Shut It Down, The Bar Rescue Recap Show on Radio Misfits
Jim Search and Max Cohen
If you're a fan of Bar Rescue and want to know what happened on past and present episodes, look no further than Jim Search(@jimsearch) and Max Cohen(@thisismaxcohen)! These comedians are trained experts in watching Bar Rescue and will bring you the heavily involved details as only they can. SHUT IT DOWN! Reach out to them at and on Twitter at @shutitdownrecap. Patreon:
Shut It Down – The Last Call
This is it Taffertins! We embraced every possible solution we could…but they called last call and it’s time to close the bar. Check out Jim and Max recap all of the highlights from 4 years of covering all things Bar Rescue. From all of our guests, interviews to the time we were ON the show. It’s worth a dive. We love y’all peace! Go find all the episodes on our Patreon…we shall live on!
Shut It Down – Russell Davis Interview
<p>Check it Taffertins! We got ANOTHER Bar Rescue expert interview. With none other than Russell Davis (@MrRussellDavis) Skypin in with us. And boy does he have a story to tell. From rising through the bar scene in Texas all the way to becoming Bartender of the Year in 2012 to<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – Vic Vegas Interview
Taffertins! We got a special treat for you…it’s not a regular recap episode. It’s an interview with Vic Vegas, Bar Rescue expert! (IG: @chefvicvegas) That’s right y’all…an exclusive talk with the amazing chef himself. And get this…we talked to Vic, while he was getting a tattoo! Crazy! We go over his story, how he linked up with Jon and even his dogs. You don’t wanna miss this one! [EP152]
Shut It Down – Crappy Cantina
<p>Hola Taffertins! Another great recap is on deck…for this adventure, we head to Tempe, AZ to the Rocky Point Cantina. Things are just that, rocky. The owner Scott has turned the bar into a death metal venue…that is only open on “show” nights. Well, this is not a recipe for<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – Barely Above Water
<p>A BONUS EPISODE! That’s right Taffertins…we got you a nice extra treat this week. It’s not overpouring…we promise. For this special episode, we head to Warwick, RI to a bar called Marley’s On The Beach. Boy, does it have drama, Kevin, a man with an IT background took out a<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – A Bar Full Of Bull
<p>Yo Taffertins! We got another one comin for ya…on this journey we head to New Bedford, MA to the bar Libad’s. It’s run by Jessica and her brother Dave. Jessica got a loan from her dad to get it started and things went great…until their cousin, who ran the kitchen,<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – Muscle Madness
<p>Check it out Taffertins! We got a special request from a Good Friend of the show Lane! That’s right Lane, this one is for you! So check it out. We head right outside of Houston, TX and hit the bar called “The End Zone.” It’s owned Justin, a former stripper.<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Shut It Down
Shut It Down – Corking The Hole
We are still at it Taffertins! We are not the ones to let you down. We have a service we take seriously…and that service is to bring you the highlights and recaps of Bar Rescue. On this mission, we are deployed to Hope Mills, NC to a bar called Cliques. It is owned by a former Marine and blockhead named Todd. And boy does Todd not wanna own any of his shit, but Jon owns it! Over and over again. Get into it! (S3: E17) [EP147]
Shut It Down – Don’t Mess With Taffer’s Wife
<p>EP146: Yoooo Taffertins! Check it out, we got a special request episode from our good friend of the show Lane…and we deliver. This episode is a crazy one. Taffer heads to his hometown Vegas to the legendary Sand Dollar. A joint being ran by Lisa, a single mother. It’s also<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – Characters Assassination
<p>EP145: Here it is Taffertins! We got a special request episode from our good friend of the show Jonathan F. This one is for you my friend! Enjoy it! On this run, we head to Garner, NC to a bar called Characters. It’s run by a gentleman named Guy, a<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Shut It Down – Charact
Shut It Down – Swinging From the Rafters
<p>EP144: Ahoy Taffertins! We hit the high seas of Bar Rescue yet again! With this adventure, we have our hilarious friend Chris Millhouse (@chrismillhouse) at Jim Jam Studios talking about the episode “Swinging From the Rafters.” It’s a patreon special request too! (Thanks Sean F.) It’s quite a doozy as<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – Get Off Your Ass!
