Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ

Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ

Brent Kercheville - West Palm Beach church of Christ on Haverhill Road

West Palm Beach church of Christ on Haverhill Road - Brent Kercheville

The Way of Life or Way of Death (Jeremiah 21-22)

The Way of Life or Way of Death (Jeremiah 21-22)

We are in a section in the prophecy of Jeremiah where we are learning about having a heart for God. In Jeremiah 20 we saw the terrible treatment of God’s prophet. Jeremiah is mocked, scorned, and verbally abused. His close friends seek revenge on Jeremiah because of his teachings. Jeremiah was arrested, beaten, and put in prison for proclaiming God’s coming judgments. Yet in the face of his deep discouragement, Jeremiah has a fire in his bones that compelled him to continue to work as God’s prop

Feb 16, • 32:13

Doubting His Promise (Matthew 4:8-11)

Doubting His Promise (Matthew 4:8-11)

We are looking at how to fight against the temptations that our enemy, the devil, is using to attack our faith. Our enemy wants us to doubt God, doubt God’s love, doubt our relationship with God, and doubt that God cares for us. There are many, many doubts that the devil launches at us so that we will question God, weaken our faith, and ultimately destroy our souls. I want to remind us the promise that God has given to us regarding our temptations. No temptation has overtaken you that is not com

Feb 16, • 36:17

Fire In My Bones (Jeremiah 20)

Fire In My Bones (Jeremiah 20)

We are beginning a new series called A Heart For God. We are going to be looking at how to have a heart for God when life is particularly painful while trying to live for God. We would think that doing the right thing would keep us safe. We want to think that if we are following God and doing what he says that this would keep us from having to go through suffering and hardships. We would especially want to think that we would not be persecuted for doing the right thing. Whatever the reason, it i

Feb 9, • 39:57

Doubting His Protection and Care (Matthew 4:5-7)

Doubting His Protection and Care (Matthew 4:5-7)

We are looking at how to fight against the temptations that our enemy, the devil, is using to attack our faith. Our enemy wants us to doubt God, doubt God’s love, doubt our relationship with God, and doubt that God cares for us. There are many, many doubts that the devil launches at us so that we will question God, weaken our faith, and ultimately destroy our souls. I want to remind us the promise that God has given to us regarding our temptations. No temptation has overtaken you that is not com

Feb 9, • 33:41

Love Assured (1 John 3:19-24)

Love Assured (1 John 3:19-24)

The apostle John is writing to help Christians know if they have eternal life (cf. 1 John 5:13). John does not want anyone to be deceived regarding their relationship with God. He wants us to evaluate our walk so that we can know if we are walking in the light or if we are walking in the darkness. The third chapter of this letter has been set off by calling for everyone to see the love of the Father. See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and

Feb 2, • 42:57

Doubting His Provision (Matthew 4:3-4)

Doubting His Provision (Matthew 4:3-4)

We are looking at how to fight against the temptations that our enemy, the devil, is using to attack our faith. In last week’s lesson we observed the first step that the devil uses against us is doubt. Our enemy wants us to doubt God, doubt God’s love, doubt our relationship with God, and doubt that God cares for us. There are many, many doubts that the devil launches at us so that we will question God, weaken our faith, and ultimately destroy our souls. I want to remind us the promise that God

Feb 2, • 33:06

What Is Love? (1 John 3:10-18)

What Is Love? (1 John 3:10-18)

The apostle John is writing to help Christians know if they have eternal life (cf. 1 John 5:13). John does not want anyone to be deceived regarding their relationship with God. He wants us to evaluate our walk so that we can know if we are walking in the light or if we are walking in the darkness. The third chapter of this letter has been set off by calling for everyone to see the love of the Father. See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and

Jan 26, • 37:09

The Doubt (Matthew 4:1-2)

The Doubt (Matthew 4:1-2)

We are beginning a short series called Filters where we are going to talk about how to look at temptations properly so that we can overcome them. The apostle Paul claimed that there is no temptation that is unique to you. Listen what he taught in 1 Corinthians 10:13. No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. (

Jan 26, • 36:21

The Power of Love (1 John 3:4-10)

The Power of Love (1 John 3:4-10)

The apostle John has proclaimed a glorious truth for us to hear. “See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God, and so we are” (1 John 3:1 ESV). We have been placed into an amazing, undeserved relationship with the Father, being called his children. We noticed in 1 John 3:3 that everyone who has this hope of enjoying the fullness of this relationship when Jesus returns purifies himself. Seeing what kind of the love the Father has for us that we are c

Jan 19, • 40:03

The End of the Matter (Ecclesiastes 12:9-14)

The End of the Matter (Ecclesiastes 12:9-14)

The teacher of Ecclesiastes brings us to the final conclusions regarding his look at life. Remember that this book began with the teacher trying to determine what a person gets for all of his efforts in life. What is the gain? What is the advantage? What is the benefit? Do you get the payoff for all that you put into this world? What we have seen throughout our study of this book is that the answer is no. But his conclusions have not been hopelessness and meaninglessness. Rather, the teacher has

Jan 19, • 37:35

See God’s Love (1 John 3:1-3)

See God’s Love (1 John 3:1-3)

We are starting a new series this evening in which we are going to examine God’s love and how his love is to change who we are and how we live. Now it is important to remember the purpose that the apostle John has for writing his first letter. John says he writes these things so that our joy may be full (1 John 1:4). John also states at the end of this letter than he is writing these things so that you may know that you have eternal life (1 John 5:13). One of the important ways that we can have

Jan 12, • 34:34

The Bottom Line (Ecclesiastes 10-12)

The Bottom Line (Ecclesiastes 10-12)

We are coming to the end of our series called Don’t Waste Your Life as the book of Ecclesiastes explores what is the gain and advantage for all your effort in this world. We are now coming to the concluding wisdom for life in the final chapters of the book. In Ecclesiastes 10 the teacher offers more wisdom about how to not live foolishly (Ecclesiastes 10:1-11) and how to not speak foolishly (Ecclesiastes 10:12-15). The wise teachings continue into chapter 11, exemplifying foolish living and givi

Jan 12, • 35:14

I Am The Clay (Jeremiah 18-19)

I Am The Clay (Jeremiah 18-19)

We have noted how God has sent Jeremiah on some missions as a living parable to teach the people regarding their condition and what God is doing. We have seen Jeremiah use spoiled linen undergarments to show how the people have defiled themselves. Jeremiah was not allowed to be married or go to funerals, weddings, or parties to show the lack of joy, peace, or comfort in their future. God has another living parable for Jeremiah to live and show to the people of Judah… To read more of this lesson

Jan 5, • 32:45

Frustrated (Ecclesiastes 8-9)

Frustrated (Ecclesiastes 8-9)

We enter a new year full of new hope and high expectations. This year is going to be different. This year is going to be better. This year we are going to do what we did not get down this last year. This is going to be our year. But you also know that you have said this before. You know there is an underlying problem in with life. Life is frustrating. There are so many events that happen in this world that do not make sense and can drive us to frustration. We are not alone when we feel life’s fr

Jan 5, • 40:39

Balance (Ecclesiastes 7:14-29)

Balance (Ecclesiastes 7:14-29)

Our culture often wisely will emphasize the need to live a balanced life. Popular life coaches will speak to the need for not being excessive in certain areas of your life. But this is not a new idea. Rather, the need for balance in life is a biblical teaching that you find in the scriptures. The teacher is continuing to take us to the school of life. In the second part of Ecclesiastes 7, the teacher is going school us about the need for balance and what that balance looks like in our lives so t

Dec 29, 2024 • 44:10

Purer In Heart (Jeremiah 17)

Purer In Heart (Jeremiah 17)

We are in a series called Flourish where we are looking what was preventing God’s people from having a flourishing, blessed relationship with their God. In this series we have seen that the people have ruined themselves because they have refused to listen to God, making them useless for God’s purpose (Jeremiah 13). The people had listened to false teachers and false prophets who lied to them about how good their relationship was with God (Jeremiah 14). They had followed a legacy of sin, going ev

Dec 22, 2024 • 40:14

The School of Life (Ecclesiastes 7:1-13)

The School of Life (Ecclesiastes 7:1-13)

As we come to Ecclesiastes 7, the teacher is going to tell us the things that are better in life. The book has been attempting to determine what we gain for all of our work and effort on earth. What do we get for all that we put into this life? What is the advantage or benefit for all the effort we give? I have also noted to you that the message of the book is not that everything is meaningless. In fact, in Ecclesiastes 7 the teacher is going to show that there are things are important. There ar

Dec 22, 2024 • 38:18

But He Gives More Grace (Jeremiah 16)

But He Gives More Grace (Jeremiah 16)

God often would require strange activities from his prophets in order to teach the people to whom the prophets served. When we studied Ezekiel, we saw that he had to lay on his side for a year to get the people’s attention and to teach them what God’s word was. We already have seen Jeremiah have a spoiled undergarment to show the people how their relationship with God has been spoiled because of their sins. But now Jeremiah is going to be commanded to make social sacrifices to show the people th

Dec 15, 2024 • 31:37

The Calculus of Contentment (Ecclesiastes 5:8-6:12)

The Calculus of Contentment (Ecclesiastes 5:8-6:12)

The teacher of Ecclesiastes has been giving his instructions so that we will not waste the time of our lives that God has given to us. The teacher has been trying to find out what gain we get from all of our effort and work on earth. So he is exploring different areas of life, helping us see through the noise and the foolishness, so that we can make wise decisions. The teacher now turns his attention to contentment and examines the problems in life that come from not being content with our lives

Dec 15, 2024 • 34:06

The Blame Game (Jeremiah 14-15)

The Blame Game (Jeremiah 14-15)

Please open your copies of God’s word to Jeremiah 15 and I want to begin our lesson by listening to the startling words of Jeremiah 15:1. Then the LORD said to me, “Though Moses and Samuel stood before me, yet my heart would not turn toward this people. Send them out of my sight, and let them go! (Jeremiah 15:1 ESV) The Lord proclaims that even if Moses and Samuel were standing before him, he would not be able to turn his heart back toward this people. You are supposed to hear those words and be

Dec 8, 2024 • 42:57

Watchful Words (Ecclesiastes 5:1-7)

Watchful Words (Ecclesiastes 5:1-7)

We have been spending our time in a series called Don’t Waste Your Life where we are paying attention to the teacher of Ecclesiastes. He is looking at life and determining what is the gain or benefit for all the work that we do while on this earth. The point of each of these messages has been to give us a right lens for how to look at life and valuing the things that matter most in this world. As we come to Ecclesiastes 5, the teacher is going to give us some instructions about being thoughtful

Dec 8, 2024 • 36:17

Road To Ruin (Jeremiah 13)

Road To Ruin (Jeremiah 13)

We are starting a new series that is found in the midst of Jeremiah called Flourish. This comes from Jeremiah 13-19 where God is talking to his people about why they are unable to flourish as he people. Rather than enjoying God’s blessings, they are going to be put through judgment because they have failed to understand their relationship with God. God is going to explain this to his people and these things were written for our instruction so that we might have hope (cf. Romans 15:4). Before we

Dec 1, 2024 • 34:23

Rooted Relationships (Ecclesiastes 4:4-16)

Rooted Relationships (Ecclesiastes 4:4-16)

We have been looking at the teachings of Ecclesiastes to learn how to not waste the time of our lives that God has given to us. As we have noted sometimes the book of Ecclesiastes is misunderstood to be saying that everything is meaningless. But as we carefully look at Ecclesiastes 4 we will see that this is not at all the case. In chapter 4 the teacher is going to explain to us that there are some things that matter. There are some things that have meaning and importance. The problem is that we

Dec 1, 2024 • 35:23

Strong and Afraid (Habakkuk 3)

Strong and Afraid (Habakkuk 3)

God has given his answer to the prophet Habakkuk. Habakkuk has been praying to God about how he does not understand what God is doing in the world. It did not make sense to him. He has been crying out to God asking, “Why?” and “How long?” God did not give specific answers to these questions. Rather, God tells Habakkuk that he is going to act in unbelievable ways. Since God will act in his time in unbelievable ways, God tells Habakkuk that the righteous will not trust in themselves but will live

Nov 24, 2024 • 31:56

Dust To Dust (Ecclesiastes 3:16-4:3)

Dust To Dust (Ecclesiastes 3:16-4:3)

We are in a series called Don’t Waste Your Life. The teacher of Ecclesiastes is examining a variety of areas in life to consider what is the profit or the gain in pursuing what the world says is valuable or important. What benefit do you have if you pursue what the world says will give you happiness? Not only this, but the teacher of Ecclesiastes is also looking at what happens under the sun and considers if it gives lasting joy or satisfaction. In our last lesson we learned that life is a serie

Nov 24, 2024 • 34:52

The Lord Is In His Holy Temple (Habakkuk 2:5-20)

The Lord Is In His Holy Temple (Habakkuk 2:5-20)

We have looking at the book of Habakkuk as a means of trying to understand what is going on in our lives and in the world when we do not understand what God is doing. Habakkuk has prayed to God about how he does not understand what God is doing and God has given some hard answers about what he is doing in the world. In Habakkuk 2 God is in the midst of delivering his second answer to Habakkuk’s questions. The first part of God’s answer was looked at in the last lesson in verses 2-4. The proud an

Nov 17, 2024 • 39:46

In His Time (Ecclesiastes 3:1-15)

In His Time (Ecclesiastes 3:1-15)

There is something that humans tend to appreciate about seasons. Many people like moving to the autumn season and watching the leaves change and fall. People often will question how I can live in Florida because they say I do not get to experience the seasons. I tell them that we have seasons down here. We have hurricane season. We have snowbird season. But seriously, we do enjoy seasons down here. We can feel the difference when autumn comes. We enjoy winters, not as a time of bone-stinging col

Nov 17, 2024 • 38:15

Wait In Faith (Habakkuk 1:12-2:4)

Wait In Faith (Habakkuk 1:12-2:4)

Habakkuk is a prophet who has been praying to God and Habakkuk does not understand why God has not been answering his prayers. Habakkuk has been crying out for help but does not feel like God is listening (Habakkuk 1:2). Habakkuk does not understand why he cannot see God acting. God then responds to Habakkuk, telling him that he is going to do something so unbelievable that even if it were explained, he could not believe it. God declares that he will use the Babylonians, a terrible and wicked na

Nov 10, 2024 • 36:03

Emptiness of Wisdom and Work (Ecclesiastes 2:12-26)

Emptiness of Wisdom and Work (Ecclesiastes 2:12-26)

In Ecclesiastes 2 the teacher is in the midst of trying to find out what can be gained by life under the sun. What do you get from all of your efforts in this world? What do you have to show for all the work you do in this life? In our last lesson we noticed that he tried to be a pleasure seeking, seeing if this would be the answer for life. He drew the conclusion that living for pleasure is an empty pursuit and you still have nothing lasting to show for all the effort. We also noted how many ri

Nov 10, 2024 • 32:28

God’s Hard Answers (Habakkuk 1:5-11)

God’s Hard Answers (Habakkuk 1:5-11)

Habakkuk is a prophet who has questions for God. He is looking around at the world, and in particularly, looking at his own nation and seeing wickedness and violence. Habakkuk is asking God why he does not do something about it. How long will he keep crying out to God and God will not respond to him? We saw in the last lesson that Habakkuk showed us how we can pray to God. Habakkuk showed us that we can take our questions to God and that God wants our questions. When we are confused by what is g

Nov 3, 2024 • 30:05

Emptiness of Pleasure (Ecclesiastes 2:1-11)

Emptiness of Pleasure (Ecclesiastes 2:1-11)

The teacher of Ecclesiastes is pursuing life attempting to answer the question found in Ecclesiastes 1:3. “What does a person gain for all his efforts that he labors at under the sun?” What do we have to show for all that we do in this life? Now the point of these studies is not to be depressed or demoralized by the teacher’s conclusions. Sometimes people read this book and find it to be empty and depressing. But the goal is that we will not waste our lives trying to find deep joy and lasting sa

Nov 3, 2024 • 30:39

REWIND: Have The Mind of Christ (Philippians 2:3-11)

REWIND: Have The Mind of Christ (Philippians 2:3-11)

The apostle Paul is writing to these Christians so that they will focus on their manner of life being worthy of the gospel of Christ. One of the key characteristics of a life being lived for the gospel is unity and harmony among Christians. Philippians 2:1-2 records Paul’s plead to them that if Christ means anything to their lives, then be of the same mind, have the same love, be in full agreement, and have the same way of thinking. In this next paragraph the apostle Paul is going to teach us ho

Oct 27, 2024 • 41:46

REWIND: Life Worthy of the Gospel (Philippians 1:27-2:2)

REWIND: Life Worthy of the Gospel (Philippians 1:27-2:2)

In the last paragraph the apostle Paul has described his joy in suffering. His joy came from knowing that the gospel was advancing through what he was experiencing. His joy also came from knowing that his faith was only being strengthened to bring about his spiritual deliverance. Paul spoke this way because for him to live is Christ and to die is gain. His whole life is about Jesus and death is the fulfillment of all that this life is about: to be with Jesus. Paul was not a fatalist or desiring

Oct 27, 2024 • 39:37

REWIND: Responding To The Bread of Life (John 6:60-71)

REWIND: Responding To The Bread of Life (John 6:60-71)

We are at a point now where many disciples are turning away from Jesus. It is not just the hard-hearted people that are rejecting Jesus. Even disciples who have been following Jesus are turning away. Why these disciples turning away? What has happened to cause them to turn from following Jesus? We are going to look at John 6:60-71 and consider why these disciples are leaving and the warning it means for us so that we do not turn away from Jesus. Reaction of the False Disciples (6:60-66) Rather t

Oct 20, 2024 • 44:17

REWIND: The Bread of Life (John 6:30-40)

REWIND: The Bread of Life (John 6:30-40)

The day before Jesus fed 5000 with five loaves and two fish. The next day the crowds come back looking for Jesus and find him across the sea in Capernaum. But Jesus knows their hearts and declares that they only reason they seek him was not because they saw the signs and comprehended, but because they wanted their bellies fed. They have come for Jesus to satisfy their physical desires and needs. Jesus commands them to work for the food that does not perish. Put your efforts not in the physical d

Oct 20, 2024 • 38:24

When God Is Silent (Habakkuk 1:1-4)

When God Is Silent (Habakkuk 1:1-4)

There are a group of books in the scriptures that we call the minor prophets. They are given this name because they are small prophetic books when compared to the size of the prophetic books like Isaiah and Jeremiah. But the messages in these books are very practical and very important to building our faith and increasing our knowledge of the Lord. There is a small, three chapter book in your copies of God’s word called Habakkuk. Habakkuk is a unique book. Typically the minor prophets reveal God

Oct 13, 2024 • 33:01

Crooked (Ecclesiastes 1:12-18)

Crooked (Ecclesiastes 1:12-18)

We started this series last week called Don’t Waste Your Life. We are looking at the book of Ecclesiastes in which the teacher is exploring life and considering the bottom line. In Ecclesiastes 1:3 the teacher asked this question: What do people gain by all their toil under the sun? The teacher is looking at life and making careful evaluations. What do you get from everything you are doing in life? What is the profit? What is the point? Now the teacher began with his conclusion in verse 2. He sa

Oct 13, 2024 • 37:08

Obeying God’s Word

Obeying God’s Word

The post Obeying God’s Word appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 8, 2024 • 35:59

Missional Encouragement

Missional Encouragement

The post Missional Encouragement appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 8, 2024 • 40:54

Praying Encouragement

Praying Encouragement

No text available. The post Praying Encouragement appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 7, 2024 • 44:49

Unworthy Servants

Unworthy Servants

No text available. The post Unworthy Servants appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 7, 2024 • 34:49

The Power of God’s Word

The Power of God’s Word

No text available. The post The Power of God’s Word appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 6, 2024 • 42:45

Refreshing Encouragement

Refreshing Encouragement

No text available. The post Refreshing Encouragement appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 6, 2024 • 35:42

Barnabas: Great Encourager

Barnabas: Great Encourager

No text available. The post Barnabas: Great Encourager appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 6, 2024 • 44:15

Seeing God’s Love

Seeing God’s Love

No text available. The post Seeing God’s Love appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 6, 2024 • 43:03

Questioning God – Part 2 (Jeremiah 12:7-17)

Questioning God – Part 2 (Jeremiah 12:7-17)

Jeremiah is in the midst of questioning God. In Jeremiah 12:1-4 he has questioned what God is doing regarding the wicked. Jeremiah understands God’s righteous character which is why the flourishing of the wicked does not make any sense to him. Jeremiah’s questions are coming from a place of personal crisis. He has just found out that his own hometown has conspired to kill him (cf. Jeremiah 11:19-21). So why does God plant the wicked and let them flourish? How long will God allow these spiritual

Sep 29, 2024 • 32:59

Questioning God (Jeremiah 12:1-6)

Questioning God (Jeremiah 12:1-6)

Sometimes we can think as followers of Jesus that this would mean that we would not have any questions for God. Or maybe we think that we should not have any questions for God about life because we are supposed to walk by faith. But when you read the scriptures you will frequently see God’s people asking God important questions. We certainly see the disciples asking Jesus many questions about things that they did not understand about what he was doing during his ministry. But we also see the peo

Sep 29, 2024 • 33:23

A Listening God (2 Chronicles 7)

A Listening God (2 Chronicles 7)

We have been looking at how Jesus fulfills the temple imagery that we have been reading about in these early chapters of 2 Chronicles. We have seen the glory of God in the temple and a forgiving God in the temple. We noticed in our last lesson that we are in the middle of a dedication ceremony. The temple that God promised David’s son would build has been completed by Solomon. In 2 Chronicles 6 the emphasis of this dedication speech has been on the purpose for this temple. Solomon has proclaimed

Sep 22, 2024 • 33:13

Empty (Ecclesiastes 1:1-11)

Empty (Ecclesiastes 1:1-11)

We are starting a sermon series from the book of Ecclesiastes which is going to deeply consider the ways of the world and teach how to not waste our lives. Please open your copies of God’s word to the book of Ecclesiastes. This is a book that is often neglected and I think it is neglected for two reasons. One reason is that it seems depressing. But it is not depressing if we understand what the author is trying to teach us. The other reason the book is neglected is because it does not sound righ

Sep 22, 2024 • 34:47

An Abiding God (2 Chronicles 6)

An Abiding God (2 Chronicles 6)

When we build important buildings, we have dedication ceremonies to inaugurate its completion. People assemble together and a speech is given to speak to the meaning and purpose of the building. When the construction of the Freedom Tower in New York City commenced, there was a dedication ceremony. The governor of New York proclaimed, “Let this great freedom tower show the world that what our enemies sought to destroy – our democracy, our freedom, our way of life – stands taller than ever before.

Sep 15, 2024 • 22:13

Knowing The World (1 John 2:12-17)

Knowing The World (1 John 2:12-17)

John has been writing this letter so that its readers can know that they have eternal life (cf. 1 John 5:13). In particular, John has been helping us know if we are walking in the light or in darkness. John has given us various tests so that we can evaluate our faith and know where we stand with God. But John has been writing to encourage us to walk with God by maintaining fellowship with the apostles so that our joy can be complete (cf. 1 John 1:3-4). We are going to conclude this series on liv

Sep 15, 2024 • 32:39

A Glorious God (2 Chronicles 2-5)

A Glorious God (2 Chronicles 2-5)

Please open your copes of God’s word to 2 Chronicles 2 and we will be there is just a moment. There is an interesting and unique process that happens when you are preparing to have your first child. The pressing need is that the room has to be ready for the baby’s arrival. We need the crib built. We need the walls painted. We need the car seat installed. We need to have the supplies ready. We want everything to be perfect when we bring home our child. I remember that there was even a baby wipe w

Sep 8, 2024 • 28:04

Know the New Command (1 John 2:7-11)

Know the New Command (1 John 2:7-11)

We have been looking at how we can know that we have eternal life from the teachings of the apostle John. John wants us to have a confidence in our relationship with God so that we can have complete joy in Christ. The picture that the apostle John has given to us is that if we see that we are walking in the light, then we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus is cleansing us from all sin (cf. 1 John 1:7). Walking in the light means that we will have an intensity about not sinni

Sep 8, 2024 • 37:31

A Giving God (2 Chronicles 1)

A Giving God (2 Chronicles 1)

We have been spending our evenings looking at various people of faith in the scriptures to give us encouragement and hope to continue to follow our Lord and Savior. We have looked at Joseph, Jacob, and David most recently. For our next series I would like us to look at the life of Solomon as told by the Chronicler. I have noted before that there are key differences in the purposes between the author of the book of Kings and the author of the book of Chronicles. One of those key differences is th

Sep 1, 2024 • 36:22

Knowing Jesus (1 John 2:3-6)

Knowing Jesus (1 John 2:3-6)

John has proclaimed amazing words of encouragement and hope. In the second chapter of 1 John the author has declared that he is writing so that we will not sin. But if we do sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous. God has provided the defense attorney we need. Jesus is the advocate and helper needed because of our sins. God is light and in him there is no darkness at all (cf. 1 John 1:5). Therefore, our sins are a very big problem, separating us from having a relati

Sep 1, 2024 • 36:04

Shooting Messengers (Jeremiah 11)

Shooting Messengers (Jeremiah 11)

How do you handle being told that you are doing something wrong? How do you respond when someone is willing to confront and tell you that you are wrong? I think all of us would like to think that we always do things right. In fact, we might first want to show how the other person is wrong and or does not know what they are talking about rather than admit that we could be wrong and that they are right. But how we handle being told we are wrong or need to change is fundamental to our walk with God

Aug 25, 2024 • 37:06

Knowing the Advocate (1 John 2:1-2)

Knowing the Advocate (1 John 2:1-2)

John is writing his letter so that his readers can know that they have eternal life (cf. 1 John 5:13). John is also writing so that his readers would experience complete joy as they have fellowship with God and the apostles (cf. 1 John 1:4). The name of this short series is Complete Joy: Live In Light. In our last lesson we noted that God is light and we must walk in the light to have fellowship with God. God cannot live with darkness or in darkness. Walking in the light means that the rule of o

Aug 25, 2024 • 34:15

Taming the Tongue: Discernment (James 3:13-18)

Taming the Tongue: Discernment (James 3:13-18)

We are completing our study of taming the tongue from James 3. James taught us at the beginning of chapter 3 that the tongue sets the direction for our lives. Use your tongue in righteous ways and this will set your life direction toward righteousness. Use your tongue in evil ways and this will set your life direction toward sinfulness. The tongue is like a rudder of the ship and the bit in the horse’s mouth. Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life; he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.

