Music Ed Tech Talk
Robby Burns
Music Ed Tech Talk (previously Robby Burns + Friends) is a podcast exploring music, education, technology, and the intersections between them.
#84 - Catching Up On All Holidays, with Will Kuhn
Will is here! We discuss forthcoming changes to the show, automation, apps of the year, tech we're thankful for, and some of our favorite media we’ve been engaging with. This episode was recorded in late December 2024. Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Chapters 00:00:00 Here he goes taking about Dark Souls again 00:08:15 MCU (Muppet Cinema
#83 - Goodbye Finale, with Dr. David MacDonald
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#82 - Beta Boys, with Will Kuhn
Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! | Buy me a coffee Show Notes: RetroArch OP-Z iPad App Twinkly lights Ray Kurzweil - The Singularity Is Nearer Funkhaus Music Teenage Engineering Mic - CM-15 Two RSS Apps: Reeder app | Reader app The Verge | Daring Fireball | Kottke | Techmeme | MacStories | Ethan Hein Blog Delta App for iPad
#81 - Software Therapy, with Dr. David MacDonald
Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Show Notes: • Fantastical • Music Ed Tech Talk WWDC Episode with Craig McClellan • Due app • Things app • Obsidian • Craft app • OmniFocus • Arc web browser • Anytune • Affinity apps • Canva • Canva CEO Melanie Perkins thinks the design world needs more alternatives to Adobe • Dorico • Musescore
#80 - New Apple Software Updates, with Craig McClellan
Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Show Notes: Watch WWDC Keynote and learn more about upcoming software updates Sanebox Please don’t forget to rate the show and share it with others!
#79 - Teaching Music Tech, with Gillian Desmarais
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#78 - Teaching Intonation with Tonal Energy, with Ben Denne
Resources Hal Leonard Intermediate Band Method Beat Elimination as a Means of Teaching Intonation to Beginning Wind Instrumentalists, The Journal of Research in Music Education, Winer 1972 The Problem of Tonality in Seventheenth Century Music, Delbert M. Beswick, Music, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of North Carolina, 1950 Musical Performance: Learning Theory and Pedagogy - Daniel Kohut Automating Band Warmups, Teaching Auditory Skill, and Managing My Classroom… With Solfege Bingo Extra Sh
#77 - Apple Vision Pro / Practical Projects for Your Elective Course
Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Show Notes: Joanna Stern Apple Vision Pro Review Crouton App 3 Soundtrap Projects Your Students Will Love - show notes and complimentary blog post Please don’t forget to rate the show and share it with others!
#76 - Digital Organization Tips for Music Teachers, Revisited
Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Thanks to my sponsors this month, Scale Exercise Play Along Tracks. Show Notes: Music Ed Tech Year in Review 2023, Featuring Jim Frankel Scoring Notes - Muse Group Acquires Hal Leonard Hookmark Fantastical Todoist Things OmniFocus Due Evernote SaneBox Slack Communication and Collabor
#75 - Music Ed Tech Year in Review 2023, with Jim Frankel
Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Thanks to my sponsors this month, Scale Exercise Play Along Tracks. Show Notes: Jim Frankel - Music Tech Helper MusicFirst Will Kuhn Ryan Van Bibber School Music License MusicProfessor Videos Now Available in the MusicFirst Classroom Meet the MusicFirst Assistant Jim’s Podcast - Profiles
#74 - Holiday Gift Guide 2023, with Dr. David McDonald
Robby and David discuss their current computing devices, favorite gift ideas, and lament the use of Microsoft Teams. Subscribe to the Blog... RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in... Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Thanks to my sponsors this month, Scale Exercise Play-Along Tracks. Show Notes: Books - Grading for Growth - Critique is Creative - unGrading - On Music Theory Software/Services
#73 - New Software Updates from Apple! (iOS17, macOS Sonoma, watchOS 10), with Craig McClellan
#72 - Secrets to Sustainable Careers, with Elisa Janson Jones
Elisa Janson Jones joins the show to talk about self-care, social media, and our favorite apps for being productive and healthy. Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Thanks to my sponsors this month, Scale Exercise Play Along Tracks. Show Notes: Elisa Janson Jones SnagIt Music Educators Creating Online Learning The Music Educator’s Guide to
#71 - Adrian B. Sims
#71 - Composer Adrian B. Sims Composer Adrian B. Sims joins the show to talk about his career, musical journey, and favorite tools. Learn more about Adrian and check out his upcoming music catalog here. Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Thanks to my sponsors this month, Scale Exercise Play-Along Tracks. App of the Week: Robby - Ridiculous Fish
#70 - Robby Is In The Phantom Zone, with Will Kuhn and Dr. David MacDonald
Will Kuhn and David MacDonald return to discuss Logic and Final Cut for iPad, the Ableton Push 3, Apple’s World Wide Developer Conference, and the Apple Vision Pro. Robby struggles with his internet connection. In the Patreon feed: Zelda Talk. Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Thanks to my sponsors this month, Scale Exercise Play-Along Tracks. S
#69 - I Don’t Want a Valuable Life Lesson, I Just Want an Ice Cream... with Jaye Mateyko
Jaye returns to the show to talk about AI, robots, mechanical keyboards, analog habits, Bluey, and focus modes. Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Thanks to my sponsors this month, Scale Exercise Play-Along Tracks. Show Notes: WHERE TO FIND JAYE ChatGPT, Mastodon, and New iPad Apps — Robby BurnsAI Connected S-GPT Robot or Not Electronic Mus
#68 - Sponge Cousin, with Dr. David MacDonald
David returns to discuss Apple Music Classical, new updates to Farrago and forScore, and other music tech news. Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Thanks to my sponsors this month, Scale Exercise Play-Along Tracks. Show Notes: Raycast S-GPT Pizza Calculator Soulver Farrago forScore 14 Rehearal Automation Blog Post Anytune Apple
#67 - Back to School, with Theresa Hoover
Theresa returns to talk about going back to school, research tools and workflows, general productivity, and Obsidian. Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Thanks to my sponsors this month, Scale Exercise Play-Along Tracks. Show Notes: Theresa’s website Dr. Evan Tobias Active Shoulder Rests Zotero Two resources on using Zotero with Obsidian http
