Character Creation Cast
Amelia Antrim, Ryan Boelter
Join Amelia and Ryan on a journey to create characters in many different role playing game systems with guests from across the industry.
Series 80.4 - Airship Amour with Ryan Boelter
Welcome to the final episode of series 80, everyone! In this series, we are going to cover different duo or solo romance RPGs every episode, and in today’s episode, we are continuing the solo train and finishing up the series with a game by Sylvie the Dragon Games called Airship Amour, a lesbian dating sim that takes place on a steampunk airship!Character Creation Cast Patreon
Help Lex Olden from Gamewoven with funds to escape their Nazi par
Series 80.3 - Reincarnated as the Unlovable Villainess with Ryan Boelter
Welcome to the third episode of series 80, everyone! In this series, we are going to cover different duo or solo romance RPGs every episode, and in today’s episode, we step back down to solo RPGs and are covering an isekai-style dating named Reincarneted as the Unlovable Villainess by Wym Lawson!Character Creation Cast Patreon
Help Lex Olden from Gamewoven with funds to escape their Nazi parent:
Series 80.2 - You Never Told Me with Senda Linaugh and Ryan Boelter
Welcome to the second episode of series 80, everyone! In this series, we are going to be going to cover different duo or solo romance RPGs every episode, and in today’s episode, Ryan is joined by guest co-host Senda Linaugh from Panda’s Talking Games to cover our first letter writing game, You Never Told Me by Senda herself!Character Creation Cast Patreon
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Series 80.1 - Breaking the Ice with Senda Linaugh and Ryan Boelter
Welcome to the first episode of series 80, everyone! In this series, we are going to be going to cover different duo or solo romance RPGs every episode, and in today’s episode, Ryan is joined by guest co-host Senda Linaugh from Panda’s Talking Games to explore and create characters for the romantic two player game Breaking the Ice by Emily Care Boss!Character Creation Cast Patreon
Adventure Capitalists
Series 79.4 - Solo RPGs - Colostle with Ryan Boelter
Welcome to the final episode of series 79! In this series, we are going to be going over a different solo RPG every episode, and in today’s episode, Ryan is all by themself again to explore the game Colostle, a fantasy solo RPG by Nich Angell that takes place in an impossibly big castle!Character Creation Cast Patreon
Adventure Capitalists
Campaign Skyjacks
Series 79.3 - Solo RPGs - Reap with Ryan Boelter
Welcome to the third episode of series 79! In this series, we are going to be going over a different solo RPG every episode, and in today’s episode, Ryan is all by themself again to explore the game Reap, a necromantic fantasy solo RPG by multi-guest and friend of the show Spencer Campbell!Character Creation Cast Patreon
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Series 79.2 - Solo RPGs - Elegy with Ryan Boelter
Welcome to the second episode of series 79! In this series, we are going to be going over a different solo RPG every episode, and in today’s episode, Ryan is all by themself again to explore the game Elegy, an urban fantasy vampiric RPG by Miracle M!Character Creation Cast Patreon
Bluesky Starter Pack!
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Series 79.1 - Solo RPGs - Ironsworn with Ryan Boelter
Welcome to the first episode of series 79! In this series, we are going to be going over a different solo RPG every episode, and in today’s episode, Ryan is all by themself to explore the game Ironsworn, a dark fantasy RPG about vows and perilous quests!Character Creation Cast Patreon
Bluesky Starter Pack!
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Series 78.5 - Monty Python’s Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme with Brian Saliba [Designer] (Discussion Concluded)
Welcome to the final episode of series 78! In this series, we sat down with Brian Saliba, creator of the game we are covering this series, Monty Python’s Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme, the officially licensed role-playing game lovingly ripped off from the complete works of Monty Python! This episode, we finish our discussion about the game before diving into some very serious fanfic!Character Creation Cast Patreon
Bluesky Star
Series 78.4 - Monty Python’s Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme with Brian Saliba [Designer] (Discussion)
Welcome to the fourth episode of series 78! In this series, we sat down with Brian Saliba, creator of the game we are covering this series, Monty Python’s Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme, the officially licensed role-playing game lovingly ripped off from the complete works of Monty Python! This episode, we learn more about Brian before analyzing both the character sheets as well as how the character creation stacks up to other games!Character Creation Cast Patreon
Series 78.3 - Monty Python’s Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme with Brian Saliba [Designer] (Creation Concluded)
Welcome to the third episode of series 78! In this series, we sat down with Brian Saliba, creator of the game we are covering this series, Monty Python’s Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme, the officially licensed role-playing game lovingly ripped off from the complete works of Monty Python! This episode, we finish making our characters!Character Creation Cast Patreon
Bluesky Starter Pack!
Series 78.2 - Monty Python’s Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme with Brian Saliba [Designer] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of series 78! In this series, we sat down with Brian Saliba, creator of the game we are covering this series, Monty Python’s Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme, the officially licensed role-playing game lovingly ripped off from the complete works of Monty Python! This episode, we start making our characters!Character Creation Cast Patreon
Bluesky Starter Pack!
Series 78.1 - Monty Python’s Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme with Brian Saliba [Designer] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of series 78! In this series, we sat down with Brian Saliba, creator of the game we are covering this series, Monty Python’s Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme, the officially licensed role-playing game lovingly ripped off from the complete works of Monty Python! This episode, we learn what this game is all about as well as quite a bit of detail about the game development experience with a licensed property.Character Creation Cast Patreon - Promo C
Series 77.4 - Crucible of Aether with Mike Macagnone [Designer] (Discussion Concluded)
Welcome to the final episode of series 77, everyone! In this series, we sat down with Mike Macagnone, writer on the game we are covering this series, Crucible of Aether by Living Metal Games, a mystic-industrial TTRPG where you hone your skills, explore the world and forge a life in the tumultuous Odayan Empire! This episode, we finish our discussion with a great look at the necessity of the feedback process when testing out a new game before knocking it out of the park with some remarkable fanf
Series 77.3 - Crucible of Aether with Mike Macagnone [Designer] (Discussion)
Welcome to the third episode of series 77, everyone! In this series, we sat down with Mike Macagnone, writer on the game we are covering this series, Crucible of Aether by Living Metal Games, a mystic-industrial TTRPG where you hone your skills, explore the world and forge a life in the tumultuous Odayan Empire! This episode, we have a great discussion about character sheets, crunch, and how stories in this sort of world tend to lean towards worker revolutions.Character Creation Cast Patreonhttp
Series 77.2 - Crucible of Aether with Mike Macagnone [Designer] (Creation Concluded)
Welcome to the second episode of series 77, everyone! In this series, we sat down with Mike Macagnone, writer on the game we are covering this series, Crucible of Aether by Living Metal Games, a mystic-industrial TTRPG where you hone your skills, explore the world and forge a life in the tumultuous Odayan Empire! This episode, we finish creating our characters together.Character Creation Cast Patreon
Crucible of Aether Kickstarter:
Series 77.1 - Crucible of Aether with Mike Macagnone [Designer] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of series 77, everyone! In this series, we sat down with Mike Macagnone, writer on the game we are covering this series, Crucible of Aether by Living Metal Games, a mystic-industrial TTRPG where you hone your skills, explore the world and forge a life in the tumultuous Odayan Empire! This episode, we learn all about this game and start creating our characters using this lifepath adjacent character creation system.Character Creation Cast Patreon
Series 76.4 - Monster of the Week with Tyler Samples [Mystery County] (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of series 76, everyone! In this series, we sat down with Tyler Samples, the Keeper from the One Shot Network show, Mystery County Monster Hunters Club, to learn about Monster of the Week, an urban-fantasy horror PbtA game from Evil Hat Productions that lets you play out your favorite monster of the week style shows like Buffy, Supernatural and so much more! This episode, we discuss the process and get into some truly inspired fanfic for our unhinged world we created
Series 76.3 - Monster of the Week with Tyler Samples [Mystery County] (Creation Concluded)
Welcome to the third episode of series 76, everyone! In this series, we sat down with Tyler Samples, the Keeper from the One Shot Network show, Mystery County Monster Hunters Club, to learn about Monster of the Week, an urban-fantasy horror PbtA game from Evil Hat Productions that lets you play out your favorite monster of the week style shows like Buffy, Supernatural and so much more! This episode, we finish up our characters and try to make sense of the bizarre way that we are all related.
Series 76.2 - Monster of the Week with Tyler Samples [Mystery County] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of series 76, everyone! In this series, we sat down with Tyler Samples, the Keeper from the One Shot Network show, Mystery County Monster Hunters Club, to learn about Monster of the Week, an urban-fantasy horror PbtA game from Evil Hat Productions that lets you play out your favorite monster of the week style shows like Buffy, Supernatural and so much more! This episode, we finally begin our character creation for the series and Ryan chooses violence with his choice
Series 76.1 - Monster of the Week with Tyler Samples [Mystery County] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of series 76, everyone! In this series, we sat down with Tyler Samples, the Keeper from the One Shot Network show, Mystery County Monster Hunters Club, to learn about Monster of the Week, an urban-fantasy horror PbtA game from Evil Hat Productions that lets you play out your favorite monster of the week style shows like Buffy, Supernatural and so much more! This episode, Tyler tells us all about the game and his podcast before setting us up for character creation.Cha
Series 75.4 - Rangers of a Broken World with Cat McDonald [Designer] (Discussion Continued)
Welcome to the final episode of series 75, everyone! In this series, we sat down with game designer Cat McDonald about their brand new post-apocalyptic fantasy RPG, Rangers of a Broken World. In today’s episodes, we finish our discussion series with some remarkable fanfic before taking things up a level and learning about the lessons and seasons of advancement in this system!Character Creation Cast Patreon
What Am I Rolling? - New show on th
Series 75.3 - Rangers of a Broken World with Cat McDonald [Designer] (Discussion)
Welcome to the third episode of series 75, everyone! In this series, we sat down with game designer Cat McDonald about their brand new post-apocalyptic fantasy RPG, Rangers of a Broken World. In today’s episodes, begin our discussion block by learning a bit more about Cat before getting into our thoughts about how character creation went in this series!Character Creation Cast Patreon
Roleplay Retcon - New show on the One Shot Network!
Series 75.2 - Rangers of a Broken World with Cat McDonald [Designer] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of series 75, everyone! In this series, we sat down with game designer Cat McDonald about their brand new post-apocalyptic fantasy RPG, Rangers of a Broken World. In today’s episodes, we finish up our characters with Cat, including figuring out our signature spells!Character Creation Cast Patreon
Gamewoven - New show on the One Shot Network!
Rangers of a Broken W
Series 75.1 - Rangers of a Broken World with Cat McDonald [Designer] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of series 75, everyone! In this series, we sat down with game designer Cat McDonald about their brand new post-apocalyptic fantasy RPG, Rangers of a Broken World. In today’s episodes, Cat walks us through what the game is all about before starting to get us into character creation, and we have a lot of fun all along the way!Character Creation Cast Patreon
Rangers of a Broken World Playtest Signup
Series 74.5 - Orbital Blues with Sam Sleney [Designer] (Discussion Continued)
Welcome to the fifth and final episode of series 74! This series welcomed Sam Sleney, one of the three designers behind Orbital Blues, the space western RPG we are covering this month! This episode, we finish up our discussion with more industry chat about the review process and how it’s ok to like things that are objectively bad, we make some fantastic fanfic for our characters, and do a deep dive into inspiration and being true to your games that you design or run!Character Creation Cast Patre
Series 74.4 - Orbital Blues with Sam Sleney [Designer] (Discussion)
Welcome to the fourth episode of series 74! This series welcomed Sam Sleney, one of the three designers behind Orbital Blues, the space western RPG we are covering this month! This episode, we begin the discussion series with learning a bit more about Sam’s RPG origins and continue the industry talk with layout design and issues with the RPG review process in the community!Character Creation Cast Patreon
The Ultimate RPG Podcast
Series 74.3 - Orbital Blues with Sam Sleney [Designer] (Creation Concluded)
Welcome to the third episode of series 74! This series welcomed Sam Sleney, one of the three designers behind Orbital Blues, the space western RPG we are covering this month! This episode, we finish our characters by selecting Troubles and Gambits, our inventory, and even create the ship that we have!Character Creation Cast Patreon
The Ultimate RPG Podcast
Starwhal Ody
Series 74.2 - Orbital Blues with Sam Sleney [Designer] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of series 74! This series welcomed Sam Sleney, one of the three designers behind Orbital Blues, the space western RPG we are covering this month! This episode, learn about the history (and future) of Orbital Blues before diving into the start of character creation!Character Creation Cast Patreon
Starwhal Odyssey Public Feed
The Ultimate RPG Podcast
Series 74.1 - Orbital Blues with Sam Sleney [Designer] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of series 74! This series welcomed Sam Sleney, one of the three designers behind Orbital Blues, the space western RPG we are covering this month! This episode, we get introduced to the game by Sam and get into some fantastic discussion about game design and the industry itself!Character Creation Cast Patreon
The Ultimate RPG Podcast
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Series 73.5 - TMNT and After the Bomb with Jef and Jon from System Mastery (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of series 73! This series, Amelia agreed to cover TMNT for Ryan's birthday month! So we invited Jef and Jon from the System Mastery podcast to join us and help us through the experience. Since TMNT is so small, we are also covering Palladium's After the Bomb to give us more options and a more robust setting! This episode, learn about the mechanics of Palladium's system a bit as well as how the experience system works in the game. We also dive into our fanfic section
Series 73.4 - TMNT and After the Bomb with Jef and Jon from System Mastery (Discussion)
Welcome to the fourth episode of series 73! This series, Amelia agreed to cover TMNT for Ryan's birthday month! So we invited Jef and Jon from the System Mastery podcast to join us and help us through the experience. Since TMNT is so small, we are also covering Palladium's After the Bomb to give us more options and a more robust setting! This episode, we start to discuss the character creation process after learning a bit more about Jef and Jon!Character Creation Cast Patreon
Series 73.3 - TMNT and After the Bomb with Jef and Jon from System Mastery (Creation Concluded)
Welcome to the third episode of series 73! This series, Amelia agreed to cover TMNT for Ryan's birthday month! So we invited Jef and Jon from the System Mastery podcast to join us and help us through the experience. Since TMNT is so small, we are also covering Palladium's After the Bomb to give us more options and a more robust setting! This episode, we finish up our characters and survive the Palladium skill selection process.Character Creation Cast Patreon
Series 73.2 - TMNT and After the Bomb with Jef and Jon from System Mastery (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of series 73! This series, Amelia agreed to cover TMNT for Ryan's birthday month! So we invited Jef and Jon from the System Mastery podcast to join us and help us through the experience. Since TMNT is so small, we are also covering Palladium's After the Bomb to give us more options and a more robust setting! This episode, we begin creating our characters and find out what sort of mutant animals we're all making.Character Creation Cast Patreon
Series 73.1 - TMNT and After the Bomb with Jef and Jon from System Mastery (Creation)
Welcome to the start of series 73! This series, Amelia agreed to cover TMNT for Ryan's birthday month! So we invited Jef and Jon from the System Mastery podcast to join us and help us through the experience. Since TMNT is so small, we are also covering Palladium's After the Bomb to give us more options and a more robust setting! This episode, we learn all about these two games, including a really interesting history for the TMNT game itself.Character Creation Cast Patreon
Series 72.4 - Mörk Borg with Pelle Nilsson [Designer] (Discussion Continued)
Welcome to the final episode of series 72! In this series, we welcome Pelle Nilsson to discuss his game, Mörk Borg, a pitch-black apocalyptic fantasy RPG about lost souls and fools seeking redemption, forgiveness or the last remaining riches in a bleak and dying world. We also have a guest co-host on this series, Agatha Cheng from the Asians Represent podcast is filling in for Amelia. In today's episode, we get to the phenomenal fanfic about our characters, take a peek at the apocalypse, and lea
Series 72.3 - Mörk Borg with Pelle Nilsson [Designer] (Discussion)
Welcome to the third episode of series 72! In this series, we welcome Pelle Nilsson to discuss his game, Mörk Borg, a pitch-black apocalyptic fantasy RPG about lost souls and fools seeking redemption, forgiveness or the last remaining riches in a bleak and dying world. We also have a guest co-host on this series, Agatha Cheng from the Asians Represent podcast is filling in for Amelia. In today's episode, we learn more about Pelle as well as discuss how the character creation process went for thi
Series 72.2 - Mörk Borg with Pelle Nilsson [Designer] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of series 72! In this series, we welcome Pelle Nilsson to discuss his game, Mörk Borg, a pitch-black apocalyptic fantasy RPG about lost souls and fools seeking redemption, forgiveness or the last remaining riches in a bleak and dying world. We also have a guest co-host on this series, Agatha Cheng from the Asians Represent podcast is filling in for Amelia. In today's episode, we finish creating our characters including utilizing the optional random tables for charac
