Growth Against the Grain, Christian Moms, Kingdom Entrepreneur, Christian Entrepreneur, Biblical Mindset, Christian Marriage and Family

Growth Against the Grain, Christian Moms, Kingdom Entrepreneur, Christian Entrepreneur, Biblical Mindset, Christian Marriage and Family

Michelle Castro, Christian, Biblical Mindset, Kingdom Woman, Christian Marriage, Christian Parenting, Biblical Mindset, Christian Mindset, Bible, Biblical Truth, Christian Living, married sex, christian intimacy

Hey there friend! I’m BACK!!! Oh man! I’m so incredibly excited to be back with ya’ll! No...I’m not from the south. :) Born and raised in Southern California and it’s never been more apparent to me how important and essential my relationship with Jesus is! He is my life, my breath, and my everything! Sure...I try to help him out way more than I should, but then I remember HE DOESN’T NEED MY HELP! Talk about a blow to the ego! But that’s what He wants...right? He wants us to remember that we NEED H...

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