Aug 18, 2024 • 37:02

Knowing Light (1 John 1:5-10)

Knowing Light (1 John 1:5-10)

John writes the book of 1 John so that Christians can know that they have eternal life (cf. 1 John 5:13). Not only this, but John proclaims that he is writing these things so that our joy may be complete (cf. 1 John 1:4). True joy and pleasures forevermore are in the presence of God (cf. Psalm 16:11). We were made for relationship. Ultimately, we were made for relationship with God. Our greatest joy and true life satisfaction will only be found by being in fellowship with God. But John now wants

Aug 18, 2024 • 41:57

Taming the Tongue: Destruction (James 3:5-12)

Taming the Tongue: Destruction (James 3:5-12)

We are in short series on how to tame the tongue. In our last lesson we looked at the direction that the tongue provides. The tongue is like the bit in the horse’s mouth and like the rudder of a ship. The tongue has the power to set the direction for your life. Therefore, we need to control our tongues so that we can go forward in the direction of righteousness and holiness. But James has another point about our tongues that he wants to teach us that further impress on us the necessity of taming

Aug 11, 2024 • 34:02

Knowing Joy (1 John 1:1-4)

Knowing Joy (1 John 1:1-4)

I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life. (1 John 5:13 ESV) Do you know that you have eternal life? The apostle John says that this is something you can know. You can know if you have eternal life. Our walk with God does not need to be a mystery. We do not have to wonder about our spiritual condition before God. John writes a message to give us the hope, encouragement, and confidence we need to walk with God. What John is

Aug 11, 2024 • 30:28

Taming the Tongue: Direction (James 3:1-5)

Taming the Tongue: Direction (James 3:1-5)

Last year we did a short series from the book of James called Authentic in which we looked at the practical teachings James gives to Christians from chapter 1. It is my plan to come back to this book from time to time to listen to the wisdom and critical teachings James has for us. One of the areas that James spends quite a bit of time talking about is the tongue. In James 3 we see James talk about taming the tongue the direction, the destruction, and the discernment of the tongue. Lord willing,

Aug 4, 2024 • 27:32

The “We” of the Body (1 Corinthians 12)

The “We” of the Body (1 Corinthians 12)

Our theme for 2024 is We, Not Me. We have spent some time in the first part of this year looking more about how to think about each other over ourselves. But for the second half of 2024, Lord willing, we are going to lean and push into this theme even stronger than we have so far. Our upcoming series in 1 John and in James are looking at scriptures that will help us practice “we, not me” behavior. But one of the books in God’s word that was written was specifically written to Christians in a cit

Aug 4, 2024 • 37:41

REWIND: Hope When Life Does Not Go According To Plan

REWIND: Hope When Life Does Not Go According To Plan

Our theme this year is Hope Starts Here as we go to the scriptures to find hope in hard times. All of us need some hope especially after a year like 2020 and this year seems to just be 2020 part 2. We have talked about how to have hope after failure, when tempted, when crushed by trials, when hopeless, and when feeling alone, and when anxious. In our lesson today are going to talk about how to have hope when life does not go according to plan. I think all of us when we are younger have a general

Jul 28, 2024 • 40:06

REWIND: Hope After Failure

REWIND: Hope After Failure

Our theme for 2021 is Hope Starts Here. After a year like 2020 we could use some hope as we go forward. Hopeless is a tough word and yet who has not felt some degree of hopelessness in their lives? Life can feel hopeless. We will speak about a hopeless situation. Without hope, life devolves into depression and despair. So God gives us pictures of hope so that we will never fall into despair. Lord willing, throughout the year we are going to cover a number of situations where God gives us hope to

Jul 28, 2024 • 33:43

REWIND: I Am Means Believe and Worship (Exodus 4:18-31)

REWIND: I Am Means Believe and Worship (Exodus 4:18-31)

The scene at the burning bush ends. Moses has asked for the Lord to send someone else which kindled the anger of the Lord. It is time for Moses to go to Egypt and be the deliverer of God’s people by the power of God. But the narrative does not immediately bring us to Egypt. When we read Exodus 4:18-31 you are likely asking why this is recorded for us. We are going to see a further transformation of Moses so that he understands the character of God. God being the I AM means there are responsibili

Jul 21, 2024 • 0:00

REWIND: I Am Means You Can (Exodus 4:1-17)

REWIND: I Am Means You Can (Exodus 4:1-17)

In Exodus 3 we have seen Moses express two concerns about his calling to go and deliver the people of Israel from Egyptian slavery. The first concern was a humble recognition that he is a nobody. “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?” (3:11). God’s response was very simple. “But I will be with you” (3:12). Moses’ second concern was that he does not know what name to tell the people of Israel when he comes to them (3:13). God’s answer was again very

Jul 21, 2024 • 37:21

It Is Just A Scarecrow (Jeremiah 10)

It Is Just A Scarecrow (Jeremiah 10)

How do you convince people to put their trust in the Lord? How do you convince people that the idols they are holding on to are empty and worthless? Even more, how do you convince God’s people to fully put their trust in the Lord? There are many places in the scriptures where we are told to not act like the world but to put our trust in the Lord. The apostle Paul proclaimed that we are not to be conformed to this world but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (cf. Romans 12:2). So how

Jul 14, 2024 • 39:38

Tongue Trials (Jeremiah 9)

Tongue Trials (Jeremiah 9)

God through the prophet Jeremiah has been proclaiming the abominable sins that Israel has been committing. The prophet is broken because of the judgment that is coming against his people because of their sinning against the Lord. Sometimes we think of sins that are worthy of God’s wrath and judgment as just the “big sins.” We usually have some kind of classification in our mind about the sins that are “really bad.” So we usually will list sins like murder, sexual immorality, and things like thes

Jul 14, 2024 • 36:27

Tested (1 Chronicles 29)

Tested (1 Chronicles 29)

We have seen the book of 1 Chronicles highlight David’s desire to build a temple for the Lord. But the temple was to be constructed during a time of peace, representing the establishment of God’s kingdom. David was a man of war with enemies that constantly surrounded him (1 Kings 5:3). So God prevented him from building this temple. But David’s son would be a man of peace and rest would be given to him on every side. As we noted in the last lesson, this was foreshadowing how the future of Son of

Jul 7, 2024 • 34:30

Breakthrough: The Forgiveness of God

Breakthrough: The Forgiveness of God

Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. (Ephesians 4:31-5:2 ESV) Paul says something to these Christians that I want us to think about. We are to be forgiving one another as God in C

Jul 7, 2024 • 42:50

How To Succeed In Life (1 Chronicles 22-28)

How To Succeed In Life (1 Chronicles 22-28)

The book of Proverbs contains a significant section in which Solomon is giving instructions to his son for life. It is a natural desire for parents to want their children to succeed in life. Parents want their children to fail where they failed and to have an even better life than they might have experienced. In 1 Chronicles we also read King David wants to give his son Solomon the directions he needs for success as he gives instructions regarding the construction of the temple. So we are going

Jun 30, 2024 • 34:28

Failures in the Hands of a Merciful God (1 Chronicles 21)

Failures in the Hands of a Merciful God (1 Chronicles 21)

We have been looking at the life of David through the lens of 1 Chronicles. Israel would have known David’s life story, including his spiritual successes and spiritual failures. Up to this point in the book, the only recorded failure has been in Israel’s attempt to worship God. David noted that they did not seek the Lord according to his commands (1 Chronicles 15:13). Now the Chronicler has another failure of David that needs to be looked at as he teaches the remnant how to return to God after t

Jun 30, 2024 • 45:19

Victory In Jesus (1 Chronicles 18-20)

Victory In Jesus (1 Chronicles 18-20)

There are these moments in the book of 1 Chronicles where we are given a flurry of names or a number of consecutive short narrative accounts. It is easy to read 1 Chronicles 18-20 as a bunch of short stories without meaning to just keep moving on. But there is a reason for the Chronicler to tell us about David’s wartime activities. So we need to consider why the Chronicler wants us to know this information. What is he teaching this rescued remnant who are back on the land, looking to seek the Lo

Jun 23, 2024 • 35:54

The Courage To Pray (1 Chronicles 17)

The Courage To Pray (1 Chronicles 17)

If I were to ask Christians where they would want to improve in their discipline to the Lord, I would expect one of the commonly given answers to be the discipline of prayer. We are always looking for ways to improve our prayer life. Even the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray (Luke 11:1). John the Baptizer also taught his disciples how to pray. The need to be taught to pray implies that there are often difficulties when it comes to prayer. So how can we improve our prayer life? How can

Jun 23, 2024 • 37:33

REWIND: Is The Grass Greener On The Other Side?

REWIND: Is The Grass Greener On The Other Side?

I think that every person questions their purpose in life. Everyone seeks the meaning of life and what to know why he or she is here. Further, we try to do things in life that will give us fulfillment and satisfaction. Many times we think that we cannot find satisfaction because we do not have enough resources. For example, we may think that if we had more money we would be able to do more things in life which would make us happier and we would find life to be fulfilling. If we only had more kno

Jun 16, 2024 • 30:37

REWIND: He’s Coming Back (Acts 1:6-11)

REWIND: He’s Coming Back (Acts 1:6-11)

One of the teachings that Jesus gave to his disciples was that it was necessary and important for him to go to the Father. You may remember Jesus telling his disciples that he must go away and where he is going they cannot follow. Why was it so important for Jesus to leave and ascend to the Father? The ascension of Jesus is sometimes not considered very important in the life of Jesus. We will often speak about his coming to earth, his perfect life, his death, and his resurrection. But his ascens

Jun 16, 2024 • 39:39

REWIND: It’s Obvious (Galatians 5:19-21)

REWIND: It’s Obvious (Galatians 5:19-21)

We started our series on Discipleship a few weeks back and we are looking at what the apostle Paul says to the Galatians about what it looks like to follow Jesus. We began with Paul telling us that this is a winnable war against the sins of the flesh. Walk by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh (Galatians 5:16). We talked about being miserable Christians because we are trying to live in both spheres. We are trying to walk by the Spirit while at the same time gratifying t

Jun 9, 2024 • 0:00

REWIND: Called To Build (Isaiah 61:1-6)

REWIND: Called To Build (Isaiah 61:1-6)

…The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor, and the day of vengeance of our God. (Isaiah 61:1–2 ESV) Isaiah prophesies about 700 years before the arrival of Jesus. Providing context to this prophecy, Isaiah is proclaiming a message of restoration and hope. The

Jun 9, 2024 • 0:00

Why Worship? (1 Chronicles 16)

Why Worship? (1 Chronicles 16)

David’s desire was to assemble all Israel together in worship as God was coming to be with his people in Jerusalem. After a failed attempt to bring the ark of God to Jerusalem (1 Chronicles 13), David has inquired of the Lord and brought the ark successfully to Jerusalem because he followed the instructions given concerning the ark (1 Chronicles 15). Chapter 16 of 1 Chronicles begins by showing the ark was placed in the tabernacle and burnt offerings and peace offerings are being sacrificed (16:

Jun 2, 2024 • 0:00

Just Ask (1 Chronicles 13-15)

Just Ask (1 Chronicles 13-15)

One of the key messages of the scriptures that the religious world seems to forget is that our first priority is worship. In 1 Chronicles, the first thing we see King David desiring to do after taking the throne and settling his kingdom is to worship the Lord. Our morning and evening lessons today are going to be about worship. David shows us that the way into the presence of God is in worship. Open your copies of God’s word to 1 Chronicles 13… To read more of this lesson click here. The post Ju

Jun 2, 2024 • 0:00

Why We Don’t Have Radical Repentance (Jeremiah 8)

Why We Don’t Have Radical Repentance (Jeremiah 8)

The title of our lesson is, “Why We Don’t Repent.” Why don’t we repent? Why don’t we have radical repentance? But this is not a question that merely I am asking each of us. It is a question that God is asking. Listen to how God presents his case to his people in Jeremiah 8. You shall say to them, Thus says the LORD: When men fall, do they not rise again? If one turns away, does he not return? Why then has this people turned away in perpetual backsliding? They hold fast to deceit; they refuse to

May 26, 2024 • 0:00

Stop Praying! (Jeremiah 7)

Stop Praying! (Jeremiah 7)

I have an important question for you as we begin our lesson today. What gives you confidence that you are right with God? What would you point to so that you know that you are in right standing with God? As you think about this, I would like for you to open your copies of God’s word to the book of Jeremiah and we are going to look at Jeremiah 7. Jeremiah has been told to go preach a sermon. In Jeremiah 7:1-2 we are told that Jeremiah is told to preach at the entryway to the temple complex to all

May 26, 2024 • 0:00

Friends With God (1 Chronicles 11-12)

Friends With God (1 Chronicles 11-12)

We noticed in the prior lesson that 1 Chronicles is quickly bringing us to the life of David. After moving through an important genealogy in which accounts of faithfulness and unfaithfulness are recorded to show the people how to move forward and remind them of their past. Moving forward with God means not breaking faith. King Saul’s kingship and dynasty was removed from him because he was unfaithful to God and because he did not inquire guidance from God (cf. 1 Chronicles 10:13-14). The Chronic

May 19, 2024 • 43:25

Deconstructing Church – Part 2

Deconstructing Church – Part 2

We have been looking at some common problems people experience in which they go through a deconstruction of their faith. This series is put forward as a way to help reconstruct the faith of those who are considering leaving God, leaving Jesus, leaving the faith, leaving the church, or leaving the scriptures. In our lesson we talked about the challenges that are made against the local church. Do we even need the church? Why do we have to do this? I hope the primary take away from the last lesson

May 19, 2024 • 46:56

God’s Purpose of Election (1 Chronicles 1-10)

God’s Purpose of Election (1 Chronicles 1-10)

We are beginning a new series for these two months called Restoring The Fallen. One of the amazing pictures about God is that he did not send all of his prophets condemning his people for their wickedness, only to leave them forever. God sent his prophets and his people rejected God’s message. So the people were punished and taken into exile. Yet God did not leave them in their sins and in the prison of exile in Babylon. We recently studied the books of Ezra and Nehemiah where we saw God bring h

May 12, 2024 • 43:22

Deconstructing Church

Deconstructing Church

We are in a series called Deconstructing and Reconstructing Faith. My goal in this series to answer some of the questions that I have seen and heard people facing, which is moving people to consider leaving the Lord, leaving the faith, leaving the scriptures, or leaving the church. In this lesson I want to talk about the church. There are a number of challenges to the church today. Do you believe you need to go to church to be a Christian? … To read more of this lesson click here. The post Decon

May 12, 2024 • 42:32

Your Crossroads Moment (Jeremiah 6)

Your Crossroads Moment (Jeremiah 6)

We have the tendency to drown out noise that becomes loud and repetitive. Car alarms fall into this category. We hear a car alarm and after a few seconds we can ignore its sounds. You might have seen parents do this with their screaming or nagging children. The child is just yelling but the parent does not even to seem to notice it anymore. But it is entirely different story when it comes to the alarm in your home in the middle of the night. If your fire alarm or your security alarm goes off in

May 5, 2024 • 39:09

Deconstructing Authority – Part 2

Deconstructing Authority – Part 2

We have been in a series called Deconstructing and Reconstructing Faith. Our effort has been to consider some of the common reasons people question their faith and walk away from God, Jesus, the scriptures, or the faith. As I noted in the first lesson, there is not any way for me to address every concern that people have. But I wanted to talk about the things that I am seeing and hearing that are moving people away from God. This lesson is part 2 of Deconstructing Authority. Last week we started

May 5, 2024 • 39:16

Stop Pretending (Jeremiah 4-5)

Stop Pretending (Jeremiah 4-5)

When we were children, it was fun to pretend. I used to watch cartoons and pretend to be the characters that I saw in those cartoons. Halloween is a time for children to pretend to be something that they cannot be in real life. It is fun to be able to pretend. But Jeremiah has a message for people who are pretending with God. Jeremiah is a prophet preaching to the people of Judah and Jerusalem, calling them to repent and warning them of the coming judgment. God is going to take up the problem of

Apr 28, 2024 • 39:56

Deconstructing Authority

Deconstructing Authority

We have been spending time in this series working through deconstruction. What I mean by deconstruction is that something happens that causes us to reconsider our Christian beliefs. I would like to remind us from the first lesson that we should always be rechecking our beliefs in light of the scriptures to make sure that we are believing what God said and not merely what someone taught us. But there appears to be areas where faith has been particularly shaken among God’s people. In the prior two

Apr 28, 2024 • 36:39

God Meant It For Good (Genesis 50)

God Meant It For Good (Genesis 50)

How do you forgive a person who has ruined your life? How do you forgive people who have spent their lives working harm and evil against you? We have a saying, “Time heals all wounds.” I don’t know that “heal” is the right word. Maybe the word “forgets” may be more accurate because once the harm is brought back to mind, the hurt from the wound quickly returns to our minds and hearts. While healing can happen, the scars can still remain. Some of the hurts in my life reach 40 years back now. But t

Apr 21, 2024 • 30:27

Deconstructing Doubt

Deconstructing Doubt

We are in a series in which we are looking at deconstructing and reconstructing faith. What I mean when I say “deconstruction” is that something happens in your life that causes you to reevaluate your faith and your understanding of Christianity. Then, sometimes that reevaluation leads to a complete abandonment of the faith. The reason for this series is my personal concern of what I have seen of people who have been taught the truth, or grew up in the pews, or were followers of Jesus only to ha

Apr 21, 2024 • 42:45

God Will Provide (Genesis 47-49)

God Will Provide (Genesis 47-49)

Joseph has revealed himself to his brothers in Egypt. The brothers have changed over the years and now are willing to lay down their lives for the sake of their brother, Benjamin. Joseph has invited his family to move to Egypt where Joseph promises that he can care for them during the famine. Joseph told them that there were five more years of the severe famine to come (Genesis 45:11). So they need to leave everything behind and move to Egypt. So Jacob and his family move to Egypt where there ar

Apr 14, 2024 • 39:15

Deconstructing Experience

Deconstructing Experience

We are starting a new series today called Deconstructing and Reconstructing Faith. Right now there are many who have grown up in pews of various Christian denominations and churches who are going through a process that they call “deconstruction.” Brian Zahnd defines deconstruction as “a crisis of Christian faith that leads to either a reevaluation of Christianity or sometimes a total abandonment of Christianity.” This is what I am going to mean by the term “deconstruction” in this series of less

Apr 14, 2024 • 42:46

God Put Me Here (Genesis 45-46)

God Put Me Here (Genesis 45-46)

Joseph’s brothers are back in Egypt to buy grain for the family due to the severe famine occurring at that time. Joseph enacts his plan to keep Benjamin with him. He has his silver cup placed in his bag and sends the brothers away, fully expecting the brothers to abandon Benjamin like they did to him. Joseph likely sees himself as trying to rescue Benjamin from his hate-filled brothers. But the brothers surprise Joseph. Rather than abandoning Benjamin to Egypt, they return to Egypt and offer up

Apr 7, 2024 • 30:47

The Righteous Live By Faith

The Righteous Live By Faith

No text available. The post The Righteous Live By Faith appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Apr 7, 2024 • 35:27

Winds of Change (Genesis 43-44)

Winds of Change (Genesis 43-44)

Preparing To Return (Genesis 43:1-14) The famine continues in its severity over the earth. Pharaoh’s dream revealed that it would be a seven year famine that would wipe any abundance accumulating during the seven years of prosperity. The grain that Jacob’s son purchased in Egypt has run out as we come to Genesis 43. Jacob instructs the sons to go back to Egypt and buy grain. But the sons remind him that they cannot go back without bringing Benjamin. There is no point in going if we do not bring

Mar 31, 2024 • 38:07

Risen (Matthew 27:55-28:20)

Risen (Matthew 27:55-28:20)

I would like to draw your attention to Matthew 27. As you are turning, I want to make an important point as we begin this morning. This lesson is not delivered because of the time found on our calendars. Every Sunday we come together to celebrate and remember the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We are doing nothing different this Sunday than we do the other 51 Sundays in the year. We have been going through the Gospel of Matthew and now we come to the final scene in Matthew’s gosp

Mar 31, 2024 • 40:24

Still Working Through It (Genesis 41-42)

Still Working Through It (Genesis 41-42)

Joseph has experienced a major turn around in his life. What looked like a life ruined by his brothers hatred and jealousy has been dramatically reversed by God. Joseph went from prisoner to prime minister in a matter of moments in Genesis 41. At 30 years old, Joseph is running Egypt and only Pharaoh is greater than him. But there is a subtle reminder in the text that this story is not about Joseph but about what God is working through Joseph to accomplish his plans. You see this reminder in Gen

Mar 24, 2024 • 33:25

Forsaken (Matthew 27:45-54)

Forsaken (Matthew 27:45-54)

As we return to Matthew 27 we are in the midst of a horrifying scene. Jesus has been crucified and now hangs from the cross, suspended in the air by nails in his hands and feet. He has been crucified between two other criminals. The scene before us is a scene of shame and mockery. People are passing by on their way in and out of the city of Jerusalem. As the people walk by, they are hurling insults and shaking their heads at Jesus. The scribes, elders, and chief priests are also mocking Jesus. I

Mar 24, 2024 • 39:40

Wait For The Turn (Genesis 40-41)

Wait For The Turn (Genesis 40-41)

We are looking at where God is in the midst of suffering. We are looking for these answers through lens of the life of Joseph. Joseph now finds himself in a prison but he is innocent. Joseph has done nothing worthy of being imprisoned. Nothing has gone right for Joseph in his life. Joseph did what his father told him to do, yet his brothers hated him and sold him into slavery. Joseph faithfully served his master, Potipher, in all of his house, yet he was false accused of sexual assault and now i

Mar 10, 2024 • 36:48

Crucified (Matthew 27:27-44)

Crucified (Matthew 27:27-44)

Jesus has been condemned by the crowd. Barabbas has been released to the people and Jesus has been scourged in preparation for his crucifixion. But it will not be as simple as going out to the place of his execution. The Roman soldiers now will take a turn with Jesus. The Roman soldiers bring Jesus inside and gather a whole company of soldiers around him. They strip Jesus of his clothing and then place a red robe on him. Then they take some thorns and twist it together to make a crown out of it.

Mar 10, 2024 • 42:18

Still Trusting (Genesis 39)

Still Trusting (Genesis 39)

What an unexpected turn of events Joseph has just experienced! Joseph is 17 years old and his older brothers hate him. They hate him so much that they want to kill him. But rather than kill him, they sell him to some passing traders, figuring he will not survive what is in store for him. God had given Joseph dreams that showed that he would have authority over his brothers and over his family. But now he finds himself in Egypt, far from his family, and far from the promised land. We are looking

Feb 25, 2024 • 35:51

Tried (Matthew 27:11-26)

Tried (Matthew 27:11-26)

Condemned by the Sanhedrin council, Jesus is bound and led away to stand before Pilate, the governor of the region of Judea (Matthew 27:1-2). Now you have to appreciate what the Jewish leaders have to do to get Jesus before Pilate. Pilate is a Roman governor and would have no concern if Jesus called himself their Messiah or blasphemed their God or their temple. So what is the charge that the Jews will generate to give reason for Pilate to hold a trial against Jesus? The answer is to say that Jes

Feb 25, 2024 • 36:03

Fractured Family (Genesis 37-38)

Fractured Family (Genesis 37-38)

We are beginning a new series today called God In The Midst of Suffering. One of the hardest aspects of trials and suffering is wondering where God is in the moment. It does not look like God is with us. It does not feel like God is with us. So we are going to spend our time in this series looking for God in the midst of suffering. Our source text for this study will be from Genesis as we look at the life of Joseph. Take your copies of God’s word and open it to Genesis 37… To read more of this l

Feb 18, 2024 • 42:24

Denied (Matthew 26:69-27:10)

Denied (Matthew 26:69-27:10)

Jesus has been arrested and taken to the high priest where a trial has started. The trial is not a seeking of the truth. The trial is to find false witnesses that will give a false testimony about Jesus so that the ruling Jewish council can have him executed. All of the disciples abandoned Jesus at his arrest and ran away. However, we are told that Peter has returned to follow Jesus at a distance as they go to the high priest for trial (Matthew 26:58,69). Last week we read what was going on insi

Feb 18, 2024 • 35:41

Hope From Guilt and Shame (Jeremiah 3:19-4:4)

Hope From Guilt and Shame (Jeremiah 3:19-4:4)

In Jeremiah 3 God is explaining why the people’s lack of guilt and shame has been a problem to the relationship. We noticed in our last lesson that God expects us to experience guilt and shame so that we will have clarity about what we have done, be genuine about our sin which then will ultimately lead to a true repentance rather than stubbornness. We concluded that lesson by God making promises about what he was going to do through Christ in the future. Here in Jeremiah 3:19-4:4 we are going to

Feb 11, 2024 • 44:35

Betrayed (Matthew 26:47-68)

Betrayed (Matthew 26:47-68)

It is a secluded place in the darkness of the middle of the night. Jesus and his disciples are on the Mount of Olives. They have been told that they were all going to fall away tonight. Jesus has spent this time preparing with prayer. The disciples have spent this time sleeping. But now the moment has arrived. As Jesus tells his disciples that his betrayer is near, Judas is coming forward. But Judas is not alone. Judas is not coming to rejoin the disciples. Judas is not coming to rejoin his Mast

Feb 11, 2024 • 42:10

The Need For Shame (Jeremiah 3:1-18)

The Need For Shame (Jeremiah 3:1-18)

Open your copies of God’s word to Jeremiah 3. As you are turning to this place in the scriptures, I want to remind you about what the prophet Jeremiah is doing. God has called Jeremiah to preach to the nation of Judah, the southern nation that remained after Assyria destroyed the northern nation, Israel. Jeremiah has been telling the people about how they are addicted to their sinning. The people are unable to see the foolishness and emptiness of following their sinful hearts. We looked at these

Feb 4, 2024 • 36:29

Not My Will (Matthew 26:30-46)

Not My Will (Matthew 26:30-46)

Jesus has designated that Judas will be his betrayer. After sending him away, Jesus has taken the Passover and reconstituted it into a new memorial in which the disciples will remember his body and his blood of the covenant. The disciples are instructed to remember his sacrifice and remember the effect of his sacrifice. It is now late at night and Jesus is taking his disciples to the Mount of Olives. If you will open your copies of God’s word to Matthew 26 we will look at these final hours of Je

Feb 4, 2024 • 46:17

Blood of the Covenant: Unworthy (Hebrews 10)

Blood of the Covenant: Unworthy (Hebrews 10)

We have been looking at the meaning of the blood of the covenant. Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, called his disciples together and instituted the Lord’s Supper as a permanent memorial. As we have been studying the scriptures we have been seeing that the blood of the covenant has a rich meaning for God’s people. This will be our final lesson in our study as we look at the fourth dimension of the meaning of the blood of the covenant. Please open your copies of God’s word to Hebrews 10… To re

Jan 28, 2024 • 35:37

Remember Me… Together (Matthew 26:26-29, 1 Corinthians 11:17-34)

Remember Me… Together (Matthew 26:26-29, 1 Corinthians 11:17-34)

In our last lesson we carefully considered the purpose and meaning of the memorial Jesus gave to us. In Matthew 26 we saw that Jesus is living during his final hours. During the Passover time Jesus gave a memorial so that we would remember him and what he accomplished for us. But before we move forward in the account, I think it is important to spend another lesson on the importance and purpose of the Lord’s Supper. It is easy for us to inadvertently fly through the Lord’s Supper and not really

Jan 28, 2024 • 35:25

Blood of the Covenant: Forgiven (Hebrews 9)

Blood of the Covenant: Forgiven (Hebrews 9)

We have been spending our time looking at the meaning of the blood of the covenant. The reason this is an important study is because Jesus proclaimed that when we take the cup in the Lord’s Supper, that cup is representing his blood of the covenant. We looked at the use of this term in Exodus 24 and Zechariah 9. But today we are going to look at how the writer of Hebrews uses the term. Open your copies of God’s word to Hebrews 9 and we are going to look at verses 19-21. For when every commandmen

Jan 21, 2024 • 36:27

Remember Me (Matthew 26:17-29)

Remember Me (Matthew 26:17-29)

We are reading the last days of Jesus’ life on earth. The chief priests and the elders of the Jewish people have been plotting to arrest Jesus secretly and kill him. However, they do not want to do this during the Passover to prevent an uproar from happening. But an opportunity has presented itself to them. One of Jesus’ disciples, Judas Iscariot, has gone to these religious leaders and asked them how much he could get from them if he would betray Jesus to them. They offer Judas 30 pieces of sil

Jan 21, 2024 • 34:33

Blood of the Covenant: Freed (Zechariah 9)

Blood of the Covenant: Freed (Zechariah 9)

When Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper on the night when he was betrayed, he called for his disciples to remember him and proclaim his death until he returned. When Jesus took the unleavened bread, he said to his disciples to eat the bread, remembering that this was his body given for them. But then he took the cup after eating the bread. In every record of the institution of the Lord’s Supper we are told that Jesus said that the cup is the blood of the covenant. The Matthew and Mark accounts s

Jan 14, 2024 • 28:26

Give or Get? (Matthew 26:1-16)

Give or Get? (Matthew 26:1-16)

Matthew 26 begins the final act of this gospel’s recording of Jesus’ life. You see this in the first verse of Matthew 26 with the words, “When Jesus had finished all these sayings.” This is the fifth and final time that Matthew marks off his gospel in this way. Our setting is the final week of Jesus’ life. Up to this point Jesus has been telling his disciples that his death is coming. You might remember that Peter argues with Jesus when Jesus plainly reveals this truth. In Matthew 26:2 Jesus tel

Jan 14, 2024 • 34:46

Blood of the Covenant: Committed (Exodus 24:8)

Blood of the Covenant: Committed (Exodus 24:8)

When Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper on the night when he was betrayed, he called for his disciples to remember him and proclaim his death until he returned. When Jesus took the unleavened bread, he said to his disciples to eat the bread, remembering that this was his body given for them. But then he took the cup after eating the bread. In every record of the institution of the Lord’s Supper we are told that Jesus said that the cup is the blood of the covenant. The Matthew and Mark accounts s

Jan 7, 2024 • 30:18

Questioning God’s Faithfulness (Malachi 3:13-4:6)

Questioning God’s Faithfulness (Malachi 3:13-4:6)

This is our final lesson on how to have a fresh, renewed faith for the new year. The Lord has been announcing important truths to the people about their spiritual condition. However, the people have questioned those declarations, not seeing their own sinful condition. The Lord has then given remedies for the people so that they can return to the Lord with a renewed faith. We are presented with one more declaration from the Lord and one more questioning of the Lord from the people. Open your copi

Jan 7, 2024 • 37:59

Questioning God’s Care (Malachi 3:7-12)

Questioning God’s Care (Malachi 3:7-12)

We have been looking at how to have a renewed, fresh faith for the new year. Our text that we have been considering is from the prophecy of Malachi. God has making statements about the faith problems of the people. But the people are questioning everything God says because they do not believe they have a spiritual problem. So God continues to work on the people’s hearts by telling them the truth and trying to move them to repentance. You will notice that this is how God starts this next paragrap

Dec 31, 2023 • 40:36

Overcoming Sin Addiction – Part 3 (Jeremiah 2:29-37)

Overcoming Sin Addiction – Part 3 (Jeremiah 2:29-37)

We have been looking at what a life of sin does to us from Jeremiah 2. The people had expressed the feeling that they were captured by their sins and it was hopeless to return to the Lord. In Jeremiah 2 God is describing to the people what their sins have done to them. We are using these descriptions to help us be strong in the Lord and combat sin. We are going to look at the final three pictures God gives about sin which we will use for the fight against Satan and his schemes… To read more of t

Dec 24, 2023 • 34:59

Questioning God’s Justice (Malachi 2:17-3:6)

Questioning God’s Justice (Malachi 2:17-3:6)

We have been spending this month talking about how to have a fresh, renewed faith for the new year. Everyone likes the opportunity to restart. It is one reason we look forward to a new year. It is the chance to have a better year than the prior year. This is a time of year when people talk more about Jesus’ coming. However, there is not much talk about why Jesus came. This morning we are going to continue looking at how we can have a fresh faith for the new year and God is going to tell us how h

Dec 24, 2023 • 33:22

Overcoming Sin Addiction – Part 2 (Jeremiah 2:14-28)

Overcoming Sin Addiction – Part 2 (Jeremiah 2:14-28)

We are looking at how to overcome sin addiction from the second chapter of Jeremiah. We are seeing this problem expressed in Jeremiah 2:25. Do not chase after other gods until your shoes wear out and your throats become dry. But you say, “It is useless for you to try and stop me because I love those foreign gods and want to pursue them!” (Jeremiah 2:25 NET) How did the people of God get themselves so enslaved into sin that they admit that they cannot stop? How did they get so deep into their sin

Dec 17, 2023 • 39:17

Questioning God’s Covenant (Malachi 2:10-16)

Questioning God’s Covenant (Malachi 2:10-16)

