Walk the Pod: 10 minute walking
Rachel Wheeley
Join Rachel Wheeley for Walk the Pod. Built with a dedicated walking community, each episode provides thoughtful walking tips and reflection to keep putting one foot in front of the other, no matter what steps you’re taking in life.
Don’t miss new episodes released daily that invite listeners to step away from their desk to walk in nature for just 10 minutes.
S54E10 Inspiration: thank you for listening
Wrapping up the series with a big thank you to all the members of the Walk the Pod lunchtime walk club. Your daily walking podcast will be back on Monday 10 March 2025.
S54E9 Inspiration round up
Walking around the park behind the hospital this lunchtime wrapping up Series 54 and covering everything we’ve spoken about so far this month on the theme of inspiration.
S54E8 Inspiration: change your perspective
Walking around Northampton Square in North London this lunchtime, thinking about how changing our perspective can be inspiring. Voice notes from Kiwi Rob in Auckland and Cindy in Nebraska.
S54E7 Inspiration: Do or Do Not
Today, a voicenote from David in the US reminds me that if it isn’t a ‘hell yes’ then it’s a no! Plus a voicenote from the Mothership on doing nothing to bring on creative inspiration.
S54E6 Inspiration in what we seek
Walking around the park behind the hospital this lunchtime pondering whether the type of inspiration we are struck by is what we seek to find.
S54E5 Inspiration: Friday round up
Walking my local streets in the absolutely minging rain and windy conditions this lunchtime, rounding up the week’s inspiration episodes and looking forward to more walking adventures next week.
S54E4 Inspiration: Steal like an artist
Creatives and artists often worry that they are stealing other people’s work. But today on Walk the Pod, I want to talk about inspiration and theft. To make the point that sometimes it’s necessary to steal with impunity to start with, until one find one’s own voice. Walking in local woods for Episode 4, Series 54 of Walk the Pod.
S54E3 Inspiration and ideas
Considering the thoughts of German philosopher Fredrick Schelling on ideas providing ‘action of energy and significance’ as I walk my local street this lunchtime.
S54E2 Inspiration: an ebb and flow
Walking local streets this lunchtime with your daily prompt to get out into nature for just 10 minutes. Inspiration is an ‘ebb and flow’ says Hils. What does inspiration mean to you? https://walkthepod.com
S54E1 Inspiration and inhalation
Walking my local streets and enjoying the breaths of fresh air that I’m now able to enjoy after my recent treatment.
Series 54 is all about inspiration. Why not send me a voice note about what inspiration means to you via walkthepod.com!
S53E10 Stillness: the donut, not the hole
Walking in Old St in north London this lunchtime, tempting you away from your desk for the last time this series. Plus a creative reminder from recently departed David Lynch to keep your eye on the donut, not the hole.
S53E9 Stillness round up
Considering everything we’ve explored this series on our stillness theme, plus a short story from Nick in Worcester.
S53E8 Mental stillness
Walking my local streets this lunchtime, keeping an eye out for my neighbour’s cat.
S53E7 Stillness: go placidly
The glorious Desiderata by Max Ehrmann (1927) accompanies us on our walk around the park, this lunchtime.
S53E6 Stillness and sleep paralysis
Walking around the park thinking about stillness and sleep paralysis this lunchtime. Plus a voicenote from Cindy in Nebraska.
S53E5 Stillness: the hammer and the anvil
Walking in the woods this lunchtime thinking about Ryan Holiday’s book, Stillness is the Key and the question of whether we should be a hammer or an anvil.
There is a German phrase: 'Lieber Hammer als Amboss', which means, 'Better Hammer than Anvil'. This means better to be a proactive hammer that 'makes things happen' than a passive anvil. However, George Orwell observed that “It is always the anvil that breaks the hammer, never the other way about.”
Interesting food for thought for our 'Stilln
S53E4 Stillness: taking a long view
Thinking about taking the long view this lunchtime whilst walking behind the hospital, into the park and around the corner to Tooting Leisure Centre.
S53E3 Stillness: limit your inputs
Walking in the woods this lunchtime, enjoying the naked tree trunks displaying fungus and holes bored by woodpeckers.
S53E2 Stillness: being enough
Enjoying Ryan Holiday’s ‘Enough’ chapter from his brilliant book: Stillness is the key this lunchtime whilst dodging a leaf blower around the park.
S53E1 Stillness is the key
Hello and welcome to a brand new series of Walk the Pod! In this episode, William Gladstone’s tree cutting habit, finding green space, and how stillness can be in the mind whilst the body is busy.
S52E10 Awe: thank you for listening
Walking around my local streets, excited to be wrapping up Series 52 on awe, but sad to say toodle pip for 2024! I’ll be back in 2025 with a brand new series in January. Thank you for walking with me!
S52E9 Awe, significance, and insignificance
Walking around my local streets this lunchtime rounding up the episodes from series 52 so far, plus a voice note from Sam 💞
S52E8 Awe and the mysteries of the earth
Walking around the park behind the hospital this lunchtime and contemplating a quite from Rachel Carson: “Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life.”
S52E7 Awe and the Overview effect
Walking my local streets and considering the overview effect: how seeing the Earth from space makes us feel.
S52E6 Awe: the vanishing self
Walking around the park behind the hospital this lunchtime and considering the vanishing self. Plus, a voicenote from Cindy in Nebraska.
S52E5 Awe could be forever
Walking around the park behind the hospital rounding off the walking week with our fifth Awe episode!
S52E4 What is awe trying to tell us?
Walking around the park behind the hospital thinking about awe and what it’s trying to tell us.
S52E3 Awe: power, wonder, and fear
Walking around an autumnal Northampton Square this lunchtime, wondering whether awe can be conceptualised as a trinary of power, wonder, and fear.
S52E2 The Science of Awe
Walking my local streets and bringing you a landmark paper on awe by Dacher Keltner and Jonathan Haidt.
S52E1 Quick boil vs slow simmer awe
Thinking about awe as I’m walking around the park behind the hospital this lunchtime.
S51E10 Friendship round up
Your final episode of Series 51 is here as we wrap up our friendship discussion on Walk the Pod. Take care of your beautiful mind, and I’ll be back with Series 52 in November.
S51E9 Friendship and active listening
Walking my local streets thinking about the skill of active listening this lunchtime.
S51E8 Friendship and boundaries
Walking around Northampton Square in North London this lunchtime, through piles of crispy leaves.
S51E7 Friendship, the key to a long and happy life
Walking my local streets, thinking about Anna Machin’s work on friendship, and the benefits of a large (150 according to Dunbar) social network.
S51E6 Friendship: Keeping in touch
Walking around the park behind the hospital this lunchtime with a radical prompt to keep in touch with your friends.
S51E5 Friendship week 1 round up
Walking around the park behind the hospital thinking about everything we’ve learned in this first week of friendship themed podcasts. Thank you for walking with me! Excited to announce that we will be walking for the Wildlife Trusts from Monday, raising money for their mission to save 30% of land and sea by 2030.
S51E4 Different types of friendship
Walking around the park behind the hospital, thinking about the different types of friendship that make a full and happy life.
S51E3 Friendship: a ‘behavioural vaccine’?
Walking my local streets this lunchtime, considering whether friendship could be a ‘behavioural vaccine’.
S51E2 Friendship: a ‘critical social institution’
Reflecting on the words of Andrew Sullivan, this lunchtime, that friendship is a critical social institution but one which gets overlooked in favour of the nuclear family. Plus a voicenote from Cindy in Nebraska
S51E1 Friendship vs the nuclear family
Walking around the park behind the hospital in the rain this lunchtime thinking about friends vs nuclear family.
S50E10 Gifts - Thank you for walking with me
Walking my local streets this lunchtime in relentless rain, thinking about eeverything we’ve learned this series. I’lll be back in late October with Series 51. I wonder what we’ll be discussing then.
S50E9 Gifts and habits
My radical promot today, dear friends, is that most creative genius is not an act, but a habit. Walking my local streets, paying attention to what’s directly in front of me as we approach the end of the series.
S50E8 Gifts and Universal Basic Income
Walking my local streets, thinking about how society doesn’t value creative gifts enough. What hope of structures for creative folk to develop their gifts? Plus a walking report from Cindy in Nebraska.
S50E7 Make your gift the centre of your life
Walking my local streets this lunchtime considering thoughts mistakenly attributed to Albert Einstein: “Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
S50E6 Without a gift, there is no art
Walking around the park behind the hospital, thinking about how gifts exist within both the market exonomy and the gift economy.
S50E5 Gifts Week 1 Round Up
Walking in Clapham this morning, wrapping up Week 1, Series 50 of Walk the Pod on the topic of ‘Gifts’. What have we learned so far? Check out https://www.walkthepod.com to join the Walk the Pod lunchtime walk club or leave a voicenote.
S50E4 Gifts and storytelling
Walking in the woods near home and thinking about how all stories can be framed in terms of a person developing a gift. With a walking report from Cindy in Nebraska.
S50E3 Gifts and the artist
Walking my local streets this lunchtime thinking about gifts, art, and the artist. Do we have an obligation to develop and use our gifts? Does society have a responsibility to give artists the time to develop their talents?
S50E2 Could gifts have a soul?
Walking around the park behind the hospital this lunchtime and considering whether there is something unique about gifts. Do they carry within them a responsibility to pass them on, could they, as some peoples believe, have a soul?
S50E1 Gifts - The story of the elves and the shoemaker
Walking around the park behind the hospital this lunchtime and recalling a folk tale from my childhood reimagined as an allegory about gifts and what we need to do to realise them.
Walk the Pod Series 50 starts tomorrow!
A trailer for Series 50 of Walk the Pod on ‘Gifts’ which starts tomorrow, Monday 16 September. Each 10 minute episode tempts you away from your desk to walk in nature for just 10 minutes. I look forward to kicking off the new series tomorrow lunchtime and thank you for walking with me. https://walkthepod.com
Postcard from Whitstable
A walking report from Whitstable! Series 49 will be for susbscribers to the Walk the Pod walking club and starts on Monday 19 August. A full series for everyone will follow in September.
S48E10 Creativity - thank you for listening
Wrapping up the series with a big thank you to members of the Walk the Pod lunchtime walk club. We’ll be walking again on Monday 19 August with a subscriber only mini series. Join the club via https://www.walkthepod.com
S48E9 Creativity week 2 round up
Walking my local streets in blazing sunshine this lunchtime and wrapping up our second week of creativity episodes. Want more from Walk the Pod? Join the club: https://patron.podbean.com/walkthepod
S48E8 Creative exploration
Walking my local streets exploring something Keats once said about ‘negative capability.’
S48E7 Creative vision
In today’s daily walking episode, Rob’s voicenote references Hugh McLeod and the Blue Microsoft Monster, ‘Change the world or go home.’ Temple Grandin’s brain is creatively worlds apart from my own - how does yours work?
S48E6 Creativity demystified
Walking around the park behind the hospital demystifying creativity. Could creativity just be connecting things? Could our limitations be our creative strengths?
S48E5 Creativity week 1 roundup
Walking around the park behind the hospital, rounding up our first week of creativity episodes with voicenotes from Mum and Robin in New Zealand.
S48E4 - Creativity and mastery
Walking my local streets thinking about creativity and mastery this lunchtime. Is subversiveness required for creative genius?
S48E3 Creativity and imitation
Walking around the park behind the hospital considering creativity and imitation this lunchtime.
S48E2 - Creativity and perfectionism II
Some more thoughts on creativity and perfectionism. Perhaps some perfectionism is ok. Walking around the park behind the hospital in the rain this GratiTuesday.
S48E1 Creativity and perfectionism
Walking around the park behind the hospital arguing that perfectionism is the enemy of creativity. With your host, Rachel Wheeley
S47E10 Curiosity - thank you for listening!
Walking my local streets thanking you and members of the Walk the Pod lunchtime walk club for walking with me this month. Series 48 will start on Monday 8 July. Take care of your beautiful mind and I’ll speak to you soon.
S47E9 Curiosity roundup
Walking around the park behind the hospital rounding up our series on curiosity. Plus a walking report from Mighty Marcel in Barcelona.
S47E8 Curiosity, rigor, and questions (good ones!)
Walking around my local streets this lunchtime thinking about curiosity and how it requires rigor for creativity. Plus a voicenote from Dad in rural Norfolk.
S47E7 Curiosity is all we’ve got!
Walking around the park behind the hospital in the rain this lunchtime considering whether curiosity might be all we have as knowledge workers and artists as technology increasingly does all the work for us.
S47E6 Curiosity - the antidote to loneliness?
Walking around the park sharing a voicenote from Kiwi Rob on the subject of inter generational curiosity gaps, the right to tinker, and whether curiosity could be the antidote to loneliness.
S47E5 Curiosity week 1 round up
A summary of topics covered in week 1 of Series 47 of Walk the Pod, recorded at the Paddock allotments in South West London.
S47E4 Curiosity not ambition
Walking around the park behind the hospital this lunchtime and thinking about curiosity and the extent to which we should follow it. Absolutely, say artists like Abigail Thorn.
S47E3 Curious minds - Anne “Gentleman Jack” Lister
Walking around my local streets with tales of the curious life of Anne Lister, quero, scholar, and mountaineer.
S47E2 The Curiosity Gap
Exploring the curiosity or knowledge gap, a concept coined by Chip and Dan Heath and backed up by science. Curiosity might be the key to effective learning. Your daily walking podcast with Rachel Wheeley.
S47E1 Curiosity - the wick of learning?
Walking around the park behind the hospital this lunchtime considering whether curiosity is a good or a bad thing to kick off the new series.
S47E1 Curiosity - the wick of learning?
Walking around the park behind the hospital this lunchtime considering whether curiosity is a good or a bad thing to kick off the new series.
S46E10 Slow productivity - stopping
Walking around the park behind the hospital this lunchtime and thinking about stopping in order to return. The final episode of this series of Walk the Pod.
S46E9 Slow productivity and prioritisation
You can just hear an air ambulance taking off from the helipad at St George’s hospital at the end of this episode. A voicenote from Dad reminds us to prioritise tasks or achieve little!
S46E8 Slow productivity - pay attention to what brings joy
Walking around my local streets grumbling about the weather. It’s the Walk the Pod way! Plus an exploration of how much time we spend seeking validation from others.
