MOMS (Moving Over Mountains)

MOMS (Moving Over Mountains)

Tanya Sanders-Flores

“Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life”  - Anonymous What does freedom mean to you?  Wealth? Travel?  Time with family?  Oprah once said, it is doing the thing that feeds your soul.   We all have gifts that make us unique.   So why not create a career around it? If you ready to climb our OWN corporate ladder to success, Moving Over Mountains is here to facilitate your growth.  We are a community for entrepreneurs, focused on turning passion into profit.  Join us bi-weekly on Thursdays, in our third season, as we face ourselves, remove the obstac...



“If you want to be a writer, you MUST read”.This quote by Stephen King in his memoir on the Craft of Writing, gives us the secret to developing our talent, whatever it may be.We must immerse ourselves into the environment of who or what we wish to become.But is Steven simply advising us to plant ourselves in a specified space, or does striving  for perfection involve something deeper?  For what good is knowledge, if we fail to make useful application of it?In this week’s episode, we are discussi

Jun 26, 2024 • 14:44



You’ve been in business for over a year, and have yet to see any profits.  Meanwhile bills are piling up, with uncertainty in tomorrow.So what happens now?  Do you abandon ship or stay the course?  And how do you remain focused with life constantly getting in the way?  This  week on Moving Over Mountains, we are exploring ways to dispel discouragement. Join us as we immerse into experiences that spark inspiration and reconnect us to our creativity . .  Turning Passion into ProfitVisit our page!h

May 3, 2024 • 14:05



A chance for elevation could present itself in any given moment.  So what  will you do  when opportunity knocks?  Will you be  in position to seize it?   And if so, how do you gauge whether its  worth it?As we sit down this  week to discuss the dual power of opportunity, we’ll put the pieces together to balance the brand that is you without wasting your resources.Are you ready?Turning Passion into ProfitVisit our page!

Apr 19, 2024 • 35:14

Know Your Worth

Know Your Worth

We’ve landed the gig, and now it’s time to set your salary.  So how do we set a salary for our time? Decide on a fee that is fair for us and the client?In this week’s episode, we’re examining our motivation , navigating through our experience and tabulating the figures to determine a happy medium between the customer and the bottom line.Turning Passion into ProfitVisit our page!

Apr 5, 2024 • 20:49

The Presentation

The Presentation

We know who we are.  We know what we want.  Now it’s time that the world knows it too.So how do we deliver our message?  To whom do we deliver it? And why is this step important?Join is this week as we discuss the ways in which to convey our thoughts and ideals to the people whom we come into contact, and  why our presentations matter.Turning Passion into ProfitVisit our page!

Mar 15, 2024 • 14:25

The Arrival

The Arrival

Now that we’ve identified the source of our demons and how they affect us, we can finally move past our fears, step out on faith, and make life happen!So where do we begin?  How do we create a plan of execution?  What can we do to stay motivated?The time  has come to put faith into action, and step into the source of power that is you.The hour is now!Turning Passion into ProfitVisit our page!

Mar 1, 2024 • 8:59

Skin Deep- With Cierra Shantael

Skin Deep- With Cierra Shantael

Welcome to a season of healing!We’ve suffered the blows, and identified the scars.  Now it’s time to change the narrative.  Psychology major and founder of TRH (The Rabbit Hole) Beauty Studio, Cierra Shantael has studied the human psyche and is here this week to educate us about the truth behind our neglect,  the healing power of self care, and the results that manifest when we“keep going, keep showing up, and keep showing out!”Turning Passion into ProfitVisit our page!https://thewritetouchprodu

Feb 16, 2024 • 20:49

The Climb

The Climb

Now that we’ve searched our souls and identified the source of our pain, how do we move past it?This week, our journey takes us through the healing process.We’re diving into how to change our mindset, and move into the best version of ourselves.Time to step into greatness.Turning Passion into ProfitVisit our page!