We have been looking at how to renew our faith for the new year. We look forward to a new year in hope of having a better year. As we think about the upcoming year, we are looking at how we can have an improved, deeper faith for 2024 and we are looking at this through the lens of Malachi. Malachi records that the people are questioning God. They do not believe that God has shown his love toward them. They do not understand why they do not have the favor of the Lord. So God is explaining to the p

Dec 17, 2023 • 37:06

Overcoming Sin Addiction (Jeremiah 2:1-13)

Overcoming Sin Addiction (Jeremiah 2:1-13)

We are going to have a short series called Overcoming Sin Addiction and we are going to look at how to do this from the second chapter of Jeremiah. I would like you to take your copies of God’s word and turn to Jeremiah 2. The series theme comes from what God says through Jeremiah in verses 23-25. “You are a swift she-camel running here and there, a wild donkey accustomed to the desert, sniffing the wind in her craving— in her heat who can restrain her? Any males that pursue her need not tire th

Dec 10, 2023 • 37:30

Questioning God’s Instructions (Malachi 2:1-9)

Questioning God’s Instructions (Malachi 2:1-9)

We are in a series called Fresh Faith where God is exploring the people’s failures in their faith and telling them what needs to be different to belong to him. The people, however, have been surprised by this. They are questioning God throughout this prophecy. God has proclaimed his love for his people. Yet the people have questioned how God has loved them. God has told the people that they are not honoring him. But the people have questioned how they are not honoring him. The reason they are no

Dec 10, 2023 • 36:49

Destroying Transformation (Judges 8)

Destroying Transformation (Judges 8)

It is hard to believe how far people can fall in their lives. We are certainly able to watch it in the lives of celebrities who seem to have it all only to lose so much due to their foolish ways and sinful decisions. But this is not a problem that only afflicts those who are without God. There are many people in the scriptures who are recorded for us to show the great fall that they experienced so that we would learn from them. Unfortunately, Gideon is one of those men whose life takes a catastr

Dec 3, 2023 • 36:45

Questioning God’s Honor (Malachi 1:6-14)

Questioning God’s Honor (Malachi 1:6-14)

We are in a series called Fresh Faith where we are looking to how we can prepare ourselves for this coming new year to have the faith that God wants us to have and that we want to have. Our first step to a renewed faith is to see God’s love for you that he chose you before creation to adopt you as his child. This morning we are going to look at the second picture of faith and how we can move closer to God. We are in the book of Malachi. One of the unique features of this book is that God will ma

Dec 3, 2023 • 42:54

Against All Odds (Judges 7)

Against All Odds (Judges 7)

We like to be in the majority. We like to be in the majority because we can think that this means we are on the right side. This is part of our culture war right now. There is a battle for the majority because the belief is if you have the majority, then you must be right. When you are outnumbered, then it can be really frightening. We also see this in our culture today. It is becoming more frightening to be a Christian because we now for the first time really feel like we are outnumbered. We fe

Nov 26, 2023 • 33:19

Why Has This Happened To Us? (Judges 6:1-32)

Why Has This Happened To Us? (Judges 6:1-32)

The Troubles (6:1-6) To appreciate what God is going to do for the people of Israel through Gideon, we have to see what is going on in their history. We are told at the end of Judges 5 that Israel had experienced a time of rest and peace from the surrounding nations for 40 years. But this time of peace does not last because Judges 6 opens by telling us that the people of Israel returned to doing evil in the sight of the Lord. I think it is very important to read the end of verse 1. There we are

Nov 19, 2023 • 41:54

Thanking Through It

Thanking Through It

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 ESV) Just slow down and think about what the apostle Paul taught as he came to the end of his first letter to the Thessalonian Christians. This is God’s will in Christ for you: always rejoicing, constantly praying, and giving thanks in all circumstances. But let the end of this direction rest on you for a moment. Give thanks in ALL circumstances. T

Nov 19, 2023 • 39:34

Made For This Moment (Jeremiah 1)

Made For This Moment (Jeremiah 1)

Introducing Jeremiah (1:1-3) It was the best of times and it was the worst of times. This is probably the only line I remember from the required readings of Charles Dickens in high school. Yet as I opened the book of Jeremiah and read the first few sentences, it was the first thing that came to my mind. It was the best of times and it was the worst of times. We are told in Jeremiah 1 that Jeremiah is a priest in the village of Anathoth which is in the tribal boundaries of Benjamin, just a few mi

Nov 12, 2023 • 35:44

Ready For His Coming (Matthew 25)

Ready For His Coming (Matthew 25)

Matthew 24 ended with Jesus warning his disciples that they need to be ready for his coming in judgment. In last week’s lessons we saw that Jesus warned that his delay to bring judgment will tempt his servants to no longer stay awake and be ready and will tempt his servants to mistreat one another (cf. Matthew 24:42-51). Matthew 25 will now explain what being ready for Jesus’ coming looks like. This would be very important and appropriate for them to hear now because Jesus is warning that he was

Nov 12, 2023 • 39:51

Why Wickedness Increases (Digger Further into Matthew 24)

Why Wickedness Increases (Digger Further into Matthew 24)

We are continuing our study of Matthew 24 that we began this morning. But in this lesson we are going to dig deeper into these pictures that Jesus is giving about the coming destruction against Jerusalem and the temple. This is the context of the discussion for Jesus with his disciples. Jesus has condemned the city and proclaimed that the temple is empty. God is not with them (cf. Matthew 23:38). Jesus tells his disciples that not one stone of the temple complex will be left on another (Matthew

Nov 5, 2023 • 0:00

Ready For His Judgment (Matthew 24)

Ready For His Judgment (Matthew 24)

Matthew 24 is one of the most controversial and misunderstood passages in the New Testament. Any time there is a disturbance in the world, many run to this chapter to try to find answers. This comes particularly from verses 6-7 of Matthew 24. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. (Mat

Nov 5, 2023 • 37:25

7 Ways To Be a Hypocrite – Part 2 (Matthew 23:16-33)

7 Ways To Be a Hypocrite – Part 2 (Matthew 23:16-33)

Jesus is giving his final public sermon as recorded in the Gospel of Matthew. In this final public sermon Jesus proclaims a series of woes upon the religious leaders. The first three problems that Jesus identified all had to do with their words not matching their actions. They would teach God’s law but not practice those teachings themselves. They did things for the show, trying to promote themselves as religious teachers who should receive the recognition of others. They made is hard for people

Oct 29, 2023 • 37:56

Counting All Things As Loss

Counting All Things As Loss

A sermon from Dave Schmidt. No text available. The post Counting All Things As Loss appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 25, 2023 • 39:43

Do You See This Woman?

Do You See This Woman?

A sermon from Jonathan Banning. No text available. The post Do You See This Woman? appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 25, 2023 • 32:56

Is Not One of You a Devil?

Is Not One of You a Devil?

A sermon from Jonathan Banning. No text available. The post Is Not One of You a Devil? appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 24, 2023 • 34:45

Do All Things Without Complaining

Do All Things Without Complaining

A sermon from Dave Schmidt. No text available. The post Do All Things Without Complaining appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 24, 2023 • 34:29

Humility of Jesus

Humility of Jesus

A sermon from Dave Schmidt. No text available. The post Humility of Jesus appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 23, 2023 • 35:47

Is a Lamp Put Under a Basket?

Is a Lamp Put Under a Basket?

A sermon from Jonathan Banning. No text available. The post Is a Lamp Put Under a Basket? appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 23, 2023 • 33:06

Only Performed Our Duty

Only Performed Our Duty

A sermon from Jonathan Banning. No text available. The post Only Performed Our Duty appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 22, 2023 • 34:15

Live Worthy of the Gospel

Live Worthy of the Gospel

A sermon from Dave Schmidt. No text available. The post Live Worthy of the Gospel appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 22, 2023 • 36:10

To Live Is Christ, To Die Is Gain

To Live Is Christ, To Die Is Gain

A sermon from Dave Schmidt. No text available. The post To Live Is Christ, To Die Is Gain appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 22, 2023 • 38:55

What Is Your Life Worth?

What Is Your Life Worth?

A sermon from Jonathan Banning. No text available. The post What Is Your Life Worth? appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 22, 2023 • 38:03

Hope In The Darkness (Joel 3)

Hope In The Darkness (Joel 3)

So how do you have hope when you feel surrounded by darkness? What are God’s people to do with life seems hopeless and joy is dried up? God through his prophet Joel is proclaiming about what he was going to do for his people in the last days when the Christ would come. We noticed in our last lesson that the apostle Peter stood up with the other apostles on the day of Pentecost and proclaimed that was happened was exactly what Joel had written (cf. Acts 2:15). Joel proclaimed that the Spirit woul

Oct 15, 2023 • 30:53

7 Ways To Be a Hypocrite (Matthew 23:1-15)

7 Ways To Be a Hypocrite (Matthew 23:1-15)

We do not like fake people. We do not like to be around people that are insincere and are only wanting to put on a show. You might know people like this because you are able to truly know them while others are only able to see that same person’s public persona. Strangely, it can seem that religious leaders can fall into this trap. You might know spiritual leaders like elders, preachers, and teachers who act one way before the crowds but act a different way when they are alone or with a select fe

Oct 15, 2023 • 32:06

REWIND: The Rich Provision of God (Genesis 47-48)

REWIND: The Rich Provision of God (Genesis 47-48)

A sweet reunion finally occurs. Jacob and all his family have moved down to Egypt. Genesis 46:29 records this sweet reunion between Joseph and his father who he has not seen for more than 22 years. Jacob and the eleven sons settle in the land of Goshen. Genesis 47 records the severity of the famine. The famine is so severe that the Egyptians no longer have money to buy grain from Joseph (47:15). So the Egyptians ask Joseph what they are to do since they have no money to buy food any longer. Jose

Oct 8, 2023 • 28:24

REWIND: Transformed By Mercy (Genesis 42-44)

REWIND: Transformed By Mercy (Genesis 42-44)

Joseph is the second in power over Egypt. Pharaoh has set Joseph as viceroy over Egypt and answered to no one but Pharaoh himself. God has taken Joseph out of the pit of 13 years of misery and suffering and has given him extraordinary power. Joseph is now around 40 years old. The seven years of plenty have come and gone. Joseph has executed the plan of storing up grain for the seven years of severe famine that were coming. The famine has struck the land and people are coming from other nations t

Oct 8, 2023 • 36:43

Our Hope Is In The Lord (Joel 2:18-32)

Our Hope Is In The Lord (Joel 2:18-32)

It was the sermon that opened the floodgates to the kingdom of God. The apostle Peter on the day of Pentecost stood up with the apostles and preached a sermon that began something like this. “We are not drunk, as you all think, but this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel” (cf. Acts 2:15). Peter then quotes and then explains the prophecy that is found in the second chapter of Joel. This passage in God’s word is the whole key to what you read about in the book of Acts. Joel was speaking about

Oct 1, 2023 • 34:12

Do You Know Jesus? (Matthew 22:15-46)

Do You Know Jesus? (Matthew 22:15-46)

So if you had a chance to ask Jesus a question, what would you ask him? The religious leaders are going to have their chance to ask Jesus a question. The Pharisees are going to ask Jesus a question and the Sadducees are going to ask Jesus a question. Unfortunately, they are not asking Jesus a question to learn. You will notice in Matthew 22:15 at the Pharisees are plotting on how to trap Jesus in his words. The Sadducees are also trying to test and trip Jesus up. Back in Matthew 16:1 we read tha

Oct 1, 2023 • 35:04

Tear Your Hearts (Joel 2:1-17)

Tear Your Hearts (Joel 2:1-17)

We are looking at the prophecy of Joel as God gives a message to his people to show them that he is all that they need. Joel stands as a timeless message as God teaches us what we should do when calamity and disaster strikes. In the first chapter of Joel, we read about the day of the Lord that has past. There has been an unprecedented locust attack that has completely wiped out the people’s prosperity. We learned that God shut down their worship, cutting off their sacrifices, so that they would

Sep 24, 2023 • 31:57

Come To The Feast (Matthew 22:1-14)

Come To The Feast (Matthew 22:1-14)

Jesus has been telling stories about what his kingdom is like. He has told a story about two sons and a story about farming tenants who refused to give the fruit of the land to the owner, which are recorded toward the end of Matthew 21. Jesus has one more parable to tell about the kingdom and about the rejection of his invitation. This parable is going to describe who can enter Christ’s kingdom and who cannot and why they cannot. The Rejection (22:1-7) The story begins by describing a great king

Sep 24, 2023 • 37:02

Revelation Review Conclusion

Revelation Review Conclusion

No text available. The post Revelation Review Conclusion appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Sep 24, 2023 • 42:48

When Gladness Dries Up (Joel 1)

When Gladness Dries Up (Joel 1)

The prophecy of Joel begins in a jarring way. There is no introduction. There are not dates, kings, or timeframe listed. There is no warm up regarding what is happening. We are simply dropped into the prophecy. This might be a key reason for why this prophecy is not frequently taught in its entirety. But we must realize that the information God gives us through his word is intentional and not accidental. Therefore, the message of Joel is a timeless message for God’s people. Scholars argue whethe

Sep 17, 2023 • 32:58

By Faith Isaac (Hebrews 11:20)

By Faith Isaac (Hebrews 11:20)

Hebrews 11 records a number of people who by faith received their commending. If you have grown up in the pews, you likely have heard some of the people who are listed by faith like Noah, Abraham, and Moses. But there are people listed who are commended for their faith but their faith appears to be a strange faith. Isaac is one example that I want to look at in regards to his faith by which he is commended. Listen to what the writer of Hebrews says about Isaac. By faith Isaac invoked future bles

Sep 10, 2023 • 36:06

The Heart God Desires (Matthew 21:28-46)

The Heart God Desires (Matthew 21:28-46)

We are picking up in the middle of a discussion that Jesus is having with the religious leaders in the temple at Jerusalem. Jesus has been challenged about his authority to cleanse the temple and teach the way he is. But the religious leaders have been dishonest, unwilling to answer Jesus’ question about John to prove his own authority. In Matthew 21:28 you will notice that there is not a break in the scene. Jesus is still in the temple complex talking to these same religious leaders (cf. Matthe

Sep 10, 2023 • 34:52

Revelation 22 and Review

Revelation 22 and Review

No text available. The post Revelation 22 and Review appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Sep 10, 2023 • 44:16

Coming Home (Genesis 35-36)

Coming Home (Genesis 35-36)

When you look at the life of Jacob it would be fair to say that his life has been a long, winding journey. We sometimes can read about the people of God and think that they had a straight, simple path to receiving God’s promises. But Jacob’s life has been far from a straight and simple path. God has spent more than 20 years working in Jacob’s life to transform him from the swindler (as his name means — cf. 27:36) to the one who struggles with God and prevails (Israel — cf. 32:28). Genesis 35-36

Sep 4, 2023 • 35:03

Kingdom Authority (Matthew 21:18-27)

Kingdom Authority (Matthew 21:18-27)

In our last lesson we saw Jesus make a formal declaration of kingship in Jerusalem. He rides in on a donkey just like Zechariah prophesied the Messiah would do. His first act as the proclaimed king is to cleanse the temple. The temple was supposed to be the place where people drew near to God and worshiped God. Instead, the religious leaders had turned the temple into a place to cover over their rebellious sins. It is now the next day and Jesus is going to go back to Jerusalem and back to the te

Sep 4, 2023 • 35:51

Revelation 22:1-11

Revelation 22:1-11

No text available. The post Revelation 22:1-11 appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Sep 4, 2023 • 47:13

Defiled (Genesis 34)

Defiled (Genesis 34)

There are texts in God’s word that are hard to read. There are scriptures like Judges 19-21 where we read about horrible, sinful people doing horrible, sinful things. It is hard to read such scriptures. We do not want to read about these awful things. But these kinds of awful things happen in the world. It might have happened to you. God does not pretend that these kinds of things do not happen. Genesis 34 records such a terrible event where sin is compounded with more sin which is compounded wi

Aug 27, 2023 • 37:22

Your King Comes (Matthew 21:1-17)

Your King Comes (Matthew 21:1-17)

We are returning to our series on Jesus as recorded in the Gospel of Matthew. Chapters 21-25 record the mounting rejection of Jesus as he proclaims the coming judgment on the city for their rebellion against God. We are going to spend the rest of this summer in this section of Matthew and this study will take us into the fall of this year. As we come to Matthew 21 it is important to know that we are starting the final week of Jesus’ life on earth. Jesus is now ready to fully reveal himself to th

Aug 27, 2023 • 39:05

Revelation 21

Revelation 21

No text available. The post Revelation 21 appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Aug 27, 2023 • 44:30

REWIND: Jesus Prayer 4: The Gethsemane Prayer (Mark 14:32-42; Matthew 26:36-46)

REWIND: Jesus Prayer 4: The Gethsemane Prayer (Mark 14:32-42; Matthew 26:36-46)

It is the final hours of Jesus’ life. A woman anointed his body with very expensive fragrant oil. Meanwhile, Judas, one of the twelve apostles, one of his close friends, has gone to the chief priests and has agreed to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Jesus has instituted the Lord’s Supper with his disciples. In Mark 14:26 Jesus and his disciples are walking to the Mount of Olives. Jesus warns his disciples that they are going to fulfill the scripture that the shepherd will be struck and the

Aug 20, 2023 • 43:27

REWIND: Jesus Prayer 3: Our Daily Bread

REWIND: Jesus Prayer 3: Our Daily Bread

Last week we saw that praying aligns our will to God’s purposes. Praying the words “your name be honored as holy” means I have a responsibility to not discredit the name of my Father by my actions. Further, my concern will be that God’s purposes will be accomplished, volunteering to help expand the kingdom in the hearts of humanity. Jesus continues in his prayer: Give Us Today Our Daily Bread So much of the prayer has not been focused on ourselves. We are focused on God, his kingdom, and God’s w

Aug 20, 2023 • 39:02

How To Let It Go (Genesis 33)

How To Let It Go (Genesis 33)

Jacob has had quite a night. Messengers have told Jacob that Esau is coming to meet him with 400 of his men. Jacob believes that Esau is coming to take vengeance. He has split his traveling party into two groups in preparation for his attack. Jacob has prayed for God to rescue him from his brother. God’s answer to Jacob’s prayer has been to wrestling with him all night, putting one of his hips out of joint. But the wrestling with God had a message. You have struggled with God and with people and

Aug 13, 2023 • 36:10

God Loves to Love (Jonah 4:5-11)

God Loves to Love (Jonah 4:5-11)

In our series looking at the book of Jonah we have seen the relentless grace of God on display toward his rebellious prophet. After preaching to the capital city of Assyria, Nineveh, God relented from the disaster he had proclaimed against them. God shows that he will relent if we will repent. Jonah knew this was God’s character and express that this is the reason why he ran and quit from being God’s prophet (4:2). Jonah is so angry with God for doing this that he prays for God to kill him. God

Aug 13, 2023 • 32:37

Revelation 20:1-15

Revelation 20:1-15

No text available. The post Revelation 20:1-15 appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Aug 13, 2023 • 46:23

Struggling With God (Genesis 32)

Struggling With God (Genesis 32)

We are looking at how God is going to transform the character of Jacob. The beginnings for Jacob are not recorded in positive light. His name means that he is a swindler. His brother says that he is a cheater and a deceiver. Jacob has taken advantage of his brother to take the birthright from him. Further, Jacob deceived his blind father to steal the blessing from him. Therefore, his brother Esau wants to kill him and this is why Jacob must run away and live with his uncle in Haran. But now Jaco

Aug 6, 2023 • 37:19

Angry With God (Jonah 4:1-4)

Angry With God (Jonah 4:1-4)

Jonah has been on a journey with God. God told Jonah to go to Nineveh and preach against it. Jonah has gone the other direction. But God has shown relentless grace toward his wayward prophet and in the third chapter of Jonah we see his prophet proclaim judgment on the city. The news of God’s judgment runs through the city and all the inhabitants repent. They call out to the Lord and turn from their evil ways. Chapter 3 ends with God relenting from the disaster because he saw how the people turne

Aug 6, 2023 • 35:01

Revelation 20:1-10

Revelation 20:1-10

No text available. The post Revelation 20:1-10 appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Aug 6, 2023 • 44:09

REWIND: The Jesus Prayer – Part 2

REWIND: The Jesus Prayer – Part 2

In our last lesson we examined the implications of Jesus teaching us to address God as “our Father.” It conjures a beautiful picture of an intimate relationship between a child and dad. Have a conversation with God. There are not code words that must be said. We do not talk to him to be seen by others. We do not need flowery words or to be formal in our language. Just talk to God, like talking to your dad, having a discussion about our requests and desires, aligning our will to God’s will. We wi

Jul 30, 2023 • 33:17

REWIND: The Jesus Prayer – Part 1: Our Father

REWIND: The Jesus Prayer – Part 1: Our Father

Introduction The need to improve our prayer life. I believe all of us need the encouragement to pray more and to pray better. We may be active our prayer lives but wonder if we are doing it right. Prayer is something that we need training in, as the disciples even asked Jesus to teach them to pray. Unfortunately, the prayer life of many looks like the fire extinguisher behind the breakable glass that reads: in case of emergency. We are not regular in our prayer. We pray only in cases of emergenc

Jul 30, 2023 • 35:16

When Your Past Is Trash (Genesis 25-31)

When Your Past Is Trash (Genesis 25-31)

We are beginning a new series from the life of Jacob, called Transforming Jacob. Jacob is a fascinating person and sometimes we do not look closely at his life because it is hard to understand what he is doing. Is Jacob a good guy or a bad guy? Is he doing right or is he doing wrong? But what I really want us to see is what God is doing through Jacob. I want us to look at how God is going to transform Jacob to be the patriarch through whom will come the 12 tribes of Israel and through whom will

Jul 23, 2023 • 37:43

The God of Infinite Chances (Jonah 3)

The God of Infinite Chances (Jonah 3)

The third chapter of Jonah opens with these words: “Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time.” In the first two chapters we read about Jonah running from God. He does not want to be God’s prophet. He wants to quit God and be done with it all. However, God has sent a storm which has led to the sailors throwing Jonah overboard. Rather than repenting, Jonah would rather drown. However, the Lord appointed a great fish to swallow Jonah where he remained for three days and three nights.

Jul 23, 2023 • 38:32

Revelation 20:1-6

Revelation 20:1-6

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Jul 23, 2023 • 46:49

Don’t Waste Your Repentance (Nahum 3)

Don’t Waste Your Repentance (Nahum 3)

The prophecy of Nahum ends with the Lord twice proclaiming some of the most terrifying words that you would never want to hear in your life. “I am against you.” The Lord says this against Nineveh in Nahum 2:13 and Nahum 3:5. The third chapter of Nahum is going to show us what this means for the Lord to be against you. Further, Nahum is going to tell us why the Lord is against them. Finally, we will consider some important lessons from the conclusion of this prophecy thinking about what we learn

Jul 16, 2023 • 34:45

Embrace Grace (Jonah 2)

Embrace Grace (Jonah 2)

The book of Jonah is about a gracious God trying to save his rebellious, stubborn prophet named Jonah. Jonah was told to get up and go to Nineveh to preach judgment to them. Jonah has rejected the word of the Lord and is determined to quit being God’s prophet. He goes down to Joppa, pays the fare, and goes to sleep in the lowest part of the ship. God sends a storm to spiritually awaken his wayward prophet. However, Jonah ignores the storm, ignores the message of the storm, and ignores the soluti

Jul 16, 2023 • 35:59

Revelation 19

Revelation 19

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Jul 16, 2023 • 46:30

What is the Good News? (Nahum 2)

What is the Good News? (Nahum 2)

If you have grown up in the pews, you have heard about the gospel. The gospel simply means good news. But the New Testament writers assume that we know some of the pictures of what God means when he proclaims the good news to his people. There are many places where the prophets give pictures of what the good news. The second chapter of Nahum begins with pictures of the good news being proclaimed to God’s people. The first chapter of Nahum reminded God’s people of who the Lord is. The Lord’s pass

Jul 9, 2023 • 34:22

Surrender to the Storm (Jonah 1:4-16)

Surrender to the Storm (Jonah 1:4-16)

Jonah is a prophet who was told to go up to Nineveh and preach to them. However, rather than obeying the Lord, Jonah has decided to quit his work. Jonah not only does not go to Ninevah, the capital city of the Assyrian Empire, he has paid the fare, got on a ship going to Tarshish, and went down into the ship (1:3). Though Jonah is running from God, God is not done with Jonah. So what we are going to see in the rest of chapter 1 is how God is going to deal with his stubborn prophet… To read more

Jul 9, 2023 • 35:00

Revelation 18

Revelation 18

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Jul 9, 2023 • 46:08

Who Is The Lord? (Nahum 1)

Who Is The Lord? (Nahum 1)

Who is the Lord? The book of Nahum will speak to the nature and character of the Lord. The book of Nahum can be considered a sequel to the book of Jonah. Both of them are prophetic messages to Ninevah, the capital of the Assyrian Empire. The Assyrian Empire was a vicious empire, considered one of the most cruel in ancient world history. We will see some of the things that they did as we study this book. Nahum prophecies against Nineveh about 100-150 years after Jonah preached there. But there is

Jul 2, 2023 • 34:23

Running From God (Jonah 1:1-3)

Running From God (Jonah 1:1-3)

The book of Jonah is a different prophetic book. Most prophetic books record the words a prophet of God is proclaiming to a nation or people. Habakkuk is a unique prophetic book because it records a discussion between God and prophet. But Jonah is a completely different picture. The book of Jonah is a narrative […] The post Running From God (Jonah 1:1-3) appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Jul 2, 2023 • 33:13

Revelation 17:12-18:9

Revelation 17:12-18:9

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Jul 2, 2023 • 45:13

REWIND: I Will Not Remember Your Sins (Isaiah 43:22-44:5)

REWIND: I Will Not Remember Your Sins (Isaiah 43:22-44:5)

We are studying the great prophecy of Isaiah. Presently, Isaiah is declaring the glorious gospel message of how God will send a servant who will bring about the forgiveness of sins. But God wants us to appreciate this salvation message. God says that he is the only God. “There is no other God— there never has been, and there never will be. I, yes I, am the LORD, and there is no other Savior” (Isaiah 43:10–11 NLT). In Isaiah 43:2 God promised to be with his people when they pass through the flood

Jun 25, 2023 • 34:22

REWIND: How Godly People Fall (Judges 8)

REWIND: How Godly People Fall (Judges 8)

The seventh chapter of Judges records a great victory given by the Lord against the Midianites with only 300 men. The Midianites are set to flight. Gideon calls for other tribes to help capture some of the princes who were escaping. This should be the end of the account. We expect to read that the land had peace for some amount of time, like we have read with the previous deliverances God provided. Instead, we are going to read about the spiritual fall of God’s people. As we look at what Gideon

Jun 25, 2023 • 36:36

What Is Eternity Worth? (Hebrews 12:15-17)

What Is Eternity Worth? (Hebrews 12:15-17)

God records the actions and thoughts of various people in the scriptures so that we can learn from these people. We get to see that these are real people dealing with hard problems making real decisions. There are many people who walk by faith and we are going to study some of those people in the upcoming months. There are also those who fail to walk by faith and we are going to look at some of those. More importantly, we see God trying to transform all of these people to become faith-filled fol

Jun 18, 2023 • 32:38

A Righteousness Not My Own

A Righteousness Not My Own

We are in a series that we are looking at throughout the year called Help My Unbelief. In this series we are answering questions that people have about faith and the scriptures. One difficult area in the scriptures is understanding righteousness. Listen to some of the scriptures about righteousness: You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. (Matthew 5:48 ESV) Little children, let no one deceive you. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous. (1 Joh

Jun 18, 2023 • 43:35

Revelation 17:1-11

Revelation 17:1-11

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Jun 18, 2023 • 46:40

There Is A Lion (1 Peter 5:8-11)

There Is A Lion (1 Peter 5:8-11)

The apostle Peter wrote his first letter to Christians who were suffering for Jesus’ sake. Peter writes to encourage them to remain holy and live righteously during difficult times. I want to spend this lesson looking at how he ends his letter to these suffering servants. This book is intended to open our eyes and see what we should expect as we try to serve the Lord. Peter starts with a vivid image in 1 Peter 5:8. The Roaring Lion (5:8) Peter begins by telling us to watch out and be sober-minde

Jun 11, 2023 • 30:51

Understanding Jesus’ Service (Matthew 20:17-34)

Understanding Jesus’ Service (Matthew 20:17-34)

As we come to the end of Matthew 20, we are seeing Jesus’ ministry come to a close. Chapter 21 begins by telling us that Jesus has come to the Mount of Olives and to Jerusalem. Chapter 19 told us that Jesus had left Galilee and made his way to Judea, the region where Jerusalem is located. But this will be the final time that Jesus comes to Jerusalem. But Jesus has another hard saying and important teaching for his disciples before he arrives in Jerusalem… To read more of this lesson click here.

