The Great Birth Rebellion

The Great Birth Rebellion

Dr Melanie Jackson

Hosted by Dr Melanie Jackson (@melaniethemidwife The Great Birth Rebellion dismantles western beliefs and management of birth and presents an evidence-based alternative to modern birth practices. We believe that calculated rebellion against medicalised maternity care is the evidence-based and preferred path to having a great birth. This is the great birth rebellion.

Episode 139 - So you’ve got preeclampsia (part 2)

Episode 139 - So you’ve got preeclampsia (part 2)

This is part 2 all about pre-eclampsia. Episode 138 and 139 give a deep dive into what preeclampsia is, ways to prevent and diagnose it, and today we talk about what happens if you’ve got it.  Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast Join the podcast mailing list to access the resource folder from each episode at  Join the rebellion and show your support! Grab your Great Birth Rebellion merchandise now at Follow us on social media

Feb 23, • 33:03

Episode 138 - Preventing pre-eclampsia (part 1)

Episode 138 - Preventing pre-eclampsia (part 1)

In this episode Mel finally talks about pre-eclampsia (she can avoid it no longer!). Mel explains what pre-eclampsia is, how to diagnose it, how it develops and some strategies on how to prevent it. In this episode (part 1) you also learn about who is more likely to get pre-eclampsia so that preventative strategies can be better targeted. The episode was sponsored by The convergence of rebellious midwives conference, tickets available for the 2025 event NOW. Get your ticket now - it’s not just f

Feb 16, • 50:08

Episode 137 - Reclaiming Midwifery a modern day battlecry

Episode 137 - Reclaiming Midwifery a modern day battlecry

Professor Hannah Dahlen joins Mel to discuss modern day Midwifery and the hope that she has about reclaiming our Midwifery heritage. Hannah believes that we are SO close to a birth utopia where women will have access to Midwives and whose Midwives can work autonomously with women. Find out the reason for her optimism. Hannah explains that the only option at this point to go backwards in the progress that Midwives have made is self sabotage. Where to listen/watch: Listen

Feb 9, • 1:10:33

Episode 136 - RSV vaccine in pregnancy

Episode 136 - RSV vaccine in pregnancy

The RSV vaccine during pregnancy has just been approved for use in Australia and the Australian government is providing it for free to all pregnant women. Mel goes over the research about the vaccine's effectiveness and the results of the 3 studies done so far. There is limited short term data but no long term data since this is a new vaccine. Melanie is a registered Midwife and so is required by her registration body to uphold the recommendations in the Australian National Immunisation

Feb 2, • 55:53

Episode 135 - Common breastfeeding issues and how to fix them

Episode 135 - Common breastfeeding issues and how to fix them

Mel invites experienced Lactation consultant and published author Lucy Webber to the podcast to ask her Breastfeeding questions. Lucy answers some questions that address the most common breastfeeding myths that she is always confronting in her work and I also threw in some listener questions! You can follow along with Lucy via Facebook, instagram or visit her website Resources mentioned: Emma Pickets Podcast Australian Breastfeeding Association Breastfeeding Network UK La Leche League

Jan 26, • 1:11:24

Episode 134 - The risks of induction - Part 2

Episode 134 - The risks of induction - Part 2

Part 2 of the risks of induction. Episode 133 was all about the assessment and first steps of induction and this episode follows on with the risks of the final steps of induction of labour. These are a must-listen if you are being presented with the option of induction - especially if it’s a routine induction Mel also opens up the video presentations from The Convergence of Rebellious Midwives conference 2024. These are now available to the public and many of the exceptional presentatio

Jan 19, • 50:03

Episode 133 - The risks of induction - Part 1

Episode 133 - The risks of induction - Part 1

Having your labour induced has risks. This episode is part 1 of a discussion of the labour induction process and the associated risks that go along with each stage of an induction. The discussion continues in episode 134. Sometimes the benefits of an induction outweigh the risks, but sometimes an induction is more risky than staying pregnant. This episode offers information to help inform your decisions around labour induction options Mel also opens up the video presentations from the c

Jan 12, • 59:40

Episode 132 - Who is Mel and what is she doing?

Episode 132 - Who is Mel and what is she doing?

Dr Melanie Jackson is the host of the Great Birth Rebellion podcast but do you really know her? Mel's husband Dan interviews her to get to the bottom of who she is and what she is up to. Dan probes with questions about her background, motivations, and journey into Midwifery. Discover Mel's academic and professional activities, including her transition from Naturopathy to Midwifery and into academia. The conversation also covers her family life, homeschooling their children, t

Jan 5, • 59:32

Episode 131 - Myth Busting - big baby, homebirth, postdates, CPD

Episode 131 - Myth Busting - big baby, homebirth, postdates, CPD

Angela Duce (from Guardian Doula’s diary: the podcast) interviews Mel about Myth busting and truth telling about birth. Angela had questions about homebirth, choosing your birth team, postdates, ultrasounds, due dates, induction options and cephalopelvic disproportion. Great birth rebellion Episodes that complement this one: Ep. 3 Due Dates Ep. 8 Giving Birth at home Ep. 29 Small babies, big babies pt.1 Ep. 30 Small babies, big babies pt.2 This episode is a re-edit of

Dec 29, 2024 • 57:45

Episode 130 - How bad is it? the 2024 mothers and babies report

Episode 130 - How bad is it? the 2024 mothers and babies report

The Australia’s mothers and babies report is released every year and this covers the findings of the 2024 release - Mel and her guest Dr Kirsten Small pick apart the findings and lament over them with a drinking game to sooth the rage. We are told that all of this intervention is used to keep us and our babies safe, but is it working? To get on the mailing list for the podcast and to access the resource folders for each episode, visit Get more from the Great B

Dec 22, 2024 • 1:24:14

Episode 129 - Giving birth to the placenta

Episode 129 - Giving birth to the placenta

After you have your baby, you’ll also give birth to your placenta, but what is the placenta? How do you give birth to it? In this episode, Mel shares 3 methods of placental birth and gives some information to help women decide which method they prefer. There are also some practical tips for midwives who want to learn particular skills for placental birth, especially physiological management. To get on the mailing list for the podcast and to access the resource folders for each episode,

Dec 15, 2024 • 45:14

Episode 128 - Birth keepers an investigation with journalist Charlotte King ABC

Episode 128 - Birth keepers an investigation with journalist Charlotte King ABC

A birth keeper is a vague and obscure term used to describe some unregulated birth workers who attend births. No one except the birth keeper themselves really knows the full scope of what they do or what they are capable of because they prefer to work in secret and away from the gaze of society. In this episode Mel invites journalist Charlotte King to explore the stories of two families who hired birthkeepers and who now, having experienced the care of a birthkeeper, want to alert

Dec 8, 2024 • 1:23:20

Episode 127 - Do I need stitches if I tear at birth?

Episode 127 - Do I need stitches if I tear at birth?

Your perineum is a part of your body that is designed to repair itself after childbirth. 70% of women will have some kind of tear or cut to their perineum during childbirth. Many of these will be stitched back together - but is this necessary? Will it still heal without stitches and how do you know if you need stitches or not. This episode has all the answers. To get on the mailing list for the podcast and to access the resource folders for each episode, visit Get

Dec 1, 2024 • 41:27

Episode 126 - Consumer advocacy triumphs and turmoil

Episode 126 - Consumer advocacy triumphs and turmoil

Consumer advocacy organisations are significant agents for change in maternity care. In this episode, we delve into the powerful story behind The Perth Birth Link, an advocacy group founded in 2023 to address preventable birth trauma and help women find empowerment through education and support. Being the new kids on the block in this space has given Amy O'Meagher, (the founder of Perth Birth link) a unique view into the culture, triumphs and tragedies of what it means to be a consumer

Nov 24, 2024 • 56:02

Episode 125 - The medicalisation spectrum

Episode 125 - The medicalisation spectrum

The medicalisation spectrum is 101 when you are planning a birth that feels safest and most satisfying to you. Understanding where you sit on the medicalisation spectrum is the key to planning the rest of your pregnancy, birth and postnatal care. In this episode Mel explains the medicalisation spectrum with reference to where your care provider and chosen birth location would also fit along the spectrum. Mel discusses the 2 types of birth philosophies and where they fit on the spectrum.

