JUSTUS with Jack & Gonzo

JUSTUS with Jack & Gonzo

Jack D’Aurora and John Gonzales

Social justice means applying the law equally to all people. But in practice, that doesn’t always happen. We’re business and trial lawyers with over 60 years experience of practice. Together, we practice law, we seek social justice, and we reveal the conflict between the two. And in this podcast, we bring together guests from a variety of backgrounds to discuss the current issues surrounding social justice and the inequity between these issues and their relation to the legal system. Join with us, so that it’s not Just Us.

97. The weath gap continues to expand

97. The weath gap continues to expand

There’s an old English song, “It’s the rich what gets the pleasure. It's the poor what gets the pain.” The song holds true today. We talk with Bill LaFayette, the owner of Regionomics, about the expanding wealth gap in America.In 1980, the income of one percent of Americans was 23 times that of the other 90%. In 2022, the income of the top one percent was 69 times the income of the bottom 90%. In 1965, CEO compensation at the 350 largest publicly traded firms was 21 times the typical worker's co

Feb 17, • 48:11

96. We're entering an age of new robber barons

96. We're entering an age of new robber barons

With billionaires like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos circling in President Trump’s orbit, we are witnessing a new age of extremely wealthy business owners seeking to expand their influence on the government. The robbers barons of the late 19th century—JP Morgan, Cornelius Vanderbilt, John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie—had nothing on these fellows. As we moved into the mid-20th century, the wealthy wanted to hide their wealth—as if they were like everyone else. When Fortune magazine first publish

Jan 31, • 45:42

96. The truth about immigrants in America

96. The truth about immigrants in America

Are immigrants a drain on society, or does America benefit from their presence? It’s a hot topic, with Republic politicians telling lies during the last election about Haitians in Springfield eating dogs and cats—and telling these stories solely for the purpose of political gain. What was really stunning is that those lies resonated with some number of people, and Haitians were threatened with violence. We talk with Flannery Rokey-Jackson of Community Refugee & Immigration Services here in Colum

Dec 22, 2024 • 45:22

94. Let's talk about police shootings.

94. Let's talk about police shootings.

Do police officers get it right more often than not when it comes to shooting a suspected threat? Are police trained adequately in terms of simulated scenarios and stressful situations? Are small police departments able to access the same level of training as police departments in large metropolitan areas? Do people suspected of a crime, who fail to comply with police commands, bear responsibility for being shot?We talk with retired police officer Bob Meader, who served as a commander at the Col

Dec 3, 2024 • 52:27

93. What's up with the U.S. Supreme Court?

93. What's up with the U.S. Supreme Court?

Guessing the outcomes of cases brought before the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) can be challenging, and, sometimes, the court's decisions leave you scratching your head. Jack and Gonzo discuss our current court’s propensity to rule in favor of popular conservative causes. If the casinos in Vegas took bets on how SCOTUS were to decide a case, the odds makers probably wouldn't give long odds, because you pretty much know how the justices will rule by their political affiliation. Oh,

Nov 8, 2024 • 39:59

92. The First Amendment and FIRE

92. The First Amendment and FIRE

Does the First Amendment give us the right to shout "Fire!" in a crowded theater? No, and this is one of the very few restrictions on free speech in America. Jack and Gonzo discuss the importance of free speech with Nico Perrino, Executive Vice President of FIRE. Founded in 1999 as the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, FIRE has worked to advance the cause of free speech and the values of the First Amendment at our nation’s colleges and universities. In 2022, FIRE changed its name to

Sep 26, 2024 • 41:45

91.  Your client has autism and is charged with murder. What to do?

91. Your client has autism and is charged with murder. What to do?

Lawyers know how difficult it can be to represent a client with developmental disabilities and how ill equipped our justice system is to protect them. Our guest, McCracken Poston, Jr., is a practicing criminal defense attorney and former member of the Georgia House of Representatives. He just published his new  book “Zenith Man: death, love and redemption in a Georgia courtroom,” the true story behind a controversial and unusual murder case.McCracken’s client, Alvin Ridley, who suffers from auti

Sep 11, 2024 • 45:43

91. Zip codes—the most important social determinant of health

91. Zip codes—the most important social determinant of health

Ever think about the social determinants of health? At the top of the list: zip codes. Neighborhoods can differ dramatically in terms of safety, education, housing, green space, grocery stores, etc. When you lack these things—a world where options are limited—stress sets in, and the sole focus is just getting through each day; there’s no planning for the future. It shouldn’t be a surprise that good things happen when inner-city single moms and their children are given assistance in relocating to

Aug 28, 2024 • 42:10

89. Losing Faith in the U.S. Supreme Court

89. Losing Faith in the U.S. Supreme Court

The U.S. Supreme Court has been in the news lately and not because of its popularity. The court’s recent decisions reflect more ideology than neutral analysis and a disregard for the ramifications of those decisions. Certain decisions are not supported by the text of the Constitution, even though some of the justices regard themselves as “textualists.” Some justices display an arrogance that is disquieting. How did we get here? Let’s remember, the justices were confirmed by a senate that is larg

Aug 17, 2024 • 41:10

88.  Patriotic Millionaires push for political equality, higher wages for working Americans, and a more eqitable tax system

88. Patriotic Millionaires push for political equality, higher wages for working Americans, and a more eqitable tax system

Patriotic Millionaires is a group of high-net-worth Americans who are committed to making all Americans, including themselves, better off by building a more prosperous, stable, and inclusive nation. The group focuses on promoting public policy solutions that encourage political equality, guarantee a sustaining wage for working Americans, and ensure that millionaires, billionaires, and corporations pay their fair share of taxes. Listen to our conversation with Morris Pearl, former managing direct