Jun 11, 2023 • 33:38

Revelation 16:12-21

Revelation 16:12-21

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Jun 11, 2023 • 45:44

Live Different (1 Peter 4:1-6)

Live Different (1 Peter 4:1-6)

As the world shifts further into a stance against God, I wanted to do a series of lessons to help strengthen our faith and encourage our hearts to remain steadfast in this culture. The apostle Peter writes his first letter to Christians who are going through suffering because of their faith in Jesus. So Peter writes to give them practical ways to handle their circumstances and give them the understanding they need to continue to be strong in the faith. Open your copies of God’s word to 1 Peter 4

Jun 4, 2023 • 35:35

Understanding Jesus’ Reward (Matthew 19:37-20:16)

Understanding Jesus’ Reward (Matthew 19:37-20:16)

We ended last week in the middle of a text where Jesus is teaching about receiving eternal life and inheriting the eternal reward. Jesus has knocked down the idea that there is something good we can do to have eternal life. The disciples were astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?” (Matthew 19:25). Jesus responds that if salvation depends on us, then it is impossible. But since salvation depends on God, then all things are possible. In the middle of this teaching Jesus also gave a very ha

Jun 4, 2023 • 40:52

Revelation 16:1-11

Revelation 16:1-11

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Jun 4, 2023 • 46:01

God Sees (1 Peter 3:8-17)

God Sees (1 Peter 3:8-17)

Listen to the words that Peter quotes from Psalm 34. “Whoever desires to love life and see good days…” (1 Peter 3:10). Now I want us to stop and think about what Peter just said as he quotes. Who doesn’t want to love life and see good days? It is a very inclusive question. Everyone is seeking to have good days. Everyone wants to love life and not hate the life they are living. So as we begin, I want us to think about how practical Peter is going to be. If you want to love life and see good days,

May 28, 2023 • 38:49

Understanding Jesus’ Offer (Matthew 19:13-26)

Understanding Jesus’ Offer (Matthew 19:13-26)

We are in a large section of Jesus’ teaching in which he is proclaiming hard sayings to teach people who belongs to his kingdom. He has said hard things about marriage such that his disciples drew the conclusion that it may be better not to marry. Jesus has said hard things about forgiveness. If we do not forgive others from our hearts then God will not forgive us. Jesus has told us to humble ourselves and watch out for stumbling blocks and from being a stumbling block to others. Now Jesus is go

May 28, 2023 • 41:43

Revelation 14-15

Revelation 14-15

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May 28, 2023 • 46:50

A New Temple With Life (Ezekiel 47-48)

A New Temple With Life (Ezekiel 47-48)

Ezekiel was given the task of preaching to a people who had been captured and taken into exile by the Babylonians because God was judging his people for their sins. But the people in exile were going to represent the future of Israel. Their children would be the future remnant to return to Jerusalem. The final chapters of the book of Ezekiel is to generate hope in the people regarding what God will do when the Christ comes and the Spirit is poured out. The final chapters of the book have describ

May 21, 2023 • 30:23

Understanding Jesus’ Marriage Law (Matthew 19:1-12)

Understanding Jesus’ Marriage Law (Matthew 19:1-12)

Matthew 19 is a turning point for this gospel account of Jesus. The first verse of chapter 19 tells us that Jesus is leaving Galilee and going to Judea. Luke’s account proclaims that Jesus has set his face toward Jerusalem. This will be the last time Jesus will go to the region of Judea and to the city of Jerusalem. Large crowds continue to follow Jesus and Jesus continues to heal the crowds. But then some Pharisees approach Jesus with a question with the purpose of testing Jesus. Here is their

May 21, 2023 • 40:52

Revelation 14:1-13

Revelation 14:1-13

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May 21, 2023 • 46:30

A New Temple With Holiness (Ezekiel 44-46)

A New Temple With Holiness (Ezekiel 44-46)

The final vision given to Ezekiel is a vision of a glorious new temple filled with God’s glory. We noted in our prior lesson that this vision was never looked by the people in the scriptures as the instructions for building a new temple when they return to the land. The Lord was pointing to a glorious reality when the glory of the Lord would come from the east, place his feet in Jerusalem, and fill the temple with his glory (43:6-9). Jesus proclaimed himself to be the new temple in John 2. John

May 14, 2023 • 30:08

Understanding Jesus’ Forgiveness (Matthew 18:21-35)

Understanding Jesus’ Forgiveness (Matthew 18:21-35)

We have been looking at the hard sayings of Jesus. As we come to the second half of Matthew 18, we encounter a hard saying of Jesus regarding forgiveness. Forgiveness is a difficult topic to discuss. It is much easier to tell other people how they need to forgive others than it is to do the forgiving ourselves. The question that Peter asks Jesus is a question that everyone has thought about at one time or another. But I also want to first consider how his question is different than ours. Our que

May 14, 2023 • 39:47

Revelation 13:11-18

Revelation 13:11-18

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May 14, 2023 • 46:28

A New Temple With Glory (Ezekiel 40-43)

A New Temple With Glory (Ezekiel 40-43)

As we come to the final chapters of Ezekiel, Ezekiel is going to have a vision for the new temple. Chapters 40-48 all depict a new glorious temple that the Lord will have for his people. Before we look at this vision, we need to consider where we are in the flow of the book and why this would be how the prophecy of Ezekiel ends. One big message that we are seeing the Lord give through Ezekiel is an explanation of how things are going to be different in Christ’s kingdom when the Spirit comes. The

May 7, 2023 • 29:21

Understanding Jesus’ Humility (Matthew 18:1-20)

Understanding Jesus’ Humility (Matthew 18:1-20)

Jesus has used the temple tax as a teaching moment to explain how the life of a disciple is one of submission. Jesus will submit himself to death by the Jewish leaders. Jesus will submit to the temple tax, even though he is free from it, because he does not want cause an obstacle to the gospel. Chapter 18 continues from this discussion. The disciples now have a question for Jesus. “Who then is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” (18:1 NASB). This is a rather curious question based on what Je

May 7, 2023 • 39:41

Revelation 13:1-10

Revelation 13:1-10

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May 7, 2023 • 45:46

Understanding Jesus’ Submission (Matthew 17:22-27)

Understanding Jesus’ Submission (Matthew 17:22-27)

Submission is a word we do not like. We are a culture that believes that we should not yield to anyone. Instead, we need to stand up to people. We need to fight for our rights. We need to exercise our power. We need to show people who’s boss and that we cannot be pushed around. We want to put people in their place and have the last word. Our culture tells us that submission is weakness and inferiority. I think this is what is really hard for us. Telling us to submit makes us think in our minds t

Apr 30, 2023 • 34:43

Revelation 12

Revelation 12

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Apr 30, 2023 • 45:09

Radical Rule (Ezekiel 38-39)

Radical Rule (Ezekiel 38-39)

Ezekiel 38-39 have been the source of all kinds of interpretations and explanations. These two chapters contain prophecies about Gog and Magog, which we will look at carefully shortly. But the tendency of interpreters has been to explain this prophecy in light of current events. Gog and Magog have been interpreted as the Goths of the fourth century who were enemies of Rome. Some have seen Gog and Magog as pointing to the wars of the crusades, the rise of the Holy Roman Empire and the Pope, the i

Apr 23, 2023 • 39:50

Understanding Jesus’ Faith (Matthew 17:14-20)

Understanding Jesus’ Faith (Matthew 17:14-20)

We have been looking at the hard sayings of Jesus that are found in Matthew 16-20. Matthew continues to record challenging words as he looks to develop faith and show what it means to be his disciple. In this paragraph, Matthew 17:14-20, Jesus says hard things that we are going to look at in today’s lesson. Jesus is going to challenge our faith and show us why we unable to accomplish what God has called for us in our lives… To read more of this lesson click here. The post Understanding Jesus’ Fa

Apr 23, 2023 • 33:14

Revelation and Matthew 24

Revelation and Matthew 24

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Apr 23, 2023 • 45:45

Radical Relationships (Ezekiel 37:15-28)

Radical Relationships (Ezekiel 37:15-28)

The Lord has been revealing through the prophet Ezekiel about what he will do for his people when the Spirit comes. These prophecies in Ezekiel 34-48 show the connection to God himself coming to his people and filling them with new life though they are spiritually dead because of their sins. I want to remind us of this very important connection which is found in John 7:37-39. 37 On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and

Apr 16, 2023 • 36:23

Understanding Jesus’ Glory (Matthew 17:1-13)

Understanding Jesus’ Glory (Matthew 17:1-13)

Matthew 17 records a stunning picture with a simple, yet important, message. As we come to Matthew 17 I want us to soak in the amazing picture and then consider what the point of the picture is. Notice the first two verses of Matthew 17 as our introduction to our study. We are told that only six days have passed since the events of chapter 16. Six days have passed since he told his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem, be killed by the Jewish leaders, and raise from the dead three days later.

Apr 16, 2023 • 37:15

Revelation 11:7-19

Revelation 11:7-19

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Apr 16, 2023 • 46:37

Radical Resurrection (Ezekiel 37:1-14)

Radical Resurrection (Ezekiel 37:1-14)

We have been looking at the end of Ezekiel’s prophecy in which God is proclaiming what he is going to do for his people when the Spirit is poured out. The message began with the need for God himself to come and shepherd us so that we can have peace and rest (Ezekiel 34). Further, God will bring his people into the promised eternal inheritance (Ezekiel 35-36). Not only this, God is going to perform a heart surgery on his people so that they are radically transformed (Ezekiel 36). God will cleanse

Apr 9, 2023 • 37:45

Understanding Jesus’ Death (Matthew 16:21-28)

Understanding Jesus’ Death (Matthew 16:21-28)

We are looking at the hard sayings of Jesus that are found in Matthew 16-20. We are at a turning point in Jesus’ life in Matthew’s gospel account as we come to the end of Matthew 16. Look at what Jesus starts telling his disciples in Matthew 16:21. The Purpose of God (Matthew 16:21) From that time Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised. (Matthew 16:21 ESV) J

Apr 9, 2023 • 42:09

Revelation 11:3-6

Revelation 11:3-6

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Apr 9, 2023 • 45:45

Radical Transformation (Ezekiel 36)

Radical Transformation (Ezekiel 36)

The end of Ezekiel’s prophecy gives pictures of the God’s promise of the Spirit that will radically change his people and radically change the world. In Ezekiel 34 we saw that God has the heart of a shepherd for his people. God himself will come and shepherd his people, healing them and helping them because they were scattered. When Jesus comes he calls himself the good shepherd who knows his sheep. We are also told that Jesus had compassion on the crowds because they people were like sheep with

Apr 2, 2023 • 40:06

Understanding Jesus’ Kingdom (Matthew 16:13-20)

Understanding Jesus’ Kingdom (Matthew 16:13-20)

We are looking at the hard sayings and events in the life of Jesus, many of which are recorded in Matthew 16-20. Matthew 16:13-20 is an extremely controversial portion of scripture. It is a part of God’s word that has been twisted, misused, and misapplied in a number of ways. I am asking you in this lesson to set aside what you might know about this text and heard about this text and been taught about this text. I want you to come to this text with fresh eyes and new hearts to hear what Jesus is

Apr 2, 2023 • 35:37

Revelation 11:1-2

Revelation 11:1-2

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Apr 2, 2023 • 46:23

Radical Inheritance (Ezekiel 35-36)

Radical Inheritance (Ezekiel 35-36)

The end of Ezekiel’s prophecy gives pictures of the God’s promise of the Spirit that will radically change his people and radically change the world. In Ezekiel 34 we saw that God has the heart of a shepherd for his people. God himself will come and shepherd his people, healing them and helping them because they were scattered. When Jesus comes he calls himself the good shepherd who knows his sheep. We are also told that Jesus had compassion on the crowds because they people were like sheep with

Mar 26, 2023 • 37:20

Understanding Jesus’ Teachings (Matthew 16:1-12)

Understanding Jesus’ Teachings (Matthew 16:1-12)

We are starting a new series within the Gospel of Matthew that we are calling The Hard Sayings of Jesus. Matthew 16-20 contain some of the hardest teachings of Jesus and some events in Jesus’ life that are hard to understand. Before we begin, I want us to think about this idea. Jesus did not teach only simple concepts. Jesus did not keep things easy for his listeners. Jesus definitely did not keep his teachings easy for his disciples. Jesus says things that cause people to leave. Jesus says thin

Mar 26, 2023 • 39:02

Revelation 10

Revelation 10

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Mar 26, 2023 • 45:48

REWIND: Psalm 97, The Lord Reigns… And Why It Matters

REWIND: Psalm 97, The Lord Reigns… And Why It Matters

Psalm 97 begins with the declaration that the Lord reigns. The rest of the psalm tells everyone why it matters that the Lord reigns. What should it mean for how we live our lives when we understand that the Lord reigns? Sometimes people will flippantly make statements about the reign of the Lord, not realizing the impact this is supposed to make. For example, for a long time I have heard people say that they did not need to study the book of Revelation because the message is simply, “God wins.”

Mar 19, 2023 • 44:01

The Shepherd Comes (Ezekiel 34)

The Shepherd Comes (Ezekiel 34)

Ezekiel 34 is a turning point to the prophecies of this book. Ezekiel 33 recorded the fall of Jerusalem. A messenger who escaped from Jerusalem travels to Babylon and informs Ezekiel that the city has fallen to Babylon. Ezekiel’s messages proclaimed that this was going to happen. The good meat had not remained in Jerusalem. The meat and the pot were defiled and needed deep cleansing. The remnant was actually in Babylon, not in Jerusalem. God had left his temple and city and has caused Nebuchadne

Mar 12, 2023 • 37:06

The Problem of God’s Glory

The Problem of God’s Glory

There are a number of things that keep people from God. One of the stumbling blocks that exists is God’s existence for his glory. The problem is that Jesus calls for people to forsake everything to follow him. Listen to what Jesus said: Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his

Mar 12, 2023 • 41:27

Revelation 9:13-21

Revelation 9:13-21

The post Revelation 9:13-21 appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Mar 12, 2023 • 46:19

The Problem of I and My (Ezekiel 25-33)

The Problem of I and My (Ezekiel 25-33)

We come to a section in Ezekiel’s prophecy where it is easy to want to skip over the messages. From Ezekiel 25-33 God proclaims judgments against all kinds of nations in these chapters. But we should want to read about why the nations are coming under God’s judgment. In each condemnation God explains the sins committed that made each nation worthy of judgment. There is a common thread of explanation for why all these nations are being judged. This is also important to think about. If God condemn

Mar 5, 2023 • 36:30

Trust (Proverbs 3:1-12)

Trust (Proverbs 3:1-12)

The Proverbs are trying to show us why we need to listen to God’s ways and God’s wisdom. The first two chapters have explained that God has wisdom for all generations. God gives this to us so that we can have a skillful, insightful, and successful life before God in this world. Wisdom is only found in God and is not found anywhere else. God’s wisdom is available to all people to keep us from the permanent damage that we can inflict on our lives. The shorthand of this message so far is found in P

Mar 5, 2023 • 43:28

Revelation 9:1-12

Revelation 9:1-12

The post Revelation 9:1-12 appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Mar 5, 2023 • 47:19

Don’t Look Back (Ezekiel 23-24)

Don’t Look Back (Ezekiel 23-24)

God’s effort is to restore the hearts of his people back to himself. We have been reading through the book of Ezekiel and learning about how God was going to accomplish this restoration. God has been revealing the people’s sins but also showing the reason underneath the sinning that was happening in the nation. These pictures teach us much about the heart of God, the character of God, and how God cleanses and rescues his people. We come in our study to Ezekiel 23-24. If you have looked at these

Feb 26, 2023 • 33:12

Pursue the New (Proverbs 2)

Pursue the New (Proverbs 2)

We are in a short series called Storm Proof as we look to the book of Proverbs to see what we can do to help prepare our lives for difficulties before they come. One of the key points we have observed is that God has to convince us that we need wisdom. I noted with you earlier that the first nine chapters of Proverbs have a basic intent of convincing people to seek wisdom. The way we think is right will not help us to prepare for life’s hardships. God’s wisdom is necessary if we are going to liv

Feb 26, 2023 • 43:00

Revelation 8

Revelation 8

The post Revelation 8 appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Feb 26, 2023 • 47:31

Repair the Wall (Ezekiel 21-22)

Repair the Wall (Ezekiel 21-22)

Ezekiel 21 begins by declaring that the Lord has drawn his sword against Jerusalem and against the temple. The sword has been removed from its sheath (21:3-5) and the sword is sharpened and polished for slaughter (21:8-12). The point God makes is that a person does unsheathe his sword and sharpen it without the intent to use it. The sword is going to fall on Jerusalem and it is going to be devastating in its effects (21:14-17)… To read more of this lesson click here. The post Repair the Wall (Ez

Feb 20, 2023 • 36:11

Preparations Needed (Proverbs 1:8-33)

Preparations Needed (Proverbs 1:8-33)

We are in a series called Storm Proof where we are looking at the Proverbs as God’s instructions for being prepared for life’s difficulties before they happen. We noted in our first lesson that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. If we want to live skillfully, insightfully, and successfully before God in this world, then the starting point is knowing and submitting to God. We also noted that these first nine chapters are trying to show us why we need God’s wisdom so that we will lis

Feb 19, 2023 • 42:12

Revelation 7 part 2

Revelation 7 part 2

The post Revelation 7 part 2 appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Feb 19, 2023 • 47:08

Grace Abounded (Ezekiel 19-20)

Grace Abounded (Ezekiel 19-20)

Now the law came in to increase the trespass, but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more, so that, as sin reigned in death, grace also might reign through righteousness leading to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 5:20–21 ESV) Paul gives a beautiful picture. It is also a beautiful picture of Israel’s history. Where the sin increased, grace abounded even more. Ezekiel is prophesying to the exiled people about the coming destruction of Jerusalem. He is also preparing th

Feb 12, 2023 • 37:05

Starts With God (Proverbs 1:1-7)

Starts With God (Proverbs 1:1-7)

We are starting today a short series of lessons called Storm Proof. The tag line is: Preparing for life’s difficulties before they happen. This is the essence of the book of Proverbs. The book of Proverbs has the purpose of preparing you for life’s hardships before the hardships happen. We understand this concept. Every year we prepare for hurricanes before they happen. At the beginning of June we are told to make sure we have batteries, water, and other supplies so that we are ready for the sto

Feb 12, 2023 • 37:14

Revelation 7

Revelation 7

The post Revelation 7 appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Feb 12, 2023 • 46:53

No More Excuses (Ezekiel 18)

No More Excuses (Ezekiel 18)

There is a funny proverb that we have in our world today: excuses are like belly buttons; everyone has one. Making excuses is a common default way of thinking. When something happens, we make an excuse how it is not our fault. When we forget something, we make an excuse to show how it is not our fault. Typically, we like to show how the person who has shown us our failure is the reason why for our failure when we make our excuse. Excuses are not new. The very first account of humanity in the scr

Feb 5, 2023 • 39:23

Come To The Table (Matthew 15:21-39)

Come To The Table (Matthew 15:21-39)

One of the characteristics of Jesus’ ministry is that he challenged the interest level of people who claimed to want help or claimed to want to follow him. When people said that they wanted to follow him, Jesus did not simply respond, “Ok.” Jesus would do something to see if the desire is genuine. In Matthew 8:19 we read about a scribe saying that he would follow Jesus wherever he went. But Jesus challenged his desire by responding that he had nowhere to sleep. Do you want to follow if you do no

Feb 5, 2023 • 42:51

Revelation 6:9-17

Revelation 6:9-17

The post Revelation 6:9-17 appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Feb 5, 2023 • 46:33

Faith To Be Convicted (James 1:22-27)

Faith To Be Convicted (James 1:22-27)

We have been noticing how James is giving good counsel for how to have faith during trials and hardships. James has been telling us that God is at work in our trials. James began this chapter telling us that your faith is being tested to produce steadfastness so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing. Trials are exposing things in us about our faith. It is showing us what desires are in us that are giving birth to sin. Trials are showing us the moral filth and evil overflow that is

Jan 29, 2023 • 34:41

Uprooted (Matthew 15:1-20)

Uprooted (Matthew 15:1-20)

Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up. (Matthew 15:13 ESV) I want us to think about this statement by Jesus before we get into our lesson today. Jesus says that any plant that was not planted by the heavenly Father will be uprooted. I hope we immediately have some questions that we want answered. What does it look like to be planted by Father? How do we know if we have not been planted by the Father and are going to be uprooted? What causes Jesus to need to procla

Jan 29, 2023 • 37:43

Revelation 6:1-8

Revelation 6:1-8

The post Revelation 6:1-8 appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Jan 29, 2023 • 44:47

Faith When Angry (James 1:19-21)

Faith When Angry (James 1:19-21)

We are spending this month looking at James’ teachings on how to have authentic faith especially during trying times. James 1 tells us that God is using trials to make us mature and complete so that we lack nothing. Therefore, we must let steadfastness have its full effect. Further, James tells us that we need to pray for wisdom while we are in our trials because God will gives us the wisdom we need generously. James also taught us how to look at temptations. No one should think that God is temp

Jan 22, 2023 • 37:24

Do Not Fear (Matthew 14:13-36)

Do Not Fear (Matthew 14:13-36)

We have noticed in our study of Matthew that this gospel stacks historical accounts together to teach us important messages about who Jesus is and what it means to follow him and belong to his kingdom. In our last lesson we noticed the rejection of Jesus and John. John was killed for preaching that it was unlawful for Herod to be married to Herodias. This event causes Jesus to leave where he is in Galilee. In Matthew 14:13 we read that Jesus now moves to a desolate place by himself. But this rej

Jan 22, 2023 • 31:45

Revelation 5

Revelation 5

The post Revelation 5 appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Jan 22, 2023 • 47:00

Faith When Tempted (James 1:13-18)

Faith When Tempted (James 1:13-18)

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. (James 1:12 NIV) James writes this book to strength the faith of believers who are experiencing trials. James has instructed us to let perseverance finish its work so that we can be mature and complete, lacking nothing. God is using trials to transform us so that we are mature and complete. God does not want his children to lac

Jan 15, 2023 • 39:02

No Honor (Matthew 13:53-14:12)

No Honor (Matthew 13:53-14:12)

The Gospel of Matthew tells you when it is shifting to a new section of teaching. There are six sections in Matthew marked by five breaks in the text. The break is marked with words like what you read in Matthew 13:53, “When Jesus had finished these parables.” We have called our last series, “The Teachings of Jesus” which covered Matthew 11-13. But now we are going to see a shift in the tone of this gospel. Chapters 14-19 show the rejection of Jesus. Jesus is going to start talking about his rej

Jan 15, 2023 • 38:35

Revelation 4

Revelation 4

The post Revelation 4 appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Jan 15, 2023 • 44:38

Faith When Confused (James 1:5-8)

Faith When Confused (James 1:5-8)

We are in a short series from James 1 as we look at how James teaches us how to have faith during trials. What does true faith do during times of hardship and suffering? In the first four verses of James 1 we read that we need to let steadfastness have its full effect so that we can be mature and complete, lacking nothing. Let the trial do its work. But James wants to help us through the trial. As we are letting endurance finish its work, there are things we can do so that we can be sustained th

Jan 8, 2023 • 38:21

In The Weeds (Matthew 13:24-43)

In The Weeds (Matthew 13:24-43)

What is God doing in the world? It is not too hard to look around at this world and wonder what God is doing. This can be especially troubling for Christians and their faith. The scriptures tell us that Jesus rose from the dead and took his rightful place at the Father’s right hand, possessing all rule, authority, and power over the nations of the earth (cf. Daniel 7:13-14; 1 Corinthians 15:20-28). Even Jesus himself, when he rose from the dead, proclaimed, “All authority in heaven and on earth

Jan 8, 2023 • 41:28

Revelation 3:14-22

Revelation 3:14-22

The post Revelation 3:14-22 appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Jan 8, 2023 • 46:05

Living Stones (Joshua 4)

Living Stones (Joshua 4)

New Year’s Day is a special day for people. We like the idea of a fresh start. We like the idea of moving forward from the past year and having the hope of a better year. We like the idea of improving ourselves, improving our condition, and improving our lives. This year is just going to be our year. It is a time when we like to remember and a time when we like to make resolutions to do better. Since this Sunday falls on New Year’s Day, I wanted to do a lesson called Living Stones so that we cou

Jan 1, 2023 • 35:46

Revelation 3:7-13

Revelation 3:7-13

The post Revelation 3:7-13 appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Jan 1, 2023 • 46:07

Faith In Trials (James 1:1-4)

Faith In Trials (James 1:1-4)

We are starting a short series for our Sunday evenings in January called Authentic. The purpose of this series is to see how the scriptures picture how we can have a real faith and be real disciples. Now if you think about books in God’s word that give pictures of what faith looks like, James is one of the books that rises to the top. We can sometimes oversimplify the book of James so that the point is missed. We talk about how James tells us that true faith does work. We see this point made in

Dec 25, 2022 • 33:47

The Treasure (Matthew 13:44-52)

The Treasure (Matthew 13:44-52)

Today I want to give you a picture of Jesus and his kingdom from a couple of very short parables. During this time of year as people think a little more about Jesus in the world and in their lives, we want to have a full and correct view of Jesus. Jesus told parables to see who would want to come to him and learn more. He said challenging words to try to spark a spiritual flame in the crowds so that they would want to know him and his teachings. What Jesus says about himself and pursuing him is

Dec 25, 2022 • 37:07

Revelation 3:1-6

Revelation 3:1-6

The post Revelation 3:1-6 appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Dec 25, 2022 • 45:15

The Problem of More (Ezekiel 17)

The Problem of More (Ezekiel 17)

There are so many pictures in the scriptures where God is trying to show us who we are, where we have come from, and what God is doing about our circumstances. We are in a section of Ezekiel where God is sharing three pictures to show who we are and what God is doing for us. In chapter 15 we saw the picture of a useless vine. The message was that we only have one purpose: to bear fruit. We can only bear fruit because we are deeply connected to Christ, as Jesus applied this message in John 15. Th

Dec 18, 2022 • 34:37

Sower Responses (Matthew 13:18-23)

Sower Responses (Matthew 13:18-23)

We are in the middle of a teaching that Jesus is giving. In Matthew 13 we are reading Jesus proclaiming a series of parables. Jesus told a parable about a sower at the beginning of Matthew 13. The story he told pictured a sower casting seed on all kinds of ground. The sower was not discriminating where he cast the seed. In doing so the seed fell on different types of ground which yielded different results. Jesus ends his story by asking who wants to understand what he just said. “Whoever has ear

Dec 18, 2022 • 39:34

Revelation 2:18-29

Revelation 2:18-29

The post Revelation 2:18-29 appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Dec 18, 2022 • 45:17

Delivered from Disgrace (Ezekiel 16)

Delivered from Disgrace (Ezekiel 16)

There are so many pictures in the scriptures where God is trying to show us who we are, where we have come from, and what God is doing about our circumstances. The apostle Paul even proclaimed that he prayed that we would “know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge” (Ephesians 3:19). The love of Christ for us is so wide and so deep that it is impossible for us to fully grasp his love for us. But that does not stop God from trying to show us. Ezekiel 16 is one of those passages in God’s wor

Dec 11, 2022 • 34:50

Perplexing Parables (Matthew 13:1-17)

Perplexing Parables (Matthew 13:1-17)

How would you teach a crowd? The popularity of Jesus has continued to grow. We are told in Matthew 13:1 that Jesus is sitting by the sea and great crowds gathered around him. In fact, the crowds become so massive that Jesus gets into a boat that is nearby and sits in it. The whole crowd drew near and stood on the beach. This is your moment. You have a large crowd. You have your moment to teach the people. What are you going to tell them? What will be the teaching you will focus on? What should b

Dec 11, 2022 • 38:54

Revelation 2:12-17

Revelation 2:12-17

The post Revelation 2:12-17 appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Dec 11, 2022 • 46:33

Useless (Ezekiel 15)

Useless (Ezekiel 15)

For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being useless or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. (2 Peter 1:8 CSB) Peter’s concern is that the Christians he is writing to would become useless and unfruitful toward God. In general, no one wants to be useless. We especially do not want to be called useless. It is a pretty derogatory term to tell someone that they are completely useless. But how sad would it be to call the people of God, “usel

Dec 4, 2022 • 34:50

Rejected (Matthew 12:38-50)

Rejected (Matthew 12:38-50)

It sounds like a reasonable request. “Teacher, we want to see a sign from you.” Jesus been performing miracles and signs. In Matthew 12:38 some of the scribes and Pharisees answered that they want to see a sign from Jesus. So what is the big deal? Why doesn’t Jesus simply perform a sign for anyone who asks? Why would this request become a teaching topic that goes through the rest of Matthew 12? Now it is important to note that this is not a new paragraph. This is the same audience that we have o

Dec 4, 2022 • 36:35

Revelation 2:8-11

Revelation 2:8-11

The post Revelation 2:8-11 appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Dec 4, 2022 • 46:04

Broken (Ezekiel 12-14)

Broken (Ezekiel 12-14)

So I’m telling you this, and I insist on it in the Lord: you shouldn’t live your life like the Gentiles anymore. They base their lives on pointless thinking, and they are in the dark in their reasoning. They are disconnected from God’s life because of their ignorance and their closed hearts. (Ephesians 4:17–18 CEB) The apostle Paul speaks to a great problem: people who are in the dark because of the way they reason about life. Their lives are based on pointless, futile thinking. It is because of

Nov 27, 2022 • 42:38

Fruitful (Matthew 12:22-37)

Fruitful (Matthew 12:22-37)

“I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” (Matthew 12:36–37 ESV) This is quite a teaching from Jesus. It is a startling teaching when you think about it for a moment. People will give an account for every careless word spoken. This is how Jesus ends this section of teaching. How did Jesus get to this conclusion? Why would we be judged by the words we have spok

Nov 27, 2022 • 35:52

Revelation 2:1-7

Revelation 2:1-7

The post Revelation 2:1-7 appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Nov 27, 2022 • 45:22

When God Stays (Ezekiel 11)

When God Stays (Ezekiel 11)

Ezekiel has been in a vision seeing the sins that are going on in Jerusalem and in the temple of the Lord. Ezekiel has seen the leaders worshiping idols and graven images and weeping for idols in the temple complex (Ezekiel 8-9). In chapter 10 we watched the glory of the Lord leave the Holy of Holies and move to the gates of the temple complex. God is leaving because the people do not want a relationship with him. God is leaving because sin is staying in their lives as they have turned their bac

