uncovered in the global spider web of black market operations and PsyOps, how this ties into geopolitics and the way cults are used by higher level power players for multiple, deeper, and darker ends. This also ties into the infamous horror film, Rosemary's Baby. The modern cults of recent news fame tie directly into the pattern and model of older cults, especially in the 60s-70s era, when Manson and Co. were made famous. Likewise, even lesser know

May 23, 2021 • 2:19:26

Orthodox vs. RC Papacy Debate Review | Erick Ybarra vs Fr. Ramsey on Matt Fradd's Pints With Aquinas

Orthodox vs. RC Papacy Debate Review | Erick Ybarra vs Fr. Ramsey on Matt Fradd's Pints With Aquinas

In this video, we do a review of the debate Erick Ybarra had with Fr. Patrick Ramsey on @Pints With Aquinas concerning whether or not the Vatican I Papacy was present in the first millenium Church. Watch our full video on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ubipetrus

May 23, 2021 • 1:04:08

Jeffrey Dahmer's Satanic Altar: Sons of Sam Connection - Serial Killers Part 3  (Half)

Jeffrey Dahmer's Satanic Altar: Sons of Sam Connection - Serial Killers Part 3 (Half)

Today we move to part 3 of the serial killers, mind control and occultism series that ties the big names to the power elite, organized crime, cults, government projects and black ops, contract k1llers and even the world of entertainment. Next in our list is the infamous Jeffrey Dahmer and even a connection between Dahmer and the Process, loosely linking Dahmer to the Sons of Sam. In part 2 we will cover more info on Berkowitz and analyze the recent info in the Netflix installments concerning M

May 20, 2021 • 1:45:01

Debate! Pagan vs. Orthodox: Logos, Language & Metaphysics - Jay Dyer Vs CB Robertson

Debate! Pagan vs. Orthodox: Logos, Language & Metaphysics - Jay Dyer Vs CB Robertson

I spent 3 hours reworking the audio so pretend along with the vaporware its 1987 and you are listening to an old cassette tape - nothing I can do about it, wasn't recorded by me. I am reposting it because it's still a good debate, and so far one of the better debates we've had against professed pagans. We cover his take on Christian arguments, language and logos in Homer and Hellenism, metaphysics and language, morals and absolute evil, Nietzsche and epistemology and more!

May 18, 2021 • 2:15:51

Demons & the Demonic Realm - Jay Dyer

Demons & the Demonic Realm - Jay Dyer

Today we will cover a highly confused topic that often brings querstions: Who are the demons and where do they come from? What about the angels? Can they be "saved"? Are the demons all the same, or do they have a hierarchy? Is Satan Lucifer? Do they inspire false sects and religions, including idolatry? Do they still possess people? How do we oppose such a force? Are modern cults demonic in any literal sense?Join my site here: https://jaysanalysis.com/membership-account/membership-leve

May 16, 2021 • 2:43:51

Debate Review & Reaction: Orthodox (Witcoff) VS. Gnostic (Leeds) - Jay Dyer

Debate Review & Reaction: Orthodox (Witcoff) VS. Gnostic (Leeds) - Jay Dyer

Michael Witcoff (Orthodox) squared off recently in a debate with gnostic Mart Leeds33 on his channel concerning the "gnostic" worldview and its interpretation of Scripture compared to the Orthodox view of God, Scripture and history. We will probably only cover the first half but this will be a fun one. And yes, we will do the Lennox / Dawkins debate next.

May 10, 2021 • 2:39:46

Body Snatcher Synthoid Mutation Invasion Alien Spore MOVIES! - Jay Dyer (Half)

Body Snatcher Synthoid Mutation Invasion Alien Spore MOVIES! - Jay Dyer (Half)

Tonight we will cover Cell (2016), The Invasion with Nicole Kidman, Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978), Village of the Damned, Invaders From Mars, Assimilate, The Faculty, Honeymoon, and Species! We will cover the eerie parallels to modern scenarios, the original Cold War setting and much, much more, which meshes perfectly with my recent r0kfin stream on the real mutations!

May 9, 2021 • 1:22:21

Operation Mind Control - The CIA's MK ULTRA Project Analysis - Jay Dyer (Half) Classic

Operation Mind Control - The CIA's MK ULTRA Project Analysis - Jay Dyer (Half) Classic

Tonight we cover the first half of Walter Bowart's classic book, Operation Mind Control. WE will discuss cryptocracy, the usage of hallucinogens and other chemical means of subversion, the hypnotic courier, keywords, Candy Jones, Cold War dialectics, and how this morphs into the technocratic model of transhumanism. The full talk is for JaysAnalysis subscribers, which can be obtained at the links below at my website.

May 8, 2021 • 2:17:38

Eastern & Latin Theology & The Essence - Energy Distinction - Jay Dyer Vintage

Eastern & Latin Theology & The Essence - Energy Distinction - Jay Dyer Vintage

Flashback almost 10 years ago! An old talk! What are the central differences between Latin and Eastern theology? Is there are common thread of difference that gives rise to two different approaches to divinity, knowledge, revelation and eschatology? Yes, I argue. I discuss Augustine, Aquinas, absolute divine simplicity as borrowed from Aristotle and Plato, the Logos, the Greek triad, I Am as "pure being," Anselm, the analogia entis/chain of being, apophatic theology, theosis, created grace, div

May 8, 2021 • 1:09:36

Decoding Hollywood with Jay Dyer / Alex Stein

Decoding Hollywood with Jay Dyer / Alex Stein

Jay Dyer joins Alex Stein to discuss Sam Hyde, Hollywood, geopolitics, serial killers, MK ULTRA and more!

May 8, 2021 • 1:36:32

Special Solari Report: The Philosophic Roots of Transhumanism with Jay Dyer

Special Solari Report: The Philosophic Roots of Transhumanism with Jay Dyer

Catherine is the president of Solari, Inc., publisher of the Solari Report, and managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services, LLC. Catherine served as managing director and member of the board of directors of the Wall Street investment bank Dillon, Read & Co. Inc., as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush Administration, and was the president of Hamilton Securities Group, Inc. C

May 7, 2021 • 57:01

The Demonic Possession of Judas & The Trinity: John 13-16 - Jay Dyer (Half)

The Demonic Possession of Judas & The Trinity: John 13-16 - Jay Dyer (Half)

Continuing the lectures on the Gospel of John, we delve deeper into the Biblical texts that are crucial for the Trinity and the Inter-Trinitarian life of the Persons. Orthodox theology alone has the correct conceptual tools and frameworks and metaphysical distinctions that explain how the Triad is coherent. The chapters of John we will cover tonight are crucial for that understanding, as we delve into the High Priestly Prayer of the Great High Priest, Jesus.

Apr 30, 2021 • 1:48:37

Nihilism & Culture - Jay Dyer on Orthodoxy First

Nihilism & Culture - Jay Dyer on Orthodoxy First

Jay Dyer joins Luke Kendrat to discuss nihilistic philosophy, its relevance to our world today, and Fr. Seraphim Rose's book "Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age".

Apr 28, 2021 • 1:18:36

Islam, Christianity & 'Philosophy'

Islam, Christianity & 'Philosophy'

In this video we discuss the often-used tactic by certain protestants and muslims alike of invoking the alleged ‘philosophy’ whether Greek or otherwise, which has supposedly ‘corrupted’ the Church of Christ’s doctrines. I have encountered several muslims who use this kind of objection such as ‘you are just doing philosophy’ (in fact this is exactly what Mansur did in his debate with Josh which I can not seem to find on YouTube in its original form anymore).In so doing, we will demonstrate how ‘p

Apr 24, 2021 • 56:03

Christian Worship & the Old Testament Typology Fulfilled

Christian Worship & the Old Testament Typology Fulfilled

This new documentary video at Orthodox Shahada treats the subject of how the Church is in continuity with the Old Testament law and prophets, specifically in terms of worship. It is often claimed by muslims that Christianity today is out of accord with Moses and Jesus in terms of how they worshipped the one God. What muslims overlook however, is the Church which uses liturgy as its form of worship, and instead focus on modern incarnations of Protestantism. More pertinently, we will see how Islam

Apr 24, 2021 • 1:18:58

Eyes Wide Shut-like Films: In Too Deep! The Firm, The Game, Golden Child-Jay Dyer (Half)

Eyes Wide Shut-like Films: In Too Deep! The Firm, The Game, Golden Child-Jay Dyer (Half)

Tonight we cover a series of revealing films relating to the theme of normies caught up in the layer cake - they're in way too deep! Call Phil Collins and the momcore rescue brigade cuz Sandra is in too deep. We will analyze Enemy of the State, The Firm, The Net, The Magus, The Game, Lord of War, Golden Child and Eagle Eye. This is a half and half episode - subscribe to JaysAnalysis for the full show below!

Apr 23, 2021 • 1:21:11

Icon & Incarnation: The Reality of Symbolism - Jay Dyer (Half)

Icon & Incarnation: The Reality of Symbolism - Jay Dyer (Half)

Today we will do the icon stream on the philosophy and reality of symbols: type, prototype, archetype and the ultimate reference point for Orthodox philosophy. The symbolic world of correspondences in our worldview is much more than mere analogy, similitude or metaphor: For us the symbolic is directly grounded in the logical (logoi), and more specifically, the Logos. The reverence paid to the type passes on to the prototype, we read in the fathers and for the 7th council this philosophy was b

Apr 23, 2021 • 1:37:01

Cold War Dialectics, Spooks and Black Magic Ops - Jay Dyer & OIT Classic

Cold War Dialectics, Spooks and Black Magic Ops - Jay Dyer & OIT Classic

A classic podcast: Tim Kelly invited me back to discuss the Cold War more indepth. We delve into bankster funding of both sides of the conflict, industrialists like Henry Ford, strategies of tension and think tank social engineering from Rand Corp., spies and espionage and their relationship to secret societies and the occult - the traffic in secrets. From there, we opine on Sandy Hook and other events. A must-hear

Apr 21, 2021 • 2:04:08

Inside the Mind of David Lynch: Esoteric Symbolism in Wild at Heart & More

Inside the Mind of David Lynch: Esoteric Symbolism in Wild at Heart & More

The Decameron film festival hosted online this year invited me on to do a deep dive into Lynch, the symbolism, patterns and influences on his artwork, focusing on Wild at Heart.

Apr 20, 2021 • 57:54

Jay Dyer and Charles Moscowitz on the Mainstreaming of Satanism

Jay Dyer and Charles Moscowitz on the Mainstreaming of Satanism

Jay Dyer and Charles Moskowitz discuss the mainstreaming of Satanism and Satanic symbolism in culture as well as a host of related issues.

Apr 19, 2021 • 1:05:15

Cruel Intentions & Easy A - Counter-Intelligence, Psy Op & Disinformation in Films

Cruel Intentions & Easy A - Counter-Intelligence, Psy Op & Disinformation in Films

Last week we did an exclusive stream for subs at the Rok on the topic of understanding psychological operations, mind games/war games, tricks and techniques and tactics of disinformation operations, honey pot / honey traps, leak engines and limited hangouts, etc., in principle and how effective analysis seeks to identify and counter espionage and opposition. As you know with JaysAnalysis, there's no better pedagogical tool than film, so today we branch out beyond the normal approach to cover tw

Apr 19, 2021 • 1:53:06

Top 10 Arguments AGAINST The Trinity Refuted! - Jay Dyer

Top 10 Arguments AGAINST The Trinity Refuted! - Jay Dyer

Today I am finally getting around to doing a stream I've intended to do for a long time: replying to the standard fare top 10 arguments you hear from atheists, Muslims, Arians, etc., on why the Triad isn't true. Fundamental to this question will be the place of revelation in our theology, the harmonization of revelation in our hermeneutic, the proper and improper use of philosophy and its concepts in theology, how Orthodoxy alone retains this, etc. Support this stream by liking and sharing and

Apr 16, 2021 • 3:26:01

James Delingpole Podcast - Jay Dyer

James Delingpole Podcast - Jay Dyer

Philosopher, comedian, author of Esoteric Hollywood 1 & 2, presenter of TV's Hollywood Decoded talks to James about God, technocracy, Carroll Quigley's Tragedy & Hope, movie subtexts and the future of the human race. Support James: https://www.subscribestar.com/jamesdelingpole

Apr 15, 2021 • 1:39:13

Papal Infallibility, Council Dogmas & Protestant Millennialism - Jay Dyer / Fr Dcn Ananias Q n A

Papal Infallibility, Council Dogmas & Protestant Millennialism - Jay Dyer / Fr Dcn Ananias Q n A

Tonight we ended up not covering the work by St. Theodore the Studite On the Holy Icons which forms part of the theological basis of the argumentation of the 7th Ecumenical Councils. Instead we did Q n A that covered Protestant assumptions, ecumenical councils and the canons - are canon laws infallible? - addressing the recent bogus Roman Catholic canard that I "deny councils," the issue of icons as types, typology and hermeneutics, Protestant standards for "revelation" versus "tradition," th

Apr 15, 2021 • 2:23:21

EMERGENCY BROADCAST: SPARS 2025-2028 Is The Blueprint For Total Collapse of Civilization

EMERGENCY BROADCAST: SPARS 2025-2028 Is The Blueprint For Total Collapse of Civilization

Jay Dyer joins to help give a SPARS 2025-2028 update and confirm what Infowars has been reporting for over a year: the COVID-19 vaccine is a globalist bio-attack meant to collapse nation states and usher in the New World 0rder.

Apr 11, 2021 • 1:11:02

The Dark Art Occult Psyop Of Serial Killers - Sam Tripoli / Jay Dyer TFH # 439

The Dark Art Occult Psyop Of Serial Killers - Sam Tripoli / Jay Dyer TFH # 439

Thank you so much for tuning in for another episode of Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli. This episode we welcome back the Occult Killa, Jay Dyer, to the show to discuss the insane connection between serial killers and the Military, the Elites and the Occult! As always Jay Dyer brings the heat and makes his case for Mt. Everest! Thank you so much for your support.Come see Sam Tripoli live: All Tickets at samtripoli.com!Austin: April 9th-10- Romo Room https://www.tix.com/ticket-sales/theromoroom/6543

Apr 10, 2021 • 1:17:16

Serial Killers, Mind Control & Occultism - Pt. 2: Saville, Gacy & More! (Half)

Serial Killers, Mind Control & Occultism - Pt. 2: Saville, Gacy & More! (Half)

Yes, I know Saville is not technically a serial killer but he is included here because of his close connection to multiple serial killers as a key go-between. We will cover the overview information relating to Gacy in Clown and Candyman connecting him to Norman and Paske, as well as McGowan's analysis. Depending on time constraints, we will see what ends up in part 2 for paid subscribers. After this we'll move to the ROK for more content! (But not the website part 2 content). Choq.com here!

Apr 10, 2021 • 1:58:36

New Discoveries Revealed in SPARS 2025-2028 Depopulation Document

New Discoveries Revealed in SPARS 2025-2028 Depopulation Document

Leave a Tip! Jay Dyer of http://jaysanalysis.com guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to break down the new discoveries in the SPARS 2025-2028 depopulation document.

Apr 8, 2021 • 38:43

Voodoo World Order - The Jay Dyer Show #3 with Jamie

Voodoo World Order - The Jay Dyer Show #3 with Jamie

Another installment for the ROK! Links will be added in the description. We will cover hot and spicy news topics and thinks to hype for the soft... We cover shadow people in Big Sur, the tinfoil weakness, voodoo, letters to the elite, eating bugs, vacuum of immortality, Aztec rituals, and best voodoo movies. Rokfin here: https://rokfin.com/jaydyer

Apr 4, 2021 • 1:10:21

END TIMES NONSENSE DEBUNKED - Jay Dyer & John A. Classic Chat

END TIMES NONSENSE DEBUNKED - Jay Dyer & John A. Classic Chat

From 2018: John A. of HBC joins Jay Dyer to dismantle and deconstruct the Old Time End Time religion and its uses for social engineering and geopolitical ends. We will tackle premillennialism and the "rapture," CIA and other Pentagon agencies using these tactics, biblical texts and preterism, as well as taking SUPERCHAT QUESTIONS.

Apr 3, 2021 • 2:16:50

Mind Control, Cults and Hollywood - Jay Dyer on the Chuck Schute Podcast

Mind Control, Cults and Hollywood - Jay Dyer on the Chuck Schute Podcast

Episode 120 - Jay Dyer!!! Jay is an author, podcaster, comedian and overall brilliant guy. His book, “Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults & Symbols in Film” includes over 400 cited sources. He references several books, movies, and other media in this interview as well. It was a lot of fun going down the rabbit hole with him. We discuss Hollywood, the media, CIA, shadow government, elites, mafia, serial killers, aliens, demonic possession, mind control, A.I. & MK Ultra, to name a few topics. Definite

Apr 1, 2021 • 1:12:20



Jay & Jamie cover the top 8 or 9 serial killer films and their symbolism. Although we already covered Silence of the Lambs, we will cover it again in recap, as well as many others we have yet to analyze. American Psycho has some interesting elements we didn’t expect, as well as a few hidden gems like the Red Riding Trilogy, Insomnia, My Friend Dahmer, Clove Hitch and HH Holmes. Be sure to follow over the new Rokfin Channel where we will have new, exclusive content!

Mar 30, 2021 • 1:31:16

'Jordan Peterson,' 'Charles Manson,' Things Are Really Weird Now - Rokfin Inauguration #1

'Jordan Peterson,' 'Charles Manson,' Things Are Really Weird Now - Rokfin Inauguration #1

Limited Access Episode! This will be soon removed and made only available at Rokfin! I talk smack and rap battle game for an hour to kick off this nonsense. Included are hype beats and freestyles about Manson, JBP, Gill Bates, and more! Sign up here for full installments!: https://rokfin.com/jaydyer

Mar 30, 2021 • 1:11:11



Documentary filmmaker and commentator Jason Bermas invited me back to cover the big picture: cults, intelligence agencies and social engineering. Bermas has hammered home the deep analysis of NXIVM, Jeffstein Effrey and how this relates to the overall plans for a world government. From human compromise and espionage to social engineering and mind control, Bermas has been on the forefront of exposing and highlighting these topics for years – he’s an O.G. in the truth sphere and his channel is l

Mar 29, 2021 • 50:39

An Introduction to Theosis - Gospel Simplicity / Jay Dyer

An Introduction to Theosis - Gospel Simplicity / Jay Dyer

Gospel Simplicity: “Hold up, did someone say we become GOD?? If you’re like me, the first time you heard this, you were a bit concerned. As an evangelical, the concept of theosis can seem more than a bit foreign. In this video with Orthodox apologist Jay Dyer, we talk about what theosis is (and isn’t) and in doing so we explore differences between Eastern and Western approaches to theology. The conversation includes discussion of the essence-energies distinction, monasticism, ways in which Prote

Mar 25, 2021 • 1:06:55

Jay Dyer on Organized Crime & Serial Killers - OIT

Jay Dyer on Organized Crime & Serial Killers - OIT

Jay Dyer returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss his Mafia and organized crime lecture series. We talk about the links connecting the American Mafia to the power elite/shadow government. We also discuss the serial killer phenomenon and the disturbing connections of some of the most notorious serial killers to the U.S. military and political establishment. Jay is a writer, researcher and author of Esoteric Hollywood and Esoteric Hollywood 2. His website is Jay's Analysis.

Mar 23, 2021 • 2:00:12

Deity of Christ? Gospel of John Chpts. 9-11 - Jay Dyer (Half)

Deity of Christ? Gospel of John Chpts. 9-11 - Jay Dyer (Half)

Today we continue the analysis of the Gospel of John from Chapter 10 and 11 where we have many deep, theological truths relating to the resurrection of the Body, the doctrine of perichoresis and the Trinity, the full Deity of Christ, the question of the visible, unitive structure of the Church as his sheepfold, the Good Shepherd, the two natures and two wills of Christ in the hypostatic union and much more!

Mar 22, 2021 • 1:56:36

Bohemian Grove, Deep Politics & Secret Societies - Jay Dyer / Jason Bermas

Bohemian Grove, Deep Politics & Secret Societies - Jay Dyer / Jason Bermas

Technical difficulties ended this one early, but we'll schedule a part 2. Documentary filmmaker and commentator Jason Bermas joins me to cover the big picture: cults, intelligence agencies and social engineering. Bermas has hammered home the deep analysis of NXIVM, Jeffstein Effrey and how this relates to the overall plans for a world government. From human compromise and espionage to social engineering and mind control, Bermas has been on the forefront of exposing and highlighting these topic

Mar 20, 2021 • 1:20:41

Jacob's Ladder: Robert Stark Talks to Jay Dyer

Jacob's Ladder: Robert Stark Talks to Jay Dyer

Robert Stark and Matt Pegan talk to author and TV presenter Jay Dyer about the psychological horror film Jacob’s Ladder (1990). Jay Dyer is the author of Esoteric Hollywood:: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film and you can watch his show on YouTube. Also check out Robert’s interview with Jay on Stark Truth TV at the Paramount Movie Ranch which was damaged in a wildfire shortly after filming.Topics:Jacob’s Ladder’s cult following and its director Adrian LyneThe film’s plot, layers revealed, and symbol

Mar 18, 2021 • 47:34

Christianity Compared: First Vs. Second Millennium - Is Grace Created? Jay/Snek/DTRMW/Dcn Sorem

Christianity Compared: First Vs. Second Millennium - Is Grace Created? Jay/Snek/DTRMW/Dcn Sorem

Today Snek and I cover the development of Roman / latin theology in the second millennium of the West and how it compares to that of Byzantium and the east, as well as the First Millennium. We will look at the papal evolution and revolution in relation to the question of grace: it is created or uncreated? What about Trent? What about the notion of the Church as juridical and mystical "bodies," the geopolitical influences, the divergent sacramentologies, the Protestant revolution, etc.

Mar 18, 2021 • 2:57:31

Hollywood, CIA & the Mafia - The Meta-Political Perspective with Richard Grove - GTW Podcast

Hollywood, CIA & the Mafia - The Meta-Political Perspective with Richard Grove - GTW Podcast

Tonight! Sunday, 03/14/21, Watch Grand Theft World Live with episode 019 - Jay Dyer joins Richard Grove - https://grandtheftworld.com/live To watch the Grand Theft World live stream (somewhere other than youtube that also has a lively chat audience), create your FREE Rokfin account @ https://rokfin.com/RichardGrove

Mar 15, 2021 • 1:01:28

The Mafia, CIA, RFK & JFK - Jay Dyer Hosts the hAlex J0nes Show

The Mafia, CIA, RFK & JFK - Jay Dyer Hosts the hAlex J0nes Show

Following up on the mafia and organized crime series, Jay Dyer hosts the 4th hour of the hAlex J0nes Show and links the structure of the mafia to the power elite/shadow government.  Learning one gives insight into the other - we cover wartime activities and profits, JFK, RFK and Momo, as well as the assassination.  Be sure and like and share!

Mar 11, 2021 • 44:03

The Mafia & The JFK / RFK Assassinations - Jay Dyer on K1llstream

The Mafia & The JFK / RFK Assassinations - Jay Dyer on K1llstream

The k1llstream invited me back to discuss meta politics and the infamous, documented connection between the mafia and JFK/RFK. We touch on Momo, Kennedy Sr, trafficking and more!

Mar 11, 2021 • 1:13:21

The Occult & Its Symbolism - Hotep Jesus, Sam Tripoli, Jay Dyer & More!

The Occult & Its Symbolism - Hotep Jesus, Sam Tripoli, Jay Dyer & More!

Jay Dyer: https://jaysanalysis.com/Hotep Jesus: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnXr-wpGU2gNx2phcDiGzAQ | https://bryansharpe.co/Ken Ammi: https://truefreethinker.com/Micah Dank: https://twitter.com/RealMisterDankOdd Man Out, The Oddcast: https://www.stitcher.com/show/the-oddcast-featuring-the-odd-man-out | https://www.alternatecurrentradio.com/Joe Rupe, FringeFM: https://fringe.fm/Michael Wann: https://linktr.ee/susquehannaalchemyChristopher Knowles: https://www.amazon.com/Christopher-Knowles/

Mar 11, 2021 • 2:14:12

Celebrity Chef Pete Evans Interviews Jay Dyer - Evolve

Celebrity Chef Pete Evans Interviews Jay Dyer - Evolve

Subscribe here for FULL access to this podcast and many more evolvenetwork.tvJay Dyer is an author, comedian and tv presenter known for his deep analysis of Hollywood, geo politics and culture. His graduate work focussed on psychological warfare and film. He is the author of two books, Esoteric Hollywood 1 &2, and he is also the cocreator and cohost of the television show Hollywood decoded.He has been featured on numerous popular shows and podcasts and in debates with some of the worlds top deba

Mar 11, 2021 • 44:31

Truthzilla Podcast #045 - Jay Dyer - Esoteric Hollywood

Truthzilla Podcast #045 - Jay Dyer - Esoteric Hollywood

Welcome to another episode of Truthzilla! This week, we sat down with Jay Dyer, the Author of Esoteric Hollywood parts 1 & 2, frequesnt guest-host on the Alex Jones Show and a an epic deep-dive researcher that can be found at JaysAnalysis.com. We talk about Kubrick, secret societies, the “Original Technocrat”, the transhumanist agenda, how to keep one’s sanity through these difficult times, possible solutions and a whole lot more!Go support Jay at JaysAnalysis.com where you can get subscription

Mar 11, 2021 • 1:04:41

Church, Papacy, Schism_ The Bizarre Metaphysics of the Papacy - Jay Dyer

Church, Papacy, Schism_ The Bizarre Metaphysics of the Papacy - Jay Dyer

Today we will look at a classic work that critiques the papacy from a different vantage point. In an atmosphere of debate that is dominated by throwing outdated, debunked and forgery-based arguments back and forth: Dr. Sherrard's book is an excellent philosophical critique of the papacy, or more properly philosophical theology. Although we can't recommend everything from Dr. Sherrard, we can pick the good from the bad and this work is certainly one of the better. In a mere 100 pages Dr. Sher

Mar 10, 2021 • 2:18:16

Serial Killers, The Occult & Mind Control - Henry Lee Lucas, Berkowitz - Pt. 1 Jay Dyer (Half)

Serial Killers, The Occult & Mind Control - Henry Lee Lucas, Berkowitz - Pt. 1 Jay Dyer (Half)

Is there more at work in many of the famous serial killer cases? Could some of them be connected in new ways? What about their military background and training? What about Vietnam and the wartime period programs? Could there be an esoteric and occult angle that links them to secret groups, assassins, and networks? What are the factors and patterns that link many famous serial killers that have recently come to light, building on the work of McGowan? What about MK Ultra and the various progr

Mar 7, 2021 • 2:21:38

Richard Dawkins Vs. William Lane Craig Debate Review - Jay Dyer

Richard Dawkins Vs. William Lane Craig Debate Review - Jay Dyer

The next best debate to review we haven't covered yet includes the infamous Richard Dawkins - who has been curiously overlooked in our series. Time to rectify that with this popular debate from a decade ago, which also includes cameos of other atheists and so called apologists in what looks like a UFC version of the MacLaughlin Group.

Mar 5, 2021 • 2:29:36

Man Has Got to Have Meaning - Jay Dyer on Trine Day Podcast

Man Has Got to Have Meaning - Jay Dyer on Trine Day Podcast

Publisher Kris Millegan with Jay Dyer, author (“Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film,” and “Esoteric Hollywood 2”), comedian and TV presenter known for his deep analysis of Hollywood, geopolitics, and culture. Psychological warfare, propaganda, mind control. Plato’s allegory of the cave. The technocracy that wants everybody debased, demoralized and immersed in virtual worlds in their homes. The bondage, once discussed, starts to break apart. Hopefully, because the system is ba

Mar 4, 2021 • 35:52

Esoteric Hollywood, the Occult and Technocracy with Jay Dyer on Black Pill Radio

Esoteric Hollywood, the Occult and Technocracy with Jay Dyer on Black Pill Radio

Episode 57In this episode we were joined by Jay Dyer, who is a comedian, author and TV presenter known for his analysis of Hollywood, geopolitics and culture. He wrote the Esoteric Hollywood Books 1 & 2, and was the co-host and co-creator of the TV show Hollywood Decoded.Jay joined us to talk all thing Occult and Hollywood as well as break down the Super Bowl Halftime show and talk about some of everyone’s favorite celebrities. We talked intelligence ties to Hollywood and also jumped into how i

Mar 4, 2021 • 1:07:02

Best Mafia Movies! Scarface, Goodfellas, Casino & More - Jay Dyer (Half)

Best Mafia Movies! Scarface, Goodfellas, Casino & More - Jay Dyer (Half)

Jay and Jamie cover 8 of the best mafia movies: We will analyze Goodfellas, Scarface, Donnie Brasco, Casino, Bugsy, Cotton Club, Untouchables, the Departed and more! Be sure to follow our work by subscribing or asking questions via Streamlabs! The full show will be available to paid subs to JaysAnalysis at the link below. This will also tie into my new lecture series on the history of the 5 families and the mafia in the USA.

Mar 3, 2021 • 1:25:16

The Mafia: The 5 Families, Vegas & The FBI - Jay Dyer Pt. 2 (Half)

The Mafia: The 5 Families, Vegas & The FBI - Jay Dyer Pt. 2 (Half)

Following up on the mafia and organized crime series, we move to covering Carlo Gambnino, wartime activities and profits, the rise of Vegas and the casino rackets, the key players in Vegas and the move of the FBI to crack down on the families and their operations. After Gambino we move to Joe Bonano, Trafficante and JFK! This is a prt 1 lecture - part 2 can be found by subscribing to JaysAnalysis for more! Part 1 is here: https://youtu.be/xBK4qjQ7pho​

Mar 2, 2021 • 1:06:56

Gnosticism, Scientism and The New Aeon - Jay Dyer & Fr Dcn Ananias Sorem

Gnosticism, Scientism and The New Aeon - Jay Dyer & Fr Dcn Ananias Sorem

We tried to fix the audio issues, but no luck. I tried to boost his sound for the podcast as best as possible. Fr Dcn Dr Ananias joins me to cover his recent paper concerning scientism, gnosticism and technocracy. We will look at the means by which modernity arrived at this new religion, it's influences via hermeticism, cults, and the work of Voegelin on gnosis, and much more! His channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/user/esorem​

Mar 1, 2021 • 2:24:29

Papal Forgeries: A Road to Schism

Papal Forgeries: A Road to Schism

Herein is a history of four major forgeries that were used by the Papacy to bolster its claims to universal ordinary and immediate jurisdiction and later claims made at Vatican 1, and how the use of these forgeries fermented and exacerbated the Great Schism of East and West in 1054. The first half is free whilst the second half is available to patrons at: https://www.patreon.com/ubipetrus​

Feb 28, 2021 • 48:22

Orthodox Trinitarian Apologetics with Jay Dyer / COTEL

Orthodox Trinitarian Apologetics with Jay Dyer / COTEL

"In this stream I am joined by Jay Dyer to discuss the theology behind the necessity and validity of the God being Three persons with One essence. Make sure to check it out and let me know what you think." COTEL and I will discuss the Monarchy/Arche of the Father, the Ordo Theologiae, the nature/person distinction, the relations of origin, the eternal manifestation doctrine, the philosophy of the Trinity, the biblical proofs for the Trinity, and more!

Feb 26, 2021 • 2:06:30

More High Profile Rituals - Jay Dyer & Jamie Hanshaw

More High Profile Rituals - Jay Dyer & Jamie Hanshaw

Jamie and I cover the recurring phenomena of high profile ritual events at the Super Bowl, VMAs, Olympics and more. The endless cookie cutter rollout of pop stars culminates in a cacophony of musical junk food rife with satanic and occultic imagery intent on duping the public with their mystagogical hoodwink.

Feb 26, 2021 • 1:12:59

Protestantism Vs Roman Catholicism: 2 Sides of the Same Coin & Dispensationalism - Jay Dyer

Protestantism Vs Roman Catholicism: 2 Sides of the Same Coin & Dispensationalism - Jay Dyer

Today I will be doing another deep dive into the dialectical dilapidation known as Protestantism and its Mother, the Latin Papal Church. I will compare both historically, looking at the ancient canons, the Tradition of the Church, the imbalance between the one and the many, the centralized Vs atomized structures of both, the bad exegesis of both, as well as comparing them biblically, and how both have openly failed in the modern world by collapsing into the world. We will also be looking at t

Feb 24, 2021 • 3:29:25

Philosophy & Revelation The Pseud-Space Podcast #6 - Jay Dyer / Neuroposter Podcast

Philosophy & Revelation The Pseud-Space Podcast #6 - Jay Dyer / Neuroposter Podcast

Today Neuroposter and his co-host are joined by Jay Dyer to discuss the topic of Faith and Reason.

Feb 23, 2021 • 1:09:04

Invoking the Beyond: The UFO Deception - Collins Bros. / Jay Dyer

Invoking the Beyond: The UFO Deception - Collins Bros. / Jay Dyer

The Collins Bros join me to discuss their 7 years of research placed into the new text - Invoking the Beyond. Their research connects Darwin, the new age, panspermia, the esoteric, intelligence agencies, deception and the new man.

Feb 23, 2021 • 1:51:26

The Mafia: The 5 Families & The History of Organized Crime - Jay Dyer Pt. 1 (Half)

The Mafia: The 5 Families & The History of Organized Crime - Jay Dyer Pt. 1 (Half)

Today we begin our new deep dive series into the history of organized crime in the USA. This will be an addendum to the global elite books series to help understand the cartel and racket models of black markets and how the most powerful elites have the same models. We will look at the history of the 5 families, the connections to intelligence agencies, the interconnectedness with Hollywood and the music industry, and much more!

Feb 23, 2021 • 1:35:11

KUBRICK & The Hollywood Illuminate Confirm

KUBRICK & The Hollywood Illuminate Confirm

A clip from the recent in studio hosting segment concerning Kubrick and the Illuminate confirm.

Feb 16, 2021 • 11:39

This Book from the 60’s Predicted Everything Happening Today!

This Book from the 60’s Predicted Everything Happening Today!

Jay Dyer covers in studio the classic tome that reveals it all - Tragedy and Hope, which was covered in 8 lectures here.  We look at the technocracy, the fiat money system scam that is paralleled by the boom-bust rigged cycle, the power of debt and debt-slavery, Bitcoin and more!

Feb 16, 2021 • 25:44

Esoteric Symbolism Explained - Jay Dyer / Am Journal Interview

Esoteric Symbolism Explained - Jay Dyer / Am Journal Interview

Jay joins Harrison to discuss the meaning of esoteric symbolism, the philosophy of Orthodoxy and take calls from the audience.

Feb 16, 2021 • 42:22

High Profile Rituals - Superbowl, VMAs and More! Jamie Hanshaw

High Profile Rituals - Superbowl, VMAs and More! Jamie Hanshaw

Jamie does her first TV interview and covers the symbolic significance of high profile public rituals!

Feb 15, 2021 • 39:27

Valentine's Day Movies!? The Real Meaning of Romantic Comedies - Jay Dyer & Jamie

Valentine's Day Movies!? The Real Meaning of Romantic Comedies - Jay Dyer & Jamie

Like, ok? I mean, WhatEVER! Jamie and I cover the top Rom-coms back to the 1960s, including Clueless, Groundhog Day, How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, The Apartment, and many, many more! This is just a fun stream analyzing these from a guy and girl perspective. As a normal dude, I have not seen many “rom coms,” so we will have fun seeing how I read it compared to Jamie.

Feb 15, 2021 • 1:39:36

The Great Reset is Happening: The Age of Transition

The Great Reset is Happening: The Age of Transition

Jay Dyer joins The hAlex Jones Show in studio to break down how the Great Reset corresponds to the esoteric 'Age of Transition.'  We cover the installation of the technocracy and the Age of Aquarius and the occult connections to the shadow government/cryptocracy.

Feb 12, 2021 • 26:29

The Great Reset, Esoteric Hollywood & MK Ultra - Jay Dyer | YourMateTom Podcast #33

The Great Reset, Esoteric Hollywood & MK Ultra - Jay Dyer | YourMateTom Podcast #33

The Great Reset, Esoteric Hollywood & MK Ultra w/ Jay Dyer | Your Mate Tom Podcast #33 TIMESTAMPS:0:00​ Intro0:56​ Jay Dyer enters the chat (Alex Jones Protest)5:18​ Terence McKenna7:13​ Esoteric Hollywood & the occult19:44​ Alien entities21:53​ The reality of spiritual realms & shamanism25:39​ MK Ultra39:04​ Timothy Leary & his CIA involvement41:33​ Atheism & materialism (sucks)51:17​ Is mathematics discovered or invented?55:51​ Matt Dillahunty Debate58:12​ The great reset1:06:00​ Veganism1:08:

Feb 12, 2021 • 1:31:01

Independence Day, Transformers, Stargate, Fifth Element & More! Jay & Jamie (Half)

Independence Day, Transformers, Stargate, Fifth Element & More! Jay & Jamie (Half)

Alien January concludes in February with more of the alien blockbusters like ID4, Transformers, Stargate, and Fifth Element, as well as some of the lesser known films like The Box, Dark Skies, and a couple alien documentaries like the "Stan Romanek Story" and "Australian Skies." To see the full show, subscribe to JaysAnalysis below at the membership link:Superchat via Streamlabs: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tip​

Feb 3, 2021 • 1:26:41

Classic! Dave McGowan's Programmed to Kill: MK Ultra Serial Killers - Jay Dyer (Free Hour)

Classic! Dave McGowan's Programmed to Kill: MK Ultra Serial Killers - Jay Dyer (Free Hour)

As promised, we come to Programmed to Kill, an earlier, and equally important book from Dave McGowan, of Weird Scenes Inside Laurel Canyon fame. I summarize his thesis and in the full talk give my analysis and commentary based on the numerous other analyses I've read regarding related material. We look at the strengths and weaknesses of his book, as well as the crucial connection to Hollywood, which created a whole new entertainment genre surrounding 'lone gunner sickos'....or are they really

Feb 1, 2021 • 1:14:50

Classic Talk! Esoteric Hollywood: Laurel Canyon's Weird Scenes - Review & Analysis (Half)

Classic Talk! Esoteric Hollywood: Laurel Canyon's Weird Scenes - Review & Analysis (Half)

In this first free hour I review and analyze Dave McGowan's excellent book, Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops and the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream, in an indepth fashion. Comparable as a compliment to my own book, Esoteric Hollywood, this audio reviews Dave's research, looks at his claims and adds my own information to some of his puzzle pieces. Be sure to purchase Dave's book, as well as my own, paired together by Amazon. Part 2 of this is available by subscription to

Feb 1, 2021 • 1:09:45

Deified Flesh: The Real Presence of Christ & the Eucharist - John 6 & More - Jay Dyer (Half)

Deified Flesh: The Real Presence of Christ & the Eucharist - John 6 & More - Jay Dyer (Half)

We continue our next lecture on the Gospel of John in the controversial chapter of Jesus' proclamation that salvation is directly connected to the partaking of His "flesh and blood." Eating His body and blood will become a central doctrine of the early church and the basis for our own deification, as St. Cyril and the Council of Ephesus teach. In this chapter and the following chapters we will also see Jesus fulfilling many types from Exodus and the Torah.

Feb 1, 2021 • 1:55:50

Technocracy - Origins of Transhumanism - Jay Dyer on lnf0warz

Technocracy - Origins of Transhumanism - Jay Dyer on lnf0warz

I host the 4th hour again and cover the history of Plato's Republic and its relationship to modern technological transhumanism and the forgotten component of the Vietnam War.

Jan 31, 2021 • 29:18

Does God Exist? William Lane Craig vs. Christopher Hitchens REACTION / REVIEW

Does God Exist? William Lane Craig vs. Christopher Hitchens REACTION / REVIEW

Next up is the review of the second biggest debate on YouTube, the match up of Hitchens and William Lane Craig. Last week's Craig debate did well, and you've requested more, so this time it will be me and Fr. Dc. Dr. Ananias, an excellent debater himself, who joins me to add his wisdom and insight as a professor specializing in epistemology and religious philosophy. We will see who has the best arguments and offer a critique of WLC's approach! Be sure to support via superchats using Streamlab

Jan 30, 2021 • 2:00:14

DEBATE REVIEW: God's Existence - Trent Horn Vs. CosmicSkeptic - Jay Dyer

DEBATE REVIEW: God's Existence - Trent Horn Vs. CosmicSkeptic - Jay Dyer

Ready for more? This one was specifically requested by Lewis, so we will analyze the classical apologetic method of Trent Horn Vs. the up and coming torch bearer for the scientism/new atheism crew, Cosmic Skeptic. YourMateTom says he wants to set up a debate with myself and CosmicSkeptic, but we’ll see if that ever happens. As for Horn, we offered to debate him and he would only give me a couple segments on his radio show…months from now (which isn’t enough time to debate the real issues between

Jan 24, 2021 • 4:35:56

Introduction to Orthodox Church: Byzantine Theology by Fr John Meyendorff (Half)

Introduction to Orthodox Church: Byzantine Theology by Fr John Meyendorff (Half)

We have a lot of requests for introduction texts and this one is a classic - used by many Orthodox Seminaries, Byzantine Theology is now our Discord Group's standard text. The book is an introductory overview by well-known Orthodox theologian and scholar of the 20th century, Fr. John Meyendorff, who is also the author of many excellent works on St. Gregory Palamas and his life and theology. In this work which is our next text to analyze we cover the basics in the public video and in the member

Jan 24, 2021 • 22:10

The God Debate: Sam Harris Vs. William Lane Craig REVIEW! Jay Dyer

The God Debate: Sam Harris Vs. William Lane Craig REVIEW! Jay Dyer

The previous debate review was well received, so today we will cover the most popular WLC debate on YouTube, his squaring off against atheist Sam Harris. Is William Lane Craig solid in his argument? Does Harris stump him? What about WLC's conglomeration of various arguments and the Kalam Cosmological Argument? As we saw with Dr Feser's book, there are serious issues with this type of argument and even if it proved anything, it doesn't prove a Personal God, much less a Triune God.

