The Guitar Hour Podcast
David Beebee, Tom Quayle, Dan Smith & Jake Willson
The Guitar Hour Podcast is a weekly, long-form discussion hosted by David Beebee, Tom Quayle, Dan Smith & Jake Willson. Together, and in conversation with today’s top players, they explore different approaches for improvising, theory, technique, practising, teaching and share the humorous ups and downs of being professional guitarists in the modern age.
187: Dull Men's Standards Club and Diminshed Bromance
Beebs and Dan jam in meat space for the first time in a while.
186: RIP Guitar Techniques Magazine
The lads pour 1 out for the beloved magazine of their yoot.
185: Quayle Returns, We're Back to a 4 Piece, With a Side of Bants
Tom's (briefly) back from the Laney tour, time for a big old catch up.
184: Fender, Gibson Coming Back To NAMM, Paid Modeller Updates (Feat. John Cordy)
Beebs and Dan rope John Nathan Cordy back on whilst the Doc and TQ are away. Big shoes to fill, but he's now a Dad, and Johnny big chewbs since last time he was on. Can he get through the first 60 seconds without an R Kelly joke? This may have been a bad idea. Oh dear. Topics include the big guns (Fender, Gibson, Suhr) returning to the NAMM show for 2025, checking in with Cordy's youtube success/workflow and all the hullalballoo around Kemper charging for updates. Are free gear updates now a thi
183: This Is Not Your Nan's Cortex
Dan has nightmare pitch shifting gig. Beebs is on location, still with very confused feelings for NDSP. Jake has secrets. Tom is still on tour. We're dangerously close back to 1 a week....shhhh don't jinx it.
182: Born in the rut? Moulded by it? TGH tips for breaking out
181: Playing Under Pressure - Dr Who? Dr Jake Willson at the BBC Royal Albert Hall
180: Mad As It Sounds, Oasis Woke Us From Slumber
Catching up, Oasis reunion, Beebs' Quad Cortex experiement, Dan asks us what you got in the tank? We're doing this live on youtube from now on, and the audio will be posted up to the podfeed rough and raw. We really miss hanigng out and talking guitar nonsense, so we figured it's better this than waiting for perfect schedules and edits and it never happening.
179: All Star Quiz 2024 (The Lost Episodes)
Audio of the all star quiz that slipped through the net before our hiatus. Just catchin up on lost episodes before we re-start. Featuring, Beebs, TQ, Jake, Smith, Jens Larsen, Rhett Shull, John Nathan Cordy, Jack Gardiner, James Davies, Joseph Anidjar.
178: Guitar, Gear & Videotape: GearTube's Obsession With Integrity
What is this?! 2 weeks in a row? Yes indeed, and more ranting! Like tag wrestling the doc is out and Dan Smith is in. Let's rumble.
177: Rolling Stone 250 Greatest Rant & Time Horse Podcast Pedal
Beebs, Jake and Tom catch up on whats been happening over the summer. Tours, new skills, new releases, the podcast now has it's own custom comedy overdrive/delay pedal - THE TIME HORSE! Also, there's a big rant about the Rolling Stone 250 GOAT Guitarists List.
176: Jake's Jeff Beck Gig & The Future of Modelling
Hi Guys, sincerest apologies that it's been a while. Some of the chat might be 'out of date' somewhat but it's our takes on the goings on at the time. I hope you enjoy as we dive into Jake's all star Jeff Beck tribute gig and everything that came with it. Including the the gear used... which led us into a big ol' chat about guitar modellers, the Neural Amp Modeller and a little bit about the Bad Monkey saga towards the end. As always thanks for listening and for all the support. Catch you on the
175: Marshall Sold, Martin Miller Album & Retro Gear Nostalgia
Jake is on a show so the Beebs, Smith, Qualye power pod trio is back. After some meandering intro bants the boys discuss the release of friend of the show Martin Miller's new album, the recent Marshall deal with Swedish company Zzound and go down a rose tinted nostalgia worm hole about retro gear we had in the 90's. Enjoy!
174: THAT Nuno Solo & Our Final Boss Level Guitar Solos
Back together finally to discuss THAT crazy Nuno Bettencourt solo from the new Extreme track. The guys also chat through what would be the end game boss level difficulty guitar solos to replicate.
Posture, Physical Health & Guitar Tekkers
Ever young vampire Dan has double booked, so the oldies (Beebs, Tom and the Doctor) sit around to complain about ageing, failing bodies and how bad posture may or may not be getting in the way of guitar playing. On a positive note there are some interesting things discovered along the way. The extended Patreon edit includes (amongst other things) a detour into halloween horror movie recommendations.
172: Tom Quayle Ant Law Jake Willson Jazz Trio & Strymon BigSky Plug-in
A 2-parter episode. First of all the lads welcome back Ant Law for a debrief on the Tom Quayle, Ant Law Jake Willson Ibanez/Guitar Guitar Jazz Trio clinic tour they recently completed. On side B, the guys discuss the recent Strymon BigSky Plug-in release and debate the nature of guitar related plug-ins more generally.
171: Time Management For Mortal Guitarists
With the Doc down' pit and catchups out the way, Beebs presents some practise and time management ideas discovered whilst in the bowels of the Nepali monastery. Naturally Tom pushes back for a classic TGHP debate whilst Dan throws in the jokes and threads the needle for us. Surprisingly given the subject matter, this is a humorous banger! LINKS: Making Sense Podcast - Time Management for Mortals
170: Jack Gardiner: Catch Ups, Live & Pentatonics Are For Boomers?! haha
Do you Boomatonic bruv?! Longtime friend of the show and all round six string legend, Jack Gardiner returns to chew the fat and catch us up with all going on with his guitar life AND what the guitar student Yoots aparently think about our fav 5 note scales! lol No Tom this week, Jake and Dan are in contorl with a remote Beebs briefly chiming in from Portland Oregon.
169: Being A Guitar Chameleon & Swapping Stylistic Hats
Tom's playing country, Beebs has started choobing and Dan doesn't know where Epsom is. Look what happens when the Dr isn't here!
168: The Boys Are Back In Town
The lads dust off the rust for a big catchup and (fingers crossed) a proper return to podding.
167: Where Does Tone Come From? New Steve Vai Album
Well Covid has now done a clean sweep on the TGH boys, with everyone now having had it! So Dan is away whilst Tom, Jake and Beebs reunite to discuss the “Tonewoods” issue. This recently cropped up again due to a fascinating youtube series by James Lil. Tom also discusses his upcoming live masterclasses and they all chew over Steve Vai’s new album “Inviolate” In this week's extended Patreon edit: The guys discuss latin/boss comping patterns and legato phrasing ideas. If you enjoy the show please
166: Vibrato, Tone Production & Ibanez AZES
Beebee is awol (jetlag, covid, excuses, excuses), so the Quayle, Smith, Willson power trio hold the pod fort. There’s some discussion of the new Ibanez AZES models before a big ass deep dive into vibrato and tone production. Patreon Extra minutes: Dan might be bored with his own playing, and are you not playing what you’re hearing? If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where you can get some fantastic extra TGHP content! You can also now pick up t-shirts
String Things! Our strategies & preferences
Beebs is away in Portland working on Solo and acquiring a new (old) guitar, so this week we dig into the lost episode archive and the lads tackle a listener email: all about strings. Gauge, coatings, tone, feel? Do you change them often, or when they’re growing potatoes? What’s the crack? If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where you can get some fantastic extra TGHP content! You can also now pick up t-shirts, mugs and other merch from our TeeSpring sto
164: Minimalist Practise Space, Head Space & Ear Hygiene
We finally get the band back together with full catch ups, housekeeping and a refreshed Patreon. The guys discuss hearing and ear hygiene, productive and minimalist practise spaces, headspace and recognising one's guitar progress. Jake also does a wonderful impression of the UK’s own Richard Madley and Beebs apparently has a throbbing hollow body? Patreon: In this week's extended Patreon episode Beebs’ secret Suhr, Ed Markey’s infamous blue drip Suhr get compared, and there is also a mid-show d
163: Nail the Neck - Note Names vs Intervals
We’re back! Life conspired to send the show into an unplanned hiatus. But Tom, Beebee and Dr Willson return, refreshed and ready to rumble. Brief catch ups give way to a detailed discussion on thinking note names vs intervals when improvising harmony on guitar. Dan will be back next week, as will the regular format and some new stuff. Thanks for sticking with us and coming back to listen! If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where you can get some fantast
162: Metric Modulation & Prog Groove Madness
The guys chat with Joseph Anidjar and Joshua De La Victoria about their prog-tastic collaboration “Traveller”. They discuss writing grooves of Skype, feeling odd time signatures and metric modulation, mixing modern guitar modern tones and lush videography! The extended Patreon edition of this episode includes a deeper chat on guitar tone crafting, production techniques and the progression of the progressive genre, following on from the Tosin Abasi Episode. And the usual off-colour bants. I
161: Tosin Abasi - Selective Picking, Harmony & Shaping Prog
TGHP returns, with special guest Tosin Abasi! The boys chat to Tosin about his innovative technical approaches, love of modern jazz, inspiration, thoughts on his legacy, guitar hero status, and shaping the progressive landscape. If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where you can get some fantastic extra TGHP content! You can also now pick up t-shirts, mugs and other merch from our TeeSpring store. Episode Links Abasi Concepts Animals As Leaders Tosin o
160: Filming Your Guitar Playing in 2021 & Planning Tuition Material
Beebs has new toys and a new workflow, which leads the guys to reflect on the challenges and possibilities of being a one person production/creative guitar studio in 2021. They also fall into a discussion on the writing and planning of educational material, asking the question: how much knowledge should be assumed? This weeks’ extended Patreon edit includes a classic (and lengthy) Quayle/Beebee argument, predominantly over YouTube education & Dan dissects his recent vocal/guitar duo recording se
156: Wiring Guitars, Choosing a JTC Competition Winner
Lockdown skill upgrades: Beebee learns to use a soldering iron; rewiring his custom boutique axe. The guys discuss dealing with noisy guitar when recording, the importance of listening to oneself in the moment when improvising, and Jake explains the thought process behind choosing a winner for his incredibly popular JTC jam track competition. This weeks’ extended Patreon edit includes patron feedback, Jake doing D’angelo, Gilad Hekselman discussion, a Beauty and the Beast sing along and whisky b
158: Tom Quayle's Right Hand Revelation
It’s a double drop. Dan releases his hybrid picking essentials lesson package and Jake lets loose the melodic minor masterclass with JTC. Tom has a right hand picking revelation and Beebs has a lazy legato revolution. It’s a technique heavy episode guys, nerd up! This weeks’ extended Patreon edit includes a reflection on the Jordan Rudess episode, Jake does a Louis Theroux impression and plenty of NSFW banter. If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where yo
