Ehky Ya Masr إحكي يا مصر

Ehky Ya Masr إحكي يا مصر


Ehky Ya Masr - إحكي يا مصر is an award winning narrative nonfiction bilingual podcast about life in Egypt. The podcast production began in 2016 and launched in 2017. Ehky Ya Masr - إحكي يا مصر means "Tell your story, Egypt" in Arabic. The Ehky Ya Masr team is Refan AbdelNabi, Yasmine Bassily, Heba Fouad, Kim Fox, Sarah Hassan, Nour Ibrahim, Safaa Magdy, Kanzy Mahmoud, Sarah Safty, Nadeen Shaker and Shaza Walid. Follow us on social: #EhkyYaMasr

Ehky Ya Masr's How Egypt's Water Crisis Impacts Food Production

Ehky Ya Masr's How Egypt's Water Crisis Impacts Food Production

The current water crisis in Egypt is impacted by many variables. Ehky Ya Masr executive producer Kim Fox (@ohradiogirl) asked the experts and stakeholders to share their stories of why the problems exist and what's next as it relates to water quality, water scarcity and food production in Egypt.Introduction by Shaza Walid (@shazawalid)Written and researched by Kim Fox and Reem Elmaghraby (@reemelmaghraby)Interviews and nat sounds collected by Kim FoxOriginal Ehky Ya Masr theme music produced by

Dec 18, 2021 • 9:16

Ehky Ya Masr's Your Favorite Egyptian Food Bil Arabie

Ehky Ya Masr's Your Favorite Egyptian Food Bil Arabie

المصريون يقدرون الأكل بصفة خاصة جدًا! في هذه الحلقة من الموسم الجديد لبودكاست احكي يا مصر، نسلط الضوء على المطبخ المصري بمساعدة مستمعينا.حلقة "أكلتك المصرية المفضلة" تقدمها شذا وليد واخرجتها ريم المغربي وكيم فوكس. موسيقى بودكاست احكي يا مصر من تأليف آدم عوض. نشكر كل من ساهم بمشاركة أطباقهم المفضلة في هذه الحلقة:مها بلتاجيرحمة اللهمحمد بدرمارتن عبد الشهيدمهند أشرفكاثرين هارولدمحمد عيسىنيالا واكرمريم إسماعيلنور البازميرا واصفوشكر خاص لجازمين بيومي ودينا صلاح الدين. شاركونا ذكرياتكم المفضلة مع الأ

Dec 12, 2021 • 4:41

Ehky Ya Masr's Feseekh: The Egyptian Dish to Die For

Ehky Ya Masr's Feseekh: The Egyptian Dish to Die For

Feseekh is a fish dish with a long and storied history in Egypt. Ehky Ya Masr’s Reem Elmaghraby talks to the people who love it and know it and explains why it's considered deadly."Feseekh: The Egyptian Dish to Die For" was produced by Reem Elmaghraby (@reemelmaghraby).Executive producer Kim Fox (@ohradiogirl).Original Ehky Ya Masr theme music produced by Adam Awad (@mradamawad). Find him on or visit his Facebook page

Dec 5, 2021 • 7:52

Ehky Ya Masr's The Syrian Shawarma Takeover

Ehky Ya Masr's The Syrian Shawarma Takeover

Ehky Ya Masr's The Syrian Shawarma TakeoverEgyptians know about shawarma, but have you heard about or tasted Syrian shawarma? Ehky Ya Masr’s Calvin Harrison investigates the popularity of Syrian shawarma in Egypt."The Syrian Shawarma Takeover" was produced by Calvin Harrison.Executive producer Kim Fox (@ohradiogirl).Original Ehky Ya Masr theme music produced by Adam Awad (@mradamawad). Find him on or visit his Facebook page"Th

