Beneath the Tangles Podcast Network

Beneath the Tangles Podcast Network

Beneath the Tangles

Join our podcast team as we geek out about anime, manga, visual and light novels, gaming, conventions, and cosplay. As we share our experiences and insight, we hope to build bridges across the otaku community, and highlight the meaningful things in life—love, community, and faith. New episodes air twice a month on Wednesdays.

The Power of God and Anime, Episode 17: Naruto’s Perspective on Love

The Power of God and Anime, Episode 17: Naruto’s Perspective on Love

Ah, Valentine’s Day—one of the most beloved and hated holidays of the year! We get emotional as the day draws near and that messes with our minds, even with we have a solid foundation of what love means. Today, Mike looks to Judges and Ephesians for advice in love—and to that irascible ninja Naruto—in our special Valentine’s Day episode of The Power of God and Anime! Oh, and as always, he gives his old school anime recommendation and sings a tune! Come have a listen! Anime Trivia! In the anime

Feb 13, • 27:29

The Power of God and Anime, Episode 16: You’re Under Arrest (For Your Motivations)

The Power of God and Anime, Episode 16: You’re Under Arrest (For Your Motivations)

Why do you do what you do? Is it to be good and to please God or are there other reasons? A You’re Under Arrest episode featuring the unrelenting Chie helps us examine our motivation for helping others. Mike also chats about Anime North, sings a song from Vintage Worship, and asks about monster foreign exchanges (!) in episode 16 of The Power of God and Anime podcast! Anime Trivia! What is the name of the boy that Tenma Tsukamoto has a crush on in School Rumble? Podcast Notes What kind of mon

Jan 30, • 24:16

The Power of God and Anime, Episode 15: All Might, Sir Nighteye, and Dealing With Disagreements

The Power of God and Anime, Episode 15: All Might, Sir Nighteye, and Dealing With Disagreements

Disagreements going public, Mike going back to the beginning, Keitaro’s fated Todai love, and Christian ASMR? Mike covers all that and more in this episode of The Power of God and Anime podcast! Listen for all the fun and his deep dive into how Christians should handle our arguments, taking All Might and Sir Nighteye as examples of what not to do! Anime Trivia! In the anime Cowboy Bebop, what kind of dog is Ein? Podcast Notes After almost two decades, Mike is returning to

Jan 16, • 27:06

The Power of God and Anime, Episode 14: Trust God Like the Bebop Crew Trusts Spike

The Power of God and Anime, Episode 14: Trust God Like the Bebop Crew Trusts Spike

Happy New Year! Join Mike this week as he recounts his own holidays, shares his latest old anime recommendation, and looks at reasons why we may struggle to trust God as he compares trust with Him to trust among the Bebop crew in Cowboy Bebop: The Movie on this episode of The Power of God and Anime podcast! Anime Trivia! What is the name of the Lone Ranger’s nephew’s horse? Ahem. Actually, this is today’s question: In the anime Bleach, what is Ichigo’s father’s occupation? Podcast Notes Want

Jan 2, • 16:34

The Power of God and Anime (Ep. 13) x The 12 Days of Christmas Anime (Day 6): Happy Lesson

The Power of God and Anime (Ep. 13) x The 12 Days of Christmas Anime (Day 6): Happy Lesson

It’s the crossover episode! Today, Mike joins the 12 Days of Christmas Anime countdown by discussing kindness and caring through a Christmas episode of Happy Lesson. But before he gets to that, Mike tlks about his birthday celebration, The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim, and the upcoming winter anime season, and unveils a new segment in this packed-full and festive episode of The Power of God and Anime podcast! Anime Trivia! In the anime Nanaka 6/17, where does Nanak

Dec 19, 2024 • 17:57

The Power of God and Anime, Episode 12: Making Idols of Anime, Celebrities, and Beast Tamers

The Power of God and Anime, Episode 12: Making Idols of Anime, Celebrities, and Beast Tamers

