Play On Podcasts
Next Chapter Podcasts
Play On Podcasts are epic audio adventures reimagining timeless tales, featuring original music composition and the voices of extraordinarily gifted artists. This is where Theatre meets Podcast, combining the modern-day audio phenomenon with the power of live performance.
Actor Andy Grotelueschen
“He just goes for it!”: Andy Grotelueschen describes how Touchstone inspires us to take chances in life, how a teacher in Iowa inspired him to pursue acting, and why it’s so much easier to be funny on Broadway. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Actor Meghan Kreidler
“She speaks her mind.” Korean-American actor and lead singer of the rock group Kiss the Tiger, Meghan Kreidler opens up about her experiences playing Rosalind in “As You Like It”, being a woman in the world of rock ’n’ roll, her tumultuous relationship with Shakespeare and her love of lyricism. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Director Kim Martin-Cotten & Radio Play Writer Catherine Eaton (Interview)
“What does it mean to be a free spirit?” Director Kim Martin Cotten and Radio Play Writer Catherine Eaton discuss the vision and meaning behind the Play On Podcast series adaptation of “As You Like It”. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Director David Ivers (Interview)
“You cannot skip steps”: David Ivers on the process of acting, directing, writing and translating his way through a career in the arts on a relentless search for clarity. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Introducing...Curious Matter Anthology
Curious Matter Anthology is a multi-award-winning fully immersive fiction podcast. It's a bridge between past and present, a time machine that takes listeners back to the golden era of pulp fiction, and then catapults them back into the future. It's an ode to an era of science fiction, whose stories have influenced some of the greatest filmmakers of our time, and it's a tribute to the largely unrecognized authors who penned these tales. But it's not just about the stories; it's about how they're
Actor Glenn Davis (Interview)
“The goal is to challenge folks.” Glenn Davis reflects on his work as an actor, producer, and Artistic Director of Chicago’s famed Steppenwolf Theater. (Is it possible Marc Antony might just be too good a person?) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Actor Charlique Rolle (Interview)
“Who am I called to be?” Visionary artist and producer Charlique C. Rolle expounds on her efforts to love recklessly, build faithfully, and create fearlessly. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Houses on the Moon's DE NOVO: Bonus Interview
“We’re going to have to stay informed and fight back”: Playwright Jeffrey Solomon and actress Zuleyma Guevarra discuss the making of DeNovo, what leads to mass migration, why it’s our responsibility as U.S. Citizens to see people as human beings and what we can do to help refugees who are on the brink of being deported to death. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Introducing...Houses on the Moon's DE NOVO
New York based not-for-profit theater company Houses on the Moon, and playwright Jeffrey Solomon creates acclaimed documentary plays. DE NOVO recounts the life and death of a Guatemalan teenager, Edgar Chocoy, who was deported after a failed asylum bid in the USA and murdered by the very group he testified would execute him were he to be returned to that country. With help of the NYC City Council, we were able to produce an audio adaptation of DE NOVO, which tells the story in three potent half
Actor Michael Potts (Interview)
“Whatever you do well, it contributes” - Michael Potts on what he does well, from Shakespeare to August Wilson, and how playing the long game got him where he is today. (With fond remembrances of Chadwick Boseman). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Director Harry Lennix (Interview)
“The themes remain the same.” Actor / Director Harry Lennix expounds on the themes of friendship, politics, religion, the evolution of Black Nationalism, what it takes to be a successful revolutionary and why Julius Caesar may be the greatest person to have ever lived. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Introducing...Divorce Ranch
June 1949. Heiress Mitzi Ballantyne has gone missing during her "Reno-vation" at theSidewinder Resort. Detective Francis O'Connell, a Bible-toting bloodhound, would rather beat his Ma's sickbed. Instead, he steps off the train and into a den of liberated ex-wives whotest his every nerve. Crooked cops, runaways, and divorcees collide in a female-forward,"west-of-center" take on the classic noir.Created and Directed by Rachel MusicShowrunning by Michi Broman and Elena Christina Wagoner Learn more
Full Play - Julius Caesar
Next Chapter Podcasts presents the complete Play On Podcast series, JULIUS CAESAR, in its entirety.****The PLAY ON PODCAST SERIES, “JULIUS CAESAR”, was written by WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE and translated into modern English verse by SHISHIR KURUP. All episodes were directed by HARRY LENNIX. Radio play by MARCUS GARDLEY. The cast is as follows:
Julius Caesar - The Noblest Roman of Them All
At Philippi, Octavius and Antony disagree over tactics but unite against Brutus and Cassius when they meet for one final negotiation before battle. They hurl insults at each other and part ways. Brutus and Cassius discuss what will happen if they lose. Brutus vows he will not be taken captive. The two friends say goodbye and go into battle. As Brutus attacks Octavius’s army, Cassius watches his troops flee from Antony’s soldiers. When he hears from Pindarus that Antony has entered his camp, Cass
Julius Caesar - Rage Till Your Proud Heart Break
As Brutus waits for Cassius in the rebel camp, he learns from Lucilius that Cassius is not as friendly as he once was. As soon as he arrives, Cassius accuses Brutus of wronging him. Not wanting their soldiers to see them fighting, they withdraw into Brutus’s tent to carry out their argument in private. It all comes to an end when Cassius offers his dagger to Brutus and bares his chest for Brutus to kill him. Once they make their peace, Brutus tells Cassius that his wife, Portia, has killed herse
Julius Caesar - Friends, Romans, Countrymen
At Caesar’s funeral, the angry crowd demands answers. Brutus speaks first, saying that he loved Rome more than Caesar. Asking the crowd if they would rather be free with Caesar dead or slaves with Caesar alive, the crowd sides with Brutus. But when Antony enters with Caesar’s body, things begin to change. He reminds the crowd of Caesar’s good qualities and shows them the wounds on Caesar’s body where each knife pierced his skin. Then he reads Caesar’s will, revealing that Caesar has bequeathed t
Julius Caesar - Episode 4 - Liberty! Freedom! Tyranny is Dead!
Caesar approaches the Temple, noting that the “Ides of March” have come. He refuses to read Artemidorus’s warning. Cassius worries their plot has been discovered but Brutus reassures him. As they approach the Temple, Metellus Cimber pleads with Caesar to return her brother, Publius, from banishment. Caesar refuses. Once inside the Temple, the conspirators surround Caesar and stab him to death, proclaiming “Tyranny is dead!” Antony’s servant enters and reports that Antony has fled to his
Julius Caesar - Episode 3 - The Heart of Woman
Brutus paces in his study, unable to sleep. His wife, Portia, enters and begs him to tell her why he’s so troubled. He does his best to comfort her and tells her he’ll explain everything later. Caius Ligarius, an ailing Senator, enters to meet with Brutus, who convinces him to join the assassination plot. Caesar has a hard night as well. His wife, Calphurnia, tells him of terrible dreams she’s been having about his murder and says they are omens for Caesar not to go out of the house. Wh
Julius Caesar - Episode 2 - But for the Greater Good
Caska and Cicero meet on a stormy night. Caska trembles at the omens he’s seen until Cassius arrives and dispels his fears with the encouragement that they’re not alone in fighting tyranny. Cinna nervously joins them, expressing her hope that Brutus will join their conspiracy. Cassius reassures her that Brutus is on board. Later that night, Brutus ruminates at home on the possibility of killing Caesar, deciding that murder is the only way to stop him. His servant, Lucius, announces the
Julius Caesar - Episode 1 - Beware the Ides of March
Activists assemble outside the Stadium to celebrate Caesar when they’re interrupted by Flavius and Murellus, who challenge them to honor not just one man but all the people who helped in the Movement. Once the group breaks up and moves on, Flavius tells Murellus to help him take down all the posters celebrating Caesar. Inside the stadium, Caesar and his entourage–including his closest friend, Antony, and his wife, Calphurnia–are enjoying the thrills of a drag race when they’re interrupt
Introducing...Julius Caesar
Marcus Gardley’s adaptation of Shakespeare’s roiling political drama takes us into the heart of the Civil Rights movement. Directed by Harry Lennix and translated into modern English verse by Shishir Kurup, featuring the voices of Michael Potts, Glenn Davis, Megan Boone and Jeremy Tardy, with original composition and Sound Design by Lindsay Jones. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Introducing...The History of Literature
On this special episode we’re featuring a conversation from The History of Literature, the chart-topping books podcast from our friends at The Podglomerate. This show covers all of the classic literature you love, and even ones that you love to critique. Join host and book enthusiast Jacke Wilson for thoughtful conversations with expert guests that range from explorations of the longevity of The Illiad, to making the case for Persuasion being Jane Austen’s best novel.In today’s episode,
Full Play - As You Like It
Next Chapter Podcasts presents the complete Play On Podcast series, AS YOU LIKE IT, in its entirety.The PLAY ON PODCAST SERIES, “AS YOU LIKE IT”, was written by WILLIAMSHAKESPEARE and translated into modern English verse by DAVID IVERS. All episodeswere directed by KIM MARTIN-COTTEN. Radio play by CATHERINE EATON. The cast is as follows: MEGHAN KREIDLER as ROSALINDJULIAN CIHI as ORLANDOADELIN PHELPS as CELIAJAMES UDOM as OLIVER and SIR OLIVER MARTEXTFRANCELLE STEWART DORN as DUKE SENIOR
As You Like It - Episode 7 - Why Blame Me for Loving You
Phebe confronts Rosalind (“Johnnyseed”) for being rude, leading Sylvius, Phebe, Orlando and Rosalind to expound on the meaning of love as a thunderstorm descends. Rosalind ends their railing by telling them to meet again tomorrow for a wedding where they will all be married to the one they love. Touchstone and Audrey celebrate as two musicians from Duke Senior’s camp pass by. Touchstone asks them to sing a song, which they do to great fanfare, but he gets jealous and mocks their music w
As You Like It - Episode 6 - A Lover of Mine and a Lover of Hers
Jacques returns to Duke Senior’s camp to discover that someone killed a deer. He suggests they present it to Duke Senior as an offering and asks Amiens to sing a song to mark the occasion. Back at the farm, Silivius delivers Phebe’s letter to “Johnnyseed”. Seeing it’s full of praise for Johnnyseed, Rosalind scolds Silvius for loving a woman who treats him so badly. S/he sends him back to Phebe with the message that Phebe should love Silvius. As Silvius is leaving, Orlando’s brother Oliv
As You Like It - Episode 5 - Sell When You Can
Celia tries to comfort Rosalind when Orlando doesn’t show up at the cottage for his first coaching. Corin arrives to invite them to spy on Silvius courting the reluctant Phebe. Rosalind, still dressed as Johnnyseed, follows and confronts Phebe when she sees how poorly she treats Silvius, but it backfires when Phebe falls for her instead. Rosalind beats a hasty retreat with Celia. Phebe tells Silvius she’s going to write “Johnnyseed” a love letter for him to deliver. Back in the forest,
As You Like It - Episode 4 - Fringe on a Petticoat
Celia tells Rosalind that Orlando is the poet whose writing has so delighted them. When they hear Orlando approaching in argument with Jacques about love, they hide to eavesdrop. Once Jacques leaves, Rosalind steps out and introduces herself as “Johnnyseed”. She promises to cure Orlando of his lovesickness provided he agrees to pretend that she’s Rosalind and comes every day to practice wooing him. Orlando happily agrees. Back at the concert, Touchstone and Audrey make their way through
As You Like It - Episode 3 - Youthful Stockings
Jacques is enraptured by Amiens’ music and begs for more. Meanwhile, Orlando leaves the elderly and exhausted Adam to find food for them to eat. Later in the day, Duke Senior comes upon Jacques, who is elated by his conversation with a fool he met in the forest (Touchstone). As they sit down to eat with their entourage, Orlando enters, sword drawn, and orders them to give him food. Duke Senior soothes him and welcomes him to their feast. Orlando apologizes for his rude behavior and goes
As You Like It - Episode 2 - Spotted Fools
At dinner after the wrestling match, Celia marvels at how quickly Rosalind has fallen in love. They’re interrupted by the angry Duke Frederick, who threatens his niece Rosalind with death for treason if she doesn’t leave his court immediately. Celia defends Rosalind and vows to stay with her wherever she goes. Together, they plan to leave the city disguised as men. Rosalind will be known as “Johnnyseed" and Celia as “Anne Emma Grant”. They decide to bring the court jester, Touchstone,
As You Like It - Episode 1 - Good Wrestling
Orlando tells his trusted old servant, Adam, how much it grieves him that his brother Oliver keeps him from their father’s inheritance. Oliver enters and provokes Orlando into attacking him, then relents and agrees to give Orlando part of what’s due to him. After Orlando and Adam depart, Oliver meets privately with the champion wrestler, Charles, and encourages him to break his brother’s neck at their upcoming match. On the day of the match, Duke Frederick’s daughter, Celia, arrives at
Introducing...As You Like It
Set in Woodstock during the sixties’ “Summer of Love,” David Ivers’ translation of Shakespeare’s “As You Like It” upends the rules of romance, gender, nature and politics in a tale of life’s joy and confusion. Directed by Kim Martin Cotten with original songs and music by Lindsay Jones. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Introducing...Death By Dying
A nosy obituary writer in the small town of Crestfall, Idaho oversteps his job description by investigating mysteries surrounding the deaths he writes about, until a series of strange events connected to his only friend lead him to an ominous secret lurking in the Dark Woods.The Obituary Writer investigates the death of Wyatt Hudson, a beloved farmer. Everything he thought he knew about Wyatt is turned upside down when he discovers a man trapped in one of his abandoned silos. Learn mor
Full Play - The Taming of the Shrew
Next Chapter Podcasts presents the complete Play On Podcast series, THE TAMING OF THE SHREW, in its entirety.The PLAY ON PODCAST SERIES, “THE TAMING OF THE SHREW”, was written by WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE and translated into modern English verse by AMY FREED. All episodes were directed by ART MANKE. Radio play by AMY FREED and LEANNA KEYES. The cast is as follows: SUSANNAH ROGERS as KATHERINA ALLEN GILMORE as PETRUCHIO ANNIE ABRAMS as BIANCA
The Taming of the Shrew - Episode 7 - Strength Is In Surrender
Biondello tells Bianca and Lucentio that he’s arranged for a priest to perform their marriage and sends them on their way as Gremio approaches. Petruchio, Kate and Vincentio arrive at Baptista’s house and are greeted by the Pedant who (much to the real Vincentio’s consternation) claims to be Lucentio’s father. Biondello returns from the hasty marriage to find both the real and fake Vincentio with Baptista and is forced to pretend the Pedant is his master. As Vincentio berates Biondello
The Taming of the Shrew - Episode 6 - Be It Moon Or Sun Or What You Please
Grumio taunts Katherine (as instructed by his master) until Petruchio and Hortensio arrive for dinner. Petruchio rushes Kate through her meal before welcoming a tailor and haberdasher who have made exquisite clothing for Katherine. Petruchio rejects all their offerings over Katherine’s objections, but she begins to catch on to his strategy, realizing that she must play along with everything Petruchio does and be “agreeable” in order to get what she wants. Meanwhile, Biondello has primed
The Taming of the Shrew - Episode 5 - He Is More Shrew Than She
Grumio reaches Petruchio’s house ahead of the newlyweds and prepares the servants for their arrival. But nothing could brace them against Petruchio’s abuse. He rejects the meals they’ve made and treats them so poorly that Kate implores him to be more patient. Petruchio insists they go straight to bed, where he lectures her on the virtues of abstinence. Meanwhile, as Tranio keeps up his Lucentio impersonation, Hortensio drops his “Litio '' persona and laments Bianca’s affection for Cambi
The Taming of the Shrew - Episode 4 - The Mad-Brain'd Bridegroom
