A Gamer Looks At 40

A Gamer Looks At 40

Bill Tucker

An exploration of the history of video games told through the stories of the every day people who lived it. Join me along with a rotating cast of friends, family, gaming journalists, and industry types as we share personal recollections from the last thirty years of gaming, one story at a time. 

Ep 125: Final Fantasy 7 (Part 7) - Memories and Moments

Ep 125: Final Fantasy 7 (Part 7) - Memories and Moments

More than the pillars of Cloud, Sephiroth, and Aerith, Final Fantasy 7 is filled to the brim with memorable moments, both big and small. On this week's episode, we discuss everything from dens of ill repute to epic slap fests in our attempt to paint the broadest FF7 picture in podcast history.  Thanks for listening!STARRING (All handles from Twitter)Eddie Varnell (@thatretrocode) of the Boss Rush Network (@BossRushNetwork)Greg Sewart of the Player One Podcast and Generation 16 (@sewart)Kyle of t

Feb 24, • 59:52

Ep 124: Final Fantasy 7 (Part 6) - Story and Themes

Ep 124: Final Fantasy 7 (Part 6) - Story and Themes

As we continue down the road of dissecting Final Fantasy 7 like some bizarre Hojo experiment, we arrive at story and themes. From the opening tales of corporate greed and environmental espionage to the eventual themes of literal life versus death, there's a good deal to unpack in this PS1 classic. Listen, won't you?STARRING (all handles from Twitter)Eddie Varnell (@thatretrocode) of the Boss Rush Network (@BossRushNetwork)James and JJ of RetroFits on YouTube (@FitsRetro)John Trenbeath (@crazyjoh

Feb 17, • 1:09:56

Ep 123: Final Fantasy 7 (Part 5) - A Memorable, Enduring Cast

Ep 123: Final Fantasy 7 (Part 5) - A Memorable, Enduring Cast

When lost in the dueling seas of Cloud and Sephiroth, it's easy to forget there's an entire cast backing them up. From the drama of Aerith to the strong-willed Barret, there's plently of gold to be mined in Final Fantasy 7's supporting players. On this episode, we share insights, personal stories, and multiple moments when our jaws hit the floor as we explore the diverse and amazing cast of Final Fantasy 7.STARRING (all handles from Twitter) Diana McQueen (@stormvexed on TikTok)Eddie Varnell (@t

Feb 10, • 1:35:16

Ep 122: Final Fantasy 7 (Part 4) - Cloud and Sephiroth: A Tale of Two Giants

Ep 122: Final Fantasy 7 (Part 4) - Cloud and Sephiroth: A Tale of Two Giants

The two headed monster of Final Fantasy 7, Cloud and Sephiroth may be the ultimate one/two punch in the entire franchise. Two towering examples of style, power and intrigue, this dynamic duo takes control - and often overpowers - the balance of the cast. Is this for good, bad, or indifferent? Give this episode a listen to find out!STARRING (all handles from Twitter) Carson Clark (@DesireeKorrupt)Diana McQueen (@stormvexed on TikTok)Eddie Varnell (@thatretrocode) of the Boss Rush Network (@BossRu

Feb 3, • 1:24:24

Ep 121: Final Fantasy 7 (Part 3) - MORE Intros and First Impressions

Ep 121: Final Fantasy 7 (Part 3) - MORE Intros and First Impressions

Welcome back to our multi-month exploration of Final Fantasy 7! This week, we continue to share our first impressions and initial thoughts about this incredible, enduring title. Many thanks to all my guests who helped make this possible!STARRING (all handles from Twitter) Diana McQueen (@stormvexed on TikTok)Greg Sewart of the Player One Podcast and Generation 16 (@sewart)Ian (@teacherblokeJames and JJ of RetroFits on YouTube (@FitsRetro) John Trenbeath (@crazyjohnt)Julian Titus (@julian_titus)

Jan 20, • 59:48

Ep 120: Final Fantasy 7 (Part 2) - Intros and First Impressions

Ep 120: Final Fantasy 7 (Part 2) - Intros and First Impressions

Before FF7, our first impressions of a game were generally in a home. Huddled around a CRT TV in a friends basement or stuffed on the family couch, experiencing games for the first time was an intimate experience. But with Final Fantasy 7, we had options. Store kiosks, demo discs, and even the occasional TV commercial. And as a result, our expectations were set accordingly. On this episode, we discuss the myriad of ways we first experienced the world of Cloud, Barret and Tifa and how those first

Jan 13, • 52:43

Ep 119: Final Fantasy 7 (Part 1) - The Buzz, Buildup and Cloud High Expectations

Ep 119: Final Fantasy 7 (Part 1) - The Buzz, Buildup and Cloud High Expectations

Final Fantasy 7 wasn't just a game release. It was the changing of an era. The moment when the franchise grew from fun games to media events. As a result, the marketing for FF7 reached unheard of levels for videogames at the time. And with the marketing came, unprecedented hype. On this episode of A Gamer Looks at 40, we share stories of what it was like to be knee deep in the late 90's media barrage and how this full court press shaped our perceptions of the game before we even hit the first lo

Jan 6, • 1:10:04

Ep 118: Halloween Memories with Joe Coiro

Ep 118: Halloween Memories with Joe Coiro

BOOO! A few years back, I did a Halloween retrospective with my brother. Two years later, why not revisit this nostalgia well with my best friend Joey of Perfect Storm Gaming and Chase Brogan's YouTube channel. On this episode, we discuss terrible 80's costumes, the Trunk or Treat phenomenon, TV specials, UNICEF boxes, Halloween rituals, and traversing the New York City subway system. Enjoy and Happy Holidays!STARRING (all handles on Twitter):Joe Coiro of @PStormGaming and @RealChaseBrogan HANDY

Oct 28, 2024 • 56:40

Ep 117: Side Quests Vol 9

Ep 117: Side Quests Vol 9

As I conduct hours upon hours in interviews for this show, occasionally a few clips get left by the wayside. Either they don't fit into a main episode or they're so random, there's simply no place for them to live. Enter Side Quests, an ongoing series where I take all those discarded comments and clumsily mush them together into a weird, wild episode. Enjoy!STARRING (all handles from Twitter)Carson Clark (@DesireeKorrupt)James and JJ of RetroFits on YouTube (@FitsRetro)Josh of Still Loading Podc

Oct 21, 2024 • 54:48

Ep 116: A Conversation with Chase aka Retro Gaming Guy

Ep 116: A Conversation with Chase aka Retro Gaming Guy

As we continue our extended breather from the monster Final Fantasy series, let meet Chase aka Retro Gaming Guy on YouTube. On this week's episode, Chase and I discuss the joy of arcades, his work in becoming a content creator and the power of community. Check out Chase's YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/@OfficialChaseBroganMy Website: agamerlooksat40.comMy Discord: https://discord.com/invite/SdaE4atGjCMy Twitter: @agamerlooksat40My TikTok: @agamerlooksat40My Facebook: facebook.com/aga

Oct 7, 2024 • 1:02:43

Ep 115: A Conversation with Ben Magnet

Ep 115: A Conversation with Ben Magnet

A veteran of both the videogame journalism and podcasting space, Ben Magnet's seen it all. Join us as we chat about the early days of PC gaming, Pokemon, Sonic the Hedgehog and anything other than Final Fantasy. Enjoy!STARRING:Ben Magnet (@BenMagnet27) of @FakeNerdPodcast, @BAPAuseMenu, @FusionGameMag and @GoNintendoTweet.My Website: agamerlooksat40.comMy Discord: https://discord.com/invite/SdaE4atGjCMy Twitter: @agamerlooksat40My TikTok: @agamerlooksat40My Facebook: facebook.com/agamerlooksat40

Sep 23, 2024 • 42:46

Tales From the Bargain Bin #22 - Frogger II: ThreeeDeep!

Tales From the Bargain Bin #22 - Frogger II: ThreeeDeep!

When Joe Coiro suggested Frogger II for a Tales From the Bargain Bin episode, I thought, "Great. An Atari 2600 game. How are we going to do a tight 30 minutes on Frogger?" Turns out that after over three decades of friendship, we can blather on about anything for any length of time. Join us as we discuss the early days of gaming, the expansive Frogger franchise, and other random tidbits of audio gobbledygook. STARRINGJoe Coiro aka JoeCade of Perfect Storm Gaming and Retro Game Guy on YouTube.My

Sep 16, 2024 • 47:41

Ep 114: Chrono Trigger - To Be or Not To Be a Final Fantasy

Ep 114: Chrono Trigger - To Be or Not To Be a Final Fantasy

Six months ago, The Well Red Mage asked me if Chrono Trigger is a Final Fantasy. From that innocent question grew a six month quest to mine the patience of my guests and test the temperance of my listening audience. On this episode, I ask a bunch of people if this episode should exist and through those questions, learn about the connective tissue between these two games.STARRING (all handles from Twitter) Chrono Katie (@ChronoKatie)Julian Titus (@julian_titus) of The Stage Select Podcast (@Stage

Sep 9, 2024 • 1:16:03

Ep 113: Final Fantasy 6 (Part 8) - Odds and Ends

Ep 113: Final Fantasy 6 (Part 8) - Odds and Ends

Whew! After two long months of scouring Final Fantasy 6, we've reached the final episode. On this culminating edition, a wide variety of my FF6 friends share random thoughts, stories, and opinions that didn't make it into the main episodes. An Emperor Gesthal's banquet of content, if you will. Enjoy this last foray into the game!STARRING (all handles from Twitter) Aiden Moher (@adribbleofink)Chrono Katie (@ChronoKatie)Greg Sewart of the Player One Podcast and Generation 16 (@sewart) Julian Titus

Sep 2, 2024 • 2:11:53

Ep 112: Final Fantasy 6 (Part 7) - More Connections to an Ensemble Cast

Ep 112: Final Fantasy 6 (Part 7) - More Connections to an Ensemble Cast

On the second half of our Final Fantasy 6 character discussion, we explore the stories and connections of Edgar, Sabin, Shadow, Gau and more. Seven episodes, one more to go in our exhaustive dissection of this legendary classic. Enjoy!STARRING (all handles from Twitter) Greg Sewart of the Player One Podcast and Generation 16 (@sewart)James and JJ of RetroFits on YouTube (@FitsRetro)J.R. Sommerfeldt (@sommerfeldt_r)Julian Titus (@julian_titus) of The Stage Select Podcast (@StageSelectPod)Mekel Ka

Aug 26, 2024 • 1:01:03

Ep 111: Final Fantasy 6 (Part 6) - Connections to an Ensemble Cast

Ep 111: Final Fantasy 6 (Part 6) - Connections to an Ensemble Cast

Any discussion of Final Fantasy 6 would be incomplete without a thorough deep dive into the cast. From rakish rouges to magic infused generals to a loyal solider, the characters in FF 6 are as varied as they are intriguing. In this first part of our character exploration, we discuss Terra, Locke, Celes, and Cyan along with some general thoughts on the cast itself.STARRING (all handles from Twitter) Aiden Moher (@adribbleofink)Greg Sewart of the Player One Podcast and Generation 16 (@sewart)James

Aug 19, 2024 • 1:13:17

Ep 110: Final Fantasy 6 (Part 5) - The Mama Terra Story

Ep 110: Final Fantasy 6 (Part 5) - The Mama Terra Story

In the midst of my nearly 20 interviews for this Final Fantasy 6 series, one conversation stood out as unique. And sometimes, those chats need to exist on their own. On this episode of A Gamer Looks at 40, we meet Mama Terra, an FF6 cosplayer whose story is so deeply interwoven with that of the game's green haired protagonist, the connection is undeniable and irreversible. Join us!STARRING: Mama Terra (.mama.terra on TikTok)SONG COVERSTerra's Theme Classical Guitar Cover | FFVI | Ottawa Guitar T

Aug 12, 2024 • 47:19

Ep 109: Final Fantasy 6 (Part 4) - The Kefkasode

Ep 109: Final Fantasy 6 (Part 4) - The Kefkasode

If you were to build a Mount Rushmore of Final Fantasy antagonists, Kefka Palazzo would have to be included. A mastermind of nihilism, this clown prince grows from general to deity in the space of Final Fantasy 6's runtime and through that growth, terrifies the world with his all encompassing power. And he's a hoot as well!Time to unravel the maniac in this episode of A Gamer Looks at 40!STARRING (all handles from Twitter) Greg Sewart of the Player One Podcast and Generation 16 (@sewart) Julian