#66 - Mark Connor
Mark Connor (composer, music educator, host of The Everything Band podcast) joins the show. We stay up way past our bedtime to talk about teaching music, music theory, composition, podcasting, our favorite tools, and more. Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Thanks to my sponsors this month, Scale Exercise Play-Along Tracks. Show Notes: What is
#65 - ChatGPT, Mastodon, and New iPad Apps... with Dr. David MacDonald
David MacDonald joins the show to discuss ChatGPT, Mastodon, new creative iPad apps, and more. Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Thanks to my sponsors this month, Scale Exercise Play-Along Tracks. Show Notes: Music Ed and Tech News Top 10 Apps for Music Teachers in 2023 Freeform Jamboard in the Music Classroom Freeform OmniGraffle Obsidian C
#64 - Holiday Gift Guide 2022, with David MacDonald and Craig McClellan
Show regulars Craig McClellan and Dr. David MacDonald join the show to talk about stuff we like. Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Thanks to my sponsors this month, Scale Exercise Play-Along Tracks. Show Notes: Music Ed and Tech News Music Ed Tech Talk Episode 62 Free Form Ableton Note Ableton Link in Logic Books Two from Dan Charnas: Dill
#63 - YouTube and Composition Workflows, with Dr. Scott Watson
Dr. Scott Watson (Professor of Music at Carin University, band director, composer, and YouTuber) joins the show to talk about his favorite technology, tips for rehearsing honors ensembles, his favorite young band compositions, and more! Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! .bmc-button img{height: 34px !important;width: 35px !important;margin-bottom: 1px !important
#62 - macOS Ventura, music notation software compatibility, iPad updates
Robby does hot takes on macOS Ventura, iOS and iPadOS 16.1, and new iPads. Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Thanks to my sponsors this month, Scale Exercise Play-Along Tracks. Show Notes: Music notation software, macOS Ventura, and Apple Silicon - Scoring Notes Belkin mount for Continuity Camera Drafts app Timery State Manager on iPad: How
#61 - Music Technology 101, with Heath Jones
Heath Jones (author of Music Technology 101 / Executive Editor and Founder of MuTechTeacherNet) joins the show to talk about teaching music technology, apps we love, and formative musical experiences. Subscribe to the Blog... RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in... Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Show Notes: - Music Technology 101: The Basics of Music Production in the Technology Lab or Ho
#60 - What’s On My Desk?
Robby reviews all of the tech on his desk(s). Subscribe to the Blog... RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in... Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Thanks to my sponsors this month, Scale Exercise Play-Along Tracks. Show Notes: - Read the blog post What’s On My Desk? - MacBook Pro - Logitech C920 Pro HD Webcam - Webcam Light Stand for Live Stream, Selfie Ring Light with Webcam Mount for Logitech -
#59 - Managing a Private Teaching Studio
An overview of how I manage my private teaching studio and the tools that assist me. Subscribe to the Blog... RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in... Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Thanks to my sponsors this month, Scale Exercise Play-Along Tracks. Show Notes: - David MacDonald Unboxes the Odla Music Notation Controller - What’s On My Desk? - Soundsource Adds Shortcuts Support - Automating
#58 - Building a Second (Music Teacher) Brain, with Dr. Cory Meals
Dr. Cory Meals joins the show to talk about building a second brain, personal knowledge management apps, and how to keep it all together! Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Thanks to my sponsors this month, Scale Exercise Play-Along Tracks. Show Notes: Slide deck from Cory’s Building a Second (Music Teacher) Brain Session at TMEA A Second (Mus
#57 - StaffPad, with David William Hearn
David William Hearn (composer, arranger, producer, and creator of StaffPad) joins the show to talk about StaffPad, how teachers can use it, and the thought process behind designing great iPad software. Patreon supporters get bonus discussion about recent tv, movies, and music we have been engaging with. Thanks to my sponsors this month, Scale Exercise Play-Along Tracks. Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS
#56 - New Software Coming from Apple, with Tim Chaten
Tim Chaten, host of the iPad Pros podcast, joins the show to talk about the announcements at Apple's WWDC Keynote earlier this month. Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Thanks to my sponsors this month, Scale Exercise Play-Along Tracks. Show Notes: iPad Pros - A podcast about getting work done on iOS iPad Pros Episode 121 – Dorico and Sibelius
#55 - MuseClass, with Bob Chreste
Bob Chreste joins the show to talk about MuseClass, a free musical assessment management platform from MuseGroup. Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Thanks to my sponsors this month, Scale Exercise Play-Along Tracks. Show Notes: MuseClass - MuseGroup - App of the Week: Robby - Overcast Bob - MuseClass - ht
#54 - PlayScore, with Anthony Wilkes
Anthony Wilkes joins the show to talk about PlayScore 2, a sheet music scanning app. Anthony is the CEO of PlayScore, and in the conversation we talked all about what it can do, the challenges of developing music scanning software, and practical uses for teachers and students. Patreon supporters receive bonus conversation about machine learning, the future of score scanning software, and automation. Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Over
#53 - Get Organized Digitally! with Dr. Frank Buck
Dr. Frank Buck returns to the show to talk about digital productivity and his new book Get Organized Digitally! Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Thanks to my sponsors this month, Scale Exercise Play Along Tracks. Show Notes: Recent Dorico episode of Music Ed Tech Talk with Daniel Spreadbury musescore 4 Alpha Craft update Craft episode of M
#52 - Dorico Updates! with Daniel Spreadbury