Jan 23, 2021 • 4:33:56

They Live, Predator, Star Trek, Signs, Under the Skin & More! Jay & Jamie Dyer (Half)

They Live, Predator, Star Trek, Signs, Under the Skin & More! Jay & Jamie Dyer (Half)

We continue alien January by deconstructing more of the most popular alien/ufo films, reaching back to the 80s with Arnold and Jessie in Predator and John Carpenter’s They Live, Lesser known occult alien films like Life-force, Shyamalan’s Signs, and Invasion of the Body Snatchers from the 70s . Signs, interestingly, has a Christian influenced theme and symbolism, while Life-force will be overtly demonic. We will also cover the overlooked modern film Captive State, which despite being critically

Jan 20, 2021 • 1:21:31

My Origin Story - Jamie (Hanshaw) Dyer - Reinvention Unlimited Podcast

My Origin Story - Jamie (Hanshaw) Dyer - Reinvention Unlimited Podcast

Jamie Hanshaw is a well known conspiracy theorist, an author, speaker and researcher. She grew up in the 80’s and 90’s and was exposed very early to the growing world of truth seekers, alternative historians, Clinton scandals, FEMA activities and witchcraft in Saturday morning cartoons.She is from Santa Maria, California where she was raised in the Christian faith for 25 years and taught Sunday school at her local church so she is knowledgeable of the Bible and the life of Jesus. Her innate curi

Jan 19, 2021 • 1:52:01

Jordan Peterson Vs. Matt Dillahunty Debate Review - Jay Dyer

Jordan Peterson Vs. Matt Dillahunty Debate Review - Jay Dyer

One of the most popular YouTube debates was between Matt Dillahunty and Jordan Peterson in 2018. Last year we reviewed the Great Debate between Dr. Greg Bahnsen and Dr. Gordon Stein outlining the transcendental argument in classic form and in this debate, JBP came really close near the middle of the discussion of making a kind of transcendental argument. Overall, like the debate with Zizek I analyzed, the debate had pros and cons, good points and bad arguments. Since I debated Matt last year,

Jan 18, 2021 • 3:58:01

Veganism vs Christianity: Jay Dyer & Tristan | Open Debate, call-ins | The Norwegian Nous

Veganism vs Christianity: Jay Dyer & Tristan | Open Debate, call-ins | The Norwegian Nous

A "debate" that wasn't and then a commentary on religion, diet and the relationship between the Old Covenant and the New. We cover the church, canons, fasting and diet and more and then Fr Dcn arrives to critique scientism and technocracy.

Jan 16, 2021 • 3:19:57

Great Reset +  Alien Disclosure & Counterintelligence - Part 2 - Jay Dyer / Richard Grove

Great Reset + Alien Disclosure & Counterintelligence - Part 2 - Jay Dyer / Richard Grove

This was pre-recorded and will premier where you can still support via streamlabs. Richard Grove of Tragedy and Hope and the Grand Theft World Podcast RETURNS! We will cover more shocking admissions on the part of the Davos elite and the World Economic Forum concerning the Great Reset, communism, dialectics, elite usage of psychological warfare and the UFO / alien disclosure - and the Vatican's acceptance of these plans, so called "inclusive capitalism," austerity, and the overall plan.Superc

Jan 16, 2021 • 2:03:51

Gospel of John Chapter 1 - Logos & Trinity - Jay Dyer (Half)

Gospel of John Chapter 1 - Logos & Trinity - Jay Dyer (Half)

Today we will cover the amazing mysteries of the Gospel of John, its symbolism and typology and the continuity with the Law and Prophets. We will see the uncreated Light, which is patterned as a version of the Genesis account. We will see how the Gospel of John many times over declares the Deity of Christ many times over, as well a many clear elucidation of the Triad.Superchat via Streamlabs: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tipJoin my site here: https://jaysanalysis.com/membership-account/member

Jan 14, 2021 • 2:03:21

Prometheus, E.T., War of the Worlds and More! Alien Madness - Jay & Jamie Dyer

Prometheus, E.T., War of the Worlds and More! Alien Madness - Jay & Jamie Dyer

Tonight we continue Alien month here at my channel by investigating more of the bigger and lesser known alien films we haven't covered. Will look at Spielberg in War of the Worlds and E.T., HG Wells, Prometheus, Super 8, Fire in the Sky, Contact, Day the Earth Stood Still and Communion.

Jan 12, 2021 • 1:50:21

The Scientific Worldview: Bertrand Russell & the New Religion of the Old Gods | Jay Dyer and Tristan

The Scientific Worldview: Bertrand Russell & the New Religion of the Old Gods | Jay Dyer and Tristan

Jay and Tristan discuss the meaning of technocracy in the "greatest logician ever," the psycho Bertrand Russell. Must see interview! Join my site here: https://jaysanalysis.com/membership-account/membership-levels/

Jan 9, 2021 • 1:40:09

UFO Alien Deception - Overview & Analysis - Jay Dyer

UFO Alien Deception - Overview & Analysis - Jay Dyer

We will be doing an overview of the "UFO/alien phenomenonto kick off Alien January here at JaysAnalysis. We will cover the history and questions of the nephilim and the watchers from a biblical perspective, the notion of inter dimensional beings, the concept of "space" aliens and "ETs" and "EBEs," alien cults and intelligence agencies, the invocation of entities and the similarities to ritual cults and SRA and MK Ultra and the role of Hollywood and important alien movies.

Jan 9, 2021 • 1:32:51

Great Reset, UFO Disclosure & The World Order - Sean Stone / Jay Dyer

Great Reset, UFO Disclosure & The World Order - Sean Stone / Jay Dyer

Sean Stone joins me to discuss his book, great reset, his works and more! We cover the ideology of imperium, its typical failure and collapse, the modus operandi or corporate enslavement, how the banking elites enslave, the problems of fiat and currencies, mafias and unions, Oliver Stone films and themes, the history of the British Empire and Quigley's analysis, the Great Reset and Klaus, Sean's take on aliens and the Nephilim and cults, and much more! Bio: "Sean Stone is more than a standard m

Jan 8, 2021 • 1:26:26

Dialectical Marxism & the Real "Illuminati" Plan: Jay Dyer (Classic Talk)

Dialectical Marxism & the Real "Illuminati" Plan: Jay Dyer (Classic Talk)

John and Myself (Chris) welcome returning guest and stellar researcher, Jay Dyer to Afternoon Commute to discuss: Carol Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, Russia, Nukes, Nuclear Politics, Edward Teller, Robert Oppenheimer, Communism, The Police State, East Germany under the Stasi, Statecraft and Politics, Perception Management, The Panopticon, Kissinger, The Soviet Union, VICE Network, Lord of War, Nicholas Cage, Black Ops Video Games, Black Mirror, Gamification, Smart Cities, Minority Report, Sentient

Jan 4, 2021 • 2:17:40

Sacred Heart: Is it Nestorian?

Sacred Heart: Is it Nestorian?

Why is the "Sacred Heart" devotion a problem? David analyzes the issue here:https://youtu.be/eYQSaBozLUs

Jan 3, 2021 • 13:13

Reviewing Classical (a)Theist's Defense of Sacred Heart (David)

Reviewing Classical (a)Theist's Defense of Sacred Heart (David)

Starting this new year with a re-refutal of Classical (a)Theist, he tries to defend the "Sacred Heart Worship" of Roman Catholicism, does he do a good job or does he fail?

Jan 3, 2021 • 45:42

X Files Explained - Top 10 Episodes & Fight the Future Film! Jay & Jamie Dyer (Half)

X Files Explained - Top 10 Episodes & Fight the Future Film! Jay & Jamie Dyer (Half)

We finally tackle X-Files in terms of the overall story arc and the top 10 episodes of all time, based on our own esoteric and extreme silly level criteria. We will look at classics like the Leech Man, the real meaning behind the 1998 Fight the Future Feature Film and the weirdest installments. The full show will be available to subscribers to my site!

Jan 2, 2021 • 1:53:11

Jay Dyer vs. Adam Kokesh: Debate God & The State: 'State vs No-State' (Classic Episode)

Jay Dyer vs. Adam Kokesh: Debate God & The State: 'State vs No-State' (Classic Episode)

Jay Dyer versus Adam Kokesh in a 2 hour formal setting of position, response, on the hosted by Spearhead Transmissions, Live-Streamed on YouTube.com and Audio via Alternate Current Radio Network.Video Link: https://youtu.be/YYIfjEWSS-U

Jan 1, 2021 • 2:03:15

Empty Man (2020), Tibetan Book of the Dead & More! (Half)

Empty Man (2020), Tibetan Book of the Dead & More! (Half)

I happened to watch a film related to Tibetan Buddhism without realizing it, as I have been reading the Leary version of the Tibetan Book of the Dead we mentioned with COTEL. After watching the film, I noticed several relevant patterns of ego death, "enlightenment," the LSD journey and the death journey, manifestation of the throughtforms, etc. The second half will cover the rest of the Tibetan Book of the Dead via Leary's book.

Jan 1, 2021 • 2:25:13

Darwinian Materialism as Metaphysical Presupposition - Jay Dyer (Classic Talk)

Darwinian Materialism as Metaphysical Presupposition - Jay Dyer (Classic Talk)

I called in to HBC to discuss the crucial subject of how presuppositions and paradigms function as templates to interpret “facts.” There are no “brute facts” that come un-interpreted, outside of some contextual framework or worldview. In this discussion we investigate how the human mind categorizes the “data” or experience and how our governing assumptions about life and the world determine what the “facts” are, which constitute evidence and/or which are rejected and reinterpreted based on our b

Jan 1, 2021 • 1:47:10

Insane Vegan Logic: End Wild Animal Suffering - Primal Edge Health & Jay Dyer

Insane Vegan Logic: End Wild Animal Suffering - Primal Edge Health & Jay Dyer

Jay and Tristan break down the flawed vegan logic and the corporate interests promoting this new cult.

Dec 29, 2020 • 35:42

GoldenEye, Tomorrow Never Dies, World is Not Enough & More! Jay Dyer

GoldenEye, Tomorrow Never Dies, World is Not Enough & More! Jay Dyer

Today we pick up where we left off a couple years ago when we covered Goldfinger, Dr. No and some of the key Sean Connery 007 installments with a fresh look at the Dalton and Brosnan Bonds. shoutout to Daril O. for reminding me of all the wild elements in GoldenEye, which prompted me to spend this week re-analyzing virtually all of the 80s and 90s 007s. As is often the case, when you step away from a topic for a while and come back with fresh eyes you see all kinds of new things you previously

Dec 28, 2020 • 2:03:06

Matt Fradd, Filioque & More - Open Forum Debate / Q n A - Roman Catholics

Matt Fradd, Filioque & More - Open Forum Debate / Q n A - Roman Catholics

Tonight is another open forum before the interview with James Fox Higgins! Questions will come from discord but preference will be given to Streamlabs questions. I end up answering a couple questions about Matt Fradd, the Filioque and eternal manifestation as well as Byzantium and the nation.

Dec 18, 2020 • 1:08:46

Debate 2: Jay Dyer & Mike (Urantia) Discuss Biblical Continuity & The Old Testament

Debate 2: Jay Dyer & Mike (Urantia) Discuss Biblical Continuity & The Old Testament

In our second discussion we made more progress in understanding how we differ. Mike explains his views of the Bible, Jesus, logic and more, while I focus on showing how many new religions and groups are not able to show continuity with previous revelation.

Dec 18, 2020 • 1:14:27

Debate Part 1: Jay Dyer Vs Mike (Urantia) Part 1 - James Fox Higgins Show

Debate Part 1: Jay Dyer Vs Mike (Urantia) Part 1 - James Fox Higgins Show

"Episode 33: Jay Dyer joins us to talk about Orthodoxy and we ask some tough questions." I was invited on and wasn't sure what to expect and we ended up with a fiesty debate between myself and Mike, a follower of Urantia. In the second discussion things simmered down and we got deeper into the Bible.

Dec 18, 2020 • 2:22:03

Great Reset, Inclusive Capitalism, The Vatican & Klaus Schwab - Richard Grove / Jay Dyer

Great Reset, Inclusive Capitalism, The Vatican & Klaus Schwab - Richard Grove / Jay Dyer

Richard Grove of Tragedy and Hope and the Grand Theft World Podcast joins me to cover the recent shocking admissions on the part of the Davos elite and the World Economic Forum concerning the Great Reset, communism, dialectics, the banking power and the Vatican's acceptance of these plans, so called "inclusive capitalism," austerity, Klaus Schwab's history and more!

Dec 17, 2020 • 2:11:31

Top 90s BLOCKBUSTERS! Titanic, Terminator 2, Armageddon, Face Off & More! -Jay Dyer

Top 90s BLOCKBUSTERS! Titanic, Terminator 2, Armageddon, Face Off & More! -Jay Dyer

Jamie and Jay break down the top 7 90s blockbusters and why they were so big. We will look at the 90s, the attitude of Hollywood propaganda at the time, the rise and fall of the action hero genre, what we've lost since the 90s, machismo, and more! We're also excluding the Matrix from this list since we've covered it elsewhere. We'll cover Armageddon, T2, Die Hard, Titanic, Speed, Face Off, Jurassic Park! Whoa

Dec 16, 2020 • 2:09:11

Universalism? Origenism Refuted - Jay, Snek, David, Fr Dcn Ananias

Universalism? Origenism Refuted - Jay, Snek, David, Fr Dcn Ananias

We gather to cover the system of Origenism and his universalism, as well as the hellenic philosophical presuppositions that undergirded his system and why 3 ecumenical councils condemned him and his works.

Dec 12, 2020 • 2:24:41

Open Forum Debate / AMA/  Q n A - Apologetics, Pagans, Atheism, Roman Catholics

Open Forum Debate / AMA/ Q n A - Apologetics, Pagans, Atheism, Roman Catholics

Today we are having open forum with the discord voice room where you can challenge me, chat with me, debate me, or ask questions. We haven't done this in a couple months and the response last week was good. Any topics or questions outside of the YT policies won't be read.

Dec 10, 2020 • 2:26:16

Sean Connery Extravaganza! The Rock, 007, Zardoz, Indiana Jones & More!

Sean Connery Extravaganza! The Rock, 007, Zardoz, Indiana Jones & More!

Jay Dyer and Jamie discuss some select Sean Connery films in honor of his recent passing. We will cover a couple relevant Bond films like Dr. No, Diamonds Are Forever, as well as some howlers like Zardoz (a fill on illuminate confirm film), the Rock, and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and The Man Who Would be King, the ultimate masonic film!

Dec 7, 2020 • 1:20:01

Image & Likeness of God: Vladimir Lossky (Half) - Jay Dyer

Image & Likeness of God: Vladimir Lossky (Half) - Jay Dyer

Today we cover Lossky's book Image and Likeness and see the Orthodoxy theology of man and the outworking of the Orthodox doctrine of anthropology.  In contrast to the West, the anthropology flows directly from the Triadology and Christology: this means our anthropology is specifically a revealed anthropology, and not a doctrine of philosophical speculation, although it uses philosophical concepts and terms. Part 2 is available for subscribers to my site below.

Dec 7, 2020 • 1:32:25

Fiat on Fire: The Basics of Bitcoin - Jay Dyer on Face Like the Sun

Fiat on Fire: The Basics of Bitcoin - Jay Dyer on Face Like the Sun

Basil, Gonz and Jay Dyer discuss bitcoin and crypto.

Dec 5, 2020 • 0:00

Bitcoin Explodes! - Julia of Brave the World on Ethical Worldviews

Bitcoin Explodes! - Julia of Brave the World on Ethical Worldviews

#bitcoin Julia from Brave the World joins me to discuss economics, the ethics of Bitcoin, Russia, Orthodoxy and the feminine.

Dec 4, 2020 • 0:00

Election 2020 and the Great Reset - Jay Dyer on Charles Moscowitz

Election 2020 and the Great Reset - Jay Dyer on Charles Moscowitz

Author and Podcast Host Charles Moscowitz is joined by Jay Dyer, host of Jay's Analysis on YouTube and the author of Esoteric Hollywood, in a talk about the spiritual dimensions of the 2020 election.

Dec 3, 2020 • 0:00

Waking Life & A Scanner Darkly - Jay Dyer & Tristan Haggard

Waking Life & A Scanner Darkly - Jay Dyer & Tristan Haggard

Jay and Tristan cover two well known Richard Linklater classics: Waking Life and A Scanner Darkly. PKD plays prominently here, so we will touch on the esoteric, gnostic and dystopian sillycone valley elites and their longterm plans now coming to fruition. Linklater's films, especially Waking Life, were/are hipster and Austin area favorites, featuring the one and only hAlex J0nes and more!

Nov 30, 2020 • 0:00

Refuting Erick Ybarra & Matt Fradd | Yes, you should become Eastern Orthodox

Refuting Erick Ybarra & Matt Fradd | Yes, you should become Eastern Orthodox

We host a stream with Snek, David therealMedWhite and Seraphim Spillman to respond to the stream hosted by Matt Fradd and Ybarra entitled "Should we become Eastern Orthodox?"Matt Fradd is a Catholic radio show host and frequently has Catholic apologists on to exposit their position. Strangely, he seems never to want to have a competent Orthodox on to explain our position despite having already made perhaps a dozen videos criticising Orthodoxy.

Nov 30, 2020 • 0:00

Net-Zero:  Great Reset & Non-Essentials? | Jay Dyer and Tristan

Net-Zero: Great Reset & Non-Essentials? | Jay Dyer and Tristan

Jay Dyer ( his channel https://www.youtube.com/user/jaydyer) and Tristan discuss Bond-villain wannabe Klaus Schwab, his think-tank called The World Economic Forum, and his book "The Great Reset" in a fun, casual, informative conversation about social engineering, history, and pop culture.

Nov 29, 2020 • 0:00

Spiritual Collapse of the West - Jay Dyer / St Edward Media

Spiritual Collapse of the West - Jay Dyer / St Edward Media

Why is the West collapsing? In this video I lay out the basic philosophical reasons the West is dying and giving into post-modernism and tech worship. As we seek to recover true spirituality, I discuss how we have to have our priorities in place and not seek a purely political answer. In this discussion I highlight the Triadic imbalance and the social/political results. 'Jay Dyer joins the show tonight to discuss the Stop The Steal demonstrations in Georgia, the Great Reset, and the proper polit

Nov 27, 2020 • 0:00

The Great Reset w/ Jay Dyer - Pardon My American Podcast

The Great Reset w/ Jay Dyer - Pardon My American Podcast

The guys open up the show with special guest, Jay Dyer. They dive into "THE GREAT RESET", what it consists of, and how it will affect the world. Post-interview, the guys go into lockdown mode with talks about the interruption of a New York sex party. They discuss the people's rebellion of curfews, the importance of small business and they end with the build up of the coming supreme court rulings.https://www.podbean.com/site/EpisodeDownload/PBF3072E9FREQ

Nov 25, 2020 • 0:00

The Truth About Psychedelics- Tibetan Book of the Dead & More - Dyer COTEL

The Truth About Psychedelics- Tibetan Book of the Dead & More - Dyer COTEL

Note: This talk is not an advocacy of using such substances. The analysis here is purely literary and philosophical. Church of the Eternal Logos joins me to cover his area of specialty - far eastern thought, the religious approach of psychedelics and the pharmaceutical usage of these plants, the mass brainwashing, the CIA's role in these phenomena, as well as how they relate to far eastern philosophies of monism, dualism and more! The full talk is a available for subscribers at my site!

Nov 25, 2020 • 0:00

Great Reset -  Pope Francis, the Vatican and the CIA - Jay Dyer on OIT

Great Reset - Pope Francis, the Vatican and the CIA - Jay Dyer on OIT

Jay Dyer returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss his critique of David Wemhoff's book John Courtney Murray, Time/Life, and the American Proposition. We also talk about the ongoing pandemic scam and the World Economic Forum's planned Great Reset.Jay is the proprietor of Jay's Analysis and the author of Esoteric Hollywood and Esoteric Hollywood 2.

Nov 24, 2020 • 0:00

The New Babel VS. The Church: Orthodoxy & Heterodoxy - Fr Peter Heers

The New Babel VS. The Church: Orthodoxy & Heterodoxy - Fr Peter Heers

Fr Heers returns to cover a wide array of topics, including his recent course covering Fr Seraphim Rose's Orthodox Survival Course, false ecumenism and the spirit of our age (Tower of Babel), ecclesial Nestorianism, the holy fathers, heresy and healing, today's caesaropapism, "Neo-Palamism" and the energies, the confrontation with Rome and their appropriation of St Gregory Palamas and the Apodeictic Treatise and the saints and elders most relevant to our day. Fr Heers' Channel is Here: https://

Nov 23, 2020 • 0:00

Roundtable Exposes Evidence of 3lection Th3ft and Great Reset: Al3x J0Nes

Roundtable Exposes Evidence of 3lection Th3ft and Great Reset: Al3x J0Nes

Alex Jones is joined in Georgia by Jay Dyer, Fu3ntes and Ali Alexander as they expose the th3ft of the 2020 Presidential Election and the perils of The Great Rese

Nov 21, 2020 • 0:00

The Russian Orthodox Church, The KGB & Cold War Secrets - Met. Jonah

The Russian Orthodox Church, The KGB & Cold War Secrets - Met. Jonah

Met. Jonah returns to cover the history of the Russian Church in the 20th century during the Cold War and the persecutions of the clergy. We cover the period of Lenin, Stalin and the NKVD, the underground church, the emigres that fled to other nations and how ROCOR was former, and more.

Nov 18, 2020 • 0:00

The New Babel VS. The Church: Orthodoxy & Heterodoxy - Fr Peter Heers

The New Babel VS. The Church: Orthodoxy & Heterodoxy - Fr Peter Heers

Fr Heers returns to cover a wide array of topics, including his recent course covering Fr Seraphim Rose's Orthodox Survival Course, false ecumenism and the spirit of our age (Tower of Babel), ecclesial Nestorianism, the holy fathers, heresy and healing, today's caesaropapism, "Neo-Palamism" and the energies, the confrontation with Rome and their appropriation of St Gregory Palamas and the Apodeictic Treatise and the saints and elders most relevant to our day. Fr Heers' Channel is Here: https://

Nov 18, 2020 • 0:00

USA, Russia, Orthodoxy & The Ukraine Schism - Jim Jatras

USA, Russia, Orthodoxy & The Ukraine Schism - Jim Jatras

Jim Jatras returns to discuss the history of espionage and geopolitics as it relates to Ukraine, Russia and Orthodoxy in the USA. We cover the Bolshevik Revolution, Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Cold War espionage, ‘KGB Bishops,’ persecution, CIA and expatriates, the present state of Moscow and the West and the new Cold War as it relates to Ukraine and Montenegro, etc.

Nov 14, 2020 • 0:00

The Great Reset Exposed - Jay Dyer on lnfowarz

The Great Reset Exposed - Jay Dyer on lnfowarz

Jay Dyer of http://jaysanalysis.com guest hosts the fourth our of The hAlex J0nes Show to expose the elites and their plans behind the Great Reset.

Nov 13, 2020 • 0:00

Logos / Logoi & The Christocentric Cosmology of St Maximos - Dr Tollefsen

Logos / Logoi & The Christocentric Cosmology of St Maximos - Dr Tollefsen

Dr. Torstein Tollefsen joins me to cover his masterful work on the Christocentric Cosmology of St Maximos and the Logoi doctrine. We discuss the advanced issues St. Maximos covers in his metaphysics, the concept of the Porphyrian tree, the relationship of Neoplatonism to St. Maximos, universals and particulars, recapitulation, the logoi of being and participation and more!

Nov 12, 2020 • 0:00

Jesuits, OSS/CIA & Vatican 2 - Analysis 2 - Wemhoff's Book (Half)

Jesuits, OSS/CIA & Vatican 2 - Analysis 2 - Wemhoff's Book (Half)

We return to the next half of Wemhoffs massive tome and compare the next few hundred pages with other works covering Vatican 2 from the various sectors of Roman Catholic writers and theologians, including Davies, Martin and more. Many talks have covered the theological and liberal Protestant and "eastern" ideas at Vatican II, but few have taken on the geopolitical impact as in-depth as Wemhoff. We will look at Bill Donovan, Murray, Henry Luce and the Jesuits like Teilhard in this talk, trying

Nov 3, 2020 • 0:00

It, It Follows, Cabin on the Woods, The Fly & More! - Jay / Jamie Dyer

It, It Follows, Cabin on the Woods, The Fly & More! - Jay / Jamie Dyer

Spooktober concludes with a fresh batch of relevant horror films covering the dark rituals at work in Hollywood and society. We will cover It, It 2 (old and new), It Follows, Village of the Damned, The Fly (Cronenberg) and Cabin in the Woods.

Nov 1, 2020 • 0:00

Ridley Scott's Blade Runner - Did You Notice The Movies Masonic Connection?

Ridley Scott's Blade Runner - Did You Notice The Movies Masonic Connection?

Ridley Scott revives film noir into the sci fi genre, with Blade Runner, bringing us a tale of technocratic dominance vs. transhumanism. Jay Dyer and Jay Weidner unveil of a world where corporate globalism has run rampant, giving rise to a synthetic dystopia. Simulated perfection in this purgatory is found with Replicants - artificially intelligent beings seeking to transcend limitations imposed upon them. In the end, throughout all the turmoil, these synthetic humans may herald a new expression

Oct 31, 2020 • 0:00

Arnold Schwarzenegger Extravaganza! Last Action Hero, Junior, 6th Day, Running Man! -Jay Dyer

Arnold Schwarzenegger Extravaganza! Last Action Hero, Junior, 6th Day, Running Man! -Jay Dyer

As promised, we continue the Arnold sci fi theme with some of the Schwarzenfun. Unintentionally a comedy master, Arnold's 80s and 90s arcana are full of future predictions worth analyzing and noting. From cloning to driverless cars to economic colllapse around 2020, We will analyze Eraser, 6th Day, Last Action Hero, Running Man and Junior.

Oct 31, 2020 • 0:00



Snek returns to discuss the rest of Francis’ encyclical Fratelli Tutti and the recent revelations of Francis in terms of the evolving moral stances of the Roman See. In the Middle Ages, usury was seen as evil, and later approved. For divine worship, pagan art was seen as dangerous at Nicaea 2, and then in the west approved. It should come as no surprise in a church with an altered Creed the morals eventually evolve and we have seen this on full display since Vatican II, with Francis taking it to

Oct 30, 2020 • 0:00

Nolan's Batman Begins - Did You Notice The Hidden Occult Undertone?

Nolan's Batman Begins - Did You Notice The Hidden Occult Undertone?

Nolan’s Batman Begins – In 2005, Christopher Nolan rebooted the Batman movies, full of occult imagery depicting the interplay of secret societies and billionaire capitalists as played out against the gothic noir landscape of Gotham City. It is also the tale of our protagonist learning to use fear as a means of changing the world around him. In many ways, Bruce Wayne’s rise as the dark knight is like the ascendance of Gautama Siddhartha as Buddha. As the archetype of Buddha brought peace through

Oct 30, 2020 • 0:00

Elite Occultism, Blackmail, And Trauma - Jay Dyer

Elite Occultism, Blackmail, And Trauma - Jay Dyer

Here is the analysis I gave recently on hAlex j0nes discussing elite occultism, trauma and blackmail and how this is a technology of control.

Oct 29, 2020 • 0:00

Chinatown - Did This Movie Have Hidden Warnings About Corruption?

Chinatown - Did This Movie Have Hidden Warnings About Corruption?

Roman Polanski China Town - Jay Dyer and Jay Weidner explore the multiple layers of corruption as depicted in the film Chinatown which are present throughout the strata of our society. As a burgeoning Los Angeles struggles to establish itself as a vital city, the power elite take this as an opportunity to make great financial gains for themselves. We learn that the archetypal figures portrayed in this film are representative of what is happening in the real world. This film presents a brutal ho

Oct 27, 2020 • 0:00

Titanic and Avatar Symbolism - Hollywood Decoded

Titanic and Avatar Symbolism - Hollywood Decoded

From the channel: "Titanic, Avatar - James Cameron - Jay Dyer and Jay Weidner draw a connection between The Titanic and Avatar movies by James Cameron, as an unfolding cautionary tale of rampant industrialism. Their examination of the Titanic sets up the establishment of the Federal Reserve and the corporate takeover of the world’s monetary system. Thus, humanity is plunged into the depths of the Kali Yuga and it must reach out, to the stars, to continue fuelling its greed induced self-collapse.

Oct 27, 2020 • 0:00

2001: A Space Odyssey - Hollywood Decoded Episode

2001: A Space Odyssey - Hollywood Decoded Episode

From the channel description: "2001: A Space Odyssey - The revolutionary filmmaking that went into Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey encapsulates the totality of humanity’s experience, in one film. Jay Dyer and Jay Weidner analyze the occult imagery emblazoned throughout this classic film as we are presented with a tale of humanity’s transformation, from the early days of stone-age culture to the ultimate evolution into a being of light. This is an ancient tale stemming from the dialogs of

Oct 27, 2020 • 0:00

True & False Mysticism: St Gregory Palamas & The Energies - Fr Moody / Jay Dyer

True & False Mysticism: St Gregory Palamas & The Energies - Fr Moody / Jay Dyer

Fr Chris Moody returns after too long a hiatus to discuss the theology of St Gregory Palmas in more depth. We will cover the uncreated energies and grace, the notion of a true mysticism as found in hesychia, the new translation and forthcoming publication of Apodiectic Treatise on the Holy Spirit by St Gregory, the relation to Rome and the West and more! The new book can be pre-ordered below.

Oct 24, 2020 • 0:00

Big Trouble in Little China, Dagon, Circuitry Man  & More WEIRD Movies! Jay Dyer

Big Trouble in Little China, Dagon, Circuitry Man & More WEIRD Movies! Jay Dyer

Spooktober continues with coverage of more weird B movies with a message – this time with a spooktober theme. If you can watch these between now and then, it”ll be more fun! We’ll be covering the following films: Dagon, Timebomb, Doppleganger, Circuitry Man and Big Trouble in Little China.

Oct 22, 2020 • 0:00

The Search for True Christianity - Jay Dyer on Wayfinder Podcast

The Search for True Christianity - Jay Dyer on Wayfinder Podcast

What did the early days of Christianity look like?Who was Jesus Christ?Why are there so many branches of Christianity, and which one is the original?I’m talking with author, philosopher, & religious scholar Jay Dyer about the origins of Christianity and the doctrines and practices of Eastern Orthodoxy. This is one of the most informative and fascinating conversations I’ve ever had on the topic of Christianity and the early church and I can’t wait for more discussions with Jay in the future.Pleas

Oct 21, 2020 • 0:00

The Terminator - Did Movie Scenes Predict Future Events?

The Terminator - Did Movie Scenes Predict Future Events?

Another episode of my TV show has been uploaded for free! “Jay Dyer and Jay Weidner explore the nightmarish world of the Terminator movies where an advance A.I. computer rules the future of our planet. Before the A.I. can take control of the world, it must first eliminate vast swaths of the human populace. But, if one hero stands in the way from a complete take over, what is a computer to do? We find out as a cybernetic champion is sent back in time to eliminate the hero of the human race, befor

Oct 20, 2020 • 0:00

Hollywood, D.C.: Sean Stone Doc. Ft. Oliver Stone, Jay Dyer

Hollywood, D.C.: Sean Stone Doc. Ft. Oliver Stone, Jay Dyer

The film and television industries may be America’s go-to source of escapism and entertainment, but the glossy magazine covers documenting celebrity meltdowns and box-office predictions serve as a convenient distraction from some of the lesser known connections tying together Hollywood and the nation’s national security establishment. In this two-part series, Watching the Hawks’ Sean Stone is joined by a variety of Hollywood insiders in exploring the entertainment industry’s institutional embrac

Oct 20, 2020 • 0:00

Art is Prophetic: Theopoetica - Jay Dyer / MichaeI Witc0ff

Art is Prophetic: Theopoetica - Jay Dyer / MichaeI Witc0ff

MichaeI Witc0ff rejoins me to discuss how new book covering Orthodox poetics. The book is called Theopoetica and features poems and commentary recalling St. Ephrem the Syrian. We will also touch on aesthetics and art in general.

Oct 19, 2020 • 0:00

The Matrix Trilogy - The Gnostic Ideas Hidden In The Movie

The Matrix Trilogy - The Gnostic Ideas Hidden In The Movie

The Matrix movies presented a world overrun by a powerful A.I. with the only escape, to take the red pill and awaken into a harsh post-apocalyptic reality. Jay Dyer and Jay Weidner explore an analogy for the world we live in today as many people sleepwalk their way through life with only a few awakening to an entirely different perspective. Throughout the Matrix trilogy we find Gnostic symbols and myths guiding the unwitting viewer to pursue a sense of liberation from the mainstream world and fa

Oct 17, 2020 • 0:00

A Fly in the Ointment - Jay Dyer on Quite Frankly

A Fly in the Ointment - Jay Dyer on Quite Frankly

Chillin tonight, taking some calls, rounding out another week in a year that is steadily draining away. Tonight's returning guest of Jay Dyer, Author, Comedian, Television personality, and esoteric analyst of Hollywood, Media, and the Occult. Media clips of the thing that used to be Keith Olberman, the death of a grandson of a President, Hillary's Emails, Declass, Anti-Christs, calls, questions, and more.

Oct 16, 2020 • 0:00

A New Order: A Globalized Encyclical Following Pachamama - Part 1- Jay Dyer / Snek

A New Order: A Globalized Encyclical Following Pachamama - Part 1- Jay Dyer / Snek

Snek joins me to cover the sobering facts concerning the new papal encyclical, Fratelli Tutti of Pope Francis which sent shockwaves throughout the Roman Catholic world. Was it somehow salvageable or was it the next logical stage after Vatican 2 and pacha mama? Snek and I will deconstruct the work as well as the utterly disunited world of Rome, which was supposedly united on the basis of the papacy.

Oct 15, 2020 • 0:00

Russi@Gate is BS, Color Revolution, Backlash & More! Jay Dyer / Chrissie Mayr

Russi@Gate is BS, Color Revolution, Backlash & More! Jay Dyer / Chrissie Mayr

"Jay Dyer is back! The author of Esoteric Hollywood 1 and 2 has returned to discuss his recent appearance on InfoWars, Why he lost a friend over appearing on the show, What is the Color Revolution, The coup against Trump, Why John Radcliffe DNI letter proves Russi@Gate was a scam concocted by Hillary to draw attention away from her use of the private email server, Jay's carnivore diet, the CIA's history of regime influence and more!"

Oct 15, 2020 • 0:00

Apostate Prophet Vs. Jay Dyer - Does God Exist? Problem of Evil?

Apostate Prophet Vs. Jay Dyer - Does God Exist? Problem of Evil?

Former Muslim turned atheist skeptic Apostate Prophet asked me to join him to have a cordial exchange on the issue of God's existence, Theistic arguments and proofs, TAG, logic and the problem evil and theodicy.

Oct 13, 2020 • 0:00



Jay Dyer joins 0wen to discuss the proposed oversight of the UN to make sure the US elections are “fair.” The UN, a creation of the International elite, is itself the model for the coming world order. We discuss the dumbing down of the average American through the socialized higher educations system.

Oct 11, 2020 • 0:00

Hereditary, Lost Boys, Halloween 3, Velvet Buzzsaw & Starry Eyes - Jay / Jamie

Hereditary, Lost Boys, Halloween 3, Velvet Buzzsaw & Starry Eyes - Jay / Jamie

Spooktober continues with a roster of darkness and fun.  As is the Spooktober tradition, we analyze Lost Boys AGAIN, as well as finally covering Hereditary as long requested, as well as a John Carpenter classic without Michael Myers - Halloween 3: Season of the Witch, with a couple worthy additions thrown in - donnie darko in Velvet Buzzsaw and the indie horror Starry Eyes from 2014.

Oct 11, 2020 • 0:00

Top 10 Bad Arguments for Protestantism's 'Bible Alone' / Debate Review - Fr Dcn- Jay Dyer

Top 10 Bad Arguments for Protestantism's 'Bible Alone' / Debate Review - Fr Dcn- Jay Dyer

Fr Dcn and others join me to cover the recent debate Fr Dcn Ananias had with Protestant apologist Matt Slick. We will cover Matt's claims and approach, our analysis of the debate and the presuppositions of authority in Orthodoxy versus the lack of normative authority in Protestantism. Following the review, we will cover the top 10 bad arguments Protestants use to ground "sola scriptura."

Oct 8, 2020 • 0:00

The D33p State Narrative Of Russia Gate Finally Unravels - Jay Dyer on lnfowarz

The D33p State Narrative Of Russia Gate Finally Unravels - Jay Dyer on lnfowarz

Today I cover yet another nail in the coffin for the russiagate concoction, particularly by  putting it in its wider context.  We cover color revolutions as a result of the close of the Cold War, the application of that color revolution model being applied to the US, how this effects the Orthodox Church, and especially the Ukraine and its schism, as well as the new attempt at a schism in Macedonia for the same purposes.  The color revolution model is being applied in the US for the purpose of a

Oct 7, 2020 • 0:00

Total Recall & Jacob's Ladder: Mind Control Classics - Jay / Tristan

Total Recall & Jacob's Ladder: Mind Control Classics - Jay / Tristan

It's spooktober again and around JaysAnalysis we cover the best and worst of the spookiest. Tonight Tristan joins me to cover two mind control classics I've long been meaning to cover - Adrian Lyne's Jacob's Ladder and the Verhoeven Total Recall. Combining both lighthearted fun and absurdity with Arnold and the dark, brooding mk uItra subplot in the other, both films combine to display important insights into the realities of psychological manipulation.

Oct 7, 2020 • 0:00

Fratelli tutti: The Desolation of Rome with Orthobro Snek

Fratelli tutti: The Desolation of Rome with Orthobro Snek

Snek joins us for a brief interview about the recent events surrounding the Roman Pontiffs most recent encyclical 'Fratelli tutti' and it's possible effects for the world of Roman Catholicism.

Oct 5, 2020 • 0:00

Was Vatican 2? Infallible Are Catholics Imploding?

Was Vatican 2? Infallible Are Catholics Imploding?

Today I will cover the popular mythologies surrounding Vatican 2 and its status, contrasted with previous Catholic "dogma" and teaching. Was it infallible? Does the individual Catholic have the right to "judge" the rulings and the Roman See? Do fallible Catholic theologians tell us ultimately when and where Vatican II was "infallible"? What is the higher epistemic criteria the individual RC has to adjudge when the "dogma" is infallible and when it is not? What about the pre-Vatican II Ency

Oct 3, 2020 • 0:00

Presidential Debate Review & Analysis - Jay / Tristan

Presidential Debate Review & Analysis - Jay / Tristan

Tristan invited me on to comment and review the first debate between Trump and Biden.

Sep 30, 2020 • 2:02:38



Snek joins me to cover a key point in regard to contrasting the Second Vatican Council’s attempt to integrate the “eastern” and “patristic” insights and attitudes so the “church” can “breathe with both lungs.” Of course, the Orthodox Church never lost the patristic mind and never had a need to “return” to a period of the Fathers, since there was no “period” of the Fathers. The experience of the Fathers is the same experience of the Orthodox Church up to today. We will be replying to the ironic

Sep 29, 2020 • 1:19:14

The Sopranos - Full Analysis / Breakdown - Jay Dyer / Jamie Hanshaw

The Sopranos - Full Analysis / Breakdown - Jay Dyer / Jamie Hanshaw

Note: there was another page of notes i forgot which included all the JFK references! Also / season 6, Ep explicitly mentions past lives. I’ll add those to the podcast version. My mistake. Be sure to like, share, comment and subscribe!Time for a return to esoteric Hollywood by doing a full analysis of the entirety of The Sopranos. One of the greatest shows of all time, Jamie and I will decode all the archetypal symbols, philosophical references, literary references and tropes, real espionage a

Sep 28, 2020 • 2:29:41

"Apologist" Matt Slick vs Fr. Deacon Ananias Debate

"Apologist" Matt Slick vs Fr. Deacon Ananias Debate

Displaying immense patience, Fr Dcn Dr. Ananias debates Calvinist apologist Matt Slick on the nature of sola scriptura and how we know what books make up the canon. It doesn't take long before Matt implodes.

