P.O.V. with David W. Torrence

P.O.V. with David W. Torrence

David W. Torrence

P.O.V. with David Torrence is a weekly (or so) podcast exploring themes of...ummm...err..lots of things. Whatever's damn well on my mind that week! Prepare to simply have an interesting ride. Best viewed (and hopefully HEARD) on Firefox browsers!

P.O.V. Episode 43: The Best of P.O.V. vol. 4

P.O.V. Episode 43: The Best of P.O.V. vol. 4

<img src="https://assets.podomatic.net/ts/75/3e/cf/joelcrowservo/1400x1400_1898057.jpg" alt="itunes pic" /><br />Not another one? Yes, and the last of the best of episodes. Isn't it amazing we scrambled 4 of these together? Well anyway, enjoy it, download it and cherish it like a teddy bear of old. And listen to the whole thing for a major announcement in the last few minutes! Thanks for listening, and for cripes sake, somebody start the comments! Oh yeah..

Jun 8, 2009 • 51:58

Episode 42:The 'Best' Of P.O.V. Vol 3

Episode 42:The 'Best' Of P.O.V. Vol 3

<img src="https://assets.podomatic.net/ts/75/3e/cf/joelcrowservo/1400x1400_1867888.jpg" alt="itunes pic" /><br />You know how they say time flies when you're having fun? Well, get ready for a small eternity with P.O.V.! Oh, I'm not saying its no good. Just depends on your perspective, I'd think. Lots of rubbish and nonsense from the past few decades of the show. Mind you, we lost the kinescopes of the JFK interview long ago, and I didn't feel like trotting out

May 29, 2009 • 34:06

Episode 41: The Best of P.O.V. Vol 2

Episode 41: The Best of P.O.V. Vol 2

<img src="https://assets.podomatic.net/ts/75/3e/cf/joelcrowservo/1400x1400_1837726.jpg" alt="itunes pic" /><br />Tired of the same old goat sacrifices? Well, sacrifice your valuable time for P.O.V.! Yes, what I am really asking you to do is WASTE your time. But isn't this true of damn near every other podcast? Even better, this one is theoretically some of the 'best' of the garbage we've done here over the years; which, while not a guarantee of quality, is at leas

May 19, 2009 • 41:45

The Best of P.O.V. -Vol 1 (or Episode 40?)

The Best of P.O.V. -Vol 1 (or Episode 40?)

<img src="https://assets.podomatic.net/ts/75/3e/cf/joelcrowservo/1400x1400_1815835.jpg" alt="itunes pic" /><br />We're back, for a series of episodes optimistically titled the "Best of" P.O.V. Is there such a thing? Well, its all relative isn't it? And don't worry, there IS new stuff to be heard; unfortunately it's still just me. So sit back, enjoy crap you may or may not have heard on past shows, and prepare yourself for more upcoming episodes than the

May 10, 2009 • 31:51

Episode 34: Tequila Mockingbird

Episode 34: Tequila Mockingbird

<img src="https://assets.podomatic.net/ts/75/3e/cf/joelcrowservo/1400x1400_777464.jpg" alt="itunes pic" /><br />Well well well. And where have YOU been all this time? Have you any idea what hour it is?Yeah, its the hour for half an hour of all-new P.O.V.! Just when you thought you'd ditched it for good. Anyway, a kind of getting-back-in-the-groove show, so don't get yer hopes up. We discuss the sorta past TV season, teenagers are goons, big doin's in politics, and

Feb 21, 2008 • 31:07

Coming Soon...Really....

Coming Soon...Really....

Feb 21, 2008 • 1:26

Episode 2.7:Charles Nelson Reilly Lives!

Episode 2.7:Charles Nelson Reilly Lives!