In Beast Tamer, the priestess Mina treats the titular character like he’s God himself. Maybe that’s not too far removed from how we treat money, celebrities, and even anime. Join Mike this week as he looks at idolatry and also shares other goings-on his life on this episode of The Power of God and Anime podcast! Anime Trivia! In Bleach, what was the name of Orihime’s older brother? Podcast Notes Are any of you interested in joining Mike in reading For Men Only: A Straightforward Guide to the

Dec 5, 2024 • 18:30

The Power of God and Anime, Episode 11: One Piece and Thanksgiving

The Power of God and Anime, Episode 11: One Piece and Thanksgiving

Holy revival, Batman! It’s a week from Thanksgiving and a perfect time to consider how many of us struggle to give thanks. Nami’s actions when fighting Arlong in One Piece set the stage for Mike’s thought on how easily it is to miss the spirit of gratitude when things aren’t going well, when our blessings are relatively minor, and in the face of obvious blessings. He also chats about the play he’s working on, the revival service he conducted worship for, and more o

Nov 21, 2024 • 19:56

The Power of God and Anime, Episode 10: Naruto, Jesus, and Right Motivations

The Power of God and Anime, Episode 10: Naruto, Jesus, and Right Motivations

How do you react when someone expresses some incredible gift or talent? Does it motivate you to grow your own skills? And does it matter if that motivation is out of pure intent or something less savory? On episode ten of The Power of God and Anime podcast, Mike looks to Naruto and his impact on those around him, including Sasuke, and then to scripture as well as he dives into the topic of motivation and how we react to others’ gifts. Plus, Mike gives his anime origin story, regales us wi

Nov 7, 2024 • 23:34

The Power of God and Anime, Episode 9: Wait on the Lord, Umaru-chan!

The Power of God and Anime, Episode 9: Wait on the Lord, Umaru-chan!

It’s been well documented (and you’ve probably experienced the same) that we live in a now culture, where we not only desire instant gratification but become upset if we have to wait. This idea can extend to God, whom we treat as our servant or a genie, becoming little Umaru-chans, expecting our desires to be fulfilled this instant. Scripture expresses, however, that waiting on the Lord is wise, and failing to do so may lead to calamity. Join Mike this week as he shares these though

Oct 10, 2024 • 17:41

The Power of God and Anime, Episode 8: Tanjirou, Uzziah, and Humility in Faith

The Power of God and Anime, Episode 8: Tanjirou, Uzziah, and Humility in Faith

Contrary to scripture, a lot of Christian arguments conversations these days—including among believers—totally lack in humility. What’s the answer? Examples from the life of the Old Testament King Uzziah and everyone’s favorite demon slayer, Tanjirou, show us the way. Come listen in as Mike explains and also talks about his recent major live events involving Clue, cars, and college football on episode eight of The Power of God and Anime Podcast! Anime Trivia! In the anime

Sep 26, 2024 • 20:21

The Power of God and Anime Podcast, Episode 7: God Will Use You (Even if You’re Clumsy Like Usagi Tsukino)

The Power of God and Anime Podcast, Episode 7: God Will Use You (Even if You’re Clumsy Like Usagi Tsukino)

Do you sometimes feel discouraged, as if you’re not good enough to accomplish the big things you’d like to? Mike’s been there. So have some of the heroes of the Bible, including Moses and Gideon. And…maybe Sailor Moon’s Usagi Tsukino, too? Well, she at least serves as an example of someone who does incredible things despite her shortcomings—and God is able to do the same with us as well. Join Mike today as he chats about this topic, along with thoughts on Yakuza 4,

Sep 5, 2024 • 18:31

The Power of God and Anime Podcast, Episode 6: Konosuba, Beast Tamer, and Temptation

The Power of God and Anime Podcast, Episode 6: Konosuba, Beast Tamer, and Temptation

We all struggle with temptation. But the rub isn’t simply in being tempted, but in how we react to temptation. Mike looks to Konosuba and Beast Tamer for very different reactions to sexual temptation, and then to the Bible to see how we should respond in any tempting situation. Plus, he gives his real anime origin story (it involves being a Soul Reaper…of sorts), talks about Cassandra Cain, and suggests that we should all eat fingers (wait) on episode six of the Power of God and Suk