Jul 10, 2024 • 37:51

Dr. Arthur James on Black infants and women and prejudice in the medical system

Dr. Arthur James on Black infants and women and prejudice in the medical system

Dr. James, an OB/GYN and pediatrician, has spent his professional life trying to achieve equality in birth outcomes. Everyone should receive equal medical care, but that’snot the case in America. According to the Centers for Disease Control’s latest report on infant mortallity, babies born to Black women have teh hightest mortality rate. In addition, Black mothers report they aren’t treated as well as white women by medical professionals.Dr. James explains that achieving equity will require at l

Jun 23, 2024 • 56:32

86. How the absence of humility hurts us all

86. How the absence of humility hurts us all

Everyone regards humility as a virtue, but how many of us appreciate its importance or, more importantly, how the absence of humility impedes societal discourse and hurts personal relationships. When we allow overconfidence bias and the Dunning-Kruger effect to control us, we are far too quick to offer opinions, no matter how little we might know, and refuse to listen. It’s as if we’re spring-loaded to spouting an opinion and defending it, not matter how little we might know. The result: we spe

Jun 5, 2024 • 34:25

85. A place for teens in crisis.

85. A place for teens in crisis.

Where do teens in Central Ohio turn when they are scared and feel alone? A teen might have been booted from home after disclosing he’s gay. Sometimes parents are evicted and want a safe place for their daughter to stay. Anger, depression, mood disorders and myriad other problems drive teens to a dark place where they feel alone. Huckleberry House provides safety for teens in crisis. No matter the issue, teens receive shelter, counseling, compassion and hope. Listen to our conversation with Sonya

May 23, 2024 • 33:27

84. Providing public health care in one of Ohio's poorest counties

84. Providing public health care in one of Ohio's poorest counties

Imagine life in Vinton County, Ohio—13,000 people spread across 450 square miles, with little in the way of resources. No Kroger, Giant Eagle or other big box stores, only Family Dollar and Dollar General stores. No emergency medical center. Just one health center with a single dentist who’s booked six to nine months out, and one or two primary care physicians. No behavioral care physician, no obstetrician, no optometrist. Why not solve the problem with telemedicine? Because much of the county d

May 19, 2024 • 42:11

83. The invisible shield of public health

83. The invisible shield of public health

There’s a little-known truth: public health saved your life today and you probably don't even know it. Public health makes our lives safer and helps us live longer, but its many successes largely go unrecognized. No small wonder it’s called “the invisibleshield” in a PBS documentary that aired last month. Former Director of the Ohio Department of Health, Amy Acton, M.D., discusses the important role Public Health plays in our lives. But underfunding and lack of public awareness are constant chal

Apr 23, 2024 • 50:10

82. Bill LaFayette on the minimum wage debate

82. Bill LaFayette on the minimum wage debate

Should the minimum wage pay enough so that workers can be self-sufficient? If not, why not? Large employers, like Walmart and Kroger, pay wages that exceed Ohio’s minimum wage but yet barely keep a person above the federal poverty level. Isn’t there a conflict between capitalism and society’s obligation to protect the most vulnerable workers? Listen to our conversation with Bill LaFayette, owner of local consulting firm, Regionomics.

Mar 30, 2024 • 35:07

81. Evangelicals use Christianity for political purposes

81. Evangelicals use Christianity for political purposes

The terms “evangelical” and “Christian” have been co-opted by conservatives to push their political agenda. For this group, Christianity is less a means for spiritual enrichment and more a means to steer an ideology, as evidenced by the Seven Mountain Mandate, which urges Christians to take control of seven components of society. Instead of promoting social justice, respecting the dignity of every human being and seeing Christ in all people, the evangelicals use Christianity—and what they

Mar 17, 2024 • 48:10

80. What’s up with banning books?

80. What’s up with banning books?

Why is it we see a wave of people demanding that certain books to be banned? Are these folks voicing their own personal objections based on their own reading, or are they voicing a philosophical bent based on what they’re heard about books? And how is that parents who object to a certain book for their children want the book to be banned for all children? Since when do parents get to decide what’s best for someone else’s children?Donna M. Zuiderweg, chief community engagement officer for the Col

Feb 24, 2024 • 42:39

79. The appeal of selling drugs

79. The appeal of selling drugs

When your options are limited, selling drugs is the answer. Our guest, Buddy, grew up in a low income, high crime Cincinnati neighborhood, with four siblings and a single mom who earned a modest wage. Selling drugs was the answer to getting what he needed—clothes, cash, security. Buddy started out by counting cash for established dealers and by 16 was running his own enterprise. And then at age 21, it came to an end. A competing drug seller told the police what was needed to send Buddy to prison

Feb 11, 2024 • 48:00

78. Citizens not politicians in Ohio should be drawing election maps

78. Citizens not politicians in Ohio should be drawing election maps

Why is it that elected officials can’t draw fair legislative election maps? Despite state constitutional amendments for redistricting reform approved by Ohio voters in 2015 and 2018, Ohio remains heavily gerrymandered because politicians disregarded the mandate they were given. Former Chief Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court Maureen O’Connor struck down as unconstitutional multiple proposed maps. Now as part of Citizens Not Politicians, O’Connor is leading the effort to place a constitutiona