Series 72.1 - Mörk Borg with Pelle Nilsson [Designer] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of series 72! In this series, we welcome Pelle Nilsson to discuss his game, Mörk Borg, a pitch-black apocalyptic fantasy RPG about lost souls and fools seeking redemption, forgiveness or the last remaining riches in a bleak and dying world. We also have a guest co-host on this series, Agatha Cheng from the Asians Represent podcast is filling in for Amelia so she can recover from being sick. In today's episode, we learn all about Mörk Borg and even start making our pe
Series 71.4 - AGON with Sean Nittner [Designer] (Discussion Continued)
Welcome to the final episode of series 71! In this series, we are thrilled to welcome Sean Nittner, Director of Projects at Evil Hat Productions and co-designer for the game we are covering in this series, AGON, a game where you play as heroes of myth and legend, prove the glory of your name, and win your way back home! In today's episode, we finish up our discussion and cover some really interesting game design points along the way!Character Creation Cast Patreon
Series 71.3 - AGON with Sean Nittner [Designer] (Discussion)
Welcome to the third episode of series 71! In this series, we are thrilled to welcome Sean Nittner, Director of Projects at Evil Hat Productions and co-designer for the game we are covering this series, AGON, a game where you play as heroes of myth and legend, prove the glory of your name, and win your way back home! In today's episode, we learn a bit about Sean before diving into some really great design discussion about AGON!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Series 71.2 - AGON with Sean Nittner [Designer] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of series 71! In this series, we are thrilled to welcome Sean Nittner, Director of Projects at Evil Hat Productions and co-designer for the game we are covering this series, AGON, a game where you play as heroes of myth and legend, prove the glory of your name, and win your way back home! In today's episode, we get to the character creation and make a fantastic and dynamic group of epic heroes!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Series 71.1 - AGON with Sean Nittner [Designer] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of series 71! In this series, we are thrilled to welcome Sean Nittner, Director of Projects at Evil Hat Productions and co-designer for the game we are covering this series, AGON, a game where you play as heroes of myth and legend, prove the glory of your name, and win your way back home! In today's episode, we learn about the game as well as have a great discussion about the game's development process!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Series 70.3 - Metalepsis with Dillin Apelyan [Designer] (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of series 70! In this series, we are thrilled to welcome Dillin Apelyan, brand new host of the One Shot Podcast, to talk about their marvelously meta TTRPG, Metalepsis, a game that breaks the 4th wall between a creator and a created character! In today's episode, learn more about Dillin, discuss the character creation process, and get into some really fantastic fanfic before learning how the game normally is resolved!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Series 70.2 - Metalepsis with Dillin Apelyan [Designer] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of series 70! In this series, we are thrilled to welcome Dillin Apelyan, brand new host of the One Shot Podcast, to talk about their marvelously meta TTRPG, Metalepsis, a game that breaks the 4th wall between a creator and a created character! In today's episode, we create our characters and find out how we first make contact with one another!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
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Series 70.1 - Metalepsis with Dillin Apelyan [Designer] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of series 70! In this series, we are thrilled to welcome Dillin Apelyan, brand new host of the One Shot Podcast, to talk about their marvelously meta TTRPG, Metalepsis, a game that breaks the 4th wall between a creator and a created character! In today's episode, learn about the game and just begin diving into the character creation process!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
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Series 69.3 - Fight With Spirit with Haley Gordon [Designer] (Discussion)
Welcome to the extra nice final episode of Series 69! In this series, we are delighted to welcome Haley Gordon, one half of the Storybrewers, to talk about their remarkable sports drama RPG, Fight With Spirit, a game where relationships are as important as the intense sports action! In today's episode, we get to discuss the character creation process, find out about Haley's boardgame origins, and come up with some truly inspired fanfic for these folks!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Series 69.2 - Fight With Spirit with Haley Gordon [Designer] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the extra nice second episode of Series 69! In this series, we are delighted to welcome Haley Gordon, one half of the Storybrewers, to talk about their remarkable sports drama RPG, Fight With Spirit, a game where relationships are as important as the intense sports action! In today's episode, we finish up creating our characters as well as a pool of other connections in our character's lives!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Series 69.1 - Fight With Spirit with Haley Gordon [Designer] (Creation)
Welcome to the extra nice beginning of Series 69! In this series, we are delighted to welcome Haley Gordon, one half of the Storybrewers, to talk about their remarkable sports drama RPG, Fight With Spirit, a game where relationships are as important as the intense sports action! In today's episode, we will be learning about the game and creating our team before starting to dive into character creation!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Series 68.3 - Life on the Edge with Maso Perez [Designer] (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of our special February series, everyone! February is the month of love, romance and relationships, so we're excited to invite Maso Perez to the studio in order to look at their new game Life on the Edge, the official Boyfriend Dungeon TTRPG from Kitfox Games, that lets you explore your inner psyche, confront your fears, and also smooch swords! In today's episode, we discuss the character creation process, learn more about our guest, and get into some fantastic fanfi
Series 68.2 - Life on the Edge with Maso Perez [Designer] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of our special February series, everyone! February is the month of love, romance and relationships, so we're excited to invite Maso Perez to the studio in order to look at their new game Life on the Edge, the official Boyfriend Dungeon TTRPG from Kitfox Games, that lets you explore your inner psyche, confront your fears, and also smooch swords! In today's episode, we finish our characters and figure out what sort of scenario we would likely be playing in.
Series 68.1 - Life on the Edge with Maso Perez [Designer] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of our special February series, everyone! February is the month of love, romance and relationships, so we're excited to invite Maso Perez to the studio in order to look at their new game Life on the Edge, the official Boyfriend Dungeon TTRPG from Kitfox Games, that lets you explore your inner psyche, confront your fears, and also smooch swords! In today's episode, we learn about the game, its unique release on Steam, and start getting into character creation.
Series 67.3 - The Santa Corps with Taylor Curreysmith [Designer] (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of Series 67, everyone! This series we're excited to welcome Taylor Curreysmith from Whimsy Machine Media to discuss his holiday themed game, The Santa Corps, a festive holiday TTRPG about dismantling systemic greed. This episode discuss the creation process, learn about Taylor's LARP origins, and get into some truly wonderful fanfic!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
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Series 67.2 - The Santa Corps with Taylor Curreysmith [Designer] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of Series 67, everyone! This series we're excited to welcome Taylor Curreysmith from Whimsy Machine Media to discuss his holiday themed game, The Santa Corps, a festive holiday TTRPG about dismantling systemic greed. This episode we finally create our characters and get to discover what sort of scenario this trio find themselves in!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
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Series 67.1 - The Santa Corps with Taylor Curreysmith [Designer] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of Series 67, everyone! This series we're excited to welcome Taylor Curreysmith from Whimsy Machine Media to discuss his holiday themed game, The Santa Corps, a festive holiday TTRPG about dismantling systemic greed. This episode we learn about the game and start diving into the character creation process, while having some really great discussion about game design in the process!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Series 66.3 - AcadeCon 2023 Spotlights - Action 12 Cinema with Michael Ross
Welcome to the final episode of Series 66, everyone! In this series, we sat down with three different designers live at the AcadeCon 2023 convention in Dayton, Ohio in the US! In today's episode, Ryan was able to sit down with the head of the AcadeCon convention as well as the RPG Academy, Michael Ross, to learn about Action 12 Cinema, an action movie RPG where you play as characters in a B-style action movie!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Series 66.2 - AcadeCon 2023 Spotlights - Under and Above with Carlos Salazar
Welcome to the second episode of Series 66, everyone! In this series, we sat down with three different designers live at the AcadeCon 2023 convention in Dayton, Ohio in the US! In today's episode, Ryan was able to sit down with Carlos Salazar to talk about his brand-new game still in development, Under and Above, an isekai RPG where you play as people interacting with a world adjacent to ours!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Star Crossed:
Series 66.1 - AcadeCon 2023 Spotlights - Identeco with Shawn Rourk aka Mallo
Welcome to the first episode of Series 66, everyone! In this series, we sat down with three different designers live at the AcadeCon 2023 convention in Dayton, Ohio in the US! In today's episode, Ryan was able to sit down with Shawn, aka Mallo, from the team behind Identeco, a cyberpunk RPG with western genre elements blended in!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Star Crossed: Love Letters Backerkit:
Series 65.3 - Spooky Micro RPGs - Lycantree and A Green Hour
Welcome to the final episode of Series 65, everyone! This series we’ve been covering progressively spookier micro RPGs to help you find the perfect game for your own personal Halloween Special! In today’s episode, Amelia and Ryan sit down to talk about and do the setup for Lycantree by Beau Jágr Sheldon and A Green Hour: The Dying Land by Jeeyon Shim!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Roar Cat Reads Streamathon
Website: https://roarcatr
Series 65.2 - Spooky Micro RPGs - It Takes a Child to Raze a Village and Absolution in Brass
Welcome to the second episode of Series 65, everyone! This series will be covering varying degrees of spooky micro RPGs from various sources so that you can have a good heap of options for your own groups if you are hoping to do an RPG one shot this Halloween! In today’s episode, Amelia and Ryan sit down to talk about and do the setup for It Takes a Child to Raze a Village by Ursidice and Absolution in Brass by Sharang Biswas!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Series 65.1 - Spooky Micro RPGs - It’s Not Us Meddling Kids! and Object Kilo
Welcome to the first episode of Series 65, everyone! This series will be covering varying degrees of spooky micro RPGs from various sources so that you can have a good heap of options for your own groups if you are hoping to do an RPG one shot this Halloween! In today’s episode, Amelia and Ryan sit down to talk about and do the setup for It’s Not Us Meddling Kids! by Ursidice and Object Kilo by Jason Morningstar!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Series 64.3 - Flabbergasted with Fleur and Chelsea Sciortino [Designers] (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of our Flabbergasted series! On this series we are joined by the sister duo behind The Wanderer’s Tome, Fleur and Chelsea Sciortino, joining us all the way from Malta! Flabbergasted is a comedic TTRPG set in the roaring 20’s. In today’s episode, we discuss the character creation process and get into some really good fanfic for our characters!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
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Series 64.2 - Flabbergasted with Fleur and Chelsea Sciortino [Designers] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of our Flabbergasted series! On this series we are joined by the sister duo behind The Wanderer’s Tome, Fleur and Chelsea Sciortino, joining us all the way from Malta! Flabbergasted is a comedic TTRPG set in the roaring 20’s. In today’s episode, we finish making our characters and create a really amazing social club that ties all of our characters together!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
AcadeCon Kickstarter
Series 64.1 - Flabbergasted with Fleur and Chelsea Sciortino [Designers] (Creation)
Welcome to our Flabbergasted series! On this series we are joined by the sister duo behind The Wanderer’s Tome, Fleur and Chelsea Sciortino, joining us all the way from Malta! Flabbergasted is a comedic TTRPG set in the roaring 20’s! In today’s episode, we learn about the game, including its interesting history, and dive into the character creation process!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
AcadeCon Kickstarter:
Character Evolution Cast - E24 - Intraparty Conflict
Welcome to another bonus episode of Character Evolution Cast everyone! In this episode, Amelia and Ryan sit down to discuss (and teach Ryan about) Intraparty conflict. What forms can it take in our games, how to safely navigate it, and some examples from games in our past to showcase how it can work in our games.
Character Creation Cast Patreon
AcadeCon Kickstarter:
Series 63.4 - DIE RPG with Kieron Gillen (Designer Spotlight)
Welcome to the fourth and final episode of our DIE RPG series! Wait, a FOUR episode series?! That’s right, we’re endcapping this series with a special designer spotlight with the creator of DIE the RPG and DIE the comic, Kieron Gillen. We talk a bunch about this meta, dark fantasy TTRPG and even create a new set of characters with Kieron at the helm! You won’t want to miss this special episode for a very remarkable series.
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Series 63.3 - DIE RPG with Aram Vartian and Alex V [Replay] (Discussion)
Welcome to the third episode of our DIE RPG series! This series, we have Aram Vartian and Alex V, from the upcoming Replay DIE RPG Actual Play podcast, joining us to teach us about DIE RPG, a meta fantasy TTRPG by Kieron Gillen and Stephanie Hans. In today’s episode, we discuss the creation process, what morality means in RPGs, and dive into some really amazing fanfic for our characters.
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Series 63.2 - DIE RPG with Aram Vartian and Alex V [Replay] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of our DIE RPG series! This series, we have Aram Vartian and Alex V, from the upcoming Replay DIE RPG Actual Play podcast, joining us to teach us about DIE RPG, a meta fantasy TTRPG by Kieron Gillen and Stephanie Hans. In today’s episode, we finish our Personas and have a really unique experience when getting our Paragons!
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Character Creation Cast: https://bsk
Series 63.1 - DIE RPG with Aram Vartian and Alex V [Replay] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of our DIE RPG series! This series, we have Aram Vartian and Alex V, from the upcoming Replay DIE RPG Actual Play podcast, joining us to teach us about DIE RPG, a meta fantasy TTRPG by Kieron Gillen and Stephanie Hans. In today’s episode, we learn what DIE RPG is all about and start making our personas!
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Character Creation Cast:
Character Evolution Cast E23 - System Agnostic Tools for Character Development with James D'Amato
Welcome to a special bonus episode of Character Evolution Cast where we sit down with James D’Amato, author of the Ultimate RPG series of books that we have covered many times on the show before, here to talk with us about utilizing system agnostic tools to help enhance our characters at the table, including a demonstration of his brand-new Campfire Cards which are available right now!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Campfire Cards:
Character Evolution Cast - E22 - RPGs as Therapy Tools with Daniel Hand
Welcome to a special bonus episode of Character Evolution Cast where we sit down with Daniel Hand, licensed therapist and author of the book Roleplaying Games in Psychotherapy: A Practitioner's Guide, to talk about how licensed therapists can use RPGs to assist with the therapeutic process.
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Series 62.3 - Cyberpunk Red with Phil and Senda [Panda’s Talking Games] (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of our Cyberpunk Red series, everyone! This series, we invited Phil and Senda, from Panda's Talking Games, back into the studio to walk us through the character creation process for this gritty cyberpunk game by Talsorian Games that takes place in an alternate timeline in the 2040s! This episode we discuss the process, getting into some really great topics and, of course, some fabulous fanfic.
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Series 62.2 - Cyberpunk Red with Phil and Senda [Panda’s Talking Games] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of our Cyberpunk Red series, everyone! This series, we invited Phil and Senda, from Panda's Talking Games, back into the studio to walk us through the character creation process for this gritty cyberpunk game by Talsorian Games that takes place in an alternate timeline in the 2040s! This episode we finish up our characters and rebel against the rules a little bit!
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Character Creation Spotlight E20 - Girl by Moonlight with Andrew Gillis [Designer]
Welcome to a special bonus episode of Character Creation Spotlight! For this episode, we sit down with Andrew Gillis, designer of the game we'll be shining a light on today, Girl by Moonlight, a Magical Girl game about exploring the heartbreak of denying who you really are, fighting for what you believe in, and the transcendent power of building relationships while embracing your true self. This game is funding on Backerkit right now, so check it out after you hear all about it and hear about ou
Series 62.1 - Cyberpunk Red with Phil and Senda [Panda’s Talking Games] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of our Cyberpunk Red series, everyone! This series, we invited Phil and Senda, from Panda's Talking Games, back into the studio to walk us through the character creation process for this gritty cyberpunk game by Talsorian Games that takes place in an alternate timeline in the 2040s! This episode we learn about the game and experience its lifepath system!
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Character Evolution Cast - E21 - Introduction To RPGs
How does a new player get into RPGs in the first place? What resources are out there to help me find the right game? How many other episodes are we able to reference in one episode?! Join us for the long-awaited return of our Character Evolution Cast series!
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Undying Bonds - Episode 2 - Necromancers, Relationships and Names
In this session Amelia and Ryan discuss fusing more necromancy in with the magical girl aesthetics, relationship mechanics, fashion, the names of things, what happens when you die, how you get revived, game balance and much more.