Nov 28, 2021 • 7:28

Ehky Ya Masr's Come Drink Tea, the Egyptian Way

Ehky Ya Masr's Come Drink Tea, the Egyptian Way

Food culture in Egypt is immersed with food AND drinks and ... shay (tea) is a staple with meals as well as throughout the day. Ehky Ya Masr producer Sarah Hassan explores some of Egypt's rich tea history."Come Drink Tea, The Egyptian Way" produced by Sarah Hassan (@SarahHassan93).Editing By Reem Elmaghraby (@Reemelmaghraby).Executive producer Kim Fox (@ohradiogirl).Original Ehky Ya Masr theme music produced by Adam Awad (@mradamawad). Find him on Instagram o

Nov 21, 2021 • 8:26

Ehky Ya Masr's Your Favorite Egyptian Food

Ehky Ya Masr's Your Favorite Egyptian Food

This audio piece follows the heart and soul of many Egyptians … to their bellies! With the launch of our Ehky Ya Masr Food Series, we highlight some amazing Egyptian cuisine with the help of some of our listeners."Your Favorite Egyptian Food" was narrated by Shaza Walid with production by Reem Elmaghraby and Kim Fox. The Ehky Ya Masr theme music was produced by Adam Awad. Find him on Instagram or visit his website.Special thanks to our Ehky Ya Masr foodies for sharing their food memories:-Maha B

Nov 14, 2021 • 6:15

Ehky Ya Masr's Feseekh Promo

Ehky Ya Masr's Feseekh Promo

“Feseekh: An Egyptian Dish to Die For” by @reemelmaghraby.Everyone in Egypt loves food, but Egyptian's opinions on feseekh, the controversial fish dish, is split between love it or hate it. Ehky Ya Masr’s Reem Elmaghraby investigates this love/hate relationship with this fishy food.“Feseekh: An Egyptian Dish to Die For” is a part of the Ehky Ya Masr إحكي يا مصر Food series.Visit our Facebook page for more

Nov 7, 2021 • 0:47

Ehky Ya Masr's How Egypt's Water Crisis Impacts Food Production Promo

Ehky Ya Masr's How Egypt's Water Crisis Impacts Food Production Promo

"How Egypt's Water Crisis Impacts Food Production" by @ohradiogirl.There has been a lot of talk about how Egypt will be negatively impacted by the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), but the reality is that Egypt is already experiencing major issues with water scarcity and quality. Ehky Ya Masr's Kim Fox looks into how the water issues in Egypt impacts food production. "How Egypt's Water Crisis Impacts Food Production" is a part of the Ehky Ya Masr إحكي يا مصر Food series.Visit our Facebook

Oct 14, 2019 • 0:44

Ehky Ya Masr's The Syrian Shawarma Takeover Promo

Ehky Ya Masr's The Syrian Shawarma Takeover Promo

"The Syrian Shawarma Takeover" by Calvin Harrison.The war in Syria and the resulting refugee crisis brought thousands of Syrians to Egypt, and along with them, their delicious and ubiquitous shawarma shops. It seems that these new entrepreneurs have found a way into Egyptian society through stomachs and tastebuds. Ehky Ya Masr’s Calvin Harrison has become a shawarma expert as a result of this piece, or maybe ... he already was."The Syrian Shawarma Takeover" is a part of the Ehky Ya Masr إحكي يا

Oct 7, 2019 • 0:42

Ehky Ya Masr's Come Drink Tea, The Egyptian Way Promo

Ehky Ya Masr's Come Drink Tea, The Egyptian Way Promo

"Come Drink Tea, The Egyptian Way" by @SarahHassan93.You can't have a meal in Egypt without also having tea. Tune in to get a glimpse of one of the main tools that creates a great connection in Egypt. Ehky Ya Masr’s Sarah Hassan drinks a lot of tea for this feature."Come Drink Tea, The Egyptian Way" is a part of the Ehky Ya Masr إحكي يا مصر Food series.Visit our Facebook page for more

Sep 30, 2019 • 0:41

Ramadan Across Social Classes in Cairo

Ramadan Across Social Classes in Cairo

"Ramadan Across Social Classes in Cairo" by @SarahHassan93.The economic hardships that Cairenes face daily can be buried in Ramadan. There are so many opportunities to socialize ... and eat. Ehky Ya Masr’s Sarah Hassan explores the topic a bit more."Ramadan Across Social Classes in Cairo" is a part of the Ehky Ya Masr إحكي يا مصر Ramadan series with original intro music produced by our Facebook page you can share your experiences of Ramadan in Cairo:w