The guests assemble for the wedding but the groom is nowhere to be found. Katherina frets with her father until Biondello arrives with word that Petruchio is on his way. The groom arrives, disheveled and drunk, on a shabby horse, with his servant by his side. As the wedding finally gets underway, Tranio tells Lucentio they have to find someone to play the part of his father (Vincentio) in order to convince Baptista that Lucentio is as rich as Tranio promised in Episode Three. Gremio eme
The Taming of the Shrew - Episode 3 - Sweet As Spring-Time Flowers
Kate and Petruchio meet at last! The fireworks are lit and the couple goes head to head until Baptista arrives to check on their progress. Petruchio announces (over Kate’s objections) that the two have agreed to marry that Sunday. Baptista celebrates the news and turns his attention to the marriage of his second daughter, Bianca. Gremio and Tranio (disguised as Lucentio) compete to prove who has the most to offer in the way of riches. Tranio outbids Gremio and Baptista promises him his
The Taming of the Shrew - Episode 2 - A Nightmare in a Gown
A student (and eligible bachelor) named Lucentio arrives in Padua with his servant, Tranio, to study philosophy. As they take in the sights they come across the wealthy Baptista and his two daughters, Bianca and Katherina. Bianca is trailed by two suitors, Hortensio and Gremio, who are vying for her affection. Baptista tells them that neither of them will win Bianca’s hand until he marries off his older daughter, Katherina. Meantime, Baptista will keep Bianca at home, seen only by the t
The Taming of the Shrew - Episode 1 - To Suck The Sweets of Sweet Philosophy
A student (and eligible bachelor) named Lucentio arrives in Padua with his servant, Tranio, to study philosophy. As they take in the sights they come across the wealthy Baptista and his two daughters, Bianca and Katherina. Bianca is trailed by two suitors, Hortensio and Gremio, who are vying for her affection. Baptista tells them that neither of them will win Bianca’s hand until he marries off his older daughter, Katherina. Meantime, Baptista will keep Bianca at home, seen only by the t
HEXADEC is an anthology podcast featuring standalone episodes of a variety of themes and styles. It's not just limited to fiction — we'll have nonfiction, too! But what makes them a part of the anthology? Every episode is inspired by a hexadecimal color code!For Podcast Movement 2020, Wil wanted to try something different: have four different sound designers work on the same scene. Here's four dramatically different takes on Act II, Scene II of A Midsummer Night's Dream.Credits:SOUND DE
Introducing...The Taming of the Shrew
Directed by Art Manke and designed by Lindsay Jones, Amy Freed’s translation of “The Taming of the Shrew” pits the two smartest people in the room against each other in a match of wits to tame the society that surrounds them. Set in Renaissance Italy with a cast of seasoned pros including Allen Gilmore, Susannah Rogers, Danny Scheie, Annie Abrams, Mike McShane, Rob Nagle, Tessa Auberjonois, Kasey Mahaffy, Kyle Hester, Tom Patterson and J.Paul Boehmer. Learn more about your ad choices. V
Introducing...Arts Educators Save The World
Arts Educators Save The World is a weekly podcast that brings successful artists together in conversation with their mentors. Season One guests include Lin-Manuel Miranda, Robert Lopez, Josh Radnor, Annaleigh Ashford, and more. Subscribe today to be inspired by how these educators and mentors changed the lives of some of our favourite artists. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Introducing...RE: Dracula
Today we are sharing Re: Dracula, a bite-sized audio adaptation of the horror classic, featuring a full cast and immersive sound design. Every entry in this epistolary novel is turned into an episode and set to your podcatcher on the day it happens. Find out more about this award-winning audio drama at this preview it's May 5: Jonathan Harker arrives at Castle Dracula. This episode references the racist pseudoscience of craniometry. Transcript here.This episode feature
Introducing...BEEF with Bridget Todd: Sarah Jessica Parker vs. Kim Cattrall
Next Chapter Podcasts' Ambie-nominated & Signal award-winning show BEEF with Bridget Todd highlights history's most petty feuds, exploring how they changed the world around us. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Full Play - Romeo and Juliet
***This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.***Next Chapter Podcasts presents the complete Play On Podcast series, ROMEO AND JULIET, in its entirety.Next Chapter Podcasts presents the NAATCO and Two River Theater production of “ROMEO AND JULIET”, written by WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE and translated into modern English verse by HANSOL JUNG. The Play On Podcast series, ROMEO AND JULIET, is Direct
Romeo and Juliet - Episode 7 - A Glooming Peace
***This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.***Juliet’s body is discovered by the Nurse, sending the household into frenzied mourning. Romeo hears news of her death before the Friar’s message arrives to tell him that it’s all a ruse. Grief stricken, Romeo goes to an apothecary for poison which he plans to drink next to Juliet’s body. Paris gets to Juliet’s tomb before Romeo and tries to s
Romeo and Juliet Bonus Content - Brian Quijada
“Music makes you feel thoughts” Composer Brian Quijada describes his journey with Romeo and Juliet and beyond! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Romeo and Juliet - Episode 6 - I'll Play The Housewife
Romeo and Juliet reluctantly part ways at dawn before her mother enters to tell Juliet to prepare to marry Paris on Thursday. Juliet protests first to her mother and then to her father, who violently berates her for refusing to marry. Lady Capulet takes her husband’s side and shames Juliet before departing, leaving her to beg the Nurse to intervene. The Nurse, however, advises Juliet to take Paris’s hand and forget about Romeo. Juliet pretends to agree but secretly goes to Friar Laurenc
Introducing...PlayME from CBC Podcasts
PlayME from CBC Podcasts transforms the way people experience theatre by turning contemporary plays into bingeable audio dramas featuring exciting productions from some of the world’s most acclaimed creators for the stage.More episodes are available at: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Romeo and Juliet - Episode 5 - Not The Lark
Benvolio tells the Prince how Mercutio was killed by Tybalt, and Tybalt by Romeo. The Capulets call for Romeo’s execution but the Prince punishes him with banishment from Verona instead. Back at home, Juliet awaits news of her rendezvous with Romeo but when the Nurse arrives and informs her of what has happened, she threatens to kill herself. The Nurse calms her by saying she’ll find Romeo and bring them together. Romeo, hiding in Friar Laurence’s cell, mourns his banishment and threate
Romeo and Juliet Bonus Content - Mia Katigbak
“We Don’t Want Erasure” Actress Mia Katigbak describes how her work in theater led to an unexpected role as a champion of inclusion for Asian American actors. Plus, why it's possible that Lord Capulet had a fling with Juliet's Nurse! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Romeo and Juliet - Episode 4 - It's A Play About Peter
The following morning, Mercutio and Benvolio find Romeo and tease him mercilessly for ghosting them after the party. Juliet’s nurse arrives with her servingman, Peter, in search of Romeo. The three young men have fun at her expense until Romeo reveals he’s the one she’s looking for. Together, they plan for Juliet to meet him at Friar Laurence’s cell. The Nurse returns to the Capulet’s house and toys with Juliet until she can’t hold back the good news any longer. That evening, in the Fri
Introducing...'Birds of Empire' from QCODE
New Dakota: 15,000 CE, thousands of years after the fall of our civilization. The Earth has reclaimed the cities and glories of the modern world, returning humanity to a way of life that recalls advanced, ancient civilizations. The histories of the old world survive only as myths and legends. This episode introduce you to Azera: a tribal butcher and daughter of the Queen who knows she's destined for more. After losing her sister at a young age, Azera yearns to prove her worth as a hunte
Romeo and Juliet - Episode 3 - The Cock Is Dead
Romeo hides from his friends outside the Capulet’s house after the party. Finally, alone in the garden, he sees Juliet emerge from her balcony. He makes his presence known to her as she repeats his name. They profess their love for each other and vow to marry. Romeo leaves when Juliet’s nurse calls to her. He visits Friar Laurence and asks for her blessing of the marriage. Hoping their love might finally end the bitter rivalry between the two families, the Friar agrees to perform the ma
Introducing...My Mornings with Rinpoche
How do you become a Rinpoche? And what the heck is that, anyway? Michael Goodfriend reconnects with a friend he first met over 30 years ago to find out how Jerry Gardner went from being a kid in Bed-Stuy to becoming a master teacher in the Zen Buddhist tradition. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Romeo and Juliet - Episode 2 - Queen Mab Hath Been With You
Juliet’s nurse and mother share fond memories of Juliet’s early childhood but the mood changes when Lady Capulet tells her daughter to consider Paris as a suitor at that evening’s feast. Meanwhile, Mercutio and Benvolio try to get Romeo in better spirits as they prepare to crash the Capulet’s party. Once the household completes its feverish preparations, Lord Capulet welcomes all his guests to the party. Romeo spots the beautiful Juliet across the crowded room and asks one of the revele
Romeo and Juliet Bonus Content with Dorcas Leung
“Vows are holy”: Dorcas Leung describes her experience playing Juliet as a Chinese immigrant raised by a pastor in Texas. Plus, how public education can change your life, how theater boot camp can make you a more disciplined person, why representation matters and the importance of truth. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Winter's Tale Bonus Interview - Elijah Alexander
“Roles present themselves to teach us something”: Acclaimed stage actor Elijah Alexander reflects on the anguish and accountability of Leontes in The Winters Tale, the role of relationships, how his work in The Chosen changed his life, why teaching is a mitzvah, and being an instrument of change in the changing landscape of today’s American Theater. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Romeo and Juliet - Episode 1 - Bite Your Thumb
The cast assembles at the recording studio to create the Play On podcast series, “Romeo and Juliet”. Two actors take on the roles of Sampson and Peter, members of the house of Capulet, as the rest of the cast pretend to be the people of Verona milling about in the streets. When Balthasar and Abraham show up from the House of Montague, Sampson and Peter pick a fight with them. Benvolio, a friend of the House of Montague, tries to break it up, but Tybalt, a firebrand from the House of Cap
Introducing...Romeo and Juliet
Next Chapter Podcasts presents the NAATCO / Two River Theater production of Romeo and Juliet. Translated by Hansol Jung and directed by Dustin Wills, this series takes listeners straight into the studio where actors create their own special effects and bring Brian Quijada’s original songs and music to life with incomparable flare and passion! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Winter's Tale Bonus Interview - Estelle Parsons
“I was always making a beeline for my inner truth”: Estelle Parsons reflects on her remarkable life and acting career with incredible stories about luminaries like Arthur Penn, Paul Newman and others. Plus, why getting Gene Hackman interested in filmmaking was “a terrible loss for the American theater”, how she found her way into a Shakespeare podcast, and what it’s like to play with Time. All this and much more! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Introducing...Gurus: the Story of Acting, from Stanislavsky to Succession
Gurus: the Story of Acting takes us from the bad old days of stagey, artificial, over-the-top acting to where we are today, with performances that are subtle, authentic and true. In this episode we meet some of the main figures in the story, including Constantin Stanislavsky and Jacques Copeau. Then we listen in on a conversation between Gurus host, Jeff Zinn and Alfre Woodard, who has been astonishing audiences with her humanity, her truth, her beauty, and her versatility as an actress
Introducing...The History of Literature
On this special episode we’re featuring a conversation from The History of Literature, a podcast from our friends at The Podglomerate. This show covers all of the classic literature you love, and even ones that you love to critique. Join host and book enthusiast Jacke Wilson for thoughtful conversations with expert guests that range from explorations of the longevity of The Illiad, to making the case for Persuasion being Jane Austen’s best novel.In today’s episode, host Jacke Wilson and
Othello Bonus Content - Victor Malana Maog
“Ten years is a magic number”: Director Victor Malana Maog reflects on his long working relationship with Mfoniso Udofia through the tragedy of “Othello”. Plus, why it’s important to always say “yes”, how we can wake up our cells with plays, the value of working within the pauses and the breaths, the many different ways in which evil comes, the need for sacred spaces, and the beauty of teaching. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Introducing...The Play's The Thing
Today, we want to share a podcast that will be a valuable companion to Play On called The Play's the Thing. It is the ultimate podcast resource for lovers of Shakespeare. Dedicating six episodes to each play (one per act, plus a Q&A episode), this podcast explores the themes, scenes, characters, and lines that make Shakespeare so memorable. Like us, they hope to eventually cover every play The Bard wrote, thus permitting an ongoing contemplation and celebration of the most influenti
On a dark and stormy night during the pandemic, a Bay Area couple reluctantly allow a stranded motorist to enter their home.The Magic Theatre's Home Resident Company, Campo Santo, in association with Next Chapter Podcasts, presents 'Shelter', a new supernatural horror podcast series created by Bay Area playwright Bennett Fisher (Candlestick) and inspired by the elements of fear and anxiety brought out by the command, “Shelter-In-Place”.Featuring: Juan Amador, Catherine Castellanos, Bria
Full Play - Othello
Next Chapter Podcasts presents the complete Play On Podcast series, OTHELLO, in its entirety.The Play On Podcast series, “OTHELLO”, was written by WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE and translated into modern English verse by MFONISO UDOFIA. Radio play by CATHERINE EATON. Directed by VICTOR MALANA MAOG. The cast is as follows: JEREMY TARDY as OTHELLOBARRET O’BRIEN as IAGOKAYLI CARTER as DESDEMONAPAUL JUHN as RODERIGOFRANCESCA FERNANDEZ as EMILIATOMMY SHRIDER as CASSIOLAKISHA MAY as BIANCACHRISTOPHE
Introducing...Lit Society
Love our podcast? Then you're going to love LIT Society! LIT Society is the weekly book podcast by best friends Kari and Alexis. Within each episode, they dive into a spoiler-filled discussion of a different work, reading everything from fiction to non-fiction, romance to mystery. Enjoy dramatic readings of their favorite passages, complete with sound effects. LIT Society is hilarious and feels like a night out with friends. Isn't it time you take a break from your routine with a book c
Othello Bonus Content - Jeremy Tardy
“Words can be violent”: Jeremy Tardy grapples with the meaning of trust as he recounts his experiences working on Othello, working on himself, and working in Hollywood. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Othello - Episode 7 - Put Out
Iago’s treachery leads to its violent and tragic conclusion.The Play On Podcast series, “OTHELLO”, was written by WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE and translated into modern English verse by MFONISO UDOFIA. Radio play by CATHERINE EATON. Directed by VICTOR MALANA MAOG. The cast is as follows: JEREMY TARDY as OTHELLOBARRET O’BRIEN as IAGOKAYLI CARTER as DESDEMONAPAUL JUHN as RODERIGOFRANCESCA FERNANDEZ as EMILIATOMMY SHRIDER as CASSIOLAKISHA MAY as BIANCACHRISTOPHER GURR as BRABANTIO AND LODOVICOR
Othello - Episode 6 - The Wrongs We Do
Desdemona begs Iago to help her regain Othello’s love as Emilia curses whoever it was that turned Othello against her. That evening, during a state dinner in the Vaulted Hall of the Citadel, Roderigo confronts Iago in frustration. Iago manages to convince Roderigo to corner Cassio and lure him into another fight. After the dinner, Othello says goodnight to his guests, then tells Desdemona to go to bed. Alone with Emilia, Desdemona finds some comfort and remembers a song from her childho
Othello Bonus Content - Mfoniso Udofia
“What happens if we talk?” Mfoniso Udofia digs into the tough questions raised by her brutal translation of OTHELLO, with discussions about dispossession, marginalization, malignancy, immigration, how to build within a home that wasn’t built for you, and what happens after Shakespeare's story ends. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Othello - Episode 5 - False As Hell
