Home of the Brave
Scott Carrier
Home of the Brave: new and old stories from "This American Life" contributor Scott Carrier.
The Neighborhood
(This is the second story in an album I am building. For more information, please go to homebrave.com.)The Neighborhood was inspired by Suburbia, a photo-essay book by Bill Owens. The photos are of Owens’ neighbors in a suburb of Livermore, California, during the late sixties and early seventies. They pose in their garages, bedrooms, backyards… with their stuff— their tools and toys, the accoutrements of suburban lifestyle. With each photo there is a short quote from the person in the photo. Thi
Running After Antelope
(This is the first story in a larger album I’m building. For more information please go to the website homebrave.com.)Forty years ago, 1985, I was sitting in Art Silverman’s office at NPR in Washington, D.C. Art was a producer for All Things Considered. I was an independent producer, mainly for Weekend All Things Considered. We were working on something, I don’t remember what, and NPR Science Editor Anne Gudenkauf came by to talk to Art.“Hey, tell Anne your idea for a science story,” Art said to
Beirut Epilogue
I wrote this after I got back home the other night, but it took a few days to get it posted. I had a good trip, thanks very much for your support.
Alan Chin Is Back From Ukraine
A photo-journalist's account of the first days of the war in Ukraine.
End of Season Two
I'm going to take a break for awhile, at least until the pandemic is over. Thanks very much for your support and letters. I will be back with more stories soon.
A Photographer's Account of the Insurrection
Alan Chin describes what it was like at the U.S. Capitol last Wednesday.
How Much Time Has Gone By: Part Two
Part Two of a trip across the country two months before the 2020 election.
How Much Time Has Gone By: Part One
Interviews from a road trip across the country.
Culture War: War Zone
The seventh and final report from a long trip across the country before the 2020 Presidential Election.
Culture War: Home of the Blues
The sixth report from a long trip across the country.
Culture War: St. Louis
The fifth report from a long trip across the country.
Culture War: Creeped Out
The fourth report from a long trip across the country.
Culture War: Standing Rock
Third report from a long road trip across the country.
Culture War: Trump Country
Second report from a long trip across the country.
Culture War: Introduction
A new series of reports from a long trip across the country.
The Round River
I went fishing in some beautiful mountains I first visited in 1968 when I was a Boy Scout. When I was older, we took our kids there so they could see it as well. It’s still very beautiful, but things have changed due to global warming.
Time To Get My News From A River
My thinking is off, my approach is wrong...time to go fishing.
Coming To Ground
I recorded these interviews with my family two weeks ago, before George Floyd was killed by police in Minneapolis. Now they seem unimportant, like from another er
Coming to Ground: Introduction
Following the news is like watching a competition for the worst case scenario and I’ve grown weary of all the blaming and shaming. Now we can’t trust anyone, not
The Neighborhood
It seems more of us are paying attention to our neighborhoods lately, so perhaps this is a good time to replay this story, produced in 1988. I still live in the s
Echo People by Trent Harris
My friend Trent Harris has a problem caused by the coronavirus. It’s not a big problem compared to a lot of other things that have come up recently, like the poss
Our Show by Erica Heilman
Shana from Achterarder, Scotland.
My friend Erica Heilman has a podcast called Rumblestrip. She drives aroun
The Dry Wall
This story was originally broadcast on All Things Considered in 1993. The ground was shifting under my feet back then and I had to figure out what to do. Now it’s
Anti-War Stories: Adrienne Kinne and Douglas Peacock
Adrienne Kinne just after basic training in 1994.
Anti-War Stories: Elliott Woods
Elliott Woods as a soldier in Iraq, 2004
Today I have a conversation with Elliott Woods, a veteran who is al
Anti-War Stories: Garett Reppenhagen
Garett Reppenhagen in Iraq, 2004
I believe that sometime in the future, sooner or later, people in the Unite
Interview in Amsterdam
Last spring I was invited to speak at the Oorzaken Audio Festival in Amsterdam. I remember seeing leaves come out on the trees along the canals and tulips bloomin
The Wordshaker
His real name is Alissandru Francesco Caldiero, born into the old world on the island of Sicily, he came to the U.S. on a boat when he was nine years old, sailing
Re-Play: The Rebel Yell
I’ve been in Armenia teaching a podcasting workshop sponsored by the U.S. State Department. I think it went well, overall, and the students were exceptional. Per
Encountering the Other, Part Three
My operating hypothesis is that our cultural divide is a function of our oligarchic government. If a relatively few super-rich people control our wealth and power then
Encountering the Other, Part Two
I was driving around rural western Colorado, near the border with Utah, near where Jack Kerouac saw a vision of God in the clouds that looked like Pooh Bear. I w
Encountering the Other
It’s not easy for me to walk up to people and ask if they want to be interviewed for my podcast. I’m afraid they will think I’m a fool, or an idiot, or be suspici
Fund Drive
Yellowstone Lake, August 2019
This show is a request for funding, a responsibility for which I am ill-suited
The Life and Times of Solidod
Solidod in Bozeman, Montana, 2012. Photo by Jake Warga.