Jun 13, 2018 • 11:47

The Microbus Driver: A Victim or Culprit of Egyptian Traffic (Arabic)

The Microbus Driver: A Victim or Culprit of Egyptian Traffic (Arabic)

يقوم هذا التقرير الصوتي بتعريف الجمهور علي حياة سائق الميكروباص في مصر و فكرة عرقلته لحركة المرور المصرية المعروف بها. تحاول "كنزي محمود" من "إحكي يا مصر" معرفة المزيد عن كيفية ادارة نظام الميكروباص في مصر الي جانب الدور الذي تلعبه هذه الوسيلة لدي النقل اليومي للمصريين. This audio feature (in Arabic) introduces the audience to the life of a microbus driver in Egypt and the stigma that surrounds him of being the primary disruptor Egyptian traffic. Ehky Ya Masr’s @kanzy-mahmoud tries to find out

May 16, 2018 • 6:35

Ehky Ya Masr's Walk Like an Egyptian Feature

Ehky Ya Masr's Walk Like an Egyptian Feature

"Walk Like An Egyptian" by Yasminah ElSayedAs if driving in Cairo isn’t stressful enough, try walking. Ehky Ya Masr’s Yasminah ElSayed talks with Cairenes about the struggle to walk in the capital city."Walk Like An Egyptian" is a part of the Ehky Ya Masr إحكي يا مصر Transportation series with original intro music produced by our Facebook page you can share your experiences and challenges of walking in

May 15, 2018 • 6:14

Ehky Ya Masr's Female Drivers in Cairo Feature

Ehky Ya Masr's Female Drivers in Cairo Feature

"Female Drivers in Cairo" by @YasmineBassily Driving in Cairo is sooo hectic that it makes you wonder: where do people learn to drive? Turns out that, just like anywhere else in the world, many dads teach their daughters to drive. Ehky Ya Masr producer Yasmine Bassily doesn’t get behind the wheel, but she gets the story for us. "Female Drivers in Cairo" is a part of the Ehky Ya Masr إحكي يا مصر Transportation series with original intro music produced by @mradamawad:

May 14, 2018 • 7:03

Ehky Ya Masr's A Refugees' Journey Through Egypt Promo

Ehky Ya Masr's A Refugees' Journey Through Egypt Promo

There are thousands of refugees and asylum seekers in Egypt. Ehky Ya Masr's @RefanAbdelNabi talked to some of them about how they managed to get around the capital city and how they navigate it.

Mar 22, 2018 • 0:30

Ehky Ya Masr's The Microbus Driver: A Victim or Culprit of Egyptian Traffic? Promo

Ehky Ya Masr's The Microbus Driver: A Victim or Culprit of Egyptian Traffic? Promo

The Ehky Ya Masr Podcast Transportation Series will focus on - transportation in Cairo. NOTE: This content is in Arabic. الميكروباص عنصر أساسي في ثقافة المرور في القاهرة و في مصر كلها. استنوا حلقة كنزي محمود لاحكي يا مصر علشان تعرفوا أكتر عن الميكروباص و السواقين و الركاب. This is the promo. You'll find the full feature on SoundCloud and PRX. You can find @kanzy-mahmoud on SoundCloud and on Twitter at Kanzy19.

Mar 21, 2018 • 0:30

Ehky Ya Masr's Walk Like an Egyptian Promo

Ehky Ya Masr's Walk Like an Egyptian Promo

As if driving in Cairo isn’t stressful enough, try walking. Ehky Ya Masr’s Yasminah ElSayed talks with Cairenes about the struggle to walk in the capital city.This is the promo. You'll find the full feature on SoundCloud and PRX.