Daniel returns to the show to discuss the release of Dorico 4 for desktop, Dorico 2 for iPad, Steinberg licensing, and other updates! Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Show Notes: Dorico 4 Dorico 2 for iPad Dorico YouTube Channel Introducing Steinberg Licensing Scoring Notes Review of Dorico 4 Dorico 4 | Music Ed Tech Talk Previous Appea
#51 - Teacher Spotlight! - Krystal Williams
Krystal Williams joins the show to talk about all of the diverse tools, instructional, and organization strategies she uses to teach a variety of content areas ranging from band to music theory. Krystal teaches at North Western High School in Hyattsville, Maryland, and is the Technology Chair for the Maryland Music Educators Association. Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Beco
#50 - Communication and Collaboration Apps for Music Teams, with Ben Denne
Ben Denne returns to talk about apps we use to communicate and collaborate with our music team. Where to Find Me Subscribe to the Blog...RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in...Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support My Work Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee - My Book: Digital Organization Tips for Music Teachers | Oxford University Press - My Scale Exercise Play-Along Tracks: Audio Only | Audio and Stems ... current on sale - My appearance on
#49 - Teaching Intonation with Tonal Energy, with Ben Denne
Learn how to teach your students to play in tune by taking advantage of the features of the Tonal Energy tuning app. In this episode, my colleague Ben Denne joins to talk about a comprehensive methodology for teaching your students how to play in tune using their ears, not their eyes. In the episode, we overview the primary features of TE as they relate to playing with a beautiful tone and intonation. Features include: single and polyphonic tuning drones, modeling just intonation in chords and m
#48 - Holiday Special 2022, featuring Will Kuhn, Craig McClellan, David MacDonald, and Jon Tippens
Friends of the show join to answer burning questions about music, education, and technology in 2021 (and beyond). Patreon subscribers get some extra discussion about Dune and Foundation. Thanks to this month's new Patreon supporters, Emmanuel and Kristin! Thanks to this month's sponsor, Light the Music! Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Show N
#47 - Craft for Music Educators, with Dr. David MacDonald
David rejoins the show to talk about how we use Craft, an extremely versatile, elegant, and powerful app for the web, iOS, and macOS devices. Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Show Notes: Example of listener submission, Mr. Ehler’s, Resource for All Band Students (created entirely in Craft) Audacity 3.1 is out now! Fender acquires PreSonus Dor
#46 - Christopher Bill
Christopher Bill joins the show to talk about the musicianship, hardware, software, and creative process behind his viral YouTube channel, Classical Trombone. Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Show Notes: Focusrite Control TEM240 - episode featuring Christopher Bill TBJ133 - featuring Christopher Bill Halloween 2021: Don’t Fear the Reaper! (T
#45 - Music Tech Holiday Gift Guide, with Dr. David MacDonald
David MacDonald joins Robby to share their favorite books, hardware, apps, services, and musical gift ideas. Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Show Notes: METT #43 - iOS 15 and macOS Monterey with Paul Shimmons Scoring Notes - Music notation software, macOS Monterey, and Apple Silicon M1 Macs Scoring Notes - Use Shortcuts to quickly create
#44 - Rehearsal Tech, with Dr. Peter Perry
Dr. Peter Perry joins the show to talk about the software and hardware we use in rehearsals, his book Technology Tips for Ensemble Directors, and our recent favorite music, apps, and tech tips. Subscribe to the Blog... RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in... Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Show Notes: - Dr. Peter Perry's book → Technology Tips for Ensemble Directors - File Not Found: A gen
#43 - iOS 15 and macOS Monterey, with Paul Shimmons
Paul Shimmons returns to the show to talk about the features in Apple’s new operating system updates, and how we plan to use them. Patreon subscribers get a bootleg version of the recording, without the ads, and including bonus conversation about notation apps on iPad. Subscribe to the Blog... RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in... Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Show Notes: - Dorico for iPad: First Impressions |
#42 - Pass the Baton, with Theresa Hoover
Theresa returns to talk about career changing, COVID practices worth bringing into this school year, productivity apps, and empowering student creativity! Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Thanks to my sponsors this month, Blink Session Music. Show Notes: Blink Session Music 14 - Empowering Performing Ensembles at a Distance, With Theresa Ho
#41 - Sibelius for iPad, with Joe Plazak
Joe Plazak (Principal Software Engineer and Designer) joins the show to talk about Sibelius for Mobile and their new iPad app. This episode is sponsored by Blink Session Music: Because Virtual Lessons Are More Than a Video Chat. Subscribe to the Blog... RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in... Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Thanks to my sponsors this month, Blink Session Music. Show
#40 - Making Tunable, with Seth Sandler
Seth Sandler, maker of the poplar mobile tuner app Tunable, joins the show to talk about the process of making a tuning app, developing for iOS/Mac, and more! Subscribe to Music Ed Tech Talk: Subscribe to the Blog Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Show Notes: Tunable Seth’s Tweets showing a piano widget NodeBeat Dr. Betotte Greg Pierce, developer of Drafts, on Music Ed Tech Talk DEVONthink OmniFocus Drafts GoodNotes App of the Week: BusyCal Albu
#39 - Ukulele Makeover, with Chris Russell
Robby is getting ukuleles to teach general music this year. Chris Russel (tech and ukulele specialist) joins the show to talk about how to get the best use out of them. We also talk about the state of tech in music ed. Full Topics: Ukulele pedagogy Where to find ukulele resources online How to integrate ukulele and technology The state of technology in music education Apple’s App-centric and native approach to education vs. Google’s web-centric approach Our favorite apps, albums, and tech tips
#38 - What Do We Keep?
