Getting Better

Getting Better


A year in the life of a māori medical student.

Episode 7: Pandemic - Getting Better - A Year in the Life of a Māori Medical Student

Episode 7: Pandemic - Getting Better - A Year in the Life of a Māori Medical Student

Emma spends lockdown at Auckland hospital, and sees how government action on COVID-19 underlines the lack of urgency when it comes to Māori health.

Jul 28, 2020 • 0:00

Episode 6: Te Ahi Kaa - Getting Better - A Year in the Life of a Māori Medical Student

Episode 6: Te Ahi Kaa - Getting Better - A Year in the Life of a Māori Medical Student

Emma travels home to Tukorehe for her tā moko, and gets some advice from Dr Glenn Colquhoun.

Jul 28, 2020 • 0:00

Episode 5: What does a Surgeon Look Like? - Getting Better - A Year in the Life of a Māori Medical Student

Episode 5: What does a Surgeon Look Like? - Getting Better - A Year in the Life of a Māori Medical Student

Why do so few indigenous doctors end up becoming surgeons? And why does it matter?

Jul 28, 2020 • 0:00

Episode 4: Tairāwhiti - Getting Better - A Year in the Life of a Māori Medical Student

Episode 4: Tairāwhiti - Getting Better - A Year in the Life of a Māori Medical Student

Emma's in Tairāwhiti, where "by Māori for Māori" has the potential to be more than just a slogan in healthcare.

Jul 28, 2020 • 0:00

Episode 3: Southside - Getting Better - A Year in the Life of a Māori Medical Student

Episode 3: Southside - Getting Better - A Year in the Life of a Māori Medical Student

Dr Vaaiga Autagavaia takes Emma to meet the Rugby League team he coaches in Sir Edmund Hillary Collegiate, a training programme that goes far beyond sport and into the development of life skills.

Jul 24, 2020 • 0:00

Episode 2: Tuparehuia - Getting Better - A Year in the Life of a Māori Medical Student

Episode 2: Tuparehuia - Getting Better - A Year in the Life of a Māori Medical Student

For her GP placement, Emma asked to go to Northland. She's on the road with rural doctor Kyle Eggleton, whose weekly clinic is in the remote outpost of Tuparehuia.

Jul 24, 2020 • 0:00

Episode 1: A Better Chance of Dying - Getting Better - A Year in the Life of a Māori Medical Student

Episode 1: A Better Chance of Dying - Getting Better - A Year in the Life of a Māori Medical Student

Emma Espiner goes to Porirua to meet the Wallace whānau and hear about a night in ED that changed their lives.

Jul 24, 2020 • 0:00

Trailer: Introducing Getting Better - A Year in the Life of a Māori Medical Student

Trailer: Introducing Getting Better - A Year in the Life of a Māori Medical Student

Trainee doctor Emma Espiner introduces her new podcast Getting Better - A Year in the Life of a Māori Medical Student. Available Now @ RNZ.CO.NZ

Jul 24, 2020 • 0:00

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