Sep 28, 2020 • 2:13:31

The Octopus of Global Control / Ripple Effect - Charlie, Ricky and Jay

The Octopus of Global Control / Ripple Effect - Charlie, Ricky and Jay

Tonight I'm joined by Charlie Robinson, author of the new book The Octopus of Global Control, covering the longterm plan of the elites to construct a tyrannical oligarchy that will run the entire world. Charlie is the host of the Macro  Aggressions Podcast.  Also joining us is Ricky Varandas of the Ripple Effect Podcast, who recently had me as a guest for a killer conversation.  He is also linked below. LIVE at 6:20 CST

Sep 24, 2020 • 1:18:19

Russia, Cold War, Geopolitics & The West: Jay Dyer / Tim Kirby

Russia, Cold War, Geopolitics & The West: Jay Dyer / Tim Kirby

Longtime student of all things Russia Tim Kirby joins me to discuss all things Great Game, Cold War, history and espionage, geopolitics and where we are today, including relations with Orthodoxy and the West. Tim has formerly done some work with RT and is a student of history.

Sep 24, 2020 • 41:24

How The Globalists Subverted The Roman Catholic Church

How The Globalists Subverted The Roman Catholic Church

I host the 4th hour of the h@lexxx J0n3s show again to cover the techniques and plans of how the ecumenist movement was funded and turned to the strategy of the global elites.

Sep 23, 2020 • 34:03



Former Miss Washington United States, Tawny Noelle, interviews author, comedian and philosopher, Jay Dyer on the influences of Hollywood on femininity on the Beauty Asks Beast Podcast. We cover the issues that plague most men and women in trying to grasp the opposite sex and now mass media has conditioned us to accept new norms that are toxic.

Sep 22, 2020 • 34:51

The Reformation Refuted: An Orthodox Critique of Reformed Theology - Jay / COTEL

The Reformation Refuted: An Orthodox Critique of Reformed Theology - Jay / COTEL

"In this stream I am joined by the man, the myth, the legend Jay Dyer to deconstruct Reformed Protestant Theology from an Eastern Orthodox paradigm and perspective. Make sure to check it out and let me know what you think. If you enjoy this production, feel compelled, or appreciate my other videos, please support me through my website (www.davidpatrickharry.com) or donate directly by PayPal. Any contribution would be greatly appreciated. "

Sep 22, 2020 • 2:29:30

Ethics, Byzantine Law & America - Jay Dyer on Matt Chats

Ethics, Byzantine Law & America - Jay Dyer on Matt Chats

Matt Chats invited me back for a brief segment to discuss the history of church and state and how this relates to legal theory and canon law. We touch on transcendental arguments and Byzantium and church history.

Sep 20, 2020 • 36:05

Miley Cyrus: Ex-vegan - What the Shroomer Told Me - Jay Dyer

Miley Cyrus: Ex-vegan - What the Shroomer Told Me - Jay Dyer

Testing out the new video playing feature during live streams, I survey some of the best vegan videos, Mark Passio, Mily Cyrus and a few more classic impressions. This video got 3 copyright dings for the music played so I removed the video.

Sep 20, 2020 • 1:09:01

Disney, Beyonce & UFOs - Jay Dyer, Jamie Hanshaw & Isaac

Disney, Beyonce & UFOs - Jay Dyer, Jamie Hanshaw & Isaac

Isaac joins us again to cover another one of the pop stars endued with mega level symbolic power. Raised to goddess status, no one in the modern pop landscape can compare to Beyonce, outside a couple mega stars like gaga and Katy Perry. Beyonce's star power is enough to grant her her own church cult, and in this talk we will analyze her, Disney, and the forgotten Disney documentary on UFOs. Is there a connection? Isaac's new book will offer some answers

Sep 18, 2020 • 1:16:17

Sam Harris, New Atheists & "Vegan Natural Law" - Jay & Jimbob

Sam Harris, New Atheists & "Vegan Natural Law" - Jay & Jimbob

Impromptu chat - Jimbob asked me to hop on his IG livestream as he fields questions from his audience on monism, dualism, pantheism, deism and Aristotle, the peripatetic axiom, basic empiricism and modern new atheists, David hume and Ayn Rand, natural law and Mark Passio, and much more! Follow him here:

Sep 18, 2020 • 1:13:41

Trump Coup,, Fake Flags, Espionage & the 9 Event -- Jay Dyer /  Chrissie Mayr

Trump Coup,, Fake Flags, Espionage & the 9 Event -- Jay Dyer / Chrissie Mayr

Jay Dyer is back! Jay is the author of "Esoteric Hollywood", comedian and very well versed in all sorts of conspiracies! You may recognize him from the Free Britney or the Satanic Hollywood Divas Swapcasts. On today's show we get into so many topics: Fake Flags, 9/11 stuff, Government influence on culture, Exposing Feminism, Hollywood, What is GeeeoEngineering, Espionage, the oup attempt on the election and Jay makes me feel like I haven't watched any movies or read any books! It's fun!

Sep 18, 2020 • 1:20:49

Vatican 2, Geopolitics, the CIA, the Jesuits - Wemhoff's Book (Half)

Vatican 2, Geopolitics, the CIA, the Jesuits - Wemhoff's Book (Half)

Tonight I will be covering the first several chapters of traditionalist Catholic lawyer David Wemhoff's magisterial Cold War analysis of the geopolitical forces in the background of Vatican II. Contrary to the standard "trad" narrative, Wemhoff forces trads to swallow a new reddplLL that the CIA co-opted the Roman church through Vatican 2 operatives like Jesuit John Courtney Murray, CD Jackson and Henry Luce of Time Magazine.

Sep 15, 2020 • 3:05:08

Why Catholicism is Wrong on Church History: Erick Ybarra Refuted

Why Catholicism is Wrong on Church History: Erick Ybarra Refuted

In this video we deconstruct the Catholic claims about Papal primacy in the first millennium Church with particular reference to Erick Ybarra whose video can be found here https://youtu.be/_7o89kWxbGQWe simultaneously prove that the Orthodox and scholarly position of ecclesiology and Church structure is the correct one, basing it in the canonical tradition from the 1st millennium. A decisive first video rebuttal to evidence which Christian Church is the One true church according to history.Apolo

Sep 10, 2020 • 2:12:38

Top 10 BAD Arguments Against the Transcendental Argument for God

Top 10 BAD Arguments Against the Transcendental Argument for God

We often hear the same objections to TAG based on similar mistakes. A year ago I did a specific stream presenting TAG and why it holds up against TANG found here: https://youtu.be/tx3ssbjb3XsI covered the supposed transcendental argument for the non-existence of God, but we saw this was based on a fallacious understanding of theological voluntarism. Today we will cover more common and simpler objections to TAG which are usually based on misunderstandings, fallacies and basic blunders.

Sep 10, 2020 • 2:30:46

2001 An Alchemical Spatial Odyssey - JaysAnalysis Classic

2001 An Alchemical Spatial Odyssey - JaysAnalysis Classic

In this classic episode of Esoteric Hollywood I break down Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey and its esoteric meaning. Included are my rebuttals of the Neo-Darwinian philosophy that underpins the narrative, as well as the exotheology mythos that it seeks to evangelize with. 2001 is a technical achievement but also a tremendous propaganda piece that concludes with gnostic transhumanism.

Sep 9, 2020 • 1:42:59

Hollywood's Secret Occult Royalty - Jamie Hanshaw

Hollywood's Secret Occult Royalty - Jamie Hanshaw

A classic talk from Jamie covering subjects in her book Hollywood Mind Control. Her book is available at my site's shop - signed copies!

Sep 9, 2020 • 57:34

Classic Episode: Richard Grove on Logic, Espionage & Hidden History

Classic Episode: Richard Grove on Logic, Espionage & Hidden History

Filmmaker Richard Grove of Tragedy and Hope joined me for one of the early episodes of Esoteric Hollywood to discuss the suppression of logic, reason and history in the form of mass education and social engineering. Richard and I delve deep into 9/11 monetary scams, the history of western intelligence operations and the tremendous influence of the foundations and banksters who, through fell spectrum dominance, are seeking to reorganize societies. Looking into the history of the CIA and MI6, Rich

Sep 8, 2020 • 1:56:32

TENET (2020) Film EXPLAINED - Jay Dyer

TENET (2020) Film EXPLAINED - Jay Dyer

The movie is palindrome. It’s also Back to the Memento Inception Future Part 2. In this analysis I cover the secret meaning and subtle twilight language Nolan couched within, relating to oligarchs, the new Cold War, alternate dimensions and other hot sci fi ingredients. I give this movie 2.5 Flava Flav clocks out of 5. This movie lacks the 1.21 gigawatt needed for a time travel conundrum.

Sep 8, 2020 • 17:07

Apocalypse Trilogy! The Thing, Prince of Darkness & In the Mouth of Madness w/Tristan

Apocalypse Trilogy! The Thing, Prince of Darkness & In the Mouth of Madness w/Tristan

TRISTAN joins me to REVISIT and cover two of my favorite topics - John Carpenter and the end times. Luckily, John Carpenter has given us an insight into the end times in his famous trilogy. I covered the trilogy a few years back, but now that things are buckwyle crazy than they were, we can learn even more from Sutter Cain, the green goo and Kurt Russell. We'll look at the Cold War and the thing and its GMO theme, the CERN-ish portal green demon gnostic base matter goo of Prince of Darkness a

Sep 5, 2020 • 1:45:33

Daniel, Maccabees, and the Abomination of Desolation - Jay Dyer

Daniel, Maccabees, and the Abomination of Desolation - Jay Dyer

A clip from Insitum Verbum Channel on YouTube from my longer talk here: https://youtu.be/7zXupAarW0I

Sep 5, 2020 • 9:58

Atheist "Debate" - Jay Dyer Vs TJump

Atheist "Debate" - Jay Dyer Vs TJump

This is not a real debate, and it's definitely not a formal debate. It's a revival of 2018's bloodsports, and this installment did not disappoint. Atheist Tjump attempts to prove his case by the unanimous consent of the "professional philosophers." From there, it's pure comedy gold.

Sep 5, 2020 • 1:25:43

The Entertainment Industry’s Satanic Roots With Sam Tripoli + Jay Dyer h@lex J0nes Show

The Entertainment Industry’s Satanic Roots With Sam Tripoli + Jay Dyer h@lex J0nes Show

LA based comic Sam Tripoli joins me to cover the inside story on the longtime connection between the entertainment industry, intelligence agencies and Satanic cults. We discuss Beyonce, Britney, Disneyweird, as well as mind control and sex slaves.

Sep 4, 2020 • 40:26

The Philosophy of Women, Life & God - Tristan Tate / Jay Dyer

The Philosophy of Women, Life & God - Tristan Tate / Jay Dyer

One half of the infamous Tate brothers joins me to discuss the basics of life: women, life, relationships, and other big questions. Tristan recently expressed interest in Orthodoxy and mutuals requested a discussion. Former Kickboxer Tristan has a unique perspective on life as a fighter and hopefully we can help move him into the realm of Orthodoxy.

Aug 31, 2020 • 1:25:27

Salafi Muslim Sly vs Orthodox Christian Jay Dyer | Discord Debates Ep.1

Salafi Muslim Sly vs Orthodox Christian Jay Dyer | Discord Debates Ep.1

As is the case with discord the sound is not always reliable. We did the best we could but this "debate" was more of a debacle. Enjoy!

Aug 31, 2020 • 37:23

Philosophy, Universals & Divine Conceptualism Feser, Aristotle & Augustine (Half)

Philosophy, Universals & Divine Conceptualism Feser, Aristotle & Augustine (Half)

Today I will be taking Dr. Feser's Five Proofs book and analyzing the pros and cons. I will start with the chapter "Augustinian Proofs" since it comes the closest to the transcendental argument for God, as well as looking at other works about the inadequacy of bare monotheism, St Basil Vs Aristotle's "great architect of the universe god" and thus no natural theology in the Thomistic sense, as well as some rejoinders to these problems from St. Maximos, as well as Q n A and super chats. The full

Aug 29, 2020 • 1:24:19

Overview of Thomistic Metaphysics - Lewis from Discord

Overview of Thomistic Metaphysics - Lewis from Discord

Lewis from Discord covers the basics of Thomistic metaphysics from the works of Dr. Ed Feser. This will be a good prep for my first half talk on divine conceptualism and chapter 3 in Feser's book on 5 proofs loaded after this one.

Aug 29, 2020 • 54:39

Veritas Radio + Jay Dyer - Esoteric Hollywood, UFOs and More

Veritas Radio + Jay Dyer - Esoteric Hollywood, UFOs and More

Mel invited me on the popular Veritas Radio Show to discuss my books, propaganda, the collapse of old Hollywood, the nature of control systems, elites and more!

Aug 29, 2020 • 1:05:24

The Weird and the Good - Best and Worst Films & Philosophies - 60k Party Stream

The Weird and the Good - Best and Worst Films & Philosophies - 60k Party Stream

Today we chill and chat about whatever you guys want, as we reflect on hitting 60k!  Thanks to all the supporters and subs for getting us to this milestone.  We will cover some of the latest films I've viewed but haven't analyzed yet like Gangs of New York, as well as some of my favorite and recommended movies in various genres. Best 80s, best maffia movies, best of all time, etc. We'll also look into obscure films I've recently come to enjoy or have changed my mind on, as well as open Q n A on

Aug 26, 2020 • 1:56:20

Orthodox Christianity Basics - The Nous - Met. Jonah - Part 1

Orthodox Christianity Basics - The Nous - Met. Jonah - Part 1

Catechism class part 1 from Met. Jonah. Met. Jonah covers the basics of repentance and metanoia, the healing of the nous in Orthodox soteriology and our rejection of this world and the devil. This is part 1 of a series steamed to our discord.

Aug 25, 2020 • 22:27

Real History of Espionage & Spy Films - Mark Hackard Classic Interview

Real History of Espionage & Spy Films - Mark Hackard Classic Interview

This gem was one of the early podcasts and is worth re-posting. Writer and translator Mark Hackard of SouloftheEast.org and EspionageHistoryArchive.com joined me for this early episode of Esoteric Hollywood. JaysAnalysis of course, is no longer with Talk Network, but Alternate Current Radio. In this episode we cover World War 2 films, as well as Cold War classics and some of Hollywood’s campy, crappier B films like Red Scorpion. Mark and I delve into his translation work and how many spy films a

Aug 20, 2020 • 1:49:12

Martin Scorcese, The Matrix & Movie Symbols - Jay Dyer on Gypsy Road Podcast

Martin Scorcese, The Matrix & Movie Symbols - Jay Dyer on Gypsy Road Podcast

The sci fi movie buffs and fans of all things weird and at The Gypsy Road Podcast invited me on to discuss pop culture, symbols in film, Martin Scorcese, Masonry, and The Matrix Trilogy.

Aug 19, 2020 • 1:46:21

Atheist Debate: Jay Dyer Vs Detroyer on Logic / God - Politics Discord

Atheist Debate: Jay Dyer Vs Detroyer on Logic / God - Politics Discord

A recent "debate" on one of the largest discord servers. Atheists are now arguing that informal fallacies are valid arguments, so feel free to now use nothing but ad hominems, since informal fallacies are valid arguments. “What is the justification for knowledge, ethics, and metaphysics in your worldview.”Atheist Reply: the single mocule dimension isn’t a contradiction. This hilarious low IQ reply wasn’t a coherent counter example, argument or justification.

Aug 18, 2020 • 1:03:43

The Weird and the Good - Best and Worst Films & Philosophies - 60k Subscribers Party Stream

The Weird and the Good - Best and Worst Films & Philosophies - 60k Subscribers Party Stream

Today we chill and chat about whatever you guys want, as we reflect on hitting 60k! Thanks to all the supporters and subs for getting us to this milestone. We will cover some of the latest films I've viewed but haven't analyzed yet like Gangs of New York, as well as some of my favorite and recommended movies in various genres. Best 80s, best maffia movies, best of all time, etc. We'll also look into obscure films I've recently come to enjoy or have changed my mind on, as well as open Q n A on

Aug 18, 2020 • 1:56:20

Jay Dyer Interview & Warski and Boogie2988 Show Up!

Jay Dyer Interview & Warski and Boogie2988 Show Up!

Ralph invited me to jibber jabber about my book and Kubrick. We touch on many of Kubrick's classics and then Warski shows up! Bloodspurtz?? Then Boogir2988 appears and I wander away.

Aug 18, 2020 • 1:01:48

Mariah Carey Cult Madness: Dark Arts Divas - Swapcast Sam Tripoli, Etc

Mariah Carey Cult Madness: Dark Arts Divas - Swapcast Sam Tripoli, Etc

Sam, Isaac and Chrissie return with XG to discuss with us the new revelations concerning Mariah Carey and her family's claims of abuse. The new case contains allegations of ritual abuse and occultism, which allows us to explore more of the madness from the domain of the mind controlled pop starz. We also delve into Christina Aguilera, Beyonce, Demi Lovato and more. Superchat via Streamlabs: https://streamlabs.com/jaydyer/tipSam & XG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBgldhBkwIxoQp0fxBg8pgAIsa

Aug 16, 2020 • 1:34:16

Most Epic Interview: Jay Dyer + Samuel Hyde - MEGTROLLIN HYDE WARS

Most Epic Interview: Jay Dyer + Samuel Hyde - MEGTROLLIN HYDE WARS

It finally happened. Many disbelieved, and yet here we are. Dr. Hyde joins me to discuss the state of things. We cover Gill Bates, the death of comedy, satire, technocracy, and creativity in the final hour of inf0warz. . Enjoy.

Aug 14, 2020 • 42:46

Medieval Heresy: Cathars, Cults, Papal Power - Jay Dyer (Half)

Medieval Heresy: Cathars, Cults, Papal Power - Jay Dyer (Half)

In this talk I will cover my extensive notes from the magisterial scholarly work on latin medieval movements of of the western medieval cults, Malcolm Lambert's Medieval Heresy. We will look at the sects and secret societies, manifold heterodox and their papal challengers, as well as the ideological motivations. Also covered is the papal "reforms" and the relationship to the Orthodox East. After many years of reflection on this topic from the Orthodox vantage, we will be able to read this wor

Aug 12, 2020 • 2:26:21

Aliester Crowley, Marjorie Cameron, Jack Parsons & More - Isaac + Jay

Aliester Crowley, Marjorie Cameron, Jack Parsons & More - Isaac + Jay

Isaac Weishaupt joins me to cover the dark, bizarre, occult world of Crowley and Cameron and how it ties into Parsons and Hubbard. Isaac did his series on Cameron a year ago and it was a killer dose of info. What is the real story of these weirdos and their fascination and manipulation of the cults they controlled? Thursday night at 6PM CST

Aug 12, 2020 • 1:47:14

Gaslight! Gaslighting, Trauma & Hitchcock's Marnie! Jay + Tristan

Gaslight! Gaslighting, Trauma & Hitchcock's Marnie! Jay + Tristan

Narcissism! Psychopath! GOSSSLYTIN! It’s all the rage! Tristan and I will deconstruct what these terms really mean and how the Youtube dramasphere is misusing these terms, as well as considering the symbolism and meaning in these two films that enlighten us on the topics of psychological warfare, trauma, mind control and more!

Aug 12, 2020 • 1:56:43

Vanilla Sky, Videodrome, Lawnmower Man, ExistenZ & More! Jay + Jamie

Vanilla Sky, Videodrome, Lawnmower Man, ExistenZ & More! Jay + Jamie

Tonight we finally cover VIRTUAL WORLDS! Are you ready for the coming of the NET? Eager to 'Surf the web'? Well, we'll prepare you with some of the wackiest of the 80s and 90s hacker-webbernet-jacked-in-motherboard-worldwide virtual phenomena that will one day be everywhere: the Internet! The net will create a wonderful utopia, so long as we overcome the apotheosis of Simple Jack and the Hail the NEW FLESH! Films we'll cover include: Vanilla Sky, Lawnmower Man, 13th Floor, Johnny Mnemonic,

Aug 6, 2020 • 2:01:16

Gnostics, Charismatics & Early Christian Heresies & Fathers - Jay Dyer (Half)

Gnostics, Charismatics & Early Christian Heresies & Fathers - Jay Dyer (Half)

In this lecture, I cover the many notes from the classic scholarly work from Jaroslav Pelikan, Emergence of the Catholic Tradition, vol. 1. Pelikan's history of the development of ideas is a standard work for historical theology and provides an excellent introduction to the first 6 centuries of the Christian Church, the major heresies, the Creed and Trinity, Nicaea and more! The second half is for paid subscribers to JaysAnalysis.

Aug 3, 2020 • 1:51:29

The Fixers - Elements of Truth Amid the PsyOp(alypse) Benny Wills / Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

The Fixers - Elements of Truth Amid the PsyOp(alypse) Benny Wills / Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROM - The uninterruptible real life radiologue of HESHER and SPORE along with their merry (and no-so-merry) gang of social rejects and media maniacs. On this July 30th, 2020, edition of the show Hesher and Spore are joined by Benny Wills of bennywills.com, Ruckus of The Daily Ruckus Podcast, Jay Dyer of jaysanalysis.com, Jamie Hanshaw and Kimi from Switzerland. On the discussion docket: A "mostly peaceful protestor" who made IED and threw it during a Port

Aug 3, 2020 • 1:47:38

The Great Reset Prepares Us For Transhumanism - Jay Dyer on lnf0warz

The Great Reset Prepares Us For Transhumanism - Jay Dyer on lnf0warz

I return to host the last hour of the h@lex J0nes Show, covering Davos head Klaus Schwab's admission the whole system of IoT, chlps and more are all real.  In fact, Schwab's book is two years prior to the Cooof, and preps us for geeoengineering, the circular economy and more.  Klaus lays out the whole gameplan and I demonstrate this also aligns with the 2007 MOD paper predicting mobs and Marxism, as well as Julian's Philosophy of Unesco from 1946.

Aug 1, 2020 • 33:17

Monarchia of the Father & The Early Church - Al Fadi - An Interview with Jay Dyer

Monarchia of the Father & The Early Church - Al Fadi - An Interview with Jay Dyer

Join Al Fadi & Jay Dyer on a Let Us Reason Livestream PRIMETopic: The Early Church Views on Various DoctrinesJoin Al Fadi and brother Jay Dyer (The Jays Analysis) as they discuss the views taken by the early church on certain essential biblical doctrines such as the Trinity and the Monarchy of the Father.

Jul 31, 2020 • 59:01

As The World Goes Cult Crazy... The Boiler Room Makes Popcorn

As The World Goes Cult Crazy... The Boiler Room Makes Popcorn

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Uninterruptible Talk Radio hosted by HESHER AND SPORE.On this July the 23rd edition of BOILER ROOM Spore and I were joined by Jay Dyer, Jamie Hanshaw and Daniel Spaulding to discuss mask-life! Spore kicks us off discussing the extreme freakouts happening in the US and the UK over various "last straws" be they Covid related or otherwise. All this and more on this episode of BOILER ROOM.

Jul 28, 2020 • 1:31:43

Men, Women & Relationships - Part 2! - Jay Dyer Jamie Hanshaw (Half)

Men, Women & Relationships - Part 2! - Jay Dyer Jamie Hanshaw (Half)

This is the first half of a full show for subscribers to my site. Jamie returns to discuss with me the next installment of men and women issues – are relationships salvageable in modernity? Can we really have a fruitful relationship without God? In this latest installment we pick back up with new Orthodox materials and talks Jamie has been studying lately.

Jul 27, 2020 • 36:19

Icons, Idols & Iconoclasm - Jay Dyer /  Snek

Icons, Idols & Iconoclasm - Jay Dyer / Snek

#icon #iconography Snek joins me to discuss the nature of iconoclasm and its gnostic roots. Man, made in the image and likeness of God, is a little icon of the Triad, say St. Maximos and St. Gregory Palamas. Iconography is thus a natural outworking of the incarnational principle. The sanctification of matter is part and parcel of the Word becoming flesh.

Jul 25, 2020 • 1:41:29

Mysteries of Isaiah Explained - Part 1 - Jay Dyer (Half)

Mysteries of Isaiah Explained - Part 1 - Jay Dyer (Half)

The book of Isaiah is often called the 5th Gospel, and for good reason: Isaiah reveals more about the coming Messiah than any of the other major prophets, including details on His arrival, signs of His appearance, His birth, deity, death, the general resurrection, the conversion of the gentile nations to worship the true God, and much more! The second half is available for paid subscribers to JaysAnalysis.com.

Jul 24, 2020 • 1:30:37

Chrissy Teigan, Epstein & Conspiracy World Meets Comedy World - Chrissie Mayr

Chrissy Teigan, Epstein & Conspiracy World Meets Comedy World - Chrissie Mayr

Jamie joins me to chat with Comic Chrissie Mayr to discuss the intersection of two worlds - the world of comedy and "conspiracy." Chrissie has recently interviewed some "CTs" as well as hopping on Sam Tripoli's Tinfoil Hat with me and Isaac. Chrissie and I will discuss the nature of comedy, how it is that the darkest elements of the world blend well with satire, the fiasco with Chrissy Teigan, how this relates to large scale operations like Jeffstein Effrey, as well as me trolling her.

Jul 22, 2020 • 1:06:31

Worldview Warfare, Music, Spirit & the Philosophy of PsyOp - Jay Dyer / Donald Davis

Worldview Warfare, Music, Spirit & the Philosophy of PsyOp - Jay Dyer / Donald Davis

Having read Klaus Schwab's new book Fourth Industrial Revolution, I will bring you the new installment of the elite books series. We will look at what Klaus says Davos has planned, the continuity across spheres, the layers, the use of crises, the new economy, and other so called fantastical ideas of the Great Work that are glibly discussed at the elite level (that you cannot!).

Jul 20, 2020 • 1:03:16

Great Reset - Fourth Industrial Revolution - Davos - Jay Dyer (Half)

Great Reset - Fourth Industrial Revolution - Davos - Jay Dyer (Half)

Having read Klaus Schwab's new book Fourth Industrial Revolution, I will bring you the new installment of the elite books series. We will look at what Klaus says Davos has planned, the continuity across spheres, the layers, the use of crises, the new economy, and other so called fantastical ideas of the Great Work that are glibly discussed at the elite level (that you cannot!).

Jul 20, 2020 • 1:26:31

Glitch in the Matrix! The Multiverse? wut?? - Jimbob - Jay Dyer

Glitch in the Matrix! The Multiverse? wut?? - Jimbob - Jay Dyer

Made by JimB0b joins me to discuss big philosophy questions in relation to debate, logic, life, meaning and the arts. We will be covering atheistic materialism and its assumptions, Neoplatonism and its insights, how math relates to metaphysics and the so-called 'multiverse,' the question of the one and the many - what it is and how it relates to ontology and more!

Jul 18, 2020 • 2:11:13

Spiritual Warfare - Jay Dyer on Robyn Riley Rebel Podcast

Spiritual Warfare - Jay Dyer on Robyn Riley Rebel Podcast

Popular YouTuber Robyn Riley invited me on her channel to discuss Orthodoxy, how it contrasts with Roman Catholicism, philosophy, the weirdness of Hollywood, and more!

Jul 18, 2020 • 53:48

#FreeBritney! Sam Tripoli, Chrissie Mayr, Isaac Weishaupt & Jay Dyer Swapcast

#FreeBritney! Sam Tripoli, Chrissie Mayr, Isaac Weishaupt & Jay Dyer Swapcast

What is up with Britney Spears?? Mk Ultra? Mind control? Is she being handled? Mass media is speculating along with her fans, so Sam Tripoli gathered some comedians to solve the issue. Compound Media host Chrissie Mayr joins me and Sam and Isaac to cover the Disney background and mouse club weirdness.

Jul 15, 2020 • 1:21:13

The Top 10 or 3 Ways the World Ends with Jay Dyer ROASTED

The Top 10 or 3 Ways the World Ends with Jay Dyer ROASTED

Tonight we chill and examine the news and speculate on happy topics like the end of the world.  What are the likely ways the end comes?  Will there be blood moons?  Blood moon pies?  Will there be th0ts?  Will there be Shoneys Big Boys?  Will I still use my bodily functions?  Will we still be have our Bitcoin? We'll also cover some forgotten films and I'll read the best roasts of me from twitter and elsewhere.

Jul 14, 2020 • 1:49:21

Atheism And Luciferianism Dismantled - Jay Dyer on Inf0Warz

Atheism And Luciferianism Dismantled - Jay Dyer on Inf0Warz

Hosting the 4th hour of the hAlex J0nez Show again, I cover Fr. Seraphim Rose's famous book Nihilism, which captures the spirit of our age.  Nihilism is an outworking of atheism, and the further stages of the social rejection of God and even reason itself.  When God is rejected, "reason" becomes the next deity, but that false god soon falls as well.   In this improv lecture I outline real philosophy and objectivity over against relativism and materialism.

Jul 12, 2020 • 42:25

Hollywood, Technocrats & Demons, Oh My! - Jay Dyer on Benny Wills' Podcast

Hollywood, Technocrats & Demons, Oh My! - Jay Dyer on Benny Wills' Podcast

Benny invited me on his podcast to discuss the arts, comedy, masks and the fetish, psychological warfare, inf0warz, Hollywood films and their symbols, the meaning of "spiritual warfare" and where we are in terms of the big plan and globalization.

Jul 12, 2020 • 1:18:05

Sola Scriptura Refuted - Jay Dyer

Sola Scriptura Refuted - Jay Dyer

Sam Shamoun invited me on to discuss why I dont accept sola scriptura. Enjoy!

Jul 9, 2020 • 1:40:45

Eyes Wide Shut | Jay Dyer On Esoteric Hollywood | Chris Thrall's Bought The T-Shirt Podcast

Eyes Wide Shut | Jay Dyer On Esoteric Hollywood | Chris Thrall's Bought The T-Shirt Podcast

Thrall just interviewed Robbie Williams, Navy Seals and now, ya boi! Enjoy!"I'm Chris Thrall, a former Royal Marines Commando who ended up in psychosis from crystal meth addiction while working for the Hong Kong triads. Now an author, adventurer, extreme endurance athlete, life coach and inspirational speaker, I have backpacked across eighty countries on all seven continents. I'm a pilot, skydiver, advanced scuba diver and Antarctic explorer, who recently ran #999miles (1,600 km) nonstop and co

Jul 5, 2020 • 1:18:50

Psychedelics, Altered States, Renegade & Clockwork Elves Jay / Tristan

Psychedelics, Altered States, Renegade & Clockwork Elves Jay / Tristan

Tristan joins me to discuss two weird films, Altered States (about John C. Lilly) and Renegade about I dont know what. We will explore the psychonauts, their backers, the purpose of the films, the absurdities, shamanism, bad trips, and more!

Jul 5, 2020 • 1:43:52

Unitarianism, Trinity & Monarchy of the Father - A Discussion

Unitarianism, Trinity & Monarchy of the Father - A Discussion

Dr. Beau Branson joins me for a round table discussion with Carlos Xavier of the Human Jesus to discuss the controversial aspects of the history of patristic and biblical debates about dogmatics. We will cover OT and NT texts, the patristic era and the philosophical and metaphysical questions of who Jesus was and what the evidence supports in terms of dogmatic claims. Tonight at 7PM CST

Jul 4, 2020 • 1:36:32

Jay Dyer Reveals The Globalist Master Plan

Jay Dyer Reveals The Globalist Master Plan

Hosting the final hour of the hAlex J0nes Show, I cover the elite's masterplan in under one hour.  I hit as many highlights as I could, touching on the writings of Salk, Wells, Huxley, Quigley, Attali, Rockefeller and more!  This was a huge show and included some of my weirdest improv yet!  Must see!

Jul 1, 2020 • 46:49

The Madness Of The Holy Mountain DECODED With Jay Dyer & Jason Bermas

The Madness Of The Holy Mountain DECODED With Jay Dyer & Jason Bermas

Jason Bermas is a director and producer of some of the most downloaded and viewed films in the history of the internet, including Loose Change.  Jason and I discuss our analyses of Holy Mountain and how the film demonstrates a dark initiatory process that leads to an atheistic, Luciferian conclusion.  It was a great chat!

Jun 29, 2020 • 36:13

Dystopia NOW! The Worst Best Post Apocalypse Films (Half)

Dystopia NOW! The Worst Best Post Apocalypse Films (Half)

I'll be covering some obscure and forgotten B movies that told us about the coming mad max scenario.  Instead of the obvious ones like Road Warrior, I'll be covering the worstbest.  We will look at The Taking of Beverly Hills, Warrior of the Lost World (MST3K version), Freejack, Battletruck, Steel Dawn, Fortress and Class of 1984. Jamie joins me.

Jun 28, 2020 • 1:05:38

School World Order: The Technocratic Globalization of Corporatized Education

School World Order: The Technocratic Globalization of Corporatized Education

"For more than twenty years, Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt has been warning the American people of the New World Order stratagem to overthrow democratically elected school boards with public-private partnerships between the federal government and globalist corporations. In this volume, John Klyczek expounds on Iserbyt's theories by tracing her work to the present moment as a last ditch effort to stop the corporatization of education. Klyczek explores how the infamous Yale Secret Society, Skull and B

Jun 28, 2020 • 58:41

Hollywood Death Cult Brings Back Human Sacrifice - Jay Dyer on Inf0warz

Hollywood Death Cult Brings Back Human Sacrifice - Jay Dyer on Inf0warz

Jay joins The @lex J0nes Show to break down the mainstreaming of human sacrifice by globalist elites with contempt for humanity. We cover the technocracy roots, the spiritual background to our battle, the LSD/Luciferian channeling of Leary and Lilly, the one world religion, color revolutions and more! Must see!

Jun 23, 2020 • 33:30

The Holy Mountain Explained - A Jodorowsky Esoteric Analysis (Half)

The Holy Mountain Explained - A Jodorowsky Esoteric Analysis (Half)

It's been recommended for many years and I finally forced myself to watch it. It's definitely not for everyone, but this film is definitely one of the most "esoteric" and "occult" films of all time. We will analyze the film's stages and symbolism, as well as the meaning of its strange ending. This "holy mountain" contrasts well with real holy mountains, as we will see. Jamie Hanshaw joined me, but her connection was too weak to continue. She will be with me on part 2. The full analysis wil

Jun 21, 2020 • 1:07:48

THE ARTEFACT PODCAST - Jay Dyer on Society Without God and Media Manipulation

THE ARTEFACT PODCAST - Jay Dyer on Society Without God and Media Manipulation

Tonight my guest is Jay Dyer. He is known for being the mastermind of the premier film and philosophy site on the net, Jaysanalysis.com. Above all, Jay’s graduate work focused on the interplay of film, geopolitics, espionage. Jay is a public speaker, lecturer, comedian and author of the popular title Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film. His first book made it to Amazon’s No. 1 spot in its first month of release in the Film and Hollywood Category. In addition, Esoteric Hollywood

Jun 21, 2020 • 1:45:24

Balkanization  - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Balkanization - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - The real life radiologue of hosts HESHER & SPORE along with their merry and not-so-merry band of rebels, thought criminals and otherwise respectable media animals. The gang heeds the call to the Social Rejects Club round table for a meeting of the minds once again. On this episode HESHER & SPORE are joined by Jay Dyer of jaysanalysis.com and Rucks to discuss the latest in the global sh*t show that is our current events as we see mass civil unrest g

Jun 20, 2020 • 1:53:07



Buy here: https://otklon.bandcamp.com/album/dyerwave-iii

Jun 18, 2020 • 24:15

Philosophy, Art & The Elite - Jay Dyer on The Ripple Effect

Philosophy, Art & The Elite - Jay Dyer on The Ripple Effect

The Ripple Effect Podcast has historians on like Dan Carlin, musicians like Rou from Enter Shikari, scientists like Cara Santa Maria, alternative researcher like James Corbett, stand-up comedians like The Amazing Jonathan, health & medicine experts like Dr. Burzynski, filmmakers like Adam Scorgie, authors like Daniele Bolelli and many more guests in hopes to bring our listeners interesting people, and interesting conversations, with the goal of "Provoking Thought & Starting A Ripple." Jay and TR

Jun 15, 2020 • 1:48:20

Great Reset Happytalism & Dolphin Love (Half) - Jay Dyer

Great Reset Happytalism & Dolphin Love (Half) - Jay Dyer

Today we cover a couple works I was able to get ahold of, namely John C. Lilly's revealing autobiography and a futurist book with essays discussing UBI, technocracy, the new era of spirituality and more. The past two weeks have shown us the world is fast moving into this new era.

Jun 15, 2020 • 2:04:56



A round table discussion group joins me to review the debate and cover the areas I wasn’t able to respond to in the cross-examinations. We will also let Dr. Beau Branson give us an overview of his lectures on the monarchia of the Father and how this relates to responding to Muslims in apologetics. Most Protestants and Roman Catholics err here, so the analysis will be relevant. Fr Dcn Dr Ananias, Sam Shamoun, Lewis, Snek, Qai, and David the Real Medwhite will also join us

Jun 12, 2020 • 2:22:26

Union of the Unwanted - Ben Swann, Sam Tripoli, Luke R., Bermas, Corbett, Carlwood, Jay Dyer & More

Union of the Unwanted - Ben Swann, Sam Tripoli, Luke R., Bermas, Corbett, Carlwood, Jay Dyer & More

Sam Tripoli, Midnight Mike and Charlie Robinson help me put together a dream team from the Alternative Media community to discuss censorship, solutions to it and how we fight it. Guests include James Corbett, Ben Swann, Greg Carlwood, Jay Dyer, Luke Rudkowski, Jason Bermas, Tommy G, and many more.

Jun 12, 2020 • 2:36:58

Metaphysics & Hollywood - Jay Dyer on Pogovor

Metaphysics & Hollywood - Jay Dyer on Pogovor

Conversation, interview with Jay Dyer, a prolific author, philosopher, social critic, critic of Hollywood as a tool to promote narratives, orthodox Christian ... About transcendental arguments for the existence of God, for ethics, about debates with Stefan Molyneux, Matt Dillahunty, about debates with Muslim scholars, about the struggle for narrative, about Kantbot, dialectical materialism, and much more. Enjoy!

Jun 12, 2020 • 59:11

The Great Reset: The Hidden Globalist Agenda with Jay Dyer / IlluminatiWatcher

The Great Reset: The Hidden Globalist Agenda with Jay Dyer / IlluminatiWatcher

Today we are joined by Jay Dyer! We hear his take on the Globalist agenda unveiling itself in 2020- from C0VID19 to the pr0tests to the Medical Health Tyranny! We go hard in the paint on the Richard Day tapes, Kessler, the "New Normal", the World Economic Forum's "Great Reset", cults, CIA psyops, Project Blue Beam, the Illuminati Card Game, Davos, Revolutions, and much more! You won't want to miss this one- great knowledge drop!!!

Jun 11, 2020 • 59:15

Mystical Theology of the Orthodox Church - Jay Dyer - COTEL (Half)

Mystical Theology of the Orthodox Church - Jay Dyer - COTEL (Half)

COTEL joins me to cover Lossky's classic book introducing Orthodox theology. We cover the first half of the book highlighting the contrast with western trends and note how Lossky in accord with Fr Staniloae, Meyendorff, Fr Florovksy and Larchet, being faithful to St. Gregory Palamas and the Pillars of Orthodoxy. We cover the logoi and the imossibility of melding Palamas with Aquinas.

Jun 8, 2020 • 2:21:25

Karen Meme Wars, Stephen King & Air America  - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Karen Meme Wars, Stephen King & Air America - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Randy J & Daniel Spaulding - Hollywood, movies, TV, current events, police state and more with the ACR Brain Trust of Social Rejects.

Jun 8, 2020 • 2:12:40

Dr Shabir Ally Vs. Jay Dyer Debate: Is Jesus God Incarnate Answers in Scripture, History &Logic

Dr Shabir Ally Vs. Jay Dyer Debate: Is Jesus God Incarnate Answers in Scripture, History &Logic

Dr .Shabir Ally joins me to discuss the Person of Christ. What are the Orthodox Christian arguments in these three fields? What are the Islamic arguments? Dr. Shabir joins me for a formal debate on this topic moderated by Kyosan from the Politics Discord.

Jun 8, 2020 • 2:24:06

The Great Debate (Flashback):  Jay Dyer vs. JF on Theism

The Great Debate (Flashback): Jay Dyer vs. JF on Theism

The well-known debate over Theism between JF and myself from last year. We cover atheism, nihilism, logic and whether the positions are coherent.

May 28, 2020 • 3:13:26

Cooofid Update - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Cooofid Update - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - The real life radiologue of hosts HESHER & SPORE along with their merry and not-so-merry band of rebels, thought criminals and otherwise respectable media animals. The gang heeds the call to the Social Rejects Club round table for a meeting of the minds once again. On this episode HESH and SPORE are joined by Jay Dyer and others!

May 28, 2020 • 2:45:17

Occult History & Pop Culture - Jay Dyer on Charles Moscowitz

Occult History & Pop Culture - Jay Dyer on Charles Moscowitz

"Veteran award-winning radio host and author Charles Moscowitz is joined by Jay Dyer, host of Jay's Analysis, in a talk about the history and influence of the modern occult and its intersection with the intelligence apparatus." We cover figures like Kenneth Anger, Crowley, Tim Leary and others, who had a tremendous impact on the devolution of the arts.

May 27, 2020 • 47:17

New Testament Studies: Bible Versions & The Byzantine Text - Jay Dyer/ Dr Snapp

New Testament Studies: Bible Versions & The Byzantine Text - Jay Dyer/ Dr Snapp

Dr. James Snapp is a New Testament textual scholar who joins me to discuss the basics of textual traditions, lineages, manuscript evidence, and other controversial topics like the ending of Mark, John 8 and more. We cover the importance of the lectionaries and how copyist errors can lead to later confusion. Some of this discussion is a bit technical, but the basics are crucial.