Iago manipulates reality, tricking Othello into believing that he’s seen proof of Desdemona’s unfaithfulness, when in truth Iago planted the fateful handkerchief in Cassio’s room and made it appear that Cassio’s delight in the prostitute Bianca’s love for him is really about Desdemona. Othello’s rage at Desdemona spills over in public as Lodovico arrives in Cypress. Later, Othello confronts his wife in their bedroom and refuses to believe that she is innocent despite her heartfelt pleas
Introducing...Small Victories
Small Victories follows the days of Marisol Montgomery, a recently recovered drug addict who is ready to start her new lease on life. Too bad life has it out for her. With the help of her girlfriend, best friend, and her emotional support audience (that's you) hopefully she'll be able to figure out how to make it in this wide and crazy world of ours. Seasons 1 and 2 are now available everywhere you listen to podcasts. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Othello - Episode 4 - Give Me A Breathing Reason
Iago works Othello into a frenzy of jealousy when he gets hold of a cherished handkerchief that Othello had given to Desdemona as a token of his love.The Play On Podcast series, “OTHELLO”, was written by WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE and translated into modern English verse by MFONISO UDOFIA. Radio play by CATHERINE EATON. Directed by VICTOR MALANA MAOG. The cast is as follows: JEREMY TARDY as OTHELLOBARRET O’BRIEN as IAGOKAYLI CARTER as DESDEMONAPAUL JUHN as RODERIGOFRANCESCA FERNANDEZ as EMIL
Introducing...Goodbye Blue Mondays
In 2054 the only hope for escaping a life lived under thumb of the global corporatocracy dominated by U.R. Products Inc. is death…. or winning the Global Early Retirement Lottery. AKA G.E.R.L. AKA the weekly drawing sponsored by the Consortium of Productive Countries which transports its lucky winners from their soul crushing slog through life to the retirement of their dreams. So it's not surprising Elliot Pilgrim is deeply dismayed upon learning his misogynist, conspiracy-spewing, U.R
Othello - Episode 3 - Men Should Be What They Seem
Iago’s trap works out just as he planned: Roderigo lures the drunken Cassio into a fight that escalates into a brawl, injuring Montano as he and Iago struggle to break it up. Othello arrives and restores order. Iago dutifully and diplomatically reports the sequence of events leading to the brawl to Othello, who immediately expels Cassio from his post. Cassio, distraught, privately expresses his remorse to Iago, who encourages him to seek to restore his position through Desdemona. Cassio
Introducing...Hidden Signal
Question reality through thought-provoking and captivating grounded sci-fi stories with QCODE’s Hidden Signal, a podcast anthology series. Visit to listen. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Othello - Episode 2 - Beautiful Soldier
The Duke leaves it to Othello to decide whether or not to take Desdemona with him to Cypress. Othello puts her in Iagos’ care for the journey, with Iago’s wife Emilia at her service. Alone with Iago, Roderigo laments his heartbreak, threatening to kill himself in despair. Iago convinces him that Desdemona will eventually get tired of Othello and will be open to Roderigo’s affections if he can be patient. Iago inwardly conspires to weave Cassio into his web in his plot to destroy Othello
Othello - Episode 1 - Marks Set Against Me
A rich young man named Roderigo rages in anger at Iago when he learns that the woman he’s been pining for (and paying Iago to help him win), Desdemona, has just married Othello, a General who Iago reluctantly serves. Iago tells Roderigo that he hates Othello for promoting Michael Cassio to the rank of Lieutenant over him. Together, they go to the house of Desdemona’s father, Brabantio, to tell him that his daughter has been stolen by Othello. Not wanting his hatred of Othello to be know
Mfoniso Udofia’s unsparing translation of Shakespeare’s cruelest tragedy unmasks the ravages of prejudice and racism with unflinching honesty, revealing a world where bodies can be dispossessed by the meanest of minds."Beware of jealousy." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Love's Labour's Lost Bonus Content - Nikkole Salter
"Learn your craft and know your why" Howard University Department of Theater Arts Chair Nikkole Salter examines what makes Howard the cultural nexus of the African diaspora, the responsibility of training theater artists in a transition-era generation, why everything is up for re-negotiation and the secret solace of the Toni Morrison Bench. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Introducing...A Strong Sense of Place
One lifetime is too short to visit everywhere and meet everyone. That‘s why hosts Melissa and Dave love books with a strong sense of place — they let us travel the world in our imagination. In each episode of their podcast, they explore one destination and talk about what makes that place different from everywhere else on earth. Then they recommend five books that took them to that place on the page. They are on a trip around the globe, one great read at a time. Join them by searching f
Introducing...Sonoro and The Mash-Up Americans present Love and Noraebang
Discover Love and Noraebang... A Korean chaebol and a Mexican American entrepreneur fall in love in LA, but he must return to Korea for his military service. Will their love survive the distance? All episodes available on Apple Podcasts and on all other platforms.Jaesun, an heir to a Korean chaebol, and Ana, a Mexican American entrepreneur, fall in love in modern day LA. After months of innocent flirting and one passionate karaoke session later, Ana finds out that Jaesun must return to
Introducing...Shakespeare Anyone?
In the first half, Korey will help us grapple with the seemingly inherent misogyny of the text (is the play misogynist just because the title character is? Or is there another possible reading?).Then, Elyse will lead us through what an Early Modern audience member would have understood about Ophelia's death and Gertrude's part in it. Specifically we will focus on a cultural knowledge that has largely been lost for the modern audience, and the agency granted to these characters through t
Love's Labour's Lost - Bonus Content - Nelson Eusebio III
“If we hear it, we feel it.” Nelson T. Eusebio III describes the psychology of the space, why it’s important to take a chance, why repression is unhealthy and how Shakespeare belongs to all of us. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Introducing...In The Cards: Episode 1 - “The Meaning of Toast”
Gil visits a psychic after Lex asserts he has the worst luck of any person he’s ever met. Nadya, the beautiful psychic, isn’t exactly truthful about what she sees in Gil’s tarot spread. Later, after attending a college philosophy class, Gil has serious doubts about his standing in the universal order.“IN THE CARDS”, was written and directed by KEVIN HENDERSON.Cast:CONNOR RATLIFF as GILSTEVEN BOYER as LEXLAILA ROBINS as BELLAJAMIE ANN ROMERO as NADYACHUKWUDI IWUJI as PROFESSOR PETER TOWE
Full Play - Love's Labour's Lost
Next Chapter Podcasts presents the complete Play On Podcast series, LOVE'S LABOUR'S LOST, in its entirety.The Play On Podcast series, “LOVE’S LABOUR’S LOST”, was written by WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE and translated into modern English verse by JOSH WILDER. Each episode was directed by NELSON T. EUSEBIO the THIRD.The cast is as follows:RUSSELL G. JONES as THE KING OF NAVARRE and THE FORESTERMATTHEW ELIJAH WEBB as BEROWNEASHLEY BRYANT as THE PRINCESS and JAQUENETTATIFFANY RACHELLE STEWART as ROS
Introducing...In The Cards
The first two episode of "In The Cards," an existential romantic comedy about a born loser who takes on fate, go live on Wednesday, August 9!Connor Ratliff (“Dead Eyes”) stars as Gil, a low level ad man who is fated to lose at everything. When Nadya (Jamie Ann Romero), the beautiful niece of the psychic Bella (Laila Robins), reads his tarot cards and informs him that the universe is against him, he vows to change his fortune. Cheered on by his co-worker and best friend Lex (Steven Boyer
Love's Labour's Lost - Episode 7 - A Kissing Traitor
“The Nine Worthies” goes from bad to worse, much to the delight of the audience, who laugh uproariously until the unexpected entrance of Marcade, a messenger from France. The news he delivers brings everyone’s joy to an end, leaving the King and his friends to reconcile with the sudden departure of the Princess and her company. They vow to reunite in one year’s time, provided the men complete works of service prescribed by the Ladies.****The Play On Podcast series, “LOVE’S LABOUR’S LOST
Love's Labour's Lost - Bonus Content - Josh Wilder pt. 2 of 2
All art is political” Playwright Josh Wilder delves into the meaning of fairness, identity, ancestry and what it takes to save yourself as an artist Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Love's Labour's Lost - Episode 6 - They Are Infected
The four men, still in their Muscovite disguises, say goodbye to the Ladies, who laugh at their abysmal performances. Soon, the men return undisguised only to be berated by the women for their antics. Berowne blames Boyet for spoiling their fun when Costard arrives to invite them to their play, “The Nine Worthies”. The King resists but the Princess persuades him to see the show. That evening, the Royals attend the play at Howard University’s Ira Aldridge Theater and are delighted by the
Love's Labour's Lost - Bonus Content - Josh Wilder pt. 1 of 2
All art is political” Playwright Josh Wilder delves into the meaning of fairness, identity, ancestry and what it takes to save yourself as an artist. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Love's Labour's Lost - Episode 5 - The Fun Begins
Holofernes and Nathaniel pontificate about linguistics over dinner until Armado arrives. Holofernes perks up when Armado describes his friendship with the King, who has asked Armado to present a “delightful performance” for them all to enjoy. Holofernes proposes that they present “The Nine Worthies” and assigns their parts, with Armado as Judas Maccabeus and Moth as Hercules. Back at the Princess’s tent, she and her girlfriends laugh in delight at the love letters and gifts the King and
Love's Labour's Lost - Episode 4 - Proceed Sweet Cupid
Nathaniel and Holofernes congratulate each other on their handling of Berowne’s letter and agree to use it as an example of bad writing. Back at Howard University’s Clark Hall, Berowne paces nervously, ruminating on his love for Rosaline. He hides when King Navarre enters, reading a love letter he wrote to the Princess out loud to himself. Navarre takes cover when Longaville enters and reads his own letter to Margaret, and Longaville hides when Dumaine enters to read the letter he’s wri
Love's Labour's Lost - Episode 3 - Tonguing In French
In a rehearsal room at the Howard Conservatory of Music, Don Armado debates the nature of love with Moth before releasing Costard from bondage to deliver a love letter he wrote to Jacquenetta. Costard celebrates his payment and is about to set off on his errand when Berowne hires him to deliver a love letter he wrote to Rosaline. Off campus, the Princess and her entourage admire the king performing dressage on his horse as they prepare to hunt. Costard arrives to deliver Berowne’s lette
Introducing...Everyday Shakespeare
Introducing...Everyday Shakespeare. Hosts Caroline Bicks and Michelle Ephraim are Shakespeare professors and close friends who love to bond over the ways Shakespeare’s plays help them through their everyday dramas.Episode 3: "Let's Talk About Sex"Sex can be fun and exciting, but it also raises all kinds of issues about power, control, and freedom. In this episode, we’ll be looking at how people in Shakespeare’s day were understanding sexual anatomy, pleasure, and reproduction, and discu
Love's Labour's Lost - Episode 2 - Dance Beneath My Stockings
Costard is put under the guard of Don Armado, who continues to dote on Jaquenetta. Meanwhile, the Princess, chauffeured by her Counsellor (Boyet) arrives on campus at Howard University in her Model T along with her Ladies-In-Waiting (Rosaline, Maria and Katharine). She sends Boyet to announce their arrival to the King of Navarre, who sends back word that he cannot house the Ladies under his roof but will provide shelter in a tent on campus, instead. The Princess is offended and demands
The Tempest - Bonus Episode - Jay O. Sanders
“Don’t wait to learn this!”: Acclaimed actor Jay O. Sanders tells us what he’s learned about Prospero, about Shakespeare, about Forgiveness, and about himself by going to the places that scare him the most. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Love's Labour's Lost - Episode 1 - All Kinds of Woman
The King of Navarre gathers together with his best friends (Longaville, Dumaine and Berowne) in the library at Howard University where he gets them to agree that they will devote themselves entirely to their studies without dating or indulging in food, drink or sleep for three full years. Berowne protests and reminds the King that the Princess of France is going to arrive soon to plead a case on behalf of her ailing father. The King promises to handle the situation and Berowne agrees to
The Tempest - Bonus Episode 4 - Lawrence Shragge pt 2 of 2
“When someone says Shakespeare the next word should be yes.” Lawrence Shragge recalls his experiences on the way to becoming a successful composer of film scores—stealing from his mentors and blowing his trumpet into a laundry bag in the closet—before stirring up THE TEMPEST. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Tempest - Bonus Episode 3 - Lawrence Shragge pt. 1 of 2
“When someone says Shakespeare the next word should be yes.” Lawrence Shragge recalls his experiences on the way to becoming a successful composer of film scores—stealing from his mentors and blowing his trumpet into a laundry bag in the closet—before stirring up THE TEMPEST. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Full Play - The Tempest
The Tempest - Bonus Episode 2 - Gregg Mozgala
As an actor and disability rights advocate, Gregg Mozgala (Caliban) believes in the transformative power of theater and Shakespeare. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Tempest - Episode 6 - Every Third Thought
Prospero releases Alonso, Sebastian, Antonia and Gonzala from their spell as he greets them, lovingly embracing Gonzala and chastising the others for their wicked deeds. Alonso begs forgiveness and is rewarded with the reunion of his son, who Prospero reveals with Miranda. As they all rejoice, the Boatswain returns and marvels at the restoration of Alonso’s ship and all their belongings. Prospero reassures them not to be alarmed and turns their attention to the approach of Trinculo, Ste
The Tempest - Bonus Episode 1 - Andy Wolk and Kenneth Cavander
The Play On Podcast series, “THE TEMPEST”, was written by WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE and translated into modern English verse by KENNETH CAVANDER. Each episode was directed by ANDY WOLK. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Tempest - Episode 5 - Rough Magic
King Alonso grows increasingly despondent over the loss of his son, giving Antonia and Sebastian confidence that they will soon take power. They stumble upon a sumptuous feast presented by mysterious beings and waste no time gorging themselves before Ariel appears as a harpy and chastises Alonso, Sebastian and Antonia for their sinful acts, past and present. Elsewhere, Caliban encourages Stephano to carry out the murder of Prospero, which he vows to do until Trinculo stumbles upon the c
The Tempest - Episode 4 - Servant Monster, Drink To Me
Antonia persuades Sebastian to kill Alonso and Gonzala in their sleep so that he may take the throne in Naples. Meanwhile, Caliban convinces Stephano to kill Prospero and rule the island with Miranda as his bride. Elsewhere, Ferdinand and Miranda celebrate their union in a celestial dance conjured by Prospero’s magical powers. It ends abruptly when Prospero realizes he must take swift action to thwart his enemies.The Play On Podcast series, “THE TEMPEST”, was written by WILLIAM SHAKESPE
The Tempest - Episode 3 - Kiss The Bottle
King Alonso trudges through the rain-soaked island searching for any sign of his lost son. Gonzala does her best to comfort him over the derision of Antonia and Sebastian, who blame the King for his misfortunes and ridicule Gonzala’s optimistic idealism. Ariel arrives to cast a spell over Gonzala and Alonso, putting them to sleep under the guard of Sebastian and Antonia. Meanwhile, Caliban bristles at having to haul wood for Prospero until he hears the approach of Trinculo, the King’s j
The Tempest - Episode 2 - I Know How To Curse
Prospero orchestrates a meeting between his daughter, Miranda, and King Alonso’s son, Ferdinand, who is wandering the island in mourning for his father, who he presumes is dead. He is mesmerized by Ariel’s music and falls in love with Miranda the moment he sees her. Prospero confronts Ferdinand and saddles him with chores while he and Miranda visit Caliban, Sycorax’s son, who Prospero enslaved after he attempted to rape Miranda. Later, Ferdinand declares his love to Miranda and vows to
The Tempest - Episode 1 - What's This? Moody?
