Punches and Popcorn

Punches and Popcorn

Lunchador Podcast Network

The masters of Couch Potato style take a deep dive into the best and worst of martial arts films.

MORTAL KOMBAT (2021) w/ Rachel Harrison

MORTAL KOMBAT (2021) w/ Rachel Harrison

We're got a SPECIAL EPISODE! Best-selling author RACHEL HARRISON joins the Couch Potato Ninja crew to talk about 2021's MORTAL KOMBAT! Rachel and your Punchy Pals dive into why this movie is SO MUCH FUN, and why it came at the perfect time to rescue us from the doldrums of the pandemic with wild action, great fights, epic FATALITIES and more!For more awesomeness, follow Rachel on IG: @rachelharrisonsghostAnd pre-order PLAY NICE now: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/742649/play-nice-by-ra

Mar 5, • 1:41:24

S2 Ep2: Everything Everywhere All At Once: Part Two

S2 Ep2: Everything Everywhere All At Once: Part Two

Season Two: SHINING STARS - Celebrating the Greatest Women In Martial Arts FilmPART TWO of our season opener honoring MICHELLE YEOH and the film that won her an Oscar! Finish the journey into this unforgettable film with your Couch Potato Ninja crew!Check out Punches and Popcorn on social media:Bluesky: @punchesnpopcornInstagram: @punchesnpopcornAnd if you like what you hear, don't forget to rate, review and subscribe!Mentioned in this episode:Joe Bean RoastersJoe Bean Coffee - Coffee that lifts

Feb 26, • 51:38

S2 Ep1: Everything Everywhere All At Once: Part One

S2 Ep1: Everything Everywhere All At Once: Part One

We are BACK with our new season: SHINING STARS!This season we are celebrating the films of the greatest women heroes in martial arts cinema and what bettter place to start that with maybe the BIGGEST STAR and the movie that earned her an Academy Award - 2022's EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE! We are BIG FANS of Michelle and this movie- so much so that we ended up splitting this episode into 2 parts! Check out our first takes on Michelle and this unforgettable film, and stay tuned for Part 2, c

Feb 19, • 50:25

S2 Ep1: Everything Everywhere All At Once: Part One

S2 Ep1: Everything Everywhere All At Once: Part One

We are BACK with our new season: SHINING STARS!This season we are celebrating the films of the greatest women heroes in martial arts cinema and what bettter place to start that with maybe the BIGGEST STAR and the movie that earned her an Academy Award - 2022's EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE! We are BIG FANS of Michelle and this movie- so much so that we ended up splitting this episode into 2 parts! Check out our first takes on Michelle and this unforgettable film, and stay tuned for Part 2, c

Feb 19, • 50:25

2024: Year In ACTION Review

2024: Year In ACTION Review

THE BOYS ARE BACK! Your Couch Potato Ninja Clan is back for 2025 and we're kicking things off by taking a look back at the best in ACTION movies from 2024 with our friend, ROB HUNTER! Want to know what freshness we loved, and what cool stuff Rob clued us into from the very best of international action? Listen now!Check out Punches and Popcorn on social media:Twitter: @punchesnpopcornInstagram: @punchesnpopcornAnd if you like what you hear, don't forget to rate, review and subscribe!Mentioned in

Feb 7, • 1:40:48

NINJA NOVEMBER: American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt (1989) w/ Chad Young

NINJA NOVEMBER: American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt (1989) w/ Chad Young

NINJA NOVEMBER 2024 concludes! Thankful for Punches & Popcorn? If you haven't seen American Ninja 3 yet, you just might be thankful your Punchy Pals watched it so you don't have to! We sure are thankful to be joined by our buddy, CHAD YOUNG, of HORROR MOVIE BBQ to take on this final film in our 2025 Ninja November slate. Is this the most Cannon of Ninja films? It's certainly a lot of SOMETHING... listen in as the gang gets thankful and tries to decide what that something is....Check out Punches

Nov 20, 2024 • 1:39:16

NINJA NOVEMBER: American Ninja 2: The Confrontation (1987)

NINJA NOVEMBER: American Ninja 2: The Confrontation (1987)

NINJA NOVEMBER 2024 continues with our journey through Cannon's American Ninja series! Next up, AMERICAN NINJA 2! The DUDIKOFF is back and he's got JACKSON along to help him crack the case of missing Marines in a tropical paradise! Will there be ninjas... or more importantly, will there be NINJA LASERS? Tune in and find out FAST!Check out Punches and Popcorn on social media:Twitter: @punchesnpopcornInstagram: @punchesnpopcornAnd if you like what you hear, don't forget to rate, review and subscri

