The Pantaloon Society
Cytochrome Hear
Roll up, roll up, come to the show! But dear audience, be warned - the things you hear therein may haunt your dreams... The Pantaloon Society is a supernatural audio-novella about an ancient and clandestine society of clowns with unusual abilities, and the eldritch threats they are called to investigate. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
An update from Lou/Tiger and the Dragon Trailer
There's no more clowns, so what's next? An update from Lou and the Trailer for eir next project, the Tiger and the Dragon, a Victoriana pastiche audiodrama. More information can be found at: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Episode 12 - Beneath the Society Pt 2
A final stand, against their foe/Denouement for Jen and Joe/Beneath the ground let us descend/To bring this tale to an end./For transcripts and show notes see: warnings: Death/dying, Supernatural threat, The occult, Murder, Injury, Misogyny, Pregnancy, Violence, Religious bigotry, Degenerative illness, Mentions of: Abortion, homelessness, killing of a child,SFX: Knife sounds, running feet, trickling water., Hosted on Acast
Episode 11 - Beneath the Society Pt 1
Stalked through the tunnels by a stranger,/Our heroes flee from dreadful danger,/To pass the time as down they go,/Hear now the tales of Jen and Joe. For transcripts and show notes see: warningsDeath/dying Pregnancy Death in childbirth/infant mortality Violence Alcoholism. Religious themes (blasphemy, bigotry) Child abuse Intimate partner violence SFX: Electrical humming, computer sounds, flowing water, falling masonry
Episode 10 - Il Dottore
A doctor's work is never done/But sometimes one can make it fun/Her strength is great, though she seems frail/Hear now Veronica Harrington's tale For transcripts and show notes see: warningsInjuryDeath/dying (including major character death)GriefChildhood illnessDeath of a childParentificationPeriod-typical sexismCrimeViolenceGuns SFX: Baby in distress, electrical humming, phone ringtone/dialling, keyboard, music, knife
Episode 9 - Le Roman de Renard
Where better for a clown to heal,/Than in the Sainted Dymphna's Geel?/To earth our hero vainly cleaves/All whilst the wily fox deceives.../Content warnings: Supernatural threat Mind control Mental and physical illness, Injury Harm to animals Mentions of: Religion, Hospitals SFX: Shouting, unsettling strings, cracking ice, sounds of busy café, outdoor city, birdsong, For transcripts and show notes see: Hosted on Acast. See a
Episode 8 - Mesnée d’Hellequin
Our heroes to a fraud assigned/But turns out he's quite hard to find/To Windsor Forest they must head/ And there the hunter meets the hunted....Content warnings: Supernatural threatDetailed descriptions of foodViolenceDiscussions of: Murder, clowns, crime.SFX: Music, animal sounds, horse’s hooves/snorting, dogs barking, thunder, wind, birdsong.For transcripts and show notes see: Hosted on Acast. See for mo
Episode 7 - The Masque of Misrule
In stately hall the mummers throng -/The play's awakened something wrong./To be from summoned shadows freed/A change of scene they're going to need..../Content warnings: Supernatural Threat Violence Needles Unreality Discussions of: Imperialism, slavery, oppression, murder, homelessness. References to: Spiking/drugs.SFX: Music, bells, buzzing, horse galloping, dogs barking, roaring.For transcripts and show notes see: Hosted
Episode 6 – A Little Mischief
Though laughter might be therapeutic../It needs much more to cure the heartsick/And all the magic of the fae/Cannot wish mortal tears away...Content warnings: Clowns, as ever.Supernatural threatMental illnessBullyingSFX: Wind, church bells, mill working, crowd sounds, laughter, flickering lights, animal soundsFor transcripts and show notes see: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Episode 5 – Joseph and the Holy Fool
An old friend calls our hero Joe.../So off to Yorkshire he shall go/To save young love from fate so cruel/He'll need some help from a Holy Fool.../Content warnings: MisogynyAbuseViolenceMental IllnessReferences to: Death of a loved one, violence, animal neglect, clowns/puppets, unsurprisingly.SFX: Desert winds, angelic vocal effects, cars, sounds of monastery singing/prayer, farmyard sounds. For transcripts and show notes see:
Episode 4 - La Donna è Omicida
An opera murder - there's a thing.../But can they make the culprit sing?/Qual piuma al vento/Muta d'accento.../Content warnings: Clowns (technically present), Violence, Misogyny, Death/dying, MurderReferences to: Sexual assault, ghostsSFX: Opera singing, outdoor sounds, screaming, For transcripts and show notes see: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Episode 3 - The Hall of Forbidden Faces
Who likes to be beside the sea?/Be warned before you come with me/That even in the friendliest places/One might discover dreadful faces...CW: Violence, Death/dying, Possession, The occult, Thalassophobia, Alcoholism, Misogyny, Animal distress and as ever, clowns. References to: Child abuse, poverty, abuse of power SFX: Vocal effects, traffic noise, loud circus music, seaside sounds, seagulls/birdsFor transcripts and show notes see:
Episode 2 - Welcome to the Society
Beneath the streets of London town/We find a portrait of a clown/Within these halls of mystery/Hear now of Pantaloon history...CW: Clowns, Death/dying, Violence, Blood, Racism, Homelessness, AlcoholReferences to: War, abuse of power.SFX: Fairground sounds, buzzing, street sounds, woodwind musicFor transcripts and show notes see: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Episode 1 - Doctor McClown
Let's introduce our hero, Jen/Who shall be sorely tested - when/They stumble 'pon a thing abhorred/Prowling the children's cardiac ward...Content warnings: Clowns, Illness, mentions of fatal illness, Supernatural threat, Dismemberment, PuppetsSFX: Busy public spaces (outdoor, hospital), screaming, cracking, bird noises, ominous stringsFor transcripts and show notes see: Hosted on Acast. See for more information