EP143: Taffertins! Man oh man do we have a jam-packed episode ready for you. It’s got everything…toxic parenting, buffoon managerial stylings, deception! It’s gonna be a wild ride. We head to Bountiful, UT to the bar called “The Fifth.” It’s owned and “operated” by a man named Brad. Well, Brad took the bar over after his dad passed away and decided he was gonna fail it…on his terms! His daughters were involved but got ran out of the bar becau
Shut It Down – Saving GI Jodi
<p>EP142: Salute Taffertins! It is time to fall in line for another amazing Shut It Down episode! On this adventure, we travel to Littleton, CO to “GI Jodi’s Bar & Grill.” It’s owned by a woman named Jodi, whose father served in the armed forces (big for Jon!) and has<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">S
Shut It Down – The Sound of Failing Music
EP141: Another new episode Taffertins! We are only bringing you the best that Bar Rescue has to offer. On this go ’round we head to Aurora, CO to Wildfire Bistro. It’s run by a “singer” named Tony. A meticulously coifed man who sings cover songs as if it is Madison Square Garden. His delusions of grandeur have not only run his business into the ground, but also split his family more than one can imagine. Taffer is so repulsed by all of this…that he sends in the expe
Shut It Down – So We Meet Again, Mr. Taffer
<p>EP140: Yo Taffertins! We got an extra special episode for ya…check it out. Our good friend Courtney Maginnis (IG: courtmaginnis) from the podcast “The Narcisistas (IG: thenarcisistas) in the booth at Jim Jam Studios ready to talk some Bar Rescue. Boy is this a goodie on deck, Jon heads to<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – There’s no Crying In The Bar Business
<p>EP139: Taffertins! Hello there! Your good friends are back at it, digging into the crates to bring you their insight to the wild world that is Bar Rescue. On this joy ride, we head to Tucker, GA to a bar named Barlow’s Bar & Grill. It’s run by a woman<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – Stix & Stones May Break Your Bar
EP138: Taffertins! Get ready to rack ’em up…we are headin to Sugar Creek, MO to Stix & Stones…a drag racing-inspired bar with 9 pool tables! Is it a pool hall? Is it a bar? I can’t tell you! If that’s not issue enough…we got a bartender named Razzo who is proud of “pee-pee” and “puke puke” at the bar. The owner wrote a letter to Jon for help…meanwhile he’s getting drunk and playing pool. Oh, my stars! It’s another
Shut It Down – Play. Some. Janet. Jackson.
EP137: Special edition for ya Taffertins! We got a good friend of the show, Hannah who is cashing in on her "good friend" status with a requested episode! On this ride, we head over to Gipsy in Las Vegas, the first gay night club in town. It's run by a man named Paul, who gets way too drunk, yells at everyone and treats his drag shows like trash. Well, Jon will have none of this behavior, as you might imagine. So strap in and get ready for it! This one is for you Hannah! (S3: E15)
Shut It Down – Doreen’s Dilemma
<p>EP136: Yo Taffertins! It’s another brand new episode and do we have some firsts on this one. The first-ever, emergency rescue! Jon heads to St. Petersburg, FL to the Buffalo City Bar & Grill. It’s run by a Buffalo native Doreen who inherited the bar from her late father and<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – Green Walls & Donkey Balls
<p>EP135: Hey there Taffertins! Another amazing episode of Bar Rescue awaits. Check it out…we head to Louisville, TX to the bar Drunken Donkey Craft Bar & Scratch Kitchen which has over 75 beers that no one knows anything about and a “scratch” kitchen that microwaves food. Boy does Jon disapprove<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – Hole In None
<p>EP134: This is a very special episode! We are covering the classic “Hole In None” episode for one of our very good friends of the show, Abi! This episode does not disappoint. It’s got what you need in a great Bar Rescue episode. Disgusting kitchens, foolish owners and wildly incompetent<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – John And Bert Bought A Bar
<p>EP133: Hey Taffertins! It’s goin down again…another new episode ready to get unpacked! We head to Richardson, TX and meet the owners of the Harbor Point Bar & Grill. It’s run by two fellas, John and Bert. And boy are they a mess! when one isn’t crying and lying…the other<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – Punch-Drunk & Trailer-Trashed
<p>EP132: Hey there Taffertins! We got a special request for an episode from one of our Good Friends Of The Show, Nick! Shoutout to you good sir. On this episode, we head back to the (in)famous O Face Bar in Council Bluffs, IA. This place was nothing but a pure<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Shut It Down
Shut It Down – Reckless Roundhouse
<p>EP131: Howdy Taffertins! We have another brand new episode ready for you! On this joyride, we head to Fort Worth Texas to a bar called Whiskey Girl. One of the owners refers to himself as Rick Roundhouse, he considers himself the “life of the party” who “buys” drinks for patrons.<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – All Blaze, No Glory
<p>EP130: Welcome to the Midwest, Taffertins! We head to Pleasant Valley, MO to the Thunderbolt Bar & Grill and boy does nonsense await. It’s run by a man named Don, who refers to all the employees as “Rachel”(even though he knows their names). To make matters worse, he has made<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – Two Flew Over The Handlebars
EP129: Vroom vroom Taffertins! Our friend of the show Mike Hernandez (@funnyhernandez) is hangin with us in Jim Jam Studios to break down another classic episode. On this ride, we head to Pawcatuck, CT to the “Handlebar Cafe” which is anything but a cafe…it’s a minefield filled with drunk women wrestling on the floor, fake boobs and blackout drunk fighting! What a time to be alive! Enjoy!
