Ausha Podcast
Thomas Deseur
Reviews des différentes conférences autour du podcast
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Podcast Day 2018 Copenhague - Joël Ronez - Binge Audio a Non-linear Radio Business
Binge Audio: A Non-Linear Radio Business
Joël Ronez (Co-Founder, Binge Audio, France)
Founded in 2015, Binge Audio is based on a few convictions: on-demand only content available on all platforms, premium narrative programmes, high quality publishing chain, young producers with autonomy, highly integrated sponsorship or brand content, and new formats for new devices (connected speakers).Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Podcast Day 2018 - Steve Pratt - Google, Smart Speakers and New Formats – Unlocking The Next Wave of Podcast Listeners
Google, Smart Speakers and New Formats – Unlocking The Next Wave of Podcast Listeners
Steve Pratt (Co-Founder, Pacific Content, Canada)
Podcasting continues to grow every year, but the number of people who listen to podcasts are still outnumbered by those who don’t. Strategies that help existing podcast listeners find their next favourite show are valuable, but strategies that introduce scores of new people to their first ever podcast have the potential to be game-changers for the industry.
Podcast Day 2018 Copenhague - Benjamin Masse - The State of Podcast Measurement
The State of Podcast Measurement
Benjamin Masse (Managing Director, Market Development and Strategy, Triton Digital, UK)
Growing consumption of on demand audio requires better and reliable data. Benjamin will give an overview of today´s metrics, guidelines and advancements and discuss tomorrow´s metrics.Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Podcast Day 2018 Copenhague - Joeri Nortier - Newsradio – From Linear to SMART Radio and Podcasts
Newsradio – From Linear to SMART Radio and Podcasts
Joeri Nortier (Product Manager, BNR Nieuwsradio, the Netherlands)
The Netherlands’ only commercial news radio station has adopted an innovative, non-linear strategy. Podcasting will play a very important role in this shift to a non-linear publisher of audio content.
Joeri will discuss how BNR is implementing the new focus on on-demand audio with a unique self-organizing and multidisciplinary team. He will show how BNR is successfully monetiz
Podcat Day 2018 Copenhague - George Mullen & Pete Zazulka - The UK Podcast Audience How Under 35s Listen
The UK Podcast Audience – How Under 35s Listen
George Mullen (Research Manager, Podcast and Radio, BBC, UK) & Pete Zazulka (Head of Audience Planning for Radio, BBC, UK)
Pete and George will give an overview of the UK podcast market and why the BBC sees this as an important area for development. They will moreover present their recent analysis on podcasts for under 35s. What are the challenges in meeting this audience’s needs? What do they want to listen to? Who do they want to listen to
Podcast Day 2018 Copenhague - Joakim Johansson - Establishing a Podcast Currency
Establishing a Podcast Currency
Joakim Johansson (Digital Media Analyst, Swedish Radio, Sweden)
How can the radio industry collaborate to provide agreed upon measurement regarding how many listeners podcasts have? This is a challenge in many markets. Sweden found a way and this is how it works.Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Podcast Day 2018 Copenhague - Ben Fawkes - Deezer Originals Creating Podcasts in the World of Music Streaming
Deezer Originals - Creating Podcasts in the World of Music Streaming
Ben Fawkes (Senior Manager Audio Content, Deezer, Germany)
Ben was hired by Deezer to oversee the creation of original podcast content for the German speaking market in 2016. He will speak about the journey from producing 'one-off' content for events, all the way to producing a number 1 podcast in the German podcast charts. He will explain what worked, what didn't, what Deezer wants to do more of, how best to market, what for
Podcast Day 2018 Copenhague - Joe Copeman - Monetising the Podcast Market
Monetising the Podcast Market
Joe Copeman (Director of Sales, Acast, UK)
In little over 3 years, Acast have launched in the UK & signed & retained the most respected publishers from FT to Economist, from The Guardian to Vice. We have also launched a huge number of independent podcasts from The UK's No1 My Dad Wrote A Porno to the most sought after influencers. Along the way, there have been challenges, opportunities, many media firsts, as brands flock into this space looking to underst
Podcast Day 2018 Copenhague - Tom Webster - The Podcast Consumer 2018
The Podcast Consumer 2018
Tom Webster (Vice President of Strategy and Marketing, Edison Research, USA)
Tom Webster will bring the latest research and overview of the most important trends from the American and Australian radio markets. What works? Is anyone making money? What is happening in the area of smart speakers in regard to podcasting? Also development in key demographics within podcasting and maybe a few predictions for the near future of podcasting.Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez
Podcast Day 2018 Copenhague - Jack Werner - The Creepy Podcast
Jack Werner (Producer, The Creepy Pod, Sweden)
Swedish Noir is alive and well in podcasting. The “Creepy Podcast” is one of the most popular podcasts in Sweden, building a relationship between young listeners and Swedish public service radio, and it is all about ghost stories.
The host Jack Werner describes how he works, why the constant contact with the listeners is important and what you shouldn’t do when reading a good creepy story.Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez
Podcast Day 2018 Copenhague - Ina Tenz - Strategy and Exectuion of Podcasting as a Secondary Product
Beyond ROI - Strategy and Execution of Podcasting as a Secondary Product
Ina Tenz (Chief Content and Brand Officer, Antenne Bayern, Germany)
Antenne Bayern is Germany's biggest commercial radio station. Even though their focus clearly is on economic success and profitability, the company has adopted a very straightforward approach to podcasting. Despite the fact that the ultimate business model is yet to be found, their investments into the podcasting space are notable.
In this session Antenn