Mar 20, 2018 • 0:23

Ehky Ya Masr's Female Drivers in Cairo Promo

Ehky Ya Masr's Female Drivers in Cairo Promo

Driving in Cairo is sooo hectic that it makes you wonder: where do people learn to drive? Turns out that just like anywhere else in the world, many dads teach their daughters to drive. Ehky Ya Masr’s @YasmineBassily doesn’t get behind the wheel, but she gets the story for us. This is the promo. You'll find the full feature on SoundCloud and PRX. You can find Yasmine on Twitter at Yasmine_Bassily

Mar 19, 2018 • 0:32

Being a Woman in Egypt: Hopes, Dreams and Restrictions

Being a Woman in Egypt: Hopes, Dreams and Restrictions

“Being a Woman in Egypt: Hopes, Dreams and Restrictions” by Noura Shibl, @ourahibl.Imagine you’re a college educated young woman who yearns to see some of the places you’ve learned about in your classes, but your traditional Egyptian parents Listen to Noura Shibl’s quest to gain independence and travel the world.“Being a Woman in Egypt: Hopes, Dreams and Restrictions” is a part of the Ehky Ya Masr إحكي يا مصر Relationship series. It was originally produced for the Audio Produc

Feb 19, 2018 • 8:16

Being A Woman In Egypt: Hopes, Dreams and Restrictions Promo

Being A Woman In Egypt: Hopes, Dreams and Restrictions Promo

The Ehky Ya Masr Podcast Relationship Series will focus on - relationships, more specifically non-traditional relationships.This promo was produced by Noura Shibl, @ourahibl, for the Ehky Ya Masr Podcast (originally produced for the Audio Production course at The American University in Cairo).You'll find the full feature on SoundCloud and PRX. You can find Noura on Twitter at @NouraShibl.

Feb 17, 2018 • 0:29

Egypt's Obsession With Their Neighbors

Egypt's Obsession With Their Neighbors

“Egyptians’ Obsession With Their Neighbors” by Menna Eid, @moonyeid.The nosy neighbor is a global phenomenon. For Egyptians, it starts with the doorman, the bawab. His nosiness can negatively impact the vibrancy of a young girl’s life: keeping track of when she comes and goes, how she dresses and who she socializes with. Ehky Ya Masr’s Menna Eid is one of those who is openly spied on. She shares her story.“Egyptians’ Obsession With Their Neighbors” is a part of the Ehky Ya Masr إحكي يا مصر Relat

Feb 12, 2018 • 6:06

Neighbors Promo

Neighbors Promo

The Ehky Ya Masr Podcast Relationship Series will focus on - relationships, more specifically non-traditional relationships. This promo was produced by Menna Eid, @moonyeid, for the Ehky Ya Masr Podcast (originally produced for the Audio Production course at The American University in Cairo). You'll find the full feature on SoundCloud and PRX. You can find Menna on Twitter at MennaEid.

Feb 8, 2018 • 0:25

Ehky Ya Masr Hijab Feature

Ehky Ya Masr Hijab Feature

العلاقات ممكن تبقي صعبة بالذات علاقة البنات بحجابهم. اسمع حكايتين مختلفتين من واقع المحجباتThis episode is a part of Ehky Ya Masr's Relationships Series and was produced by @NadeenShaker.View the script in Arabic and English:

Nov 13, 2017 • 8:27

Ehky Ya Masr Wasta in Egypt

Ehky Ya Masr Wasta in Egypt

How much can a relationship help you? In Egypt, the answer is: a lot.A "wasta," a connection that helps you attain a certain service, position or special treatment, is something common for those who live in Egypt. Even when not necessary, having a wasta can save an individual time and effort.In this episode of the Relationships Series, @Nour-Ibrahim-58 discovers how wasta works in Egypt and why even those who find it unethical rely on it. Feature credits:Audio editing software provided by Hinden

Nov 6, 2017 • 8:18

Hijab Relationships Promo :: الحجاب والبنات

Hijab Relationships Promo :: الحجاب والبنات

The Ehky Ya Masr Podcast Relationship Series will focus on - relationships, more specifically non-traditional relationships. NOTE: This promo is in Arabic. في ناس ذي ايناس بتحب شعرها لكنهم مش قادرين يبينوه علشان حجابهم. استنوا حلقتنا عن الحجاب في احكي يا مص Enas El Masry has big hair. She loves it. But she could not show it off because of her hijab. You can hear Enas' hijab story on the Ehky Ya Masr Podcast produced by Nadeen Shaker. You'll find the full feature on SoundCloud and PRX. You ca

