2021 KCM Events
Kenneth Copeland Ministries
What’s the next best thing than attending a live Kenneth Copeland Ministries event in 2021? This podcast! If you missed an event this year or just want to experience it again, this podcast is for you. Get ready to grow your faith with full sermons and life-changing messages from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and their guest ministers, including Kellie Copeland, Pastors George and Terri Pearsons, and many more. Listen or watch today, and discover what God has waiting for you!
2021 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: Faith and Fear Will Not Work at the Same Time (7:00 p.m. ET)
At the 2021 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland teaches biblical examples of why faith and fear will not work at the same time. You can have faith in your heart and doubt in your head, but true unbelief is when you choose not to believe something. The Word of God is the only cure for unbelief.
2021 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: Live Life in the Faith Lane, Offering Message (7:00 p.m. ET)
At the 2021 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland shares personal testimonies of God’s goodness and what it’s like to live life in the faith lane. God is good to all and He’ll show His goodness to anyone who will wait upon Him. Jesus became poor when He bore your poverty on the cross. Now you’re free!
2021 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: Prayer Everywhere LIVE (6:30 p.m. ET)
Join Terri Copeland Pearsons at the 2021 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign as she leads in prayer for the nation, to obtain mercy in our time of need. We are in perfect position, dependent upon God alone and confident in His deliverance. The Church is being awakened by the glory of God and the righteous exalted!
2021 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: Keys to Living in Divine Health (10:00 a.m. ET)
Kenneth Copeland shares important keys to living in divine health at the 2021 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign. Learn the various aspects of living that directly affect healing and longevity. There’s healing and joy in knowing who you are in Christ. Our bodies were made by Love and we are wired to respond to love.
2021 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: Your Seed Determines Your Income - Offering Message (9:30 a.m. ET)
At the 2021 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign, Jerry Savelle shares two vital keys given to man by God: authority and seed. God’s intent was for you to determine your own income by the seeds you sow. Every need is accomplished by the sowing of seed. The soil knows what to do. Once sown, seeds grow up and become!
2021 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: The Prosperous Soul (7:00 p.m. ET)
At the 2021 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland reveals the indicators of a prosperous soul and how to major on life instead of death. God got Job’s mind off himself. When Job prayed for his friends, his life changed. Learn how to resist everything that Jesus bore on the cross for you!
2021 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: Who Are You With? Offering Message (7:00 p.m. ET)
Who are you with? “With men it is impossible…for with God all things are possible” Mark 10:27. At the 2021 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland shares how the rich, young ruler didn’t stick around Jesus long enough to hear the full counsel of God. When you stay with God, all things are possible!
2021 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: THE BLESSING is the Empowerment to Prosper (2:00 p.m. ET)
At the 2021 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign, Jerry Savelle teaches how THE BLESSING is the empowerment to prosper. God is fully capable of blessing you right in the middle of a bad economy. Poverty is a curse that you’ve been redeemed from. God is still with you in a pandemic and can bless you there!
2021 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: Partnership Message (11:00 a.m. ET)
At the 2021 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign Kenneth Copeland teaches how to partake of the same graces and anointings as those you partner with in ministry. Partners share equally every heavenly and earthly reward. Watch exciting video testimonies from KCM Partners. Learn how to take advantage of partnership!
2021 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: The Anointing Exchange (10:00 a.m. ET)
Join Kenneth Copeland at the 2021 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign as he teaches about the anointing exchange. Jesus was anointed with power and He now resides in us and on us for service. Hear how the anointing affects partnership; people coming together to get something done that cannot be done alone.
2021 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: You Sow Into What You Value - Offering Message (9:00 a.m. ET)
At the 2021 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign, Jerry Savelle teaches the importance of sowing into what you value. The evidence of love is not only words, but actions also. What you value, you support. Consistent giving is what you do when you appreciate something of value that’s been deposited in your life.
2021 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: Fear Is Not OK! (7:00 p.m. ET)
At the 2021 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign, hear Kenneth Copeland teach why fear is not OK. Faith and fear are both spiritual forces, but exactly opposite. One is faith in God and the other is faith in death. Stop the fear in your life and believe only that your situation will be made whole in the Name of Jesus!
2021 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: Prayer Everywhere LIVE (6:30 p.m. ET)
Join Terri Copeland Pearsons at the 2021 Washington D.C. Victory Campaign. The prayer of faith changes things. It created the world, so it can fix the world. If the Church does its part, the strategies of the devil will come to nothing. The righteousness of God will make this nation right and bring many into the Kingdom!
2021 Omaha Live, Victory Campaign: The Fundamental Doctrines of Christ (7:00 p.m. CT)
At the 2021 Omaha Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland shares six fundamental doctrines of Christ. These are all major biblical teachings and not to be taken lightly. They are all energized by faith in love and they all minister to people. Join Bro. Copeland as he ministers to the people by the laying on of hands.
2021 Omaha Live, Victory Campaign: It’s the Way You Measure It, Offering Message (7:00 p.m. CT)
According to Mark 4:24, it’s the way you measure it that determines how God measures back to you. At the 2021 Omaha Victory Campaign Kenneth Copeland teaches how the way you give is the way God will give to you. Everything you do is a seed and what you sow, you reap. Let love be your motivation for giving.
2021 Omaha Live, Victory Campaign: God’s Prescription for Life and Health (10:00 a.m. CT)
Kenneth Copeland gives God’s prescription for life and health at the 2021 Omaha Victory Campaign. The Great Physician is still in business and He should be your first priority for medical advice. In Him you have victory over death of every kind including pain and sickness. You’ve been given a life worth living!
2021 Omaha Live, Victory Campaign: God Is Our Supply Chain, Offering Message (9:30 a.m. CT)
At the 2021 Omaha Victory Campaign Pastor George Pearsons encourages the Body of Christ that God is our supply chain, no matter what the economy looks like. THE BLESSING is not subject to supply chain disruptions. The times are subject to God’s Word, the Name and blood of Jesus, and His kingdom people!