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Series 61.3 - GURPS with Jef and Jon [System Mastery] (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of our GURPS series, everyone! This episode, Jef and Jon from the System Mastery join us again to discuss how this character creation process worked out for us! We also finish our characters in the longest character recap in the show’s history. We even had nice things to say about the system! This episode is an excellent cap on a really fun series, including some great fanfic!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Series 61.2 - GURPS with Jef and Jon [System Mastery] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of our GURPS series, everyone! We here at Character Creation Cast Headquarters would like to formally apologize for what we have unleashed upon the world with the second part of this series with Jef and Jon from the System Mastery podcast. Truly, this is... certainly something that happened!
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Series 61.1 - GURPS with Jef and Jon [System Mastery] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of our GURPS series, everyone! Wait, it’s not April? And we have Jef and Jon from System Mastery on this series to teach us about the game that can do literally anything? This won’t be daunting at all! Join us for this episode as we learn all about this game, why it exists, and why it’s important to learn about it. Whether GURPS is a favorite of yours or not, you won’t want to miss this series!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Series 60.3 - Random Character Generation with Ryan and Amelia (World Building and Relationships)
Welcome to the final episode in a very special series, everyone! This series Amelia and Ryan examine random tables from all sorts of sources, mash them all together, and create some character concepts together! What sort of havoc have they wrought with this process? You’ll have to listen to find out! This episode we put the final touches on the world with some random world building tables, and then we really mix things up with random relationships tables for all of our characters!
Character Crea
Series 60.2 - Random Character Generation with Ryan and Amelia (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode in a very special series, everyone! This series Amelia and Ryan examine random tables from all sorts of sources, mash them all together, and create some character concepts together! What sort of havoc have they wrought with this process? You’ll have to listen to find out! This episode we create our final two characters before gearing up for world building and relationships in the next episode!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Series 60.1 - Random Character Generation with Ryan and Amelia (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode in a very special series, everyone! This series Amelia and Ryan examine random tables from all sorts of sources, mash them all together, and create some character concepts together! What sort of havoc have they wrought with this process? You’ll have to listen to find out! This first episode we explain the process and create our first two characters!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
2023 ProHealth Care Walks for
Undying Bonds - Episode 1 - The Pitch
What do you get when you blend necromancers and magical girls? We're about to find out! Join Amelia and Ryan in this bonus series where they create a whole RPG using the Illuminated by Lumen system. In this episode we explore what we want to get out of this game and give ourselves a direction to move towards.
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Character Creation Chit-Chat - March 29th, 2023
On today's 5-year anniversary special episode, Ryan and Amelia sit down to talk about self-conscious clickies, how great analogy to getting treated for mental health issues, Amelia's latest ECT shenanigans, 24 hour time vs 12 hour time, the nightmare that is grocery shopping with sensory issues, Peggy, our 5-year anniversary celebration, a sub-optimal recording session due to life happening at us too much lately, our game plan going forward for the April series, reminisce about the last 5 years
Series 59.3 - Slayers with Spencer Campbell [Designer] (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of Series 59, everyone! In this series we are joined by previous guest Spencer Campbell to cover his game, Slayers, an RPG where you play as monster hunters for hire. This episode we dig into some phenomenal discussion surrounding inspiration in game design and world building, how the character creation session went in this series, as well as some spectacular fanfic!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Patreon Dri
Series 59.2 - Slayers with Spencer Campbell [Designer] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of Series 59, everyone! In this series we are joined by previous guest Spencer Campbell to cover his game, Slayers, an RPG where you play as monster hunters for hire. This episode we finally get to create our characters and find out who gets to actually make the coveted Archanist!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Characters Without Stories:
Series 59.1 - Slayers with Spencer Campbell [Designer] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of Series 59, everyone! This series we are joined by previous guest Spencer Campbell to cover his game, Slayers, an RPG where you play as monster hunters for hire. This episode we learn all about the game and start diving into one of the most contentious character creation sessions to date!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Characters Without Stories:
Series 58.3 - Pasión de las Pasiones with Brandon Leon-Gambetta and Elsbeth Denman (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of our Pasión de las Pasiones series, everyone! In this series we have the game's designer, Brandon Leon-Gambetta (he/him) joining us with his good friend, and Magpie Games GM Elsbeth Denman (she/her) to look at this phenomenal Powered by the Apocalypse game about playing out your very own Telenovela. In this episode, we talk about how the character creation process went, get into some dramatic fanfic, and give Brandon some well-deserved praise!
Character Creation Ca
Series 58.2 - Pasión de las Pasiones with Brandon Leon-Gambetta and Elsbeth Denman (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of our Pasión de las Pasiones series, everyone! In this series we have the game's designer, Brandon Leon-Gambetta (he/him) joining us with his good friend, and Magpie Games GM Elsbeth Denman (she/her) to look at this phenomenal Powered by the Apocalypse game about playing out your very own Telenovela. In this episode, we finally get to character creation with a little collaborative world building as a treat! Get ready for a spicy episode, everyone!
Character Creatio
Series 58.1 - Pasión de las Pasiones with Brandon Leon-Gambetta and Elsbeth Denman (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of our Pasión de las Pasiones series, everyone! In this series we have the game's designer, Brandon Leon-Gambetta (he/him) joining us with his good friend, and Magpie Games GM Elsbeth Denman (she/her) to look at this phenomenal Powered by the Apocalypse game about playing out your very own Telenovela. In this episode, we learn all about the game and get into some really fantastic discussions that, somehow, left us no time to actually start creating our characters yet
C3 2022 Retrospective - Part 3
Join our hosts, Amelia Antrim and Ryan Boelter, as they take a look back at 2022 in this special bonus series! In this episode we talk about our favorite things as well as what we're looking forward to in this new year!
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C3 2022 Retrospective - Clip Show
Enjoy these clips from each of our series this last year. We had a lot of fun listening to these as we prepped for the Retrospective series, so we are presenting them to you so you may enjoy them as well!
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Assist with Mr. Peaches’ final expenses:
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C3 2022 Retrospective - Part 2
Join our hosts, Amelia Antrim and Ryan Boelter, as they take a look back at 2022 in this special bonus series! In this episode, we discuss the games covered in our primary series releases between September and December as well as all of the Character Creation Spotlight episodes we released this year, with a little mention of our Q&A bonus series as well!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Assist with Mr. Peaches’ final expenses:
C3 2022 Retrospective - Part 1
Join our hosts, Amelia Antrim and Ryan Boelter, as they take a look back at 2022 in this special bonus series! In this episode, we discuss the games covered in our primary series releases between January and August!
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One Shot Network Bad Ads Reporting Form:
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Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leave reviews f
Series 57.3 - Ryuutama with Amber Seger [Tabletop Babble] (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of our Ryuutama series, everyone! This series we have Amber Seger from the Tabletop Babble and Shapeshift podcasts, joining us to discuss and create characters for Ryuutama by Atsuhiro Okada, a cozy game about travel in a fantasy world. This episode we have an excellent discussion with Amber about character sheets and accessibility, talk about how the process went with the character creation, and try to make sense of everything in our fanfic segment!
Character Creati
Series 57.2 - Ryuutama with Amber Seger [Tabletop Babble] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of our Ryuutama series, everyone! This series we have Amber Seger from the Tabletop Babble and Shapeshift podcasts, joining us to discuss and create characters for Ryuutama by Atsuhiro Okada, a cozy game about travel in a fantasy world. This episode we finish up with character creation and run into a few struggles we hadn’t ever encountered before!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
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Series 57.1 - Ryuutama with Amber Seger [Tabletop Babble] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of our Ryuutama series, everyone! This series we have Amber Seger from the Tabletop Babble and Shapeshift podcasts, joining us to discuss and create characters for Ryuutama by Atsuhiro Okada, a cozy game about travel in a fantasy world. This episode we learn about the game before beginning to dive into character creation!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Amelia’s Christmas Cards Sign-Up:
Series 56.3 - Sleepaway with Nicole Trainor [Misfits of Space] (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of our Sleepaway series, everyone! This series we have Nicole Trainor/Phae from the Misfits of Space podcast, joining us to discuss and create characters (and a camp!) for, Sleepaway, existential horror themed summer camp RPG by Jay Dragon! This episode we discuss the character creation process as well as dive into some exquisite fanfic!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Amelia’s Christmas Cards Sign-Up:
Series 56.2 - Sleepaway with Nicole Trainor [Misfits of Space] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of our Sleepaway series, everyone! This series we have Nicole Trainor/Phae from the Misfits of Space podcast, joining us to discuss and create characters (and a camp!) for, Sleepaway, existential horror themed summer camp RPG by Jay Dragon! This episode we finish creating our characters and define more of our camp, including some of the many campers we have to protect!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Epic Lev
Series 56.1 - Sleepaway with Nicole Trainor [Misfits of Space] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of our Sleepaway series, everyone! This series we have Nicole Trainor/Phae from the Misfits of Space podcast, joining us to discuss and create characters (and a camp!) for, Sleepaway, existential horror themed summer camp RPG by Jay Dragon! This episode we learn about the game, create our summer camp, and begin creating our characters!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
One Shot Network Patreon:
Series 55.3 - Delta Green with Justen Jess (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of our Delta Green series, everyone! This series we have Justen Jess joining us to discuss and create characters for this mission-based game of government conspiracy and unnatural horrors! This episode we get into some really great discussion, including our standard fanfic!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Rebels of the Outlaw Wastes Kickstarter:
Series 55.2 - Delta Green with Justen Jess (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of our Delta Green series, everyone! This series we have Justen Jess joining us to discuss and create characters for this mission-based game of government conspiracy and unnatural horrors! This episode we finish creating our characters and find out what sort of companies our doomed agents originally worked for!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Rebels of the Outlaw Wastes Kickstarter:
Series 55.1 - Delta Green with Justen Jess (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of our Delta Green series, everyone! This series we have Justen Jess joining us to discuss and create characters for this mission-based game of government conspiracy and unnatural horrors! This episode we learn about the game, discuss some of the more problematic mechanics within the game, then begin creating our characters!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Rebels of the Outlaw Wastes Kickstarter:
Character Creation Spotlight - E19 - Rebels of the Outlaw Wastes with Banana Chan and Michael Addison [Designers]
Welcome to a bonus Spotlight episode, everyone! This episode we have Michael Addison and Banana Chan joining us to discuss and create characters for Rebels of the Outlaw Wastes, a game where you play in a rock-n-roll dystopia as misfit outlaws that fight the Powers That Be! Kickstarting October 4th, 2022!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Rebels of the Outlaw Wastes Kickstarter
Series 54.3 - The One Ring with Stef Midlock and James Pierson [Athrabeth Podcast] (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of our The One Ring series, everyone! This series we have Stef Midlock and James Pierson from the Athrabeth Podcast joining us to discuss and create characters for The One Ring 2nd Edition, the official Lord of the Rings RPG by Free League Publishing! This episode we discuss the process and get into some really great fanfic!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Nate’s Fundraiser
One Sho
Series 54.2 - The One Ring with Stef Midlock and James Pierson [Athrabeth Podcast] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of our The One Ring series, everyone! This series we have Stef Midlock and James Pierson from the Athrabeth Podcast joining us to discuss and create characters for The One Ring 2nd Edition, the official Lord of the Rings RPG by Free League Publishing! This episode we finish creating our characters and establish our own fellowship!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
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Character Cre
Series 54.1 - The One Ring with Stef Midlock and James Pierson [Athrabeth Podcast] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of our The One Ring series, everyone! This series we have Stef Midlock and James Pierson from the Athrabeth Podcast joining us to discuss and create characters for The One Ring 2nd Edition, the official Lord of the Rings RPG by Free League Publishing! This episode we learn what the game is all about, a bit about Tolkien lore, and we start creating our characters!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
AcadeCon 2022 K
Series 53.3 - Nova/Lumen with Spencer Campbell [Designer] (Discussion)
Welcome to the final part of our Nova/Lumen series, everyone! This series we have Spencer Campbell joining us to showcase his fast-paced, action heavy RPG, Nova, a rules-lite tabletop RPG in a world where the sun exploded, and humanity struggles to hold onto what little light they have left. In this episode, we discuss the character creation process, pick Spencer’s brain about character creation, and dive into some phenomenal fanfic!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Series 53.2 - Nova/Lumen with Spencer Campbell [Designer] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second part of our Nova/Lumen series, everyone! This series we have Spencer Campbell joining us to showcase his fast-paced, action heavy RPG, Nova, a rules-lite tabletop RPG in a world where the sun exploded, and humanity struggles to hold onto what little light they have left. In this episode, finish our characters and find out a lot more about our world with some collaborative world building!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Series 53.1 - Nova/Lumen with Spencer Campbell [Designer] (Creation)
Welcome to the first part of our Nova/Lumen series, everyone! This series we have Spencer Campbell joining us to showcase his fast-paced, action heavy RPG, Nova, a rules-lite tabletop RPG in a world where the sun exploded, and humanity struggles to hold onto what little light they have left. In this episode, we learn about the setting and dive into the beginning of character creation!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
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Character Creation Spotlight - E18.2 - I Have the High Ground with Jess Levine and satah [Designers]
Welcome to a special bonus episode of Character Creation Spotlight, everyone. In this bonus series we are thrilled to welcome Jess Levine and satah, designers of I Have the High Ground, a two-player game about banter, posturing and capes! This episode we create our characters and learn more about the design behind the game!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
I Have the High Ground:
Indie Press Re
Character Creation Spotlight - E18.1 - I Have the High Ground with Jess Levine and satah [Designers]
Welcome to a special bonus episode of Character Creation Spotlight, everyone. In this bonus series we are thrilled to welcome Jess Levine and satah, designers of I Have the High Ground, a two-player game about banter, posturing and capes! This episode we learn about the game and create our scenarios together. Stay tuned for the next episode where we finish our characters and learn more about the design behind the game!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Character Creation Spotlight - E17 - Broken with Ben Wallis [Designer]
Welcome to a special bonus episode of Character Creation Spotlight, everyone. This episode we are thrilled to welcome Ben Wallis, designer of Broken, a brilliant and heart-wrenching two-player, tragic romance, RPG about breaking hearts and breaking objects. We’ll be discussing the game, creating a few pairs of characters, and finding out all about the crowdfunding campaign!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Broken Itch-funding Campaign:
Series 52.3 - Under the Neighborhood with Kyle Decker [Designer] (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of series 52, everyone! This series, we welcome Kyle Decker to discuss his game, Under the Neighborhood, a game where you play out the curiously ordinary lives of characters in a world like you see in Hilda, Gravity Falls, The Owl House and other similar shows. This episode we discuss the process, discover a new cryptid and figure out more about our characters in the fanfic!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Series 52.2 - Under the Neighborhood with Kyle Decker [Designer] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of series 52, everyone! This series, we welcome Kyle Decker to discuss his game, Under the Neighborhood, a game where you play out the curiously ordinary lives of characters in a world like you see in Hilda, Gravity Falls, The Owl House and other similar shows. This episode we finish creating our characters and learn about Hartford’s favorite pastime!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Alchemistresses Kickstarte
Series 52.1 - Under the Neighborhood with Kyle Decker [Designer] (Character Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of series 52, everyone! This series, we welcome Kyle Decker to discuss his game, Under the Neighborhood, a game where you play out the curiously ordinary lives of characters in a world like you see in Hilda, Gravity Falls, The Owl House and other similar shows. This episode we learn about the game, create our world, and begin creating our amazingly mundane characters!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Hire Ryan
Character Creation Cast Q&A - 4 Year Anniversary Edition - Part 3
Welcome to the finale of a special bonus series of episodes! We are excited to be answering your questions! This episode we cover 23 questions from various folks who have submitted questions, and hopefully provide some thoughtful answers to them!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Alchemistresses Kickstarter
C3 on YouTube
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Series 51.3 - Alchemistresses with Allison K. Cole and Dora Dee Rogers [Designers] (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of series 51, everyone! This series, we welcome Allison K. Cole and Dora Dee Rogers to discuss their latest game, Alchemistresses, a magical girl game where you play the reincarnation of powerful magical girl mistresses of the past. This episode we discuss the creation process, get into some excellent fanfic discussion and find out how Ryan’s face is holding up from all the smiling!
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Series 51.2 - Alchemistresses with Allison K. Cole and Dora Dee Rogers [Designers] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of series 51, everyone! This series, we welcome Allison K. Cole and Dora Dee Rogers to discuss their latest game, Alchemistresses, a magical girl game where you play the reincarnation of powerful magical girl mistresses of the past. This episode we create the present and past worlds and our past characters along with our signature magical girl spells!