Nov 13, 2024 • 1:29:43

NINJA NOVEMBER: American Ninja (1985)

NINJA NOVEMBER: American Ninja (1985)

The boys are back for our 3rd annual NINJA NOVEMBER and this year its all about THE DUDIKOFF! Ninja November 2024 starts now with AMERICAN NINJA - the start of Cannon's other big NINJA trilogy! Get ready for ninjas, machine guns, a touch of amnesia, and lots of sexy results!Check out Punches and Popcorn on social media:Twitter: @punchesnpopcornInstagram: @punchesnpopcornAnd if you like what you hear, don't forget to rate, review and subscribe!Mentioned in this episode:Joe Bean RoastersJoe Bean C

Nov 6, 2024 • 1:39:07

RAPID STRIKE: Monkey Man w/ Jackie McGriff & Kristen Seversky

RAPID STRIKE: Monkey Man w/ Jackie McGriff & Kristen Seversky

While your Couch Potato Ninja crew is between season we took a quikc break to discuss one of this years most exciting action films with Rochester Film Community ROYALTY! Long time P&P listeners will recognize JACKIE MCGRIFF who was our first ever guest on our RAID episode (and also host of Our Voices Project's Representation In Cinema podcast, one of our partners on the Lunchador Podcast Network!), and anyone who's anyone in #ROC will recognize KRISTEN SEVERSKY, one of the most prominent voices

Jul 10, 2024 • 57:19

P&P REMASTERED: Above The Law w/ Chris Lindstrom

P&P REMASTERED: Above The Law w/ Chris Lindstrom

Another remastered classic P&P episode revisting an 80's.... classic? The boys are joined by our buddy, Chris Lindstrom, to dive into the film that unleashed STEVEN SEAGAL on the world... ABOVE THE LAW!Check out Punches and Popcorn on social media:Twitter: @punchesnpopcornInstagram: @punchesnpopcornAnd if you like what you hear, don't forget to rate, review and subscribe!Mentioned in this episode:Joe Bean RoastersJoe Bean Coffee - Coffee that lifts everyone. https://shop.joebeanroasters.comMind

Jul 4, 2024 • 1:19:45

P&P REMASTERED: The Last Dragon

P&P REMASTERED: The Last Dragon

ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE 80'S is over, but we're still living our best 80s lives with another REMASTERED classic Punches & Popcorn episode covering one of the most iconic 80's martial arts classic - THE LAST DRAGON! Who's the master? Find out in this remixed classic P&P ep!Check out Punches and Popcorn on social media:Twitter: @punchesnpopcornInstagram: @punchesnpopcornAnd if you like what you hear, don't forget to rate, review and subscribe!Mentioned in this episode:Joe Bean RoastersJoe Bean Cof

Jun 26, 2024 • 1:08:15

Enter The Clones Of Bruce w/ Frank Djeng & Chis Poggiali

Enter The Clones Of Bruce w/ Frank Djeng & Chis Poggiali

BONUS EPISODE! While you're Punchy pals are between seasons we took some time to talk with two of our fav people and the smartest minds in the world of martial arts film, FRANK DJENG & CHRIS POGGIALI to talk about Severin Films' recent release, ENTER THE CLONES OF BRUCE, a documentary about the unforgettable era of Bruceploitatin cinema- a project that Frank was a Producer on! Listen in, and make sure to pick up your copy from Severin Films today! https://severinfilms.com/collections/shopCheck o

Jun 22, 2024 • 1:34:34

P&P REMASTERED: Bloodsport!

P&P REMASTERED: Bloodsport!

ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE 80'S may be over, but we've still got some 80's treats for you! We're touching up and releasing some of our oldest episodes where we covered some of our favorite 80s martial arts films, in. shorter, cleaner package! First up, maybe the BEST of the bunch- 1988's BLOODSPORT! Enjoy!!Check out Punches and Popcorn on social media:Twitter: @punchesnpopcornInstagram: @punchesnpopcornAnd if you like what you hear, don't forget to rate, review and subscribe!Mentioned in this episo

Jun 19, 2024 • 1:21:39

S1 Ep10: HIGHLANDER w/ Anomaly Film Festival Podcast

S1 Ep10: HIGHLANDER w/ Anomaly Film Festival Podcast

THE GATHERING is here for the final episode in our first season - ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE 80'S. We bring this season to a close with a battle royale with our friends from the ANOMALY FILM FESTIVAL PODCAST! When it comes to taking on this 80s sword & sorcery classic THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE true champion - and that champion is YOU for tuning into this astounding collaboration!Get your tickets now for the 6th annual Anomaly Film Festival! November 6 - 10, 2024: https://www.anomalyfilmfest.com/Check o