Aug 5, 2024 • 1:24:21

Ep 108: Final Fantasy 6 (Part 3) - Moments and Memories of the World of Ruin

Ep 108: Final Fantasy 6 (Part 3) - Moments and Memories of the World of Ruin

Send us a Text Message.If Final Fantasy 6's World of Balance is an action movie of moving castles, flying airships and magical creatures, the World of Ruin is an anthology of indie character dramas. Focused more on finding the motivation to do right thing as opposed to the right thing itself, the back half of FF6 is a contemplative reflection of growth through tragedy.So, let's talk about it! On this week's episode, we discuss the major and minor moments of the World of Ruin and how they shaped

Jul 29, 2024 • 1:16:26

Ep 107: Final Fantasy 6 (Part 2) - Moments and Memories of the World of Balance

Ep 107: Final Fantasy 6 (Part 2) - Moments and Memories of the World of Balance

Final Fantasy 6 is a tale of two stories. In this episode of A Gamer Looks at 40, we look at the first half of this epic tale, The World of Balance. Starting as a traditional rebellion vs the Empire story, the tale quickly morphs into a character study worthy of books, poems and film. Join a cast of friends and I as we explore the world before the fall. STARRING (all handles from Twitter) Aiden Moher (@adribbleofink)Greg Sewart of the Player One Podcast and Generation 16 (@sewart) James and JJ o

Jul 15, 2024 • 1:01:13

Ep 106: Final Fantasy 6 (Part 1) - Intros and First Impressions

Ep 106: Final Fantasy 6 (Part 1) - Intros and First Impressions

From the second the title faded from my 19 inch Zenith CRT and the opening montage began, I was an insta-fan of Fina Fantasy 3/6. Nothing could have prepared me for the epic adventure that awaited me. An experience rich with high drama, interesting characters, engrossing gameplay and a story for the ages, FF3/6 remains one of my Top 5 games of all time.Anyone who's played this world class RPG has a similar story. So, let's hear them! On Part 1 of our multi part exploration of Final Fan

Jul 8, 2024 • 1:38:15

State of the Show Address and AMA - Summer 2024

State of the Show Address and AMA - Summer 2024

Before I spend the next month and a half speaking all sorts of sugar about Final Fantasy 6, I figured I'd fill in the time with a quick pod update and AMA session. Silly questions get answered seriously, life mistakes are shared, and somehow I end up blathering about Cheez-Its. Questions Provided By:My DiscordMike Albertin of Games My Mom FoundPhillipCipherxzeroThe Let's Play PrincessDistorted_IlluminationKevGamer's Week Patron Only DiscordEMOesquewrytersviewZach HugethanksSir Cof

Jul 1, 2024 • 47:39

Tales From the Bargain Bin #21 - NBA All Star Challenge (SNES)

Tales From the Bargain Bin #21 - NBA All Star Challenge (SNES)

Send us a Text Message.When I asked Justin Hamm of The Stage Select Podcast which game he would like to do for Tales From the Bargain Bin, he immediately responded, "NBA All Star Challenge on the SNES". Almost too quickly.Turns out, Justin was trying to exorcise some 16-bit demons 'cause this is - whew - this is a game. Join Justin and I as we play "Guess the Team", bemoan the dunk button and spend an hour working through trauma, one feature at a time.STARRING: Justin Ha

Jun 24, 2024 • 55:01

Ep 105: Final Fantasy 5 - The Forgotten Classic

Ep 105: Final Fantasy 5 - The Forgotten Classic

Send us a Text Message.While North American gamers dined on Mystic Quest, our pals in the East were chowing down on Final Fantasy 5. Full of customization, intrigue and a killer soundtrack, this game was often considered unattainable aside from emulation and a handful of re-releases. Is this game worthy of celebration or did Square do us Western fans a huge favor? Find out in this week's episode!STARRING (all handles from Twitter)Aiden Moher (@adribbleofink)Barry Carenza of Premium Edition

Jun 17, 2024 • 1:12:02

Ep 104: Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - The Entry Level Adventure

Ep 104: Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - The Entry Level Adventure

Send us a Text Message.While Final Fantasy was already a Japanese phenomenon, things here in the states were slower to gather steam. FF4 did well in stores, but nowhere near the numbers overseas. So, what to do with Final Fantasy 5? Release this complex, job heavy dungeon crawler to a market not ready for it or maybe soften the blow. Just a bit.That lighter game became Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest, a stripped down version of the Final Fantasy formula made accessible to everyone. By combining the

Jun 10, 2024 • 54:59

Ep 103: Final Fantasy 4 (Part 3) - All The Things We Didn't Talk About Yet

Ep 103: Final Fantasy 4 (Part 3) - All The Things We Didn't Talk About Yet

Send us a Text Message.As we put a bow on our virtual round table regarding Final Fantasy 4, there's still so much to discuss. In this, the third and final installment on FF4, we take a shotgun approach to the stories by sharing - well - all the things we didn't on the previous episodes. We talk themes, story, logos, sound effects, and one particularly nasty wall in this omnibus episode. STARRING (all handles from Twitter)Barry Carenza of Premium Edition Games (@HawkHellfire)Greg Sewar

May 27, 2024 • 1:16:47

Ep 102: Final Fantasy 4 (Part 2) - Moments and Characters

Ep 102: Final Fantasy 4 (Part 2) - Moments and Characters

Send us a Text Message.Last week, we started the FF4 fire by documenting our initial impressions. On this week's episode, we go deeper into the big (and small) moments that left an impact along with the  characters that made this SNES launch title a game to remember. STARRING (all handles from Twitter)Barry Carenza of Premium Edition Games (@HawkHellfire)Greg Sewart of the Player One Podcast and Generation 16 (@sewart)John Trenbeath (@crazyjohnt)Julian Titus (@julian_titus) of The Stage Sel

May 20, 2024 • 1:35:41

Ep 101: Final Fantasy 4 (Part 1) - Introductions Into a Brave, New World

Ep 101: Final Fantasy 4 (Part 1) - Introductions Into a Brave, New World

In the winter of 1991, Final Fantasy 2 stormed onto North American shores as an SNES launch title and was met with middling enthusiasm. US gamers were too busy stomping Goombas and driving hovercrafts  to worry about turn based combat and wandering in circles.But for those who took the plunge, they discovered not only a love for the series but a new genre to adore. Join myself and a host of  fans as we share our earliest recollections and memories of Final Fantasy 2 - I mean, 4. STARRING (all ha

May 13, 2024 • 1:16:27

Tales From the Bargain Bin #20 - M.U.S.C.L.E. (NES)

Tales From the Bargain Bin #20 - M.U.S.C.L.E. (NES)

Send us a Text Message.Wrestling and videogames. The two combined conjures up images of late night sleepovers hopped up on Jolt Cola, Pixie Sticks and sweaty man-beasts. But for two brothers in Northern New Jersey, our first blush with digitized pugilism was  M.US.C.L.E. on the NES. Join Bobby and I as we explore old wrestling games, Fallout, obscure manga, and diminutive plastic collect-em-all figurines from the late 80's.  Play M.U.S.C.L.E. in browser here: https://www.retrogames.cz/play_

May 6, 2024 • 35:35

Ep 100: The Birth of Nintendo Power w/ Gail Tilden

Ep 100: The Birth of Nintendo Power w/ Gail Tilden

Send us a Text Message.When Mario's Claymation visage first landed in my mailbox in the summer of 1988, I was a Nintendo fan. After tearing into that inaugural issue of Nintendo Power, I was a devotee. On this episode of A Gamer Looks at 40, I chat with the architect of this incredible periodical, Gail Tilden. During our conversation, we discuss her beginnings in the industry, the creation / curation of the magazine, and the unique culture that allowed Nintendo Power to become a window to a

Apr 29, 2024 • 54:38

Tales From the Bargain Bin #19 - The Rocketeer (SNES)

Tales From the Bargain Bin #19 - The Rocketeer (SNES)

You think you know a guy. Podcast with him for almost 5 years, talk about Marvel movies, guest on almost 100 of his show's episodes. And then, in a time of need, when asked to suggest a game for a last minute Tales From the Bargain Bin, he foists this piece of junk upon me. That man is Mike Albertin of Games My Mom Found, the game is the Rocketeer for the SNES and if you know this strange shoot-em-up, you're already feeling my pain. Join Mike and I as we fail to talk about the movie, d

Apr 22, 2024 • 35:06

Ep 99: Final Fantasy 2 and 3: The Forgotten 8-Bit Adventures

Ep 99: Final Fantasy 2 and 3: The Forgotten 8-Bit Adventures

Send us a Text Message.While we were stomping Goombas and hunting ducks, Japanese gamers were embarking on epic NES adventures. When the missing Final Fantasy 2 and 3 were finally released to the West, fans were excited. Finally, we could try those missing 8-bit epics without downloading sketchy emulators and learning Japanese. While the reality never lived up to the hype, the NES sequels earned the respect of the community, even if they didn't quite live up to the loft standards of 1 and 4

Apr 15, 2024 • 1:45:40

Ep 98 - Final Fantasy 1: An Enduring Saga (Part 2)

Ep 98 - Final Fantasy 1: An Enduring Saga (Part 2)

Send us a Text Message.On Part 1 of our two part exploration of the original Final Fantasy, we talked intros and first impressions. For Part 2, we start by talking about the game's many inspirations and the amazing moments that blew our 10 year old minds. A mixed bag of topics that somehow ties into the overall theme of this series: Final Fantasy 1 is a classic for a reason, warts and all. Oh, and we talk about Warmech. Lots and lots of Warmech. STARRING (all handles from Twitter)Barry Care

Apr 8, 2024 • 1:35:08

Ep 97 - Final Fantasy 1: An Enduring Saga (Part 1)

Ep 97 - Final Fantasy 1: An Enduring Saga (Part 1)

Send us a Text Message.When Final Fantasy hit North American shores in 1990, it sparked an RPG revolution in the West. Gamers like myself and many of my friends fell in love with the interesting mechanics, player expression, and overarching story.These days, Final Fantasy 1 feels like a relic of an era gone by. As a cultural artifact, it's significant but whether it's worth playing, even on the spiffy new re-masters, is under debate. But not on this podcast. Join over a dozen of my fri

Apr 1, 2024 • 1:35:37

Ep 96 - Final Fantasy Distant Worlds w/composer Arnie Roth

Ep 96 - Final Fantasy Distant Worlds w/composer Arnie Roth

Send us a Text Message.Outside of The Legenda of Zelda, no videogame franchise is more closely tied to music than Final Fantasy. From emotional resonance to supporting gameplay to auditory storytelling, the themes of Final Fantasy are the stuff of legends. So much so, we've been listening to live orchestral versions of these pieces for decades. Enter Distant Worlds, a long running orchestra series that brings the music of Final Fantasy to the greatest stages in the world. Join  series condu

Mar 25, 2024 • 42:05

Tales From the Bargain Bin #18 - LJN Marvel NES Games

Tales From the Bargain Bin #18 - LJN Marvel NES Games

Send us a Text Message.LJN The name alone brings shockwaves of terror to retro gamers everywhere. But what was it like back in the day? Join podcaster Michael  Colby and I as we discuss three titles: The Uncanny X-Men, Wolverine, and Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six. And be sure to check out Michael's show Jack Billings Presents: Haunted Apartment Complex - https://open.spotify.com/show/1hi3mFv6Cezcf0WsmsTsxl?si=06eb950e96f94182Support the Show.

