Fractured Resilience

Fractured Resilience

Richard Hindmarsh, MD

Welcome to Fractured Resilience, a podcast by Addiction Medicine specialist Richard Hindmarsh, MD, on building your resilience and developing grit. The focus for upcoming podcasts will be the growth and development of Godly grit. Godly grit is necessary to find and fulfill your God-given purpose with passion and perseverance. The topics to be covered will be: How to find your voice, how to tear down strongholds that hold you back, and how to build a storehouse of character qualities to see you through difficult times.

Living in a World of Fractured Image-bearers

Living in a World of Fractured Image-bearers

The first man was created complete and placed in God’s perfectly designed world. God created man to experience fulfillment in a quality relationship with Him, aware of his value and purpose, active and creative with power, with an eternal spirit. We were made to be both physically alive and spiritually alive. God created humanity with all that was needed to be completely content. With disobedience came a fracture in our God-image. Now there was a problem. We still have God’s image, but its expre

Jun 8, 2022 • 43:47

Your Eternal Spirit

Your Eternal Spirit

God has been and forever will be, humanity, on the other hand, is confined by time. Our only experience involves time. We have a birth date; we have a death date; we are defined and restricted by time. It is almost too much for our little brains to grasp the concept of eternity.--- Support this podcast:

Jun 1, 2022 • 24:22

Spiritual Emptiness

Spiritual Emptiness

Are you exhausted and worn out? Has your life turned out differently than you expected? Have you run out of answers? Do you feel isolated? Has life lost its meaning? Are you confused? The chances are if you think this way, you are spiritually empty.--- Support this podcast:

May 25, 2022 • 19:58

The Burden of Mortality

The Burden of Mortality

Our eventual death is an issue faced by all human beings. For many, the subconscious anxiety caused by a fear of death is behind a lot of their daily anguish. This burden affects us all; we are all going to die.--- Support this podcast:

May 18, 2022 • 21:28

Made to be Creative

Made to be Creative

With the first breath from God, a man received a portion of God’s creativity and power. Humanity is not content being passive. Our God-given nature is to be creative as we interact with the rest of God’s creation--- Support this podcast:

May 11, 2022 • 31:37

The Burden of Being Responsible

The Burden of Being Responsible

Our life is filled with daily choices – too numerous to count. We choose a path, and the path leads to a result. The result is the consequence of the decision we have made. It is our choice – select the road leading to life or the road leading to death. The decision is your responsibility.--- Support this podcast:

May 4, 2022 • 22:25

Your Value

Your Value

What is the meaning of life? Why am I here? What is the purpose of my existence? We all struggle with the burden of meaninglessness. The struggle with meaning is a cry about our perceived value. The battle to find meaning is the battle to find worth.--- Support this podcast:

Apr 27, 2022 • 33:53

The Burden of Meaninglessness

The Burden of Meaninglessness

Hour after hour, day after day, we work our fingers to the bone to feed our hunger. A hunger that never seems to be satisfied. We end up exhausted and unfulfilled. We struggle to find meaning in who we are and what we do. We strive to find meaning, and in the process, lose contact with our value.--- Support this podcast:

Apr 20, 2022 • 25:29

Made for Relationship

Made for Relationship

God’s completed creation was “very good.” Isolation is a heavy weight, and God did not create humans with the intent of carrying that weight. The experience of separation from God and our fellow man was not part of God's creation plan for humans.--- Support this podcast:

Apr 13, 2022 • 30:20

The Burden of Isolation

The Burden of Isolation

Do you feel like you are living in a shadow and lack substance?  Do you think no one cares about you? So, what is this burden of isolation? How do we recognize it? How do we accept it, and how do we live, so we are not consumed by it?--- Support this podcast:

Apr 6, 2022 • 23:52

No Contentment without the Cross

No Contentment without the Cross

Life is hard, confusing, troubling, and at times, feels impossible. We all struggle with the burden and pain of isolation, meaninglessness, responsibility, mortality, and spiritual emptiness. Our goal during these times of difficulty is not complacency or comfort; our goal is contentment.--- Support this podcast:

Mar 30, 2022 • 18:31

Humanities Burdens

Humanities Burdens

We have this overbearing weight in our chest, that communicates that something fundamental is not right. This weight has the power to hobble us and prevent personal growth. This weight is experienced as intense boredom, the awful pain of loss or failure, the tension of irresolvable conflict, the anguish of inadequacy, the oppressive darkness of aloneness, the despair of hopelessness, the restlessness of meaninglessness, and the angst of perpetual uncertainty. The source of this angst is the exis

Mar 23, 2022 • 14:41

Common Temptation

Common Temptation

We are all enticed by the same temptation, especially at times of discomfort. The temptation is to turn our backs on God and pursue self-attainable comfort. Unfortunately, contentment pursued is never satisfied; it results in intensified efforts to achieve satisfaction at any cost.--- Support this podcast:

Mar 16, 2022 • 12:06

Our Fractured Image - Introduction

Our Fractured Image - Introduction

We live in an age of abundance. We have a wealth of food, distractions, entertainment, possessions, and an overabundance of information. We have all we could need, but we still want more. With all we have, you would think we would also have an abundance of contentment. Instead, we have a wealth of discontentment. It does not matter if you have a lot or have just enough to survive; we all struggle with the same significant issues.--- Support this podcast:

Mar 9, 2022 • 5:05

Deadly Roots - Epilogue

Deadly Roots - Epilogue

I almost drowned in a sea of bitterness, but for the grace of God!--- Support this podcast:

Mar 2, 2022 • 3:37

Living in a Bitter World

Living in a Bitter World

We live in a world awash with bitterness and misery. How do we survive? How do we keep it together? How do we protect ourselves against bitterness?--- Support this podcast:

Feb 23, 2022 • 35:05

Spiritual Emptiness

Spiritual Emptiness

Are you living in misery? Are you exhausted and worn out? Has your life turned out differently than expected? Have you run out of answers? Do you feel isolated? Has life lost its meaning? Are you confused? If you think this way, you are spiritually empty.--- Support this podcast:

Feb 16, 2022 • 19:51



The power behind all of the roots of bitterness is greed and emptiness. Greed is the passionate pursuit of more, just for the sake of having more. It is an insatiable longing that cannot be satisfied. It is a loud, demanding hunger. A hunger that does not go away.--- Support this podcast:

Feb 9, 2022 • 9:48

Obvious Roots of Bitterness

Obvious Roots of Bitterness

In this category of bitterness, there is no subtleness. These roots of bitterness are seen by all to be expressions of active bitterness.--- Support this podcast:

Feb 2, 2022 • 9:09

Not-So-Subtle Roots of Bitterness

Not-So-Subtle Roots of Bitterness

The Not-So-Subtle Roots of Bitterness are more evident than the subtle roots, but they are still subtle in their presentation. With this category of roots, you can start to taste the bitterness.--- Support this podcast:

Jan 26, 2022 • 5:01

Subtle Roots of Bitterness

Subtle Roots of Bitterness

The Subtle Roots of Bitterness are the most difficult to associate with bitterness. These roots are often not associated with a specific agent of offense or injustice, but they are still early roots of potential bitterness, so we need to be aware of them.--- Support this podcast:

Jan 19, 2022 • 15:20

Roots of Bitterness

Roots of Bitterness

If we would like to have any hope in stopping bitterness, we need to recognize it in its more subtle forms. By the time bitterness has fully developed, it has become a giant, well-established tree, impossible to bring down. At this point, you are no longer living your life with freedom and enthusiasm; you are living your life, negotiating your path, and conducting your relationships as a victim.--- Support this podcast:

Jan 12, 2022 • 6:42



Bitterness will steal your health, energy, and emotional stability. It will destroy your relationships, and rob your joy, peace, and contentment. It will kill your potential, purpose, plans, relationships, aspirations, and dreams. If this interaction between bitterness and injustice were a loaded gun, the injustice would be the gunpowder, and the bitterness would be the armor-piercing bullet. The gunpowder makes all the noise, demands all the attention, it fills the room with confusion, and smok

