Livfiit Listens
Olivia Catania
Welcome to the Livfiit Listens podcast. A safe space of growth, personal development, and overall wellness with your host, Olivia Catania. Diving into the realms of all things health, conscious living, mental expansion and much more, this podcast is designed to help YOU evolve into YOUR best self and liv fiit.
#110 | Your Guide to Setting Attainable Goals This Year - 2025 Goals Setting and 2024 Recap
Hi fam!! I recorded this before my trip but I had a delay in getting around to editing it. Anywho here is how I'm setting attainable goals this year as well as a recap of last year and my 2025 goals!! It's so common for new year's goals to get lost and never achieved so I hope this episode can give you tangible action steps to make sure you make things happen!! Sending so much love..Timestamps0:00 Welcome and Gratitude2:04 Epi Introduction4:08 2024 Biggest Lesson11:04 Last Year's Highlights18:43
#109 | 10 Ways to Continue Evolving and Growing on Your Journey *listen for an expansive life*
Personal growth isn't always something that we can control the timing of but I do know there are action steps and intentions that we can set to ensure that we continue to walk this journey. So here are 10 ways to stay evolving!!Timestamps0:00 Welcome and Gratitude2:30 Epi Introduction5:15 Growth Mindset9:13 Stay Curious12:07 Continue Learning13:24 Stay Open Minded17:50 Get in Inspiring Bubbles - Podcasts, Mentors, Courses22:06 Get Uncomfortable25:10 Set New Goals27:03 Spend Time Alone32:08 Stay
#108 | Six Life Lessons for Mindset Realignment *this will give you peace, empowerment, & clarity*
Here are 6 life lessons, quotes, and perspective shifts for some mindset realignment!!.Timestamps0:00 Hi!!5:55 Welcome to this week's episode8:05 Value YOUR opinion of you more than other's opinions of you12:24 Validation from your efforts not your results18:33 Obstacles are opportunities for growth23:16 You can’t hate yourself into a version that you love27:42 Recognize when your desires are bandaids for something deeper32:58 Don't let someone's hypothetical thought prevent you from taking acti
#107 | What You REALLY Need to Make Your Goals Happen This Year | The KEYS to My 180 Shift
We constantly are waiting for the world to tell us how to feel. Once we get the promotion then we can feel valuable and worthy. Once we get the relationship we can feel lovable and chosen. Once we have good performance metrics we can feel confident and successful. But what if I told you the key to actually getting in the seat of co-creation in your life is to shift internally FIRST to then CAUSE your external to shift as a result? Crazy right. Let's dive into it!.Timestamps0:00 Omg hello happy n
#106 | My BIGGEST Manifestation Hack to Call in Your Desires FAST | FEEL TO BE TO HAVE
MAN I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS ONE. I could barely speak straight lol I have been so blessed to have some big manifestations of mine come through in the past few months and I really believe it is due to the manifestation and mindset work I have been doing which I share with you today. There are so many golden nuggets about how manifestation really works and universal laws of how things become actualized in this epi. I breakdown the framework of FEEL TO BE TO HAVE. I really hope this helps. Happy
#105 | Where I've Been and What I've Been Struggling With at 25
Wow this is a VULNERABLE AND RAW one but f it that's how we connect, heal, and overcome right?? I hope this episode can make you feel heard and offer some comfort. Life can feel so overwhelming at times but it's just part of navigating through the process. You are exactly where you are meant to be and you have more power than you may think
Affirmation: "My path never veers me wrong bec
#104 | How to Energetically Get Relationship Ready!!
Okay this one is GOOD. If you find yourself CHRONICALLY single but you're really desiring to call love in, this is the perfectttt epi for you! I take you through 7 different phases of healing that I went through (after being stone cold single for over a year) to call in my now boyfriend and the most mature, healthy relationship I've ever been in. And the kicker is that literally a couple of weeks after I finished these when I met him. I really hope this helps and brings a lot up in yo
#103 | Why Your Limiting Beliefs are Coming Up to Get You To Your Next Level & How Healing Isn't Linear
I'm baccckk!! Woo I was definitely not expecting to take that much time off but it really was what my soul was needing. Good news though - I had a new lesson / realization / embodiment come through that I really felt so called to share with you. If you're going through a season where you're really struggling with your self image, belief, and confidence or you feel like you've been going backwards in your healing journey - listen to this, twice! I explain why these feelings are surfacing to help
#102 | Q&A #10 Comparison, Being in Your Power, Letting People In, Collective Consciousness, and Getting Curious About the Unknown
We've got another Q&A on the agenda!!
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0:00 Introduction + Gratitude
4:18 How can you have a better mindset with improving your physique?
7:00 Do you think everyone is meant to have a big purpose or are some meant to be "average"?
9:55 What area of life makes you feel best right now?
10:34 How do you still accept yourself while having goals you
#101 | My Spiritual Journey and How You Can Start Yours | Do I believe in God??
Welcome to an in depth story time of my spiritual journey, clarity on my spiritual beliefs, and actionable steps on how you can start exploring your spirituality today
Book Mentioned: The Healing Self by Deepak Chopra
My guide for Self Led Meditations
0:00 Introduction
5:25 My Spiritual Journey
25:26 My Spiritual Beliefs
34:19 How You Can Start Yours
48:47 Affirmation and Closing
Affirmation: "I am open and receptive to the stream of consciousness within."
#100 | OUR FIRST GUEST! | Healing Hyper Independence, Trusting Your Path, & Growing in Relationships | Conversations with Kela Rose
Our first ever REAL podcast guest!!! Thank you so much to Kela for creating with me and sharing so much wisdom. This conversation was pure gold! Enjoy my loves :)
Kela's Podcast: Skinny Dipping
Kela's Instagram
0:00 Introduction
6:02 Welcome Kela Rose!
16:07 Healing Hyper Independence
29:06 Trusting Your Path
43:25 Evolving with Your Partner
1:07 Advice for Keeping Your Independence in Your Relationship?
1:14 Affirmations!!!