Mar 18, 2024 • 51:47

Ep 95 - A Survey Course Into the Final Fantasy Franchise (Part 2): Connections, Community, and Why We Keep Coming Back

Ep 95 - A Survey Course Into the Final Fantasy Franchise (Part 2): Connections, Community, and Why We Keep Coming Back

Last week, we looked at the various nuts and bolts of the Final Fantasy franchise to see what it structurally needed to be a member of the family. On this week's episode, we explore personal stories, connections made, and communities built over this landmark series of games.STARRING (all handles from Twitter)Aiden Moher (@adribbleofink)Carson Clark (@DesireeKorrupt)Josh of Still Loading Podcast (@StillLoadingPod)Julian Titus (@julian_titus) of The Stage Select Podcast (@StageSelectPod)Kyle

Mar 11, 2024 • 1:30:28

Ep 94 - A Survey Course Into the Final Fantasy Franchise (Part 1): Intros and Elements

Ep 94 - A Survey Course Into the Final Fantasy Franchise (Part 1): Intros and Elements

Send us a Text Message.From its humble beginnings as a "last gasp" for a fledgling game designer to the billion dollar monolith it is today, Final Fantasy's rise from niche to mainstream mirrors videogames as a whole. On this episode of A Gamer Looks at 40, we launch our multi-month deep dive into the world of this storied franchise, meet some of its super fans and try to answer the unanswerable: what makes Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy.STARRING (all handles from Twitter)Aiden Mohe

Mar 4, 2024 • 1:18:00

A Gamer Looks at a Breather: Going on Hiatus

A Gamer Looks at a Breather: Going on Hiatus

When A Gamer Looks at 40 first launched in May of 2021, my intention was for it be a year long project. To date, I've been at it for over two and half. So, it's time for a break! On this episode, I announce a three month hiatus from producing new episodes for the show. Give this quickie a listen to learn why the break, what to expect during the pause in new work, and what to look forward to when AGLA40 makes a triumphant return on March 4th, 2024.JOIN THE DISCORD!! -->  https://disc

Nov 20, 2023 • 23:55

Ep 93 - Side Quests Vol 8: Yet Another Series of Intros and Hellos

Ep 93 - Side Quests Vol 8: Yet Another Series of Intros and Hellos

Send us a Text Message.Another week, another chance to share even more videogame stories from the gaggle of lovely people I got to chat with over the last few months. Enjoy Side Quests Volume 8, Intros Part 2, etc, etc!STARRING (all handles from Twitter X)Brian aka @DayandKnightlyCat Blackard (@NeonFeline) of the Mother, She Wrote Podcast (@EarthBoundPod)Ian aka @teacherbloke85Jodi aka @BakuielLucas White aka @HokutoNoLucasJonathan (@DaEgg123) and Katie (@earthbound64)J.R. Sommerfeldt (@sommerfe

Nov 13, 2023 • 1:15:52

Ep 92 - Side Quests Vol 7: A Series of Intros and Hellos

Ep 92 - Side Quests Vol 7: A Series of Intros and Hellos

Send us a Text Message.Whenever I get the opportunity to chat with people about games, the conversation rarely stays on topic. Invariably, my guest and I start jibber-jabbering about all sorts of gaming related topics. In this action packed addition to my Side Quests series, we learn the backstories of a few of my favorite guests from the last four months of podcast interviews. Volume 8 is coming next week!STARRING (all handles from Twitter X)Dan aka Captain Gingerbeard (@ScurvyBay)Joe of SNES i

Nov 6, 2023 • 1:25:29

Ep 91 - A Gamer Goes to PRGE 2023: A Recap

Ep 91 - A Gamer Goes to PRGE 2023: A Recap

Send us a Text Message.Rather than swelter in the Austin sun listening to music or attending one of the many festivals in town, I decided to pony up a few bucks and fly to Oregon to attend the Portland Retro Gaming Expo. I expected a giant convention where I'd spend too much money on retro goodies, check out a panel or two and see my pals at Gamer's Week host a competition. What happened was infinitely more impactful and special.  Join me as I share a full recap of the weekend that was

Oct 30, 2023 • 1:16:40

Ep 90 - The Birth of the EA NHL Franchise w/ Richard Hilleman

Ep 90 - The Birth of the EA NHL Franchise w/ Richard Hilleman

Send us a Text Message.While Madden was always a good time, EA's NHL Hockey was video game magic. As a starry eyed street hockey goalie in West Caldwell, New Jersey, NHL '94 was my escape. My opportunity to pretend I was Marty Brodeur, if only on the screen. A masterpiece of control, gameplay, and pure joy, the early NHL games set the gold standard for sports simulations, a mark that few games every reached. Join myself and executive producer Richard Hilleman as he shares story after f

Oct 23, 2023 • 48:23

Ep 89 - The Origins of EA Madden w/ Developers Troy Lyndon and Richard Hilleman

Ep 89 - The Origins of EA Madden w/ Developers Troy Lyndon and Richard Hilleman

Send us a Text Message.With football season in full swing and hockey just getting started, my mind drifts to the games of yesteryear. And for my 11 year old money, there was no finer distraction than EA's Madden and NHL franchises. Join EA developers Troy Lyndon and Richard Hilleman as they discuss the birth of these classic games, the technological marvels that made them possible and their storied legacy.NOTE: In this episode, we look at Madden only. Next week, we'll focus on NHL! STA

Oct 16, 2023 • 51:41

Ep 88 - Earthbound Part Five-ish: The Curator, the Creator and The Couple

Ep 88 - Earthbound Part Five-ish: The Curator, the Creator and The Couple

Send us a Text Message.Take it from somebody who appreciates every single one, there's nothing better than passionate fans. Gaming communities can run the gambit from welcoming to toxic, engaging to gatekeeping. Whenever people are around people, people will do people things. The community surrounding Earthbound is unique in both its welcoming nature and wide variety of people involved. Over 30 years worth of fans populate sites like starmen.net and mother4ever.net. And they all have one th

Oct 2, 2023 • 1:25:02

Ep 87 - Earthbound Part Fourside: The Final Moments

Ep 87 - Earthbound Part Fourside: The Final Moments

Send us a Text Message.Some say a game is only as good as its ending. While I think that's an inaccurate statement, if the adage is true, than Earthbound is a masterpiece. A culmination of theme, character arc, story and emotion, this game's final encounter and conclusion is among the best of the 16 bit era. Join myself and a joy filled crew of fellow adventurers as we discuss the final moments of Earthbound. STARRING (all handles from Twitter)Cat Blackard (@NeonFeline) of the Mother,

Sep 25, 2023 • 1:17:02

Ep 86 - Earthbound Part Threed: Characters, Story and Theme

Ep 86 - Earthbound Part Threed: Characters, Story and Theme

A passing glance at a mid-90's Game Pro magazine would likely reveal an ad or two for Earthbound. Not a mention of deep themes, relatable characters and a story that crosses the ages. Nope! Master Belch and "This Game Stinks". Luckily, this wonderful SNES experience is more than the claims of its marketing and my cast of nine are here to tell you exactly why. STARRING (all handles from Twitter)Cat Blackard (@NeonFeline) of the Mother, She Wrote Podcast (@EarthBoundPod)Celeste (@fa

Sep 18, 2023 • 1:04:46

Ep 85 - Earthbound Part Twoson: Moments and Mechanics

Ep 85 - Earthbound Part Twoson: Moments and Mechanics

Send us a Text Message.Fuzzy Pickles! The first time a diminutive photographer stopped my game to take a snapshot of my team, I felt two things: joy and minor annoyance. Joy because it was a charming moment of connection for my crew and annoyance because I'm a modern gamer dad who has precious seconds to spare. But regardless of where I land, it was a big moment.On Part 2 of our ongoing Earthbound saga, my friends and I discuss their favorite moments, the great (and not so great) in-your-ha

Sep 11, 2023 • 1:09:05

Ep 84 - Earthbound Part Onett: An Introduction Into a Strange New World

Ep 84 - Earthbound Part Onett: An Introduction Into a Strange New World

Send us a Text Message.When Earthbound landed on American shores in 1995, nobody knew quite to make of it. In an RPG landscape where Final Fantasy 6 and Chrono Trigger ruled supreme, a silly game about farts and fuzzy pickles didn't garner much interest. At least according to the marketing. Fast forward nearly 30 years, and Earthbound has grown from 16 bit outcast to the stuff of legends. On this initial decent into the heart of Giygas, a cast of 12 intrepid explorers share their initial im

Sep 4, 2023 • 1:37:52

Ep 83 - State of the Show and AMA: Sept 2023

Ep 83 - State of the Show and AMA: Sept 2023

Hear ye, hear ye! Come hither and hear the latest going on's with the show, the schedule of upcoming episodes, a neat announcement and a wonderful AMA starring my charming wife. All sorts of frivolity on this week's episode. Thanks, as always, for listening!My Discord: https://discord.com/invite/SdaE4atGjCMy Twitter: @agamerlooksat40My Facebook: facebook.com/agamerlooksat40My Insta: @agamerlooksat40My Patreon: patreon.com/agamerlooksat40My Email: agamerlooksat40@gmail.comMy Phone Numbe

Aug 28, 2023 • 1:04:58

Tales From the Bargain Bin #17 -Dick Tracy (NES)

Tales From the Bargain Bin #17 -Dick Tracy (NES)

Send us a Text Message.How much do you know about Dick Tracy. If you're a person of my vintage, it's the campy 90's movie starring Al Pacino and Madonna and James Rolfe screaming about the video game adaptation.  On this episode of Tales From the Bargain Bin, Mike Albertin of Games My Mom Found fame talk about this strange, ill fated game, AVGN videos, the Sopranos, and the bizarre lengths Warren Beatty goes to maintain  ownership of the Dick Tracy license. Enjoy!Support the Show.

Aug 21, 2023 • 37:40

PATREON BONUS EPISODE: Rollin' Credits #2: Doom (2016)

PATREON BONUS EPISODE: Rollin' Credits #2: Doom (2016)

Send us a Text Message.Salutations lovers of the underworld! Doom 2016. A lightning blast of blistering gameplay, buckets of blood and an incomprehensible lore nobody cares about, this Bethesda backed splatterfest is a joy to experience. Join my brother and I as we talk potential TV series, make comparisons to the original Doom, and share the dangers of standing still in the bowels of Hell.LIKE THIS EPISODE? BECOME A PATRON! https://www.patreon.com/agamerlooksat40My Discord: https://discord.com/

Aug 14, 2023 • 33:33

Ep 82 - The Memories and Magic of Renting Video Games: Part 2

Ep 82 - The Memories and Magic of Renting Video Games: Part 2

Send us a Text Message.In Part 2 of our exploration of rental houses and video stores, we talk about games. All. The. Games. From the love-at-first-play titles to the weekend ruining disappointments, we swap stories of purchases yore. And we conclude the conversation by thinking back to what it was like as a kid wandering the aisles of our favorite video shop searching for the perfect game.STARRING (all handles from Twitter)Mike Albertin of Games My Mom Found Podcast (@mom_found)Brian aka @Dayan

Aug 7, 2023 • 1:18:54

Ep 81 - The Memories and Magic of Renting Video Games: Part 1

Ep 81 - The Memories and Magic of Renting Video Games: Part 1

Send us a Text Message.Remember your local video store? Maybe it was a mom and pop shop on the outskirts of town. Perhaps it was a big box chain in the corner of a strip mall. Regardless of where it was or what it was called, video stores were more than a weekly fix of random games. It was an oasis of exploration and discovery. A place where $4 could buy you a brand new favorite or a weekend of disappointment. Join myself and a gaggle of fellow travelers as we unpack the memories of rental shops

Jul 31, 2023 • 1:19:45

Tales From the Bargain Bin #16 - Adventures in the Magic Kingdom (NES)

Tales From the Bargain Bin #16 - Adventures in the Magic Kingdom (NES)

Send us a Text Message.Time to dip into the deep bowels of the Disney well and chat about a game we played to death because we - well - owned it. And the funny thing? This strange licensed piece of children's software isn't half bad. Join my brother and I as we discuss oddly fun mini games, why adults go to Disney World, Nintendo Power's Pak Watch and how standing in lines is a waste of our ever dwindling mortality. Fun times on this edition of Tales From the Bargain Bin!My Discor

Jul 17, 2023 • 49:08

Ep 80 - Mario Paint: Our First Taste of Artistic Freedom

Ep 80 - Mario Paint: Our First Taste of Artistic Freedom

Send us a Text Message.Mario Paint. For a generation of kids in the early 90's, that title alone conjures up images of star studded music staffs, spraypaint drawings and one killer fly swatting game. A safe place where anyone could create, Mario Paint was the launchpad of imaginations, passions and in some cases careers for millions of people. On this episode, we share stories of pictures drawn, music composed, and dreams realized via this one-of-a-kind piece of creation software.STARRING (

Jul 10, 2023 • 1:25:33

Tales From the Bargain Bin #15 - 90's Era PC Pack In Games

Tales From the Bargain Bin #15 - 90's Era PC Pack In Games

Send us a Text Message.Back in the mid 90's, there was nothing more exciting than getting a PC. That is, until, you realized it was purchased for homework and researching term papers on ancient Roman civilizations. And forget about asking mom and dad for PC games. That's what your SNES was for.For many young people of that era, myself included, the pack in software of our grey box PC's were the only entertainment we had until we got cash of our own. On this episode of Tales  From

Jun 26, 2023 • 39:55

EP 79 - The Man Behind The Box of Mega Man 2 w/Marc Ericksen

EP 79 - The Man Behind The Box of Mega Man 2 w/Marc Ericksen

When Marc Ericksen landed a gig to pen a box cover for a middling videogame franchise, he had limited information. What he didn't know was what that game would become legendary for all the right reasons and his art would become infamous for all the wrong ones. Join Marc and I as we discuss his road to creating the box art for Mega Man 2, a story that takes us from a military career in Vietnam, to Silicon Valley in the 1980's to a career that spawned over 150 pieces of videogame art.Sta