Jun 12, 2024 • 1:26:54

S1 Ep9: A BETTER TOMORROW w/ Chris Lindstrom

S1 Ep9: A BETTER TOMORROW w/ Chris Lindstrom

Once Upon A Time In The 80s is coming to a close soon, but before it does, the guys visit a movie that would influence action film in the decades beyond the 80's - John Woo's 1986 classic, A BETTER TOMORROW! Friend of the show and Lunchador Podcast Network family member, CHRIS LINDSTROM, joins us to talk about why this movie is so important, and why Chow Yun-fat's Mark is SO DANG COOL!Check out Punches and Popcorn on social media:Twitter: @punchesnpopcornInstagram: @punchesnpopcornAnd if you lik

May 29, 2024 • 1:17:11



We're BACK with ROUND TWO of NO HOLDS BARRED action! Thought Part One of our discussion of this landmark professional wrestling movie was wild? You aren't ready for what the boys and our buddy and pro wrestling genius CHAD YOUNG of HORROR MOVIE BBQ are clotheslining you with in Part Two!! We get deep into the greatness of ZEUS, the brilliance of KURT FULLER, and don't worry- we won't forget to talk about Hulk, er.., Rip's charity!!! WHAT'CHA GONNA DO WHEN NO HOLDS BARRED MANIA RUNS WILD ON YOU!?

May 22, 2024 • 1:03:46



PART ONE! Once Upon A Time In The 80's reaches the pinnacle of 80's sports entertainment- Professional Wrestling! We take on NO HOLDS BARRED and we're tagging in our buddy, CHAD YOUNG, of Horror Movie BBQ to drop a leg on this hammy classic! Will Hulkamania run wild on us, or will the cream of the fight movie podcasting world rise to the top? That's a question so big it's gonna take us TWO EPISODES to answer! Check out Round 1 here!Check out Punches and Popcorn on social media:Twitter: @punchesn

May 15, 2024 • 58:08



Once Upon A Time In The 80's Bonus Episode! After talking POLICE STORY with the boys, ROB HUNTER, Chief Film Critic and Associate Editor for FILM SCHOOL REJECTS stuck around to chat with us about his career, his love of movies and more! Rob shares his thoughts on writing about film, why action movies matter, and more! Enjoy the extra bit of awesome from one of our FAVORITE writers!Check out Punches and Popcorn on social media:Twitter: @punchesnpopcornInstagram: @punchesnpopcornAnd if you like wh

May 8, 2024 • 42:15

S1 Ep6: POLICE STORY w/ Rob Hunter

S1 Ep6: POLICE STORY w/ Rob Hunter

Once Upon A Time In The 80s returns to Hong Kong with a true GOAT of action film - Jackie Chan's POLICE STORY (1985)!!! We are joined in this celebration by the great ROB HUNTER, Chief Film Critic and Associate Editor for FILM SCHOOL REJECTS! The boys have been big fan's of Rob's writing for years- will this collaboration on this Jackie Chan classic officially make Robn a friend of the show? Listen in and find out whether... one of us... almost blows it!Find Rob on Twitter: @FakeRobHunterRead hi

May 1, 2024 • 1:48:13



ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE 80'S is throwing a 1-2 punch of Corey Yuen, with our second feature in a row brought to you by this legendary Hong Kong director, who this time around is introducing the world to one of our favorite stars, The Muscles From Brussels, JEAN-CLAUDE VAN DAMME! We promise as good a time as eating a while Sara Lee cake with your bare hands, with a box of Ding Dongs on the side! And get ready for Dr. Dom's first PSEUDO SCIENCE segment!Check out Punches and Popcorn on social media

Apr 17, 2024 • 1:30:49

RAPID STRIKE: Frank Djeng!

RAPID STRIKE: Frank Djeng!