Nov 17, 2024 • 36:08

Episode 124 - Pregnant over 35 years old

Episode 124 - Pregnant over 35 years old

What does the research say about being over 35 years old and pregnant? Mel looks through some research papers to help you understand how your care provider is calculating risk and outcomes and if these calculations mean anything at all! Are you really having a ‘high-risk’ pregnancy is you are in the ‘advanced maternal age’ category - and don’t even get me started on the ‘geriatric’ pregnancy terminology. Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast Join the podcast mailing lis

Nov 10, 2024 • 56:19

Episode 123 - Vaginal Breech or Caesarean with Dr Rixa Freeze

Episode 123 - Vaginal Breech or Caesarean with Dr Rixa Freeze

When a baby is in a breech (head up) position for labour and birth, women are faced with unique challenges of care provider incompetence and fear. Many clinicians don’t know how to or refuse to attend vaginal breech births. They cite increased risk and danger, but is this correct? Is it more dangerous to give birth to your breech baby vaginally or by caesarean section? Dr Rixa Freeze, president of Breech without Borders talks us through the research and we discuss the concept of never b

Nov 3, 2024 • 1:11:39

Episode 122 - How to get your baby to sleep

Episode 122 - How to get your baby to sleep

Getting your baby to sleep might feel like the hardest part of your parenting journey. Have you ever been advised to let you baby ‘cry it out’ or been told to just ‘put your baby down’? Or rely in sleep cues and routines? You might want to listen to this episode where Dr Pamela Douglas explains how parenting can be easier, more joyful and less exhausting when we consider the research around infant sleep - because it is certainly not on the side of hours of bouncing a baby to sleep. Dr P

Oct 27, 2024 • 1:20:30

Episode 121 - How to become a private midwife in Australia

Episode 121 - How to become a private midwife in Australia

Curious about what it takes to set up a business as a private midwife? This is for Australian Midwives who want to know the steps to becoming a private midwife. This is the first in a free-series that is running all week at between October 20th-25th 2024. If you are listening after the 24th, you've missed out on free week but you can register for next year at Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast Join the pod

Oct 22, 2024 • 52:52

Episode 120 - Preparing for posterior labour

Episode 120 - Preparing for posterior labour

Mel brings some practical tips for preparing for a posterior labour. You never know which labour and birth are going to be impacted by posterior position of the baby (facing the front instead of facing the back) and the labour pattern can be very different. Being prepared for a posterior labour also means you are ready for any labour. This episode is great preparation for labour full stop, but you’ll also be prepared for a posterior labour. For more episodes to help you with posterior l

Oct 20, 2024 • 49:15

Episode 119 - What choices did Mel make for her births?

Episode 119 - What choices did Mel make for her births?

Ever wondered what Mel chose for her own births? And how it all went? Today she spills the tea about her own personal births through an interview with Anna from Sacred Birth International who interviewed Mel about her birth stories on the Natural Birth podcast… we can think of no better way to celebrate 1 MILLION DOWNLOADS for the Great Birth Rebellion podcast than to share a raw story about the choices Mel made for her own pregnancy and birth journeys - you’ll hear what I did for my ti

Oct 13, 2024 • 1:31:06

Episode 118 - What is posterior labour like?

Episode 118 - What is posterior labour like?

Posterior labour refers to the circumstance where the baby is facing toward the front to the womans pubic hair as opposed to anterior where the baby is facing the womans bum during labour. The position of the baby has an impact on the process and outcome of labour and in this episode Sarah Langford (midwife, mother and PhD research candidate) talks about her research on posterior labours. We quickly learn what little is known about the experience of posterior labour and what Sarah’s wor

Oct 6, 2024 • 1:02:40

Episode 117 - How to change the system

Episode 117 - How to change the system

For tickets to the convergence of rebellious midwives 2025 go to In this episode Mel explains exactly how to change the system. This is an excerpt of the opening address that she presented at the convergence of rebellious midwives conference 2024 and draws from her farming experience to give an example of how real and lasting change is made in nature and how this translates to how we can change the maternity system at every level Tickets are on sale to th

Sep 29, 2024 • 22:56

Episode 116 - Acupuncture and Acupressure

Episode 116 - Acupuncture and Acupressure

For tickets to the convergence 2025 to hear Ina May Gaskin go to We speak with Dr Kate Levett and Heidi Williams about the use of acupuncture and acupressure in pregnancy. We discover the weight of evidence on the side of acupuncture and Kate and Heidi explore novel ways of integrating it within the maternity care system and acuneedling for midwives. Kate website:

Sep 22, 2024 • 1:13:17

Episode 115 - Spinning Babies® with Gail Tully

Episode 115 - Spinning Babies® with Gail Tully

The Spinning Babies® techniques are well known the world over for providing the opportunity for women to promote the physiological function of their bodies and prevent pathology in the birth process. Today we welcome Gail Tully, Midwife and creator of Spinning Babies® to discuss her work. This episode is generously sponsored by The Birth Sling by Dr Jess Michaels. As a special gift to Great Birth Rebellion listeners, use code GBR24 for a 10% discount at www.thebirthsling

Sep 15, 2024 • 1:06:18

Episode 114 - Is CTG ever beneficial?

Episode 114 - Is CTG ever beneficial?

Women are offered CTG’s in the hope that complications can be identified and intercepted… but is this what happens? Are there better outcomes when we include CTG as part of maternity care? Today Mel invites Dr Kirsten Small to ask if there is EVER a good reason to offer or accept a CTG. Kisten is a career academic, retired obstetrician and an industry expert in the use of CTG foetal heart rate monitoring, Kirstens PhD is on the topic of CTG and She is the mistress and owner of bir

Sep 8, 2024 • 49:40

Episode 113 - CTG use in labour and birth

Episode 113 - CTG use in labour and birth

Most women will be offered CTG monitoring through their labour… but does it make a difference to the health of the mum and baby? In this episode Mel invites Kirsten to talk about the use of CTG foetal heart rate monitoring during labour and birth. This is a conscious re-edit of episode 12 - we’ve bumped it here to be part of our CTG series through episodes 111, 112 and 113. Check out Kirstens work @birthsmalltalk on instagram and twitter and Get mo

Sep 1, 2024 • 53:29

Episode 112 - Is CTG in pregnancy beneficial?

Episode 112 - Is CTG in pregnancy beneficial?

Women are offered CTG’s through pregnancy in the hope that complications can be identified and intercepted… but is this what happens? Are there better outcomes when we include CTG as part of pregnancy care or assessments? Today Mel invites Dr Kirsten Small who is a career academic, retired obstetrician and an industry expert in the use of CTG foetal heart rate monitoring, Kirstens PhD is on the topic of CTG and She is the mistress and owner of where she offers free an

Aug 25, 2024 • 42:11

Episode 111 - Is hospital birth dangerous for women?

Episode 111 - Is hospital birth dangerous for women?

Everyone always asks, is homebirth safe? But the bigger question to be asking is, Is hospital birth dangerous? Mel looks at the biggest Australian Study which included over 1 million women to find the answer of, is hospital birth dangerous for women? And also takes a poke into history to discover how it came to be that 97% of women will give birth in hospital in Australia Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast Join the podcast mailing list to access the resource fold

Aug 18, 2024 • 44:44

Episode 110 - The Village Community

Episode 110 - The Village Community

The Village Community is a unique and replicable model to bring back the village community when caring for women and mothers. Aimee Honness from the village community lays out the details of how it works and how to bring back the village into your life and community. Caring for women postpartum has become countercultural… the village community is bringing it back. You can find out more about The village community on instagram and participate or donate to this init

Aug 11, 2024 • 49:19

Episode 109 - The Birth House

Episode 109 - The Birth House

Have you ever thought about opening your own birth centre or birth house? Learn about the oldest existing independent birth house here in Launceston, Australia with Jaimee Smith, a private midwife who attends births at the birth house and who collated 35 years of statistics about the outcomes of births that occur there.  You can learn more about the birth house and Jaimee   To get on the mailing list for the podcast and to access the resource folders for each episode, visit www.melaniethemidwife

Aug 4, 2024 • 48:40

Episode 108 - Important Podcast Announcement

Episode 108 - Important Podcast Announcement

Mel has a quick but important announcement to our regular podcast listeners... we love you and want to keep you in the loop. This is your podcast and we love you for being here. To help support this podcast consider Free options: 1. Get out your phone and Subscribe/follow the great birth rebellion podcast on which ever platform you listen on. 2. While you are there, leave a 5 star rating and write a review. 3. Pop onto your instagram account and recommend the podcast to

Jul 31, 2024 • 4:01

Episode 107 - What are we rebelling against anyway?

Episode 107 - What are we rebelling against anyway?