Shut It Down – Don’t Judge A Booze By It’s Bottle
EP128: Yo! Taffertins! We go “all in” on this one…just like James, the crazy manchild manager of “Cashmere.” It’s located in Raleigh, NC and at one point was the hottest joint in town. Until the competition rolled in and ate a hole in the finances. The owner, Brandon decided to get his good friend James to come in to liven it up. Which he doesn’t do at all and decides to get drunk, laid and cry all the time. Perfect! Jon has a few words for this behavior
Shut It Down – Meat Sauna
<p>EP127: Taffertins! It’s another oldie but a goodie…we have a wonderful human being of a guest John Rosenberger (@JohnJohnPhenom) joining us in Jim Jam Studios to talk about “Meat Sauna.” Which lives up to its name! Jon and the crew head to Scottsdale, AZ to Stand Up Scottsdale which is<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – Second Base, Third Strike
<p>EP126: Good Friend Of Show Episode! Membership has its privileges, and if you’re a Good Friend of The Show…you get that. Shoutout to Good Friend Faith who reached out to us to cover the classic “Second Base, Third Strike.” Jon returns to a bar he once saved which has fallen<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – A Horse Walks Into A Bar
<p>EP125: We are back into the vault Taffertins! The new season has ended and we are diving into some more classic episodes. On this ride, we head to Black Canyon City, AZ to “Kid Chilleen’s Bad Azz BBQ & Steakhouse.” It’s owned by Scott and Donna and boy do they<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – Driving Miss Tara
<p>EP124: Vroom vroom Taffertins! Here we are again…another episode of Bar Rescue covered for your listening pleasure. The title…Driving Miss Tara. Why, do you ask? Because there is a bar owner named Tara who is escorted around town by the general manager named Doug. So wild! This is the least<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – Karakoe Katastrophe
<p>EP123: Here it is Taffertins! Another gem of a podcast waiting for you…we are taking y’all to Burbank, CA to the iconic Dimples which is the first karaoke bar in the United States. It’s owned and operated by a man named Sal. Sal is a fella who you could describe<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – Pie Hard
<p>EP122: It’s all about the dough this go around! Taffertins…we head to Largo, FL to a joint called “Gill & Ricks Sports Bar”, it’s run by Gill and Rick who can’t seem to get their act together. Gill is the jerk and Rick gives away the bar. Two terrible managers<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down, Bar Rescue Recap on Radio Misfits
<p>EP121: This is it Taffertins! We take another crazy joyride through Texas…the town…China Grove…the bar…China Grove Trading Post. It’s run by a couple, Raymond and Wendy and it’s harassed by their daughter Meghan. She starts off by saying “I’m a little bit of a spoiled brat.” You can take out<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – LIVin On A Prayer
<p>EP120: Here we are Taffertins! We got another fresh episode for ya…this go around, we head to Las Vegas to a nightclub called LIV…and as Jon puts it “makes him want to die.” It is run by a woman named Michelle, a mother of two who has no experience running<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – Uncivil War
<p>EP119: Taffertins! We got you another great dose of Bar Rescue! This go around, we have our good friend Jordon Ferber (@jordonferber) ready to talk about a bar located in Jon Taffer’s hometown…Las Vegas. The name of the bar “Eliphino”…and we won’t take the time to explain how that came<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – Miles From Success
<p>EP118: A flipping unicycle Taffertins! That’s right…we opened with a unicycle. This bar needs some serious saving if someone is riding around on a unicycle drinking in the bar. Thankfully, Jon is willing to square up with Henry and Miles, two recent college grads who open a frat house(read: bar)<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – Tanked And Toasty
<p>EP117: This is it Taffertins! The review you have been waiting for…Jon heads to San Antonio to a bar called “Recovery Room.” It’s owned by a woman named Heather, who is a “hot mess” who “extorts her husband” for money to keep her party afloat. This is a tall order<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – Back To School
<p>Check it out Taffertins, we head back to school on this one…Jon heads to UNLV, right in his back yard of Las Vegas. A group of hospitality students need a new venue and some serious training that only Professor Taffer can give. Will the students make the grade…or will they<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – Twerkin 9 To 5
EP115: It’s on and poppin Taffertins! On this delightful trip, we head to Antioch, TN to Crossroads Bar And Grille. This twerkin tavern is owned by Ashley and Robert, who are at wit’s end with their unruly, drinkin, swearin full-on mess of a staff. With staff members like Bunz(with a z), Bubbles and Cheeks…it makes sense. Can Jon handle this? Tune in and find out!