Jun 19, 2023 • 49:26

Ep 78 - An E3 Retrospective w/ the EGM Editors

Ep 78 - An E3 Retrospective w/ the EGM Editors

Six months ago, I asked Greg, CJ (from the Player One Podcast) and Dan "Shoe" Hsu to join me for an E3 episode. Swap stories of the conference and celebrate the return of an in person event. Two months later, the conference was cancelled. Undeterred, the trio kept the appointment and joined me for an E3 retrospective. Rather than craft a eulogy, the crew shares their favorite moments, life at the show from a press perspective and where, if anywhere, E3 can go from here. Starring (all h

Jun 12, 2023 • 1:12:17

Ep 77 - Side Quests Volume 6

Ep 77 - Side Quests Volume 6

Ready for a massive smorgasbord? Prepare to dive in forks first as we present a summer barbeque's worth of random thoughts, opinions and recollections culled from months worth of interviews. Zelda (again), light guns and gaming with kids highlight this fun, random episode.Starring (all handles from Twitter)Celeste (@faeriecrypt) of @AnotherZeldaPodGreg Sewart of the Player One Podcast (@p1podcast) and Generation 16 video series.Jim of Drink a Beer, Play a Game (@ABeerAndAGame)Justin of Kill

Jun 5, 2023 • 1:34:42

Ep 76 - Art History, Ocarina, and the Great Critic Debate w/ Mike Fallek

Ep 76 - Art History, Ocarina, and the Great Critic Debate w/ Mike Fallek

Send us a Text Message.Ever have a conversation that goes delightfully off the rails? One minute you're talking about the NHL playoffs, the next you're debating theology and the nature of creation. That's the sort of conversation Mike Fallek and I had back in November of 2022. What was intended as a recording about Ocarina of Time quickly morphed into topics like art history, the plight of the struggling artist, and the adversarial relationship between the creative and critic. Joi

May 29, 2023 • 55:06

PATREON BONUS EPISODE: The AGLA40 Uncut Archives Episode 3 w/Shaan Shirazi

PATREON BONUS EPISODE: The AGLA40 Uncut Archives Episode 3 w/Shaan Shirazi

Send us a Text Message.Over the course of nearly two and a half years of recording for this show, I've chatted with a wide swath of lovely people. Early in my explorations, I chatted with Shaan Shirazi, a man of the moment and retro gamer extraordinaire. On this week's episode, we discuss videogame competitions in the era of quarters and arcades, Revolution X, and Taylor Swift Guitar Hero.NOTE: This episode, normally reserved for my beloved patrons, is intended to give the public feed

May 22, 2023 • 45:28

Ep 75 - A Conversation with Brett Weiss - Living Retro for Over Four Decades

Ep 75 - A Conversation with Brett Weiss - Living Retro for Over Four Decades

Send us a Text Message.When I first met Brett Weiss during Classic Games Fest 2022, I knew he would be a required guest. With nearly 40 years of gaming experience, Brett's covered the medium in every possible way. From his 13 published books to his YouTube channel to an impressive collection of games and consoles, Brett is a foremost authority on all things retro. Join us as we discuss the perils of being an author, buying games during the Crash of 1983 and the amazing, incredible retro gam

May 15, 2023 • 1:09:21

Tales From the Bargain Bin #14 - Deja Vu (NES)

Tales From the Bargain Bin #14 - Deja Vu (NES)

Send us a Text Message.Sunlight streaked onto Ace's face Monday morning, the aftereffects of Sunday Funday still on his breath. The smell of bad whiskey and worse cigars lingered in the air. Bleary eyed, Ace glanced at his Samsung and noticed a series of notifications. Past due credit cards, ads for hair gel and a three day old text from his Aunt Mildred. But in the midst of this sea of digital distractions, Ace spied a new episode of Tales From the Bargain Bin perched in his pod player, wa

May 8, 2023 • 34:33

EP 74 - Majora's Mask Part 3 - The Final Cycle Through Two Conversations

EP 74 - Majora's Mask Part 3 - The Final Cycle Through Two Conversations

Send us a Text Message.Unlike any game in the Zelda canon, Majora's Mask brought out deep emotions and touching stories. So much so, I think it's worthwhile to take one more trip through Clock Town with two people whose lives were irrevocably touched by this uniquely personal experience. Join Seth Sturgill of the All N Podcast, Helena (@hellhathfury on TikTok), and I as they share their final thoughts on Majora's Mask.Starring (all handles from Twitter unless otherwise noted)Helen

May 1, 2023 • 1:40:00

Ep 73 - A Conversation With Chris of Classic Gaming Quarterly

Ep 73 - A Conversation With Chris of Classic Gaming Quarterly

Send us a Text Message.When people think of YouTube documentary series, a handful of names spring to mind. My guest for this week's episode is one of those channels that deserves to be in that conversation. With over 148k subscribers and 17 million total views, Classic Gaming Quarterly is one of premier videogame documentaries currently on YouTube. Join host Chris Alaimo and I as we discuss his first entry point into games, his video creation philosophy and some of the trials and successes

Apr 24, 2023 • 1:15:24

Tales From the Bargain Bin #13 - NCAA Basketball (SNES)

Tales From the Bargain Bin #13 - NCAA Basketball (SNES)

Send us a Text Message.Howdy, hoops fans! With NCAA March Madness firmly in the rear view mirror, what better way to capitalize on the tournament than talk about the SNES game of the same-ish name. Nothing like releasing an SEO friendly episode one week after the event ends, is there? Sorry, folks, but the Zelda series came first...Join my brother and I as we talk about this interesting game, its hockey sibling, penalty throws, and how basketball is my 10th favorite sport.Starring:My brother, Bo

Apr 17, 2023 • 41:18

State of the Show Address and AMA - April 2023

State of the Show Address and AMA - April 2023

Hear ye, hear ye! Come hither friends and noble people to hear tales of the past and dreams of the future. And questions asked my brethren on Discord. On this month's State of the Show, I discuss the Zelda series, share the schedule for the next couple of months, talk about a new project and answer questions asked by my amazing Discord community. Thanks for checking out the show! My Discord: https://discord.com/invite/SdaE4atGjCMy Twitter: @agamerlooksat40My Facebook: facebook.com/agamerloo

Apr 13, 2023 • 40:36

Ep 72 - The Super Mario Bros Movie: Through the Eyes of a Child and the Mind of an Adult

Ep 72 - The Super Mario Bros Movie: Through the Eyes of a Child and the Mind of an Adult

Send us a Text Message.By the time you hear this episode, everyone in the gaming universe will have an opinion on the Super Mario Bros Movie. Yours truly is no different. But what about the rambling thoughts of the film's target audience - kids? On this episode, I chat with my 6 year old son about his experience with a movie designed for him and then follow up with my thoughts on a film destined to be divisive because we, as gamer people, love the source material so damn much.  My Discord:

Apr 10, 2023 • 30:06

Ep 71 - Breath of the Wild and Beyond

Ep 71 - Breath of the Wild and Beyond

Send us a Text Message.When Nintendo's latest adventure was teased in January of 2013, it was intended to be a killer app for the then fledgling Wii U. Four years later, it launched the Switch into superstar status, left the old tablet console behind, and marked a new, bold direction for an over 30 year old franchise. Join myself and a cast of fellow Zelda lovers as we explore Breath of the Wild while taking some furtive glances at what could be on the horizon.Starring (all handles from Twi

Apr 3, 2023 • 1:21:52

Ep 70 - The Zelda Grab Bag: Interview Odds and Ends

Ep 70 - The Zelda Grab Bag: Interview Odds and Ends

When you spend dozens of hours interviewing people for a huge, six month series, bits and pieces of the conversation inevitably end up on the cutting room floor. This episode resurrects those lost nuggets of goodness and lets us all experience more thoughts, opinions and first impressions of this incredible franchise.Starring (all handles from Twitter)Christian (@brakeman90) of the Franchise Festival PodcastIan (@teacherbloke85)Jim from Drink a Beer, Play a Game Podcast (@ABeerAndAGame)Jodi aka

Mar 27, 2023 • 58:07

Ep 69 - The Zelda Three Questions

Ep 69 - The Zelda Three Questions

Send us a Text Message.Before nearly every interview I conduct, I ask my guests three random, silly questions that deserve random, silly answers. This time around, in honor of our ever-running Zelda series, all of this episode's question are related to the world of Link, Hyrule and Gannon. Join myself and 13 amazing guests as we chat in game pals, remasters and the Hookshot. Lots and lots of Hookshot. Starring (all handles from Twitter)Seth aka @thedopsterChristian (@brakeman90) of the Fran

Mar 20, 2023 • 1:12:36

Ep 68 - Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword: A Tale of Two Titles

Ep 68 - Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword: A Tale of Two Titles

Send us a Text Message.Nintendo in the 2000's was a period of transition. Moving to the world of more "adult gaming" while keeping their core "fun over all" values led to strange experiments and commercial triumphs. Both The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword are examples of this shift in philosophy. Going from Wind Waker cute to Twilight dark and back to Skyward bright not only shines light on Nintendo as a company but gaming culture as a whole. Join m

Mar 13, 2023 • 57:27

EP 67 - The Cell Shaded Boy Wonder: The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker

EP 67 - The Cell Shaded Boy Wonder: The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker

Send us a Text Message.When Wind Waker was originally announced during Space World 2001, fans revolted. With one trailer, Nintendo reversed course on the "adult gamer" trend and planted their flag as the maverick company unafraid to buck tradition. Twenty years later, it's a beloved game.On this episode of A Gamer Looks at 40, we explore the memories and recollections of the people who loved this game then just as much as they do now and see if we can discover how Wind Waker rose

Mar 6, 2023 • 1:34:09

State of the Show Address and AMA - March 2023

State of the Show Address and AMA - March 2023

Good day, wonderful listeners! Lots of news and updates on the future of the podcast, so rather than a long Discord or Twitter post, why not share it to your earholes? In this update, I talk Patreon, new shows, brand new platforms, and a BIG announcement you won't want to miss. My Discord: https://discord.com/invite/SdaE4atGjCMy Twitter: @agamerlooksat40My Facebook: facebook.com/agamerlooksat40My Insta: @agamerlooksat40My Patreon: patreon.com/agamerlooksat40My Email: agamerlooksat40@gmail.c

Mar 1, 2023 • 29:37

Ep 66 - Zelda On the Go: The Handheld Games

Ep 66 - Zelda On the Go: The Handheld Games

Send us a Text Message.When most think about The Legend of Zelda, giant adventures on 20 inch TV screens flood to mind. But what about the quests that fit in the palm of our hands? On this episode of our Zelda series, we take a look at the games that packed big fun into small, bite sized packages. Starring (all handles from Twitter unless otherwise noted)Allen PetrozziChristian of the Franchise Festival Podcast (@Brakeman90)Ian aka @teacherbloke85Jodi aka @BakuielPhoebe aka The Let's Play P

Feb 27, 2023 • 1:02:55

Ep 65 - Videogames + People = Relationships

Ep 65 - Videogames + People = Relationships

We've all heard stories over first dances, couple's songs, and the sappy rom-com that brought two people together. But why not videogames? If electronic entertainment is on par with the big players of the world, why can't it ignite relationships like anything else? On this special Valentine's Day episode of A Gamer Looks at 40, we listen to five short stories of people who connect in amazing ways thanks to this incredible medium.Starring (all handles on Twitter)@GtoTheNextLev

Feb 13, 2023 • 32:31

Ep 64 - The Lone Redeemer of the Zelda CD-i Games

Ep 64 - The Lone Redeemer of the Zelda CD-i Games

Send us a Text Message.Universally loathed, endlessly memed, and the laughing stock of an entire franchise, the Zelda CD-i games are notorious duds. So why do an episode on them? Because one person attempted to  resurrect these despised fossils and transform them into playable games. This is his story.Starring (all handles from Twitter):Christian S (@brakeman90) of the Franchise Festival PodcastSeth aka Dopply (@thedopster)My Discord: https://discord.com/invite/SdaE4atGjCMy Twitter: @agamerlooks