What are we rebelling against here at the great birth rebellion? I’ll tell you what we are rebelling against, we are rebelling against the lies we are told about birth… and I’m going to explain it all from the perspective of understanding authoritative knowledge - don’t worry! I’ll explain that too… I’m really proud of this one rebels, it's a goodie, for the baddies (you’ll get the joke once you hear the episode If you want to join the other rebels at the Convergence of rebellious Midwives confe

Jul 28, 2024 • 19:01

Episode 106 - Decolonisation of birth

Episode 106 - Decolonisation of birth

Todays topic is the decolonisation of birth. Mel invites Aimee Aroha (@aimeearoha) and Kirrily Dawn (@the_returning_ @kirillydawn) to approach this topic from an Indigenous perspective. We learn that decolonisation is about restoration of what was lost through colonisation. We start from the beginning for anyone who is new to this topic but go deep for people with a long term investment in decolonisation    You can follow Aimee’s work at: Instagram @aimeearoha Website https://www.thestonedchry

Jul 24, 2024 • 1:07:15

Episode 105 - Challenging the colonisation of birth

Episode 105 - Challenging the colonisation of birth

Mel takes a deep look at the journal paper ‘Challenging the colonisation of birth: Koori women’s birthing knowledge and practice’ which describes Aboriginal womens birthing knowledge and practice prior to Colonisation and how these practices were impacted by invasion in 1788. This episode is best listened to in conjunction with episode 106. The decolonisation of childbirth. Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast Join the podcast mailing list to access the resou

Jul 21, 2024 • 29:39

Episode 104 - Why do women freebirth?

Episode 104 - Why do women freebirth?

Dr Melanie Jackson, the host of the great birth rebellion finally shares the findings from her 2014 PhD thesis, ‘Birthing outside the system: wanting the best and safest’ and explores the question of ‘why do women freebirth’ drawing directly from her thesis findings. You can read her full thesis or just the shorter academic publications in the resource folder (get on the mailing list to get access to that) Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast Join the podcast maili

Jul 17, 2024 • 29:14

Episode 103 - Is baby in danger during waterbirth?

Episode 103 - Is baby in danger during waterbirth?

In this episode Mel answers listener questions. This question asks about the outcomes and safety for babies who are born during water birth. We discuss additional guidance around what to do if the is meconium stained liquor at the time of birth and if there is an issue with babies being born partly in and partly out of water.  This is a premium hub member episode and the remaining answers for this podcast are in the premium hub: What questions should I ask my care provider if I am planning a VB

Jul 14, 2024 • 13:06

Episode 102 - Decentralising Maternity care

Episode 102 - Decentralising Maternity care

Dr Max Gulhane @dr_max_gulhane from the Regenerative Health Podcast and Regenerate health summit interviews Mel about Decentralising Maternity care and childbirth. Mel and Max have collaborated on this episode to share on the great birth rebellion podcast and the regenerative health podcast to spread the message loud and clear about the changes that need to happen in modern maternity care services to make them better for women and families… and this starts with Decentralisation - learn

Jul 10, 2024 • 1:13:35

Episode 101 - The Brain and Body in labour with Dr Sarah Buckley

Episode 101 - The Brain and Body in labour with Dr Sarah Buckley

Dr Sarah Buckley, academic and author of the best selling book ‘Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering, joins Mel on the podcast to discuss how the brain works during labour and it’s interaction with the body. We speak about how to optimise brain function in labour in order to optimise birth physiology. For more about Sarah: Website: FB: @DrSarahBuckley IG: @SarahJBuckley Twitter: @Sarahjbuckley Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast Join the podcast ma

Jul 7, 2024 • 1:09:05

Episode 100 - Movement for management of blood sugar

Episode 100 - Movement for management of blood sugar

In this episode of the Great Birth Rebellion podcast, Mel celebrates the podcast's 100th episode and nears 1 million downloads, expressing gratitude to loyal listeners and tracing the podcast's evolution. She delves into the use of movement to regulate blood sugar levels during pregnancy, particularly for women managing gestational diabetes. Mel discusses research on how movement affects blood sugar levels and the implications of exercise in blood sugar control to reduce risks during birth. Stre

Jul 3, 2024 • 18:09

Episode 99 - Real food for Gestational Diabetes with Lily Nichols

Episode 99 - Real food for Gestational Diabetes with Lily Nichols

Lily Nichols, world renowned author of 3 books comes on the podcast to speak about her book ‘real food for gestational diabetes’. Mel asked her all about which foods help control and prevent diabetes in pregnancy and we discuss the problems with mainstream dietary advice given to women with gestational diabetes Lily’s website Real food for gestational diabetes Lily’s books About Lily Institute for perinatal nutrition @lilynicholsrnd Get more from the Great Birth Rebell

Jun 30, 2024 • 58:12

Episode 98 - Gestational diabetes screening

Episode 98 - Gestational diabetes screening

Mel provides this re-edit of episode 18 about Gestational diabetes screening in preparation for episode 99 with Lily Nichols about real food for gestational diabetes. This episode pairs with her episode for anyone challenged with a gestational diabetes diagnosis   To get on the mailing list for the podcast and to access the resource folders for each episode, visit Premium podcast members Hub Being a premium podcast member gives you access to the transcript and additiona

Jun 26, 2024 • 27:06

Episode 97 - Apgar scoring invalid in physiological birth

Episode 97 - Apgar scoring invalid in physiological birth

In this episode Mel proposes that the use of Apgar scoring is invalid for women under the care of midwives, for babies who have their umbilical cord intact for longer than 60 seconds and for women having a physiological birth. Find out why in the episode Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast Join the podcast mailing list to access the resource folder from each episode at Join the rebellion and show your support! Grab your Gr

Jun 23, 2024 • 13:57

Episode 96 - Cord ties vs clamps

Episode 96 - Cord ties vs clamps

In this episode Mel explore the options for tying off or clamping your babies umbilical cord including why ties went ‘out of fashion’ and what instigated the use of clamps instead. Mel will also discuss concerns some people have about using a tie instead of clamp and how these objections can be navigated. I learnt more than I thought! So you will too To get on the mailing list for the podcast and to access the resource folders for each episode, visit Premium podcast mem

Jun 19, 2024 • 23:09

Episode 95 - Midwifery without borders with Wise Woman Kristine Lauria

Episode 95 - Midwifery without borders with Wise Woman Kristine Lauria

Kristine Lauria is an American Midwife who apprenticed with Amish Midwives and attended births for 17 years before getting a ‘formal’ midwifery qualification. This paired with her training as a paramedic formed the basis for her work as a homebirth midwife and humanitarian aid Midwife with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF/Doctors without Borders) and as a trainer with Breech without Borders. Kristine is the only Midwife I have ever heard of to attend not one but two triplet births at home.

Jun 16, 2024 • 1:02:46

Episode 94 - VBAC after single layer uterine closure

Episode 94 - VBAC after single layer uterine closure

This episode is a follow up to episode 93 and discusses the research around the different techniques when closing the uterus after a caesarean section. Some care providers will tell you that single layer closure represents a higher risk of uterine rupture, but I found 5 research papers that say otherwise. Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast Join the podcast mailing list to access the resource folder from each episode at Join t

Jun 12, 2024 • 14:45

Episode 93 - VBAC vaginal birth after caesarean

Episode 93 - VBAC vaginal birth after caesarean

This episode is all about vaginal birth after caesarean section. In this episode I draw on our first interview with Hazel Keedle in episode 7 with some added updates. We discuss the strategies that you can apply to increase your chances of VBAC and also the risks and benefits of a repeat caesarean and the option of vaginal birth. Instagram: @hazelkeedle Facebook: @VBACmatters Twitter: @HazelKeedle Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast Join the podcast mailing

Jun 9, 2024 • 50:51

Episode 92 - Midwifery changes in Australia with Alison Weatherstone

Episode 92 - Midwifery changes in Australia with Alison Weatherstone

Alison Weatherstone (Chief Midwife) is here to discuss the new legislation that will open Australian Midwives up to even more autonomous practice including changes to professional indemnity insurance, increase in Medicare rebates, the abolishment of collaborative agreements and she gives away some information about ‘the 5000 hours’. We also discuss the proposed professional indemnity insurance product for private midwives and the 'low-risk' terminology. Alison Weatherstone is the chief

Jun 5, 2024 • 53:37

Episode 91 - Belly binding

Episode 91 - Belly binding

Midwife Sarah Smits shares the knowledge she has around the traditional practice of belly binding and ways to apply this to your pregnancy and postpartum journey. Sarah has picked up these skills and teaches them from her unique lessons around the world. Instagram Facebook website Youtube Book tickets to sunny coa

Jun 2, 2024 • 22:12

Episode 90 -  Midwifery lessons from Guatemala

Episode 90 - Midwifery lessons from Guatemala

Midwife Sarah Smits tells us what she learnt from the Mayan midwives in Guatemala and how she/we can apply these in our circumstances. We discuss robozo, mayan abdominal massage and the place of steam and heat and traditional care practices applied to pregnant and postpartum women. Sarah discusses initiatives that are supporting the traditional midwives in Guatemala. Next week she will share about the practice of abdominal binding. Instagram

May 29, 2024 • 26:51

Episode 89 - Intrepid Midwifery with Sarah Smits

Episode 89 - Intrepid Midwifery with Sarah Smits

In this episode, Mel interviews endorsed midwife Sarah Smits @bridging_worlds_midwifery who has spent her midwifery career thus far travelling and collecting skills from other cultures which she now applies to her midwifery work in Australia and abroad. Today we learn about some of the skills that Sarah has collected and midwives will find inspiration for alternative ways of working and career options within her story. Instagram

May 26, 2024 • 40:11

Episode 88 - What if I need to push before I’m fully dilated?

