Raw Vegan Lens
Sheri Meshal
Join me for an authentic raw vegan journey. I will never sugar coat my experience, lol. If you're searching for a pristine, flawless, skyrocket to raw perfection, keep searching. This is not it. My raw journey resembles a big pile of knotted zoodles. I bought my first raw book, Juliano's RAW in 2000. In 2006, I finally realized that raw a was an actual lifestyle, not just a handful of freakishly disciplined people, and I started 'going raw.' I've gone raw and fallen down literally hundreds of times. But I'm always learning and honing my skills. I will not stop. I...
RVL 74 My 16th Day of Water Fasting!
Join me for a catch-up on all the healing I've been doing!
RVL 73 My 7th Day of Water Fasting
Join me for an update... a rollercoaster with high highs and low lows, but lots of healing.
RVL 72 Good News!
Join me for an update and ending the year with positive developments!
RVL 71 Progress Report
Join me for an update on my raw vegan/ADHD journey!
RVL 70's Missing Intro & Grape Cure Update
Normally when an episode recording is interrupted the two files merge. My apologies for not noticing that they had not this time. This is an unorthodox solution, but also the simplest and quickest.
RVL 70 We've Got To Choose Love
I'll always be honest about where I am mentally and emotionally. let's talk about it.
RVL 69 Juice Fast Update & Day 4 Grape Cure News!
Join me for some interesting twists and turns in my journey!
RVL 68 BIG NEWS -The Tide Has Turned!
Join me for an exciting update!
RVL 67 Day Day 30 Raw & Day 21 Juice Feast
Join me for an update on the challenges we're currently facing.
RVL 66 Raw Vega Day 27 & Juicing Day 18!
Join me for a progress update!
RVL 65 Raw Vegan Day 17 & Juicing Day8!
Join me for a good news update and a plot twist
RVL 64 Yayyy!
Join me for some great news!
RVL 63 Chasing My Tail
Join me?
RVL 62 Water Fast Day 1 of 5
Join me.
RVL 61 Day 2 Water Fast
Join me!
RVL 60 Actually...
Join me.
RVL Episode 59 S4 E6 Day 1 Doing The Grape Cure
Join me
RVL Episode 58 S4 E6 I'm Free To Be ME Again!
Join me for an update on life and raw since leaving my day job!
RVL Episode 57 S4 E5 I Gave My Notice!
Join me for an update on all the things!
RVL Episode 56 S4 E4 Exciting News and a Funny Story!
Join me for challenges, victories, defeats and the pre-launch of a great experiment! Also, learn a little about True North Health Center in Santa Rosa, California and hear my favorite True North patient testimonial!
RVL Episode 55 S4 E3 Ten Days Raw & Going Strong
Join me for an update!
RVL Episode 54 S4 E2 Heartache, Myasthenia Gravis the MRI and Life
Join me for probably my longest episode ever. Thank you for listening. It helped. I hope it helps you too. If you ever wish to reach out, email me at sheri.meshal@gmail.com
RVL Episode 53 S4 E1 It's Probably Not MS, But We're Getting to the Bottom of It!
Join me for a an unusual episode of doctor's appointments, super-sleuthing and puzzling this out.
RVL Episode 52 S3 E24 Raw & Going Strong!
Join me for a chat about raw vegan challenges and victories!
RVL Episode 51/S3 E23 I'm Raw, Back from Amsterdam & Doing Well!
Join me for a little travel, Melissa Maris' Hand Salads uncook book, a little spill at work and my progress in general!
RVL S3 E22 Finishing Reading Green for Life by Victoria Boutenko
Join me for the portion of Green for Life that includes the surveys from the Roseburg Study!
RVL S3 E21 Reading Green for Life by Victoria Boutenko - testimonials
Join me for more riveting chapters from Green for Life!
RVL S3 E20 Reading Green for Life by Victoria Boutenko ch 13-16
Join me for more of this absolutely incredible book!
RVL S3 E19 Reading Green for Life by Victoria Boutenko ch 12 & 13 + My Grape Cure Update
Join me for more of Green for Life and a look at acidity & alkalinity, as well as an update on my Grape Cure journey
RVL S3 E18 An Epiphany
Join me for the shortest episode ever, lol... less than eight minutes, due to the rest of the household awakening.
RVL S3 E17 Reading Green for Life by Victoria Boutenko ch 8-11
Join me for several more chapters of another one of Victoria Boutenko's incredible books, Green for Life.