Twelve years after having been deposed in a coup, Prospero, the rightful Duke of Milan, uses magical powers with the help of his spirit servant, Ariel, to shipwreck his enemies who are en route home from the wedding of the King of Naples’ (Alonso’s) daughter to the Prince of Tunis. Prospero’s daughter, Miranda, frets over the fate of the voyagers, but Prospero reassures her that they are unharmed before telling her the truth about their history: His sister, Antonia, conspired with Alons
Introducing...The Tempest
Introducing...The Tempest Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Introducing: Love Items - The Love In The Objects - Ep. 1
Cloe is an AI researcher who discovers that her AI assistant, Eloc, has the power to analyze love in different objects, she decides to use Eloc's new skill to help her find love. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Introducing "Midnight Burger - The Ad Man Cometh" - Episode 5
When Gloria took a waitressing job in a diner outside of Phoenix, she didn't realize she was now an employee of Midnight Burger, a time-traveling, dimension-spanning diner. Every day Midnight Burger appears somewhere new in the cosmos along with its staff: a galactic drifter, a rogue theoretical physicist, a sentient old-timey radio, and some guy named Caspar. No one knows who built Midnight Burger or how it works, but when it appears there's always someone around who could really use a
The Winter's Tale - Bonus Episode 4 - Lisa Wolpe Interview - Pt 2
“Every breath opens your heart.” Visionary theater artist Lisa Wolpe has been leading the movement for gender parity and diversity in the arts since way before it was trendy. Hear her describe Shakespeare’s sacred geometry, why Antigonus has to be eaten by a bear, and how Charlotte Cushman shamed Edwin Booth! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Winter's Tale - Bonus Episode 3 - Lisa Wolpe Interview - Pt 1
“Every breath opens your heart.” Visionary theater artist Lisa Wolpe has been leading the movement for gender parity and diversity in the arts since way before it was trendy. Hear her describe Shakespeare’s sacred geometry, why Antigonus has to be eaten by a bear, and how Charlotte Cushman shamed Edwin Booth! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Introducing...BEEF with Bridget Todd
BEEF is an original scripted non-fiction storytelling podcast where Business Wars meets pop culture history.Award-winning host Bridget Todd tells the stories of legends in their fields and how they tried to stomp out their competition only to find that their enemies become the driving force behind their success, ultimately changing the world as we know it.Subscribe, rate & review the podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Podcasts or your app of choice.EPISODE 1Advice
The Winter's Tale - Bonus Episode 2 - Tracy Young Interview Pt. 2
“Shakespeare wrote for the butts in the seats!” Tracy Young traces her path from The Actors Gang to Cornerstone to OSF with the reminder that you can never stop unearthing new meaning, and that Brian Eno can lead an artist to unexpected outcomes. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Royal Shakespeare Company: Introducing The Amelia Project
The Amelia Project is a secret organization offering a very special service: Faking its clients' deaths! Its eccentric clientele includes cult leaders, criminals and politicians all desperate to disappear and start over... For how long can the secrecy last?With the help of his indispensable assistant Alvina, The Amelia Project's Interviewer needs only a 20 minute consultation to help any troubled client disappear into a new and exotic life. His solutions are delivered with a flourish of
The Winter's Tale - Bonus Episode 1 - Tracy Young Interview
The Translator & Director of The Winter's Tale sits down with Executive Producer Michael Goodfriend to discuss this adaption and her career. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Playing Anne Frank - The Drama Behind The Drama
Using archival material and interviews with surviving cast and crew members, Forward executive editor Adam Langer presents a story that's never been told: the backstory of "The Diary of Anne Frank," the Pulitzer Prize-winning play and Oscar-winning film, and how this iconic work shapes those involved in performing it — including high school students putting the show on today. The Diary of Anne Frank, which debuted on Broadway in 1955 and then later toured the country, was one of the mos
The Winter's Tale - Episode 8 - Unlawful Witchcraft
Leontes welcomes Florizel and Perdita to Sicilia and promises to help when he learns that Polixenes is pursuing them. Autolycus, drinking in a pub, hears about the reunion of Leontes and Polixenes and the discovery that Perdita is Leontes’ daughter. The Old Shepherd and his son enter, reveling in their good fortune. Autolycus apologizes for his misdeeds. Back at the palace, Paulina leads Leontes, Perdita, Florizel, Camillo and Polixenes to view a life-like statue of Hermione, and togeth
The Winter's Tale - Episode 7 - Remember Me
Autolycus, now in Florizel’s garb, masquerades as a courtier and convinces the Old Shepherd and his son to pay him to be their advocate at Court. Meanwhile, in Sicilia, Cleomenes and another Lord urge Leontes to cease mourning for Hermione, but Paulina insists that he continue to live a life of piety and repentance for his past actions until the prophecy “that which is lost be found” is fulfilled. CREDITSThe Play On Podcast series, “THE WINTER’S TALE”, was translated into modern English
The Winter's Tale - Episode 6 - The Same Sun That Shines
As Florizel proclaims his love for Perdita to all the guests at the Sheep Shearing festival (including his father and Camillo who are still in disguise), the Old Shepherd calls for their wedding to take place during the celebration. The unknown guest tries to persuade the young man to hold off until he’s told his father, or at least discussed it with him, but Florizel refuses, saying his father must not know anything about it. Enraged, Polixenes finally removes his disguise and condemns
The Winter's Tale - Episode 5 - Too Wild For Stay-At-Homes
As Perdita prepares for the sheep shearing feast, Florizel flirts with her and vows he’ll stay with her no matter what. Perdita is less carefree, fearing the repercussions that will come if the king discovers his son has been cavorting with someone beneath his station. Perdita’s father, the Old Shepherd, arrives and tells his daughter to greet their guests, including two strangers (Polixenes and Camillo, disguised as farmers), who banter with her about the flowers she admires. Florizel
The Winter's Tale - Episode 4 - Guard Your Pillowcases
The Winter's Tale - Episode 3 - It Is The Heretic That Makes The Fire
After presenting him with his newborn daughter, Leontes throws Paulina out of his chambers and commands Antigonus to kill the child. His Lords beg him to relent and he appeases them by commanding Antigonus to abandon the baby in the wilderness instead. Cleomenes and Dion, meanwhile, return from the Oracle of Delphi full of optimism. The trial comes to order. Hermione testifies in her own defense against her husband’s accusations. The Oracle’s message is opened and read aloud: Hermione i
The Winter's Tale - Episode 2 - I'll Spay 'Em All
Camillo assures Leontes he’ll carry out his orders but secretly informs Polixenes of the plot against his life. Together, they flee to Polixenes’ kingdom of Bohemia. An enraged Leontes claims their flight is proof of their guilt in conspiring against his life and his crown. He orders his son, Mamillius, to be taken from Hermione’s chambers and has her imprisoned on charges of adultery and conspiracy. Hermione insists on her innocence and vows that Leontes will regret what he’s done. The
The Winter's Tale - Episode 1 - Fishy, Fishy
King Polixenes of Bohemia bids adieu to his childhood friend, King Leontes of Sicilia, after a visit of nine months. Leontes implores him not to leave and prevails on his pregnant wife, Hermione, to persuade him to stay. When Polixenes gives in to Hermione, Leontes goes mad with jealousy and paranoia, convinced that his wife is carrying his best friend’s child, not his own. He orders his top advisor, Camillo, to poison Polixenes.CREDITSThe Play On Podcast series, “THE WINTER’S TALE”, wa
Measure For Measure - Episode 7 - A Proposal For The Greater Good
Mariana confronts Angelo as the Duke calls for Friar Lodowick. In a scuffle with Lucio, the Friar is unmasked and revealed as the Duke. He calls for the women to be released and forces Angelo to marry Mariana before condemning him to death. Mariana begs for mercy on behalf of Angelo. Barnardine arrives and is pardoned by the Duke. The Provost confesses that she’s kept Claudio alive, and reunites him with Isabella. The Duke sends Lucio to prison and rewards those who behaved honorably wi
Bonus - Episode 4 - Nat Cassidy - Pt 2
In Part Two of his interview, Nat Cassidy explains why the “rape room” got cut, why horror exists, why writing a script is forty-seven thousand times easier than writing a novel, why actors should celebrate the audition even if they don’t get the job, why Open Source Shakespeare is the adapters’ best friend, and why the elitism and classism of rehearsal rooms drove him from pursuing a career as a classical actor. Plus, a special easter egg for all you logophiles: listen for the word sti
Measure For Measure - Episode 6 - Truth Is Truth
Friar Lodowick (Duke Vincenzo) informs Isabella that Claudio has been put to death on Angelo’s orders. He persuades her to confront Angelo and ask for justice at the city gates, where Angelo and Escalus are to meet the Duke and surrender power back to him. At the Capitol, Escalus and Angelo try to make sense of the Duke’s imminent return and his strange request that they invite the people of the city to air their grievances at the changeover of power. Alone, Angelo privately regrets his
The Bard Behind Bars: Introducing Where There’s a Will
We’re changing things up a bit today and bringing you a preview of a new podcast we’re enjoying and think you will, too. Where There’s a Will: Finding Shakespeare searches for the surprising places Shakespeare shows up outside the theater. Host Barry Edelstein, artistic director at one of the country’s leading Shakespeare theaters, and co-host writer and director Em Weinstein, ask what is it about Shakespeare that’s given him a continuous afterlife in all sorts of unexpected ways? You’l
Bonus - Episode 3 - Nat Cassidy
“She dared me to read Macbeth”: How the lonely son of a single mom in Arizona was inspired by a teacher who despised him to embrace his demons and become a celebrated scribe of horror. Author, Actor and POP “Measure for Measure” script adaptor Nat Cassidy talks about the spellbinding image of Sissy Spacek covered in blood, the fulfillment of writing for audio, the short distance between Shakespeare and Stephen King, and just how much can happen when kids have too much time on their hand
Measure For Measure - Episode 5 - Death Is A Great Disguiser
Isabella, Mariana and the Duke (disguised as Friar Lodowick) finalize their plans to trick Angelo. But even after the bed trick, Angelo persists in his plans to execute Claudio. Meanwhile, the Provost (Jailer) and Abhorson prepare to execute Claudio’s cellmate, the drunkard Barnardine, pressing Pompey into service as the executioner. Friar Lodowick (the Duke) convinces the Provost to send Barnardine’s head to Angelo and say it’s Claudio’s. Barnardine, however, refuses to die in drunkenn
Bonus - Episode 2 - Jessie Austrian & Noah Brody
“We got rid of the table.” Fiasco Theater co-founders Jessie Austrian and Noah Brody describe how they up-ended traditional norms of theatrical hierarchy to create one of the most acclaimed ensembles in the country, and why they love “the gloriously free playground” of podcasts. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Measure For Measure - Episode 4 - Angel On The Outward Side