S46E7 Slow productivity - never mind
Never minding what happens could be the secret to contentment and calm. A 10 minute walk around the park behind the hospital considering slow productivity.
S46E6 Slow productivity and radical self-trust
What if all procrastination is just ideas marinading? What if we were to trust that if we’re not doing something, it is because the time is not quite right? This 10 minute lunchtime walk features these and other thoughts from your host, Rachel Wheeley, Mighty Marcel in the Netherlands and Kiwi Rob in New Zealand.
S46E5 Slow Productivity and working from home
We expect to work from home now unless our job makes that impossible. This 10 minute walking episode considers: whether that lends itself to slow productivity.
S46E4 Slow productivity - Fold it in
Austin Kleon’s wonderful book ’Show Your Work’ is the focus of today’s daily walking episode of Walk the Pod. Get away from your desk for just 10 minutes and work out how to have every piece of work you do contribute to the others.
S46E3 Slow productivity - Cal’s three messages
Three messages from Cal Newport on slow productivity.
S46E2 Slow productivity and Jim Collins’ flywheel
This 10 minute walking episode considers Jim Collins’ flywheel, a terrific slow productivty tool.
S46E1 Slow Productivity
This 10 minute lunchtime walk considers:
What does slow productivity mean to you? Is it achievable in our increasingly busy world? A stroll around the park behind the hospital in surprisingly high winds.
S46 trailer
Series 46 is on the way! Join me from Monday 15 April for the first of ten daily walking episodes to make your daily walk that little bit easier. We’ll be discussing ‘slow productivity’, what is it and why might it be important?
S45E10 Thank you for listening
Walking my local streets and thanking you for listening from the bottom of my heart. I’ll be back in April with Series 46.
Join the Walk the Pod Lunchtime Walk Club: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeley
S45E9 Stay with uncertainty part II
Walking around my local streets asking whether positively attacking uncertainty with plans is just as much an inability to cope with it as being scared and trying to get away, or hoping the uncertainty itself will go away.
S45E8 Uncertainty and routine
A walk around my local streets this lunchtime and a chance encounter with a black and white cat.
S45E7 Uncertainty and radical self-trust
Walking my local streets thinking about radical self-trust this lunchtime. Is uncertainty a consequence of doubt?
S45E6 Opportunity and uncertainty
Walking around the park behind the hospital this lunchtime and thinking about whether uncertainty is always a negative thing, thanks to a prompt from Sam.
S45E5 Stay in uncertainty
I very much enjoyed Heather Havrilesky’s latest ‘Ask Polly’ column about remaining in uncertainty, and recommend it whole-heartedly to you. I’ve published it in the Walk the Pod lunchtime walk club Discord this lunchtime. Access the post via walkthepod.com
S45E4 Uncertainty and joy
Considering whether uncertainty might be a necessary precondition for joy as I walk round the park behind the hospital in South West London this lunchtime.
S45E3 Uncertainty and grind
Pounding my local streets thinking about navigating a decade of ‘getting good’ at our craft.
S45E2 Uncertainty is everywhere
Walking around the park behind the hospital and considering the yhoughts of Warren Buffet who said that uncertainty is everywhere.
S45E1 Uncertainty and leadership
Walking around the park behind the hospital, thinking about uncertainty and leadership this lunchtime. Welcome to Series 45.
S44E10 Constancy and breakthrough
Making commitments and re-committing regularly to them can be incredibly powerful and give us extra headspace to think beyond how to get from one end of the day to another. A little potter around the park.
S44E9 Constancy - keeping things interesting
How can we enjoy the same walk over and over again, particularly when it’s grey, mis and raining? Some thoughts on constancy in difficult circumstances.
S44E8 Constancy and other people
People can be tricky to know, love and work with. On today’s episode, as I walk around my local streets, I consider whether one of the challenges to constancy is other people, and how to turn up day after day for them with unconditional positive regard, love and kindness.
S44E7 Constancy and proactivity
To do the things we want to do, we must work out what our priorities are and carve out space for our most important work. Not just once, but repeatedly. Today, constancy and proactivity.
S44E6 Constancy and iteration
Walking around the park behind the hospital and thinking about constancy and iteration
Bonus episode - tales from the allotment shed
A bonus edition from my allotment in South West London. Using the Merlin app to identify the birds
S44E5 Constancy and the lunchbreak
So few of us get away from our desks at lunchtime in the UK. What might be possible if we reinstated the lunchbreak?
S44E4 Constancy and emotions
The biggest obstacles to recommitting to the same things and people are our emotions. A rainy and weary episode from the park behind the hospital.
S44E3 Constancy and Nature
Walking around the park behind the hospital and thinking about constancy in nature—the daily rising of the sun, the seasonal cycles of trees, the weather and our own routines and habits all contribute to the constancy of nature.
S44E2 Constancy and Flow
The flow researcher whose name I couldn’t remember is Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (pron: Mi-hi Chick-sent-mi-hi) in this episode of Walk the Pod: 10 minute walking. Music still too loud, I will adjust tomorrow. Thank you for bearing with, dear friends.
S44E1 Constancy - the antithesis of grind culture
Welcome to Series 44 in which we’ll be discussing constancy. What does constancy mean, is the the same as consistency? Is it grind? Absolutely not.
Bonus episode: birdsong at the allotment
Allotment update recorded in the shed at 14b Paddocks Allotments, in South West London.
Feb 15, 2024 test recording
A test recording, just to see whether I can record a podcast episode via PodBean instead of Spotify. To be deleted!
New series announcement
Announcing the new series 44 topic for your daily walking podcast - Constancy.
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S43E8 The Joy of Walking
The joy of walking. Thank you for walking with me this series, I’ll be back in February with Series 44.
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S43E7 Joy and nature
Why does nature spark joy?
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S43E6 Joy is uncool
Remembering my favourite gif, and reflecting that joy is deeply uncool.
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S43E5 Joy and service
The paradigmatic idea that joy can be derived from service, from Bengali polymath Rabindranath Tagore.
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S43E4 Joy is fleeting
Blink and you’ll miss it! Joy is moving because it is rare, or brief, or unusual at this time of year, or all three.
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S43E3 Joy - an act of resistance
Joy is an act of resistance!
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S43E2 Joy and gratitude
Devour your nice things!
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S43E1 Joy!
The exclamation point of the human experience. What does joy mean to you?
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2023 Festive lights special 2
More lights!
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S42E10 Life, the Universe, and Everything: Radical Self Trust and Going on
Radical Self Trust and Going on
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S42E9 Life, the Universe, and Everything: Abundance
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S42E8 Life, the Universe, and Everything: the Nemesis List
The nemesis list!!
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S42E7 Life, the Universe, and Everything Pay attention to what’s directly in front of you
Paying attention to what’s directly in front of you this GratiTuesday
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S42E6 Life, the Universe, and Everything: Prioritisation and boundaries
Prioritisation and boundaries.
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S42E5 Life, the Universe and Everything: Have Fun
Have fun
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S42E4 Life, the Universe and Everything: What if this were the last day?
We have only today!
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S42E3 Life, the Universe, and Everything: This too shall pass
This too shall pass.
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S42E2 Life, the Universe and Everything: Unconditional Positive Regard
Walking around the park behind the hospital thinking about unconditional positive regard this lunchtime plus a note from Gaynor and Tati and Pippin the dog.
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S42E1 Life, the Universe and Everything: Ego vs insignificance
Your daily walking show on Ego vs insignificance. Episode 1 of Series 42: Life, the Universe and Everything.
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S41E10 Burnout roundup
Thank you for listening
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S41E9 Burnout busters!
How to avoid burnout.
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S41E8 The difference between stress and burnout
Walking around local streets and considering the difference between stress and burnout.
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S41E7 Burnout - there is only one you
There is only one you
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S41E6 Burnout - behavioural symptoms
What are the behavioural symptoms of burnout?
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S41E5 Burnout - emotional symptoms
Emotional symptoms of burnout include feeling helpless, dejected, detached and cynical.
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S41E4 Burnout - physical symptoms
Walking my local streets this lunchtime and thinking about the physical signs of burnout.
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S41E3 Burnout and crisis care
Walking around local streets this lunchtime thinking about a Wellbeing Action Plan for every worker.
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S41E2 What does burnout feel like?
Walking around the park behind the hospital with a couple of stories of burnout from Mental Health UK
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S41E1 Three types of burnout
Who knew there were three types of burnout? Overload, under-challenged and neglect - welcome to a brand new series of Walk the Pod.
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S40E10 Inspiration - thank you for listening
Thank you for listening this series! Series 40 has been so much fun to record and I’ve loved exploring our topic, inspiration with you this month. Thank you for walking with me.
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S40E9 How to be inspired
Walking around my local streets thinking about actionable tips from the series and a voicenote from Hil from trundl
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S40E8 Inspired by kindness
Walking around my local streets this lunchtime thinking about how we can be inspired by the kindness of others, even as super difficult things are happening in the world.
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S40E7 Inspired by progress and what is yet unknown
Walking around the park behind the hospital thinking about how what there is left to discover, and our own progress can be inspiring too.
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S40E6 What can we be inspired to do?
Thinking about different types of inspiration this lunchtime as I walk around the small park behind the hospital in south west London
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S40E5 Inspired by nature
Walking around my local streets, discussing modern technology inspired by nature.
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S40E4 Inspiration - what is it, exactly?
Thinking about what inspiration actually us this lunchtime whilst tramping local streets.
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S40E3 Inspiration - how to evoke inspiration
Walking around my local streets and inviting you to do the same, plus my hot chocolate recipe.
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S40E2 Inspiration - who is it for?
Walking around the park behind the hospital thinking about inspiration this lunchtime. Who is it for?
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S40E1 Inspiration and genius
Walking around the park behind the hospital at lunchtime thinking about inspiration and genius.
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S39E10 Hope: End of Series round up
Walk the Pod is your daily walking podcast. Take 10 minutes to walk in nature and pay attention to what's directly in front of you.
Thinking about hope and leaving you with a few prompts right at the end of the series. Thank you for walking with me.
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S39E9 Chasing the hope horizon
Walk the Pod is your daily walking podcast. Take 10 minutes to walk in nature and pay attention to what's directly in front of you.
Thinking about how hope can focus us unecessarily on a glorious future, taking our attention away from this imperfect day as I walk around my local streets this lunchtime.
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S39E8 Hope and routine
Walk the Pod is your daily walking podcast. Take 10 minutes to walk in nature and pay attention to what's directly in front of you.
Thinking about the hope generating benefits of routine this lunchtime as I tramp my local streets. Plus a voicenote from Marcel in the Netherlands.
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S39E7 Shifting hope
Walk the Pod is your daily walking podcast. Take 10 minutes to walk in nature and pay attention to what's directly in front of you.
Thinking about how hope can change focus and even destination as I walk around the park behind the hospital this lunchtime.
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S39E6 Optimism, hope and the ‘will to meaning’
Walk the Pod is your daily walking podcast. Take 10 minutes to walk in nature and pay attention to what's directly in front of you.
Exploring optimism, hope and the will to meaning today as I walk around the park behind the hospital. Plus a voicenote from Mum.
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S39E5 Hope never dies
Walk the Pod is your daily walking podcast. Take 10 minutes to walk in nature and pay attention to what's directly in front of you.
Walking around my local streets thinking about the infinite nature of hope this lunchtime.
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S39E4 Hope to find purpose and meaning
Walk the Pod is your daily walking podcast. Take 10 minutes to walk in nature and pay attention to what's directly in front of you.
Walking my local streets in search of a sense of what hope might mean this lunchtime in blazing sunshine.
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S39E3 Hope in times of suffering
Walk the Pod is your daily walking podcast. Take 10 minutes to walk in nature and pay attention to what's directly in front of you.
Thinking about how to maintain hope in times of suffering this lunchtime whilst walking around my local streets.
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S39E2 Hope and struggle
Walk the Pod is your daily walking podcast. Take 10 minutes to walk in nature and pay attention to what's directly in front of you.
S39E2 Exploring the thoughts of Rebecca Solnit, Paolo Freire and Einstein on hope this afternoon on the most beautiful day in the world.
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S39E1 New series! Hope - the thing with feathers
Walk the Pod is your daily walking podcast. Take 10 minutes to walk in nature and pay attention to what's directly in front of you.
S39E1 Recounting Emily Dickinson’s poem on hope this afternoon as I record the first episode of our brand new series. Thank you for walking with me.
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Experimental video podcast number one
Testing out a video podcast for the first time. Available only on Spotify!
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S38E15 Integrity - thank you so much for walking with me
Walking around the park behind the hospital and thanking you for walking with me this series. I’ll be back in September
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S38E14 Fake integrity?
Walking through Tooting this morning thinking about real vs fake integrity.
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S38E13 Integrity and peace
Walking along with child 1 who is nearly taller than me and contemplating integrity and peace.
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S38E12 Integrity and interference
Walking around the park behind the hospital and wondering whether integrity leaks out, enabling us to impose it on things slightly outside of our purview.
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S38E11 Integrity all the time?
Walking around the park and wondering whether I have to display integrity all the time?
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S38E10 Integrity in Richmond Park
Walking in Richmond park today, rounding off the week with a well earned long walk on National Cream tea day.
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S38E9 Integrity and development
Walking around the park behind the hospital, thinking about integrity and development.
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S38E8 Integrity champions - Julien Boumkwo
Thinking about integrity champion Julien Boumkwo today and a raft of voicenotes from Mum, Dad and Robin in New Zealand.
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S38E7 Integrity and mental health
Walking around the park behind the hospital this lunchtime, thinking about integrity and mental health.
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S38E6 Creative integrity
Walking around the park behind the hospital, thinking about the creative integrity shown by Jane Austen and John Steinbeck during their literary careers and listening to a voicenote from Rear Admiral Tim.
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S38E5 Academic integrity
Walking my local streets and thinking about academic integrity this lunchtime. Plus a walking report from Glastonbury Festival
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S38E4 Integrity and privilege
Walking around Tavistock Square Gardens and encountering a bust of Virginia Woolf
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S38E3 Integrity and task completion
Linking integrity back to last series topic of productivity (schmoductivity) this lunchtime, I’m walking around and considering whether trying to complete a task is to do it badly.