Feb 6, 2023 • 56:28

Ep 63 - Majora's Mask Part 2: The Reluctant Classic

Ep 63 - Majora's Mask Part 2: The Reluctant Classic

Send us a Text Message.In Part 1 of our two part Majora series, we dove into two stories of lives impacted by this now beloved game. In Part 2, we widen the scope. Join myself and a cast of moon hungry mask fans as we discuss themes, time, and the greatest character not named Link or Zelda to feature in a LOZ game.Starring (all handles from Twitter unless otherwise noted) Allen Petrozzi Christian of the Franchise Festival Podcast (@Brakeman90) Greg Sewart (@sewart) of Player One Podcast (@p1podc

Jan 30, 2023 • 1:57:47

Ep 62 - Majora's Mask Part 1: Heart, Soul, Changing Lives

Ep 62 - Majora's Mask Part 1: Heart, Soul, Changing Lives

Send us a Text Message.So far in our Zelda journey, we've talked stories and swords, lore and loyalty. Of all the games we've covered so far, Majora's Mask is one of the first that inspired personal change. While we'll cover the nuts, bolts, favorites, and first impressions in another episode, on this edition of A Gamer Looks at 40, we zoom in on how this bizarre yet fascinating game helped pull two people from the brink of grief, sadness, and fear.  Starring (all handles fro

Jan 23, 2023 • 51:49

Ep 61 - Zelda's Evolutionary Leap: Ocarina of Time

Ep 61 - Zelda's Evolutionary Leap: Ocarina of Time

Send us a Text Message.In 1998, the most people knew of Zelda was 16 bit adventures framed in a top down style. And nobody minded. Zelda was still a top three Nintendo franchise. But when Ocarina of Time hit stores in time for holiday 98, it became a sensation. Nobody would have guessed the leap from 2D to 3D would be so dramatic, so immersive, and so special. On this episode of A Gamer Looks at 40, we continue our romp through the Legend of Zelda series with Ocarina of Time. Join a cast of OOT

Jan 16, 2023 • 1:34:45

The 2022 Holiday Card Writing Show: A Short of Sorts

The 2022 Holiday Card Writing Show: A Short of Sorts

Send us a Text Message.Nothing says "holidays" like the annual tradition of filling out greeting cards for friends and family. And nothing says excess like receiving a two page essay on the year long going-ons of people you barely knew. Jimmy got a gold medal in his swim meet back in May, Addy is expecting their 3rd child in February, etc. For me, nobody cares what my son did back in August. Most likely picking his nose. But what they may care about are the games I played this year. Jo

Dec 26, 2022 • 8:36

Ep 60 - Kindergarten Co-op: The Trials and Triumphs of Teaching Kids About Video Games

Ep 60 - Kindergarten Co-op: The Trials and Triumphs of Teaching Kids About Video Games

Send us a Text Message.Do you remember your first video game? Do you remember learning how to play that game? If you're like me, probably not. For me, Super Mario Brothers just made sense. There was trial and error, but nothing too challenging.So why do us as parents feel pulled to teach our kids how to enjoy our favorite medium? Is it even possible? And where do we draw the line between trying to guide and letting them fail. And ultimately, how did we, as young gamers, navigate this surpri

Dec 19, 2022 • 1:28:33

Ep 59 - Another Dream of the Wind Fish: Link's Awakening

Ep 59 - Another Dream of the Wind Fish: Link's Awakening

Send us a Text Message.What's real? What's fake? Can you trust everyone you mean on your journey and even if you can, should you do what they say? While this may sound like the thesis behind The Stanley Parable, it's one of the many complex themes in Link's Awakening, a 4 bit Game Boy game released in 1993.On this episode, myself and a host of Zelda fans talk about this miracle of a game. First experiences, ending conspiracies, and why the game works as a work of fiction and

Dec 12, 2022 • 1:48:56

Ep 58 - Music to Our Ears: A Look Inside Symphony of the Goddesses w/Andrew Craig

Ep 58 - Music to Our Ears: A Look Inside Symphony of the Goddesses w/Andrew Craig

Before 2011, Zelda music was relegated to the world of chiptune themes, YouTube creator covers, and the occasional red herring download from Kazza or LimeWire. So, when Symphony of the Goddesses arrived in 2012, it not only gave fans the chance to hear timeless music the way it was intended to be enjoyed, it let non-gamers understand what us Zelda heads were raving about. And in the midst of it all, frequent guest Andrew Craig was a part of it. From starting as an E3 photographer to brushing sho

Dec 5, 2022 • 28:11

Ep 57 - A Live Read of the Nintendo Power Legend of Zelda Comic w/Gamers Week Podcast

Ep 57 - A Live Read of the Nintendo Power Legend of Zelda Comic w/Gamers Week Podcast

Send us a Text Message.In 1993, Nintendo ran a Legend of Zelda comic, in 12 parts, in Nintendo Power Magazine. The  comic was amazing. Not only was it a way for us to experience the 16 bit exploits of Link without bothering our parents for a new cartridge, it expanded on the lore for existing LttP pros. It's classic, cheesy, and perfect for a dumb idea.In this episode, Blue, Ryan and Donnie join me in an unrehearsed, unplanned live table read of the first three chapters of this super 90&apo

Nov 21, 2022 • 1:03:53

Ep 56 - The Top of the Triforce (Part 2): The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Ep 56 - The Top of the Triforce (Part 2): The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Send us a Text Message.On this continuation of last week's Part 1, we talk more memories, Link to the Past's legacy, various odds and ends, and a final word on the very nature of what makes a game timeless.Starring (all handles from Twitter):Steve LuzaderAndrew CraigBlue (@wytersview), Donnie (@donniegretro) and Ryan (@retrogamebrews) of @gamersweekpcGreg Sewart (@sewart) of @p1podcastTrevor and Jeff of @newdadgamingLord Reverend D (Knightfall247) of Rulebooks Anonymous PodcastSeth (@t

Nov 14, 2022 • 1:14:50

Ep 55 - The Top of the Triforce (Part 1): The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Ep 55 - The Top of the Triforce (Part 1): The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

What can you say about one of the greatest games ever made? How do you cover a game that's been the topic of hundreds, maybe thousands, of articles, review shows, and Twitter arguments? The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past falls into this rarified category. Universally beloved and investigated to death.The answer is surprisingly easy: tell people stories and personal recollections. On this episode of A Gamer Looks at 40, a  cast of Zelda fans and I share stories of our first impressions

Nov 7, 2022 • 1:09:59

Ep 54 - Halloween 2022: A Brotherly Retrospective

Ep 54 - Halloween 2022: A Brotherly Retrospective

Send us a Text Message.In my family growing up, Halloween was a lesser holiday. We did the standard trick-or-treating, costumes, and careful inspection of candy looking for sharp objects everyone did. But as we grew older, our appreciation for both the holiday and the scary media that comes from it grew and grew. On this loose and easy episode of A Gamer Looks at 40, my brother and I share stories of childhood Halloweens, scary games that made an impression and don our film nerd hats to chat abo

Oct 31, 2022 • 54:38

Ep 53 - The Game That Everyone Loves to Hate (Zelda 2:The Adventure of Link)

Ep 53 - The Game That Everyone Loves to Hate (Zelda 2:The Adventure of Link)

Send us a Text Message.Growing up, Zelda 2 was known as the "bad Zelda game". As the sentiment evolved from friends on the playground to angry gamer dude YouTubers, my thoughts were in line with the crowd, even though I had never played the game. And why would I? Loud voices online all agree, the thing stinks. Why waste time on a terrible experience?On this episode, I shed my preconceived notions and backed by a panel of Zelda fans, all with their own takes and memories, dive in and fo

Oct 24, 2022 • 1:13:57

Ep 52 - The First Adventure: The Legend of Zelda (NES)

Ep 52 - The First Adventure: The Legend of Zelda (NES)

Send us a Text Message.A gold case. An epic theme. A cave in the middle of nowhere. Those humble beginnings birthed a decade spanning series that's still beloved to this day. Join a smashing cast of Zelda fans and I as we discuss the original Legend of Zelda for the NES. First impressions, lasting memories, and the occasional critique. Starring:Seth Sturgill of the All N Podcast (@allnpodcast)Mike Albertin of Games My Mom Found (@momfound)Allen PetrozziBlue Williams (@wytersview) of @gamers

Oct 17, 2022 • 48:30

Ep 51 - It's Dangerous to Go Alone (Part 2): A Survey Course on the Legend of Zelda Franchise

Ep 51 - It's Dangerous to Go Alone (Part 2): A Survey Course on the Legend of Zelda Franchise

Send us a Text Message.In Part 2 of our introductory walk through the Legend of Zelda series, we examine if the character of Link matters to the series, if the twisted lore is required knowledge, and whether or not the classic Zelda formula works today.Starring:Seth Sturgill of the All N Podcast (@allnpodcast)Allen PetrozziAndrew CraigRyan aka @gameswithcoffeeDan of @retrologicgamesDonnie and Blue of @gamersweekpcGreg Sewart of @p1podcastTrevor and Greg of @newdadgamingLord Reverend D (@Knightfa

Oct 10, 2022 • 1:47:11

Ep 50 - It's Dangerous to Go Alone (Part 1): A Survey Course on the Legend of Zelda Franchise

Ep 50 - It's Dangerous to Go Alone (Part 1): A Survey Course on the Legend of Zelda Franchise

Send us a Text Message.One day in the early 80's, Shigeru Miyamoto looked back and thought about his days roaming the Kyoto countryside as a youth. The result of his daydream was The Legend of Zelda, a landmark franchise full of action, adventure, and exploration. To kick off a multi-month exploration of this world class series, we take a look at Zelda as a comprehensive work before diving into the individual eras. Why its endured, what the games do well (and not so well) and the personal s

Oct 3, 2022 • 1:20:42

BTS Bonus Replay - Ep 10 - A Life Changed By Zelda / 1-900-HELP-ME!

BTS Bonus Replay - Ep 10 - A Life Changed By Zelda / 1-900-HELP-ME!

Send us a Text Message.In honor of the coming Legend of Zelda series, I give you one of my favorite episodes from last year. Andrew Craig and Greg of the Level Zero podcast (@levelzeropod on Twitter) share two stories of how the Legend of Zelda shaped them in both serious and hilarious ways.My Twitter: @agamerlooksat40My Facebook: facebook.com/agamerlooksat40My Insta: @agamerlooksat40My Patreon: patreon.com/agamerlooksat40My Email: agamerlooksat40@gmail.comMy Phone Number: Ehhhhh, not gonna happ

Sep 26, 2022 • 37:01

Tales From the Bargain Bin #12 - Maniac Mansion (NES)

Tales From the Bargain Bin #12 - Maniac Mansion (NES)

Send us a Text Message.It's ooky. It's kooky. It's one of the best point and click adventures ever made. And yes, it still holds up today. Featuring unique humor, sensational music, and the occasional scary nurse, this Luscasarts classic is a personal favorite. Join Blair Farrell and I as we revisit this one of a kind game and discuss why it's a modern classic.Starring Blair Farrell of comicbookvideogames.com and the author of The Avengers in Video Games.My Twitter: @agamerlo

Sep 19, 2022 • 27:13

Tales From the Bargain Bin #11 - Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub Zero

Tales From the Bargain Bin #11 - Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub Zero

Send us a Text Message.Endlessly mocked and memed by the internet, Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub Zero marks the beginning and end of what might have been a cool bit of lore expanding games. But shoddy controls, poorly acted cut scenes, and an overall lack of polish rightfully placed this title into bargain bin territory. On this episode of Tales From the Bargain Bin, Blair Farrell shares his history with this bizarre but well intentioned game and takes on the toughest Mortal Kombat quiz 10 minu

Sep 12, 2022 • 29:18

BTS Bonus - Bill's Bioshock Infinite Dissertation on Games My Mom Found #165

BTS Bonus - Bill's Bioshock Infinite Dissertation on Games My Mom Found #165

Send us a Text Message.NOTE: This episode as some cussing in it. If you're in your car with kids, save this for when you have some alone time.As many of you know, Bioshock is one of my favorite series. Each entry presents a fantastic immersive sim experience rich with exciting gameplay, fascinating lore, and rich story. And theme upon themes upon themes. Except Bioshock Infinite. I've spent many a Twitter thread lamenting the utter disappointment of this now divisive game to the point

Sep 5, 2022 • 3:06:24

The Walk Never Ends #2: Abzu w/The Well Red Mage

The Walk Never Ends #2: Abzu w/The Well Red Mage

These days, I need to chill. Relax. Contemplate. What I didn't think I needed was a swim in a virtual fish tank with all manner of manta rays, swordfish, and sharks. But that's exactly what Abu offers. A wonderful, frictionless aquatic experience that hides a rich lore and story beneath it's seemingly simple waves.But I didn't get any of that. I had fun playing with the fishies. Originally aired on Episode 75 of Mage Cast, this episode features The Well Red Mage and I as we d

Aug 29, 2022 • 1:20:42

BTS Bonus Replay - Ep 27: Taking Down the Tetris King Part 2

BTS Bonus Replay - Ep 27: Taking Down the Tetris King Part 2

Send us a Text Message.Our first BTS Bonus episode is a replay of one of my favorite conversations on the show - a talk with Paul Tesi, also known as MegaRetroMan online. In 2019, Paul entered the Classic Tetris World Championship as a relative newbie and took down the greatest Tetris player who ever lived. A story of triumph that's tempered by the harsh realities of winning big in a niche competition, this episode does what I think this podcast was designed to do. Bring interesting persona

Aug 22, 2022 • 1:15:01

Ep 49 - The Search for a Nintendo Power Grand Prize Winner

Ep 49 - The Search for a Nintendo Power Grand Prize Winner

Send us a Text Message.Remember the Nintendo Power contests? I sure do. Feverishly filling out the punch out entry card, begging my mom to mail it and hoping for the best was a bi-monthly tradition. The contests ranged from the mundane to insane, but it was always fun to check out the prizes and dream. But who won these things? Who actually took home the grand prizes? A couple of the famous ones are well documented, but for the most part, these winners are lost to time and old back issues. Until

Aug 15, 2022 • 38:06

A Back to School (BTS) Announcement!