EPI. 99 | CHOOSING to ACT From Your Higher Self | The Missing Piece to Live Your Best Life | DETAILS MATTER
What if I told you the way to become your best self wasn't by meditating, affirming, and journaling? Or more specifically, wasn't JUST by meditating, affirming, and journaling? The key that a lot of people miss when intending to align with their higher self is the cruciality of embodiment, of ACTING from that space. It's one thing to talk about it, think about it, visualize it, and write about it, and those things are important, but it's a whole other thing to BE it and THAT is how you bridge th
EPI. 98 | EMPTY YOUR CUP TO FREE YOURSELF | The Power of Sitting With Your Feelings | My Intense Meditation Story
We always hear the phrase “fill up your cup!!” But what about emptying it? I guess I should clarify that we have two cups, bins, tanks (however you wish to visualize it) - one to add to to make us feel fulfilled and happy and one to subtract from to release bottled up emotions, trauma, and hurt. For every input channel, there is always an output but it can take sitting in stillness to actually gain awareness of when your subtraction tank needs emptying. In today’s epi I share the story of my pow
EPI. 97 | The Key to Working BETTER | Rest is Productive
As much of an advocate as I am for personal development and productivity, rest is also just as imperative. We think that the more and more we work, the more productive we will be and its just not the case. There comes a point where there are diminishing returns with the more time we put in without breaks. In today's epi we're speaking about how taking time to recuperate allows you to come back more innovative and work even BETTER. If you struggle to take time off, it's a NEED to listen to this o
EPI. 96 | Girl Talk About Body Image | Healing My Relationship With My Body
Damn this epi is a close one to my heart and I really hope it touches each one of yours. I know body image can seem like a shallow concept, but with today's society and what we collectively tend to value, it's a super relevant conversation and something that a lot of us struggle with. In this epi, I take you through my own personal journey with body image and share some perspective shifts and reframing work that I've done to really become more at peace with my appearance and also not have it wei
EPI. 95 | 2 Mindsets that Will Change Your Life in 2024
Welcome to another epi!! We're sticking with the theme of mindset because I'm just so dang passionate about it and have been putting a lot of energy into mine lately. Today we're discussing two of the biggest mindset shifts I'm making to help me come into alignment with my goals and a happier life. First one being, not having my mindset fall victim to my current environment and secondly, to make every situation a self serving one!!
EPI. 94 | MY 2024 INS AND OUTS | Mindsets I'm Releasing and Calling In
Welcome to season 3 of Livfiit Listens!! We're kicking off the New Year with my 2024 mindset ins and outs. Essentially sharing what hasn't been serving me and to leave behind in 2023 and what new self serving mindsets I want to bring in with me for the new year. I hope this epi can give us all some mental alignment that we may be needing. Thank you for being here and listening!! Cheers to a beautiful new year.
EPI. 93 | Tips for Coping with Negative People & Draining Environments
Holding your energy while being around chronically negative people or while in draining environments can be challenging at times. However, it is imperative to do so if you are looking to be a creator of your own life and remove yourself from victimhood. Today we are speaking about the importance of declaring your energy and tips for coping with negative people and environments.
EPI. 92 | Upgrade Your ENVIRONMENT to Upgrade Your LIFE | The Key to Making Success EASIER
What if its not solely a lack of willpower and discipline that's preventing you from showing up as your best self and sticking with healthy habits...what if it's your environment? The biggest component we overlook is how the container we're in is impacting our life. If we have goals but our environment is set up in a completely contradictory way, how easy is it going to be to adhere to them? Today's epi is all about why it's so important to set yourself up for success by intentionally designing
EPI. 91 | Q&A #9 Finding Purpose, Psychedelics, God, Making Decisions, Setting Realistic Goals, and My Bali Retreat
Welcome to yet another Q&A! In today's we're touching on psychedelics, masculine and feminine energy in relationships, letting go of control, making decisions, finding your purpose, and SO much more. Enjoy
EPI. 90 | That's Not the Real You
Sometimes our egoic mind takes over and fills our thoughts with worry, doubts, and fears but its so important to remember none of those things are truth and more importantly, they have nothing to do with who you truly are. In todays epi, we're discussing the remembering of your true self.
EPI. 89 | Dedication is Indestructible.
Hey y'all welcome back to another epi! Today is a short but spicy one hehe consisting of a recent message that came through so clearly to me. We tend to dread the possibilities of challenges arising in our life in fear of them taking us out of the game but in this episode I'm sharing with you why they actually are what make life worth living and the best way to be indefinitely resilient to them. If you're going through something, this one is worth the listen
SHOP STICKERS HERE // https://www.
EPI. 88 | If It Was Easy, Everyone Would Be Doing It.
If you’re feeling not good enough or like you don’t have what it takes to achieve your biggest goals and desires, this episode is just for you. When things get hard, it’s so common to think “I’m not cut out for this”, when in reality it’s just an opportunity to show your devotion to your dreams and a way for you to pay your dues now for an “ easier” tomorrow. This is such a powerful epi with so many perspective shifts and so many tokens of encouragement. You’re doing amazing and I believe in you
My relationship with food wasn’t always the healthiest but the most ironic part was that I thought I was being the healthiest I possibly could, which I guess is what made it become unhealthy. I do think too much of anything can be too much and for me, that was my fixation on eating as perfectly healthy as possible 100% of the time. It just wasn’t sustainable for me and led me feeling very food focused with very little wiggle room. Today I truly have the most balanced relationship with food I’ve
EPI. 86 | Q&A WITH JOE CATANIA | Starting a Business, Choosing a Life Partner, Saving Money, Parenting, Fitness & more!
Look who's back already!!! You guys gave Joe an encore and so did I so he had to make his return!! We had such an extensive Q&A session touching on topics from starting a business, to choosing a life partner, to parenting, to fitness and everything in between. I LOVED this epi even more than the first one and I hope you guys do too!! Thank you for asking such stellar questions!