Alchemistresses Kickstarter
Series 51.1 - Alchemistresses with Allison K. Cole and Dora Dee Rogers [Designers] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of series 51, everyone! This series, we welcome Allison K. Cole and Dora Dee Rogers to discuss their latest game, Alchemistresses, a magical girl game where you play the reincarnation of powerful magical girl mistresses of the past. This episode we learn about the game, start creating characters, and find out why Ryan was beaming while recording this series!
Alchemistresses Kickstarter
Character Creation Cast Q&A - 4 Year Anniversary Edition - Part 2
Welcome to the second of a special bonus series of episodes! This series will be released at the end of May and subsequent months until we are done, and we are excited to be answering your questions! This episode we cover 18 questions from various folks who have submitted questions, and hopefully provide some thoughtful answers to them!
More questions for us?
Revamped Discord:
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Character Creation Cast Q&A - 4 Year Anniversary Edition - Part 1
Welcome to the first of a special bonus series of episodes! This series will be released at the end of May and subsequent months until we are done, and we are excited to be answering your questions! This episode we cover 17 questions from various folks who have submitted questions, and hopefully provide some thoughtful answers to them!
More questions for us?
Revamped Discord:
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Series 50.3 - Dungeons and Dragons 5E with Aram and Dylan [Kill Every Monster] (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of series 50, everyone! This series, we welcome Aram and Dylan from the Kill Every Monster Podcast, to revisit Dungeons and Dragons 5E by utilizing supplements to enhance your games. This episode we discuss how the process went and try to make sense of whatever this was in our fanfic portion!
One Shot Twitch Channel for Miracle Monday:
It’s a Magical Bee-ch Episode! - New Micro RPG by Ryan:
Series 50.2 - Dungeons and Dragons 5E with Aram and Dylan [Kill Every Monster] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of series 50, everyone! This series, we welcome Aram and Dylan from the Kill Every Monster Podcast, to revisit Dungeons and Dragons 5E by utilizing supplements to enhance your games. This episode we finish our characters and ask ourselves what we hath wrought!
Questions for us! - Last chance this round!
One Shot Twitch Channel for Miracle Monday:
One Shot Network Patreon
Series 50.1 - Dungeons and Dragons 5E with Aram and Dylan [Kill Every Monster] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of series 50, everyone! This series, we welcome Aram and Dylan from the Kill Every Monster Podcast, to revisit Dungeons and Dragons 5E by utilizing supplements to enhance your games. This episode we dive into commentary on D&D itself, what makes something D&D, and a lot of other great discussion before we dive into a very interesting character creation session!
Questions for us! - Last chance this round!
Series 49.3 - Marvel Super Heroes with Jef and Jon [System Mastery] (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of series 49, everyone! This series, we welcome Jef and Jon from the System Mastery Podcast, to learn about a really old game, Marvel Super Heroes, a superheroic RPG by TSR that a lot have coined the FASERIP system (not affiliated with the actual FASERIP RPG). This episode we discuss the process and have a little therapy time for… surviving the Marvel Super Heroes character creation process!
Yazeba’s Bed and Breakfast on IndieGoGo
Series 49.2 - Marvel Super Heroes with Jef and Jon [System Mastery] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of series 49, everyone! This series, we welcome Jef and Jon from the System Mastery Podcast, to learn about a really old game, Marvel Super Heroes, a superheroic RPG by TSR that a lot have coined the FASERIP system (not affiliated with the actual FASERIP RPG). This episode we finish our characters and break Ryan’s soul… It’s fine!
Deimos Academy on Kickstarter
Yazeba’s Bed and Breakf
Series 49.1 - Marvel Super Heroes with Jef and Jon [System Mastery] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of series 49, everyone! This series, we welcome Jef and Jon from the System Mastery Podcast, to learn about a really old game, Marvel Super Heroes, a superheroic RPG by TSR that a lot have coined the FASERIP system (not affiliated with the actual FASERIP RPG). This supersized episode we learn all about the game and start rolling up our characters!
Deimos Academy on Kickstarter
Series 48.3 - Kids on Brooms with Jonathan Gilmour and Doug Levandowski [Designers] (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of series 48, everyone! This series, we welcome Jonathan Gilmour and Doug Levandowski, to learn about their game, Kids on Brooms, the latest in the Kids on series that started with Kids on Bikes where you play as students at a magic school! This episode we discuss the character creation process, get into some great fanfic, and go way too long in our announcements and outtakes!
TTRPG Bundle for Trans Rights Texas on Itch
Character Creation Spotlight E16 - Yazeba’s Bed and Breakfast with Jay Dragon and Lillie J. Harris
Welcome to a special bonus episode of Character Creation Spotlight, everyone! This episode, we are shining the light on Yazeba’s Bed and Breakfast, a slice of life RPG about a magical B&B with a whole host of phenomenal characters. Designers Jay Dragon and Lillie J. Harris join us to teach us about the system, run us through setting up a scenario, and have many small Evolution Cast style discussions sprinkled throughout the episode.
Yazeba’s Bed and Breakfast on IndieGoGo
Series 48.2 - Kids on Brooms with Jonathan Gilmour and Doug Levandowski [Designers] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of series 48, everyone! This series, we welcome Jonathan Gilmour and Doug Levandowski, to learn about their game, Kids on Brooms, the latest in the Kids on series that started with Kids on Bikes where you play as students at a magic school! This episode we create our characters then dive into the rich relationship system!
TTRPG Bundle for Trans Rights Texas on Itch
Bundle for Ukraine
Series 48.1 - Kids on Brooms with Jonathan Gilmour and Doug Levandowski [Designers] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of series 48, everyone! This series, we welcome Jonathan Gilmour and Doug Levandowski, to learn about their game, Kids on Brooms, the latest in the Kids on series that started with Kids on Bikes where you play as students at a magic school! This episode we learn about the game, the history of the series, get into some world building and then begin making our people!
TTRPG Bundle for Trans Rights Texas on Itch
Character Creation Spotlight E15 - Deimos Academy with Austin Taylor and Amanda Kahl [Designers]
Welcome to a bonus Character Creation Spotlight episode 15, everyone! This episode, we welcome Austin Taylor and Amanda Kahl, to learn about the game they are designing along with Banana Chan, Deimos Academy, a horror RPG set in a spooky boarding school that is played with a coloring book and paper dolls! This episode we learn about the game, figure out some details about our school, and make our supernaturally powered students returning for a mysterious 15 year reunion!
Series 47.3 - Thirsty Sword Lesbians with April Kit Walsh [Designer] (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of series 47, everyone! This series, we welcome April Kit Walsh, to learn about her game, Thirsty Sword Lesbians, a Powered by the Apocalypse game where swords cross and hearts race! This episode we discuss the creation process, get into some amazing fanfic, and then stick around for the outtakes!
Truths of Heart Bundle
Advanced Lovers & Lesbians Preorder
Series 47.2 - Thirsty Sword Lesbians with April Kit Walsh [Designer] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of series 47, everyone! This series, we welcome April Kit Walsh, to learn about her game, Thirsty Sword Lesbians, a Powered by the Apocalypse game where swords cross and hearts race! This episode we create our characters and determine their relationships and find out how many characters we are smitten with before we’re even done!
Kill Every Monster - Amelia’s Undead Horde Episode
Truths of Heart Bun
Series 47.1 - Thirsty Sword Lesbians with April Kit Walsh [Designer] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of series 47, everyone! This series, we welcome April Kit Walsh, to learn about her game, Thirsty Sword Lesbians, a Powered by the Apocalypse game where swords cross and hearts race! This episode we learn all about the game and then create a setting together before starting character creation.
Kill Every Monster - Amelia’s Undead Horde Episode
Girl Scout Cookies!
One Sh
Series 46.3 - Trash Mob! with Melody [Mother Multiverse] (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of series 46, everyone! This series, we welcome Melody from Mother Multiverse Media, to learn about her game, Trash Mob!, a d4 based, isekai RPG about dying and then waking up as a weak monster in a fantasy world, eventually becoming an OP god! This episode we discuss the process, learn a bit more about Melody, figure out whatever is left over for the fanfic section, and leave you with some oversized amounts of outtakes!
One Shot Network Patreon
Series 46.2 - Trash Mob! with Melody [Mother Multiverse] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of series 46, everyone! This series, we welcome Melody from Mother Multiverse Media, to learn about her game, Trash Mob!, a d4 based, isekai RPG about dying and then waking up as a weak monster in a fantasy world, eventually becoming an OP god! This episode we finish creating our people, create the world we ended up in, and break format a bit and learn about advancement early!
One Shot Network Patreon
Leave us rev
Series 46.1 - Trash Mob! with Melody [Mother Multiverse] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of series 46, everyone! This series, we welcome Melody from Mother Multiverse Media, to learn about her game, Trash Mob!, a d4 based, isekai RPG about dying and then waking up as a weak monster in a fantasy world, eventually becoming an OP god! This episode we learn about the game and begin creating our people!
One Shot Network Patreon
Leave us reviews in any, or all, of these places:
Character Creation Cast on App
Series 45.3 - A Christmas Belonging with Danny Dellinger [Pod of Wonder] (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of series 45, everyone! This series, we welcome Danny Dellinger from Pod of Wonder, to learn about their game, A Christmas Belonging, a Belonging Outside Belonging/No Dice No Masters RPG about creating your own Hallmark style Christmas movie! This episode we discuss how the character creation process went, learn more about Danny, get into some phenomenal fanfic, talk about the end of the year as well as get some great outtakes!
One Shot Network Patreo
Series 45.2 - A Christmas Belonging with Danny Dellinger [Pod of Wonder] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of series 45, everyone! This series, we welcome Danny Dellinger from Pod of Wonder, to learn about their game, A Christmas Belonging, a Belonging Outside Belonging/No Dice No Masters RPG about creating your own Hallmark style Christmas movie! This episode we create our characters and somehow make our movie even more weird!
One Shot Network Patreon
Waukesha Foundation Community Fund
Series 45.1 - A Christmas Belonging with Danny Dellinger [Pod of Wonder] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of series 45, everyone! This series, we welcome Danny Dellinger from Pod of Wonder, to learn about their game, A Christmas Belonging, a Belonging Outside Belonging/No Dice No Masters RPG about creating your own Hallmark style Christmas movie! This episode we find out what this game is all about and create our setting together!
One Shot Network Secret Archive Bonus Episode
Series 44.3 - Call of Cthulhu with James Coquillat [Chaosium Stream of Chaos] (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of series 44, everyone! This series, we welcome James Coquillat, member of the Chaosium Digital Content team and cast member of the Stream of Chaos, to discuss Call of Cthulhu (7th Edition), a game of investigation and cosmic horror, from Chaosium, Inc! This episode we discuss the character creation process, learn a bit about James, and get into some really great outtakes at the end!
Haunted Hill Academy
Series 44.2 - Call of Cthulhu with James Coquillat [Chaosium Stream of Chaos] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of series 44, everyone! This series, we welcome James Coquillat, member of the Chaosium Digital Content team and cast member of the Stream of Chaos, to discuss Call of Cthulhu (7th Edition), a game of investigation and cosmic horror, from Chaosium, Inc! This episode we finish creating our characters!
Haunted Hill Academy
Spotlight Episode:
Character Creation Spotlight E14 - Haunted Hill Academy with Jeffrey Hayes [Designer]
Welcome to a bonus episode of Character Creation Spotlight! This episode we will be sitting down with Jeffrey Hayes to learn about, and create characters for, Haunted Hill Academy, a Fate based RPG about being a student at a mysterious boarding school!
Haunted Hill Academy Kickstarter
Leave us reviews in any, or all, of these places:
Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leave reviews for
Series 44.1 - Call of Cthulhu with James Coquillat [Chaosium Stream of Chaos] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of series 44, everyone! This series, we welcome James Coquillat, member of the Chaosium Digital Content team and cast member of the Stream of Chaos, to discuss Call of Cthulhu (7th Edition), a game of investigation and cosmic horror, from Chaosium, Inc! This episode we learn about the game, its robust history, and begin creating our characters!
Iron Edda Reforged
Character Creation Spotlight E13 - CHEW with Pete Petruscha [Designer]
Welcome to a bonus episode of Character Creation Spotlight! This episode we will be sitting down with Pete Petruscha to learn about, and create characters for, CHEW, a Forged in the Dark, food-based, crime drama RPG!
CHEW Kickstarter
Leave us reviews in any, or all, of these places:
Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leave reviews for us)
Character Creation Spotlight E12 - Iron Edda Reforged with Tracy Barnett [Designer]
Welcome to a bonus episode of Character Creation Spotlight! This episode we will be sitting down with Tracy Barnett to learn about, and create characters for, Iron Edda Reforged, a cyberpunk RPG where you are Ragnarok!
Iron Edda Kickstarter
Leave us reviews in any, or all, of these places:
Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leave reviews for us)
Series 43.3 - Cortex Prime with Cam Banks [Designer] (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of series 43, everyone! This series we welcome Cam Banks to discuss his game, Cortex Prime, an RPG Toolkit for creating ANY game you want! This episode we discuss the character creation process, learn a bit more about Cam Banks, talk about the game design process, and get into the few outtakes that came out of this series!
International Podcast Month
Our new
Series 43.2 - Cortex Prime with Cam Banks [Designer] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of series 43, everyone! This series we welcome Cam Banks to discuss his game, Cortex Prime, an RPG Toolkit for creating ANY game you want! This episode we finish making our characters and hear a bit about Cam’s character concept as well!
International Podcast Month
Leave us reviews in any, or all, of these places:
Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (
Series 43.1 - Cortex Prime with Cam Banks [Designer] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of series 43, everyone! This series we welcome Cam Banks to discuss his game, Cortex Prime, an RPG Toolkit for creating ANY game you want! We talk game design, working with a “generic” game, and start making our characters!
International Podcast Month
Leave us reviews in any, or all, of these places:
Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place
Series 42.3 - Sentinel Comics with Jef and Jon [System Mastery] (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of series 42, everyone! This series, we welcome back Jef and Jon from the System Mastery podcast, to learn about Sentinel Comics, the Role Playing Game, a superhero RPG by Greater Than Games. In this episode, we discuss the character creation process! Stick around for the plethora of outtakes as well!
Ennies Nominations:
One Shot Network Patreon:
Leave us reviews in any, or
Series 42.2 - Sentinel Comics with Jef and Jon [System Mastery] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of series 42, everyone! This series, we welcome back Jef and Jon from the System Mastery podcast, to learn about Sentinel Comics, the Role Playing Game, a superhero RPG by Greater Than Games. In this episode, we finish creating our superheroes!
Avatar Legends: The Role Playing Game
One Shot Network Patreon:
Leave us reviews in a
Series 42.1 - Sentinel Comics with Jef and Jon [System Mastery] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of series 42, everyone! This series we welcome back Jef and Jon from the System Mastery podcast, to talk about Sentinel Comics, the Role Playing Game, a superhero RPG by Greater Than Games. In this episode, we learn about the game and begin creating our superheroes!
One Shot Network Patreon:
Leave us reviews in any, or all, of these places:
Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leave reviews
Series 41.3 - Micro RPGs with Ourselves (Heartbeats and Post-Match Interview)
Welcome to the final episode of series 41, everyone! This series will be a bit different from our normal series. We will be covering two micro RPGs each episode with just Amelia and Ryan at the helm! This episode, we’re going in cold with character creation for Keith Baker and Jenn Ellis’s game Heartbeats and James Mendez Hodes’ game Post-Match Interview, both Micro RPGs from James D’Amato’s book, The Ultimate Micro-RPG Book! Then stick around for the outtakes at the end!
Series 41.2 - Micro RPGs with Ourselves (It Wants Souls and Van Gogh’s Ear)
Welcome to the second episode of series 41, everyone! This series will be a bit different than our normal series. We will be covering two micro RPGs each episode with just Amelia and Ryan at the helm! This episode, we’re going in cold with character creation for Quinn Murphy’s game It Wants Souls and Jenn Ellis and Keith Baker’s game Van Gogh’s Ear, both Micro RPGs from James D’Amato’s book, The Ultimate Micro-RPG Book!
AcadeCon Kickstarter:
Series 41.1 - Micro RPGs with Ourselves (Pyrewaltz and Going Dark)
Welcome to the first episode of series 41, everyone! This series will be a bit different than our normal series. We will be covering two micro RPGs each episode with just Amelia and Ryan at the helm! This episode, we’re going in cold with character creation for Soup’s Pyrewaltz and Daniel Kwan and Angus Macpherson’s Going Dark, both Micro RPGs from James D’Amato’s book, The Ultimate Micro-RPG Book!