<img src="https://assets.podomatic.net/ts/75/3e/cf/joelcrowservo/1400x1400_621872.jpg" alt="itunes pic" /><br />It's alive! Yes, it's the latest, far from the greatest episode of P.O.V.! Whats up this time? Not much really, just finding our sea legs again, so to speak. Apart from gross mispronunciations, you get ruminations on new kinds of cereal, what stupid crap is coming up in the new TV season, what bands are reuniting and for how much money, and so much more!

Sep 5, 2007 • 37:07

P.O.V. Episode 2.6: Film at Eleven

P.O.V. Episode 2.6: Film at Eleven

<img src="https://assets.podomatic.net/ts/75/3e/cf/joelcrowservo/1400x1400_621873.jpg" alt="itunes pic" /><br />OK, so it's slightly stale. Heck, its nearly rotten. It's a 2 week old P.O.V.! Due to tech trouble here and there, this show is...well... better late than never. It also features more bitching and ranting than you can shake a stick at, and the added bonus of a new feature sure to offend all! And no, Sanjaya is NOT part of it, though you WILL get to hear

Apr 12, 2007 • 48:29

P.O.V. episode 2.5: Talk To Yourself, Hear What You Wanna Know

P.O.V. episode 2.5: Talk To Yourself, Hear What You Wanna Know

<img src="https://assets.podomatic.net/ts/75/3e/cf/joelcrowservo/1400x1400_621874.jpg" alt="itunes pic" /><br />Well, if it isn't you! Glad you visited, I've been worried. Like some tea? Water? Hows about a new P.O.V.! There, isn't that refreshing? This time, we go thru the hot latest news, like Buddy Hollys plane crash! Well, something thats been, ahem, DUG UP about it. More about the Rock Hall of Fame travesty and Sammy Hagars part in it; Tom Cruise tries to w

Mar 15, 2007 • 32:08

P.O.V. episode 2.4: Chest Hair and Crazy Cool Medallions...

P.O.V. episode 2.4: Chest Hair and Crazy Cool Medallions...

I'm not asking you, I'm TELLING you! Yes, its a new episode of P.O.V., and what else can you expect? I dunno, but this episode features more raw information than you can shake a dead fish at. I should mention, first, this episode is produced by none other than your friend and ours, Stephanie. But don't expect to actually HEAR from her, folks. Theres her complaints (and mine) about Rosie O' Bigmouth; John Travolta: faith healer; war and what it's actually good for; the last Anna Nicole story you'

Mar 10, 2007 • 30:46

P.O.V. episode 2.3: An Inconsiderate Truth

P.O.V. episode 2.3: An Inconsiderate Truth

It's back! No, not Al Gore, it's P.O.V. all fresh and spring-like. What should you expect for this episode? Oh, just the usual rubbish. Rantings and observations galore on such well-tred topics as Anna Nicoles' skeleton, peg-legged dancers, Matt Damon and Orion slave girls, 61 year old boobies and much much more! I can't wait! And neither can you...these aren't the droids you're looking for.... And as a video bonus, another sign of the apocolypse....Sting, Andy and Stewart play "Hungry Lik

Feb 28, 2007 • 32:49

P.O.V. Episode 2.2: Christmas Greetings

P.O.V. Episode 2.2: Christmas Greetings

<img src="https://assets.podomatic.net/ts/75/3e/cf/joelcrowservo/1400x1400_621875.jpg" alt="itunes pic" /><br />Heres the uplifting Christmas show for you all. Have a wunnerful New Year!

Dec 19, 2006 • 23:49

P.O.V. Episode 2.1: The Runaway Bribe

P.O.V. Episode 2.1: The Runaway Bribe

<img src="https://assets.podomatic.net/ts/75/3e/cf/joelcrowservo/1400x1400_621876.jpg" alt="itunes pic" /><br />Finally, the first episode of the second season! Of sorts. Keep in mind, this was done back in early Sept. 2006, so sorry if its a bit dated now, but oh well. New segments galore, like "Believe It Or Piss Off!", DVD trivia, old Office talk, Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson facts and more! Let me know if anyones out there.....

Dec 19, 2006 • 41:09

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