2021 Omaha Live, Victory Campaign: The Fundamentals of Faith (7:00 p.m. CT)
At the 2021 Omaha Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland shares fundamentals of faith necessary for a victorious life. The woman in Matthew 9 believed what she heard about Jesus before she ever left home. She believed she had the “title deed” to her miracle (Heb. 11:1, AMPC). She owned it and acted on it!
2021 Omaha Live, Victory Campaign: Name the Seed and the Harvest, Offering Message (7:00 p.m. CT)
At the 2021 Omaha Victory Campaign Kenneth Copeland shares why it is important to name the seed and the harvest you are expecting and write it down. The prodigal son got a sure inheritance but didn’t give or sow. Luke 15:16 says, “and no man gave unto him.” If you plant many seeds, you will reap a big crop!
2021 Omaha Live, Victory Campaign: Two Biblical Ways to Experience Supernatural Increase (2:00 p.m. CT)
At the 2021 Omaha Victory Campaign, Jerry Savelle shares two biblical ways to experience supernatural increase. Learn about the law of seedtime and harvest. Laws work every time you apply them. If what you have in your possession doesn’t meet the need, then it is seed for you to sow. Seed kept is not growing!
2021 Omaha Live, Victory Campaign: Partnership Message (11:00 a.m. CT)
Hear Kenneth Copeland, at the 2021 Omaha Victory Campaign, teach how to walk in the same anointings as those you are partnering with in ministry. Hear how the church at Philippi partnered with the Apostle Paul. Watch exciting video testimonies from KCM Partners. Learn how to take advantage of partnership!
2021 Omaha Live, Victory Campaign: The Anointing Exchange (10:00 a.m. CT)
Join Kenneth Copeland at the 2021 Omaha Victory Campaign as he teaches about the anointing exchange. There is always a name change involved in a covenant. God put His Name in the middle of Abram’s. The anointing is the BLESSING of Abraham/Jesus in manifestation. Learn how to walk in that anointing!
2021 Omaha Live, Victory Campaign: Your Life Is Sustained by Your Seed Offering Message (9:00 a.m.)
At the 2021 Omaha Victory Campaign, Jerry Savelle reveals how when God gave seed to man, He was saying, “Your life will be sustained by your seed.” You have the ability to determine your own outcome by sowing seed. The last thing the seed heard from God was, “Grow!” Once sown, it grows up and becomes!
2021 Omaha Live, Victory Campaign: Healing Belongs To You! (7:00 p.m.CT)
At the 2021 Omaha Victory Campaign, hear Kenneth Copeland teach how divine healing belongs to you! The healing power of God has always been available to His covenant people. It’s a package deal; eternal salvation AND healing! Learn how the Word of God provides correction necessary for obtaining healing.
2021 Omaha Live, Victory Campaign: Four Laws for Your Financial Success Offering Message (7:00 p.m.)
At the 2021 Omaha Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland shares four laws for your financial success. Everything in life is a seed of some sort. Hear how the Word of God is a seed that’s planted in your heart. A seed will meet any need. The laws that govern increase allow you to name the seed and the harvest!
2021 Word Explosion Military Salute: You’d Better Find Out What’s Happening! (9:00 a.m. CT)
At the 2021 Word Explosion Military Salute, Kenneth Copeland exhorts believers to find out what’s happening and know your authority. You need to know your enemy, who Satan is, who and what he was, what he is now and where he came from! You need to know what it meant when God said, “Replenish the earth!”
2021 Word Explosion Military Salute: The Wait is Over! (8:00 a.m. CT)
Join Bill Winston at the 2021 Word Explosion Military Salute as he reminds the Church that the wait is over! Whatever you need to finish your assignment, God is making sure it is loosed to you. If something is stopping you from fulfilling your assignment, God’s justice is around the corner. This IS your season!
2021 Word Explosion Military Salute: Love: The Gateway to Success (6:30 p.m. CT)
Hear Kenneth Copeland teach about love being the gateway to success at the 2021 Word Explosion Military Salute. Love is a commandment, not a suggestion. There are many hindrances to faith, but Jesus only mentioned one; forgiving if you have ought against anyone. Faith won’t work in an air of unforgiveness.
2021 Word Explosion Military Salute: He Who Has Ears to Hear - Offering Message (6:00 p.m. CT)
“And certain women…and many others, which ministered unto him of their substance…he that hath ears to hear, let him hear” (Luke 8:2-3, 8). At the 2021 Word Explosion Military Salute, Kenneth Copeland highlights the people that were partners with Jesus. May those called to partnership with this soil, hear clearly.
2021 Word Explosion Military Salute: You Have to See It First (2:00 p.m. CT)
Moving forward in God means you have to see it first! Join Bill Winston at the 2021 Word Explosion Military Salute as he teaches how to think on the level of your Creator. Your belief releases the virtue that causes a performance of what was promised by God. You were made for the supernatural. It’s your home!
2021 Word Explosion Military Salute: Persistence in Faith Wears Down Resistance (1:00 p.m. CT)
Join Ps. George Pearsons at the 2021 Word Explosion Military Salute as he teaches how persistence in faith wears down the devil’s resistance. Learn how to cast down evil thoughts and get the sweet sleep God has promised you. Stop declaring the dreaded outcome. Declare the truth of the Word instead!
2021 Word Explosion Military Salute: The Kingdom Advantage (9:00 a.m. CT)
At the 2021 Word Explosion Military Salute, Bishop Herbert Bailey teaches how people of God have light when the world is dark, because they have the Kingdom advantage. You live in the kingdom of God in the city where you dwell! God is illuminating your darkness and the glory of the Lord has come up ON you!