Feb 4, 2024 • 48:28

77. Juvenile detention centers—the last place where you want your child

77. Juvenile detention centers—the last place where you want your child

In theory, juvenile detention centers are places where kids who have committed felonies are helped with their criminal tendencies and behavioral needs, but we’re hearing more about violence than anything else. These are high need kids. Many have suffered trauma—family members murdered, abuse, neglect. Plus, they’re kids; their brains aren’t fully developed. Adding to the problem, Ohio’s Department of Youth Services can’t fill all the openings it has for correctional officers, behavioral speciali

Jan 18, 2024 • 39:33

76.  Dr. Anthony Feinstein on the moral courage of investigative journalists

76. Dr. Anthony Feinstein on the moral courage of investigative journalists

What makes journalists risk their lives in war zones or imprisonment by autocratic governments? Award-winning psychiatrist Anthony Feinstein offers his expert perspective on the moral courage investigative journalists exhibit and the post-traumatic stress they suffer. Listen to what Dr. Feinstein, author of Moral Courage: 19 Profiles of Investigative Journalists, has learned from treating journalists and studying their trauma.

Jan 8, 2024 • 35:10

75. Teaching men to be dads

75. Teaching men to be dads

You might think being a good dad is something that comes naturally, but you would be wrong. Fatherhood has to be learned, and too many men from low-income neighborhoods, where crime rates are high and stable marriages are few, never learn how to be dads. Many kids grow up without the stability of a caring family and good role models; all some kids learn is survival. David Fluellen tells us what his non-profit, Dads2B, does to teach men the kind of things they never learned, like getting involved

Dec 28, 2023 • 38:10

74. Issues 1 and 2 take center stage on the Ohio ballot this November 7.

74. Issues 1 and 2 take center stage on the Ohio ballot this November 7.

The big issues on the ballot in Ohio this November 7 are Issues 1 and 2. Both will likely make the national news.Jack and Gonzo discuss the proposed constitutional amendment protecting a woman’s right to have an abortion, and the citizen initiative proposing a statue to legalize recreational marijuana. Why are these issues on the ballot, and what are the pros and cons being advanced by special interest groups? Listen to the conversation

Nov 2, 2023 • 35:32

73. Forgiving the men who killed her son

73. Forgiving the men who killed her son

Rachel Muha did what few of us could ever do: she forgave the two men who murdered her son, Brian, in 1999. After she was alerted by the police that Brian was missing, Rachel started to pray and decided that she had to muster up the strength to forgive the men who had abducted Brian. It wasn’t until days later that Brian’s body was recovered, and even after learning that Brian had been murdered, Rachel extended forgiveness to his killers.Rachel explains that forgiveness is a refusal to harbor il

Oct 22, 2023 • 38:37

72. Trump losing in court won't be enough to save democracy?

72. Trump losing in court won't be enough to save democracy?

Is columnist David Rothfopf right—Trump losing in court won't be enough to save democracy? There are plenty of reasons to be skeptical of the future of democracy—gerrymandering, election finance, voter suppression, and politicians who will change the rules to achieve their goals. The recent campaign to amend Ohio’s constitution, Issue 1, is an example of politicians doing just that. Maybe people don’t want to live in a democracy. They want what they want and don’t care how they get it. Manipulat

Sep 20, 2023 • 35:34

71. A failed criminal justice system

71. A failed criminal justice system

What’s the purpose of our criminal justice system? Retribution or restoration? When we examine the system, we see racial disparities in sentencing and little effort to understand what caused an offender to engage in criminal activity. Being “tough on crime” is a popular slogan with politicians. Sentencing is conducted with little concern for the backstory of the offender. The system fails miserably when it comes to rehabilitation. Listen to our conversation with Sean Wilson, the Organizing Direc

Sep 12, 2023 • 46:35

70. Challenging white supremacy and misogyny in the workplace (part 2)

70. Challenging white supremacy and misogyny in the workplace (part 2)

We continue our conversation with activist Jon Melrod about his efforts in opposing racism, organizing rallies against the Vietnam War and activism in favor of unions.

Sep 3, 2023 • 18:53

69. Challenging white supremacy and misogyny in the workplace (part 1)

69. Challenging white supremacy and misogyny in the workplace (part 1)

How often does a veteran white revolutionary author a book in which he describes a lifetime committed to waging war on white supremacy and misogyny? These two political struggles have been the focus of Jon Melrod’s organizing efforts since the 1960s. In his recently released book, Fighting Times: Organizing on the Front Lines of the Class War, Jon traces in a lively and humorous fashion his often dangerous life of political activism and the brutal realities of sexism and racism i

Aug 24, 2023 • 24:00

68. From life inside the prison walls to life outside the walls (Part 2)

68. From life inside the prison walls to life outside the walls (Part 2)

We continue our conversation with Paul Sparks about the keys for success in transitioning from prison life to life outside the walls. Even then, there are risks—getting into relationships too soon, drug and alcohol abuse, and financial issues—that can lead to a return to prison. Paul explains why Embark minimizes the chances of that happening.