Duke Vincenzo, disguised as Friar Lodowick, visits Claudio in jail and inspires him to perceive his fate in a new light. Isabella arrives to tell her brother that Lord Angelo has demanded her body in return for Claudio’s life. Claudio tries to persuade his sister to agree to the bargain. Isabella leaves in disgust and despair. The Duke, having overheard their conversation, stops Isabella and tells her about a woman that Angelo wronged in the past. He convinces her to return to Angelo pr
Measure For Measure - Episode 3 - A Shameful Ransom
Isabella goes to the Duke’s office to plead for her brother’s life, and in doing so ignites Lord Angelo’s passions. He invites her to return to his office and becomes obsessed with her. When she returns to see him and begs once more for her brother’s pardon, he is unable to hold back his true feelings. Meanwhile, Duke Vincenzio, disguised as Friar Lodowick, visits Claudio’s fiancé, Juliet, in prison. CREDITSMEASURE FOR MEASURE was translated into modern English verse by ADITI BRENNAN KA
Bonus - Episode 1 - Aditi Brennan Kapil Interview
“Slimey isn’t funny”: Aditi Brennan Kapil geeks out about the places in our brain where we can’t poke around, where language lives, what’s in a word, how to translate for the experience of the audience, the joy of staring at a single sentence by Nabokov, and how to get a laugh without pointing at your penis. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Measure For Measure - Episode 2 - We Cannot Make A Scarecrow Of The Law
Isabella’s induction into the convent is interrupted by the arrival of Lucio, who informs her that her brother Claudio has been imprisoned and may soon be executed for getting his fiancèe pregnant. Isabella agrees to petition Lord Angelo for his life. Meanwhile, Escalus tries to persuade the immovable Angelo to be merciful to Claudio but he refuses. They are interrupted by the arrival of a police constable named Elbow, a hilarious dim-wit who has arrested Pompey and one of his customers
Measure For Measure - Episode 1 - Attack Vice In My Name
Duke Vincentio of Vienna, overwhelmed by the affairs of State, hands over control of the city to Lord Angelo, leaving Escalus as Second in Command. A man of strict morals, Angelo immediately enforces long kept but seldom used laws governing sexual activity, leading to the arrest of a young man named Claudio for engaging in pre-marital sex with his fiance, Julieta. Claudio’s friend, Lucio, learns of the news at a strip club run by Mistress Overdone where a man named Pompey brings even mo
Full Play - Henry V
Next Chapter Podcasts presents “HENRY V” - Full PlayThe Play On Podcast series, “HENRY V”, was translated into modern English verse by LLOYD SUH, and directed by KRISTA WILLIAMS. The Cast is as follows:STEVEN BOYER as PISTOLANDY LUCIEN as BARDOLPH (and others)COLLEEN WERTHMAN as EXETER (and others)JEFF BIEHL as CONSTABLEBRITTANY KATHRYN ALLEN as GOWER (and others)SOCORRO SANTIAGO as HOSTESS (and others)PACO TOLSON as DAUPHIN (and others)LLOYD SUH as CHORUS and WILLIAMSBOBBY MORENO as KI
Bonus - Twelfth Night - Christopher Liam Moore & Amy Brenneman Interview
Twelfth Night Director Christopher Liam Moore, and Actress Amy Brenneman talk about meeting at Harvard, and the different times they've been able to work together throughout their multi-decade friendship.Amy Brenneman stars in Christopher Liam Moore’s sublime production of TWELFTH NIGHT, set in a Hamptons-esque Ilyria during the Golden Age of Radio. With original music composition by David Reiffel and sound design by Lindsay Jones.Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-
Bonus - Episode 3 - Colleen Werthmann
"Un-clench the sphincter!" Writer / Actor / Comedienne Colleen Werthmann (Exeter and Orleáns in "HENRY V") describes how the White House Correspondents Dinner and The Academy Awards relate to Shakespeare’s plays, and why it’s so important not to take yourself too seriously (Will Smith, take note!).The Play On Podcast series, “HENRY V”, was translated into modern English verse by LLOYD SUH, and directed by KRISTA WILLIAMS. The Cast is as follows:STEVEN BOYER as PISTOLANDY LUCIEN as BARDO
Henry V - Episode 7 - Customs Curtsy To Kings
Henry must conquer Katharine’s heart before he can finally conquer France, and Pistol must eat his words (with a side of leeks) before he can finally show his face to Fluellen. The Play On Podcast series, “HENRY V”, was translated into modern English verse by LLOYD SUH, and directed by KRISTA WILLIAMS. The Cast is as follows:STEVEN BOYER as PISTOLANDY LUCIEN as BARDOLPH (and others)COLLEEN WERTHMAN as EXETER (and others)JEFF BIEHL as CONSTABLEBRITTANY KATHRYN ALLEN as GOWER (and others)
Bonus - Episode 2 - Bobby Moreno
Actor Bobby Moreno connects the dots between betting on horses in kindergarten, drunken rampages in the streets of New York, licking chocolate off Steven Boyer’s nipples in front of an audience at brunch, rapping under a pseudonym and playing Henry the Fifth in a new play by William Shakespeare (among other things).The Play On Podcast series, “HENRY V”, was translated into modern English verse by LLOYD SUH, and directed by KRISTA WILLIAMS. The Cast is as follows:STEVEN BOYER as PISTOLAN
Henry V - Episode 6 - Not A Boy Left Alive
Chaos reigns on the battlefield of Agincourt, where Pistol encounters a French soldier and spares his life in exchange for his money, thanks to the assistance of the bilingual Boy who has trailed him from England. Fortune eventually turns against France, and Dauphin, Orleans, Bourbon and Constable mourn their fate. Henry learns of the death of the Duke of York, who led the vanguard against the French army, as Fluellen and Gower lament the slaughter of the children who were left to guard
Bonus - Episode 1 - Lezlie Cross Interview
Lezlie Cross takes us on a tour of the good, the bad, and the ugly things going on in England at the time when Shakespeare wrote HENRY V. Spoiler alert: Playwrights usually outlast actors. Especially ones who insist on ruining good endings with bad jigs!The Play On Podcast series, “HENRY V”, was translated into modern English verse by LLOYD SUH, and directed by KRISTA WILLIAMS. The Cast is as follows:STEVEN BOYER as PISTOLANDY LUCIEN as BARDOLPH (and others)COLLEEN WERTHMAN as EXETER (a
Henry V - Episode 5 - Stumble So Near The Edge Of The World
Late at night, Henry meanders among his troops incognito, gauging their loyalty and morale while absolving himself of any guilt over their fate. Along the way, he gets into a squabble with Williams and vows to meet with him to settle matters once and for all when the battle is over. As dawn approaches, the French nobles (Dauphin, Constable and Orleans) get in their saddles, swaggering with confidence. Henry, meanwhile, rallies his troops with one of the most famous speeches ever written
Henry V - Episode 4 - Harry LeRoy
Outside the French village of Corbie, Gower and Fluellen meet a fiery Pistol, who asks Fluellen to beg leniency from Exeter on behalf of Bardolph, who has been sentenced to death for stealing from a church. Fluellen refuses and Pistol storms off, enraged. King Henry arrives to learn that the English have kept control of a strategically valuable bridge. He also learns of the death of his old friend Bardolph, and promises that all such offenders will get the same punishment. Soon after, a
Henry V - Episode 3 - La Bouche Est Da Mouf
Henry rejects France’s overtures and arrives on French soil, seizing the town of Harfleur. Meanwhile, his old drinking buddies (Nym, Bardolph and Pistol) argue over whether to join the fight as the British, Scottish and Welsh captains of war (Jamy, Macmorris and Fluellen) squabble over strategy. The Governor of Harfleur finally admits defeat in the face of Henry’s relentless aggression as the French nobles (Dauphin, Bourbon and Constable) remain confident in their numbers and the Prince
Henry V - Episode 2 - Why So Did You
King Henry’s friends from his wilder days, Bardolph, Nym and Pistol, gather at the London Boarding House of Pistol’s new bride, Nell, who had been engaged to Nym. Pistol and Nym argue and fight until they are interrupted by a young Boy who breaks the news that their great friend, Sir John Falstaff, is gravely ill and needs their help. In Southampton, Henry discovers that three of his closest friends and advisors, Lord Scroop of Masham, Richard Earl of Cambridge and Thomas Grey, Knight o
Bonus - Anatomy of a Song - Part 2
Composer David Reiffel, Recording Engineer Daniel Benshimon, Sound Designer Lindsay Jones, and Studio Owner & Manager Robert Cappadona take us through the in-depth process that goes into creating and executing the songs you hear throughout the Play On Shakespeare Podcast Series. Come Away from Episode 3 of Twelfth Night is the song they focused on in the second part of this interview!Credits: The Play On Podcast series, “TWELFTH NIGHT”, was translated into modern English verse by AL
Henry V - Episode 1 - Balls
With the recent death of his father, King Henry IV, the young Henry V must live down his wild past and prove himself capable of ruling a restless kingdom. With the encouragement of his advisors, Lords Canterbury and Ely, Henry advances a dubious claim to the throne of France based on his ancestry and on a questionable interpretation of arcane land laws. The Prince of France, known as the Dauphin, responds to Henry’s claim by sending him a treasure chest full of tennis balls. Henry, furi
Bonus - Anatomy of a Song - Part 1
Composer David Reiffel, Recording Engineer Daniel Benshimon, Sound Designer Lindsay Jones, and Studio Owner & Manager Robert Cappadona take us through the in-depth process that goes into creating and executing the songs you hear throughout the Play On Shakespeare Podcast Series. Come Away from Episode 3 of Twelfth Night is the song they focused on in this episode!Credits: The Play On Podcast series, “TWELFTH NIGHT”, was translated into modern English verse by ALISON CAREY, and direc
The History of Shakespeare - In Shakespeare's Shadow
The History of Literature: Literature enthusiast Jacke Wilson journeys through the history of literature, from ancient epics to contemporary classics. In this episode, Jacke talks to investigative journalist Michael Blanding, author of In Shakespeare’s Shadow, about a renegade scholar named Dennis McCarthy’s theory that Shakespeare may have drawn upon a previously unknown source – the lost plays of Sir Thomas North – and how Blanding himself joined the pursuit of searching for evidence
Bonus - Actors Jordan Barbour & Daniel Parker - Part 2
Actors Jordan Barbour and Daniel Parker talk about the challenges and rewards of finding a home in the theater, the meaning of generosity on stage, what makes Shakespeare relevant today and how important it is to spread the love!Credits: The Play On Podcast series, “TWELFTH NIGHT”, was translated into modern English verse by ALISON CAREY, and directed by CHRISTOPHER LIAM MOORE.Amy Brenneman as OliviaJamie Ann Romero as ViolaTramell Tillman as OrsinoBrandon David Delsidas SebastianDaniel
Twelfth Night - Episode 7 - You Are She
Finally, Illyria reveals her true magic as everyone we have to come to know reveals their true selves. But of course, before that, there is another letter, this one written by Malvolio...Credits: The Play On Podcast series, “TWELFTH NIGHT”, was translated into modern English verse by ALISON CAREY, and directed by CHRISTOPHER LIAM MOORE.Amy Brenneman as OliviaJamie Ann Romero as ViolaTramell Tillman as OrsinoBrandon David Delsidas SebastianDaniel Parker as Sir Toby BelchCatherine Castell
Bonus - Actors Jordan Barbour & Daniel Parker - Part 1
Actors Jordan Barbour and Daniel Parker talk about the challenges and rewards of finding a home in the theater, the meaning of generosity on stage, what makes Shakespeare relevant today and how important it is to spread the love!Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content interviews with the artists, producers and engineers who brought it all to life. Go to NCPODCASTS.COM and sign up today!Credits: The Play On Podc
Twelfth Night - Episode 6 - Are All The People Mad?