Nov 3, 2017 • 0:30

Wasta in Egypt Promo

Wasta in Egypt Promo

The Ehky Ya Masr Podcast Relationship Series will focus on - relationships, more specifically non-traditional relationships.This promo was produced by Nour Ibrahim, @nour-ibrahim-58, for the Ehky Ya Masr Podcast.You'll find the full feature on SoundCloud and PRX. You can find Nour on Twitter at Ibrahim95Nour.

Nov 2, 2017 • 0:30

Ehky Ya Masr A Tale of a Drum and a Song: Exploring The Mesaharaty

Ehky Ya Masr A Tale of a Drum and a Song: Exploring The Mesaharaty

“A Tale of a Drum and a Song: Exploring the Mesaharaty” by Shaza Walid, @shazawalid.Perhaps the first thing to come to your mind when you think about Ramadan is family gatherings, syrupy desserts, colorful lanterns and of course ... the mesaharaty. In this episode, Shaza Walid takes us on a journey to explore the history of the mesaharaty and his iconic drumbeat and special songs. But it’s not the story of a man this time, as it has always been over the past decades. Listen to Shaza’s feature t

Jun 7, 2017 • 3:30

Ehky Ya Masr Intending to Fast Feature

Ehky Ya Masr Intending to Fast Feature

“Intending to Fast” by Nour Ibrahim, @nour-ibrahim-58.In this episode, a Coptic Christian takes us on her attempt to go on an Islamic fast for a day. She discovers the hardships of fasting, compares Coptic fasting to Islamic fasting and discovers the significance of making intention in Islam. Music Credits for this episode:The Snow Queen and The Path of the Goblin King by Kevin MacLeod ( licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Jun 6, 2017 • 3:31

Ehky Ya Masr Children and Ramadan Feature

Ehky Ya Masr Children and Ramadan Feature

“Children and Ramadan” by Refan AbdelNabi, @refanabdelnabi.This audio feature is a glimpse into how children experience Ramadan. The celebration and spirituality behind the Holy month; and what educational programs are available for them.“Children and Ramadan” is a part of the Ehky Ya Masr إحكي يا مصر Ramadan series.On our Facebook page you can share your experience of when you first began to fast for

Jun 5, 2017 • 3:30

Ehky Ya Masr Ramadan: The Global Experience Feature

Ehky Ya Masr Ramadan: The Global Experience Feature

“Ramadan: The Global Experience” by Safaa Magdy, @safy-magdy. Ramadan in Muslim countries is the prime time of the year for TV shows, lots of delicious food, and family gatherings. Whereas in non-Muslim countries it is the prime time for Muslims to answer so many questions about their religion, say no to many food offers and struggle to balance their spiritual/work life. “Ramadan: The Global Experience” is a part of the Ehky Ya Masr إحكي يا مصر Ramadan series. You can share your experience o

Jun 4, 2017 • 3:30

Ehky Ya Masr Economics of Ramadan Feature

Ehky Ya Masr Economics of Ramadan Feature

“The Economics of Ramadan” by Sarah El Safty, @arahlaftyIsn't it ironic that even though in Ramadan we're supposed to be fasting, we still end up buying and eating too much food? On this audio feature Sarah El Safty sheds light on the food shopping habits of Egyptians during Ramadan and its effect on the economy, particularly this year following the recent devaluation of the country’s currency.“The Economics of Ramadan” is a part of the Ehky Ya Masr إحكي يا مصر Ramadan series.On our Facebook pa

