TILT - Teachers Improving Learning with Technology

TILT - Teachers Improving Learning with Technology

Danny Maas

The vidcast that is created by teachers for teachers. Do you have a great idea, learning resource, skill, advice, or experience you feel could help other teachers using technology to enhance their students' learning experiences? Send your text, photo, audio recording, video recording, link, or any other medium you'd like and it will become a part of a future TILT broadcast! Email tilttv@gmail.com

Using the Pecha Kucha Presentation Technique with Students

Using the Pecha Kucha Presentation Technique with Students

The Pecha Kucha presentation essentially involves 20 media-rich slides with little or no text voice-narrated for no longer than 20 seconds per slide for a total presentation time of 6 minutes, 40 seconds. In this episode you'll see an overview of Pecha Kucha and how your students can create Pecha Kucha presentations of their own. Thanks to the following people in my Twitter PLN, friends, and the blogosphere for their expertise and experience which helped me create this: Aaron Ball, @MrAar

Jun 24, 2010 • 0:00

TILT - Create a Classroom Magazine with PowerPoint

TILT - Create a Classroom Magazine with PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint is software which is present in most of our schools, however it can be used for so much more than presentations. In this episode, you'll see how PowerPoint can be used to create a beautiful classroom magazine. While the screencast demonstrates PowerPoint 2007, 2003 can also be used. Project ideas include: Thematic articles (e.g. poetry magazine, global citizenship magazine) Subject-specific (e.g. math magazine) Student portfolio magazine for each student (e.g. work sa

Mar 5, 2010 • 0:00

Student-created Graphic Organizer Activities to Enhance Visual Literacy & Deepen Learning

Student-created Graphic Organizer Activities to Enhance Visual Literacy & Deepen Learning

Having students create their own graphic organizers with key words or phrases, multimedia, connections, color, and layout can be a great way for them to develop visual literacy and thinking skills, construct and represent knowledge, and show the connections between their ideas and understandings. In this episode, participants will be shown specific examples of three different types of graphic organizers for different purposes: Compare and Contrast Map Concept Map (in the form of an opinion comp

Jan 28, 2010 • 0:00

TILT - Multiple Unique Email Addresses for Student Web 2.0 Services Using a Single Gmail Account

TILT - Multiple Unique Email Addresses for Student Web 2.0 Services Using a Single Gmail Account

There are many excellent web 2.0 tools that can enhance learning and allow students to communicate what they know, such as Animoto.com/education, Prezi.com, and GoAnimate.com. One of the issues for teachers, however, is that some of these tools require unique email addresses for each user. In this episode, you'll learn how to create numerous unique email addresses for web 2.0 account registrations instantly using a single Gmail account. Right-click to download: iTunes Version (640 x 480, 9.4

Dec 8, 2009 • 0:00

TILT - iPhones in Classrooms

TILT - iPhones in Classrooms

tweetmeme_url = ''; In this episode, we'll look at four elements of the iPhone which make it a great educational tool for a teacher and students: Still/video camera and apps to edit/enhance photos (00:43) Audio recorder (04:15) iPod/iTunes (05:04) Blogging apps (07:31) Show links: None this episode Right-click to download: iTunes Version (320 x 240, 34 MB MPEG-4) Windows Media Version (640 x 480, 47 MB WMV)

Sep 30, 2009 • 0:00

TILT - Slideshows and Video Projects to DVD the Easy (and Free) Way

TILT - Slideshows and Video Projects to DVD the Easy (and Free) Way

The thought of burning photo slide shows, PowerPoint presentations, and video projects to DVD as a way of sharing schoolwork with home is desirable to many teachers. With Windows XP however, too often it means having to buy software.In this episode, you'll see options for converting these projects and burning them to DVD which are easy and which involve using free, trusted software.Show Links:DVD Flick WebsiteMicrosoft Photo Story 3Windows Media Encoder 9 Large Google Video VersionRight-click to

Mar 28, 2008 • 0:00

TILT Episode 16 - Multimedia Storybooks with PowerPoint 2003

TILT Episode 16 - Multimedia Storybooks with PowerPoint 2003

We know that our students learn better through multiple representations of the same idea, not to mention the engagement that multimedia can offer our students. With text, animation, narration, and the ability to insert video/audio clips, using PowerPoint to create multimedia storybooks is a natural! In this episode you'll see the basics of creating or retelling a story using PowerPoint 2003.Show Links:Rubistar - Online rubric creatorSounddogs - Downloadable sound effectsSample multimedia story

May 19, 2007 • 0:00

TILT Episode 15 - Creating a Timeline with Microsoft Excel

TILT Episode 15 - Creating a Timeline with Microsoft Excel

Many of us in schools have access to Microsoft Excel, but finding a variety of uses for this powerful program can be challenging. In this tutorial episode, we will use Microsoft Excel to create a simple yet interactive and media-rich timeline.Show Links:Microsoft.com's online lessonExcel template used in this episode (287 KB)Large Google Video VersionRight-click to download:iTunes Version (320 x 240, 19 MB MPEG-4)Windows Media Version (640 x 480, 23 MB WMV)

Jan 16, 2007 • 0:00

TILT Episode 14 - So You Want to be a Vidcaster?

TILT Episode 14 - So You Want to be a Vidcaster?