Robby discusses the practices and technology we should TAKE, LEAVE, and use to TRANSFORM teaching next year. Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Show Notes: What Do We Keep? - Session Notes from the Conference What Do We Keep? - NAfME Blog My recent appearance on the MusicFirst Podcast Remix Assignment Blog Post Remix Assignment YouTube Tutori
#37 - Dorico for iPad, with Daniel Spreadbury
Dorico is out for iPad! Daniel Spreadbury (Product Marketing Manager) joins me to talk about it. Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Show Notes: Dorico, featuring Daniel Spreadbury (Season 3, Episode 2) Dorico website My blog post–> Dorico for iPad: First Impressions Video demo of Dorico for iPad
#36 - Smart Speakers and Their Assistants, with David MacDonald
Robby and David compare smart speakers, their assistants, and their smart home ecosystems. This episode covers the HomePod, Google Nest, Amazon Echo, Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, Sonos speakers, and the various quirks that result from trying to use them in combination. Backstage Access Patreon supporters get extended conversation about Apple Notes, DEVONthink, Standard Music Font Layout compatibility, FileMaker databases, student motivation, grading (and ungrading), and sticker charts. Subscri
#35 - It’s a Floor Wax. It’s a Dessert Topping. Stop! You’re Both Right! ...with Alex Shapiro
Composer Alex Shapiro joins the show to talk about a little bit of everything!--> getting young students to compose, the importance of composing repertoire for young musicians, writing electro-acoustic music, her curriculum Putting the E in Ensemble, the social implications of modern and future technology, her amazing studio space, and more. Join Patreon for extended conversation about technology and overcoming blocks in the creative process. Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a
#34 - New Software Coming from Apple (And What You Can Do With It), with Craig McClellan
Robby and Craig break down the announcements from Apple’s Word Wide Developer Conference and discuss how teachers might use the upcoming features to their latest software updates. Support Music Ed Tech Talk Become a Patron! Buy me a coffee Subscribe to the Blog… RSS | Email Newsletter Subscribe to the Podcast in… Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Show Notes: The Class Nerd podcast Support the show on Patreon WWDC Keynote iOS 15 Preview | iPadOS 15 Preview | macOS Monterey Pr
#33 - 3 Soundtrap Projects Your Students Will Love
Thanks to this week’s sponsor, the DMV Percussion Academy. Learn more and register here. Description Robby overviews his three most successful Soundtrap projects in 2021. Chapters: 00:00:00 - Intro 00:00:14 - Sponsor: DMV Percussion Academy 00:01:24 - About this Episode 00:03:51 - YAY SUMMER 00:05:11 - 1: Melody Composition / Loop Accompaniment 00:14:35 - 1: Student Examples 00:16:15 - 2: Row Your Boat Multi-Track 00:22:19 - 2: Student Examples 00:24:27 - 3: All Star Remix 00:34:38 - 3: Studen
#32 - The Prime Directive, featuring Will Kuhn and Ethan Hein
Ethan and Will join the show to talk about their book Electronic Music School, the Prime Directive, writing apps, and the future of the iPad. Chapters: 00:00:00 - Intro 00:01:25 - Sponsor: DMV Percussion Academy 00:02:03 - Star Trek 00:04:18 - Electronic Music School 00:10:09 - Teaching Underlying Musical Concepts of Electronic Music Styles 00:18:33 - Perceived Threat by Traditional Performing Arts Teachers 00:24:28 - Teaching Songwriting 00:27:23 - Scaffolding 00:37:15 - Fighting Racism with M
#31 - forScore for the Mac, with David MacDonald
Robby and David talk about forScore for the Mac and its new syncing feature. But also, lots of music theory. Also included: Loop-based music theory GoodNotes for the Mac Transcribe Apps Tech podcasts we like Music YouTubers we like Our favorite music, tech tips, and albums of the week Show Notes: David's other appearances on this show: #30 - Apps for Research and Remembering | #16 - Master Your Virtual Teaching Tech | #6 - Paperless iPad Workflows for Teaching Music Adam Neely 12tone Wha
#30 - Apps for Research and Remembering, with David MacDonald
Composer and teacher, David MacDonald, returns for a discussion about the apps we use for notes, research, writing, and clipping data to find later. Other topics: What kinds of work goes in which kinds of apps Digital research tools Kindle Paperwhite Streaming / virtual teaching tools Music theory YouTubers Zooming in to your Mac screen Quickly taking a screenshot with the Apple Pencil Our favorite music and apps of the week Show Notes: Craft app Logic Audio Hijack Descript Evernote MarginNot
#29 - Develop Performance Skills with Cloud Software
Robby explains how he uses Noteflight, Soundtrap, and Flipgrid to create engaging, asynchronous, assignments for students in his performing ensembles. Show Notes Develop Performance Skills Remotely with Cloud Software - Video and Blog Post TMEA Session Notes Noteflight Soundtrap Flipgrid Scanner Pro Scanbot Sheet Music Scanner App METT Episode 28 - Rehearse Your Ensembles Remotely Learn more about Noteflight on METT #13 - Exploring Noteflight Learn, with John Mlynczak Learn more about Sou
#28 - Rehearse Your Ensembles Remotely
Robby explains the software, hardware, and teaching strategies he uses to run engaging and effective music rehearsals in a remote or hybrid environment. This information was presented earlier this month at the Maryland Music Educators Association conference. The notes and links below are from the session notes of that presentation. Learn More From Me About Technology Website - Blog - Music Ed Tech Talk ( Subscribe to the Music Ed Tech Talk podcast - Apple Po
#27 - Catching Up With Shawna Longo, with Shawna Longo
Shawna Longo joins the show to talk about our hybrid teaching gear, social emotional learning, cloud-based music tools, and our favorite apps/albums/tech tips of the week. Topics include: COVID hybrid teaching strategies Teaching hardware (on a cart!) Teaching performance virtually social emotional learning music tools in the cloud the Canvas mastery grade book Show Notes: Shawna’s Microphone (Presonus Revelator) Shawna’s Generic AirPods (Altec Lansing True Evo Air Wireless Earbuds w/ wireles
#26 - No One Told Us Our Title, with Katie Wardrobe