Nov 20, 2022 • 39:52

Hope In His Name (Matthew 12:15-21)

Hope In His Name (Matthew 12:15-21)

It is painful to have people kick you while you are down. You already feel low. You are already hurting. Your mind is already spinning. You already feel like you can’t get any lower. But then someone comes along who you hoped would help you and they only make things worse. Job’s three friends fall into this category. Job’s friends spend 7 days in silence only then open a barrage of words against Job, pointing out all of his flaws and problems, many of which were not even true. When we are down a

Nov 20, 2022 • 35:40

Revelation 1:12-20

Revelation 1:12-20

The post Revelation 1:12-20 appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Nov 20, 2022 • 46:09

When God Leaves (Ezekiel 8-10)

When God Leaves (Ezekiel 8-10)

Ezekiel 8-10 gives us one of the more shocking pictures of God’s activity with his people. We are going to see the Lord leave his temple and leave his people. Such a picture immediately causes us to ask, “What would make God leave his people?” God said to David and Solomon that he would put his name at this temple and in Jerusalem forever (2 Kings 21:7). So what could possibly make God leave his temple, the place where he said his name would dwell forever? If we can see the reasons why God leave

Nov 13, 2022 • 39:00

Something Greater (Matthew 12:1-14)

Something Greater (Matthew 12:1-14)

There is a great temptation that exists when it comes to religion and godliness. There becomes a great temptation to just give me a set of rules. Just tell me what I need to do. Just give me the rules so that I know where I stand. We want the rules. It is easy for us to fall into such thinking. We ask questions that start with these words, “Do I have to….” “Do I have to” questions always are triggered from wanting to know what the minimum rules are to keep. In fact, over the last hundred years t

Nov 13, 2022 • 42:04

Revelation 1:7-11

Revelation 1:7-11

The post Revelation 1:7-11 appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Nov 13, 2022 • 45:53

You Will Know I Am the Lord (Ezekiel 4-7)

You Will Know I Am the Lord (Ezekiel 4-7)

What does God want us to know about him? There are times when God is speaking with his people that he says, “You need to know this about me.” In Ezekiel 4-7 there is a staggering repetition made by the Lord to the people through the prophet Ezekiel. You will see this statement repeatedly made, “Then you will know I am the Lord.” In fact, God will say this 8 times in these chapters. So what does God want his people to know? More accurately, what is God going to do so that the people will know tha

Nov 6, 2022 • 38:14

The Power of the Spirit

The Power of the Spirit

A sermon from John Weaver. No text available. The post The Power of the Spirit appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Nov 6, 2022 • 32:50

Revelation 1:4-6

Revelation 1:4-6

The post Revelation 1:4-6 appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Nov 6, 2022 • 45:47

Ambassadors of God (Ezekiel 2-3)

Ambassadors of God (Ezekiel 2-3)

The prophecy of Ezekiel opens with a priest named Ezekiel living near the Chebar River in Babylon. He is there because God has used the Babylonian Empire to invade Judah twice up this point. The Babylonians have captured the nobles and the workers of the land in these two invasions. Even though Ezekiel and the exiles live in Babylon because of their sins, God is not done with his people and has important messages for them. These messages are going to show how God is going to transform his people

Oct 30, 2022 • 34:59

Rest (Matthew 11:20-30)

Rest (Matthew 11:20-30)

Who does not like the idea of rest? The word simply brings positive feelings within us. Rest always sounds good. I just want to have some rest. The reason rest sounds so good is because we are weighed down by the burdens of life. Life is full of difficulties and hardships. Jesus has come into the world with the good news of rest. But there has been a problem. People’s expectations of Jesus are keeping them from coming to him. We noticed this in the first half of Matthew 11. People are rejecting

Oct 30, 2022 • 39:46

Revelation 1:1-3

Revelation 1:1-3

The post Revelation 1:1-3 appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 30, 2022 • 46:10

Time: Living For Glory

Time: Living For Glory

A sermon from Berry Kercheville. The post Time: Living For Glory appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 26, 2022 • 40:10

Without Complaining

Without Complaining

A sermon from Phil Robertson. The post Without Complaining appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 26, 2022 • 40:50

Saving Grace

Saving Grace

A sermon from Phil Robertson. The post Saving Grace appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 25, 2022 • 36:12

Blessed When Suffering

Blessed When Suffering

A sermon from Berry Kercheville. The post Blessed When Suffering appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 25, 2022 • 34:11

Learning to Fish

Learning to Fish

A sermon from Phil Robertson. The post Learning to Fish appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 24, 2022 • 38:38

The End of All Things

The End of All Things

A sermon from Berry Kercheville. The post The End of All Things appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 24, 2022 • 36:39

Joy in Thinking God’s Way

Joy in Thinking God’s Way

A sermon from Berry Kercheville. The post Joy in Thinking God’s Way appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 23, 2022 • 43:37

Mustard Seed Faith

Mustard Seed Faith

A sermon from Phil Robertson. The post Mustard Seed Faith appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 23, 2022 • 43:08

Born Again with Joy

Born Again with Joy

A sermon from Berry Kercheville. The post Born Again with Joy appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 23, 2022 • 40:05

A King Like No Other

A King Like No Other

A sermon from Phil Robertson. The post A King Like No Other appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 23, 2022 • 41:32

The Glory of God (Ezekiel 1)

The Glory of God (Ezekiel 1)

We are starting a new series called A New Heart which will come from the book of Ezekiel. We are told in the first three verses of the book that Ezekiel is a priest who had been taken into exile in the land of Babylon. Though a priest, he is commissioned by God to be a prophet to the captured people of Judah. We also learn that Ezekiel was by the Chebar River in Babylon when he saw the visions of God. There are God’s people who remain in Judah and Jerusalem after the first and second Babylonian

Oct 16, 2022 • 37:17

Not Offended (Matthew 11:1-19)

Not Offended (Matthew 11:1-19)

Our greatest life disappointments frequently come from our life expectations not matching reality. We can have a vision of how we expect things to go in life. But when things do not go according to our plan or our vision, we become angry, disappointed, depressed, frustrated, and many other potential emotions. Expectations not meeting reality is a common problem. But this is a very big obstacle when it comes to the gospel and following Jesus. Jesus is going to address this concern in Matthew 11..

Oct 16, 2022 • 34:42

Revelation: Introduction

Revelation: Introduction

No text available. The post Revelation: Introduction appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Oct 16, 2022 • 43:50

REWIND: Why Does God Allow Suffering and Evil?

REWIND: Why Does God Allow Suffering and Evil?

Earlier in this series we rid ourselves of the notion that God is the cause of all things that happen in this world. The scriptures remind us that Satan is very active in this world, working now in the disobedient. We also rid ourselves of the idea that everything happens for a reason. The scriptures tell us that time and chance are factors in this world. Therefore, there is such a thing as being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Finally, we also noted that the scriptures tell us that bad th

Oct 9, 2022 • 42:24

REWIND: Don’t Go To Church: Gospel Driven

REWIND: Don’t Go To Church: Gospel Driven

In our first lesson of our series, “Don’t Go To Church,” we noticed that the first century Christians did not look at the church as something outside of themselves that they went to for an hour. We saw that Christians are the church. We noticed that the Christians immediately and joyfully joined together, spent time together to the point that Luke records that these thousands of Christians in the Jerusalem church were of “one heart and soul” (Acts 4:32). What we see is a picture of being togethe

Oct 9, 2022 • 38:44

Sent Sacrificially (Matthew 10:34-42)

Sent Sacrificially (Matthew 10:34-42)

Jesus is giving his directions as he prepares to send his disciples to proclaim the good news of the kingdom in what we call the limited commission. We have noticed that Jesus sent his disciples compassionately because the people were lost, like sheep without a shepherd. We have also noticed that Jesus sent out his disciples fearlessly. Though they would be sent like sheep among wolves, they were not to have fear of them because God sees what is happening, God greatly values his disciples, and o

Oct 2, 2022 • 36:46

Kept In The Faith (Jude 17-25)

Kept In The Faith (Jude 17-25)

Jude has been writing this letter so that Christians would contend for the faith and stay within the lines that God had revealed through his word. Jude has emphasized through various examples that going outside the guardrails that God set in place will ruin your life and lead to eternal destruction. After warning and describing these who perverting the grace of God for immorality, Jude concludes his letter with a paragraph of hope. Jude is going to show us how to contend for the faith and hold o

Oct 2, 2022 • 35:48

Sent Fearlessly (Matthew 10:16-33)

Sent Fearlessly (Matthew 10:16-33)

Jesus is sending out his apostles in a limited commission, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom to the lost sheep of Israel (Matthew 10:6). Jesus shows his heart for the world as he looked upon the crowds with compassion because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd (9:36). Matthew 10 is Jesus preparing his disciples for what to expect when they go out with the mission of proclaiming Jesus and the good news of the kingdom. His disciples are sent compassionately into

Sep 25, 2022 • 37:59

Perverting The Faith (Jude 5-16)

Perverting The Faith (Jude 5-16)

We are talking about guardrails in our short series from the book of Jude. Jude is the brother of Jesus who wanted to write to Christians about the common salvation that we share. But he needed to write to them to contend for the faith because people had crept in among them who were distorting the faith as a license to follow their own desires. But Jude does not want to see them fall into this trap. He writes in verse 21 so that they will keep themselves in the love of God. He does not want them

Sep 25, 2022 • 41:03

Sent Compassionately (Matthew 9:35-10:15)

Sent Compassionately (Matthew 9:35-10:15)

The Gospel of Matthew is showing us who this Jesus is and what he has come to do. Matthew 9:35-38 sets the table for what we are going to read in chapter 10. What we are going to see is a beautiful, hopeful picture that can be found in Jesus’ mission. Not only this, but this picture of Jesus is going to show us who we are to be and what our mission must be. Let’s look at the end of Matthew 9 and see this picture of Jesus and what this will look like for our lives… To read more of this lesson cli

Sep 18, 2022 • 38:33

Contend For The Faith (Jude 1-4)

Contend For The Faith (Jude 1-4)

Guardrails serve an important function in life. Guardrails are used to keep us from catastrophic accidents. They are used to keep us from falling off the edge and ending our lives prematurely. If you have ever been on winding roads, you have seen such guardrails. When the 540 freeway opened from Fort Smith to Fayetteville, Arkansas, there was a section going north where the road curved after going through a tunnel. These seemed like no big deal except when you drove in the winter time. There wer

Sep 18, 2022 • 40:40

Crashing From Coasting (Nehemiah 13)

Crashing From Coasting (Nehemiah 13)

We have a saying that when the cat is away, the mice will play. This modern proverb is a good summary for how the book of Nehemiah ends. We are told in Nehemiah 13:6 that Nehemiah had to return to Persia. Remember that Nehemiah was sent by King Artaxerxes of Persia to rebuild Jerusalem. But he was only granted a set amount of time (1:11; 2:6). He was not to stay in Jerusalem permanently. He was the cupbearer to the king and therefore an important person in Artaxerxes administration. So Nehemiah

Sep 11, 2022 • 35:29

New Life (Matthew 9:14-34)

New Life (Matthew 9:14-34)

The Gospel of Matthew is showing us who Jesus is and particularly showing his authority and power over sins through the healings he is performing. We are going to look at four miracles that Matthew places together by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to reveal more about this Jesus. Matthew sets up these miracles by first introducing a question that is brought up in Matthew 9:14-17… To read more of this lesson click here. The post New Life (Matthew 9:14-34) appeared first on Biblical Truths fro

Sep 11, 2022 • 37:43

All Things New (Nehemiah 9-12)

All Things New (Nehemiah 9-12)

How many times have you tried to start over with God? How many times as have you been convicted by the word of the Lord and knew you needed to change but nothing really happened? It is a common problem that we think about how we are going to be different and live different only to have nothing happen in our lives that is any different. It is the same old sins getting us each day. It is the same old problems cropping up again and again. We going to learn how the leaders in Nehemiah’s day are goin

Sep 4, 2022 • 37:18

Mercy (Matthew 9:1-13)

Mercy (Matthew 9:1-13)

We are in the middle of a section of the Gospel of Matthew where the focus is on the power of Jesus to change lives. Chapter 8 has revealed the kind of faith that is needed to follow him. Jesus has the desire, authority, and ability to heal lives. But we are reading that there are many who are unwilling to allow Jesus to overhaul their lives so that they can be healed. Matthew 9 is going to show this power again in Jesus for your life. As we begin I want you think about what you really need in y

Sep 4, 2022 • 40:06

REWIND: There’s A Scarecrow In Your Cucumber Field

REWIND: There’s A Scarecrow In Your Cucumber Field

The immediate problem with speaking about idolatry is that our natural reaction is to believe that idolatry is not a problem today. We look at life and we do not see anyone bowing down to idols. There are not idols in our house. When we think of idols we think of images made of stone, wood, or metal that are placed in a shrine where we physically bow down before it… To read more of this lesson click here. The post REWIND: There’s A Scarecrow In Your Cucumber Field appeared first on Biblical Trut

Aug 28, 2022 • 35:57

REWIND: The Faith Foundation

REWIND: The Faith Foundation

It is always in times of difficulty when people look for heroes. No one is looking for Superman to save them when things are going well. But it is time of crisis when we expect heroes to lend a hand. In this series we are going to look at some heroes, who through their faith were able to overcome the difficulties of life. But before we can look at the heroes, we need to see why they are recorded for us. What is the purpose of the writer of Hebrews recording this section of scripture describing t

Aug 28, 2022 • 32:51

The Joy of the Lord Is Your Strength (Nehemiah 7-8)

The Joy of the Lord Is Your Strength (Nehemiah 7-8)

In the book of Nehemiah we have been observing Nehemiah’s work and how he had the strength to do the work that God had given to him. In Nehemiah 6 we see that the walls of Jerusalem were completed in only 52 days. In spite of the intense opposition, Nehemiah showed great determination to complete the work God had given to him. Even though the walls are completed, there is still more work that must be done. Even though the visible work of the walls were finished, there was still a spiritual, inte

Aug 21, 2022 • 37:17

Faith To Follow – Part 2 (Matthew 8:23-34)

Faith To Follow – Part 2 (Matthew 8:23-34)

This sermon is a continuation from last week as Matthew 8:18-34 is a single unit as Matthew wants to show us about having the faith to follow Jesus. We noticed that great crowds are following Jesus. They begin following after he preached what we commonly call, “The Sermon on the Mount.” In Matthew 8:18 we see the crowds continue to be with him. Seeing the crowds Jesus orders for his disciples to take a boat to go to the other side of the sea. Jesus is doing this to see who has the full dedicatio

Aug 21, 2022 • 36:25

Focus (Nehemiah 6)

Focus (Nehemiah 6)

The sixth chapter of Nehemiah opens with three names that we have read before. Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem are the leaders of the opposition against Nehemiah and the people. We first read about them in Nehemiah 2:10,19 as they jeered at the idea of the people rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls and were displeased that Nehemiah had returned for the welfare of the people. In Nehemiah 4 we read about them stirring up more opposition as Nehemiah and the people are working on rebuilding the walls. But th

Aug 14, 2022 • 41:44

Faith To Follow (Matthew 8:18-22)

Faith To Follow (Matthew 8:18-22)

Jesus has a great crowd following him. Matthew 8:1 reads that there were great crowds following him. Matthew 8:18 says that Jesus saw the crowd around him. But what is so interesting about Jesus and his work is that he is not content to have crowds follow him. Jesus is not interested in doing whatever it takes to have a bunch of people walking next to him. He is seeking true followers. Jesus always will say things and do things to whittle down the crowd. To state this another way, Jesus does not

Aug 14, 2022 • 37:39

Treasuring God (Nehemiah 5)

Treasuring God (Nehemiah 5)

We noticed in Nehemiah 3-4 revealed how the people had a mind to work in spite of the intense opposition they faced. There were people who refused to help. There were people who were insulting and discouraging. There were people who were causing confusion. There were people who were physically confronting them. There were people who were attacking them. In spite of all of these obstacles and even their own feelings of inadequacy and discouragement, the people had a mind to work. They refused to

Aug 7, 2022 • 40:32

Be Healed (Matthew 8:1-17)

Be Healed (Matthew 8:1-17)

Our theme for 2022 is Journey With Jesus. We are taking our journey with Jesus from the Gospel of Matthew. Now that we are moving past the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew is going to record various accounts and events in the life of Jesus. One thing you will notice as you go through Matthew’s gospel is that he is not recording a continuous story. The gospel is not giving us a chronological account nor is it telling us an order of events. Rather, we are seeing short accounts from the life of Jesus,

Aug 7, 2022 • 40:27

A Mind To Work (Nehemiah 3-4)

A Mind To Work (Nehemiah 3-4)

Nehemiah has come to Jerusalem to help repair and rebuild the city of Jerusalem. Nehemiah was an important person in Persia being the cupbearer to King Artaxerxes. Nehemiah inspected the situation in the city and then called the people of Jerusalem together to tell them his intentions to rebuild the city. He told them about how the good hand of God had brought them to this moment and that God would give them success for this project. The Work Begins (3:1-32) Nehemiah 3 records the will of the pe

Jul 31, 2022 • 39:34

Follow Jesus (1 Peter 2:18-25)

Follow Jesus (1 Peter 2:18-25)

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. (1 Peter 2:9 ESV) What the apostle Peter is doing in this letter is teaching how we live so that the praises of Jesus are proclaimed in the world. The point of being a Christian is to show the world how glorious Christ is. We live to show the goodness and glory of Jesus to everyone. We exist to displa

Jul 31, 2022 • 41:18

Prepare With Prayer (Nehemiah 1-2)

Prepare With Prayer (Nehemiah 1-2)

What is your first response to disturbing news? When bad news comes to you, what is your initial reaction? We are going to look at these questions in just a moment. We are returning to our theme for our Sunday evenings in 2022 called Return, Rebuild, and Renew. For our theme we have looked at the book of Ezra and we are going to continue by looking at the book of Nehemiah. Nehemiah teaches us about handling adversity and pressing forward when dealing bad news and hard times. The book is intended

Jul 24, 2022 • 36:11

Do Good (1 Peter 2:13-17)

Do Good (1 Peter 2:13-17)

We are talking about how to have faith and practice our faith in a culture and society that rejects God. Peter is writing to Christians who are living in similar circumstances. How can you have faith when you feel the pressure of society? In our last lesson we looked at how Peter reminded us that we are strangers and exiles. We do not belong here. Open your Bibles to 1 Peter 2 and we will begin in verse 13 as we look at how to live before God in a culture that has turned against God… To read mor

Jul 24, 2022 • 31:34

REWIND: A Cross Life

REWIND: A Cross Life

Our theme this year has been titled, “Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross.” The goal of our theme is to look at the importance of the cross and how the cross changes everything about how we look at life. I hope that this series has changed how we think about the cross. In our lesson last month we examined Philippians 2 which teaches to have a cross attitude. We will not think of ourselves but will think about others. We need sacrificial thinking. In this last lesson in this series we are going to look

Jul 17, 2022 • 41:54

REWIND: A Cross Attitude

REWIND: A Cross Attitude

Listen to what the apostle Paul says about Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross! (Philippians 2:6–8 NIV) This is a stunning picture of our Lord Jesus. Consider who Jesus is and what he does. Christ Jesus is

Jul 17, 2022 • 39:33

REWIND: God Overcomes Our Sins (Genesis 38)

REWIND: God Overcomes Our Sins (Genesis 38)

The big question that arises in Genesis 38 is why is this event recorded here? Why does this story “interrupt” the flow of the Joseph narrative? You will notice in chapter 39 the narration returns to Joseph and continues with him until the end of Genesis. Some scholars reject this text by calling it an addition because it seems to break the flow of the Joseph story. But we know that God puts these stories in the scriptures for a reason. The scriptures do not contain random stories, but actual ev

Jul 10, 2022 • 35:15

REWIND: What is Sin?

REWIND: What is Sin?

The concept of sin is being lost in our culture’s vocabulary and consciences. However, not only has the world lost the knowledge of sin, many Christians also have an incomplete understanding of what is sin… There are many places in the scriptures where God gives us a clear picture of the meaning of sin. Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness. (1 John 3:4 ESV) God defines sin as lawlessness. Too often sin is defined as doing something bad based on

Jul 10, 2022 • 31:20

REWIND: God Governs Worship (Exodus 20:4-6)

REWIND: God Governs Worship (Exodus 20:4-6)

God declared in the first commandment that Lord is the only God and he alone must be worshiped. The first commandment focused on the object of people’s worship. The second commandment focuses on how people are to worship the Lord… You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiti

Jul 3, 2022 • 36:14

REWIND: Why Should I Believe In God?

REWIND: Why Should I Believe In God?

We are going to ask some of the difficult questions concerning faith, God, and the Bible in this series. Before we begin our examination, I want to urge every person to put away any preconceived notions or biases that you may have already formed and to be affected to a decision simply by the weight of the evidence. If you believe in God regardless of the evidence, I want you to set aside that bias and build a new foundation of faith based upon the evidence. If you do not believe in God, I also w

Jul 3, 2022 • 37:36

Seeing But Not Seeing (Acts 27-28)

Seeing But Not Seeing (Acts 27-28)

So how to do you end a book? Remember that the book of Acts began with Luke telling us that the gospel he wrote to Theophilus was “all that Jesus began to do and teach.” The implication is that the book of Acts is the continuation of Jesus’ work. The final chapters of the book of Acts are showing pictures of the mission. What the apostle Paul is encountering shows the problem, the solution, and the mission. The problem was declared in Acts 26:18. People are in darkness and under the power of Sat

Jun 26, 2022 • 39:18

We Do Not Belong (1 Peter 2:11-12)

We Do Not Belong (1 Peter 2:11-12)

This morning we are kicking off a new series for our summer. After this summer series we will come back to the Gospel of Matthew and look at the next teaching chunk, in keeping with our theme this year, “Journey With Jesus.” Our summer series is called Faith In The Furnace. We are going to look at some selected texts that speak to us about how to maintain our faith and continuing proclaiming the gospel when the culture is in full rejection of the Christian faith and message. So this is a series

Jun 26, 2022 • 34:48

The Mission (Acts 25-26)

The Mission (Acts 25-26)

Paul was on a mission. The mission was so important to him that he was willing to suffer all kinds of trials and mistreatments for the mission. This is why Paul is imprisoned right now. Paul was proclaiming Jesus in Jerusalem which enraged the Jews who then wanted to kill him. The apostle Paul is in the middle of dealing with people who seem to not be interesting in hearing the truth he is proclaiming. So we are going to look at what the truth and it is supposed to affect everyone as we look at

Jun 19, 2022 • 42:42

Victorious (Zechariah 14)

Victorious (Zechariah 14)

On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” Now this he said about the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were to receive, for as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified. (John 7:37–39 ESV) We have looking at the prophecies of Zechariah to see amazing pictures of what God was go

Jun 19, 2022 • 37:05

Living in Good Conscience (Acts 23-24)

Living in Good Conscience (Acts 23-24)

Listen to what the apostle Paul proclaims before the Jewish leaders of Jerusalem. “Brothers, I have lived my life before God in all good conscience up to this day.” (Acts 23:1) I want us to think about those words. I have lived my life before God in all good conscience. In the text we are looking at in this lesson we are going to see that the apostle Paul will say this again. Look at Acts 24:16. “So I always take pains to have a clear conscience toward both God and man.” (Acts 24:16) We are bein

Jun 12, 2022 • 41:07

A Fountain of Mercy (Zechariah 12-13)

A Fountain of Mercy (Zechariah 12-13)

Since it was the day of Preparation, and so that the bodies would not remain on the cross on the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was a high day), the Jews asked Pilate that their legs might be broken and that they might be taken away. So the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first, and of the other who had been crucified with him. But when they came to Jesus and saw that he was already dead, they did not break his legs. But one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and at once there cam

Jun 12, 2022 • 36:30

Connecting To Others (Acts 21-22)

Connecting To Others (Acts 21-22)

So how do you handle times when you are misunderstood? Being misunderstood can be a pretty frustrating situation. It can cause a lot of problems when you are misunderstood in your marriage, your family relationships, or friendships. Misunderstanding can cause a lot of problems and can cause serious divisions in relationships that have to later be rectified. But it can really be a problem when the misunderstanding is over important issues. This is especially true when it comes to spiritual issues

Jun 5, 2022 • 37:18

Shepherd To The Doomed (Zechariah 11)

Shepherd To The Doomed (Zechariah 11)

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. He who is a hired hand and not a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. He flees because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep. (John 10:11–15 ESV) This picture of Je

Jun 5, 2022 • 34:21

Are You Ready? (Acts 20-21)

Are You Ready? (Acts 20-21)

…The apostle Paul is on a mission to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. He is going to new cities and previously visited cities to proclaim the gospel and strengthen God’s people. The record of Paul’s actions in Acts 20 reveals how he was ready for the work God had called him to accomplish. Paul regularly told his audience to imitate him as he imitated Christ (cf. 1 Corinthians 4:16; 11:1; 2 Thessalonians 3:7-9; Hebrews 13:7). Further, we are also told that one of the pieces of God’s armo

May 29, 2022 • 39:01

Come Home (Zechariah 10)

Come Home (Zechariah 10)

We have a saying that, “You can never go home again.” You have likely experienced why this expression exists. When I left San Diego for college in Tampa and returned to San Diego the next summer, life was not the same. My life had moved on. The lives of my friends had moved on so that things were not the same when I came back. But what happens is we hold in our minds the way things were when we were kids when we lived at home. But then we come back and home is not the same. It is almost that we

May 29, 2022 • 33:37

Your King is Coming to You (Zechariah 9)

Your King is Coming to You (Zechariah 9)

Now when they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage, to the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples, 2 saying to them, “Go into the village in front of you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her. Untie them and bring them to me. 3 If anyone says anything to you, you shall say, ‘The Lord needs them,’ and he will send them at once.” 4 This took place to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet, saying, 5 “Say to the daughter of Zion, ‘Behold, your king is com

May 22, 2022 • 32:51

More Than Words (Matthew 7:13-29)

More Than Words (Matthew 7:13-29)

Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. (Matthew 7:13–14 ESV) Jesus ends his sermon with a call to enter by the narrow gate. The reason for this call is because it is easy to miss the way that leads to life. What Jesus says in verses 13-14 is so contrary to what people want religion to be. Our world says that the r

May 22, 2022 • 40:03

Be A Blessing (Zechariah 8)

Be A Blessing (Zechariah 8)

If you have been to the Magic Kingdom at Disney World, there is an attraction called the Carousel of Progress. One of the great reasons that people ride it is because you can sit down in air conditioning for a 30 minute attraction. The ride looks at what life was like every couple of decades and what those advancements were over the years. It is pretty amazing to think about where we were as a country technologically 100 years ago and then notice how fast things improved to get to where we are t

May 15, 2022 • 34:36

Knock and It Will Be Opened (Matthew 7:7-12)

Knock and It Will Be Opened (Matthew 7:7-12)

The Sermon on the Mount can be so familiar to us that we can easily read what Jesus said in a quick manner and really miss the teeth of what he said. What Jesus said can almost be mentally cast aside because we have heard it so often. This is certainly the temptation for Matthew 7:7-12. It is easy to read Matthew 7:7-8 and spend our whole time talking about how we need to ask, seek, and knock. But there is so much more that Jesus wants to show us. Jesus wants to teach us about the disposition of

May 15, 2022 • 37:40

Who Did You Worship Today? (Zechariah 7)

Who Did You Worship Today? (Zechariah 7)

God has concluded sending visions to his prophet Zechariah, showing the people the great things that lie ahead if they will return to him and build the temple. With the temple work underway, there is a question that arises among the people. They want to know if they should continue mourning and fasting in the fifth month like they have been doing all these years. It is important to know why they have been mourning and fasting in the fifth month for all these years. This fast marked the destructi

May 8, 2022 • 32:29

Don’t Judge Me! (Matthew 7:1-6)

Don’t Judge Me! (Matthew 7:1-6)

It is one of the more famous verses in the scriptures. Many people know John 3:16 and they also know this verse, even if they do not know where it is located. “Do not judge.” Of course, this is not only taking the statement out of context, but it is also cut part of the sentence and not quoting the whole statement. So as we live in a world where the greatest crime is to judge another person, we need to come to this teaching of Jesus and carefully consider what Jesus was teaching us to do and not

May 8, 2022 • 36:44

Are You Building God’s Temple? (Zechariah 5-6)

Are You Building God’s Temple? (Zechariah 5-6)

Zechariah 5-6 contains three visions and one picture that Zechariah is to act out. We have been noticing that the book of Zechariah is all about hope and encouraging the people to rise up and do the work that God has put before them. God’s continuous motivation for us to love him and follow him is for us to see what he has done for us and what he promises to do for us. We have repeatedly noted how the apostle Paul’s letters first speak about what God has done for us. After doing so, then Paul wi

May 1, 2022 • 33:42

Hope When Worried (Matthew 6:25-34)

Hope When Worried (Matthew 6:25-34)

The first word in Matthew 6:25 is the word, “Therefore.” Before we can enter this paragraph about worry, we need to reconnect to the prior paragraph. In verses 19-24 Jesus told us to treasure heavenly treasures and not earthly treasures. Make your treasure in heaven and not on earth. This idea is going to lead into this teaching about worry and anxiety. The Command (6:25) Therefore, do not worry about your life. Let me just stop before we go further in the lesson and just ask, “Are we worried ab

May 1, 2022 • 37:01

Hope When Weak (Zechariah 4)

Hope When Weak (Zechariah 4)

There are many times in our walk with God that we are going to feel weak in the faith. We are going to feel weak in our service. We are going to feel weak in our worship. We are going to feel weak in life. We are not alone when we feel this way. All of us experience these times in our lives. God addresses those times when we feel this way. It is exactly the way God’s people felt when they came back to rebuild the temple of the Lord. You can imagine what a daunting task these people had when they

Apr 24, 2022 • 33:40

What Is Your Treasure? (Matthew 6:19-24)

What Is Your Treasure? (Matthew 6:19-24)

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth (Matthew 6:19). Jesus is in the midst of showing us how we fall far from the standard God has set before his people. After warning about performing your righteous acts to be seen by people, Jesus then says, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth.” Do not treasure earthly treasures… To read more of this lesson click here. The post What Is Your Treasure? (Matthew 6:19-24) appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of

Apr 24, 2022 • 38:36

Hope In Prayer (Matthew 6:7-15)

Hope In Prayer (Matthew 6:7-15)

Why do you pray, if you pray? One of the things that Jesus is concerned about is praying in the wrong way and for the wrong reasons. You will notice that in the middle of discussing the need for the people of God to practice their righteousness to be seen by God and not by people, he expands on what prayer should look like. In Matthew 6:5-6 he warned against praying on the street corners to be seen by people. We spoke about this idea in the last lesson. But Jesus has another warning about how we

Apr 17, 2022 • 42:26

Hope For The Filthy (Zechariah 3)

Hope For The Filthy (Zechariah 3)

God is always showing us how much he loves us. The book of Zechariah is often a neglected book but found in its visions and images are pictures of how much God loves his people. The third chapter of Zechariah gives us an amazing picture of the spiritual problem and solution God provides for the world to enjoy. These images all point to what Jesus would do for the world when he came to earth and gave his life on the cross… To read more of this lesson click here. The post Hope For The Filthy (Zech

Apr 17, 2022 • 34:36

Does God Care About You? (Zechariah 2)

Does God Care About You? (Zechariah 2)

There are many times in life where we can feel like does not care about us. God can seem so far away when we are going through life’s struggles. The people in the days of Ezra, Haggai, and Zechariah felt the same way. They had come back to do God’s work but it was not going well. In trying to serve the Lord, the people were experiencing resistance and ridicule. So God sent Haggai and Zechariah to encourage the people to continue to work for the Lord. The encouraging messages of Zechariah can giv

Apr 10, 2022 • 32:27

Secret Righteousness (Matthew 6:1-18)

Secret Righteousness (Matthew 6:1-18)

Chapters 6-7 contain a number of warnings regarding righteousness and spirituality. As Jesus talks to these religious people, he wants to make sure that we are not losing our way as we try to seek him and serve him. One of the great temptations humans face is wanting others to pay attention to us. We have a natural inclination to want to be seen by other people, especially if we do something good or praiseworthy. This appears to have been a significant problem in Jesus’ day with the religious pe

Apr 10, 2022 • 36:46

​Has God Forgotten You? (Zechariah 1)

​Has God Forgotten You? (Zechariah 1)

The book of Zechariah is often neglected by Christians because of its complicated yet amazing visions that are found in it. The book immediately dives into eight consecutive visions and concludes with complicated visual prophecies. The problem is further exacerbated by the fact that we can struggle with seeing any relevance or practical application to our lives in the 21st century. So we need to get a handle on this book so that we can appreciate its messages and see its timeliness for us today.

