Deep Thoughts Radio
The Dude
Thought provoking podcast that covers a vast array of topics in a practical adult voice.
DTR S6: Plum Island
Many rumors have spread over the decades about what really happened at Plum Island. In this episode, we review the official story and speculate as to what might have happened and where. Enjoy.
DTR S6: Conspiracy Review Jan 2025
Conspiracies come and go. In this episode, we take a look back at many that have continued to keep an audience. Enjoy.
DTR S6: Big Picture Jan 2025
There is only ONE agenda in this world, and no one is talking about it. If you want to be useful in the fight against evil, it’s time to go to class. Enjoy.
DTR S6: The AI Report Jan 2025
As AI continues to grow at exponential rates, we’re going to review the progress and how to navigate through the replacements so that one can come out on top. Enjoy.
DTR S6: The Space Shuttle
The Space Shuttle was considered the most complex feat of human engineering in its day. Today, we explore the journey of what made it possible, and a huge question regarding the Challenger disaster from 1986, January 28th. Enjoy.
DTR S6: Mysteries of Science & History
Man has been on Earth for thousands of years and discovered much that is to be discovered. Throughout history, we have unearthed many inventions to prove man’s capabilities. In other situations we have texts that document events that can no longer be proven. In this episode, we examine a host of these claims and apply logic to their existence. Enjoy.
DTR S6 Aliens
What do aliens mean to you? Do you feel like you’re free to believe in them? What are the parameters that would make you believe? In this episode, we take the conversation of alien life deeper into the mind. Enjoy.
DTR S6: Hidden Technologies Part 1
Many believe that there are countless hidden technologies. In this episode, we review ChatGPT’s top 20 picks. Enjoy.
DTR S6: Using Your Mind
With social media taking over man’s every hour, it’s time to pull back and examine how we can do that more healthily. In this episode, we explore how the mind developed from birth, how you used it before the internet, and how social media has injected a short-term addiction into your life. Enjoy.
DTR S6: The Matrix Movement
Do you believe we live in a Matrix? If so, who’s controlling it? What’s it made of? Are you real or an AI? Does God preside over this Matrix, or it run by aliens well below God’s normal control? In this episode, we revisit the growing paradigm of thought. Enjoy.
DTR S6: Branded Movie 2012
Branded is a cult film released in 2012. Its predictive nature hits the scale absolute. At this current time, the film is not available for streaming or digital purpose anywhere on the web. In this episode, we explore start to finish this extremely unique film. Enjoy.
DTR S6: Meet John Doe Movie 1941
A truly profound file was released before WWII called “Meet John Doe” starting Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck. It’s a story about a special article written and published on the last day of a young journalist who was being fired. Little did she know, she was going to start a revolution of consciousness in America. Enjoy.
DTR S6: Mars Mission Hoax
The claims of propelling a vehicle over 300 million miles into space without a 100th of a degree error is where the logic breaks down. Why weren’t the rovers tested on the Moon first? How did 1975 technology understand where it was in space? Why is that the country with the most Hollywood, seems to have the most “out of sight, out of mind” successes? Join us in this episode as we parse the litany…
DTR S6: Space Talk 1
The subject of space travel is riddled with contradictions. Let’s discuss.
DTR S6: Project Phoenix
Some factions believe in life from death. The burning down on the world economy to toughen up its population to remove the gluttonous many.
DTR S6: NASA Feelings
When we externalize our identity, we place our sense of self-worth and definition in the hands of external events and the perceptions of others. This dependency can lead to a fragile self-identity that is constantly influenced and potentially disrupted by events and opinions beyond our control…
DTR S6: ISS Real or Hoax?
Virtually all the footage from the International Space Station has some tell-tell sign that the people in the videos are not in space. So what gives? In this episode, we review all the modules, their purposes and the official explanations of how the impossible is suddenly possible. Enjoy.
DTR S6: Moon Hoax Recap Part Deux 2024
Given the sheer volume of information to review, here is a part two of the discussion I hope you enjoy.