Aug 16, 2023 • 16:17

67. From life inside the prison walls to life outside the walls (Part 1)

67. From life inside the prison walls to life outside the walls (Part 1)

Transitioning from prison life to life outside the walls takes work. Columbus-based Kindway provides a path—the Embark program—for motivated men and women inmates to start the transition process well before they are released from prison. Paul Sparks, the men’s transition manager for Kindway, knows a thing or two about transitioning. He was incarcerated four times years and spent 13 years inside the walls. Getting connected with Embark is what made the difference for him. Listen to our conversati

Aug 9, 2023 • 20:00

66. Vote no on Issue 1 (unless you like minority rule)

66. Vote no on Issue 1 (unless you like minority rule)

In a special election set for this August, Republicans in the Ohio statehouse and three special interest groups are advocating a change to the state constitution that can only be considered anti-democratic: future amendments will require a 60 percent vote. This amendment is all about suppressing the power of citizens who are pro-choice, against gerrymandering and in favor of gun control. Never concerned about hypocrisy, the Republican-controlled Ohio statehouse earlier this year banned Aug

Jul 20, 2023 • 41:17

65. Why are trans kids under attack by Ohio's statehouse?

65. Why are trans kids under attack by Ohio's statehouse?

Is the recent wave of legislation concerning trans children focused on preventing harms or a way for politicians to prove their conservative bona fides? Take a look at these bills, and you’ll see it’s the latter. What’s stunning is that these bills—Ohio House Bill 8, House Bill 68 and House Bill 183—concern a small percentage of the population. Even more stunning is that these bills are supposedly designed to protect straight students but actually put LGBTQ children at risk. Listen to our conver

Jul 12, 2023 • 43:31

64. Does Ohio’s EdChoice voucher system put public education at risk?

64. Does Ohio’s EdChoice voucher system put public education at risk?

Is the Ohio constitutional mandate that government provide for “a thorough and efficient system of common schools” at risk because of the EdChoice voucher system? When it was started, EdChoice, which is funded by state revenue, was available only to students who attended lower performing public schools. Now the program is tied to income. Any family earning up to 250% of the federal poverty level ($75,000 for a family of four) is eligible, and there is a proposal to make EdChoice available for f

Jul 3, 2023 • 35:10

63. The failed experiment of charter schools

63. The failed experiment of charter schools

The creation of charter schools, also known as community schools, in Ohio is an experiment that has cost Ohioans billions and has provided little educational improvement for its students. Charter schools began as an experiment to provide more varied learning opportunities, but the experiment has not fared well due to the schools' flawed administrative structure. Our guest, Mark Weiker, explains why the experiment has not provided consistently good results.

Jun 25, 2023 • 33:40

62. How much more lying can we tolerate

62. How much more lying can we tolerate

People lie out of self-preservation—think Pete Rose lying about not betting on baseball—or to promote a political goal—President George W. Bush’s administration stating Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, when he didn’t. Besides lying, people often talk about things as if they know with certainty what they’re talking about, when, in reality, they’re just guessing. Why do people, mostly politicians it seems, behave this way? Because it works. Regardless of whether false statements are

Jun 11, 2023 • 44:45

61. Does Ohio Senator Cirino's proposed legislation promote or hinder academic freedom?

61. Does Ohio Senator Cirino's proposed legislation promote or hinder academic freedom?

Ohio state Senator Jerry Cirino says he sponsored Senate Bill 83 because he wants students to be taught how to think, not what to think. The bill speaks about advancing free and open discussion, but when you read the bill, you see that Cirino and other state legislators want to control what can be taught. It’s frightening and likely inconsistent with our state’s constitution. Listen to the conversation between Jack and Gonzo.

May 21, 2023 • 39:10

60.  Do teachers have to divulge a student's confidential statement about gender dysphoria?

60. Do teachers have to divulge a student's confidential statement about gender dysphoria?

When teachers believe a student suffers from abuse or neglect, they have to submit a report to a public children services agency or the police, but what obligation do teachers have when children talk to them in confidence about gender dysphoria? Are teachers allowed to keep this kind of information confidential? Attorney Josh Brown believes teachers should be required to tell parents about gender dysphoria. The law isn’t clear. Listen to our conversation with Josh.

Apr 21, 2023 • 48:48

59. Are Mike Gonidakis and Ohio Right to Life right about abortion?

59. Are Mike Gonidakis and Ohio Right to Life right about abortion?

Mike Gonidakis and Ohio Right to Life see abortion as a black and white issue. Every fetus deserves to be born. Period. But many Ohioans see it differently. There’s the matter of a woman’s right to autonomy over her body. There are economic and family problems that push women to abort. And low income women especially are affected by an abortion ban. It all comes down to an individual’s moral stance, doesn’t it? And if that’s true, then why should the government get involved?Listen to our c

Mar 19, 2023 • 43:42

58. The threat of Christian nationalism

58. The threat of Christian nationalism

Christian nationalism speaks to a declaration of war against the enemies of God, but it is far removed from both Christianity and patriotism, and it’s sweeping the nation. We talk with Rev. Tim Ahrens about a divisive ideology that advocates a single acceptable point of view and hatred of anyone who is different and speaks of Jesus but fails to follow his example. Listen to our conversation about a movement that is both frightening and a threat to the nation.

Dec 10, 2022 • 44:34

57. How can I possibly make a difference?

57. How can I possibly make a difference?

After a career in health care and raising a family in Georgia, Connie Cheren decided to take up the challenge of providing health care services in Kenya, but she had no clue how to get started. So, she just said yes to the idea and then figured things out. Now, thousands of Kenyans benefit from safe water programs, mobility carts, computer schools and medical clinics. What’s at the heart of Connie’s approach? Listening. Listening to the people and together developing with them programs that impr

Nov 26, 2022 • 30:31

56. Legislators disregard science when it comes to trans kids

56. Legislators disregard science when it comes to trans kids

Ohio lawmakers want to prohibit gender affirming care for children who are trans. Never mind what physicians, social workers and teachers might have to say about the needs of trans kids, lawmakers think they know better. Instead of focusing on the care trans kids needs, lawmakers fixate on problems that don’t exist.Our guest, Melissa McLaren, has a teenage child, Connor, who was born a boy but has identified as a girl from age 3 or so. Melissa explains the challenges that come when a child