May 26, 2020 • 1:18:47

Roman Catholic Papacy Subverted....By the Franks! Jay Dyer / Snek

Roman Catholic Papacy Subverted....By the Franks! Jay Dyer / Snek

Snek joins me to cover the issue of the Frankish subversion of the papacy - contrary to the erroneous opinion of many trads, the papacy was subverted by the carolingians and hence their rejection of the 7th ecumenical council and addition of the Filioque. This marks, according to Siecienski, a divorce from Byantium and the Orthodox Imperium. Thus we see not only Siecienski but other key witnesses vindicating the Frankish Thesis, showing St. Photios was correct all along: Snek and I discuss Jes

May 26, 2020 • 1:32:00

Relationship Issues! Men VS Women! Jamie Hanshaw & Jay Dyer (Half)

Relationship Issues! Men VS Women! Jamie Hanshaw & Jay Dyer (Half)

What are relationships? Do they exist? Are they all doomed? What is a man? Do they exist? How do we find a roadmap for dealing with males and females and the two planets they come from (Mars and Uranus). Jamie joins me to discuss a couple books she recently perused. The second half will be for JaysAnalysis subscribers in the next couple days.

May 24, 2020 • 1:12:28

Eyes Wide Shut And Esoteric Hollywood: Jay Dyer | Shaun Attwood!

Eyes Wide Shut And Esoteric Hollywood: Jay Dyer | Shaun Attwood!

Huge interview on one of YouTube’s largest true crime channels! Thanks to Shaun Attwood for having. me on!“Shaun Attwood, who survived the jail with the highest rate of death in America, as told on TV by Locked-Up Abroad “Raving Arizona.” Shaun’s popular True Crime podcast premiers every Monday night at 6 PM (UK time). Lasting about two hours, Shaun interviews ex-cons, ex-cops and journalists at the forefront of famous true crime stories. Some of the videos on this channel show the stark realit

May 23, 2020 • 1:07:06

Filioque History of a Doctrinal Controversy - Fr Dcn Dr Ananias Dyer Lewis

Filioque History of a Doctrinal Controversy - Fr Dcn Dr Ananias Dyer Lewis

#filioque #orthodox Fr Dcn Dr Ananias and Lewis join me to discuss the seminal scholarly survey of the Filioque and its history from Siecienski. We will look at the relevant patristic sources, the medieval debate as well as Lyons and Florence, into the modern period.

May 18, 2020 • 2:04:40



Matt Chats invited me on to cover the media sphere. We cover We talked conspiracy theories, right vs left, and symbolism in Hollywood. Enjoy! Follow Matt on Instagram for exclusive content.

May 16, 2020 • 53:08

Messianic Prophecies? Sam Shamoun + Jay Dyer

Messianic Prophecies? Sam Shamoun + Jay Dyer

Sam returns to cover the best typological and prophetic arguments for Christ in the OT. WE cover the known and less known areas of Genesis, some surprising areas of Exodus, the Psalms, the amazing areas of Isaiah, the minor prophets and much more!

May 15, 2020 • 2:19:05

Top 5 80s Teen Movies! Jay Dyer - Jamie Hanshaw

Top 5 80s Teen Movies! Jay Dyer - Jamie Hanshaw

Tonight we cover the top 5 (or 6) teen coming of age dramas and comedies of the 1980s. We will cover Say Anything, Breakfast Club, Risky Business, Cant Buy Me Love, Ferris Bueller and Adventures in Babysitting! The choices weren't easy, but we narrowed it down to the best, in our view.

May 15, 2020 • 2:01:36

The Beast System & The Resurrection

The Beast System & The Resurrection

Tonight we look at the signs of the times and attempt to discern the spiritual battle behind what we are seeing occur. We will also look at more elements of the subversion of churches to various states, the usage of these entities for power blocs, as well as the victory we celebrate today through the Resurrection.

May 7, 2020 • 1:42:14

Orthodox Theology: Cyril of Jerusalem's Catechetical Lectures (Half)

Orthodox Theology: Cyril of Jerusalem's Catechetical Lectures (Half)

Discussion of the first half of St. Cyril of Jerusalem's Catechetical Lectures. The second half will be for subscribers to JaysAnalysis. We cover the apologetic purpose of the work, the warnings of the catechesis and other works like St. Maximos and the logoi. The Power Cut Out at the end but parts 2 and 3 will be for subscribers to JaysAnalysis.com

May 7, 2020 • 1:01:17

Debating Divine Conceptualism & Perspective Philosophy! Jay Dyer& Fr Dcn Dr Ananias

Debating Divine Conceptualism & Perspective Philosophy! Jay Dyer& Fr Dcn Dr Ananias

Discord's home for politics. The official politics discord for debate, history, philosophy, polls, & live events. One of the most active politics discord communities! The large politics discord hosted another AMA with myself and Fr Dcn. which led to a couple debates.

May 5, 2020 • 2:24:56

The Americans - Cold War Secrets Revealed - Jay Dyer / Mark Hackard

The Americans - Cold War Secrets Revealed - Jay Dyer / Mark Hackard

Mark returns to discuss the Illegals program and Directorate S now that I completed the FX series. The 6 season show chronicles and illegals family in the US and its (exaggerated) operations towards the end of the Cold War as perestroika approaches. We will discuss the fiction and fact, fantasy and reality, noting how the show strove, for the most part, to attain realism.His site is here: https://espionagehistoryarchive.com

May 3, 2020 • 1:17:14

Lucifer & His Boys - Jay Dyer / Michael Witcoff

Lucifer & His Boys - Jay Dyer / Michael Witcoff

Michael Witcoff spoke with me last year about his book On the Masons and Their Lies, and last week we discussed the nature of transcendental arguments and presuppositionalism in relation to Orthodox theology and St. Maximos the Confessor's doctrine of Logos/logoi. Tonight Michael rejoins me to discuss Lucifer, spiritual warfare, cults and secret societies, demonology and more!

May 1, 2020 • 1:51:31

Atheism, Gnosticism & Buff Dudes - AMA with Jay Dyer & Fr Dcn Dr Ananias

Atheism, Gnosticism & Buff Dudes - AMA with Jay Dyer & Fr Dcn Dr Ananias

Another fun AMA talk. This one got pretty wild at one point.

Apr 29, 2020 • 3:31:36

Jay Dyer / Fr Dcn Dr Ananias -  AMA hosted by l0de in Politics Server

Jay Dyer / Fr Dcn Dr Ananias - AMA hosted by l0de in Politics Server

A different type of chat / AMA with a gnostic-minded host and his politics server. Fr Dcn Dr Ananias and I reply to a host of questions on religion, philosophy, mk ultra and more.

Apr 29, 2020 • 2:28:19



Roosh has invited me on to discuss theology, politics and his newfound faith in Christ. We will be looking at pop culture, CV and the panicdemic, the larger geopolitical picture in terms of technocracy, and most importantly, the spiritual implications of where we are today.

Apr 27, 2020 • 2:51:24

Con Air + Vampire's Kiss - 50k Nerd Party with Special Guests

Con Air + Vampire's Kiss - 50k Nerd Party with Special Guests

JimBob, Benny Wills, Hesher and Spore, Dana, and Fr Dcn Ananias all join in our 50k party. We made it (almost). In this party stream we will reflect on the good and bad of 12 or 13 years of media analysis and creation, how things have evolved, stories of famous and infamous peeps we've met, the highs and lows, how we got to 50k in a few years, as well as analyzing two fun CAGE RAGE classics, Con Air and Vampire's Kiss, as well as promotion of our buds who show up.

Apr 21, 2020 • 1:32:52

Illuminati Card Game Predictions! Pre-50k 50k Nerd Party Stream

Illuminati Card Game Predictions! Pre-50k 50k Nerd Party Stream

We're halfway to E celeb god status. When you're internet power and fame reach a certain point based on whatever deal you made with Marina Abronkavitch, you get mailed your copy of the Illuminati Card Game Set. I have an old one here with me, which lacks some of the full set and some of the later cards, but regardless, we can make do. Join us as we divine the future from this predictive and odd game we have no idea how to play.

Apr 21, 2020 • 1:21:00



Our frend Michael Witcoff speaks to me and Fr. Dcn Dr Ananias on his podcast concerning our new project on Orthodox apologetics and argumentation and how to integrate transcendental arguments in a coherent way. We cover apologetic methodology, the chapters we have complete so far, the projected audiences, how we look at Thomistic philosophy and theology and its (inadequate) apologetic, and why the transcendental argument for God is much more biblical, patristic and philosophically sound.

Apr 20, 2020 • 1:28:50

Veganism & Transhumanism Jay Dyer + Tristan Snake Oil sales pitch

Veganism & Transhumanism Jay Dyer + Tristan Snake Oil sales pitch

Jay and Tristan return to the subject of the giant con - can we convince the proles they will be downloaded into a Zip drive?  That Gill Bates will help them live forever in a CGI dragon love world?  We cover the documents that show the connection between tranzhumanism and the mass alteration of diet.

Apr 11, 2020 • 1:35:53

Bad Trip Report What I Saw

Bad Trip Report What I Saw

This is about when I was an idiot teenager, not recently. It's been years since I told this story and it's always requested. The bad experience was one of the catalysts for my spiritual quest. The ancient shamanic vision was concerned with tapping into the psychosphere and attaining occult powers thereby: instead, the more common experience may often be a deception that plays on human vanity and pride. When we open ourselves up to these realms, entities can step in.

Apr 11, 2020 • 16:18

BEST BAD MOVIES! Scanners, Society, Ghoulies, Phantasm & MORE!

BEST BAD MOVIES! Scanners, Society, Ghoulies, Phantasm & MORE!

#scanners #ghoulies #phantasm Time for another fun chill stream. Jamie and I revisit one or two of our old podcast episodes that should now be video! We chose a few of our favorite B movies to revisit, most of which have some relevant messages worth analyzing, along with a few new ones. We will analyze and re-analyze Scanners, Ghoulies, Parents, Phantasm, Society, Nightbreed, and The Stuff. The esoteric meets the absurd, as well as quite a few surprises that emerged along the way.

Apr 11, 2020 • 1:40:15

CV - Were We Told?

CV - Were We Told?

Today I will rehearse the origins of this situation in both fiction and news, and we will stick to the mainstream news reports and analyses. I want to give my analysis of the situation, which is that ultimately this isn't about in carunkavirus, but much, much more.

Apr 11, 2020 • 2:19:42

The Truth About CV-I9

The Truth About CV-I9

Everything here is contained in mainstream media reports. Today I give a summarized analysis of yesterday's stream with a few minor updates. Since YT attention spans are actually 20 mins or less, I thought a boil down would be appropriate. I cover the techno roll out, UBI, red flags and b.o. issues, the white papers and the centralization in COG. The full analysis is here: https://youtu.be/arDByvW9IfU

Apr 11, 2020 • 18:42

CV, Gill Bates & Technocracy Heroes - Jay Dyer + Primal Edge Health (Half)

CV, Gill Bates & Technocracy Heroes - Jay Dyer + Primal Edge Health (Half)

Tristan joins me to cover the latest madness as it pertains to the real story of CVI9 and the spread of carunka.  We will look at the ways in which psychological ops work, how global elites have 'warned' of coming panicdemics, how Jeffstein Effrey fits into this, as well as much more!  We will also cover the health and diet angle - hour 2 will be for paid subs.

Apr 3, 2020 • 58:11

Quarantine: Day Eighteen - Technocratic Scientism  (Hesh, Spore, Jay, Tris, Dan)

Quarantine: Day Eighteen - Technocratic Scientism (Hesh, Spore, Jay, Tris, Dan)

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - This is the 16th day of the Great Boiler Room Quarantine Series - The Real Radiologue of Hesher, Spore and their gang of merry and not-so-merry men and women experiencing this massive paradigm smashing event that sees the entire planet locked in the grips of fear over a virus. Is this fear justified? Is the response by world banks and leaders the appropriate response? What do we give up in accepting the solutions provided by governments, authoritie

Apr 3, 2020 • 1:49:36

Jay Dyer on the CV-19 Panic and Technocracy

Jay Dyer on the CV-19 Panic and Technocracy

Jay Dyer returns to OIT to discuss the COVID-19 "panicdemic" and how the crisis is being exploited to further technocratic control of society. Jay is a researcher and proprietor of Jay's Analysis. He is also the author of Esoteric Hollywood and Esoteric Hollywood 2.

Apr 2, 2020 • 1:29:37

Orthodox Doctrine & Spirituality - Metropolitan Jonah Interview - Jay Dyer Fr Dcn Dr Ananias

Orthodox Doctrine & Spirituality - Metropolitan Jonah Interview - Jay Dyer Fr Dcn Dr Ananias

Fr. Dcn Dr Ananias and I discuss theology and spirituality with Met. Jonah of ROCOR. In this interview, we cover the issues of being a Bishop in day to day life, Met. Jonah’s own conversion from Protestantism, his time and experience in seminary, as well as the spiritual differences we find among modern Protestants and Roman Catholics. From there, we move on to discussing the need for repentance and not compromising the Gospel, as well as how to attain the mind of the fathers by imbibing Script

Apr 2, 2020 • 1:46:33

Psychological Warfare, C. Theories & Worldviews - Jay Dyer on Cylinder Podcast with Will Reusch

Psychological Warfare, C. Theories & Worldviews - Jay Dyer on Cylinder Podcast with Will Reusch

Jay Dyer is someone deeply familiar with occurrences "behind the scenes of the mainstream" awareness and supports his ideas with a wealth of knowledge about philosophy and American culture. Will and Jay use this hour to discuss some of the most popular theories as well as what acts as fuel for the spread of such ideas.

Mar 27, 2020 • 56:27

How Much Are We Influenced by the Government? Jay Dyer on Slightly Sophisticated

How Much Are We Influenced by the Government? Jay Dyer on Slightly Sophisticated

On this episode I am joined by Jay Dyer, he is an author, TV Host, and Comedian. We discussed … His podcast: https://slightlysophisticatedpodcast.com -How the media dictates culture-Conspiracies in movies-Carnivore DIet-Corona Virus-Technocrats -And more

Mar 27, 2020 • 1:01:28

Things Are Getting Really WEIRD!!!!

Things Are Getting Really WEIRD!!!!

A review of the wild and crazy recently, including all the (mainly) bad p@ndemic movies, from The Stand to Andromeda Strain to Crazies to 12 Monkeys and more weird news, etc.  Chill and chat Kwarantine SESH!  Not serious, no panic, no touch monky!

Mar 22, 2020 • 2:15:58

Death of Reason: Natural Theology in Rome & Orthodoxy - Fr Dcn Dr Aanias / Jay Dyer

Death of Reason: Natural Theology in Rome & Orthodoxy - Fr Dcn Dr Aanias / Jay Dyer

Today we will cover the comparison of natural theology in the fathers, how this is not identical to Aquinas, what the analogia entis is and how it compares to the Protestant analogia fidei.  We will cover Fr Dcn's paper and some of my paper, which will be sections in our forthcoming book.

Mar 22, 2020 • 2:32:50

Premier Orthodox Philosopher Dr. Bradshaw Interview: Orthodoxy & Aristotle

Premier Orthodox Philosopher Dr. Bradshaw Interview: Orthodoxy & Aristotle

The eminent Orthodox scholar and professor Dr. David Bradshaw, author of the well-known book Aristotle: East and West joins me and Lewis and Fr. Dcn Dr. Ananias to discuss all the hot topics – Aristotle and his different use in East and West, the Orthodox fathers and philosophy, the essence – energy distinction in Aristotle and beyond, the Logos and the Logoi, the western conception of simplicity in Aquinas and Roman Dogma, natural theology, and the critics.

Mar 21, 2020 • 2:26:15

Cabin Fever Lockdown Day 45,989 With Primal Edge + Boiler Room

Cabin Fever Lockdown Day 45,989 With Primal Edge + Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - The Great Boiler Room Quarantine Reality Radio Show continues on this Thursday night with Hesh, Spore, Jay, Tristan and Randy J. California is going on lock down, an absurd number of COVID-19 cases are being predicted by the politicians and National Guard troops are deployed. Will things return to normal... stick with us, we'll see, soon enough.

Mar 21, 2020 • 1:49:00

Quarantine From Bathtub! Carunkavirus Analysis - Truthstream/Primal Edge on BR

Quarantine From Bathtub! Carunkavirus Analysis - Truthstream/Primal Edge on BR

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOMHesh, Spore, Jay, Melissa & Tristan - A broadcast from the global quarantine - calling all common sense listeners, check it out, let us know what you think, share it around. Show page at alternatecurrentradio.com, download the Spreaker app or find BOILER ROOM on your favorite podcasting app. What can I say, these are strange days, hope you enjoy the show.alternatecurrentradio.com

Mar 17, 2020 • 3:04:33

God, Myth & Logos - Jay Dyer with Rational Rise

God, Myth & Logos - Jay Dyer with Rational Rise

#logos #philosophy #atheism James Higgins asked me on to discuss the transcendental argument and my previous debates. We assess the Matt Dillahunty debate, the Stefan debate and more, as well as discussing logic, metalogical claims and the notion of energies and the Trinity, as well as my analyses of Hollywood films.

Mar 17, 2020 • 1:16:55

Sigmund Freud VS. C.S. Lewis God, Life & Love - Jay Jamie (Half)

Sigmund Freud VS. C.S. Lewis God, Life & Love - Jay Jamie (Half)

#sigmundfreud #cslewis #love Jamie joins me to discuss and review the book The Question of God: CS Lewis and Sigmund Freud Debate God, Love, Etc. The compares two radically different paradigms on how to deal with life's big questions. The work is a summation of a class taught at Harvard Medical Class dealing with ethics and psychology. Part 2 will be available for paid subscribers to my work. Moved to Tues. night due to lost power cord.

Mar 11, 2020 • 1:20:13

Beware of THIS Kind of Person...

Beware of THIS Kind of Person...

Nina from Inside the Mind of a Human Predator joins me to discuss human psychology and maladaptive traits noticeable in that section of the population known as the narcissistic psychopath.  The narcissistic pscyhopath is not a large portion of the population, but often makes up the upper "1%" as those with no qualms with morals and taboos are much more likely to engage in underhanded methods - but it goes much deeper - the NP feeds on your time, energy and identity like a psychic vampyre!

Mar 6, 2020 • 1:16:00

Top 9 Ancient Cults & Heresies That Are BACK!

Top 9 Ancient Cults & Heresies That Are BACK!

Long requested, I cover the topic of the best of the worst of the ancient heresies and how the same spirit behind them has manifested today under different names and guises. From Arianism to gnosticism to Origenism, we see how the realm of the demonic lacks any creativity. With evil, we get the same dialectical traps we always, have, as Hellenism and its atheism are rehashed in ways you don't expect.

Mar 4, 2020 • 44:22



#orthodox #debate #philosophy David the real Medwhite joins me to discuss the historical and theological issues pertaining to Chalcedon and the Oriental “Orthodox,” including Nestorianism, Monophysites, Monothelites and Monoenergists, false ecumenism and why this topic matters.

Mar 1, 2020 • 2:03:32

Head Transplants? Rappers Are Clones?? Jay Dyer/Primal Edge Health on Boiler Room

Head Transplants? Rappers Are Clones?? Jay Dyer/Primal Edge Health on Boiler Room

The crew gathers to cover the latest news and madness. Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Uninterruptible Talk Radio with Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Infidel Pharaoh, Tristan Haggard and The Odd Man Out.A 42 year old male s3cks offender who thinks 1st amendment rights and the fact that he self-identifies as a girl is a good legal defense, head transplants being touted as a means of addressing gender dysphoria in the near future, more elite s3cks xcult investigations into Peter Nygard (

Feb 29, 2020 • 1:33:22

The Mafia, Organized Crime & Geopolitics - Jay Dyer / Justin Stamm

The Mafia, Organized Crime & Geopolitics - Jay Dyer / Justin Stamm

Writer Justin Stamm joins me to cover the fascinating history of the relationship of organized crime to politics, Hollywood and more. We will also look at the relationship the intelligence agencies have had to these organizations and what relationship these have had to infamous incidents like JFK, Hoover and more! All the information we will be covering is in the public domain.

Feb 27, 2020 • 1:08:21

Fatima, Forgeries, Frauds & Fantasies Jay Dyer Snek George (Free Half)

Fatima, Forgeries, Frauds & Fantasies Jay Dyer Snek George (Free Half)

Tonight we cover the long list of papal forgeries long used for centuries to back up the more absurd papal claims, such as universal temporal and *monetary* supremacy.  We will look at the more well known examples like the Donation of Constantine, as well as lesser known documents, and in part 2 touch on Fatima and other so-called "apparitions" which now replace the  authentic direct experience of God with superstition and histrionics.  The full talk is available for subscribers to JaysAnalysis.

Feb 25, 2020 • 1:46:38



Jimbob returns to ask me questions about the issues that plague us! We will cover philosophy, the arts, geopolitics, religion and meaning, science and tech, the problems in libertarianism and socialism, and much more!

Feb 25, 2020 • 2:13:59

Taylor Marshall On Orthodoxy Refuted - Jay Dyer Snek

Taylor Marshall On Orthodoxy Refuted - Jay Dyer Snek

#Taylormarshall #drtaylormarshall #orthodox Marshall & Flanders isn't a 60s era boomer folk band, it's the most recent "takedown" of Orthodoxy that actually featured no discussion of theology proper. Instead, this disaster stream was emotional appeals, worship of bare authority and worse. Orthobro Snek joins me to rebut the giant load of misinformation.

Feb 21, 2020 • 3:14:21

Top 10 Reasons Society is INSANE!

Top 10 Reasons Society is INSANE!

I clicked on one Dr Phil video and watched like 50. Then I decided to make this self help videoDr Phil agrees: society is losing it! The world is going nuts, cuckoo wacko and I am here to diagnose the illness. I give my top ten, from entertainment to buttz, and hopefully offer a healthy alternative to each. Donuts, sports, Nintendo and beers are your end, oh man. From consumerism and fiat to MK and buttz, it's time to get healthy.

Feb 21, 2020 • 26:10

Jacob's Ladder Explained! Genesis Lecture 6 (Free Half)

Jacob's Ladder Explained! Genesis Lecture 6 (Free Half)

We move to the next section of Genesis where the story of the patriarchs continues with Jacob and Esau and then the mysteries of Joseph, one of the most powerful types of Christ. The full talk is available for those who subscribe to JaysAnalysis.com.

Feb 21, 2020 • 1:24:18

The Reverse Capablism Doctrine - Jay Dyer + Boiler Room

The Reverse Capablism Doctrine - Jay Dyer + Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOMOn this edition Hesher & Spore are joined by Jay Dyer, Daniel Spaulding and The Odd Man Out to discuss the flimsy optics of corporate political correctness and philanthropy, porn sites using literal captive audiences who were quarantined in Corona Virus scares aboard cruise liners, as potential customers, an 'ice-break' update about the CA highway projectile assailant, Goldman Sachs takes up new politically correct regulations stating that IPOs must h

Feb 17, 2020 • 1:10:23

Anselm's Ontological Argument & John Duns Scotus - Dyer / Fr Sorem

Anselm's Ontological Argument & John Duns Scotus - Dyer / Fr Sorem

Fr Dcn Dr Ananias Sorem joins me to discuss two important Roman Catholic figures: Anselm of Canterbury and John Duns Scotus.  We will cover the insights here and there, but mainly focus on the weaknesses in these theologians and how they do not actually provide any bridge between "Palamism" and latin theology.  The second half of this talk is available for subscribers.

Feb 17, 2020 • 2:32:40

From Catholic to Orthodox - Eastern Catholics Are the Death Blow to Papism - Jay Dyer

From Catholic to Orthodox - Eastern Catholics Are the Death Blow to Papism - Jay Dyer

#papacy #vatican #uniate A discussion on Uniates and Eastern Catholicism from a former Uniate who moved to Orthodoxy. Our guests recounts his journey in the world of Uniatism, its philosophical and theological incoherence, the many competing claims and rejections of *ecumencial councils* and incoherence of accepting Orthodox saints! Eastern catholicism didn't begin this nonsense after Vatican 2, either.

Feb 16, 2020 • 1:15:49

Narcissism Engine: Hollywood & The Inversion - Jay Dyer Jamie Hanshaw (Half)

Narcissism Engine: Hollywood & The Inversion - Jay Dyer Jamie Hanshaw (Half)

#narcissism #hollywood #jaydyer Jamie joins me to cover the bizarre, the cult and the occult in Hollyweird once again, as well as the music industry and its insanity. We will cover Luka Magnotta, Natural Born Killers, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry and more! Part 2 is for subscribers to JaysAnalysis.com

Feb 16, 2020 • 1:00:05



The large discord server the calliopoean invited me to a fiesty and fun AMA. It's all over the place - but enjoy!

Feb 15, 2020 • 2:28:13

Stefan Molyneux Vs Jay Dyer REVIEW! Fr Dcn Dr Ananias + Jay Dyer

Stefan Molyneux Vs Jay Dyer REVIEW! Fr Dcn Dr Ananias + Jay Dyer

Fr Dcn Dr Ananias joins me to review the debate with Stefan Molyneux. We will look at the strong points made, where there were weak points, areas that were missed, the central problems in empiricism and the ontological status of abstract objects, TAG and much more! His channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/user/esorem

Feb 15, 2020 • 1:55:26

Church of the Logos' - Debate Review Jay Dyer vs Stefan Molyneux

Church of the Logos' - Debate Review Jay Dyer vs Stefan Molyneux

#Logos #Debate #LogosRisingIn this video I discuss the recent debate between Jay Dyer and Stefan Molyneux, what surprised me, why I felt it was underwhelming, but also highly revealing. What was apparent is the two men are on entirely different levels in regards to philosophical sophistication. The dabate was really Dyer trying to bring Molyneux up to speed regarding the state of question in various fields of philosophy. Molyneux wasn't ever able to level any legitimate critique to Dyer's transc

Feb 14, 2020 • 15:37

Stefan Molyneux vs Jay Dyer DEBATE!

Stefan Molyneux vs Jay Dyer DEBATE!

#stefanmolyneux #jaydyer #debate As many of you have requested for several years, Stefan Molyneux has agreed to have an unmoderated conversational exchange and debate on the nature of philosophy itself, logic, epistemic claims, the value of “sense data” and empiricism, and much more! The debate was cordial and turned towards a challenge to explicate the arguments for my position in a convincing way, as well as the historical significance of dialectics. Uploaded with written permission. Bio: “St

Feb 13, 2020 • 2:01:07



In this weeks podcast I chat with the author of Esoteric Hollywood and presenter of the Gia TV series Hollywood Decoded about everything from the Movies predictions of the technocracy we are heading head first into, diving into 5G Millimetre waves, A Holographic show down via the new Solomons Temple. We also talk about Jays religious beliefs and how that ties into what we are seeing in the Middle East and The End Times Prophecy as well as how that is being played out in Hollywood. Jay is incredi

Feb 3, 2020 • 52:33

Luciferian Cults - Illuminate Confirm! - Jamie Hanshaw (Half)

Luciferian Cults - Illuminate Confirm! - Jamie Hanshaw (Half)

Jamie joins me to discuss the works of Kerth Barker, as we examine the nature of modern Luciferian movements behind the UN and worse. In fact, the claims of Barker extend to predicting years ago the inversion we see nowadays, including kannibalism. We cover the notion of the left hand all the way to the 8mm level stuff, if you think of the Nic Cage film.

Feb 3, 2020 • 58:46

Sam Tripoli of Tinfoil Hat + Jay Dyer - Upside Down World

Sam Tripoli of Tinfoil Hat + Jay Dyer - Upside Down World

#romancatholic #papacy #vatican Scholar Ubi Petrus joins me to discuss the "papal claims," the recent attempts of Roman Catholic apologists to defend these claims, the many papal forgeries and misused patristic quotes and more, from apologists like Marshall and Ybarra and others. We will cover Vatican compared to the patristic period, biblical exegesis, Amazon synod and pachamama, Vatican II, Denney's Papalism and more!

Jan 28, 2020 • 1:34:24

A Snag in the Fabric of Social Constructs - Jay Dyer / Boiler Room

A Snag in the Fabric of Social Constructs - Jay Dyer / Boiler Room

#coronavirus #batsoup #residentevil Should we panic about the recent news reports, or should we be skeptical? If you've followed media and alt media you've noticed the pattern of fear that is evident and underlies much of the presentation, while at the same time we must recognize the fact of their being real plans for Malthusian projects. My immediate reaction nowadays is default skepticism, though at the same time, we can be imbalanced in that default, too.

Jan 25, 2020 • 1:22:08

Beyond MKULTRA Ritual Cult Abuse - Jamie Hanshaw Jay Dyer (Half)

Beyond MKULTRA Ritual Cult Abuse - Jamie Hanshaw Jay Dyer (Half)

Jamie Hanshaw joins me to discuss the academic and psychiatric accounts of mind control and ritual abuse cults. We will compare notes and books to separate fact from fiction in the creepy topic.

Jan 23, 2020 • 1:19:06



In this talk we will delve deeper into an analysis of the key writings of one of the greatest saints and theologians of Orthodoxy, Saint Basil the Great. We will see this key figure is as important for Trinitarian theology as St Athanasius as a pillar against the errors of Rome and Protestants (as well as Oriental “orthodox”) and the ecumenists. The second half will be for subscribers to JaysAnalysis.

Jan 17, 2020 • 2:29:24

Silence of the Lambs is REALLY About THIS....

Silence of the Lambs is REALLY About THIS....

#silenceofthelambs #hanniballecter #manhunter I give my take on this gruesome, symbolism-packed film. I cover the theory the whole thing is something other than what most think and link it to the other works from Dace McGowan and Douglas Valentine on the subject. Trauma based MK ultra is at work? Tell me what you think below!

Jan 15, 2020 • 17:38

Star Wars is REALLY About THIS!

Star Wars is REALLY About THIS!

#starwars #darthvader #lukeskywalker My hottttt take. Star Wars is well known for being based on the works of Joseph Campbell and his watered-down Carl Jungian approach, but the more recent viewing I did of all 9 installments showed much more at work. Not only does Star Wars rely on Campbell, there is a heavy dose of Theosophy and Cabala at work here.

Jan 15, 2020 • 21:07

Genesis: Isaac & Abraham Explained - Genesis Pt 5 - Jay Dyer (Half)

Genesis: Isaac & Abraham Explained - Genesis Pt 5 - Jay Dyer (Half)

#genesis #bible #philosophyWe move to the next section of Genesis covering the difficult and controversial chapter of the call to sacrifice Isaac. We will explore the typology, as well as the significance of this passage in terms of the ancient apologetic. We will also cover the significance of Sodom and Lot in 19. For the full talk, subscribe to JaysAnalysis.

Jan 15, 2020 • 2:03:37



David joins me to discuss traps for Orthodox, including heresies, heretics and mistakes commonly made. We look at Origen, pride and prelest, bad news “orthodox” people, schismatic sects and more!

Jan 5, 2020 • 2:35:37

TEKWARS - KantBot - On Orthodoxy, MK Ultra, and Cybernetics feat. Jay Dyer (First Half Preview)

TEKWARS - KantBot - On Orthodoxy, MK Ultra, and Cybernetics feat. Jay Dyer (First Half Preview)

I was honored to be featured on the popular Tekwars Podcast: ***This is only the first half, you can listen to the full version, along with our backlog of all past and premium episodes now by subscribing to TekWars at gum.co/TekWars***We talk to Jay Dyer about catholic orthodoxy, then get into mass mind control through corporate media, which leads to the discussion of cybernetics.

Jan 4, 2020 • 31:53

End of Year Boiler Room: Creeper Update (Epstein, Weinstein & Spacey) - TP for the Global Citizen & More

End of Year Boiler Room: Creeper Update (Epstein, Weinstein & Spacey) - TP for the Global Citizen & More

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Uninterruptible Talk Radio for Social Rejects and otherwise lovable political animals.Last episode of the year! Hesher, Spore, Jay, Randy and Daniel form up the ACR Brain-trust known as the BOILER ROOM to discuss the latest news near the end of 2019. The cases of Epstein, Weinstein and Kevin Spacey all have new developments floating around the media. Gwyneth Paltrow wants YOU to be a good global citizen and wipe your butt with expensive highly proc

Jan 3, 2020 • 2:41:53

Top 10 Reasons I'm Not An Atheist - Jay Dyer

Top 10 Reasons I'm Not An Atheist - Jay Dyer

#atheism #debate #theism Continuing our series I cover my top ten for rejecting atheism, materialism, naive empiricism and all the other attendant superstitions that accompany the modern/post-modern world. The rejection of God has many consequences, ultimately which make a coherent life and worldview impossible.

Jan 3, 2020 • 32:13

Top 10 Reasons I'm Not Roman Catholic - Jay Dyer

Top 10 Reasons I'm Not Roman Catholic - Jay Dyer

In this video we continue the series from yesterday's video on why I am not Protestant. Here I cover ten top reasons I am not Roman Catholic. I focus on Vatican I, the papacy, doctrinal development, Uniates, Filioque, absolute divine simplicity, the Vatican Bank and many, many more glaring innovations of the last millennium that are central features of papalism. Papalism ends up in sola Papam - the entire religion ends up revealing around the pope and papal apologists are all papal lawyers.

Dec 30, 2019 • 51:07

Top 10 Reasons I'm Not Protestant - Jay Dyer

Top 10 Reasons I'm Not Protestant - Jay Dyer

In our Bible series we move to the next installment - the Abrahamic covenant.  We will see how is the model of the covenant for the inclusion of Gentiles, according to St Paul, as Abraham himself was a Gentile.  Abraham is the famous convert, and for St. Paul is the model of the convert as see he looked forward to the coming Messiah.  The full talks are available for those who subscribe to JaysAnalysis.com.

Dec 30, 2019 • 45:58

Abraham & Genesis Explained 4 - Jay Dyer (Half)

Abraham & Genesis Explained 4 - Jay Dyer (Half)

In our Bible series we move to the next installment - the Abrahamic covenant. We will see how is the model of the covenant for the inclusion of Gentiles, according to St Paul, as Abraham himself was a Gentile. Abraham is the famous convert, and for St. Paul is the model of the convert as see he looked forward to the coming Messiah. The full talks are available for those who subscribe to JaysAnalysis.com.

Dec 30, 2019 • 2:05:26

God the Invisible King - HG Wells - Jay Dyer Jamie Hanshaw (Half)

God the Invisible King - HG Wells - Jay Dyer Jamie Hanshaw (Half)

#HGwells #sciencefiction #newage We continue the globalization books series by analyzing a lesser-known but telling work from master propagandist HG Wells on theology and the coming religious worldview of the new world order. Wells not only anticipated the developments of the coming dystopia's governance, but its religion as well. The full talk will be available to JaysAnalysis subscribers.

Dec 30, 2019 • 1:31:53

Is Jesus God? Jay Dyer / Bob the Builder Chat!

Is Jesus God? Jay Dyer / Bob the Builder Chat!

Famed Youtube apologist and Speaker's Corner debater Bob joins me to discuss apologetic methods. Bob joins me for a chat on areas of agreement and disagreement. We will also discuss his debates, his approach to various texts and the political approach Christianity lays down.

Dec 30, 2019 • 1:28:29

Star Trek - The Hidden Meaning - Jay Dyer

Star Trek - The Hidden Meaning - Jay Dyer

#startrek #hollywood #movies Be sure to watch the video! In this latest film analysis, I cover the hidden themes and messages behind Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Situated after Kubrick’s 2001, Star Trek also had Pentagon consultation through the Rand Corporation, as well as esoteric influences from the “Nine.” Cabalism and Neoplatonism also come to the fore in this classic exposition of the myth of human apotheosis in pop culture.

Dec 21, 2019 • 21:18

Watchmen - The Hidden Meaning - Jay Dyer

Watchmen - The Hidden Meaning - Jay Dyer

#watchmen #alanmoore #symbolismBe sure to watch the video! After many years, I finally cover Watchmen with the full analysis it really deserves. I delve into the black ops background to the Owls and Bohemian Grove in the series, as well as the other works of Alan Moore. Whether it’s From Heck and the masonic elements, or the mystical dialectics of V for Vendetta, JaysAnalysis offers the most accurate, in-depth explanation of film symbolism.

Dec 21, 2019 • 23:50

Jamie Hanshaw - Hollywood Mind Control on Opperman Report

Jamie Hanshaw - Hollywood Mind Control on Opperman Report

From the Gates of Babylon to the Kodak Center, what does Hollywood have in common with the creation of civilization? Where there is royalty there are subjects and slaves. Learn how pop culture is a magickal spell leading humanity down the path of social Darwinian stratification and class warfare. See how the military uses the entertainment industry for propaganda and covert operations. Are celebrities victims of mind control? Who is the Scarlet Woman and how many times can she be incarnated at o

Dec 18, 2019 • 1:06:47

Apologetics Class 4 - Discord AMA in The Calliopean

Apologetics Class 4 - Discord AMA in The Calliopean

The large political discord channel The Callipoean for a 2.5 hour heated AMA. It was overall a great chat. We cover transcendental arguments, veganism, ethics, paganism, atheism, logic and math, the Euthyphro dilemma, and more!

Dec 15, 2019 • 2:28:33

Debate: Sedevacantism Vs Orthodoxy - Jay Dyer Vs Kurgan

Debate: Sedevacantism Vs Orthodoxy - Jay Dyer Vs Kurgan

After weeks of smack talk and insults, the Kurgan and I squared off in a debate.  Within 20 minutes the debate was over as soon as he said "Ludwig Denzinger."  The unbridled arrogance and hours of vitriol he spewed in his videos was shown to be exactly what I said - hot air.  I told him I would not "be nice," and I wasn't.  It wasn't even a debate.

Dec 14, 2019 • 1:28:07

Archetypes & Storytelling: CS Lewis' Space Trilogy - Jay Dyer/Benny Wills

Archetypes & Storytelling: CS Lewis' Space Trilogy - Jay Dyer/Benny Wills

Benny Wills writes: I'm bringing interviews to my channel! My first guest is Jay Dyer. He is known for being the mastermind of the premier film and philosophy site on the net, Jaysanalysis.com. Above all, Jay’s graduate work focused on the interplay of film, geopolitics, espionage. Jay is a public speaker, lecturer, comedian and author of the popular title Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film.Full interview is here: https://youtu.be/ZZxODc8x3HE

Dec 13, 2019 • 54:20

Human-Animal Hybrids - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Human-Animal Hybrids - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

The latest news and nonsense covered by the Boiler Room Crew. We cover the Purrrge, animal human hybrids, Elon's space weedz and yacht, and more! Join the Social Rejects Club for another round table edition of BOILER ROOM on Alternate Current Radio! This episode has BOILER ROOM hosts, Hesher & Spore, along with Jay Dyer & Jamie Hanshaw (on the web – on YouTube) and Randy J joining up to discuss the train wreck that is the news, politics, science, technology, transhumanism, technocracy, culture w

Dec 13, 2019 • 2:14:51

Food of the Gods  The Madness of Terence McKenna  Jay Dyer Half

Food of the Gods The Madness of Terence McKenna Jay Dyer Half

Tonight we return to discuss the madness of Terence McKenna as we investigate a work of the psychonauts – The Food of the Gods! As part of our globalization books series, I decided it was necessary to cover a psychonaut, since we have covered all the circles around these nuts – but not an actual nut. As we will see, Terence’s book demonstrates a radical subversion of nature itself under the guise of enlightenment.

Dec 12, 2019 • 1:46:03

Bahnsen / Stein Debate Analysis - Jay Dyer

Bahnsen / Stein Debate Analysis - Jay Dyer

Today we do a full analysis of the greatest debate of the 2oth century – the Bahnsen/Stein Debate. Hopefully we will cover the many misunderstandings that arise from various sectors concerning the transcendental argument, the nature of proofs and evidences, the compatibility of philosophy with Orthodoxy, and especially this form of argumentation, the word-concept fallacy, calvinism and much more. Part 2 of the other talk will be up later tomorrow or the day after.

Dec 11, 2019 • 2:34:54

Nephilim, Noah & The City of God Genesis Explained Part 3 - Jay Dyer (Half)

Nephilim, Noah & The City of God Genesis Explained Part 3 - Jay Dyer (Half)

We move on to cover the two cities allegory of St Augustine - the city of God and the city of man, as both progress from the early age of man. The city of God is the Church, and the city of man is the city of humanism and Satanism, under the dominion of the devil. We will move from Genesis 4 to 6 and touch upon the Nehphilim and the typology and meaning of the story of Noah. The full talks can be found by subscribing to JaysAnalysis at the membership links.

Dec 11, 2019 • 1:47:49

Mandela Effect & Biometric New World Order - Jay Dyer on  Boiler Room

Mandela Effect & Biometric New World Order - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Uninterruptible Talk Radio - Thursday Nights on ACRThis episode has BOILER ROOM hosts, Hesher & Spore, along with Jay Dyer & Jamie Hanshaw discussing not only the realities and direction of globalism, but the 'burning secrets' and perils of perineum sunning. The gang talks about Dr. Day's 1969 speech about the "...arrival of the totalitarian system." The talk also turns to the ID2020 initiative, are globalists implanting the homeless with microchip

Dec 6, 2019 • 1:42:49

Ark of the Covenant, Ethiopia & Western Civ. - Jay Dyer + Dean Arnold

Ark of the Covenant, Ethiopia & Western Civ. - Jay Dyer + Dean Arnold

Author Dean Arnold joins me today to discuss the history of Ethiopia, The Coptic Chuch, the rumors of the Ark of the Covenant and much more from his new book, Unknown Empire: The True Story of Mysterious Ethiopia and the Future Ark of Civilization. His book is here. Dean’s bio is here.