Has bloodshed come to Illyria? Toby and Maria tricked Malvolio into some very bad behavior with who knows what very bad results to come. Andrew, seeing that Olivia only had eyes for Cesario, also let Toby and Maria trick him into challenging Cesario to a fight. But, of course, Cesario is really Viola, who is no fighter, unlike her brother’s friend Antonio. Toby would have Andrew think otherwise... The Play On Podcast series, “TWELFTH NIGHT”, was translated into modern English verse by A
Twelfth Night - Episode 5 - Dear Tiger
Olivia awaits another visit from Viola, Maria and Toby await Malvolio’s wrongheaded appearance before Olivia, we await news of Viola’s brother Sebastian and his friend Antonio, and Sir Andrew, well, he’s still Sir Andrew... The Play On Podcast series, “TWELFTH NIGHT”, was translated into modern English verse by ALISON CAREY, and directed by CHRISTOPHER LIAM MOORE.Amy Brenneman as OliviaJamie Ann Romero as ViolaTramell Tillman as OrsinoBrandon David Delsid as SebastianDaniel Parker as S
Twelfth Night - Episode 4 - To The Gates Of Hell
In Illyria, matters of the heart heat up as the midsummer sun beats down. Olivia has declared her love to Cesario, who we know is Viola in disguise, but still Viola must find her, again, to beg for Orsino. But even before that, Maria’s plan unfolds as Malvolio finds and unfolds a mysterious letter... The Play On Podcast series, “TWELFTH NIGHT”, was translated into modern English verse by ALISON CAREY, and directed by CHRISTOPHER LIAM MOORE.Amy Brenneman as OliviaJamie Ann Romero as Viol
Twelfth Night - Episode 3 - Was Not This Love Indeed
How complicated life is in Illyria! Viola, still disguised, loves Orsino, but he loves Olivia. Uncle Toby’s friend Andrew wants Olivia to love him, while her old friend Feste simply wants her to be happy again. And while we know what Olivia wants, Malvolio apparently wants no one to be happy ever, and so we return to Olivia’s tennis court, where a ring lies in the grass... The Play On Podcast series, “TWELFTH NIGHT”, was translated into modern English verse by ALISON CAREY, and directe
Bonus - Twelfth Night Director Christopher Liam Moore & Actress Amy Brenneman discuss how they met and their many experiences working together - Part 1
Amy Brenneman stars in Christopher Liam Moore’s sublime production of TWELFTH NIGHT, set in a Hamptons-esque Ilyria during the Golden Age of Radio. With original music composition by David Reiffel and sound design by Lindsay Jones.Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content interviews with the artists, producers and engineers who brought it all to life. Go to NCPODCASTS.COM and sign up today!The Play On Podcast ser
Bonus - Translator Alison Carey & Dramaturg Lezlie Cross talk in-depth about some of the characters in Twelfth Night - Part 2
“Alison Carey and Lezlie Cross explain how Shakespeare was able to avoid getting his nose slit, why it’s important for each of us to make our own iteration, and the myriad worlds within the words of TWELFTH NIGHT!” Amy Brenneman stars in Christopher Liam Moore’s sublime production of TWELFTH NIGHT, set in a Hamptons-esque Ilyria during the Golden Age of Radio. With original music composition by David Reiffel and sound design by Lindsay Jones.Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium
Twelfth Night - Episode 2 - A Biscuit For Your Seadog
Viola, now disguised as the young man Cesario, and in love with Duke Orsino, is off to bring words of love from Orsino to Olivia. But before Viola arrives, someone else rings the doorbell at Olivia’s mansion… Credits: The Play On Podcast series, “TWELFTH NIGHT”, was translated into modern English verse by ALISON CAREY, and directed by CHRISTOPHER LIAM MOORE.Amy Brenneman as OliviaJamie Ann Romero as ViolaTramell Tillman as OrsinoBrandon David Delsidas SebastianDaniel Parker as Sir Toby
Twelfth Night - Episode 1 - No Prick Will Ever Come
Illyria, United States, 1939. Beloved Countess Olivia, heartbroken by the tragic death of her brother, turns away from society, rejecting the powerful, love-sick Duke Orsino. Meanwhile, off the coast, a yacht bearing twin aristocrats Viola and Sebastian flounders and sinks in stormy seas. The stage is set. The unknown future awaits. Welcome to Twelfth Night, or What You Will. Credits: The Play On Podcast series, “TWELFTH NIGHT”, was translated into modern English verse by ALISON CAREY,
Bonus - Translator Alison Carey & Dramaturg Lezlie Cross talk about making outdated comedy current in Twelfth Night - Part 1
Amy Brenneman stars in Christopher Liam Moore’s sublime production of TWELFTH NIGHT, set in a Hamptons-esque Ilyria during the Golden Age of Radio. With original music composition by David Reiffel and sound design by Lindsay Jones.Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content interviews with the artists, producers and engineers who brought it all to life. Go to NCPODCASTS.COM and sign up today!The Play On Podcast ser
Bonus - Philippa Kelly talks about the impact of women on King Lear
Dramaturg for King Lear Philippa Kelly talks with Executive Producer Michael Goodfriend in part two of their interview and dive into specific characters in King Lear. They also discuss the role women played around the time King Lear was written, and its impact on the play. Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content interviews with the artists, producers and engineers who brought it all to life. Go to NCPODCASTS.CO
Bonus - Philippa Kelly discusses the period of Shakespeare's life when King Lear was written
The Play On Podcast series KING LEAR, was translated into modern English verse by MARCUS GARDLEY and directed by ERIC TING. Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content interviews with the artists, producers and engineers who brought it all to life. Go to NCPODCASTS.COM and sign up today!The Play On Podcast Series King Lear is produced by NEXT CHAPTER PODCASTS and is made possible by the generous support of THE HITZ
Bonus - Aldo Billingslea Discusses His Role As "The Fool"
The Play On Podcast series KING LEAR, was translated into modern English verse by MARCUS GARDLEY and directed by ERIC TING. Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content interviews with the artists, producers and engineers who brought it all to life. Go to NCPODCASTS.COM and sign up today!The Play On Podcast Series King Lear is produced by NEXT CHAPTER PODCASTS and is made possible by the generous support of THE HITZ
Introducing "It Makes A Sound"
We want to tell you about a podcast you'll like if you like Play On! It's a musical fiction podcast called It Makes A Sound, and it's about a daughter and a mother and the origin story of an unlikely cult sensation. Season one follows Deirdre Gardner on a quest to revive the sound of a generation off a busted cassette tape from 1992, and wake up her decrepit hometown of Rosemary Hills Golf Course Community to all that’s been forgotten. In Season two, which just launched, the town of Ros
Bonus - Eric Ting on directing King Lear - Part 2
Director Eric Ting talks with Senior Producer Miriam Laube about his path from puppetry to the collaborative art form of theater, and the enduring power of great plays.Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content interviews with the artists, producers and engineers who brought it all to life. Go to NCPODCASTS.COM and sign up today!The Play On Podcast series KING LEAR, was translated into modern English verse by MARC
Full Play - Coriolanus
Play On Podcasts Series Coriolanus is produced by Next Chapter Podcasts and is made possible by the generous support of The Hitz Foundation.Visit & for bonus content including interviews, images and bios of the full cast & creative team.New episodes go live every Friday. Please subscribe, rate & review on your app of choice.The Cast:ANDRUS NICHOLS as Brutus, Various CHANNIE WAITES as Lartius, Various CHING VALDES-ARAN as Volumnia, VariousDANAYA ESPERANZA as C
Bonus - Eric Ting on directing King Lear - Part 1
Director Eric Ting talks with Senior Producer Miriam Laube about his path from puppetry to the collaborative art form of theater, and the enduring power of great plays.Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content interviews with the artists, producers and engineers who brought it all to life. Go to NCPODCASTS.COM and sign up today!The Play On Podcast series KING LEAR, was translated into modern English verse by MARC
Full Play - A Midsummer Night's Dream
A Midsummer Night's Dream is produced by Next Chapter Podcasts and is made possible by the generous support of The Hitz Foundation.Play On Podcasts Series A Midsummer Night's Dream is produced by Next Chapter Podcasts and is made possible by the generous support of The Hitz Foundation.New episodes go live every Friday. Please subscribe, rate & review on your app of choice.Visit & for bonus content including interviews, images and bios of the full cast & creat
Bonus - King Lear Actor Roundtable with Rebecca Clark Carey, Gina Daniels and Amy Waschke
Next Chapter Podcasts presents an actors roundtable featuring King Lear voice & text coach Rebecca Clark Carey sharing experiences with actors Gina Daniels and Amy Waschke from behind the scenes working with Shakespeare in the form of a podcast as well as discussions about their careers.Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content interviews with the artists, producers and engineers who brought it all to life. G
Full Play - Pericles
Pericles is produced by Next Chapter Podcasts and is made possible by the generous support of The Hitz Foundation.New episodes go live every Friday. Please subscribe, rate & review on your app of choice.Visit for bonus content including interviews, images and bios of the full cast & creative team.Visit for more about Play On Shakespeare.The CastKEITH DAVID as PericlesKATHLEEN CHALFANT as GowerJOHANNA DAY as Lychorida, Diana, and The BawdJOHN KEA
Bonus - Lindsay Jones on King Lear's Sound Design and Composition - Part 2
King Lear Sound Designer Lindsay Jones returns to discuss jazz as a metaphor for the creative process of theater, advocacy for Sound Designers, appreciating collaboration and creating a humane work schedule.Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content interviews with the artists, producers and engineers who brought it all to life. Go to NCPODCASTS.COM and sign up today!The Play On Podcast series KING LEAR, was trans
Full Play - Macbeth
Play On Podcasts Series presents Macbeth (The Full Play). Macbeth is produced by Next Chapter Podcasts and is made possible by the generous support of The Hitz Foundation.New episodes go live every Friday. Please subscribe, rate & review on your app of choice.Visit for bonus content including interviews, images and bios of the full cast & creative team.Visit for more about Play On Shakespeare.The CastMacbeth - Armando RiescoLady Macbeth - Zabryn
Bonus - Lindsay Jones on Sound Design PT 1
Award-winning sound designer and industry leader Lindsay Jones recounts how he and his band hijacked a truck to make a flight to his wedding, and why it has everything to do with the art of good storytelling. Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content interviews with the artists, producers and engineers who brought it all to life. Go to NCPODCASTS.COM and sign up today! The Play On Podcast series KING LEAR, was tr
Full Play - King Lear
Welcome to the full play of the Play On Podcasts' Series King Lear.The Play On Podcast series KING LEAR, was translated into modern English verse by MARCUS GARDLEY and directed by ERIC TING. The Play On Podcast Series King Lear is produced by NEXT CHAPTER PODCASTS and is made possible by the generous support of THE HITZ FOUNDATION. Visit N C PODCASTS DOT COM for more about the Play On Podcast Series. Visit PLAY ON SHAKESPEARE DOT ORG for more about Play On Shakespeare.New episodes go live every
King Lear - Episode 9 - We Who Are Young
The epic series concludes with Edmund confronting his challenger in a public fight to the death. Edgar survives to tell of his saga as “Poor Tom” and of his journey with his blinded father. News arrives of Goneril and Regan’s death as Edmund uses his last breaths to try to save Lear and Cordelia from the executions he ordered. But it’s too late. King Lear arrives with his dead daughter in his arms and mourns her inconsolably until his heart stops beating. Edgar is left to pick up the pi
King Lear - Episode 8 - We Must Adapt To These Hard Times
Kent reunites with Cordelia at the Highland Hospital in Oakland, where with a doctor they witness King Lear’s awakening and recognition of his youngest daughter. Meanwhile, at the Cow Palace in San Francisco, Regan confesses to Edmund that she fears he is not loyal only to her, but also to her sister. Edmund tries to reassure her, but he is interrupted by Goneril and Albany, who arrive to negotiate on how to proceed with their battle plans. Once Goneril, Regan and Edmund are gone, Edgar
King Lear - Episode 7 - Ruined Masterpiece Of Nature
Bathing seductively in her home, Regan uses all her powers of persuasion to delay Oswald’s delivery of a message from Goneril to Edmund (and to warn Goneril to back off of Edmund, whose heart she thinks she’s won), telling Oswald to kill Gloucester at once if he ever sees him. Meanwhile, Gloucester asks Poor Tom (Edgar) to lead him to the top of the Golden Gate Bridge, where he intends to jump to his death. Edgar tricks his father into thinking he’s at the railing of the bridge, and Glo
King Lear - Episode 6 - It Must Be The Stars
Cornwall is gravely injured by a servant trying to defend Gloucester, who has been captured and tortured for aiding King Lear. Gloucester is blinded and cast out of his own home into Golden Gate Park, where he encounters “Poor Tom” (Edgar), who comes to his aid without revealing his true identity as Gloucester’s son. The next morning, Goneril receives Edmund in her home and allies herself with him before a bitter feud with her now estranged husband, Albany. They are interrupted by news
King Lear - Episode 5 - Is Man No More Than This?
Lear rails at the raging storm on the cliffs of the Marin Headlands as The Fool and Kent (disguised as Caius) beg him to seek shelter in a nearby shack, where they discover Edgar disguised as “Poor Tom”. Meanwhile, Gloucester confides in Edmund his misgivings about the King’s treatment, sharing intelligence he’s gathered concerning plots to avenge Lear. Edmund gives this news to Cornwall, who rewards him by making him Earl and vows to take revenge on Edmund’s father. Later, Gloucester f
King Lear - Episode 4 - Storm Still
Edgar goes into hiding as “Poor Tom”, a beggar in Golden Gate Park. Lear arrives at Gloucester’s mansion to find his servant Caius (Kent) locked in restraints. Furious, he lashes out at Cornwall, who defends his actions, and Regan, who tells him to return to Goneril and ask her forgiveness. As Lear fumes at her, Goneril arrives in the courtyard to the open embrace of her sister. Together, they whittle away at Lear’s entourage as a storm approaches, eventually telling him to dismiss all
King Lear - Bonus Content Episode 6 - Actor Daniel Jose Molina
Self described Shakespeare nerd, Daniel Jose Molina, talks about playing some of the iconic roles in Shakespeare's cannon including Henry V, and Romeo, along with a side-by-side reading of Shakespeare and Marcus Gardley's translation of the words of Edgar in King Lear.Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content interviews with the artists, producers and engineers who brought it all to life. Go to NCPODCASTS.COM and
King Lear - Episode 3 - Here He Stood In Darkness
Synopsis.The King curses Goneril for her inhospitable treatment and sends Caius (Kent) to find Regan. Back in his car with the Fool, Lear worries about his sanity and the Fool does his best to cheer him up. Later, outside Gloucester’s mansion, Edmund gets word from Curan that Cornwall and Regan will soon arrive at his father’s house, and that there is likely going to be a war between Cornwall and Albany over their territory. Edmund makes the most of the opportunity by convincing Edgar t
Bonus - Actor Tramell Tillman
The Play On Podcast series KING LEAR, was translated into modern English verse by MARCUS GARDLEY and directed by ERIC TING. Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content interviews with the artists, producers and engineers who brought it all to life. Go to NCPODCASTS.COM and sign up today!The Play On Podcast Series King Lear is produced by NEXT CHAPTER PODCASTS and is made possible by the generous support of THE HITZ
King Lear - Episode 2 - Stand Up For Bastards
Synopsis.In the garden outside Gloucester’s Fillmore District mansion, a furious Edmund conspires to take from his brother what he feels he deserves from his father. Having set the trap, he drives to a nightclub where he sets up his brother Edgar for a fall from grace. Elsewhere, on an ocean beach outside of Goneril’s mansion in outer-Richmond, San Francisco, Goneril instructs her servant, Oswald, to treat her father with disdain when he arrives, in the hope that it will push him to go
Bonus - Actor Keith David
The Play On Podcast series KING LEAR, was translated into modern English verse by MARCUS GARDLEY and directed by ERIC TING. Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content interviews with the artists, producers and engineers who brought it all to life. Go to NCPODCASTS.COM and sign up today!The Play On Podcast Series King Lear is produced by NEXT CHAPTER PODCASTS and is made possible by the generous support of THE HITZ
King Lear - Episode 1 - Heave My Heart Into My Mouth
Synopsis.As a large crowd of invited guests gather in the ballroom of King Lear’s home in San Francisco’s Fillmore District to hear his much-anticipated announcement regarding his plans for the future of his kingdom, the Earl of Gloucester gossips with Lear’s trusted advisor, Kent, about the King’s shaky health, which is evident in his plans to split the kingdom among his daughters and their husbands, including his unwed daughter, Cordelia, who will choose to marry either the Duke of Bu
King Lear Trailer | Episode 1 Arrives Friday February 11
Marcus Gardley’s translation of KING LEAR is set in a San Francisco where anything can happen at any moment, where madness is barely constrained beneath the brittle veneer of gentrification and homes are kingdoms taken merely for granted. Infused with a jazz score that evolves in time with Lear’s decline, Next Chapter’s Play On podcast series is a harrowing journey into the essence of life, death, love and loss. Episode 1 out Friday, February 11.The Play On Podcast series, “KING LEAR”,
Bonus - Playwright Marcus Gardley with Executive Producer Michael Goodfriend | Part 2
Playwright Marcus Gardley talks about his journey to become one of America’s most celebrated writers, and his experience deep-diving into the words and worlds of Shakespeare’s KING LEAR. This is Part 2 of 2 episodes. Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content interviews with the artists, producers and engineers who brought it all to life. Go to NCPODCASTS.COM and sign up today!The Play On Podcasts Series King Lear
Bonus - Playwright Marcus Gardley with Executive Producer Michael Goodfriend | Part 1
Playwright Marcus Gardley talks about his journey to become one of America’s most celebrated writers, and his experience deep-diving into the words and worlds of Shakespeare’s KING LEAR. This is Part 1 of 2 episodes. Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content interviews with the artists, producers and engineers who brought it all to life. Go to NCPODCASTS.COM and sign up today!The Play On Podcasts Series King Lear
Bonus - Play On Shakespeare CEO & Creative Director Lue Douthit with Executive Producer Michael Goodfriend
Lue Douthit examines the multiplicity of meanings in a moment through the writings of Marcus Gardley and William Shakespeare. Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content interviews with the artists, producers and engineers who brought it all to life. Go to NCPODCASTS.COM and sign up today!The Play On Podcasts Series King Lear is produced by Next Chapter Podcasts and is made possible by the generous support of The H
Bonus - Voice And Text Coach Rebecca Clark Carey And Actress Michelle Beck
Voice and Text coach Rebecca Clark Carey and actress Michelle Beck (A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM) team up to demonstrate ways to meet the challenges of Shakespeare’s complex speeches.Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content interviews with the artists, producers and engineers who brought it all to life. Go to NCPODCASTS.COM and sign up today!The Play On Podcasts Series A Midsummer Night's Dream is produced by Next
Bonus - Dramaturg Amrita Ramanan with Executive Producer Michael Goodfriend
Play On Podcasts’ Executive Producer Michael Goodfriend sits down with Dramaturg Amrita Ramanan.On the anniversary of the January 6th riot, Dramaturg Amrita Ramanan joins Voice and Text Coach Julie Foh for a look into Roman history, Elizabethan history, Jacobean drama, words, language, and the true meaning of mob.Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content interviews with the artists, producers and engineers who br
Bonus - Actor Channie Waites with Executive Producer Michael Goodfriend
Play On Podcasts’ Executive Producer Michael Goodfriend sits down with Actor Channie Waites to discuss Coriolanus. Coriolanus actor, educator, and activist Channie Waites takes us on her personal journey through the performing arts to describe the power of theater in the process of healing.Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content interviews with the artists, producers and engineers who brought it all to life. Go
Bonus - Composer George Whitty talks with Executive Producer Michael Goodfriend
Play On Podcasts’ Executive Producer Michael Goodfriend sits down with Composer George Whitty to discuss A Midsummer Night's Dream.Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content interviews with the artists, producers and engineers who brought it all to life. Go to NCPODCASTS.COM and sign up today!Musical Maestro George Whitty traces his artistic journey from scuba diving to collaborating with Herbie Hancock, Chaka Kah
Bonus - Actor Ching Valdes-Aran with Executive Producer Michael Goodfriend
Play On Podcasts’ Executive Producer Michael Goodfriend sits down with Actor Ching Valdes-Aran to discuss Coriolanus.Ching Valdes-Aran is an OBIE award-winning and Lucille Lortel nominated actress who has worked intensively in NYC on Broadway, Off Broadway, Off-Off Broadway, and in major regional theaters throughout the U.S. She has guest starred on TV (Nurse Jackie, Ugly Betty, L&O CI) & appeared in major & indie films. Ching joins us in the Play On Production of Coriolanus
S4: Coriolanus Bonus Interview: Actor Ching Valdes-Aran with Executive Producer Michael Goodfriend
Play On Podcasts’ Executive Producer Michael Goodfriend sits down with Actor Ching Valdes-Aran to discuss Coriolanus.