157: Jordan Rudess - Solo album, LTE3, the writing process & practising
This week the Doctor, Beebee and Smith warmly welcome Dream Theater’s keyboard wizard Jordan Rudess! It’s not often a non guitar player joins the fray, but always hugely enjoyable when it happens :D Jordan discusses his musical journey, what it was like attending Juilliard aged 9(!), practising, his new solo record ‘A Chapter In Time’, the upcoming Liquid Tension Experiment 3, the writing process of Dream Theater, duelling leads with John Petrucci, and much more. Huge thanks to Jordan for his w
156: Imposter Syndrome & Our Musical Identities
We're back! Apologies for the short hiatus. This week Beebs, Quayle, Smith and the Doc dive deep into imposter syndrome, and how it can affect our musical identities as guitar players. This week's extended Patreon edit has the guys talking about music production, electronic music and options paralysis. If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where you can get some fantastic extra TGHP content! You can also now pick up t-shirts, mugs and other merch
155: Getting the 'Perfect' Take & the Importance of Jamming
Coming off the back of last weeks’ ep, and in the context of Jake’s upcoming JTC Jam of the Month, the guys discuss how to get the ‘perfect’ solo take. The second big discussion is on the importance of jamming and if we’re too biased as guitar players towards it. This week's Patreon edit sees guys share jam night horror stories, tips for surviving them. If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where you can get some fantastic extra TGHP content! You can also
154: Surviving Social Media Burnout
The boys return and get a bit ranty about social media. They also discuss the news of Mateus Asato stepping back from everything and react in realtime to the news of uber legend Chick Corea passing. This week's Patreon edit there’s an extended discussion on guitar fakery and the mental health knock on. We learn Jake’s tune FanFiction is a bit of a Tik-tok sensation with dancing toddlers and Beebee stumbles upon a new pork scratching related enterprise - Onlyhams. If you enjoy the show please con
153: Amp Modeler ‘Feel’ Fixed! No-NAMM special (w/John Cordy)
It’s that time again, the once a year gear episode we allow ourselves. Beebs has solved the ‘rubbery slippage’ loose feel thing of the Helix, thanks to this week's guest John Cordy. Things turn towards no-NAMM chat, virtual NAMM chat and the interesting events of the last few weeks. There’s a surprising amount of questions raised about Californian toilets (restrooms for our American listeners) and Beebee almost lets slip details of Tom’s special NAMM bog. This weeks’ extended Patreon edit is mos
“Listen and transcribe”, Giant Steps Atrophy & Dan’s Diminished Bag
It’s a power trio episode. Beebs, Dan and Jake discuss: Practising scales with the Solo app, getting some diminished stuff in the bag, Beebee’s surprising lack of atrophy, and whether or not an exclusive ‘listen and transcribe’ mantra is a lazy approach to musical education. In this week's extended patreon edit Dr Willson gives us a figured bass 101 and the boys discuss slash chords. G over Eeeeeeee damnit?! If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where you
151: Visualising the Fretboard with Solo App & 2021 Plans
Beebee and Tom finally spill the beans about “Solo”, their brand new app for developing fretboard visualization. They talk through what it is, how it works and how it came to life. Solo is available for iOS and yes yes yes, Android is coming! The episode morphs into a more general take on the concept of fretboard visualisation before the guys discuss their plans for the new year ahead. This week's Patreon edit: Tom ducks our for an early night leaving the remaining rogues to contemplate building
150: New Year Special - All Star Guitar Quiz 2
Happy new year to you all! We all hope that 2021 is an improvement over 2020 for everyone, and we’re kicking things off with our annual all star holiday special mega quiz! We have last year's champion Jens Larsen returning to defend the belt, and joining him and the regular rogues this year are past guests and friends of the pod: Ant Law, Jack Gardiner, John Nathan Cordy and Rhett Shull! This is the casual annual holiday hang and we had an absolute blast. You can play along with the picture roun
149: Steve Vai Interview - Reflections on the Creative Life
This week, the guys have the immense pleasure of welcoming to the show (to quote British royalty) “the genius, the master, of the space age guitar, Mr Steve Vai! Yep, STEVE VAI! 🤯😻. This is a deep one guys, and we cover... Steve’s experience of 2020. The PIA launch NAMM gig. The "infinity shelf". Candle Power “joint shifting” & Jerry Donahue. Cheating your genius and nurturing creativity. Practising in a state bliss & clock watching. Studio album timelines. New projec
148: John Wheatcroft - Gypsy Jazz & Covid Recovery Livestreams
The guys are joined by the phenomenal player and all round grand chap, Mr John Wheatcroft. John is an incredibly versatile and seasoned player, also well known for contributing to the UK guitar magazine and education press. The guys talk about transitioning from rock to jazz, Gypsy jazz vocabulary as well as catching up with John’s latest projects and recovery from a fairly serious brush with the old ‘rona. Apologies for the delay on this episode, technical gremlins got the better of us and scre
147: How To Get Started With Jazz & Changes Playing?
In this bumper length episode the guys answer a common listener question and discuss (or argue profusely!) “How to get Started With Jazz & Changes Playing”. This weeks’ Patreon bonus edit is enormous and very feisty! Essentially after finishing recording the guys immediately did another (hour+ long) show asking the follow up question, “Is the blues really a good starting point for learning jazz?”. This one gets heated, but there was no blood or whiskey spilled! If you enjoy the show ple
146: Giant Follow-up & Practise, Listener Email
The guys follow up on last week’s Giant Steps episode with Jake and Beebee discussing practise and progress on the tune. We also get more on the subject of ‘Guitar heroes’ and answer listener email. In this week's longer Patreon edit, Dan and Beebs ponder the troubadour guitar life and potentially start a TGHP standard/song/jam of the month. If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where you can get some fantastic extra TGHP content! You can also now pick up
Do You Really Need to Learn Giant Steps?
This week the boys ask the question; “Do we really need to learn Giant Steps?” John Coltrane’s seminal tune from the 1960 album of the same name. They take a closer look at what it is, why it’s so notoriously tricky, how they’ve all tackled it in the past, and what you may or may not gain from attempting this ultimate jazz Tough Mudder. This week in the Patreon aftershow there’s an extended followup on language/vocab, Giant Steps and Tom and Beebee accidentally jam GS over zoom, with the result
144: Acquiring Blues, Bebop Vocabulary & More Muscle Memory
The guys pick up on the muscle memory thread started in October's bonus episode, they deep dive the subject and Tom weighs in with his thoughts. Conversation then pivots to learning blues vocabulary, bebop language and if remembering changes actually makes us all play better? Dan ponders a question for the ages “What even is vocab bro?” If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where you can get some fantastic extra TGHP content! You can also now pick up t-sh
143: Plini Interview - The Creative Journey
Jake and Dan welcome Australian guitar visionary Plini onto the podcast to talk about his new music, inspirations and the creative journey. This week's extended Patreon edit features some extra minutes with Plini and the guys: a behind the podcast sausage curtain, covid catch ups, and all the usual bants. If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where you can get some fantastic extra TGHP content! You can also now pick up t-shirts, mugs and other merch from o
142: The Deep Theory & Technique of Time Feel (Milton Mermikides)
This week the boys revisit the ever elusive concept of ‘time feel’, bringing in Jake’s colleague Dr Milton Mermikides for a scholarly deep dive into the technique, theory and analysis of time feel. This week's extended Patreon edit features the longer chat with Milton, including guilty pleasures, subjectivity, and the snare sound on Metallica's St. Anger. If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where you can get some fantastic extra TGHP content! You can al
141: Guitar Heroes In 2020 & Our Personal Mt. Rockmore
Jack Gardiner returns to the show and the guys pick up on the guitar hero theme Dan laid out last episode. Each rogue shares their own personal ‘mt. rockmore’ before discussing what it even means to be a ‘guitar hero’ in 2020. This week's longer patreon edit features an additional 30 minute argument about John Mayer, plus all the usual NSFW banter. If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where you can get some fantastic extra TGHP content! You can also now p
140: Remembering Eddie Van Halen, Tom Quayle's New Youtube Lessons
EVH :( Pour one out dear listeners. TGHP doesn’t often 'do a news’, but we can not do an episode without acknowledging, remembering and celebrating a genuine goat. Eddie Van Halen. We kick things off however with a dissection of the YT lesson landscape and Tom launches new YouTube lessons - the first is a killer video on Lazy First Finger Syndrome - the enemy of your legato technique! This week in the Patreon aftershow…Jake demonstrates his new JHS bonsai screamer pedal, which kicks Beebs off on
139: Time Feel, Soloing On Dim 7th Chords, Ibanez Giveaway
It’s giveaway time! Thanks to the fine folks at Ibanez UK we are giving away an acoustic AE295 LGS. It’s open to everyone, patron or otherwise and to enter all you have to do is comment and tag a friend on Tom’s instagram post, then follow The Guitar hour Instagram account (Closes Oct 12th Links below). After a brief covid catch up Beebee crashes the pod bus into a harmony hole - soloing over diminished 7th chords using the harmonic major scale! Back on ‘main topic’ the guys discuss the concept
138: Red Light Syndrome, Bending Technique & Pick Type
We’re back, and weekly podcasts are resuming! This week the team chat about the ‘red light recording syndrome’, screwing up takes, plectrum material and debate various bending techniques/practice. In the Patreon after show edit there’s more bending chat, ear training follow ups, pitching notes without a reference tone and plenty more bants. If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where you can get some fantastic extra TGHP content! You can also now pick up
137: Defending 3 Note Per String? 4ths Tuning, Musical Identity (With Special Guest Ant Law)
Ant Law returns, joining Tom, Beebs and Jake. They discuss Ant’s recent adventures before delving into 4ths tuning (Ant tunes in 4ths, but not the same as TQ), juggling multiple musical identities, and a passionate re-evaluation of the “3 note per string” approach, yields surprising conclusions. In the Patreon aftershow the guys chew the fat and briefly review Petrucci’s new album, Terminal Velocity. Ant has also very kindly given us charts and backing tracks to his latest album for you guys to