Disclaimer: I have a very joking, casual relationship with my dad and I speak to him in a funny voice sometimes and it
EPI. 85 | Adversity is Tough Love
I know it can be difficult to see adversity and challenges as anything other than just shitty times, but today we're discussing their higher purpose and how they actually are constantly serving us. A truth of life is that most favorable character traits are developed through learning lessons and how are we supposed to learn any lessons without going through any contrast, adversity, and the like? How do you expect a diamond to be formed if it does not undergo pressure? How do you expect patience
Happy October peeps!! DANG this is SUCH a powerful episode with so much value, we touch on so many key topics!! This is the perfect epi if you're looking to step into your power and get in the driver seat of your own life to finish out the last quarter of the year strong! The actions we feel pulled to take are directly impacted by the emotions that we feel which are directly impacted by our thoughts, mindsets, beliefs, and self concept. Today we're talking about my 4 daily non negotiables that I
EPI. 83 | OUR BLESSINGS ARE ABUNDANT | The TRUTH of How Gratitude Works for Manifesting
Today's episode serves as the reminder we all need from time to time of how blessed we truly are. And I'm not talking about these big blessings that our egos love - extra bonuses at work, promotions, a new relationship, status etc. I'm talking about the things we don't even realize because they seem mundane and "the norm". Rather than thinking we need big news or solutions to our problems to feel blessed and abundant, why aren't we acknowledging and appreciating the bazillion amount of blessings
EPI. 82 | JOE CATANIA on Breaking Generational Cycles and Living With Purpose to Be Your Best Self | Success Mindset, Parenting, and Character Building Through Fitness
WOW this is hands down THE MOST anticipated episode on this podcast thus far! I've been trying to get this very special guest on here for over a year now and I'm so glad I finally convinced him to sit down for a chat. This man is the most driven, passionate, dedicated, hard working person that I know and for that he is my biggest role model. From being a kid with not a lot other than clarity on his dreams to now having crossed off a lot of his goals and is living the life he's always wanted, Joe
EPI. 81 | Q&A #8 Top Wellness Habits, Relationship Trauma, Falling Victim, Birth Control, and Finding Dicipline
Welcome to Q&A #8! Today we touch on topics ranging from fitness routines, wellness habits, falling victim, relationship trauma and more!!
Today's Affirmation: “I have all the tools I need to create my dream life.”
0:00 Welcome and Gratitude
6:20 Do you stay active on your rest days?
7:14 What are your fav
EPI. 80 | Coping with the Feelings of Growing Up...
This episode ended up being a very vulnerable one for me. I'm currently back in Upstate NY visting my childhood home and town and it's brought up a lot of emotions. Being in the same place as so many memories, good and bad, has been triggering but also healing in different ways. Today I get really raw with you guys, let you in a bit to my personal life, and overshare (lolz) feelings I'm coping with of growing up.
Today's Aff
EPI. 79 | We're Only Hurting Ourselves
Negative emotions can creep up so fast that stem from our external environment. Jealousy, anger, frustration, irritability...We adopt those emotions as our new state of being and identity. But why? How does that serve us? In today's epi we're breaking down how that does nothing productive and in fact, actually HURT our own selves.
Today's Affirmation: “I choose to not let negative emotions get the best of me. I choose self se
EPI. 78 | "The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Oil."
Could you imagine what would happen if you just asked? Well the one certainty we do have is that if we DON'T ask, the answer if always no. This epi is thanks to my grandma who always has the most simple yet profound advice, with the title of this epi being one of them. This one phrase has truly changed my life and has given me both the courage and reminder of my right to simply speak up for my needs and desires. So often we take ourselves out of the game by negative assumptions, but what about t
EPI. 77 | Do it Alone
Are there things you're wanting to do in life but you feel held back because you don't have anyone to do them with? In this epi I explain why being able to do things alone is so admirable and how much more life becomes available to you when you stop waiting around for people to go with. If you're needing encouragement, courage, or validation that it is totally okay and normal to seize opportunities solo if need be, this one's for you.
EPI. 76 | "Shoot for the Stars, Land on the Moon."
Has anyone ever told you to "think realistically" or given you any "practical reasons" as to why your dreams aren't feasible? Well I'm here to say f**k that. Nobody ever achieved anything great by utilizing small thinking. They had BIG goals by thinking BIG! The "realistic mindset" isn't the self serving mindset a lot of the time and in this episode I'm here to give a passionate pep talk to those who know that they're destined for something outside of the box and have dreams that keep nudging th
EPI. 75 | It has everything to do with your ENERGY | Why energy matters
I'm jazzercised up on this one today people! This one is so foundational and so important. We overestimate the value in our status, money, achievements, and looks while we dramatically UNDERESTIMATE the value in the energy we embody and the mindset we have around ourselves and therefore the world around us. In this episode I'm shouting from the rooftops how critical your energetic hygiene and energy field is in order to stay in alignment with a life of abundance, kindness, compassion, blessings,
EPI. 74 | Life is BEAUTIFUL! | Realizing your greatest blessing through GRATITUDE
Wow I actually love the way this epi turned out. Started out speaking about how priceless life truly is and ended up with a rant about the power of gratitude. If you need an epi to raise your mood and reignite your excitement for being alive PLEASE listen to this one.
Today's Affirmation: "Being able to live this life is the biggest privilege of all.”
EPI. 73 | CHAKRAS 101 | The Pillars of TRUE Alignment
Bringing a SUPER educational epi to you guys today. We're diving deep into all the basics of chakras, what they are, why they're important, what each one correlates to, how to open them, and more! I really hope you guys learn something from this one. Lots of love.
0:00 Welcome & Gratitude
2:13 Introduction
4:50 What are chakras?
6:07 Why do they matter?
12:04 Root Chakra
17:55 Sacral Chakra
24:40 Solar Plexus Chakr
EPI. 72 | LIFE REMINDERS FOR YOU | My Lessons Learned in Costa Rica
Hi guys! I figured this would be a perfect way to honor my time in Costa and kinda give us all some closure on that chapter and create space for my life back home in Utah moving forward. I hope you find some resonance in these reminders. As always, take what you need and leave the rest. Sending so much love to y'all always!!