2021 Word Explosion Military Salute: The Constitution of These United States (8:00 a.m. CT)
Hear Terri Copeland Pearsons at the 2021 Word Explosion Military Salute as she interprets the scripture used as the basis for the Constitution of these United States. The document was a miracle of the unification of states. The success of the U.S.A. depends on the unity of states and the responsibility is on “we the people”!
2021 Word Explosion Military Salute: Love: The Secret to Success (6:30 p.m. CT)
Join Kenneth Copeland at the 2021 Word Explosion Military Salute as he teaches how the God kind of love is the secret to success in life. Learn about the soldier’s psalm and soldier’s promise. Find out the difference between a soldier and a killer. All God’s ideas are wrapped in love and service to others.
2021 Word Explosion Military Salute: Seed, Time and Harvest - Offering Message (6:00 p.m. CT)
At the 2021 Word Explosion Military Salute, Kenneth Copeland reveals the dual meaning in the word seedtime in Gen. 8:22 as “seed, time and harvest.” It takes time for the harvest to come up. It’s what you say, do, think and sow consistently—therein lies the power. Always have a hot expectancy for the return harvest!
2021 Word Explosion Military Salute: Becoming Miracle-Minded (2:00 p.m. CT)
Your situation is waiting on a miracle right now! Join Bill Winston at the 2021 Word Explosion Military Salute as he teaches how to become miracle minded. You were designed for miracles. The enemy is trying to affect your thinking and imagination. As far as you can see, that’s how far God will deliver you!
2021 Word Explosion Military Salute: A Soldier in the Army of the Lord (1:00 p.m. CT)
We are not only children, sons, daughters and servants of God but soldiers in the army of the Lord. Join Ps. George Pearsons at the 2021 Word Explosion Military Salute as he teaches how to be a “heavily-armed soldier” and be well equipped for every demonic strategy according to Eph. 6:11-18, (AMPC).
2021 Word Explosion Military Salute: Pick A Date! (9:00 a.m. CT)
At the 2021 Word Explosion Military Salute, Bishop Herbert Bailey exhorts the Body of Christ to draw a line in the sand and pick a date of deliverance. Picking a date makes you aggressive in faith and puts your angels on alert. It says you’re serious and determines your behavior. Make some faith plans!
2021 Word Explosion Military Salute: Ambassadors With a Divine Assignment (8:00 a.m. CT)
At the 2021 Word Explosion Military Salute, Chaplain A.L. Downing teaches how you are an ambassador with a divine assignment. You represent the kingdom of God in all matters of life. Before you were born, God gave you a mission and failure is not an option. You represent a higher purpose than yourself!
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: God is Absolutely Good (7:00 p.m. CT)
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Kenneth Copeland teaches that God is absolutely good! His goodness is His glory. He is good to all, for you and not against you. He won’t drive or push you to do anything. Cattle are driven, sheep are led. He’s the Good Shepherd and He’s faithful to lead you and love you!
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Saturday PM, Offering Message (7:00 p.m. CT)
Who are you with? “With men it is impossible…for with God all things are possible” Mark 10:27. At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Kenneth Copeland notes how the rich, young ruler didn’t stay around Jesus long enough to hear the answer to his question. Don’t make snap decisions without hearing Jesus out.
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Saturday PM - Prayer Everywhere LIVE (6:30 p.m. CT)
Terri Copeland Pearsons equips believers for prayer at the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention. “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, prayers…be made for all men” (1 Tim. 2:1). Prayer is needed for leaders because it affects all men. The power of prophecy will grow stronger in prayer; it’s essential to what’s going on.
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: The Prescription For Healing (10:00 a.m.)
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Kenneth Copeland shares the prescription for healing found in Prov. 4:20-22. Always put the Word of God first and hear Him before others. Don’t rely on memory verses—put your eyes on the Word every day. Remember your position, in the high tower of the Name of Jesus!
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Saturday AM - Prayer Everywhere LIVE (9:00 a.m. CT)
The supply that you bring in prayer matters! At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Terri Copeland Pearsons continues to teach keys to successful prayer. Intercession is an act of love. Never forget to be joyful in prayer. Always roll the care on Jesus and realize it’s your joy to pray because you love people!
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: The Name of Jesus is the Master Key of the Kingdom (7:00 p.m.)
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Kenneth Copeland teaches how the Bible is a treasure chest that holds covenant keys. They are revelation keys that open treasure vaults of different kinds because the Name of Jesus will open every heavenly door. The Name of Jesus IS the master key!
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Name Your Seed, Offering Message (7:00 p.m.)
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Kenneth Copeland urges everyone to determine what kind of seed to plant. Wheat is planted annually, whereas a grapevine produces perpetually. Get a picture of your need in your mind and name your seed. There’s a seed for every need and seed never stops growing.
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Friday PM - Prayer Everywhere LIVE (6:30 p.m. CT)
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Holden Hanley shares his testimony about prayer. He also teaches about end-time praying. All prayer must be done in the light of the Second Coming. God is pouring light on people through the revelation of His Word. The spirit of wisdom is unraveling truth in our land!
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Friday PM, Countdown (6:00 p.m. CT)
Join Tim Fox with Pastor Gabriel and Evangelist Evelyn Alexander at the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention as they share their testimony. Mary Kurth interviews president of WallBuilders, Tim Barton, educator on constitutional heritage. Hear the history of FlashPoint and meet Jason Smith, its producer.
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Increasing Your Faith with Sound Words- Part 2 (3:00 p.m. CT)
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Jesse Duplantis continues the teaching on how to increase your faith with sound words. They bring discipline to your thoughts. God will give you thoughts your mind can’t conceive, so faith must increase. Sound words have the power to get you where you want to go!