Shut it Down – Owner On The Run
<p>EP114: It’s on again Taffertins! We are back at it again…this time we head to Tuscon, AZ for more Bar Rescue recappin. The bar is called The Original Hideout and is owned by Ramiro, a lawyer who passed the bar but has no experience running one. To double down on<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – Don’t Cry For Me Jon Taffer
<p>EP113: Good Lord Taffertins! We have another hot mess on our hands. On this majestic ride, we head to Tuscon, AZ to meet the owner of RJ’s Replays. He is a man who is, well a complete and total crybaby. As you might guess, this does not do well with<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Shut It Down – Don’t
Shut it Down – Dalia’s Inferno
<p>Holy crap Taffertins! Man, this episode really fires on all cylinders…so much so we had special guest Teresa Degaetano (IG: @teresadegaetano) in the booth with us to break this down. We travel to Texas…the Lone Star state…more specifically San Antonio…more specifically Country Nights. A bar owned by a ball of<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="ht
Shut It Down – The Lights Come Back In Puerto Rico
EP111: Here it is Taffertins! The moment we have all been waiting for…the season premiere! We head back to Puerto Rico to the bar/restaurant Shibo, a Puerto Rican/Asian fusion joint. It’s run by a man named Jonathan, who surprisingly is an amazing chef…not your typical Bar Rescue episode. Come join us on this interesting season opener!
Shut It Down – In A Pinch
EP110: Taffertins! We got another banger for ya! We heading to Long Beach, CA(home of Snoop Dogg) to the bar Lona’s Warlow Station…owned by, you guessed it, Lona! She worked in the bar scene for 30 years and said, “let me hire my friends and regulars to run this joint!” We have never seen this go wrong, ever! Suffice to say, Jon Taffer has a couple choice thoughts about her decision making, especially her lobster arcade game. Ya know…a game where you pay $2 to catch
Shut It Down – Jon T, He Don’t Like It
Here we are Taffertins! On this go around we have a good friend of the show Aaron Kominos-Smith (@funnyaaron) in Jim Jam Studios to help break down this episode. We head right outside Denver to a lovely bar Kasbah to meet Shelton, a cat daddy who lost his fight. And as a result, all hell is breaking loose around him. Will Jon be able to rock this kasbah and bring it back to glory? Listen!
Shut It Down – Empty Pockets
<p>Here we are Taffertins! Another exciting installment of your favorite podcast about your favorite television show, Bar Rescue. We are talkin about a lovely establishment called “Zanzbar” which has, you guessed it, the crown of the Statue Of Liberty in it. Cross-branding? Sure! It’s run by a man named Ami,<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – Tears For Beers
EP107: Yo Taffertins! We are back at it…down in the Lone Star State. We head to Austin, TX to a punk bar called The Brixton. It’s run by a husband and wife, Tim and Sara. And boy if Tim isn’t just a ray of sunshine!(read: sarcasm) He doesn’t like frat guys, hipsters, jerks or even human beings! Of course…Jon doesn’t enjoy this business outlook. Only fire can come, enjoy!
Shut It Down – Bro’s Got To Geaux
<p>Good morning/evening/afternoon Taffertins! We head down to The Big Easy on this episode to a college bar called TJ Quills. It’s by a wayward gentleman named Darian who made the infinitely silly decision to hire all of his childhood friends to help him run the bar. A full-scale recipe for<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – Rock N Roaches
Oh…my dear God. This episode has to be one of the grossest and nastiest bars we have ever seen in our Bar Rescue coverage. I know it was for Jon as he heads to Austin, TX to a bar called “Headhunters.” It’s owned by a delusional maniac named Steve. There are bugs all over the place but Steve doesn’t really seem to “see” them. It’s an absolute mess…enjoy!