Once Upon A Time In The 80's BONUS EPISODE: While legendary Hong Kong movie expert FRANK DJENG joined us to discuss YES MADAM, we took some time to discuss Frank's love of movies, his career, his commentary work, and current foray into the world of movie producing, and more! Hope you enjoy this fascinating discussion with one of the greatest minds in the world of martials arts cinema!Check out Punches and Popcorn on social media:Twitter: @punchesnpopcornInstagram: @punchesnpopcornAnd if you like

Apr 10, 2024 • 37:40

S1 Ep4: YES MADAM w/ Frank Djeng

S1 Ep4: YES MADAM w/ Frank Djeng

ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE 80'S heads to Hong Kong to take on the legendary film YES MADAM - the 80s classic that introduced the world to MICHELLE YEOH and CYNTHIA ROTHROCK! To properly honor this massively influential film the boys brought in a heavy hitter- Hong Kong movie expert FRANK DJENG!!! Frank, frequent kung fu movie commentary creator and now Producer of the upcoming Bruceploitation documentary, ENTER THE CLONES OF BRUCE, drops in to drop some knowledge on why YES MADAM is so great, and s

Apr 3, 2024 • 1:22:22

S1 Ep3: ROAD HOUSE w/ Kyle Starks

S1 Ep3: ROAD HOUSE w/ Kyle Starks

Season 1: ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE 80'S makes a stop at the Double Deuce! Your Couch Potato Ninja crew hangs out with comic creator KYLE STARKS to appreciate one of the best damn movies of the 80's, ROAD HOUSE! Kyle and the boys take a deep dive into the Legend of SWAYZE and explain why this unicorn of a film is smarter than anyone wants to give it credit for, just like the DALTON himself!Follow Kyle on Twitter/X: @thekylestarksCheck out Punches and Popcorn on social media:Twitter: @punchesnpopco

Mar 20, 2024 • 1:47:52



Season 1: ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE 80'S continues as the Punches & Popcorn Express makes it first stop to the magical land of John Carpenter and our old pal Matt Austin(Knotts) is along for the ride! We STORM through one of our all time favorites from the '80s- and any decade, BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA! Are we up to this monumental task? Can the boys honor the awesomeness of KURT RUSSELL, the magic of JOHN CARPENTER, the tenacity of KIM CATTRALL, the legend of JAMES HONG and so, SO much more? W

Mar 6, 2024 • 1:31:56



Season 1: ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE 80'S begins!!The boys kick off our first season with our hero, The Muscles From Brussels, Jean-Claude Van Damme, and his 1989 hit, KICKBOXER! Join us as we start our season diving into the best martial arts movies of the 80s exploring American kickboxing vs Muay Thai, the "ancient way", and the greatest dancing scene in a fight film EVER, and much, much, more!Check out Punches and Popcorn on social media:Twitter: @punchesnpopcornInstagram: @punchesnpopcornAnd if

Feb 21, 2024 • 1:27:21

S1 Ep0.5: MIAMI CONNECTION w/ Chad Young

S1 Ep0.5: MIAMI CONNECTION w/ Chad Young

To celebrate the big Lunchador Podcast Network launch the boys are giving you an early look at our upcoming first season, ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE 80s, with a look at maybe the most '80s martial arts movie ever: MIAMI CONNECTION! Our friend Chad Young of Horror Movie BBQ (@horrormoviebbq) is along for the ride as we dive into one of the most unforgettable films ever, because as Dragon Sound tells us, friends forever stick together through thick and thin. Dr. Dom's Science Segment even tells us wh

Jan 31, 2024 • 1:38:39

Announcing the Lunchador Podcast Network!

Announcing the Lunchador Podcast Network!

Lunchador co-founders Matt Austin and Chris Lindstrom talk about the new Lunchador Podcast Network, bringing you the best in arts, culture and more from Western NY!www.lunchador.orgCheck out Punches and Popcorn on social media:Twitter: @punchesnpopcornInstagram: @punchesnpopcornAnd if you like what you hear, don't forget to rate, review and subscribe!

Jan 29, 2024 • 22:14

Year In Review: 2023

Year In Review: 2023

The Couch Potato Clan takes a look back at 2023 - the heroes we lost, the movies we loved - martials arts, action and more! - and the fun times we had on the show over the past year. We also look ahead to 2024 to movies we are excited to see, and preview some BIG CHANGES we have coming to Punches & Popcorn! Thank you to all our friends that help us do what we do, and most of all thank you to all of our listeners tuning in and enjoying these great films with us! Hope you're as excited for what's

Jan 1, 2024 • 1:15:31

RAPID STRIKE: Santa's Slay

RAPID STRIKE: Santa's Slay

The Boys have one more holiday gift for you- another Christmas Rapid Strike where we unwrap SANTA'S SLAY- the wild Christmas smasher starring WWE Hall of Famer BILL GOLDBERG!Haven't seen it yet? Treat yourself AT LEAST to the UNBELIEVABLE opening scene: https://youtu.be/FKrsAFWPnl4?si=2FWWrOZZyBRkXXuxHAPPY HOLIDAYS!!Check out Punches and Popcorn on social media:Twitter: @punchesnpopcornInstagram: @punchesnpopcornAnd if you like what you hear, don't forget to rate, review and subscribe!