Dec 5, 2019 • 1:22:59

Sedevacantist Cults! Jay Dyer

Sedevacantist Cults! Jay Dyer

Continuing our cult series, we will tie in our planned demolition of the fringe Roman Catholic world with the sedevacantist movements. Sharing no unifying position or headship, the sedevacantist world is a dizzying one of wandering “bishops,” spooks, kooks and crooks, as we mentioned in our brief video last year, but we have yet to dissect the roots of its key theological mistakes and our friend John C. Pontrello has done just that in his excellent book The Sedevacantist Delusion: How Vatican I

Nov 23, 2019 • 2:30:07

Epstein, Extinction Rebellion & Nic Cage Meta Narrative! Jay Dyer + Truthstream Media Boiler Room

Epstein, Extinction Rebellion & Nic Cage Meta Narrative! Jay Dyer + Truthstream Media Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Uninterruptible Talk Radio hosted at ACR by Hesher and Spore.Join Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer (Jays Analysis), Aaron and Melissa (Truth Stream Media) and Daniel Spaulding in the BOILER ROOM. Tonight we're talking about Extinction Rebellion (XR) with Truth Stream Media who have just completed a thorough video analysis of this well funded media spectacle. How deep does it go? Who funds XR and to what extent? What are the esoteric and exoteric meanings in

Nov 22, 2019 • 4:07:28

Orthodox Christianity vs Veganism | Jay Dyer + Norwegian Nous + Primal Edge | Orthodoxy & Carnivore

Orthodox Christianity vs Veganism | Jay Dyer + Norwegian Nous + Primal Edge | Orthodoxy & Carnivore

Live with Jay Dyer and Fr. Deacon Dr. Ananais talking about the carnivore diet and the incompatibility of vegan ideology with Christianity.

Nov 18, 2019 • 2:30:19

Ban All not Woke! MADEByJIMBOB + Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Ban All not Woke! MADEByJIMBOB + Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Tonight the gang gathers to cover the latest news and madness. We cover Disney, rappers, toxic culture and lil mermay!

Nov 18, 2019 • 1:17:34

Doctor Sleep Vs The Shining! Esoteric Hollywood - Jay Dyer

Doctor Sleep Vs The Shining! Esoteric Hollywood - Jay Dyer

Tonight we analyze and compare the themes and symbols found in the new sequel to The Shining, Doctor Sleep. A genuinely creepy follow up, it actually vindicates my analysis of The Shining. We will cover the esoteric and alchemical symbolism found in The Shining, and then the new, dark revelations of Doctor Sleep that ring true with reality. You can follow me on the backups below!

Nov 18, 2019 • 2:08:25

On Debate - Jay Dyer

On Debate - Jay Dyer

My breakdown of the philosophy of debate and why rhetoric and wit matter in formal discourse.

Nov 18, 2019 • 39:32

Tinfoil Hat Podcast - S3X Cults With Jay Dyer / Former Holy Hell Member Hung Yung Terrarist

Tinfoil Hat Podcast - S3X Cults With Jay Dyer / Former Holy Hell Member Hung Yung Terrarist

NSFW - This episode we welcome Occult Author Jay Dyer and Rapper/Comedian and former and possible future cult member Hung Yung Terrarist to discuss the world of Cults.Please check out....My youtube.comYoutube.com/SamTripoliPatreon:Patreon.com/TinFoilHatTshirts:TinFoilHattshirts.comCameo.comwww.cameo.com/samtripoliThank you to our sponsors:Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code TINFOILHAT at Manscaped.com. That’s 20% off with free shipping atmanscaped.com, and use code TINFOILHATB

Nov 15, 2019 • 1:39:39



Fr. Dcn. Dr. Ananias Sorem (his channel is here) joins me to discuss the important issue of key Greek and Hellenic terms and how the fathers transformed them. Orthodoxy has the freedom to utilize philosophic ideas and terms without being boxed into any strict philosophical system – be it Platonism, Aristotelianism or later philosophical insights. Truth is one and wherever truth is, it is ultimately in reference to the Logos Himself. This will be a basic glossary of sometimes foreign and consumin

Nov 15, 2019 • 2:11:41

Genesis Explained 2 - Jay Dyer (Half)

Genesis Explained 2 - Jay Dyer (Half)

#genesis #philosophy #symbolismWe return to the Genesis series as we cover the second chapter and its significance for man, as well as the secret prophetic and symbolic meanings, recalling the patristic analysis as well as the canonical context and typology. Genesis 2 focuses on the covenantal relationship between man and God, while chapter was cosmic in scope. I also explain the silly fiasco with Inspiring Philosophy at the outset as well as how it's necessary to follow me on the backups.

Nov 12, 2019 • 2:21:26

Antichrist, Amazon Synod & Rome Unravels - Jay Dyer

Antichrist, Amazon Synod & Rome Unravels - Jay Dyer

Today we catch up with Frank and see what's happening in the Roman realm and the results of the scandalous Roman Synod. After that we look forward to the coming ecumenical meetings with Mola Ram!

Nov 2, 2019 • 2:19:28



Today we start a new series where we will take on a monumental task of covering the entire Bible. We will lecture on all the other topics we have been as well, this is just a new series projected to take the next few years, Lord willing. We will cover every chapter in the Orthodox Bible, aside from the few we have already done. Hopefully we can see that clearly this book is from God and not like any other religious text.

Nov 1, 2019 • 2:17:16

Exorcist & Exorcism Films (Fallen/Constantine) Spooktober! Jay Dyer

Exorcist & Exorcism Films (Fallen/Constantine) Spooktober! Jay Dyer

Delayed due to tech issues in my area. Next we cover the Exorcist franchise and perhaps other exorcism films like Fallen and give them the proper JaysAnalysis treatment. We will cover the first three and then look at three related films, Neegan's daughter possessed in a cabala box movie, Fallen with Denzel and Constantine with Keeno Reeve. It's spooktober! Here's last year's spooktober that included Blade and Lost Boys!

Oct 28, 2019 • 1:39:42

Reaction to Osho / Wild Wild Country Documentary - Jay Dyer / Primal Edge Health

Reaction to Osho / Wild Wild Country Documentary - Jay Dyer / Primal Edge Health

Jay and Tristan cover the long Netflix series on the infamous cult. Primal Edge Health provides a global meeting ground for people looking to transform their lives using the ketogenic and carnivore diet and lifestyle. We are dedicated to publishing helpful resources, developing simple and delicious recipes, and offering practical advice to people striving to optimize their health and vitality. ----

Oct 28, 2019 • 1:35:11

FrDcn Dr Ananias Sorem on the Philosophy of Aristotle

FrDcn Dr Ananias Sorem on the Philosophy of Aristotle

Fr Dcn Dr. Aristotle covers Aristotle's philosophy. His specialty is Aristotle and he runs a great YouTube channel that covers topics similar to mine. Enjoy!

Oct 24, 2019 • 2:22:11

Apologetics Class 2: End Times, Free Will & Evil - Jay Dyer

Apologetics Class 2: End Times, Free Will & Evil - Jay Dyer

In the second Apologetics class, I am uploading today’s Discord AMA on the popular Politics discord, which has hosted Stefan Molyneux, Destiny and others for in-depth AMAs. Here, the focus ends up on philosophy and theology, covering ethics, transcendental arguments, my past debates, Roman Catholic issues, Orthodoxy, and eschatology. You can join their large debate forum here https://discordapp.com/invite/BwPhnh9

Oct 21, 2019 • 1:53:23

Apologetics Class 1: Replying to Objections: Atheism, Papalism, Protestantism - Jay Dyer

Apologetics Class 1: Replying to Objections: Atheism, Papalism, Protestantism - Jay Dyer

#atheism #proof #debate Since no one seemed hip to debate of late in discord, I will be doing a live chill and chat stream on responses to common and high brow objections. We will be replying to both common claims and attacks, questions and supposed contradictions and more. Superchats are definite read - while normal chat questions may or may not be read.

Oct 19, 2019 • 1:58:34



Jamie rejoins me for a stream covering a topic we haven’t done in a while – crazy cults! In the past I did some interviews on cults, but there are plenty more I have missed or only covered in passing. Jamie has done extensive research in this arena and has three books she’s done covering the cult modus operandi. In the first half she shares her insights, while in the second half we get deeper in to some of the wildest! The full show is available for JaysAnalysis subscribers.

Oct 19, 2019 • 1:32:57

War On Reality - Jay Dyer, Benny Wills + Primal Edge Health

War On Reality - Jay Dyer, Benny Wills + Primal Edge Health

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Uninterruptible Talk RadioIs the Red Cross going to make blood donation less safe than it already is in the name of sacrificing safety for so-called political correctness? What has Benny Will's been up to since his last visit to BOILER ROOM? What cults are Jay and Jamie analyzing with the nerds at the Jay Dyer YouTube channel? Has Tristan Haggard returned to YouTube live? What is the gang's take on the Disney empire, the meaning behind EPCOT, smart

Oct 19, 2019 • 1:45:32

Debate: Dyer Vs Brahmin

Debate: Dyer Vs Brahmin

Famed debate from earlier this year.

Oct 16, 2019 • 2:26:23

Ten Commandments of Globalism - Jay Dyer (Half)

Ten Commandments of Globalism - Jay Dyer (Half)

#globalism #tech #philosophy In tonight's stream I will be recapping the 30+ books from the top elite on globalization we've analyzed the last 3-4 years. We will review each one and specify the major points in each and highlight the lecture series as a whole, which can all be found at JaysAnalysis on the main page at the bottom. From Brzezinski to H.G. Wells to Jacques Attali to Roman Catholicism, we will look at the major commonalities and continuity of the agenda for at least a century. Onl

Oct 12, 2019 • 1:54:24

The One World Religion Cult - Primal Edge Health + Jay Dyer Boiler Room

The One World Religion Cult - Primal Edge Health + Jay Dyer Boiler Room

The crew gathers to discuss the pope's amazon synod, the new green deal, greta, vegan diets and more!

Oct 12, 2019 • 2:10:17

Debate: Jay Dyer Vs Scott Smith - Orthodoxy Vs Gnosticism

Debate: Jay Dyer Vs Scott Smith - Orthodoxy Vs Gnosticism

I was invited back to Aeon Byte for a debate - this is uploaded with express written permission. Jay Dyer and Scott Smith joined us for a civil but passionate debate. We discussed the Gnostic and Orthodox differences on Theodicy, Biblical Inerrancy, Free Will, Salvation, the nature of Jesus, and much more. Is the world evil or in harmony? Is the Old Testament about a good or evil god? What were the true origins of Christianity? And much more. For some reason, my vaping was as incendiary as the

Oct 10, 2019 • 1:37:36

Amazon Synod! Jerusalem Vs. Athens - Jay Dyer & FrDcn Ananias Sorem (Half)

Amazon Synod! Jerusalem Vs. Athens - Jay Dyer & FrDcn Ananias Sorem (Half)

Fr.Dcn. Ananias Sorem returns to cover the relationship between Jerusalem and Athens – revelation and reason. Firstly, they are and aren’t in tension – and we’ll see how. Secondly, terms and words are not synonymous – there may be overlap at times, but the meanings of the words are unique in Orthodox theology. Second, we want to look at the Amazon synod, the relationship to Vatican II and perennialism and true and false ecumenism.

Oct 7, 2019 • 1:35:11

The New One World Religion - Jay Dyer Hosts Sunday Wire

The New One World Religion - Jay Dyer Hosts Sunday Wire

Alternate Current Radio Presents: SUNDAY WIREThis week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with guest host Jay Dyer filling in for Patrick Henningsen who is on the road in the Middle East this week. This week's show will be covering the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. In the first hour, Jay will connect with 21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen to discuss what's happening regionally with a rather dubious 'color revolution' kicking off, the climate scam NWO religion, the works

Oct 6, 2019 • 1:46:31

Converging Conspiracies - Jay Dyer / Primal Edge Health on Boiler Room

Converging Conspiracies - Jay Dyer / Primal Edge Health on Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Uninterruptible Talk Radio This episode BOILER ROOM hosts, Hesher & Spore, are joined by Jay Dyer (of Jay's Analysis) and Tristan Haggard (of Primal Edge Health) to discuss new reports of cattle mutilations and the potential psyops behind it, the moon landing, UFO agendas, civil unrest in South America and more.

Oct 6, 2019 • 2:21:42

Owen Cyclops + Jay Dyer Discuss Things

Owen Cyclops + Jay Dyer Discuss Things

Twitter legend, artist, thinker and fellow cultural analyzer Owen Cyclops joins me to discuss all things archetypal, alchemical, philosophical and more!

Oct 4, 2019 • 1:29:17

Esoteric Hollywood 2 - Jay Dyer on Caravan to Midnight - John B Wells

Esoteric Hollywood 2 - Jay Dyer on Caravan to Midnight - John B Wells

John B Wells invites Jay Dyer back to discuss his second book, Esoteric Hollywood 2 and a host of new movie analyses, as well as a whole video interview for subscribers on the globalism books series.

Oct 3, 2019 • 33:07

Secret Societies & Cults of Hollywood - Jay Dyer / Forbidden Knowledge News

Secret Societies & Cults of Hollywood - Jay Dyer / Forbidden Knowledge News

Forbidden Knowledge News invited me back to cover Hollywood weridness, including the history of cartels and cinema, The Godfather, the odd aspects of science fiction that predict the future, how we are programed in fiction and the depth of MK ultra and tranzzhumanism.

Oct 1, 2019 • 57:21

You Are Being Lied To - Primal Edge / Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

You Are Being Lied To - Primal Edge / Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Uninterruptible Talk Radio with Hesher, Spore and the Boiler Room gang.BOILER ROOM Host, Hesher, and Co-Host, Spore are joined by Randy J, Jay Dyer (jaysanalysis.com) and Tristan Haggard (primaledgehealth.com) to discuss the latest outrages in the media feeds from the week for another look at current events, technocracy, and the insanity of the mass media cartel consumers. Since last meeting of the BOILER ROOM we've been under a sustained psyop fro

Sep 30, 2019 • 2:12:07

THX 1138 & Demolition Man - Primal Edge Health & Jay Dyer

THX 1138 & Demolition Man - Primal Edge Health & Jay Dyer

In the next movie analysis stream we finally cover Long-requested analyses of THX 1138 and Demolition Man! The 70s meets 90s cheese in this dystopia fest that will blow the neon yellow out of your Snipes Fro and smear other such fluids all over your overalls, should you forget how to use the three sea shells.

Sep 28, 2019 • 1:11:39

Chills, Rappers, Zizek, Greta & Bill Paxton Impersonations Stream - Jay Dyer

Chills, Rappers, Zizek, Greta & Bill Paxton Impersonations Stream - Jay Dyer

It was going to be a movie analysis stream but ended up as an impersonations stream....

Sep 28, 2019 • 1:02:47

The Global Brain 'Murican Gladiators Multipass - Jay Dyer, Primal Edge Health on Boiler Room

The Global Brain 'Murican Gladiators Multipass - Jay Dyer, Primal Edge Health on Boiler Room

#JOEROGAN #terencemckenna #globalbrain The crew gathers to discuss the latest madness. We cover American Ninja Gladiators, global sportsballz, the nodes in the global brain, greta and her climate obsession, leeloo and Chris Tucker predicting the future, Jacques Attali and nomadic devices, and bum goiters that don't work

Sep 28, 2019 • 1:52:37

Greta The New Religion is the Old Religion - Jay Dyer JimBob

Greta The New Religion is the Old Religion - Jay Dyer JimBob

MadeByJimbob rejoins me to discuss the new religion being the old religion. He made a great cartoon of me chatting with Stefan, which was based. We will cover philosophy, ultimate principles, logic, religion, satire, social justice, Greta and more.

Sep 28, 2019 • 1:46:08

Alien Franchise Esoterica & More (Free Half) - Jay Dyer

Alien Franchise Esoterica & More (Free Half) - Jay Dyer

Alien Demon Overlords, part 2! Part 1 is below. In the next movie analysis stream we finally cover the alien franchise and take special note of the thematic influences, from Ridley Scott to Cameron to Fincher, Jeunet's Alien Resurrection, Prometheus and Alien Covenant. We will cover tranzzhumanizm, HR Giger, esoteric weirdness, Dem GMOz, as well as the lesser known God Told Me To and The Fourth Kind. FOR THE REST OF THE ALIEN SERIES, 4TH KIND AND GOLD TOLD ME TO SUB TO JAYSANALSIS!

Sep 28, 2019 • 1:17:07

Jesuits: The Real Truth - Jay Dyer With Orthobro Snek

Jesuits: The Real Truth - Jay Dyer With Orthobro Snek

#jesuit #vatican #philosophy Orthobro Snek joins me to discuss little know facts about the Jesuits and their machinations in France. We will touch on Guettee, Joan of Arc, the counter-reformation, heart worship, bizarre forms of Roman Catholic mortification and "spirituality," the role of the state in the Frankish Church and much more!

Sep 24, 2019 • 1:59:51



he Val Triple Feature! Two classics and one stink bomb. We will cover the Lord of the Rings….I mean Willow, the Val Batman, Batman Forever and one of my personal favorites, the ridiculously over the top anti-Russian propaganda film, The Saint, where Val plays the many goofus characters of Simon Templar.

Sep 20, 2019 • 2:15:57

Jesus in the Law Elijah as Type of Christ - Jay Dyer

Jesus in the Law Elijah as Type of Christ - Jay Dyer

The law and prophets are often typological presentations of the coming Messiah. In the NT Jesus explained the law of Moses and the prophets and Psalms were full of references to Him and that the entirety of those texts was about Him. In other talks I highlighted the Theophanies in the OT who are none other than the Logos, the Second Person. The appearances to Elijah and the symbolism in these texts are often overlooked as prophetic types that attest to inspiration.

Sep 18, 2019 • 14:29

IDIOCRACY: Biden, Warren, Trump & Soviet Pizza 2020 - Jay Dyer / Boiler Room

IDIOCRACY: Biden, Warren, Trump & Soviet Pizza 2020 - Jay Dyer / Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Uninterruptible Talk Radio - Thursdays on ACRTonight's BOILER ROOM is made up of HESHER, SPORE & JAY DYER - discussing the weeks event's for the media maniacs - Is the pineapple pizza debate being infiltrated and orchestrated by RUSSIAN HACKERS and is this why is the Pentagon/DoD budget 1.6 trillion dollars now? Seriously, is it? An actual "skynet" made up of military surveillance blimps with high tech mesh-networked spy equipment covering the enti

Sep 14, 2019 • 2:30:55

Homunculus GMO Babies of the Abyss - Boiler Room - Jay Dyer

Homunculus GMO Babies of the Abyss - Boiler Room - Jay Dyer

The crew gathers to discuss the latest nonsense and news. Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Uninterruptible Talk Radio with Hesher, Spore and Jay Dyer. This episode the BOILER ROOM joins up to discuss the latest outrages in the media feeds from the week. From drive through sex booths at a German airport, to transhumanist food slop, to laboratory meats being pushed by wallstreet and fast food joints, to fake meats made of human feces, is this where we are headed?! Who is one of the

Sep 9, 2019 • 2:17:24

The Problem of Evil?? What IS Evil?? Jay Dyer

The Problem of Evil?? What IS Evil?? Jay Dyer

See the video! After many requests, I am responding to the typical objection of the “problem of evil” if there is a Being who is All Loving and All Good, how can He permit evil? In this brief Q n A I will respond to the 3 main objections from our philosophic perspective as outlined in Job and other places in patristics. Our view of evil is that it is a privation, a negation and a move of the will away from the Good. It has no being in itself and ontological existence.

Sep 9, 2019 • 19:39

The Focus on Butt & Sterility & Fake Food! Jay Dyer, MadebyJimbob, Primal Edge - Boiler Room

The Focus on Butt & Sterility & Fake Food! Jay Dyer, MadebyJimbob, Primal Edge - Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Uninterruptible Talk Radio - Hosed by Hesher and Spore. In Part 1 of this episode of BOILER ROOM Hesher and Spore are joined by Jay Dyer, JimBob & Tristan Haggard to break down the escalating insanity we find ourselves surrounded by in 2019 where scientists are proposing eating human flesh to fight climate change, extinction rebellion is run by globalist PR firms and opportunistic parents of a specially-abled young woman who's being exploited to pu

Sep 9, 2019 • 1:45:47

Symbols & Their Meaning: Brotherhood of the Bell Explained - Jay Dyer / Eric Jones

Symbols & Their Meaning: Brotherhood of the Bell Explained - Jay Dyer / Eric Jones

Our good buddy Eric Jones of Picking Bones is starting his podcast and has asked me on as a first guest. Eric has been doing a killer job with critiquing pop culture, analyzing history and dissecting the subtle undercurrents in areas many overlook, like the background to the skateboarding world. We will be chatting about all things bizarre and historic. Subscribe to my work and purchase my books here: https://jaysanalysis.com/shop/

Sep 4, 2019 • 1:09:00

Dillahunty / Dyer Debate, Aquinas & Classical Foundationalism - FrDcn Dr. Sorem _ Jay Dyer

Dillahunty / Dyer Debate, Aquinas & Classical Foundationalism - FrDcn Dr. Sorem _ Jay Dyer

FrDcn Dr. Ananias Sorem joins me to discuss the hot topics of late: Thomism, the Thomistic apologetic and the five ways, causality and teleology, epistemology and metaphysical categories, absolute divine simplicity and the uncreated energies and how apophatic theology influences and is related to our apologetic approach as well as their being no neutrality.Father Deacon Ananias has a PhD in philosophy. His channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/user/esorem

Sep 4, 2019 • 2:14:21

Ready or Not (2019) Explained! Jay Dyer

Ready or Not (2019) Explained! Jay Dyer

Ready or Not was a surprise, filmwise. I expected standard fare horror, but what I saw instead was another ritual admission of how the world works. The elite family in the film runs a gaming empire with a worldview based around social Darwinism. The family also has a deep, dark secret that echoes previous horror installments like Eli Roth’s Hostel or Surviving the Game with Ice T.

Sep 4, 2019 • 8:38

Disproving the 5 Ways of Thomas Aquinas & Actus Purus - Jay Dyer (Half)

Disproving the 5 Ways of Thomas Aquinas & Actus Purus - Jay Dyer (Half)

#thomasaquinas #philosophy #debate The Val show is on hold since today is a perfect day to contrast the Thomistic view of analogia and actus Purus to the Logos/Logoi doctrine of St Maximos as well as exploring why we don't do "natural theology" in Orthodoxy, as Fr Staniloae explains in his masterful Orthodox Dogmatics Vol. 1. We will go through the Summa section by section, as well as looking at the Scotist irrelevance and contrast this with the Orthodox dogma as laid down in the 6th council.

Aug 26, 2019 • 2:16:49

Conan the Barbarian, The Destroyer & Red Sonja - CROM!! Jay Dyer

Conan the Barbarian, The Destroyer & Red Sonja - CROM!! Jay Dyer

That damn snake cult has to be dealt with. Time for an analysis of the long-requested Conan trilogy (?) including Flava Flav’s side piece, Briggite Nielsen in Red Sonja. One great film written by Oliver Stone, and two sub par stink balls that are a lot of fun. The esoteric is there, as well as some MK elements, as we will see. With the Neo-pagan revival of today in full swing it’s time we looked back to our authentic pagan forefathers – in Hollywood. You have until tomorrow night – start watchin

Aug 24, 2019 • 1:13:12

Rainforests BURN As Harambe & Cecil WEEP at Burning Man - Jay Dyer & Benny Wills

Rainforests BURN As Harambe & Cecil WEEP at Burning Man - Jay Dyer & Benny Wills

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Uninterruptible Talk Radio with Hesher & SporeOn this episode, BOILER ROOM Host, Hesher, and Co-Host, Spore are joined by Jay Dyer, Randy J and Benny Wills to discuss "hook-up apps" with terrible security being used in government facilities. Are this summers Amazon Rain Forest fires YOUR fault?! Extinction Revolution - why do people still buy into impending ecological holocaust fear porn? Big Data: Is it the key to the real life analogy to the Tolk

Aug 23, 2019 • 2:46:48

Alien Demon Overlords! Childhood's End, Close Encounters & The Blob! - Jay Dyer

Alien Demon Overlords! Childhood's End, Close Encounters & The Blob! - Jay Dyer

Jay on Film. Welcome to the new show format. Now, we’re going to cover 3 films with similar themes a few times a week and hopefully a few days ahead of time so you nerds have time view or review them! The new format will allow me to streamline the process and integrate the old “esoteric” approach in with *other* types of films that aren’t just esoteric. Our first new episode will cover Childhood’s End, Spielberg’s Close Encounters and the 1988 DER BLOB!

Aug 21, 2019 • 1:21:44



Matt Dillahunty and Jay Dyer square off in a long-requested discussion about the existence of God and the validity of the transcendental argument. Matt Dillahunty is a well known public speaker and debater who has appeared in debates with Dr. Jordan Peterson and remains a skeptic, while Jay Dyer is a philosopher and author. The debate will be moderated by Alternate Current Radio’s Hesher.

Aug 21, 2019 • 1:09:58



Matt Dillahunty and Jay Dyer square off in a long-requested discussion about the existence of God and the validity of the transcendental argument. Matt Dillahunty is a well known public speaker and debater who has appeared in debates with Dr. Jordan Peterson and remains a skeptic, while Jay Dyer is a philosopher and author. The debate will be moderated by Alternate Current Radio’s Hesher.

Aug 21, 2019 • 1:29:13

Evolution, Panspermia & Dialectics - Jay Dyer with Cartoonist Made by Jimbob

Evolution, Panspermia & Dialectics - Jay Dyer with Cartoonist Made by Jimbob

Made by Jimbob suggested a conversation where he would interview me (?) on my channel, so I said ok, and I guess I'll also cross-interview him. Jimbob is an American satirical cartoonist whose crude and often hyperbolic depictions reduce complex social and political issues to their core principles.Jimbob lived in Los Angeles, CA for 15 years which exposed him to the many characters and situations he draws today. He now resides in Colorado with his family.

Aug 19, 2019 • 1:42:12

Epstein: The Big Picture - Jay Dyer, Truthstream, Primal Edge Health

Epstein: The Big Picture - Jay Dyer, Truthstream, Primal Edge Health

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Uninterruptible Talk Radio with Hesher, Spore, Aaron and Melissa Dykes (Truth Stream Media), Jay Dyer (Jays Analysis), Tristan Haggard (Primal Edge Health & Randy J join forces for a discussion including robotic tails to keep people from falling over (because who hasn't fallen over and said to themselves, "If only I'd had a robotic tail!"), further commentary on Elon Musk's "Neuralink" brain interfacing computer system (yes Jacking into the Matrix

Aug 16, 2019 • 2:27:02

William Lane Craig, Transcendental Arguments & Atheism -Jay Dyer (Half)

William Lane Craig, Transcendental Arguments & Atheism -Jay Dyer (Half)

From 2015 and needed to be restored. This talk is especially relevant, given the paradigms debate. I had numerous requests for more theology, mathematics and metaphysics, so here you go. In this latest audio, I talk over William Lane’s talk over a Ted Talk. I thought it illustrative of both the errors I see in Dr. Craig’s approach, as well as the errors in the atheist and agnostic approaches of modernity, exemplified in Jim Holt’s TedTalk. I discuss the flaws of the classical approaches to argum

Aug 11, 2019 • 50:24

American Pychodrama with Lee Stranahan & Jay Dyer on Darwinism

American Pychodrama with Lee Stranahan & Jay Dyer on Darwinism

This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE on ACR with host Patrick Henningsen covers some of the top stories in the US, Europe and internationally. Later in the first hour we'll connect with journalist Lee Stranahan, host of Fault Lines Radio, to discuss what's lurking behind the recent mass shootings and the increasing polarization of American politics. In the second hour, we'll connect with Jay Dyer, author of the best-selling Esoteric Hollywood book series, to talk about the recent push-back

Aug 6, 2019 • 2:56:04

Kubrick's Hidden Messages - Jay Dyer on Jason Hawes & JV Johnson's Beyond Reality

Kubrick's Hidden Messages - Jay Dyer on Jason Hawes & JV Johnson's Beyond Reality

The famous hit television show Ghost Hunters' Jason Hawes & JV Johnson talk to Maria Schmidt of National Ghost Hunting Day & then Jay Dyer about his book series - Esoteric Hollywood. 7/30/2019 - Beyond Reality Radio.  We cover propaganda in film, symbolism, subversion in film, Kubrick's central messages that more or less predicted today's news headlines like we see with Epstein.  2001 and Eyes Wide Shut both have proven strangely prophetic.

Aug 5, 2019 • 28:20

Roman Catholicism & Orthodoxy on Palamas - Jay Dyer on Reason & Theology

Roman Catholicism & Orthodoxy on Palamas - Jay Dyer on Reason & Theology

Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures or purchase my books in the Shop! Michael Lofton asks Jay about essence and energies, created and uncreated grace, authority in Orthodoxy, Gregory Palamas, Maximus the Confessor, among many other related topics!Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.

Aug 4, 2019 • 2:06:16

12 Monkeys, Brazil & Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus - 40k Nerds! Jay + Primal Edge

12 Monkeys, Brazil & Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus - 40k Nerds! Jay + Primal Edge

Tristan of Primal Edge Health joins me for the 40k nerd subs party - we chose apt films for this celebration: three from the master himself, Terry Gilliam, and notably one of my favorites of all time, 12 Monkeys. We will look at the esoteric and predictive elements of Brazil and The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus too.

Aug 4, 2019 • 1:34:29

Taking Back Your Healthified Manhoodliness - Jay Dyer + Primal Edge Health

Taking Back Your Healthified Manhoodliness - Jay Dyer + Primal Edge Health

#keto #carnivore #diet Tristan joins me to discuss his journey, the latest news and nonsense. https://www.youtube.com/user/PrimalEdgeHealth

Aug 4, 2019 • 1:56:58

America, Byzantium & Orthodoxy - Former US Diplomat Jim Jatras + Jay Dyer

America, Byzantium & Orthodoxy - Former US Diplomat Jim Jatras + Jay Dyer

Former US Diplomat and Senate GOP Consultant Jim Jatras joins me to discuss his many articles, interviews and appearances, as well as his highly informed take on Russiagate, 2020, Ukraine, Orthodoxy and much more!

Aug 4, 2019 • 1:27:49

Part 2 Debate Between An Orthodox & Barlaamite (R Catholic) - St. Gregory Palamas (Half) Jay Dyer

Part 2 Debate Between An Orthodox & Barlaamite (R Catholic) - St. Gregory Palamas (Half) Jay Dyer

The timing is perfect to cover this classic debate between St. Gregory Palamas and a Barlaamite, who represents the normative, and later dogmatic, view of the Roman Catholic Church concerning divine simplicity. St. Gregory defends the essence-energy distinction, both philosophically and in terms of patristics, after having already defended it at length from Scripture in his Triads. We will see that the distinction is real and not "virtual," "nominal," "conceptual" or merely "logical," as well as

Aug 1, 2019 • 1:07:43

Part 1 Debate Between An Orthodox & Barlaamite (R Catholic) - St. Gregory Palamas (Half) Jay Dyer

Part 1 Debate Between An Orthodox & Barlaamite (R Catholic) - St. Gregory Palamas (Half) Jay Dyer

The timing is perfect to cover this classic debate between St. Gregory Palamas and a Barlaamite, who represents the normative, and later dogmatic, view of the Roman Catholic Church concerning divine simplicity. St. Gregory defends the essence-energy distinction, both philosophically and in terms of patristics, after having already defended it at length from Scripture in his Triads. We will see that the distinction is real and not "virtual," "nominal," "conceptual" or merely "logical," as well as

Aug 1, 2019 • 1:39:05

A View to A Kill: Esoteric Hollywood - Canary Cry Radio - w/ Jay Dyer

A View to A Kill: Esoteric Hollywood - Canary Cry Radio - w/ Jay Dyer

THE SCRIPTURES SAY THERE IS A TIME TO WEEP, AND A TIME TO LAUGH! This is a highly accurate description of what it’s like for those who expose the esoteric deception that is rampant in entertainment media on a daily basis. The occult powers that shape our spiritual and social worldview seem obscure and nebulous for many folks to grasp or understand. But through symbolic deconstruction of the entertainment media, we can begin to see the repetitive patterns that reveal the philosophical foundations

Jul 30, 2019 • 1:36:27

Storm Area 51 MEMES & MOVIES! Jay Dyer

Storm Area 51 MEMES & MOVIES! Jay Dyer

Be sure to watch the video analysis at YouTube! In this video I cover the fact that probably most rationally certainly we were seeded here by alien overlords. I then look at the best Area 51 memes and the problems of methane from cows according to Gary Busey, and then move to cover 5 alien UFO films from different decades. The Day the the Earth Stood Still, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Arrival with Chuck Sheen, Indedendence Day, Paul and Childhood's End a bit. Mind = blowed.

Jul 28, 2019 • 30:48

Debate: Jay Dyer VS Uniate Luc Dauvin - Absolute Divine Simplicity

Debate: Jay Dyer VS Uniate Luc Dauvin - Absolute Divine Simplicity

Luc is finally getting what he wanted so bad - a debate! We will be discussing ADS and the Roman Catholic dogmas over against the Orthodox views. Luc is a Uniate.

Jul 26, 2019 • 1:23:32

Elon Musk’s Grimes & Brain Chips! Jay Dyer + primal edge health boiler room

Elon Musk’s Grimes & Brain Chips! Jay Dyer + primal edge health boiler room

The crew gathers to discuss the latest news and madness. Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Uninterruptible Talk RadioTonight Hesher, Spore, Jay, Randy J and Tristan form up the ACR Brain-trust to discuss "Smart Diapers", Bluetooth baby nappies, data collection devices strapped to babies, the strange tale of Elon Musk's girlfriend, Grimes, having experimental eye surgery: what is her role in Elon's push for the normalization of Tranzhumanism? What is going on with Musk's "Neuralink"

Jul 26, 2019 • 2:14:46

Midsommar Vs Wicker Man! Symbolism Explained & Compared - Jay Dyer

Midsommar Vs Wicker Man! Symbolism Explained & Compared - Jay Dyer

#midsommar #hereditary #wickerman I made the fancy video I promised for you - be sure to see the video on YT. Is Midsommar another presentation of Wicker Man? Which is better? What is the meaning of 'wick"? The cycles of Nature and Demeter and Orphic Mysteries? The ritual and folk beliefs in the film? Is nature deified? Why Christopher Lee always be up in these trippy films? Jay has the answers!

Jul 19, 2019 • 21:31



JessumGuy invited me on to his new podcast to discuss my two books, Esoteric Hollywood 1 and 2. We cover the origins of the camera and propaganda, the origins of intelligence services in connection to films and the usage of various techniques that would later be a central aspect of advertising and then 007 and the Bond series.

Jul 18, 2019 • 2:16:47

HOT TOPICS - Storm Hot Topic at Area 51 - Jay Dyer + Benny Wills

HOT TOPICS - Storm Hot Topic at Area 51 - Jay Dyer + Benny Wills

Comedian and poet formerly of the popular sketch group JoyCamp Benny Wills joins me to touch base on recent crazy news and nonsense, as well as to dig deeper into the psyche of Benny.

Jul 18, 2019 • 1:37:30



Jay covers the gross movie Midsommar and its pagan symbolism, Wicker Man (1973) with Chrissy Lee and Stranger Things Season 3! Lots of fun here.

Jul 16, 2019 • 2:22:40

The Secret Dialectics of the Elite - Turning Point by Fritjof Capra - Jay Dyer (Half)

The Secret Dialectics of the Elite - Turning Point by Fritjof Capra - Jay Dyer (Half)

#quantumphysics #dialectics #philosophy Jay covers the latest in the globalization books series, The Turning Point by Capra. To hear the full talk subscribe to JaysAnalysis at the PayPal or credit card links.

Jul 16, 2019 • 1:38:57

Epstein Sex Trafficking, Cults, Blackmail, Treason, Foreign Interference... It Just Gets Worse!

Epstein Sex Trafficking, Cults, Blackmail, Treason, Foreign Interference... It Just Gets Worse!

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Uninterruptible Talk RadioOn tonight's episode, BOILER ROOM host, Hesher, and Co-Host, Spore are joined by Jay Dyer, Randy J and Infidel Pharaoh to discuss the normalization of sonic weapons being used on the public with the story of Philadelphia employing these measures to keep kids out of parks in the guise of keeping crime down, the reports of Google potentially changing their Chrome browser to blacklist web pages that discuss evidence leading i

Jul 12, 2019 • 2:19:32

Rise of Witchcraft & Goddess Worship - Jay Dyer on Quite Frankly

Rise of Witchcraft & Goddess Worship - Jay Dyer on Quite Frankly

Frank invited me back to discuss the connection of feminism and the goddess to witchcraft.

Jul 11, 2019 • 25:04

The UFO ALIEN OVERLORD PSY OP - Joe Rogan Bob Lazar - Jay Dyer (Half)

The UFO ALIEN OVERLORD PSY OP - Joe Rogan Bob Lazar - Jay Dyer (Half)

Are aliens real? What are UFOs? Do they relate to Darwinism? What about the new age movement? What about MKAYultra? I think these all relate and the news has exploded recently with reports of the military “admitting” the presence of UFOs. Is this something new, or is this a regurgitated psy op? What about Hollywood and its endless promotion of the alien agenda? For the full talk be sure to subscribe to JaysAnalysis at the website for access to the archives.

Jul 8, 2019 • 1:27:45

Dark Secrets of Deep Fakes & Cybernetics - Jay Dyer / Truthstream Media Live / Boiler Room

Dark Secrets of Deep Fakes & Cybernetics - Jay Dyer / Truthstream Media Live / Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Uninterruptible Talk RadioOn this episode ACR Hosts, Hesher and the Lovely Spore are joined (live in studio) by Aaron and Melissa Dykes of Truth Stream Media, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis, Jamie Hanshaw (author of Weird Stuff) and Randy J to have a post event wrap up of the screening of Truth Stream Media's documentary, "The Minds of Men"

Jul 5, 2019 • 2:32:03

Part 2 - Is Jesus God? Is God A Trinity? Response to Critics - Jay Dyer

Part 2 - Is Jesus God? Is God A Trinity? Response to Critics - Jay Dyer

Several channels and commenters have offered opposition of late and I will be responding in a lengthy stream to all of them at once (mainly Rocking Mr E as starting point), since all heresies are rooted in confusion over nature, person, will, essence and action in man and in God. "The root of all heresies is the failure to distinguish nature and Person." -St. John of Damascus. Arianism is refuted firstly from Scripture, but we must stress to the new Arian who also want sola scriptura to be true,

Jun 24, 2019 • 1:37:42

Part 1 - Is Jesus God? Is God A Trinity? Response to Critics - Jay Dyer

Part 1 - Is Jesus God? Is God A Trinity? Response to Critics - Jay Dyer

Several channels and commenters have offered opposition of late and I will be responding in a lengthy stream to all of them at once (mainly Rocking Mr E as starting point), since all heresies are rooted in confusion over nature, person, will, essence and action in man and in God. "The root of all heresies is the failure to distinguish nature and Person." -St. John of Damascus. Arianism is refuted firstly from Scripture, but we must stress to the new Arian who also want sola scriptura to be tru

Jun 24, 2019 • 1:29:05

Libra, Cults and More Madness! - KJ Ozborne, Jay Dyer, Benny Wills, Primal Edge Health - Boiler Room

Libra, Cults and More Madness! - KJ Ozborne, Jay Dyer, Benny Wills, Primal Edge Health - Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Uninterruptible Talk RadioThis week the Alternate Current Radio Brain Trust takes to the Social Rejects Club round table for another romp through the news and social feeds of the week. Join Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer (Jay's Analysis), Melissa Dykes (Truth Stream Media, Tristan Haggard (Primal Edge Health), Benny Wills (bennywills.com) KJ Osborne (TheScariestMovieEver) and Randy J in the BOILER ROOM. On this episode the BOILER ROOM is discussing a stud

Jun 23, 2019 • 3:31:49

Did This Film PREDICT the Roman Catholic Scandals AND HEREDITARY

Did This Film PREDICT the Roman Catholic Scandals AND HEREDITARY

Be sure to watch the video! A lesser known film based on Dennis Wheatley's esoteric novels and in the vein of The Devil Rides Our, which I covered in my first book, Esoteric Hollywood. In the last couple decades the Roman Church has been plagued with scandals that are not, in fact, new. Did Wheatley, with his connections know inside info? Did you know he was an insider with Crowley? Check out my analysis of To The Devil A Daughter.

Jun 19, 2019 • 11:04

PART 2 National Treasure Save America Con Air Election Stream - Jay Dyer Live

PART 2 National Treasure Save America Con Air Election Stream - Jay Dyer Live

Nic Cage possesses me at will to cover the 2018 election and bring to attention the reality that is the only way to save America - decoding the mysteries of Nic Cage and National Treasure (as well as Con Air). This will be a stream for the record books - so bring your bunny and "I'm gonna show you God exists."