Episode 88 - What if I need to push before I’m fully dilated?

In this episode Mel answers the questions submitted by the premium hub members. They have access to the ‘ask Mel a question’ button and Mel is answering their questions in their own exclusive hub episode (which happens once a month)... but today you’ll get a treat of getting the first question answered here publicly… but if you want to hear the rest, you’ve got to be a hub member. Today, Mel discusses what to do if you get an urge to push your baby out, but your cervix isn’t fully dilat

May 22, 2024 • 29:37

Episode 87 - Group B Strep (GBS) - just facts, no fluff

Episode 87 - Group B Strep (GBS) - just facts, no fluff

Almost every pregnant woman will need to make a decision about Group B strep, what decision would you make? This episode is a re-edit of the most popular episode of all time, episode 6 on Group B Strep. In this re-edit Mel has kept only facts (no fluff)... you asked for it. This episode is a great one to pass on to your partner, care provider or anyone you think would like rapid fire information about Group B Strep in pregnancy and labour. For anyone that appreciates a conversational podcast, ep

May 19, 2024 • 38:23

Episode 86 -  Internal release work with Fiona Hallinan

Episode 86 - Internal release work with Fiona Hallinan

Fiona Hallinan has over 30 years of experience working with women as a midwife, nurse and pelvic space therapist. Internal release work involves physically interacting with the pelvic space by accessing it through the vagina. Fiona talks about how her work now as an internal release work therapist evolved and developed and we tap into this learnt skill which is moving from oral tradition into mainstream maternity care. Fiona believes that every woman would benefit from internal release

May 15, 2024 • 1:01:56

Episode 85 - Light messes with labour

Episode 85 - Light messes with labour

Mel explores the research around the impact of light on labour timing and labour progress. Mel explores the importance of circadian rhythms and melatonin on labour activity and discovers the connection between oxytocin and melatonin in physiological labour. We also learn about what happens in a woman's body when she is exposed to light in labour and how to use light and darkness to your advantage. If you would like to join me at the convergence of rebellious midwives conference happenin

May 12, 2024 • 24:44

Episode 84 - The myth of the failing placenta

Episode 84 - The myth of the failing placenta

In this episode Mel explores the research around ‘aging’ and ‘failing’ placentas in late term pregnancy. Women get told that the longer they are pregnant, the more likely it is that their placenta will get old and stop functioning. Listen in to find out if that is true. What actually happens to placentas beyond 41 weeks?   To get on the mailing list for the podcast and to access the resource folders for each episode, visit Premium podcast members Hub Being a premium pod

May 8, 2024 • 31:28

Episode 83 - Moving in labour and birth

Episode 83 - Moving in labour and birth

Mel takes you through the research and historical background behind the use of a bed and laying down during labour and birth. Is this where you imagine yourself giving birth? If so, this episode is for you. There are also lots of tips to avoid getting trapped on the bed and strategies for women and midwives to overcome systematic powers that direct labour to the bed. Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast Join the podcast mailing list to access the resource fol

May 5, 2024 • 37:13

Episode 82 - Failure to progress or just normal?

Episode 82 - Failure to progress or just normal?

Mel speaks with researchers Marina Weckend and Dr Clare Davison about their work on Physiological Plateaus in labour. This is truly rebellious work because it challenges the false medical language about how labour and birth unfolds and they share the truth about how normal labour includes rests, lulls and plateaus. Links to learn more and participate in this research Participate in the WEPAUSE Study: Short explainer video about physiological plateaus in Eng

May 1, 2024 • 56:14

Episode 81 - How do homebirth midwives manage birth emergencies

Episode 81 - How do homebirth midwives manage birth emergencies

Mel invites her work-wife Ashlee Anslow from the birthing tree midwifery to discuss how they manage birth emergencies at home. We discuss foetal distress in labour, cord accidents, shoulder dystocia, neonatal resuscitation, retained placenta, postpartum haemorrhage. Todays episode was generously sponsored by Born at home Film. To watch the film, head to the Demand Film’s website and search for a screening near you and remember to use the discount code REBEL10 to

Apr 28, 2024 • 1:00:55

Episode 80 - Caring for a late preterm baby

Episode 80 - Caring for a late preterm baby

Mel draws on her life and midwifery experience (and the research evidence) to discuss care of late pre-term babies born between 34-37 weeks. Mel offers some alternative care strategies such as delayed cord clamping, kangaroo care and sunlight for prevention of jaundice, among other things. Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast Join the podcast mailing list to access the resource folder from each episode at Join the rebellio

Apr 24, 2024 • 45:05

Episode 79 - Interview with wise woman Sheryl Sidery

Episode 79 - Interview with wise woman Sheryl Sidery

In this episode Mel interviews wise woman midwife Sheryl Sidery who has been a private midwife for 40 years. Learning from experienced midwives, in our western culture, is one of the only ways to learn new things about physiological birth and today Sheryl offers up her 40 years of experience. Sheryl is not currently taking private midwifery clients but you can still check her out online at and benefit from her work with  In this episode we disc

Apr 21, 2024 • 1:17:05

Episode 78 - Meconium in the waters

Episode 78 - Meconium in the waters

In this episode Mel describes what the current research says about meconium stained amniotic fluid. What is it? Is meconium truly ‘sterile’? Is meconium always a problem? and what might happen to your baby if there is meconium in your waters.  Time stamps 00:55 Summary of episode content 02:35 What is meconium 04:40 Microbiome of meconium 08:00 Types of meconium and their level of ‘seriousness’  10:50 Primary vs secondary meconium 16:50 why would there be meconium stained liquor 20:15 Consequenc

Apr 17, 2024 • 29:14

Episode 77 - The place of policy

Episode 77 - The place of policy

In this episode, Dr. Kirsten Small and Dr. Melanie Jackson discuss the place of policy in maternity care. If you think this episode is not for you because you are a woman planning to give birth, remember - you can navigate what you don’t understand. Stick with us as we explore how hospitals are organised, why policies are created, and how they impact the care provided to women. The conversation highlights the importance of understanding hospital structures and policies in order to navigate and a

Apr 14, 2024 • 1:04:58

Episode 76 - Ask me anything

Episode 76 - Ask me anything

Mel answers some listener questions in a one and only public ‘Ask me anything’ episode. In the future these episodes are reserved for premium hub members who get one of these per month and have access to the ‘ask Mel a question’ button in the hub. Enjoy this insight into some of my clinical work and tidbits of research scattered about. Time stamps: 2:30 - Top tips for achieving a vaginal birth after a previous caesarean section 8:50 - Talking placental insufficiency and do p

Apr 10, 2024 • 35:15

Episode 75 - Things are changing around here

Episode 75 - Things are changing around here

In this episode Mel explains why she chose to release B as co-host of the great birth rebellion podcast and offers a summary of the changes you can expect of the podcast going forward. 04:30 - Summary of listener feedback 06:08 - Improvement suggestions 08:36 - Why was B released? 14:30 - What else is changing? Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast Join the podcast mailing list to access the resource folder from each episode at

Apr 7, 2024 • 24:13

Episode 74 - The cascade of interventions

Episode 74 - The cascade of interventions

Mel and B discuss the concept of ‘the cascade of interventions’. The cascade occurs when an additional intervention is needed in order to counteract the impact of the last intervention. We specifically make reference to epidurals, artificial rupture of membranes and continuous foetal heart rate monitoring but we get broad and philosophical too. A definite base level episode to introduce you to the concept of the cascade of intervention. BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCCURS from episode 75 onw

Mar 31, 2024 • 57:07

Episode 73 - Episiotomy Part 2

Episode 73 - Episiotomy Part 2

Part 1 (episode 72) is essential listening if you want to get the full picture. In this episode Mel and B continue their exploration into the intervention of episiotomy by talking about issues of consent, how to keep yourself safe from an unwanted episiotomy and how to recover well from having had one if it happens to you. BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCCURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the reins completely and hosts the podcast solo along with an incredible raft of expert g