Skyjacks: Courier’s Call:
LOSERS: A Love Story F
Series 40.3 - Phoenix Dawn Command with Neal Powell (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of series 40, everyone! This series we welcome Neal Powell, co-host from DMNastics, Dungeon Master’s Block and Whelmed: The Young Justice Files, to talk about Phoenix Dawn Command, a card based, fantasy TTRPG by Keith Baker that is all about coming back from death stronger than before. This episode, we discuss the process and give our thoughts about the game and how it compares to other games! Then, stick around after the show for the outtakes.
Series 40.2 - Phoenix Dawn Command with Neal Powell (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of series 40, everyone! This series we welcome Neal Powell, co-host from DMNastics, Dungeon Master’s Block and Whelmed: The Young Justice Files, to talk about Phoenix Dawn Command, a card based, fantasy TTRPG by Keith Baker that is all about coming back from death stronger than before. This episode, we finish creating our characters and learn how each of us first died!
Chimera RPG Page:
Ryan’s A Tale of Twinkle a
Series 40.1 - Phoenix Dawn Command with Neal Powell (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of series 40, everyone! This series we welcome Neal Powell, co-host from DMNastics, Dungeon Master’s Block and Whelmed: The Young Justice Files, to talk about Phoenix Dawn Command, a card based, fantasy TTRPG by Keith Baker that is all about coming back from death stronger than before. This episode, we learn about the game and begin creating our characters!
Chimera RPG Page:
You Are The Dungeon Kickstarter:
Series 39.3 - Chimera with Amr Ammourazz and Ryan Boelter [Designer] (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of Series 39, everyone! This series, we’re finally tackling the game that Ryan has been talking about for ages, Chimera, a Powered by the Apocalypse game that allows you to blend genres together and create unique worlds and people. Today, Ryan again takes a backseat as a guest along with co-designer Amr Ammourazz, while Senda from Panda’s Talking Games, Gnome Stew and She’s a Super Geek takes over co-host duties with Amelia! We discuss the character creation process,
Series 39.2 - Chimera with Amr Ammourazz and Ryan Boelter [Designer] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of Series 39, everyone! This series, we’re finally tackling the game that Ryan has been talking about for ages, Chimera, a Powered by the Apocalypse game that allows you to blend genres together and create unique worlds and people. Today, Ryan again takes a backseat as a guest along with co-designer Amr Ammourazz, while Senda from Panda’s Talking Games, Gnome Stew and She’s a Super Geek takes over co-host duties with Amelia! We’ll be finishing up character creation
Series 39.1 - Chimera with Amr Ammourazz and Ryan Boelter [Designer] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of Series 39, everyone! This series, we’re finally tackling the game that Ryan has been talking about for ages, Chimera, a Powered by the Apocalypse game that allows you to blend genres together and create unique worlds and people. Today, Ryan takes a backseat as a guest along with co-designer Amr Ammourazz, while Senda from Panda’s Talking Games, Gnome Stew and She’s a Super Geek takes over co-host duties with Amelia! We’ll be discussing what this game is all about
Series 38.3 - Blue Planet: Recontact with Jeff Barber [Designer] (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of Series 38! This series we welcome Jeff Barber back to the studio to cover the brand new version of a game we covered 32 series ago, Blue Planet: Recontact, a sci-fi game about life on an alien, ocean world. This episode we have some remarkable discussion about the character creation process as well as some very insightful design discussion! Also, make sure to check the show notes for the Blue Planet Kickstarter page as well as the #Reviews4Good campaign that Podch
Series 38.2 - Blue Planet: Recontact with Jeff Barber [Designer] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of Series 38! This series we welcome Jeff Barber back to the studio to cover the brand new version of a game we covered 32 series ago, Blue Planet: Recontact, a sci-fi game about life on an alien, ocean world. This episode we finish creating our characters!! Also, make sure to check the show notes for the Blue Planet Kickstarter page as well as the #Reviews4Good campaign that Podchaser is doing this whole month of April!
Blue Planet: Recontact Kickst
Series 38.1 - Blue Planet: Recontact with Jeff Barber [Designer] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of Series 38! This series we welcome Jeff Barber back to the studio to cover the brand new version of a game we covered 32 series ago, Blue Planet: Recontact, a sci-fi game about life on an alien, ocean world. This episode we find out what this game is all about and start diving into the character creation process! Also, make sure to check the show notes for the Kickstarter page as well as the #Reviews4Good campaign that Podchaser is doing this whole month of April!
Series 37.3 - You Are The Dungeon with Tracy Barnett [Designer] (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode for series 37! We welcome back Tracy Barnett and discuss how the character creation process went for their new game, You Are The Dungeon, a solo journaling game about creating a dungeon and dealing with the adventurers that wander into your walls. In this episode we dive deep into discussion about this unique game, learn a bit about its sequel game, You Are the Tavern, and enjoy some outtakes at the very end!
Ryan’s Chimera Live Stream Campaign: A Tal
Series 37.2 - You Are The Dungeon with Tracy Barnett [Designer] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode for series 37! We welcome back Tracy Barnett and finish creating characters for their new game, You Are The Dungeon, a solo journaling game about creating a dungeon and dealing with the adventurers that wander into your walls. In this episode we actually play a full round of this game and figure out what horrors exist within our walls!
Ryan’s Chimera Live Stream Campaign: A Tale of Twinkle and Awe
Series 37.1 - You Are The Dungeon with Tracy Barnett [Designer] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode for series 37! We welcome back Tracy Barnett and discuss the character creation process for their new game, You Are The Dungeon, a solo journaling game about creating a dungeon and dealing with the adventurers that wander into your walls. Amelia is back for this series and this episode we cover what the game is all about and start actually playing the game itself!
Ryan’s Chimera Live Stream Campaign: A Tale of Twinkle and Awe
Series 36.3 - Tension with Adira Slattery [Designer] (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode for series 36! We welcome back Adira Slattery and discuss the character creation process for her new game, Tension, a queer cat and mouse game for 2 players! Amelia had to sit this series out, but this episode, Ryan and Adira get into some great discussion and some really amazing fanfic that Ryan can’t stop thinking about! Join us for the finale for the most condensed character creation series to date!
Ryan’s Chimera Live Stream Campaign: A Tale of Tw
Series 36.2 - Tension with Adira Slattery [Designer] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode for series 36! We welcome back Adira Slattery, to finish creating characters, plural, for her new game, Tension, a queer cat and mouse game for 2 players! Amelia had to sit this series out, but this episode, Ryan and Adira finish creating the other twenty characters needed to play a session! Join us for the most condensed character creation series to date!
Ryan’s Chimera Live Stream Campaign: A Tale of Twinkle and Awe
Series 36.1 - Tension with Adira Slattery [Designer] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of our 36th series! We welcome back Adira Slattery, as a guest this time, to discuss her new game, Tension, a queer cat and mouse game for 2 players! Amelia had to sit this series out, but Ryan and Adira create their characters and begin the process of creating the other twenty characters needed to play a session! Join us for the most condensed character creation series to date!
Ryan’s Chimera Live Stream Campaign: A Tale of Twinkle and Awe
Series 35.3 - Anyone Can Wear the Mask with Jeff Stormer [Designer] (Discussion)
Series 35 comes to a close this episode where we welcome back Party of One host and fellow network show All My Fantasy Children co-host, Jeff Stormer! We will be discussing the character creation process for his new game, Anyone Can Wear the Mask, a storytelling game about a superhero, a villain and a city.
Ryan’s Chimera Live Stream Campaign: A Tale of Twinkle and Awe
A Horror Borealis presents LOSERS: A Love Story:
Series 35.2 - Anyone Can Wear the Mask with Jeff Stormer [Designer] (Creation Continued)
It is time for the second episode of series 35! This episode, we welcome back Party of One host and fellow network show All My Fantasy Children co-host, Jeff Stormer! We will be finishing our characters for his new game, Anyone Can Wear the Mask, a storytelling game about a superhero, a villain and a city. Join us as Ryan defines a villain and we get to play a round of this game together!
Ryan’s Chimera Live Stream Campaign: A Tale of Twinkle and Awe
Series 35.1 - Anyone Can Wear the Mask with Jeff Stormer [Designer] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of series 35, and the first episode of 2021, everyone! This episode, we welcome Party of One host and fellow network show All My Fantasy Children co-host, Jeff Stormer! We will be discussing his new game, Anyone Can Wear the Mask, a storytelling game about a superhero, a villain and a city. Join us for the start of a fantastic series after Amelia and Ryan discuss 2021 a bit in the longer than usual cold open.
Ryan’s Chimera Live Stream Campaign: A Tal
Series 34.3 - Tide Breaker with Nick Butler [Designer] (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of Series 34 and 2020, everyone! This series we are covering the modular world building, action RPG Tide Breaker with designer Nick Butler! This episode we’ll be discussing the character creation process as well as dishing up some final outtakes of the year.
Ryan’s Chimera Live Stream Campaign: A Tale of Twinkle and Awe
A Horror Borealis presents LOSERS: A Love Story:
Series 34.2 - Tide Breaker with Nick Butler [Designer] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of Series 34, everyone! This series we’ll be covering the modular world building, action RPG Tide Breaker with designer Nick Butler! This episode we’ll be finishing up our Dragon Ball Z esque character creation.
Ryan’s Chimera Live Stream Campaign: A Tale of Twinkle and Awe
World Builders Fundraiser:
Series 34.1 - Tide Breaker with Nick Butler [Designer] (Creation)
Welcome to the start of the 34th series, everyone! This series we’ll be covering the modular world building, action RPG Tide Breaker with designer Nick Butler! This episode we’ll be covering what the game is all about and teaching Amelia a bit about Dragon Ball Z before diving into character creation.
Ryan’s Chimera Live Stream Campaign: A Tale of Twinkle and Awe
Cape and Blade Live Stream Campaign Replay On Demand:
Series 33.3 - Unbound with Grant Howitt and Chris Taylor (Discussion)
On the last episode of our 33rd series, halfway to the evil number, we welcome back Grant Howitt and Chris Taylor from Rowan Rook and Decard, to discuss character creation and world building in Unbound, a scalable action pulp, collaborative world building RPG. We also get to some pretty fantastic fanfiction for our characters, so you’ll want to stick around for that!
Make Georgia Twice as Nice One Shot Act Blue Campaign for Fair Voting:
Ryan’s C
Series 33.2 - Unbound with Grant Howitt and Chris Taylor (Creation Continued)
On the second episode of our 33rd series, we welcome back Grant Howitt and Chris Taylor from Rowan Rook and Decard, to finish character creation and world building for Unbound, a scalable action pulp, collaborative world building RPG.
Ryan’s Chimera Live Stream Campaign: A Tale of Twinkle and Awe
Cape and Blade Live Stream Campaign:
Contact us about an art commission!
Series 33.1 - Unbound with Grant Howitt and Chris Taylor (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of series 33, everyone! This episode, we are welcoming back Grant Howitt and Chris Taylor, two familiar voices for those who have heard our Heart series. This series we will be covering Unbound, a game where you build the setting along with your characters in a fairly unique way. Join us this episode as we discuss the game and start diving into world building and character creation!
Ryan’s Chimera Live Stream Campaign: A Tale of Twinkle and Awe
Series 32.3 - Burn Bryte with Celeste Conowitch and Eugenio Vargas (Discussion)
It’s the final episode of series 32! We welcome back Celeste Conowitch and Eugenio Vargas from the Burning Daylight live streamed campaign to discuss the character creation process for Burn Bryte, a galaxy spanning, science fantasy RPG exclusively for
Thirsty Sword Lesbians Kickstarter:
Unbound Kickstarter:
AudioVerse Awards Finali
Series 32.2 - Burn Bryte with Celeste Conowitch and Eugenio Vargas (Creation Continued)
It’s the second episode of series 32! We welcome back Celeste Conowitch and Eugenio Vargas from the Burning Daylight live streamed campaign to create characters together for Burn Bryte, a galaxy spanning, science fantasy RPG exclusively for
AudioVerse Awards Finalist Voting:
Ryan’s Chimera Live Stream Campaign
Leave us reviews in any, or all, of these places:
Character Creation Cast on Apple Podca
Series 32.1 - Burn Bryte with Celeste Conowitch and Eugenio Vargas (Creation)
Series 32 begins right here! We welcome Celeste Conowitch and Eugenio Vargas from the Burning Daylight live streamed campaign to cover Burn Bryte, a galaxy spanning, science fantasy RPG exclusively for We go over what this game is all about and learn about this amazing setting before starting to create our people!
Campaign: Skyjacks Album Kickstarter:
Character Creation Spotlight E11 - Rest in Pieces with Pete Petrusha
Welcome to a special bonus Spotlight episode! In this episode, we will be covering the dual-toned tumbling tower, casual RPG by Pete Petrusha, Rest in Pieces. Find out what it’s like having Death for a roommate, and why it’s probably not as fun as Bill and Ted make it seem. We discuss the system as well as create a character together in this short episode compared to our normal format!
Rest in Pieces Kickstarter:
Series 31.3 - BOLT with Ajey Pandey [Designer] (Discussion)
The final portion of our series for BOLT, a modular action RPG by our guest this series, Ajey Pandey! We discuss the process and talk about all the things this game is trying to do.Announcements: BOLT Kickstarter: 2020 Kickstarter: Skyjacks Album Kickstarter: us rev
Series 31.2 - BOLT with Ajey Pandey [Designer] (Creation Continued)
We’re back with our character creation session for BOLT, a modular action RPG by our guest this series, Ajey Pandey! We finish up some really amazing 80’s action movie style character creation you won’t want to miss!Announcements: BOLT Kickstarter: 2020 Kickstarter: Skyjacks Album Kickstarter:
Series 31.1 - BOLT with Ajey Pandey [Designer] (Creation)
We’re back from our two week break with the start of a fresh new series covering BOLT, a modular action RPG by our guest this series, Ajey Pandey! We learn a bit about the game this episode and dive into some really amazing 80’s action movie style character creation you won’t want to miss!Announcements: BOLT Kickstarter: 2020 Kickstarter:
Series 30.3 - Quest with Kyle Allen and Russ Wilde [Prism Pals] (Discussion)
In today’s episode, we welcome back Kyle Allen and Russ Wild from the Prism Pals podcast, to discuss the character creation process for Quest, the fantasy RPG from TC Sottek of The Adventure Guild. We also get into some not-at-all confusing fanfic about the characters we made this series!
Kyle Allen’s Quest Adventure Profile:
Ammourazz’s Twitch Channel:
Leave us reviews in any, or all, of these pla
Series 30.2 - Quest with Kyle Allen and Russ Wilde [Prism Pals] (Creation Continued)
We continue our character creation series for Quest, an RPG created by T.C. Sottek from The Adventure Guild, and we welcome back Kyle Allen and Russ Wilde from the Prism Pals podcast to finish creating our wild crew of characters!
Ennie Winners:
Leave us reviews in any, or all, of these places:
Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best p
Series 30.1 - Quest with Kyle Allen and Russ Wilde [Prism Pals] (Creation)
For the first episode of our 30th series, we welcome Kyle Allen and Russ Wilde from the Prism Pals podcast to discuss Quest, an RPG created by T.C. Sottek from The Adventure Guild, and to start diving into the delightfully cozy character creation.
Ennie Winners:
Leave us reviews in any, or all, of these places:
Character Creation Cast on Apple Pod
Series 29.3 - Legend of the Five Rings with David Gordon Buresh (Discussion)
The final Episode of our Legend of the Five Rings series with David Gordon Bursesh. We discuss the character creation process, the problems with this game, and the frustrations of trying to level up.
Asian’s represent L5R Read on youtube:
Leave us reviews in any, or all, of these places:
Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leave reviews for us)
Series 29.2 - Legend of the Five Rings with David Gordon Buresh (Creation Continued)
The second episode of our Legend of the Five Rings series welcomes back David Gordon Buresh, from the Dave of the Five Rings blog, to finish up our characters by going through the remaining *checks notes* 17 questions. Also, hear Ryan’s first exasperated sigh against Amelia’s favorite game!
Legend of the Five Rings (5th Edition): Code of the Way of the Warrior | Asians Read S2E1
Leave us reviews in any, or all, of the
Series 29.1 - Legend of the Five Rings with David Gordon Buresh (Creation)
In this first episode of series 29, we finally get to cover Amelia’s favorite game, Legend of the Five Rings 5th Edition, with guest David Gordon Buresh! We dive into what this game is all about and start creating our characters using a series of 20 questions every step of the way.
