Verse Per Verse
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In this episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore the torah portion Naso.
The word that Amichai chooses to explore this week comes from Bamidbar (Numbers), Chapter Nine Verse Twenty-Three. He focuses on the marching orders of the Jews as they journeyed through the desert.
Listen to Amichai explore the power of these words this week’s Verse Per Verse.
In this episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore the torah portion Bamidbar.
The word that Amichai chooses to explore this week comes from Bamidbar, the first story in the fourth book of the bible. The word he focuses on this week is Bamidbar and the words that are connected to it.
Listen to Amichai explore the power of these words this week’s Verse Per Verse.
In this episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore the torah portion Emor.
The word that Amichai chooses to explore this week comes from Vayikra, Chapter Twenty-Three, Verse fifteen. This verse discusses the confusion in the counting of the Omer.
Listen to Amichai explore the confusion in this week’s Verse Per Verse.
Acharei Mot-Kedoshim
In this episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore the double torah portion Acharei Mot and Kedoshim.
The word that Amichai chooses to explore this week comes from Vayikra, Chapter Eighteen, Verse twenty-two. This verse discusses relationships between two men.
Listen to Amichai explore the word Toyva “Abomination” in this week’s Verse Per Verse.
In this episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore the torah portion Tazria-Metzora.
The word that Amichai chooses to explore this week comes from Vayikra, Chapter Thirteen, Verse Fourty-Six. This verse discusses the way that a person with leporacy must live.
What does Badad mean? Listen to Amichai explore it all in this week’s Verse Per Verse.
Episode Twenty-Five: Shemini
In this episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore the torah portion Shemini. The word that Amichai chooses to explore this week comes from Vayikra, Chapter Ten, Verse One and Two. These verses discuss the priestly offering that was made of a fire that was Zara. What does Zara mean? Translations are as far as […]
Episode Twenty-Four: Tzav
In this episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore the torah portion Tzav.
As we are only days away from the start of Passover, Amichai, not surprisingly, delves into the word “Matzot”. This staple of Passover, has a much deeper meaning in the Jewish texts. In Leviticus, Chapter Six, Verses 7 and 8, Matzot are discussed.
While some would merely translate this word as unleavened bread, what would you think of a translation that says that it means “holy things”?
Listen to
Episode Twenty-Three: Vayikra
In this episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore the torah portion Vayikra, the first portion in the bok of Leviticus.
The word that Amichai chooses to explore this week comes from Vayikra, Chapter One, Verse Two. The word is Korban. It is most often translated as offering, or sacrifice. Amichai explores the background to those words, and asks us to consider what they could mean, and how we could make the word personal to us today.
Episode Twenty-Two: Vayakel-Pikudei
Amichai Lau-Lavie, Verse Per Verse, JCast Network, Jewish Podcast, Jewish Podcasts, Torah Commentary, Weekly Torah Portion, Exodus, Vayakel-Pikudei, Brazen Mirrors, Sex Toys, Eroticism
Episode Twenty-One: Ki Tisa
In this episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore the torah portion Ki Tisa.
Amichai focuses on Exodus, Chapter 32, Verse 6, and specifically, as his wont to do, on the translation of the word “Litsachek”. How would you translate this word? How did Amichai?
Listen to learn.
Episode Twenty: Tetzaveh
In this episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore the torah portion Tetzaveh.
This portion deals with the garments of the high-priest, and Amichai explors Chapter 28, but focuses on the Urim and Tumim, words which are not translated well at all?
What do these two “mystical” words mean? Listen in to learn more.
Episode Nineteen: Terumah
Episode Eighteen: Mishpatim
In this episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore the torah portion Mishpatim.
More specifically, “Lauviticus” explores Exodus, Chapter 23, Verse 12 and the word Nafesh. Nafesh has many possible translations, but Amichai explores the connection between this word and it’s root word Nefesh. How do these two words connect?
Listen in to how Amichai explores grapples with this question.
Episode Seventeen: Yitro
In this episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore the torah portion Yitro.
In this portion, Yitro, for whom the parsha is named comes with his daughter and Moshe’s sons to see Moshe. In relationship, he becomes the first “Jew by Choice.”
Amichai explores Exodus, chapter 19, verse 5 and specifically the word Segulah. The word is translated as everything from treasure, to valued, to chosen…
Episode Sixteen: Beschalach
In this episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore the torah portion Beshalach.
In this portion, the Israelites have left Egypt, and the American Standard translation if Chapter 13, Verse 18 says “But God led the people about, by the way of the wilderness by the Red Sea: and the children of Israel went up armed out of the land of Egypt.”
The word “armed” in hebrew is the word Chamushim and while some translations will use the word “armed” or “equipped f
Episode Fifteen Bo
In this episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore the many faces of the word “Avodah”.
This weeks torah portion Bo uses this word in Exodus, Chapter Twelve, Verse Sixteen, when it talks about how future generations will commemorate the Exodus from Egypt.
But, why does this word have so many meanings? Work or Love, Worship or Bondage? Labor or Ceremony?
And Amichai ends up looking at the eerie role that this word has played in more modern history of the Jewish people.