A Back to School (BTS) Announcement!

The cadence of the show is changing for months of August and September. Fancy what's going on? Give this quick update a listen!Support the Show.

Aug 8, 2022 • 5:01

Tales From the Bargain Bin #10 - Crash Bandicoot Warped

Tales From the Bargain Bin #10 - Crash Bandicoot Warped

Send us a Text Message.What's a bandicoot? In the days before the internets, this question rattled around my brain along with the names of my favorite hockey players, random facts about Garbage Pail kids, and the shocking complexity of physics force diagrams. And there it stayed unanswered until the smashing and debonair Mike Albertin of Games My Mom Found suggested a game for this edition of Tales from the Bargain Bin. What begins as a cautious exploration of Crash Bandicoot Warped quickly

Aug 1, 2022 • 37:20

Ep 48 - Side Quests Volume 5

Ep 48 - Side Quests Volume 5

Send us a Text Message.The audio equivalent of turning lemons into lemonade, Side Quests allows me to share the awesome stories and entertaining insights that didn't make the main episodes for whatever reason. From mediations on the nature of difficulty to dunking on beloved consoles, this edition of Side Quests run the gambit from funny to thoughtful, clever to comical. Listen today! Or tomorrow! Whenever is convenient! Starring (all handles from Twitter):@redauxpdxAllen Petrozzi @knightfa

Jul 25, 2022 • 1:01:30

Ep 47 - The 7th Anniversary Wifey-sode w/Jamie Tucker

Ep 47 - The 7th Anniversary Wifey-sode w/Jamie Tucker

Send us a Text Message.When you've been married to somebody for seven years and known them for double that time, it's easy to think you know everything. Luckily for everyone involved, that's never the case. On this special anniversary edition of A Gamer Looks at 40, I chat with my wife, Jamie, about all things gaming. The wrinkle? Jamie isn't a gamer. What starts as a fun conversation about the medium morphs into topics of childhood trauma, gaming while horribly hungover, and

Jul 18, 2022 • 1:02:52

A Gamer Looks at Camping: A Semi-Tragic Tale w/Pete Harney

A Gamer Looks at Camping: A Semi-Tragic Tale w/Pete Harney

Send us a Text Message.What do you get when you take a city kid out of the suburbs and stick him on the edge of a lake in a pop-up camper? A semi-disastrous weekend that makes for a semi-entertaining piece of side content for this very podcast.Staring Pete Harney (@cipherzero on Twitter)My Twitter: @agamerlooksat40My Facebook: facebook.com/agamerlooksat40My Insta: @agamerlooksat40My Patreon: patreon.com/agamerlooksat40My Email: agamerlooksat40@gmail.comMy Phone Number: Ehhhhh, not gonna happen.

Jul 11, 2022 • 46:29

Tales From the Bargain Bin #9 - Chex Quest (PC)

Tales From the Bargain Bin #9 - Chex Quest (PC)

Send us a Text Message.What do you get when you cross a controversial first person shooter with an average breakfast cereal and throw it into 5.7 million cereal boxes? A generation of kids whose first Doom clone was Chex Quest. Join loyal patron, Twitch channel viewer, and my brother-in-law Pete Harney as we discuss this surprisingly solid shooter, favorite breakfast cereals, and the never ending allure of shameless product placement in your local supermarket. Starring Pete Harney (@cipherxzero

Jul 4, 2022 • 34:23

Ep 46 - An EGM Retrospective w/ Greg Sewart, Chris Johnston (CJ), and Dan Hsu

Ep 46 - An EGM Retrospective w/ Greg Sewart, Chris Johnston (CJ), and Dan Hsu

Send us a Text Message.In the days before websites, social media, and the hellish world of click-bait, we had videogame magazines. They weren't just an information source. They were a window into another world. When you have the funds for give games a year, videogame magazines allowed us to play the titles without owning them. There are few things more nostalgic than flicking through an old Nintendo Power or GamePro.And of all the magazines available on convenience store shelves, one reigne

Jun 27, 2022 • 1:07:29

Ep 45 - The Three Questions: Part 3

Ep 45 - The Three Questions: Part 3

Before nearly every interview, I assault - I mean - kindly ask my guests three silly questions with the hope of getting equally silly answers. What often occurs is a find side conversation, neat anecdote or touching tale. On this week's three questions episode, we discuss national monuments, game shows, and corporate shakeups. 12 guests, three questions, 90 minutes worth of fun. Starring in order of appearance (all handles Twitter)Allen PetrozziRyan aka GamesWithCoffee (@GamesWCoffee)Dan fr

Jun 20, 2022 • 1:34:47

Ep 44 - Formed by Final Fantasy 6

Ep 44 - Formed by Final Fantasy 6

Part of the joy of doing this podcast is hearing how games shaped people's lives. If music and movies can do so, why can't videogames? On this week's episode, I chat with professor of game design and studio founder Daniel Greenberg. Where most people can cite moments and memories of Final Fantasy 6, Daniel professes the game as a formative title in his life. From personal connections, to professional opportunities to academic pursuits, this 1994 Square classic touched nearly every

Jun 13, 2022 • 1:01:16

Tales From the Bargain Bin #8 - James Bond Jr (SNES)

Tales From the Bargain Bin #8 - James Bond Jr (SNES)

What do you get when you create an animated TV show filled with teenagers with bad British accents protecting the something from nefarious henchmen? James Bond Jr, the TV show. What do you get when you make a game off this very average cartoon? James Bond Jr the video game. Join my brother and I as we clumsily attempt to fill a 30 minute episode with comments on the game, GameFAQs reviews, and a talk on nuclear fission.Starring the one and only Bobby Tucker.My Twitter: @agamerlooksat40My Faceboo

Jun 6, 2022 • 33:22

Ep 43 - Diamonds and Disappointments: Uncovering the Truth of the N64 Library

Ep 43 - Diamonds and Disappointments: Uncovering the Truth of the N64 Library

When people discuss the Nintendo 64, they talk about the hits. Mario 64, Goldeneye, etc. And that's where we've been living for the last few episodes. But this week, we dive deeper into the console's library and mine memories of the lesser known titles. Sure, we hit on the bangers and commonly discussed games. Can't get through a survey course on N64 games without talking about Mario Kart 64.But we also attempt to find those precious jewels long forgotten by time and communal

May 30, 2022 • 1:39:58

Tales From the Bargain Bin #7 - Barbie (NES)

Tales From the Bargain Bin #7 - Barbie (NES)

Send us a Text Message.Back in the late 80's / early 90's, developers didn't factor girl gamers into their production plans. Videogame marketing was (and still is) heavily male skewed and the result was titles like 1991's Barbie for the NES. An ill conceived cash grab for parents who didn't know better, Barbie barely functions as a game and is a prime example of what happens when you don't respect your audience.And the worst part was, my sister had a copy. And we pl

May 23, 2022 • 34:20

Ep 42 - The Game With the Golden Gun: Goldeneye 007

Ep 42 - The Game With the Golden Gun: Goldeneye 007

Send us a Text Message.The name's 40. A Gamer Looks at 40.When Goldeneye 007 shadow dropped into the hands of N64 players in the winter of 1997, few thought it would be more than a movie tie-in title. Thanks to revolutionary physics, a tight relationship to the source material and a multiplayer mode the likes of which console players had never seen, it became the 3rd best selling game on the console. But ask anyone who's played it today, and they'll usually say the same thing - Go

May 16, 2022 • 51:13

Tales From the Bargain Bin #6 - Uniracers (SNES)

Tales From the Bargain Bin #6 - Uniracers (SNES)

Send us a Text Message.What do you get when you mix a circus clown's preferred method of transportation with a 16 bit videogame console? Uniracers, the super fast, super fun, and super strange SNES title that is exactly as advertised - sentient unicycles racing at lightning speed along colorful 2D tracks. Join  Dan of Retrologic Podcast as we discuss the game, his memories, evil Pixar lawyers, late 90's Cher, games as investible commodities, and the word mondo. Lots and lots of mondo.B

May 9, 2022 • 34:04

Ep 41 - The 40th Episode AMA Special (Part 2)

Ep 41 - The 40th Episode AMA Special (Part 2)

Send us a Text Message.An AMA so nice, we recorded it twice - in two days, that is. Join Joey, Bobby, and myself for another round of Q&A fueled by the fine listeners of this audio podcast thing. Thanks again for participating! Starring:Mike from Games My Mom Found (@mom_found)Nancy Tucker-DatrioEric HighlandMichelle CorioDerek TagliarinoHeather AspergrenBen Bazzrea@wrytersviewMy Twitter: @agamerlooksat40My Facebook: facebook.com/agamerlooksat40My Insta: @agamerlooksat40My Patreon: patreon.c

May 2, 2022 • 55:35

Ep 40 - The 40th Episode AMA Special (Part 1)

Ep 40 - The 40th Episode AMA Special (Part 1)

Send us a Text Message.In honor of the podcast's 40th episode, I asked friends, listeners and family to submit questions and boy did they. Listen to Joe Corio, my brother Bobby and I answer questions, have some laughs, and chat about utter nonsense in this sprawling milestone special.NOTE: Due to the massive 2.5 hour length, I decided to break the AMA into two episodes. If you submitted a question and didn't get an answer, it should been addressed in Part 2. Thanks!Answering questions

Apr 25, 2022 • 1:35:19

Ep 39 -  Soaring Through the Skies of Super Mario 64

Ep 39 - Soaring Through the Skies of Super Mario 64

Send us a Text Message.From spinning in circles to soaring through the sky, Mario 64 offered gamers untold control and freedom. It's endured through the years, enjoyed new life in remasters and still considered by many to be a Top 5 N64 game ever made.But who did the game impact, and more importantly, what are the stories behind the accolades. Beyond the graphics, the sound, and the unprecedented control, we explore the tales of the people who played it as kids and still love it as adults.