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S38E2 Integrity - doing the right thing even when no one is watching
Walking around the park this lunchtime, thinking about integrity and getting my energy back
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S38E1 Integrity
Kicking off a new series of walking podcasts, thinking about integrity. Join the walking club! https://walkthepod.com
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Birthday bonus: Nige walks the cycle path
A bonus episode in which Nige from Northern Spain walks the cycle path before attending my 42nd birthday party. Love you Nigey!
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S37E15 Productivity (Schmoductivity) - thank you for listening
Walking up and down my garden recording the last episode of the series.
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S37E14 Productivity schmoductivity and burnout
Walking my local streets thinking about burnout
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S37E13 Productivity (schmoductivity) cost
Walking around my local area thinking about productivity cost.
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S37E12 Productivity (schmoductivity) and playfulness
Walking in the park and thinking about playfulness.
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S37E11 Productivity (schmoductivity) and procrastination
Walking around the little park behind the hospital today and thinking about procrastination.
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Half term podcast pause
Putting the podcast on pause for a week. Episode 11 will be here on 5 June.
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S37E10 Productivty schmoductivity and the slow movement
Walking around local streets and thinking about the slow movement with thanks to Rear-Admiral Tim
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S37E9 Productivity and nebulising
Walking and thinking about productivity and nebulising.
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S37E8 Productivity Schmoductice lolly
Walking in a big ‘U’ shape around my local area and thinking about productivity and time.
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S37E7 Productivity and lichen
Walking around the park behind the hospital and thinking about lichen. Which side of the tree does it grow on, and can this help us to tell which direction we’re facing?
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S37E6 Productivity schmoductivity and righteous anger
Walking around the park and practicing letting powerful emotion come and go.
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S37E5 Productivity and prosperity
Walking around my local area and considering Dad’s voicenote about productivity and prosperity.
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S37E4 Productivity and burnout
Walking the ‘U’ shape around my local area and thinking about burnout.
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S37E3 Productivity - a national problem?
Walking in central London this lunchtime and pondering productivity with a voicenote from Helen in Crystal Palace.
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S37E2 Productivity schmoductivity and the Hawthorne effect
Walking around my local area thinking about productivity and how difficult it is to measure.
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S37E1 New Series! Productivity Schmoductivity
Walking around the park behind the hospital and introducing the new topic for S37 Productivity schmoductivity
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S36E15 | Self-acceptance - the final episode
Walking on Cannon Hill Common this lunchtime and inviting you to seize the day. Thank you for listening this series and I’ll be back on Monday 15 May.
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S36E14 Self-acceptance and Malcolm Tucker
Surprised to find a riff on Malcolm Tucker creeping into the episode today as I walk around my local area.
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S36E13 Self-acceptance and not going anywhere in particular
Walking around the ‘U’ shaped route near my house, a walk in which I think about the importance of not going anywhere in particular.
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S36E12 Self-acceptance in the sunshine
Walking next to Cannon Hill Common lake this morning and wondering whether self-acceptance is easier in the sunshine.
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S36E11 Self-acceptance and reassurance
Walking around behind the hospital and thinking about internal struggle.
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S36E10 | Self-acceptance and the mud tsunami
Walking alongside the forest today and thinking about self-acceptance. No more, ‘I will be happy when…’ thinking.
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S36E9 | Self acceptance, social science and society
Walking early today and thinking about social science, ethics, law and society.
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S36E8 | Self-acceptance and other people
Walking around the local streets this lunchtime and a voicenote from my Dad.
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S36E7 | Self-acceptance and success
Visiting Derwent Floodwash this lunchtime and thinking about self-acceptance and success.
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S36E6 | Self-acceptance - the second rule
Walking around the park and making a list of rules. Plus a voicenote from Tess from trundl
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S36E5 | Self-acceptance and introversion
Walking a tweaked version of my new route today and thinking about self-acceptance and introversion.
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S36E4 | Self-acceptance is treating yourself as you treat others
Walking a new route into the woods and a voicenote from Colonel Tim
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S36E3 | Self-acceptance and shame
Manage to make it to the woods on Cannon Hill Common by the end of today’s episode, and absolutely delighted about it.
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S36E2 | Self-acceptance is compassion
Walking around the small park behind the hospital this lunchtime with a voicenote from Polly in north London
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S36E1 | New series! Self-acceptance
Walking around the park behind the hospital thinking about the new series topic: self-acceptance
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S35E15 | North London nature
A jaunt to Kings X to walk along the canal and visit Queer Britain.
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S35E14 | Nature for two hours a week
Nature can be highly beneficial for the mental and physical health, and you only need access to it for a couple of hours a week.
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S35E13 | Local nature
Walking around local streets in search of nature.
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S35E12 | Nature deficit disorder
Walking in the park behind the hospital and considering Nature Deficit Disorder and the Spring Equinox.
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S35E11 | Ecopsychology - proof that nature helps
Ecopsychology - proof that walking in nature is beneficial for mental health.
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S35E10 | What counts as nature?
Walking around my (new) local area and considering what counts as nature, this lunchtime. A plant, a tree, a shrub, a brain?
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S35E9 | Beat the streets
An exciting game has cropped up in Merton!
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S35E8 | Nature in the garden
The lunchtime walk club can be found at patreon.com/rachelwheeley.
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S35E7 | Nature near the new pad
Walking near my new home and finding new nature.
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S35E6 | Inside nature
Attempting to find some nature inside
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S35E5 | Pottering in nature
It’s ok to walk just outside, especially when cold. Join the Walk the Pod lunchtime walk club at patreon.com/rachelwheeley
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S35E4 | Nature and leaf blowers
Some essential maintenance happening in the park behind the hospital today.
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S35E3 | Grey and mis nature
Mis mis mis mis mis!
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S35E2 | Nature at the new manor
Nature at the new manor. Join the Walk the Pod lunchtime walk club at patreon.com/rachelwheeley
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S35E1 | Nature
What can you see directly in front of you as you walk? Let me know!
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S34E15 | Gratitude - Thank you
Walking on Derwent Floodwash and spotting some frogspawn!
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S34E14 | Grateful for support
S u p p o r t
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S34E13 | Grateful to be interconnected
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S34E12 | Gratituesday
Recording my gratitude for all kinds of things on my daily walk behind the hospital.
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S34E11 | Grateful for calm
Now and next
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S34E10 | Gratitude and generous assumptions
Walking in the garden at my new house this lunchtime!
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S34E9 | Grateful that it is only this
Walking the bike track and reminiscing about the walks I have enjoyed here. Join the Walk the Pod lunchtime walk club at patreon.com/rachelwheeley
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S34E8 | Gratitude and philates
Walking outside Morden Leisure Centre this lunchtime.
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S34E7 | Gratitude and thanks
Outside Morden Leisure Centre today, thinking about gratitude and thanks. Plus a voicenote from Glorious Gaynor.
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S34E6 | Gratitude and silliness
Walking around the park behind the hospital this lunchtime and contemplating the gratitude within silliness. Join the walk the pod lunch time walk club at patreon.com/rachelwheeley
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S34E5 | Friday Gratitude
Join the Walk the Pod lunch time walk club at patreon.com/rachelwheeley
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S34E4 | Seasonal gratitude
Join the Walk the Pod lunch time walk club at patreon.com/rachelwheeley
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S34E3 | Gratitude for life
Stomping the bike track and looking forward to what my next walking route might be.
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S34E2 | Gratitude - Inconvenience yourself, temporarily
Walking around behind the hospital this lunchtime and thinking about how to prompt gratitude through temporary inconvenience.
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S34E1 | Welcome to Series 34 - gratitude
Walking around the park behind the hospital and launching our new topic - gratitude.
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WtP Best Bits: S23E10 | It’s Friyay! 🎉
**This is a WtP Best Bits episode, first published in January 2022** On Friyays I offer an invitation to join the Walk the Pod walking club, alongside a big shoutout to all the walking club Poddies. Take care of your beautiful mind, and thank you for walking with me this week 🙏🏼
In this episode of your daily walking show, Walk the Pod, I take my podcast for a walk because I don't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, pay attention to what’s directly in front of you and
WtP Best Bits: S23E14 | Empathy
**This is a WtP Best Bits episode, first published in January 2022** Thinking about empathy as I walk the footpath this afternoon.
In this episode of your daily walking show, Walk the Pod, I take my podcast for a walk because I don't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, pay attention to what’s directly in front of you and think about how to be in the world. I've been making daily episodes of Walk the Pod since November 2020. This is the penultimate episode of Series 23
WtP Best Bits: S23E13 | Doing “the Plod”
**This is a WtP Best Bits episode, first published in January 2022** Plodding along the footpath today at a steady speed in order to maintain a sustainable pace.
In this episode of your daily walking show, Walk the Pod, I take my podcast for a walk because I don't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, pay attention to what’s directly in front of you and think about how to be in the world. I've been making daily episodes of Walk the Pod since November 2020. This is the th
WtP Best Bits: S23E8 | Walking with Child 2
**This is a WtP Best Bits episode, first published in January 2022** Walking the footpath with Child 2, who is full of energy but off school with chickenpox today. We met a Eurasier pup called Bella just after finishing our recording.
In this episode of your daily walking show, Walk the Pod, I take my podcast for a walk because I don't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, pay attention to what’s directly in front of you and think about how to be in the world. I've been
WtP Best Bits: S23E6 | Drop Dead Gorgeous
**This is a WtP Best Bits episode, first published in January 2022**
In this episode of your daily walking show, Walk the Pod, I take my podcast for a walk because I don't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, pay attention to what’s directly in front of you and think about how to be in the world. I've been making daily episodes of Walk the Pod since November 2020. This is the sixth episode of Series 23 of the podcast.
Join the Walk the Pod walking club
Join the Walk the
S33E15 | Abundant bumper episode to end the series!
Thank you for walking with me, dear Poddies, please consider joining the Walk the Pod lunch time walk club and see you in February!
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S33E14 | Abundance of attention
Walking the bike track and paying attention to what I pay attention to when it’s directly in front of me.
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S33E13 | Abundance of atoms
It occurs to me as I stomp the bike track on this particularly grey and mis day, that this might be one of the last walks along this strip of lovely land.
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S33E12 | Abundance might just be being alive
Walking the bike track today and thinking about abundance. What does it mean and could it just mean being alive? If you’d like to join the Walk the Pod walking club, go to patreon.com/rachelwheeley
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S33E11 | The horn of plenty
Walking the bike track today and thinking about cornucopia 🎉
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S33E10 | Accessing abundance
Walking in Farringdon this lunchtime and thinking about how we access abundance.
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S33E9 | Stoic abundance
Walking around the Tooting Gardens play space this lunchtime and bringing you Marcus Aurelius’s thoughts on abundance.
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S33E8 | Creative, conceptual abundance
A voicenote from Tess from trundl on the pod today, on conceptual abundance.
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S33E7 | Cold, crisp and abundant
Walking the bike track on a cold, crisp afternoon and considering abundance, and being careful what we wish for.
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S33E6 | Brrrrrr
Very cold on a walk around the park behind the university today! Plus a voicenote from Supreme Cross-Border Selector Nigey.
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S33E5 | Abundance is an overflowing cup
A lovely fresh walk on the bike track today as I consider more bun dance puns, the greek and biblical references to abundance, and whether you should do kegel exercises while listening to Walk the Pod.
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S33E4 | Abundance or a bun dance?
Welcome to episode 4, series 33 of Walk the Pod where I consider whether we’re talking about abundance or a bun dance.
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S33E3 | Abundance and creativity
It’s absolutely mis on the bike track today Poddies, thinking about abundance, creativity and genius.
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S33E2 | Is abundance a type of awe?
Walking on the bike track this lunchtime and wondering whether abundance is a type of awe? Plus a voicenote from Trundler Hil.
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S33E1 | Welcome to Series 33
Welcome along to this brand new series of Walk the Pod! This series we’ll be using Trundl to track our walking, and thinking about abundance. What does abundance mean to you?
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Walk the Pod Bonus: Happy New Year ✨
Walking on busier roads than usual. Just popping on to wish you a very happy and healthy New Year, Poddies
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Walk the Pod Best Bits: Merry Christmas, Poddies! 🎄
In this episode of Walk the Pod, Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, and to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you. In the show, Rach discusses how to be a human in the world, discussing her latest thinking and reading about how to be happy here.
In this episode
A final ramble along the cycle path as the stinging nettles burst into bloom beneath my feet. Walk the Pod will be back in 2022 with series 23, bu
Walk the Pod Best Bits: a dog in a Christmas collar 🐶
In this episode of Walk the Pod, Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, and to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you. In the show, Rach discusses how to be a human in the world, discussing her latest thinking and reading about how to be happy here.
In this episode
The dogs are out in their Christmas collars! Happy Friyay, poddies, and welcome to this chilly and dusky episode of Walk the Pod, in which I am wa
Walk the Pod Best Bits: Christmas lights special
In this episode of Walk the Pod, Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, and to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you. In the show, Rach chats about how to be a human in the world, discussing her latest thinking and reading about how to be happy here.
In this episode
A second Christmas lights special without music for all the non Spotify platforms! Merry Christmas, Poddies, and thank you for walking with me.
Walk the Pod Best Bits: Christmas special 🎄🤶🏼
In this episode of Walk the Pod, Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, and to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you. In the show, Rach discusses how to be a human in the world, discussing her latest thinking and reading about how to be happy here.
In this episode
Dusting off my microphone to record another Christmas special with some satirical Christmas songs from Nick, Smells Like Christmas Spirit, and The
S32E15 | Thank you for walking with me
A glorious and beautiful day on the bike track, what a lovely way to round off another year of lunch time walks.
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S32E14 | Four day work week going through Parliament
The four day work week is going through Parliament in various ways. An update.
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S32E13 | Creativity and commitment
Walking to Christmas lunch and thinking about creativity. Waiting longer doesn’t always work!
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S32E12 | More snow
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S32E11 | Snow day!
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S32E10| Four day work week - a new thing
Stomping round the park this lunchtime and losing my mind a little bit this lunchtime. We are blessed with a second voicenote from the Mothership and an improvised carol in the format of the 12 days of podcasting Christmas.
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S32E9 | Four day work week
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S32E8 | Four day work week - good for water voles!
News today that people on the four day work week trial have been rescuing watervoles on their day off.
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S32E7 | The Auckland WtP IRL walk!
Delighted to bring you the first ever Auckland WtP IRL walk today Poddies! A voicenote from Kiwi arob, Glorious Gaynor and Tati.