136: Fretboard Navigation & Melodic Minor
Beebee, Jake and Dan delve deep into the bowels of melodic minor harmony, exploring the challenges it can pose on the guitar fretboard. Other news: Jake celebrates the release of his new JTC course ‘Fretboard Navigation’ & Beebee acquires a new imac and...a Rooster. In the Patreon aftershow the guys play more examples on guitar and Jake makes a discovery. If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where you can get some fantastic extra TGHP content! You can al
135: John Petrucci Interview - New Solo Album, Practicing, Legato Styles & Tone Crafting
The Trooch, the whole Trooch and nothing but the Trooch. This week TGHP guys are joined by the almighty progressive shred legend himself, John Petrucci!! (can you tell we’re excited about this one?) They discuss John’s soon to be released second solo album “Terminal Velocity” and the freshly released title track. Topics include the background to the writing, recording and production process, crafting guitar tones, reuniting with Mike Portnoy, and how everything was accomplished during t
134: Ear Training Revisited - Getting Results
The boys explain the power of the functional method in context and also make some new discoveries about 4ths tuning and the power for connecting the visual and aural nature of the instrument. There’s also more discussion on the ‘reactive ear training’ method and executive producers can download the practise pack resource when logged into Patreon. In other news Beebee fights Virgin Media and Tom celebrates a clear c19 test with a new amp. In this week’s Patreon bonus there’s an extended
Leon Todd, Fractal FM3 Finally Arrives & Amp Modelling Advice
Beebee’s FM3 has finally arrived, so who better to talk to about modelling and rubbery slippage than Leon Todd, the Ragdoll axe slinger and YouTube Fractal Audio guru! The guys discuss Leon’s musical background, approach to playing, amp modelling, his band Ragdoll, playing with conviction and get some great tips on moving into the digital world for live use in particular. And yes...rubbery slippage returns. In the extended Patreon edition of this episode there is follow up on progress using the
132: Five Hour Daily Practice Experiment - Jake’s Results & Observations
Jake reports back with the results on his week of 5 hour daily practise sessions. He clarifies some of the objectives, misunderstandings and also highlights the pro’s & con’s of running this experiment. The extra minutes Patreon after show contains a longer section with Jake on guitar demonstrating some of the accidental ideas stumbled upon during the week. If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where you can get some fantastic extra TGHP content! You can a
Jack Gardiner Returns - Debut Album, YouTube, Balancing Original Music & Session Work
Inimitable Scouse-Swiss fretboard wizard Jack Gardiner returns to the podcast for an epic hang with Tom, Beebs and Jake. They discuss Jack’s brand new debut record “Escapades”, weaving improvised guitar playing amongst intricately composed material, and balancing original music with session/YouTube/education work. The extra minutes Patreon version contains the longer chat with Jack’s thoughts on the current practise theme, improvisation and the changing YouTube landscape, as well as the pre-show
130: Nitro Relic'd Finishes, Tom's New Guitar & Jake's 5 Hour Practise Plan
Big day at TGHP headquarters: new logo, new website, Patreon refresh and merch! This week the guys discuss Tom's new Ibanez TQM Japanese Custom Shop, nitrocellulose finishes, relic'ing and resources for learning music production. Jake shares his 5 hour practise plan and Dan sketches out his July practise goals. If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where you can get some fantastic extra TGHP content! You can also now pick up t-shirts, mugs and other merch
129: Designing The Ideal Practice Schedule & Jake’s Challenge
This week the guys ponder the perfect practice schedule, and Jake sets everyone a challenge. In other news Tom gets organised, Dan has technical woes, Beebee is grumpy hot, and Jake releases a new JTC bootcamp product. This week's Patreon edit contains a bunch of pre/post show banter and a cut discussion on Steve Vai’s new song Candle Power, and thoughts on the technique/term ‘Joint-Shifting’. Episode Links Jake Willson JTC Bootcamp Atomic Habits - James Clear If you enjoy the show please cons
128: Misha Mansoor Periphery - Creative Workflows & The Modern Music Industry
This week Misha Mansoor (Periphery, Bulb) joins Tom Quayle, David Beebee, Jake Willson and Dan Smith. They talk about Misha's approach to music, guitar, optimising creative workflows, programming drums, virtual instruments and how to be diverse and self sufficient in today's music industry. This week's Patreon edit contains more recording, drum programming and behind the scenes chat. Support TGHP on Patreon and get bonus episodes, lessons, livestreams & more.. Misha's Links
127: Aaron Marshall INTERVALS - The Future Of Live Music Post-Covid
This week TGHP gets a visit from Aaron Marshall, creative mastermind and guitarist of INTERVALS. The guys chat about the writing process, production, pushing yourself creatively as well as the difficulty of trying to release and tour original music in a locked down, post-covid world. If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where you can get some fantastic extra TGHP content! Thanks for listening and all your continued support, and a special shout out to our
126: Nick Johnston - Breaking New Ground & Escaping The Social Media Treadmill
We're on a role with the guest episodes this month! The guys sit down with Nick Johnston to discuss writing, recording, technique maintenance & breaking from the social media treadmill. (Apologies for some plosive audio at times during this episode, we’ve done our best to reduce it but the occasional P and B might catch you off guard!) Nick Johnston Links If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where you can get some fantastic extra TGH
125: Jonathan Kreisberg Returns - Learning Vocab, Live Albums, The Search For New & Beautiful
The incredible Jonathan Kreisberg returns to TGHP to talk improvisation, writing, acquiring language/vocab, creativity and of course practising guitar. Jonathan is a long time friend of the podcast and it was a total pleasure to (virtually) catch up in this multi-hour mega hang! Jonathan was actually the very first guest way back on the old live streams circa 2016. You can check out those video interviews on Tom’s youtube channel via the links below. Old TGH Video Interview With JK Jonathan Kre
124: Wayne Krantz Returns - Composition, Pure Practise & Creativity
Wayne Krantz returns to the show, catching us up on the latest record, his Improviser's OS instructional book, what he’s currently working on and much more. There’s some heavy wisdom on the art of pure practise and creativity in this one! Apologies for mini-break/delay, technical difficulties at TGHP towers. Wayne's Links Wayne On Patreon Wayne On Bandcamp If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where you can get some fantastic ex
Playing Ruts & How We Deal With Them
This week the guys talk about getting stuck in a playing or creative rut, and what you can potentially do to clamber out of it. (Warning: the words ‘rut’ and ‘rutting’ become rather humorous the more said out loud. Banterbus is full this episode). If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where you can get some fantastic extra TGHP content! Thanks for listening and all your continued support, and a special shout out to our Patrons at the Producer and Practise
122: Bonus - Chord Scale Theory With Quayle & Beebs
Cheeky extra bonus episode for you this week! In addition, those of you supporting us on Patreon will get access to the pdf materials and the video version (‘extra minutes’ + above). Tom and Beebee broadly chat chord scale theory, and then zoom in on some questions and points raised by previous episodes and on the facebook discussion group. Stay safe everybody! TGHP crew. If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where you can get some fantastic extra TGHP con
121: Modern Guitar Careers - Ross Campbell Interview
This week Beebee, Quayle and Smith chat to Ross Campbell about his conscious, early decision to move from studying music at university to crafting an online guitar business. Topics include using YouTube as the primary audience builder, workflows and generating ideas, avoiding burnout, balancing practise with ‘work’ and of course, how Ross visualises the fretboard. Episode Links Ross Campbell Youtube Ross Campbell Instagram If you enjoy the show please conside
120: How To Build Modal Chords - Nerd Fights! (With Levi Clay)
Tom Quayle & David Beebee are joined by Levi Clay for a robust back-n-forth on building the chordal sound of a mode. Yes we’re back into hardcore harmony territory again, so grab your emotional support animal and favorite whiskey - it’s gonna get nerdy! Despite the click baity titles (a subject we discuss in the episode) this is fun, civilised discussion. Thanks to Levi for coming on and playing along! If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where you can ge
119: Tim Miller Interview - Developing A Personal Style
Tom Quayle, Jake Willson & David Beebee sit down for a virtual hang with modern master Tim Miller. They discuss Tim's background and musical histroy, technique, sound, composition, ear training, teaching and fretboard visualisation. This might be the smoothest, most legatoee podcast episode ever! Tim's Links Tim's Tuition Site - Internet Guitar Lessons Tim's Albums If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where you can get some fantasti
118: Developing Confidence In Your Playing: Experience, Pressure & Mind Games
Jake returns with some things on his mind! He looks back on the last 3 years of professionally playing in the high pressure show world of London’s West End and talks to Dan (and half of a Beebee) about what he’s learned and how the experience has shaped his playing, confidence and match-fitness. The guys discuss ways to over prepare for the task at hand and raise your overall game in the process. Beebs had a catastrophic internet failure mid-way through, apologies for the slightly weird drop ou
Getting Into The Gear Demo Industry With Guest Lee Wrathe
Tom Quayle & Beebs are joined by the Lee Wrathe to talk about his unique career in the guitar industry. Lee is currently marketing director and head demonstrator for Ibanez UK and Laney with Headstock distribution, but was working in the UK Police force just 6 short years ago. There's a lot of wisdom in this episode for anyone thinking about changing careers later in life or just getting into the product demonstration world. If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Pa
116: Picking Technique, String Gauge & Intonation Issues, Fractal Ships FM3
Modelling! Beebs steps boldly into 2012 getting an Axe FX II - just as Fractal finally starts to ship the FM3! 😹 Also this week Tom Quayle, David Beebee and Dan Smith dig into picking technique, phrasing, string gauges and their effects on intonation. If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where you can get some fantastic extra TGHP content! Thanks for listening and all your continued support, especially to our Patrons at the Producer and Practise Posse Le
115: What's Holding Guitar Education Back?
