Baby-Sitters Club Club's Smarter Dumber

Baby-Sitters Club Club's Smarter Dumber


We're Jack and Tanner from the Baby-Sitters Club Club, a podcast in which we discuss the classic novels in the great Sitters' Cycle by Ann Matthews Martin in order. Jack is an insufferably pedantic English major who insists on referring to these books as "texts" and finding literary references in them, while Tanner is a tin-foil-hat-wearing conspiracy theorist who is certain that if you scratch the surface, you'll find that these books are about magical bees. All of the awesome podcasts in this playlist are big influences on how we see the world, and we hope you like them as...

An audio introduction to this playlist

An audio introduction to this playlist

An audio introduction to this playlist from Jack and Tanner, hosts of the Baby-Sitters Club Club.

Mar 22, 2017 • 2:04

Kristy and the Walking Disaster

Kristy and the Walking Disaster

Kristy is the one who started this whole Baby-Sitters Club lark, and so a Kristy episode is the obvious choice to get a taste of our podcast. Kristy books have everything – a whole lot of babies, a whole lot of sitting, and, in this particular book, an ancient timewalker named Jackie Rodowsky.

Mar 22, 2017 • 0:00

Season Two – Episode One – Piggies

Season Two – Episode One – Piggies

Worst Idea of All Time is really the show that most inspired The Baby-Sitters Club Club. In season 2 of the show, two comedians from New Zealand subject themselves to watching Sex in the City 2 each week for a whole year and capturing their descent into madness on audio.

Mar 22, 2017 • 0:00

Jonathan Edwards’ Basement

Jonathan Edwards’ Basement

A philosopher and a social psychologist manage to make you laugh, delight in their friendship, and think hard about practical ethics, theory of justice, and the state of academia all at once. Even if one of them is a Kantian and the other is essentially always wrong.

Mar 22, 2017 • 0:00

Glistening Fishlifters

Glistening Fishlifters

My Brother, My Brother and Me is just the best podcast ever made. The McElroy brothers are charming, funny, and have a great rapport that all other podcast hosts should strive for. We certainly try!

Mar 22, 2017 • 0:00

Heraclitus on Understanding the World

Heraclitus on Understanding the World

Some dudes who were originally going to do philosophy for a living but then thought better of it. This is that rarest of things – a philosophical discussion that will appeal equally to serious academics and interested newbies all at ones. No matter how hard the topic, these guys always find a way to make it interesting, accessible, and relevant.

Mar 22, 2017 • 0:00

Dark Pinterest

Dark Pinterest

Bizarre States is a great introduction into the crazy world of conspiracy, paranormal, and unexplainable oddities. Bowser and Jessica make the world feel like a much weirder place!

Mar 22, 2017 • 0:00

R>E>M> (Part 1)

R>E>M> (Part 1)

Chris Ott is the kind of music critic that is rarer and rarer nowadays – often polemical in his style and approach, unwilling to mindlessly accept the dominant, well-worn narratives about scenes and styles and trends in music, and deeply informed and passionate about his subject matter. It’s impossible to listen to an episode of Shallow Rewards without completely re-evaluating how you think about a band, their influences, and their motivations.

Mar 22, 2017 • 0:00

The Unsound

The Unsound

The Black Tapes is an incredibly well-produced audio drama that ties together all sorts of paranormal and supernatural stories. This episode is chilling, but if you dig it, go back and start at the beginning.

Mar 22, 2017 • 0:00

Simon Blackburn on Narcissism

Simon Blackburn on Narcissism

Bite-sized and compelling introductions to any and every topic in philosophy in the form of excellent little interviews with leading lights in the field. Nothing dry or savory here – this is philosophy as dessert, and it’s delicious.

Mar 22, 2017 • 0:00

Expressed as a Vest

Expressed as a Vest

You Look Nice Today was one of the first and funniest podcasts I ever encountered, and even though they rarely update the feed these days, it’s still one I go back and listen to over and over again.

Mar 22, 2017 • 0:00

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