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S32E6 | Four day work week and our own agenda
Walking around the Tooting Gardens park this lunchtime and considering the four day work week. Plus a voicenote from the Mothership.
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S32E5 | Individual four day week
On a train up to Liverpool so an unusual episode recorded from the vestibule this lunchtime! Voicenotes from Sam, Mother Superior of cats and Sunny Jim. Thank you both.
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S32E4 | My step towards the four day work week
Walking the bike track and we hear from Helen, Maker of Things on a lunchbreak walk.
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S32E3 | Four day work week accreditation scheme
Walking the bike track in Southwest London and thinking about a brand new four day work week accreditation scheme which has just launched in the UK. Voicenote from Helen, Maker of Things.
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S32E2 | Economics and the four day work week
Walking a different route today to pick up a parcel, thinking about economics and the four day work week. Voicenotes from Supreme Cross Border Selector Nige in Northern Spain.
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S32E1 | Welcome to Series 32
Walking around a small park in South West London this lunchtime and inviting you to step away from your desk to consider the four day work week.
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Walk the Pod Best Bits: S21E15 | Thank you for walking with me 🙏🏼
This 'Best Bits' episode was originally published in November 2021.
Standing under the biggest tree in the world as I record the last segment of S21E15, with autumn leaves fluttering to earth all around me. Thank you for walking with me this series and I’ll be back with Series 22 on the 29th November. Thank you for listening and take care of your beautiful mind.
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Walk the Pod Best Bits: S21E13 | Giant pile of leaves 🍁
This 'Best Bits' episode was originally published in November 2021.
Walking past the Wimbledon Chase Primary school today, I notice that the kids have gathered all the autumnal leaves on their playing field and piled them up in a huge bonfire shaped mound.
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Walk the Pod Best Bits: S21E12 | Long and deep time ⏰
This 'Best Bits' episode was originally published in November 2021.
Today I’m walking the cycle path in SW19, and thinking about deep time. Shall we do a deep time walk in January? Let me know.
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Walk the Pod Best Bits: S21E11 | Walking with wild geese
This 'Best Bits' episode was originally published in November 2021.
I’m walking around the Tooting Gardens park in SW17 today, and bringing you a beautiful and moving poem by Mary Oliver, thanks to Gaynor for sharing this with me.
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Walk the Pod Best Bits: S21E10 | A walk through the foresty bit 🌳
This 'Best Bits' episode was originally published in November 2021.
Today, walking through the foresty bit, I notice that someone has coloured in one of the bricks in a wall with blue paint. On closer inspection, it turns out that this brick has a rude word written on it. An invitation to send in your hat selfies, a recommendation of Ken Campbell's The Furtive Nudist, and a happy downstairs tingle.
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S31E15 | Thank you for walking with me
Recording the last episode of the series on the most beautiful day in the world. Thank you for listening.
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S31E14 | Kindness, weather and war
The penultimate episode of the series today, we’re looking at kindness, weather and war and creating a puddle index.
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S31E13 | Faith and kindness
Some deep thoughts about kindness on this, the thirteenth episode of the series.
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S31E12 | Kindness is not rushing
A wide and expansive episode this lunchtime on time, space, rushing, and how to take a lunch break.
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S31E11 | Kindness and the ‘to not do’ list
Walking around the park in South West London this lunchtime and contemplating the ‘to not do’ list.
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S31E10 | World Kindness Day
Walking the bike track and wishing everyone a very happy World Kindness Day on Sunday.
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S31E9 | Kindness - what have we learned so far?
Walking the bike track in Wimbledon and summarising what we’ve learned about kindness so far this series.
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S31E8 | I can breathe again!
Walking in Wimbledon this lunch time and able to take full breaths again. Hurray! A super long episode to celebrate.
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S31E7 | Hospital walk
Walking near Charing Cross Hospital this morning.
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S31E6 | Kindness - need it be appreciated to count?
Walking around the little park behind the hospital this lunchtime and thinking about kindness. Does the reception a kind act receives determine whether it is kind or not?
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S31E5 | Kindness with a smile
A poem by Spike Milligan on the episode today as we bring the first week of Series 31 to a close.
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S31E4 | Kindness and recovery
Walking the Wimbledon bike track today and thinking about recovery. Comfort warning: kids playing in the Wimbledon Chase Primary School playing fields, little birds chirping.
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S31E3 | Kindness call for content
Walking the bike track this lunchtime and asking for your thoughts about kindness. What does it mean to you? Let me know.
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S31E2 | Kindness and value judgements
Your daily fitness show returns with some thoughts about value judgements. Should we ever use them, and how can we be kind unless we understand what others need?
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S31E1 | A new series on kindness
Walking the Wimbledon bike track and inviting your thoughts on kindness this series.
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S30E15 | Valuing yourself and what you want
Thank you for walking with me this series dear Poddies and I look forward to Series 31 on kindness, which will start soon.
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S30E14 | Valuing yourself - good enough
Walking the bike track today and thinking about perfectionism. What would it mean just to be good enough?
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S30E13 | Valuing yourself - keeping up appearances
Walking the bike track today and thinking about appearances. Can keeping up appearances help us yo value ourselves, or is it unneccessary?
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S30E12 | Valuing yourself - an act of political warfare
Walking the bike track today on the most beautiful day in the world and reflecting on kindness.
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S30E11 | Valuing yourself, pig or chicken?
Walking the bike track this lunchtime and thinking about pigs, chickens, and how much of a contribution to make to the breakfast table.
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S30E10 | Valuing yourself and motivation
A rather absent-minded ramble chat today as I stroll along the bike track.
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S30E9 | Valuing your time
Walking around the Tooting Gardens park today under a huge grey cloud and thinking about time.
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S30E8 | Brimming with energy
There’s freshly mown grass on the bike track today and a lovely autumnal feel in the air. Thank you for walking with me.
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S30E7 | Valuing Yourself, every day
Walking the bike track and thinking about how to value ourselves, every day.
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S30E6 | Just one thing
Walking around the atooting Gardens park and thinking about doing just one thing. Just because I can’t do everything doesn’t mean I shouldn’t do anything. A helpful mantra for environmental decisions, humanitarian decisions and all decisions.
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S30E5 | Valuing yourself, credit and deficit
Thinking about credit and deficit this lunchtime. Do you wake up feeling like you have to prove yourself every day? How does that impact the value you put on yourself?
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S30E4 | A carpet of conkers
Treading a carpet of conkers this lunchtime on the biketrack on the most beautiful day in the world. Plus voice notes from Glorious Gaynor, Tati on the Thames Path and Major Tim from the Socialist Peoples’ Republic of Croydon.
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S30E3 | Rain!
Torrential rain as I began recording today’s episode, happily it abated pretty quickly. More on valuing yourself including the mental health models of cups and spoons!
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Several pieces of correspondence have come in, from Major Tim of the People’s Socialist Republic of Croydon.
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S30E1 | Valuing Yourself
Walking around the Tooting Gardens park this lunchtime thinking about our new topic, Valuing Yourself. Plus, a new song by Mr. Nick in Worcester, and voicenotes from Gaynor and Marcel.
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S29E15 | Thank you for walking with me
A heartfelt thanks to everypoddy today from the SW19 bike track. It’s been a delight to stretch my legs with you this series and I look forward to bringing you Series 30 very soon.
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Friyay BONUS | Stress and discipline
Thinking about artistry vs soldiering this morning
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S29E14 | Home time energy
Walking the bike track at hometime and enjoying the energy of freshly released school kids. Then home for a cup of tea and some fruit cake.
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S29E13 | Walking it off
I’ve given up calling the bike track a cycle path due to the number of times it’s been relabelled a psychopath by instagram!
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S29E12 | Stress and consistency
The Queen attended her papers day in, day out, and I wonder whether it helped her with stress, at all?
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S29E11 | Bank holiday edition
Stomping around Richmond Park in the early evening paying attention to what’s directly in front of me.
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S29E10 | Listen carefully
Stomping along the cycle path today and bringing the wisdom of Marcel in the Netherlands on how to have fun when it’s grey and mis.
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S29E9 | When it’s grey and mis…
…look out for cool shapes and structures in nature! Stomping the cycle path this lunchtime and keeping my eyes peeled.
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S29E8 | Gathering clouds
Stomping the cycle path this lunchtime and eyeing an ominous cloud hanging overhead.
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S29E7 | Stress and striving
Walking along sounds like a perfectly straight forward way to move from point A to point B, but have you ever stopped to consider the angle at which you are doing so?
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S29E6 | Stress and control
Walking around Tooting Gardens park this lunchtime and thinking about stress and control. Plus — a voicenote from the Mothership.
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S29 BONUS | A morning walk
Walking on Sunday morning on the cycle path with the sun at my back and thinking about how people react to things, and retaining expectations for mental health.
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S29 BONUS | Step Up September day 9
A bonus edition for Walk the Pod lunch time walk club subscribers, walking along the cycle path with the sun at my back.
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S29E5 | Death of Her Majesty The Queen
We all feel very sad in the UK today as the Queen has passed away. I’m walking around Tooting Gardens, a small park in SW17 and doing a mindfulness practice to invoke a bit of certainty at an uncertain time.
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S29E4 | Stress and uncertainty
Stomping up and down the cycle path in the rain this lunchtime, thinking about stress and uncertainty.
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S29E3 | Stress responses
Wandering around Fulham Palace gardens this afternoon, wide eyed at the beautiful fruits, veg and flowers on display and considering stress responses.
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S29E2 | Coping
What is coping? If coping is the opposite of stress, what does that mean and should we define these terms as simply as possible, or try to understand everything before we can understand anything.
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S29E1 | What is stress?
Walking around a small park in south west London and thinking about stress this afternoon. What is it, and does how we think about it help?
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Bonus: the search for 29
Tramping the streets around my flat for the number 29 to use as the new series covert art and taking part in Step up September for the Trussell Trust.
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Bonus: Ashdown forest
Walking to A.A. Milne’s famous Pooh sticks bridge in the Ashdown forest with Child 1, 2 and 3 in tow.
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WtP S28E15 | Amor Fati
Thank you for walking with me this series, dear poddies. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed exploring rest with you and I’ll be back with series 29 in September.
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WtP S28E14 | Cede control
Beautiful day after a grey and mis start this morning. Today I am recommending a newsletter article by Oliver Burkeman on the topic of ceding control - a type of spiritual rest?
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WtP S28E13 | Winding wisteria
The longest wisteria snakes along the top of a fence on the SW19 cycle path, and today I noted the length of it as I walked along.
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WtP S28E12 | Sky spider
It’s the most beautiful day in the world and a giant sky spider has smudged a lacey cloud web across the sky.
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WtP S28E11 | Sunlight everywhere
Absolutely glorious day in the park this lunchtime.
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WtP S28E10 | Windier than it looks
It’s the most beautiful day in the world in Tooting Gardens today, with a side salad of blustery wind! Happy Friyay poddies.
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WtP S28E9 | Clumps of students
Clumps of healthcare students sitting around, picnicking on Tooting Gardens this lunchtime. And I’ve solved my email problem!
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Wtp S28E8 | The most beautiful day
A beautiful day here in Tooting Gardens in SW17. People are out having picnics and sunbathing and hopefully you are listening to this whilst out on your lunchtime walk.
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WtP S28E7 | An explosion of roses
Walked all along the cycle path, back around and along to the American sycamore again today, to see an explosion of roses erupting from some bushes I had never seen before.
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WtP S28E6 | American sycamore
It’s my birthday! I walked to the very end of the cycle path today, and around the corner to visit one of my favourite trees.
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WtP S28E5 | Bengal cat
A beautiful bengal cat came to see me today on the pod and indicates that there is some kind of side quest that i should pursue.
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WtP S28E4 | Tooting gardens forest
Does 11 mature trees count as a forest? I’m walking around what I’m generously going to call the foresty bit of Tooting Gardens, and enjoying a small spot of warm rain.
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WtP S28E3 | Blackberry flowers
Stomping the SW19 cycle path today and paying attention to beautiful blackberry flowers all around. Keep up the good walk!
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WtP S28E2 | Bunting
What I can see directly in front of me today is bunting. Beautiful bunting from the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee which we celebrated here in the UK over the weekend.
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WtP S28E1 | Welcome to Series 28
Hello and welcome to another Series of your daily walking show, Walk the Pod. This Series, we’re talking about rest. What is it, why is it important and how does it differ from sleep?
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WtP S27E15 | Raindrops
Bringing the season to a satisfactory conclusion this afternoon with some thoughts on speciesism, stillness and presence. Thank you for walking with me.
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WtP S27E14 | Swedish hornbeam
An absolutely glorious day in the Tooting Gardens park this afternoon. Four Swedish hornbeams stand resplendent in the sunshine as tiny birds flit betwixt their branches.
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WtP S27E13 | Gorgeous elderflower
Gorgeous elderflower on the cycle path today, and a walk that started of blustery, then descended into total calm.
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WtP S27E12 | Dandelion clocks
Walking amongst the dandelion clocks and advertising the Douglas Adams Memorial Lecture which takes place next Thursday 26 May at the Royal Geographic Society. I hope you can make it!
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WtP S27E11 | Tiny white petals
Tiny white petals all over the ground today in Tooting Gardens, SW17. I’m excited to be kicking off another week looking at the four day week! Thank you for walking with me.
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WtP S27E10 | The four day work week and mental health
It’s the most beautiful day in the world today and I’m walking the cycle path in SW19 thinking about the impact four day working could have on mental health.
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WtP S27E9 | A robin in SW17
A beautiful robin sung to me today as I jaunted around Tooting Gardens and it was utterly glorious, Poddies.
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WtP S27E8 | The badges have arrived!
Very excited that the ‘Don’t be a ’ badges have arrived! Join the Walk the Pod walking club for a beautiful pink and gold enamel pin.
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WtP S27E7 | A visit from a beautiful cat
It’s grey and mis on the bike track today, and yet I have news from my new bird feeder, and am visited by a beautiful cat.
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WtP S27E6 | One in four sick days due to workload
Trotting around the Tooting Gardens park this lunchtime and enjoying some more May sunshine under the leaves.Become a Paid Subscriber: https://anchor.fm/rachelwheeleyisfunny/subscribe
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WtP S27 BONUS | A walk with the Mothership!