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Supernatural Acceleration (2:15 p.m. CT)
Join Ps. George Pearsons at the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention as he reveals how supernatural acceleration is occurring now and will increase. You will move faster than humanly possible because you have the anointing to get it done! We are now living in a faith momentum and moving at the speed of faith.
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: The Prophet’s Reward, Partnership Message (12:00 p.m. CT)
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Kenneth Copeland shares the benefits of partnership. Every blessing coming to KCM for preaching the gospel comes equally to its Partners. Take advantage of partnership! “He who receives a prophet...shall receive a prophet’s reward” (Matt. 10:41, NKJV).
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Increase Day - Partakers of the Anointing (9:00 a.m. CT)
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Kenneth Copeland teaches how to partake of the Anointing of Jesus. Why is it so special? When the anointing comes on you, it’s God pouring Himself on you to do certain things. God appoints you, but also anoints you to do a job. It’s called the anointing for service.
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Friday AM - Prayer Everywhere LIVE (8:30 a.m. CT)
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Terri Copeland Pearsons teaches how to impact the atmosphere with properly aimed prayer. Atmospheres change from the inside out. The kingdom of God in you is supposed to come out of you! Join Ps. Terri in making healing confessions to infuse the atmosphere with health.
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Don’t Stop Dreaming (7:00 p.m. CT)
Jerry Savelle exhorts the Body of Christ to never stop dreaming! At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, he encourages everyone to dream impossible dreams. If God gave you a dream, He fully intends on bringing it to pass. Get your dreams out of the closet. Our God is the God who makes impossible things happen!
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: It Grows Up and Becomes- Offering Message (7:00 p.m. CT)
Mark 4:32 says, “But when it is sown, it grows up and becomes….” At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Jerry Savelle talks about the assignment of a seed. He shares principles that will ensure a good harvest. There is no such thing as a harvest without sowing. Expect your seed to grow and become what you need!
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Thursday PM - Prayer Everywhere LIVE (6:30 p.m. CT)
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Terri Copeland Pearsons underscores the need for truth in our society. The doctrine of demons has infiltrated many aspects of life. Why? “…because they did not welcome the Truth but refused to love it that they might be saved (II Thess. 2:10 AMPC). Power follows holiness!
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Kingdom Concepts and Revelation Knowledge (3:00 p.m. CT)
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention Bill Winston teaches how people will succeed using Kingdom concepts and revelation knowledge. The most valuable asset in the school of faith is revelation, not information. You can’t take delivery of what you can’t envision. When you can see it and say it, it’s a done deal!
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: The Source of Faith Part 3 (2:00 p.m. CT)
Have you ever made a confession that didn’t happen? Find out why at the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention as Keith Moore continues the source of faith series. Real faith is inseparable from total submission to God. What you absolutely must have is the Word out of God’s mouth directly to you every day!
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Increasing Your Faith with Sound Words - Part 1 (10:30 a.m. CT)
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Jesse Duplantis teaches how to increase your faith with sound words. Always say what God says, and don’t change what you say when things go bad. You can lift people up with sound words by increasing your faith daily. Speaking sound words brings stability to the soul.
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Servanthood-The Pathway to Success (9:00 a.m. CT)
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Creflo Dollar teaches servanthood and how it is the pathway to success in every area of life. Jesus washed the disciples’ feet as an example. It’s what He wanted them to remember most. Jesus served us with Redemption! Serving is the very essence of ministry.
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Thursday AM - Prayer Everywhere LIVE (8:30 a.m. CT)
Hear Terri Copeland Pearsons at the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention as she does Kingdom business in prayer! There’s more to resisting the devil than stomping your feet. Your individual commitment, efforts, what you put in your heart and what you speak all build a resistance. Join in a prayer of deliverance.
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: For Such a Time as This (7:00 p.m. CT)
For such a time as this, you’re called to do something here. It will be what you do in heaven also! Join Jesse Duplantis at the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention as he asks, “When will you take the limits off God?” Don’t let people sideline your faith or steal your joy. Awaken your conscience to believe above people’s objections!
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Wednesday PM - Prayer Everywhere LIVE (6:30 p.m. CT)
Join Terri Copeland Pearsons at the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention. Hear KCBC students give testimony of how prayer changed their lives. The power of agreement is compounded exponentially. Connect and agree in faith with Ps. Terri as she prays Psalm 91. Our future is protected and our past is handled!
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Wednesday PM, Countdown (6:00 p.m. CT)
Join Tim Fox and KCBC graduate, Gabe Poirot, at the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention as he shares his vision for the next generation. Mary Kurth interviews Dr. Tony Erby and graduate, Rachel Agnew, as they share what makes KCBC special. Hear about Jesse Duplantis’ new book I Never Learned to Doubt.
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Divine Recovery From Spiritual Idolatry (3:00 p.m. CT)
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Creflo Dollar shares how God is delivering the Body of Christ from spiritual idolatry, which will usher in divine recovery and restoration. Idolatry is the value that you give something more than God. Honor is the opposite of it. Things will change when you make Jesus No. 1!
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: The Source of Faith Part 2 (2:00 p.m. CT)
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Keith Moore continues teaching about the source of faith. Jesus said He couldn’t do anything apart from His Father. It is very important not to implement faith principles prior to hearing from God. Real faith only comes by hearing the anointed, spoken utterance!
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: The Mighty Name of Jesus (10:30 a.m. CT)
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Kenneth Copeland continues teaching about the mighty Name of Jesus. We all need recurrent training in His Name. Jesus’ Name can do anything that He said or did. Faith in the Name is having faith in Jesus, and His representative, Holy Spirit, is living inside you now!
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: A Year of Firsts (9:00 a.m. CT)
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Jerry Savelle shares a word he received from God about 2021 being a year of “firsts.” These are events that are out of the ordinary and mark you forever. They are designed to break barriers. God has lots of them in store for you that you’ve never seen before!