Technology trainer and speaker, Katie Wardrobe, joins the show to talk about producing technology training and resources for music teachers. (And way more) Topics include: Katie’s exceptional website: Midnight Music Free vs. paid software Teaching facing / student facing software M1 and Intel Macs Tools Katie uses to make content Canva File Management on iPad Podcasting Managing big projects Our recent favorite tech tips, albums, and apps Show Notes: Midnight Music: Simplifying technology for
#25 - Mastering the Practice Process, with Rob Knopper
Rob Knopper (Metropolitan Opera, auditionhacker, percussionhacker) joins the show to talk about mastering practice, improving the audition process, and using technology to support his multifaceted efforts as a performing percussionist, teacher, and creator of web resources for musicians. Other topics include: How to Practice With Technology Technology for Making Content Developing Diverse Skills/Remaining Teachable Finding Generalized vs. Specialist Mentors Comprehensively Studying Masterworks
#24 - Bringing in the New Year, with Richard McCready
Richard McCready returns to the show to bring in the new year. We reflect on what we learned over the past year and discuss how music teachers can challenge their perception of tradition, creativity, and learning process, moving forward. Of course we also share our app and album picks of the week. Show Notes: METT Season 2, Episode 1 - Digital Organization Tips for Music Teachers with Guest Richard McCready (Richard’s last appearance on this show) Maggie Shorb on Twitter Essential Music Techn
#23 - Rogue Amoeba Audio Apps, with Paul Kafasis
Paul Kafasis, CEO of Rogue Amoeba, joins Robby to talk about the stellar audio apps they make and how Robby is using them in the music classroom both before and during COVID. Show Notes: Rogue Amoeba Website: Robby’s Scale Exercise Play-Along Tracks Stream Deck Rogue Amoeba Apps: Audio Hijack Loopback Sound Source Piezo Farrago Fission Airfoil Ultimate Podcast Bundle Educator Discount and Volume Pricing My blog post on Audio Hijack My blog post on Loopback Mimeo Photos Extension
#22 - Teaching Hybrid, Composing Music, and Finding Balance, with Tyler S. Grant
Show Notes: Tyler S. Grant Brian Balmages Sibelius Dorico StaffPad for iPad Copy and paste from StaffPad with finger gestures Logic Pro Ableton Live OmniFocus Freedom app My Store | Robby’s Scale Exercise Play-Along Tracks Sponsor Music Ed Tech Talk Last Episode’s Show Notes (complete with TikTok concerning the recent “We Wish You A Merry Christmas” Decoration Meme" Disney Gallery - Star Wars: The Mandalorian Ludwig Göransson Childish Gambino - “Awaken, My Love” Bla
#21 - Music and Technology We're Thankful For, with Craig McClellan
Robby’s cohost from The Class Nerd podcast, Craig McClellan, returns to talk about recent smart home and Apple purchases, speakers with digital assistants, technology and music we are thankful for. Sponsor Music Ed Tech Talk! Do you have a product or service related to music or technology that you would love to get in front of music educators? Reach out to me on my Contact page to learn more about advertising on my site and this podcast. Use code THANKFUL at checkout to buy anything on my Store
#20 - Electronic Music School, with Will Kuhn
Will Kuhn joins the show to talk about Apple’s new Macs, teaching electronic music, home automation, and his forthcoming book, Electronic Music School. Show Notes: We recorded this episode right after last week's Apple event! People have now used and reviewed these machines! I recommend this one, this one, and this one. Other topics include: Apple in education M1 chip implications for audio software Other Apple Fall announcements and products Ableton Live 11 Do you have a product or service
#19 - Productivity Boot Camp (Part 2): Email and Calendars, with Dr. Frank Buck
Thanks to my sponsor this month, Flat for Education. Dr. Frank Buck returns to the show for Part 2 of the Productivity Boot Camp mini-series to talk all about managing calendars, handling email, time tracking, and automation! Dr. Frank Buck is a productivity master with a background in band directing and administration. I share my knowledge of Apple products and native third-party apps, and he shares his experience with web-based, cross-platform apps. Show Notes: Google Calendar Fantastical If
#18 - Productivity Boot Camp (Part I): Notes and Tasks, with Dr. Frank Buck
Thanks to my sponsors this month, Flat for Education. Dr. Frank Buck returns to the show for the kick-off of my mini-series, Productivity Boot Camp! Dr. Frank Buck is a productivity master with a background in band directing and administration. I share my knowledge of Apple products and native third-party apps, and he shares his experience with web-based, cross-platform apps. We bounce back and forth about good digital task and note management and share our favorite apps! Show Notes: SSO stand
#17 - Talking About the Weather, with Chris Cicconi
Dr. Christopher Cicconi, Assistant Professor of Music Education, and Director of Bands and Orchestra at Towson University, joins the show to talk about selecting meaningful repertoire for your ensemble. We also talk about score study with iPad Pro apps, involving yourself in your music teaching community, and yes, I go on a tangent about my favorite new weather app. Show Notes: My Favorite Tech page forScore LumaFusion Tonal Energy Tuner GoodNotes Alex Shapiro Putting the E- in E-nsemble Compo
#16 - Master Your Virtual Teaching Tech, with David MacDonald
Thanks to my sponsor this month, MusicFirst David MacDonald returns to the show to talk about the hardware and software in our virtual teaching setups. Then we speculate about touchscreen Macs and consider how Apple's recent App Store policies might impact the future of creative professional software on iOS. Topics include: New Zoom features for musicians and teachers David and Philip Rothman's new podcast, Scoring Notes Using Open Broadcaster Software to level up your virtual teaching Routing
#15 - Double the Burns, Double the Fun!... with Amy Burns
Elementary music educator, Amy Burns, joins the show! We talk about Seesaw, using tech in the elementary general music classroom, and her new book: Using Technology with Elementary Music Approaches!!! Show Notes: Noteflight Soundtrap MusicFirst Seesaw Dr. Barbara Freedman Flipgrid METT Episode #14 with Theresa Hoover Ducassoux Katie Wardrobe | Midnight Music StreamYard Teaching Music Online During the Pandemic - Recent Facebook Live panel I participated in My YouTube page (Subscribe to it!)