Dec 22, 2023 • 36:50



FINALLY the Magic Man, Matt Knotts, has returned!!! Matt is back and joined Mike to see a special advanced screening of the upcoming A24 film, THE IRON CLAW, which chronicles the tragic tale of professional wrestling's Von Erich family! Mike and Matt get their wrestling geek on taking a flying erlbow drop into this powerful film!SPOILER WARNING: Minutes 11:00 - 20:00 get a little spoilery, so if you don't want to get caught by a spoiler clothesline, make sure you're listening on your feet, ready

Dec 18, 2023 • 31:55

RAPID STRIKE: Violent Night w/ Chris Tanski

RAPID STRIKE: Violent Night w/ Chris Tanski

Another HOLIDAY Rapid Strike episode to make your season merry and bright- with blood! The boys joined by our friend CHRIS TANSKI from FRIGHT RAGS to take on this new Christmas Classic!Check out Punches and Popcorn on social media:Twitter: @punchesnpopcornInstagram: @punchesnpopcornAnd if you like what you hear, don't forget to rate, review and subscribe!

Dec 13, 2023 • 32:15

RAPID STRIKE: Silent Night (2023)

RAPID STRIKE: Silent Night (2023)

ALL NEW FEATURE! RAPID STRIKE is a new feature on Punches & Popcorn- a short form mini-sode where we take a quick diversion from our regular programming to chat about movies, heroes, news and more in the world of martial arts, and martial arts adjacent cinema!We're kicking things off, and ringing in the holiday season with a quick dive into SILENT NIGHT- John Woo's triumphant return to American filmmaking! Hear Jay and Mike's thoughts on this unique film and whether it's a good film to get your

Dec 3, 2023 • 33:39

New York Ninja w/ Chris Poggiali

New York Ninja w/ Chris Poggiali

It's NINJA NOVEMBER and the boys are joined by film historian CHRIS POGGIALI to explore thhe world of NEW YORK NINJA- a film whose story of how it was made is nearly as fascinating as the movie itself. You might think you know the story of how this nearly lost film from 1984 was brought to life by Vinegar Syndrome in 2021, but we bet you haven't heard half the story our friend Chris reveals to us here! Along the way we talk about why physical media is so important, the secret history of the PLUT

Nov 25, 2023 • 1:23:12

Ninja II: Shadow Of A Tear

Ninja II: Shadow Of A Tear

NINJA NOVEMBER is BACK!!! The boys from the Couch Potato Dojo are ready to kick off this year's ninja excitement by kicking into a classic from one of our favorite action stars- SCOTT ADKINS! Join us as we get into this fun ninja film, heap much deserved praise on Scott and debate whether or not we actually have Dad Cred!Check out Punches and Popcorn on social media:Twitter: @punchesnpopcornInstagram: @punchesnpopcornAnd if you like what you hear, don't forget to rate, review and subscribe!

Nov 9, 2023 • 1:09:55

John Wick: Chapter 4: PART TWO w/ Chris Lindstrom

John Wick: Chapter 4: PART TWO w/ Chris Lindstrom

THE CONCLUSION to our adventure punching through the book of John Wick! Join us as we take one last ride with our buddy Chris Lindstrom from the Food About Town podcast, diving into the ACTION AVALANCHE that is the final half of JOHN WICK: CHAPTER FOUR. Does everyone's favorite Baba Yaga make it out alive? Do we make it out alive? And which martial arts movie superstar shows he can do it all, even in a fat suit!? Are you ready for all this and more? WE'RE READY!Check out Punches and Popcorn on s

Oct 31, 2023 • 1:27:02

The Fifth Annual Anomaly Film Festival Preview Show! - Anomaly Presents:

The Fifth Annual Anomaly Film Festival Preview Show! - Anomaly Presents:

Back again for year 5, and oh the treats we have for you this year! We're busting out at the seams, adding a 5th day to the festivities! Listen in to find out what your next Anomaly favorites will be! Check out Anomaly on Social Media!www.anomalyfilmfest.comTwitter: @anomalyfilmfestInstagram: @anomalyfilmfestFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnomalyFilmFest/Join us for the Anomaly Film Festival November 8-12, 2023 at the Little Theatre in Rochester NY!