Shut It Down – Turtle On It’s Back
<p>We have our special guest, bartending veteran and hilarious comic Kendra Cunningham (@theotherkendra) at Jim Jam Studios ready to talk some Bar Rescue with the team. On this ride, we head down to the Big Easy to a bar called Turtle Bay owned by Brad. Brad is easily the pettiest<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – Tiki Curse
Man! This episode truly had it all. We travel to Fort Lauderdale to a wonderful establishment called “Bamboo Tiki Bar.” Bear witness to subpar looking white women pretending to be attractive, a sleazy owner who bought it and an unstable kitchen manager who was ready to beat the crap out of people in the kitchen. Come get some of it
Shut It Down – Broke Black Sheep
<p>Happy New Year Taffertins! We are kicking off the New Year the only way we know how…by bringing you another classic gem from the Bar Rescue Library. This episode we head to Cheviot, OH to a watering hole called “The Black Sheep.” It’s owned by a gentleman named Scott, who<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – Bottomless Pit
<p>We are in triple digits, my friends! And boy is it an action-packed episode. Our good friend Andres (@8_Track_III) is in the booth with us ready to head to Orange County, CA to a bar called “The Olive Pit.” The owner Tim is a part-time owner and full-time creep. So,<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – Phil Wills
The Phil Wills Interview- HERE IT IS! We got legendary Bar Rescue expert Phil Wills (@thephilwills) in an exclusive interview. That’s right Taffertins! We got the chance to talk about Phil’s history in the bar game, his acting career and his philosophy on life. By all means, download this one because its gonna be a classic. Enjoy all of it! (THE AUDIO FOR THIS EPISODE WAS UPDATED ON 12/28/18)
Shut It Down – Owner Outed
Taffertins…we go episode 99 on deck…1 away from the big, huge, gigantic 100th episode. On episode 99 we head to Fairfield, OH to a very confused former biker bar hangout called “Win Place Or Show.” The cause for the confusion? The sign in front of the bar is a cartoon horse on a bike? Yeah…we don’t know either. But what we do know is it is co-owned by two gentlemen named Barry and Rudy, respectively. Barry a former Navy vet is putting in 90 hours a week and Ru
Shut It Down – Mystique Or Murder
<p>It’s a real zinger of an episode for sure. We take a trip down south to West Palm Beach, FL to find the Mystique Lounge. It was a hot night spot…until…well…a murder. Did the new owners decide to change the name? Over their dead body! Check this and many other<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Shut It Down
Shut It Down – Weber’s Of Lies
<p>Episode97: Hey there! We are back at it! Come get some of this fresh retro episode. We jump into a “new” season and head to Reseda, CA to a bar called Weber’s Sports Bar…which used to be a strip club…which still has a giant set of lips in it. The<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Shut It Down – Weber’s Of
Shut It Down – Chumps
<p>Episode96: Yo Taffertins! Don’t be a Chump…be a Champ and download this episode! We head to Burbank, CA to the iconic Champs, a bar owned by a man Joe who considers his thievin bartenders his “children.” Which we all know means there will be no accountability for them when they<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – Bad To The Bone
<p>EP95: What’s the deal Taffertins! We got y’all! It’s another great episode of Bar Rescue that your good friends Jim Search(@jimsearch) and Max Cohen(@thisismaxcohen) are covering for you! So check it out, we head to lovely Framingham, MA to “The Chicken Bone.” It looks exactly like you would imagine…an owner<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="http
Shut It Down – Shabby Abbey
EP94: Hey you Taffertins! We are doin it again! Just for your listening pleasure, we bring you the Bar Rescue recap that your spirit and soul needs. On this run, we are back in Chicago, IL at the iconic Abbey, a landmark for Chicago music. The original owner Pat Looney decided to hand the reigns over to Tom Jr. to become a firefighter (surprise!) and then all hell broke loose. Lucky for us…Jon can reel it in. I do believe that you could listen to this episode!
Shut It Down – The Blue Frog Sings The Blues
EP93: Ribbit ribbit Taffertins! We got another great one for you! We are still traveling back in time to the first season where we go to Chicago, IL to the bar "The Blue Frog." It's owned by a mother/son combo(this often doesn't go well). The mother has some interesting financial decisions behind drinking at the bar and the son is well......"nice." See/hear what happens!