DTR S6: Moon Hoax Recap 2024
Bart Sibrel continues his quest to wake up the world to the truth. We review many aspects of the best smoking guns. Enjoy.
DTR S6: Shadow Beings
In this episode, we explore the idea that other beings could be living off an ecosystem of human emotions. We examine this concept in detail and discuss how to avoid becoming a surrogate for these entities, which could lead to your downfall. Enjoy.
DTR Chaos Report April 2024
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DTR S6: Brainstorm Movie 1983
In 1983, a film released to limited reception. It stars Christopher Walken, Natalie Wood, Louise Fletcher and Cliff Roberson to name a few. Directed by Doug Trumbull, the legendary effects god from 2001: A Space Odyssey, this film portrays a device that record the five senses of man and beyond. Natalie Wood’s last film, this epic cult sleeper is a look into what would happen if man could replace…
DTR S6: Future Matrix
A world is coming to a point where reality will simulate real-time. Discerning what is real and what is fictional will forever be a blurred line until the power goes out. In this episode, we review the implications of the near future of this transformation. Enjoy.
DTR S6: Obsolete Man
In 1961, Twilight Zone aired an episode called “The Obsolete Man.” Within the confines of this 22 minutes is contained more applicable cautions about our times than all the fiction aired since. In this episode, we review the crucial in detail in a attempt to ensure this era of mankind is entirely avoided. Enjoy.
DTR S6: Thoughts Ep 1
A place to review thinking.
DTR Chaos Report March 2024 Part Daux
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DTR S6: Looker (Movie 1981)
Once upon a time, Michael Crichton wrote and directed a movie called Looker released in 1981. How could one of the most famous men create a great film and no one has heard of it? Because, he predicted things to come. In 2024, we are staring down the barrel of Michael had conceived some 40+ years earlier. Enjoy.
DTR S6: Dark to Light
A setback can be devastating when it happens out of thin air. However, it creates a moment when time slows down, and allows us to reflect on our path and identity. In this episode, we go through several examples of how suffering and loss transforms like a spiritual guide into positive and prosperity. Enjoy.
DTR S6: No Time Like The Past
Many of us are concerned about today’s climate of all things. Rod Serling, the creator of the TV series The Twilight Zone shared this concerned during his time on Earth. In this episode, we look through the eyes of a classic episode of the Twilight Zone called “No Time Like The Past” to gain an understanding where and why we belong where we are. Enjoy.
DTR S6: Tartarian Concepts and More
With each new theory online comes a wave of old theories that have been largely disregarded. The Tartarian movement is a valuable group of individuals attempting to reconstruct our lost and revised history. In this episode, we cover many aspects of old and new thinking. Enjoy.
DTR S6: Real-Time Dreaming
Dream “specialist” tell you the boldface lie that we only dream during the REM or Random Eye Movement phase of our evenings. As most of us know, we dream continuous stories if we dream at all. In this episode, we explore the data and experiences around this truth. Enjoy.
DTR S6: Alien Compassion
Many have claimed to have been abducted over the years. The stories vary widely. In this episode, we explore the question as to whether or not they are benevolent or hostile. Enjoy.
DTR S6: AI Threats Dec 2023
Every day the technology gets more powerful exponentially. In this episode, we review Chat GPT and Gemini, their differences, and how they could effect all of us. Enjoy.
DTR S5: Moon Preparations (Archive)
Pulled from the archives. This episode had major technical issues. Hopefully the content is valuable.
DTR S6: Paradigms of Perception
In this episode, we delve into the art of human communication, acknowledging that each individual’s unique life experiences shape their perceptions and beliefs. These personal belief systems act as filters, influencing how we absorb and process information. We’ll explore the intricacies of this mechanism and offer insights on enhancing our understanding and sharing of thoughts more effectively.
DTR S6: Andromeda Strain (1971)
In 1971, a film released written by the legendary Michael Crichton called Andromeda Strain. This important film took the public down a path of how the military handles deadly substances. Claimed to be a legitimate crisis in the film’s credits, one will see the ultimate example of military lab work. In this episode, we review the marvel of this film’s insight and the implications it might have for…
DTR S6: Finding Earth
Commercial tell-a-vision discusses how long it takes aliens to reach Earth, but seldom do they discuss why or how their vehicles would work. With the rumors of a fake alien invasion as a play in the book of controllers, we take a deep dive into the prospects that await us. Enjoy.