Episode Fourteen: Va’eira
In this episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore Exodus, Chapter Six, Verse Twelve, and the portion of Va’era.
This parsha, deals with the choosing of Moses by God to be the spokesperson, and Moses’s ambivalence is this role. Moses says that he has “Aral Sifatayim”. But what do those words mean?
A literal traslation is that he has “uncircumcised” lips. These are words that surely need some unpacking. Do the words mean tongue-tied? or with a lisp, or was the
Episode Thirteen: Shemot
In this episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore Exodus, Chapter One, Verse 19, and the portion of Shemot.
This parsha, is the first in the book of Shemot (Exodus) and deals with the birth of Moses. Verse Nineteen focuses on a comment by the Jewish midwives, in which they indicate that the Jewish women, unlike their Egyptian counterparts seem to give birth before they arrive.
The translations in question is that of Chayot which is translated in a wide range of ways, from simply “Vigorou
Episode Twelve: Vayechi
In this episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore Genesis, Chapter 48, Verse 22, and the portion of Vayechi.
The verse that Amichai has delved into focuses on the bracha, blessing that Jacob gives to his son Joseph on his deathbed.
The translations in question are thw word for Schechem, which can be translated as mountain, or shoulder or portion or more specifically could reference the city of Shchem.
Also, what are thw translations of the weapons bow and swords? Listen to find out.
Verse Per Verse Episode Ten: Vayigash
In this tenth episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore Genesis, chapter 45, Verse 23, and the portion of Vayigash.
This week Amichai explores the relationship between Jacob and Serach, and what it meant when his heart “Pag”. What does Pag mean? Listen to the episode and find out.
Verse Per Verse Episode Nine: Vayeshev
In this ninth episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explore Genesis, chapter 39, Verse 16, and the portion of Vayeshev.
What does the word Beged mean? Is it a piece of clothing or betrayal?
This weeks episode looks at words, and the creation of words in a magical new way. We hope you will enjoy.
Verse Per Verse Episode Eight: Vayishlach
In this Seventh episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai reads deeply into the torah portion of Vayetze. Worry not dear listener, as although he reads each word with intention, he finds the whole process Rakot, “Easy on the Eyes”
Well, that is unless you think some of the other translations for Rakot are correct… in which case, we hope that our fearless host will stop crying in time for next weeks episode.
Verse Per Verse Episode Seven: Vayetzei
In this Seventh episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai reads deeply into the torah portion of Vayetze. Worry not dear listener, as although he reads each word with intention, he finds the whole process Rakot, “Easy on the Eyes”
Well, that is unless you think some of the other translations for Rakot are correct… in which case, we hope that our fearless host will stop crying in time for next weeks episode.
Verse Per Verse Episode Six: Toldot
In this next episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explores the torah portion Toldot. While the story of Toldot is that of the struggle between Jacob and Essau, Amichai has found a different focus. Amichai explores Genesis Chapter 25, Verse 22, and more specifically the word Lidrosh, which can be translated in so many ways. We hope that this episode will help you “grok” the nuance that is the wording of the torah.
Verse Per Verse Episode Five: Chayei Sarah
In the fifth episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai explores Chayei Sarah, Genesis Chapter 24 Verse 63. What do you think “lasuach” means? This is the only time in the torah that the word is used, and there is a great debate in the translation as to its meaning. Could it be to meditate? To Have a conversation? To Bow Down? Hear what Amichai thinks, and then explore your feeling about the word.
Verse Per Verse Episode Four: Vayera
In the fourth episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai continues his exploration of Genesis and the stories in Vayera. This week Amichai explores the translations of the words Eden & Edna. We hope you will get pleasure listening to this podcast, and wonder if it will be of the earthly or orgasmic kind.
Verse Per Verse Episode Three: Lech Lecha
In the third episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai reads into chapter 15 of Genesis at the story of Lech Lecha. Amichai explores how Avram (translated as Great Father) had such trouble becoming a Father at all. Amichai then explores the word in verse 13 Ger, which is translated in many ways including Stranger, Alien, Servant. Would you have agreed to allow your children be Gerim for 400 years if that was the cost to have a family?
Verse Per Verse Episode Two: Noach
In the second episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai Lau Lavie delves into one word from the second portion of the first book of the torah. In Noach, Breshit (Genesis) Chapter 6, Verse 11, the torah uses the word Hamas. Hamas is definitely a loaded word in todays world, but what does it mean? The words translations are varied. From “Violence”, to “Outrage”, “Lawlessness” to “Devine Wrath.” And in Arabic, the word has other meanings “Zeal” or as an acronym for the Islamic Resistance Movement. What c
Verse Per Verse Episode One: Breshit
The annual cycle of the reading of the torah is beginning again, as it has for thousands of years. In the first episode of Verse Per Verse, Amichai Lau Lavie explores two verses from the first parsha (section) of the first book of the torah. In Breshit (Genesis) Chapter 2, Verse 20 and 21, the torah tells the story of the creation of Sela and the creation of woman. But why do three different versions of the same text read soo differenet? Was the first woman created from just any rib, from the 13