They boys briefly discuss technique, posture and health problems before pivoting into a difficult discussion on the unique problems of guitar education, and what it takes to be an effective guitar teacher. If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where you can get some fantastic extra TGHP content! Thanks for listening and all your continued support, especially to our Patrons at the Producer and Practise Posse Levels who are: Allen De La Cruz Andy French Dave
114: Ibanez LA Custom Shop Tour, Steve Vai Press Gig & NAMM Wrap-up
Tom, Beebs & Jake are in Santa Monica after NAMM 2020. In this beer and nahcho fueled episode the guys recount the Steve Vai PIA guitar press and the mind blowing accompanying gig! They also report back with hands-on experience with the upcoming Neural DSP Quad Cortex and tour the Ibanez LA Custom Shop. Back to the hardcore harmony and fretboard nonsense next week! If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where you can get some fantastic extra TGHP content! T
113: Quayle & Beebee's Road Trip 2 - NAMM Bound
Hi guys, apologies for the mini-break these last couple of weeks. Circumstances beyond our control meant a bit of a gap, but we're back and catching up! This week Quayle & Beebee are in the car, airport bound chewing over the upcoming big gear announcements. In part 2 over on the Patreon feed, they discuss harmonic minor and melodic minor over a minor II-V-I and parallel and derivative thinking when playing changes. If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, wh
112: The Compositional Process & Jake Willson's 'A Piece Of The Action'
This week Beebs, Tom and Dan chat with Jake about his debut album, ‘A Piece Of The Action’. They play clips from the record and get behind the music, digging deep into Jake’s compositional process. If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where you can get some fantastic extra TGHP content! Thanks for listening and all your continued support, especially to our Patrons at the Producer and Practise Posse Levels who are: Andy French Dave Cookson James Abraham J
111: New Years Special All-Star Guitar Quiz Colab
Happy New Year Everyone! We kick off 2020 with the most epic guitar podcast colab ever, a 10-WAY guitar themed quiz of the year featuring: Andy Wood, Dan Smith, Dave Brons, David Beebee, Jake Willson, Jens Larsen, Levi Clay, Martin Miller, Phil Short & Tom Quayle. It's total chaos and laugh out loud fun 😂 Play-along by looking at the artwork in your podcast app (for the picture rounds) and find out which axe wielder emerges TGHP 2020 champion! Round 1: Multiple choice Round 2: Guitar models of
Dave Brons - New Album, Composing & Celtic Guitar Playing
Bronsy returns to TGH to bring us up to speed on his brand new album "Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost" - his epic second album! Episode Links Dave's New Ablum - Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where you can get some fantastic extra TGHP content! Thanks for listening and all your continued support, especially to our Patrons at the Producer and Practise Posse Levels who are: Andy French Dave Cookson Jam
109: Turning Pro After College & Loneliness Of A Guitar Teacher
Jake’s stressed, Dan’s damaged a rib and Beebee lets slip a dirty secret from his past. The guys talk turning pro after music college, making difficult career choices and the potential for loneliness & isolation that can creep up in the life of a professional guitar teacher. Beebee’s brand new Pathways To Jazz Volume 2 is available now with a 10% discount for podcast listeners. Click the link and enter TGHP10 at the checkout. If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on P
Ultimate Legato Practise & A Pathway To Jazz - 2
Release the beasts! Beebee has finally finished Pathways To Jazz Volume 2, and Tom has released the Ultimate Legato Practise Toolkit. The guys chat through their experiences of working on and releasing the tuition projects, learning jazz, practise motivation, legato control and fight Mac vs PC. As a tghp listener get 10% off Beebs’ new Pathways To Jazz Vol 2. Go here to check it out and enter the discount code tghp10 at checkout. If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over
107: 1hr A Day, What Should I Practise? + Other Q&A
This week the guys take questions and threads sent in and discuss what to do with a 1 hour window of practise per day. Other things: Tom teases news about his upcoming new master legato product, Dan tells a story about a puma, Beebs announces Pathways To Jazz Vol 2 release date and in the patreon aftershow Jake gets a scale and polish. Check your app artwork for the picture, it’s spesh. If you enjoy the show please consider supporting the podcast over on Patreon, where you can get some fantastic
Rabea Massaad Interview
With Beebee & Tom away, Jake and Dan take the keys to the podcast machine and interview Rabea Massaad. The guys talk with Bea about his background, what it’s like touring, YouTubing, developing amps for Victory and the changing tide of what it means to be a guitar star in the digital era. There’s also a brief recapitulation of the fake instagram playing subject that’s only caught more fire in the last few weeks. 🥴 Thanks so much for coming on the show dude, lovely hang. 🙏🏻 If you enjoy the sh
105: Rhett Shull - Guitars, YouTube & Bourbon In The Age Of The Algorithm
This week the guys chat with the awesome Rhett Shull. Rhett is a hired gun session player with a successful and rapidly growing YT channel documenting his guitar life. Rhett also works closely with Rick Beato and on this episode shares some valuable insight into making guitar content online, juggling touring and making a living as a musician in the age of the algorithm. There are two ‘after shows’ today - and in the patreon edit TGH boys get a little lesson in Bourbon from Rhett! If you enjoy th
104: Absorbing Licks & Starting A Guitar YouTube Channel In 2019
Tom Quayle looks back on over 10 years being on YouTube and how the landscape of online guitar has changed. With Jake putting more time into his channel and Beebs contemplating doing the same, the team discuss what it means to start a guitar based YouTube channel in 2019, the possibilities, prospects and potential pitfalls. They also finally get round to some discussion group comments and tackle the idea of learning, absorbing and utilising licks in solos. If you're enjoying TGHP please conside
103: ShallowFakes - Mimed GuitarPro, Sped Up Videos & 'Improvised' Jams
Everything is fake these days. In the 90s all we had to worry about was Thom Yorke and his plastic trees, but today it’s the news, the deep...and now, worst of all...we’ve got fake guitar playing on the Gram. So the guys convene to tackle the recent hubbub of mimed, sped up shred vids and the community response to it. The discussion then turns to a more interesting subtler shade of grey: ‘Jam’ videos with composed solos either explicitly passed off as improvised or implied to be improvised. Gues
102: Expanding Your Harmony Beyond The 7 Diatonic Chords (With Quayle, Beebee & Lots Of Whiskey)
Tom and Beebee are away drinking all the whisky on the Scottish island of Islay, BUT…still find time (and sobriety) to sit down with guitars and nerd out on a special episode. This week they answer listener feedback email to the grade exam episodes and talk about the parallels of wood obsession between whisky connoisseurs and guitar nerds. Next, they break the “this podcast isn’t a lesson” line, and talk about expanding the number of chords that work within a key. Surprise, there are a lot more
101: Getting Paid Gigs & Comparing Successes
With nothing short of a Herculean effort 3 of the 4 guys convene for an emergency episode. Putting the exam shenanigans on hold for a while they discuss getting their first paid gigs, which morphs into the perils and positives of comparing industry successes. The Patreon bonus after show this week contains some impromptu finger twisting chat about Jake's technique, note grouping and phrasing and light speed. (Apologies this is shorter than usual, but we were lucky to get an episode out at all, B
100: Controversial Grade Content - m7b9 Chords?! Say What?
Happy 100 everybody! After a cursory overview of their experience of all things ‘graded’, the boys dive in head first and discuss some potentially controversial material from various guitar syllabuses. While doing this, they wrangle with the implications for both teacher and student when it comes to misinformation and the pitfalls that could arise if not tackled. Special thanks to all of our Patreon supporters & those at the producer or practise posse level are: Andy FrenchDave CooksonJiri Popek
99: Guitar Exam Grades & The Album In 2019
In this monster episode the guys ponder the prickly subject of graded guitar examinations. This kicks off a theme of episodes discussing the history, variety, quirks, positives, negatives and the downright head scratching weird aspects of them. Also in this episode you may discover the Tom Quayle emoji, an interesting discussion on the state of the album in 2019. Apologies for any problems with the edit/audio and the sparse show notes. Beebs is deep within the Great Firewall Of China and getting
98: Lightbulb Moments & Personal Breakthroughs
TGHP follows up on the big tone episode before picking up on a discussion group thread re: lightbulb ‘aha’ moments. The guys recall and probe their paradigm shifts in musical understanding, playing ability and diagnostic skills. Ahhaa! Please consider supporting us over on Patreon! Podcast Executive Producer Level/Practise Posse LevelAndy French Jiri Popek Norman Taylor Rodaidh Mackay Tim Bennett ULF (Please let us know your full name if you want dude!) Zach Loss Episode Links Jake's Andy Timmon
97: The Great Tone Debate
Despite being exhausted from their trip to London, Tom, Beebee and Jake take on the topic of tone! Tom also reflects on his recent hang with the legend that is Paul Gilbert and his new album. Thanks to all our awesome Patrons for helping us make the show! Please consider supporting us over on Patreon! Podcast Producer/Practise Posse Levels: Andrew FrenchJiri PopekNorman TaylorRodaidh MackayTim BennettZach Loss Episode Links & Pictures: Eric Gales - Little Wing Live Video Tom's Chat With Paul Gi
96: Our Social Media Mishaps Plus Musical Gatekeeping
Please consider supporting us over on Patreon! The boys take a break from modes, legato and practise to share some of their musical social media mishaps over the years. They explore the blurring of the lines between private and public personas and the potential career pitfalls that can come from musicians doing this. In other news, (completely ignoring the above sentence) Jake has a hangover and Beebs has accidentally locked his wife in the kitchen. Thanks to all our awesome Patrons for helping
95: Practise Strategies - One Thing Intensively Or Many Things Moderately
Please consider supporting us over on Patreon! The podigal son returns! After several months away from the mic, Dan Smith rejoins the lads to talk about practise strategies. Inspired by Jake’s recent deep dive into ‘Miss Jones’ they weigh up the pro’s and cons of working intensely on one thing vs. many different things in moderation. They also reflect on their own experiences and break through periods of guitar development, follow up on last weeks legato madness and Beebs has the verdict on the
94: Legato & Improvisation - Speed & Mental Processes (Patreon Launch)
Huge week as the guys launch the Podcast Patreon! They also follow up on the FBDG poll and Beebs reports back on his first use of the Laney FRFR cab in the wild. Deep dive this week comes off a discussion group post re: improvisation and the speed of technique and mental processes. Beebs puts this to Tom framed around legato technique, and they all delve into the nature of improvising at high levels of speed and get into the development and some back story of Tom’s landmark modern legato tutoria
93: When Is Modal Harmony Not Modal Harmony? (Email)
The team convene deep down the harmony hole to discuss a listener email about modal harmony. They discuss a specific example to do with Phrygian and answer the question when is modal harmony, not modal harmony? Also there's a listener poll to check out in the discussion group and tease of a new TGHP project. Episode Links & Jake's Reccs Matt's Email Tom's Modal Harmony Tutorial Schoenberg Theory Of Harmony Ron Grow Hearing & Writing Music Show Links TGHP Facebook discus
92: 3 Albums & 3 Players That Changed Our Lives
After a few weeks of high emotions and even higher music theory, Beebs, Quayle and Willson attempt to take things easy talking about the 3 albums and 3 players that have shaped their lives. However! This is not before Jake pulls everyone into a half hour musing on free will, musical determinism and where our ideas come from. This was an honest attempt to answer a sincere listener email in follow up to the Rick Beato interview last week! What’s your 3 x 3? Tell us in the facebook discussion group
Rick Beato Interview - Ear Training, Million Subs, The Beato Book
Tom Quayle & Beebee sit in the virtual armchairs for a chat with one of our most requested podcast guests - Rick Beato. They discuss Rick’s incredibly diverse skill set, musical background and rise to YouTube phenomenon (he will have just ticked over a million subs as you read this!) before delving back deep into the ear training topic and Rick’s upcoming ear training course. There’s word of The Beato Book v3 & Club and of course, Beebs says the words fretboard visualisation at least once.. We a
90: Berklee Harmony - Interview With Joe Mulholland & Tom Hojnacki
Beebee’s lost in the Italian mountains, Tom is releasing his fire hydrant of harmony in Spain and Jake, well we don’t know what Jake’s up to this week...but for someone who’s not a Northerner he spends a lot of time down pit. So until the team return we have a fascinating pre-recorded interview with Joe Mulholland and Tom Hojnacki, authors of the Berklee Book of Jazz Harmony. This conversation delves into the background, context and scope of the book, harmony at Berklee, the source of conflation
89: Jack Gardiner Interview & Mental Health Revisited
Beebs & Quayle welcome the incredible Jack Gardiner to the podcast to talk about playing Satch-n-Vai songs on tour with Stu Hamm, China Crisis, his current projects and upcoming E.P. There are some Beebee nerd questions in the middle before the big topic.. The guys revisit the area of mental health and musical identity in light of Jacks’ recent (and excellent) YouTube video, where in he opens up with his struggles of the of the last few years and recent return to social media. This is a wonderfu
Measuring Your Guitar Progress & The Edge Of Ability
Quayle, Willson & Beebee reconvene for a follow up on playing consistency, which, quickly turns into a discussion on how to measure ones guitar progress in a healthy objective manner. Beebs guinea pigs an example of Giant Steps with legato and discovers that consistency may not be the issue after all. Light is shed on the effects of always playing at the edge of ones ability. Finally the guys cover some Facebook discussion group chat and ponder why students find descending scales harder than asc
87: Achieving Consistency In Your Playing (Tom Quayle & Jake Willson Onboard)
Changes afoot at TGHQ. Beebs sits-in on The Book of Mormon show. Tom, Jake and Beebs answer listener email before diving into a deep discussion on achieving consistency of performance. Episode Links Jake's Practise Toolkit Tom's Modern Legato Part 3 Beebs' Pathways To Jazz Vol 1 Tutorial Show Links TGHP Facebook discussion group TGHP on Twitter TGHP on Instagram Old Live stream on Tom’s YT channel Beebs Instagram YouTube Quayle To
86: Tommy Emmerton - Book Of Mormon, Guildhall & Shredding 'Beat It’ For Quincy Jones
Beebs & Jake are joined by the immensely talented Tommy Emmerton. They discuss Tommy’s working life as a professional guitarist on The Book Of Mormon in the West End of London. They also talk about his work as Jazz harmony teacher at Guildhall, his original projects and what it’s like to play the ‘Beat It’ solo for Quincy Jones’ on tour! This is a great episode and touches on everything that’s been discussed during recent shows. There are some deep dive side quests into modal harmony, chord scal
85: Podcast Authentic, Or Else!