Very excited to be able to bring you a bonus episode of Walk the Pod this afternoon with no less than the Mothership!
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WtP S27E5 | A packed park!
It’s the most beautiful day in the world here in SW17, as the Tooting Gardens Park is packed out with people having picnics. Some thoughts on the economics of the four day week and some email management tips!
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WtP S27E4 | My brain is not a storage device!
Having a lovely day in the sunshine here in the UK and contemplating a couple of productivity tools which might make it easier to make the four day work week happen!
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WtP S27E3 | It’s about trust!
Have had an entertaining 24 hours reading a white paper on the four day work week by an Auckland company who trialled this way of working and reported back on what they found.
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WtP S27E2 | Light cloud everywhere
A walking report today from Kiwi Rob walking a coastal bush trail which recently reopened after an upgrade to prevent a viral plant disease spread. Part of the Hillary Trail named for the Everest Climber Sir Edmund Hillary who trekked and holidayed in the area all his life, and some more on the four day week.
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WtP S27E1 | Four day week, could it work?
Hello and welcome to a brand new series of Walk the Pod! Kicking off this series with a couple of listener walking reports and an invitation to get in touch with your thoughts on the four day week.
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WtP S26 BONUS | Unmaking sense
A whole episode of another podcast of philosophy and pontification, Unmaking Sense, Series 5 Episode 24. Look up ‘unmaking sense’ on Spotify to subscribe. Thank you to my Dad in Norfolk for agreeing to feature on Walk the Pod!
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WtP S26E15 | Thank you 🙏🏼
Recording as the sunsets on SW19 and Series 26 of the podcast this afternoon. This series has been so much fun to make, and I’m indebted to you for walking with me. Do check out the Walk the Pod walking club at rachelwheeleyisfunny.com and I’ll be back in early May.
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WtP S26E14 | Toads, frogs, or something else?
Stomping around the Tooting Gardens Play Space this afternoon and bringing you walking reports from Spain and the Scillies.
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WtP S26E13 | The Frog and the Scorpion
A Russian folk tale for you today Poddies: the Frog and the Scorpion. Can we trust everyone, or is that a really foolish way to look at the world. And an invitation to give me a theme for our next Walk the Pod series.
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WtP S26E12 | A tale of two bike tracks
Recordings from two cycle paths today as I stomp my local bike track in SW19 and bring recordings from Salisbury via Gaynor & Tati (and Walter the dog)
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WtP S26E11 | A walk with Walter
A walk along the cycle path with lunchtime legends Gaynor, Tati and Walter the dog.
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WtP S26E10 | Canizaro Park
It’s Good Friday and I am up the hill in SW19 in Canizaro park, enjoying the most beautiful day in the world, and bringing some footage of a live operatic recital from outside the hospital yesterday.
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WtP S26E9 | Trusting nature
Great jeopardy in Tooting Gardens today as a small grey dog lost its ball, temporarily. Plus two voicenotes from Norfolk
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WtP S26E8 | Trusting the universe
Reading from Lisa Marie Rankin’s incredible piece, ‘The Art of Taking People and Things at Face Value.’
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WtP S26E7 | Playing a ‘nope’ card
Good afternoon Poddies and thank you for walking with me this Tuesday lunchtime. Today, I’m talking about trust in the workplace, although I only work this out towards the end.
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WtP S26E6 | A walking report from Northern Spain
Good afternoon Poddies and welcome to the second Monday episode of Series 26. Today, I’m bringing you an extended walking report from Northern Spain, some more thoughts on trust and how useful it is to take a walk in the middle of a busy day.
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WtP S26E5 | Imagine this opportunity as a teenager
Looking forward to a long weekend with my sisters’ families this Friyay, and some more thoughts on opportunity addiction. If you’re enjoying the show, please consider joining the Walk the Pod walking club!
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WtP S26E4 | On Opportunity
Stomping around the Tooting Gardens Playspace this afternoon thinking about opportunity addiction. What is it, and why is it unecessary to survive in the world!
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WtP S26E3 | On Listening
Why is it important to listen deeply and what difference can it make to the listened and the listener? A windy episode of Walk the Pod today.
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WtP S26E2 | Trust vs belief
A voicenote from one if the Lunchtime Legends, my lovely sister Helen, today and a walking report from Kiwi Rob about to travel from the South to the North island on his cycle tour.
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WtP S26E1 | On Trust
Ramblechatting about trust as we kick off Series 26! With a walking report from the Fathership in Norfolk and some thoughts on mountaineering from Nige in Northern Spain.
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WtP S25 BONUS | Duncan Minshull - Why I walk
A ramblechat with Duncan Minshull, author of Where My Feet Fall, an anthology of walking essays which will be out on March 31st.
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/rachelwheeleyisfunny/message
WtP S25E15 | Carpe that Diem
The final episode of Series 25 sees me walking behind Kensington library and marveelling at a slab of marble engraved with the names of fallen soldiers. Plus! What’s that bird, and voicenotes from Switzerland and Northern Spain.
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WtP S25E14 | Odd behaviour
Sunny Jim raises an interesting question from South Manchester on the pod today, what odd behaviour do you find yourself partaking of on a walk?
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WtP S25E13 | Powerful or pitiful?
Today, I’m walking the cyclepath thinking about power and pity on the most beautiful day in the world.
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WtP S25E12 | More birdsong
A robin and a woodpecker on the pod today. Thank you to my Dad and the Mothership for these beautiful recordings.
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WtP S25E11 | Holi and woodpeckers
Walking in the small park behind the giant hospital here in SW17 I notice that it was Holi festival on Friday as I walk over coloured chalk dust all over the grass.
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WtP S25E10 | On Spring
It’s the most beautiful day in the world on the bike track here in SW19. A walking report from Laura in Pitstone on the Beds/Bucks border and an invitation to two gigs and the walk the pod walking club
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WtP S25E9 | New Blooms
Polly from the mean city streets has been on with some flowers she’s grateful to have spotted on her daily school runs.
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WtP S25E8 | Bringing back the birds
Laura from Norfolk has requested more birdsong! So this episode includes 30s of blue recording from my Dad’s microphone in rural Norfolk.
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WtP S25E7 | On Time
Contemplating another deep time walk on the cycle path this afternoon. What do you think?
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WtP S25E6 | On Affirmation
Someone has chalked a Ukraine flag on the wall of the railway bridge today and I’m reminded of “To learn something new, take the path that you took yesterday.” - John Burroughs
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WtP S25E5 | On Failure
Feeling much better today and back on the cycle path in SW19. I bring some thoughts about failure from Marvin Minsky, Heather Havrilesky and Adam Savage (I remembered his second name!)
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WtP S25E4 | Covid Tapes II
A rare non walking episode today as I sit in my living room gazing out of the window at the blue sky in SW19. Plus voice notes from Nige and the Mothership.
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WtP S25E3 | Covid tapes I
Child 1, 3 and I have all come down with the C word over the last 48 hours. I particularly appreciate your company today as I’m feeling under the weather.
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
WtP S25E2 | On Optimism
A fresh bunch of beautiful voicenotes from various Poddies today, including Hannah, my Dad, the Mothership and Supreme Cross Border Selector Nige. It’s the most beautiful day in the world!
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WtP S25E1 | On Gratitude
Walking behind the hospital in Tooting with some thoughts on the best way to incorporate a gratitude practice into the day. There’s also a walking report from Nige in northern Spain, and a nature update - what’s new in nature on the cycle path for March?
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WtP S24E15 | On procrastination
A meditation from Marcus on procrastination. Thank you for walking with me this series, and I look forward to bringing you Series 25 from Monday 7th March.
Walk the Pod is your daily walking podcast
In this episode of daily walking show, Walk the Pod, I take my podcast for a walk because I don't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, pay attention to what’s directly in front of you and think about how to be in the world. This is the final episode of Series 24 of the podca
WtP S24E14 | On noise
Lucius Seneca writes to his friend to complain about how noisy it is and how difficult he finds it to work in his busy environment. Plus a serenity prayer.
Walk the Pod is your daily walking podcast
In this episode of daily walking show, Walk the Pod, I take my podcast for a walk because I don't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, pay attention to what’s directly in front of you and think about how to be in the world. This is the fourteenth episode of Series 24 of the
WtP S24E13 | On shamelessness
Marcus Aurelius provides our daily dose of stoic philosophy today, with an extract from Book 9, chapter 42 on shamelessness:
“Whenever you are offended by a man's shamelessness, ask yourself immediately: 'Is it possible then for the shameless not to be in the world?' It is not; do not then ask for the impossible; for he, too, is one of the shameless who must exist in the world. And have the same ready also for the rogue, the traitor, and every kind of wrongdoer; for directly you remind you
WtP S24E12 | On vices
Stoics on the cycle path is an extract from Lucius Seneca’s letter to his friend Lucilius on vices today, as I battle with a significant rain index on the SW19 cycle path.
"In the case of many men, their vices, being powerless, escape notice; although, as soon as the persons in question has become satisfied with their own strength, the vices will be no less dangerous than those of the people they criticise." - Lucius Seneca, On Values
Walk the Pod is your daily walking podcast
In this episode of
WtP S24E11 | Get up!
It's still *really* windy
Walk the Pod is your daily walking podcast
In this episode of daily walking show, Walk the Pod, I take my podcast for a walk because I don't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, pay attention to what’s directly in front of you and think about how to be in the world. This is the eleventh episode of Series 24 of the podcast.
Each series includes 15 daily walking episodes, in which I walk a local footpath in Wimbledon, SW19. I pay attention to wha
WtP S24E10 | Storm Eunice
I’m walking around my living room, indoors today as storm Eunice batters the cycle path.
Walk the Pod is your daily walking podcast
In this episode of daily walking show, Walk the Pod, I take my podcast for a walk because I don't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, pay attention to what’s directly in front of you and think about how to be in the world. This is the tenth episode of Series 24 of the podcast.
Each series includes 15 daily walking episodes, in which I walk
WtP S24E9 | Calm before the storm
A big storm is forecast in the UK tomorrow and so I’m enjoying some calmer weather today.
Walk the Pod is your daily walking podcast
In this episode of daily walking show, Walk the Pod, I take my podcast for a walk because I don't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, pay attention to what’s directly in front of you and think about how to be in the world. This is the ninth episode of Series 24 of the podcast.
Each series includes 15 daily walking episodes, in which I wal
WtP S24E8 | Cats up a tree
Two cats up a tree on the cycle path this afternoon.
Stoics on the Cycle Path
Seneca today from a letter entitled 'The Healing Power of the Mind':
“To one who roams through the universe, the truth can never fail to surprise. It will be the untruths that will disgust him. And on the other hand, if death comes near, even though it be untimely in its arrival, though it cut one off in one's prime, a man has had a taste of all that the longest life can give. Such a man has, to great measure, come to
WtP S24E7 | Kids on the bike track
Celebrating half term on the bike track with the kids this afternoon.
In this episode
In this episode of your daily walking show, Walk the Pod, I take my podcast for a walk because I don't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, pay attention to what’s directly in front of you and think about how to be in the world. This is the seventh episode of Series 24 of the podcast.
Join the Walk the Pod walking club
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for:
• Invitations to Walk the P
WtP S24E6 | Stoics on the psychopath
Stoics on the psychopath is how my transcription software translates ‘Stoics on the Cycle Path’ much to my amusement. Must not call it that forevermore.
Stoics on the Cycle Path
Marcus Aurelius provides today’s wisdom: “How good it is when you have roast meat or suchlike foods before you, to impress on your mind that this is the dead body of a fish, this is the dead body of a bird or pig; and again, that the Falernian wine is the mere juice of grapes, and your purple edged robe simply the hair
WtP S24E5 | Figuring out what we want
Adam Philips provides our Stoics on the Cycle Path reading today:
“Every adult remembers, among many other things, the great ennui of childhood, and every child’s life is punctuated by spells of boredom … Boredom is actually a precarious process in which the child is, as it were, both waiting for something and looking for something, in which hope is being secretly negotiated, and in this sense boredom is akin to free-floating attention. In the muffled, sometimes irritable confusion of boredom t
WtP S24E4 | Walk the Pod manifesto
A reading of the Walk the Pod manifesto on the cycle path today, plus stoic philosophy from Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations.
In this episode of your daily walking show, Walk the Pod, I take my podcast for a walk because I don't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, pay attention to what’s directly in front of you and think about how to be in the world. This is the fourth episode of Series 24 of the podcast.
Join the Walk the Pod walking club
Join the Walk the Pod walking
WtP S24E3 | Nothing lasts for long
Commander Peter Sansun got in touch with his favourite piece of Stoic philosophy, which comes from Joni Mitchell: ‘Nothing lasts for long.’
In this episode of your daily walking show, Walk the Pod, I take my podcast for a walk because I don't have a dog.
Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, pay attention to what’s directly in front of you and think about how to be in the world. This is the third episode of Series 24 of the podcast.
Join the Walk the Pod walking club
Join the Wa
WtP S24E2 | Do not fuss
Stoics on the Cycle Path comes from Marcus Aurelius today, Meditations book 6 number 27.
“How cruel it is not to allow a man to strive after the things which appear to them to be suitable to their nature and profitable! And yet in a manner thou dost not allow them to do this, when thou art vexed because they do wrong. For they are certainly moved towards things because they suppose them to be suitable to their nature and profitable to them - But it is not so - Teach them, then, and show them. Do
WtP S24E1 | Happiness is not a goal
Hello and welcome to Series 24! Today I’m delighted to be back on the bike track with a brand new feature: 'Stoics on the Cycle Path', brought to you today by Lucius Annaeus Seneca the Younger, on friendship.
“I would encourage you to discuss everything with a friend, but first of all, discuss the person themselves. When friendship has just begun, you must trust before friendship is formed, you must pass judgement. Most people pass the judgement after the friendship is formed, violating the rule
WtP S23 BONUS | Nigey takeover - Part 6
Some more bonus episodes from Nige while I’m recovering from my surgery last week. This is the last of the bonus content at the end of Series 23. I’m going to be resting hard this week, and looking forward to being back with Series 24 very soon.
In this episode of your daily walking show, Walk the Pod, I take my podcast for a walk because I don't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, pay attention to what’s directly in front of you and think about how to be in the world.
WtP S23 BONUS | Nigey takeover - Part 5
My lovely friend Nige from Northern Spain is self-isolating in rural Buckinghamshire and sends this walking report in which he encounters some horses and explores a caravan.