DTR S6: THX 1138
The creator of the Star Wars franchise, George Lucas, released his first prophetic file in 1971 entitled THX 1138. A bold exploration of an Earth taken over by the global elite that rules over a working class fascist society relegated to working in toxic factories building the robots that govern them. In this episode, we explore the meaning of many scenes that today appear to be the manual for how...
DTR S6: Word of Mouth
One of the long-lost powers of humanity is word of mouth. A ceremony of communing with another human being can be a way to tell them you appreciate them or to gain insights into their world. In this episode, we examine the crucial elements of this exchange to inform and potentially change the world. Enjoy.
DTR S6: Logan’s Run 1976
In 1976, a science fiction film was released that provided a glimpse into a utopian future of 2274, but there was one catch. At the age of 30, one must renew. In this episode, we examine this cult classic and what it might mean for our near future. Enjoy.
DTR S6: Soylent Green
In 1973, a film released that shocked the world. Staring Charlton Heston and Edward G Robinson, and set in 2022, we see a world that was predicted in so many ways it makes one wonder if it was all part of a Brave New World. In this episode, we review the film Soylent Green and review its accuracies to our 2022. Enjoy.
DTR S6: Erasing Earth (Chaos Report)
The world is upside down. Fires are being started mysteriously. Floods are hitting every region of the world. What should be embarrassing behavior is now a reason to be famous among idiots. In this episode, we discuss just how clever they are in erasing the world and having us clean up the mess just before the great culling. Enjoy.
DTR S6: The Expanding Earth Event
Once upon a time, the oceans were not level. The day they decided to even their pools, the world experienced a flood it couldn’t conceive. This episode begs the question, was Man present when this happened? Is there evidence that man was building structures below sea level? What would that mean to our fake history? Enjoy.
DTR S6: Moon, Club 33, UAPs, Comments and More
Let’s chat about several things.
DTR S6: GE Kincaid
Around 1909, a man by the name of G.E. Kincaid decided to explore the Grand Canyon before it was shut down for normal exploration by Teddy Roosevelt. After sailing up a river channel, he noticed what he thought were signs of Gold or other precious minerals. Upon climbing up the cliff face, Kincaid found something he could barely conceive. Enjoy.
DTR S6: Chaos Report Aug 2023
It’s that time again, and just like clockwork, the scum of the WEF have conducted another crime against humanity. The climate change ie global warming hoax is being made real in the minds of morons using weather manipulation weapons. They will burn every square mile of earth and kill everyone in a horrific fire if we won’t wise up. In this episode, we discuss several subjects related to the ONLY...
DTR S6: Designation Moon Hoax
Each year since 1969 brings in a celebration of an event that never really occurred. As time passes, the masses are waking up to the deception that was always a part of these organizations. As scientists wanted to brag about accomplishments they couldn’t achieve, they traded their souls with the devil to bask in that moment of false glory. In this episode, we review one such event...
DTR S6: The AI Plan
Many of us are wondering why the sudden drastic improvement in AI was dropped now. What effect could it have on society to serve those who never have our best interested in mind. In this episode, we will examine a new view that may shine several lights on what we’re facing in the coming months, years, and decades. Enjoy.
DTR S6: Future of Video Games
The speed of emerging technologies is higher now than ever before. With these changes come paradigm shifts in reality. Like the farmer in 1850 trying to understand a VR headset some 150 years later, so too will current citizens struggle with what’s about to happen to reality. In this episode, we examine many of the incredible innovations created today and then look deeply into the near future...
DTR S6: Living with Afterlife
Many of us have experienced things that make us believe in an afterlife, but we seldom discuss the changes we make in our daily lives as a result of the transformation from faith-based living to one of certainty. In this episode, we review factors that should set our soul, body, mind at ease. Enjoy.