Mar 24, 2024 • 54:45

Episode 72 - Episiotomy Part 1

Episode 72 - Episiotomy Part 1

Episiotomy is the practice of using scissors to cut the opening of the vagina to make it larger for childbirth. In Australia, 25% of women receive one. We examine this practice in what we thought would be one episode… but there was so much to cover that it’s a 2 parter. They go together, so start here. BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCOURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the reins completely and hosts the podcast solo along with an incredible raft of expert guests. Get more from

Mar 17, 2024 • 1:17:05

Episode 71 - Birth Debriefing

Episode 71 - Birth Debriefing

Mel and B discuss birth debriefing, or life debriefing and using debriefing to prepare for and process transformative events, such as birth and parenthood. B shares her career knowledge about debriefing and we discuss what it is and what it isn’t and how to do it properly. If you are interested in becoming trained in birth debriefing check out B and Laels workshops and If you would like to book a debrief with B or her team go to

Mar 10, 2024 • 1:18:20

Episode 70 - Freebirth in the Media with Charlotte King ABC reporter

Episode 70 - Freebirth in the Media with Charlotte King ABC reporter

Mel meets with Charlotte King, a researcher and reporter from the ABC news network in Australia. Charlotte was one of the reporters working on a recent (Feb 2024) media story about Freebirth in Australia. This investigation has been going for approximately 8 months and was released this week in the shadow of the very unfortunate deaths of twins born during a freebirth. The great birth rebellion would like to extend our sympathies and compassion toward the families whose births did

Mar 3, 2024 • 59:07

Episode 69 - Low Lying Placentas

Episode 69 - Low Lying Placentas

Mel and B discuss the diagnosis of low-lying placenta and what this could mean for your birth options. We discuss the likelihood of it moving and research coming out about the risks and benefits of vaginal birth vs cesarean section in these circumstances. If you’ve got a low lying placenta or you are caring for a woman who has, we think you’ll be reassured by the research. BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCOURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the reins completely and hosts the podcast

Feb 25, 2024 • 43:14

Episode 68 - Tongue tie

Episode 68 - Tongue tie

Mel meets with Advanced Paediatric Osteopath and Lactation consultant Reena Murray from @completelyaligned. Today we discuss Tongue tie, what is it, how is it diagnosed how can it be corrected and what to do if you don't want to surgically manage it. Reena has some amazing resources for families working through tongue tie in the resource folder of this podcast. To find out more about Reena’s work you can have a look at her website and find mo

Feb 18, 2024 • 53:40

Episode 67 - Osteopathy for babies with Reena Murray

Episode 67 - Osteopathy for babies with Reena Murray

Mel meets with Advanced Paediatric Osteopath and Lactation consultant Reena Murray from @completelyaligned. Today we discuss Osteopathy for babies and young children and how this therapy can complement the care you give your baby in their early years. We discuss the place of osteopathy in managing many newborn issues and explore what an Osteopath could do for your baby. To find out more about Reena’s work you can have a look at her website an

Feb 11, 2024 • 33:33

Episode 66 - Sex during pregnancy

Episode 66 - Sex during pregnancy

Mel and B explore many many angles regarding sex during pregnancy. We discuss practicalities, when it’s not ok to have sex, fun sex facts with Mel and sex problems in pregnancy. This is for anyone who wants to have sex during pregnancy. BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCOURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the reins completely and hosts the podcast solo along with an incredible raft of expert guests. Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast Join the podcast mailing li

Feb 4, 2024 • 59:12

Episode 65 - Breath work for birth with Emma Johnston

Episode 65 - Breath work for birth with Emma Johnston

Mel invites her long term friend Emma Johnston (aka @newearth.mama) to the podcast to discuss Breath work for birth. Emma has studied mastery of breath work (among other things) and is one half of the 'The reconnected' empire @the_reconnected. Emma has 5 children and discusses how breath work impacted her birth experiences and gives practical strategies that you can apply to your own birth. BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCOURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the reins completely and

Jan 28, 2024 • 44:53

Episode 64 - Sleeping in pregnancy

Episode 64 - Sleeping in pregnancy

Mel and B discuss aspects of sleep in pregnancy, including why we are told not to sleep on our back during pregnancy (and what to do if you wake up on your back), comfort strategies, what to do with your night waking times, bedtime bladder health, managing sleep discomfort and building healthy sleep habits for life. BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCOURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the reins completely and hosts the podcast solo along with an incredible raft of expert guests.

Jan 21, 2024 • 48:57

Episode 63 - How to give great postnatal support

Episode 63 - How to give great postnatal support

Mel and B give straight to the point advice for the people in your life who want to be around in your postpartum journey. We talk about the helpful and unhelpful things that some women are exposed to postpartum and offer practical options to improve the quality of care that you can receive from the people around you as you recover from giving birth and adjust to parenthood. B has a pile of fabulous resources (free and for a fee) for postpartum women and mentioned a few on this epi

Jan 14, 2024 • 1:08:26

Episode 62 - Thrush in pregnancy

Episode 62 - Thrush in pregnancy

we are kicking off with an Australian summer special by talking about thrush in pregnancy. We talk about what it is and how to fix it for good. Even if you don’t have thrush, you’ll learn about how to keep your vagina and vulva healthy throughout you pregnancy and your life! There is something for everyone whether you are itchy or not. BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCOURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the reins completely and hosts the podcast solo along with an incredible raft of e

Jan 7, 2024 • 1:09:08

Episode 61 - Osteopathy in pregnancy with Liz and Kate

Episode 61 - Osteopathy in pregnancy with Liz and Kate

As this episode aired we received 500 000 (half a million!) downloads for this podcast. Thank you rebels for making this podcast so well received. In this episode we speak with Osteopaths Kate and Liz all about osteopathy during pregnancy and osteopathic care of the pelvic bowl in preparation for birth. Kate has two clinics in Melbourne: Kew - Eastern Osteopathy/The Pelvic Place Melbourne Hampton - The Osteopathic Pelvic Hub www.theosteopathicpelvichub.

Nov 26, 2023 • 1:06:55

Episode 60 - Maternal alignment

Episode 60 - Maternal alignment

Tap into B and Mel’s knowledge about maternal alignment. There is lots of discussion out there about getting babies in the ‘right spot’ using optimal foetal positioning techniques, In this episode talk about optimising maternal mechanics over manipulating the baby. You can access B’s courses and classes at BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCOURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the reins completely and hosts the podcast solo along with an incredible raft of expert gues

Nov 19, 2023 • 1:06:18

Episode 59 - Optimal umbilical cord management part 2

Episode 59 - Optimal umbilical cord management part 2

Mel and B continue their discussion about optimal cord management. This week we speak about optimal cord management in special circumstances, such as with actively managed placental birth, when collecting blood for cord gases and Rh- blood groups and for cord banking. This is part 2 of optimal cord management, we would encourage you to listen to episode 58 before this one to get a full understanding of this topic. BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCOURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel ta

Nov 12, 2023 • 35:58

Episode 58 - optimal umbilical cord management part 1

Episode 58 - optimal umbilical cord management part 1

In this episode Mel and B give you part 1 of this 2 part series about optimal umbilical cord management. In this first part we talk about optimal cord management and the importance of waiting for the baby to fully transition before cutting the umbilical cord. In episode 59 we will look at optimal cord management in special circumstances. Part 1 goes perfectly with part 2, so listen to this one first. To get on the mailing list for the podcast and to access the resource folders fo

Nov 5, 2023 • 44:05

Episode 57 - Getting reported to AHPRA

Episode 57 - Getting reported to AHPRA

Mel and B welcome midwife Jo Hunter to talk about the process of being reported to AHPRA. For Australian midwives this will help you better understand what it is like being reported to AHPRA as Jo takes us through her research. If you are coming to this episode having been reported to AHPRA, or you are publicly making judgements about midwives, this episode has some practical suggestions for you. If you want to speak to Jo about this more you can reach out to her on her Instagram accoun

Oct 29, 2023 • 1:13:20

Episode 56 - Hospital packing list

Episode 56 - Hospital packing list

What to bring to the hospital for your birth journey. We emphasise the importance of being prepared and offer practical tips and suggestions for items to consider bringing. From pain management tools to postpartum essentials, we cover everything you need for a smoother and more comfortable experience.If you want a full list of what we discussed today you will find it in the resource folder for this podcast. BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCOURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the reins

Oct 22, 2023 • 36:05

Episode 55 - Supplies to gather for homebirth/labour

Episode 55 - Supplies to gather for homebirth/labour

Mel talks you through her exact list of supplies that she gives to her clients when they are planning a homebirth. This episode is for anyone planning a home labour or homebirth to make sure your birth space is as comfortable as possible and you have everything you need to labour or give birth at home. B offers some helpful tips and will share her hospital birth and postpartum packing list next week. This is for everyone who plans to start labour at home or is staying at home to g