The guys take a break from ear training, crack a open some orthentik Brewdogs and get ranting about the Gibson 'Play Authentic' video, it's backlash, latest response and most importantly, the sweet memes. To quote a true hero - "These are the headlines. God I wish they weren't." Episode Links Original 'Play Authentic' Deleted Video Gibson Follow Up Statement Levi Clay's Rage Take The Memes Show Links TGHP Facebook discussion group Old Live stream on Tom’s YT channel Beebs
Martin Miller Returns - On Audiation & Ear Training
Beebs and Tom welcome back Martin Miller to give his thoughts on audiation, playing what you hear and the ear training beast of recent episodes. Tom and Martin compare and contrast different aspects of their aural skills and also shed a bit more light on the visualisation in the process. It was nice to catch up with Martin again, and a really interesting episode - there’s some truly great info in this one guys! Episode Links Martin On Youtube Martin On Patreon JTC Instructional Material Ibanez M
83: Overcoming Practise Slumps & Guitar Setups
Beebs returns from Budapest and talks to Jake Willson about getting out of practise slumps. They discuss some of the positive and negative mindsets that can set in when working through practise problems before getting onto guitar setups and their new axes that are in the works. Episode Notes Jake's Practising Toolkit Masterclass on JTC Show Links TGHP Facebook discussion group Old Live stream on Tom’s YT channel Beebs Instagram YouTube Smith www.dansm
82: Beebs' Wife's Ears & Amp Modellers At Gig Volume
Beebs recovers from an inner ear infection (irony?). Dan dances in Denmark. Do amp modellers struggle at gig volume? And why does Beebs' wife have good ears?! Short but sweet this week! Show Links TGHP Facebook discussion group TGHP on Twitter TGHP on Instagram Old Live stream on Tom’s YT channel Beebs Instagram YouTube Smith Instagram Youtube
81: FBD Group Q and A w/ Jake Willson
With our beloved David Beebee away sick this week, Dan and Jake have a breif catch up and then answer your questions from the Guitar Hour Facebook Discussion Group. Questions include, sightreading, jazz studies, learning lots of songs, technique and more! Show Links Live stream on Tom’s YT channel TGHP Facebook discussion group TGHP on Twitter TGHP on Instagram Rogue Links Beebs Instagram YouTube Fibenare Guitars Hawk Picks Smith www.dansmithguit
80: Solfeggio & More Ear Discoveries (With Jake Willson)
The guys are joined by recurring rogue, Jake Willson to drill deeper into solfeggio ear training and effective practise. Beebs reports on some breakthroughs and Jake has a new JTC masterclass out. (We had some problems this week, both technical and logistical, so apologies for the lack of show notes and if the audio sync drifts at times! Back to normal next week! 🐝)
79: Dan Gets Revenge & Tom Quayle On Ear Training
Dan gets brutal revenge on Beebs with a surprise test & Tom Quayle returns to give his thoughts on ear training. The guys follow up on last week's show - probing the wax filled mess that is aural development in education. Episode Links Shawn Tubbs Functional Ear Trainer Desktop iOS Android Show Links TGHP Facebook discussion group Old live stream on Tom’s YT channel Beebs Instagram YouTube Smith Instagram Quayle www.tomqua
78: Ear Training Practise & Playing What Your Hear
The boys answer listener email - and in the process, start a new run of episodes exploring ear training, connecting the ear to the fretboard, improvisation and playing what you hear. They share their history and frustrations (mostly Beebs’ ranting) with formal ear training, ponder the nature behind vague instruction, the difficulty teaching ear training and start exploring what can be done. Evil Beebs then springs a surprise listening test on Smith! Mwuhaha. Definitely follow along in your podca
77: Pro Touring Gigs w/ Bobby Harrison & Phil Short
This Week The boys are joined by friends of the show Bobby Harrison and Phil Short. Its Bobby's first time on the show and he tells us all about his current gig playing guitar for Cliff Richard as well as his previous experiences on big touring shows. Phil returns to the podcast for a second helping and fills us in on landing an arena tour with Westlife. We chat about getting the gig, the audition process, gear and what its like to be a guitarist for shows on such an enormous scale. A great insi
76: Levi Clay Returns & More Vai Book Follow Up
The guys cross the streams and conjure one half of the #Guitarsoles podcast - Levi Clay back to the show. They discuss Levi’s recent video review of the Steve Vai book Vaideology, critiquing ideas and changing one's mind. They also crack open the mail sack answering email, and follow up with some suggestions on where to start with modal harmony. Episode Links Artur Menezes TGHP Spotify Playlist Berklee Book Of Jazz Harmony Tom’s Modal Tutorial Frank Gambale Books Levi’s Vaideology Video Tom M
75: Effective Practise - Motivating The Hard Stuff & Fractal Audio FM3
Beebs & Smith follow up on last week's Vaideology episode before discussing the latest big announcement from Fractal Audio. This weeks deep dive chat is on ways to practise guitar effectively, and in particular, motivating the discipline for the hard things that make long lasting change in playing. Episode Links Order An Amazing Cake From Cheryl :D Levi's Video On Vaideology Fractal Audio FM3 Announcement Show Links TGHP Facebook discussion group Live stream on Tom’s YT ch
74: Conflicting Vaideologies And The Modes Revisited
This week the boys are back with a an emotionally charged and confusing discussion about a particular section in Steve Vai's long awaiting music theory book for guitar titled 'Vaideology'. They go back into the misty modal mines and talk modes and modal chord progressions as well as delving into some classic guitar magazines for the early 90s. This could get controversial... Vai Book Show Links Live st
73: YouTube Copyright Madness & Dep Sub Gig Culture
YouTube are enforcing some pretty awful (and sketchy) copyright restrictions on big guitar and music channels. The guys chat this over, and muse on what a good thing it is that there’s no ‘YouTube’ for podcasts…..yet. Deep dive topic this week is all about depping (subbing for our American friends). The culture, etiqutte, skillset, and various pro’s and cons. Episode Links Paul Davids YT Vid On Copyright Policy Rick Beato's YT Vid On Blockers Show Links TGHP Facebook discussion group www.theguit
72: Inside Tracks w/ Andy Wood And Ben Eller On Junktown
With the boys still trying to put their mind holes back together after the last inspiring visit from Andy Wood, he returns and this time brings with his his good buddy and partner in crime 'Uncle' Ben Eller. After a rowdy catch up and a thorough southern hazing from both barrels of the wily Knoxvillians the two git slingers take us through Andy's most recent guitar instrumental album 'Junktown'. Strap in for a track by track walkthrough including insights into the writing, recording and producti
71: Legato Nerd Road Trip (with Tom Quayle)
(Beware: This episode contains hardcore legato nerdery!) Beebee and Tom Quayle are enroute to the Jonathan Kreisberg/Nelson Veras gig and turn on the mics to pass the time. They discuss, guitar duos, legato technique, phrasing, seismic changes in technique, and also follow up on last week's episode, getting Tom’s thoughts on right hand technique influencing vocabulary. Please excuse the car engine noise, it does reduce significantly about half way through! Episode Links Kreisberg Meets Veras Ben
70: Role Of The Guitar Teacher In 2019 & Picking Technique Influencing Vocabulary (with Greg Stott)
This week the guys are joined by Australian guitarist Greg Stoff. They discuss how the role of the in-person guitar teacher has changed during the online/YouTube age and how picking technique can influence, help or hinder vocabulary and line development. Episode Links: Greg Stott Greg on IG Recommended Players James Muller Show Links TGHP Facebook discussion group Live stream on Tom’s YT channel Beebs Instagram YouTube Smith www.d
69: Josh Smith Interview - Modern Blues Touring & New Pedalboard
Beebee, Smith and Tom Quayle catch up with the phenomenal modern blues player Josh Smith during his 2019 UK tour. Episode Links Josh on Instagram Josh’s Truefire Course Truefire Live Stream Flat V Josh’s Studio Show Links TGHP Facebook discussion group Old Live stream on Tom’s YT channel Rogue Links Beebs Instagram YouTube Smith Instagram Youtube Quayle Tom - Instagram
68: Norwegian In Nashville Shredding A Strandberg - Keven Eknes
This week the guys catch up with Keven Eknes to talk about Berklee, LIPA, Instagram, social media, Strandberg and the Nashville scene for guitarists. Keven Eknes Keven on Instagram Keven on Youtube Show Links TGHP Facebook discussion group Live stream on Tom’s YT channel Beebs Instagram YouTube Smith Instagram
67: UK Jazz Conservatoire, Sky TV Guitar Star Competition, Cruise Ship Work (w/Gabriel Wareing)
In their final leg of the trip Smith and Beebs catch up with Gabriel Wareing. They talk about his recent move to NY, studying jazz at the Royal Conservatoire Scotland, cruise ship guitar work and his involvement with Sky TV’s Guitar Star competition. This should be the last of the dodgy audio quality episodes for a while as we resume normal podcast service and start to roll out big updates to the show. As always, thanks for listening! Episode Links Miles Okazaki - Fundamentals of Guitar Mick G
66: Wayne Krantz Interview - An Improviser's OS update, 55 Bar Home, New Record and More - New York Part 2
Beebee & Smith sit down in an empty (yet noisy!) NY coffee shop with the legendary Wayne Krantz to dig into practise, improvisation, artistry, ears and more. They discuss the background to Wayne's book 'An Improviser's OS', it's legacy and the upcoming 2nd edition/revision. Apologies for some background noise and a few jump cuts, the location based recording wasn't quite as clean as hoped! Hope you enjoy :) Wayne's Links Wayne On Bandcamp Show Links TG
Tone Thrown, Fly Rigs, Performing On Unfamiliar Gear, Rudy's Clinic Follow Up
Beebee, Smith and Willson reconvene to discuss how tone can positivley and negativley affect performance and the difficulties being ‘on it’ when playing unfamiliar or rental gear. They also ponder the romantic ideal of being able to sound comfortably like oneself through any rig in any situation. We also follow up on the New York Fibenare clinic and how the events of the last few weeks have inspired the guys. Show Links Live stream on Tom’s YT channel TGHP Facebook discussi