Oct 4, 2022 • 47:20

55. Teachers can carry firearms, but teaching about the racial divide might be off limits

55. Teachers can carry firearms, but teaching about the racial divide might be off limits

Ohio lawmakers recently passed legislation that allows teachers to carry firearms in the classroom with just 24 hours of training. Teachers, educators and law enforcement testified against the bill. Still, HB 99 passed. Why do our lawmakers think teachers should serve double duty as security guards—with minimal training?Ohio lawmakers have also proposed in HB 616 that teachers be prohibited from teaching “divisive or inherently racists concepts.” That sounds like a good idea, except the bill def

Sep 18, 2022 • 40:16

54. What's up with election deniers and QAnon believers?

54. What's up with election deniers and QAnon believers?

The human mind is not readily disposed to accepting facts as they are, which explains election deniers and QAnon believes. Our belief systems have great power in determining how we assess reality, and phenomena such as cognitive dissonance, confirmation bias and consensual validation determine what facts we accept and what facts we might disregard or manipulate. The mind is always in the process of framing, that is, giving meaning to the events before us so that they fit in with our belief syste

Sep 1, 2022 • 46:50

53. The supreme court and its textualist approach to abortion and guns

53. The supreme court and its textualist approach to abortion and guns

In the Dobbs case, the U.S. Supreme Court found there is no constitutional right to abortion and that the issue of abortion is better left with the states, but state legislatures have gerrymandered their voting maps so that the power in party controls the vote. But that’s just one problem. Another is that the “textualist” approach favored by many of the justices on the court is dependent on an historical survey to determine what rights Americans have traditionally enjoyed, and the court has been

Aug 17, 2022 • 46:26

52.  No country for great statesmen

52. No country for great statesmen

Remember the movie, “No country for old men?” America is becoming, “no country for statesmen.” John Glenn is one of the last great American heroes—combat veteran, astronaut, senator, statesman and a gentleman in every respect. Regrettably, the days when he served in the senate—when the paradigm was that country came before political party—are long gone. Political party demands now dominate, a problem exacerbated by Constitutional provisions enacted over 200 years ago to appease the southern stat

Aug 5, 2022 • 44:26

51.  More guns, more violence

51. More guns, more violence

The NRA tells us the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. How’s that working for us? Americans own more than 300,000,000 firearms, and we suffer over 40,000 gun homicides and suicides annually. Does the Second Amendment provide unbridled gun rights? Can limits be imposed without running afoul of the Second Amendment? Why doesn’t the background check system cover private sales? Why are legislatures putting the obligation of school safety on teachers? Does the owner

Jul 23, 2022 • 41:23

50. The new political strategy—voter suppression

50. The new political strategy—voter suppression

Why is voting in America difficult, and what’s behind the recent efforts by Republican controlled state legislatures to make it even more difficult? Barriers to voting and the common perception that voting results in little change create frustration and cause many to feel disenfranchised. Listen to our conversation with Jocelyn Armstrong, a Columbus lawyer who works to promote diversity and inclusion and produces the podcast “Inscribing Inclusion.”

Jul 1, 2022 • 38:23

49. The problem with police investigative stops—police abuse or citizen non-compliance?

49. The problem with police investigative stops—police abuse or citizen non-compliance?

What does the law say about a police officer’s obligations when stopping and questioning someone for possible criminal conduct? What does a police officer have to consider before making the stop? Does racial bias enter the equation? Are citizens required to comply? How is it that sometimes these stops end with violence, sometimes a shooting? Listen to our conversation with Robert Meader, a former career police officer and commander of the Police Academy for the city of Columbus, Ohio.

Jun 18, 2022 • 1:07:46

48.  The U.S. Supreme Court has become an extension of politics

48. The U.S. Supreme Court has become an extension of politics

The U.S. Supreme Court is taking on the trappings of being a political body. By carefully appointing justices, a president and the senate can accomplish things they can't make happen through the legislative process. Recent decisions from the court reflect too closely what the Republican party wants. And the public is losing confidence in the court. Its approval rating has decreased from 62 percent to 40 percent in the last 20 years. Listen to Jack and Gonzo talk about how things are changing wit

May 28, 2022 • 33:45

47. The blind injustice of America's criminal justice system

47. The blind injustice of America's criminal justice system

We want to believe the criminal justice system convicts the right person and allows the innocent to go free. It’s a nice thought, but it doesn’t always work that way. Memories are malleable, eyewitness identification is often unreliable, witnesses and suspects can be manipulated, and sometimes the prosecution withholds important evidence. And judges and prosecutors are often blind to these problems. Listen to our conversation with Mark Godsey, a former federal prosecutor and now a law prof

May 18, 2022 • 39:04

46.  The crisis that comes with being homeless

46. The crisis that comes with being homeless

Ever thought about what it’s like to be homeless? It’s not just a matter of having no place to call your own. It’s a state of crisis where your whole world is turned upside down. There’s no certainty in your life, no sense of security or well-being. You have virtually no control over your life. And being homeless likely means you had no one in your life to whom you could reach out for help before you became homeless. You’re alone in more than one way. Listen to our conversation with Michelle Her

May 11, 2022 • 32:40

45. Democracy at Risk

45. Democracy at Risk

Something’s not right in America. The democracy we should all cherish and want to protect is under attack. State legislatures, guided only by partisan politics, control the maps for congressional and state voter maps, meaning representatives pick their voters, instead of voters their picking representatives. States are passing laws to restrict voting access under the false premise that voting security is at risk. When confirming justices for the U.S. Supreme Court, senators are more concerned ab

Apr 29, 2022 • 41:30

44. The barriers to employment ex-offenders face

44. The barriers to employment ex-offenders face

After you finish your prison sentence and pay your debt to society, you should be eligible for work, right? Not exactly. If you want to work in a field where a license is required, you’ll likely hit a brick wall, as many licenses are not available to felony offenders. On top of that is the matter of company policy. As it turns out, paying your debt to society doesn’t mean you can get through the employment door. Listen to what William Perry has endured.