0:00 Welcome and Gratitude
3:11 Future Retreat Updates
8:13 Travel makes me feel so expansive.
11:32 T
EPI. 71 | Q&A #7 Solo Travel, Shrooms, Dealing with Change, & Tapping Into Your Intuition
Hello loves! We are back with a Q&A diving into solo travel, my experience with shrooms, coping with change, tapping into your intuition, feeling lost and more. Enjoy :)
0:00 Retreat Debrief!!
8:17 Gratitude
9:14 Do I struggle with comparing my physique?
11:30 Do I have physique goals atm?
12:17 Best way to make yourself accept something for what it is and let it go? Going through a break up
14:54 What is a quality you have
EPI. 70 | "Home is the Present Moment"
If you're needing a reminder to come back to the present, this one's for you :)
Topics of today's epi:
0:00 Welcome & Gratitude
2:29 Epi Introduction / How I've Been Mentally
5:25 My French Yoga Teacher
8:06 "Home is the Present Moment."
13:19 The Present Moment is All that Exists
15:27 Life is happening NOW
17:25 Stay Grounded in Yourself
19:19 Stress & Worry are Fabricated
21:50 You & this moment are a divine match
26:23 A
EPI. 69 | THIS IS YOUR SIGN TO SAY YES, Retreat Takeaways & Lessons
Soooo I spontaneously attended an all women's spiritual retreat here in Costa Rica!!! It truly just fell into my lap, thank you uni
Topics of today's epi:
0:00 I spontaneously attended a women's spiritual retreat!
5:12 Gratitude
7:00 My Takeaways :)
EPI. 68 | Where I've Been, How I'm Feeling, What I'm Learning
Hi dudes - guess who's back?! I took a much needed break to realign and respark my inspiration for this platform to keep it the safe space that it is. But I'm ready to chat again hehe and we're starting back up by doing just that, chatting :) This candid, raw episode is essentially me updating you on where I've been, my personal mindset struggle with content creation, how I've been feeling in Costa Rica, and some recen
EPI. 67 | The KEY to Mindful Communication | Reacting vs. Responding
One of the biggest keys to healthy communication is being mindful of your response. A conversation can really go two complete opposite ways based on whether people are either reacting or responding. Today we're going to be speaking about the difference between the two and why it is so important to respond from a place of higher awareness rather than react from past programmings. If you're looking to elevate the productivity of your conversations and ability maturely express yourself, this epi is
EPI. 66 | My Healing Journey Towards Love
Hi lovebugs!! Today is a little bit of a different epi as we're speaking in regards to romantic love, which I feel like I don't touch on super often. I've been in a relationship for a few months now and it made me think about why this finally came in for me NOW at this point in my life. During a recent reflection, I realized how many different healing phases I went through within the past 18 months (inner child healing, feminine energy healing, detachment etc) and I truly think that played a hug
EPI. 65 | You Only Fail Once You Give Up | Overcoming and Letting Go of Failure
Welcome back my lovely loves! Today's epi is dedicated to the gal who asked about this topic in my IG question box
Topics of today's epi:
0:00 Welcome and Announcements
4:36 Gratitude
5:27 Epi Introduction
6:45 You Only Fail Once Yo
EP. 64 | Discipline is a Form of Self Love
Today's epi is all about how to reframe discipline in a self serving way in order to help you not only achieve your goals but enjoy the process in getting there. All throughout college I turned to discipline from an egoic, fear based space which left me constantly trying to find self worth in external achievements and fighting ultimatums. It wasn't until I changed my intention and dynamic to develop a soul based relationship with discipline that I finally was able to find enjoyment in the proces
EP. 63 | Taking Things Off a Pedestal and *Meeting Jay Alvarrez Storytime*
Why hello!! It's been a minute! I'm back from Hawai'i and back with the pod :) Today I have a few announcements for you as well as the biggest story time of my entire life lmao...MEETING JAY ALVARREZ. Ironically and as I struggle to put my own teachings into practice from time to time, the second half of the epi is then all about why you need to stop putting people and things a pedestal lol. So often we assume that we're not worthy of certain opportunities, experiences, people when that couldn't
EP. 62 | Your Communication Responsibility *ft. "It has nothing to do with you"
How many tend to overthink about a conversation either before it happens or even after it’s over because they’re stressed of how they were perceived and how it went? It gets exhausting trying to be mindful of not only your communication but also trying to micromanage the other’s perception. So in today’s epi I’m reminding you of your responsibility when it comes to communication. This of course also led me on a tangent about how other’s perspectives and opinions have absolutely nothing to do wit
EP. 61 | Q&A #6 Getting Out of Rock Bottom, Decision Confidence, Regrets, & Being Happy NOW
Hi lovelies, here is another cozy Q&A :)
Topics of Today's Epi:
0:00 Intro Chat & Gratitude
4:11 How to become more confident in your decisions and your opinions when others question them?
10:15 How to not get caught up in the “I’ll be happy when” mentality when visualizing your future?
14:09 How to stay positive about life when bad news in the media is constantly being pushed on you?
18:48 How much weight should you lose per week every month?
19:06 What’s your biggest regret in life so far an
EP. 60 | Call in Your Dream Life SOONER with EMBODIMENT
Of course I'm such a huge advocate for having goals but what I've found that's had a tendency to keep me stuck, is the mindset that I'm constantly working to "become" or "attain" someone or something. The problem with this is that it constantly affirms that I am in fact not there yet, keeping me not there. Whereas when I've practiced embodiment, it's acted as a magnetized fast track for my internal reality to merge with my external reality and given me a new found confidence to take aligned acti
EP. 59 | Your Work is Your Job | YOU need to put in the action for emotional healing!