65: Time Feel, Subdivisions, Picking Technique, NAMM FU - New York Part 1 (w/Jake Willson)
Casual check in from a sub-zero New York City. It’s post namm, pre-Fibenare clinic and Beebs, Smith and Jake huddle together on a sofa (for platonic body warmth) to chat through the namm show and the upcoming Rudy’s event. As ever, they accidentally stumble into some meaty musical areas such as time feel and counting in difficult performance environments, rhythmic subdivisions with legato and right hand picking technique. Part 1 of our New York series. We have some seriously cool stuff coming ov
64: Podcasting On A Plane - The Ultimate Air Guitar Hour, NAMM Diaries (w/Willson & Quayle)
This week is another 'experimental' episode as the guys attempt to record an episode of the show at 37'000 feet on the way to California for the namm show. Inevitably the audio is poorer than usual (although Izotope RX worked it's magic to make it listenable) and invariably this is a gear related (and gin fuelled) episode where the guys discuss the airport drama getting their axes onboard, flying as a musician in general, the upcoming namm show gear and answer questions.
63: Practising Habits, Pre-NAMM, New York Fibenare Clinic, Hamilton, Music Films (w/Jake Willson)
Friend of the show Jake Willson returns for a reet banga! Smith and Beebs have nothing planned so they call in the big guns: Jake ‘2 L’s in Hell’ Willson. They talk about the hit musical he’s depping on ‘Hamilton’ before embarking on what is the longest intro detour the podcast has ever had. A passing comment about a movie trailer sends everyone tumbling down a discussion on ‘music films’, and how harmony and chord progressions, whilst toxic and uncool in the Top 40, routinely set the box office
62: Seth Rosenbloom - New Album, Improvised And Sketched Out Soloing In Blues, Innovation And Tradition
In the first guest episode of 2019 the boys get their January Blues on with the outstanding blues guitarist, Seth Rosenbloom. They talk about Seth’s career so far, working with Josh Smith, and his upcoming album Keep On Turning. Then it's off the deep end exploring improvised music in the studio, how much is sketched out vs totally free, song writing in the blues, and the impossible task of innovating yet simultaneously pleasing blues traditionalists. They also talk about social media, community
61: A Brief History Of The Podcast, Looking Back At 2018, 2019 Guitar Resolutions
Happy New Year! A groggy start to the new year for the boys as life quickly kicks off again after the holiday season. The boys give you a little history of how the podcast came to life, as well as looking back over the past year and discussing favourite moments as well as lessons learned along the way. They also get on board with the new year, new you mantra and dicuss their non year resolutions and goals for the coming year, both personal and podcast related. Enjoy! Show Links Live stream on
60: Christmas Special - Wayne Krantz Masterclass Video w/guest Neil Jones, Tom Qualye, Dave Brons
Ho ho ho it’s TGHP Christmas special! Well, when we say special, we mean a casual show where we invite a bunch of friends around for beers and turn the microphones on. Apologies for weaker than usual audio quality and edit (everyone had coughs), however there’s a lot of fun content flying around so hope you enjoy it :) I hope everyone out there has had plenty of festive fun, and normal service will resume next week! Episode Links Wayne Krantz Berklee Masterclass - Posted in the discussion group
59: CST Article, Jazz Elitism, Methodology w/ Tom Quayle
Following a hot potato of a Jazz article written by Ethan Iverson Dan, Beebs and friend of the show Tom Quayle sit down aroudn the microphones to have a good old jazz rant.... ahem... discussion. They discuss the idea of recieved wisdom, how to develop an understanding of jazz harmony and improvisation and equally how to pass the information on. Of course there is a little bit of a rant about elitism in there for good mix. Enjoy! Show Links Original Article
58: Ant Law: Studying At Berklee, New Album, 4ths Tuning, Beat It Solo Horror Stories
This week Smith and Beebee sit in the virtual arm chairs with UK modern jazz monster Ant Law, for one of the most banterful episodes yet. They discuss Ant’s career, new album ‘Life I Know’, and his experience studying at Berklee. The guys trade Beat It Solo horror stories and of course, Ant’s unorthodox 4ths tuning (yes different to TQ!) results in Beebs dragging up THE question... Despite no alcohol being involved, things all get a bit Stella Artois’ By Starlight…Ant takes over the 3 Questions
57: Phil Short Interview: Guitar Idol, Guthrie Controversy, 'Lick Creep'
This week Dan and Beebs are joined by fellow guitar bro Phil Short. The boys discuss Phil's Guitar Idol 1st place win in 2016 including the process of getting the final and jamming with the Quayle on the night. The chat also turns to the inevitable 'Guthrie' comments online, teachint at BIMM, what is a lick and having that eureka moment when it comes to playing changes. Enjoy! Phil Short ht
56: Hardcore Harmony Huge Follow Up, Line 6 HX Stomp & Dan’s Purple Helmet (w/Tom Quayle)
TL:DL - Hardcore Harmony Reflections. Dan handles something terrible and has a fancy new purple helmet. Beebee busts his string and stomps on a model. Tom buys a house and also a graphics card lit enough to power Pixar productions. Together however, the guys combine to reflect on the difficulties of politely & robustly discussing ideas in public. Tom then takes us even deeper down the theory hole for another massive episode discussing the organisation of jazz harmony both in the mind and on the
55: Jens Larsen - Harmonic Analysis & Chord Scale Theory (with Tom Quayle)
This week Beebs, Smith and Quayle welcome back YouTube jazz educator Jens Larsen to discuss their approaches to harmonic analysis, chord scale theory and tonal centres. This episode is not a lesson, much more of a discussion of ideas and gets pretty heavy into the weeds with the considerations of jazz harmony - but we know you guys love this deep nerd stuff! So grab yourselves a massive coffee, a chart for the standard There Will Never Be Another You (if you want to follow along with some of the
Ben Eunson Interview - New York Jazz Scene, New Album Crowdfunder, Modern vs Traditional Jazz Language
This Week the boys sit down with cheerful Aussie and monster jazz guitarist Ben Eunson. Ben grew up in Melbourne Australia but moved to New York to study jazz and as a result has become a household name in the New York jazz scene. We chat about his move from down under to the US and the educational differences, about his upcoming album and its current kickstarter crowdfunding project as well as discussing how to find your voice in modern jazz versus walking the traditional path to obtaining jazz
53: Mark Lettieri Interview - Solo Albums, Snarky Puppy, Instagram Fame, The Cracks Between Rock and Jazz
This week Beebs and Smith catch up with the incredible Mark Lettieri. Funk, jazz, rock, (baritone even!) you name it Mark pulls from a diverse range of influences, bringing his own unique voice on the instrument to grammy award winning super group Snarky Puppy, a whole host of session credits and of course his fantastic solo albums. Mark's also a lovely chap to boot and the guys had a great time chewing the six string fat for an hour or so. They get into the weeds about writing, working out part
52: Mental Health and Guitar Identity, Beebee's Journey, Dan Boss Katana Convert
This week the guys get deep and personal, discussing some of the mental health issues that can affect musicians and their guitar playing identities. Beebs candidly shares his experience of the last several years dealing with depression and anxiety and how it relates to his musical history and guitar playing. He also reflects on how he met and got involved with TGH boys, falling back in love with guitar and how after strongly resisting for 13 years, he finally caught the jazz bug. They also talk
51: Crowdfunding Journey/Etiquette, CAGED Round Up, Dave Brons' 2nd Album, Jake Willson Phrasing Masterclass
This week Beebs and Dan are joined by recurring characters and good friends of the podcast Dave Brons and Jake Willson. The guys discuss the process of crowdfunding an album and the triumphs and pitfalls along the way. After a 3 week journey down the CAGED rabbit hole Beebs and Dan reflect on what they have learned and put the subject to bed… for now. Jake reveals his brand new self-produced phrasing masterclass for JTC, and talks us through what it’s like taking on the role of cameraman/produce
50: Guitar Trade Shows, Beebs In China, Gear & Creativity
Beebs is on location in Shanghai at the China Music 2018 show. After day two, and a night of eating Hairy Shanghai Crab Sperm, Beebs sits down with Smith to record an intercontinental episode. The guys talk about the guitar/trade show experience and then how gear can inspire creativity. Excuse the somewhat muffled whisper in Beebs' sound quality. This was recorded in a hotel room at 3am Shanghai time! Show Links Live stream on Tom’s YT channel TGHP Facebook discussion group
49: Martin Miller Interview, CAGED Epic Finale, Improvisation and Audiation
While Dan is away gigging Beebee catches up with Tom Quayle and Martin Miller in the midst of their UK run of Ibanez Clinics. They discuss the touring life and Martin’s upcoming projects before delving into the differences and similarities between their visualisation methods, in what is the epic conclusion to the recent run of episodes on CAGED and fretboard visualisation. Episode Links 5 Out Of 7 Martin’s Improvisational Masterclass Tom Quayle’s Visualising the Fretboard Tutorial Beebee’s - P
48: Levi Clay Interview - Epic CAGED Fretboard Visualisation Discussion
This week the boys sit down with Levi Clay to chat about his work as a professional transcriber, and also continue the CAGED discussion. They attempt to find the differences and similarities between CAGED and the root note/geometric interval mapping as used by Quayle, Beebs and (for the most part) Smith. This has unintentionally become part II of an epic trilogy on CAGED and fretboard visualisation. Although Beebs can’t promise this is last time he will utter does conclude next week wi
47: Time Management/Plate Spinning, Learning Tunes, CAGED System Ponderings, Ears, Teaching Ethic
Another early morning podcast recording the the boys. So much so that we discuss time management and the plate spinning of being a self employed guitarist working in multiple fields. There's a deep dive into the pros and cons of the CAGED system, a brief trip to greggs and some talk of playing mindset and what works for the individual.