ENnie Voting!
Legend of the Five Rings (5th Edition): Code of the Way of the Warrior | Asians Read S2E1
Series 28.3 - Numenera with Darcy Ross (Discussion)
In the final episode of our Numenera series, Darcy Ross, from Cypher Speak and Monte Cook Games, sits down with us to discuss the process of character creation and we make some great fanfic!
Monte Cook Games $5 Off listener promotion:
Use code “ccc5off” to get $5 off your order!
Leave us reviews in any, or all, of these places:
Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leave reviews for us)
Series 28.2 - Numenera with Darcy Ross (Creation Continued)
In the second episode of our Numenera series, Darcy Ross, from Cypher Speak and Monte Cook Games, returns to finish our characters with us!
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June Justice- A guide of daily reading and acti
Series 28.1 - Numenera with Darcy Ross (Creation)
In this first episode of series 28, we welcome Darcy Ross, who is the co-host of the Cypher Speak podcast from the Misdirected Mark Network as well as the Community Relations Coordinator for Monte Cook Games, as we sit down to discuss Numenera, a Science Fantasy RPG. We’ll start building our characters this episode, too, so get ready to start meeting some amazing people in this amazingly unique setting!
Monte Cook Games $5 Off listener promotion:
Series 27.3 - Beyond the Wall with Alex Flanigan and Adam Steward (Discussion)
In the last episode of series 27, we welcome back Alex Flanigan, from the A Horror Borealis and The Cryptid Keeper podcasts, as our special guest co-host, filling in for Amelia due to a family emergency at the time of recording. We also welcome back Ryan’s best friend since the first grade, and current GM for their campaign together using the system we’re covering this series: Beyond the Wall and Other Adventures, a Fantasy RPG by Flatland Games. This episode we’ll be discussing what we thought
Series 27.2 - Beyond the Wall with Alex Flanigan and Adam Steward (Creation Continued)
In the second episode of series 27, we welcome back Alex Flanigan, from the A Horror Borealis and The Cryptid Keeper podcasts, as our special guest co-host, filling in for Amelia due to a family emergency at the time of recording. We also welcome back Ryan’s best friend since the first grade, and current GM for their campaign together using the system we’re covering this series: Beyond the Wall and Other Adventures, a Fantasy RPG by Flatland Games. This episode we’ll be finishing our characters
Series 27.1 - Beyond the Wall with Alex Flanigan and Adam Steward (Creation)
In this first episode of series 27, we welcome Alex Flanigan, from the A Horror Borealis and The Cryptid Keeper podcasts, as our special guest co-host, filling in for Amelia due to a family emergency at the time of recording. We also welcome Ryan’s best friend since the first grade, and current GM for their campaign together using the system we’re covering this series: Beyond the Wall and Other Adventures, a Fantasy RPG by Flatland Games. Learn about the game and hear about the character archety
Series 26.3 - Genesys and Skyjacks with James D’Amato (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of series 26! James D’Amato joins us, once again, to discuss Genesys, a setting neutral RPG by Fantasy Flight Games, as well as learning a bit more about the Campaign Skyjacks world of Speir!
Courier’s Call Kickstarter:
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Series 26.2 - Genesys and Skyjacks with James D’Amato (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of series 26! This episode, we welcome back our very own network president, James D’Amato, to finish creating our characters together for Genesys, a setting neutral RPG by Fantasy Flight Games, utilizing the Campaign Skyjacks world of Speir!
Courier’s Call Kickstarter:
Our Podchaser Page:
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Series 26.1 - Genesys and Skyjacks with James D’Amato (Creation)
We’re very excited to welcome you to the beginning of series 26! This series we welcome our very own network president, James D’Amato, to learn about Genesys, a setting neutral RPG by Fantasy Flight Games, as well as begin creating characters in the Campaign Skyjacks world of Speir!
Courier’s Call Kickstarter:
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Character Evolution Cast E20: Gaming at a Distance
In this Evolution Cast episode Amelia and Ryan talk about how to make the most of your time stuck at home with GAMES!
Home for Wayward OCs
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Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leave reviews for us)
Series 25.3 - Golden Sky Stories with David Gunsberg and Morgan Jenkins (Discussion)
On the final episode of our 25th series, Ryan welcomes back David Gunsberg and Morgan Jenkins to talk about Golden Sky Stories, a slice of life RPG where kindness reigns. Amelia wasn’t able to make it for this recording, but we end up with a really great discussion about this very wholesome game.
Princess World Kickstarter:
Multiverse Kickstarter:
Series 25.2 - Golden Sky Stories with David Gunsberg and Morgan Jenkins (Creation Continued)
On the second episode of our 25th series, we welcome back David Gunsberg and Morgan Jenkins to talk about Golden Sky Stories, a slice of life RPG where kindness reigns. Listen as we meet our adorable characters and find out what sort of shenanigans they had gotten up to together in the past!
Descent into Midnight:
Princess World Kickstarter:
Pasión de las Pasiones Kickstarter
Series 25.1 - Golden Sky Stories with David Gunsberg and Morgan Jenkins (Creation)
Our 25th series starts here where we welcome friends of the show David Gunsberg and Morgan Jenkins to talk about Golden Sky Stories, a slice of life RPG where kindness reigns.
Descent into Midnight Kickstarter:
Princess World Kickstarter:
Pasión de las Pasiones Kickstarter
The Creatensive Character Zine Kickstarter
Character Creation Spotlight E10 - The Creatensive Character Zine with Izzy [Praxis Descends]
Welcome to a special bonus episode of Character Creation Spotlight! Today we’re highlighting Izzy, aka Praxis Descends, and her new character building resource, The Creatensive Character Zine, kickstarting right now! Find out about this very cool resource as well as see how one of the exercises works with one of Ryan’s latest characters from the last Series!
The Creatensive Character Zine Kickstarter
Character Evolution Cast E19: How Plot Plot?
In a bonus Evolution Cast episode (because March has an extra Monday) we tackle how to plot out your characters story using goals and motivations.
Descent into Midnight Kickstarter
Princess World Kickstarter
Pasión de las Pasiones Kickstarter
The Creatensive Character Zine Kickstarter
Character Creation Spotlight E09 - Princess World with Kevin Petker
Welcome to a special bonus episode of Character Creation Spotlight! Today we’re highlighting Kevin Petker and his game, Princess World! Find out about the game in this abridged format, including us creating a princess, and get pumped to back this amazing kickstarter happening right now!
Princess World Kickstarter:
Descent into Midnight Kickstarter:
A Horror Borealis/The Cryptid Keeper Year of
Character Evolution Cast E18: Enhancing Your Games with Games
This is our 18th episode of Character Evolution Cast, and we’re here to talk about making your gaming experience better by adding MORE GAMES!
Descent into Midnight Kickstarter
Princess World Kickstarter
Decuma Kickstarter
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Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to le
Character Creation Spotlight E08 - Descent into Midnight with Rich Howard
Welcome to a special bonus episode of Character Creation Spotlight! Today we’re highlighting Rich Howard and his game, Descent into Midnight, that he is co-designing with Richard Kruetz-Landry and Taylor LaBresh, whom we had on previously for a full Descent into Midnight series back in Series 18! Find out what’s changed since that series, or hear about the game for the first time in this abridged format, and get pumped to back this amazing kickstarter happening right now!
Series 24.3 - Visigoths vs Mall Goths with Lucian Kahn [Designer] (Discussion)
This is the final episode of our Visigoths vs Mall Goths series, a game where you play time displaced Visigoths in a 90’s mall where, naturally, you are enemies with the mall goths that inhabit said mall. We welcome back special guest Lucian Kahn, designer of Visigoths vs Mall Goths and much more, to discuss this game with us!
Descent into Midnight Kickstarter Watch:
A Horror Borealis/The Cryptid Keeper Year of the Moth Patreon Drive:
Series 24.2 - Visigoths vs Mall Goths with Lucian Kahn [Designer] (Creation Continued)
This is the second episode of our Visigoths vs Mall Goths series, a game where you play time displaced Visigoths in a 90’s mall where, naturally, you are enemies with the mall goths that inhabit said mall. We welcome back a special guest to create characters with us, Lucian Kahn, designer of Visigoths vs Mall Goths, and much more!
Descent into Midnight Kickstarter Watch:
A Horror Borealis/The Cryptid Keeper Year of the Moth Patreon Drive:
Series 24.1 - Visigoths vs Mall Goths with Lucian Kahn [Designer] (Creation)
This is the first episode of our Visigoths vs Mall Goths series, a game where you play time displaced Visigoths in a 90’s mall where, naturally, you are enemies with the mall goths that inhabit said mall. We welcome a special guest to cover this game with us, Lucian Kahn, designer of Visigoths vs Mall Goths, and much more, and we had a blast recording this series with him!
Descent into Midnight Kickstarter Watch:
A Horror Borealis/The Cryptid Keeper Year of
Character Evolution Cast E17: AP at Home Part II with Kristine Chester and Marshall Sims
In a follow up to episode 5, we revisit the concepts from actual play podcasts that you can bring to your home table.
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Character Creation Cast on Podchaser
Character Creation Cast on Stitcher
Series 23.3 - Lancer with Tom Parkinson Morgan and Miguel Lopez [Designers] (Discussion)
In the final episode of our Lancer series, Tom joins us as we learn a little bit about our team, talk about the difficulty of managing a lot of options for customization and learn more about Lancer itself.
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Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leave reviews for us)
Character Creation Cast on Podchaser
Series 23.2 - Lancer with Tom Parkinson Morgan and Miguel Lopez [Designers] (Creation Continued)
In the second episode of series 23, we’ll be finishing up our opening discussion about Lancer, a tactics based mech combat RPG by Massif Press, with designers Tom Parkinson Morgan and Miguel Lopez! This episode we’ll be creating some amazing characters with Tom and figuring out what sorts of mechs these characters would like to grow in to.
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Series 23.1 - Lancer with Tom Parkinson Morgan and Miguel Lopez [Designers] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of 2020 and the first episode of series 23! This series we’ll be covering Lancer, a tactics based mech combat RPG by Massif Press, with designers Tom Parkinson Morgan and Miguel Lopez! This episode we’ll be diving into what the game is about as well as a peek behind the curtain at game design as a whole.
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New Years 2019 Special & ReCast - Character Evolution Cast E06 - Session Zero
This is a special episode of Character Creation ReCast where we spend an extended cold open reminiscing on 2019 and looking forward to 2020. After that, we dive into a bonus ReCast episode where we discuss what makes a good session zero and what sorts of things you need to keep in mind as both a player and a GM to help enhance the experience! We even have our own Session Zero worksheet in the show notes for you to follow along with!
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Character Cre
ReCast - Character Evolution Cast E03 - 8 Kinds of Fun with Jim McClure
On this final ReCast episode, we delve into the Character Evolution Cast backlog to pull out our interview with Jim McClure, host of the Talking Tabletop podcast, designer of Reflections and Satanic Panic and owner of Third Act Publishing to learn about how the theory of the 8 kinds of fun can help players hone in on their interests and communicate with their GMs for the best play experience.
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Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best pl
ReCast - Series 2.3 - MASKS with Brandon James and Elsbeth [Protean City Comics] (Discussion)
On this special Character Creation ReCast episode, we’re going all the way back to the beginning! This episode was originally released with the launch of our podcast back in April, 2018, and our guests were the GMs from Protean City Comics where we learned about MASKS: A New Generation and learned a lot about PbtA and how important it is to be able to see yourself in a game.
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Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leave revie
ReCast - Series 19.3 - InSpectres with Chris Foster
For this special Character Creation ReCast episode, we’re highlighting the third part of our small games series, where Amelia and Ryan were joined by Chris Foster of the Play/Test podcast to talk about InSpectres, a game about a ghost hunting start up. This episode stands well on its own, too, with creation and discussion fit into a single episode!
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ReCast - Series 3.3 - Star Crossed with Alex Roberts (Discussion)
Welcome to a special Character Creation ReCast episode! December is a busy month for Amelia and Ryan, so join us on a remastered version of the discussion episode of Star Crossed, one of the four most impactful episodes that we’ve hand-picked to ReCast throughout December. If you enjoy this episode, check out the whole series back at the beginning of our feed!
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AcadeCon 2019 Panel - Random Characters
As we get prepped for the holiday season, this special episode takes us to our 2019 Panel at AcadeCon where Amelia and Ryan worked with the audience to create some truly memorable characters.
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Character C
Series 22.3 - Questlandia 2 with Hannah Shaffer and Evan Rowland [Designers] (Discussion)
In the final part of our Questlandia 2 series, we discuss the process of worldbuilding, talk about designing a game made for campaigns, and chat about how our lives influence our art in our discussion episode with Hannah Shaffer and Evan Rowland, designers of the game and hosts of the Design Doc podcast, also part of the One Shot Podcast Network!
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Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leave reviews for us)
Series 22.2 - Questlandia 2 with Hannah Shaffer and Evan Rowland [Designers] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of series 22, everyone! This episode we actually play a little bit of Questlandia 2 and create a world with Hannah Shaffer and Evan Rowland, designers of the game and hosts of the Design Doc podcast, also part of the One Shot Podcast Network!
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Character C
Series 22.1 - Questlandia 2 with Hannah Shaffer and Evan Rowland [Designers] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of series 22, everyone! This episode we cover character creation for Questlandia 2, get into some great discussion about game design and collaboration, and stumble into a really flattering design decision with Hannah Shaffer and Evan Rowland, designers of the game and hosts of the Design Doc podcast, also part of the One Shot Podcast Network!
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Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leave reviews f
Character Evolution Cast E16 - Playing in Spooky Games with Christine Prevas [Unexplored Places Podcast]
In this episode of Character Evolution Cast, we welcome Christine Prevas of the Unexplored Places podcast to discuss bringing spookiness to your game!
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Character Creation Cast on Podchaser
Character Creation Cast on Stitcher
Series 21.3 - Ross Rifles with Daniel Kwan and Patrick Keenan [Designers] (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of series 21, everyone! Today we welcome back Daniel Kwan and Patrick Keenan from Dundas West Games to discuss the character creation process for their new game, Ross Rifles, a World War 1, Powered by the Apocalypse RPG, kickstarting right now!
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Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leave reviews for us)
Series 21.2 - Ross Rifles with Daniel Kwan and Patrick Keenan [Designers] (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of series 21, everyone! Today we welcome back Daniel Kwan and Patrick Keenan from Dundas West Games to finish creating characters for their new game, Ross Rifles, a World War 1, Powered by the Apocalypse RPG, kickstarting right now!
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Character Creation Ca
Series 21.1 - Ross Rifles with Daniel Kwan and Patrick Keenan [Designers] (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of series 21! Today we welcome Daniel Kwan and Patrick Keenan from Dundas West Games to talk about, and start creating characters for, their new game, Ross Rifles, kickstarting right now!
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Character Creation Cast on Podchaser
Character Evolution Cast E15 - Collaborative World Building with Aly Grauer and Drew Mierzejewski [Warda Podcast]
In this episode of Character Evolution Cast, we welcome Aly Grauer and Drew Mierzejewski from the Warda podcast to discuss the joys of building a world together, including some great tips on how to do it well on both sides of the table!
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Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leave reviews for us)
Character Creation Cast on Podchaser
Character Creation Spotlight E07 - Glitter Hearts with Greg Leatherman
Welcome to a bonus Spotlight episode where we interview Greg Leatherman to discuss his kickstarter for his new game, Glitter Hearts, a Powered by the Apocalypse game that emulates the magical girl types of genre!
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Character Creation Cast on Podchaser
Character Creation Spotlight E06 - CAPERS Covert with Craig Campbell
Welcome to a bonus Spotlight episode where we interview Craig Campbell from Nerdburger Games to discuss his latest kickstarter, CAPERS Covert, a supplement for CAPERS that adds some great super spy action to the CAPERS system.
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Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leave reviews for us)
Character Creation Cast on Podchaser
Series 20.3 - Heart with Grant Howitt and Chris Taylor [Designers] (Discussion)
In the final episode of series 20, and we welcome back Grant Howitt and Chris Taylor, designers of Heart, to talk about the character creation process, their hopes for the game, and the reasons behind the design choices they made. Amelia also gets to talk about jello and sand again.