Apr 15, 2022 • 35:17

43. How America Criminalizes Black Youth

43. How America Criminalizes Black Youth

Often seen as a threat, Black youths are denied healthy adolescent development. They’re subject to suspicion and arrest for the most ordinary adolescent activities—shopping for prom clothes, playing in the park, listening to music, wearing the latest fashion trend. While research shows Black youths are no more dangerous or impulsive than their white counterparts, but there’s a tremendous difference in how Black youths are treated by school officials, the police and the criminal justice system. A

Apr 1, 2022 • 43:02

42. Should you hire ex-offenders?

42. Should you hire ex-offenders?

Why are employers reluctant to hire ex-offenders? Is that reluctance always justified? Can employing ex-offenders work out well for both sides? Turns out, ex-offenders are often good employees, have a good work ethic and a strong sense of loyalty. Find out what Evan Williams, president of Franklin International, and Joe DeLoss, president of Hot Chick Takeover have to say about the ex-offenders they hire.

Mar 25, 2022 • 43:49

41. Politics are getting involved in public education. And it's not for the better.

41. Politics are getting involved in public education. And it's not for the better.

If you don’t know what critical race theory (CRT) is, don’t feel bad. Neither do the folks in charge of K-12 education in Ohio. In October 2021, the state board of education put the brakes on implicit bias training and, apparently guided by nationwide misconceptions, determined that CRT has “no place in K-12 education.” The board also condemned programs that promote “collective guilt, moral deficiency” to a “whole race or group of people.” As if this type of instruction is part of any curriculum

Mar 17, 2022 • 43:47

40. The Criminal justice system is rigged

40. The Criminal justice system is rigged

Author and lawyer Bryan Stephenson says, “It’s better to be rich and guilty than poor and innocent.” A nice of saying the system is rigged. Find out what Stevenson means by listening to Tim Young, Ohio’s Public Defender, who has focused his career on protecting the rights of the indigent.

Mar 9, 2022 • 48:51

39. The Texas abortion  Law—restrictive and cleverly drafted

39. The Texas abortion Law—restrictive and cleverly drafted

The new Texas abortion law is controversial because it bans abortions after the sixth week of pregnancy, a time limit that is unprecedented. But the new law is controversial for another reason as well. It appears to have been purposefully designed to thwart a constitutional challenge. Listen to what constitutional lawyer Mark Brown has to say.

Mar 3, 2022 • 45:01

38. The gerrymandering battle in Ohio

38. The gerrymandering battle in Ohio

Gerrymandering was supposed to end in 2021 for Ohio’s congressional and general assembly maps, by virtue of constitutional amendments approved by over 70 percent of Ohioans. But a Republican controlled general assembly has drafted maps the Ohio Supreme Court has held to be unconstitutional. Are the amendments unworkable, as Republicans argue, or are Republicans simply refusing to do what the law requires? Listen to what Jen Miller, executive director of the Ohio League of Women Voters, has to sa

Feb 22, 2022 • 46:15

37. Not all neighborhoods are equal

37. Not all neighborhoods are equal

Columbus suffers from a lack of housing, and especially affordable housing, a problem that hits low income neighborhoods the hardest. Those same neighborhoods also lack resources–think libraries, YMCAs and community centers. How do we engage the residents of those communities to consolidate their voices to gain access to more resources, and how we get those in more affluent neighborhoods to be empathetic and get involved? Duane Casares, CEO of Directions for Youth & Families, and Michael Wil

Nov 10, 2021 • 48:04

36. Reforming a failed bail system

36. Reforming a failed bail system

The majority of Americans who are behind bars are not serving a sentence; they’re awaiting trial. Many of these people were arrested for minor drug possession or driving with a suspended license and couldn’t afford bail. Micah Derry of Arnold Ventures, a philanthropy that seeks to minimize social injustices, talks with us about people spending an average of 28 days in jail while awaiting trial on minor misdemeanor charges. And while these people sit in jail, they lose their jobs, face eviction a

Oct 27, 2021 • 40:36

35. Critical race theory–a subject of controversy and misinformation

35. Critical race theory–a subject of controversy and misinformation

Ohio State University Associate Professor Joni Acuff talks with us about what critical race theory actually is—as opposed to how it’s described by its critics—and gives examples of racial inequality being imbedded in society. The three of us discuss legislative efforts to ban critical race theory. Legislators say they want students to be presented with the facts and make their own decisions, but that’s not what’s really going on. Opponents of critical theory race actually want to suppress what t

Oct 17, 2021 • 39:29

34. The adolescent mind and bad decision making

34. The adolescent mind and bad decision making

Sara Denny, M.D., a pediatrician, talks with us about why teenagers and adults in their early 20s make bad decisions. It’s simple–their brains aren’t fully developed. As a consequence, they’re more vulnerable to pressure and stress and not thinking things through. If teens and very young adults are not wired to think maturely, what does that mean for how we should treat them in the criminal justice system? Listen to the conversation.We’re running a brief survey for our listeners, and we’d love t