46: What Makes An Artist? with Tom Quayle (Andy Wood Episode FU)
Tom, Smith and Beebs follow up some of the points raised in Andy Wood episode with a deep (and at times very personal) discussion about what makes an artist today. Oh yea..and the problems of male moose knuckle. Episode Notes German music reviews: Manu & Davide Tom Melodic Minor Improvisation Tom & Martin UK Ibanez Tour Dates Show Links Live stream on Tom’s YT channel TGHP Facebook discussion group TGHP on Twitter TGHP on Instagram Rogue Links BEEBEE Ins
45: Legato Technique Troubles, Bigsby T-Type, Boss Katana 50, Deciding What To Practice?
Beebs & Smith break their rule again and briefly talk about gear before Beebs shares a specific legato technique problem accidentally discovered since the Everest break. This weeks trip down the rabbit hole is all about deciding what to practice and developing those squishy creative skills like aural, phrasing and writing etc and how to nurture them in ourselves and others. Beebs does not die during this episode! Episode Links Kreisberg & Veras Duo In Leeds Dan's New Guitar - Bigsby On A T-Ty
44: Andy Wood Interview - Crafting A Musical Story And The Internet GuitCoin Arms Race
Strap in guys, this might be the longest, deepest and best show yet! Beebs & Smith sit down with the face and heart melting Andy Wood to discuss his musical journey, mandolin vs guitar fretboard visualization, telling stories with your art, philosophy of improvisation, integrity, and a million other inspirational things. Everyone had a blast recording this episode, huge thanks to Andy for coming on! Links Mentioned Sam Bush - mandolin pioneer Bill Munroe - bluegrass pinoeer Matteo Mancuso/SNIPS
43: Fighting The Piano Player, Old vs New Vocab, Putting Music Theory In An Order?
This week the guys experiment recording whilst on instagram live. What could possibly go wrong?! Content wise, they finally make sense of the podcast numbering system, Dan has a new axe on the way whilst Beebs is shaking virtual maracas dressed as Batman. In other news they talk about how to play with a piano player in a duo/trio situation, re-imagining tunes you've played a million times, old vs new vocab and just what/how should we approach it. Finally they take some live questions and try to
42: Taking A Break From Playing? Practising Standards & Dan's Upside Down Rants 1 - Extra Minutes e22
With a very hairy Beebs returning from Mt. Everest the guys talk about taking a break from playing guitar. Can it be a useful thing to get space, recharge ideas and rebuild enthusiam? Things then turn to practising through the basics of a Jazz Standard, before Dan reads out a very strange Facebook 'guitarist wanted' ad that has him all triggered. Episode Links Matt Munisteri - The Roots of Jazz Online Course Show Links - the live stream show on Tom’s channel www.theguitarh
41: Danny Short Interview - Education, Sight Reading, Typical Reading Gigs, Approaching Charts/Parts, Gear, Getting Work And Staying Working - Extra Minutes E21
Hi Guys. Dan here truly wearing the Daddy pants as Beebee is finishing up his mountain retreat but the team will reunited next week. This week however I invited my good friend Mr. Danny Short on the show. I have depped for Danny on a couple of shows recently and wanted to get him on to talk about his work as a reading guitarist in London on the west end as well as other things. Its a really insightful chat about the work ethic and world of a reading guitarist today so I hope you enjoy it.
40: Beebs NGD, Dan Does Dusty, Working For Free?, Passion To Pound Ratio, Stylistic Work Ethic - Extra Minutes e20
After the excitement of the Michael Dolce interview just minutes before, and the looming departure of Beebee’s mountain holiday... Dan and Beebee meander through some loose ends and talk about Beebee’s new guitar, Dan’s experience depping on Dusty Springfield The Musical and how to gain experience for those kind of situations. The boys also discuss whether you should work for free, going professional as a guitarist and the balancing act that comes with it as well Dan overhearing some horn player
39: Michael Dolce Interview - The Voice, Work Ethic, Improvisation Psychology, Original Music + THE THUNDERBOOM! Extra Minutes E19
Dan and Beebs sit down (remotely) with Aussie guitarist Michael Dolce to talk all things guitar. Michael is an incredible tasy and melodic player with various guitar projects in the works. Perhaps most notably playing guitar in the band for The Voice Austrailia. We pick his brains about what it's like working in that high pressure world as wel as maintaining his own original music and improvisational skills. Disclaimer - Beebs is away at the time of editing and the resonsibility has fallen upon
38: Core Minimal Skill Set - Jazz, Jamming, Session Work, Gigging (w/ Tom Quayle)
Dan, Beebs and TQ sit down to discuss the idea of a core minimal skill set that's been floated briefly on previous episodes. What it is, why it might be important to be aware of, and then go on to talk about the various contexts of their own work and the skills required to pull it all of - musical or otherwise. SHOW LINKS - the live stream show on Tom’s channel - the podcast feed
37: Fretboard Visualisation, Jens Larsen Interview (w/Tom Quayle) - Extra Minutes e17
Up this week: Beebs, Smith and Quayle are joined by YouTube educator and jazz guitarist Jens Larsen to talk about the success of his channel and.his musical background. They then delve into a huge fretboard visualisation discussion that, shock-horror, is not 3nps vs caged...AND stays civil haha! EPISODE LINKS Jens Larsen Books & Videos Referenced In The Episode Joe Pass Guitar Style Boo
36: Sam Bell Interview, WaterBear New Commercial Music Uni - Extra Minutes e17
This week the boys are joined by super talented Sam Bell to discuss his life as a session guitarist, solo artist, educator and work in the tech metal band Mask of Judas. They wade deeper into the imposter syndrome from last week and Sam talks about some of the issues around his musical identity. Things then circle back to guitar in higher education and the start of an intriguing new commercial music institution called WaterBear. This all pales in comparison however to the mid-episode discovery t
35: Berklee Harmony, Coltrane's Lost Album, Imposter Syndrome, Q&A - e15
This week Dan pulls Beebee out of the theory thunderdome to talk about the 'new' John Coltrane lost album: Both Directions At Once, Beebs' big Fibenare travel news and dealing with imposter synrome as a shy Englishman. They also answer some questions pulled from the discussion group whlist fending off those #evilbronsybants Thanks for the questions guys: Richard Allen, Christopher Bedward, Matt Birstwistle, James Abraham and others, we will put the lofty ones to full episode discussions! Episode
34: How We Record The Podcast and Create Online Guitar Content - Extra Minutes e14
This week Smith n Beebs get meta sharing how they create online guitar content and how they record and produce the podcast. Apologies for the lack of chapters and show notes this week guys. Back to normal next week!
33: Can You Be an 'Authentic' Guitarist in Many Styles? Setting Up Guitars (w/Jake Willson) - Extra Minutes e13
Dan returns this week bringing our good friend Jake Willson with him. Topics on the table: Can you be an ‘authentic’ or ‘legit’ guitarist in many or all styles? Setting up guitars, Updates on Jake's album progress. Beebs and Jake also reflect on their recent trip to Budapest Hungary visiting the Fibenare guys in the workshop of dreams. Finally Jake takes everyone to school with a new term: genre synecdoche! Episode Links Fibenare Guitars Genre Synecdoche THE SHOW - the
Tom Quayle Euro Tour, Core Minimal Skillset For Jazz & The Salieri Effect
Beebs sits down with Tom Quayle to chat about his upcoming European tour with Martin Miller, the core minimal skillset required for any given job/gig, and the potential difficulties of living between the cracks of rock and jazz as a modern guitarist - and appealing to both audiences. Big thanks to Tom stepping in for this emergency episode. Dan, Brons and Beebs recorded 12a the night before and due to 'technical difficulties' ahem..lost it! Show Notes Tom Quayle Martin Miller European Tour 2018
31: Massive Modes Follow Up With Tom Quayle (Live Stream Episode)
Beebs is away in Budapest at the Fibenare workshop designing dream guitars and drinking far too much Palinka. So this week we have an audio rip from a recent TGH Live Stream. The guys follow up on the epic modal discussion of Ep 25 and get Tom's thoughts on where the source of the confusion might be coming from. Plus lots of playing and the usual bants. THE SHOW - the live stream show on Tom’s channel - the podcast feed
30: Are Guitarists Less Musical Than Other Musos?
Together in person @ the Cat Cave the guys discuss Beebs' newfound love for Hobbycraft, Ikea blackout blinds and filming a new guitar tutorial. More on the Facebook discussion group and some Satriani follow up. Dan then posits a somewhat controversial, and not at all click-baity topic...."Are guitarists inherently less musical than other instrumentalists'. Apologies, the audio might be not as up to scratch this week, the edit was rushed to meet Beebs' birthday curry deadline! Soz.