Apr 18, 2022 • 57:46

Tales From the Bargain Bin #5 - South Park (PS1)

Tales From the Bargain Bin #5 - South Park (PS1)

Send us a Text Message.Come on down to South Park, and meet a crappy game.In the late 90's, South Park was a cultural phenomenon. Annoying kids like me lived off Cartman impersonations, "You Killed Kenny" t-shirts were everywhere, and parents were horrified by this crew of foul mouthed children. And like anything good and awesome, we needed a videogame. Enter South Park: The Game. A port of the 1998 N64 game of the same name and design, the 1999 PS1 version took a barely average 1

Apr 11, 2022 • 32:33

Ep 38 - Destined to be Divisive: The Nintendo 64

Ep 38 - Destined to be Divisive: The Nintendo 64

Send us a Text Message.How do you follow one of the most popular consoles ever made? If you're Nintendo, take every risk and break every convention. While my memories of the Nintendo 64 are mostly rosy, this 64 bit workhorse brings just as much ire to retro game fans as it does excitement. The controller is strange, the visuals less than crisp, and the games came on carts. But for many of my guests, the N64 brings good memories of traversing 3D space for the first time and playing multiplay

Apr 4, 2022 • 1:23:10

Tales From the Bargain Bin #4 - Fester's Quest (NES)

Tales From the Bargain Bin #4 - Fester's Quest (NES)

Send us a Text Message.A perennial YouTube punching bag, the reputation of this flawed but oddly ambitious title's been dragged through the mud for decades. But what's the truth? My brother and I scratch the surface on this infamous title and attempt to separate fact from fiction. And talk about Snoop Dog's many contributions to society.My Twitter: @agamerlooksat40My Facebook: facebook.com/agamerlooksat40My Insta: @agamerlooksat40My Patreon: patreon.com/agamerlooksat40My Email: ag

Mar 28, 2022 • 38:19

Ep 37 - Life Behind the Counter of a 90's Videogame Retail Store

Ep 37 - Life Behind the Counter of a 90's Videogame Retail Store

Send us a Text Message.Us old-timey gamers didn't have Amazon, Game Pass, or streaming sites. We had retail stores. Grand playgrounds full of scannable treasures and playable games. And it wasn't just a place to pick up the latest titles. It was a part of social circle. An important element of our growing up experience.On this episode, I chat with Julien from Nerds Without Pants Podcast (@NWPCast) and actor, cartoonist, and contributor to the Digital Noise podcast John Gholsen as we ex

Mar 21, 2022 • 1:23:47

Tales From the Bargain Bin #3 - Mickey Mousecapade (NES)

Tales From the Bargain Bin #3 - Mickey Mousecapade (NES)

Send us a Text Message.How would you like it if you had an invisible tether between you and your partner as you traversed the dangers of life together? That's the main gameplay conceit of Mickey Mousecapade, a below average action platformer for the NES. Join my brother and I as we chat about the game, the evils of kid's TV, and how the Mouse Ears will eventually enslave us all. Well, maybe not the last bit...Starring: My brother Bobby!My Twitter: @agamerlooksat40My Facebook: facebook.

Mar 14, 2022 • 34:57

Ep 36 - 100 Years of Retro Collecting w/the Directors of the NVM

Ep 36 - 100 Years of Retro Collecting w/the Directors of the NVM

Send us a Text Message.Imagine if you had a full set of your favorite console. Now imagine you had a full set of every console ever made. With a combined 100 years of game collecting experience, Joe Santulli, John Hardie, and Sean Kelly amassed an epic collection of gaming consoles, games, and memorabilia. When they could have cashed in on our current state of crazy game selling and buying.  they chose another route. Instead, the trio built an epic museum dedicated to preserving these artifacts

Mar 7, 2022 • 1:02:50

Ep 35 - Side Quests Volume 4

Ep 35 - Side Quests Volume 4

Send us a Text Message.After months of interviews and awesome chats, it's time to release the next edition of Side Quests. A collection of bits and bobs from a dozen different conversations that didnt fit the main show, this series is a great way to get to know many voices in a slightly structured way. In this episode, we have PC talk, awesome retro projects and two - count 'em - two people who don't like Metroid Dread.Support the Show.

Feb 21, 2022 • 1:42:51

Tales From the Bargain Bin #2 - Marble Madness

Tales From the Bargain Bin #2 - Marble Madness

Send us a Text Message.Surprise! Welcome to episode 2 of Tales From the Bargian Bin! A rotating cast of friends discuss the strange titles well meaning family members gave us as presents and decide if they are worth keeping or sending back to the store. And there are non sequiturs galore. On this episode we discuss Marble Madness. Who would have thought rolling a tiny ball down a series of hazards and narrow slopes would be so much fun? Join my brother and I as we talk about all things marbles,

Feb 14, 2022 • 30:21

Another Important-ish Programming Note!

Another Important-ish Programming Note!

Updates on Patreon, episodes, and what's coming up on your 8th favorite podcast. Support the Show.

Feb 13, 2022 • 5:47

Ep 34 - A Descent Into the Hot Place: A Study of Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, and the Rise Of ID Software

Ep 34 - A Descent Into the Hot Place: A Study of Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, and the Rise Of ID Software

When Id Software released Doom in 1993, it became a national sensation. It replaced the whimsical characters of Mario and Zelda with demonic creatures. Kids were carrying their PC's to LAN parties, and parents were appalled. But does the game hold up to modern thumbs? I talk to a host of Doom fans about the mechanics, visual style, and looking over both shoulders as you play. Starring:Adam of the Retro Gaming Bygones podcast and the Commodore Chronicles podcast (@rbygones and @C64Chronicles

Feb 7, 2022 • 1:10:15

Ep 33 - Point and Click Masters: The Work of Sierra and Lucasarts

Ep 33 - Point and Click Masters: The Work of Sierra and Lucasarts

Send us a Text Message.GIVE. PICK UP. TALK TO. For many gamers, these simple commands were the first steps into the world of interactive storytelling. More than Mario jumping, Mega Man shooting or Zelda's thin narrative, point and click adventures brought playable King Arthur stories and Saturday morning cartoons to kids in an accessible, easy to digest way. It was magic. On this episode of A Gamer Looks at 40, we dive into the masters of the genre, Sierra and Lucasarts. Starring:Adam of Re

Jan 24, 2022 • 1:16:01

Ep 32 - Control, Alt, Delete: A Walk Through the World of Early PC Gaming

Ep 32 - Control, Alt, Delete: A Walk Through the World of Early PC Gaming

Originally brought into our homes for book reports and digital encyclopedias, a generation of kids cut their gaming teeth on their home PC's. From basics like Solitaire and Ski-Free to heavy hitters like Decent and Doom, the boring grey boxes held a world of electronic wonders to uncover. Join myself and gaggle of gaming pals as we dive into the memories of yesterday regarding our favorite PC games.Starring:Adam from Retro Gaming Bygones PodcastIan aka @teacherbloke85 on TwitterJustin from

Jan 10, 2022 • 1:39:28

An Important Show Announcement!

An Important Show Announcement!

Paetron: www.patreon.com/agamerlooksat40Support the Show.

Jan 3, 2022 • 12:52

Tucker Christmas, 1992: An Audio Diary

Tucker Christmas, 1992: An Audio Diary

Send us a Text Message.On the SNES episode, I opened the show with the real moment I received my Super Nintendo. It was, and continues to be, the greatest gift I've ever received. This is the full, uncut audio of the entire Christmas video with full narration by yours truly. It's steeped in nostalgia and brought back a healthy dose of feels. Hope it does the same for you.Happy Holidays!Support the Show.

Dec 23, 2021 • 30:14

Ep 31 - The Three Questions: Part 2

Ep 31 - The Three Questions: Part 2

Happy Holidays to all my listener friends! In an attempt to get as many interviews completed as possible before the holidays, November was extremely busy. As a result, I have a brand new batch of people (some you know, some you don't) answering three brand new questions, all of varying degrees of ridiculousness. Three new questions plus nine people answering equals a whole lot of fun. And listen to the end for a teaser for an announcement coming January 3rd. Enjoy and Happy Holidays!Starrin

Dec 20, 2021 • 1:10:29

Ep 30 - It's an 8-Bit Christmas w/ author Kevin Jakubowski

Ep 30 - It's an 8-Bit Christmas w/ author Kevin Jakubowski

Send us a Text Message.Join me and the author/screenwriter of the book/film 8-Bit Christmas, Kevin Jakubowski, as we chat about epic holiday gifts, NES memories, making a movie during a pandemic, and Christmas songs you wouldn't mind hearing all year long. Many thanks to Kevin for taking the time out of his busy schedule for this fun and enlightening conversation.Starring:Kevin Jakubowski (@kevjakubowski on Twitter)8-Bit Christmas, the book, is now available to read on Amazon Kindle.8-Bit C

Dec 13, 2021 • 44:15

Ep 29 - DREADfully Difficult Part 2: A Conversation With The Well Red Mage

Ep 29 - DREADfully Difficult Part 2: A Conversation With The Well Red Mage

Send us a Text Message.This week's continuation of the difficulty in games conversation involves Moses Norton, also known as The Well Red Mage. We discuss difficulty settings, accessibility, should developers include difficulty options, creator intent, and a variety of other topics. Hopefully this capstone to last week's discussion spurs some new ideas and helps temper the negative ones.Starring Moses Norton (@thewellredmage on Twitter) of www.the-pixels.com.Promoting: The Pixel People

Dec 6, 2021 • 1:11:20

Ep 28 - DREADfully Difficult Part 1 - The State of Challenge and Developer Responsibility in Modern Games

Ep 28 - DREADfully Difficult Part 1 - The State of Challenge and Developer Responsibility in Modern Games

Send us a Text Message.Do you enjoy a good challenge or do you prefer casual experiences? Are you the type of person that pumps the difficulty to the highest settings or do you bump it down due to time constraints? Have you ever bounced off a game because you simply couldn't progress?We've all experienced the effects of a developers decision to provide difficulty options in video games, for good and for ill. In this week's episode, I chat with three people with unique perspective

Nov 29, 2021 • 59:55

Ep 27 - Taking Down the Tetris King - Part 2

Ep 27 - Taking Down the Tetris King - Part 2

On Part 2 of Taking Down the Tetris King, we learn how Paul Tesi became involved in competitive Tetris, his history at the Classic Tetris World Championship and the 2019 run that made him a legend. And after it all, we ask a simple yet striking question - was it all worth it? Starring Paul Tesi aka @MegaRetroMan on all social media and streaming platforms. Support the show

Nov 22, 2021 • 1:11:05

Ep 26 - Taking Down the Tetris King - Part 1

Ep 26 - Taking Down the Tetris King - Part 1

Send us a Text Message.Ever imagine what it would feel like to be the best in the world at something? To me, it's near unimaginable. Over the next two weeks, I talk to Paul Tesi, a multiple world champion, who in 2019, took on and defeated the best Tetris player in the world. In Part 1 of this story, we examine his beginnings in competitive gaming , some of the standout events he experienced, and touch on who he is as a person. Starring:Paul Tesi aka @MegaRetroMan on Twitter and all other p

Nov 15, 2021 • 48:08

Ep 25 - Side Quests Vol 3

Ep 25 - Side Quests Vol 3

Send us a Text Message.Ah, Side Quests. A catch all episode that gathers humorous, entertaining, and occasionally poignant stories that may have been left on the cutting room floor or didn't fit an episode. This week's show is the best example of the format., We talk about playing unheralded games, retro collecting, local bars, and the beauty of never assuming. Enjoy the show!George aka GtotheNextLevel on Twitter, Twitch, YouTubeJoe Corio@sincespacies on Twitter, Twitch, and YouTubeAll

Nov 8, 2021 • 1:12:34

Ep 24 - The Three Questions Vol 1

Ep 24 - The Three Questions Vol 1

Send us a Text Message.Whenever I interview a new person, I open the conversation with three questions. Intended to be a simple warm up to the recording, the questions morphed into an experiment - ask a group of people the same three questions and see how they respond. This episode is the result of those questions and I think it serves as a neat cross section of opinions, thoughts, and fandoms. At least I hope so!Starring:George aka @GtotheNextLevel on Twitter, Twitch, etcRyan aka @gameswcoffee

Nov 1, 2021 • 48:21

Ep 23 - Catch Me If You Can, Sonic!

Ep 23 - Catch Me If You Can, Sonic!

