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Da Committee Podcast
Strictly Raw & Uncut
Da committee-Last day of Mental Health Over-Opinionated People Mr .Future Committee Cypher
Mental Health- Suicide and Eating Disorders People who are Over-Opinionated Saga Of Mr. Future *Announcement* *Announcement* * Announcement*
May 30, 2021 • 1hr 46m
BLM,Kevin Samuals,Cheating Respectfully,Ect.
*Recap interview with ESCO*Recap on being away from Da Basement *Current News: Verdict, Shooting *Great Debate -Cheating Respectfully?*Are there rules to a girl night out?*TD Jakes Lifetime Movies-Spoiler Alert- Lust,Envy *What defines good box? PH box?*Kevin Samuels interview with Joe Budden
Apr 25, 2021 • 2hr 12m
PSA Friendships and Social media
*A Da Committee PSA*Friendships-What defines or qualifies someone to be a good friend *Is it possible to make new friends at this age? Is that something you are open to?*Dealing with insecurities within yourself, relationships, friendships *When you are in a relationship do their friends become your friends? If the relationship ends, do the friendships end as well?*Does social media have a negative or positive impact on relationships? Why or why not?
Apr 3, 2021 • 1hr 46m
The Introduction
Da Committee introduces themselves to the podcast world
Mar 22, 2021 • 0:26
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