Aug 29, 2021 • 39:27

33. Gun violence–a pediatric surgeon’s point of view

33. Gun violence–a pediatric surgeon’s point of view

A prior guest on our podcast, Jonathan Groner is a pediatric surgeon and the medical director of the Center for Pediatric Trauma Research at Nationwide Children’s Hospital who regularly treats Columbus children for gunshot wounds. For Groner, gun violence isn’t some distant problem to debate from the comfort of his home. For him, it’s very personal. Listen to him describe the prevalence of gun violence in low-income neighborhoods, the racial disparities associated with gun violence, accide

Jul 18, 2021 • 42:36

32. Former attorney general Jim Petro: repeal the death penalty

32. Former attorney general Jim Petro: repeal the death penalty

As a state representative, Jim Petro helped draft Ohio’s death penalty law in 1981. During his watch as attorney general from 2003 to 2007, the state of Ohio executed 18 men. But now, Petro thinks it’s time to repeal the death penalty. Listen and find out why.We’re running a brief survey for our listeners, and we’d love to hear from you. Go to lawyerupcolumbus.com/survey and give us your input. It takes just two minutes–literally.

Jun 20, 2021 • 40:35

31. Recognizing the humanity within the LGBTQ community

31. Recognizing the humanity within the LGBTQ community

Why is it that some number of people want to deprive members of the LGBTQ community of the fundamental rights that everyone else enjoys? What’s so hard about recognizing the humanity of the LGBTQ community? Listen to Densil Porteous, executive director of Stonewall Columbus, talk about how he uses grace and patience to help people move beyond the social constructs they’ve learned and his efforts to change the hearts of those who think the LGBTQ community should be treated differently.We’re runni

May 29, 2021 • 45:12

30. Inside the walls

30. Inside the walls

Ohio houses some 50,000 men and women in its penitentiaries. Former warden Christine Money describes life inside the walls and an innovative program she now directs that helps inmates successfully reenter society. Some of these former offenders have been inside the walls for over 35 years, and almost all of them are doing exceptionally well.

May 16, 2021 • 50:11

29. Location a big factor in determining likelihood of success

29. Location a big factor in determining likelihood of success

It’s no secret that some parts of metro Columbus make it tough to succeed because of crime and lack of resources. Amy Klaben, project facilitator for Move to Prosper, tells us about the success 10 single mothers and their children are having now that they’re relocated from low-income, low-resource neighborhoods to neighborhoods that provide more opportunities. You really can move to prosper.We’re running a brief survey for our listeners, and we’d love to hear from you. Go to lawyerupcolumb

Apr 25, 2021 • 36:16

28. The death penalty–a physician’s point of view

28. The death penalty–a physician’s point of view

Jonathan Groner is a pediatric surgeon and the medical director of the Center for Pediatric Trauma Research at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, who has been vocal in his opposition to the Death Penalty. This isn’t just an academic exercise for Dr. Groner. He’s been to Death Row and examined Death Row inmates whose executions were botched. Listen to him describe the Hippocratic Paradox that medical professionals face when asked to assist with executions and explain why the Death Penalty should be

Apr 1, 2021 • 40:52

27. Protecting Civil Rights

27. Protecting Civil Rights

Civil rights attorney Fred Gittes and three other law firms are suing the Columbus Police Department, alleging the police used excessive force in responding to last summer’s protests. What’s behind the problem, according to Fred? Racial discrimination. What’s at risk? Our First Amendment rights. We’re running a brief survey for our listeners, and we’d love … Continue reading Protecting Civil Rights →

Feb 15, 2021 • 39:38

26. The housing crisis for tenants

26. The housing crisis for tenants

The COVID-19 pandemic has put millions of Americans out of work, which means tenants can’t pay their rent and landlords can’t pay their mortgage loans. The Centers for Disease Control has intervened with an eviction moratorium, and the feds have stepped with with financial assistance. Still, the crisis continues. Columbus Legal Aid attorney Holly Lovey … Continue reading The housing crisis for tenants →

Jan 4, 2021 • 32:18

25. Climate change—we’re at the tipping point

25. Climate change—we’re at the tipping point

The air is warming, and the seas are arising. We’re heating up the Earth to a dangerous level, and the consequences are more hurricanes and forest fires, the dislocation of people who are abandoning their homelands because they’re turning into deserts, and our own national security. Listen to scientist Steve Rissing break down the problem … Continue reading Climate change—we’re at the tipping point →

Dec 24, 2020 • 38:56

24. The hunger problem in central Ohio. It’s getting worse.

24. The hunger problem in central Ohio. It’s getting worse.

Hunger is a big issue in central Ohio, just as it is nationwide. The Mid-Ohio Food Collective serves 780,000 people annually in 20 counties, and the need for food assistance is growing. In just the last eight months 45,000 people who never before needed food assistance now do. The problem? Wages aren’t keeping pace with … Continue reading The hunger problem in central Ohio. It’s getting worse. →

Nov 20, 2020 • 44:45

23. Columbus City Council President Shannon Hardin on Black Lives Matter, systemic racism and police reform

23. Columbus City Council President Shannon Hardin on Black Lives Matter, systemic racism and police reform

Columbus City Council President Shannon Hardin discuss Black Lives Matter, systemic racism and police reform

Nov 2, 2020 • 45:53

22. You’ve been raped? Sorry, but tort reform favors your rapist in court.

22. You’ve been raped? Sorry, but tort reform favors your rapist in court.

Attorney John Fitch has taken on the cases of two women who were raped. One was 15 years old when raped, and the other was 11. The juries awarded $3.5 million and $20 million, respectively, in the two cases for the trauma these women suffered and still suffer. But state law caps the damages a … Continue reading You’ve been raped? Sorry, but tort reform favors your rapist in court. →

Oct 23, 2020 • 44:26

21. Allison Russo on HB 6, gerrymandering and dark money

21. Allison Russo on HB 6, gerrymandering and dark money

State Rep. Allison Russo (D-Upper Arlington) talks about how the movement to repeal HB 6 has slowed to virtual stand still. What’s the problem? In large part, gerrymandering and dark money.