Ching Valdes-Aran
Michael Goodfriend
The Play On Podcasts Series Coriolanus is produced by Next Chapter Podcasts and is made possible by the generous support of The Hitz Foundation.
New episodes go live every Friday. Please subscribe, rate & review on your app of choice.
Visit for bonus content including interviews, images a
Bonus - Director Kate Wisniewski talks with Executive Producer Michael Goodfriend
Play On Podcasts’ Executive Producer Michael Goodfriend sits down with Director Kate Wisniewski to discuss Coriolanus.Director Kate Wisniewski sits down with Play On Podcasts Executive Producer Michael Goodfriend to talk about her life in art, her work in theater, and how she was able to make sense of one of Shakespeare’s most complex and challenging plays.Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content interviews with
Bonus - Playwright Sean San José talks with Executive Producer Michael Goodfriend
Play On Podcasts’ Executive Producer Michael Goodfriend sits down with Playwright Sean San José to discuss Coriolanus.Sean San Jose’s hour-long, freewheeling interview takes us on the journey that led him from the Bay Area to New York and back, from the women who raised him to the Magic Theater, from injustice to a gathering of saints, from ancestral tales to Coriolanus, and beyond! Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bo
Coriolanus - The Full Play
Welcome to the full play of the Play On Podcasts' Series Coriolanus.Play On Podcasts Series Coriolanus is produced by Next Chapter Podcasts and is made possible by the generous support of The Hitz Foundation.Play On Podcasts Series Coriolanus is produced by Next Chapter Podcasts and is made possible by the generous support of The Hitz Foundation.New episodes go live every Friday. Please subscribe, rate & review on your app of choice.Visit for bonus content including
Coriolanus - Episode 7 - Boy Of Tears
Welcome to the seventh episode of the Play On Podcasts' Series Coriolanus. Synopsis:Coriolanus, crumbling under the weight of his mother’s shame, decides to abandon his campaign and Volumnia and Virgilia return to a hero’s welcome in their home city of Rome. Aufidius seethes and vows revenge before Coriolanus arrives in Antium to defend his actions. His words are met with accusations of treason, sending Coriolanus into a rage and whipping up the citizens of his adopted city against him.
Coriolanus - Episode 6 - You Made This
As the Romans tremble in fear of the Volcians' imminent attack, the Tribunes convince Menenius to beg Coriolanus for mercy but he is stopped by the Volcian watchmen and by Coriolanus himself, who turns him away with a list of conditions. Volumnia arrives next, accompanied by Coriolanus’s wife and child, and together they beg him on their knees to relent. Meanwhile, Aufidius begins to resent Coriolanus and vows to turn on him when the time comes.Welcome to the sixth episode of the Play O
Coriolanus - Episode 5 - Anger's My Meat
Coriolanus packs his belongings and leaves his weeping family and friends in his former home. Later, Volumnia berates Brutus and Sicinius in the Coliseum for their treatment of her son. Elsewhere, the Volsce agent Adrian meets the Roman traitor and spy Nicanor, who tells him of Coriolanus’s banishment and suggests that Aufidius take advantage of the opportunity to attack Rome in its current, chaotic state. Meanwhile, Coriolanus enters the city of Antium in disguise and makes his way int
Coriolanus - Episode 4 - There Is A World Elsewhere
As the citizens riot for Coriolanus’s punishment, Menenius begs the Senate to show mercy and persuades them to allow Coriolanus to return home while they work to calm the angry mob. Together, Menenius and the Senators lament Coriolanus’s faults, then defend him against the vengeance of the Tribunes, Brutus and Sicinius, who agree to let Coriolanus defend himself in a public trial against charges of treason. Back in the safety of his home, Volumnia berates her son for his impulsivity and
Coriolanus - Episode 3 - I'll Shake Your Bones
As skeptical citizens discuss whether or not to vote for Coriolanus, Menenius tries to persuade him to speak kindly to them. Instead, he mockingly begs for their votes, but still wins enough to be approved by the Tribunes. Brutus and Sicinius, in turn, stoke resentment among the people, urging them to storm the Capitol to block Coriolanus’s confirmation before he takes away their freedoms. Enraged, Coriolanus rails against democracy, spurring Brutus and Sicinius to have him arrested for
Coriolanus - Episode 2 - Every Gash An Enemy's Grave
Cominius names Martius “Coriolanus” and the Senate rewards his bravery by making him a Roman Consul, but suspicions linger that Coriolanus cares nothing for the people and is only serving himself.Welcome to the second episode of the Play On Podcasts' Series Coriolanus. Synopsis: Cominius heaps praise on Martius for his bravery and officially names him “Coriolanus” as their soldiers applaud; Aufidius and Adrian lament their defeat but bide their time for a turn of fortune. Later, in the
Coriolanus - Episode 1 - You Bleed
Calling for an end to democracy, the brilliant Roman General and war hero Caius Martius (Coriolanus) shames the starving and rioting citizens of Rome for their lack of military service. Meanwhile, the Volcian army, led by Martius’s blood enemy Tullus Aufidius, marches towards Rome.Welcome to the premiere episode of the Play On Podcasts' Series Coriolanus.Synopsis:The citizens of Rome, starving for grain during a post-war food shortage, riot against the aristocracy and blame the brillian
Bonus - Catherine Eaton - A Midsummer Night's Dream Director
Play On Podcasts’ Senior Producer Miriam Laube sits down with Director and Episode Script Adapter Catherine Eaton to discuss A Midsummer Night's Dream.Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content interviews with the artists, producers and engineers who brought it all to life. Go to NCPODCASTS.COM and sign up today!The Play On Podcasts Series A Midsummer Night's Dream is produced by Next Chapter Podcasts and is made
Bonus - Jeff Whitty - A Midsummer Night's Dream Playwright and Translator
Play On Podcasts’ Senior Producer Miriam Laube sits down with Tony Award-winning and Academy Award-nominated Playwright, Actor and Screenwriter Jeff Whitty to discuss his life, his career, and his journey into A Midsummer Night's Dream.Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content interviews with the artists, producers and engineers who brought it all to life. Go to NCPODCASTS.COM and sign up today!The Play On Podcas
Full Play - A Midsummer Night's Dream
Welcome to the full Play of the Play On Podcasts Series A Midsummer Night's Dream.A Midsummer Night's Dream is produced by Next Chapter Podcasts and is made possible by the generous support of The Hitz Foundation.Synopsis:The players delight Theseus, Hippolyta, the lovers and the Court with their rendition of “Pyramus and Thisbe”; as Titania, Oberon and all the fairy kingdom bless the realm with their celebration of unity.Play On Podcasts Series A Midsummer Night's Dream is produced by Next Chap
A Midsummer Night's Dream - Episode 6 - Lovers to Bed
Welcome to the sixth episode of the Play On Podcasts Series A Midsummer Night's Dream.Synopsis:The players delight Theseus, Hippolyta, the lovers and the Court with their rendition of “Pyramus and Thisbe”; as Titania, Oberon and all the fairy kingdom bless the realm with their celebration of unity.Play On Podcasts Series A Midsummer Night's Dream is produced by Next Chapter Podcasts and is made possible by the generous support of The Hitz Foundation.New episodes go live every Friday. Pl
A Midsummer Night's Dream - Episode 5 - Hot Ice and Wondrous Strange Snow
Welcome to the fifth episode of the Play On Podcasts Series A Midsummer Night's Dream.Synopsis:Oberon takes pity on Titania and orders Puck to wake her from her reverie. The Fairy King and Queen are united in rekindled love, and balance is restored at last. The next morning, Theseus and Hippolyta, now happily united and embarking on a hunt, stumble upon the sleeping lovers in the forest. In their embarrassment, they realize they are each with their rightful partner. Theseus refuses to e
A Midsummer Night's Dream - Episode 4 - Cheek By Jowl
Welcome to the fourth episode of the Play On Podcasts Series A Midsummer Night's Dream.Synopsis:All four lovers end up in a fray of broken hearts and wounding words, much to Puck’s delight and Obreron’s disgust. Meanwhile, Titania dotes on her ass-headed lover, Bottom.Play On Podcasts Series A Midsummer Night's Dream is produced by Next Chapter Podcasts and is made possible by the generous support of The Hitz Foundation.New episodes go live every Friday. Please subscribe, rate & rev
A Midsummer Night's Dream - Episode 3 - You See an Ass Head of Your Own?