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Wednesday AM - Prayer Everywhere LIVE (8:30 a.m. CT)
Join Pastors George and Terri Pearsons at the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention as they honor KCBC Day. Pastor Terri also teaches on the anointings of the fivefold ministry. The anointing on them is a magnified anointing; an empowering to the rest of the Church to receive it into their lives and callings.
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Divine Recovery (7:00 p.m. CT)
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Creflo Dollar encourages everyone to find a reason to be glad. It’s part of the divine recovery about to come; restoration of health, wealth, peace, and anything missing or broken. God never restores back to the original condition. You will be better than you ever were!
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Tuesday PM - Prayer Everywhere LIVE (6:30 p.m. CT)
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Terri Copeland Pearsons welcomes KCBC students to assist in prayer for the gifts of God (fivefold ministry) to be operating at their optimal best. These gifts are on the front lines of battle. Don’t fall in love with the anointings and fail to love the person that’s anointed!
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: The Source of Faith Part 1 (3:00 p.m. CT)
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Keith Moore continues teaching about the true source of faith. Learn when it’s appropriate to make bold confessions. You can’t believe what you haven’t heard. Faith comes by the anointed, spoken utterance. There is no substitute for hearing from God every day!
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Declaring the End From the Beginning (2:00 p.m. CT)
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention Bill Winston teaches what it’s like to be Kingdom-minded. God knew the wisdom you would need and laid it up for you because He saw the end from the beginning. In order to go higher, you’ll have to think high! Jesus endured what He did because He saw you coming home!
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: If Satan Can't Steal Your Joy...He Can't Keep Your Goods (10:30 a.m. CT)
Hear Jerry Savelle preach the classic message “If Satan Can’t Steal Your Joy, He Can’t Keep Your Goods!” at the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention. The Word makes you dangerous to the devil. He’s after your joy because it’s your strength. God will restore and cause you to recover when you give voice to joy!
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: The Meaning, Vitality and Possibilities of Increased Faith - Part 2 (9:00 a.m. CT)
Jesse Duplantis continues on the meaning, vitality and possibilities of increased faith at the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention. Faith deals with one thing in your life: growth. If you aren’t growing, something’s wrong. Increased faith creates a cosmos out of chaos. It’s knowing a Person, not a religion!
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Tuesday AM - Prayer Everywhere LIVE (8:30 a.m. CT)
Join Ps. Terri Copeland Pearsons at the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention as she continues teaching about the heart-engaged prayer that “makes tremendous power available” James 5:16 (AMPC). Learn how to pray in the spirit until you get in the spirit! Hear how the end-time harvest relates to prayer.
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: The Greatness of the Name of Jesus (7:00 p.m. CT)
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Kenneth Copeland teaches about the importance of the Name above all names: Jesus. The power in Jesus’ Name can only be measured by the power of God, for he inherited His Name from God! Both covenants along with His Name, restored The BLESSING back to us!
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Offering Message -A Seed Sown (7:00 p.m. CT)
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Kenneth Copeland teaches how an offering gives you opportunity to raise your income. It is a seed sown. The first time “glory” was mentioned in the Bible, it was associated with wealth. It’s His glory that we have the faith, and knowledge, that we should be prosperous!
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Monday PM - Prayer Everywhere LIVE (6:30 p.m. CT)
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Ps. Terri Copeland Pearsons helps equip people to pray. Learn how to pray from the inside out, not from your soul. Prayer is the delivery system for the power of God. It puts the power to work. That power coming out of you makes things right with the rightness of God!
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Monday PM, Countdown (6:00 p.m. CT)
Join Tim Fox and guests at the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention. Hear “Cowboy George” talk about the tangible, faith momentum in these meetings! Mary Kurth interviews guest Dean Sykes as he shares his heart for youth. Mylon and Christi Le Fevre talk about their Road to Freedom, both the program and personally.
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: 2021-The Year of Restoration (3:00 p.m. CT)
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, hear four things God spoke to Jerry Savelle about 2021— the Year of Restoration. Financial breakthroughs are being released from heaven. God is about to restore what the devil has stolen from you. If your life isn’t overflowing, then God’s not finished yet!
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: The Meaning, Vitality and Possibilities of Increased Faith (2:00 p.m. CT)
Jesse Duplantis shares the meaning, vitality and possibilities of increased faith at the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention. It produces conviction, not opinions. Increased faith is a combination of personal activity and dependence on God. Learn how it brings to life truths that seem dead and ineffectual.
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Is it Faith or Presumption? (10:30 a.m. CT)
At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Keith Moore teaches the difference between real faith and presumption. True faith only comes by hearing the anointed, spoken utterance of God. When you’ve truly “heard” Him, faith comes with that anointed Word. Hear how to discern between reason and revelation.
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Renewing Your Mind to God’s Covenants of Promise (9:00 a.m. CT)
What you think about most of the time is what you become. At the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Kenneth Copeland shares the biggest danger to your thought life: conformity. Who tells you what to think? You do! Victory is inevitable if you continue to renew your mind to God’s covenants of promise!
2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Monday AM - Prayer Everywhere LIVE (8:30 a.m. CT)
Join Ps. Terri Copeland Pearsons at the 2021 Southwest Believers’ Convention as she teaches how prayer moves things along in the timeline of God. We are expected to pray in ways that don’t miss the mark and the Holy Spirit knows how to target our prayers in such a way. Our job is to follow Him who knows!
2021 Detroit Live, Victory Campaign: The Basic Fundamentals of Faith (7:00 p.m.)
Join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches the five fundamentals of faith at the 2021 Detroit Victory Campaign. Learn how faith is a law that is predictable. Hear the laws of faith in action in Bible examples such as the woman with the issue of blood. She believed, spoke and did, all before she felt a change!