Feb 2, 2024 • 24:14

Connecting the Dots

Connecting the Dots

Do you feel, in your efforts to climb the corporate ladder, unappreciated?Are you tired of starting over?  Repeatedly facing the same situation;  At work?  At home?   Amongst peers?In this episode, we’re heading deeper into ourselves, in order to reflect, understand, and heal.  We will discuss:Responses to trauma The history of our teachersTragedy to triumphAs we continue  this journey, let us without judgement, connect the dots between reflections of the past and who we choose to be in the pres

Jan 18, 2024 • 21:24

Soul Ties

Soul Ties

“Whether we believe we can or we can’t, we are right “- Henry FordThis night we begin the journey through our souls.  The Foundation of who we are, the decisions we make, and the demons that dwell are all tied into the way we see ourselves. As we navigate through this season of reflection, let  us examine our fears, learn the meaning of acceptance, and live in our purpose.  Only then will we conquer the most horrific monster we’ll ever face.  The one staring back at us.   Our season awaits!Turni

Jan 4, 2024 • 11:53

The WOMEN: Brewing Over Brunch

The WOMEN: Brewing Over Brunch

Back at it with my Beautiful SistasAt first there were fourThen we added two moreJoin us as we build blocks from the foundation we set, in tears, laughter, and love.Turning Passion into ProfitVisit our page!

Dec 30, 2023 • 1:13:29

Saving Time

Saving Time

These are my confessions.As much as I focus on business, I spend way too much on things I should be delegating.It’s time to learn how to better manage our time.  Over 60% of businesses fail within the first two years, in part because we spend major time on things that don’t matter.Tonight we’ll talk about delegating responsibility, focusing on what matters, and making our companies work for us.Turning Passion into ProfitVisit our page!

Dec 8, 2023 • 15:07

Self Serve

Self Serve

Now that we’ve discussed the importance of credit, let’s talk about getting to the money.This week we’ll be reviewing a few platforms for freelancers in fields from Data Entry to Design.Turning Passion into ProfitVisit our page!

Sep 29, 2023 • 31:24

To Those Who Wait

To Those Who Wait

📣 AnnouncementCommunity Keepers FestivalPostponedFor details contact: Turning Passion into ProfitVisit our page!

Sep 9, 2023 • 3:08

Credit Check

Credit Check

Perhaps more important than personal history, your business credit matters!Business credit falls under more scrutiny than it’s personal counterpart, but establishing it isn’t as difficult as you may think.This evening Shanta Johnson, of the Right Fit Logistics sits down with us to discuss how our personal credit history can help or hurt our business, as well as hacks into obtaining business credit in less than a year, with very little capital.Turning Passion into ProfitVisit our page!https://the

Sep 8, 2023 • 24:32

Granting Wishes

Granting Wishes

Interested in writing a grant?It’s easier than you think…It’s easier than I thought.Time to dispel myths on who qualifies, and simplify how they are acquired.You ready?Time to listen & learn.Let’s go! Turning Passion into ProfitVisit our page!

May 26, 2023 • 16:37

The  Network

The Network

Networking is imperative to transforming our brand from a Business name into a Global EmpireJoin as we discuss the ABCs of networking, and how to do it successfullyTurning Passion into ProfitVisit our page!

Mar 10, 2023 • 17:46



Benefits of OUR OWN BusinessThis week’s episode is taking place in the Great city of New Orleans!!!!Join in this week as we build on the benefits of having our own business:THE PLEASURE PARTICLEWe are parading, partying, while all while getting paid!  Can anyone say, tax write off?Just one of MANY benefits of blazing our own trailsTurning Passion into ProfitVisit our page!

Feb 26, 2023 • 13:46

RIVERS: Creating Multiple Streams of Income

RIVERS: Creating Multiple Streams of Income

Whether we are still working at the plantation or for ourselves, multiple streams of income will help us to solidify our plans and meet our goals.  We’ll be using Ms. Jackie Beck’s blog, “The Debt Myth, why multiple streams of income matter” as a guide to identify why it is important to create multiple streams of income,  and the road we can travel to get us there.Join us we embark on the journey, along with sharing the battles we face often while getting there.Turning Passion into ProfitVisit o

Feb 10, 2023 • 20:31

Hitting the Mark

Hitting the Mark

Making Marketing Materials Matter In a world of instant gratification, we are focusing on creating materials that appeal to the eye and opens a portal to our soul.In under sixty seconds Let’s go!Turning Passion into ProfitVisit our page!