Oct 15, 2023 • 47:51

Episode 54 - What midwives do at a homebirth

Episode 54 - What midwives do at a homebirth

Mel and her work-wife Ashlee Anslow @thebirthingtreemidwifery answer listener questions on the topic ‘what do midwives do at a homebirth’. We talk about our emergency plans and equipment, what we carry with us to every birth and how we work together as first and second midwives. BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCOURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the reins completely and hosts the podcast solo along with an incredible raft of expert guests. Get more from the Great Birth Re

Oct 8, 2023 • 1:02:00

Episode 53 - Private Practice midwifery in Australia

Episode 53 - Private Practice midwifery in Australia

Mel and B talk about private practice midwifery career options in Australia. This is for any midwife keen to explore other ways of working and understand the landscape of private practice midwifery and how to become a private midwife here in Australia. Mel also talks about her FREE offering of a whole week of education about entering into private practice which starts on October 16th 2023 (and every year if you are coming to this episode later). You can register for this free week

Oct 1, 2023 • 1:04:19

Episode 52 - Haemorrhoids

Episode 52 - Haemorrhoids

Episode 52 is all about haemorrhoids in pregnancy and postpartum, in this episode, Mel and B give you a list of at home remedies and strategies that you can use to prevent and manage haemorrhoids, or what we’ve affectionately called ‘bum veins’. To get on the mailing list for the podcast and to access the resource folders for each episode, visit You can find out more about Mel @melaniethemidwife and B @coreandfloorrestore Disclaimer: The information and resourc

Sep 24, 2023 • 55:01

Episode 51 - ART/IVF in Pregnancy and Birth

Episode 51 - ART/IVF in Pregnancy and Birth

Mel and B explore the research around assisted reproductive technology (ART) and if women experience more complicating factors in their pregnancy and birth if they used ART/IVF. We also discuss the research (or lack thereof) behind the routine practices of additional ultrasounds, extra screening and induction of labour for women who have conceived using ART. Heaps of research in the resource folder on this one! BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCOURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the r

Sep 17, 2023 • 47:20

Episode 50 - The state of the Midwifery workforce

Episode 50 - The state of the Midwifery workforce

Mel and B invited Lynnelle Moran (Midwifery Lecturer) and Alison Weatherstone (Chief Midwife at the Australian College of Midwives) to discuss the current state of the midwifery work force in Australia and internationally. It was inspired by Lynnelles’ new publication entitled 'What is known about midwives' wellbeing and resilience? An integrative review of the international literature'. You can get access to the full article by joining our mailing list. You can also see what

Sep 10, 2023 • 1:08:00

Episode 49 - Ethics and Informed Consent with Dr Elizabeth Newnham

Episode 49 - Ethics and Informed Consent with Dr Elizabeth Newnham

In this episode, Mel and B invited Dr Elizabeth Newnham (Senior Midwifery Lecturer) to speak about her work on Ethics, autonomy and informed consent in maternity care. We specifically drew on her research paper, "Beyond Autonomy: care ethics for midwifery and the humanisation of birth". It's a juicy one.  To get on the mailing list for the podcast and to access the resource folders for each episode, visit You can find out more about Mel @melaniethemidwife and B @coreand

Sep 3, 2023 • 1:00:07

Episode 48 - Australian Mothers and Babies stats

Episode 48 - Australian Mothers and Babies stats

Mel and B dissect the Australian 2023 mothers and babies report recently released and look at the reality of maternity care here in Australia. You can see the report for yourself and dive into the statistics that are of most interest to you here BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCCURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the reins completely and hosts the podcast solo along with an incredible raft of expert guests. Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast Join the podcast m

Aug 27, 2023 • 1:13:56

Episode 47 - Managing labour pain without medicine

Episode 47 - Managing labour pain without medicine

Mel and B explore a list of pain management options that you can use in your labour to help work with and through labour pain. Medical pain management options involve the removal and avoidance of pain, but we argue that pain in labour is important, meaningful and productive and you just need support to work through it. We have you a range of strategies to apply if you are keen to avoid medical pain management options in labour. BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCCURS from episode 75 onwards wher

Aug 20, 2023 • 1:09:18

Episode 46 - Stretch and Sweep

Episode 46 - Stretch and Sweep

In this episode, Mel and B talk about stretch and sweep and some other reasons why someone would ask to put their fingers in your vagina while you are pregnant. Listen in to learn about if it’s ever a good idea to allow a clinician to do a vaginal exam or give a stretch and sweep in pregnancy. Spoiler alert, as always, if you don’t want it, it’s perfectly right to say no. To get on the mailing list for the podcast and to access the resource folders for each episode, visit www.melan

Aug 13, 2023 • 52:04

Episode 45 - How to change the system

Episode 45 - How to change the system

This is all about the anatomy of change and the things YOU can do to create change in the system. This week we use a current issue to make our point and ask you to contribute to meaningful change by submitting your story or knowledge to the Inquiry into birth trauma and obstetric violence. Submissions close on Friday Aug 11th 2023. If you are listening to this after the submission date, this episode still offers practical and attainable strategies to illicit change in maternity car

Aug 6, 2023 • 57:36

Episode 44 - Pre-labour rupture of membranes

Episode 44 - Pre-labour rupture of membranes

We are talking about Pre-labour rupture (release) of membranes (PROM). This is when your waters break/release when you are full term (37 weeks or more), but your labour doesn’t start. We discuss the likelihood of you going into labour, the routine management of PROM in hospital vs at home with a private midwife. The research behind induction, antibiotics and complications that can occur as a result of PROM. BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCCURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the reins

Jul 30, 2023 • 1:30:44

Episode 43 - Breastfeeding Success with Dr Robyn Thompson

Episode 43 - Breastfeeding Success with Dr Robyn Thompson

In this episode Mel invited Dr Robyn Thompson to discuss strategies for breastfeeding success. We discussed skills that practitioners can use to help the mummy/bubby dyad, the importance of the woman’s and babies instinctive and intuitive knowledge and behaviour, doing away with the rule book, the 3 golden hours and way more! To learn more about Robyns’ work you can go to You can follow Robyn on Instagram @the.thompson.method To get on

Jul 23, 2023 • 49:29

Episode 42 - Twins

Episode 42 - Twins

Mel speaks with Dr Stuart Fischbein from @birthinginstincts about twin pregnancy and birth. Dr Stu has experience with supporting families to give birth to their twin and breech babies at home and shares his expertise about twin types and their associated success and complexity rates, the use of ultrasound for monitoring twins, suitability criteria for twin births and management of twin and placental birth. You can learn more about Stu at

Jul 16, 2023 • 1:22:03

Episode 41 - Unusual cord insertions

Episode 41 - Unusual cord insertions

Mel and B talk all about unusual cord insertions including marginal and velamentus and what these might mean for your pregnancy and birth. It's information, but probably not the stuff you'll usually hear... it's research, but rebellious.  To get on the mailing list for this podcast go to and click the ‘subscribe to the podcast’ button at the top of the website.

Jun 11, 2023 • 56:59

Episode 40 - Planning a powerful postpartum with Lael Stone

Episode 40 - Planning a powerful postpartum with Lael Stone

How can you plan the most memorable postpartum period that holds you physically, mentally and emotionally? In this episode, Mel chats with B and parenting expert and TEDx Speaker Lael Stone about powerful early postpartum periods that nurture and nourish new mothers. We explore how to navigate the physical and mental shifts and how a healing and supported early postpartum differs from what many mothers are currently experiencing in modern Western society. We discuss self-care practices,

Jun 4, 2023 • 1:06:14

Episode 39 - Maternal assisted caesarean section

Episode 39 - Maternal assisted caesarean section

Mel speaks with Dr Natalie Elphinstone @drnatalieelphinstone all about maternal assisted Caesarean section, including how to get one, what they are, how to set up a process in your hospital to start doing them and the research and potential issues behind the push for maternal assisted Caesarean. BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCCURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the reins completely and hosts the podcast solo along with an incredible raft of expert guests. Get more from the Gre

May 28, 2023 • 53:21

Episode 38 - Positive Caesarean part 2

Episode 38 - Positive Caesarean part 2

This is the second instalment of the 'Positive caesarean' series from Mel and B and goes beautifully with episode 37. If you are listening to this one, go back to the other one first. In this episode you'll hear our top tips for how to wrangle the system to add and minus elements of your care in order to improve your birth experience. BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCCURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the reins completely and hosts the podcast solo along with an incredible raft of ex