Aug 22, 2024 • 18:54

The Power of God and Anime Podcast, Episode 5: The Help That Vegeta, Deku, and You Need

The Power of God and Anime Podcast, Episode 5: The Help That Vegeta, Deku, and You Need

Look, it’s not easy to ask others for help. Shame, pride, and all manner of obstacles get in the way. Deku and Vegeta know this intimately as major arcs for them and even their inmost character reveal a desire to go it on their own and not involve others. But what does scripture have to… Read More The Power of God and Anime Podcast, Episode 5: The Help That Vegeta, Deku, and You Need

Aug 8, 2024 • 18:45

The Power of God and Anime Podcast, Episode 4: Standing Firm Like Shirou Emiya

The Power of God and Anime Podcast, Episode 4: Standing Firm Like Shirou Emiya

Do you feel influenced by the culture to act like those around you? Are you being persuaded to put away your faith and engage the world on its terms? You’re not alone—it’s a day and age where the culture around us speaks as strongly as ever. But Mike’s got you covered. He looks to Shirou… Read More The Power of God and Anime Podcast, Episode 4: Standing Firm Like Shirou Emiya

Jul 25, 2024 • 18:08

The Power of God and Anime Podcast, Episode 3: Sharing Truth With Livia de Udis

The Power of God and Anime Podcast, Episode 3: Sharing Truth With Livia de Udis

Welcome to episode three of The Power of God and Anime Podcast! Listen as Mike gives a third version of his story that sounds like Sailor Mo—no, it couldn’t be; discusses the cult episode of A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics; and shares his experience sharing the love of Christ with a co-worker rather than a… Read More The Power of God and Anime Podcast, Episode 3: Sharing Truth With Livia de Udis

Jul 4, 2024 • 18:44

The Power of God and Anime Podcast, Episode 2: Second Chances for Saul and Doctor Elise

The Power of God and Anime Podcast, Episode 2: Second Chances for Saul and Doctor Elise

Welcome to episode two of The Power of God and Anime Podcast! Listen as Mike gives his second, truer (?) origin story, sings a praise song you may never have previously heard, asks you this episode’s Anime Trivia question, and talks about second chances and Doctor Elise: The Royal Lady with the Lamp. Anime Trivia!… Read More The Power of God and Anime Podcast, Episode 2: Second Chances for Saul and Doctor Elise

May 23, 2024 • 18:23

The Power of God and Anime Podcast, Episode 1: Neon Genesis Mikevangelion

The Power of God and Anime Podcast, Episode 1: Neon Genesis Mikevangelion

Statedogg is back! We’re happy to post the very first episode of a new podcast featuring Mike of Mike’s Geek World and formerly of the Tangle x Cast. When the team ended their run last year, they moved onto other projects—Kyuubikaze is taking a break from BtT as he endeavors onto new challenges in his life, Dennis continues to be our engineer for new podcasts, Paris and Eryn plan to launch a podcast this winter, and Mike is starting the “Power of God and Anime” podcast. In today’s introductory

Apr 24, 2024 • 22:06

Tangle x Cast 27: Goodbye for Now

Tangle x Cast 27: Goodbye for Now

Over the last year+, the Tangle x Cast team has shared their thoughts on life and faith while elegantly intertwining Christianity with anime in relatable and mindful ways. But this episode marks the end of this journey. We hope you enjoyed the episodes and that you’ll enjoy this final one, too, as Paris, Mike, Eryn,… Read More Tangle x Cast 27: Goodbye for Now

Jan 31, 2024 • 41:05

Tangle x Cast 26 x 12 Days of Christmas Anime, Day 7: You’re Under Arrest, Sakamoto, and Kodocha

Tangle x Cast 26 x 12 Days of Christmas Anime, Day 7: You’re Under Arrest, Sakamoto, and Kodocha

Our 12 Days of Christmas Anime series rolls along today with a new episode of the Tangle x Cast! Mike, Tyler, and Paris look to some series we haven’t often dug deep into but are personal favorites of the staff as we pull apart the episodes and reflect on the meaning of Christmas. Welcome to episode 26 of the Tangle x Cast! 0:00 Introduction1:14 Announcements1:38 Catch-up!7:28 One-word Story10:47 Christmas Anime11:00 Discussion—You’re Under Arrest17:48 Discussion—Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamot

Dec 20, 2023 • 44:14

Tangle x Cast 25: God Is in Your Singleness (And Your Anime)

Tangle x Cast 25: God Is in Your Singleness (And Your Anime)

Strangely sounds like MHA (and a few other classic anime series) 0:00 Introduction1:01 Announcements2:24 Catch-up!6:18 Husbando and Waifu19:48 Singleness21:02 Discussion—Midori Days and Patience in Singleness20:19 Discussion—Food Wars and Blessings of Singleness32:28 Discussion—Romantic Killer and Embracing Singleness38:35 Discussion—Lord of the Rings and Living Out Singleness51:11 Closing Podcast Links In Dragon Ball, how old was Bulma when the series began? Podcast Links Plus Ultra! Thank y

Nov 29, 2023 • 53:00

Tangle x Cast 24: Going Through the Motions

Tangle x Cast 24: Going Through the Motions

It’s a very human experience to find out that our enthusiasm has waned, our motivation has decreased, and our wanting has ceased, for all sorts of things in life—jobs, relationships, hobbies, and even faith. Our podcasters—Mike, Tyler, Paris, and Eryn—have all been there, and they’ve seen some of that same approach in anime series like Eyeshield 21, Attack on Titan, and Fullmetal Alchemist (and in a first for our podcast, a Korean game show!). We invite you to tune in as they tackle the superfi

Nov 15, 2023 • 58:08

Tangle x Cast 23: Cowboy Bebop: The Movie Watch-Along

Tangle x Cast 23: Cowboy Bebop: The Movie Watch-Along

Welcome to episode 23 of the Tangle x Cast! We’re doing something special this time around: our very first watch-along! To celebrate Halloween, we picked Cowboy Bebop: The Movie, a film that takes place around the holiday. So come watch with us! Whether you’re streaming it on Tubi or have the DVD or BD at home, you can turn us up and hear Eryn, Mike, and Twwk chat about the film and series while you tune in! 0:00 Introduction1:07 Halloween plans and Cowboy Bebop experience7:23 Cowboy Bebop: Th

Oct 26, 2023 • 2:09:44

Tangle x Cast 22: Interview with Voice Actress, Amanda Gish

Tangle x Cast 22: Interview with Voice Actress, Amanda Gish

Welcome to episode 22 of the Tangle x Cast! We’re excited to share with you today an interview with actress Amanda Gish, the voice behind Witch (Goblin Slayer), Hop (Dragon Ball Super), Kinoko (My Hero Academia), and many more anime and gaming characters! In a roundtable setting, she talks to us about finding bonds through anime, romanticizing the ordinary, taking a healthy approach to cosplay and work, and much more in a wide-ranging discussion with our fellow fans-to-professionals, Eryn and P

Sep 13, 2023 • 55:15

Tangle x Cast 21: Of Zombies, Burnout, and Bucket Lists

Tangle x Cast 21: Of Zombies, Burnout, and Bucket Lists

What could an anime zombie comedy possibly have to tell us about work, burnout, and joy? Plenty, as it turns out! Paris, Tyler, Mike, and Eryn watched the first two episodes of Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead and came away with a lot of thoughts, I tell ya, about this fun and thoughtful series in relation to what it says about the sometimes horrific pace of our work and lives. Come join us, won’t you? I promise we don’t bite! 0:00 Introduction1:30 Revisiting Social Anxiety2:32 Zom 100: Bucket

Aug 23, 2023 • 38:38

Tangle x Cast 20: Joy in Anime

Tangle x Cast 20: Joy in Anime

Are you experiencing joy in your life? Could it be possible than anime could tell us something about the nature of joy and from where it comes? Join Paris, Tyler, Mike, and Eryn in this encouraging episode as they dig into the Bible and some of their favorite anime to explore this Fruit of the Spirit, while also sharing about joy (and sometimes the lack thereof) in their own lives. 0:00 Introduction and a return to egosurfing2:37 Game: The Isekai is Right (or Wrong)10:44 Fruits of the Spirit:

Aug 9, 2023 • 42:36

Tangle x Cast 19: Our Social Anxiety Anime Characters

Tangle x Cast 19: Our Social Anxiety Anime Characters

Do you become anxious in social situations? It may surprise you to learn that even our very gregarious podcasters have experienced the same (and still do sometimes). This week, Paris, Tyler, Mike, and Eryn explore social anxiety and the characters that resemble how they feel in or react to social situations. Come join us! 0:00 Introduction1:40 Make-a-Friend7:18 Our Social Anxiety Anime Characters7:33 Discussion—Midoriya (My Hero Academia)14:05 Discussion—Hinata (Naruto)17:46 Discussion—Komi (K

Jul 19, 2023 • 54:00

Tangle x Cast 18: Hana Kimura, Akane Kurokawa, and Responding to Social Media Criticism

Tangle x Cast 18: Hana Kimura, Akane Kurokawa, and Responding to Social Media Criticism

One of this year’s most stunning anime episodes featured Akane Kurokawa, a young actress character in Oshi no Ko, being torn to shreds on social media for slapping a castmate on a reality show and mirroring a real-life situation involving wrestler Hana Kimura. It brought up so many questions and thoughts for our team that Paris, Tyler, Mike, and our newest Tangle x Cast member (listen in to discover who it is!), wanted to dive in and explore the arc. Warning: very sensitive content about bullyi

Jul 12, 2023 • 49:51

Tangle x Cast 17: Good Samaritans of Anime

Tangle x Cast 17: Good Samaritans of Anime

One of Jesus’ most beloved parables is “The Good Samaritan,” the tale of the most unexpected person showing the greatest care for a victim on the side of the road. Our team looks to how three anime—Trigun, Kimi ni Todoke, and I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in the Real World, Too—illustrate the principles of the significant Christian teachings from this tale. Join Paris, Mike, and Twwk, who’s sitting in for Tyler, as they talk about the Good Samaritans of anime! 0:00

Jun 21, 2023 • 48:42

Tangle x Cast 16: Living Unlike the World in Oshi no Ko, Princess Mononoke, A Silent Voice, and Akiba Maid War

Tangle x Cast 16: Living Unlike the World in Oshi no Ko, Princess Mononoke, A Silent Voice, and Akiba Maid War

One of the great struggles for Christians is figuring out how to navigate life in a world that doesn’t embrace biblical values. How to stay on the narrow path when the culture is so different—and often opposed—to biblical living? Our team finds some examples of how we might do so through how characters in several anime—Akiba Maid War, Princess Mononoke, A Silent Voice, and Oshi no Ko—live their lives. Join Paris, Mike, and Twwk, who’s sitting in for Tyler, as they investigate how those characte

May 31, 2023 • 48:01

Tangle x Cast 15: Christina Kelly on Voice Acting, Dealing With Rejection, and Cosplay

Tangle x Cast 15: Christina Kelly on Voice Acting, Dealing With Rejection, and Cosplay

We received such great feedback on our episode about disappointment last month that we decided to continue the conversation, but with a different anime-related slant. We invited Christina Kelly, whom you may know as the voice behind characters like Shiipon (Akiba Maid War), Mine (Akame ga Kill), and Koko (Golden Time), onto the podcast to discuss what the auditioning process in voice acting is like and how she deals with the reality of frequent rejection in the industry. Come join Paris, Mike,

May 17, 2023 • 52:47

Tangle x Cast 14: Spy x Family Moments (Season 1)

Tangle x Cast 14: Spy x Family Moments (Season 1)

Would you believe that not all our podcasters have seen Spy x Family? For shame! We had to correct that—after all, the series was not only one of our top anime of 2022, but it also won our AniMarch Madness tournament this year! Ithileryn joins Mike, Paris, and Tyler once again as the team digs into the moments from season one that impacted them and made them think more deeply about faith. Come listen and respond by answering our Cast Question! 0:00 Introduction and Naruto Cast Question results