Jun 17, 2019 • 1:38:04

PART 1 National Treasure Save America Con Air Election Stream - Jay Dyer Live

PART 1 National Treasure Save America Con Air Election Stream - Jay Dyer Live

Nic Cage possesses me at will to cover the 2018 election and bring to attention the reality that is the only way to save America - decoding the mysteries of Nic Cage and National Treasure (as well as Con Air). This will be a stream for the record books - so bring your bunny and "I'm gonna show you God exists."

Jun 17, 2019 • 1:43:45

Cyberpunk 2077, Mario 64, Resident Evil, Assassins Creed, Deus Ex & Esoteric Games - Jay Dyer

Cyberpunk 2077, Mario 64, Resident Evil, Assassins Creed, Deus Ex & Esoteric Games - Jay Dyer

Many have requested an esoteric analysis of several games, so here we go. I will look at a few examples I'm familiar with and consider the WHOA appearance of Keanu for Cyberpunk 2077 at E3. Many have requested an esoteric analysis of several games, so here we go. I will look at a few examples I'm familiar with and consider the WHOA appearance of Keanu for Cyberpunk 2077 at E3. I cover Cyberpunk 2077, Mario 64, Resident Evil, Assassins Creed, Deus Ex & more! Enjoy

Jun 17, 2019 • 2:28:41



Club of Rome and the climate agenda analyzed and how it relates to the new social engineering around diet and the rise of mandated veganic cultism. The climate agenda and the diet agenda are all connected, especially when we consider the inside connections revealed by the Dr. Day tapes or my globalism books series. We know documents like the Tavistock Institute and Changing Images of Man influenced this realm, but we cannot forget the Club of Rome’s First Global Revolution work.

Jun 17, 2019 • 2:14:37



This week the Alternate Current Radio Brain Trust takes to the Social Rejects Club round table for another romp through the news and social feeds of the week. Join Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer (Jays Analysis & YouTube), Melissa Dykes (Truth Stream Media – YouTube), Tristan Haggard (Primal Edge Health – YouTube), Benny Wills (Web – YouTube) Infidel Pharaoh and Randy J in the BOILER ROOM. On this episode the BOILER ROOM is discussing big tech industries, social media shooting itself in the foot with Or

Jun 17, 2019 • 1:51:38



This week the Alternate Current Radio Brain Trust takes to the Social Rejects Club round table for another romp through the news and social feeds of the week. Join Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer (Jays Analysis & YouTube), Melissa Dykes (Truth Stream Media – YouTube), Tristan Haggard (Primal Edge Health – YouTube), Benny Wills (Web – YouTube) Infidel Pharaoh and Randy J in the BOILER ROOM. On this episode the BOILER ROOM is discussing big tech industries, social media shooting itself in the foot with Or

Jun 15, 2019 • 1:59:01



I return to the lost and forgotten book of Sirach, the phenomenal book of the Deuterocanon. It shows us many facts regarding the continuity of the two testaments: These lost texts are full of prophetic announcements and superb practical wisdom. We will pick up where our last private chat ended around chapter 35 or so. For the full talk subscribe to JaysAnalysis at the Paypal or credit card links. Live at 6PM EST

Jun 13, 2019 • 1:52:24

Esoteric Nashville - Jay Dyer on Conspirinormal

Esoteric Nashville - Jay Dyer on Conspirinormal

www.patreon.com/conspirinormal We had the great opportunity to meet up with and interview Jay Dyer while he was here in Nashville. We got to speak to Jay a little bit about his background and some of his ideas he writes about in his books "Esoteric Hollywood Volumes 1 and 2". We also talk about some of the sites we took Jay to on our Synchro-Mystical tour of Nashville. Check out Jay's work at: https://jaysanalysis.com/ www.conspirinormal.com https://www.facebook.com/pages/Conspirinormal/4451

Jun 9, 2019 • 39:18

#voxadpocalypse, Boomer Memes & Gay Cats -  Aaron & Melissa Dykes! Plus Jay & Tristan

#voxadpocalypse, Boomer Memes & Gay Cats - Aaron & Melissa Dykes! Plus Jay & Tristan

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Uninterruptible Talk Radio on ACRThis week the Alternate Current Radio Brain Trust takes to the Social Rejects Club round table for another romp through the news and social feeds of the week. Join Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer (Jays Analysis), Aaron and Melissa (Truth Stream Media), Tristan Haggard (Primal Edge Health), Infidel Pharaoh and Randy J in the BOILER ROOM. On the agenda tonight the latest wave of internet censorship, de-platforming and de-mone

Jun 7, 2019 • 3:10:46

Illuminate Confirm! Adam Weishaupt & the Truth About the Templars

Illuminate Confirm! Adam Weishaupt & the Truth About the Templars

Historian Eric Jones joins me to dispel the myths and set the record straight.

Jun 5, 2019 • 1:13:51

Game of Thrones Finale - The Philosophy of the Series & Impersonations

Game of Thrones Finale - The Philosophy of the Series & Impersonations

#gameofthrones #gameofthronesseason8 #GoT BE sure to watch the video! What is the deeper message of Game of Thrones? Does Martin have an insight into geopolitics? Do we see a connection between the thrones in the series and real-world intrigue? What are we longing for in a demythologized world that GoT has tapped into? Is there an esoteric significance?

Jun 5, 2019 • 18:07

Lost Wisdom, Lost Biblical Books! Pt 2 - Jay Dyer (Half)

Lost Wisdom, Lost Biblical Books! Pt 2 - Jay Dyer (Half)

Many have said I don’t deal with very practical matters. I spend too much time on abstract theology and deep philosophy and it’s all ohhh so hard! Well, the reality is, I love practical wisdom. Let’s examine one of the best sources of ancient wisdom much of the western (Protestant) world has abandoned! – The books Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) and Wisdom. These books are a treasure trove of sage wisdom and something (along with Proverbs) I listen to constantly (on audio). So lets dive in. The second h

Jun 5, 2019 • 1:40:25

D Y E R W A V E V O L 2 - Amid the Ruins 1453 - NEW E P sample

D Y E R W A V E V O L 2 - Amid the Ruins 1453 - NEW E P sample

f you’re in the Nashville area tomorrow, June 1 2019, I’ll be down at Musicians Corner at Centennial Park signing books and chilling around noon. Listen to Vol 1 of DYERWAVE here and

Jun 1, 2019 • 12:03

Death Pods in the Age of Spiritual New Age Warfare - Benny Wills & Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Death Pods in the Age of Spiritual New Age Warfare - Benny Wills & Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Real People Talking about Real Stuff! This week the Alternate Current Radio Brain Trust takes to the Social Rejects Club round table for another romp through the news and social feeds of the week. Join Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer (Jays Analysis), Benny Wills (Joy Camp & Benny Wills.com) and Randy J in the BOILER ROOM. On the agenda tonight 3D printed "death pods" for "stylish" and "peaceful" suicide. Alexandria Occasio Cortes leaves the gang wondering

May 31, 2019 • 2:03:22

Jay's Krazy Mix - Live From ACR Studios

Jay's Krazy Mix - Live From ACR Studios

Alternate Current Radio Presents: JAY'S KRAZY MIX - Live from the ACR StudioJay Dyer, live in studio DJ Sesh Join us for at alternatecurrentradio.com for a warm up party with Fvnk$oul's MixTape - "The Music of Jay's Analysis"

May 27, 2019 • 2:49:06

John Wick 3, GMOs & The Minds of Men Doc - Boiler Room with Jay Dyer In Studio!

John Wick 3, GMOs & The Minds of Men Doc - Boiler Room with Jay Dyer In Studio!

#johnwick #johnwick3 #mindsofmen The crew gathers to discuss the latest crazy news and events. We cover John Wick 3 and the film's symbolism, the culture war as it applies to the realm of comics, Red Sparrow and Anna - Luc Besson's new assassin film, Aaron and Melissa's documentary Minds of Men, Mk ultra and cybernetics, Monsanto and Ice T, and much, much more!

May 25, 2019 • 2:29:12

God's Existence & Transcendental Arguments Debate Jay Dyer Vs Dr. Alex Malpass

God's Existence & Transcendental Arguments Debate Jay Dyer Vs Dr. Alex Malpass

Jay Dyer Jay Dyer is known for one of the premier film and philosophy sites on the net, Jaysanalysis.com. Jay’s graduate work focused on the interplay of film, geopolitics, espionage and psychological warfare. Jay is a public speaker, lecturer, comedian and author of the popular title Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film, which made it to Amazon’s No. 1 spot in its first month of release in the Film and Hollywood Category. Known for his in-depth commentary and satire, he has appear

May 25, 2019 • 1:40:57

Mind Control, Transhumanism and Hollywood Exposed! Jay Dyer on The Vinny Eastwood Show

Mind Control, Transhumanism and Hollywood Exposed! Jay Dyer on The Vinny Eastwood Show

I'm back on Vinny! It's a wild chat!

May 19, 2019 • 2:01:52

5g Apocalypse + Robot Teets - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

5g Apocalypse + Robot Teets - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Uninterruptible Talk Radio - LIVE on ACROn this meeting of the BOILER ROOM, the gang discusses the roll out of the 5G mobile wireless technology, the New York Times recent claims that questioning 5G with regards to health concerns is somehow Russian propaganda, the cities that are being forced into early integration of 5G towers and the level of honesty in the reporting and safety regulation happening with multiple kinds of wireless technologies. T

May 19, 2019 • 2:05:37

Lost Wisdom & LOST Biblical Books! Pt. 1 - Jay Dyer (Half)

Lost Wisdom & LOST Biblical Books! Pt. 1 - Jay Dyer (Half)

Many have said I don’t deal with very practical matters. I spend too much time on abstract theology and deep philosophy and it’s all ohhh so hard! Well, the reality is, I love practical wisdom. Let’s examine one of the best sources of ancient wisdom much of the western (Protestant) world has abandoned! – The books Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) and Wisdom. These books are a treasure trove of sage wisdom and something (along with Proverbs) I listen to constantly (on audio). So lets dive in. The second h

May 13, 2019 • 1:33:50

The Saturn Death Cult & Georgia Guidestones Monolith- Jay Dyer + Primal Edge Health Boiler Room

The Saturn Death Cult & Georgia Guidestones Monolith- Jay Dyer + Primal Edge Health Boiler Room

#saturn #monolith #cube The crew gathers to discuss the latest craziness and nonsense. AOC and her garbage disposal, 007 and Blofeld and evil genius yachts, vegan cults, hipsters and fashion, end of life panel and death cult, Saturn worship, the black cube, esoteric cults, rituals, mass manipulation, hellraiser and pinhead, monoliths and altar stones, the Georgia Guidestones and more!

May 13, 2019 • 3:34:05

Orthodoxy & Roman Catholic Exchange - Jay Dyer Clayton Muirhead

Orthodoxy & Roman Catholic Exchange - Jay Dyer Clayton Muirhead

An impromptu challenger emerged on Twitter. Clayton Muirhead expressed an interest in my debates and topics and was eager to have an exchange on the history of the papacy and the different conceptions in Roman Catholicism and Orthodoxy in terms of the Triad, the office of Peter and the Christological implications of the essence-energy distinction.

May 13, 2019 • 1:20:50

Islam Vs Orthodox Christianity Debate - Jay Dyer / Paul Williams

Islam Vs Orthodox Christianity Debate - Jay Dyer / Paul Williams

#islam #orthodox #debate Islamic UK apologist Paul Williams (former Christian) has reached out for an exchange on the question of the Trinity in Scripture and the status of Christ in the Law, Prophets, NT and Church Fathers. I said I was glad and open to having a civil exchange.

May 10, 2019 • 2:22:18

Wicca Phase - Just One Thing, Secret Boy, Absolute in Doubt Live - Jay Dyer

Wicca Phase - Just One Thing, Secret Boy, Absolute in Doubt Live - Jay Dyer

#gothboiclique #wiccaphasespringseternal #fantasycamp Me filming and uploaded with Wicca Phase permission. Was honored to be invited out to Wicca’s live show and chill backstage with him and Smrtdeath and Fantasy Camp in April 2019. These guys are super nice in person. Wicca has promoted Esoteric Hollywood for me and I am grateful so I want to return the favor. We filmed a cool in-person interview which I’ll upload later, but was doubly honored when he asked me onstage and shouted out JaysAnalys

May 9, 2019 • 11:22

Jordan Peterson Vs Slavoj Zizek Debate - Who Won Not Who You Think! Jay Dyer

Jordan Peterson Vs Slavoj Zizek Debate - Who Won Not Who You Think! Jay Dyer

#zizek #jordanpeterson #debateMany requested it, so here it is! I watched and took notes on the entire debate. It was fun and on the official debate scale of which I am a mater expert, I give the debate a 7 out of 10. As you can imagine, I have a unique take on this much-touted exchange that almost no one else has. I did think the Distributist channel had a sound take, and here I give you the JaysAnalysis treatment. Who WON? My answer may surprise you!The debate is here: https://youtu.be/78

May 7, 2019 • 29:43

Avengers Endgame Gray Goo?? - Jay Dyer + Primal Edge Health on Boiler Room

Avengers Endgame Gray Goo?? - Jay Dyer + Primal Edge Health on Boiler Room

The crew gathers to discuss the latest craziness and nonsense. Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Uninterruptible Talk Radio - Broadcasted LIVEOn this episode the Social Rejects club meets for the weekly round table discussion to hash out the latest internet oddities, news stories, cultural warfare salvos and WTF moments from the social media feeds. From hot dogs made of maggots, to NYC banning (real) hot dogs in state facilities, The 'selfie-death epidemic' , Hollywood/Intelligence

May 5, 2019 • 2:25:26

Jordan Peterson vs Zizek: The Disney Simulation We Live In - Jay Dyer + Primal Edge Health

Jordan Peterson vs Zizek: The Disney Simulation We Live In - Jay Dyer + Primal Edge Health

#Jordanpeterson #zizek #vegan Tristan and Jay cover the latest news about the Vegan cult and radical activism.

May 4, 2019 • 2:34:42

Hollywood, Conspiracy and the Esoteric - Jay Dyer on Lighting the Void

Hollywood, Conspiracy and the Esoteric - Jay Dyer on Lighting the Void

In this edition of the broadcast, we talk to Jay Dyer. Subjects include Hollywood, Symbolism, occult, and conspiracy. Jay Dyer from JaysAnalysiscom has grown to become one of the premier film and philosophy sites on the net, showcasing the talents of Jay Dyer, whose graduate work focused on the interplay of film, geopolitics, espionage, and psychological warfare. Jay is a public speaker, lecturer, comedian, and author of the popular title Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults, and Symbols in Film, whic

May 1, 2019 • 3:00:33

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Last Starfighter, Kumare & Cage Rage - Jay Dyer + Boiler Room

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Last Starfighter, Kumare & Cage Rage - Jay Dyer + Boiler Room

#buffythevampireslayer #cults #nicolascage The crew gathers to discuss the latest craziness and nonsense. Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of ‘The Boiler Room’ Thursdays at 6:00 PM PST | 8:00 PM CST | 9:00 PM EST. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for bar fly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Welcome to the So

Apr 26, 2019 • 2:29:41

Dune Predicted Everything - Full Film/Novel Analysis

Dune Predicted Everything - Full Film/Novel Analysis

#dune #davidlynch #moviesBe sure to watch the video! From my second book, Esoteric Hollywood 2, I give an in-depth analysis of the themes and symbols in Herbert's prophetic novel Dune, and compare it to the 1984 Lynch version of the film. We cover terraforming, spies, cartels, mind control programming, the Middle East, occult bloodlines, and much more! Be sure to purchase a signed copy of my book at JaysAnalysis and subscribe for more!

Apr 24, 2019 • 17:50

Kubrick & The Apotheosis of Man - Jay Dyer on Quite Frankly

Kubrick & The Apotheosis of Man - Jay Dyer on Quite Frankly

#stanleykubrick #theshining #eyeswideshut Quite Frankly invited me on to discuss Kubrick films, their meaning and symbolism, the Notre Dame fire, the history of revolutionary movements and how they relate to the final revolution of post-humanism through the lense of Huxley and Orwell.

Apr 24, 2019 • 1:18:41

Game of Thrones, No Collusion, NXIVM, Cults & Epstein - Jay Dyer & Primal Edge

Game of Thrones, No Collusion, NXIVM, Cults & Epstein - Jay Dyer & Primal Edge

The crew gathers to discuss the latest craziness and nonsense. Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Uninterruptible Talk Radio vs the culture warHesher, Spore, Jay Dyer and Tristan Haggard dip into the BOILER ROOM rep'n the Social Rejects Club this week to discuss bogus studies claiming house pets are to blame for so-called climate change as the show kicks off. The gang talks briefly about Hollywood productions like Game of Thrones, the upcoming Dune movie and others as they relate to

Apr 19, 2019 • 2:17:08

Notre Dame Fire Symbolism - Jay Dyer

Notre Dame Fire Symbolism - Jay Dyer

Be sure to watch the video! The tragic event of the burning of the cathedral signifies more than most are aware of. Back to the time of the French Revolution, churches have been burned and even recently many churches in Europe have been burned and marked with Satanic symbolism. At the same time, other sites caught fire, but this was overlooked. I cover the spiritual meaning of the event and the even more tragic loss of faith on the part of western society.

Apr 17, 2019 • 11:28

A REAL Mind Control Movie You Cannot UNSEE!

A REAL Mind Control Movie You Cannot UNSEE!

#mandy #beyondtheblackrainbow #moviesBe sure to watch the video analysis! I was asked for years to do an analysis of Panos Cosmatos' first film, Beyond the Black Rainbow. Not only is the film a full revelation of the New Age front that MK functioned behind, but even suggests much more, as it also become a gnostic allegory, like we saw in my Mandy analysis. Why are the 1980s so important for the overall agenda? If you like this analysis be sure to pick up a copy of my books Esoteric Hollywood 1

Apr 17, 2019 • 15:16

13 Questions with Jay Dyer

13 Questions with Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer is known for one of the premier film and philosophy sites on the net. Jay’s graduate work focused on the interplay of film, geopolitics, espionage and psychological warfare. Jay is a public speaker, lecturer, comedian and author of the popular title Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film, which made it to Amazon’s No. 1 spot in its first month of release in the Film and Hollywood Category. Known for his in-depth commentary and satire, he has appeared on numerous nationally

Apr 16, 2019 • 51:46

God's Existence & Transcendental Arguments - Jay Dyer

God's Existence & Transcendental Arguments - Jay Dyer

#transcendentalargument #god #philosophy Multiple people have requested a philosophy Q n A so I am offering an open forum, with superchat discussion welcomed. Transcendental arguments, Pre-Socratics, Stoics, sophists, Aristotle, Plato, church fathers, Logos, logoi, St. Augustine, Neo-platonism, Origen, Medieval philosophy, up to enlightenment and modern era of continental and analytical traditions.

Apr 15, 2019 • 2:15:40

Simulation Theory & The Pagan Gods Refuted - Jay Dyer (Half)

Simulation Theory & The Pagan Gods Refuted - Jay Dyer (Half)

#philosophy #aristotle #paganism https://youtu.be/aVu-Xn25ZGcI reflect on the lengthy, highly philosophical debate from last night and reconstruct the arguments since we had technical difficulties. I consider how it is we can associate Aristotle in the pagan tradition, how my Aristotelian pagan opponent used his argumentation and how the position was flawed. My Site: https://jaysanalysis.comMy Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JayDyerMy Book: https://jaysanalysis.com/shop/My TV Show: https://www

Apr 15, 2019 • 2:01:05

Time Bandits is Actually INSANE! The Real Meaning and More - Jay Dyer on Aeon Byte

Time Bandits is Actually INSANE! The Real Meaning and More - Jay Dyer on Aeon Byte

Behind the machine and media that is Tinsel Town lie dark forces that seek to manipulate, politicize, and even enslave the human psyche. Some of these forces may be spiritual. We take a deep dive into the hidden symbolism and agendas of Hollywood – often manifesting in beloved, seemingly innocuous films and television shows.

Apr 10, 2019 • 1:19:42

HigherSide Chats + Jay Dyer - Esoteric Hollywood 2, Movies, Mobs, & Mind Control

HigherSide Chats + Jay Dyer - Esoteric Hollywood 2, Movies, Mobs, & Mind Control

Returning guest Jay Dyer of JaysAnalysis joins THC to talk about his latest book Esoteric Hollywood 2, which covers mobs and front companies in Hollywood, some conspiratorial history at the Vatican, his thoughts on the Our Lady Fatima event, V For Vendetta, and a whole lot more. Enjoy!

Apr 9, 2019 • 1:09:36

Creepy Joe Biden, Freelee Bananas Girl & Rapper Conspiracies - Jay Dyer + Primal Edge

Creepy Joe Biden, Freelee Bananas Girl & Rapper Conspiracies - Jay Dyer + Primal Edge

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Uninterruptible Talk Radio on ACRTonight! On BOILER ROOM! Bill Gates - (bazzillionaire technocrat obsessed with lowering the planet's population by 15-20 percent) backs company making "lab grown meats" - Are these good for anyone, or are they part of a decades long plan to weaken and control the human condition. Join the Social Rejects for a look back to 1929's vision of a transhumanist future via Lord Birkenhead who predicted and promoted a future

Apr 5, 2019 • 2:12:07

Jay Vs Daily Braaap / Joe the Boomer

Jay Vs Daily Braaap / Joe the Boomer

An unexpected light hearted debate with the Catholics and Thomists at the DB and Joe the Boomer. We also discuss paganism.

Apr 4, 2019 • 1:50:49

The Hidden Meaning Blew Me Away.....

The Hidden Meaning Blew Me Away.....

Be sure to watch the VIDEO mini-doc! https://youtu.be/dZwj7ioS44I

Apr 2, 2019 • 31:07

Laurel Canyon, The Source Family Cult & Fabio - Jay Dyer + Boiler Room

Laurel Canyon, The Source Family Cult & Fabio - Jay Dyer + Boiler Room

#cults #laurelcanyon #beatles Apologies the gain was up too high for the first few minutes of discussion but I even it out. The crew gathers to discuss the latest insane news and nonsense: Fabio, cuddle parties, laurel canyon and the source family cult, and more! Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Uninterruptible Talk Radio - on ACRJoin Hesher, Spore, Randy J, Jay Dyer and Fvnk$oul for a meeting of the Social Rejects Club think tank. The show kicks off with an Icelandic woman who sa

Apr 2, 2019 • 2:35:37



Covering the ecumenical councils and the epistemic issue of how we have doctrinal certainty. I will touch on the importance of Pentecost and the teaching office of the Spirit and the means the Spirit had ordained. We will cover the approach of the councils from the councils themselves, beginning in Acts 15 up through the ecumenical ones, depending on how far we get. I will also reply to the laughable pseudo-argument about my using the term “infused substance” instead of infused accident, as if i

Apr 2, 2019 • 1:30:05



Covering the ecumenical councils and the epistemic issue of how we have doctrinal certainty. I will touch on the importance of Pentecost and the teaching office of the Spirit and the means the Spirit had ordained. We will cover the approach of the councils from the councils themselves, beginning in Acts 15 up through the ecumenical ones, depending on how far we get. I will also reply to the laughable pseudo-argument about my using the term "infused substance" instead of infused accident, as if i

Apr 1, 2019 • 1:44:06

D Y E R W A V E V O L. 1 [ F U L L A L B U M } - Amid the Ruins

D Y E R W A V E V O L. 1 [ F U L L A L B U M } - Amid the Ruins

Please, forgive me for visual minimalism. The Internet has been catastrophic for the last ten days. At least, I have managed to finally give you the whole album. Again, the official album cover and... D Y E R W A V E !!! Tracklist: 1. Intro [Grateful Jay] 2. Dyerwave music 3. A. I. CITIES 4. The Inversion 5. Jay's Analysis [Main Theme] 6. On the Shoulders of Giants 7. Relativism 8. Tragedy & Hope [Instrumental] 9. Theosis Available soon on Bandcamp, for free download. God bless! AMID THE RUINS:

Mar 27, 2019 • 32:32

Philosophy of Globalism - Julian Huxley, UNESCO & The Final Revolution (Half)

Philosophy of Globalism - Julian Huxley, UNESCO & The Final Revolution (Half)

We move on in the globalism books series to cover another Huxley, Julian, the father of the term “transhumanism,” who outlines the open philosophy of globalism in his famous essay “UNESCO: Its Purpose and Philosophy.” In Part 2 we will cover the first half of his book On Living in a Revolution and compare it to the subject we often cover known as the “final revolution.”

Mar 27, 2019 • 1:06:24

Debate: Classical Theist VS Jay Dyer on Palamas & Thomas Aquinas - Uncreated Energies

Debate: Classical Theist VS Jay Dyer on Palamas & Thomas Aquinas - Uncreated Energies

Classical Theist has agreed to come on to begin our debate on the issue of the essence-energy distinction and the uncreated energies of God, contrasted with the Thomistic and later Roman-defined doctrine of absolute simplicity.

Mar 27, 2019 • 1:12:46

Debate: Paganism Vs Orthodoxy - Jay Dyer / Boglord Dave Martel

Debate: Paganism Vs Orthodoxy - Jay Dyer / Boglord Dave Martel

An impromptu debate over the question of the Neo-pagan revival. Our debate revolves the question of whether paganism and in his case, Asatru, are objectively true and can be proven in terms of logical, rational and philosophical discourse.  How are claims justified? What is a universal claim?  How is it justified?  Is logic just a word trick?

Mar 25, 2019 • 1:21:46

Numerology & Sacred Geometry Basics Explained - Jay Dyer

Numerology & Sacred Geometry Basics Explained - Jay Dyer

#numerology #sacredgeometry #symbolism Be sure to watch the VIDEO! In this video I give a basic breakdown of how numbers relate to nature, as well how they reflect the Divine Mind. Man’s mind is also a little mirror of the Divine Mind and able to understand and reflect upon these natural principles that give him an insight into the regularity, order and symmetry found in the world. As such, numbers show us not only natural principles, but even theological truths. For more, subscribe to JaysAnal

Mar 25, 2019 • 17:34

Peak Cringe Degeneracy - Boiler Room Madness - Jay Dyer + Primal Edge

Peak Cringe Degeneracy - Boiler Room Madness - Jay Dyer + Primal Edge

#cringe #beto #comedyThe crew gathers to cover the latest craziness and nonsense. Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Uninterruptible Talk Radio - Thursdays on ACRThe Social Rejects Club (Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Tristan Haggard, Fvnk$oul, Randy J and Infidel Pharaoh) meets at the round table for another dive into the media streams on the 219th episode of BOILER ROOM to discuss UK "Mom Pron,", some thoughts on why ISIS is rarely seen or heard of in the mass media cartel news cycles a

Mar 24, 2019 • 2:15:10

Captain Marvel & Disney Are Hiding This...

Captain Marvel & Disney Are Hiding This...

#disney #captainmarvel #eyeswideshut The Forbidden Zone News invited me on to discuss the subject of my books and how Hollywood has hidden its secrets behind its methods of mass control. Hollywood has always been a propaganda engine, but what about the deep mysteries of the esoteric? What about Britney and her handlers? What about Plato? What about Eyes Wide Shut and Kubrick? You can purchase signed copies of my book and sign up for my talks at JaysAnalysis.com

Mar 16, 2019 • 54:13

N I H I L I S M - Root of the Revolution - Fr Seraphim Rose - Jay Dyer (Half)

N I H I L I S M - Root of the Revolution - Fr Seraphim Rose - Jay Dyer (Half)

#atheism #newage #cults Tonight we will cover Fr. Rose's classic book Nihilism. We will focus on the revolutionary age and how it brought man to a point of empty materialism, which led to nihilistic scientism. Now, we are in the era of post-human Luciferianism - another logical step. The first half is public, while the full talk for subscribers can be obtained at JaysAnalysis links below.

Mar 16, 2019 • 2:31:05

Hollywood Deal With the Devil - Jay Dyer on Glitches in the Code

Hollywood Deal With the Devil - Jay Dyer on Glitches in the Code

In this brand new episode of the Glitch In The Code Podcast I get to sit down with the incredible Jay Dyer who is one of the leading authors in alternative media research. His books "Esoteric Hollywood Volumes 1 and 2" made it to the Amazon number 1 spot. In this episode we discuss who got Jay into this line of work, how hard it is to make living in the alternative media when the corporations are shutting alternative opinions down (1984 anyone) his research into the Esoteric and occult nature of

Mar 10, 2019 • 44:41

Dad Jokes, Dad Gas & Denver Airport Gargoyle - Jay Dyer - Boiler Room

Dad Jokes, Dad Gas & Denver Airport Gargoyle - Jay Dyer - Boiler Room

The boiler room gang gathers to debate the latest news. WE touch on dad jokes, dad gas, the Denver airport, carnivals, demon seed the movie, weird weather and more! Hesher, Spore and Jay Dyer bring the old school Social Rejects club to the table this week, discussing absurd 'agender alien' persons, the unicorn phenomena, adult babies, strange antarctic structures, the new talking gargoyle at the Denver Airport, Mass Media Cartel agencies ambushing Bernie Sanders with political operatives disguis

Mar 9, 2019 • 2:05:01

JA Vintage Episode: Magnolia Decoded (1999) - Hollywood Mind Control & Abuse

JA Vintage Episode: Magnolia Decoded (1999) - Hollywood Mind Control & Abuse

In this episode, I deconstruct P.T. Anderson’s Magnolia and show how the synchronicity in the film relates to both Jung and Hollywood Mind Control and instances of Satanic pedophilia. While difficult for some, Anderson’s Magnolia is a curious film unlike cookie-cutter Hollywood vomit, tackling dark topics with a cavalier attitude. In my analysis, I show how this relates to western esoterism and mind control.

Mar 7, 2019 • 1:13:39

Antarctica Secret Mysteries Hidden in THIS OLD FILM?

Antarctica Secret Mysteries Hidden in THIS OLD FILM?

#antarctica #ufo #alien In this new mini-doc I take a stab at Antarctica. Why have so many world leaders been taking trips there? What is hidden there in all these recent Google satellite photos investigators are discovering? Does it relate to Aliens and UFOs? Hidden bases and vaults? What is the old movie that revealed and predicted so many modern "discoveries" some 40 years ago?

Mar 5, 2019 • 28:22

Joe Rogan Vs Allex JOnez UFO DMT Alien Demon Wisdom - Primal Edge/Boiler Room

Joe Rogan Vs Allex JOnez UFO DMT Alien Demon Wisdom - Primal Edge/Boiler Room

The boiler room gang gathers to debate the latest news. Tonight we cover the Jonez Rogan show the Internet went nuts over. We talk alines, UFO, elves, demons and the clockwork elves. #joerogan #trip #powerfulJRE

Mar 5, 2019 • 2:22:19

They Are Rolling This Out Everywhere!

They Are Rolling This Out Everywhere!

#artificialintelligence #zen #meditation Be are to watch the video! We have seen the rise of Sophia and the bots on display for many years, but now the bots are moving into the overtly religious sphere, as Buddhism adopts the preaching of the image! Is this related to revelation? Is this something to fear or is this natural? What are other pop culture trends preparing us for? For more info subscribe to my site, JaysAnalysis

Mar 3, 2019 • 15:09

Jussie Smollett, Climate Debate & Wrestling - Jay Dyer & Primal Edge & Benny Wills - Boiler Room

Jussie Smollett, Climate Debate & Wrestling - Jay Dyer & Primal Edge & Benny Wills - Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room - Uninterruptible Talk Radio on ACRStrap in for another meeting of the Social Rejects Club as the Boiler Room convenes for the weekly deep dive into the sewage of the mass media cartels and the mind numbing, death race, autobahn of the social media superhighway. This week Hesher, Spore and the gang are discussing a new "diagnosis" called "climate grief"... is it an actual diagnosis or just cheap words to mask what should be looked upon as trauma base

Feb 23, 2019 • 2:23:07

I Am That I Am, Essence-Energy, St. Athanasius & Wandering Bishop Sedevacantist Cults - Jay Dyer

I Am That I Am, Essence-Energy, St. Athanasius & Wandering Bishop Sedevacantist Cults - Jay Dyer

Traditional philosophy and metaphysics Ep. 10: I will be covering the ritardo accusation that St Athanasius taught absolute divine simplicity as illustrated from the definitive Fr Florovsky paper on the subject, analyzing De Decretis, and looking again at the theophanies and how Triadology developed from St Athanasius to St Basil in letters 38 and 234, to St Maximos and the 6th Council, into St. John of Damascus and the Confession of St. Sophronius and into the medieval Orthodox councils that de

Feb 20, 2019 • 2:31:50

Glass, True Detective Season 3 Analysis, Lords of Chaos - Jay Dyer + Boiler Room

Glass, True Detective Season 3 Analysis, Lords of Chaos - Jay Dyer + Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Uninterruptible Talk RadioOn this episode of the show the Social Rejects Club is doing some Hollywood happenings with discussions on M. Night Shyamalan's new film Glass and its prequels, Unbreakable and Split. The ongoing third season of True Detective is on the table for analysis. The Lords of Chaos film and the dark history behind it, music art, human trafficking, ritual abuse... And what the heck is a "Poo Wizard"? Spore will let you know! All t

Feb 15, 2019 • 2:12:26

John of God, California & Cults - Jay Dyer + Benny Wills + Boiler Room

John of God, California & Cults - Jay Dyer + Benny Wills + Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room - Uninterruptible Talk RadioOn this episode of the show the Social Rejects Club is discussing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez releasing her idiotic "Green New Deal policy" outline for a pie in the sky socialist utopia that leaves even the Bernie'ist progressives scratching their heads and wondering how these policies will be enacted and paid for. Next on the media menu is this doozy of a headline: 'John of God' faith healer 'kept teenagers as sex slave

Feb 15, 2019 • 2:15:27

Jordan Peterson, Transcendental Arguments, Atheism & Esoteric Hollywood - Jay Dyer/Danny Roddy

Jordan Peterson, Transcendental Arguments, Atheism & Esoteric Hollywood - Jay Dyer/Danny Roddy

Danny Roddy invited me on his channel/podcast to discuss my work. We cover the Cold War, the CIA and Hollywood, my books and debates and talks, the writings of Salk and Brzezinski, process philosophy and Hegel, and much more!Genetics is now engaged in a controversy between those who insist on the primary importance of the gene, and those who oppose them. The contestants have often yielded to the temptation to support and accepted doctrine rather than an orderly and systemic search for a rational

Feb 13, 2019 • 1:12:36

AV9 Conference - Jay Dyer - Hollywood Trans-Humanism Rise of the Machines

AV9 Conference - Jay Dyer - Hollywood Trans-Humanism Rise of the Machines

This video/DVD can be purchased at the AV 9 website. Science fiction has long had a grip on the human mind; echoing the primal myths of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. But there is a Pentagon-driven strategy behind the popular comic book and Star Trek narratives we're fed. Not only does Hollywood participate in the CIA, FBI and NSA narratives, there is a deeper agenda at work, intent on indoctrinating the masses into a tyrannical technocratic dystopia, with the replacement of the human workfor

Feb 12, 2019 • 1:18:35

The Secret Team - Jay Dyer & Basil Valentine Guest Host Sunday Wire

The Secret Team - Jay Dyer & Basil Valentine Guest Host Sunday Wire

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Sunday Wire - With Guest Hosts Jay Dyer and Basil ValentineThis week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE with guest host Jay Dyer from Jays Analysis and author of Esoteric Hollywood II, as he fills in for Patrick Henningsen. In light of the NeoCons' recent foray into regime change in Venezuela, Jay breaks down the wild and often gruesome history of US clandestine meddling in foreign elections and the overthrow of elected governments - and the exploits of what writer

Feb 12, 2019 • 2:10:33

Mini-Doc - The Witch Cult is Among Us!

Mini-Doc - The Witch Cult is Among Us!

This is a mini documentary video. Be sure to like and share the actual video.

Feb 8, 2019 • 27:45

What You Freakin Missed in Terminator 1-3! - Jay Dyer + J Lee

What You Freakin Missed in Terminator 1-3! - Jay Dyer + J Lee

Jefferson and I discuss the first three Terminator films, analyzing the intense preditive progggramingz and the multitudinous bizarre symbols and tranzhumanist preparations as well as SKynett.

Feb 8, 2019 • 2:23:03

Biblical Symbolism, Allegory & Mystagogy - St. Maximos - Jay Dyer

Biblical Symbolism, Allegory & Mystagogy - St. Maximos - Jay Dyer

Today we cover the lesser known work of St. Maximos the Confessor, the Mystagogy, which delves into the symbolism found in the churches, the liturgy and the Bible. It also sets St. Maximos' means and methods of interpretation off against natural theology and natural law. Revelation is necessary for interpreting the natural world.

Feb 2, 2019 • 1:09:23

Beyonce, John of God Cult, 90s Alt SHREK Rock, Fake Nuggets - BOILER ROOM - Jay Dyer

Beyonce, John of God Cult, 90s Alt SHREK Rock, Fake Nuggets - BOILER ROOM - Jay Dyer

The Boiler Room crew gathers to discuss the latest nonsense: We cover the John of God cult, impressions, weird news, the new Ghostbusters film, the death of comedy, vegan debates, 90s Alt SHREK rock, fake food importations, and more!

Feb 1, 2019 • 2:52:05

Jesus' Atonement? Christology, Essence - Energy BK III - Ep 9 - Jay Dyer (Half)

Jesus' Atonement? Christology, Essence - Energy BK III - Ep 9 - Jay Dyer (Half)

We return to Defense of the Orthodox Faith, Book III to demonstrate the obvious teaching of St. John the essence-energy distinction directly impacts Christology, which directly impacts sacramentology and the doctrine of deification (as opposed to created grace in Rome). We also see how the doctrine refutes similar errors in Protestantism, including their heretical Nestorian atonement doctrine. We will also touch in the lack of any gnomic will in Christ and how this relates to proper anthropology

Jan 28, 2019 • 2:26:39

God's Existence: Natural Revelation & Logoi - Traditional Philosophy Ep 8 - Jay Dyer

God's Existence: Natural Revelation & Logoi - Traditional Philosophy Ep 8 - Jay Dyer

Traditional philosophy and metaphysics Ep 8 picks up with a further discussion of natural theology, natural law, its true and false senses and contexts and how the world cannot be properly interpreted without special revelation. We will critique the erroneous notions of "Logos" as universal reason, natural law and theology in the Thomistic and deistic Enlightenment senses and how those schemes led to today's atheism. We will critique the bland, unthinking acceptance of the so-called "classical"

Jan 28, 2019 • 2:01:22

Church and State - Traditional Philosophy Ep 5 - Jay Dyer

Church and State - Traditional Philosophy Ep 5 - Jay Dyer

Traditional philosophy and metaphysics Ep 5 picks up with a discussion of wisdom and the application of the wisdom texts in Scripture. We may also, if you're lucky, touch on monarchy and the civil magistrate in terms of revealed doctrine.

Jan 28, 2019 • 2:26:06

Natural Law and Natural Theology Don't Exist - Traditional Philosophy Ep 7 - Jay Dyer

Natural Law and Natural Theology Don't Exist - Traditional Philosophy Ep 7 - Jay Dyer

Traditional philosophy and metaphysics Ep 7 picks up with a discussion of natural theology, natural law, its true and false senses and contexts and how the world cannot be properly interpreted without special revelation. We will critique the erroneous notions of "Logos" as universal reason, natural law and theology in the Thomistic and deistic Enlightenment senses and how those schemes led to today's atheism. We will critique the bland, unthinking acceptance of the so-called "classical" argument

Jan 28, 2019 • 2:27:35

Drug Culture History, Cults, Black Israelites & Covington Kid - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Drug Culture History, Cults, Black Israelites & Covington Kid - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room - Uninterruptible Talk RadioEver get the feeling the majority of the mainstream news stories are manufactured narratives? So do we! Boiler Room is here to encourage everyone to take a deeper look, keep a sense of humor and some semblance of logic and morality when it comes to the mass media cartel toxic dump truck doing their best to push vile dialectics and false narratives.On this episode the Boiler Room is discussing the unavoidable story of the C

Jan 25, 2019 • 2:42:57

THEY Are Throwing IT in Our FACE!

THEY Are Throwing IT in Our FACE!

This is a new video mini-doc - be sure to watch the video and subscribe and like. Programming and entrainment through mass public ceremonies is not new, but could have even achieved in such a degraded form in our day through decades of planning, as well as the planned counter-culture revolution of the 1960s. These decades prepared us for a new AEON, now being ushered in through greater and greater levels of degradation. Mass public ritual ceremonies are one of the chief ways we are initiated in

Jan 23, 2019 • 20:51



Tristan at P.E. invited me back to do a film review of two similar films – Krorine’s Spring Breakers and Mitchell’s Under the Silver Lake. Both films are incisive commentaries on post-modern hipster culture and the hedonistic abandon of millennial nihilism, contrasted with Korine’s commentary on Gen X, Kids. We also investigate the subtle conspiracy elements of Under the Silver Lake, Hollywood Decoded, ritual crimes, 60s center-culture as engineered – almost as if Dave McGowan had written the sc

Jan 22, 2019 • 2:09:39

Part 2 - Scariest Movie Ever + Jay Dyer - Esoteric Hollywood 2

Part 2 - Scariest Movie Ever + Jay Dyer - Esoteric Hollywood 2

KJ, who runs the massively popular channel (almost 500k subscribers) Scariest Movie Ever, invited me back to discuss my new book Esoteric Hollywood 2 and recent crazy news events and films.