May 21, 2023 • 1:06:55

Episode 37 - Positive Caesarean Part 1

Episode 37 - Positive Caesarean Part 1

In this episode Mel and B start their 3 part series on positive caesarean section. This is not just for women who are planning a caesarean but also those who want to be prepared for all possible scenario’s. We discuss the really good reasons for caesarean section and what motivates some women to elect for caesarean section. In following episodes we discuss the process/procedure of caesarean section, ways to change it to make it better and the option of maternal assisted caesarean sectio

May 14, 2023 • 41:09

Episode 36 - Placenta Consumption and other uses

Episode 36 - Placenta Consumption and other uses

Mel and B look at all the options for what you can do to honour and use your placenta after birth, including the option of eating it. We particularly delve into the research on placentaphagy (aka eating your placenta) to help women make decisions about if they believe consuming their placenta would be beneficial to them. BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCCURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the reins completely and hosts the podcast solo along with an incredible raft of expert guests.&n

May 7, 2023 • 55:39

Episode 35 - Vitamin K for newborns

Episode 35 - Vitamin K for newborns

Mel and B had a good look at the research around the use of vitamin K for newborns to help you decide if this is something valuable for your baby or not. Every baby is offered the opportunity to receive vitamin K supplementation at birth, this episode might help you decide if this is right for your baby or not BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCCURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the reins completely and hosts the podcast solo along with an incredible raft of expert guests. Get mo

Apr 30, 2023 • 50:34

Episode 34 - Exercise in Pregnancy

Episode 34 - Exercise in Pregnancy

Mel and B talk about exercising/moving during pregnancy and break down the myths and barriers to healthy movement in pregnancy. To get access to B’s exercise courses go to BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCCURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the reins completely and hosts the podcast solo along with an incredible raft of expert guests. Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast Join the podcast mailing list to access the resource folder f

Apr 23, 2023 • 58:02

Episode 33 - Induction of Labour

Episode 33 - Induction of Labour

Mel and B invited Professor Hannah Dahlen to talk about her research on induction of labour, we speak about post dates, bigger and smaller babies, the place of ultrasound and the risks and benefits of induction. This is particularly important for first time birthing women.Hannah speaks about a conversation article that is helpful to further understand her research, you can read this article at

Apr 16, 2023 • 1:07:52

Episode 32 - Consuming dates for labour

Episode 32 - Consuming dates for labour

Mel and B offer this short and sweet little episode on consuming dates during pregnancy. Many women eat dates during the later stages of their pregnancy because they believe that it has an impact on labour outcomes. Do dates make labour shorter? And will the recipes that Mel recommends be any good? You’ll have to listen to find out. BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCCURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the reins completely and hosts the podcast solo along with an incredible raft of expe

Apr 9, 2023 • 34:42

Episode 31 - Shoulder Dystocia

Episode 31 - Shoulder Dystocia

Mel and B challenge the mainstream management of shoulder dystocia and break down the fear to give you simple strategies to prevent and manage shoulder dystocia. Midwives will receive specific tuition on how to manage a shoulder dystocia while favouring individualised diagnosis and selecting particular manoeuvres that will align with each unique circumstance. BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCCURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the reins completely and hosts the podcast solo along with

Apr 2, 2023 • 1:11:09

Episode 30 - Small Babies, Big Babies part 2

Episode 30 - Small Babies, Big Babies part 2

Part 2 from last weeks episode ‘Small babies, big babies’ and this week we talk all about big babies, why they grow that way and how to navigate the consequences of being diagnosed with a ‘Big baby’. BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCCURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the reins completely and hosts the podcast solo along with an incredible raft of expert guests. Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast Join the podcast mailing list to access the resource folder

Mar 26, 2023 • 55:23

Episode 29 - Small Babies, Big Babies part 1

Episode 29 - Small Babies, Big Babies part 1

In this episode Mel and B start their 2 part series on ‘Small Babies, Big Babies’. In this episode they explore the accuracy of technologies that can help determine the size of a baby before it’s born, the factors that influence the size of your baby and the place of induction when your baby falls outside of the ‘normal’ size range’. You can get on the mailing list for this podcast and access all the research papers that we use to inform our podcast topics at www.melaniethemidwife.

Mar 19, 2023 • 46:19

Episode 28 - How to be a great birth support

Episode 28 - How to be a great birth support

Mel and B draw on their collective 28 years as midwives and share what they have witnessed from great birth supporters. As birthing women ourselves and watching the good the bad and the ugly side of birth support, we bring you our top tips of how to be an amazing birth supporter. This is one for partners, mothers, doula's, midwives and anyone who has been invited into a birth space. BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCCURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the reins completely and host

Mar 12, 2023 • 58:27

Episode 27 - Gestational Thrombocytopaenia

Episode 27 - Gestational Thrombocytopaenia

In this weeks episode Mel is flying solo after a series of life events left Mel and B unable to connect in time to record together. Never mind! Mel reached into the research vault to bring you what she knows about the very sexy topic of gestational thrombocytopaenia (a.k.a low platelets during pregnancy). If you find yourself looking after someone with low platelets or you are one of the 15% of women who will experience this in pregnancy, then this little treat is for you. To get on the mailing

Mar 5, 2023 • 21:45

Episode 26 - Breech

Episode 26 - Breech

In this episode, Mel and B invited Dr Andrew Bissits (aka the breech whisperer) to talk about breech birth, breech birth options in Australia, the research about breech and inspiring news from abroad about how practitioners are becoming skilled in breech birth again. To get on the mailing list for the podcast and to access the resource folders for each episode, visit Disclaimer: The information and resources provided on this podcast does not, and

Feb 26, 2023 • 1:04:52

Episode 25 - Postpartum Haemorrhage

Episode 25 - Postpartum Haemorrhage

This episode is about Postpartum Haemorrhage we define what it is, how they can be prevented and management strategies for how to prevent life threatening blood loss after childbirth. BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCCURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the reins completely and hosts the podcast solo along with an incredible raft of expert guests. Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast Join the podcast mailing list to access the resource folder from each

Feb 19, 2023 • 43:53

Episode 24 - Placental Birth

Episode 24 - Placental Birth

Mel and B discuss placental birth and the 3 options you have to choose from when making plans for how you want to give birth to your placenta. Once you give birth to your baby, then comes the placenta - we chat through how to do it BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCCURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the reins completely and hosts the podcast solo along with an incredible raft of expert guests. Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast Join the podcast mailing list&nb

Feb 12, 2023 • 1:05:00

Episode 23 - Obstetric violence and birth trauma

Episode 23 - Obstetric violence and birth trauma

On this episode Mel and B welcome Dr Hazel Keedle (@hazelkeedle) and Amber-Lee Buendicho (@powerofbirth) to discuss the new research around Obstetric violence, Birth Trauma and healing strategies. If you need help with Trauma recovery you may consider connecting with: If you are interested in B’s up coming birth debrief training you can

Feb 5, 2023 • 1:13:02

Episode 22 - Pain, Oxytocin and attachment

Episode 22 - Pain, Oxytocin and attachment

This weeks episode B chats with Rhea Dempsey about her work in the birth space, her 2 phenomenal books, pain, bravery and how this all comes together with connection and attachment - it's the oxytocin story. To learn more about Rhea Dempsey go to her website and check her out on her socials @rheadempseybirth BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCCURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the reins completely and hosts the podcast solo along with a

Jan 29, 2023 • 1:05:31

Episode 21 - Perineal suturing

Episode 21 - Perineal suturing

Mel and B discuss repair of perineal tears. We look into the research on the need to suture first and second degree tears and what would happen if they were left unsutured. We also look at strategies to speed up healing and reduce pain and swelling from perineal tears. BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCCURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the reins completely and hosts the podcast solo along with an incredible raft of expert guests. Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast

Dec 25, 2022 • 58:14

episode 20 - Sterile water injections

episode 20 - Sterile water injections

Mel and B continue their conversation with Nigel Lee and pick his brain about sterile water injections, which (unlike the perineal bundle) as a substantial evidence base to support it’s use for the range of pains in labour. Sterile water injections are predominantly used for back pain in labour, is safe and only has one major downfall… but we would still totally recommend it! BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCCURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the reins completely and hosts the podcas

Dec 18, 2022 • 30:03

Episode 19 - The perineal bundle

Episode 19 - The perineal bundle

Mel and B invited Nigel Lee to discuss the perineal bundle, the research (or lack thereof!) behind it and all the reasons why we don't like it. BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCCURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the reins completely and hosts the podcast solo along with an incredible raft of expert guests. Get more from the Great Birth Rebellion Podcast Join the podcast mailing list to access the resource folder from each episode at www.melaniethemidwife.c