Shut It Down – Fallen Angels
<p>EP92: Greetings to all the Taffertins out there! We got our friend Tracey Carnazzo(@TrixieTuzzini) at Jim Jam Studios to help us unpack this classic episode. A wild heart by the name of Renee has a bar…AND…strip club named Angel’s. But everything in the building is anything but angelic. From a<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – Beach Bummer
<p>EP91: Surfs up Taffertins! We got a tubular episode coming your way. On this ride, we head Redondo Beach, CA to an Irish bar on the beach called Kilkenny’s owned by two sisters Allie and Alexis. They have no clue about running a bar, so much so, Allie hired her<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Shut It Dow
Shut It Down – Swanky Troubles
<p>EP90: Bottoms up Taffertins! Max is back in the booth and we have special guest Andy Sandford(@AndySandford) with us to break down some of Bar Rescue’s earlier work. On this ride, we head to Philadelphia to the establishment known as “Swanky Bubbles.” With a name like that, what could possibly<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
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Shut It Down – Downey’s & Out
EP89: Greetings Taffertins! Max (@thisismaxcohen) is out of the office, so we got our Very Good Friend of the show John Rosenberger (@JohnJohnPhenom) to hold down the fort. We head to Philadelphia, PA to the iconic Irish bar “Downey’s Irish Pub”. It’s owner is an Italian fellow who swore to the former owner to “keep it Irish”…and sells Penne A La Vodka! Go figure! Luckily, our good friend Jon is here to sort this mess out. Enjoy the FIRST episode of Bar
Shut It Down – I Smell A Rat
<p>EP88: We aim to please here at the podcast! We had a very good friend of the show Paul request the episode “I Smell A Rat” and by God, we made that happen for him. Here’s to you, sir! On this ride, we go to Omaha, NE to a bar<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Shut It Down – I Smell A Rat</a> appeare
Shut It Down – Hurricane Jon vs. Hurricane Sandy
<p>EP87: We aim to please here at the podcast and had one of our Patreon subscribers and “Very Good Friend Of The Show” Vicky Kuperman(@vickykuperman) request Hurricane Jon vs. Hurricane Sandy. When disaster strikes, Jon Taffer strikes back! He heads to Far Rockaway to help put together Bungalow Bar, a<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://radio
Shut It Down – There Will Be Family Blood
EP86: Whooo doggy! This…episode…is…freaking…wild! We travel to Blue Island, IL and find the most ratchet of bars…The Island Bar. Adam hired his ENTIRE FAMILY to work there. Special mention of a family member named “Pimp Juice”. There is so much here to unpack, which is why we got our good friend, comedian and ex-bartender Kevin Flood(@FLOOKYN) to come help us out with this one. Listen to this twice…it’s worth it.
Shut It Down – Star Lite, Star Not So Brite
<p>EP85: Taffertins! We are back at cha! We were on a little break but now we are back stronger than ever! On this magical run, we head to Glendora, CA to The Brightstar Tavern, a bar focused on selling beer and beer only…also selling a lot of foam too. Not<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Shut It Down – Sta
Shut It Down – The Jon Taffer Interview
<p>EP84: Yeah; you read it right! We got our good friend Jon Taffer (@jontaffer) on the podcast! And boy did we talk about everything, Bar Rescue, NFL Sunday Ticket, Life and even comedy. It’s one you don’t want to skip over, in fact, you should play it twice. Be sure<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Shut It
Shut It Down – Crayons and Anger Lines
EP83: Yo...Taffertins...we have a #TBT! We got a write-in request and broke it down. We even brought in special guest Patrick Hastie(@PatrickHastie) to join us on this magical journey to Chicago to a bar called Underground Wunderbar. It's run by a woman named Lonie, who saw a lot of success in the early phase of her career and still lives there. But fortunately for her, there is a man who doesn't...named Jon Taffer who is ready to bring her back to reality! Enjoy!
Shut It Down – Unwanted Saloon
EP82: Don’t get lost on this one Taffertins! Because Jon did trying to find this bar in Dickson, TN 25 miles away from Nashville. But when he does….boy oh boy is it a lot of craziness. A couple that “accidentally” bought a bar, a gentleman named Crockett who does nothing but gets paid (good work if you can find it) and so much more! Get down with it!
And check out our Patreon for all of our classic episodes!
Shut It Down – Life, Liberty & The Pursuit Of Fatballs
<p>EP81: Yeah Taffertins, that’s right. The name of the bar Jon is going to save is called “Fatballs.” And is only the beginning. Lucky for us we have Brian Allen Mitchell(@comicbam) as our guest to figure out where, to begin with, all of this. The owner, Tony decided to work<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">
Shut It Down – Operation Puerto Rico
<p>EP80: Well Taffertins, we have a duty to report here. Life isn’t all Jon yelling at everyone and bringin the pain. On this journey, we head to Puerto Rico, which has been ravaged by Hurricane Irma AND Maria. We visit a bar El K’Rajo owned by Victor & Janet. Not<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Shut It
Shut It Down – Not Cleared For Takeoff
<p>EP78: Hello there Taffertins! This summer is bringing the heat and so are we with this scorching episode. We travel to Los Angeles to the iconic bar/venue The Airliner which has been home to an amazing list of performers. This list is only rivaled by the list of problems the<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href=""&
Shut It Down – Phishing For Answers
<p>EP77: It’s another catch of an episode comin to you! On this magical ride, we go to Lake City, FL to a bar called Phish Heads. The bar owners are a husband and wife who are at wits end with their son James, who has been in charge for 9<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Shut It Down – Phishing For Answers&l
Shut It Down – Bar Fight
EP76: Come take a trip down memory lane with us Taffertins! With the help of our resident bar expert Andres(@8_Track_III) we make a voyage to Yorba Linda, CA to bar called The Canyon Inn. It’s owned by an Alpha Male named Pauly who “knows the bar industry.” Well, we have seen this story before…there is a man out there who might know a little bit more. Find out who…enjoy!