Apr 3, 2022 • 33:41

​Getting Righteousness Right – Part 3 (Matthew 5:38-48)

​Getting Righteousness Right – Part 3 (Matthew 5:38-48)

In this section of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus is correcting the false teachings that circulated regarding the Law of Moses. What the teachers were doing in their day is something that we like to do also today. We take the commands of God and interpret them in such a way so that it looks like we are doing exactly what God said. So we focus on do not murder but Jesus reminds that the law said to not be angry. We focus on not committing adultery but Jesus said that lust in your heart is adulter

Apr 3, 2022 • 39:22

Broken Faith (Ezra 9-10)

Broken Faith (Ezra 9-10)

So how do you clean up a big mess? In particular, how do you clean up a big mess that you have created in your life? What do you do when you realize you have made a big mistake? This is what Ezra the priest walks into. In Ezra 7-8 we see Ezra leading a group of people from Persia back to Jerusalem to participate in working on the temple. The good hand of God was with him as he devoted himself to studying God’s law, doing God’s law, and teaching God’s law (Ezra 7:10). But as he comes back to Jeru

Mar 27, 2022 • 34:10

Getting Righteousness Right – Part 2 (Matthew 5:31-37)

Getting Righteousness Right – Part 2 (Matthew 5:31-37)

We are in Matthew 5 where Jesus is teaching about the different ways that we relax God’s commands. The religious leaders in Jesus’ day were lowering God’s high standard to make it look like they were righteous. This is why Jesus declares the need for our righteousness to exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees. They had the look of piety and righteousness, but actually they had lowered the standard. Jesus addresses two more areas where we want to lower God’s standard for life in Matthew 5:31-37

Mar 27, 2022 • 35:20

​The Good Hand of God (Ezra 7-8)

​The Good Hand of God (Ezra 7-8)

I have heard this told to me many times. Maybe you have heard others say it to you. Maybe you have thought this or said it yourself. “I just do not see God’s hand in my life.” “I do not see what God is doing.” “I feel like God is not with me.” I think everyone feels this way at various times in their lives. But Ezra 7-8 is going to show us God’s hand at work. The text is going to show us how to find and see the good hand of God. Ezra 7 opens by telling us that about 60 years have gone. Sixty yea

Mar 20, 2022 • 34:18

Getting Righteousness Right (Matthew 5:21-30)

Getting Righteousness Right (Matthew 5:21-30)

We observed in our last lesson that Jesus set up this section of his teaching by warning about relaxing any of God’s commands. But Jesus does not simply tell everyone that their righteousness needs to exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees. Nor does he simply tell everyone to stop relaxing his laws. Instead, Jesus is going to spend quite a bit of time illustrating how the religious leaders in his day were actually doing what he said they must not do. If you scan through chapter 5 you will see

Mar 20, 2022 • 38:11

​Exceeding Righteousness (Matthew 5:17-20)

​Exceeding Righteousness (Matthew 5:17-20)

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus is setting up the parameters for belonging to his kingdom. Jesus is telling us how we can have a blessed life. The first picture of the blessed life is to live countercultural. The blessed life is being poor in spirit, mourning over sins, being meek, hungering for righteousness, being merciful, being pure in heart, being peacemakers, and being persecuted for the sake of righteousness. The second picture Jesus gave is regarding our life purpose. We are here to be

Mar 13, 2022 • 37:35

REWIND: Right In Our Own Eyes (Judges 19-21)

REWIND: Right In Our Own Eyes (Judges 19-21)

The final accounts in the book of Judges are not about the people God used to save Israel, but what happens when people do what is right in their own eyes. In Judges 17-18 we learned that doing what is right in our own eyes means that worship will no longer be God-centered, but will be corrupted into fulfilling our desires. We read about people attempting to worship God in every way but the way God had commanded. Worship is not worship unless it is offered the way God says. Further, we learned t

Mar 6, 2022 • 40:55

REWIND: Right In Their Own Eyes (Judges 1:1-2:5)

REWIND: Right In Their Own Eyes (Judges 1:1-2:5)

The book of Joshua is the account of Israel by the power of God conquering the land of Canaan. Joshua is the leader of Israel after the death of Moses and successfully leads the people in conquering the land. The book of Judges picks up at the death of Joshua, as Judges 1:1 reveals. But the book of Judges should not be consider an account of what happens next. We must not approach the scriptures as if each book is merely a historical account of what took place a long time ago. Rather, every book

Mar 6, 2022 • 41:52

Resist the Resistance (Ezra 5-6)

Resist the Resistance (Ezra 5-6)

Ezra 4 concludes with these words. “Then the work on the house of God that is in Jerusalem stopped, and it ceased until the second year of the reign of Darius king of Persia” (4:24). The people and leaders of the land are discouraging the people from building and are frustrating their plans (4:4-5). For 16 years the people stop working on the temple. Ezra 5:1 tells us that Haggai and Zechariah were prophets sent by God. We spent the last few lessons looking at Haggai’s message. Haggai told the p

Feb 27, 2022 • 38:36

Salt Life (Matthew 5:13-16)

Salt Life (Matthew 5:13-16)

Jesus has called people to enjoy the blessed life. However, the blessed life comes to us in a way that we would not expect. Jesus has called for his followers to live in an upside down kingdom that is countercultural to what the world proclaims to be the blessed life. God want to bless his people and shows the way to enjoy the blessed life. But the characteristics of those who belong to his kingdom are different than what the world proclaims as virtuous and right. Jesus moves on in his sermon to

Feb 27, 2022 • 36:51

I Will Bless You (Haggai 2:10-23)

I Will Bless You (Haggai 2:10-23)

God wants to bless his people. This is a common teaching that we see through the scriptures. God wants to be with his people and he wants to bless his people. Jesus even opens his sermon by talking about the people that God blesses. But God’s people can look around and wonder why God does not seem to be blessing his people. If God wants to bless his people, why doesn’t he just do it? We noticed in Haggai 2:4 that God sent a message to the people that they needed to be strong because God was with

Feb 20, 2022 • 34:03

The Blessed Life (Matthew 5:1-12)

The Blessed Life (Matthew 5:1-12)

It must have been strange and even shocking for the crowds to hear the words of Jesus’ sermon. See if your life experiences agree with these declarations. The poor in spirit are blessed. Those who mourn are blessed. The gentle are blessed. Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness are blessed. The merciful are blessed. The pure in heart are blessed. The peacemakers are blessed. Those who are persecuted for righteousness are blessed. Those who are insulted and persecuted are blessed. Does thi

Feb 20, 2022 • 44:31

​Defeating Discouragement (Haggai 2:1-9)

​Defeating Discouragement (Haggai 2:1-9)

Do you ever feel disappointment by life? You might have had in your mind that things in your life would be different than where they are now. So what do you do with disappointment and discouragement? We can come to different seasons in our lives where we can be filled with disappointment. What we do with this disappointment can directly affect how we look at God and how we look at the work God has given to us to do. The people of God who have come back to Jerusalem to build the temple to the Lor

Feb 13, 2022 • 36:13

​The Light of the King (Matthew 4:12-25)

​The Light of the King (Matthew 4:12-25)

I do not like daylight savings. There are a few reasons that I do not like daylight savings. The first reason is that when I get up in the morning it is dark. My body does not want to get up when it is dark. There is an intrinsic signal that is sent to the body when the light dawns that it is time to get up and get going. The second reason is that when it is time to start winding down, it is still light out. Night tells our bodies to wind down, to be tired, and be ready to get rest. A few years

Feb 13, 2022 • 37:45

Consider Your Ways (Haggai 1)

Consider Your Ways (Haggai 1)

We have been studying through the book of Ezra as we are trying to encourage our hearts to rebuild, renew, and restore the work God has given us to do. But in Ezra 4 we see the work stops because of the discouragement, the fear, and the threats that are being leveled against the people. Ezra 5 opens that God sends Haggai and Zechariah to be prophets to these people. But the book of Ezra does not record what these prophets said. So I want to take a quick three lesson detour and come to the book o

Feb 6, 2022 • 31:31

The Temptation of the King (Matthew 4:1-11)

The Temptation of the King (Matthew 4:1-11)

Why do we fail at temptations? Why are temptations so hard to have victory over? Temptations can be frustrating because it can seem like it is failure after failure. Sometimes it can even seem like there is no hope for success. One of the reasons we struggle with temptations is that we do not see what is underneath the temptation. We often do not see what the temptation is really about. We can think that we just have these certain desires and this is the ultimate problem. But our failure at temp

Feb 6, 2022 • 41:21

The Rise of the Resistance (Ezra 4)

The Rise of the Resistance (Ezra 4)

Ezra 3 ends on such a high note. The people rise up, even though they are afraid, and lay the foundation of the temple. The work is underway. The people are rejoicing. Some are shouting for joy and others are shouting with tears as they experience God in this moment, praising him as God is making it possible to return to him. When you get going with God and get going forward in the work, you would want and hope that it would be smooth sailing. But that is not going to be the case for these peopl

Jan 30, 2022 • 37:17

The Baptism of the King (Matthew 3:13-17)

The Baptism of the King (Matthew 3:13-17)

It must have been one of the most startling moments in the life of John. In Matthew 3 we are told that John is in the wilderness, calling for people to make a break with their old way of living, and to repent because the king and the kingdom are about to arrive. People are coming to John from Jerusalem, Judea, and the surrounding region, confessing their sins and being baptized. Remember that God has set John as the new Elijah, calling for the people to be renewed and restored to God. John has b

Jan 30, 2022 • 35:22

​Fearless (Ezra 3)

​Fearless (Ezra 3)

The Lord has stirred the heart of Cyrus who is the king over Persia, the world empire in 539 BC. The Lord has stirred him to decree for God’s people to be able to return to Jerusalem so they can build a temple. The significance of this event cannot be overstated. For God to call for his temple to be built means that God wants to be with his people again. Even though the people had deeply sinned and experienced judgment by being removed from the land, the Lord has not stopped desiring to be with

Jan 23, 2022 • 33:07

​The Preparation of the King (Matthew 3:1-12)

​The Preparation of the King (Matthew 3:1-12)

The Gospel of Matthew is teaching us who Jesus is by recording the events about his arrival in the first four chapters. God promised through the prophets that he would send a prophet before the glory of the Lord arrived. Isaiah said it would be a voice calling the wilderness (3:3; Isaiah 40:3-5). Malachi said that the Lord would send Elijah to turn the hearts of the people (Malachi 3:1; 4:5-6). Notice how the Lord prepares the way for the arrival of his king in the first six verses of Matthew 3…

Jan 23, 2022 • 40:24

​The Heart To Restart (Ezra 1-2)

​The Heart To Restart (Ezra 1-2)

Our Sunday night theme that our series will center on is Return, Rebuild, Renew. I believe we need this theme after what we have gone through with this pandemic. It is time to hit the reset button. It is time for us to find a new beginning. It is time to return, rebuild, and renew the work of God for 2022. So this is what we are going to look at this year on Sunday nights. We are going to look at different books of the Bible that will encourage us return, rebuild, and renew ourselves to the work

Jan 16, 2022 • 39:45

The Obscurity of the King (Matthew 2:13-23)

The Obscurity of the King (Matthew 2:13-23)

Matthew has been showing us pictures of who the Savior will be and what his mission will be. Matthew 2 contains four prophecies that show the obscurity of the Christ. We looked at the first of these prophecies last week. The Christ was to be born in Bethlehem, a little town to be counted among the clans of Judah (Micah 5:2), will no longer be little in the eyes of people. The other three prophecies of Matthew 2 also highlight the obscurity of the king. But these pictures of obscurity are also go

Jan 16, 2022 • 37:52

Finish The Race (2 Timothy 4)

Finish The Race (2 Timothy 4)

This final chapter of Paul’s letter to Timothy, the final words we have recorded from the apostle Paul, hurts the heart to read. Paul is concluding his letter to Timothy about how to have faith during difficult times. As he concludes, Paul describes life as a race and wants to encourage Timothy to finish the race. Let us look at how Paul finished his race and how he uses his running to encourage us to run and finish our race… To read more of this lesson click here. The post Finish The Race (2 Ti

Jan 9, 2022 • 42:56

O Worship The King (Matthew 2:1-12)

O Worship The King (Matthew 2:1-12)

The Gospel of Matthew is a presentation to the reader that Jesus is the king we need to save us from our sins and bring us near to God. God wants to live with his people. In Matthew 1:23 we see that in Jesus God is now living with us. New life and new hope is available because God has not abandoned his desire to be with his people. Rather, the king has come to make it so that we can be with him. This brings us to Matthew 2 where we are given a picture of our need to worship the king… To read mor

Jan 9, 2022 • 36:10

Life In The Last Days (2 Timothy 3)

Life In The Last Days (2 Timothy 3)

We all need encouragement especially in difficult times. We all need encouragement to continue in the faith especially during fearful times. Paul is writing to Timothy to strengthen his faith. This second letter to Timothy is an encouraging letter to make Timothy aware of life as a disciple of Jesus. Paul has encouraged Timothy to not be ashamed but to use his gifts that have been given to him. But in chapter 3 Paul wants to tell Timothy and us what life will be like in the last days… To read mo

Jan 2, 2022 • 32:25

The Scandal of the King (Matthew 1:18-25)

The Scandal of the King (Matthew 1:18-25)

We noted in the genealogy of Jesus that there was a lot of scandals recorded in those names. But this is not going to be the end to the scandalous nature of Jesus’ beginnings. Yet these difficult beginnings are to give us hope and build our faith in our savior. Open your copies of God’s word to Matthew 1:18-25. It is a curious beginning because it starts with telling us that this is how the birth of Jesus took place. Yet it is now going tell us about these events from Joseph’s perspective. Luke’

Jan 2, 2022 • 30:21

The Presence of God

The Presence of God

A sermon from Berry Kercheville. No text available. The post The Presence of God appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Dec 26, 2021 • 40:41

The Hope of the King (Matthew 1)

The Hope of the King (Matthew 1)

So you are excited to read about Jesus. You open your copy of God’s word to the Gospel of Matthew and you are introduced with a long list of names. Who would start the good news of Jesus with a genealogy? Why do we have a sea of names and why do we have to wade through them? Why not just start in verse 18? The Gospel of Matthew is establishing the identity of Jesus in these first four chapters. He wants you to know who this Jesus person is. Rather than skipping the genealogy, we should consider

Dec 26, 2021 • 34:42

Approved (2 Timothy 2:14-26)

Approved (2 Timothy 2:14-26)

How do you have faith in uncertain times? The first chapter and the first half of the second chapter have described pictures of what it looks like to be a follower of Jesus. We must not be ashamed. We must join in the suffering. We must use the gifts God has given to us. We must be a good soldier, an athlete, and a hardworking farmer to receive the reward. But now Paul knows that there are hardships as Christians live in a worldly culture. Further, there are hardships as Christians live in fello

Dec 19, 2021 • 32:42

Transformed (Galatians 6:11-18)

Transformed (Galatians 6:11-18)

We have been talking about discipleship in this series from Galatians 5-6. Paul is teaching what it looks like to follow Jesus. But Paul gets to the heart of discipleship in this final paragraph as he ends his letter to the Galatians. Lots of people can look like disciples. But there is a right motivation and there are wrong motivations. There are a lot of people who say that they follow Jesus. But there are also a lot of people who follow Jesus for all the wrong reasons. The apostle Paul is goi

Dec 19, 2021 • 38:03

Remember Jesus (2 Timothy 2:1-13)

Remember Jesus (2 Timothy 2:1-13)

We are looking at how to have faith in difficult times. Paul and Timothy were both facing difficult times and Paul is teaching Timothy how to have faith during fearful times. In the first chapter of 2 Timothy the apostle Paul has described how to endure as a servant of God. Paul has told Timothy to not be ashamed of the gospel but to hold on to the treasure so that he will find mercy on the final day. In the second chapter of 2 Timothy Paul is going to give pictures of God’s servant. Paul wants

Dec 12, 2021 • 42:29

We Will Reap (Galatians 6:6-10)

We Will Reap (Galatians 6:6-10)

In our series on Discipleship we have been looking at the pictures the apostle Paul presents on what it looks like to follow Jesus. The big picture has been to walk by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. Giving your life to the ways and teachings of God is what will be life transforming and give you success over sin and joy in life. Paul has helped us look at our works and our fruit to see if we are walking by the Spirit or are still of the flesh. These pictures continu

Dec 12, 2021 • 31:56

Not Ashamed – Part 2 (2 Timothy 1:8-18)

Not Ashamed – Part 2 (2 Timothy 1:8-18)

Paul is writing to Timothy to encourage his faith. Suffering and hardships can cause our faith to be shaken. So Paul writes this letter to Timothy to strengthen his faith over the fear that he is experiencing. Paul tells Timothy that he knows and prays for Timothy and his sincere faith. Use the gifts God has given to him. Do not be ashamed of the testimony of Jesus or of Paul is in prison. Instead, share in the suffering. Embrace the difficulty that comes from following Jesus. These are the poin

Dec 5, 2021 • 30:42

Together (Galatians 5:26-6:5)

Together (Galatians 5:26-6:5)

As the apostle Paul has been talking about discipleship, he has spent the time talking about our individual walking with the Lord in Galatians 5:16-25. Paul has told us that the desires of the flesh and the desires of the Spirit are opposed to each other and that by walking by the Spirit means we will not gratify the desires of the flesh. Further, Paul has pictured what the works of the flesh look like so that we would see if we are failing to walk by the Spirit. Then Paul pictured what the frui

Dec 5, 2021 • 35:51

Not Ashamed (2 Timothy 1:1-8)

Not Ashamed (2 Timothy 1:1-8)

We are starting a new sermon series this evening. In 2021 our theme has been on hope in hard times. We have been talking about the hope God gives us as we go through trials, suffering, and hardships. Our focus and theme for 2022 is going to be about growing and strengthening our faith. I will have more to say about those things in future lessons as well as in the bulletins over the next few weeks. Our Sunday evening series that will carry us into the new year is about Faith In Uncertain Times wh

Nov 28, 2021 • 34:56

There Is No “S” (Galatians 5:22-26)

There Is No “S” (Galatians 5:22-26)

If you have grown up in the pews or been a Christian for a significant amount of time, you have likely heard about the fruit of the Spirit. You have probably heard lessons about the fruit of the Spirit. Often the approach to Galatians 5:22-23 is to talk about each of these characteristics and then tell us that we need to focus on showing more love, kindness, gentleness, self-control, and so forth. But this is a misreading of the text and not Paul’s intent. So we need to back up and consider what

Nov 28, 2021 • 34:48

Whispering Hope (2 Kings 23-25)

Whispering Hope (2 Kings 23-25)

How do you end the telling of Israel’s history? The author of Kings started with the rise of Solomon and has described for us the complete failure of the nation. Solomon’s sins have trickled down until we have heard the Lord declare that Jerusalem will be wiped like a dish so that there will be nothing left. So how do you end the telling of Israel’s history when its history has been one of complete failure? Israel has failed in its divine purpose in representing God to the world. Israel has fail

Nov 21, 2021 • 30:51

It’s Obvious (Galatians 5:19-21)

It’s Obvious (Galatians 5:19-21)

We started our series on Discipleship a few weeks back and we are looking at what the apostle Paul says to the Galatians about what it looks like to follow Jesus. We began with Paul telling us that this is a winnable war against the sins of the flesh. Walk by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh (Galatians 5:16). We talked about being miserable Christians because we are trying to live in both spheres. We are trying to walk by the Spirit while at the same time gratifying t

Nov 21, 2021 • 40:23

Light In Total Darkness (2 Kings 21-23)

Light In Total Darkness (2 Kings 21-23)

The alternate title I had for this lesson is, “How To Live on a Sinking Ship.” But the title I went with for this message is “Light In Total Darkness.” The focus of our study is to consider how you are supposed to live as God’s people when the nation is doomed. What should God’s people do when you are watching a culture fall so far from God that judgment is eminent? Our text begins in 2 Kings 21 where Hezekiah’s son takes the throne. We saw in 2 Kings 18-20 that Hezekiah is compared favorable to

Nov 14, 2021 • 32:11

Hope In The Wilderness

Hope In The Wilderness

We have been in the midst of a series this year called Hope Starts Here. When we go through hardships and difficulties, we need some hope. In this lesson we are going to look at how to have hope in the wilderness. Why did Israel have to go through the wilderness after their exodus from Egyptian slavery? When you look at a map you will see that the path of the wilderness is the longer way to go to the land of Canaan. God could have led them by the sea so that they could avoid the wilderness. But

Nov 14, 2021 • 36:37

Brighten Your Corner

Brighten Your Corner

A sermon from Andy Cantrell. The post Brighten Your Corner appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Nov 10, 2021 • 38:55

The Steadfastness of Job

The Steadfastness of Job

A sermon from Erik Borlaug. The post The Steadfastness of Job appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Nov 10, 2021 • 41:10

The Need For Community

The Need For Community

A sermon from Erik Borlaug. The post The Need For Community appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Nov 9, 2021 • 33:48

The Influence of Abigail

The Influence of Abigail

A sermon from Andy Cantrell. The post The Influence of Abigail appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Nov 9, 2021 • 42:20

Ambassadors of Christ

Ambassadors of Christ

A sermon from Andy Cantrell. The post Ambassadors of Christ appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Nov 8, 2021 • 38:36

A New Identity

A New Identity

A sermon from Erik Borlaug. The post A New Identity appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Nov 8, 2021 • 35:36

Christianity Fits Our Deepest Need

Christianity Fits Our Deepest Need

A sermon from Erik Borlaug. The post Christianity Fits Our Deepest Need appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Nov 7, 2021 • 35:58

Jesus and the Demon Possessed

Jesus and the Demon Possessed

A sermon from Andy Cantrell. The post Jesus and the Demon Possessed appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Nov 7, 2021 • 40:32

Contentment As Furtherance

Contentment As Furtherance

A sermon from Andy Cantrell. The post Contentment As Furtherance appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Nov 7, 2021 • 37:24

Rivers of Life

Rivers of Life

A sermon from Erik Borlaug. The post Rivers of Life appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Nov 7, 2021 • 30:04

Glory’s Fall (2 Kings 20)

Glory’s Fall (2 Kings 20)

We have been looking at the life of Hezekiah who is the best king that the nation of Judah ever had. He torn down the high places and trusted in the Lord. He kept the commands of the Lord and the Lord made him prosper. We left off with Hezekiah enjoying the benefits of trusting in the Lord. Rather than relying on Egypt or trying to pay off Assyria, Hezekiah prayed to the Lord and the Lord answered by doing the impossible. The Lord himself destroyed the Assyrian army and sent them back to their o

Oct 31, 2021 • 26:22

The Winnable War (Galatians 5:16-18)

The Winnable War (Galatians 5:16-18)

We are beginning our series called Discipleship in which our text is going to come from Galatians 5-6. Sometimes when we talk about discipleship or following the disciplines of the Christian life, the discussion turns into all the things that you do to try to be a follower of Jesus. Lessons are given that tell us that we need to pray more, study the Bible more, worship more, and the like. But then we struggle with doing these things and wonder why we are having a hard time in these disciplines.