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Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leave reviews for us)
Series 20.2 - Heart with Grant Howitt and Chris Taylor [Designers] (Creation Continued)
This is the second episode of series 20, and we welcome back Grant Howitt and Chris Taylor, designers of the game we are creating characters for today, Heart! Things get a little weird, but not too horrible, as we figure out what sort of people live for adventure down in this mysterious and horrifying setting.
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Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leave reviews for us):
Series 20.1 - Heart with Grant Howitt and Chris Taylor [Designers] (Creation)
Welcome to the first part of series 20, everyone! Today we have Grant Howitt and Chris Taylor on to discuss their latest game, Heart, which will be kickstarting soon! This game combines the setting and mechanics of Spire with some good old fashioned dungeon crawling, mixed with some truly horrifying implications, so hold onto your hats and get ready for a really interesting series!
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Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leav
GenCon 2019 Recap
On today’s episode, Amelia and Ryan recap their experience at GenCon as well as reveal some details for our current contest!
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Character Creation Cast on Stitcher
Series 19.3 - InSpectres with Chris Foster [Play/Test]
In the third part of our small games series, Amelia and Ryan are again joined by Chris Foster of the Play/Test podcast to talk about InSpectres, a game about a ghost hunting start up.
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Character Cr
Character Creation Spotlight E05 - Fiasco with Jason Morningstar
On this special bonus episode, Amelia sits down with game designer Jason Morningstar of Bully Pulpit Games to talk about the new edition of Fiasco, a game about criminal plans gone terribly wrong.
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Series 19.2 - One Last Job with Chris Foster [Play/Test]
On today’s episode, we’re continuing our small games series with Chris Foster, covering character creation for One Last Job, created by former guest of the show, Grant Howitt.
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Character Creation Cast o
Series 19.1 - Love and Justice with Chris Foster [Play/Test]
On today’s episode, series 19 begins with our first small game, Love and Justice by Senda Linaugh, gets a full series crammed into one episode with guest Chris Foster from the Play/Test podcast! Welcome to the first of three small games we’ll be covering this series!
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Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leave reviews for us):
Character Creat
Our GenCon 2019 Schedule
This week is a week off for us as we prepare for GenCon, but if you’d like a reminder of what our schedule is, look no further!
Twitter Thread
Character Creation Cast Panel
Quiztem Mastery
Brewing Strife (Amelia’s L5R Game)
World Building through Character Creation
Character Evolution Cast E14: Convention Survival Guide
In today’s Character Evolution Cast episode, Amelia and Ryan Share their tips for making the most of your convention experience, from putting together your packing list to surviving con drop.
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Character Creation Cast on Podchaser:
Series 18.3 - Descent into Midnight with designers Richard and Taylor (Discussion)
On today’s episode, Series 18 wraps up with Descent into Midnight, a Powered by the Apocalypse game designed by Richard Kreutz-Landry, Taylor LaBresh and Rich Howard. We welcome back Richard and Taylor this episode and plunge into the deep end to discuss the character creation process and even delve into some fanfic with our own characters.
Twitter Thread
Character Creation Cast Panel
Series 18.2 - Descent into Midnight with designers Richard and Taylor (Creation Continued)
On today’s episode, Series 18 continues with the final portion of our character creation for Descent into Midnight, a Powered by the Apocalypse game designed by Richard Kreutz-Landry, Taylor LaBresh and Rich Howard. We welcome back Richard and Taylor this episode and really dive into the abstract with our characters.
Twitter Thread
Character Creation Cast Panel
Quiztem Mastery
Series 18.1 - Descent into Midnight with Richard and Taylor [Designers] (Creation)
On today’s episode, we start to tackle character creation for a game that has been on our list from the beginning of this podcast: Descent into Midnight! Series 18 begins here with Richard Kreutz-Landry and Taylor LaBresh, co-designers for this very game!
Twitter Thread
Character Creation Cast Panel
Quiztem Mastery
Brewing Strife (Amelia’s L5
Character Evolution Cast E13 - Inspiration
In today’s Character Evolution Cast episode, we chat about places to find inspiration for your game. While there are endless sources of ideas, we sit down together to talk about a few of our favorites.
Mentioned in the Episode:
Character Creation Cast Pinterest:
Amelia’s Boards:
Sounds Like Crowes:
Night’s Black Agents:
Descent into Midnigh
Series 17.3 - Mouse Guard 2E with Charlotte and Megan [Tabletop Potluck] (Discussion)
On the last episode of the 17th series, Megan Scharlau and Charlotte Elena from Tabletop Potluck join us to discuss the character creation process for Mouse Guard, a cute as heck RPG from The Burning Wheel, where you play as super adorable mice people in a medieval, semi-fantasy setting.
The Ultimate RPG Gameplay Guide by James D’Amato
Pre order now on Amazon
Twitter Thread
Character Creatio
Series 17.2 - Mouse Guard 2E with Charlotte and Megan [Tabletop Potluck] (Creation Continued)
On the second episode of the 17th series, we welcome back Megan Scharlau and Charlotte Elena from Tabletop Potluck to finish creating characters for Mouse Guard, a cute as heck RPG from The Burning Wheel, where you play as super adorable mice people in a medieval, semi-fantasy setting.
Twitter Thread
Character Creation Cast Panel
Quiztem Mastery
Series 17.1 - Mouse Guard 2E with Charlotte and Megan [Tabletop Potluck] (Creation)
On this first episode of the 17th series, we’ll be sitting down with Megan Scharlau and Charlotte Elena from Tabletop Potluck to discuss and create characters for Mouse Guard, a cute as heck RPG from The Burning Wheel, where you play as super adorable mice people in a medieval, semi-fantasy setting.
Twitter Thread
Character Creation Cast Panel
Quiztem Mastery
Special Announcements - Brief Hiatus and More!
In this special announcements episode, we go over a few important announcements for us, GenCon and even get to read a review again!
Twitter Thread
Character Creation Cast Panel
Quiztem Mastery
Brewing Strife (Amelia’s L5R Game)
World Building through Character Creation
Bonus Episode - No Thank You Evil with Amelia's Kids
In this special bonus episode of Character Creation Cast, Amelia sits down with her favorite people in the world (most of the time), her kids, Nathan and Eleanor. They create characters for their favorite game, “No Thank You, Evil!” by Monte Cook Games.
Twitter Thread
Character Creation Cast Panel
Quiztem Mastery
Brewing Strife (Amelia’s L5R
Series 16.3 - Hearts of Wulin with Lowell Francis [The Gauntlet] and Agatha Cheng [Asians Represent] (Discussion)
This is the final of the 16th series, and we’ll be discussing Hearts of Wulin, a Powered by the Apocalypse wuxia RPG with creators Agatha Cheng from the Asians Represent podcast and Lowell Francis from The Gauntlet podcast. We are also joined by a guest co-host, Adira Slattery, fellow One Shot Network individual from the A Woman With Hollow Eyes twitch stream and podcast.
Hearts of Wulin Kickstarter
Character Creation C
Series 16.2 - Hearts of Wulin with Lowell Francis [The Gauntlet] and Agatha Cheng [Asians Represent] (Creation Continued)
This is the second episode of the 16th series, and we’ll be finishing up character creation for Hearts of Wulin, a Powered by the Apocalypse wuxia RPG with creators Agatha Cheng from the Asians Represent podcast and Lowell Francis from The Gauntlet podcast. We are also joined by a guest co-host, Adira Slattery, fellow One Shot Network individual from the A Woman With Hollow Eyes twitch stream and podcast.
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Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts
Series 16.1 - Hearts of Wulin with Lowell Francis [The Gauntlet] and Agatha Cheng [Asians Represent] (Creation)
This is the first episode of the 16th series, and we’ll be covering Hearts of Wulin, a Powered by the Apocalypse wuxia RPG with creators Agatha Cheng from the Asians Represent podcast and Lowell Francis from The Gauntlet podcast. We are also joined by a new guest co-host, Adira Slattery, fellow One Shot Network individual from the A Woman With Hollow Eyes twitch stream and podcast.
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Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leav
Character Evolution Cast E12 - Psychology of AI with Marie-Claire Gould
In today’s Character Evolution Cast episode, Marie-Claire Gould, host of the What The Force? Podcast and creator of the new Fan Girls audio drama podcast, sits down with Ryan to discuss artificial intelligence and how we can better play these types of characters at the table.
One Shot Podcast Network Patreon
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Character Evolution Cast E11 - Established Settings with Victoria Rogers
In today’s Character Evolution Cast episode, Victoria Rogers (The Broadswords DM) joins Ryan and guest co-host Marie-Claire Gould (What The Force? Host and Fan Girls Creator) to talk about the pros and cons of playing in an established setting.
Questions for us? Submit them here for a future Q&A episode:
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Series 15.3 - Iron Edda Accelerated with Tracy Barnett (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of series 15! In this episode, we discuss our fanfic and talk game design and mechanics with Tracy Barnett, creator of Iron Edda and the newer version, which we covered this series, Iron Edda Accelerated!
AcadeCon Kickstarter:
Submit your questions to us here:
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Character Creatio
Series 15.2 - Iron Edda Accelerated with Tracy Barnett (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of series 15! In this episode, we’ll be finishing our Holdfast and finally start character creation with Tracy Barnett, creator of Iron Edda and the newer version, which we start covering this series, Iron Edda Accelerated!
AcadeCon Kickstarter:
Submit your questions to us here:
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Series 15.1 - Iron Edda Accelerated with Tracy Barnett (Creation)
Welcome to the first series of series 15! In this series, we’ll be talking with Tracy Barnett, creator of Iron Edda and the newer version, which we start covering this series, Iron Edda Accelerated! We learn a lot about the Fate Accelerated system along with this game before we start diving into the creation of our Holdfast.
AcadeCon Kickstarter:
Submit your questions to us here:
Year 1 Anniversary Q&A
Welcome to a special episode of Character Creation Cast! It’s been almost exactly one year since we released Episode Zero into the world! This episode, we will be tackling your questions with our answers!
AcadeCon 2019 Kickstarter
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Character Creation Spotlight E04 - Witch+Craft with Shannon and Dillon
Welcome to a special bonus episode of Character Creation Spotlight! In this episode, we’re shining the light onto a D&D 5E supplement called Witch+Craft, currently kickstarting as of the release of this episode, with creators Shannon and Dillon from Astrolago Press. Check it out here:
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Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leave reviews for us)!
Series 14.3 - Shadowrun with NeoScum (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of the 14th series, everyone! Today we sit back down with the folks from NeoScum and dive into some really interesting discussion around character creation in the extremely complex game that is Shadowrun.
GoFundMe page for Jef, from System Mastery:
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Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to le
Series 14.2 - Shadowrun with NeoScum (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of the 14th series, everyone! Today we’ll be finishing up our collaborative character creation for Shadowrun with most of the folks from the NeoScum podcast. Buckle up, because this game is complex!
GoFundMe page for Jef, from System Mastery:
Final questions for the Q&A episode! We’ll be recording this a couple days after release!
Series 14.1 - Shadowrun with NeoScum (Creation)
This is the first episode of the 14th series, and today we’re going to be tackling character creation for Shadowrun with most of the folks from the NeoScum podcast! We learn a lot about this complex system and split into teams to begin creating some really interesting people!
Tell us who your favorite character is and we’ll commission an artist to draw them!
Do you have questions for us? We’re gathering them for a Q&A epi
Character Evolution Cast E10 - Romance with Pod of Love
In today’s Character Evolution Cast episode, we welcome Ben and Mel from Pod of Love to talk about how to add romance to our games. We have tips on how to handle PC to PC romance, PC to NPC romance, and much more!
#C3ArtContest ( on Twitter!
Leave us reviews in any, or all, of these places:
Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leave reviews for us)!
Series 13.3 - Edifice with Devon George (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of series 13! Devon George joins us once again to discuss the character creation process for her game, Edifice. This episode, we not only dive deep into how this game stacks up to others, but we also do a little bit of fanfic, figuring out how our characters may have fared were we to actually play.
Leave us reviews in any, or all, of these places:
Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leave reviews for us)!
Series 13.2 - Edifice with Devon George (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of series 13! We welcome back Devon George to finish creating our Edifice, as well as creating our own characters, for the game, Edifice. A game that Devon is creating and is currently in beta!
Devon’s DiM Art:
Leave us reviews in any, or
Series 13.1 - Edifice with Devon George (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode of lucky Series 13! Today we are welcoming Devon George into the virtual studio to discuss her own game, Edifice, which is currently in the beta playtesting phase! This episode we’ll be discussing the game and start creating our own Edifice.
Shadow of the Cabal Season 2:
Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts
Character Evolution Cast E09: Character Creation with All My Fantasy Children
In today’s Character Evolution Cast episode, we welcome Aaron and Jeff from All My Fantasy Children to talk about how to create characters for any system. We get into a lot of interesting topics this episode and have a ton of fun along the way.
Shadow of the Cabal
RPG Academy
Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leave reviews for us)!
Series 12.3 - Heroes Unlimited with System Mastery (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of Series 12! We welcome back Jef and Jon from System Mastery to talk about character creation for Amelia’s new favorite game, Heroes Unlimited 2nd Edition! Also, this is our 50th episode! Buckle up, this episode is tuned to “extra exasperation”!
Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leave reviews for us)!
Character C
Series 12.2 - Heroes Unlimited with System Mastery (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of Series 12! Jef and Jon from System Mastery are still here creating characters with us for Heroes Unlimited 2nd Edition!
Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leave reviews for us)!
Character Creation Cast on Stitcher
Character Creation Cast on Fac
Series 12.1 - Heroes Unlimited with System Mastery (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode in Series 12! We welcome Jef and Jon from the System Mastery podcast to discuss Ryan’s favorite nostalgic game, Heroes Unlimited 2nd Edition by Palladium Books! We’ll go over the multitude of things you need to know to create characters in this game as well as start creating our own group of superheroes!
Our Discord:
Garbage of the Five Rings:
Twitter: @G5RPodcast (h
Character Evolution Cast E08 - Lessons Learned
On this end-of-the-year episode of Character Evolution Cast we sit down with Dusty and Mike of the RPG Lessons Learned podcast to discuss how we can improve our games the same way we improve our lives: by acknowledging failures, celebrating victories, and giving open and honest feedback.
RPG Lessons Learned
Twitter: @rpgllpodcast (
RPG Lessons Learned Website:
RPG Lessons Learned Facebook: https
Character Creation Cast Cold Cuts Christmas Special
Welcome to a special holiday episode of Character Creation Cast! In this episode, Amelia and Ryan share some of their favorite cuts from all of their cold open recording sessions! So, come with us, and take a listen behind the scenes on this wild journey through time!
Our Discord:
Midwinter Gaming Convention in Milwaukee, WI:
Main Site:
Chimera Game 1:
Series 11.3 - Blades in the Dark with Rhi, Josie and Minna (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of Series 11! In this episode, we will be discussing the character creation process for Blades in the Dark with Rhi, Josie and Minna from the Blades in the Dark actual play podcast, The Magpies!
Our Discord:
Midwinter Gaming Convention in Milwaukee, WI:
Main Site:
Chimera Game 1:
Series 11.2 - Blades in the Dark with Rhi, Josie and Minna (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode of series 11! In this episode, we will be finishing our characters for Blades in the Dark with Rhi, Josie and Minna from the Blades in the Dark actual play The Magpies!
Our Discord:
Midwinter Gaming Convention in Milwaukee, WI:
Main Site:
Chimera Game 1:
Chimera Game 2: https://tableto
Series 11.1 - Blades in the Dark with Rhi, Josie and Minna (Creation)
Welcome to the firsts episode of series 11! In this episode, we will be going over the Blades in the Dark system with Rhi, Josie and Minna from the Blades in the Dark actual play, The Magpies, and start creating a crew of amazing people together!
Our Discord:
Midwinter Gaming Convention in Milwaukee, WI:
Main Site:
Chimera Game 1:
Character Creation Spotlight E03 - Crystal Hearts with Aviv and Eran
On this special bonus episode, we sit down with Aviv Or and Eran Aviram, creators of the Crystal Hearts setting for Savage Worlds, to shine a quick spotlight on the game and get a rundown of what sorts of characters we can expect to create in this system.
Midwinter Gaming Convention in Milwaukee, WI:
Main Site:
Chimera Game 1:
Character Creation Cast - AcadeCon 2018 Recap
This week we're recapping our experience at AcadeCon 2018! We recorded this on the road, in person and together, so you'll be treated to the authentic in-car audio stylings of Amelia and Ryan, so fasten your seat belts, we're about to get going!
Garbage of the Five Rings: @G5RPodcast (
Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leave reviews for us)!