Many of the problems that we deal with are mental and so much of our society believes that they need to turn to someone or something outside of themselves to "fix them". Now don't get me wrong - therapists, energetic healers, plant medicines all have their place and can be super transformative for each individual's healing journey. HOWEVER at the end of the day, in order to thoroughly evoke change, it's about YOUR micro actions on the daily scale to bridge that gap. Your therapist can give you a
EP. 58 | The Magnetism of Detachment | why detachment is key and how to do it
*Me realizing writing this that I did in fact have an epi go live on the 2nd so this is most definitely not the first epi of 2023 LMAO* we're speaking all about one of my most valuable lessons from last year which is detachment. When we love and care about a person, situation, career, identity, we tend to attach ourselves because we think it is helping in some sense. However, attachment is a manifestation of the ego which usually results in forcing, longing, a desire to control, a
EP. 57 | Yearly Reflection, 2023 Goals, & Intention Setting!
Happy 2023!!! I hope everyone had a lovely and safe New Years weekend and also holiday season in general hehe Today I'm bringing to you the poiiiifect podcast to get organized and set intentions for the new year. We set goals in 10 different categories; career, process, financial, relationship, health, materialistic, personal development, spirituality, character, and experiential.
Topics of Today's Epi:
0:00 Intro and Gratitude
2:52 2022 Reflection
7:02 2022 Career Accomplishments
13:30 The Go
EP. 56 | Intention is Everything | The WHY is More Important Than the WHAT
Hi hi! Welcome back to the pod. Today's epi is one that I've been wanting to touch on for a while now which is intention - what it is, how it effects your work process, why it matters, how it impacts what you experience back as a result and more. We get so focused on our end goal for things that we often times end up seeing people, things, events, tasks, as simply means to end with the only intention to hit said goal. But my main point with this epi is that its not about what you're intending to
EP. 55 | How to Work Through Your Anger | What are you resisting?
Hello lovebugs. Today's epi is all about how to work through anger in a healthy, constructive manner to allow you to vibe out all day long doe! We speak about the root of anger, how to release it, choosing what to energize and more! I hope this epi gives you some emotional intelligence tools to be a more beautiful, regulated hoooman. Also THANK YOU SO MUCH to anyone who takes the time to fill out my retreat survey, it means the world!!
Today is a little spicy one all about my opinions on the concept of toxic positivity. I think there's a big difference between invalidating your challenging emotions out of the pressure to "be positive" and still acknowledging them WHILE holding optimistic space for solution which is what we dive into today. I feel like this one may spark some mixed feedback but my hope is that this epi will inspire more people to start each day with a hopeful intention and remind everyone of the power we all tr
EP. 53 | Natalie Catania on Healing Family Trauma, Mind-Body Connection, Emotions within the Body, & Nutrition
Today we're sitting down with our third ever podcast guest, my sister, Natalie Catania! Natalie is a Registered Dietitian, Energy Healer and Massage Therapist with a passion for guiding you into alignment with your true health. She obtained her Masters of Science in Nutrition from Keiser University and a Bachelor's Degree in Dietetics from Florida State University. The basis of this knowledge in combination with energy healing, has given her a different perspective on how to truly heal the body
EP. 52 | Take Your Power Back with These Action Steps!
We all know the feeling of going through a rut and being low vibe. As much as we'd like for those phases to not happen, they still do and it's so important to develop the tools and resources to pull yourself out of them. In this epi I share with you guys how I was feeling the past few months, how much BETTER I've been feeling the past few weeks, and the actions steps I took to take my power back, re-instill hope, realign, and remember who the fook I am so I can live my best life! If you're needi
EP. 51 | Q&A #5 Forgiveness, Resentment, & Creating Boundaries of Compassion
Welcome to yet again, another Q&A! Enjoy angel beans
1:38 Are you staying in Utah for a while?
2:35 How do you forgive the unforgivable?
5:09 How do you find the motivation to workout when it’s cold?
6:27 How to improve with opening up about your emotions?
9:22 Any tips for having self awareness but lacking self trust?
12:24 How do you let go of resentment?
16:50 Tips on working out after being sick?
19:17 How do you start accepting yourself even when your body is changing and is n
EP. 50 | How to Know if You're in Alignment
You guys always hear me stressing the importance of taking care of your energy and raising your frequency to live your best life, but I realized I never fully explained that in depth. So in today's epi I discuss what it means to live in alignment, the difference between being high vibe and low vibe, how to know what frequency you're vibrating at, and tangible actions to raise your vibe, embody a higher energy, and therefore live a better life. ENJOY :))
0:00 Welcome
3:11 Gratitude
EP. 49 | MEET MY MOM | overcoming hardships, being a strong woman, choosing yourself, and never giving up
We have another podcast guest! Today we're sitting down with my beloved mother and having a really raw, vulnerable conversation about some of the major hardships she went through in life, beginning with childhood trauma, and how she overcame them by never giving up and eventually embarking on a journey of self exploration. She began with expressing how emotional intelligence and awareness was never something emphasized during childhood, which led to the absence of healthy coping mechanisms and p
EP. 48 | You Are On Time
So many of us feel behind in life. We feel like we should've met our spouse by now, we should've been able to by our first house by now, we should've gotten that promotion by now etc...Often times this leads us to feeling like rushing or forcing is the next best option in order to somewhat comply with these socially constructed timelines ideals. However, I'm here to call BS on the whole thing - societal timelines, control, forcing, attaching. The kicker is that the more we try to force and contr
EP. 47 | LET'S TALK ABOUT LONELINESS, How to be Alone, Tips for Making Friends
Dealing with loneliness, especially in your 20s, is SO normal so I wanted to talk about it as well as how to be alone and some of my tips for making new connections :) enjoy loves.
0:30 Thank you
1:42 Costa Rica Retreat
6:42 Gratitude
14:19 Post College + High School Life
16:05 Our Responsibility to Find Community
17:08 Social Media Kinda Makes the Il
"I wanna talk about why our comfort zone is quite literally the biggest scam and illusion of the human experience."
0:00 Intro
1:26 Gratitude + Tahiti Rundown
8:29 Our Comfort Zone is a Scam
9:52 Tahiti Example
16:38 Hawai'i Example
21:38 Spain Example
23:20 All the "Blocks" Are an Illusion
25:31 Being Rich in Experiences
26:56 Apply This to Whatever Resonates
28:24 "Life will take us as far as we're willing to go."