In this episode of your daily walking show, Walk the Pod, I take my podcast for a walk because I don't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, pay attention to what’s directly in front of you and think about how to be in the world. I've been making daily episodes of Walk the Pod since November 2020. Th
WtP S23 BONUS | Kiwi Rob and Nigey walking reports
Thrilled to have a walking report from the height of New Zealand summer on the pod today! We have Kiwi Rob reporting from cicada backed Nelson on the north island in New Zealand, and a daytime walking report from Cross Border Selector Nige in Galicia, currently staying in rural Buckinghamshire.
In this episode of your daily walking show, Walk the Pod, I take my podcast for a walk because I don't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, pay attention to what’s directly in fr
WtP S23 BONUS | Mothership and Nigey walking reports
The Mothership and Cross Border Selctor Nige have sent me walking reports while I’m in hospital this week 😭 I hope you enjoy this bonus content. More coming tomorrow!
In this episode of your daily walking show, Walk the Pod, I take my podcast for a walk because I don't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, pay attention to what’s directly in front of you and think about how to be in the world. I've been making daily episodes of Walk the Pod since November 2020. This is
WtP S23 BONUS | Nigey takeover - Part 2
Cross Border Selector Nige reports from rural Buckinghamshire where he muses on how oaks and hedgerows are planted, and remembers some old flames.
In this episode of your daily walking show, Walk the Pod, I take my podcast for a walk because I don't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, pay attention to what’s directly in front of you and think about how to be in the world. I've been making daily episodes of Walk the Pod since November 2020. This is the second bonus epis
WtP S23 BONUS | Nigey takeover - Part 1
Cross Border Selector Nige takes over Walk the Pod for a series of three bonus episodes that accompany Series 23 of the pod. Here Nige ventures into a pitch black field in rural Buckinghamshire with a pocket full of kindling. His plan is to light the chiminea, sup some whisky and pay attention to what’s directly in front of him. And the result is a lovely story of his memories of walking the Endurance 80 hike around the Chilton hills as a venture scout. Thank you Nigey, and cheers 🥃
In this epi
WtP S23E15 | Really, you are a gem
Bringing some Marcus Aurelius to the pod today with Meditations from the Footpath to Joy. Thank you for walking with me this series, I’ll be back in early Feb with Series 24. Please join the Walk the Pod walking club for more walking fun!
In this episode of your daily walking show, Walk the Pod, I take my podcast for a walk because I don't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, pay attention to what’s directly in front of you and think about how to be in the world. I've b
WtP S23E12 | Pace
Walking the footpath with a shiny new Salamol inhaler in my pocket this lunchtime. Hoping this will be the end of the wheezy episodes! Thank you for walking with me.
In this episode of your daily walking show, Walk the Pod, I take my podcast for a walk because I don't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, pay attention to what’s directly in front of you and think about how to be in the world. I've been making daily episodes of Walk the Pod since November 2020. This is th
WtP S23E11 | Self-esteem vs Self-respect
Thinking about self-esteem, contingent self-esteem and self-respect on the SW19 footpath today. What are they, and more importantly, what is the difference between them. Do get involved in the discussion. Let’s see where we can get to with this.
In this episode of your daily walking show, Walk the Pod, I take my podcast for a walk because I don't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, pay attention to what’s directly in front of you and think about how to be in the world.
WtP S23E9 | Time is an illusion…
…lunchtime doubly so. In this episode, I Rachsplain how to take a lunchbreak in 2022.
In this episode of your daily walking show, Walk the Pod, I take my podcast for a walk because I don't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, pay attention to what’s directly in front of you and think about how to be in the world. I've been making daily episodes of Walk the Pod since November 2020. This is the ninth episode of Series 23 of the podcast.
Join the Walk the Pod walking club
WtP S23E7 | Cultivating boredom
Chatting about cultivating boredom and whether we think more creatively when we’re walking because our brains are not inhibiting movement?!
In this episode of your daily walking show, Walk the Pod, I take my podcast for a walk because I don't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, pay attention to what’s directly in front of you and think about how to be in the world. I've been making daily episodes of Walk the Pod since November 2020. This is the seventh episode of Serie
WtP S23E5 | Blue Spring water 💙
Featuring a walking report from Kiwi Rob, this is the first Friyay episode of the new series.
In this episode of your daily walking show, Walk the Pod, I take my podcast for a walk because I don't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, pay attention to what’s directly in front of you and think about how to be in the world. I've been making daily episodes of Walk the Pod since November 2020. This is the fifth episode of Series 23 of the podcast.
Join the Walk the Pod walki
WtP S23E4 | Zen Navigation 🚗
Freezing cold on the footpath today. I’m talking about Zen Navigation. How do you navigate the world? Are you travelling in the direction best for you, or following other people?
In this episode of your daily walking show, Walk the Pod, I take my podcast for a walk because I don't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, pay attention to what’s directly in front of you and think about how to be in the world. I've been making daily episodes of Walk the Pod since November 202
WtP S23E3 | How to divine your values with emotions
In an exceptionally good mood as I walk the SW19 footpath this afternoon. The sun is shining, the sky is skudded(?) with clouds, all is well with the world.
In this episode of your daily walking show, Walk the Pod, I take my podcast for a walk because I don't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, pay attention to what’s directly in front of you and think about how to be in the world. I've been making daily episodes of Walk the Pod since November 2020. This is the third e
WtP S23E2 | Happy birthday Mothership! 🎉
The Mothership is 70 today! This legendary human raised me from a tiny tot to the tiny grown up I am today. Thank you Mothership, for teaching me everything you know, and putting up with my nonsense over all these years.
In this episode of your daily walking show, Walk the Pod, I take my podcast for a walk because I don't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, pay attention to what’s directly in front of you and think about how to be in the world. I've been making daily e
WtP S23E1 | Start here 🎲
Welcome to Series 23! Very excited to talk to you about my holiday reading: Gabor Maté’s Scattered Minds and Carl Roger’s On Becoming a Person. There's a voice note from Nige from Gallithia, and some great stuff on what psychologists call unconditional positive regard, and what the Beatles call love.
In this episode of your daily walking show, Walk the Pod, I take my podcast for a walk because I don't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, pay attention to what’s directly
WtP S22E14 | Completing the stress cycle 😓
In this, the penultimate episode of Series 22 of Walk the Pod, Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, and to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you.
Your host
Rachel Wheeley is a comedian and human in the world, trying to figure out how to be happy here.
In this episode
Walking the cycle path in SW London and contemplating various things: the best name for a squirrel, loneliness and the stress cycle.&nb
WtP S22E13 | Nietzsche and loneliness
In this episode of Walk the Pod, Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, and to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you. In the show, Rach discusses how to be a human in the world, discussing her latest thinking and reading about how to be happy here.
In this episode
Walking the bike track in South West London today and pondering the first bit of Nietzsche’s writing that has ever landed in my brain. Plus a walk
WtP S22E12 | School’s out?
I take my podcast for walks because I don't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, and to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you. I'm trying to work out how to be happy in the world, despite everything.
Every day, I share my latest thinking and reading, whilst walking a local footpath round the corner from my Wimbledon flat. I pay attention to what's directly in front of me, which means the podcast contains lots of observations of the UK seasons as they eb
WtP S22E11 | Mulching along
In this episode of Walk the Pod, Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, and to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you. In the show, Rach discusses how to be a human in the world, discussing her latest thinking and reading about how to be happy here.
In this episode
Lots of mulch on the cycle path today as kids climb the Wimbledon Chase Primary School chain link fence and magpies loiter on the grass. Thank you
WtP S22E9 | A beautiful day on the cycle path 🌞
In this episode of Walk the Pod, Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, and to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you. In the show, Rach discusses how to be a human in the world, discussing her latest thinking and reading about how to be happy here.
In this episode
Glorious today on the cycle path with 8° tropical weather and not one but two voice notes from my Dad and Kiwi Rob.
Series 22 of Walk the Pod
WtP S22E8 | Caught by the Po Po 👮🏻♀️
In this episode of Walk the Pod, Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, and to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you. In the show, Rach discusses how to be a human in the world, discussing her latest thinking and reading about how to be happy here.
In this episode
Walking the cycle path today, revisiting the spot where I was stopped by the police this morning for riding my e-scooter illegally on my beloved b
WtP S22E7 | Mis and mis
In this episode of Walk the Pod, Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, and to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you. In the show, Rach discusses how to be a human in the world, discussing her latest thinking and reading about how to be happy here.
In this episode
Eugh! It’s HORRIBLE out on the cycle path today, Poddies. Absolutely mis. Raining, cold and wet. But the walking helps! Come with me as I stomp al
WtP S22E6 | Walking in Tooting Gardens
In this episode of Walk the Pod, Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, and to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you. In the show, Rach discusses how to be a human in the world, discussing her latest thinking and reading about how to be happy here.
In this episode
It is cold and soggy today in Tooting, round the back of the hospital where I work. I’m exploring the best combination activities today on the pod
WtP S22E5 | Nativity 👼
In this episode of Walk the Pod, Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, and to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you. In the show, Rach discusses how to be a human in the world, discussing her latest thinking and reading about how to be happy here.
In this episode
The Wimbledon Chase Primary School were singing as I set out on my lunchtime walk today. Their little voices wafted over the chain link fence and
WtP S22E4 | a D.O.S.E. of joy
In this episode of Walk the Pod, Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, and to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you. In the show, Rach discusses how to be a human in the world, discussing her latest thinking and reading about how to be happy here.
In this episode
Tramping the cycle path today and thinking about four different hormones/neurotransmitters in the brain: dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorph
WtP S22E3 | 50/50
In this episode of Walk the Pod, Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, and to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you. In the show, Rach discusses how to be a human in the world, discussing her latest thinking and reading about how to be happy here.
In this episode
Tramping around under a sky that is half grey and mis, half beautiful weather today. Do come with me as you set out on your lunchtime walk. Pay at
WtP S22E2 | Mistletoe? 🌿
In this episode of Walk the Pod, Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, and to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you. In the show, Rach discusses how to be a human in the world, discussing her latest thinking and reading about how to be happy here.
In this episode
Your daily walking podcast, Walk the Pod returns for episode 2 of Series 22! Today I dish out the new series promotions, recount what I can rememb
WtP S22E1 | 4 trees, 3 pigeons, 2 bins and a twig
In this episode of Walk the Pod, Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn't have a dog. Take 10 minutes out of your day to walk in nature, and to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you. In the show, Rach discusses how to be a human in the world, discussing her latest thinking and reading about how to be happy here.
In this episode
Stomping around Tooting Gardens as we kick off a brand new series of Walk the Pod, your daily walking podcast.
Series 22 of Walk the Pod
I've been
BONUS CONTENT - A voicenote from my Dad 🙂
My Dad has been studying philosophy for 50 years (probably more) and knows more about everything than I do. Here is a voicenote he left me at the end of last series. Too long for the podcast but essential listening! I hope you enjoy it.
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/rachelwheeleyisfunny/message
WtP S21E14 | Walking early 🌞
Walking around the Tooting gardens play space early this morning as I anticipate a busy day at the office.
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
WtP S21E9 | Walking to the shops
Today, I struck out without much time, dashed the shops and back again. Not the most relaxed walk in the world, but delighted to get away from my desk, nonetheless.
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
WtP S21E8 | A walk on wet tarmac
Today, I walk a slightly damp footpath (next to the cycle path) and am commissioned by a small child to take a stick to their Mother, the exact whereabouts of whom cannot be accurately determined.
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
WtP S21E7 | Walking through scrunchy leaves 🍁
It’s grey and mis on the SW19 cycle path today, but there are scrunchy leaves everywhere and it’s an absolute delight be be here, walking with you this Tuesday lunchtime. Pull your coat a little closer around you and listen to the sounds of the mechanic working on a red sports car and the Spring Break bush which is in season today!
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
WtP S21E6 | Walking and apples 🍎
Today, I’ve been walking around Tooting Gardens in SW17. I saw a tree with a T carved into it, an excitable brown spaniel with golden ears, and discovered the apple tree I was looking for in vain last week.
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
WtP S21E5 | Frustrated emoji 😬 / no music
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
My name is Rachel, a human in the world. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
S21 reading list
The Art of Gathering - Priya Parker
Orwell’s Roses - Rebecca Solnit
This series, join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs, IRL walking fun and a Full Fact enamel pin when you join via:
Thank you for wal
WtP S21E4 | Cold and breezy / no music
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
My name is Rachel, a human in the world. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
S21 reading list
The Art of Gathering - Priya Parker
Orwell’s Roses - Rebecca Solnit
This series, join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs, IRL walking fun and a Full Fact enamel pin when you join via:
Thank you for wal
WtP S21E3 | The Walk the Pod manifesto / no music
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
My name is Rachel, a human in the world. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
S21 reading list
The Art of Gathering - Priya Parker
Orwell’s Roses - Rebecca Solnit
This series, join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs, IRL walking fun and a Full Fact enamel pin when you join via:
Thank you for wal
WtP S21E2 | Lovely day / no music
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
My name is Rachel, a human in the world. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
S21 reading list
The Art of Gathering - Priya Parker
Orwell’s Roses - Rebecca Solnit
This series, join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs, IRL walking fun and a Full Fact enamel pin when you join via:
Thank you
WtP S21E1 | Go lightly / no music
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
My name is Rachel, a human in the world. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
S21 reading list
The Art of Gathering - Priya Parker
Orwell’s Roses - Rebecca Solnit
This series, join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs, IRL walking fun and a Full Fact enamel pin when you join via:
Thank you
Big Wild Walk 4
Completing my #BigWildWalk for The Wildlife Trusts, restoring nature by 2030! Thank you for walking with me ☺️
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/rachelwheeleyisfunny/message
Big Wild Walk 3
I am walking 30km for nature this October raising vital conservation funds for The Wildlife Trusts. Thank you for walking with me!
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/rachelwheeleyisfunny/message
Big Wild Walk 2
Experimenting with releasing two episodes per day, one with music, one without. Let me know what you think! Email: rach@rachelwheeley.com
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/rachelwheeleyisfunny/message
Big Wild Walk 1 - The first 2k
Captain Tim from Croydon and Lord Selector Nige join Rach for the very first IRL Walk the Pod walking club Wildlife Trusts Big Wild Walk.