Quite a few people have asked me about how I create TILT episodes. Some want to have their students create their own vidcasts/vodcasts/videoblogs/screencasts and some are interested in creating their own, either for their students, their staff, or for the blogosphere. In this episode, I'll show you how I create these video episodes for FREE. If/when you decide to 'take the plunge' with this type of thing, drop me an email so I can check it out!BloggerWordpressWindows Media Encoder (Free Window

Oct 23, 2006 • 0:00

TILT Episode 13 - Math Fact Websites are FUN!

TILT Episode 13 - Math Fact Websites are FUN!

Students and teachers from grades 2-9 and beyond often struggle with learning basic math facts. As educators, we know how important memorizing these facts can be in learning numerous other math concepts, yet learning these facts can be a difficult, almost painful process for students. In this episode, we'll look at a few websites which will help students learn basic facts and teachers learn basic facts in a fun way.Links in this episode:Math Mayhem (00:29)Multiflyer (02:14)Multiplication.com (

Oct 6, 2006 • 0:00

TILT Episode 12 - Web Applications Part 2

TILT Episode 12 - Web Applications Part 2

In this episode, we'll feature 4 fantastic web-based applications that can have you and your students using some incredibly-functioning, feature-rich applications without the need to install anything. As the episode title suggests, these applications and tools run right in your web browser and are all FREE.Applications featured in this episode:Writely - the web word processorGliffy - a web-based concept-mapping/diagram-creating tool similar to InspirationProtopage - create feature-rich web page

Sep 6, 2006 • 0:00

TILT Episode 11 - Technology for Thinking

TILT Episode 11 - Technology for Thinking

Some say that technology does not improve student learning, and have plenty of data to back it up. Others say the reason for that is that teachers aren't teaching differently with technology than they do in their classrooms. I say that if we want to improve learning with technology, we need to understand the learning process. Once we do, we'll be better able to apply those beliefs about how learning should happen to any technology that comes our way.In this episode, we'll look at 3 popular le

Jun 1, 2006 • 0:00

TILT Episode 10 - Beginning Excel in the Classroom

TILT Episode 10 - Beginning Excel in the Classroom

Most teachers I've talked to want to use Microsoft Excel with their students but don't know where to begin. This episode guides you through a simple but interesting project with Excel which involves doing a real-time survey, entering that data into Excel, and very quickly and easily turning that data into a pictograph.Click here for large Google Flash VideoRight-Click to download Episode 10MPEG-4 Version (320 x 240, 18.5MB)Windows Media Version (640 x 480, 21.6MB)

Apr 20, 2006 • 0:00

TILT Episode 9 - Educational Blogging Part 2

TILT Episode 9 - Educational Blogging Part 2

Teachers are doing many things with weblogs in their classrooms. In this episode, we feature some of those blogs as well as interview a Seattle teacher, Bre Pettis, about how he uses blogs with his art students.Right-click to save MPEG-4 version (79 Mb)Click here to watch a larger version of this Flash video on Google VideoShow Links:Mrs. Polak's 4/6 Class BlogPaul Gates' 2nd Grade ClassWillow WebSimple Machine BlogDive BlogYoung Reader's Choice Awards BlogBre Pettis' Room 132 Blog

Mar 12, 2006 • 0:00

Episode 3 - Educational Robotics

Episode 3 - Educational Robotics

Episode 3 - Educational Robotics

Feb 21, 2006 • 0:00

Episode 4 - Online Literature

Episode 4 - Online Literature

Episode 4 - Online Literature

Feb 21, 2006 • 0:00

Episode 2 - Digital Pictures in the Classroom

Episode 2 - Digital Pictures in the Classroom

Episode 2 - Using Digital Pictures in the Classroom

Feb 21, 2006 • 0:00

Episode 1 - Using the Internet to Enhance Writing

Episode 1 - Using the Internet to Enhance Writing

Episode 1 - Using the Internet to Enhance Writing

Feb 21, 2006 • 0:00

TILT Episode 8 - Teaching Area, Perimeter, and Scale Drawing with Microsoft Word

TILT Episode 8 - Teaching Area, Perimeter, and Scale Drawing with Microsoft Word

In this episode, we look at how teaching the math concepts of area, perimeter, and/or scale drawing can be enhanced using a tool most of us have, Microsoft Word.Right-click here to download the MPEG-4 Video (24 MB)Click here to watch the Google Video full screen or click the play button below to watch now!

Feb 16, 2006 • 0:00

TILT Episode 7 - Multimedia Animation Using PowerPoint

TILT Episode 7 - Multimedia Animation Using PowerPoint

In this episode, we look at 3 techniques students (and teachers) can use to create animations in PowerPoint:1) Custom animation built into PowerPoint (2:27)2) Keyframe animation with 'Duplicate Slides' and/or with sprites (7:25)3) 'Flash-once' animation (10:41)I've used all 3 types of animation with kids for different purposes, but by and large the most effective activities I've done are ones that involve students explaining concepts or ideas with animations. Not present in this episode, studen

Dec 21, 2005 • 0:00

TILT Episode 6 - Educational Blogging Part 1

TILT Episode 6 - Educational Blogging Part 1

In this episode we'll begin to examine the learning possiblilities with student blogging. We'll briefly look at some issues associated with student bloging and go for a quick tour of some free blogging platforms for educational blogging. We'll finish by taking a look at ways which parents, teachers, and students can view numerous updated blog entries (RSS Syndication) all in one place.Show Links:BloggerBlogging Legal GuideTeachers' TVBlogger in the Classroom - Pete McKay/Sandra GluthLearnerBlo

Dec 2, 2005 • 0:00

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