29:53 3 Qu
EP. 45 | You Are On Your Own Team
When you realize you're your own teammate for life, the nature of the relationship with yourself is bound to change for the better. Enjoy this epi!
Today's Affirmation: “I am on my own team."
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EP. 44 | YOU Already Are Your Highest Self
We hear the phrase “highest self” so often and it’s usually tied to the idea that we need to seek change outside of our selves in order to “become our higher selves” in a new persona. However, my take of this topic is all about the exact opposite. It’s about unlearning that constant pressure to change and come home to yourself in order to align with your highest, truest self. Make sure you got your listening ears on cause this one’s a goodie!
EP. 43 | The Importance of Inner Child Healing | the true key to healing
Welcome welcome, beautiful hoomans! Today's epi is a powerful one, I'll say that! We're speaking all about the importance of inner child healing, what it is, how it impacts our adulthood, childhood trauma, and the things I've been doing to heal. Along with that, I also touch on forgiving your past and your parents and spreading awareness of generational trauma. I hope this helps
0:00 Thank you for being here.
2:38 Epi Intro &
EP. 42 | The Power of the Word | rewiring your subconscious for your dream life!
"Often times the very thing that's keeping you stuck is in the words you're speaking."
0:00 It's cold in Utah
2:29 Gratitude
3:50 Let's get into it!
6:15 A Look into "The 4 Agreements"
9:56 The word can be a blessing or a curse.
11:58 The Word and Our Subconscious
15:16 Self Belief is Rooted in our Subconscious
16:40 Our language is a window into our self limiting beliefs
18:34 Be aware of the words you're speaking!
21:11 Self
EP. 41 | Q&A #4 Healing Trauma, Intuitive Eating, Body Image, Dating Advice, & CPT Certification
0:00 I had the weirdest morning
5:00 Coaching Calls!!!!
8:18 Still continuing my morning update LMAO
9:30 Gratitude
11:30 Are you single, if so why?
12:49 Have you tried dating apps? If no, why not?
16:12 How to stop checking if you crush has texted you?
18:34 Who is your favorite Youtuber?
20:19 How do you deal with body image issues and body dysmorphia?
23:46 Do you feel pressured to be shredded 24/7 / look a certain way because of your job?
26:42 How do you make sure people don't r
EP. 40 | Why Mindful Practices ARE Productive!
"If we have a fragile, worn foundation in our mind, how is it going to be strong enough to provide the platform that stable platform that we need to perform our best work?"
Hey Hey! Are you someone who's a liiiiittle skeptical of how valuable mindful practices really are and debate if they're actually productive? Well this one is food for thought for you! Although I completely understand where this point comes from, I hope today's epi can pr
EP. 39 | 7 Life Lessons I've Learned in my Fitness Journey | self love, discipline, work ethic & more!
“You can't hate yourself into a version that you love."
Welcome to another epi, my loves! Today I'm sharing with you 7 life lessons I've learned as a result of my fitness journey. This was such a cool topic to reflect on and speak about. It really shows how much more of a big picture there is in regards to pursuing fitness and what really matters. I hope this hits for ya! Also thank you in advance for shopping my affirmations if you choose t
EP. 38 | Lack vs Abundance Mindsets | the quickest shift towards success!
“If you want to live a prosperous life, you need to choose the viewpoint, the mindset, the perspective that serves your highest good to the point of delusion.”
Welcome welcome! My apologies for the missed upload last week - I explain in the epi where I was and what I've been up to! Today we're talking all about the difference between a lack mindset and an abundance mindset. Each of them are only a thought shift away, but they can drastically change your life. Keep listening if you want to hear
EP. 37 | The Harsh Truth About External Validation | from romantic partners, parents, success, & more
"Any validation you’re seeking from others is simply validation you’re seeking from yourself."
Welcome back, loves! The catalyst for today's episode was actually due to a lovely listener's request! We speak about the harsh truth of external validation in many different manifestations; with romantic partners, parents, friends, success, performance etc. It is a slippery slope because the things that make you feel validated externally are almost always fleeting which leaves you with an unstable s
EP. 36 | How to be Aware of Your Ego
"That doesn't make you better than other people who aren't living life the same truth that you are."
The ego is such an interestingly, fascinating, complex topic with many different facets. It manifests in different ways and we tend to unconsciously operate from it in our day to day life. In today's episode, I wanted to mainly discuss how the ego finds both comfort and pleasure in hierarchy and feeling better than others because they are not living out THEIR definition of the truth. I see it s
EP. 35 | Healing Your Relationship with Social Media
"That's not their responsibility to stop feeding you, it's your responsibility to stop eating it."
Social media has a well known reputation for damaging user's mental health. While this is valid and there are components of it's nature that make it toxic, there is also so much good that comes from it, which I felt called to speak on today. I share with you hopefully some different perspectives that you may not have always looked at social media through in efforts help you feel more at peace wit
EP. 34 | Stop Living in a Chase State
"It's like I'm trying to figure out how someone else’s game works as opposed to making up my own."
Today we’re speaking about how important it is to get out of a chase state and into an attractive one. Sometimes we want things so badly we end up extending ourselves and our energy in a way that is no longer beneficial and has us fall victim to our environments. This episode is about remembering your power and focusing on your authentic inputs to effortlessly call in your best life.
EP. 33 | Take Action with Ease
"The action itself is actually not hard at all, it is the thought of it that is."
Today we're discussing why taking action can feel so challenging sometimes and what you can do to make it seem easier. As most things in life, it comes back to your mental perception and perspective so changing the way you look at the task will make all the difference. This is a really powerful episode and these realizations has helped me so much! Listen if you're in a slump!!!!
0:28 Welcome and Grati
EP. 32 | Ways to Tap into Your Feminine Energy
As requested, today we are speaking about feminine energy including the times I lost touch with it and ways you can tap into yours. Women are magic!!!