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/rachelwheeleyisfunny/message
WtP S20E15 | Thank you for walking with me 🙏🏼
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
My name is Rachel, I’m a tiny human and podcaster, broadcasting out of SW17 and SW19. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
S20 playlist 🎧 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3RuLCbYLTyRnq3ly0SzkrJ
S20 reading list
The Ar
WtP S20E14 | Email tsunami
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
My name is Rachel, I’m a tiny human and podcaster, broadcasting out of SW17 and SW19. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
S20 playlist 🎧 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3RuLCbYLTyRnq3ly0SzkrJ
S20 reading list
The Ar
WtP S20E13 | Mushrooms 🍄
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
My name is Rachel, I’m a tiny human and podcaster, broadcasting out of SW17 and SW19. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
S20 playlist 🎧 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3RuLCbYLTyRnq3ly0SzkrJ
S20 reading list
The Ar
WtP S20E12 | Windy woo 💨
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
My name is Rachel, I’m a tiny human and podcaster, broadcasting out of SW17 and SW19. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
S20 playlist 🎧 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3RuLCbYLTyRnq3ly0SzkrJ
S20 reading list
The Ar
WtP S20E11 | Kicking off a new week
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
My name is Rachel, I’m a tiny human and podcaster, broadcasting out of SW17 and SW19. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
S20 playlist 🎧 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3RuLCbYLTyRnq3ly0SzkrJ
S20 reading list
The Ar
WtP S20E10 | Sleepy pod 😴
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
My name is Rachel, I’m a tiny human and podcaster, broadcasting out of SW17 and SW19. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
S20 playlist 🎧 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3RuLCbYLTyRnq3ly0SzkrJ
S20 reading list
The Ar
WtP S20E9 | Tawny red brick 🧱
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
My name is Rachel, I’m a tiny human and podcaster, broadcasting out of SW17 and SW19. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
S20 playlist 🎧 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3RuLCbYLTyRnq3ly0SzkrJ
S20 reading list
The Ar
WtP S20E8 | Relaxing amidst leaves 🍃
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
My name is Rachel, I’m a tiny human and podcaster, broadcasting out of SW17 and SW19. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
S20 playlist 🎧 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3RuLCbYLTyRnq3ly0SzkrJ
S20 reading list
The Ar
WtP S20E7 | A pumpkin! 🎃
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
My name is Rachel, I’m a tiny human and podcaster, broadcasting out of SW17 and SW19. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
S20 playlist 🎧 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3RuLCbYLTyRnq3ly0SzkrJ
S20 reading list
The Ar
WtP S20E6 | Dungeons ‘n’ dragons 🐉
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
My name is Rachel, I’m a tiny human and podcaster, broadcasting out of SW17 and SW19. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
S20 playlist 🎧 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3RuLCbYLTyRnq3ly0SzkrJ
S20 reading list
The Ar
WtP S20E5 | Spoon theory and energy conservation
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
My name is Rachel, I’m a tiny human and podcaster, broadcasting out of SW17 and SW19. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
S20 playlist 🎧 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3RuLCbYLTyRnq3ly0SzkrJ
S20 reading list
The Ar
WtP S20E4 | Synergy
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
My name is Rachel, I’m a tiny human and podcaster, broadcasting out of SW17 and SW19. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
S20 playlist 🎧 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3RuLCbYLTyRnq3ly0SzkrJ
S20 reading list
The Ar
WtP S20E3 | Radical candour
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
My name is Rachel, I’m a tiny human and podcaster, broadcasting out of SW17 and SW19. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
S20 playlist 🎧 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3RuLCbYLTyRnq3ly0SzkrJ
S20 reading list
The Ar
WtP S20E2 | Emotional bank accounts
I’m Rachel Wheeley, tiny human and podcaster. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
S20 playlist 🎧 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3RuLCbYLTyRnq3ly0SzkrJ
S20 reading list
The Art of Gathering - Priya Parker
The 7 Habi
WtP S20E1 | Abundance
I’m Rachel Wheeley, small human and podcaster. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
S20 playlist 🎧 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3RuLCbYLTyRnq3ly0SzkrJ
If you loved this, join the Walk the Pod walking club for regu
WtP S19E15 | Thank you for walking with me on S19! 🙏🏼
I’m Rachel Wheeley, small human and podcaster. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
S19 playlist 🎧
If you loved this, join the Walk the Pod walking club for re
WtP S19E14 | A sense of calm 😇
I’m Rachel Wheeley, small human and podcaster. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
S19 playlist 🎧
If you loved this, join the Walk the Pod walking club for regul
WtP S19E13 | A chaotic episode 🚁
I’m Rachel Wheeley, small human and podcaster. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
S19 playlist 🎧
If you loved this, join the Walk the Pod walking club for regul
WtP S19E12 | Scrunchy leaves 🍁
I’m Rachel Wheeley, small human and podcaster. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
S19 playlist 🎧
If you loved this, join the Walk the Pod walking club for regul
WtP S19E11 | Horse chestnuts? 🌰
I’m Rachel Wheeley, small human and podcaster. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
S19 playlist 🎧
If you loved this, join the Walk the Pod walking club for regul
WtP S19E10 | Your decisions, your actions
I’m Rachel Wheeley, small human and podcaster. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
S19 playlist 🎧
If you loved this, join the Walk the Pod walking club for regul
WtP S19E9 | A kiss from a dog 🐶
I’m Rachel Wheeley, small human and podcaster. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
S19 playlist 🎧
If you loved this, join the Walk the Pod walking club for regul
WtP S19E8 | A friendly cat 🐱
I’m Rachel Wheeley, small human and podcaster. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
S19 playlist 🎧
If you loved this, join the Walk the Pod walking club for regul
WtP S19E7 | A walking report from Auckland
I’m Rachel Wheeley, small human and podcaster. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
S19 playlist 🎧
If you loved this, join the Walk the Pod walking club for regul
WtP S19E6 | The 20 mile march 🥁
I’m Rachel Wheeley, small human and podcaster. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
S19 playlist 🎧
If you loved this, join the Walk the Pod walking club for regul
WtP S19E5 | Friyay | knicker elastic 🤭
I’m Rachel Wheeley, small human and podcaster. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
S19 playlist 🎧
If you loved this, join the Walk the Pod walking club for regul
WtP S19E4 | The peach stone 🍑
I’m Rachel Wheeley, small human and podcaster. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
S19 playlist 🎧
If you loved this, join the Walk the Pod walking club for regul
WtP S19E3 | You deserve an ice cream 🍦
I’m Rachel Wheeley, small human and podcaster. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
S19 playlist 🎧
If you loved this, join the Walk the Pod walking club for regul
WtP S19E2 | The most beautiful walk in the world ☀️
Welcome to Episode 2, Series 19 of the Walk the Pod daily walking podcast, in which I walk the cycle path in the opposite direction as usual, because I have moved house to the other end.
In this episode
It's a beautiful blue sky day today, people are walking around in straw hats and jogging happily along.
Join me on this glorious day, enjoying the green all around me and appreciating the last flailing weeks of summer. I'm about to descend into more and more layers until I'm rolling down the road
WtP S19E1 | New walking series 🌞
I’m Rachel Wheeley, a human in the world.
In this episode I walk around a park behind St George's University hospital in SW17, Tooting, South West London in the UK. I reflect on how lovely it is to be back at work, talking to real, live, 3D humans now that everyone's back in the office. Memories of my recent holiday with the kids in the New Forest, climbing giant trees, playing with wild horses and making s'mores in the fire pit, and how much I love my new flat.
Ramblechatting about how diffic
WtP S18E15 | A radical way to care
I’m Rachel Wheeley, small human and podcaster. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
S18 reading list 📚
Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh
Wanderlust by Rebecca Solnit
If you loved this, join the Walk the Pod walking
WtP S18E14 | No need to be ‘better’
I’m Rachel Wheeley, small human and podcaster. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits of a short stroll.
S18 reading list 📚
Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh
Wanderlust by Rebecca Solnit
If you loved this, join the Walk the Pod walkin
WtP S18E13 | New sunglasses 😎 | Anti-intimidation
I’m Rachel Wheeley, small human and podcaster. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog!
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits that walking brings.
S18 reading list 📚
Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh
Wanderlust by Rebecca Solnit
If you loved this, join the Walk the Pod walk
WtP S18E12 | You are enough 🙂
I’m Rachel Wheeley, small human and podcaster. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog!
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits that walking brings.
S18 reading list 📚
Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh
Wanderlust by Rebecca Solnit
If you loved this, join the Walk the Pod walk
WtP S18E11 | Monday with the kids | Abundance | Gratitude
I’m Rachel Wheeley, small human and podcaster. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog!
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
Get away from your desk and out of the front door. Stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits that walking brings.
S18 reading list 📚
Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh
Wanderlust by Rebecca Solnit
If you loved this, join the Walk the Pod walk
WtP S18E10 | Resilience | Layering | A return to live comedy? 🤡
I’m Rachel Wheeley, small human and podcaster. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog!
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
The podcast built for your lunchbreak 🥪
Get away from your desk and outdoors, stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits that walking brings.
S18 reading list 📚
Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh
Wanderlust by Rebecca Solnit
If you loved th
WtP S18E9 | Planning a walking club outing | Self-esteem
I’m Rachel Wheeley, small human and podcaster. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog.
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
The podcast built for your lunchbreak 🥪
Get away from your desk and outdoors, stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits that walking brings.
S18 reading list 📚
Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh
Wanderlust by Rebecca Solnit
If you loved th
WtP S18E8 | Proust, paint and pollarding
I’m Rachel Wheeley, small human and podcaster. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog!
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
The podcast built for your lunchbreak 🥪
Get away from your desk and outdoors, stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits that walking brings.
S18 reading list 📚
Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh
Wanderlust by Rebecca Solnit
If you loved th
WtP S18E7 | How to get past the first date |
I’m Rachel Wheeley, small human and podcaster. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog!
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
The podcast built for your lunchbreak 🥪
Get away from your desk and outdoors, stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits that walking brings.
S18 reading list 📚
Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh
Wanderlust by Rebecca Solnit
If you loved th
WtP S18E6 | Live as hard as you possible can
I’m Rachel Wheeley, small human and podcaster. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog!
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you for just 10 minutes.
The podcast built for your lunchbreak 🥪
Get away from your desk and outdoors, stretch your legs, claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits that walking brings.
S18 reading list 📚
Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh
Wanderlust by Rebecca Solnit
If you loved th
WtP S18E5 | Lion’s birthday 🦁 | Nigey walking report 🏆 | Friyay!
I’m Rachel Wheeley, a small human and pocaster. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog!
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you and the podcast built for your lunchbreak.
Get away from your desk and into the outdoors, stretch the legs and claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits that walking brings.
S18 reading list 📚
Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh
Wanderlust by Rebecca Solnit
Join the Walk the Pod w
WtP S18E4 | Pups in the park 🐶
I’m Rachel Wheeley, a comedian and pocaster. I take my podcast for walks because I don’t have a dog!
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you and the podcast built for your lunchbreak.
Get away from your desk and into the outdoors, stretch the legs and claim the myriad mental and physical health benefits that walking brings.
S18 reading list 📚
Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh
Wanderlust by Rebecca Solnit
Join the Walk the Pod walk
WtP S18E3 | Freedom day! 🤠 | Walking galleries| Butterflies 🦋
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S18 reading list 📚
Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh
Wanderlust by Rebecca Solnit
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/sh
WtP S18E2 | Meditation and driving | Narcissism | Final self-isolation ep!
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S18 reading list 📚
Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
WtP S18E1 | How we spend our days is how we spend our lives
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S18 reading list 📚
Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
WtP S17E14 | Self-isolation day 2 | Just smile 😊
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S17 reading list 📚
Quiet by Susan Cain
Mindful Thoughts for Walkers by Adam Hart
Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice message: http
WtP S17E13 | Self-isolation day 1
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S17 reading list 📚
Quiet by Susan Cain
Mindful Thoughts for Walkers by Adam Hart
Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice message: http
WtP S17E12 | Thich Nhat Hahn’s Peace in Every Step | London buses | Conscious breathing
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S17 reading list 📚
Quiet by Susan Cain
Mindful Thoughts for Walkers by Adam Hart
Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice message: http
WtP S17E11 | Sunshine | Psychiatry | You are the centre of my 🌎
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S17 reading list 📚
Quiet by Susan Cain
Mindful Thoughts for Walkers by Adam Hart
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wal
WtP S17E10 | Wandle Park | Thich Nhat Hanh | Oat milk 🥣
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S17 reading list 📚
Quiet by Susan Cain
Mindful Thoughts for Walkers by Adam Hart
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wal
WtP S17E9 | The biggest slug in the world
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S17 reading list 📚
Quiet by Susan Cain
S17E8 playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/239sVS1tHF70On6FIovXBc
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice message: https://pod
WtP S17E8 | Pedestrians right of way | Music | Mindful walking
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S17 reading list 📚
Quiet by Susan Cain
S17E8 playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/239sVS1tHF70On6FIovXBc
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice message: https://pod
WtP S17E7
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S17 reading list 📚
Quiet by Susan Cain
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
WtP S17E6
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S17 reading list 📚
Quiet by Susan Cain
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
WtP S17E5
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S17 reading list 📚
Quiet by Susan Cain
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
WtP S17E4
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S17 reading list 📚
Quiet by Susan Cain
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
WtP S17E3
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S17 reading list 📚
Quiet by Susan Cain
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
WtP S17E2
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S17 reading list 📚
Quiet by Susan Cain
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
WtP S17E1
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S17 reading list 📚
Quiet by Susan Cain
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
WtP S16E14
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S16 reading list 📚
The Art of Rest by Claudia Hammond : https://amzn.to/3w4pNKu
Wanderlust by Rebecca Solnit: https://amzn.to/3hzfKsY
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice me
WtP S16E13
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S16 reading list 📚
The Art of Rest by Claudia Hammond : https://amzn.to/3w4pNKu
Wanderlust by Rebecca Solnit: https://amzn.to/3hzfKsY
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice me
WtP S16E12
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S16 reading list 📚
The Art of Rest by Claudia Hammond : https://amzn.to/3w4pNKu
Wanderlust by Rebecca Solnit: https://amzn.to/3hzfKsY
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice me
WtP S16E11
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S16 reading list 📚
The Art of Rest by Claudia Hammond : https://amzn.to/3w4pNKu
Wanderlust by Rebecca Solnit: https://amzn.to/3hzfKsY
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice me
WtP S16E10
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S16 reading list 📚
The Art of Rest by Claudia Hammond : https://amzn.to/3w4pNKu
Wanderlust by Rebecca Solnit: https://amzn.to/3hzfKsY
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice me
Walk the Pod S16E9
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S16 reading list 📚
The Art of Rest by Claudia Hammond : https://amzn.to/3w4pNKu
Wanderlust by Rebecca Solnit: https://amzn.to/3hzfKsY
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice me
Walk the Pod S16E8
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S16 reading list 📚
The Art of Rest by Claudia Hammond : https://amzn.to/3w4pNKu
Wanderlust by Rebecca Solnit: https://amzn.to/3hzfKsY
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice me
Walk the Pod S16E7
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S16 reading list 📚
The Art of Rest by Claudia Hammond : https://amzn.to/3w4pNKu
Wanderlust by Rebecca Solnit: https://amzn.to/3hzfKsY
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice me
Walk the Pod S16E6
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S16 reading list 📚
The Art of Rest by Claudia Hammond : https://amzn.to/3w4pNKu
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthe
Walk the Pod S16E5
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S16 reading list 📚
The Art of Rest by Claudia Hammond : https://amzn.to/3w4pNKu
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthe
Walk the Pod S16E4
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S16 reading list 📚
The Art of Rest by Claudia Hammond : https://amzn.to/3w4pNKu
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthe
Walk the Pod S16E3
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S16 reading list 📚
The Art of Rest by Claudia Hammond : https://amzn.to/3w4pNKu
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthe
Walk the Pod S16E2
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S16 reading list 📚
The Art of Rest by Claudia Hammond : https://amzn.to/3w4pNKu
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthe
Walk the Pod S16E1
Walk the Pod is your daily opportunity to pay attention to what’s directly in front of you!