2021 Detroit Live, Victory Campaign: The Power of Partnership, Offering Message (7:00 p.m.)
At the 2021 Detroit Victory Campaign, George Pearsons thanks the KCM Partners for their faithfulness. There’s an anointing, as Partners together, to build back everything the devil has stolen. As a Partner, you should be experiencing a residual effect of partnership; blessed in every way that KCM is blessed!
2021 Detroit Live, Victory Campaign: Saturday Evening, Countdown (6:30 p.m.)
Join Tim Fox at the 2021 Detroit Victory Campaign with Dr. Mark Barclay, the “preacher of righteousness.” He challenges the Body of Christ to be giant-slayers; no giant, no champion. Meet Pastors James and Terry Logan, from Dayton, Ohio, as they share how they fell in love with their mission field!
2021 Detroit Live, Victory Campaign: Healing School - This Same Jesus! (10:00 a.m.)
This same Jesus, who is the same yesterday, today and forever is here today to heal! Hear Kenneth Copeland give the spiritual prescription for healing at the 2021 Detroit Victory Campaign. When you believe in your heart, speak with your mouth and follow up with corresponding actions, faith is officially on the job!
2021 Detroit Live, Victory Campaign: It Grows Up! Offering Message (9:30 a.m.)
What is the nature of a seed? It grows up! At the 2021 Detroit Victory Campaign, Jerry Savelle shares four key principles of sowing for maximum harvest. Once planted, a seed will do everything in its power to produce. Give it time (seed, time and harvest) and don’t give up! What are you believing God for today?
2021 Detroit Live, Victory Campaign: Faith Is Always Prepared (7:00 p.m.)
At the 2021 Detroit Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland teaches how Jesus prepared for what He knew by faith would come to pass in the life of the demon-possessed man in Mark 5. He knew ahead of time He would call this man to preach and faith is always prepared! Faith without corresponding actions is dead.
2021 Detroit Live, Victory Campaign: Replenish and Subdue, Offering Message (7:00 p.m.)
At the 2021 Detroit Victory Campaign, George Pearsons highlights the first words ever spoken to man by God in Gen. 1:28. The words “replenish” and “subdue” are part of THE BLESSING we should all be living in; being restored to a condition better than before. Anything God touches is better than before!
2021 Detroit Live, Victory Campaign: Friday Evening, Countdown (6:30 p.m.)
At the 2021 Detroit Victory Campaign, join Tim Fox and his guest Ps. Dave Cokonougher. Hear his testimony of how God called him to pastor and how he received the revelation of healing. Meet Ps. Dave Martin, America’s #1 Christian success coach who teaches biblical principles of success all over the world.
2021 Detroit Live, Victory Campaign: The Year of Firsts (2:00 p.m.)
At the 2021 Detroit Victory Campaign, Jerry Savelle shares a prophetic message about 2021—the Year of Firsts. “Firsts” are designed by God to mark you forever. Every time you experience a “first” God will use it as a barrier breaker. If you make “firsts” happen for others, God will make “firsts” happen for you.
2021 Detroit Live, Victory Campaign: Friday Morning, Partnership Service (11:00 a.m.)
Hear Kenneth Copeland, at the 2021 Detroit Victory Campaign, teach how to walk in the same anointings as those you are partnering with in ministry. The church at Philippi partnered with the Apostle Paul and shared in his anointings and graces (Phil. 1:17). Learn what “covenant partnership” is all about.
2021 Detroit Live, Victory Campaign: Increase Day - The Anointing Exchange (10:00 a.m.)
Join Kenneth Copeland at the 2021 Detroit Victory Campaign as he defines “the anointing exchange.” Phil. 4:13 says we can do all things through the anointing. We are carriers of the Anointed One and His Anointing! Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit and He resides in us as we go forth to preach the gospel!
2021 Detroit Live, Victory Campaign: Looking for Opportunities to Sow - Offering Message (9:00 a.m.)
At the 2021 Detroit Victory Campaign, Jerry Savelle teaches on the principle of seedtime and harvest and how it still operates today. Proverbs 11:24 mentions one who scatters seed and experiences increase. That is someone looking for opportunities to sow. God has plans in the making for your harvest!
2021 Detroit Live, Victory Campaign: God Is Absolutely Good! (7:00 p.m.)
God has never created anything bad! At the 2021 Detroit Victory Campaign, hear Kenneth Copeland teach why God is absolutely good. When you find out you have a blood agreement with God, who is good, the devil won’t be able to stop you! It is always God’s desire to bless, not curse. He is open-handed!
2021 Detroit Live, Victory Campaign: Repair, Replace and Expand! Offering Message (7:00 p.m.)
Do you believe in supernatural acceleration? At the 2021 Detroit Victory Campaign, George Pearsons invites everyone to tap into the current financial, faith momentum. What needs to be repaired or replaced in your life? Set your heart on God and nothing is impossible. Sow and call in your harvest!
2021 Detroit Live, Victory Campaign: Thursday Evening, Countdown (6:30 p.m.)
Join Tim Fox and his guest Ps. George Pearsons at the 2021 Detroit Victory Campaign as they discuss “total immersion in the Word of God” and why it’s important. Also, hear neurosurgeon Dr. Avery Jackson share how God called him at the age of 8. Watch highlights from the 2021 KCBC graduating class.
2021 Sacramento Live, Victory Campaign: God Is a Good God (7:00 p.m. PT)
Join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches on the goodness of God at the 2021 Sacramento Victory Campaign. In Creation, we see that “God saw that it was good” repeatedly. God is a good God and all He created was good. Acts 10:38 says, “[Jesus] went about doing good, and healing…for [the good] God was with him.”
2021 Sacramento Live, Victory Campaign: Don’t Jump and Run! Offering Message (7:00 p.m. PT)
At the 2021 Sacramento Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland reveals more from the story of the rich, young ruler in Mark 10. He asked, “What shall I do to inherit eternal life?” and in verses 29-30 Jesus answered, but he didn’t stay long enough to hear. Don’t jump and run and possibly miss God’s direction.