RVL S3 E16 Reading Green for Life by Victoria Boutenk ch 5,6 & 7
Join me for three more chapters of Victoria Boutenko's fantastically researched Green for Life!
RVL S3 E15 Reading Green for Life by Victoria Boutenko
Join me for another great read. In my humble opinion, Victoria Boutenko's Green for Life should be required reading for every human being. Do with this information what you please, but know that if implemented, it will change your life. I implore you to purchase a copy of this incredible book for the delicious recipes, fascinating research and I hope you share it far and wide. Some books are meant to pass through our hands again and again.
RVL S3 E14 Reading the Rest of Raw Family by The Boutenko Family
Join me for the reading of the remainder of Raw Family: A True Story of Awakening by The Boutenko Family.
RVL S3 E13 Reading Chapter 1 from Raw Family: A True Story of Awakening by The Boutenko Family
Join me for the first chapter of my favorite raw book and I believe, the first raw book I read back in 2000, the year it was published! Get comfy! This is an EXCELLENT, highly entertaining and inspiring story!
RVL S3 E12 Reading the Final Chapters of The Grape Cure by Nurse Johanna Brandt first published in 1925
Join me for the final chapters of Johanna Brandt's The Grape Cure!
RVL S3 E11 Reading The Grape Cure by Johanna Brandt ch 6-9
Join me for the next three chapters of The Grape Cure written by nurse Johanna Brandt in 1925. For nine years she managed to prevent her stomach cancer from growing and spreading, but was unable to heal herself completely. Then she did The Grape Cure and healed herself completely (proven through exploratory surgery and evidence of the scar tissue) in just six weeks. She lived several more decades until age 87 in 1968.
RVL S3 E10 Reading The Grape Cure by Johanna Brandt originally published in 1927
Join me today for something completely different! I'm thrilled to say that I'm reading out loud chapters 1-5 of The Grape Cure. I'll read the book in its entirety over the course of the next few podcasts. South African author Johanna Brandt made it her life's work to spread word of her life-saving discovery. After learning how to keep her stomach cancer from growing by experimenting with water fasting, she was able to prove her findings through an exploratory surgery. The surgeon confirmed that
RVL S3 E9 Ayahuasca is Not Always a Magical Cure for Addictions
Join me for an extra-long and overdue update on my raw journey, as we explore raw and ADHD, food addiction, self-healing, The Grape Cure and more.
RVL S3 E8 My Ayahuasca Journey Pt 2
Join me for a few more details of my Ayahuasca experience and an awesome tomato-basil soup recipe!
RVL S3 E7 My Ayahuasca Experience
Join me for an in-depth look at my first Ayahuasca ceremony just one week out!
RVL S3E6 Rounding a Bend with Grief
Join me for a more normal episode... whatever that is.
RVL S3 E5 - Grief
It's been almost two months since my niece Deven died, and the only raw thing about this episode is my grief. I wish I could be lifting you up right now instead, but this is the truth of where I am.
RVL S3 E4 - When It Rains, It Pours
Discussing some heavy happenings this episode. Every challenge is an opportunity for growth.
RVL - S3 E3 Raw vegan, relationships, self love, nomadic origins, vibrations, solo podcasting again and more!
Join me for a return to my original solo format with some healing 963Hz + 639 Hz + 396Hz music to boot.
RSL - S3 E2 Back to an old school Sheri style podcast today: Raw vegan, iridology, overcoming depression, ADHD, animal communication and more!
Join me for one of my unprocessed, unedited, raw, reflections. I asked FX if I could do an old school, solo episode and he was all for it.
Raw Subconscious Lens S3 E1 - Surprise! Ch-ch-changes!
Meet my new co-host, FX Runzel! Join us for a whole new adventure as we explore everything related to the subconscious mind... which is practically everything.
RNL S2 E12 - 40 Very Humbling Things Hawaii Taught Me in 2023
Join me for a humbling recount of some of the toughest lessons I've learned lately, despite having been in one of the most beautiful places on earth!
RNL S2 E11 - ADHD and ME in Hawaii and life
Join me for a major heart-to-heart, as I face my many shortcomings, give myself a little credit where credit's due, share my current challenges and discuss podcaster, speaker and author, Peter Shankman's phenomenal book, Faster Than Normal: Turbocharge Your Focus, Productivity and Success with the Secrets of the ADHD Brain. How's that for the mother of run-on sentences?! Lastly, please FOLLOW and leave a review on Apple podcasts!
RNL S2 E10 - Hawaii Is Teaching Me Some Difficult Lessons
Join me for a very humbling chapter in my nomadic journey.