#14 - Empowering Performing Ensembles at a Distance, with Theresa Hoover Ducassoux
Theresa Hoover Ducassoux joins the show to talk about technology for teaching band at a distance, productivity methodologies, Google apps for personal and school use, Flipgrid, empowering students, and more... Other topics: Personal productivity systems and apps The Getting Things Done Methodology Teaching band online Being creative with whatever teaching scenario and schedule your district is moving forward with this fall Engaging students with musical performance using the Flipgrid video serv
#13 - Exploring Noteflight Learn, with John Mlynczak
John Mlynczak returns to the show to discuss Noteflight's new integration with Sound Check and offers advice to educators about teaching online this fall, and what we can learn from it. Show Notes: Could not find the exact article I read on Zoom fatigue but there are plenty. Here’s one. Noteflight Noteflight Learn SoundCheck Integrates with Noteflight Match My Sound Partnership PracticeFirst MusicFirst School of Rock My Choral Coach Dorico Music Ed Tech Talk Episode 10 - Designing Curriculum
#12 - Making Music and Podcasts Using Soundtrap, with Meredith Allen
Subscribe to Music Ed Tech Talk: Subscribe to the Blog Subscribe to the Podcast in... Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS Meredith Allen, Sales Enablement Manager at Soundtrap, joins the show to talk about using Soundtrap in the music classroom to create music and podcasts, getting acquired by Spotify, and wearing hard pants. Show Notes: Soundtrap MusicFirst Prompts for Making Beats (Link to the Soundtrap Packet I mention in the episode) Soundtrap Lesson Plans to Inspire Your
#11 - New Announcements from Apple, with Craig McClellan
Subscribe to Music Ed Tech Talk: Apple Podcasts | Overcast | Castro | Spotify | RSS A swift return to the show from Craig McClellan to talk about all of the things Apple announced at their developer conference this past week and how we see it influencing our work. Show Notes: WWDC 2020 Keynote iPhone New Features - iOS 14 Preview eero WiFi OmniFocus Siri Shortcuts Overcast Dark Noise Apple Watch in the Classroom | The Class Nerd Slack Pro Clip iPad Pro Magic Keyboard Zoom Google Meet StaffPa
#10 - Designing Curriculum and Assessing Students with FileMaker, with Ben Denne
Robby’s Ellicott Mills Middle School colleague, Ben Denne, joins the show to talk about designing a sequential instrumental music curriculum, and how they track student progress in the FileMaker app. Other topics include: Workflows for producing virtual band/orchestra videos The importance of developing audiation in student musicians The strengths of binary performance rubrics Art vs. Craft Understanding relational databases Data-driven music teaching (the good kind) Lots more music teaching ph
#9 - Automate All The Things! with Craig McClellan
Craig returns to talk about automating bedtime routines with Shortcuts, HomeKit automation, automating the Mac, our decision to end The Class Nerd podcast, and more. Show Notes: HomePods at Best Buy Apple HomeKit Robby’s “My Favorite Technology” page - includes all home automation devices and apps he uses at home Wemo Smart Switch Lutron Caseta Smart Light Switches Philips Hue Smart Bulbs Shortcuts app AutoSleep sleep tracker Setting up HomeKit scenes Mysa Thermostats - for baseboard heat
#8 - Diversifying Your Career and Your Programming, with Lori Schwartz Reichl
Friend and colleague, Lori Schwartz Reichl, joins the show to talk about student and teacher engagement, the up-sides of teaching private lessons remotely, broadening her teaching career beyond the classroom, the Institute for Composer Diversity, and much more! Show Notes: -Lori’s website - Making Key Changes -Zoom - Recording both sides of the conversation as two separate audio tracks -Peloton -Peloton App -Joanna Stern - Laptop webcam showdown - -Lori’s
#7 - Working with StaffPad, with Chris Russell and Paul Shimmons
Chris and Paul, co-hosts of the Music Education & Technology Podcast, rejoin the show to talk about how we are doing for distance learning, StaffPad for iPadOS, and other recent news in music technology education. Show Notes: dear music teachers… please stop asking how to create a virtual choir video | Midnight Music - Keep singing, keep sharing. Start your virtual ensemble. Noteflight MusicFirst smartmusic PracticeFirst Cubasis 3 Music Ed Tech Talk | #6 - Paperles
#6 - Paperless iPad Workflows for Teaching Music, with David MacDonald
David MacDonald, composer and professor at Wichita State University, joins the show to talk about paperless iPad workflows, student collaboration over the cloud, the state of notation apps on the iPad, and some of our favorite macOS and iOS productivity apps. More topics include: -Collaborating on student composition projects over the cloud using iPads, Dropbox, PDF Expert, and GoodNotes -AirPlaying the iPad to Zoom conference calls -Using the iPad as a digital whiteboard using GoodNotes -Behavi
#5 - MusicFirst Customer Support, with Julianna Mateyko
Julianna Mateyko, Director of Support and Training for MusicFirst, joins the show to give me customer support. Other topics include: teaching music remote, quarantined lifestyles, Instacart, and cute life-simulator games as a form of escapism in the age of COVID. Also, our favorite albums and apps of the week. Show Notes: -MusicFirst -Jim Frankel - Director of MusicFirst -Animal Crossing -Sharing Apple Notes -Instacart -Doordash -Sign In With Apple -SAMR Model for Technology (Substitution, Augme
#4 - The Most Validating Day of My Life, with Andrew Hitz
Andrew Hitz (former tuba player for Boston Brass, professor at Shenandoah University, speaker, creator, and podcaster) joins the show to talk about portfolio careers, being an entrepreneurial musician, confident self-promotion, apps we’re using, classical music subscription services, and taking Sam Pilafian to his first Phish show. And as usual, way more... Show Notes: Baltimore Brass - Amazing Instrument and Repair Shop in Baltimore, Maryland Boston Brass The Brass Junkies
#3 - iPadOS 13 and macOS Catalina, with Paul Shimmons
Paul Shimmons, author of iPad and Technology in Music Ed, joins the show to talk about Apple’s new software releases: iPad OS 13 and macOS Catalina. But we also find time to talk about our favorite apps, microphones, recording workflows, subscription pricing for software, Siri Shortcuts, iPad apps for Mac, the new iPhone, and the new Apple Watch. Show Notes: Audio Hijack Downie - Browser extension to download audio and video from websites Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 Audio Technica P420 Blue Yeti Mi
#2 - Hip-Hop In Music Education, Music Education In Hip-Hop, with Ethan Hein
Ethan Hein joins the show to talk about no less than the following: Ableton Live, bias in harmonic analysis, hip-hop in music education, music education in hip-hop, the racial politics of defining genre, white people covering hip-hop songs on acoustic instruments, basing a dissertation on blog posts, the aesthetics of dubstep and metal, and Ethan and Will Kuhn’s forthcoming book. Show Notes: -Animoog iOS app -John Lee Hooker -Howlin Wolf -Philip Tag, musicologist -Old Town Road - Lil Nas X,
#1 - The Inner Game of Everything, with Jon Tippens