Shut It Down – Down And Out In Las Vegas
EP75: This episode truly lives up to the title…an owner who takes to alcohol like none other…at the expense of almost everything. We have a lot of firsts here, owners who miss the day after Jon Taffer talking to for starters. There is so much more. You have to listen to this and help us figure out…well…everything. ENJOY!
Shut It Down – A Pole Without A Purpose
EP74: Yo yo Taffertins! Another special one comin at ya! On this episode we have our good friend Matt Azark(@mjazark) at Jim Jam Studios ready to chop up another classic gem. We travel to Jon Taffer’s backyard, Las Vegas, to examine Club Platinum: A GentleMAN’s Club. It’s run by a woman named Rita, soccer mom turned strip club owner. Hilarity ensues! Check it!
Shut It Down – Caving In
<p>EP73: We got another great one on the books Taffertins! Check this out…we head to Anaheim, CA to the bar ‘The Cave.’ It’s managed by a man named Jaime…who not only is running the bar in the Earth…but he’s being very mean to his mother. There is one man who<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Shut It Down – C
Shut It Down – Crazy Little Thing Called Selman
<p>EP72: Hey! Taffertins! You know what time it is! We got another sizzler comin your way. We take a trip to Maitland, FL to Cooper Rocket and met a legit crazy man name Selman. So crazy, even Lisa Marie Joyce says “You are a crazy man.” It’s filled with a<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Shut It Down – Craz
Shut It Down – An Ode To The Cap’n
EP71: Howdy Taffertins! Thanks for comin back to see the latest in Bar Rescue land. With this trip, we board the rusty pirate ship and set sail for Atlantic Beach, FL to a bar called Cap n' Odies. Some customers like bacteria in their drinks, and some customers like running an outstanding tab. Jon Taffer is there to explain why both of these things are a terrible idea. Enjoy!
Shut It Down – Weird Science
<p>EP70 Greetings Taffertins! We are boldly going where no man has gone before…well not really. But we thought it would sound science-y enough for you. On this intellectual dive, we go to Tarzana, CA to an establishment called “Paladino’s” owned and “operated” by two scientists. Well, they know science…just not<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="http
Shut It Down – Mississippi Rears
<p>So…..this episode has a cold open with a man who is showering….in a kitchen. BOOM! Quite a crazy start to say the least! Lucky Max and Jim have seen enough episodes to know how to handle Joe’s Thirsty Lizard, a bar in Horn Lake, MI. An owner is a man<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Shut It Down – Mississ
Shut It Down – Ground Control To Major Jon
<p>EP68: 3,2,1 blast off! On this joyride, we take a trip to Merritt Island, FL to the legendary bar “King’s Duck Inn.” It is five miles away from Kennedy Space Center so there is plenty of stories of astronauts drinking there. We meet a mother/daughter combo who hate each other<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href=""
Shut It Down – Close, But No Cigar
<p>EP67: Jon Taffer(@jontaffer) is bringing the heat on this one my fellow Taffertins! Jim Search(@jimsearch) and Max Cohen(@thisismaxcohen) take a trip to Memphis, TN to a cigar bar called “Havana Mix.” owned by a cat daddy named Rob. He has employed his son Rhobb to handle the day to day…and<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://radiomisfits.c
Shut It Down – Put It On Cody’s Tab
<p>It’s a new season Taffertins! So we had to go big on this one…we brought in our good friend of the show Andres(@8_Track_III) to help us break down Gametime Bar and Grill, a bar in Arlington, TN. Its owned by Cody, whose stellar parents ran the place into the Earth<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Shut It
Shut It Down – The Stumanchoo Interview
<p>EP65: Boy oh boy do we have a podcast for you. If you are a fan of Bar Rescue and the podcast, you remember “Schmuck Dynasty” the episode that took us to Rhythm and Brews on Staten Island. There we met one of the managers named Stu, a man of<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Shut It Down – The Stumanchoo I
Shut It Down – Drunk And Dirty Dolls
<p>Howdy Tafferinos! We got Aaron Kaminos-Smith(@funnyaaron) in the building to help your good friends Max(@thisismaxcohen) and Jim(@jimsearch) go through a doozy of an episode. The crew goes to Jon Taffer’s backyard, Las Vegas to investigate a bar called Alibi Bar. It’s run by a racing enthusiast and creep who has<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="
Shut It Down – Schmuck Dynasty
EP63: The boys are at it again! Max(@thisismaxcohen) and Jim(@jimsearch) are still bringing the fire and fury with this review and boy do they have a good one. The journey takes the team to Staten Island to a gnarly bar called “Rhythm and Brews.” The bar is run by twin brothers and their younger brother Stu, who has the lofty dream of living in a studio apartment. And oh yeah, there is a biker gang involved to. GO GET IT!