Nov 18, 2022 • 13:04

🦅 Birds of a Feather

🦅 Birds of a Feather

Whether in business or life, the company we keep either propels or prevents us from greatness.Before we dive into credit, marketing, or networking, we must first take a hard look in the mirror and note who’s looking back at us.For the company we keep is a direct reflection of outcome we achieve.Turning Passion into ProfitVisit our page!

Nov 4, 2022 • 9:49

Let’s Get Ready!!!

Let’s Get Ready!!!

Now that we’ve laid the foundation, we’ll enter season two, with the objective of gaining what ai call the Building Blocks of Business.Credit, Equity, and Resources Our Time.  Our SeasonTurning Passion into ProfitVisit our page!

Nov 2, 2022 • 0:37



It’s time to get realJoin me for a candid conversation with my sisters as we embark on the first step of creating a successful business:Taking care of the girl in the mirrorTurning Passion into ProfitVisit our page!

Aug 5, 2022 • 51:30

The Business Plan, pt. 3

The Business Plan, pt. 3

Finally!It’s time to take all of our grunt work and paraphrase it into a summary that’s short and sweet.Hop on this train for the second to last episode of the season, because we are on way to to getting this money.#FreedomTurning Passion into ProfitVisit our page!

Jul 22, 2022 • 9:53

The Business Plan pt. 2

The Business Plan pt. 2

THE JOB LOOKS BIGGER TO EYES👀                 THAN TO HANDS 🙌🏾                          We’re back at it again!                Breaking this Business Plan down                           like a piece of cake 🍰 This week, we’re covering steps four, seven, and eight, as we head for the finish line!Turning Passion into ProfitVisit our page!

Jul 7, 2022 • 10:04

The Business Plan pt.1

The Business Plan pt.1

I was frustrated with step five, but now I’m freeAnd you will be, too; just persevere through it!Doing the marketing analysis and market research takes critical thinking and patience, but doing the work makes the other steps a breeze.Tonight, we go through them togetherTurning Passion into ProfitVisit our page!

Jun 24, 2022 • 14:45

Business Planning

Business Planning

TIME TO WRITE THE BUSINESS PLANBut we’re in no rush to get it done.This week, simply knowing what to expect is our goal, and taking advantage of the tools provided to help us meet them.Turning Passion into ProfitVisit our page!

Jun 9, 2022 • 7:24

What’s in a Name, pt.2-Obtaining Your 501(c)(3)

What’s in a Name, pt.2-Obtaining Your 501(c)(3)

If you’re thinking  of starting a non-profit because it “seems” more cost effective…THINK AGAINAs we digest the steps for creating your business, we will dive into unknown facts about obtaining your non-profit statusTycee Bell joins us this week to break down the myths, and give us pointers on our road of service.Turning Passion into ProfitVisit our page!

May 26, 2022 • 40:47

What’s in a Name?

What’s in a Name?

So now that we’ve Affirmed our purpose, how do we describe it?  And how do we brand it as our own?Join us as we sit down and pick the brain of business owner, Shanta Johnson of The Right Fit Logistics to discuss the differences in EIN status, and set the steps in motion to create an LLC.Turning Passion into ProfitVisit our page!

May 12, 2022 • 22:14



This week we are joined by Ms. LarryAnn Aaron, as we discuss moving in spite of fear, and planting the seeds that are manifesting into destiny.As we go back to the 5-Ws, of grade school, we will identify who we are, what our  key motivator is, and mark our calendars for the date we plan to launchTurning Passion into ProfitVisit our page!

Apr 29, 2022 • 25:40



Before developing a mission statement, we must be able to see the vision.In episode two, we’ll explore why writing with intent is crucial to manifesting destinyFollow along as we clarify our vision, affirm our intentions, and define our  mission for manifesting destiny.Turning Passion into ProfitVisit our page!

Apr 15, 2022 • 8:52

The First Step

The First Step

Welcome to Moving over MountainsOur first episode is short and sweet.  Let’s break down our purpose and dive right in!Turning Passion into ProfitVisit our page!

Apr 1, 2022 • 10:22

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