Jan 18, 2019 • 1:11:44

Part 1 - Scariest Movie Ever + Jay Dyer - Esoteric Hollywood 2

Part 1 - Scariest Movie Ever + Jay Dyer - Esoteric Hollywood 2

KJ, who runs the massively popular channel (almost 500k subscribers) Scariest Movie Ever, invited me back to discuss my new book Esoteric Hollywood 2 and recent crazy news events and films.

Jan 18, 2019 • 1:09:59

5G Exposed, Biometrics & MK ULTRA - Full Spectrum Inversion - Jay Dyer on Grimerica

5G Exposed, Biometrics & MK ULTRA - Full Spectrum Inversion - Jay Dyer on Grimerica

Grimerica invited me back on for a chat about the release of Esoteric Hollywood 2 and the ongoing series of globalist books. We cover genetic engineering, MK ULTRA, Vietnam and Agent Orange, Jonas Salk and environmental modification leading to transhumanism and much more!https://www.grimerica.ca

Jan 18, 2019 • 1:32:16

Part 2 - Aristotle, Simplicity, St John of Damascus & Defense of the Orthodox Faith BK I - Jay Dyer (Half)

Part 2 - Aristotle, Simplicity, St John of Damascus & Defense of the Orthodox Faith BK I - Jay Dyer (Half)

Traditional philosophy and metaphysics Ep 6 picks up with a discussion of Defense of the Orthodox Faith: we cover the first book, where the doctrine of God is laid out, the essence - energy distinction, the Father as the sole cause and arche of the Godhead, as well as touching on the proper use of Aristotle (long before Aquinas) as we saw when we covered his Fount of Knowledge, while book 2 we will cover for subscribers to JaysAnalysis.

Jan 18, 2019 • 1:14:15

Part 1 - Aristotle, Simplicity, St John of Damascus & Defense of the Orthodox Faith BK I - Jay Dyer (Half)

Part 1 - Aristotle, Simplicity, St John of Damascus & Defense of the Orthodox Faith BK I - Jay Dyer (Half)

Traditional philosophy and metaphysics Ep 6 picks up with a discussion of Defense of the Orthodox Faith: we cover the first book, where the doctrine of God is laid out, the essence - energy distinction, the Father as the sole cause and arche of the Godhead, as well as touching on the proper use of Aristotle (long before Aquinas) as we saw when we covered his Fount of Knowledge, while book 2 we will cover for subscribers to JaysAnalysis.

Jan 18, 2019 • 1:13:42

Bird Box (2018) Meaning Explained - JaysAnalysis

Bird Box (2018) Meaning Explained - JaysAnalysis

#birdbox Wine moms of the demonic apocalypse. All Ive seen in my feed lately is a host of discussion and video analysis of this film, so I thought I'd give it a run. I think the film was mediocre and proposed a few interesting ideas, but ultimately was another version of Shyamalamadingdong's Happening with - blindfolds (Masonic?). Be sure to like and share and subscribe!

Jan 13, 2019 • 8:27

Part 2 Defense of Traditional Philosophy Ep 3 - Absolute Simplicity, Essence - Energy & the 6th Council

Part 2 Defense of Traditional Philosophy Ep 3 - Absolute Simplicity, Essence - Energy & the 6th Council

Today we will cover divine simplicity in the Roman view, the Orthodox view, the meanings of our terms, the revealed doctrines, the patristic usages, the essence - energy distinction, St John of Damascus, St Gregory of Nyssa Against Eunomius, St Maximos, St Sophronius, and much more!

Jan 13, 2019 • 1:34:27

Part 1 Defense of Traditional Philosophy Ep 3 - Absolute Simplicity, Essence - Energy & the 6th Council

Part 1 Defense of Traditional Philosophy Ep 3 - Absolute Simplicity, Essence - Energy & the 6th Council

Today we will cover divine simplicity in the Roman view, the Orthodox view, the meanings of our terms, the revealed doctrines, the patristic usages, the essence - energy distinction, St John of Damascus, St Gregory of Nyssa Against Eunomius, St Maximos, St Sophronius, and much more!

Jan 13, 2019 • 1:47:01

The Matrix Trilogy - Symbolism Analysis - Esoteric Hollywood 2 - Jay Dyer

The Matrix Trilogy - Symbolism Analysis - Esoteric Hollywood 2 - Jay Dyer

In this live stream we will cover Esoteric Hollywood 2, the many more films I cover in the sequel, and in particular the Matrix trilogy in-depth, the symbols used, the managed dialectics of Cold War cinema, the mafia in films, Polanski's 9th Gate, Twin Peaks, Goonies, Time Bandits, MK ULTRA and mind control in film, Neon Demon, Dune, Signs, and then Terminator, Ex Machina, Cherry 2000 and Metropolis. Get the book here: https://jaysanalysis.com/shop/

Jan 13, 2019 • 1:49:00



Today we will continue to cover divine simplicity in the Roman view, the Orthodox view, the meanings of our terms, the revealed doctrines, the patristic usages, the essence – energy distinction, St John of Damascus but with a focus on St Sophronius, and the 6th council’s condemnations of Origenism on multiple grounds from St Sophronius’ confession, accepted at the 6th council. We will compare this to Origen’s doctrine of evil based on dialectics and how Peterson accepts this view and how this le

Jan 10, 2019 • 1:29:40



Part 1: Today we will continue to cover divine simplicity in the Roman view, the Orthodox view, the meanings of our terms, the revealed doctrines, the patristic usages, the essence – energy distinction, St John of Damascus but with a focus on St Sophronius, and the 6th council’s condemnations of Origenism on multiple grounds from St Sophronius’ confession, accepted at the 6th council. We will compare this to Origen’s doctrine of evil based on dialectics and how Peterson accepts this view and how

Jan 10, 2019 • 1:35:38

Peterson, Vegans, Marxism & Mafias - Jay Dyer on the Chadstream

Peterson, Vegans, Marxism & Mafias - Jay Dyer on the Chadstream

Today on the Chadstream we''ll be discussing Esoteric Hollywood 2 with author Jay Dyer of JaysAnalysis.com

Jan 7, 2019 • 1:06:16

The Secret of All History is Found in Daniel - Jay Dyer (Half)

The Secret of All History is Found in Daniel - Jay Dyer (Half)

Many requested a companion talk to the Daniel article. Here, we investigate how we have a unique philosophy of history and how evangelicalism is incorrect. Many prophetic texts are already fulfilled and specifically referred to the time of the First Advent of Christ and the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD. In the second hour we discuss the specifics of Daniel and how he predicts Christmas!

Jan 7, 2019 • 1:02:42

Watchmen, V for Vendetta & Esoteric Hollywood 2 - Jay Dyer on OIT

Watchmen, V for Vendetta & Esoteric Hollywood 2 - Jay Dyer on OIT

Jay Dyer joins Tim again to discuss the release of the new book, covering the analyses of films like The Godfather Trilogy, The Aviator, V for Vendetta, Watchmen, The Matrix, American Made, and many more! What is the philosophy behind dialectics? Why does this matter in terms of film? Purchase signed copies here.

Dec 31, 2018 • 1:26:10



The 30k Nic Cage esoteric movie analysis kicks off. Thanks for subscribing all you chad nerds. Esoter-Nic Cage Stream! Today we will inflict CAGESTREAM MADNESS - CAGE RAGE OR CRAGE IN FULL EFFECT. Our Cage obsession begins with a recap of National Treasures (Nic himself being the real treasure), Wicker Man, The Knowing, 8MM, Sorcerer's Apprentice, Face Off, Drive Angry, and Ghost Rider. Wild At Heart is definitely esoteric, but we'll save it for a separate Lynch stream. My Site: https://jay

Dec 31, 2018 • 2:01:38

Eyes Wide Shut & Kubrick's Secrets - Esoteric Hollywood 2 - JoyCamp & Jay Dyer

Eyes Wide Shut & Kubrick's Secrets - Esoteric Hollywood 2 - JoyCamp & Jay Dyer

Benny and Jay share some laughs, discuss his work, his journey, the esoteric nature of film and television, and Benny's childhood resume...JoyCamp is here: https://www.youtube.com/user/thejoycampGet Jay's books here: https://jaysanalysis.com/shop/Jay's website: https://jaysanalysis.com/Jay's Analysis of Eyes Wide Shut: https://youtu.be/fbQrjLwvQYU

Dec 21, 2018 • 1:03:14

GoFundMe Border Wall? WikiLeaks & Twitter - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

GoFundMe Border Wall? WikiLeaks & Twitter - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room - Uninterruptible Talk RadioThe gang breaks down and corrects a clickbait title about a medical tech innovation that click mongers would have you believe might be able to "see the soul" - The latest comments by President Trump about removing U.S. military forces from Syria are weighed by the Boiler Room round table. The House of Representatives approves funding bill with $5.7 billion for border wall, Twitter mysteriously ghosts WikiLeaks accounts, ph

Dec 21, 2018 • 2:04:19

Esoteric Hollywood 2 & Geopolitical Postmodernism - Jay Dyer on Sunday Wire

Esoteric Hollywood 2 & Geopolitical Postmodernism - Jay Dyer on Sunday Wire

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Sunday WireThis week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE with host Patrick Henningsen bringing you all the top stories from the US, Europe and internationally. This week we’re joined in-studio by UK Column editor Mike Robinson, for this week’s news round-up including the latest Integrity Initiative leak, more widespread Russiaphobia in US and Britain and more discovery from the Integrity Initiative leaks, along with Macron’s meltdown as France’s Yellow Vests spread

Dec 17, 2018 • 2:49:27

Journey to Orthodoxy - Get All the Dirt and Hot Gossip Here

Journey to Orthodoxy - Get All the Dirt and Hot Gossip Here

A lot of odd questions have come my way recently so I decided to post this talk covering my religious thoughts from age 19-now. Hopefully this explanation will cover my thoughts and impressions throughout those years and why I made the moves I did, and what led me finally to affirm Orthodoxy (some years back, actually!), though I had no local church to attend in my area. Eventually I did find a mission church so here is that story. What is funny to me is that some who have accused me of "hidi

Dec 16, 2018 • 49:21

Riots in France, Globalism and Esoteric Hollywood 2 - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room 200!

Riots in France, Globalism and Esoteric Hollywood 2 - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room 200!

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room - Uninterruptible Talk RadioThis episodes sees Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Randy J and Max celebrate 200 episodes of Boiler Room. Once the pleasantries are complete the show takes off the gloves and punches California square in the LEFT eye-socket with criticism of their proposed "Text Tax" and their incoming ammunition laws that amount to CA being the test bed for a state with a gun & ammunition registry. Jay Dyer announces the release of his new book,

Dec 15, 2018 • 2:09:14

Esoteric Hollywood 2 - Jay Dyer on Ritual and Symbolism in Film

Esoteric Hollywood 2 - Jay Dyer on Ritual and Symbolism in Film

Jay Dyer discusses his book, Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film and the now available sequel, Esoteric Hollywood 2 with Guns and Butter. We take an in-depth look at Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut and Clockwork Orange; Roman Polanski’s Rosemary’s Baby, The Ninth Gate and Chinatown; The Manchurian Candidate and The Parallax View, as well as television programs The Lone Gunman and G.I. Joe, with special emphasis on predictive programming, mind control and the influence of the mili

Dec 13, 2018 • 58:34



Security Services Cinema – Lights, Camera, Redaction. It was the screenwriter Blake Snyder who said that screenplays are Swiss clocks of emotion. But what effect on society do screenwriters have if their work is being influenced by institutions that push a government narrative? Could that Swiss clock of emotion be used nefariously to further geopolitical agendas – or is that just conspiracy theory from cloud cuckoo land? Host Ross Ashcroft is joined by author of ‘Reel Power, Hollywood cinema and

Dec 11, 2018 • 27:58

Bush Legacy: Postmodernism and the Postmodern Imperium - Jay Dyer

Bush Legacy: Postmodernism and the Postmodern Imperium - Jay Dyer

In this video I review and analyze the geopolitical work of former Soviet and U.N. advisor Eric Walberg. I cover his take on 20th century Atlanticism and power blocs, as well as cover actions and black ops. I also critique the weakness of his position from an ambiguous liberal moralism which both affirms universal imperatives while simultaneously critiquing imperialism on the basis of extending ideas universally.

Dec 6, 2018 • 17:02

Jay Dyer's 'Esoteric Hollywood Sex, Cults, and Symbols in Film' Reviewed - Apollo's Artifacts

Jay Dyer's 'Esoteric Hollywood Sex, Cults, and Symbols in Film' Reviewed - Apollo's Artifacts

An in-depth review of Jay Dyer's fantastic work, "Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults, and Symbols in Film" first published in 2016. Jay's website is Jay's Analysis and is linked below. I only recently became aware of Jay and his work. After listening to a couple of interviews, I decided to buy his book and found myself drawn in immediately. Great analysis, in-depth film reviews, all references cited. I highly recommend listeners and viewers to buy Jay's book.

Dec 6, 2018 • 47:06

A Sun Simulator? Gene Edited Babies? Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

A Sun Simulator? Gene Edited Babies? Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler RoomThis episode kicks off with a barrage of ice breaker articles, hide your young kids and don't listen out loud at work this may not be appropriate for certain audiences, truth can be stranger than fiction though in 2018, so buckle up and prepare for a world where adults in college are made uncomfortable by capital letters, red ink and clapping. Learn about parents who name the children things like "ABCDE", the practice of Hollywood "vixens" using facia

Nov 30, 2018 • 1:58:31

The Bible Alone Debate - Jay Dyer Vs RC Apologist

The Bible Alone Debate - Jay Dyer Vs RC Apologist

"RC Apologist" has mentioned me by name as someone he wants to debate Sola Scriptura with. Since I am a former Calvinist, I always welcome the opportunity to refute the position and its distinctives. The debate is not formal, but open crossfire and has no set time limit.  That the Church doesn’t determine her entire canon, but only the NT, is literally the stupidest argument I’ve ever heard.. “Dear rabbinical high court, What is the proper list of books that we heretic Christians should accept?

Nov 29, 2018 • 1:12:02

Protestantism & Evangelicalism Refuted - Orthodox Theology - Jay Dyer (Half) Pt 2

Protestantism & Evangelicalism Refuted - Orthodox Theology - Jay Dyer (Half) Pt 2

Tonight I will cover a topic long-requested by followers - expand on refuting Protestantism. We have covered many aspects of Roman Catholicism, but what about the reformers? Do the problems in Rome vindicate Protestants? What about reformation principles compared to Orthodox theology? What about the "solas" as compared with Orthodox Tradition? The first half of this video will be public, while the second half will be for subscribers to JaysAnalysis.

Nov 26, 2018 • 49:17

Protestantism & Evangelicalism Refuted - Orthodox Theology - Jay Dyer (Half) Pt 1

Protestantism & Evangelicalism Refuted - Orthodox Theology - Jay Dyer (Half) Pt 1

Tonight I will cover a topic long-requested by followers - expand on refuting Protestantism. We have covered many aspects of Roman Catholicism, but what about the reformers? Do the problems in Rome vindicate Protestants? What about reformation principles compared to Orthodox theology? What about the "solas" as compared with Orthodox Tradition? The first half of this video will be public, while the second half will be for subscribers to JaysAnalysis.

Nov 26, 2018 • 1:58:15

Numbers Prove God - Defense of Metaphysics & Traditional Philosophy Ep 2 - Jay Dyer Pt 2

Numbers Prove God - Defense of Metaphysics & Traditional Philosophy Ep 2 - Jay Dyer Pt 2

Picking up where we left off on the last defense of theology and philosophy stream, I return to questions of apologetic method, the ontological status of numbers, logic and other invariant conceptual entities, the nature of metaphysics and transcendental arguments, the relationship of historical philosophy to dialectics and why dialectics must be avoided. We will also discuss revelation in Scripture in terms of the epistemic authority, the circularity of foundational truth claims at a fundament

Nov 24, 2018 • 1:58:45

Numbers Prove God - Defense of Metaphysics & Traditional Philosophy Ep 2 - Jay Dyer Pt 1

Numbers Prove God - Defense of Metaphysics & Traditional Philosophy Ep 2 - Jay Dyer Pt 1

Picking up where we left off on the last defense of theology and philosophy stream, I return to questions of apologetic method, the ontological status of numbers, logic and other invariant conceptual entities, the nature of metaphysics and transcendental arguments, the relationship of historical philosophy to dialectics and why dialectics must be avoided. We will also discuss revelation in Scripture in terms of the epistemic authority, the circularity of foundational truth claims at a fundament

Nov 24, 2018 • 2:00:58



Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room - Uninterruptible Talk Radio - Live on ACRThis episode kicks off with a chat about transhumanism with an ice breaker featuring a strap on third arm designed to feed you using artificial intelligence and facial recognition. A greater discussion about microchips in humans, agendas to distort humanity, pharmacologically blocking the development of young people, autistic children facing peer pressure to change their gender, Celine Dion's new clothing lin

Nov 24, 2018 • 2:06:07

Cold War, Propaganda and CIA’s Doctrinal Warfare Against the Churches - Jay Dyer / Tim Kelly

Cold War, Propaganda and CIA’s Doctrinal Warfare Against the Churches - Jay Dyer / Tim Kelly

Jay Dyer returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss his lecture “Cold War, Propaganda and CIA’s Doctrinal Warfare Against the Churches.” We talk about the history of manipulation and infiltration of the Christian churches, particularly the Orthodox Church and Catholic Churches, by western intelligence agencies. We also discuss how tax exempt foundations have been used to wage psychological and cultural war against traditional societies both domestically and abroad. Jay is the host of Jay’s An

Nov 19, 2018 • 1:51:59

What James Bond 007 Shows Us About Reality - Cold War Secrets (Half) Jay Dyer

What James Bond 007 Shows Us About Reality - Cold War Secrets (Half) Jay Dyer

Tonight I’ll be covering Dr. No, From Russia with Love, Goldfinger and Thunderball and their Cold War secrets, especially in relation to the first chunk of David Wemhoff’s book on the CIA’s Doctrinal Warfare Program. This is the free half for public viewing, while full talks can be obtained by subscribing at JaysAnalysis at the purchase membership section.

Nov 18, 2018 • 1:22:23

NPC Meme Magic - Jay Dyer - On the QT (Free Half)

NPC Meme Magic - Jay Dyer - On the QT (Free Half)

Spawned from the message boards and discussion threads of 4Chan and Reddit, a new breed of internet memes has taken the internet by stealth, first as novel creative vehicles for political banter, and then to trending juggernauts. A new crowd-sourced ‘meme’ subculture is pitting the power of political satire against the culture wars for a virtual battle royale. What seems to be rudimentary symbolism, carries with it multiple themes – some of which reflect conditions within society and the polity.

Nov 17, 2018 • 26:17

Defense of Metaphysics & Traditional Philosophy 1 - Jay Dyer

Defense of Metaphysics & Traditional Philosophy 1 - Jay Dyer

Many objections and challenges have come in recently after the last couple debates so I thought it would be useful to do a stream specifically on several fundamental philosophical questions and challenges. Most people are not familiar with the basics of philosophy, yet attempt to engage in debates and discourses on highly philosophic subjects. In this talk we will consider the three branches once again, as well as the assumptions of these branches and modernity's deconstructing of them leading t

Nov 17, 2018 • 1:47:29

Debate: Infidel Vs Jay Dyer - Atheism and Scientism Vs the Logic of Science - BOILER ROOM

Debate: Infidel Vs Jay Dyer - Atheism and Scientism Vs the Logic of Science - BOILER ROOM

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room - Uninterruptible Talk Radio on ACRThis episode crashes the party with the story of a criminal case that is using Amazon "Alexa" (voice activated technology) audio files collected during the commission of a violent crime for prosecution evidence and the ramifications of a world where this style of corporate surveillance is quickly becoming the new normal. Bear witness to the epic debate between scientist and philosopher theologian as Infidel Pharaoh

Nov 17, 2018 • 2:50:46

Debate - Empiricism, Logic, Scientism & Theism - Jay Dyer Vs White Pill Prole

Debate - Empiricism, Logic, Scientism & Theism - Jay Dyer Vs White Pill Prole

An impromptu debate with a twitter hater. I asked him if he was willing to debate and he said yes. He conceded in the comments.

Nov 14, 2018 • 31:45



Joy invited me on her podcast to discuss science fiction and propaganda, but the talk really honed in on the history of the OSS and its relationship to big media, and in particular Skull and Bones and Time Magazine. We also touch on Bohemian Grove, Walter Lippmann, Henry Luce and false dialectics.

Nov 12, 2018 • 1:39:10



Jefferson invited me back to have a discussion on traditionalism, Enlightenment liberalism, the philosophy of the state and its relation to economics, Orthodoxy theology and worldviews, atheistic arguments and apologetics, the moon landing and much more! Definitely a great conversation.

Nov 12, 2018 • 1:20:50



Jefferson invited me back to have a discussion on traditionalism, Enlightenment liberalism, the philosophy of the state and its relation to economics, Orthodoxy theology and worldviews, atheistic arguments and apologetics, the moon landing and much more! Definitely a great conversation.

Nov 12, 2018 • 1:36:34

Jordan Peterson the Gnostic, Paganism & the Demonic - Jay Dyer on Rome is Burning

Jordan Peterson the Gnostic, Paganism & the Demonic - Jay Dyer on Rome is Burning

The Rome is Burning crew invited me on to discuss Paganism, Neo-Pagan movements and the liberal worship of biological determinism. From there we cover JBP's gnosticism and the error of dualism. We cover the incoherence of paganism, its impersonal absolute, the connections to the errors of fascism and the deification of the state, as well as the haunting of America and the concept of dissociative states in acting.

Nov 10, 2018 • 1:52:21



This “debate” was a doozy, but the crux of the issue centered on whether logic and meta-ethics are related. It took two hours to get AskYourself to finally admit he thought we “should” accept logic. In other words, logic entails truth and that one *ought* to accept what is true. Simple error in the debate was their assumption that because you can speak of things as distinct in discourse, they are in actual fact really distinct. Took two hours for him to trip up and admit they aren’t. This ended

Nov 10, 2018 • 1:14:05

Ghost Stories, B-Movies, Big Pharma, & The Beastmaster Banter - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Ghost Stories, B-Movies, Big Pharma, & The Beastmaster Banter - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

The spooky boiler room crew gathers to discuss all things political and newsworthy. We touch on Big Pharma and bad drug promotion, Will Smith and Vloggers, creepy ghost stories, B movies and more!

Nov 5, 2018 • 2:44:57

Esoteric Hollywood: Halloween, Blade, Lost Boys - Jay Dyer

Esoteric Hollywood: Halloween, Blade, Lost Boys - Jay Dyer

The spooky movie stream will commence covering Blade, Halloween, Lost Boys Life Force and Monster Squad!https://youtu.be/LpuwcINDHnQhttps://youtu.be/kA4DNa9j4rwTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/jaydyer007My Site: https://jaysanalysis.comMy Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JayDyerMy Book: https://jaysanalysis.com/shop/My TV Show: https://www.gaia.com/series/hollywood...Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jay_D007Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JaysAnalysis/Follow on Instagram: https:/

Nov 3, 2018 • 2:12:30

Bible Contradiction?  Old Testament Vs New Testament? Marcionism? Part 2

Bible Contradiction? Old Testament Vs New Testament? Marcionism? Part 2

One of the creeping heresies of our day is the issue of Marcionism, which tends to be either overlooked or subtly promoted across theological lines, from Protestants to Catholics to so-called "Orthodox." The heresiarch Marcion is the father of pitting Paul and his supposed gnostic writings against the "mean God" of the Law and Prophets. This talk will also be relevant to the countless gnostics and Neo-pagans who constantly challenge my work. I'll also be taking superhchat Q n A about objections

Nov 2, 2018 • 1:52:47

Bible Contradiction?  Old Testament Vs New Testament? Marcionism?  Part 1

Bible Contradiction? Old Testament Vs New Testament? Marcionism? Part 1

One of the creeping heresies of our day is the issue of Marcionism, which tends to be either overlooked or subtly promoted across theological lines, from Protestants to Catholics to so-called "Orthodox." The heresiarch Marcion is the father of pitting Paul and his supposed gnostic writings against the "mean God" of the Law and Prophets. This talk will also be relevant to the countless gnostics and Neo-pagans who constantly challenge my work. I'll also be taking superhchat Q n A about objections

Nov 2, 2018 • 1:50:09

The Spooky Subversion of American Orthodoxy - How It's Done - Jay Dyer

The Spooky Subversion of American Orthodoxy - How It's Done - Jay Dyer

Tonight we cover the first half of Walter Bowart's classic book, Operation Mind Control. We will discuss cryptocracy, the usage of hallucinogens and other chemical means of subversion, the hypnotic courier, keywords, Candy Jones, Cold War dialectics, and how this morphs into the technocratic model of transhumanism. The full talk is for JaysAnalysis subscribers, which can be obtained at the purchase membership link.

Nov 2, 2018 • 2:25:09

Operation Mind Control - The CIA's MK ULTRA Project Analysis - Jay Dyer (Half)

Operation Mind Control - The CIA's MK ULTRA Project Analysis - Jay Dyer (Half)

Tonight we cover the first half of Walter Bowart's classic book, Operation Mind Control. WE will discuss cryptocracy, the usage of hallucinogens and other chemical means of subversion, the hypnotic courier, keywords, Candy Jones, Cold War dialectics, and how this morphs into the technocratic model of transhumanism. The full talk is for JaysAnalysis subscribers, which can be obtained at the links below at my website.

Oct 31, 2018 • 2:17:38

Alchemy of the Engineered Vegan SoyBoy - Jay Dyer on Primal Edge Health pt 2

Alchemy of the Engineered Vegan SoyBoy - Jay Dyer on Primal Edge Health pt 2

Primal Edge Health invited me back to discus the social engineering, not only of the diet, but of the soy male - numale Zeself. An NPC meets Soylicon Valley homunculus. We discuss Alvin Toffler, veganism, Tavistock, Aleister Crowley and the new aeon, paleo diets and more!

Oct 31, 2018 • 1:05:50

Alchemy of the Engineered Vegan SoyBoy - Jay Dyer on Primal Edge Health pt 1

Alchemy of the Engineered Vegan SoyBoy - Jay Dyer on Primal Edge Health pt 1

Primal Edge Health invited me back to discus the social engineering, not only of the diet, but of the soy male - numale Zeself. An NPC meets Soylicon Valley homunculus. We discuss Alvin Toffler, veganism, Tavistock, Aleister Crowley and the new aeon, paleo diets and more!

Oct 31, 2018 • 1:35:34

The Thing, Prince of Darkness & In the Mouth of Madness Carpenter's Apocalypse Trilogy - Jay Dy

The Thing, Prince of Darkness & In the Mouth of Madness Carpenter's Apocalypse Trilogy - Jay Dy

I've wanted to cover the Apocalypse trilogy for a long time now, three classics from legendary director John Carpenter. The Thing has a Cold War setting, while Prince of Darkness appears to predict the arrival of the era of Antichrist. In the Mouth of Madness is a meta=level fourth wall-breaking narrative about the Antichrist's rule, with Hades coming through the portal. Other esoteric elements also come to the fore, as well shall see...

Oct 26, 2018 • 1:32:23

Orthodox Dogmatic Theology - Vladimir Lossky - Jay Dyer (Half)

Orthodox Dogmatic Theology - Vladimir Lossky - Jay Dyer (Half)

The newly printed work of Vladimir Lossky from 1930 vindicates all the strong positions I have taken the last several years. In this discussion, we will cover the first half of the book in my review and analysis, while the second half will be available to JaysAnalysis subscribers.

Oct 22, 2018 • 2:23:12

NPC - The Nuclear Bomb of Meme Wars - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

NPC - The Nuclear Bomb of Meme Wars - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Uninterruptible Talk Radio on ACRThis episode explores the social media meme sensation called "NPC (Non Player Character) that has the Social Justice Warriors, Silicon Valley companies, mass media cartels and progressives feeling "dehumanized." The gang is also discussing the massive YouTube outtage, the rebooting and updating of the world wide DNS servers, Trump vs. Stormy Daniels and the 'creepy porn lawyer,' Marxist college professors giving ext

Oct 22, 2018 • 2:19:49

Tin Foil Hat With Sam Tripoli #132: Esoteric Hollywood 2: The Occult - Jay Dyer and Allison Weber

Tin Foil Hat With Sam Tripoli #132: Esoteric Hollywood 2: The Occult - Jay Dyer and Allison Weber

Thank you so much for coming for tuning in for another special episode of Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli. This episode is brought to you by the Ridge Wallet and RigidWallet.com (I had to record the read in a hallway so sorry it sounds so tingy!). Today we welcome author expert Jay Dyer and comedian Allison Weber to discuss the world of Hollywood. Sam's podcast is here and check out his great videos here.

Oct 18, 2018 • 1:24:02

Jay Dyer Full Lecture at Mercado Sagrado Fair Stark Truth TV Interview - Tavistock & Laurel Canyon

Jay Dyer Full Lecture at Mercado Sagrado Fair Stark Truth TV Interview - Tavistock & Laurel Canyon

Jay's full lecture at the Mercado Sagrado fair of 10-13-18, plus an exclusive Stark Truth TV interview.

Oct 16, 2018 • 1:23:48

Torture Experiences In the Soy-Boi Apocalypse - Boiler Room EP #187

Torture Experiences In the Soy-Boi Apocalypse - Boiler Room EP #187

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room - Uninterruptible Talk RadioThis episode explores the creepy world of "torture experiences" gone mainstream, dialectics in the age of power politics, the distasteful reality of choosing the lesser of two evils, the question of Brett Kavanaugh's unconstitutional side, more purges of non-progressive voices on social media in the spin up to the U.S. midterm elections, leftist Mass Media Mafias and politicians promoting violence against their political o

Oct 16, 2018 • 2:12:03

Former Occultist Finds Orthodoxy - Jay Dyer Author Michael Witcoff

Former Occultist Finds Orthodoxy - Jay Dyer Author Michael Witcoff

Live stream tech issues - begins at 4:00 mins in. Orthodox author and critic of the ancient mysteries Michael Witcoff joins me to discuss his new book and the relationship of Orthodoxy to cults, ancient mystery religions, Protestantism, the occult, metaphysics, Albert Pike, Michael's new book and much more! Michael's book is here: https://www.amazon.com/Masons-Their-Lies-Every-Christian/dp/1986325474/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1538892767&sr=8-1&keywords=the+masons+and+their+lies

Oct 8, 2018 • 1:29:57



Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room - Uninterruptible Talk RadioWith Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Fvnk$oul, Infidel Pharaoh and Max.This gathering of the Social Rejects Club finds the gang breaking down Hollywood sex cults, MK Ultra dens, Charlie Manson, Kenneth Anger films, The Process Church, Intelligence agency ties, stolen gun shipments, tech news, social media hacked on a mass scale, Lindsay Lohan on a bizarre attempt to "rescue" Syrian refugee children (turns out they were Bulgarian

Oct 7, 2018 • 1:55:33



Maniac is the new Netflix series starring Emma Stone and Jonah Hill. The series is a quirky fantasy comedy set in a near-future dystopia. However, the series is about more than it lets on, as we have conscious references to MK ULTRA, gnosticism, illuminism, and other bizarre topics.

Oct 7, 2018 • 28:00

Lost Name of God? The Divine Names of St Dionysius Areopagite - Jay Dyer (Partial)

Lost Name of God? The Divine Names of St Dionysius Areopagite - Jay Dyer (Partial)

The writings of St Dionysius the Areopagite are some of the most famous and controversial in the history of theology and philosophy. However, most forget to dissect the actual text itself, being caught up in the debates about authenticity. In this talk we look at the treatise titled The Divine Names and uncover how it's possible to speak of God, what is apophatic theology, how did St Dionysius speak of logoi, the energies of God in Dionysius and much more! Full talks are available by subscrib

Oct 1, 2018 • 12:13



The boiler room crew gathers to discuss Elon Musk and Tesla controversies, Space X and “Mars Missions,” Bill Cosby and his controversies, the scandal of man spreading and mansplaining, elite blood transfusions from the young, the esoteric film Mandy, upcoming events and much more!Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures or purchase my books in the Shop! https://jaysanalysis.com/2018/09/28/elon-musk-elite-blood-infus

Sep 30, 2018 • 2:01:48

Logos, Reason, Logic & Their Relation to Philosophy & Creation - Jay Dyer

Logos, Reason, Logic & Their Relation to Philosophy & Creation - Jay Dyer

Orthodox theology is very precise in its terminology: they aren't to be altered or given new meanings. With this in mind, what is the relationship between Hellenism and logos? Is this a pagan idea? How does this relate to logic? What about apologetics? For a longer analysis, here is my essay: https://jaysanalysis.com/2018/09/10/logos-creation-and-the-wisdom-of-god-jay-dyer/

Sep 29, 2018 • 10:35

Beverly Hills Cop, Lethal Weapon, 48 Hours - Top 5 80s: - Jay Dyer

Beverly Hills Cop, Lethal Weapon, 48 Hours - Top 5 80s: - Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer presents a new livestream covering a less traveled topic: buddy cop films of the1980s. Harmless yucks - or is there more going on here? Mainly harmless yucks- but there is some interesting stuff going on here!

Sep 26, 2018 • 2:11:11

Beyoncé Witch? A New Aeon of Evil - Jay Dyer / Clyde Lewis

Beyoncé Witch? A New Aeon of Evil - Jay Dyer / Clyde Lewis

Hollywood and the music industry are using the possession imagery as a tool to reject what is old-time religion and accept a new form of totalitarian cultism. This is not cultism based on an irreverent spirituality. It is cultism rooted in police state spirituality. Additionally, demonic agents can masquerade as pious religious authorities. They are there to enter in the doors of churches and tarnish the foundations and cornerstones of any religious organization. The demonic agent is deviously c

Sep 23, 2018 • 56:18



Continuing with the minor prophets, we examine the texts of Amos and Micah and their relationship to the Apocalypse, the Olivet Discourse and the general pattern of redemptive history. Full talks and interviews ad-free can be obtained by subscribing to JaysAnalysis at the PayPal links.

Sep 21, 2018 • 17:00

Wicca Phase Springs Eternal + Jay Dyer - Lil Peep, Xxx, David Lynch, Twin Peaks, Falling Down

Wicca Phase Springs Eternal + Jay Dyer - Lil Peep, Xxx, David Lynch, Twin Peaks, Falling Down

Tens of millions of views on YT – one of the hottest up and coming musicians Wicca Phase Springs Eternal joins me tonight live for a chill chat tonight at 8PM EST.Wicca Phase: http://www.wiccaphase.limitedrun.comLil Peep + Wicca: https://youtu.be/XRz0DDL1f_k

Sep 20, 2018 • 58:55

Antichrist Spirit - Apocalypse - American Horror Story 8 Explained

Antichrist Spirit - Apocalypse - American Horror Story 8 Explained

Oriignally, I stopped at season 1 of American Horror Story, but the show took a decidedly Antichrist and occult bent more recently, illustrating the summation of all the seasons into a single hidden narrative about the birth and coming of the Antichrist. Since this relates to films and shows we've done before, as well as to chapters in my books, I have decided to cover the first episode of the new season.

Sep 18, 2018 • 19:31

Weather Control, Weaponized Anthropology & Gaseous Globules - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Weather Control, Weaponized Anthropology & Gaseous Globules - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room - Uninterruptible Talk Radio on ACRThis week the Social Rejects Club continues the discussion of deplatforming, brigading and selective enforcement of arbitrary, amorphous terms of service for political purposes. Weather modification, HAARP, climate change, the Syrian war, Google's corporate reaction meeting to the election of a populist Republican President in 2016 and much more.

Sep 16, 2018 • 2:10:17

Academic Agents - CIA Weaponization of Anthropology - Globalist Books - Jay Dyer (Half)

Academic Agents - CIA Weaponization of Anthropology - Globalist Books - Jay Dyer (Half)

In this talk I give my analysis of David Price's Weaponizing Anthropology, which vindicates most of my previous claims and analyses which seemed outlandish to many. The system and its octopus-like entities have long recruited academics and professors to do their "intelligence" analysis or use these roles as covers, but since 2001, these recruitments have exploded. For my full analysis, and how this ties in with Quigley and many other texts we've covered, subscribe at JaysAnalysis at the Purchase

Sep 15, 2018 • 16:16

Patriarch of Constantinople, Ukrainian Schism, Ecumenism & Freemasonry - Jay Dyer

Patriarch of Constantinople, Ukrainian Schism, Ecumenism & Freemasonry - Jay Dyer

In this stream I will give my analysis of the present situation of Bartholomew's errors, his scandals and now his rejection of the rest of the Orthodox world in service to NATO and the CIA.Click Subscribe!My Site: https://jaysanalysis.comMy Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JayDyerMy Book: https://jaysanalysis.com/shop/My TV Show: https://www.gaia.com/series/hollywood-decodedFollow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jay_D007Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JaysAnalysis/Follow on Instagra

Sep 11, 2018 • 2:16:09

Jones Twitter Ban, Nike! Trump Vs Deep State Admitted! - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Jones Twitter Ban, Nike! Trump Vs Deep State Admitted! - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room - Uninterruptible Talk Radio on ACRThis week the Social Rejects Club discusses Netflix's five second stare policy to kick the show off, Randy J drops the mic and quits Twitter, Alex Jones being permanently deplatformed by Twitter, Kapernick's Nike-gate, the amorality of the moral high ground and much more. Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Randy J and Infidel Pharaoh representing the ACR brain trust on this episode of Boiler Room.My Site: https://jaysanalysis

Sep 7, 2018 • 2:01:27

Mission Impossible: Fallout - JaysAnalysis

Mission Impossible: Fallout - JaysAnalysis

My Site: https://jaysanalysis.comMy Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JayDyerMy Book: https://jaysanalysis.com/shop/My TV Show: https://www.gaia.com/series/hollywood-decodedFollow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jay_D007Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JaysAnalysis/Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jaysanalysis/Follow on Gab: https://gab.ai/JayDyer

Sep 6, 2018 • 8:11



Hosea begins the Minor Prophets in the Orthodox Study Bible, and is often overlooked. However, Hosea is cited numerous times by Christ and St. Paul as being fulfilled in multiple aspects with the arrival of the Messiah and the Church, the Kingdom of God. For the full talk, subscribe at JaysAnalysis.com at the membership links.

Sep 3, 2018 • 19:19

Vatican Scandals, Russian Intrigues, Fat Acceptance & More! Boiler Room Live - Jay Dyer & the Crew

Vatican Scandals, Russian Intrigues, Fat Acceptance & More! Boiler Room Live - Jay Dyer & the Crew

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room - Uninterruptible Talk Radio on ACRJoin Hosts Hesher & Spore along with Boiler Room regulars, Jay Dyer, Daniel Spaulding, Infidel Pharaoh and Max for this meeting of the social rejects club. Catholic Church sex and abuse scandals, mainstream social media platform censorship, Council on Foreign Relations twisting language about the "Liberal World Order", CNN refusing to retract false statements, the passing of John McCain, Trump (and conservatives) vs

Aug 31, 2018 • 2:51:33

Deconstructing Vatican II & the Papacy - Jay Dyer (Vintage)

Deconstructing Vatican II & the Papacy - Jay Dyer (Vintage)

This vintage talk has gained almost 15,000 views/listens, but was never added to the podcast feed. The quality is not perfect, but the content is worth having here. Upon being invited to discuss philosophy and theology with a group of guys in St. Louis, I was inspired to record my reflections on the weekend. JaysAnalysis was on the road this round, so forgive the background highway noise. This reflection constitutes an overall, yet fairly advanced, assessment of the course Roman Catholic theo

Aug 30, 2018 • 1:51:16

Cults, NXIVM, Hollywood & Geopolitics - Jay Dyer on Ralph Retort

Cults, NXIVM, Hollywood & Geopolitics - Jay Dyer on Ralph Retort

Jay Dyer joins the Ralph Retor's Killstream to discuss recent YT drama, censorship, Hollywood sickos, Russiagate, and more!

Aug 28, 2018 • 2:35:18



Episode #247 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes on August 26th 2018 with special guest host Jay Dyer broadcasting LIVE on the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR)…LISTEN LIVE ON THIS PAGE AT THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULED SHOW TIMES:5pm-8pm UK Time | 12pm-3pm ET (US) | 9am-12am PT (US)This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE with special guest host Jay Dyer bringing you all the top stories from the US, Europe and internationally. This week, Jay looks at the death of John McCain, the latest news at 21WIRE, w

Aug 26, 2018 • 1:58:50

Trump, Cohen, Facebook Collusion, Russia "Hack" (Leak) - Boiler Room Live Stream - Jay Dyer

Trump, Cohen, Facebook Collusion, Russia "Hack" (Leak) - Boiler Room Live Stream - Jay Dyer

The Boiler Room Gang gathers to discuss the latest news and developments. PayPal donations handle: christus_vincit7@yahoo.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/homeMy Site: https://jaysanalysis.comMy Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JayDyerMy Book: https://jaysanalysis.com/jays-book/

Aug 24, 2018 • 2:19:42

Hollywood Brainwashing - Ian Trottier Radio Show with Guest Jay Dyer

Hollywood Brainwashing - Ian Trottier Radio Show with Guest Jay Dyer

Is Hollywood brainwashing the American public? With a current US President fresh off a hit reality television series prior to election to a former, twice elected president of the Screen Actors Guild in, Ronald Reagan; how much does Hollywood influence our day to day life? It is apparent, since the 1980's, that it has the ability to ripple waves throughout national politics. So, is Hollywood brainwashing you and your children? It becomes increasing important that you monitor what you read, wa

Aug 23, 2018 • 1:21:49

Silicon Valley Dystopian Madness - Jay Dyer Guest Hosts Sunday Wire

Silicon Valley Dystopian Madness - Jay Dyer Guest Hosts Sunday Wire

JaysAnalysis censored today. The coordinated attack is real. Donations: PayPal handle: christus_vincit7@yahoo.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JayDyer

Aug 19, 2018 • 3:00:02

Red Alert - JaysAnalysis Taken Down!  Support Here! - Jay Dyer

Red Alert - JaysAnalysis Taken Down! Support Here! - Jay Dyer

JaysAnalysis censored today. The coordinated attack is real. Donations: PayPal handle: christus_vincit7@yahoo.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JayDyer

Aug 17, 2018 • 1:42:29

Censorship, Silicon Valley & JaysAnalysis Taken Down - Boiler Room

Censorship, Silicon Valley & JaysAnalysis Taken Down - Boiler Room

JaysAnalysis censored today. The coordinated attack is real. Donations: PayPal handle: christus_vincit7@yahoo.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JayDyer

Aug 17, 2018 • 2:46:27

Orthodox Christian Basics - Rome, Ecumenism, Theophanies, Idols - FAQs - Jay Dyer

Orthodox Christian Basics - Rome, Ecumenism, Theophanies, Idols - FAQs - Jay Dyer

Click Subscribe!My Site: https://jaysanalysis.comMy Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JayDyerMy Book: https://jaysanalysis.com/jays-book/My TV Show: https://www.gaia.com/series/hollywood-decodedA reader / listener sent me a list of basic questions for those new to or enquiring about Orthodox theology. I am not any official theologian or spokesperson, but I have seen enough over the last decade to identify frauds. In this video we discuss ecumenism, liberalism, Roman Catholic teaching and church

Aug 13, 2018 • 38:20

Vegan Cults Vs Paleo - Funny Weirdos & Socially Engineering Food - Jay Dyer on Primal Edge Health

Vegan Cults Vs Paleo - Funny Weirdos & Socially Engineering Food - Jay Dyer on Primal Edge Health

Primal Edge Health invited me on to discuss veganism as social engineering, the green cult, the moral relativism and meaningless Darwinian materialism of hipster soy boy fuititarians and cultists.

Aug 11, 2018 • 1:53:32

Shocking Reality Behind Huxley's Brave New World - Jay Dyer (Half)

Shocking Reality Behind Huxley's Brave New World - Jay Dyer (Half)

In this classic analysis I have redone the sound and uploaded for a much larger audience since the original was uploaded (25 times more!) - I cover Aldous Huxley’s classic 1932 dystopian novel Brave New World from a historical, philosophical and esoteric perspective. What is Huxley saying? Was he involved in erecting the scientistic state we now live in? Did he leave clues in his famous Berkeley lecture that suggest this? How does this relate to Bacon, Shakespeare and esoterism? Why are there c

Aug 11, 2018 • 49:37

Censorship of Infowars and Ron Paul - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Censorship of Infowars and Ron Paul - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room - Uninterruptible Talk Radio on ACRThis week the Social Rejects Club examines a disturbing breaking case of potential human trafficking being reported in the MSM, but take a deeper look at the names involved and some similar cases throughout recent history that have turned out to be more than meets the mainstream narrative. The Boiler Gang also explores the recent coordinated attacks against InfoWars and other popular media outlets by Facebook, Apple

Aug 10, 2018 • 1:35:53

Sex Cults, Silicon Valley, CIA Hollywood, Technocracy & CFR  - Jay Dyer

Sex Cults, Silicon Valley, CIA Hollywood, Technocracy & CFR - Jay Dyer

In this new episode I cover the history of Silicon Valley as a public-private partnership from the beginning, the CFR on China in 2025, the real power of foundations and charities, and the connection of all these together into Hollywood, the CIA and the Pentagon.

Aug 10, 2018 • 1:32:25

Trump Investigation, Russiagate Is Pedogate & NXIVM Cult – Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Trump Investigation, Russiagate Is Pedogate & NXIVM Cult – Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room - Uninterruptible Talk Radio on ACRThis episode explores the question: Was the Trump/Russia/Collusion narrative a smoke screen to obscure the real story? Should the REAL story, all along, have been FBI/Hollywood/Washington DC/Mainstream Media/DoJ Collusion to protect sex cults, pedophilia and human trafficking rings at the highest levels of Hollywood, politics, rich, famous and otherwise cross continental "elites"? At the time of this live broadcast

Aug 3, 2018 • 1:34:51

Nox Mente | Jay Dyer

Nox Mente | Jay Dyer

Nox Mente, or *Night Mind* in Latin, is a weekly show where we interview people about their dreams. Join us as we mine the collective consciousness for truth. NOTE: There was an audio problem with Jerry's microphone for the first few minutes of the show. You'll hear a strange hiss. It was entirely his fault and he's "sorry, not sorry". Tonight's guest is author Jay Dyer. Jay is a public speaker, lecturer, comedian and author of "Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film", which became #

Aug 2, 2018 • 1:57:38



Hour 2 of Coast to Coast with Jay Dyer on Esoteric Hollywood.

Aug 1, 2018 • 40:01

New World Order By H.G. Wells: Globalist Book Series - Jay Dyer (Half)

New World Order By H.G. Wells: Globalist Book Series - Jay Dyer (Half)

Jay Dyer returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss Baby Boomers and his review of Annie Jacobsen’s book The Pentagon’s Brain: An Uncensored History of DARPA, America’s Top-Secret Military Research Agency. We talk about the degree to which Americans born between 1946 and 1964 were subjected to mass media, mind control and psychological warfare and why so many of that generation remain resistant to truth. We then discuss the history of DARPA and the agency’s role in constructing the New World Or

Jul 30, 2018 • 1:30:04

Boomers, DARPA & Di$ney - Jay Dyer & Tim Kelly

Boomers, DARPA & Di$ney - Jay Dyer & Tim Kelly

Jay Dyer returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss Baby Boomers and his review of Annie Jacobsen's book The Pentagon's Brain: An Uncensored History of DARPA, America's Top-Secret Military Research Agency. We talk about the degree to which Americans born between 1946 and 1964 were subjected to mass media, mind control and psychological warfare and why so many of that generation remain resistant to truth. We then discuss the history of DARPA and the agency's role in constructing the New World Or

Jul 30, 2018 • 1:40:48

The Day Before the Internet Was a Good Day: Jay Dyer on Kumite

The Day Before the Internet Was a Good Day: Jay Dyer on Kumite

Kumite invited me on to discuss the 90s, the Internet, Laurel Canyon, baseball cards, wrasslin, impressions, music industry, and much more.

Jul 28, 2018 • 2:18:05

Moon Landing Conspiracy, Hollywood Cults, Facebook Tanks – Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Moon Landing Conspiracy, Hollywood Cults, Facebook Tanks – Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room - Uninterruptible Talk Radio on ACRHesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Max and Infidel Pharaoh talk potentially radioactive wines, TedX presenters attempting to normalize sexualization of minors and just what did Buzz Aldrin mean when telling an 8 year old that 'we never went'?

Jul 27, 2018 • 2:06:29

Revenge of the Nerds Analysis - 25,000 Subscribers!  Nerds Party LIVE - Jay Dyer

Revenge of the Nerds Analysis - 25,000 Subscribers! Nerds Party LIVE - Jay Dyer

Big thanks and much love to all the JaysAnalysis nerds out there, helping me to reach 25,000 subscribers in a such a short time! Tonight we have some fun analyzing the 80s classic, Revenge of the Nerds.

Jul 24, 2018 • 1:34:04

Enemy (2013) - Esoteric Hollywood Analysis - Jay Dyer

Enemy (2013) - Esoteric Hollywood Analysis - Jay Dyer

Donnie Darko Vs. Giant Illuminati Spiders.

Jul 22, 2018 • 53:26

Trump - Putin Meeting, Mass Media Meltdown & Disney Dystopia - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Trump - Putin Meeting, Mass Media Meltdown & Disney Dystopia - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room - Uninterruptible Talk Radio on ACRThis episode explores the MSM freak out over the Trump/Putin summit in Helsinki, a look back to the origin moment of the reincarnated McCarthyism imposed upon the USA by the MSM, a follow up to the talk on a giant Hollywood turd called "The First Purge", the #WalkAway hashtag being subverted by the MSM to be a "Russia Did It" hashtag, American College/University systems turning youth into literal communists, tolera

Jul 20, 2018 • 2:28:41

TIN FOIL HAT With Sam Tripoli & Ryan Davis Feat. Jay Dyer

TIN FOIL HAT With Sam Tripoli & Ryan Davis Feat. Jay Dyer

Thank you for tuning in for another fantastic episode of Tin Foil Hat With Sam Tripoli. This episode Sam and Ryan welcome the author of Esoteric Hollywood, Jay Dyer. We discuss the insane world of the Hollywood Occult and the propaganda of the Haunted Brown Eye! Thank you so much for listening. We appreciate your support!

Jul 18, 2018 • 1:07:14

The Essence – Energy Distinction Debate, St. Gregory Palamas & The Triads – Jay Dyer (Half)

The Essence – Energy Distinction Debate, St. Gregory Palamas & The Triads – Jay Dyer (Half)

A review of the debate with Dr. Feingold and a talk on the Triads of St. Gregory Palamas. The second half of the talk will be available for paid subscribers to JaysAnalysis at the PayPal links at JaysAnalysis.com for 4.95 a month or 60.00 a year.

Jul 16, 2018 • 56:16

Debating Thomism & Roman Catholic Absolute Simplicity: Jay Dyer Vs. Dr. Francis Feingold Pt 2

Debating Thomism & Roman Catholic Absolute Simplicity: Jay Dyer Vs. Dr. Francis Feingold Pt 2

Dr. Feingold is Assistant Professor Of Philosophy at St. Patrick’s Seminary and University, with a specialty in medieval philosophy (esp. Aquinas), metaphysics (esp. philosophy of God), ethics (esp. moral psychology). Areas of competence: Ancient philosophy, modern philosophy, political philosophy, epistemology, and free will. We will be debating whether the Thomistic and Roman Dogma of absolute divine simplicity is true.

Jul 14, 2018 • 1:14:06

Debating Thomism & Roman Catholic Absolute Simplicity: Jay Dyer Vs. Dr. Francis Feingold Pt 1

Debating Thomism & Roman Catholic Absolute Simplicity: Jay Dyer Vs. Dr. Francis Feingold Pt 1

Dr. Feingold is Assistant Professor Of Philosophy at St. Patrick’s Seminary and University, with a specialty in medieval philosophy (esp. Aquinas), metaphysics (esp. philosophy of God), ethics (esp. moral psychology). Areas of competence: Ancient philosophy, modern philosophy, political philosophy, epistemology, and free will. We will be debating whether the Thomistic and Roman Dogma of absolute divine simplicity is true.

Jul 14, 2018 • 1:05:36

Laurel Canyon, the CIA Counter Culture & Dave McGowan – Jay Dyer on Myth20c

Laurel Canyon, the CIA Counter Culture & Dave McGowan – Jay Dyer on Myth20c

The United States is a pop cultural superpower. One can debate if this is for good or for worse – but what is almost indisputable is the amount of resources government institutions ranging from universities to the military and intelligence services place on steering the direction of cultural icons such as musicians and movie stars. Today Jay Dyer, known for his incisive analysis on propaganda embedded in American films and music, joins us for a discussion on the so called counter-cultural revolu

Jul 12, 2018 • 1:56:18

#Killstream: Jay Dyer Live on Ralph Retort – Debating Politics, Atheists & Hollywood Ritual Crimes Pt 2

#Killstream: Jay Dyer Live on Ralph Retort – Debating Politics, Atheists & Hollywood Ritual Crimes Pt 2

A killer 3 hour interview on the Killstream with Ethan Ralph, talking about everything under the sun: debates, my new Jordan Peterson impression, hashing out political philosophy, atheism and empiricism as self-refuting, Kant, Hegel and Locke, Hollywood ritual murders and scandals, etc.

Jul 8, 2018 • 1:29:38

#Killstream: Jay Dyer Live on Ralph Retort – Debating Politics, Atheists & Hollywood Ritual Crimes Pt 1

#Killstream: Jay Dyer Live on Ralph Retort – Debating Politics, Atheists & Hollywood Ritual Crimes Pt 1

A killer 3 hour interview on the Killstream with Ethan Ralph, talking about everything under the sun: debates, my new Jordan Peterson impression, hashing out political philosophy, atheism and empiricism as self-refuting, Kant, Hegel and Locke, Hollywood ritual murders and scandals, etc.

Jul 6, 2018 • 1:27:15

Escape From New York: The Pentagons Brain Pt 2 - Jay Dyer (Half)

Escape From New York: The Pentagons Brain Pt 2 - Jay Dyer (Half)

We return to Annie Jacobsen’s book The Pentagon’s Brain and link it to the fascinating predictive programming found in the John Carpenter classic, Escape From New York.

Jul 3, 2018 • 1:25:02

G.I. Joe, Hollywood's Terminator Transhumanism & George Carlin Anniversary - Jay Dyer on Sunday Wire

G.I. Joe, Hollywood's Terminator Transhumanism & George Carlin Anniversary - Jay Dyer on Sunday Wire

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Sunday WireThis week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE as special guest-host Basil Valentine fills in for Patrick Henningsen who is on the road this week, covering all the top stories in the US, Europe and Internationally. In the first hour, Basil surfs the rough and tumble of this past week's headlines, including Trump's apparent escapades and unilateral #MAGA global trade war and going at loggerheads with the 'international order', and what is to become of the U

Jul 2, 2018 • 3:04:31



A short video covering the big picture issues of the immigration “debate.” This kind of analysis you will never hear on the news or mainstream media.

Jun 23, 2018 • 11:03

Microchipping the Masses! The Beast System! Jay Dyer & Dana Ashlie

Microchipping the Masses! The Beast System! Jay Dyer & Dana Ashlie

Dana Ashlie invited me on her channel to discuss the rise of technocracy as the central goal of the entire global government. All aspects of the agenda can be grouped under this: complete, managerial technocratic control. Her channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBizESL5Wcvcxs2eB6h0txQMy Site: https://jaysanalysis.comMy Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JayDyerMy Book: https://jaysanalysis.com/jays-book/My TV Show: https://www.gaia.com/series/hollywood-decodedMy Twitter: https://tw

Jun 22, 2018 • 37:14

Revenge Porn & Catfishing & The Real Immigration Debate - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Revenge Porn & Catfishing & The Real Immigration Debate - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room - Uninterruptible Talk Radio on ACROn this episode of Boiler Room Hesher and Spore welcome 'Social Reject Club' regulars Fvnk$oul, Jay Dyer, Infidel Pharaoh and Max to represent the ACR Brain-trust to discuss the OIG FBI Report, what it indicates about Comey, FBI culture, FBI political involvement and specific ways in which FBI employees insinuated interfering in the U.S. election. In response to a week of mainstream media using children as political

Jun 22, 2018 • 2:09:25

KATY PERRY & illuminati Cannibalism: The REAL Public Ritual - Jay Dyer

KATY PERRY & illuminati Cannibalism: The REAL Public Ritual - Jay Dyer

My Site: https://jaysanalysis.comMy Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JayDyerMy Book: https://jaysanalysis.com/jays-book/My TV Show: https://www.gaia.com/series/hollywood-decodedMy Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jay_D007My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JaysAnalysis/

Jun 19, 2018 • 10:28

Symbolism & Mystical Typology of Exodus Pt. 2  - Jay Dyer (Half)

Symbolism & Mystical Typology of Exodus Pt. 2 - Jay Dyer (Half)

Picking back up in Exodus, we investigate the typology and symbolism of Exodus, which points directly to the coming of the Messiah in the figure of Christ. Dreaded by all liberals and modernists, the Torah is absolutely the inspired and inerrant the Law and Word of God.

Jun 18, 2018 • 2:08:08

Debate: Call me Al Ep. 35 - Jay Dyer vs. Robert Taylor: Masonic Influence in Capitalism and Communism

Debate: Call me Al Ep. 35 - Jay Dyer vs. Robert Taylor: Masonic Influence in Capitalism and Communism

Legendary author Jay Dyer and Robert Taylor of youtube.com/praxgirl.com will be debating Masonic influence in Capitalism and Communism on America's #1 ChadcastJay DyerWebsite: https://jaysanalysis.com/Twiter: https://twitter.com/Jay_D007Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jaysanalysis/Robert TaylorWebsite:youtube.com/praxgirl.comTwitter: https://twitter.com/robertetaylorHost: Alan EricsonWebsite: https://www.gorillaradio.tvTwitter: https://twitter.com/alphonzotrill?lan...Instagram: https://www.

Jun 17, 2018 • 1:50:21

Orthodoxy VS. Perennialism Debate: Jay Dyer Vs. PerennialPodcast

Orthodoxy VS. Perennialism Debate: Jay Dyer Vs. PerennialPodcast

Guenon, Schuon, Evola and the perennialists, or the Bible and the Orthodox Tradition? Eric at the Perennialist Podcast invited me on to a debate.

Jun 16, 2018 • 1:44:51

Cannibalism and Cloned Meat: Why is the Establishment Promoting Total Degeneracy?

Cannibalism and Cloned Meat: Why is the Establishment Promoting Total Degeneracy?

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room - Uninterruptible Talk Radio on ACRTonight the Social Reject Club is hashing out some Second Amendment political Jackassery, Dawkin's 'taboos of cannibalism', a Rabbi's claim that Pork is Kosher (as long as its cloned), Gremlins 2 as a metaphor for monopolistic globoculture (what could possibly go wrong?!), The Omega Man, Soylent Green gone main stream, Denis Rodman, Trump and the North Korean summit with Kim Jong-un.

Jun 15, 2018 • 1:50:01

North Korea the Fake CIA Comedy: Warski Live & Jay Dyer - Benny Wills of JoyCamp

North Korea the Fake CIA Comedy: Warski Live & Jay Dyer - Benny Wills of JoyCamp


Jun 14, 2018 • 1:31:43

Omega Man & Soylent Green - Esoteric Hollywood - Jay Dyer

Omega Man & Soylent Green - Esoteric Hollywood - Jay Dyer

Chaz Heston tries to halt the MegaSmartCity from grinding up soyboys and feeding them to the soy masses at the behest of George Soyros.Powdered Donut Brotherhood versus Chaz and the Nubian Princess at the end of history.

Jun 14, 2018 • 31:49

Subversive Messages in Kids’ Shows & True Health – Jay Dyer on Helicopter Mom

Subversive Messages in Kids’ Shows & True Health – Jay Dyer on Helicopter Mom

Helicopter Mom podcast interviews Jay Dyer concerning pop culture, health, organic foods, toxic entertainment, homeschooling and the vaccine question.Helicopter Mom: https://soundcloud.com/user-950557217My Site: https://jaysanalysis.comMy Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JayDyerMy Book: https://jaysanalysis.com/jays-book/

Jun 13, 2018 • 1:00:22

How The Beast System Socially Engineers the Masses - Jay Dyer

How The Beast System Socially Engineers the Masses - Jay Dyer

Santa Cruz, CA Talk Radio KSCO invited me 'Perspectives' to discuss social engineering and the notion of theology, psychological warfare, Hollywood and mass manipulation.

Jun 11, 2018 • 52:42

Hidden Hollywood  Satanic Symbols in Movies: Jay Dyer Vs Mr  Atheist Debate

Hidden Hollywood Satanic Symbols in Movies: Jay Dyer Vs Mr Atheist Debate

“Mr Atheist” challenges me to a “debate” about my book. lol Let the fun ensue – especially since he was unaware of basically every topic and book I referenced.https://jaysanalysis.com/jays-book/

Jun 10, 2018 • 2:05:01

Bourdain Death Questioned, Vatican at Bilderberg, Hollywood Cults & Rituals – Jay Dyer on BR

Bourdain Death Questioned, Vatican at Bilderberg, Hollywood Cults & Rituals – Jay Dyer on BR

On this episode the social rejects club is boiling down what the media has been calling an “epidemic of suicides” with particular regard to the announcements of Anthony Bourdain, Kate Spade and Stephanie Adams deaths. Artificial Intelligence being filled with the worst images of horror in MIT experiments and AI examined. “Non-lethal technologies and directed energy weapons, DARPA and the curious incidents of Americans being evacuated from the Chinese embassy due to some unknown debilitating soni

Jun 9, 2018 • 2:06:38

Warski Live & Jay Dyer: Guest - Jim Goad - "Boomer & Not PC At All!"

Warski Live & Jay Dyer: Guest - Jim Goad - "Boomer & Not PC At All!"

Infamous rabble rouser comic cultural commentator and author joins us to discuss everything from rap to interviewing Anton LaVey to Vice Magazine to PC culture and his prison experience. A hilarious interview, but adult themes and content.

Jun 7, 2018 • 1:39:12

Jay Dyer  + Deflating Atheism - Poking Holes in Atheist Presuppositions

Jay Dyer + Deflating Atheism - Poking Holes in Atheist Presuppositions

Deflating Atheism requested an interview and discussion with me regarding skepticism and the collapse of Internet atheism. The stream will switch to google hangouts when we go live (as Google hangout interviews do not allow a banner image).Deflating Atheism Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChQtdEDRCbcBMadX8D5WmbwBe sure to subscribe and follow me on my backups:My Site: https://jaysanalysis.comMy Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JayDyerMy Book: https://jaysanalysis.com/jays-book/My TV Sh

Jun 6, 2018 • 1:37:21

The Beatles a British Psychological Warfare Weapon? – Jay Dyer on Rock N Roll Twilight Zone

The Beatles a British Psychological Warfare Weapon? – Jay Dyer on Rock N Roll Twilight Zone

Were The Beatles created as a psychological warfare weapon by British Intelligence? RIchard speaks with a media scientist, a pop culture critic and a music journalist who discuss the merits of this fascinating and complex conspiracy theory.GUESTS:Nelson S. Thall is recognized as one of the world’s leading authorities on the science of communication/media and process analysis. His expertise has afforded him the opportunity to define law terms for the Federal Court of Canada and develop a televis

Jun 6, 2018 • 37:14

Lauren Southern - Free Speech & Decline of the West - Warski & Jay Dyer

Lauren Southern - Free Speech & Decline of the West - Warski & Jay Dyer

Be sure to subscribe and follow me on my backups:My Site: https://jaysanalysis.comMy Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JayDyerMy Book: https://jaysanalysis.com/jays-book/My Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jay_D007My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JaysAna

Jun 5, 2018 • 2:27:39

Franklin Coverup, CIA Drugs & Jay Dyer Called Out! - Warski Live

Franklin Coverup, CIA Drugs & Jay Dyer Called Out! - Warski Live

Jay and Andy cover the history of black markets and their connections to intelligence agencies, the climate change scam, foreign policy nonsense and a “debate” with a sedevacantist.

Jun 5, 2018 • 2:23:35

SedevacAUTISM Refuted: Trailer Park Cults & "Popes" - Jay Dyer

SedevacAUTISM Refuted: Trailer Park Cults & "Popes" - Jay Dyer

The idiocy of the spooks, wandering bishops, fronts, shells and frauds in the tiny fringe LARPing world of sedevacantism examined. The incel factory that is sedevacantism is a recipe for disaster - in reality they are no different than "conclavists." Instead, begin your course in these links below to find sanity and healing from the One, Holy, Catholic Doublewide "Church:"The Sedevacantist Delusion Book: https://www.thesedevacantistdelusion.comAN APPEAL TO TRADITIONAL ROMAN CATHOLICS FROM AN O

Jun 4, 2018 • 22:10

The Gospel of Moses - Exposition of Exodus & Typology Pt 1 - Jay Dyer (Half)

The Gospel of Moses - Exposition of Exodus & Typology Pt 1 - Jay Dyer (Half)

My Site: https://jaysanalysis.comMy Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JayDyerMy Book: https://jaysanalysis.com/jays-book/My TV Show: https://www.gaia.com/series/hollywood...My Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jay_D007My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JaysAnalysis/An in-depth analysis of the second Book of Moses, Exodus.

Jun 3, 2018 • 1:44:54

Eyes Wide Shut Is REAL: Warski Live With Jay Dyer - Guest: Sean Stone

Eyes Wide Shut Is REAL: Warski Live With Jay Dyer - Guest: Sean Stone

Be sure to subscribe and follow me on my backups:My Site: https://jaysanalysis.comMy Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JayDyerMy Book: https://jaysanalysis.com/jays-book/My TV Show: https://www.gaia.com/series/hollywood...My Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jay_D007My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JaysAnalysis/Sean Stone joins us to discuss the inside perspective on Hollywood and the machinations of the secret societies and cults in the background, as well as a detailed interview concerning his

Jun 2, 2018 • 2:30:30

Invasion of the Body Part Snatchers! Trapnostate Tyranny - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Invasion of the Body Part Snatchers! Trapnostate Tyranny - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room - Uninterruptible Talk Radio on ACRHesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Max, Randy J and Infidel Pharaoh form the Alternate Current Radio Brain-trust for this edition of Boiler Room. On this episode the social rejects club is boiling down the erosion of language, the weaponization of popular terminology, the Rosanne Barr Twitter kerfuffle, the Monsanto Bayer merger and much more.

Jun 1, 2018 • 2:25:56

New Age Soy Boy Technocracy Vs Orthodox Philosophy - Jay Dyer on Jenny Moonstone

New Age Soy Boy Technocracy Vs Orthodox Philosophy - Jay Dyer on Jenny Moonstone

Jenny Moonstone invited me on her stream to discuss precisely what technocracy is, and how it differs from my own worldview of Orthodoxy. We cover the basics of both, as well as Transhumanism, cosmology, ancient texts, the Bible, the roots of the New Age movement as fostered by wealthy oligarchs and social engineers, as well as much more!

May 30, 2018 • 1:17:22

Tommy Robinson Arrested – Call-Ins – WeWuzKangz Debate – Warski Live – Jay Dyer Pt 2

Tommy Robinson Arrested – Call-Ins – WeWuzKangz Debate – Warski Live – Jay Dyer Pt 2

Part 2 of the show.

May 29, 2018 • 1:26:33

Tommy Robinson Arrested – Call-Ins – WeWuzKangz Debate – Warski Live – Jay Dyer Pt 1

Tommy Robinson Arrested – Call-Ins – WeWuzKangz Debate – Warski Live – Jay Dyer Pt 1

Andy and Jay cover the arrest of Tommy Robinson in the UK, followed by the lat appearance of YouTuber and We Wuz Kangz proponent ‘Raidio1,’ who holds his ground and doubles down in the debate. Archaeology and genetics, pyramids and temples, this debate has it all, with Jay donning the Bob Ross afro for the entire debate. Truly comedy gold.

May 29, 2018 • 1:28:26

Theosis is the Gospel: Direct Knowledge of God - Jay Dyer

Theosis is the Gospel: Direct Knowledge of God - Jay Dyer

For us there are no dialectics: creation is not set against divine energy and presence, but is in fact its intended telos. God thus manifests His uncreated glory in time and space and in multitudes of created forms: upon this hangs the reality of the Gospel and the reality of the Incarnation as a deification of Christ's humanity, and by extension, us who participate in His deified flesh. Anything else is Arian heresy. Like His humanity or the sacraments, created forms really and truly thus be

May 28, 2018 • 17:15



Join ACRhost & producer, Hesher with the lovelySpore co-hosting, Infidel Pharaoh, Fvnk$oul, Jay Dyerof Jay’s Analysis and Maxriding shotgun. So dawn your Social Rejects Club battle jackets, lace up those boots, turn it up and sink in for another journey through the splendid secretions of the Independent Media with the Boiler Room on ACR.

May 25, 2018 • 2:29:30

Warski Live With Warski & Jay Dyer – Guest: Styx Abortion Debate FULL SHOW

Warski Live With Warski & Jay Dyer – Guest: Styx Abortion Debate FULL SHOW

In the first half of the show, Andy and I cover recent Marvel films Deadpool and Deadpool 2, and how the narrative includes the notion of a private super soldier / bio-enhancement program. In hour 2, Styx joins us for an impromptu debate on abortion, while an anarchist joins for a but to debate the role of the state.

May 24, 2018 • 2:12:31

Jordan Peterson, BOOMERTARIANISM Refuted & The Traditional Antidote - Jay Dyer on Jefferson Lee

Jordan Peterson, BOOMERTARIANISM Refuted & The Traditional Antidote - Jay Dyer on Jefferson Lee

Jefferson Lee Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPqb-IofS9g&t=1853sMy Site: https://jaysanalysis.comMy Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JayDyerMy Book: https://jaysanalysis.com/jays-book/My TV Show: https://www.gaia.com/series/hollywood-decodedJay Dyer is a writer, speaker and an overall renaissance man who possesses (arguably) the world's greatest Alex Jones impression. His website, JaysAnalysis.com, is jam packed with a treasure trove of videos, lectures and essays on film, politics and

May 23, 2018 • 1:13:20

Occult Hollywood Exposed! Jay Dyer on Conspiracy Unlimited - Richard Syrett

Occult Hollywood Exposed! Jay Dyer on Conspiracy Unlimited - Richard Syrett

Richard Syrett speaks with a researcher, writer, and lecturer about occult influences in Hollywood and the arts. They’ll also discuss propaganda in film and television, and the use of predictive programming in popular television shows.Conspiracy Unlimited: http://conspiracy-unlimited.blubrry.netClick Subscribe!My Site: https://jaysanalysis.comMy Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JayDyerMy Book: https://jaysanalysis.com/jays-book/

May 21, 2018 • 56:22

Syrian Girl on Warski Live With Jay Dyer

Syrian Girl on Warski Live With Jay Dyer

Popular Commenter SyrianGirl joins Andy Warski and Jay Dyer after a 2 hour red-pilling session of telling Andy about the big gameplay of globalism.  Relaunch of Warski Live. Call Ins: https://discord.gg/E6Aj2A

May 21, 2018 • 2:06:52

Warski Live with Andy Warski & Jay Dyer: Global Depopulation

Warski Live with Andy Warski & Jay Dyer: Global Depopulation

Popular Commenter SyrianGirl joins Andy Warski and Jay Dyer after a 2 hour red-pilling session of telling Andy about the big gameplay of globalism. Relaunch of Warski Live. Call Ins: https://discord.gg/E6Aj2A

May 21, 2018 • 1:48:13

SKYNET & DARPA - The Transhumanist Takeover is Here & Vanilla Ice Too! - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

SKYNET & DARPA - The Transhumanist Takeover is Here & Vanilla Ice Too! - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room


May 18, 2018 • 2:21:16

The Pentagon's BRAIN - DARPA & WAR GAMES - Rise of A.I. - Jay Dyer (Half)

The Pentagon's BRAIN - DARPA & WAR GAMES - Rise of A.I. - Jay Dyer (Half)

War Games and The Pentagon’s Brain by Annie Jacobsen reviewed for the Globalist Books’ Series.

May 17, 2018 • 1:41:48

Avengers: Infinity War, Guardians & Dr. Strange - Illuminati Hollywood Exposed - Jay Dyer

Avengers: Infinity War, Guardians & Dr. Strange - Illuminati Hollywood Exposed - Jay Dyer

Based on my previous analysis and recent viewing of the Guardians of the Galaxy films, Doctor Strange and the latest installment of Avengers, the Infinity War – replete with gnostic, Luciferian and cabalistic themes.

May 14, 2018 • 19:23

Illuminati Symbolism - Looker (1981) Esoteric Hollywood - Live From London Q & A - Jay Dyer

Illuminati Symbolism - Looker (1981) Esoteric Hollywood - Live From London Q & A - Jay Dyer

My trip to London and city symbolism, analysis of the bizarre, revelatory and goofy Michael Crichton film Looker, and a Q & A session.

May 9, 2018 • 57:12

Sex Bots, Artificial Intelligence & Esoteric Hollywood's Transhumanism - Jay Dyer on Sunday Wire

Sex Bots, Artificial Intelligence & Esoteric Hollywood's Transhumanism - Jay Dyer on Sunday Wire

Click Subscribe!My Site: https://jaysanalysis.comMy Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JayDyerMy Book: https://jaysanalysis.com/jays-book/My TV Show: https://www.gaia.com/series/hollywood-decodedEpisode #232 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes on May 6th 2018 http://21stcenturywire.com/2018/05/06/episode-232-live-from-av9-with-guests-jay-dyer-dilyana-gaytandzhiev/as host Patrick Henningsen brings you a very special LIVE broadcast on the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) – covering all the top news sto

May 7, 2018 • 1:47:54

ILLUMINATI PLAN FOR THE FUTURE REVEALED! - Attali's Future History Book - PART 1 (Half) - Jay Dyer

ILLUMINATI PLAN FOR THE FUTURE REVEALED! - Attali's Future History Book - PART 1 (Half) - Jay Dyer

Latest in the Globalist Books Series from Jay Dyer.

May 2, 2018 • 1:26:58

Syria, White Helmets, Russia & Trump: Modern Technocratic Geopolitics – Jay Dyer on Interregnum

Syria, White Helmets, Russia & Trump: Modern Technocratic Geopolitics – Jay Dyer on Interregnum

The Arktos crew talks geopolitics with the immensely knowledgeable Jay Dyer of jaysanalysis.com. From Syria to Russia, from Europe to America, from the identitarians to the Atlanticists, join us as we investigate the real powers that are vying for control in the global chessgame today.0:24 Introductions0:54 Jay Dyer Interview1:06 Background and works2:55 Syria (Geopolitical aspects)10:50 White helmets and war propaganda17:22 Colour revolutions and anti-Russian propaganda27:25 Spykman’s Plan30:11

May 1, 2018 • 1:06:47

Jay Dyer & Jim Goad Debate The Boomer Question: Call Me Al Chadcast

Jay Dyer & Jim Goad Debate The Boomer Question: Call Me Al Chadcast

Big show tonight, returning guests Jim Goad and Jay Dyer air their thoughts on the Boomer Question. Host Al provides commentary on politics, culture, news, and events. This show is fun as hell. Be sure to subscribe to the channel because there are surprise streams throughout the week!

Apr 30, 2018 • 1:06:14

Kanye & Trump BFF, Cosby Guilty, SEX CULT NXIVM & Allison Mack, Syria - BOILER ROOM - Jay Dyer!

Kanye & Trump BFF, Cosby Guilty, SEX CULT NXIVM & Allison Mack, Syria - BOILER ROOM - Jay Dyer!

Join the Boiler Room for this special weekly transmission which the ACR Brain-trust talking about a Hollywood Sex Cult in deep legal waters, the Bill Cosby conviction, German public transit users who'll literally fight for their "right" to be lewd in public, Jay Dyer gives his birds eye view of the deeper roots of the Syrian conflict, Jamie Hanshaw breaks down the parallels found between "MGTOW" /"Incel" groups and feminist philosophies, Hesher outlines the mainstream leftist 'dumpsterfication'

Apr 27, 2018 • 1:52:01

Aesthetics, Icons & Engineered Toxic Culture Jay Dyer on Orthodoxy & Geopolitics

Aesthetics, Icons & Engineered Toxic Culture Jay Dyer on Orthodoxy & Geopolitics

The Old Order invited me on to discuss Aesthetics, Orthodoxy, theology, philosophy, and geopolitics. We had a great chat and touched on debates, logic and atheism, as well.

Apr 24, 2018 • 1:49:29

Hollywood Sex Cults Exposed! Esoteric Hollywood / NXIVM – Jay Dyer on Call Me Al’s Chadcast

Hollywood Sex Cults Exposed! Esoteric Hollywood / NXIVM – Jay Dyer on Call Me Al’s Chadcast

Call Me Al on GorillaRadio.tv invited me on the Chadcast to discuss occult Hollywood, film symbolism, esotericism in the arts, the CIA and Pentagon usage of movies for social engineering, MK ULTRA and mind control and pop music stars like Beyonce and Kanye.

Apr 23, 2018 • 57:00

Styx & Jay Dyer - Epic Religious Chat - Platonism, Hermeticism, Demons & Paganism

Styx & Jay Dyer - Epic Religious Chat - Platonism, Hermeticism, Demons & Paganism

Youtube sensation Styx joins me for a long-awaited religious chat!

Apr 22, 2018 • 1:35:20

Warski DEBATE Analysis, Prince Revelations, Boiler Room & Impressions - Jay Dyer

Warski DEBATE Analysis, Prince Revelations, Boiler Room & Impressions - Jay Dyer

Epic night after a Warski Live Stream audience of 5 k - LIVE. With Boiler Room crew we discuss Trump, upcoming interviews and then I act dumb for 2 hours with the chat.

Apr 21, 2018 • 2:12:48

Warski Live – Jay Dyer Vs Robert Taylor Round 2! Debate!

Warski Live – Jay Dyer Vs Robert Taylor Round 2! Debate!

A wild, epic Warski stream of debates, drama and heat – the show reached 5 k live and in the top 5 global streams, with almost 50 k views overnight. Robert Taylor returns to debate me on Theism!

Apr 21, 2018 • 39:53

Genesis, Giants, Nephilim & Biblical Philosophy Lecture 2 – Jay Dyer (Half)

Genesis, Giants, Nephilim & Biblical Philosophy Lecture 2 – Jay Dyer (Half)

This is the free half, while subscribers to JaysAnalaysis get access to the full lectures, talks, interviews and archives by subscribing at the PayPal links at JaysAnalysis.com. Today we move to the next section of Genesis, chapters 3-6 to examine the typology, symbolism and overall philosophy of revelation, contrasted with the philosophy of naturalism, materialism, paganism and Gnosticism.

Apr 19, 2018 • 2:28:33

(Pt 2) Jay Dyer - FAKED ALASKA Stream - Jay VS Feminist "Comedians" & Q N A & Impressionations

(Pt 2) Jay Dyer - FAKED ALASKA Stream - Jay VS Feminist "Comedians" & Q N A & Impressionations

I am sick of serious streams so I dressed up as Baked Alaska. Today I rested my soul with women comedians, all of whom suck. Join me dear chat as we steal Paula Poundstone and Lizz Winstead and Amy Shoomer "jokes" . Best comedian in the chat tonight will get a free signed famous person book from me!!!! Also I will unveil my Andy Warski impression for the first time!

Apr 16, 2018 • 1:13:50

(Pt 1) Jay Dyer - FAKED ALASKA Stream - Jay VS Feminist "Comedians" & Q N A & Impressionations

(Pt 1) Jay Dyer - FAKED ALASKA Stream - Jay VS Feminist "Comedians" & Q N A & Impressionations

I am sick of serious streams so I dressed up as Baked Alaska. Today I rested my soul with women comedians, all of whom suck. Join me dear chat as we steal Paula Poundstone and Lizz Winstead and Amy Shoomer "jokes" . Best comedian in the chat tonight will get a free signed famous person book from me!!!! Also I will unveil my Andy Warski impression for the first time!

Apr 16, 2018 • 1:50:40

Hillary Witch Coven, Vampire Facials, Spirit Cooking & Elite Cults - Jay Dyer on Bechtloff

Hillary Witch Coven, Vampire Facials, Spirit Cooking & Elite Cults - Jay Dyer on Bechtloff

Click Subscribe!My Site: https://jaysanalysis.comMy Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JayDyerMy Book: https://jaysanalysis.com/jays-book/My TV Show: https://www.gaia.com/series/hollywood-decodedThe Bechtloff invited me on to A conversation about the spiritual and cultural decay in the West. Hillary visits a coven, CIA drug running and occult spirit rituals.

Apr 16, 2018 • 1:20:05

American MK ULTRA: Banshee Chapter & Other Mind Control Films – Jay Dyer & True Free Thinker

American MK ULTRA: Banshee Chapter & Other Mind Control Films – Jay Dyer & True Free Thinker

I join True Free Thinker to cover a host of topics, but primarily the relationship of theology to culture, Darwinism, film and philosophy, and a series of films that feature the theme of MK ULTRA: Banshee Chapter, Butterfly Effect, American Ultra and more. We look at how these films, and even obscure comedies like Volunteers and others, at times reveals quite a bit about CIA drug running and the connection to intentional promotion of the drug culture.

Apr 15, 2018 • 1:59:38

Syria & the Conflict Explained - Jay Dyer & Tim Kelly (Half)

Syria & the Conflict Explained - Jay Dyer & Tim Kelly (Half)

A classic re-upload of my discussion with Tim Kelly on the background to the Syria conflict.

Apr 14, 2018 • 1:30:23

Ready Player One - Esoteric Occult Symbolism Decoded - Jay Dyer

Ready Player One - Esoteric Occult Symbolism Decoded - Jay Dyer

Spielberg’s latest gnostic allegory is the presentation of reality as Un-reality. While the film does close with an anti-transhumanist / anti-VR obsession message, the film’s narrative focuses on pop culture symbolism, predictive programming, esoteric and archetypal myths and the summation in man’s apotheosis through technology and eternal psychodrama.

Apr 10, 2018 • 15:21

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