Oct 30, 2023 • 1:05:00

John Wick: Chapter 4: PART ONE w/ Chris Lindstrom

John Wick: Chapter 4: PART ONE w/ Chris Lindstrom

For a movie as big as JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 4, we had to split this into TWO EPISODES! Join your punchy pals as CHRIS LINDSTROM of the FOOD ABOUT TOWN podcast rides with the crew to crack into the final chapter of the book of John Wick! Check out Punches and Popcorn on social media:Twitter: @punchesnpopcornInstagram: @punchesnpopcornAnd if you like what you hear, don't forget to rate, review and subscribe!

Oct 20, 2023 • 1:10:52

John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum w/ Chris Lindstrom

John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum w/ Chris Lindstrom

The Couch Potato Crew calls in their marker and takes on the tres in the book of Wick: John Wick Chapter 3 - Parabellum! There's dogs, lots of dogs, dog science, and some surprising cameos- in the movie and on our episode! Once again we are joined by our friend Chris Lindstrom of the Food About Town podcast to dive deeper into the world of the High Table!Check out Punches and Popcorn on social media:Twitter: @punchesnpopcornInstagram: @punchesnpopcornAnd if you like what you hear, don't forget t

Oct 10, 2023 • 1:35:59

John Wick: Chapter 2 w/ Chris Lindstrom

John Wick: Chapter 2 w/ Chris Lindstrom

Your Punchy Pals dive deeper into the book of everyone's favorite dog loving assassin/boogeyman with JOHN WICK: CHAPTER TWO. We've got CHRIS LINDSTROM from the FOOD ABOUT TOWN PODCAST riding shotgun with us again as John Wick finally gets his car back, only to discover that anything you think you're out, you might just get pulled back in. Did our beloved John WIck FAFO, or is it the rest of the assassin underworld that is about to find out? Tune in now!Check out Punches and Popcorn on social med

Sep 21, 2023 • 1:34:35

John Wick w/ Chris Lindstrom

John Wick w/ Chris Lindstrom

WE'RE THINKING WE'RE BACK!!!Your couch potato ninja crew have RETURNED! We are joined by out pal Chris Lindstrom from the Food About Town podcast to jump into JOHN WICK! Join us for a deep dive into the world of Gun Fu, Keanu, and everything we love about maybe the greatest action movie of the 21st century, and its martial arts roots! Stay for Dr. Dom's incredible science segment all about man's best friend; the animal we all love: DOGS!Check out Punches and Popcorn on social media:Twitter: @pun

Sep 13, 2023 • 1:22:41

The Man From Hong Kong

The Man From Hong Kong

The master of car chase action meets Golden Harvest's golden boy Jimmy Wang Yu, and throws in a former Bond for good measure. It's Brian Trenchard Smith's Man from Hong Kong! Check out Punches and Popcorn on social media:Twitter: @punchesnpopcornInstagram: @punchesnpopcornAnd if you like what you hear, don't forget to rate, review and subscribe!

Jul 19, 2023 • 1:18:22

Master of the Flying Guillotine

Master of the Flying Guillotine

They boys break down the story of one of the most fearsome weapons ever committed to film and the man that wields it. It's Master of the Flying GuillotineCheck out Punches and Popcorn on social media:Twitter: @punchesnpopcornInstagram: @punchesnpopcornAnd if you like what you hear, don't forget to rate, review and subscribe!

Jul 4, 2023 • 1:07:49

House of Flying Daggers

House of Flying Daggers

The boys get into the punchiest, kickiest romance since The Notebook!Check out Punches and Popcorn on social media:Twitter: @punchesnpopcornInstagram: @punchesnpopcornAnd if you like what you hear, don't forget to rate, review and subscribe!

May 25, 2023 • 1:16:50

Fist of Fury

Fist of Fury

The Couch Potato Ninja crew kicks off our 2023 season the way we started 2022, and the way all seasons should start, with a little BRUCE LEE. Listen in as we dive into this furious 1972 classic!Check out Punches and Popcorn on social media:Twitter: @punchesnpopcornInstagram: @punchesnpopcornAnd if you like what you hear, don't forget to rate, review and subscribe!

Mar 7, 2023 • 1:10:39

BONUS: We Need to Talk About the Oscars - Best Director

BONUS: We Need to Talk About the Oscars - Best Director

As a bonus , check out the latest ep of Mike and Jay's new limited series "We Need to Talk About the Oscars!" Co-hosted by one of our all-time favorite guests Jackie McGriff (The Raid), it's a fantastic deep dive into the films and sometimes the politics of how the Oscar sausage will be made this year.Check out Punches and Popcorn on social media:Twitter: @punchesnpopcornInstagram: @punchesnpopcornAnd if you like what you hear, don't forget to rate, review and subscribe!