Larry met Solidod by chance, or happenstance. He hap
The Strait of Hormuz
I wanted to see the place where a war between the United States and Iran may begin. It turned out people over there couldn’t talk to me on tape because they live
Alan Chin--Photographer
Alan Chin talks about his experience covering wars since 9/11.
Let's Talk About Not Going To War
For the solstice, the sun tunnels in the West Desert of Utah.
Stories about going to war come from the top d
Dreamers by Joe Frank
Maybe like the Phoenix rising from the ashes following a drawing by M.S. Escher.
Getting Into Cars With Strangers
Interviews with taxi and ride share drivers from New Orleans to Jacksonville.
Some Spring Time Stories
I just got back from speaking at two radio conferences in Europe. I saw the leaves come out on the trees along the canals in Amsterdam. I woke up in Ireland next
The Pacific Northwest Trail
This is a story I produced last summer for The New Yorker Radio Hour. It’s about a controversy over one of the newest long-distance hiking trails in the United St
Warriors Zulu Nation Honduras
A day inside the gang-ridden community of Chamelecon, Honduras.
Honduras Part One: A New Caravan
An introduction to a series about social conditions in Honduras
Ruth Pena and her daughter, from El Salvador, at the beach in Tijuana. That’s the border wall in the background.
Across the Desert
A sticker on one of the steel columns of the border wall south of Las Cruces, NM.
Casa del Migrante
Juana and Estela talk about why they left their homes in Guatemala to seek asylum in the United States.
No Solution
Immigrants crossing the border near Agua Prieta, Sonora, 2005. Photo by Julian Cardona.
Welcome to Season Tw
End of Season One: A Walk On the Beach
I need to take a break so let's call this the end of season one. And I'd like to play the second story I produced for the show, an interview with Alex Chadwick.&n
Rumble Strip: It's a Podcast
Erica Heilman produces Rumble Strip from her home in Calais, Vermont. I like it because I never know what she's going to do next. This is a satire about modern li
Lick the Crickets by Larry Massett
Collage by Charles Hope
From following the news lately I feel like I don't know who to believe or who to tru
Bear's Ears, Part Six: Industrial Tourism
Which is worse--a campground or an oil well?
Bear's Ears, Part Five: Traditional Ecological Knowledge
Firewood in Monument Valley, collected on Cedar Mesa to heat Navajo homes.
A story about the origin of
Bear's Ears, Part Four: The Hopi Way
Comb Wash
A conversation with Leigh Kuwanwisiwma, Hopi elder.
Bear's Ears, Part Three: The Sand Island Petroglyphs
From "Early Rock Art on the San Juan River" by Joe Pachak
Bear's Ears, Part Two
Bear Ears Buttes in the background. Looking north from the top of Cedar Mesa, San Juan County, Utah. Elevation 7000 feet.
Bear's Ears, Part One
Looking south towards the Navajo Reservation from the top of Cedar Ridge, Utah.
The first in a series of rep
Two More Stories About Mountains
A stitched panorama of the Salt Lake valley, from the north end.
Ski Lesson
I don't know who took this photo, but it sure is a good one. Maybe it's Thor.
Something to get your mind off
The Bicycle Artist
One of Grant Petersen's personal bicycles.
An interview with Grant Petersen of Rivendell Bicycles Works in W
War of the Worlds
This is a Halloween special for people who have not heard the original 1938 CBS broadcast.
We Thought It Was a Movie
NFL Sunday
A short commentary on the protests.
The Oracle
My friend Alex and I try to visit the Utah Data Center, 20 miles south of my house in Salt Lake City.DONATE BY TEXT 801-876-1913Check out The Sonosopher, a docume
The Continental Divide, Part Two
I try it again, this time with some respect.The short clip of music in the middle of the story is by the Icelandic group MUM.The music at the end is a North Vietn
The Continental Divide
The top of the highway through Rocky Mountain National Park.
The Green River
Paul Brennan, Creighton King, and myself at the Green River Lakes in the summer of 1991.
I thought, consider
Trump's Wall: Your Neighbor
An undocumented farm worker in New England, USA. Photo by Erica Heilman.