0:26 Welcome and Gratitude
1:47 When I undervalued my femininity
3:23 This is not gender specific
3:50 The lesson that made me realize how beautiful womanhood is
6:50 Masculine energy vs feminine energy
8:35 You have both within you
10:05 Ways to harness and embody feminine energy
26:31 Summary
28:09 Closing
Today's Affirmation: “I
EP. 31 | Q&A #3 my love life, mindful eating, believing in God, and relationship advice
All I'm gonna say is this one is juicy! I feel like these keep getting more and more personal lmao
Today's Affirmation: “I am in touch with my higher self, my intuition, and the uni."
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EP. 30 | Getting Through a Rut with the Power of Momentum
Welcome back, loves! The past week or so, since coming back home to Utah, has felt like a struggle and I was headed down a pretty negative spiral. I realized I just let a wave of bad momentum build up and I needed to take action to switch gears. The truth is, momentum is so insanely powerful...either powerfully beneficially or powerfully detrimental. So I not only wanted to open up about what I'm feeling in hopes to help those who are in the same boat not feel so alone, but I also wanted to remi
EP. 29 | Releasing Resistance
Hi doods. Today we’re focusing on what it means to release resistance to the present moment to live a happier, more peaceful, & accepting life!
Today's Affirmation: “I release resistance to what is.”
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EP. 28 | "Attached to Nothing, Connected to Everything."
Welcome back to the pod, my doods! This is a more laid back episode where I talk both myself and you guys through where I'm at mentally as this 2 month Hawai'i adventure comes to a close, a comfort epi you can say. I speak about the need to let go and open yourself up to new cycles when the time comes and being at peace when things come to an end. The inspiration for this epi is a quote that I love, "attached to nothing, connected to everything" and one that I've been truly making efforts to emb
EP. 27 | Finding Motivation to Keep Promises to Yourself
Something a lot of people don't even realize they lack is trust in themselves. It's common knowledge that trust is a foundational component to any healthy, flourishing relationship so why don't we cultivate it in the relationship with ourselves? In this week's epi we're going to be speaking all about the importance that self trust plays in developing true self love as well as tangible takeaway tips to actually follow through with the promises we set for ourselves. A great little journaling promp
EP. 26 | Letting Go of People's Opinions
So many of us are crippled by other people's opinions so much so that we alter our life choices and actions out of fear of hypothetical negative judgements. This epi is all about how to break free of that cycle and empower you to live for you!
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EP. 25 | 5 Personal Development Habits That Have Changed My Life
Hello fwiends here are my top 5 personal development habits, at the foundational level, that have changed my life!!!
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EP. 24 | Cultivating Confidence
Confidence is such a powerful and transformative trait but yet why does it seem like a challenge to embody? In today's epi we're taking about both the perspective and energetic shifts I've made to feel more confident in not only who I am as a person but also in the way that I look. Again, this is more of a bird's eye view on the topic in hopes that it can be applied to feeling more confident in any scenario. True confidence and security in yourself comes from doing the soul work, developing self
EP. 23 | Finding Balance and Peace in Your Relationship with Food
The title of this epi is definitely easier said than done so I wanted to talk about it!! I started off the episode by giving background on my journey with my eating habits and view on food. I touch on my upbringing and how childhood trauma can be the root of shaping people's relationship with food. Then I give about 6 tips that has shifted my mindset and perspective around nutrition and therefore has helped me find the balance and peace I had been needing.
TW: We will obviously be speaking al
EP. 22 | Releasing Your Anxiety
Today we're talking all about anxiety. I speak about it in a broad sense in hopes that you guys can apply it to your own individual situation. I share a few mindset shifts that have really helped me break free of my anxiety. At the end of the day, it's all just about changing your perspective to think from a hopeful and trusting place, rather than a worrisome and doubtful place and that is exactly what we speak about in this epi!! lots of love :)
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EP. 21 | Q&A #2 feeling lost, finding your purpose, relationships, & finding balance
We touch on a lot of different topics in this one - plus LOTS of Hawaii & personal questions. I hope you enjoy :) I'm also realizing how much I say "like" - YIKES lol we'll work on it. LOVE YOUZ
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EP. 20 | The 3 Pillars of a Fulfilling Life
Here is download I received while on a walk one day. I hope it resonates :)
Today's Affirmation: “I live in the frequency of unconditional love, truth, and gratitude.”
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EP. 19 | You Are All You Need
This epi is all about a lesson that really empowered me when it came to working to become someone I'm proud of. I always thought there were answers that I needed to gain from other people in order to "do it right" but once I realized I hold all the power, everything shifted effortlessly. Enjoy, beauties!
Today's Affirmation: “All I need is within.”
EP. 18 | Lucas Catania on Returning to his Authentic Passions, Maneuvering Childhood Struggles, and Cultivating Motivation
Guys we officially have our very first guest on the pod! My big brother - Lucas Catania! Today we chat about his journey towards finding his way back to his authentic passions, starting on the pre med track to now pursuing a creative career in the cinematography field. We also talk about his perspective while growing up as the only son in our divorced family as well as his insight when it comes to motivation, drive, and time management to achieve your goals in and out of the gym. Super grateful
Ep. 17 | Designing Your Mindful Morning Routine
Hi peeps! This one is alll about morning routines - we dive deep into my take on them, why I am so passionate about them, what I do and why I do it. I hope this gives you the guidance you've been looking for when it comes to creating your own so you can tackle your day from a more grounded, balanced, and intentional state :) My morning routine has changed my life!!!
0:00 Welcome & Gratitude
3:39 Episode Introduction
4:54 My Take on Morning Routines
7:29 Why I Use My Morning Routine
13:13 What
EP. 16 | Life's a Wave
Welcome back, beautiful! Today's episode is kind of an ode to the challenges in life and what some would describe as "the bad". The hard times can seem so shitty in the moment but they truly do hold their divine place in life by not only facilitating personal growth but by also allowing the light in life to come into fruition. We speak about all of this today and pull some incredible quotes from some of my favorite books about the divinity of the polarity of life. Without darkness there is no li
EP. 15 | Create Space With Your Emotions
Hi people! Lol I have to start with the elephant in the room - I couldn't think of a logical metaphor for the life of me hahah ANYWHO I hope you enjoy this insight on how I process and think through my emotions. I mainly focused this epi on anger but this advice applies to all emotion. This is such an important principle so listen up boiz!!