Programmer and musician, Jon Tippens, returns to the show to talk about Robby’s podcast rebrand, how to practice, playing the inner game of tennis, career changing to tech, and his favorite apps and music. Show Notes: @ryebot on Twitter, designer of my new artwork Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, Betty Edwards The Natural Rider, Mary Wanless The Inner Game of Tennis, Timothy Galloway - Online software tutorials Teaching Musical Performance, Daniel Kohut OmniFocus - Accomplish
Tech We’re Using, featuring Friends Chris Russell and Paul Shimmons (Season 3, Episode 7)
Noteflight Marketplace, featuring Friend John Mlynczak (Season 3, Episode 6)
This week Robby catches up with John Mlynczak, Managing Director of Noteflight, about their new Marketplace platform and the state of digital music publishing. My opening monologue that usually introduces the show and guest was lost in an epic battle with my MacBook this week. Enjoy, instead, an awkward cold open, brought to you by Roomba and the Amazon Echo. Show Notes John Mlynczak: Twitter | Website | Noteflight Noteflight Marketplace Purchasing on Noteflight Marketplace Selling on Notefl
Taking Notes with Drafts, featuring Greg Pierce (Season 3, Episode 5)
Show Notes Greg Pierce Agile Tortoise | Twitter Referenced Stuff OmniFocus TaskPaper TaskPaper documentation Fantastical Calendar App Drafts Action Directory TextExpander Workflow app Bear note app Automating iOS: A Comprehensive Guide to URL Schemes and Drafts Actions Other Apps by Agile Tortoise Terminology | Tally | Diced
Apple Education Event, with Friend Chris Russell (Season 3, Episode 4)
Chris returns to the show to talk about Apple’s Education Event this past week. Chris Russell Twitter | Blog: Technology in Music Education | Podcast: Music Education Technology | Blog: Ukestuff | Youtube Show Notes: Apple Education Page | Keynote Apple’s 2012 Keynote Acer Chromebook Tab 10 Logitech Rugged Combo 2 Keyboard| Logitech Crayon Here’s Everything You Need to Know About the Logitech Crayon Stylus - The Mac Observer Canvas Podcast - Episode #57: Apple Education Event 2018 jamf Appl
Task App Showdown, with Friend Craig McClellan (Season 3, Episode 3)
Craig returns to the show to talk about how we manage tasks, and the apps we use to manage them. There is a strong emphasis here on two of the premium task apps for Mac and iOS, Things and OmniFocus. This episode isn't so much a showdown between Craig and I or one app and another. It is more a celebration of the great features of pro task apps that we depend on to manage our teaching careers. For me, there is an ongoing showdown between these apps in my mind, as I constantly contemplate which t
Dorico, featuring Daniel Spreadbury (Season 3, Episode 2)
Daniel Spreadbury, Product Manager of notation editor, Dorico, joins the show. Once we got going, this conversation ventured into great detail on the subject of Daniel’s start at Sibelius, using the different modes of Dorico, user interface design, the challenges of software development, the future of Dorico on mobile, and much more. Daniel’s articulate thought and meticulous attention to detail made this a really fun episode to record. You can hear Daniel’s inner nerd pour out over every side o
Updating to iOS 11, with Friends, Chris Russell and Paul Shimmons (Season 3, Episode 1)
Paul Simmons and Chris Russell (Co-hosts of the Music Education Technology Podcast) join the show to talk about all of the new features in iOS 11. We touch on it all! The dock, multitasking, the new Files app, new Notes features, and even the iPhone X announcement. This is a great episode to listen to if you have seen Apple’s prompt to update and you are on the fence. We will walk you through all of the major changes, and how we are using them. The Guests Paul: Twitter | Blog Chris: Twitter | B
Digital Organization Tips for Music Teachers Ch. 11 - Automation and Advanced Workflows, with Guest Craig McClellan (Season 2, Episode 11)
The epic conclusion of season two of Robby Burns + Friends has come! Thank you for listening to this season all about my book, Digital Organization Tips for Music Teachers. The book was released one year ago this month. I have had an absolute blast interviewing music educators all year long on topics relating to organization and technology in the music classroom. Be sure to check out all of the other episodes in this series. Coming this week: Season 3! This week Craig McClellan, of The Class Ne
Digital Organization Tips for Music Teachers, Chapter 10 - Misc. Apps and Utilities, with Dr. Ken Elpus (Season 2, Episode 10)
This week Dr. Ken Elpus joins the show to talk about productivity apps and utilities that he uses to get his busy and multifaceted job done. Ken is the Associate Professor of Choral Music Education at the University of Maryland College Park. He is an absolute power user when it comes to leveraging his computer in amazing ways to better do his job! Note: Around the 49 minute mark, Ken’s voice gets weird. Sorry. Dr. Ken Elpus Website | Twitter | UMD Show Notes: Apps Mentioned.. Audio Hijack - to
Digital Organization Tips for Music Teachers, Chapter 9 - Working with Video, with Guest Kevin Eikenberg (Season 2, Episode 9)
Kevin Eikenberg of Four/Ten Media joins the show to talk to Robby about strategies for working with video. Four/Ten Media is made of up Kevin and Evan Chapman, a past percussion student of mine. Kevin produced the video trailer for my book and Evan’s band, Square Peg Round Hole, provided the background music. Kevin Eikenberg Four/Ten Media Website | Instagram | Facebook Digital Organization Tips for Music Teachers Buy from Oxford University Press | Buy from Amazon | Watch the Trailer Products,
Digital Organization Tips for Music Teachers, Chapter 8 - Working with Audio, with Guest Will Kuhn (Season 2, Episode 8)
Music technology educator, Ableton Live expert, and author, Will Kuhn, chats with me about organizing the audio files on our devices. We also speculate the future of professional audio and video software on the iPad. Will Kuhn Website | Twitter | Will's Book - Interactive Composition | Lebanan High School Electronic Music Group Show Notes: Referenced Articles The Tragedy of iTunes and Classical Music - The Atlantic The Hot New Hip-Hop Producer Who Does Everything On His iPhone - Wired Can th
Digital Organization Tips for Music Teachers, Chapter 7 - Working with Scores on the iPad, with Guest Chris Russell (Season 2, Episode 7)
Chris Russel returns to the show to talk about working with digital scores on the iPad. Chris Russel Twitter | Blog | Podcast Show Notes: Check out our last episode together on scanning documents. forScore unrealBook Showbie Seesaw piaScore Orpheus Musicpad Pro MusicReader Newzik DeepDish Gig Book iGigBook PDF Expert Notability GoodNotes Noteflight Learn PracticeFirst MusicFirst AirTurn Products Gvido Gordon Goodwin’s Big Phat Band My Blog Post on Indexing a Real Book with forScore The
Digital Organization Tips for Music Teachers, Chapter 6 - Working with PDFs, with Guest Paul Shimmons (Season 2, Episode 6)
In this weeks episode, I am joined by Paul Shimmons (band director, music tech in education blogger, and podcaster). We have a great time talking about our various workflows for reading, editing, annotating, and organizing our PDFs. This episode was recorded shortly after the announcement of iOS 11 which will bring a lot of new productivity features to the iPad. Naturally, we had to discuss these announcements and how they might reshape our PDF workflows next fall. This episode has chapters!!!!