May 3, 2023 • 41:57

Tangle x Cast 13: Dealing with Disappointment

Tangle x Cast 13: Dealing with Disappointment

Disappointment is a part of everyday life. We know this, but that doesn’t make it any easier when a person we trust lets us down, the job we were counting on falls through, or the movie we’ve been looking forward to all year stinks. Still, can we do better than just sulk or rage when things don’t go our way? Scripture has a lot to say on this topic—and so, too, do anime and video games. This week, Paris, Tyler, and Mike discuss positive and negative ways to react to disappointment. And they’re

Apr 19, 2023 • 49:49

TangleCast Interviews: Rie Fu

TangleCast Interviews: Rie Fu

Check out the stream of our brand new interview series! If you missed it live on Instagram, enjoy listening to Japanese musician, artist, and brand new mom, Rie Fu! Known for her blend of music influenced by folk singers and for her contributions to anime (Bleach, Darker Than Black, et al.), Rie chatted about one… Read More TangleCast Interviews: Rie Fu

Jun 17, 2021 • 0:00

Instagram Live Stream with Xanthe Nyugen

Instagram Live Stream with Xanthe Nyugen

Check out the second stream of our brand new interview series! If you missed it live on Instagram, enjoy listening to the lovely and talented Xanthe Huynh as she chats with Twwk about about voice acting, including her roles in anime and games like Maquia, Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Marianne), and Persona 5 (Haru), and… Read More Instagram Live Stream with Xanthe Nyugen

May 19, 2021 • 0:00

Interview with Elizabeth Maxwell

Interview with Elizabeth Maxwell

No, the TangleCast has not returned. However, we do have some new audio for you! Voice actress Elizabeth Maxwell (Fruits Basket, RWBY, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) joined Twwk for an Instagram live stream yesterday. If you didn’t catch it and you’re like me—more interested in listening than watching—check out this audio… Read More Interview with Elizabeth Maxwell

Apr 22, 2021 • 0:00

TangleCast 84: Goodbye from Our Crew and a 3-Gatsu New Year

TangleCast 84: Goodbye from Our Crew and a 3-Gatsu New Year

The day is here: After more than two years and 33 episodes later, our team of David, Holly, Peter, and editor, Celetron (Marcelo), are stepping away from the TangleCast. While Peter and Holly will continue on with Beneath the Tangles, David is leaving as he works toward other ministry and goals in his life. But… Read More TangleCast 84: Goodbye from Our Crew and a 3-Gatsu New Year

Dec 29, 2020 • 0:00

TangleCast 83: I Want to Eat Your Pancreas

TangleCast 83: I Want to Eat Your Pancreas

The 2018 film, I Want to Eat Your Pancreas, combines the techniques and style of recent Shikai films with all the sadness of romantic fare like Your Lie in April—and with fans of both types on our TangleCast team, you can bet they were impacted by this gem of a movie! Come listen to Peter,… Read More TangleCast 83: I Want to Eat Your Pancreas

Nov 24, 2020 • 0:00

TangleCast 82: Celebrate HOLLYween with a Death Parade!

TangleCast 82: Celebrate HOLLYween with a Death Parade!

October is a month of ghoulish celebration, and David, Peter, and Holly are participating in their own unique way by watching Death Parade, the critically-acclaimed anime series about death, judgment, and the afterlife. Come join the team as they discuss this modern classic that alternates between high energy episodes filled with a macabre sense of… Read More TangleCast 82: Celebrate HOLLYween with a Death Parade!

Oct 27, 2020 • 0:00

TangleCast 81: Growth and Struggle at Howl’s Moving Castle

TangleCast 81: Growth and Struggle at Howl’s Moving Castle

We’re baaaaack! The TangleCast returns from its a summer break with another topic and a tweaked format! Holly, Peter, and David take a dive into the Hayao Miyazaki classic, Howl’s Moving Castle, and particularly look at what parts of the movie hit them in just the right spots, and what those scenes might reveal about… Read More TangleCast 81: Growth and Struggle at Howl’s Moving Castle The post TangleCast 81: Growth and Struggle at Howl’s Moving Castle appeared firs

Sep 22, 2020 • 0:00

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