RNL S2 E9 Raw in Hawaii!
Join me for a quick update on my nomadic travels, raw vegan lifestyle, writing and animal communication practice!
RNL S2 E8 Raw & recovering from Covid two weeks later
Join me for a quick touch-base on my nomadic adventures and the realization that if I want to continue to live this lifestyle (and I DO), I need to stay raw and exercise daily. No more monkeying around. Covid brought this into sharp focus for me. Every challenge is an opportunity for growth!
S2 E7 - Oregon, Washington, A Tarantula and Fasting through Covid!
Join me for another series of nomadic adventures!
RNL S2 E6 - Paris, My 100th Animal Communication & Being a Non-Conformist!
Join me for another episode on my nomadic world journey to becoming a full-time raw vegan!
S2 E5 Bank fraud, animal communication and smudge sticks on the road!
Join me for a nomadic update and hear how I'm navigating these new challenges aka opportunities for growth!
S2 E4 Join me for a drive through the desert & a quick catch up!
Juice Feast III - third time's a charm! Having a blast with animal communication & TikTok, processing visit with my mother and loving life on my way back to Cali for another pupper sit with my favs! Warning: car noise (first and only time I'll subject you to this!)
S2 E3 I Have a Miracle to Share with You!
Join me for a miraculous healing of a relationship!
S2 E2 Juicing On the Road!
Join me for an update on my raw nomadic life!
WOO! Join me for a new season to discuss victories, challenges, things I've learned, my relationship, my animal communication practice and my itinerary!
E16: Update... packing, a close call and juice feasting
Join me for a quick update on my raw food journey and progress toward a nomadic life
E15: Retraction, building forward, California bound, dog daughter & anxiety
Join me for a short episode and catch up session on what it's been like getting ready to become truly nomadic!
E14: Breaking up or building forward? Plus animal communication update, dowsing, survivor's guilt and visiting your hometown
Breaking up sounds so painful, awful and tragic. Could we call it breaking forward or how about simply moving forward? I don't want to break anything. It sounds so destructive, when we're actually building new lives for ourselves. We're building forward.
E13: Hawaii, Healing Autoimmune Issues, Spiritual Awakening & Self Care
Join me for a catch-up session! 9 times out of 10 we can heal ourselves.
E-12 Every Challenge is an Opportunity for Growth
Join me for a quick catch-up session in Chicago where things have taken a turn.
E11 - Follow up interview w/Kara & a deep dive on both of our healing journeys (and a smidge of profanity - oops!)
Join us for some laughter, tears (mostly laughter) and a smidge of profanity, as we reflect on some of our biggest challenges... aka opportunities for growth.
E10: Happy Halloween! Let's talk about balance.
Balance & comfort
E9: Healing the disease to please
Join me for a travel, adventure and healing update. When you say you want to grow as much as possible, the universe delivers, lol.
Raw ups & downs, Angel Cards, Day Trading Course & I'm Going to Hawaii!
A quick catch-up on my raw travels and adventures!
E8: Raw ups & downs, Angel Cards, Day Trading Course & I'm Going to Hawaii!
A quick catch-up on my raw travels and adventures!
E7: I'm in L.A.!
Dog sitting in Santa Clarita, Weight Loss, Old Friends, RAW RESTAURANTS, Autobiography in Five Chapters, UCNDOIT, High Vibrations & Angel Cards
E6: Raw Camping, Pendulums, Books, Ruth Heidrich's New Book, Friends of the Bayou, Spring Water, Run Your Own Campground!
Join me on the road for an update on my yearlong raw sabbatical! It's going GREAT. The universe rewards leaps of faith. I see this more every day. Take more leaps!
E5: Raw Nomadic Lens is Officially Nomadic!
Raw relationship challenges, travels - Ireland's Malin Head & Skelling Michael, then on to Copenhagen and finally hitting the road!
E4: First Raw Road Trip! Woo-Hoo!
See how my little experiment went!
E3: Kara on her raw journey, thyroid cancer, fibroids, food & ADHD, raw support & tips!
Join me for a fun first interview with my Canadian friend Kara. She's been my raw buddy for 13 years and going strong. Kara's a teacher and I just love the way she presents information. She's very logical, practical and hilarious. I'm so grateful she took the time to really pack a lot of great information into this interview and as always, was completely honest about her experiences.
E2: Update - Whoa, has the plot thickened!
Catching everyone up to speed and announcing a major adventure!
E1: Happy Launch Day & Happy 4th of July!
An introduction to RNL, a little background and lots of love!