Send us a Text Message.in 1991, Sega released Sonic the Hedgehog to a gaming public hungry for a Mario killer. What they got was a lightning fast title and an edgy wise cracking mascot to go with it. in this episode, we look at Sonic the character, the mechanic, and the - well - hedgehog. It's an interesting journey you'll need to listen t the end to get the full effect. Starring: Joe CoiroJustin from Baseball and Whatever Podcast (@baseballandwhat on Twitter)Since Spacies (@sincespaci

Oct 25, 2021 • 51:34

Ep 22 - EGM, Print Media and Journalistic Integrity w/ Greg Sewart

Ep 22 - EGM, Print Media and Journalistic Integrity w/ Greg Sewart

Ever want to know what happened behind the scenes at the biggest videogame magazine of late 90's / early aughts? Former editor of EGM magazine, Greg Sewart, shares stories about life at the magazine, what we've lost with the decline of print media, and journalistic integrity. It's a timely conversation and I hope you enjoy it.Follow Greg Sewart on Twitter @sewartPlayer One Podcast: https://www.playeronepodcast.com/Generation 16: https://www.youtube.com/c/sewartSupport the show

Oct 18, 2021 • 48:03

Ep 21 - SEGA! - A Look Back on the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive

Ep 21 - SEGA! - A Look Back on the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive

Send us a Text Message.While most of my friends and I were knee deep in our SNES fandom in the early 90's, another contender was making waves and taking names. The Sega Genesis, or the Mega Drive outside North America, was becoming a cult classic and an irritating bug in the ear for those of us still fighting the Bit Wars. Year later, I've come to appreciate the Genesis for it's unique take on 16 bit gaming and some of the classics on the system. Join me and a panel of Sega crazie

Oct 11, 2021 • 1:04:20

Ep 20 - War. War Never Changes: A Look at The Bit Wars

Ep 20 - War. War Never Changes: A Look at The Bit Wars

Send us a Text Message.War. War never changes. On this episode of A Gamer Looks at 40, we examine a strange time in gaming history where friendships hinged on consoles and fandoms more than sports teams and musical taste. And yes, since it's still happening today, we examine the phenomenon through modern eyes and try to sort out why we're still battling over which system is best. Staring: Greg Sewart of Player One Podcast (@sewart and @p1podcast on Twitter)Steve LuzaderJeff and Trevor

Oct 5, 2021 • 1:08:35

Ep 19 - Life at the Sega Hotline w/ Since Spacies

Ep 19 - Life at the Sega Hotline w/ Since Spacies

Send us a Text Message.When I was in college, my first job was as an after-hours janitor in an elementary school. Brian, also known as Since Spacies on Twitch, Twitter, and YouTube, started his professional career as a Sega game counselor. On this week's episode, Brian shares his unique position as a part of Sega's most exciting era along with personal stories of his history with games .Starring:Brian aka Since Spacies - @sincespacies on Twitter, Twitch, and YouTubeCheck out Level Zero

Sep 20, 2021 • 54:48

Ep 18 - Gotta Catch 'Em All - The Dueling Sides of Retro Collecting

Ep 18 - Gotta Catch 'Em All - The Dueling Sides of Retro Collecting

Send us a Text Message.The world of retro videogame collecting is in a strange place. Once an opportunity to rebuild the libraries, and memories, of childhood, the hobby's become big money and big business. On this week's episode, we look at retro collecting from two perspectives - through the stories of the collectors and the point of view of a retro retailer.Starring:Ryan aka @retrogamebrews on Twitter and Twitch.Jeremy aka @ducksindisguise on Twitter and Twitch.George aka G to the N

Sep 13, 2021 • 1:35:46

Ep 17 - Eyes On the Grind: Celebrating the SNES RPG's

Ep 17 - Eyes On the Grind: Celebrating the SNES RPG's

Send us a Text Message.The SNES was THE RPG machine. Dozens of genre classics were developed for the system in the early to mid 90's. And while we deep dived into one of them last week, this episode is all about the best of the rest. Time to celebrate an amazing array of world class titles on this week's A Gamer Looks at 40.StarringMoses Norton aka @thewellredmage on Twitter.Bobby TuckerSteve LuzaderMike Albertin from Games My Mom Found Podcast (@momfound)Blue Williams (@wrytersview on

Aug 30, 2021 • 59:05

Ep 16 - Good Morning, Chrono

Ep 16 - Good Morning, Chrono

Send us a Text Message.A game so beloved by the world it warrants it's own episode, Chrono Trigger is a defining moment in the genre of JRPG's. Join myself and a cast of fellow Chrono Crazies as we delve into the heart of what makes this legendary title worthy of every accolade it's ever recieved.Starring:Moses Norton of the-pixels.com (@thewellredmage on Twitter).Mike Albertin of Game My Mom Found Podcast (@momfound on Twitter)Ryan of RGB High Score (@retrogamebrews on Twitter).D

Aug 23, 2021 • 50:56

Ep 15 - Side Quests Vol 2

Ep 15 - Side Quests Vol 2

Send us a Text Message.Ready for a random complication of memories, thoughts, and opinions? Side  Quests Vol 2 has you covered. Our largest episode yet features rental stories, recollections of the Intellivison, Mario 3 competitions, demo discs, and descending into parental madness. A grab bag of good times!Starring:Andrew CraigAndy of Cafe, BTW (@LoveRetroBTW on Twitter)Jeremy aka @ducksindisguise on TwitterSteve LuzaderDaryl aka @MysterThou on TwitterMike Albertin of Games My Mom Found Podcast

Aug 16, 2021 • 1:03:22

Ep 14 - Bananas and Blasters: Thoughts and Recollections of Donkey Kong Country and Super Metroid

Ep 14 - Bananas and Blasters: Thoughts and Recollections of Donkey Kong Country and Super Metroid

One a charming platformer that saved the SNES from Bit War irrelevance, the other a planet scouring adventure the likes nobody had seen before, Super Metroid and Donkey Kong Country ruled the 16 bit landscape. Join myself and a cast of fellow fans as we look back on these classic titles one memory at a time.Starring:Blue Williams (@wrytersview on Twitter)Jeremy aka @ducksindiguise on TwitterJoe CorioTrevor and Jeff from the New Dad Gaming Podcast (@newdadgaming on Twitter)Bobby TuckerSupport the

Aug 9, 2021 • 43:53

Ep 13: The SNES Games That Made Us

Ep 13: The SNES Games That Made Us

Send us a Text Message.While we can all agree the SNES was a landmark console, it's nothing without the titles to play on it. In this episode, we share stories of the games that marked our history with this 16 bit wonder. From the familiar classics to weird relics of a bygone era, this episode covers them all!StarringBlue Williams (@wrytersview on Twitter)Greg from the Level Zero Podcast (@LevelZeroPod on Twitter)Bobby TuckerSteve LuzaderJeremy (@ducksindiguise on Twitter)Joe CorioTrevor fr

Aug 1, 2021 • 48:52

Ep 12: Now You're Playing With Power, Super Power

Ep 12: Now You're Playing With Power, Super Power

Send us a Text Message.For kids of my generation, the Super Nintendo equaled magic. A sea change evolution from our tired NES's, it captured our imaginations in immeasurable ways. On this episode, we talk about the console, our memories of how we acquired it, and some of the standout titles that made it sing. Staring: Blue WilliamsBobby TuckerGreg of the Level Zero Podcast (@LevelZeroPod on Twitter)Steve LuzaderJeremy aka Ducks in Disguise (@ducksindiguise on Twitter)Justin of the Baseball

Jul 25, 2021 • 45:05

Ep 11 - Sculpted By Sonic

Ep 11 - Sculpted By Sonic

Send us a Text Message.It's amazing when a character changes your life. When a bunch of pixels on a TV screen touches you in a way no other medium can manage.  Ryan from the Games With Coffee blog shares three personal stories of how he was sculpted by Sonic the Hedgehog.Ryan's Story: https://normalhappenings.com/2020/06/23/sonic-the-character-that-defines-ryan-from-games-with-coffee/Ryan's Fan Ficton Epic, Mobius VII: https://gameswithcoffee.com/fanficton/mobius-vii/Support the S

Jul 19, 2021 • 41:32

Ep 10 - A Life Changed By Zelda / 1-900-HELP-ME!

Ep 10 - A Life Changed By Zelda / 1-900-HELP-ME!

Send us a Text Message.In this two part episode, we explore how The Legend of Zelda helped shape a person's life for the better and tell a cautionary tale of the tragic ramifications of skipping 16 bit dialogue boxes.Starring:Andrew CraigGreg of the Level Zero podcast (@levelzeropod on Twitter).Check out Classic Game Fest at classicgamefest.com. Runs July 24th and 25th in Austin, TX at the Palmer Events Center. Tickets still available as of this recording. Support the Show.

Jul 12, 2021 • 36:54

EP 9 - Further Down the Game Boy Highway

EP 9 - Further Down the Game Boy Highway

Y'all keep talking about it, so I'll  keep recording it! On this episode of AGLA40, we continue to deep dive into our beloved Game Boys. Not only do we hear more about the games that made it special, we show some love to the competition and talk for days about Links Awakening. Join me for another 100 miles further down the Game Boy Highway.Support the Show.

Jul 5, 2021 • 37:18

Ep 8 - On The Road Again - Tales of the Game Boy

Ep 8 - On The Road Again - Tales of the Game Boy

Send us a Text Message.In 1989, a grey brick dropped from the heavens into the laps of a generation of bored kids on road trips across the world. Join me and a crew of fellow portable gamers as we explore the Game Boy phenomenon through the stories of our time with it.Guests:Joe CoiroBlue Williams: @wrytersview on TwitterRyan aka RBG High Score: @Retrogamebrews on TwitterTrevor Alexander: Co-host of New Dad Gaming (@newdadgaming on Twitter)Michael K Hughes: Co-host of Games My Mom Found (@momfou

Jun 28, 2021 • 45:25

Ep 7 - The NES Games That Made Us

Ep 7 - The NES Games That Made Us

Send us a Text Message.With over 700 games in the North American NES library, fans had a huge library to pick from. From classic titles to hidden gems, from well worn classics to anthropomorphic tomatoes, this week's guests mine the length and breadth of this legendary catalog. As always, if you have a story to share on A Gamer Looks at 40, send me a message on Twitter at @agamerlooksat40 or an old school email at agamerlooksat40@gmail.comGuests:Blue Williams: @wrytersview on TwitterMichael

Jun 21, 2021 • 39:16

Ep 6 - Side Quests Vol 1

Ep 6 - Side Quests Vol 1

Send us a Text Message.In the course of doing the interviews that make up these episodes, there are dozens of side stories and anecdotes that simply don't fit in a standard episode. Side Quests is the place where I collect those tidbits into a digestible package for everyone to enjoy.Featuring stories from:Shaan ShiraziBlue Williams - @wytersview on TwitterMoses Norton - @thewellredmage on TwitterTrevor Alexander - co-host of the New Dad Gaming Podcast,  @NewDadGaming on TwitterJoe CoiroSup

Jun 14, 2021 • 43:17

Ep 5 - Mario Memories and Recollections - Part 2 w/The Well Red Mage

Ep 5 - Mario Memories and Recollections - Part 2 w/The Well Red Mage

Send us a Text Message.Part 2 of our scuba dive into the world of Mario is a straightforward putt that takes numerous twists and turns. I chat with Moses Norton aka The Well Red Mage about who Mario is as a character, as an ideal, as a design, as a player surrogate, and as a piece of enduring video game history. Follow Moses at @thewellredmage on Twitter.Check out his newest project at www.the-pixels.com.Support the Show.

Jun 7, 2021 • 59:28

Ep 4 - Mario Memories and Recollections - Part 1

Ep 4 - Mario Memories and Recollections - Part 1

Send us a Text Message.Discussed and dissected for the last 35 years, Mario is the most recognizable video game character in the history of ever. What can a 40 year old with a microphone in Texas add to the conversation? Do what I hope this show does well - highlight the personal opinions, recollections, and memories of this world famous plumber. Thanks for listening!Guests:Blue Williams - @wrytersview on TwitterMichael K Hughes - @KaidanXain on TwitterJoe CorioTrevor Alexander of the New Dad Ga

May 30, 2021 • 43:29

Ep 3 - A Sega Kid On A Nintendo Playground

Ep 3 - A Sega Kid On A Nintendo Playground

Send us a Text Message.Have you ever been on the outside looking in? When you pick a side that runs counter to popular consensus, the feeling of isolation can be real. But what if that divide wasn't your choice? Join Joey and I as we tell the story of a Sega kid in a Nintendo world.Staring: Joe Coiro. The man has no social media or plugs, so if you see him in the street, slap him a high five. Support the Show.

May 24, 2021 • 26:58

Ep 2 - Lights, Quarters, Freedom: Memories From the 80's/90's Arcade

Ep 2 - Lights, Quarters, Freedom: Memories From the 80's/90's Arcade

Send us a Text Message.If you were born in the 80's or 90's, chances are you've stepped foot into an arcade. A magical place where kids could be kids in a maze of electronic entertainment wasn't just an excuse to plunk quarters into Mortal Kombat. It was a society all to it's own and inspired a generation of kids to make videogames a part of who they are. On this episode, we go from cabinets in shady establishments to arcades the size of a full sized office and everywher

May 15, 2021 • 38:28

Ep 1 - We're Off To See the Wizard

Ep 1 - We're Off To See the Wizard

Send us a Text Message.What starts as a depressing film about PTSD, runaways, and childhood drownings became the first time kids saw moving footage of Super Mario Bros 3. We weren't there for the drama. We were there for the reveal. Listen as my best friend Joey and I recount our personal experience of seeing The Wizard in theaters. We were 8, the hype was real, and the moment was forever etched into the back of our memories.  Support the Show.

May 15, 2021 • 18:08

A Gamer Looks at 40 - Trailer 1

A Gamer Looks at 40 - Trailer 1

Got 89 seconds? Spend them learning about A Gamer Looks at 40, a brand new podcast documenting the history of video games through the stories of those who lived it. Support the Show.

Mar 27, 2021 • 1:29

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