Feb 13, 2023 • 1:25:06

2022 Year in Review

2022 Year in Review

Mike, Dom, Jay and Matt talk about the highlights of starting the podcast, favorite fight scenes of the year, recognize some of the heroes we've lost and talk a bit about what's to come for Punches and Popcorn in 2023. Check out Punches and Popcorn on social media:Twitter: @punchesnpopcornInstagram: @punchesnpopcornAnd if you like what you hear, don't forget to rate, review and subscribe!

Feb 10, 2023 • 1:33:22

Mortal Kombat (1995)

Mortal Kombat (1995)

Santa came early and he brought a Klassic! Enjoy our deep dive into everyone's favorite video game movie, 1995's Mortal Kombat!

Dec 22, 2022 • 1:20:27

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) w/ Sophie Campbell

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) w/ Sophie Campbell

The couch potato ninjas strike again in the final episode of Ninja November! The boys are lucky enough to be joined by the current writer of IDW's main Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic, Sophie Campbell to talk everything TMNT, from the early days when the turtles all wore red masks and were kinda menacing to today's pop cultural phenomenon. 1990's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was a touchpoint in a lot of 80's kids hearts, and has a different (but still positive) impact when rewatching it as ad

Nov 29, 2022 • 1:36:42

Thanksgiving Special! My Bodyguard (PnP x The Sklar Brothers' View from the Cheap Seats)

Thanksgiving Special! My Bodyguard (PnP x The Sklar Brothers' View from the Cheap Seats)

Our friends Randy and Jason Sklar invited us on their podcast View from the Cheap Seats to talk about My Bodyguard, the unsung Chris Makepiece/Matt Dillon classic. This is a special episode they recorded with us at the Food About Town studios. Don't miss out the next time they're in your town, they put on a great show! Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving!

Nov 25, 2022 • 1:15:48

Ninja III: The Domination

Ninja III: The Domination

Here it is, the epic culmination of the Ninja trilogy: Ninja III: The Domination. What happens when an aerobics enthusiast/lineswoman is possessed by the spirit of an evil ninja? Sho Kosugi comes to the rescue in a completely implausible mashup that answers the question "What happens when you combine The Exorcist with kung fu movies, and also Flashdance? And then add V8?" It's a rollercoaster ride for the ages.

Nov 20, 2022 • 1:07:36

Revenge of the Ninja with Grady Hendrix and Chris Poggiali

Revenge of the Ninja with Grady Hendrix and Chris Poggiali

Ninja November continues with our friends Grady Hendrix and Chris Poggiali returning to take a deep dive into ninja culture and Sho Kosugi's classic Ninja II! All of your questions about one of the wildest trilogies in martial arts film history will be answered!

Nov 13, 2022 • 1:16:01

Enter the Ninja w/Kyle Starks

Enter the Ninja w/Kyle Starks

Punches and Popcorn family, it's time! It's Ninja November, and to celebrate we're talking the Cannon Films classic Enter the Ninja with our friend, comic artist/writer Kyle Starks! (Rick & Morty, 6 Sidekicks of Trigger Keaton, Sexcastle, and more!)We talk about Franco Nero's believability as a ninja, the amazing vision of director Menachem Golan, and this film being the launchpad for the obsession 80's kids had for ninjas!

Nov 1, 2022 • 1:18:15

Lionheart w/Mike Camerlengo

Lionheart w/Mike Camerlengo

Special guest MIKE CAMERLENGO of 60SecondClassics.com joins us to break down the most violent GoFundMe of all time- the #VanDamme classic, LIONHEART!

Oct 7, 2022 • 1:04:45

Above the Law w/Chris Lindstrom

Above the Law w/Chris Lindstrom

Food About Town's Chris Lindstrom joins us to discuss Steven Seagal's debut outing, Above the Law! We tackle everything from how Italian Seagal is, to how good of an explosives expert Seagal is, to why everyone Seagal fights looks like an offensive lineman for the Chicago Bears.It's a fun dive into the genesis of everyone's least favorite egomaniac action star.If Judo Gene Lebell was still with us, he'd give us his clean shorts seal of approval!