Dec 11, 2022 • 55:24

Episode 18 - Gestational diabetes screening

Episode 18 - Gestational diabetes screening

For no filler episodes on the topic of gestational diabetes screening and management go to eps 98, 99 and 100. In this episode, Mel and B explore gestational diabetes testing and spend a lot of time picking part the details and research around the oral glucose tolerance test and the alternatives if you choose not to have this test. This is not an episode about gestational diabetes, but it is an episode about gestational diabetes screening and diagnosis. BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCC

Dec 4, 2022 • 45:13

episode 17 - Waterbirth

episode 17 - Waterbirth

This week B is back (back again, B is back, tell a friend) and we are talking all about waterbirth, the safety, risks, mechanisms and how to access it. We look through the current research to help you as you make decisions on if you want to give birth in water or not, and if you are a midwife, how you can assist women to access this. To get access to the research we used for this podcast, get on the pocast mailing list at Disclaimer: T

Nov 27, 2022 • 53:56

Episode 16 - Doulas

Episode 16 - Doulas

Today Mel invites ex-doula and now midwife Lucretia McCarthy to talk all things doula-ing. Mel asked the big questions like what makes a 'good' or 'bad' doula, we explored the impact of ego in the birth space and the complex interactions between doula's and other health care providers. We chat about if you can ever REALLY be both doula and midwife and we look through the research on doula's and their impact on womens birth experiences and the maternity care system. You can meet Lucretia

Nov 20, 2022 • 47:49

Episode 15 - The hormones of labour

Episode 15 - The hormones of labour

Mel speaks with Dr Sarah Buckley about what starts labour, the hormones of labour and how to protect them from interruption. We learn about the fundamental and essential needs of a woman in labour to promote labour physiology. Private, Safe and unobserved. Sarah also shared how to fill hormonal gaps when your labour process has been interrupted. Sarah is a GP and homebirth mumma of 4 babies with a research focus on the hormones of labour... but so much more! you can find out more about

Nov 12, 2022 • 1:07:20

Episode 14 - Pushing out your baby

Episode 14 - Pushing out your baby

On this episode Mel and B discuss the research behind pushing out your baby, we discuss the difference between physiological/spontaneous pushing and coached/directed pushing and how one of them is more dangerous than the other for the mumma and babe. As always, we talk you through every detail and also bring up the importance of descent as part of the pushing phase. The research on this is pretty exciting (we think so anyway!) To get on the mailing list for this podcast go to www.melani

Nov 6, 2022 • 55:46

Episode 13 - Birth Mapping

Episode 13 - Birth Mapping

On this episode Catherine Bell comes on to talk all about birth mapping, it's not birth planning, it's different! She has a stack of free resources to get you started and is in the process of doing a PhD on birth mapping. Come and have a listen and see if birth mapping is something that will help you have the birth experience you want. To find out more about Catherine Bell go to @birthmapping or check out her website BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCCURS&nbsp

Oct 30, 2022 • 51:26

Episode 12 - CTG with Kirsten Small

Episode 12 - CTG with Kirsten Small

There is an all 'killer no filler' version of this on episode 113. Additional CTG episodes also include ep.111 and 112. Mel and B sit down with Dr Kirsten Small to discuss the research related to CTG use during birth and all the risks and benefits of this monitoring option. The use of CTG to monitor babies in labour is common practice and almost all women will be offered it during labour... but is it beneficial? Does it make birth safer for babies? or safer for women? or safer for your

Oct 23, 2022 • 1:06:20

Episode 11 - The labour process

Episode 11 - The labour process

The stages of labour are the stupidest invention medicine has ever created... we'll explain why stages of labour and the obsession with labour progress is the undoing of how we as midwives understand birth and how women experience it. We are advocating for the abolishment of labour stages! BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCCURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the reins completely and hosts the podcast solo along with an incredible raft of expert guests. Get more from the Great Bir

Oct 16, 2022 • 59:34

Episode 10 - Vaginal Examinations

Episode 10 - Vaginal Examinations

In this episode B and Mel talk about the place and purpose of vaginal examinations during pregnancy and birth. Almost all birthing women will be offered vaginal examinations but the research doesn't support routine vaginal examinations. Most women are offered vaginal examinations for the benefit of the system and not for themselves or their babies. BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCOURS from episode 75 onwards where Mel takes the reins completely and hosts the podcast solo along with an incredi

Oct 9, 2022 • 52:56

Episode 9 - Surviving as a rebellious midwife

Episode 9 - Surviving as a rebellious midwife

We speak directly to people wanting to become midwives, midwifery students, newly graduated midwives and the midwives helping to raise to midwives. This is also super handy for anyone wanting to understand the system using some of our insider knowledge. We put out a call out to rebellious midwives working in the system; midwives who see it's flaws and are trying to rise above them and care for women and themselves as best they can. We discuss strategies for surviving (and hopefull

Oct 2, 2022 • 51:10

Episode 8 - Giving Birth at Home

Episode 8 - Giving Birth at Home

B couldn't be with us today, so in this episode Mel talks with Aimee Aroha (a.k.a @ripsnorter) about giving birth at home along the full spectrum from freebirth to homebirth. We discuss the research about homebirth, freebirthing culture and what it means to be fully autonomous and liberated at and by your birth wherever you choose to birth. We discuss authoritative knowledge about birth and why decolonising and demedicalising birth is a rebellious act in a society that values making bir

Sep 25, 2022 • 1:04:25

Episode 7 - Birth after Caesarean

Episode 7 - Birth after Caesarean

There is an all killer no filler version of this in episode 93 for those who prefer all the facts and no fluff. we invited Dr Hazel Keedle to discuss birth after caesarean. We dispelled the myth of 'once a caesarean always a caesarean', discussed the risks and benefits of planning a vaginal birth vs repeat caesarean and talked about the best things women can do to set themselves up from the beginning to have the birth experience they hoped for when planning their next birth after

Sep 18, 2022 • 1:07:22

Episode 6 - Group B Strep (GBS)

Episode 6 - Group B Strep (GBS)

In this episode Mel and B lay out information about group B strep (GBS) and the GBS swab in pregnancy. We discuss why it is a bacteria found normally in 20% of the female population, the difference between colonisation and infection, the risks during, pregnancy, birth and the first week of your babies life. We talk about how it's accidentally discovered, what the usual treatment is and if this is even needed. As usual, it's information, but rebellious. We dare you to make an informed de

Sep 11, 2022 • 58:27

Episode 5 - Preparing your vulva for matrescence

Episode 5 - Preparing your vulva for matrescence

In this episode B prepared a pelvic bowl full of information about how to prepare your body for pregnancy and birth, instead we got stuck at the very beginning on the clitoris, the right way to poo, the importance of regular orgasims to prepare for birth and the function of your skenes glands in sex and birth. We both learnt more about our bodies and ourselves than we thought, and we think you will too. After hearing this episode you won't ever think of sex, orgasms, birth or your cervi

Sep 4, 2022 • 53:23

Episode 4 - Finding and interpreting research

Episode 4 - Finding and interpreting research

We are ALL about sharing evidence-based information. That is, information that comes out of actual research papers. This week, along with our guest Prof. Hannah Dahlen, Mel and B talk about how anyone (maternity care providers, women, families, birth workers, etc) can find good quality research without having to pay for it. We give secret hacks about getting access to research papers that might help you better negotiate your care options and we discuss how to interpret and use it once y

Aug 28, 2022 • 1:12:46

Episode 3 - Due dates.

Episode 3 - Due dates.

Due dates - this week we talk about due dates, how they are calculated, how the timing of pregnancy has been medicalised, the shortfalls of 'estimated due dates' and the importance of knowing your due date in a world where 'post-dates' pregnancy is taboo. We also discuss how women who go beyond 41 weeks of pregnancy are 'cared for' by the system and navigate the pressure that women feel to have an induction of labour. We learn about the history of full term pregnancy and catch the bloop

Aug 21, 2022 • 1:07:20

Episode 2 - The medicalisation spectrum

Episode 2 - The medicalisation spectrum

We discuss the medicalisation spectrum... if you don't know what that is then this episode is for you. We discuss the spectrum of physiological philosophy and along the spectrum to biomedical philosophy and how to match your philosophy with the choices you make of care provider and birth location. We put forth an argument for why we should all be rebelling from the authoritative story about birth because it's a big fat lie. BIG PODCAST CHANGE OCOURS from episode 75 onwards where Me

Aug 11, 2022 • 55:11

Episode 1 - Let the rebellion begin!

Episode 1 - Let the rebellion begin!

Welcome to our introductory episode to the great rebellion podcast, Meet Dr Melanie Jackson and her co host B for this first episode where you can learn about them, and why they are worth listening to. Disclaimer: The information and resources provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to, constitute or replace medical or midwifery advice. Instead, all information provided is intended for education, with it’s application intended for discussion between yourself

Aug 11, 2022 • 34:28

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