Oct 31, 2021 • 39:13

REWIND: Love One Another (1 John 4:7-9)

REWIND: Love One Another (1 John 4:7-9)

What is love? It is a question that has been asked for centuries. People have written volumes of books on trying to explain love. If you Google the question, “What is love?” you will get thousands of different answers. One answer I found was this: “What is love? An intangible connection between two people that feels exceptionally good” ( Psychology Today says, “Love is a force of nature. However much we may want to, we cannot command,

Oct 24, 2021 • 34:54

REWIND: Taking On God’s Character

REWIND: Taking On God’s Character

At the end of 2006 we did a series of lessons called “Having the Good Life Now” where we examined the teachings of the Proverbs. I want to begin a new series today that is an extension of that series, looking at “Having the Fruitful Life Now.” This series will center around the characteristics taught by Paul in Galatians 5, described as the fruit of the Spirit. The Need For Fruitfulness In numerous places the scriptures command disciples to be fruitful… To read more of this lesson click here. Th

Oct 24, 2021 • 33:02

Take It To The Lord (2 Kings 18-19)

Take It To The Lord (2 Kings 18-19)

It looks like all hope is lost. There are many times in life when it looks like all hope is lost. There is no chance for reversal. There is no hope for change. There is no way that we are going to get through this. This is where we are in the life of Judah. Israel has been captured by the Assyrians and have been removed from the land. The last king of Judah appears to be the worst they have had up to this point. He has dismantled the temple, selling off anything of value in it and on it. He has

Oct 17, 2021 • 37:25

The Gods We Make (Acts 19)

The Gods We Make (Acts 19)

This morning we are going to talk about the gods we make. We might immediately think that we do not make gods. We are Christians and we do not have any other gods. But one of the things Paul had to do while preaching the gospel was expose the gods that were in people’s lives. In Acts 19 we see some of the gods that have a hold over our lives. True Power (19:11-20) Paul has come to Ephesus and God is doing extraordinary miracles through him. It is important to see the emphasis that God was doing

Oct 17, 2021 • 40:33

Transitions (Acts 18:1-19:7)

Transitions (Acts 18:1-19:7)

I’m right. I know I am right. You cannot persuade me that I am not right. I wish everyone would realize that I am right. I know what I am talking about. I am smarter than most people around me and they would be far better off if they would listen to me. I am right and anyone who does not do things my way is wrong. If you would just ask me, I would tell you everything you need to know. This describes the human condition and describes the common thinking in our culture today. But as we have looked

Oct 10, 2021 • 37:56

When A Nation Falls (2 Kings 14-17)

When A Nation Falls (2 Kings 14-17)

The books of 1 & 2 Kings have spent the majority of its time following the northern nation, Israel, after the kingdom divided in the days of Rehoboam. We have seen the emphasis on the ministries of Elijah and Elisha as they worked in Israel. But we have seen that Israel has not listened to the prophets and have not turned to the Lord. As we come back to our study of 2 Kings we are going to call this series that covers the second half of the book, Cautionary Tales. The reason is that these final

Oct 3, 2021 • 39:56

Hope When Empty

Hope When Empty

“Futile! Futile!” laments the Teacher. “Absolutely futile! Everything is futile!” What benefit do people get from all the effort which they expend on earth? (Ecclesiastes 1:2-3 NET) The Common English Bible reads, “Perfectly pointless…. Everything is pointless.” Do you feel like life is like being a hamster stuck running on its wheel? You just wonder, “What is the point?” The writer of Ecclesiastes began his writing by saying the same thing. Listen to how the writer continues this thinking in ve

Oct 3, 2021 • 35:52

God Delights In You (Zephaniah 3)

God Delights In You (Zephaniah 3)

God has described the problem that is occurring with his people in the book of Zephaniah. Even though Josiah is the king (1:1) and even though he is making spiritual reforms, the people are complacent (1:12). They bow down to God while they are bowing down to false gods (1:5). They are worshiping God but they do not follow him, seek him, or inquire of him (1:6). So the prophet has called for the people to gather for repentance (2:1-3). The nations are going to be judged for their wickedness (2:4

Sep 26, 2021 • 30:59

Knowing The Unknown God (Acts 17)

Knowing The Unknown God (Acts 17)

Can we know the unknown God? It is an important question to ask because we live in a time when most people think that God is unknowable. They say we cannot know if there even is a God and, if there is, then that God cannot be known or understood. This is often illustrated today when a story about a number of people in a dark room touching the different parts of an elephant. Some feel the trunk, some feel the tail, and some feel the body and all draw different conclusions about this unknowable an

Sep 26, 2021 • 39:36

I Thought You Would Listen (Zephaniah 2:1-3:7)

I Thought You Would Listen (Zephaniah 2:1-3:7)

There is probably no sentence we hate to hear more out of the lips of others than the words, “I told you so.” “I tried to tell you.” “I tried to tell but you would not listen.” But imagine if God had to say those words to us. He does. But before we get to that, we need to consider what we are looking at in the book of Zephaniah. The first chapter of Zephaniah was God declaring the problem of complacency among his people. They are satisfied in their wealth and possessions, thinking God is not act

Sep 19, 2021 • 31:19

A Life Guided By the Bible (Acts 17:1-15)

A Life Guided By the Bible (Acts 17:1-15)

Please Note: Due to problems with the recorder this audio lesson was recorded from a lower quality, secondary source. The second half of the book of Acts is showing us these great pictures of God’s salvation. Acts 17 is going to show how God is saving his people and the kind of heart needed to respond. You may remember that Jesus told a parable that is the parable of the sower in Mark 4. The parable pictures a sower scattering seed across all kinds of different soils. Jesus explains that the par

Sep 19, 2021 • 34:05

Fighting Complacency (Zephaniah 1)

Fighting Complacency (Zephaniah 1)

Complacent is an interesting word to think about. When do we experience complacency in life? We typically become complacent about things that we become used to experiencing. We become unconcerned and comfortable about something in our life. Sometimes we hear about a sports team becoming complacent after winning a championship. They are now satisfied and do not push for the next season. We hear about complacency in marriage, taking for granted the relationship, which led to future problems. But Z

Sep 12, 2021 • 31:45

Hope When Health Fails (2 Corinthians 5)

Hope When Health Fails (2 Corinthians 5)

We have been spending our year talking about having hope especially through difficult times. God wants us to have hope when we experience our hardships. We have talked about having hope after failure, hope in trials, hope when life does not go according to plan, hope when feeling alone, hope when anxious, hope when hopeless, and hope when tempted. Today we are going to talk about having hope when health fails. The text where we will spend most of our time is in 2 Corinthians 5. Our focus will be

Sep 12, 2021 • 38:40

REWIND: Called To Hope

REWIND: Called To Hope

We seem to gravitate to this time of the year. I think the reason that we gravitate to this time of year is that there is hope. We have hope for the new year to not be like the last year. We have hope that things could be different in the future. There are many times in the year when we are not hopeful for our future but feel that the future is bleak and dark. But there is something about this time of year where the future brings a feeling of hope. But our short term memory causes to forget some

Sep 5, 2021 • 41:50

REWIND: Life’s Highs and Lows (1 Samuel 18-22)

REWIND: Life’s Highs and Lows (1 Samuel 18-22)

There was a long running program that was on while I was a child on ABC called Wide World of Sports. I loved watching the introduction to the show each week. The voice would describe the great athletes in the sporting world. Then, it would come to this part: “The thrill of victory….” The screen would show an athlete nailing a perfect ten in gymnastics. But then the voice continued, “…and the agony of defeat.” The screen would then show this ski jumper falling down the jump, head first over the e

Sep 5, 2021 • 39:31

REWIND: God Meant It For Good (Genesis 49-50)

REWIND: God Meant It For Good (Genesis 49-50)

It is the end of Jacob’s life. Genesis 49 records the blessings that Jacob gives upon his twelve sons. Verse 28 declares that Jacob blessed his sons “blessing each with the blessing suitable to him.” His final command was to be buried in the cave of Machpelah in the land of Canaan. Genesis 50 records Joseph keeping his father’s wishes… To read more of this lesson click here. The post REWIND: God Meant It For Good (Genesis 49-50) appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Ch

Aug 29, 2021 • 36:53

REWIND: When God “Ruins” Your Life (Genesis 37)

REWIND: When God “Ruins” Your Life (Genesis 37)

We begin a study called “God’s Grace To Overcome” and in this study we are going to examine God’s word concerning the life of Joseph found in Genesis 37-50. But I look forward to examining these scriptures in a different way than in previous times. It is easy to study the life of Joseph and only note what Joseph did and moralistic lessons are made out of those events. For example, from Genesis 37 the lesson is taught that parents should play favorites or cause hatred between siblings. Or sometim

Aug 29, 2021 • 35:04

Resurrection Power (2 Kings 13)

Resurrection Power (2 Kings 13)

We have noticed many unusual scenes that surrounded the life of Elisha. We have seen miracles about healing waters, healing stew, a floating ax head, cooking oil that does not run out, healing leprosy, and raising son’s from the dead. Elisha’s life, ministry, and miracles have all been about God showing who he is and what he is trying to offer to his people. He offering to his people to heal them, restore them, bless them, cleanse them, and erase their debts. But this final picture from Elisha i

Aug 22, 2021 • 34:54

Closed Doors, Open Hearts (Acts 16)

Closed Doors, Open Hearts (Acts 16)

You never know the influence you may have on another person. You never know the impact you may make based on how you live your life. You never know who is watching and how your decisions may be affecting someone else. But we know this. Think for a moment about how many people have indirectly affected your life because of things they said or did. Think about who you may have modeled your life after. Think about how other people’s actions caused you to change how you would live your life. What we

Aug 22, 2021 • 41:24

Repent, Renew, Restore (2 Kings 11-12)

Repent, Renew, Restore (2 Kings 11-12)

Raising children is an interesting process that God has parents go through. What I have found interesting about having teenagers is how much of your power and influence wanes as each year goes by. The reason I find this interesting because all the work that you have done with your children is revealed during the teenage years. It is one thing to think your kids are doing well and being obedient while in your home. But it does not mean as much as watching your kids leave home and continue to do r

Aug 15, 2021 • 34:34

How To Disagree (Acts 15:32-41)

How To Disagree (Acts 15:32-41)

These two men had been together for years. They had seen so much as they loved the Lord and worked together. When one of them was not trusted or believed by others, the other was right there defending him and encouraging him. They had traveled together all over the world. They had their ups and downs. They had their share of victories and defeats. In one city they were thought of as gods. In other cities they had been persecuted and driven out. When one was down, the other picked that person up.

Aug 15, 2021 • 38:08

Zealous For God (2 Kings 8-10)

Zealous For God (2 Kings 8-10)

One of the attributes that we have seen in the writings of 1 & 2 Kings is that a picture will be given to us that will prepare for the events that follow. For example, we notice that Elisha caused an ax head to float for one of the prophets. Read by itself, it is a miracle that seems nonsensical. But when this miracle is connected to the events that follow, we see that this miracle was a picture of the restoration that God was offering to Israel by trying to open their eyes to see the invisible

Aug 8, 2021 • 43:35

Turn (Acts 15)

Turn (Acts 15)

What does it look like to turn to God? In the book of Acts the apostles have been preaching the need for repentance. They have been calling for people to turn to God. But in Acts 15 a major controversy arises over what turning to God is supposed to look like? Now it was not hard for the Jewish people to understand what it looked like for them to turn back to God. But a question came up about what it meant for the Gentiles to turn to God. It was made evident by the Lord in Acts 10-11 that the Gen

Aug 8, 2021 • 36:50

Unbelief (2 Kings 6:24-7:20)

Unbelief (2 Kings 6:24-7:20)

As we continue our look into 2 Kings we are seeing God showing how he is trying to save his people, offering them pictures of his redemption and his restoration, only for Israel to miss what God is doing and reject his offer. Elijah was dramatically rejected by Israel’s kings as well as the people. Elisha has also been rejected by Israel’s kings and the people. God has been bringing judgment against Israel to show their covenant breaking, just as God said he would do in Deuteronomy. But even the

Aug 1, 2021 • 40:28

Hope When Life Does Not Go According To Plan

Hope When Life Does Not Go According To Plan

Our theme this year is Hope Starts Here as we go to the scriptures to find hope in hard times. All of us need some hope especially after a year like 2020 and this year seems to just be 2020 part 2… So how we can have hope when life blows up? What does God want us to know when things do not match what we thought life would be? How can we push forward when life does not go according to plan? There are many people in the scriptures we can consider whose lives did not go according to their plans. Bu

Aug 1, 2021 • 40:06

See (2 Kings 6:1-23)

See (2 Kings 6:1-23)

One of the things that God is always trying to tell us is how much we are unable to see. In particular, we have looking at the nation of Israel in the books of 1 & 2 Kings and we have observed how Israel is unable to properly see God and their relationship with him. Elijah and Elisha have been sent to help the people but they have been rejected even though they are teaching and performing the miracles of God. In 2 Kings 6 we encounter another miracle that seems mundane and strange. We have noted

Jul 25, 2021 • 42:17

Through Many Hardships (Acts 14)

Through Many Hardships (Acts 14)

We are considering what the apostles and disciples preached as they went through the world declaring Jesus as Lord who rose from the dead. The attention of the book of Acts has its focus on the ministry work of Paul and Barnabas. They have been set apart by the Holy Spirit to travel through various areas of the Roman Empire preaching the gospel. They have been going into the Jewish synagogues proclaiming that Jesus is the fulfillment of all of God’s promises (13:32-33). You have been forgiven an

Jul 25, 2021 • 33:28

Undeserved (2 Kings 5:15-27)

Undeserved (2 Kings 5:15-27)

Naaman has come to Elisha for healing by bringing a letter from the king of Syria, 10 talents of silver, six thousand shekels of gold, and ten changes of clothes. We noted in the last lesson that this amount could be estimated to be worth about 5.5 million dollars. Naaman, after getting past his anger, has humbled himself and dipped in the Jordan River seven times as he was instructed. By displaying this faith, he was healed from his leprosy. In 2 Kings 5:15 Naaman returns to Elisha, desiring to

Jul 18, 2021 • 38:32

Great Expectations (2 Kings 5:1-14)

Great Expectations (2 Kings 5:1-14)

Like it or not, believe it or not, we all have certain expectations about life. All of us grow up with a perspective about the way our lives will go. We also all have a set of expectations about God. You are not alone in having such expectations. The fifth chapter of 2 Kings is all about expectations and what different people expected God to do… To read more of this lesson click here. The post Great Expectations (2 Kings 5:1-14) appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Ch

Jul 18, 2021 • 42:07

All Is Well Faith (2 Kings 4)

All Is Well Faith (2 Kings 4)

It is an easy answer to give when someone asks how you are doing. “I’m fine.” “I’m good.” But sometimes we really do not mean what we are saying. We feel like we are compelled to say we are fine when someone asks out of a courtesy even if we are not what we say we are. But God wants us to have a faith so that no matter the circumstances, we can say, “All is well.” Open your copies of God’s word to 2 Kings 4 and we are going to see what this faith looks like… To read more of this lesson click her

Jul 11, 2021 • 36:35

Hope When Anxious

Hope When Anxious

We have spent a number of our lessons this year talking about how to have hope when crushed by trials, when hopeless because of suffering and loss, when feeling alone, and when tempted. All of these difficulties of life, from temptations and trials to sinning and being alone can cause us to be anxious. In today’s lesson I want to speak about what the scriptures teach us about how to have hope when anxious. But I have already talked about a number of life areas where we experience anxiety. There

Jul 11, 2021 • 39:16

REWIND: God’s Vision For Men and Women

REWIND: God’s Vision For Men and Women

The post REWIND: God’s Vision For Men and Women appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Jul 4, 2021 • 46:18

REWIND: Made in the Image of God

REWIND: Made in the Image of God

The post REWIND: Made in the Image of God appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Jul 4, 2021 • 42:12

REWIND: When Life Won’t Give You A Break

REWIND: When Life Won’t Give You A Break

The post REWIND: When Life Won’t Give You A Break appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Jun 27, 2021 • 29:20

REWIND: Worried? How to Live the Worry Free Life

REWIND: Worried? How to Live the Worry Free Life

The post REWIND: Worried? How to Live the Worry Free Life appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Jun 27, 2021 • 33:01

What Could Have Been (2 Kings 3)

What Could Have Been (2 Kings 3)

Have you ever wondered what could have been in your life? Different decisions in life can lead you to those “what could have been” moments? I went to school and obtained my accounting degree. What would life have looked like if I had done that? What could have been if I never left California? We sometimes call this the “what if” game. We are going to look at the life of Jehoram, the king of Israel, and God is going to show us what could have been… To read more of this lesson click here. The post

Jun 20, 2021 • 46:12

Unworthy? (Acts 13)

Unworthy? (Acts 13)

Do you consider yourself worthy of eternal life? It is an important question that the apostles asked people to think about. We will come back to this question in a few minutes. As you think about that question, we have been going through the book of Acts and in chapter 13 there is a shift in the focus of the book. Beginning in Acts 13 we start reading about Paul and his companions traveling throughout the Roman Empire, preaching the gospel. There is a tendency to turn these journeys into geograp

Jun 20, 2021 • 31:38

The Ascension (2 Kings 2)

The Ascension (2 Kings 2)

It is a scene that has caused a lot of wonder and a lot of confusion: Elijah being taken into heaven. Why does this happen to Elijah? Why does he not just live a normal life and die like all the other prophets of God? Why is there a special event surrounding the end of his life? We are kicking off our study of 2 Kings by looking at the life of Elisha in a series entitled Bold. The end of Elijah’s ministry is the starting point of Elisha’s ministry as Elisha looks to carry on the work that Elijah

Jun 13, 2021 • 39:55

Selfless Gifts (1 Corinthians 12-14)

Selfless Gifts (1 Corinthians 12-14)

We have been looking at how we can move from being selfish to selfless. The problems in the Corinthian church arose because of their selfish thinking. They had divisions, jealousy, fighting, and strife all because they were putting themselves first rather than thinking about others. In our first lesson, we overviewed the book of 1 Corinthians and saw that the message is that life is not about me. God has ordered the world and salvation so that no one will boast in themselves. Instead, if anyone

Jun 13, 2021 • 39:35

Who Is Like God? (Micah 6-7)

Who Is Like God? (Micah 6-7)

We have been looking at the prophecy of Micah which helps us understand how to maintain faith while living in times of great wickedness. How can we maintain faithfulness in a broken world? In this final prophecy of Micah, he has declared what God wants in the first eight verses of chapter 6. God is not asking the impossible from his people. God is not asking for a bunch of religious activity. God is asking for their hearts to love justice, show mercy, and walk humbly before the Lord. But now God

Jun 6, 2021 • 29:04

Hope When Hopeless

Hope When Hopeless

This year’s preaching theme is called Hope Starts Here. After a year like 2020 we needed a year where we can see how God gives us hope in hard times. In our message today we are going to talk about having hope when life seems hopeless. Suffering often presents great challenges to our faith. We can hear all kinds of bad information about the reason for suffering in the world. In fact, some will even use suffering as the argument against the existence of God. If there is God, they ask, then how ca

Jun 6, 2021 • 36:20

What Does God Want? (Micah 6)

What Does God Want? (Micah 6)

So what does God want from his people? What is God looking for? Micah is a prophet who is telling the people that their sins have brought judgment upon them from the Lord. They have acted wickedly. They are clinging to idols rather than trusting in the Lord. They are oppressing other people. They are taking the possessions of others and harming the weak. The leaders are oppressing the people rather than giving justice to the innocent. The prophets preach their message for money rather than accor

May 30, 2021 • 31:04

Selfless Rights (1 Corinthians 8-10)

Selfless Rights (1 Corinthians 8-10)

We are in a series where we are talking about how we can be transformed from thinking selfishly to thinking selflessly. In our first lesson, we overviewed the book of 1 Corinthians and saw that the message is that life is not about me. God has ordered the world and salvation so that no one will boast in themselves. Instead, if anyone will boast, they will boast in the Lord (1:28-29). In our second lesson, we noted that Paul is teaching us to consider ourselves as simply servants. In our third le

May 30, 2021 • 41:14

A Shepherd Comes (Micah 3-5)

A Shepherd Comes (Micah 3-5)

We are in the book of Micah as we want to listen to the voice of the prophets as we prepare to move through the events of 2 Kings. Micah is prophesying during that time, telling them why God is angry with them, what the people are supposed to do, and what God is going to do. The message of Micah is very relevant for us as we see that the culture and sins of Israel and Judah during Micah’s day are the same sins and same cultural thinking in our day. Further, Micah’s hope was to point forward to J

May 23, 2021 • 36:22

Selfless Bodies (1 Corinthians 5-7)

Selfless Bodies (1 Corinthians 5-7)

We have been looking at Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians as he teaches these Christians how to move from being selfish to selfless. The problem in Corinth is that there are divisions among them (1:10), along with fighting and jealousy (3:3). These divisions and fights have come from them behaving selfishly and acting arrogantly (4:6, 18; 3:18). The first solution Paul presents to us is that we are to regard ourselves as simply servants performing the task God has assigned to us. But their

May 23, 2021 • 40:14

Break Out (Micah 1-2)

Break Out (Micah 1-2)

We have been spending our time considering the life of Elijah in the second half of 1 Kings. But I want to take a break before moving into 2 Kings and examine the message of the prophet, Micah. Micah is a prophet who proclaims his message at the same time as the prophet Isaiah. Micah is preaching during the time frame of 2 Kings. Listening to what Micah says will give us a window into the spiritual condition of Israel and Judah when we return to our look at 2 Kings. But we want to look at Micah’

May 16, 2021 • 31:29

Nothing But Servants (1 Corinthians 1-4)

Nothing But Servants (1 Corinthians 1-4)

We are talking about how to move from being selfish to selfless as God commands us to do as followers of Jesus. The Corinthian Christians had all kinds of problems in their lives and in the church because they were arrogant and selfish. When James wrote his letter, he asked these rhetorical questions: What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you? (James 4:1 ESV) To read more of this lesson click here. The post Nothing But Servant

May 16, 2021 • 36:59

Did You Think To Pray? (2 Kings 1)

Did You Think To Pray? (2 Kings 1)

We noted at the beginning of our study that the break between 1 & 2 Kings is an arbitrary division. The Hebrew copies of the scripture keep these books as one but were later divided due to their size. The reason that this is important to note is so that you will not think that we have a new theme or new teaching segment when you come into 2 Kings. In fact, you will notice that the book breaks in the middle of Ahaziah’s reign, the son of Ahab. So our study will come from the end of 1 Kings 22 and

May 9, 2021 • 31:05

It’s Not About Me

It’s Not About Me

What do you think of when I ask you what 1 Corinthians is about? You might think of a church with a lot of problems. The other thing you might think about is that the majority of the book seems to be dealing with answering the questions that the Corinthian Christians sent to the apostle Paul. Many of the chapters begin by saying, “Now concerning the matters about which you wrote” or the simple phrase, “Now concerning” (cf. 7:1; 7:25; 8:1; 12:1; 16:1; 16:12). But it is really easy to miss the pur

May 9, 2021 • 35:43

How To Destroy Your Life (1 Kings 22)

How To Destroy Your Life (1 Kings 22)

The scriptures are full of wisdom of how to keep ourselves from destroying our lives. In fact, God is trying to keep us from destroying ourselves by giving us his laws, his ways, and his teachings. But 1 Kings 22 is going to show us how to destroy our lives. This is going to be shown through the lens of Ahab’s life. We had hoped in 1 Kings 21 that Ahab’s repentance was going to be long-lasting and now he would devote himself to following the Lord. But even after humbling himself after hearing th

May 2, 2021 • 39:04

Hope When Crushed By Trials

Hope When Crushed By Trials

Our theme this year is Hope Starts Here because if there is any year where we need some hope and encouragement, it is this year after the year we had in 2020. We have been looking to the scriptures on how to have hope in a variety of circumstances that we face in life. In today’s lesson we are going to consider how to have hope when crushed by trials. Trials are probably one of the most important times in life when we need hope and spiritual courage. The scriptures even tell us that this is the

May 2, 2021 • 41:50

Joy In Being Humbled (1 Kings 21)

Joy In Being Humbled (1 Kings 21)

Devastating Selfishness (21:1-16) There is a saying that is true in our day and it was true in ancient times. The three rules about real estate are location, location, and location. As 1 Kings 21 opens we see that there is a man named Naboth who has a vineyard in Jezreel that is next door to King Ahab’s palace. This was certainly a fine piece of property since kings did not build their palaces in terrible geographic locations. Ahab would like to expand his property because he would like to have

Apr 25, 2021 • 37:50

Give Glory To God (Acts 12)

Give Glory To God (Acts 12)

A Shocking Start (12:1-5) It must have been shock when it happened. I would expect that no one expected an outcome like this. Yes, the people of God had been persecuted. The people of God had been scattered from Jerusalem as the persecution intensified. Even Saul had been traveling around trying to arrest Christians until he saw the risen Jesus himself and became a follower of Jesus. Herod, who had been granted authority by the Roman Empire, ruled over Judea and Samaria from 41-44 BC and had joi

Apr 25, 2021 • 42:00

Your God Is Too Small (1 Kings 20)

Your God Is Too Small (1 Kings 20)

Each of these messages in 1 Kings is giving important teachings about who God is. Israel needs to learn the God that they serve, just as we need to learn this also. One of the problems that people have when it comes to the Lord is that they do not understand who they are serving. The Lord is too small in their minds and so the Lord has to expand our understanding about him. We make huge mistakes and wreck our lives when we do not see how large our God is. So as we look at 1 Kings 20 we are going

Apr 18, 2021 • 40:23

Clean (Acts 10-11)

Clean (Acts 10-11)

We have been looking at the life change that Jesus causes in people who listen to him and come to him. Acts 10-11 is going to show us that following Jesus means that we look at people differently and we handle our relationships differently. But before we move into the lesson I would like for us to think about how we look at other people. How do we look at strangers? How do we look at people who do not look like us? How do we look at people who do not act like us? How do we look at people who do

Apr 18, 2021 • 42:10

The Power of Prayer (1 Kings 18:41-46)

The Power of Prayer (1 Kings 18:41-46)

The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed fervently that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain on the earth. Then he prayed again, and heaven gave rain, and the earth bore its fruit. (James 5:16–18 ESV) This is a text that you might know very well that is the basis for many sermons about the power of prayer. But we want to go back to where this scene occurs to make sure that we are un

Apr 11, 2021 • 36:11

Hope When Feeling Alone (1 Kings 19)

Hope When Feeling Alone (1 Kings 19)

Our theme this year is Hope Starts Here. One lesson each month we are talking about the hope that is available to you in Jesus. We have talked about how to have hope after a year like 2020. We have also talked about how to have hope after failure and when tempted. In today’s lesson we are going to look at how to have hope when you feel alone. If you live long enough, you will experience the highs and lows of life. During those lows in life, we can feel like we are alone as we try to be faithful

Apr 11, 2021 • 40:19

Limping Between Two Opinions (1 Kings 18)

Limping Between Two Opinions (1 Kings 18)

Please Note: Due to problems with the recorder, this audio lesson is made from two different sources; so there is a noticeable change in quality. God sent Elijah to Ahab, the king of Israel, who is considered the worst king that ever reigned over Israel. The message was simple and clear. It will not rain until Elijah says so. After saying those words, he disappears. The drought which brought about the famine was to be understood as a judgment from God. God said that Israel was to understand that

Apr 4, 2021 • 36:36

Resurrection (Acts 9)

Resurrection (Acts 9)

For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. (1 Corinthians 15:3–5 ESV) It is the most difficult and most ridiculous thing to believe: a person died and came back to life. Every teaching hangs on the proclamation that Jesus rose from the dead. Saul knew this. In Acts 8

Apr 4, 2021 • 38:35

Dare To Trust God (1 Kings 17)

Dare To Trust God (1 Kings 17)

God has wanted us to see that Israel and Judah, the two nations that were to be God’s people and represent God, had lost their way. Kings are rising up but only making matters worse, leading the nation into deeper sins. At the moment, the attention is on the northern nation called Israel. The king at that time is Ahab and he will rule for 22 years. He did more evil than any of those who were before him. The sins of the children are outpacing the sins of the parents. Each leader cares less about

Mar 28, 2021 • 32:48

Not Held Back (Acts 8)

Not Held Back (Acts 8)

We are going to spend the next few weeks talking about the life change that Jesus brings to our lives. In many ways, this is a continuation of what we were doing in our look at getting rid of the old you and moving forward with new clothes. But our text for this series will come from the book of Acts. You may remember when we started this series that Luke starts the book of Acts by telling that his first account (the Gospel of Luke) was all that Jesus began to do and teach. The point is that thi

Mar 28, 2021 • 39:11

​Living In Dark Days (1 Kings 15-16)

​Living In Dark Days (1 Kings 15-16)

After giving us a picture of Jeroboam and Rehoboam’s reigns over Israel and Judah, respectively, the author wants to race us on toward the arrival of Elijah. If you open your Bibles to 1 Kings 15-16 you will notice that these passages give a quick summary of the reigns of the kings of Israel and Judah. So what we want to do is see what God is trying to show us through the short accounts given about these kings who ruled over his people. What we are going to learn is how to live in dark days. We

Mar 21, 2021 • 34:53

Make Me A Servant (Acts 6-7)

Make Me A Servant (Acts 6-7)

We are going to spend the next few weeks talking about the life change that Jesus brings to our lives. In many ways, this is a continuation of what we were doing in our look at getting rid of the old you and moving forward with new clothes. But our text for this series will come from the book of Acts. You may remember when we started this series that Luke starts the book of Acts by telling that his first account (the Gospel of Luke) was all that Jesus began to do and teach. The point is that thi

Mar 21, 2021 • 39:54

Fake (1 Kings 14)

Fake (1 Kings 14)

God is revealing the spiritual problems in Israel that will lead to its demise. Even more, God is revealing the atmosphere in which he will send his prophet Elijah, who will be a monumental figure in Israel’s history and typologically. We have seen some staggering pictures about Jeroboam. Because he does not trust in God’s promises, he has established a false worship system to coax the people to not go to Jerusalem to worship. His marketing plan was to tell them that it was too hard to go to Jer

Mar 14, 2021 • 34:16

When God Has Spoken (1 Kings 13)

When God Has Spoken (1 Kings 13)

We are preparing to look at the life of Elijah. But before we can understand the purpose and work of Elijah, we need to understand the world that he was sent to preach in. We noticed in our last lesson that Jeroboam, who is the king of the northern nation now referred to as Israel, has not trusted in God’s promises that were made to him. He fears that his people, when they go to Jerusalem to worship the Lord, will decide that they want Rehoboam to be their king. So Jeroboam sets up worship in Is

Mar 7, 2021 • 35:30

Hope When Tempted and Tried

Hope When Tempted and Tried

“Tempted and tried we are oft made to wonder, why it should be thus all the day long. While there are others living about us, never molested though in the wrong.” This is the first verse from the song “Farther Along.” Our theme for this year is Hope Starts Here where we are looking at the scriptures for hope during difficult times. In our lesson today we are going to see what the scriptures say about having hope when we are tempted and tried. We need hope during our temptations and trials. There

Mar 7, 2021 • 42:45

It Is Too Much Trouble (1 Kings 12:25-33)

It Is Too Much Trouble (1 Kings 12:25-33)

We are beginning our series on Elijah and how to have the faith to stand as we continue in the book of 1 & 2 Kings. But we are unable to appreciate the culture and environment that Elijah is called to work in if we simply start studying Elijah in chapter 17 of 1 Kings. It is important to see Israel before his name comes on to the pages of scripture so that we can understand where Israel is at and why God must send him to his people. Remember that the kingdom of Israel has divided due to Solomon’

Feb 28, 2021 • 38:28

Do You Wear Corrupt Clothes? (Ephesians 4:28-30)

Do You Wear Corrupt Clothes? (Ephesians 4:28-30)

The apostle Paul is teaching us how we can leave the past behind and have a fresh start in hope. In Ephesians 4:17-21 we were told that we have problems and those problems come from our way of thinking. The way we look at life, look at the world, look at other people, and even look at ourselves is broken, corrupt, and futile. Then in verses 22-24 we were taught that we must stop wearing these old, comfortable clothes that we have, change our way of thinking, and put on the new clothes that God i

Feb 28, 2021 • 32:04

God Rescues You (Esther 8-10)

God Rescues You (Esther 8-10)

It is the second time that a great reversal has occurred in the book of Esther. The first time was when we saw Esther captured by the king as he gathered all the virgins in the empire as he looked for a new queen. Rather than being relegated as a concubine for the rest of her days, she won the favor of the king and was elevated to the status of queen. But life did not continue happily ever after. Haman, the enemy of the Jews, has plotted the extermination of the Jews. In particular, he was going

Feb 21, 2021 • 33:22

Do You Wear Angry Clothes? (Ephesians 4:25-27)

Do You Wear Angry Clothes? (Ephesians 4:25-27)

The apostle Paul is teaching us how we can leave the past behind and have a fresh start in hope. In Ephesians 4:17-21 we were told that we have problems and those problems come from our way of thinking. The way we look at life, look at the world, look at other people, and even look at ourselves is broken, corrupt, and futile. Then in verses 22-24 we were taught that we must stop wearing these old, comfortable clothes that we have, change our way of thinking, and put on the new clothes that God i