Digital Organization Tips for Music Teachers, Chapter 5 - Scanning, with Guest Chris Russell (Season 2, Episode 5)
In place of a formal introduction, Chris and I launched straight into a discussion about our recording setups and how to successfully record using iOS devices*. Then we jump into over an hour of action packed information on scanning. Scanning documents. Scanning music. Scanning with scanners. Scanning with phones. OCRing text. Automatic handwriting recognition. Automatic music notation recognition. Doing it all on PCs, tablets, phones, you name it. Christopher Russell is a middle school choral a
Digital Organization Tips for Music Teachers, Chapter 4 - Cloud Drives, with Guest Ben Denne (Season 2, Episode 4)
Show Notes: Back at it again, with another work colleague! Orchestra Director, Ben Denne, joins the show to talk about cloud drive services, specifically, the strengths and weaknesses of the primary offerings and how our music team uses them to be productive. Can you tell how long I’ve been sitting on this recording? Wait for the Easter egg around 1:24. We recorded this one live. Apologies for the disruptions and sound problems, particularly the last ten minutes. Yeah, yeah, I know… Links: Buy
Digital Organization Tips for Music Teachers, Chapter 2 - Productivity Basics, with Guest Nick Dogas (Season 2, Episode 3)
Season 2 is back!!! After a series of technical difficulties and a busy concert/conference presenting season, Episode 3 is ready! This week my choral colleague, Nick Dogas, joins the show to discuss basic productivity in the music classroom. Topics include: managing an active teaching schedule using calendar apps, staying on top of email responsibilities, where technology helps (and doesn’t help), the role of attention, and more. This was a fun one to record. All of my other guests this season a
Digital Organization Tips for Music Teachers, Chapter 2, Task Management with Dr. Frank Buck (Season 2, Episode 2)
Guest: Dr. Frank Buck Website Twitter Instagram Facebook Book - Get Organized!: Time Management for School Leaders Frank Buck is a former middle school band director, veteran school administrator, public speaker, productivity coach, and writer. He is the author Get Organized!: Time Management for School Leaders. Dr. Buck helps people achieve their goals through organization and time management. He has spoken to audiences throughout the United States and into Canada to acquaint them with how to
Digital Organization Tips for Music Teachers, Chapter 1 - Intro, with Guest Richard McCready (Season 2, Episode 1)
In Season Two of Robby Burns + Friends, I go through my new book, Digital Organization Tips for Music Teachers, chapter by chapter. Each episode will cover a topic from the book with a guest who is an expert on that topic. The introduction to the season includes the introduction chapter to my book and an overview of the Prestissimo Series with Series Editor, Richard McCready. Buy My Book Buy from OUP Buy from Amazon Watch the Video Trailer Richard McCready Twitter: @ramccready Book: Make Your
Episode 6 - WWDC 2016
Friend, Courtney Starr, joins the show to discuss announcements at Apple's World Wide Developer Conference. Courtney Starr: Website | Twitter | Prolific Interactive
Episode 5 - Twitter, Social and Algorithmic Curation, Pickling
Friend, Allan Georgia, joins me to talk about Twitter's monetization strategy, social and algorithmic curation in the digital age, and pickling. The Guest Allan Georgia on Twitter Show Notes: In a Pivot-Happy World, We Need to Let Twitter Be Twitter - James Gleick Apple Music first look: It's all about curation, curation, curation Favorite Instagram Accounts Socality Barbie Chef Jacques La Merde Instagram Account depressingfridgepoems Favorite Subreddits r/indiefolk r/LetsTalkMusic r/boardgame
Episode 4 - Apple Watch
Robby and friend Courtney Starr reflect on their experience using the Apple Watch, discussing how it works now, how they wish it would work, and what might change when watchOS 2 releases. Courtney Starr: Website | Twitter | Prolific Interactive Links: Spire Article about flipping the Apple Watch upside down
Episode 3 - Apple Keynote
Courtney Starr joins me to talk about last month's Apple Keynote. We reflect on their announcement of the iPad Pro and newly refreshed Apple TV. Courtney Starr: Website | Twitter | Prolific Interactive Links: iPad Pro, Pencil Stylus by 53, Paper app, Adonit Stylus, Apple Pencil, Apple TV
Episode 2 - PDF Management
In Episode 2 Jon Tippens is back to talk about what I thought we were going to talk about in Episode 1, PDF Management. We discuss all of our discontents with managing this ubiquitos document that is significantly flexible on PCs but severely limited on mobile devices. We discuss where we run into friction with PDFs in our own process and what workflows we have devised to settle this problem. But that's not all! First, we have a meta discussion about the intro music to this show and then proceed
Episode 1 - Apple Music
Robby and guest, Jon Tippens, discuss Apple's new music streaming service, Apple Music. Show Notes: Apple Music Spotify Spotify Running Apple Music Connect Robby's Blog Post on his first thoughts about Apple Music Apple Music FAQ: Everything you need to know | iMore Jon Tippens on Twitter Labor Crib, Jon's Blog Robby Burns + Friends RSS