Donald Trump promised to build a wa
Trump's Wall, Part Two
The opening of Santa Elena's Canyon, Big Bend National Park. The left side of the canyon is in Mexico, the right side is in the United States.
Trump's Wall, Part One
The Rio Grande in Bend Bend Ranch State Park, Texas, just west of Big Bend National Park.
The first part of
My First Radio Story
I-10, Texas, 1983
This is how I started producing stories for public radio in 1983. I was extremely lucky. S
It's All Over Now
photo by CNBC
Who is this guy? Who is he really? We think of him as a villain, but perhaps he's more the tra
What's Happening at Standing Rock: An Interview with Jenni Monet
Photo from jennimonet.com. (Her name is misspelled in the photo.)
On February 8th, the Army Corps of Enginee
i thought i'd throw out this idea and see if it has legs
drawing by Creighton King
I started to work on a new story, then decided to change tactics.Music: Soundtrack
Listening to the Winners
Donald Trump is a manifestation of our collective fear and anger. We created him. This show is a collection of interviews with people who supported Trump leading
The Test
This story originally aired on This American Life in 1996, but there's a new rant at the end. Music: White Rabbit by Grace Slick, performed by Mayssa Karaa f
Standing Rock, Part Three
The Army Corps of Engineers denies the permit
Standing Rock, Part Two
The Missouri River at Lake Oahe, one mile downstream from the proposed crossing of the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Standing Rock, Part One
A water protecter, near Mandan, North Dakota.
The battle at the bridge, November 20, 2016.Music by Mum.
The Greater Yellowstone Grizzly, Part Three
How people feel about trophy hunting the bear.Link to savetheyellowstonegrizzly.org
The Greater Yellowstone Grizzly, Part Two
Courtesy of Bradley Orsted
In this episode, the scientific arguments surrounding the Greater Yellowstone grizzly
The Greater Yellowstone Grizzly
The battle over taking the grizzly bear off the list of endangered species
The Road
I-80, Wyoming
The End of Hope: Outside the DNC
What if you threw a protest against the oligarchy and not many people showed up?Music by Laurie Anderson: "From the Air," Big Science.
Cleveland RNC Part 2
Public Square, Cleveland, Ohio
The RNC in Cleveland followed two weeks of brutal (YouTubed) shootings in Am
Opening Day Outside the RNC in Cleveland
Sean Whitty and Christopher Traviano.
I went to the Republican and Democratic conventions in Cleveland and Phila
After Thinking About What To Do
And a request for funding
Reagan's Neighbors
Interviews with people in Lafayette Park, Washington D.C.
Why People Vote for Hillary Clinton
Plus some of Clinton's speech in Fresno, California, June 4, 2016.
Trump and Sanders in South Bend: Part Three
Interviews with Sanders supporters two days before the Indiana Primary on May 3, 2016.Music by The Youngbloods, Get Together.
New t-s
Trump and Sanders in South Bend: Part Two
May 2, one day before the Indiana Primary
Trump and Sanders in South Bend, Indiana
Trump is still promoting racist propaganda.
My Trip To Palestine
An attempt at podcasting from Palestine goes awry.
Maybe He Became a Bear: An Interview with Jim Harrison
Originally broadcast in 2007 on KUER in Salt Lake City
Prisoner of Zion
An essay on where I live and what I live for.Music by The Mormon Tabernacle Choir--Come, Come Ye Saints
Searching for Amnesia
A story originally produced for This American Life
One Year Review Meeting
In which I present the numbers, an accounting, to the listeners/supporters of the show.Music by Mum, Slow BicycleDonate or Subscribe through Pay Pal.Donate through St
The Iowa Caucus
Two Sanders supporters at the caucus in Dubuque.
A trip to Iowa to see if young people would turn out for the ca
Saints of the Last Days
Mormon polygamists in Manti, Utah, circa 1996
Absolutely, God Told Us To Do This
An interview with one of the occupiers.
The Balkan Route
The final report on the refugee trail, describing how they travel from Athens to Germany.Music: Crossroad Metamorphosis and Super FM Dub by Hayvanlar Alemi.
On the Ferry from Lesbos to Athens
Photos by Camilla Q. Madsen
On the Isle of Lesbos
Interviews with refugees on the beach in Lesbos, Greece
On the Border of Greece and Macedonia
People from Somalia, Pakistan, Morocco and Iran are no longer allowed to immigrate to Northern Europe.
The Refugee Trail
A Somali refugee at the Sandholm Asylum Center outside Copenhagen, Denmark, November 12th, 2015.
Timothy John Hinman of Third Ear invited me to speak about podcasting at the Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival on November 9th, and I was supposed t
The Death of Ruth Tuck: A Docu/Drama
A story for Halloween from the archives (19