Feb 21, 2021 • 40:25

The Quiet Hand of God (Esther 5-7)

The Quiet Hand of God (Esther 5-7)

The decree has been made by Haman that all the Jewish people will be destroyed, killed, and annihilated in one day at the end of the year (3:13). Mordecai found out about this decree and told Esther that this is her moment to do something. You are not in the palace by accident and maybe God put you there so that you could save the people from destruction. Now Esther has not been summoned by the king. There is one law for anyone who decides to come into the king’s presence without being called: d

Feb 14, 2021 • 39:16

You Need To Change Your Clothes (Ephesians 4:22-24)

You Need To Change Your Clothes (Ephesians 4:22-24)

In our first lesson in this series we notice the apostle Paul tell us that we have problems and our problems start in our way of thinking. Our way of thinking is futile and darkened, causing us to think that we see life, see others, and see ourselves properly. But we do not because we are separated from the life that is found in God. This leads us to be enslaved to our sins because no one can tell us that we are wrong or that our thinking is broken. I cannot overemphasis how important understand

Feb 14, 2021 • 34:12

It Is Your Time (Esther 4)

It Is Your Time (Esther 4)

Haman, as the enemy of the Jews, has set up his terrible plan “to destroy, to kill, and to annihilate all Jews, young and old, women and children, in one day” (3:13). The proclamation is spreading through the empire, throwing the city of Susa into confusion (3:15). Meanwhile, King Xerxes and Haman are relaxing and drinking to their plan. The date of destruction has been determined by casting lots, setting the day in 12 months so that the whole empire can prepare to kill the Jews… To read more of

Feb 7, 2021 • 30:38

You Have Problems (Ephesians 4:17-21)

You Have Problems (Ephesians 4:17-21)

Our theme for 2021 is Hope Starts Here. After a year like 2020 we could use some hope as we go forward. The scriptures show us that hope is found going forward and not living in the past. It is so easy to stay stuck in the past and not see the doors God is opening in our lives to move forward with him. Not only does God tell us to go forward, but he also tells us how. Normally I will just do one lesson each month that ties to our theme. But this month, each lesson is going to tie to our theme of

Feb 7, 2021 • 37:39

Courage In Dark Times (Esther 3)

Courage In Dark Times (Esther 3)

The second chapter of Esther has revealed the darkness of the empire that Xerxes rules over. Esther has been swept up in the collection of young women as Xerxes looks to replace his queen. God has been with Esther, giving her favor in the various situations she finds herself in as life is happening to her. But rather than living happily ever after, more problems are coming for Esther and Mordecai. Esther still has not revealed her ancestry while in the Persian court, at the direction of Mordecai

Jan 31, 2021 • 35:51

Worthy To Suffer (Acts 5:12-42)

Worthy To Suffer (Acts 5:12-42)

Energizer batteries had a famous commercial that you probably remember. There was a pink toy bunny beating a drum as the narrator said, “Energizer batteries: they keep going and going.” We have been talking about how to have unstoppable faith as seen from Acts 3-5. We are reading about a strong faith from the disciples and we want to learn how to have an unstoppable faith like theirs. They have a faith that keeps going and going and going. We saw in Acts 4 we saw the governing officials who rule

Jan 31, 2021 • 36:53

Life In The Worst of Times (Esther 2)

Life In The Worst of Times (Esther 2)

In the first chapter of Esther we were shown the Persian Empire to be a laughable empire. Xerxes and his empire tries to look like it is all-powerful, filled with riches, and able to do what it wants. However, God is revealing the flaws of the kingdom. The empire is so fearful that woman could destroy everything about the empire. The king does not know what to do about her queen not doing what he wants. The king writes a command attempting to make all people do something that you cannot command

Jan 24, 2021 • 37:06

Not For The Show (Acts 4:32-5:11)

Not For The Show (Acts 4:32-5:11)

We are looking at how to have the unstoppable faith that we see recorded for us in Acts 3-5. In our last lesson we saw the disciples praying for boldness and understanding that God will accomplish his purposes through the events that are happening to them. We live in a time where people do things to be seen by other people. Have you ever noticed this on social media how it just so happened that a video was recording this “private” moment of good will or charity? We are wired to want people to se

Jan 24, 2021 • 36:28

A House of Cards (Esther 1)

A House of Cards (Esther 1)

The book of Esther has been considered a challenging book for a number of reasons. The primary reason is that we never read the name of God in this book. From its surface it appears to be a Godless book. But if we understand the historical context of the book, we will see why God’s name is lacking from its pages which sets us up for understanding what God is going to teach to those who read it. Charles Dickens famously opens A Tale of Two Cities with “It was the best of times, it was the worst o

Jan 17, 2021 • 37:43

When You Need Courage (Acts 4:1-31)

When You Need Courage (Acts 4:1-31)

We are going to spend the next three weeks on our Sunday mornings looking at how we can have an unstoppable faith like we see the apostles and the first century Christians having. We are in Acts 4 which is a continuation of the events in Acts 3. In Acts 3 Jesus has given perfect health to this lame man through the hands of the apostles, Peter and John. This has been the opportunity for Peter and John to preach in the temple courts that Jesus has risen from the dead and is given to the people so

Jan 17, 2021 • 41:53

The Ripple of Sin (1 Kings 11-12)

The Ripple of Sin (1 Kings 11-12)

We live in a time when the defense of sin is that we are not hurting anyone. What does it matter if we do what we want if we are not hurting anyone? This is the new justification for living how we want to live and committing whatever sins we want to commit. I want us to turn in our copies of God’s word to 1 Kings 11 because we are going to see the ripple effect of sin. In 1 Kings 11 Solomon has rejected the ways of the Lord. Chapters 10-11 of 1 Kings reveal that Solomon broke every command that

Jan 10, 2021 • 35:15

Hope After Failure

Hope After Failure

Our theme for 2021 is Hope Starts Here. After a year like 2020 we could use some hope as we go forward. Hopeless is a tough word and yet who has not felt some degree of hopelessness in their lives? Life can feel hopeless. We will speak about a hopeless situation. Without hope, life devolves into depression and despair. So God gives us pictures of hope so that we will never fall into despair. Lord willing, throughout the year we are going to cover a number of situations where God gives us hope to

Jan 10, 2021 • 33:43

Things That Steal Our Hearts (1 Kings 9-11)

Things That Steal Our Hearts (1 Kings 9-11)

We are coming to the tipping point of Solomon’s life. Things are looking great for the kingdom under Solomon’s reign. But we are going to see cracks in the kingdom as problem begins. So we are going to look at these cracks in Solomon’s life that leads to a catastrophic fall for him and for the kingdom. We have much to learn from how a man who was granted the greatest wisdom from God fell so far to his own destruction. The text is going to bounce back and forth between describing the glory of the

Jan 3, 2021 • 38:57

Hindsight Is 2020

Hindsight Is 2020

It is the time of year when blog posts, magazine articles, and videos talk about what you learned in 2020. There is something that happens at the end of the year where we look back at what has happened and look forward to what we hope will happen and what we hope will change. Our theme for 2021 is Hope Starts Here and we are going to look at how we can have hope in various life circumstances. However, before we can look forward to the hope that we have, God wants us to look back and learn from w

Jan 3, 2021 • 38:38

A House of Prayer (1 Kings 5-8)

A House of Prayer (1 Kings 5-8)

We come to a portion of scripture that gives great detail about the construction of the temple under Solomon’s reign. Yet again we can be tempted to rush through these chapters because it seems to be a record of extraordinary details without a discernible purpose. But what we are told about the temple tells us much about God’s intention for how he would live with us and how we are to live our lives for him. So let us carefully look at 1 Kings 5-8 and consider these pictures of the temple and the

Dec 27, 2020 • 36:45

Faith To Heal (Acts 3)

Faith To Heal (Acts 3)

As we make our approach to the new year, especially after a difficult 2020, is the need for unstoppable faith. Faith has been challenged this year, which we will further consider in the next lesson. So we need a stronger faith and a deeper faith. So how can we live with an unstoppable faith? This is what we will be considering over the next few weeks. Open your Bibles to Acts 3 and we are going to see our first picture of unstoppable faith… To read more of this lesson click here. The post Faith

Dec 27, 2020 • 39:08

The Wise Still Seek Him (1 Kings 4)

The Wise Still Seek Him (1 Kings 4)

Our sermon series is called Rise and Fall and we are in the “rise” portion of looking at Solomon’s life. In 1 Kings 3 the Lord came to Solomon and told him that he could ask for anything. Solomon asked for an understanding mind so that he could rule God’s people properly. The Lord was so pleased with this request that he not only granted Solomon the greatest wisdom ever, but he also granted Solomon wealth and power of the kingdom. As we approach chapter 4 we might imagine that this is a lot of d

Dec 20, 2020 • 34:47

Overflow In Contentment

Overflow In Contentment

This is the final lesson in our Overflow series that we have considered in 2020. For the last time, let us listen to Jesus’ words in John 7:37-39. On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” Now this he said about the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were to receive, for as yet the Spirit had not been given

Dec 20, 2020 • 42:30

Your Best Prayer (1 Kings 3:4-28)

Your Best Prayer (1 Kings 3:4-28)

Imagine if God came to you and asked you to ask him anything you want. Ask God whatever you want. What would you ask him? What would you want God to do for you? God has given you the blank check. Ask him whatever you want. This is what happens to Solomon in 1 Kings 3. Solomon has gone to Gibeon to offer sacrifices to the Lord. In fact, we are told that Solomon offered 1000 burnt offerings on that altar. Perhaps the reason that Gibeon is the greatest of the high places in Israel is because the ta

Dec 13, 2020 • 31:56

Devoted To Prayers (Acts 2:42-47)

Devoted To Prayers (Acts 2:42-47)

We have been looking at what the first disciples of Jesus devoted themselves to after hearing and responding to the gospel. Acts 2:42 reveals that they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayers. This is our last lesson in this series. I hope that we are considering the things that these Christians devoted themselves to and asked what we are devoted to. The final description is that the disciples were devoted to prayers. In fact, even before this

Dec 13, 2020 • 35:30

Without Exception (1 Kings 3:1-3)

Without Exception (1 Kings 3:1-3)

We live in a time when everything has an exception. Think about how many products have exclusions or exceptions. Every drug commercial warns about a myriad of side effects to such a degree that all the exceptions will make you not want to try the drug after all. How many commercials have a lawyer at the end of the ad quietly and quickly saying, “Some exclusions apply” or reading off some long list of exclusions? Perhaps one of the worst exclusions that we find on a box or in an advertisement is,

Dec 6, 2020 • 33:38

Devoted To Fellowship (Acts 2:42-47)

Devoted To Fellowship (Acts 2:42-47)

We have slowed down our study in the book of Acts to examine what these people immediately did once they became followers of Jesus. Once they were added to the Lord, we see that these Christians devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to breaking bread, to fellowship, and to prayers (Acts 2:42). In our lesson today we are going to notice that they devoted themselves to fellowship… To read more of this lesson click here. The post Devoted To Fellowship (Acts 2:42-47) appeared first on Biblic

Dec 6, 2020 • 40:31

And Justice For All (1 Kings 2)

And Justice For All (1 Kings 2)

We are studying the life of Solomon in our series, Rise & Fall. As we look at Solomon, we need to consider that Solomon is the son of David who must establish the throne of this kingdom. The Lord told David, “I will raise up your offspring after you, who shall come from your body, and I will establish his kingdom. He will build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever” (2 Samuel 7:12-13 ESV). What is going to needed for the kingdom to be established? This is wh

Nov 29, 2020 • 34:24

Devoted To Breaking Bread (Acts 2:42)

Devoted To Breaking Bread (Acts 2:42)

In our series we are looking at what these disciples of Jesus immediately did once they heard Peter’s message, repented and were baptized. We noticed in the last lesson that we see these 3000 people immediately devoting themselves to spiritual things. They are changing their life focus away from whatever was important to them in the past. Now they are devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the breaking of bread, to fellowship, and to prayers… To read more of this lesson click here. Th

Nov 29, 2020 • 28:55

Walk Worthy of the Grace (1 Kings 1)

Walk Worthy of the Grace (1 Kings 1)

One of the things I love to do is teach on the lives of the people that we read about in the scriptures. From the very beginning of learning how to teach, I loved examining the lives of the people that God saw fit to have recorded for us in his word. I believe God’s story of redemption concludes with the book of Samuel because David is pictured as the one who has come to rescue Israel by making intercession for the people at a cost to himself (2 Samuel 24). Now God is going to continue to tell h

Nov 22, 2020 • 33:13

Overflow In Thanksgiving

Overflow In Thanksgiving

Our theme for this year is called Overflow as we look at various characteristics that we are to overflow with as the people of God. Our text for the year for our consideration is John 7:37-39. 37 On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. 38 Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” 39 Now this he said about the Spirit, whom those who believed in him we

Nov 22, 2020 • 40:00

His Great Mercy (2 Samuel 24)

His Great Mercy (2 Samuel 24)

So how do you end a book? We have been exposed to one of the most lengthy narratives for a person in the scriptures. David has been God’s focus that he wants us to pay close attention to. So how do end the account of David? How do you end a book? God’s answer is that he is going to close the life of David with a proclamation of the gospel. Open your copies of God’s word to 2 Samuel 24 and we are going to see the gospel proclaimed to us in the most unusual way as God closes the book on his servan

Nov 15, 2020 • 35:28

Devoted To The Word (Acts 2:42-47)

Devoted To The Word (Acts 2:42-47)

In our series we are looking at Acts 2:42-47 as we consider the core and heart of the church. In Acts 2:41 we are told that the 3000 people received the message Peter proclaimed and they were baptized for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38). What will these people do next? Now that they have accepted the message about Jesus and responded in faith as seen in their repentance and baptism, what will these disciples do now? To read more of this lesson click here. The post Devoted To The Word (Acts 2

Nov 15, 2020 • 45:24

Who Is Your Rock? (2 Samuel 22-23)

Who Is Your Rock? (2 Samuel 22-23)

Who is your rock in your life? Everyone runs to something or to someone when in trouble or when life gets difficult. Where we turn reveals a lot of about who or what we trust. David has been through many life difficulties. We are studying the epilogue of David’s life as recorded in 2 Samuel 21-24. What is presented to us are two songs that describe the whole life of David and the summary of his life will be the points for teaching us today… To read more of this lesson click here. The post Who Is

Nov 8, 2020 • 35:50

The Meaning of Baptism (Acts 2:38-41)

The Meaning of Baptism (Acts 2:38-41)

What Peter says in Acts 2:38 has become a controversial declaration in the religious world. What does it mean that Peter would say to repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins? I think the discussion about baptism has been often misrepresented and misunderstood. I think in many ways the discussion about baptism has caused people to speak past each other, rather than coming to a common point of understanding. Because of these misunderstandings, I think it is important slow down in this p

Nov 8, 2020 • 45:53

Slaying The Giants (2 Samuel 20-21)

Slaying The Giants (2 Samuel 20-21)

We have witnessed David’s return to Jerusalem. In his return to Jerusalem, the king is bestowing grace upon his people. Even those who cursed him are receiving grace. Those who remained loyal to him are receiving their reward. As David returns to Jerusalem, however, Israel (the ten tribes) proclaim a rebellion against David. Sheba leads a revolt and claims no part of David’s reign. But the people of Judah remained loyal to their king. Again we are seeing a picture that the reign of David is divi

Nov 1, 2020 • 36:52

Your Gift That Keeps Giving (Acts 2:1-39)

Your Gift That Keeps Giving (Acts 2:1-39)

I think everyone enjoys receiving gifts. It is what makes our birthdays pleasurable. We want to see what gifts people thought to give us. Peter is going to preach in Acts 2 about the best gift you could ever receive. This is the best gift that you could ever have because it is the gift that keeps on giving… To read more of this lesson click here. The post Your Gift That Keeps Giving (Acts 2:1-39) appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Nov 1, 2020 • 44:04

God Does Not Let You Down (2 Samuel 16-19)

God Does Not Let You Down (2 Samuel 16-19)

In our last lesson we looked at what to do when you let down God. David has let God down with his sinning and is paying the severe consequences for his sins. But we have seen David’s humble response by willingly accepting his sin and accepting the consequences. He does not say that the consequences are too great or unfair. What follows is a wonderful message: God does not let you down. David has let God down with his sinning but God is not going to let David down. Let’s look at this important me

Oct 25, 2020 • 36:08

What Will Be Your Story? (Acts 1:12-26)

What Will Be Your Story? (Acts 1:12-26)

You have probably experienced this yourself. I have been to a number of funerals and what is sad about the funeral is what people remember about the person. Their whole life is remembered because of some hobby they had in their life. It is interesting to think about how you will be remembered. What will be your story? What will people say about your life? One of the saddest stories that is recorded for us in the scriptures is Judas. His name is well-known even among people who do not know anythi

Oct 25, 2020 • 34:27

When You Let God Down (2 Samuel 15-16)

When You Let God Down (2 Samuel 15-16)

David has let God down with catastrophic sinning as king over Israel. His sinning has dramatically affected his ability to rule as he is no longer giving justice to the oppressed nor ruling in righteousness. His son Absalom has returned from exile without a shred of repentance and David has accepted him back. This is going to lead to another catastrophe in David’s life. What I want us to pay attention to in this text is how David handles more failures in his life. What will David do when his lif

Oct 18, 2020 • 41:51

He’s Coming Back (Acts 1:6-11)

He’s Coming Back (Acts 1:6-11)

One of the teachings that Jesus gave to his disciples was that it was necessary and important for him to go to the Father. You may remember Jesus telling his disciples that he must go away and where he is going they cannot follow. Why was it so important for Jesus to leave and ascend to the Father? The ascension of Jesus is sometimes not considered very important in the life of Jesus. We will often speak about his coming to earth, his perfect life, his death, and his resurrection. But his ascens

Oct 18, 2020 • 39:39

When Grace Isn’t Gracious (2 Samuel 14)

When Grace Isn’t Gracious (2 Samuel 14)

There are times when showing grace is the wrong thing to do. We have times where we are aware of this truth and can sense it. There are times when grace is extended and we cry out for justice. Sometimes showing grace is not gracious at all. This is what we are coming to in 2 Samuel 14. Chapter 13 ended with the account revealing a torn David. David’s heart longs for his son Absalom. But Absalom has committed premeditated murder against his half-brother, Amnon, for raping his sister, Tamar. As ki

Oct 11, 2020 • 37:57

Why Do You Believe? (Acts 1:1-5)

Why Do You Believe? (Acts 1:1-5)

Why do you believe? It is an important question that we must answer to ourselves. It is a question that you may have asked yourself as you take this journey with Jesus. But the answer to the question is very important. Sometimes people will say that the reason they believe is because the Bible says so. Sometimes people will say that believe because this is what their parents taught them or this is what they have always done. I hope to change that answer because it is not the basis by which we ar

Oct 11, 2020 • 35:49

The Wages of Sin (2 Samuel 13)

The Wages of Sin (2 Samuel 13)

Sometimes the problem that we have when it comes to understanding why we should not sin is that we do not see how terrible sin is. I think this is a big problem in our culture. So what if we sin? Why can’t I do what I want to do? I’m not hurting anyone with what I am doing. Who cares if we sin? What the scriptures have to frequently do is show us the wages of sin. God has to show us how ugly our sins truly are. This is what 2 Samuel 13 is going to do. It is going to show you how ugly and terribl

Sep 27, 2020 • 43:12

Live Generously (1 Timothy 6:11-21)

Live Generously (1 Timothy 6:11-21)

In our last lesson we talked about overflowing in contentment. Discontentment leads to all kinds of problems in this life. Not only does it lead to problems in the present, it can also draw you away from the pain and pierce you with many sorrows (6:10). The apostle Paul teaches us another picture of how we are to overflow as disciples of Jesus in the next paragraph. With contentment in mind, disciples of Jesus are to overflow in generosity. Notice what Paul says in 1 Timothy 6:18. They are to do

Sep 27, 2020 • 35:13

When God Says No (2 Samuel 12:15-25)

When God Says No (2 Samuel 12:15-25)

One of the most difficult times in life is dealing with when God says no. We have gone to the Lord in prayer. We have prayed fervently regarding something in our lives. But God says no. What are we supposed to do when God says no? How are we to handle those times when God says no? Fasting, Pleading, Praying (12:15-19) The judgment on David has been firmly declared. The sword will not leave his house. The sins he committed privately will be publicly done against him. The child of David and Bathsh

Sep 20, 2020 • 35:20

Finding Contentment (1 Timothy 6:3-10)

Finding Contentment (1 Timothy 6:3-10)

Our theme this year, though disrupted by the coronavirus, has been the theme of Overflow. Jesus told his disciples that out of our hearts would flow streams of living water. So we have asked this question through the year: what flows out of us? It was not initially planned this way but two of the topics regarding what flows out of us comes from 1 Timothy 6. I had not planned to teach this book and its faith foundations. But the coronavirus changed all of the preaching plans for this year. So, se

Sep 20, 2020 • 43:24

The Pain of Sin (2 Samuel 12:1-14)

The Pain of Sin (2 Samuel 12:1-14)

David believes he has successfully covered up his sin. David rejected the ways of escape from sexual temptation. He has taken Bathsheba, had Uriah killed, and took Bathsheba as his wife. Everything has gone according to David’s plan. But chapter 11 ended with these words: “But the thing that David had done displeased the Lord.” While the matter did not trouble David, it did trouble the Lord. The Lord may not stop our sinning, but this does not mean that there is not accountability for our sins.

Sep 13, 2020 • 39:50

Be Honorable – Part 2 (1 Timothy 5:17-6:2)

Be Honorable – Part 2 (1 Timothy 5:17-6:2)

We are in part two of our lesson called Be Honorable. The first half of 1 Timothy 5 teaches us about how to act honorably toward each other and toward widows. God cares about how we treat each other and he really cares about how we treat the vulnerable and those in need of help. The rest of chapter 5 continues to call for Christians to act honorably. There are three relationships that Paul is going to teach about in regards to how we are to act honorably. Paul is going to talk about how we act w

Sep 13, 2020 • 37:40

The Anatomy of Spiritual Failure (2 Samuel 11)

The Anatomy of Spiritual Failure (2 Samuel 11)

We have seen the Lord with David throughout his rise to the throne as well as during his reign over Israel. The summary of David’s kingship is in 2 Samuel 8:14, “And the Lord gave victory to David wherever he went.” But as David has been rising up in the kingdom, we have seen the scriptures foreshadow his failure. In 2 Samuel 3:2-5 we see that David grew stronger and stronger, but his multiplying of wives is noted. In 2 Samuel 5:12-16 we see that the Lord established David as king and exalted hi

Aug 30, 2020 • 42:27

Be Honorable (1 Timothy 5:1-16)

Be Honorable (1 Timothy 5:1-16)

We have been studying foundations for faith as Paul has written to Timothy on instructions to give to the church where Timothy is working and proclaiming the gospel. 1 Timothy 5 is a chapter about honor. Verse 3 speaks about honor, verse 17 speaks about honor, and chapter 6 verse 1 speaks about honor. But this is a lengthy chapter so we are going to break the chapter into two pieces with the same title: Be Honorable.  Before we go into the text I want to think about how important this message is

Aug 30, 2020 • 40:38

Living in Loving Kindness (2 Samuel 8-10)

Living in Loving Kindness (2 Samuel 8-10)

We have seen through our studies of 1 & 2 Samuel so many pictures given by God regarding what his kingdom would look like. One day Christ would come and establish his kingdom. But before he came, God showed through David, the Lord’s anointed, pictures of what God would accomplish with this future kingdom. So that is what we are looking at as we consider David and what God is doing through David… To read more of this lesson click here. The post Living in Loving Kindness (2 Samuel 8-10) appeared f

Aug 23, 2020 • 36:53

Cross Training (1 Timothy 4:6-16)

Cross Training (1 Timothy 4:6-16)

We are in a series called Faith Foundations as the apostle Paul writes to Timothy about what it looks like to be a servant of God. What Paul has taught Timothy are critical foundations for our faith. You will notice that the apostle Paul says this in 1 Timothy 4:6. If you put these things before the brothers, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, being trained in the words of the faith and of the good doctrine that you have followed. (1 Timothy 4:6 ESV) This is an excellent summary of what

Aug 23, 2020 • 46:41

REWIND: Holding on to Faith in the Midst of Suffering (Job 2)

REWIND: Holding on to Faith in the Midst of Suffering (Job 2)

The post REWIND: Holding on to Faith in the Midst of Suffering (Job 2) appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Aug 16, 2020 • 49:09

REWIND: Our God of Comfort (2 Corinthians 1:1-11)

REWIND: Our God of Comfort (2 Corinthians 1:1-11)

The post REWIND: Our God of Comfort (2 Corinthians 1:1-11) appeared first on Biblical Truths from West Palm Beach church of Christ.

Aug 16, 2020 • 34:26

Praising The Promise (2 Samuel 7:18-29)

Praising The Promise (2 Samuel 7:18-29)

We noted in the last lesson that 2 Samuel 7 is the theological hub for the book. In fact, we can reasonably argue that 2 Samuel 7 is the theological hub for all the scriptures. David has a desire to build a house for the Lord. But the Lord turns this around and tells David that he will build a house for David. God’s promise will extend past the life of David. The Lord will establish the kingdom of David’s offspring. The Lord will be a father to David’s offspring. When David’s offspring sins, the

Aug 9, 2020 • 43:46

Discovering God’s Goodness (1 Timothy 3:14-4:5)

Discovering God’s Goodness (1 Timothy 3:14-4:5)

We are in a series called Faith Foundations as we look at Paul’s letter to Timothy where he is instructing on what is looks like to be the people of God. In fact, you see this declaration made in 1 Timothy 3:14-15. I hope to come to you soon, but I am writing these things to you so that, if I delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth. (1 Timothy 3:14–15 ESV) Paul is writing because he wants peopl

Aug 9, 2020 • 45:31

The Promise (2 Samuel 7:1-17)

The Promise (2 Samuel 7:1-17)

As we come to 2 Samuel 7, we come to the theological center of the book. Over the last few chapters we have seen the Lord establish the rule and kingdom of his anointed, David. Enemies are defeated, Zion is established at the hub of the kingdom, and the Lord has come into Zion as seen through the arrival of the ark of the covenant. David has humbled himself before the Lord, to the dismay of Saul’s daughter… To read more of this lesson click here. The post The Promise (2 Samuel 7:1-17) appeared f

Aug 2, 2020 • 42:40

Joy in the Lord (2 Samuel 6)

Joy in the Lord (2 Samuel 6)

The Lord seemed to throw a damper on David’s party. The Lord has established David’s kingdom and David has determined to bring the ark of the covenant into Jerusalem. There is celebration and rejoicing as the ark of the covenant begins to make its way from Kiriath-jearim to Jerusalem on a cart being pulled by oxen. But tragedy struck. As the cart was being pulled along with the ark of God on top, the oxen stumbled, Uzzah reached out to grab hold of the ark, and God killed Uzzah for grabbing the

Jul 26, 2020 • 39:08

A Dangerous God (2 Samuel 5-6)

A Dangerous God (2 Samuel 5-6)

God has given all of Israel and Judah to David and David has begun his rule at 30 years old. God is going to continue to establish the kingdom under David’s rule. Chapter 5 shows David as the new Joshua who is finishing the work that the generation of Joshua failed to complete. In 2 Samuel 5:6 we see David go up against the fortification of Jerusalem. The Jebusites who lived in Jerusalem mock David’s efforts, declaring that their weakest people would be able to fend off David. They likely though

Jul 26, 2020 • 37:42

Establishing the Kingdom (2 Samuel 2-5)

Establishing the Kingdom (2 Samuel 2-5)

One would supposed with the death of Saul that David’s way to the throne would be easy and clear. But God is going to show us more pictures through David about how the path to the throne will come for Jesus. The means of establishing the anointed and his kingdom will not be easy. The path to the throne will be a path of difficulty. We have seen David experience great difficulty after his anointing. But the resistance to the Lord’s anointed has not ended even though Saul has died. So in our lesso

Jul 19, 2020 • 42:31

Godly Leaders and Servants (1 Timothy 3:1-13)

Godly Leaders and Servants (1 Timothy 3:1-13)

After talking about the godly devotion that God desires from God’s people, Paul turns his attention godly leaders and servants. We need godly leaders to shepherd the church and we need godly servants who can serve the church. Like the last section in 1 Timothy, it is easy to get lost in the details of chapter 3 and not see the big picture of what God wants. We can become so granular that we will appoint people who should not be leaders or servants because we see Paul simply giving a checklist. B

Jul 19, 2020 • 47:14

The Death of the Anointed (1 Samuel 31 – 2 Samuel 1)

The Death of the Anointed (1 Samuel 31 – 2 Samuel 1)

As we transition into 2 Samuel it is important to remember that the division of these two books is arbitrary and not original to the scriptures. The book of Samuel was divided into 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel when the Greek translation of the scriptures was produced, hundreds of years later. But 2 Samuel describes the transition of the kingdom from Saul to David. The first ten chapters of 2 Samuel describe the rise of David. Chapter 11 records David’s failure. Chapters 12-24 reveal David’s fall. The b

Jul 12, 2020 • 35:05

Godly Devotion (1 Timothy 2:8-15)

Godly Devotion (1 Timothy 2:8-15)

This is a passage that there can be the temptation to skip the context and hurry to verse 12 to understand what it means. But we cannot understand these passages properly without the context. So the intention of the lesson today is not to go through all the possibilities of how to understand this passage. Rather, I want to not lose sight of what Paul is teaching. If we can keep the context in mind, I believe the text, even the questionable ones, will be far easier to understand… To read more of

Jul 12, 2020 • 43:04

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