EP. 14 | You Are Your Most Important Love
Happy Valentine's day, lovebugs!! I figured now is the perfect time to talk about self love so here we go! I speak about my self love journey, identifying potential reasons for lack of self love, and how I cultivate love for not only my looks but also who I am as human. I hope you enjoy :) all my love.
0:00 Intro
4:30 My Self Love Journey
14:15 Why Is It More Common to Hate Ourselves?
16:33 Childhood Trauma and Lack of Self Love
22:31 Lack of Self Love Holds Us Back Too Muc
EP. 13 | Let's Talk Relationships - dating, exes, single life, moving on
Here is an epi that has been highly requested! Since there were so many directions I could take it, I decided to keep it a Q&A style just to keep the conversation flowin. I hope you guys enjoy and if you'd like more episodes on this topic, let a sista know!
0:00 Welcome
5:15 My Dating Life Background
11:02 What are the most important lessons you’ve learned from previous relationships?
15:57 How to have someone be a part of your world but not your “whole world”
18:44 How li
EP. 12 | You Are Who You Choose To Be ft. The Alchemist
Hey hey! This one is all about the importance of following your heart and your soul's nudges in order to make the enlightened choice to evolve into your highest self. Far too often we ignore those callings and fall victim to our environment. As The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho served as a big spark of inspiration for this episode, I included passages that really stuck out to me and echoed the main message of this episode. More than anything, I want this one to remind you that you can become anyone
EP. 11 | Q&A #1 self love, being alone, psychedelics, destiny, & MORE!
Hello beautiful people! We dive into so many questions across the board, so I hope you enjoy!! *Just a reminder these are all simply my opinions. I do not mean to offend anyone or sound insensitive. We all have the right to different viewpoints, that's what makes the world go round. I hope you can respect mine as I respect yours.* With love always!
5:06 What to do when self love feels silly/ undeserved/unearned?
12:06 What’s something tragic you think everyone should go thr
EP. 10 | Stop Placing Your Identity Outside of Yourself
I love this epi!!! This one is more of a chatty, hang out vibe and I really like it. I speak with you guys about the importance of not placing your identity, value, worth, and self love in external factors. It's so common to have our moods be dependent on our performance, outside validation, looks etc. but there's many problems that come with that which we dive into in this epi! If you want to live a life of freedom with an unwavering sense of self then listen up, peeps!! Peace & love
EP. 9 | Six Books That Will Change Your Life
Hello my loves!! Welcome to book club!!! Haha kidding but not really :) These books have truly opened up my mind a ton and have helped me evolve a lot as a person. There is so much more than what meets the eye and we create so much more of our realities than we think and these books really assisted in bringing that to light for me. I hope you look into these books more than anything or some for yourself hehe
*From least to most impactful for me*
6:44 | 6. How to Win Friends and
EP. 8 | Practice Good Medicine
Happy 2022, people! I hope you all had fun and happy holidays and are moving into this new year with momentum. If not though, this episode will definitely take care of just that! Stressing the importance of shifting your focus to your process and the work you're putting in, it's all about a different angle to approach your goals in any aspect of life. It has completely changed the game for me and I think about it daily. I'm confident you'll be able to takeaway a lot of helpful concepts from this
EP. 7 | Yearly Recap + 2022 Goals
Dang - 2021 is coming to a close and it's time to get ready for the new year!! I figured it'd motivate all of us by speaking about my progression over this past year, my goals, and my intentions for the year ahead. In the second half of the episode, I share how I organized my goal setting in hopes to give you some inspo when it comes to brainstorming your own. I listed out the categories below! I also wanted to thank you guys for your support over the past two months or so on this podcast. It's
EP. 6 | Meditation Station
Welcome welcome!! Today's epi is allll about meditation! I touch on the different kinds, different intentions, different methods, guided vs unguided sessions, meditation music, how I mediate, and more. My main goal with this is to bring light to the fact that there is no one right way to mediate and that it is truly for everyone.
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EP. 5 | It's All Perspective
Hey guys!! :) Not gonna lie, today's episode is a bit sporadic haha I didn't have as clear of a direction as I usually do before I recorded. Nonetheless, I still think there's a lot of good stuff in this one and I promise it all comes together to a main point by the end of the show lol. My main message is that everything simply comes down to the way you look at things. I go through examples, personal experiences, and perspective shifts, with lots of passion might I add lol, that really helped me
EP. 4 | The Ego vs. The Higher Self
Hello hello! Today's epi consists of arguably the most powerful, fundamental concept - the ego vs. the higher self. Learning about the true meaning of these two embodiments will grant you the awareness to move forward towards not only your best self, but your best life. We discuss what the ego and higher self truly means and how to recognize when you're acting from each one.
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EP. 3 | The Freedom of Acceptance
Welcome back, loves! Today's episode is close to my heart because it is one of the very first lessons I've learned. There are plenty of times in life where we can't change our current situation, are in a place we don't want to be in, or have something from the past we wish we could take back but at the end of the day, sometimes all that is left to do is to practice acceptance, especially if you're looking to move forward. I hope this epi gives those who are struggling both the comfort and push t
EP. 2 | Step Into Your Power
Welcome to the 2nd epi!! All about what it truly means to step into your power. Listen up cause this is a phrase you're gonna hear me sayin quite a bit.
Thank you for the love and support on this podcast thus far. I'm already so in love with this space and this new journey with you guys. Sending love!
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EP. 1 | What is "Livfiit"?
Wow I can't believe I'm saying this..but welcome to the FIRST EVER LIVFIIT LISTENS PODCAST EPISODE! I'm so beyond thankful to not only create this space but also have the opportunity to share it with you. The purpose of this episode is to catch everyone up to speed. I explain how my brand, Livfiit, came to be, the meaning behind the name, what the brand means to me, an explanation of my logo / connection with butterflies, and what you can expect from this podcast going forward.
I genuinely can't