The podcast built for your lunchbreak - Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S16 reading list 📚
The Art of Rest by Claudia Hammond : https://amzn.to/3w4pNKu
Join the Walk the Pod walking club for regular newsletters, shout outs and IRL walking fun: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthe
Walk the Pod S15E14
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S15 reading list 📖
The Wisdom of Anxiety by Sheryl Paul: https://amzn.to/3xtPVPY
The Art of Rest by Claudia Hammond : https://amzn.to/3w4pNKu
The Cloud Spotters Guide by Gavin Pretor-Pinney: https://amzn.to/3hnDGOx
How to Own the Room by Viv Groskop: https://amzn.to/3xeUQEM
Join the Walk the Pod walking club! https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or tell a person about the show. Thank you 😊
Send in a voice mess
Walk the Pod S15E13
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S15 reading list 📖
The Wisdom of Anxiety by Sheryl Paul: https://amzn.to/3xtPVPY
The Art of Rest by Claudia Hammond : https://amzn.to/3w4pNKu
The Cloud Spotters Guide by Gavin Pretor-Pinney: https://amzn.to/3hnDGOx
How to Own the Room by Viv Groskop: https://amzn.to/3xeUQEM
Join the Walk the Pod walking club! https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or tell a person about the show. Thank you 😊
Send in a voice mess
Walk the Pod S15E12
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S15 reading list 📖
The Wisdom of Anxiety by Sheryl Paul: https://amzn.to/3xtPVPY
The Art of Rest by Claudia Hammond : https://amzn.to/3w4pNKu
The Cloud Spotters Guide by Gavin Pretor-Pinney: https://amzn.to/3hnDGOx
How to Own the Room by Viv Groskop: https://amzn.to/3xeUQEM
Join the Walk the Pod walking club! https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or tell a person about the show. Thank you 😊
Send in a voice mess
Walk the Pod S15E11
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S15 reading list 📖
The Wisdom of Anxiety by Sheryl Paul: https://amzn.to/3xtPVPY
The Art of Rest by Claudia Hammond : https://amzn.to/3w4pNKu
Join the Walk the Pod walking club! https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or tell a person about the show. Thank you 😊
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S15E10
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S15 reading list 📖
The Wisdom of Anxiety by Sheryl Paul: https://amzn.to/3xtPVPY
The Art of Rest by Claudia Hammond : https://amzn.to/3w4pNKu
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 is available to watch on demand until July 1! Tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-for-towel-day-2021
Join the Walk the Pod walking club! https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or tell a person about th
Walk the Pod S15E9
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S15 reading list 📖
The Wisdom of Anxiety by Sheryl Paul: https://amzn.to/3xtPVPY
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 is available to watch on demand until July 1! Tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-for-towel-day-2021
Join the Walk the Pod walking club! https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or tell a person about the show. Thank you 😊
Send in a voice message: https://
Walk the Pod S15E8
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S15 reading list 📖
The Wisdom of Anxiety by Sheryl Paul: https://amzn.to/3xtPVPY
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 is available to watch on demand until July 1! Tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-for-towel-day-2021
Join the Walk the Pod walking club! https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or tell a person about the show. Thank you 😊
Send in a voice message: https://
Walk the Pod S15E7
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S15 reading list 📖
The Wisdom of Anxiety by Sheryl Paul: https://amzn.to/3xtPVPY
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 is available to watch on demand until July 1! Tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-for-towel-day-2021
Join the Walk the Pod walking club! https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or tell a person about the show. Thank you 😊
Send in a voice message: https://
Walk the Pod S15E6
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S15 reading list 📖
The Wisdom of Anxiety by Sheryl Paul: https://amzn.to/3xtPVPY
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 is available to watch on demand until July 1! Tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-for-towel-day-2021
Join the Walk the Pod walking club! https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or tell a person about the show. Thank you 😊
Send in a voice message: https://
Walk the Pod S15E5
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S15 reading list 📖
The Wisdom of Anxiety by Sheryl Paul: https://amzn.to/3xtPVPY
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 is available to watch on demand until July 1! Tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-for-towel-day-2021
Join the Walk the Pod walking club! https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or tell a person about the show. Thank you 😊
Send in a voice message: https://
Walk the Pod S15E4
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S15 reading list 📖
The Wisdom of Anxiety by Sheryl Paul: https://amzn.to/3xtPVPY
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 is available to watch on demand until July 1! Tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-for-towel-day-2021
Join the Walk the Pod walking club! https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or tell a person about the show. Thank you 😊
Send in a voice message: https://
Walk the Pod S15E3
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S15 reading list 📖
The Wisdom of Anxiety by Sheryl Paul: https://amzn.to/3xtPVPY
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 is available to watch on demand until July 1! Tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-for-towel-day-2021
Join the Walk the Pod walking club! https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or tell a person about the show. Thank you 😊
Send in a voice message: https://
Walk the Pod S15E2
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S15 reading list 📖
The Wisdom of Anxiety by Sheryl Paul: https://amzn.to/3xtPVPY
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 is available to watch on demand until July 1! Tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-for-towel-day-2021
Join the Walk the Pod walking club! https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or tell a person about the show. Thank you 😊
Send in a voice message: https://
Walk the Pod S15E1
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S15 reading list 📖
The Wisdom of Anxiety by Sheryl Paul: https://amzn.to/3xtPVPY
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 is available to watch on demand until July 1! Tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-for-towel-day-2021
Join the Walk the Pod walking club! https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or tell a person about the show. Thank you 😊
Send in a voice message: https://
Walk the Pod S14E14
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S14 reading list 📚
How to worry less about money: https://amzn.to/2RqAbhk
The Cloudspotter’s Guide:
Daily rituals:
S14 listening list 🎶
Blood - Lianna Las Havas https://open.spotify.com/album/1Fh5Y8ldo4PIW8Ija51BRK
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 is available to watch on demand until July 1! Tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-fo
Walk the Pod S14E13
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S14 reading list 📚
How to worry less about money: https://amzn.to/2RqAbhk
The Cloudspotter’s Guide:
Daily rituals:
S14 listening list 🎶
Blood - Lianna Las Havas https://open.spotify.com/album/1Fh5Y8ldo4PIW8Ija51BRK
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 is available to watch on demand until July 1! Tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-fo
Walk the Pod S14E12
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S14 reading list 📚
How to worry less about money: https://amzn.to/2RqAbhk
The Cloudspotter’s Guide:
Daily rituals:
S14 listening list 🎶
Blood - Lianna Las Havas https://open.spotify.com/album/1Fh5Y8ldo4PIW8Ija51BRK
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 is available to watch on demand until July 1! Tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-fo
Walk the Pod S14E11
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S14 reading list 📚
How to worry less about money: https://amzn.to/2RqAbhk
The Cloudspotter’s Guide:
Daily rituals:
S14 listening list 🎶
Blood - Lianna Las Havas https://open.spotify.com/album/1Fh5Y8ldo4PIW8Ija51BRK
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 is available to watch on demand until July 1! Tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-fo
Walk the Pod S14E10
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S14 reading list 📚
How to worry less about money: https://amzn.to/2RqAbhk
The Cloudspotter’s Guide:
Daily rituals:
S14 listening list 🎶
Blood - Lianna Las Havas https://open.spotify.com/album/1Fh5Y8ldo4PIW8Ija51BRK
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 is available to watch on demand until July 1! Tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-fo
Walk the Pod S14E9
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S14 reading list 📚
How to worry less about money: https://amzn.to/2RqAbhk
The Cloudspotter’s Guide:
Daily rituals:
S14 listening list 🎶
Blood - Lianna Las Havas https://open.spotify.com/album/1Fh5Y8ldo4PIW8Ija51BRK
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 is available to watch on demand until July 1! Tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-fo
Walk the Pod S14E8
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S14 reading list 📚
How to worry less about money: https://amzn.to/2RqAbhk
The Cloudspotter’s Guide:
Daily rituals:
S14 listening list 🎶
Blood - Lianna Las Havas https://open.spotify.com/album/1Fh5Y8ldo4PIW8Ija51BRK
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 is available to watch on demand until July 1! Tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-fo
Walk the Pod S14E7
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
S14 reading list 📚
How to worry less about money: https://amzn.to/2RqAbhk
The Cloudspotter’s Guide:
Daily rituals:
S14 listening list 🎶
Blood - Lianna Las Havas https://open.spotify.com/album/1Fh5Y8ldo4PIW8Ija51BRK
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 is available to watch on demand until July 1! Tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-fo
Walk the Pod S14E5
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Series 14 reading list 📚
How to worry less about money: https://amzn.to/2RqAbhk
The Cloudspotter’s Guide:
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 is available to watch on demand until July 1! Tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-for-towel-day-2021
Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/rachelwheeley
Walk the Pod S14E4
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Series 14 reading list 📚
How to worry less about money: https://amzn.to/2RqAbhk
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 is available to watch on demand until July 1! Tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-for-towel-day-2021
Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/rachelwheeley
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.s
Walk the Pod S14E3
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Series 14 reading list 📚
How to worry less about money: https://amzn.to/2RqAbhk
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 is available to watch on demand until July 1! Tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-for-towel-day-2021
Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/rachelwheeley
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.s
Walk the Pod S14E2
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Series 14 reading list 📚
How to worry less about money: https://amzn.to/2RqAbhk
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 is available to watch on demand until July 1! Tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-for-towel-day-2021
Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/rachelwheeley
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.s
Walk the Pod S14E1
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 is available to watch on demand until July 1! Tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-for-towel-day-2021
Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/rachelwheeley
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S13E14
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 is available to watch on demand until July 1! Tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-for-towel-day-2021
Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S13E13
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 is available to watch on demand until July 1! Tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-for-towel-day-2021
Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/rachelwheeley
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rachelwheeleyisfunny/message
Walk the Pod S13E12
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 is available to watch on demand until July 1! Tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-for-towel-day-2021
Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/rachelwheeley
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S13E11
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 is available to watch on demand until July 1! Tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-for-towel-day-2021
Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/rachelwheeley
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S13E10
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 is available to watch on demand until July 1! Tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-for-towel-day-2021
Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/rachelwheeley
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S13E9
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 is available to watch on demand until July 1! Tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-for-towel-day-2021
Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/rachelwheeley
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S13E8
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Watch Stand up for Towel Day 2021 on demand until July 1: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-for-towel-day-2021
Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/rachelwheeley
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S13E7
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-for-towel-day-2021
Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/rachelwheeley
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S13E6
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-for-towel-day-2021
Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/rachelwheeley
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S13E5
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-for-towel-day-2021
Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/rachelwheeley
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S13E4
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-for-towel-day-2021
Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/rachelwheeley
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S13E3
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-for-towel-day-2021
Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/rachelwheeley
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S13E2
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Stand up for Towel Day 2021 tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-for-towel-day-2021
Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/rachelwheeley
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S13E1
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog. Stand up for Towel Day 2021 tickets: https://www.stellartickets.com/o/save-the-rhino-international/events/stand-up-for-towel-day-2021
Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/rachelwheeley
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S12E14
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Rebecca Solnit’s Hope in the Dark: https://amzn.to/3btrda1
Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/rachelwheeley
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S12E13
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/rachelwheeley
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rachelwheeleyisfunny/message
Walk the Pod S12E12
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/rachelwheeley
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S12E11
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Heather Havrilesky on exuberance: https://askpolly.substack.com/p/how-to-be-exuberant
Henry David Thoreau: A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers: https://amzn.to/3tCvZZ5
Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Or buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/rachelwheeley
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S12E10
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S12E9
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/rachelwheeleyisfunny
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S12E8
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S12E7
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
I will dig out the link to the shortcast I mentioned on the pod today soon!
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S12E6
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S12E5
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S12E4
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S12E3
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S12E2
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S12E1
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S10E14
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S10E13
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod S7E14
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the Pod: 10 minute walking (Trailer)
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk the pod S4E3
Rach takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog.
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message
Walk: the Pod | S1E11 - John Robertson
Rach walks her pod without music on Fridays in order to get the thing onto platforms that don’t allow music.
This week Rach is walking with The Dark Room’s John Robertson. How John Le Mesurier got out of things he didn’t want to do, how to consume news and why mental health professionals are insanely good for you.
Check out the dark room: http://twitch.tv/Robbotron
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/rachelwheeleyisfunny/message
Walk: the Pod | S1E4 - Supreme quilts
Comedian Rachel Wheeley takes her podcast for a walk because she doesn’t have a dog. Friday’s episode has no music, tune in on Spotify premium for full length tracks Mon-Thurs. That YouTube video is here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S6u173Ap2mc
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkthepod/message