2021 Sacramento Live, Victory Campaign: Saturday Evening, Pre-Service Prayer (6:30 p.m. PT)
Join Holden Hanley as vital aspects of prayer are revealed at the 2021 Sacramento Victory Campaign. As a pray-er, you are an operative in the kingdom of God. You have a part to play—prayer! The healing of this land is connected to the prayers of the saints and the prayer of faith never goes unanswered!
2021 Sacramento Live, Victory Campaign: Saturday Evening, Countdown (6:00 p.m. PT)
At the 2021 Sacramento Victory Campaign, join Tim Fox with Dr. Phillip Goudeaux, host of this Sacramento meeting. Hear how the power of God is being released in California! Meet Woody Woodrum, previous candidate for U.S. Rep. R-Ca., as he shares his passion for restoring Christian values in America.
2021 Sacramento Live, Victory Campaign: Healing School - A Life Worth Living (10:00 a.m. PT)
If you do what’s right in the natural and supernatural, you will live in divine health! At the 2021 Sacramento Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland teaches how to live a blessed and healed life (Prov. 3:1-2). God’s words are life—a life worth living. When you find His words, they will begin to speak to you!
2021 Sacramento Live, Victory Campaign: Sowing-It’s What We Do! Offering Message (9:30 a.m. PT)
Seeds that you aren’t sowing are seeds that aren’t growing. At the 2021 Sacramento Victory Campaign, Jerry Savelle explains how sowing must be a lifestyle. A sower lives to give and constantly looks for opportunities to sow. He sows all the time, whether times are good or bad. Sowing—it’s what we do!
2021 Sacramento Live, Victory Campaign: Saturday Morning, Pre-Service Prayer (9:00 a.m. PT)
How do you get words off the pages of the Bible to become healing in someone’s body? Join Terri Copeland Pearsons at the 2021 Sacramento Victory Campaign as she teaches how the Word is made “healed” flesh. The manifestation of healing is always a confirmation of His Word. Healing is available to all!
2021 Sacramento Live, Victory Campaign: Don’t Miss an Opportunity to Sow! Offering Message (7:00 p.m. PT)
At the 2021 Sacramento Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland shares insight from the story of the rich, young ruler in Mark 10. This man was given a similar opportunity as the other apostles—to go work for Jesus! He left there sad and hadn’t lost a thing. Never miss an occasion to give at the direction of God!
2021 Sacramento Live, Victory Campaign: A Day in the Life of Jesus (7:00 p.m. PT)
At the 2021 Sacramento Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland shows us a day in the life of Jesus as He ministered to the demon-possessed man in Mark 5. The goodness of God is plainly seen here! Jesus knew He would call this man to preach and He went prepared. Faith without corresponding actions is dead.
2021 Sacramento Live, Victory Campaign: Friday Evening, Pre-Service Prayer (6:30 p.m. PT)
At the 2021 Sacramento Victory Campaign, join Terri Copeland Pearsons as she teaches about the grace that works in apostles and prophets to be dispensed to others. Grace discriminates! It confirms what God wants you to be or have. It doesn’t fit anyone else. It is God’s equipment on you, tailor-made.
2021 Sacramento Live, Victory Campaign: Friday Evening, Countdown (6:00 p.m. PT)
At the 2021 Sacramento Victory Campaign, join Tim Fox with pastors Dick Bernal and Bill Krause as they share how revival is happening worldwide, despite a pandemic! Hear how technology is helping to reach more people than ever with the gospel. See an exciting video about the history of Healing School.
2021 Sacramento Live, Victory Campaign: The Year of Firsts (2:00 p.m. PT)
At the 2021 Sacramento Victory Campaign, Jerry Savelle shares a prophetic message about 2021—the Year of Firsts. A “first” is something never seen before. It breaks barriers and has a domino effect. If you make “firsts” happen for others, God will make “firsts” happen for you. He’s the God of surprises!
2021 Sacramento Live, Victory Campaign: Friday Morning, Partnership Service (11:00 a.m. PT)
Join Kenneth Copeland at the 2021 Sacramento Victory Campaign as he teaches how to receive your needs met on the same level as the one you’re in partnership with. You should be walking in the same anointings as your pastor. Really serving God is when you take what you learn at church and go meet needs!
2021 Sacramento Live, Victory Campaign: Increase Day - The Anointing Exchange (10:00 a.m. PT)
Join Kenneth Copeland at the 2021 Sacramento Victory Campaign as he teaches about the anointing exchange. God has given us His Name (Eph. 3:15). We carry the Anointed One and His Anointing. Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit and power and now resides in us and on us for service!
2021 Sacramento Live, Victory Campaign: Increase Day Offering- The Power of a Seed Sown (9:00 a.m. PT)
At the 2021 Sacramento Victory Campaign, Jerry Savelle teaches on Mark 4:32 (NKJV) which says, “When it is sown, it grows up and becomes….” This is what seed does. He shares the keys to a good harvest. Learn the steps of how to water, weed and redirect seed that is not producing the way it should.
2021 Sacramento Live, Victory Campaign: Friday Morning, Pre-Service Prayer (8:30 a.m. PT)
Join Terri Copeland Pearsons at the 2021 Sacramento Victory Campaign as she expounds on the gifts of apostles and prophets. They’re the foundation and reveal so that others may see, but the Church is not a one-story building. We are being built up into a fixed abode of God where His wisdom is put on display!
2021 Sacramento Live, Victory Campaign: Never Compromise The WORD (7:00 p.m. PT)
The book of Daniel is really 12 chapters of “no compromise.” At the 2021 Sacramento Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland shares the key to Daniel’s success and promotion. Never compromise The WORD of God—this is the key issue to the life of faith. Whatever you compromise to keep, you will eventually lose.