Jun 3, 2017 • 3:30

Hijri Months Isn't Only Ramadan

Hijri Months Isn't Only Ramadan

التقويم الهجري مش بس رمضان: سارة حسن حلقة النهاردة من #إحكي_يا_مصر عن التقويم الهجري اللي نسيناه أو فاكرين منه بس رمضان. سارة حسن هتفكرنا تاني بأهميته في حياتنا وهتتساءل عن مستقبله في السنين الجاية.“Hijri Months Isn’t Only Ramadan” by Sarah Hassan, @SarahHassan93.This audio feature puts the Islamic Hijri calendar under the microscope, as there are generations that have have no clue what its months are except for Ramadan. That said, Sarah Hassan reveals the importance of this calendar and wonders

Jun 2, 2017 • 3:31

Ehky Ya Masr Time Capsule of Ramadan Feature

Ehky Ya Masr Time Capsule of Ramadan Feature

“The Time Capsule of Ramadan” by Kanzy MahmoudThis audio feature compares Ramadan in Egypt from the past to today. Ehky Ya Masr’s Kanzy Mahmoud explores Ramadan rituals, family gatherings, entertainment and neighborhood celebrations … all in an effort to highlight how different generations have celebrated and are celebrating the Holy month.“The Time Capsule of Ramadan” is a part of the Ehky Ya Masr إحكي يا مصر Ramadan series.Share stories of how Ramadan has changed for you and your family, on ou

Jun 2, 2017 • 3:30

Ehky Ya Masr Fanous Feature

Ehky Ya Masr Fanous Feature

“The History of the Fanous” by @NadeenShaker This audio feature explores the origin of the story of the Ramadan lantern called the “fanous.” Learn when and how the fanous was made popular in Egypt, and how the tradition has endured, despite the recent economic crises."The History of the Fanous" is a part of the Ehky Ya Masr إحكي يا مصر Ramadan series.Share photos of your family's fanous, on our Facebook page:

May 31, 2017 • 3:31

The Children-Ramadan

The Children-Ramadan

This promo was produced by @RefanAbdelNabi for the Ehky Ya Masr Podcast.You'll find the full feature on SoundCloud and PRX. You can find Refan on Twitter at @AlienduckRefan.

May 28, 2017 • 0:30

The Hijiri Calendar-Ramadan (Arabic)

The Hijiri Calendar-Ramadan (Arabic)

This promo was produced by Sarah Hassan for the Ehky Ya Masr Podcast.You'll find the full feature on SoundCloud and PRX. You can find Sarah on Twitter at sarah_hassan93.

May 28, 2017 • 0:30

The Global Experience-Ramadan

The Global Experience-Ramadan

This promo was produced by Safaa Magdy, @safy-magdy, for the Ehky Ya Masr Podcast.You'll find the full feature on SoundCloud and PRX. You can find @saffaqes on Twitter.

May 28, 2017 • 0:30

The Memories-Ramadan

The Memories-Ramadan

This promo was produced by Kanzy Amr Mahmoud for the Ehky Ya Masr Podcast.You'll find the full feature on SoundCloud and PRX. You can find @Kanzy19 on Twitter.

May 28, 2017 • 0:30

The Economy-Ramadan

The Economy-Ramadan

This promo was produced by Sarah El Safty, @arahlafty, for the Ehky Ya Masr Podcast.You'll find the full feature on SoundCloud and PRX. You can find Sarah on Twitter at SarahSafty.

May 28, 2017 • 0:30

The Mesaharaty-Ramadan

The Mesaharaty-Ramadan

This promo was produced by @ShazaWalid for the Ehky Ya Masr Podcast.You'll find the full feature on SoundCloud and PRX. You can find Shaza on Twitter at ShazaElDessouky.

May 28, 2017 • 0:30

The Fanous-Ramadan

The Fanous-Ramadan

This promo was produced by @NadeenShaker for the Ehky Ya Masr Podcast.You'll find the full feature on SoundCloud and PRX. You can find Nadeen on Twitter at NadeenShaker.

May 28, 2017 • 0:30

The Fasting-Ramadan

The Fasting-Ramadan

This promo was produced by Nour Ibrahim, @nour-ibrahim-58, for the Ehky Ya Masr Podcast.You'll find the full feature on SoundCloud and PRX. You can find Nour on Twitter at Ibrahim95Nour.

May 28, 2017 • 0:29

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