Character Creation Spotlight E02 - Turn with Brie Sheldon
On this special bonus episode, we sit down with Brie Sheldon, creator of the Turn slice of life, supernatural RPG, to shine a quick spotlight on the game and get a rundown of what sorts of characters we can expect to create in this system.
Midwinter Gaming Convention in Milwaukee, WI:
Main Site:
Chimera Game 1:
Chimera Game 2:
Series 10.3 - Traveller with Ryan from SotC (Discussion)
Welcome to the last episode in the 10th series! On today’s episode, we discuss the character creation process for the Lifepath game, Traveller, with Ryan from the Shadow of the Cabal podcast!
One Shot Patreon:
Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leave reviews for us)!
Character Creation Cas
Series 10.2 - Traveller with Ryan from SotC (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode in the 10th series. On today’s episode, we finish creating our characters in the Lifepath game, Traveller, with Ryan from the Shadow of the Cabal podcast! Will one of our new heroes suffer the fate that this game is so infamous for?
Strata Kickstarter:
Character Creation Cast on Ap
Series 10.1 - Traveller with Ryan from SotC (Creation)
Welcome to the first episode in the 10th series! On today’s episode, we talk about the Lifepath game, Traveller, with Ryan from the Shadow of the Cabal podcast! We also begin making our characters and see how their journey begins on the way to becoming playable people!
Strata Kickstarter:
Character Creation Cas
Character Evolution Cast E07 - Safety at the Table with Amelia and Ryan
On this episode of Character Evolution Cast, we expand on last week’s Session Zero episode and talk about staying safe! Amelia and Ryan are alone again on this one, and dive deep into different tools and methods that you can use to keep yourself, and others, safe at the table.
Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leave reviews for us)!
Character Evolution Cast E06 - Session Zero with Amelia and Ryan
On this episode of Character Evolution Cast, we sit down with… just ourselves? Amelia and Ryan discuss what makes a good session zero and what sorts of things you need to keep in mind as both a player and a GM to help enhance the experience! We even have our own Session Zero worksheet in the show notes for you to follow along with!
Panda’s Talking Games: Session Zero discussion:
Strata Kickstarter: https://
Series 9.3 - Spire with Grant Howitt (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode in the 9th series! On today’s episode, we sit down with Grant Howitt, co-creator for Spire, to discuss how character creation went for this amazing game!
Strata Kickstarter: It's here!
Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leave reviews for us)!
Series 9.2 - Spire with Grant Howitt (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the second episode in the 9th series! On today’s episode, we will be finishing our characters from last episode using the Spire RPG with Grant Howitt, one of the creators of this very game.
International Podcast Month
Podcast Feed:
Ryan’s All Outta Elder Signs episode:
Ryan's Side Heroes Audio Drama episode:
Series 9.1 - Spire with Grant Howitt (Creation)
This episode starts our 9th series! On today’s episode we will be talking with the creator of such games as Honey Heist, One Last Job, and the game we’ll be covering this series, Spire! That’s right, we have Grant Howitt in our virtual studio for some discussion about Spire before we start digging into character creation for this amazing game!
International Podcast Month
Podcast Feed:
Ryan’s All Outta
Character Evolution Cast E05 - AP At Home with Greyson and Amanda
On this episode of Character Evolution Cast, we welcome Amanda McLaughlin, from Join the Party, and Greyson, from Heroes Not Included, to discuss bringing lessons from Actual Play podcasts to our own tables at home.
Announced Links:
International Podcast Month
Ryan’s All Outta Elder Signs episode:
Ryan's Side Heroes Audio Drama episode:
Series 8.3 - Deadlands Reloaded with Caleb, Camron and Alex (Discussion)
Welcome to the 3rd and final episode of Series 8! In this episode, we discuss our thoughts on the character creation process in Deadlands Reloaded with Caleb, Camron and Alex from the Sounds Like Crowes podcast!
Announced Links:
International Podcast Month
Podcast Feed:
Ryan’s All Outta Elder Signs episode:
Ryan's Side Heroes Audio Drama episode:
Series 8.2 - Deadlands Reloaded with Caleb, Camron and Alex (Creation Continued)
Welcome to the 2nd episode of Series 8! On this episode, we finish creating our Deadlands Reloaded characters with Caleb, Camron and Alex from the Sounds Like Crowes podcast!Announced Links:International Podcast Month
Podcast Feed:
Ryan’s All Outta Elder Signs episode:
Ryan is a guest on Interference:
Sounds Like Crowes Fireside Chat
Series 8.1 - Deadlands Reloaded with Caleb, Camron and Alex (Creation)
This episode starts our 8th series! On this episode, we start to discuss Deadlands Reloaded, a Savage Worlds RPG with a western theme. We are joined by Caleb, Camron and Alex from the Sounds Like Crowes podcast as we begin to create a group fitting for the wild, weird west.
Announced Links:
Athrabeth Podcast
Twitter: @Athrabeth_Cast (
International Podcast Month
Twitter: @PodMonth (
Character Evolution Cast E04 - Character and Religion with Jude Vais
In this Ryan-Free episode, Amelia and Jude (of the forthcoming Athrabeth Podcast) discuss how to incorporate religion and spirituality to your character’s story.
Announced Links:
International Podcast Month:
Guests and Projects:
Jude: @eremiticjude (
Athrabeth Podcast
Twitter: @Athrabeth_Cast (
00:00:00 - Announcements
00:03:32 - Int
Series 7.3 - Headspace with Senda and Phil (Discussion):
This is the final episode in our Headspace series! On today’s episode, we welcome back Senda and Phil from Panda’s Talking Games to discuss gaming, their feelings on the system, and our group of characters!
Announced Links:
International Podcast Month:
Domina Magica Kickstarter:
One Shot Patreon:
Discord Server Invite:
Series 7.2 - Headspace with Senda and Phil (Creation Continued)
This is the second episode in our Headspace series! On today’s episode, we welcome back Senda and Phil from Panda’s Talking Games and we finish making our tragic characters!
Announced Links:
One Shot Patreon:
Discord Server Invite:
Guests and Projects:
Senda: @IdellaMithlynnd (
Panda’s Talking Games
Twitter: @Panda
Series 7.1 - Headspace with Senda and Phil (Creation)
This is the first episode in our series devoted to covering Headspace! On today’s episode, we welcome Senda and Phil from Panda’s Talking Games and we learn about this amazing system and start making characters for it as well!
Announced Links:
One Shot Patreon:
Discord Server Invite:
Guests and Projects:
Senda: @IdellaMithlynnd (
Panda’s Talking Games
Podcast: http://misdirectedma
Character Creation Spotlight E01 - City of Mist with Amit Moshe
On this special bonus episode, we sit down with Amit Moshe, creator of the City of Mist RPG, to shine a quick spotlight on the game and get a rundown of what sorts of characters we can expect to create in this system.
One Shot Patreon:
Discord Server:
Amit Moshe - City of Mist
Twitter: @Cit
Character Evolution Cast E03 - 8 Kinds of Fun with Jim McClure
On the third episode of Character Evolution Cast we sit down with Jim McClure, host of the Talking Tabletop podcast, designer of Reflections and Satanic Panic and owner of Third Act Publishing to learn about how the theory of the 8 kinds of fun can help players hone in on their interests and communicate with their GMs for the best play experience.
Jim McClure
Twitter: @GMJimMcClure
One Shot Network Twitter: @OneShotNetwork
One Shot Network Website: One Shot Website
Third Act Publishing: T
Series 6.3 - Blue Planet with Rich Howard and Jeff Barber (Discussion)
This is the third episode of the 6th series where we will be covering Blue Planet, a science fiction RPG by Biohazard Games. We are joined by Rich Howard and Jeff Barber to discuss character creation in the Blue Planet system, their history with gaming, and why they love this game!
Announced Links:
One Shot Patreon:
Discord Server Invite:
Guests and Projects:
Jeff Barber: @BiohazardJeff (
Series 6.2 - Blue Planet with Rich Howard and Jeff Barber (Creation Continued)
This is the second episode of the 6th series where we will be covering Blue Planet, a science fiction RPG by Biohazard Games. We are joined by Rich Howard and Jeff Barber to finish learning about the system, and then we start, and finish, creating characters together!
Announced Links:
One Shot Patreon:
Discord Server Invite:
Guests and Projects:
Jeff Barber: @BiohazardJeff (
Series 6.1 - Blue Planet with Rich Howard and Jeff Barber (Creation)
This episode starts the 6th series where we will be covering Blue Planet, a science fiction RPG by Biohazard Games. We are joined by Rich Howard and Jeff Barber to learn about this system before we start creating characters together.
Announced Links:
One Shot Patreon:
Discord Server Invite:
Guests and Projects:
Jeff Barber: @BiohazardJeff (
Biohazard Games
Rich Howard: @umbralwalker
Character Evolution Cast E02 - 3 Dimensional Characters with John Adamus
On today’s episode, we sit down with author, game designer and creative coach John Adamus to discuss what we can do to make our characters more three dimensional when we bring them to the table.
Announced Links:
Charity for The Void by @OneShotNetwork (
Guests and Projects:
John Adamus: @awesome_john (
Fate Worlds (
Series 5.3 - Edge of the Empire with Chris Emily and Michael (Discussion)
Announced Links:
Charity for The Void by @OneShotNetwork:
She’s a Super Geek - Everyone is Prince John:
Trans Language Primer by @Legend0fGreyson:
Guests and Projects:
Chris Burlew: @burlew_chris
Redemption Podcast
Twitter: @redemptionpod
Tales of Blood and Stone
Twitter: @tobaspod
Podcast: http:/
Series 5.2 - Edge of the Empire with Chris Emily and Michael (Creation Continued)
Announced Links:
Charity for The Void by @OneShotNetwork:
Guests and Projects:
Chris Burlew: @burlew_chris
Redemption Podcast
Twitter: @redemptionpod
Tales of Blood and Stone
Twitter: @tobaspod
Michael: @LoserMLW
Redemption Podcast
Tales of Blood and Stone
Return to Greyhawk
Emily: @TheCraftyDM
Series 5.1 - Edge of the Empire with Chris Emily and Michael (Creation)
This episode starts the 5th series where we will be covering Edge of the Empire, a Star Wars RPG by Fantasy Flight Games. We are joined by Chris, Emily and Michael from the Redemption podcast to learn about this system and start creating some characters together.
Guests and Projects:
Chris Burlew: @burlew_chris
Redemption Podcast
Twitter: @redemptionpod
Tales of Blood and Stone
Twitter: @tobaspod
Michael: @
Character Evolution Cast E01 - Voices with James D’Amato
On the very first episode of Character Evolution Cast we sit down with James D’Amato, host of the ONE SHOT podcast, to learn about how incorporating character voices can enhance your play experience.
James D’Amato
Twitter: @OneShotRPG
One Shot Network Twitter: @OneShotNetwork
One Shot Network Website: One Shot Website
Dungeon Dome Card Game Twitter: @DungeonDome
Dungeon Dome Card Game Website:
Pre-Order: The Ultimate RPG Character Backstory Guide
00:00:00 -
Series 3.3 - Star Crossed! with Alex Roberts (Discussion)
On today’s episode we sit down with Alex Roberts to discuss character creation and much more in regards to Star Crossed!
00:00:00 - Announcements
00:03:45 - Reintroductions
00:07:24 - D20 for your thoughts?
00:07:46 - How did Alex get into RPGs?
00:12:10 - Alex’s personal character creation process
00:14:45 - How does Star Crossed compare to other systems for character creation?
00:22:30 - What did Alex need to have in this game for character creation?
00:26:36 - How does the process
Series 3.2 - Star Crossed! with Alex Roberts (Creation Continued)
On today’s episode we sit down with Alex Roberts to create characters for her new game, Star Crossed!
00:00:00 - Cold Open
00:03:27 - Recap
00:03:43 - Amelia and Ryan - What two things about me do I not know is attractive?
00:04:24 - Player agency and X card use
00:09:18 - Back to picking two traits for Amelia and Ryan
00:13:11 - Amelia and Ryan - Why can’t I act on my feelings? Why is that so important to me?
00:17:16 - Play what you know
00:19:46 - Can you play with more than two p
Series 3.1 - Star Crossed! with Alex Roberts (Creation)
On today’s episode we sit down with Alex Roberts to learn about and create characters for her new game, Star Crossed!
00:00:00 - Announcements
00:04:42 - Introductions
00:07:01 - What’s in a Game?
00:07:13 - The Common Thread for Infinite Settings
00:08:45 - What Do Characters Do in Star Crossed?
00:10:42 - What Do You Need to Play Star Crossed?
00:12:55 - What is Unique?
00:16:04 - History of the Game
00:25:44 - Term Definitions
00:29:42 - The X Card and Its Importance
00:34:09 -
Series 2.3 - MASKS with Brandon, James and Elsbeth
On today’s episode we sit down with some of the Protean City Comics crew, Brandon Leon-Gambetta, James Malloy and Elsbeth Denman, to discuss character creation as well as how the process went in MASKS: A New Generation, the Powered by the Apocalypse RPG created by Brendan Conway!
00:00:34 - Introductions
00:07:47 - D20 For Your Thoughts?
00:07:58 - How do you approach character creation?
00:19:53 - How does MASKS compare to other systems for character creation?
00:28:49 - How does
Series 2.2 - MASKS with Brandon, James and Elsbeth
On today’s episode we finish creating our group of superheroes for MASKS: A New Generation, a game developed by Branden Conway. We are joined by some of the Protean City Comics crew, Brandon Leon-Gambetta, James Malloy and Elsbeth Denman!
00:00:34 - Recap
00:01:17 - James’s character continued
00:06:02 - Amelia’s character continued
00:17:08 - Move selection - James
00:19:35 - Move selection - Brandon
00:21:33 - Move selection - Elsbeth
00:23:36 - Move selection - Ryan
00:26:03 - M
Series 2.1 - MASKS with Brandon, James and Elsbeth (Creation)
On today’s episode we start to create a group of superheroes for MASKS: A New Generation, a game developed by Branden Conway. We are joined by some of the Protean City Comics crew, Brandon Leon-Gambetta, James Malloy and Elsbeth Denman!
00:00:33 - Introductions
00:05:30 - What’s in a Game?
00:05:42 - The setting of MASKS
00:07:20 - What do characters do in this game?
00:08:37 - Materials needed to play
00:10:45 - What is unique about MASKS?
00:16:59 - Terms and History
00:22:23 - L
Series 1.3 (Remastered) - D&D with Neal Powell and Tallsquall (Discussion)
Welcome to the final episode of our first series, fully remastered 4.5 years later! On today’s episode we discuss the character creation process for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, a game created by Wizards of the Coast. We are joined by Neal Powell from the Dungeon Master’s Block podcast and Tallsquall from Encounter Roleplay.
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Leave us reviews in any, or all, of these places:
Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (T
Series 1.2 (Remastered) - D&D with Neal Powell and Tallsquall (Creation Continued)
Welcome to our second episode of the series, fully remastered 4.5 years later! On today’s episode we finish creating our characters for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, a game created by Wizards of the Coast. We are joined by Neal Powell from the Dungeon Master’s Block podcast and Tallsquall from Encounter Roleplay.
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Leave us reviews in any, or all, of these places:
Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place
Series 1.1 (Remastered) - D&D with Neal Powell and Tallsquall (Creation)
Welcome to our first episode, fully remastered 4.5 years later! On today’s episode we create a group of player characters for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, a game created by Wizards of the Coast. We are joined by Neal Powell from the Dungeon Master’s Block podcast and Tallsquall from Encounter Roleplay.
Character Creation Cast Patreon
Leave us reviews in any, or all, of these places:
Character Creation Cast on Apple Podcasts (The best place to leave
Episode Zero
Welcome to our inaugural episode! Here we will be discussing what this show is all about, what you can expect from any given episode, a little about ourselves, and where we see this podcast going in the future. We’ll include links to what we can in the show notes, so be sure check those out after you give us a listen!
00:00:40 - Introduction
00:01:23 - What to Expect From This Show
00:03:12 - Who We Are
00:08:13 - Outtro and Thanks
00:13:33 - Closer
Clip 1: Cambodean Odess
Episode Zero - Re-Recorded
Welcome to the re-recording of our inaugural episode! Here we will be discussing what this show is all about, what you can expect from any given episode, a little about ourselves, and where we see this podcast going in the future. We’ll include links to what we can in the show notes, so be sure check those out after you give us a listen!
Character Creation Cast Website
Character Creation Cast Discord