Shut It Down- – Too Many Managers Not Enough Man
EP62: New Year New Taff! Max (@thisismaxcohen) and Jim (@jimsearch) got another amazingly great episode coming at you! This slice of heaven takes us to the South Side of Chicago to a bar called Pro’s Sports Club. We meet an owner named Bradley and his TEAM of managers on staff. With that said, it turns into a “whose on 1st” except with obscenity and firing! Get into it!
Shut It Down – El Moronte
<p>Happy New Year Taffertins! Max (@thisismaxcohen) and Jim (@jimsearch) are ringing in the new year with yet another recap of all things Bar Rescue. This magical ride takes us to Jersey City to a bar called Laguna Lounge. It’s run by a man named Ivan, who was a DJ for<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Shut I
Shut It Down – Murphy’s Mess
What’s goin on Taffertins?! We have some Bar Rescue goodness that is waiting for you. So here we go…on this journey we head south to Fells Point, MD to a bar called J.A. Murphy’s. It’s owned by two frat brothers who “opened it on a whim.” Nothing can go wrong here…right?! Jon Taffer has a couple of things to say as does Chef Brian Duffy…who finds a a delightful surprise behind the fridge. Enjoy!
Shut It Down – Thugs With Mugs
EP59 Hey Taffertins! We got another classic piece of Bar Rescue ready for your ears. Thanks to our good friends at Radio Misfits Network we are back with new wings. On this episode we take a trip to Yonkers to an establishment called “Undisputed” owned by two boxing friends who fight each other instead of for money. This one gets a little dicey and is, quite frankly…a real knockout…GO GET IT!
Shut It Down – To Protect And (Over)Serve
<p>It’s another one Taffertins! This episode we take a trip to the city of Brotherly Love to visit a bar owner who was a cop for 27 years…27 years! Well it shouldn’t come as a surprise this fella has seen a thing or two and has brought that mess to<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Shut It Down – To Protect A
Shut It Down – Grow Some Meatballs!
Hey hey Taffertins! Another great episode is coming your way! On this adventure, we head to Santa Clarita, CA to a bar by the name of The Tailgate. It’s got everything we need, family drama, grease fires and a bouncer named….Connie. Taffer is going to have his hands full with this one. Lucky for us, we got it all covered and ready to tell you all about it!
Shut It Down – On The Rocks
<p>How’s it hangin Taffertins?! We travel to the West Coast on this episode to the “Dive Off The Five” better known as “Rocks.” It’s in pretty rocky shape, between the biker gangs and the lack of knowledge of how to run a bar. But they are in luck…because there is<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Shut It Dow
Shut It Down – Scorebored To Death
<p>How’s it hangin Taffertins! We here at Shut It Down would never let you down when it comes to the most consistent coverage of all things Bar Rescue, this is no exception! On this journey we travel to Norwalk, CA to a bar called Scoreboard which was a gift from<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Shut It Down
Shut It Down – Jon Of The Dead
<p>Boooooooo Taffertins! Do we have a frightful podcast episode for you…for realz. On this go around we go to a bar called Underworld Grill & Bar(that sells pizza…which has pizza(?) and find two owners, Chris and Jazz who think everyone is stealing from them and don’t give the employees what<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://radiomisfits
Shut It Down – Beer And Loathing In Las Vegas
<p>How’s it hangin Taffertins?! We got our good friend,bartender and human being Andres(@8_Track_III) in Jim Jam Studios as our special guest to break down the episode “Beer And Loathing In Las Vegas.” We travel to “The Hammer” to meet a chef-owner duo Chris and Mitch. Chris wrote Taffer a letter<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://radiomisfit
Shut It Down – Bikini Bust
Yo…Taffertins…we got a doozy of an episode comin at ya! This slice of Bar Rescue takes us to Orange, CA to Extreme Sports Bar. There we meet an owner named Terry, who should have put “Terrible” in front of his name. He tries to go head up with Mr. Taffer…which we know how that goes….enjoy!
Shut It Down – Land of the Beer and Home of the Misbehaved
<p>Howdy Taffertins! Coming off the heels of an amazing 50th episode, the hits keep on comin! With this adventure we travel to St.Louis, MO to a bar called “O’Reilly’s Bar and Tavern.” and meet a cast of staff who clearly did not feel any responsibility for excellence. Which we all<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="
Shut It Down – Yo-Ho-Ho And A Bottle Of Dumb
<p>Oh….my….God. Taffertins….we got an amazingly classic episode…for real. It is THE PIRATE EPISODE! We couldn’t do it alone, so we had to bring in Brandon Collins(@americancollins) to figure out what in God’s name was going on at Piratz Tavern. This episode has everything you need for Bar Rescue. It’s got<a class="moretag" href=""> Read more...</a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://ra