Sep 29, 2020 • 41:52

20. Why you should be concerned about dark money

20. Why you should be concerned about dark money

Paul Beck, political scientist and professor emeritus from The Ohio State University, explains what dark money is, why it’s so powerful and why it’s probably here to stay.

Sep 19, 2020 • 59:13

19. Are gun safety advocates trying to take your guns away?

19. Are gun safety advocates trying to take your guns away?

Toby Hoover, founder and former executive director of the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence, explains what it takes to reduce gun violence and why groups like hers are not trying to take away anyone’s guns.

Sep 11, 2020 • 43:38

18. Why do Blacks suffer a higher infant mortality rate than Whites?

18. Why do Blacks suffer a higher infant mortality rate than Whites?

Patricia Gabbe, M.D, explains why Blacks have such a high infant mortality rate and why racism is a public health crisis.

Aug 19, 2020 • 48:00

17. Is Ohio ready for the November elections?

17. Is Ohio ready for the November elections?

Guest: Jen Miller, executor director, League of Women Voters of OhioJen discusses all things voting—voter guides published by the League, how our voting system is protected against fraud, and what Ohio is doing to get ready for the November 2020.

Jul 28, 2020 • 46:43

16. Police abuse—a few bad apples or a systemic problem?

16. Police abuse—a few bad apples or a systemic problem?

Guest: Attorney James D. McNamara Jim McNamara has prosecuted civil actions throughout the state of Ohio on behalf of citizens who have suffered from police abuse. Based on the cases he’s handled over the course of 40 years, Jim explains why police abuse exists, the breadth of the problem, and what it takes to effect … Continue reading Police abuse—a few bad apples or a systemic problem? →

Jul 8, 2020 • 1:00:27

15. Drinking and driving—what might seem like a good idea never is

15. Drinking and driving—what might seem like a good idea never is

Guest: Attorney Jon Saia of Saia & Piatt Jon Saia’s practice is focused on OVI defense. He’s one of the most knowledgeable attorneys in Ohio on this area of the law. Not only an accomplished attorney, Jon is certified by The National Highway…

May 11, 2020 • 46:29

14. The DuPont story—one lawyer’s 20-year legal battle against a corporation’s pollution and cover up

14. The DuPont story—one lawyer’s 20-year legal battle against a corporation’s pollution and cover up

Guest: Robert A. Bilott, partner at Taft Law. For years, DuPont had been dumping in a landfill in Parkersburg, West Va., a man-made chemical commonly known as PFOA, which was recently linked to cancers and other diseases. But DuPont knew as far back as…

May 5, 2020 • 58:05

13. Can a court order you to not have children?

13. Can a court order you to not have children?

Guest: Giovanna Scaletta-BremkeIf you have 13 children by nine women and fall behind on your child support payments, can a court order you to not have more children? A trial court in Lorain County, Ohio, thought it had the power to issue such an…

Apr 17, 2020 • 19:53

12. Is it time to kill the death penalty?

12. Is it time to kill the death penalty?

Conservatives join the move to repeal Oho’s death penalty

Feb 20, 2020 • 48:35

11. Just Justice—an Interview with Ohio Supreme Court Justice Michael Donnelly

11. Just Justice—an Interview with Ohio Supreme Court Justice Michael Donnelly

Guest: Justice Michael P. Donnelly

Feb 14, 2020 • 56:37

10. Prostitution and Human Trafficking

10. Prostitution and Human Trafficking

Guest: Hannah Estabrook

Feb 14, 2020 • 39:09

9. Why We Like Juries

9. Why We Like Juries

We’ve created a system in which regular citizens are empowered to make important decisions as jurors. There are good reasons behind the jury system, as well as plenty of misconceptions.

Feb 14, 2020 • 26:58

8. Medical Malpractice

8. Medical Malpractice

Guest: Eleana Drakatos and Medical Malpractice

Feb 14, 2020 • 20:33

7. Ending Your Marriage

7. Ending Your Marriage

Divorce, Dissolution, Annulment and more

Feb 14, 2020 • 17:53

6. Non-Compete Agreements

6. Non-Compete Agreements

How to Handle Non-Competes as an Employee and Employers

Feb 14, 2020 • 13:04

5. Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

5. Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Adverse employment decisions and hostile work environments

Feb 14, 2020 • 25:50

4. Insurance: Why and How Much?

4. Insurance: Why and How Much?

What’s Required and What’s Recommended

Feb 14, 2020 • 15:11

3. Arbitration

3. Arbitration

Do you want an arbitration clause in your contract?

Feb 14, 2020 • 12:45

Bonus. Real Estate Part Two

Bonus. Real Estate Part Two

Purchase Agreements and Title Agencies

Feb 14, 2020 • 16:55

2. Real Estate

2. Real Estate

Do you need a lawyer for a real estate sale?

Feb 14, 2020 • 20:53

1. Tort Reform

1. Tort Reform

Jack D’Aurora and John Gonzales on Tort Reform

Feb 11, 2020 • 33:24

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