Welcome to the third episode of the Play On Podcasts Series A Midsummer Night's Dream.Synopsis:In the forest, Puck stumbles upon the city workers, who have unwittingly set up their rehearsal right next to the sleeping fairy queen. He uses his magic to transform Bottom’s head into the head of an ass, and the players all run scared out of their wits through the forest, waking Titania, who instantly falls madly in love with Bottom. Puck delivers this news to Oberon, who applauds his work u
A Midsummer Night's Dream - Episode 2 - Mischief In The Wood
Welcome to the 2nd episode of the Play On Podcasts Series A Midsummer Night's Dream.Synopsis:Titania offers to restore the balance of nature with Oberon but refuses his demand to hand over custody of her fairy child to him. In revenge, Oberon sends Puck to fetch a flower that has a magic potion which, when dropped on anyone’s eyelids, will make them fall madly in love with the next thing they see. Meanwhile, Lysander and Hermia lose their way in the woods and fall asleep as Demetrius an
A Midsummer Night's Dream - Episode 1 - Obscenely And Courageously
Welcome to the premiere episode of the Play On Podcasts Series A Midsummer Night's Dream.Synopsis:Just as celebrations for Theseus’s wedding with his reluctant bride-to-be, Hippolyta, are about to get underway, the Duke’s court is interrupted by a squabble between Hermia’s lover, Lysander, and her wealthy father, Egeus, who demands that she marry his choice for her, Demetrius, or be put to death. In another realm, Titania, Queen of the Fairy World, is squabbling with her lover, Oberon,
Bonus - Keith David on The Way I Am Now podcast with Dionne Lea Williams - Part 3
The Way I Am Now podcast host & acclaimed performer Dionne Lea Williams has put together three exceptional pieces of bonus content to accompany our Play On Podcast series, “Pericles”, which provide a unique and illuminating way to discover new aspects of this whimsical and inspiring tale. This is the third episode of the 3-part series featuring actor Keith David. Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content inte
Pericles - Full Play
This is the full Play On Podcasts Series Pericles.Pericles is produced by Next Chapter Podcasts and is made possible by the generous support of The Hitz Foundation.Please subscribe, rate & review on your app of choice.Visit for bonus content including interviews, images and bios of the full cast & creative team. Visit for more about Play On Shakespeare.The CastKEITH DAVID as PericlesKATHLEEN CHALFANT as GowerJOHANNA DAY as Lychorida, Diana, and
Bonus - Pericles director Lisa Rothe on The Way I Am Now podcast with Dionne Lea Williams - Part 2
The Way I Am Now podcast host & acclaimed performer Dionne Lea Williams has put together three exceptional pieces of bonus content to accompany our Play On Podcast series, “Pericles”, which provide a unique and illuminating way to discover new aspects of this whimsical and inspiring tale. This is the second of the 3-part series featuring director Lisa Rothe.The Play On Podcasts Series Pericles is produced by Next Chapter Podcasts and is made possible by the generous support of The H
Pericles - Episode 7 - We Want To Hear Our Story
Welcome to the seventh episode of the Play On Podcasts Series Pericles.Synopsis:Reunited with his daughter at last, Pericles pays homage to the Gods at Diana’s temple, where he is met with more good fortune.Play On Podcasts Series Pericles is produced by Next Chapter Podcasts and is made possible by the generous support of The Hitz Foundation.New episodes go live every Friday. Please subscribe, rate & review on your app of choice.Visit for bonus content
Pericles - Bonus Content Episode - Jennie Greenberry on The Way I Am Now podcast with Dionne Lea Williams - Part 1
The Way I Am Now podcast host & acclaimed performer Dionne Lea Williams has put together three exceptional pieces of bonus content to accompany our Play On Podcast series, “Pericles”, which provide a unique and illuminating way to discover new aspects of this whimsical and inspiring tale. This is the first episode of the 3-part series featuring actor Jennie Greenberry who plays the roles of Marina and Antiochus’s Daughter.Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free
Pericles - Episode 6 - For I Was Born At Sea
Welcome to the sixth episode of the Play On Podcasts Series Pericles.Synopsis:Marina convinces Lysimachus to renounce his ways, wins Bolt over and escapes the brothel. She gains notoriety across the land for her singing, dancing and artistry, until Lysimachus summons her to help minister a strange man on a regal ship who is beside himself with grief.Play On Podcasts Series Pericles is produced by Next Chapter Podcasts and is made possible by the generous support of The Hitz Foundation.N
Pericles - Episode 5 - Sniveling Little Freshmeat
Welcome to the fifth episode of the Play On Podcasts Series Pericles.Synopsis:Marina, now grown, is the envy of all of Tarsus, much to the chagrin of the jealous Dionyza, who conspires to have her killed by her servant, Leonine. Overpowered by pirates who kidnap Marina, Leonine leaves her for dead and they take her to Myteline, where she is sold to a brothel. There, she drives her captors mad with her ability to change the hearts and minds of all the men who seek to rob her of her virgi
Pericles - Episode 4 - This Fresh New Sailor
Welcome to the fourth episode of the Play On Podcasts Series Pericles.Synopsis:Bereft of his bride, Pericles surrenders her body to the sea and makes for Tarsus to ride out the storm. There, he gives over care of his newborn daughter, Marina, to Cleon and Dionyza, who vow to care for her as their own. Meanwhile, Thaisa’s coffin washes ashore at Ephesus, where it is retrieved by a group of physicians led by Cerimon. Together, they open the casket and discover that Thaisa is alive. Presum
Pericles - Episode 3 - Let Punishment Continue With A Kiss
Welcome to the third episode of the Play On Podcasts Series Pericles.Synopsis:Pericles wins Simonides’ jousting tournament and falls in love with the king’s daughter, Thaisa, who he weds on the island of Pentapolis. Meanwhile, Helicanus learns that King Antiochus and his daughter are dead and convinces the Lords of Tyre to give Pericles one more year to complete his journey. Pericles receives word of the strife in his court and decides to return home with his pregnant bride. Once at sea
Bonus - Ellen McLaughlin - Playwright
Celebrated playwright Ellen McLaughlin discusses her career as a performer and writer, her relationship with Shakespeare, and the unique challenge of translating Pericles into modern English for Play On Shakespeare and Next Chapter Podcasts for the Play On Podcasts Series.Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content interviews with the artists, producers and engineers who brought it all to life. Go to NCPODCASTS.COM
Pericles - Episode 2 - Look What Heaven Can Do If She Wants
Welcome to the second episode of the Play On Podcasts Series Pericles.Synopsis:Pericles arrives in Tarsus on a Peace vessel filled with stores of wheat and grain which he offers to feed the starving people of Tarsus, thus winning the loyalty and adoration of King Cleon, Queen Dionyza, and all their subjects. His respite is brief, as Helicanus sends word from Tyre that Antiochus’s forces are in hot pursuit and Pericles must flee again. Taking to sea once more, his ship is wrecked by a vi
Bonus - Kathleen Chalfant on playing Gower
Acclaimed performer Kathleen Chalfant, who played the role of Gower for the podcast series of Pericles, discusses her career, her involvement in iconic productions like Angels in America and Wit, the work of Pericles and her hopes for the future of American Theatre. The Play On Podcasts Series Pericles is produced by Next Chapter Podcasts and is made possible by the generous support of The Hitz Foundation.Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience feat
Pericles - Episode 1 - Hell Can Dance To Such A Tune
Welcome to the premiere episode of the Play On Podcasts Series Pericles.Synopsis:Young Pericles, Prince of Tyre, travels from his home to the distant and dangerous realm of Antioch to solve a tricky riddle in order to win Antiochus’s beautiful daughter. Instead, he wins the wrath of Antiochus himself and flees home empty handed, fearing not only for his life but for the safety of his people. Following the counsel of his most trusted advisor, Helicanus, in whom he entrusts all affairs of
Introducing...The Play On Podcast Series Pericles
Shakespeare’s timeless tale about a man who loses everything only to find what matters most.Hear the trailer for the Play On Podcast series Pericles from Next Chapter Podcasts' scripted fiction division. This is where Theatre meets Podcast, combining the modern-day audio phenomenon with the power of live performance.Play On Podcasts are epic audio adventures re-imagining timeless tales, featuring original music composition and the voices of extraordinarily gifted artists. Learn more abo
Introducing...The Play On Podcast Series Pericles
Shakespeare’s timeless tale about a man who loses everything only to find what matters most.Hear the trailer for the Play On Podcast series Pericles from Next Chapter Podcasts' scripted fiction division. This is where Theatre meets Podcast, combining the modern-day audio phenomenon with the power of live performance.Play On Podcasts are epic audio adventures re-imagining timeless tales, featuring original music composition and the voices of extraordinarily gifted artists. Learn more about your a
Bonus - David Molina - Macbeth Sound Designer
Hear where it all comes from as groundbreaking sound designer and composer of the Play On Podcasts series Macbeth, David Molina, takes us on a journey through his creative process and history.Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content interviews with the artists, producers and engineers who brought it all to life. Go to NCPODCASTS.COM and sign up today!The Play On Podcasts Series Macbeth is produced by Next Chapte
Full Play - Macbeth
This is the full Play On Podcasts Series Macbeth.Macbeth is produced by Next Chapter Podcasts and is made possible by the generous support of The Hitz Foundation.New episodes go live every Friday. Please subscribe, rate & review on your app of choice.Visit for bonus content including interviews, images and bios of the full cast & creative team. Visit for more about Play On Shakespeare.The Cast Macbeth - Armando RiescoLady Macbeth - Zabryna Gueva
Bonus - Daniel Benshimon - Macbeth and Pericles Sound Engineer
Macbeth Sound Engineer Daniel Benshimon shares the story of his path to becoming an Emmy Award-winning recording engineer and sound designer including anecdotes from his career and the unique challenge of capturing and refining sound for Macbeth and the forthcoming Play On Podcast Pericles.Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content interviews with the artists, producers and engineers who brought it all to life. Go
Macbeth - Episode 7 - Who Will be Crowned at Scone?
This is the seventh & final episode of the Play On Podcasts Series Macbeth.Synopsis:Macbeth seeks Seyton’s counsel and vows to fight to the death after learning of his wife’s fate. Meanwhile, Malcolm, Ross and Lennox confer on their battle plans. With nothing left to lose, the usurping king takes to the battlefield to prove the Witches prophecies.Macbeth is produced by Next Chapter Podcasts and is made possible by the generous support of The Hitz Foundation.New episodes go live ever
Bonus - Play On Shakespeare’s Executive Director Kamilah Long and Play On CEO and Creative Director, Dr. Lue Douthit
It’s time to Play On! Play On Shakespeare’s Executive Director Kamilah Long gets the lowdown on “Macbeth”, Shakespeare, Podcasts, and everything in between from Play On CEO and Creative Director, Dr. Lue Douthit.Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content interviews with the artists, producers and engineers who brought it all to life. Go to NCPODCASTS.COM and sign up today!The Play On Podcasts Series Macbeth is pro
Macbeth - Episode 6 - All My Pretty Ones
This is the sixth episode of the Play On Podcasts Series Macbeth.Synopsis: Meeting in England, Malcolm tests Macduff’s honesty and loyalty. Their plans to overthrow Macbeth are interrupted by Ross, who delivers shocking and tragic news to Macduff. In Scotland, Lady Macbeth sleepwalks through her palace, re-living the horror of Duncan’s murder under the watchful eye of a doctor and her attendant. Not far away, in Dunsinane, Lennox reports to Ross on the upcoming battle between England an
Bonus - Karyn Casl and Ada Karamanyan - Macbeth Casting Directors
Macbeth Casting Co-Directors Karyn Casl, CSA, and Ada Karamanyan explain what casting is, how it works, the challenges and rewards of the job and the pleasure of putting together the cast for Macbeth as the lead-in to the many Shakespeare translations forthcoming in the Play On Podcasts Series produced by Next Chapter Podcasts.Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring full plays and bonus content interviews with the artists, producers and en
Macbeth - Episode 5 - Round About the Cauldron Go
This is the fifth episode of the Play On Podcasts Series Macbeth.Synopsis:The witches gather for a raucous ritual which is interrupted by Macbeth, who demands to know the future of his throne. Enraged by what he sees, Macbeth vows to kill Macduff, who has fled the country. Meanwhile, Ross visits Lady Macduff in an effort to comfort her in her husband’s absence. Bereft of her husband, Lady Macduff tries to lighten her mood by bantering with her young son, who plays on the bagpipes. They
Bonus - Edward Torres on Directing Macbeth
Macbeth Director Edward Torres talks about how he fell in love with theatre in south Chicago, the evolution of his relationship with Shakespeare as these human stories are meant to be consumed and performed by BIPOC & LGBTQ community members, as well as his deep respect and appreciation for his friend, playright Migdalia Cruz's search for truth in the work.The Play On Podcasts Series Macbeth is produced by Next Chapter Podcasts and is made possible by the generous support of The Hit
Macbeth - Episode 4 - Blood Will Have Blood
This is the fourth episode of the Play On Podcasts Series Macbeth.Synopsis:Inside their private chamber, Macbeth confides in his wife. That evening, the murderers attack Banquo and his son, Fleance, on the Palace Woods Road. Later that night, in the King’s Banquet Stateroom, Macbeth greets his guests in public, and his hired killers in private. Macbeth struggles to overcome a ghostly sight. The banquet ends. Hecate chastises the witches for trifling with Macbeth. A new day: Lennox and R
Macbeth - Bonus Content Episode - Migdalia Cruz and Dramaturge Ishia Bennison
Migdalia Cruz and Ishia Bennison: Playwright Migdalia Cruz talks about her translation of “Macbeth” with actor and dramaturg Ishia Bennison. Hear how they found each other through the common thread of this classic tale, and all the layers of complexity they discovered along the way!The Play On Podcasts Series Macbeth is produced by Next Chapter Podcasts and is made possible by the generous support of The Hitz Foundation.Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio
Macbeth - Episode 3 - In the Devil's Other Name
This is the third episode of the Play On Podcasts Series Macbeth.Synopsis:A drunken porter greets Macduff and Lennox at the castle gate. Macduff discovers a gruesome scene within. Duncan’s son, Malcolm, flees for his safety. Ross, Lennox and Macduff hastily plan their next steps. Banquo harbors suspicions about the newly coronated King Macbeth. Fearing his position is not secure, Macbeth employs the services of three murderers to kill Banquo and his son, Fleance.The Play On Podcasts Ser
Bonus - Armando Riesco and Zabryna Guevara on playing Macbeth and Lady Macbeth
Armando Riesco and Zabryna Guevara discuss their careers, their artistic relationship, their journey into and out of the roles of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, and the challenges of navigating the personal and professional upside-down world of pandemic isolation.The Play On Podcasts Series Macbeth is produced by Next Chapter Podcasts and is made possible by the generous support of The Hitz Foundation.Listen to the full episode on Play On Premium for an ad-free audio experience featuring ful
Macbeth - Episode 2 - The King Comes Here Tonight
This is the second episode of the Play On Podcasts Series Macbeth.Synopsis:Lady Macbeth welcomes her husband home after reading his letter about his encounter with The Witches. Together, they plot the murder of King Duncan. Duncan arrives at Macbeth’s castle. After supper, Banquo is unsettled and sends his son, Fleance, to bed. Macbeth bids them both goodnight before he follows a frightening vision that beckons him into the King’s chamber. Lady Macbeth helps her husband clean up the mes
Bonus - Miss Peppermint, Monét X-Change and Manila Luzon on playing the witches in Macbeth
Listen a behind-the-scenes conversation with three drag superstars about Shakespeare, the drag world, acting, performing, and podcasting during the pandemic, and the ever-present need for equity, diversity and inclusion throughout the performing arts. The Play On Podcasts Series Macbeth is produced by Next Chapter Podcasts and is made possible by the generous support of The Hitz Foundation.New episodes go live every Friday. Please subscribe, rate & review on your app of choice.Visit
Macbeth - Episode 1 - When Will We Three Make a King?
Welcome to the premiere episode of the Play On Podcasts Series Macbeth.Synopsis:First, a Conjuring. Then, King Duncan, inside his battleground tent with his son Malcolm, learns from the wounded Macduff of Macbeth’s triumph over the rebel, Macdonald. Duncan names Macbeth Thane of Cawdor. Meanwhile, returning from the war, Macbeth and Banquo take cover from a storm in a cave, where they meet the weird sisters. Soon after, Ross reports to Macbeth that King Duncan has named him Thane of Caw
Introducing...The Play On Podcast Series Macbeth
Hear the trailer for the Play On Podcast series Macbeth, the inaugural series from Next Chapter Podcasts' scripted fiction division. This is where Theatre meets Podcast, combining the modern-day audio phenomenon with the power of live performance.Play On Podcasts are epic audio adventures reimagining timeless tales, featuring original music composition and the voices of extraordinarily gifted artists. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit