Phonic Fiction Fest

Phonic Fiction Fest

Cole Weavers

Have you ever wanted to join the pantheon of audio drama creators pushing out some of your favorite content but just haven't had the opportunity? Struggling to find friends with the same crippling addiction to audio fiction? Ever wanted to see what you could summon from within when put under an insane time constraint? Phonic Fiction Fest is a 48 hour Audio Fiction Festival where you are invited to join others in creating something completely new and original within 48 hours! Does it have to be perfect? Heck no! You just need to finish it, that's the goal! Hosted on Acast. See...

OCT ‘22 - Beyond the Veil

OCT ‘22 - Beyond the Veil

Go to from October 21-27 ‘22 to vote!///DESCRIPTIONA washed-up team of paranormal investigators search for ghost activity in a local hardware store. What could possibly go wrong?///VOTING CATEGORIESHorror-comedyLGBTQIA+ - CreatorMarginalized Gender Identity - CreatorDisabled/Neurodivergent - CreatorMarginalized Gender Identity - CharacterOriginal MusicOriginal Art///TRANSCRIPT //CREDITSSFX - f

Oct 21, 2022 • 20:00

OCT ‘22 - Hexpress Hotline

OCT ‘22 - Hexpress Hotline

Go to from October 21-27 ‘22 to vote!///DESCRIPTIONHexpress Hotline is not your average 9-5. Between providing curses to unhappy couples and dealing with complaints, Circe has to deal with rival witches, the HR (human remains) department, and cats predicting the end of the world… wait, what? ///VOTING CATEGORIESHorror-comedyLGBTQIA+ - CreatorBIPOC - CreatorMarginalized Gender Identity (e.g. woman, non-binary, etc.) - CreatorDisabled/Neurodivergent - Cr

Oct 21, 2022 • 15:01

OCT ‘22 - Double Booked

OCT ‘22 - Double Booked

Go to from October 21-27 ‘22 to vote!///DESCRIPTIONAt the advice of their therapist, a couple on the verge of divorce books a weekend getaway in the country to try to iron out their differences. Things get dicey when they find out they aren’t the only inhabitants of their quaint little home in the woods.///VOTING CATEGORIESHorror-comedyLGBTQIA+ - CreatorMarginalized Gender Identity - CreatorOriginal MusicOriginal Art///TRANSCRIPThttps://www.phonicfictionfes

Oct 21, 2022 • 20:57

OCT ‘22 - Sucker

OCT ‘22 - Sucker

Go to from October 21-27 ‘22 to vote!///DESCRIPTIONDemon-hunting podcaster Larry is out to disrupt the summoning of the Great Cleanser by cult leader Candace. Candace's Latinist friend Forest has other plans for the evening...///VOTING CATEGORIESHorror-comedyLGBTQIA+ - CreatorMarginalized Gender Identity - CreatorDisabled/Neurodivergent - CreatorMarginalized Gender Identity - Character///CONTENT WARNINGSPandemic humorMild physical violenceDiscussion of cult

Oct 21, 2022 • 9:22

OCT ‘22 - Damned If You Do

OCT ‘22 - Damned If You Do

Go to from October 21-27 ‘22 to vote!///DESCRIPTIONThree friends pitch in to help an old mentor take care of some unfinished business at his church. But why is he so insistent that they avoid that one specific room?///VOTING CATEGORIESHorror-comedyLGBTQIA+ - CreatorMarginalized Gender Identity - CreatorDisabled/Neurodivergent - Creator///TRANSCRIPT ///CONTENT WARNINGSLoud soundsCursingSome bl

Oct 21, 2022 • 19:45

OCT ‘22 - Monster Mash Live!

OCT ‘22 - Monster Mash Live!

Go to from October 21-27 ‘22 to vote!///DESCRIPTIONMonster Mash Live! is a horror / comedy about a social media sasquatch hunter who accidentally finds his way into a different dimension where a very strange tournament is taking place and the only way out, is through!///VOTING CATEGORIESHorror-comedyLGBTQIA+ - CreatorBIPOC - CreatorMarginalized Gender Identity - CreatorDisabled/Neurodivergent - CreatorOriginal Music///TRANSCRIPThttps://www.phonicfictionfest

Oct 21, 2022 • 20:39

OCT ‘22 - Pemberley’s Big Break

OCT ‘22 - Pemberley’s Big Break

Go to from October 21-27 ‘22 to vote!///DESCRIPTIONAspiring journalist Pemberly Pennington interviews the aloof detective Lois Charcutier.///VOTING CATEGORIESHorror-comedyLGBTQIA+ - CreatorMarginalized Gender Identity - CreatorDisabled/neurodivergent - CreatorMarginalized Gender Identity - Character///CONTENT WARNINGSMention of deathMurderAbuseVehicular accidentsProfanityOrganized by Nathan Lunsford and Cole Weavers Hosted on Acast. See fo

Oct 21, 2022 • 7:12

OCT ‘22 - Flesh to Add to Its Own

OCT ‘22 - Flesh to Add to Its Own

Go to from October 21-27 ‘22 to vote!///DESCRIPTIONPoker night at Spencer's house is wrapping up, but a strange sound convinces Frank to shut up about Wittgenstein and investigate what is going on.///VOTING CATEGORIESHorror-comedyLGBTQIA+ - CreatorOriginal music///TRANSCRIPT WARNINGSProfanityViolenceAnimal Death/InjuryBanging NoisesBody HorrorScratching/ItchingOrganized By Nathan

Oct 21, 2022 • 10:50

OCT ‘22 - The Ecdysis of Sarah

OCT ‘22 - The Ecdysis of Sarah

Go to from October 21-27 ‘22 to vote!///VOTING CATEGORIESHorror-fantasyLGBTQIA+ - CreatorMarginalized Gender Identity - CreatorMarginalized Gender Identity - CharacterOriginal Art///TRANSCRIPT ///CONTENT WARNINGSThe OccultBloodInjuryTerminal/degenerative illness and painDeath/dyingBody horrorSFX: Slicing, wet sloughing soundsOrganized by Nathan Lunsford and Pulp Audio Hosted on Acast. See

Oct 21, 2022 • 15:29

OCT ‘22 - The Bone Collector

OCT ‘22 - The Bone Collector

Go to from October 21-27 ‘22 to vote!///DESCRIPTIONA tale of a little village in the snow, and a deal between children under the full moon.///VOTING CATEGORIESHorror-fantasyLGBTQIA+ - CreatorBIPOC - CreatorMarginalized Gender Identity - CreatorDisabled/Neurodivergent - CreatorOriginal MusicOriginal Art///TRANSCRIPT //CREDITSSFX - zapsplat.comSFX - WARNINGSBlood/goreD

Oct 21, 2022 • 20:55

OCT ‘22 - Depths

OCT ‘22 - Depths

Go to from October 21-27 ‘22 to vote!///DESCRIPTIONPoachers awaken an ancient evil.///VOTING CATEGORIESHorror-fantasyLGBTQIA+ - CreatorDisabled/neurodivergent - CreatorOriginal musicOriginal SFX///CONTENT WARNINGSSwearingSounds of fear/distress/cryingMention of bloodKidnappingSounds of violenceSpooky eldritch whispersMention of drug useOrganized by Nathan Lunsford and Pulp Audio Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Oct 21, 2022 • 21:13

OCT ‘22 - Clear Your Mind

OCT ‘22 - Clear Your Mind

Go to from October 21-27 ‘22 to vote!///DESCRIPTIONA group of friends go skinny dipping one Halloween night, but something in the water takes control of their bodies instead, leading them to a cave with a dark secret.///VOTING CATEGORIESHorror-fantasyLGBTQIA+ - CreatorBIPOC - CreatorMarginalized Gender Identity - CreatorDisabled/neurodivergent - CreatorMarginalized Gender Identity - Character//CREDITSMusic used with license from Dark Fantasy StudiosSFX used

Oct 21, 2022 • 17:02

OCT ‘22 - John Smith and the Cost of the Hungry Blade

OCT ‘22 - John Smith and the Cost of the Hungry Blade

Go to from October 21-27 ‘22 to vote!///DESCRIPTIONThe Guardians of the Forest have sent an envoy to the human world. But they’ve found a new candidate to represent them — too bad he doesn’t believe in magic.///VOTING CATEGORIESHorror-fantasyLGBTQIA+ - CreatorMarginalized gender identity - CreatorDisabled/neurodivergent - CreatorLGBTQIA+ - CharacterDisabled/neurodivergent - CharacterOriginal MusicOriginal Art///CONTENT WARNINGSMurderProfanityImplications of

Oct 21, 2022 • 20:56

OCT ‘22 - The Tooth Thief

OCT ‘22 - The Tooth Thief

Go to from October 21-27 ‘22 to vote!///DESCRIPTIONIn France and in other countries, it is a tradition to put a tooth a child just lost under their pillow, for La Petite Souris, the little mouse, to come get it in exchange for a coin. How could it turn out bad? Bonne écoute!///VOTING CATEGORIESHorror-fantasyLGBTQIA+ - CreatorMarginalized Gender Identity - CreatorDisabled/neurodivergent - Creator//CREDITSChase by Alexander Nakarada | https://www.serpentsound

Oct 21, 2022 • 14:39

OCT ‘22 - You Deserve This

OCT ‘22 - You Deserve This

Go to from October 21-27 ‘22 to vote!///DESCRIPTIONWhat do you do when you wake up in a strange, dark place? Do you trust the voice that's guiding you? Do you really deserve this? ///VOTING CATEGORIESHorror-fantasyOriginal musicOriginal SFX///TRANSCRIPT ///CONTENT WARNINGSSupernatural horrorPsychological TraumaTortureDrowningProfanityInferrable MurderOrganized by Nathan Lunsford and Pulp

Oct 21, 2022 • 8:12

OCT ‘22 - Emet

OCT ‘22 - Emet

Go to from October 21-27 ‘22 to vote!///DESCRIPTIONA desperate king and his concubine, who carries his only child and heir, seek the cure for the plague on their land from a legendary golem: a being of truth. The truth they find may not be the one they expect.///VOTING CATEGORIESHorror-fantasyLGBTQIA+ - CreatorMarginalized Gender Identity - CreatorBIPOC - CreatorDisabled/neurodivergent - CreatorLGBTQIA+ - CharacterMarginalized Gender Identity - CharacterBIP

Oct 21, 2022 • 20:16

OCT ‘22 - StrixNet

OCT ‘22 - StrixNet

Go to from October 21-27 ‘22 to vote!///DESCRIPTIONTwo parents caught up in an internet worshiping cyber-cult try to protect their child from one of its ancient prophecies. ///VOTING CATEGORIESHorror-fantasy///TRANSCRIPT //CREDITSSFX - zapsplat.comSFX - WARNINGSGeneral distress/horrorMention of bugsEmotional manipulationArguingCharacter deathKidnappingNoises: Electronic n

Oct 21, 2022 • 10:25

OCT ‘22 - Polaris

OCT ‘22 - Polaris

Go to from October 21-27 ‘22 to vote!///DESCRIPTIONThe UK is at war with an unknown enemy, she is blockaded by a multinational coalition headed by the United States which aims to prevent the 'conflict' from spreading. After a stunning victory which supposedly 'turned the tide' of the war...a father returns home to his family... but nothing is as it seems, and no one is sure of anything...except that everything they are being told is a lie... ///VOTING

Oct 21, 2022 • 20:36

OCT ‘22 - Meant to Be Seen

OCT ‘22 - Meant to Be Seen

Go to from October 21-27 ‘22 to vote!///DESCRIPTIONAriadne, cleric of Sylk, was simply trying to do her job. The voice calling to her in the night wasn't meant to enrapture her, so why did she follow? And what will happen to her now that she has?///VOTING CATEGORIESHorror-fantasyLGBTQIA+ - CreatorBIPOC - CreatorMarginalized Gender Identity - CreatorMarginalized Gender Identity - CharacterSingle Person Production///TRANSCRIPT

Oct 21, 2022 • 17:12

OCT ‘22 - You Are Powerful Beyond Measure

OCT ‘22 - You Are Powerful Beyond Measure

Go to from October 21-27 ‘22 to vote!///VOTING CATEGORIESHorror-fantasyLGBTQIA+ - CreatorBIPOC - CreatorMarginalized Gender Identity - CreatorLGBTQIA+ - CharacterMarginalized Gender Identity - CharacterOriginal Art///TRANSCRIPT //CREDITSJingle Bells by brolefilmer by Kevin Hartnell

Oct 21, 2022 • 13:50

OCT ‘22 - In A Blink

OCT ‘22 - In A Blink

Go to from October 21-27 ‘22 to vote!///DESCRIPTIONA man and woman meet and connect at a festival of light and art, but all is not as it seems.///VOTING CATEGORIESHorror-fantasyLGBTQIA+ - CreatorMarginalized Gender Identity - CreatorMarginalized Gender Identity - CharacterOriginal SFX///TRANSCRIPT Sound by voho on under a Creative Commons 0 License.///CONTENT WARNINGSDeathDi

Oct 21, 2022 • 12:46

OCT ‘22 - The Ex-Wife

OCT ‘22 - The Ex-Wife

Go to from October 21-27 ‘22 to vote!///DESCRIPTIONA man and his employee discuss the man's ex-wife and his suspicious yet horrific past.///VOTING CATEGORIESHorror-noirSingle Person Production///TRANSCRIPT //CREDITSMusic by ASTROFREQ from PixabaySound effects from the wonderful artists of Pixabay///CONTENT WARNINGSBlood/goreOrganized by Pulp Audio and Nathan Lansford Hosted on Acast. See

Oct 21, 2022 • 9:38

OCT ‘22 - The End of the Storm

OCT ‘22 - The End of the Storm

Go to from October 21-27 ‘22 to vote!///DESCRIPTIONA career criminal makes 3 deliveries during a supernaturally long storm, and discovers many uncomfortable truths.///VOTING CATEGORIESHorror-noirMarginalized gender identity - CreatorDisabled/neurodivergent - CreatorMarginalized gender identity - CharacterSingle Person Production///TRANSCRIPT //CREDITSSounds by Zapsplat!///CONTENT WARNINGS

Oct 21, 2022 • 18:33

OCT ‘22 - Strained Airs

OCT ‘22 - Strained Airs

///DESCRIPTIONEvidence Log for Case #9002172: Disappearance of Richard Folner, private detective. Evidence includes recorded notes by subject in the days leading to his disappearance. Recording follows.///VOTING CATEGORIESHorror-noirLGBTQIA+ - CreatorSingle Person Production//CREDITSSound effects from zapsplat.comMusic: Spooky Theme by Mystified from WARNINGSInfidelitySounds of fear/distress/cryingBrief body horrorOrganized by Pulp Audio and Nathan Lansford Hosted

Oct 21, 2022 • 11:17

OCT ‘22 - Justice Served

OCT ‘22 - Justice Served

Go to from October 21-27 ‘22 to vote!///DESCRIPTIONA lone detective wanders the neon-dotted streets of her city in search of justice for her murdered partner. What she finds in the seedy underbelly of back-alley cage matches leads her to a horrible revelation about the twisted eco-system of a dying world.///VOTING CATEGORIESHorror-noirMarginalized gender identity - CreatorMarginalized gender identity - CharacterLGBTQIA+ - CharacterOriginal musicOriginal SFX

Oct 21, 2022 • 17:57

Introducing Phonic Fiction Fest

Introducing Phonic Fiction Fest

Have you ever wanted to join the pantheon of audio drama creators pushing out some of your favorite content but just haven't had the opportunity? Struggling to find friends with the same crippling addiction to audio fiction? Ever wanted to see what you could summon from within when put under an insane time constraint? Phonic Fiction Fest is a 48 hour Audio Fiction Festival where you are invited to join others in creating something completely new and original within 48 hours! Does it have to be p

Oct 11, 2022 • 1:47

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