This Week in Sea Turtles
The TWiSTers
Hot topics in sea turtle research and conservation. Join Michael Coyne, Matthew Godfrey, and Manjula Tiwari, in a roundtable discussion of the latest sea turtle news and events. Links and show notes at
TWiST 9: Go Green, Slow Down, Have a Good Time
Hosts: Michael Coyne and Manjula Tiwari
Don't listen to what we say, this is actually TWiST #9. We talk to J Nichols, president of the International Sea Turtle Society, about the upcoming sea turtle symposium in Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico.
TWiST 8: Morocco & Gabon
Hosts: Michael Coyne, Matthew Godfrey and Manjula Tiwari
Manjula regales us with tales from recent trips to Morocco and Gabon and brings us up to date on sea turtle activities in those countries. Show notes and links at
Morocco field visits (nesting, strandings, bycatch)
Cape Verde
Canary Islands
TEDs workshop
NMFS training and technology transfer
Testing TEDs
TWiST 7: Proceedings
Hosts: Michael Coyne, Matthew Godfrey and Manjula Tiwari
Don't be confused. We recorded two episodes at once. Episodes 6 and 7 were recorded back to back and I just split the file. In the second half (episode 7) we discuss the recent kerfuffle surrounding the Annual Sea Turtle Symposium proceedings initiated by Peter Pritchard's editorial in MTN 115.
And a funny rebuke of Stephen Colbert and the Colbert Report from The Motley Fool.
TWiST 6: Michael Has Been Busy
Hosts: Michael Coyne, Matthew Godfrey and Manjula Tiwari
Back to TWiST after a long hiatus. We get you caught up on happenings on SEATURTLE.ORG.
Google Docs
The Sea Turtle Store
Changes to the home page
Next exciting thing from ISTOR
Stranding database update
TWiST 5: Recovering Ridleys?
Hosts: Michael Coyne, Manjula Tiwari
Manjula and Michael take advantage of the annual Board of DIrectors meeting of the International Sea Turtle Society at the National Conservation Training Center near Shepherdstown, West Virginia. This week we talk to Donna Shaver and Thane Wibbels about Kemp's ridley sea turtles and hopeful signs for their recovery.
TWiST 4: Sea Turtle Interns
Hosts: Michael Coyne, Matthew Godfrey
Matthew and Michael are in the field satellite tagging sea turtles with the interns and island naturalist at the Bald Head Island Conservancy on Bald Head Island in North Carolina. Meet the interns and find out what they do.
TWiST 3: Manjula Goes to Jamursba Medi
Hosts: Michael Coyne, Matthew Godfrey and Manjula Tiwari
Manjula goes to Indonesia and sends in a report from the field. Special guests Cruesa "Tetha" Hitipeuw of WWF Indonesia and Ricardo Tapilatu of the State University of Papua describe their work studying leatherback sea turtle nesting on Jamursba Medi beach, Irian Jaya, Indonesia.
TWiST 2: Marine Turtle Conservation Act
Hosts: Michael Coyne, Matthew Godfrey and Manjula Tiwari
Special Guest: Earl Possardt, US Fish and Wildlife Service
* Marine Turtle Conservation Act
TWiST 1: This Week in Sea Turtles
Hosts: Michael Coyne, Matthew Godfrey and Manjula Tiwari
The idea for this podcast was lifted entirely from Leo Laporte and the TWiTs ( and their GREAT show, This Week in Tech. I am a big fan guys, I hope you don't mind!
* IUCN Red List
* Beach Renourishment