Paradigm Shift

Paradigm Shift

Microsoft India

Today, humans all over the world are armed with the brilliance of not only their own intelligence but that of machines as well. The question that is staring us in the face, however, is this: Imagine all that is possible when human talent meets technological prowess? In this season of Paradigm Shift, you’ll hear eight fascinating stories that will tell you about the kind of metamorphosis that is possible at the intersection of human and artificial intelligence. The good that such game-changing technologies can inflict on our lives, our country and our society at large.

Episode 08 - Innovating Responsibly

Episode 08 - Innovating Responsibly

The world of AI is replete with innovation. But perhaps it is time to talk about that innovation. How can we innovate and be responsible at the same time? How can industry leaders in AI empower others through their innovations? How can we employ AI for public good and welfare? Credits: Narration: Harsha Bhogle Executive Producer: Gaurav Vaz Producer: Archana Nathan Research, Interviews and Script: Vinay Aravind Narrative overview: Charu Sharma and Shriram Parthasarathy Title track, sound design

Jun 23, 2022 • 28:42

Episode 07 - Through the Time Machine

Episode 07 - Through the Time Machine

With its vastly rich history and culture, India is a heritage-lover’s paradise. But there’s a problem. A large number of monuments, museums and art is either badly maintained or looks unsalvageable. Solutions from the world of AI, however, argue that things need not be the way they are right now. AI can be used to travel in time to see how the object was originally and attempt to restore it to a large extent. Credits: Narration: Harsha Bhogle Executive Producer: Gaurav Vaz Producer: Archana Nath

Jun 16, 2022 • 31:44

Episode 06 - Life Saving Algorithms

Episode 06 - Life Saving Algorithms

AI may not be able to cure diseases, well, at least not yet. But it could help identify a problem well in advance and much before it becomes too late. How? By helping doctors, hospitals, trawl through massive data and images and thereby efficiently screening patients that need immediate care. In other words, AI can make diagnosis faster and in healthcare, time is hope and hope is everything. Credits: Narration: Harsha Bhogle Executive Producer: Gaurav Vaz Producer: Archana Nathan Research, Inter

Jun 9, 2022 • 34:11

Episode 05 - Scanning the Skies

Episode 05 - Scanning the Skies

Over the years, the protection of India’s biodiversity and the conservation of nature has been hit by a severe lack of funding and personnel, not to mention the sheer scale of the challenges they have to encounter - from man-made threats to climate change. There is a promise that artificial intelligence and machine learning offers though and this includes scanning our surroundings to identify the species that need to be protected and setting up social networks but for birds. Credits: Narration:

Jun 2, 2022 • 28:20

Episode 04 - Green Revolution 2.0

Episode 04 - Green Revolution 2.0

Agriculture is complicated. The landscape is changing, there’s climate change and there are a million other factors that affect the farmer’s yield. But it’s what our entire population’s hunger and health depends on. Recent initiatives in AI are finding ways to get the crop to talk to the farmer about what it needs. Credits: Narration: Harsha Bhogle Executive Producer: Gaurav Vaz Producer: Archana Nathan Research, Interviews and Scripts: Prthvir Solanki Narrative overview: Charu Sharma & Shri

May 26, 2022 • 36:06

Episode 03 - Pitches and Pawns

Episode 03 - Pitches and Pawns

In competitive sport, today, players don’t have the luxury of time to fix a problem in their technique or a strategic flaw in their approach. Time is of the essence here and AI is trying its best to conserve time. Both with its innate technology to predict and identify the problem and by becoming a tool that can help improve a player’s game. Credits: Narration: Harsha Bhogle Executive Producer: Gaurav Vaz Producer: Archana Nathan Research, Interviews and Scripts: Prthvir Solanki Narrative overvi

May 19, 2022 • 35:03

Episode 02 - (Not so) Lost in Translation

Episode 02 - (Not so) Lost in Translation

Imagine a construction worker from Odisha going to Bangalore to find work. Or a citizen from interior Nagaland trying to interact with the state government. Language is a barrier to both these people and it can make livelihoods rather challenging. But current research in AI – from deep neural networks to massive multi-lingual models – are already trying to solve this problem. Credits: Narration: Harsha Bhogle Executive Producer: Gaurav Vaz Producer: Archana Nathan Research, Interview

May 12, 2022 • 34:28

Episode 01 - After the storm

Episode 01 - After the storm

Weather forecasting is a tough business. There are many variables, and the margin for error is slim. And errors in prediction here can have dire, life-altering consequences. How can artificial intelligence help us gauge the weather better and thereby save lives? Perhaps, an AI model that can predict a flood 15 days before it strikes? Or, a model that uses AI to figure out in advance which properties are potentially at risk in a disaster? Credits: Narration: Harsha Bhogle Executive Pr

May 5, 2022 • 27:42

Introducing Paradigm Shift

Introducing Paradigm Shift

Today, humans all over the world are armed with the brilliance of not only their own intelligence but that of machines as well. The question that is staring us in the face, however, is this: Imagine all that is possible when human talent meets technological prowess? In this season of Paradigm Shift, you’ll hear eight fascinating stories that will tell you about the kind of metamorphosis that is possible at the intersection of human and artificial intelligence. The good that such game-chang

May 2, 2022 • 2:07

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