Blackmore on Satriani And Bruce Forman's List of 10 Tunes Follow Up
After sharing the obligatory weekly gig woes, Beebs and Smith follow up on Bruce Forman's mother tunes list and reacc to jam sesssion horror stories. We're also celebrating 10 shows with a giveaway next week to all those of you that join our Facebook discussion group. Main topic this week is AXE FIGHTS! So an old Ritchie Blackmore interview surfaced giving his not entirley complimentary thoughts on Joe Satriani. As ever, the boys give their worthless mumbles and try to get to the nugget of what
28: Gigs, Learning Jazz Standards & the Jam Session
We're back to duo format! The boys catch up on recent gigs, hangs and jams before pre-announcing (is that a thing?) a giveaway competition to help build a TGH community. The big topic this week is Bruce Foreman's top 10 tunes for jazz beginers, and their thoughts and experiences. Finally Dan talks about listening in on a foreign jam sesh and the fear they can induce! NOTES & LINKS Guitar Wank 99v - Brucey's Top 10 Standards Stella By Starlight History - Mike Moreno Peter Bernstein on Stella by
27: Gibson Going Under? Nita Strauss Crowdfunding & Jake Willson on Composition
Ever expanding, the boys bring back Bronsy and add special guest Jake Willson for an in-depth discussion on the compositional process. They also wax sentimental over Gibson and chapter 11, Bronsy delivers some sick burns, before chatting about crowdfunding a guitar album and Nita Strauss' recent and ridiculously successful kickstarter campaign. The Latest Guitar Hour Live Stream Books Jake cites The Curve - Turning Followers into Superfans The Inner Game of Tennis - Timothy Gallwey Jake Willso
26: Flying With Guitars and Dave Brons' Guitar Institute Experience
Smith n Beebs go deeper down the shred hole and catch up with Dave Brons. They ask him about his experience learning at the Guitar Institute in London. The guys also discuss flying with guitars, and Beebee's upcoming trip to the magical Fibenare factory in Hungary.
25: Epic Modes Discussion and Amp Modelling FU
Beebs and Dan follow up on their experiences this week with different amp modellers. Yes it's MORE gear chat, what on earth is going on here? However all that pales in comparisson to the following epic modes rant. After weeks of threatening this topic, they finally discuss why so many guitarists get wrapped up in knots over modes. Strap in, we run a bit long on this one.
24: It's Like a Politically Incorrect Grandma - Amp Modellers, Guitar Education FU
Yet again NOT waking up at the crack of noon, Beebs and Smith talk guitar gear, GAS, and Dan's desire to get great recorded guitar tone. We also discover why David was playing gigs in surgical gloves and follow up with more guitar eduction thoughts after Dan (momentarily) goes back to Uni. Today we're brimming with your favourite 2009 internet memes, so grab your juggalo juice, coffee or beverage of choice and get another 60 minutes of guitar chat in your ear holes. x
23: The Ross and Rachael of guitar lovin' - Extra Minutes e04
Good morning guitar geeks. We’re coming at you bright and early this week! Smith and Beebs follow up on the creativity discussion from last week. They also find peace with questioning their love for the instrument, before pondering the potential differences between the UK jazz guitar colleges and modern/contemporary guitar colleges. Other things concluded in today’s episode: Beebs is falling apart, Tom is the Bebop Spielberg, Dan is the Ross and Rachael of guitar relationships and Bronsy just wa
22: It Snowballed into a 3-Way
Dan and Beebs are joined by a familiar voice and recount their tehcnical woes of starting a podcast. More TGHQ updates before the big discussions on... Content creation and quality vs quantity; compositional ponderings, and how do you get into the mental space of actually putting ass to seat to get guitar work done. Most importantly if TGH were the Fantastic 4, who’s who?!
21: Jazz Cabbage Hotel California - Extra Minutes e02
Beebs and Smith attempt there first double-ender from across the Pennines. They ask who are the guitar heroes of today? Debate the pros and cons of the UK grade exam system and how to balance teaching to them Vs musical life skills. The famous bassist Dave Gilmour and the Millenial Whoop come up too.
TGHP 20: It's like a Peter Andre biography - Extra Minutes e01
Long time no speak! Beebs and Smith sit down to catch you up with TGH in this new, off the cuff Extra Minutes podcast. They briefly argue the merits of cats before going behind TGH scenes in the Thread of Doom, cruise ship work and ponder sight reading for guitar. Dan compares Beebs' educational output to the literary greats and they also ask the question, 'just when is a thing you gone dun good enuff?' Finally, what's up with the PRS Silver Sky and Beeb's Batman Forever nipples.
TGHP 19: Bonus Content - Gilad Hekselman Interview
Another bonus episode. Here, Dan and Beebee interview the truly amazing modern Jazz guitarist Gilad Hekselman.
TGHP 18: Desert Island Rigs & Image - s04e02
Season 4 episode 2. This week Tom tapes up our fingers and set the challenge. We discuss our desert island rigs and gear we can't get passed the look of. Moar jamming and Q&A. It's The Guitar Hour! Links
TGHP 17: Bonus Content - Allen Hinds Interview NAMM '17
TGH guys got to interview the phenomenal guitar player Allen Hinds whilst on a recent trip to winter NAMM 17. If you'd like to help support the show you can donate to our patreon or buy some swag over at our web store. Hope you enjoy, if you have any feedback for us send an email to or send a message to our Facebook page. Thanks for listening! Beebee Links
TGHP 16: Time Management - s04e01
The boys are back for season 4 with upgraded voice and guitar audio! Namm updates Jonathan Kreisberg gig/masterclass Tom's Challenge (broke his elbow so takes over from Dan) Main Discussion we talk about time management for musicians Poll Jam Q&A Links
TGHP 15: Our Early Influences - s03e01
We're back! We kick season 3 off with a summer catchup and discussion on our earliest influences. Dan challenges us as ever, and we do lot's of jamming and answer Q&A. Please support us on Patreon if you can! Beers : jamtlands hell Swedish Brew! Dan's Challenge Backing Track - Minor Blues Hands On Links: Main Jam Backing Track - Funky Blues in A Poll Jam Backing Track - Fast Country Blues in C Quick Picks Links: Ownhammer IR Apollo Twin Bebop: The Music and it's Players Laney IRTX The Guys www
That Pedal Show Interview With Daniel and Mick
(Audio starts at 3m28s - sorry about that!) For the season 2 finale we interview Daniel Steinheardt and Mick Taylor, the awesome duo from the hit youtube channel 'That Pedal Show'. Not much time for the usual tricks as we run long with a really cool interview, tons to learn from this loveable, talented pair :)
TGHP 13: Week in the life of a guitar player - s02e05
(Audio starts at 5m52s sorry about the error!) This week we talk about what we get up to in a typical week as a working guitar player, plus all the usual news, beers, jams and QnA.
TGHP 12: Practising Part 2 - s02e04
In this week's episode we continue the discussion on practising, plus the news, beers, jams and QnA.
TGHP 11: (Special Content) Jonathan Kreisberg Interview - Part 2
Here's the second part of our interview with mind melting jazz guitarist Jonathan Kreisberg. Enjoy :)
TGHP 10: (Special Content) Jonathan Kreisberg Interview - Part 1
Bonus episode of TGHP: First part of our interview with the truly incredible jazz guitarist Jonathan Kreisberg
TGHP 9: Jonathan Kreisberg and Practising (Part 1) - s02e03
In this episode we get deep on practising, and play out some clips from out interview with jazz guitarist Jonathan Kreisberg on the subject. Plus all the usual news, beers, jamming, Q&A.
TGHP 8: Steve Vai Special - s02e02
In this episode we get all dewey eyed about Steve Vai's landmark record Passion & Warfare, plus the usual news, beers, jamming and Q&A.
TGHP 7: Staying healthy as a musician - s02e01
Welcome back to The Guitar Hour podcast season 2. Sorry for the break, we've been a bit slack getting the audio version uploaded. New workflows are in place however and all being well season 3 should be uploaded the day after we live stream. Episode 1 is all about staying healthy whilst on the road. Playing, challenges, news, beers Q&A as usual.
TGHP 6: Lots and Lots of Playing - s01e06
So we made to the end of season 1. 6 shows seems to have flown
by! The finale is all about playing. We diverge from the regular
format and blow over some of our favourite backing tracks from
season 1 that were not chosen in previous poll jams.
Beers Drunk In This Episode: Brewdog IPA
Tom’s new pedalboard - That Pedal Show
Backing Tracks Used
Smooth Jazz Am Blues
Satriani Style Backing Track Jam in Bm - My Darn Jam Tracks
Country Jamtrack Play along Backing - Jam Alon
TGHP 5: Networking - s01e05
(Sorry about the audio in this one! We had some technical issues
with the live stream)
TGH returns after a brief midseason break. This time we talk
about polite and efficient networking. Beebee shows off his brand
new Suhr Classic, Dan sets us the challenge of riffing our way
through the entire alphabet against clock, followed by some epic
jamming and audience QnA. I’m sure the some curry chat too
Beers Drunk in this episode -
Suhr Classic
Pro Sonic Blue mmmmm
TGHP 4: Is Your Mobile Device Stifling Your Creativity - s01e04
This week Tom, Dan, Dave and David question just how much our mobile devices interfere with creativity. Dan sets us the funniest challenge yet, Beebee plays us Selina’s Song, an old tune written back when he wished he was the love child of Satch and Vai. We also have the regular poll jam and audience QnA.
Beers drunk in this episode - Tripple Karmeliet free score writing software
Bob Reynolds Saxophonist Vlog
Backing track Poll JAM: B dorian funky backing track Luca Mantanovelli
TGHP 3: Kick starting your guitar career - s01e03
Can you believe We’re halfway through season one already!? Well we are really getting the hang of it now and have an awesome episode for you this week. We cover the news, Dan challenges us to phrase with 3 notes and a bend, we jam to some cool backing tracks, and Tom plays live, ‘The Funky Chicken’, a world exclusive preview of a track from his upcoming solo album! We also share some ideas to help get your career as a guitar player moving forward before taking QnA and Beebee solos over the outro
TGHP 2: Four Bad Guitar Habits to Avoid - s01e02
The Guitar Hour boys are back with episode 2. This episode is all about the bad habits that creep into our improvisation/playing/mindset, and how we try to avoid them. Plus Dan’s challenge, the poll jam, prize giveaways and Dave performs another tune from his album ‘Kai Rohan’. Audience Q&A and then the guys perform the theme tune to finish things off.Tom Quayle - youtubeDan Smith - youtube
Dave Brons - youtube
David Beebee - youtube
TGHP 1: The Thrill Is Gone? - s01e01
Season premiere of the Guitar Hour with Tom Quayle, Dan Smith, Dave Brons and David Beebee. In this episode they talk about that awful feeling of losing the mojo for our 6 string friend, and what you can do to try and get it back! We are also introduced to the first of Dan’s challenges! Dave and Tom play the track “Miracle Marker” from Dave’s Album. The guys also jam over backing track chosen by the livestream audience and answer questions from TGH audience.
Beers drunk in this episode: Beaverto