Sep 18, 2022 • 1:23:02

Karate Kid w/The Sklar Brothers

Karate Kid w/The Sklar Brothers

On this episode we break down Karate Kid with the Sklar Brothers! Fresh off of their appearance on What We Do in the Shadows and the premiere of their new show on UFC Fight Pass The Nosebleeds, Randy and Jason Sklar take us through the 80s classic, The Karate Kid! We talk dirt bikes, the notoriety of the All Valley Karate Tournament, father/son relationships, parenting in the 80s, and tons more in the fastest hour in Punches & Popcorn History!Check out the first episode of The Nosebleeds at http

Sep 3, 2022 • 1:05:30

Drunken Master (feat.McKenneth Blue)

Drunken Master (feat.McKenneth Blue)

McKenneth Blue from the Beer Reviewed Journal officially becomes a master of couch potato style on this episode! This one goes all over the place. We talk about Jackie Chan, comedy in martial arts films, beer, and so much more...it's full on BRJ/PnP mayhem.Check out the Beer Reviewed Journal where ever you pod!

Aug 26, 2022 • 1:33:29

Dirty Ho

Dirty Ho

We know, we know. The title. Beyond that, you get a cracking martial arts comedy with Lau Kar Leung, Gordon Liu, and Lo Lieh at the top of their games. This film launched an offshoot of lighthearted but still action packed kung fu movies. Another classic from the iconic Shaw Brothers studio.We take a deep dive into it, and Dom kicks some science right off the top of the dome. It's impressive stuff.

Jul 28, 2022 • 1:24:59

The Last Dragon

The Last Dragon

Who's the master? SHO NUFF! Who's the masters of Couch Potato Style? PUNCHES & POPCORN! The boys dig into the Berry Gordy/Taimak/Vanity/Michael Schultz/Ron Van Clief epic THE LAST DRAGON. We love this movie so much. We talk Vanity, Michael Schultz's career, Berry Gordy's genius in marketing the film and the classic soundtrack and so much more. This is an all time classic film, and we're beyond thrilled to be talking about it.

Jul 1, 2022 • 1:23:32

BONUS SHORT: Dr. Dom's Science Corner - Rats! (Death Promise)

BONUS SHORT: Dr. Dom's Science Corner - Rats! (Death Promise)

The episode with Grady and Chris was so jam packed it was hard to fit in a Science Corner. So we decided to give it to you on its own, in a handy fun-sized package. Enjoy Dr. Dom talking the science of rats, bags, and bags of rats on heads as a potential tool of violence as seen in Death Promise!

Jun 12, 2022 • 8:37

These Fists Break Bricks Special (Feat. Grady Hendrix & Chris Poggiali)

These Fists Break Bricks Special (Feat. Grady Hendrix & Chris Poggiali)

Grady Hendrix and Chris Poggiali, the authors of These Fists Break Bricks, the definitive book about kung fu movies in the United States, join us to discuss the films of producer Serefim Karalexis, and actor/martial artists Ron Van Clief and Charles Bonet. Chris and Grady tell an incredible story about the heyday of 1970s-1980s independent film distribution, the rise of martial arts in New York City, and the huge impact kung fu movies had on Black cinema and vice versa. This is an unmissable epi

Jun 7, 2022 • 1:02:30

The Raid (Featuring Jackie McGriff)

The Raid (Featuring Jackie McGriff)

Jackie McGriff joins the masters of couch potato style as they break down the national treasure of Indonesia, The Raid. We discuss the impact The Raid had on action films, martial arts on screen, and really geek out on the revolutionary style and performances.

May 28, 2022 • 1:33:35



Cementing our legacy as the premier Bolo Yeung podcast, we take a deep dive into the film that launched Jean Claude Van Damme into super-stardom: Bloodsport! We talk Stan Bush's classic synth-rock masterpieces, the art of the nut punch, and so much more, including another edition of Dr. Dom's Science Corner!

Apr 29, 2022 • 1:44:12



The Masters of Couch Potato Style take on the Lo Lieh classic, KING BOXER. We dip into a bit of the legend of Shaw Brothers Studio, discuss fighting styles, that iconic siren noise, our patron saint Bolo Yeung, and get into the science of eye gouges (and headbutts, briefly.) Grab a box of popcorn and enjoy!

Apr 16, 2022 • 1:21:43



Join the Punches and Popcorn Crew on their debut episode! We take a deep dive into the Bruce Lee masterpiece Enter the Dragon! Jeet Kune Do, herpetology, Bolo Yeung, what more could you want from the masters of Couch Potato Style?

Mar 20, 2022 • 1:19:31

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