2021 Sacramento Live, Victory Campaign: For My Sake and the Gospel’s - Offering Message (7:00 p.m. PT)
Did you know that all the disciples had money when Jesus called them? At the 2021 Sacramento Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland teaches from Mark 10 about what Jesus promised to those who have sacrificed for His sake and the gospel’s. Hear how you can share in the vision of “Repair, Replace and Expand.”
2021 Sacramento Live, Victory Campaign: Thursday Evening, Pre-Service Prayer (6:30 p.m. PT)
Join Terri Copeland Pearsons at the 2021 Sacramento Victory Campaign. This is the victory that overcomes the world that is falling apart—our faith! Learn how to aim your faith and your prayers. Hear the two sides of prayer and how it takes both to bring the will of God to pass. Prayer is rooted in love!
2021 Sacramento Live, Victory Campaign: Thursday Evening, Countdown (6:00 p.m. PT)
Join Tim Fox at the 2021 Victory Campaign with Ps. George Pearsons and Ps. Art Aragon as they share the importance of the prophetic voice for the city, state, nation and world. Hear how this meeting, in the capital, is an annual mandate from God. When the world came to a halt, faith never stopped!
2021 Branson Virtual Victory Campaign: The Kingdom of God (7:00 p.m.)
At the 2021 Branson Virtual Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland reviews various laws of the kingdom of God and how they apply to daily living. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God…” (Matt. 6:33) Put first things first, that is, what He says should be first. Then you will truly have a life worth living!
2021 Branson Virtual Victory Campaign: The Word - Offering Message (7:00 p.m.)
At the 2021 Branson Virtual Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland teaches about sowing. Any seed you sow into the ground of the kingdom of God will grow, whether it’s the incorruptible Word of God or a financial one. You don’t have to know how it works. The ground knows what to do with the seed you plant!
2021 Branson Virtual Victory Campaign: Our Good God Heals (10:00 a.m.)
At the 2021 Branson Virtual Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland shares how easy it is to receive healing from our good God. You don’t have to choose between healing OR salvation. It’s both! It’s God’s desire that you have a life worth living including health. Jesus preached that God is good and He heals!
2021 Branson Virtual Victory Campaign: Supreme Expression - Offering Message (10:00 a.m.)
At the 2021 Branson Virtual Victory Campaign, Jerry Savelle teaches how to get your faith to reach “supreme expression.” What are you believing for? When you sow a significant seed, one that costs you something, extraordinary manifestations happen. God is faithful and will see to it that your needs are met!
2021 Branson Virtual Victory Campaign: Jesus Knew What He Would Do (7:00 p.m.)
Jesus always had a plan and knew what He would do in every situation He faced on earth. At the 2021 Branson Virtual Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland teaches how faith is always prepared. Faith gets ready and plans ahead. Faith believes, praises God, and has corresponding actions. Its motive is love!
2021 Branson Virtual Victory Campaign: Heaven’s Economy - Offering Message (7:00 p.m.)
What’s your definition of a “job”? At the 2021 Branson Virtual Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland teaches the difference between a job and problem-solving. Heaven’s economy is serving and meeting the needs of people. According to 1 Tim. 6:17, God not only meets our needs, but gives us all things to enjoy!
2021 Branson Virtual Victory Campaign: The Goodness of God (2:00 p.m.)
At the 2021 Branson Virtual Victory Campaign, Jerry Savelle shares an exciting word from the Lord for 2021. Expect an unprecedented, unmatched and unparalleled outpouring of God’s goodness! The goodness that has been seen dwindles in comparison to the goodness that lies in store. The best is yet to come!
2021 Branson Virtual Victory Campaign: Friday Morning, Partnership Service (11:00 a.m.)
When we are in partnership with a ministry, we are partakers of their anointing. Join Kenneth Copeland at the 2021 Branson Virtual Victory Campaign as he explains how you can flow in the same anointing that flows in KCM. See testimonies of how seed is multiplied in the lives of others by partnership!
2021 Branson Virtual Victory Campaign: The Anointing Exchange (10:00 a.m.)
Did you know “Christ” is not Jesus’ last name? Join Kenneth Copeland at the 2021 Branson Virtual Victory Campaign as he defines “Christ.” Jesus did no miracles until He was anointed with God’s power. Without the anointing, the Body of Christ cannot function at the level God has called it to operate in.
2021 Branson Virtual Victory Campaign: The God of Supernatural Increase - Offering Message (9:00 a.m.)
At the 2021 Branson Virtual Victory Campaign, Jerry Savelle shares the key to supernatural increase; consistent sowing. Are you looking for a raise in your income? Don’t miss an opportunity to sow when an offering is taken. Gen. 8:22 says, “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest….shall not cease.”
2021 Branson Virtual Victory Campaign: God Is Good! (7:00 p.m.)
God is good! At the 2021 Branson Virtual Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland teaches about the absolute goodness of God and how everything He created was and is good. Who lives in you? THE good God! His goodness is in you and He wants you well and prosperous with nothing missing or broken in your life.
2021 Branson Virtual Victory Campaign: Heaven’s Economics - Offering Message (7:00 p.m.)
At the 2021 Branson Virtual Victory Campaign, Kenneth Copeland gives several biblical examples of how heaven’s economics work. The Lord of the Harvest always has a plan, but it is crucial that opportunities are not missed. Hear how obedience and faith work together to help you embrace divine opportunities!
2021—TODAY Is the Day of Our Salvation! - New Year's Eve Service
Hear the Word of the LORD for the new year! At the 2020 EMIC New Year’s Eve service, Kenneth Copeland shares how faith is always TODAY! TODAY is the day of our salvation, if we receive it by faith. The promises for 2021 are yours TODAY; divine healing, health, prosperity and recovery. We recover all—TODAY!