Jan 5, 2022 • 6:41

Deadly Roots - Introduction

Deadly Roots - Introduction

Bitterness is the internalization and personalization of a real or perceived injustice with a persistent and intense rumination about the injustice or the agent of the injustice, resulting in more damage caused by the bitterness than could ever be caused by the injustice.--- Support this podcast:

Dec 29, 2021 • 4:43

Stress Undressed - Conclusion

Stress Undressed - Conclusion

In conclusion, take hold of stress, or it will take hold of you. Categorize your stressors. Is your stress caused by the fear or threat of imminent danger, or perhaps a threat to your sense of self, is it stress from ongoing uncertainty or confusion or are you in the position of caring for someone unable or unwilling to care for themselves, or lastly is the stress because of an offense you have committed towards someone else?--- Support this podcast:

Dec 22, 2021 • 4:05

Stress of Transgressions

Stress of Transgressions

As people, we will do almost anything to hide our transgressions, yet, it is the hiding of them that makes them so damaging. We have all done wrong. We have all deeply wounded the people who love us. We all carry the scars of hurting others. To live your life carrying these injuries is stressful.--- Support this podcast:

Dec 15, 2021 • 7:47

Stress of Covering Responsibility

Stress of Covering Responsibility

It is hard enough to be responsible for yourself in this ever-changing, confusing world, let alone to have to be responsible for another who is unable or unwilling to be responsible for themselves.  This type of stress is part of several different life situations.--- Support this podcast:

Dec 8, 2021 • 11:44

Stress of Uncertainty

Stress of Uncertainty

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to live a completely worry-free life, with no uncertainty or confusion? Unfortunately, life is not that easy to navigate. Life is filled with times of confusion and uncertainty.So, let’s take a look at this category of the stress of uncertainty.--- Support this podcast:

Dec 1, 2021 • 12:01

Stress of Altered-Self

Stress of Altered-Self

To function in life as a human being, with some sense of meaning, purpose, and direction, we all operate from a platform of self-definition. This platform is a form of ego-intactness; it is how we see and define ourselves and how we think others see us. If our self-definition becomes unfamiliar or not authentic, there will be stress.--- Support this podcast:

Nov 24, 2021 • 16:49

Stress of Imminent Danger

Stress of Imminent Danger

We are human beings devoid of reason and directed by emotion. So now, when you take a concept of threat and danger and a mix of emotion and fear, you have the ingredients for a toxic soup. Our emotional memory is more robust than our rational memory, and we are governed by a deep-rooted fear much of the time.--- Support this podcast:

Nov 17, 2021 • 14:05

Stress Undressed - Major Categories of Stress

Stress Undressed - Major Categories of Stress

To get a handle on stress, we must understand what it is and then what strategies are adequate to deal with it.  The approaches to control stress differ based on the cause of the stress.  The stresses I have observed in the lives of my patients in four decades of medical practice fall in one of five categories.--- Support this podcast:

Nov 10, 2021 • 8:09

Stress Undressed - Introduction

Stress Undressed - Introduction

To get a handle on stress, we must understand what it is and then what strategies are adequate to deal with it.  Practical approaches to control stress differ based on the cause of the stress.  In this book, I explore what I have observed in the lives of thousands of patients to be the five primary sources of stress and some valuable stress management strategies.--- Support this podcast:

Nov 3, 2021 • 7:06

Now I've Gotcha! - Conclusion

Now I've Gotcha! - Conclusion

All these chemicals produce a form of immediate pleasure. This pleasure sensation is a fleeting chemical reaction. With repeated use, there is diminishing immediate pleasure, and now the chemical is needed to maintain a new equilibrium.--- Support this podcast:

Oct 29, 2021 • 2:47



Amphetamines cause their overwhelming effect through their action on dopamine. Amphetamines cause a dopamine flood, and that is what makes them so highly addictive. Methamphetamine can increase the level and activity of dopamine by every known mechanism.--- Support this podcast:

Oct 29, 2021 • 2:00



Kratom comes from the tropical evergreen tree Mitragyna speciose. Mitragyna speciose is from the coffee family and is native to Myanmar, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea.--- Support this podcast:

Oct 29, 2021 • 1:36



Ecstasy (MDMA) is the synthetic drug 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine that acts as both a stimulant and a hallucinogen similar to both amphetamines and LSD.--- Support this podcast:

Oct 29, 2021 • 2:45



Cocaine works by blocking the channels that typically remove the neurotransmitters dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, with the result being an amplified effect of all of these neurotransmitters.--- Support this podcast:

Oct 29, 2021 • 1:47



Narcotics mimic the action of the body's naturally occurring opiate-like substances called endorphins, enkephalins, and dynorphin. There are three types of opioid receptors present throughout the brain: mu receptors, delta receptors, and kappa receptors. Narcotics have most of their effect on the mu receptors, of which there are seven subtypes. The body's natural opioids attach to one or more of these receptor types to regulate hunger, thirst, mood, immune response, and awareness of painful stim

Oct 29, 2021 • 3:31



The active ingredient in marijuana is delta-0-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC mimics the action of the natural neurotransmitter N-arachidonoyl ethanolamide (anandamide).  Anandamide binds to CB1 cannabinoid receptors throughout the brain and CB2 receptors in the body. CB2 receptors have a role in regulating immune function. CB1 receptors impacts mood, memory, appetite, pain, and cognition.--- Support this podcast:

Oct 29, 2021 • 2:40



Alcohol absorbs very rapidly and enters the bloodstream quickly, reaching all parts of the body. In the brain, alcohol binds to receptors for acetylcholine, serotonin, GABA, and the NMDA glutamate receptors.This binding to multiple receptors has a profound effect on mood, memory, personality, alertness, and physical coordination. The most significant impact of alcohol in the brain is on the GABA receptors and the NMDA glutamate receptors. Glutamate is the most prevalent excitatory neurotransmitt

Oct 29, 2021 • 2:48



Nicotine imitates the naturally occurring neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. It binds to acetylcholine receptors throughout the body. The three significant activation areas are in the adrenal gland, where it causes an increased release of adrenaline, the cerebral cortex where it mimics acetylcholine, and in the ventral tegmental area where it causes a release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens shell.--- Support this podcast:

Oct 29, 2021 • 4:14



Caffeine acts as a stimulant in the nervous system, and it does this by the way it works on adenosine receptors. Adenosine's action on the surface of the nerve causes the nerve activity to slow down; this causes drowsiness, dilates the blood vessels, and aids in falling asleep--- Support this podcast:

Oct 29, 2021 • 2:17



Once our taste buds have experienced the taste of sugar, we are trapped. From that time on, all it takes is thinking about the taste and dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens rise. The brain uses 50% of the body's available sugar energy. This sugar energy is taken directly from the blood because the brain has no effective way to store sugar. The proper balance of sugar is necessary for the manufacture of neurotransmitters and brain functions like attention, cognition, and mood stability. If t

Oct 29, 2021 • 4:02



An addictive substance is a non-essential element, meaning it is not necessary to maintain or sustain life. These chemicals can impact the nervous system by producing a sensation of satisfaction as it creates the desire (craving) and need (physiological dependency) for more of the element. Using the element repeatedly will result in a changed nervous system that now defines the element as being necessary for life, as essential as oxygen, food, water, shelter, and relationships. Eventually, the v

Oct 29, 2021 • 15:38

Now I've Gotcha! - Introduction

Now I've Gotcha! - Introduction

Addiction is enslaving and killing our young people, devastating families, overstressing first responders and emergency room staff, and financially draining limited healthcare dollars.Addiction is a monster that needs to be understood and contained.--- Support this podcast:

Oct 29, 2021 • 2:17

Ponder about Passion

Ponder about Passion

Ponder about what matters to you. What matters to you? Are the things that occupy your time and thoughts important, or are they trivial and meaningless? About what are you passionate? Do you wake up each day with excitement because you have a passion?--- Support this podcast:

Oct 27, 2021 • 4:26

Ponder about being Thankful

Ponder about being Thankful

Being thankful is a superpower. Ponder about the many things in your life for which you are grateful. Thankfulness and gratitude will see you through a lot of life's significant difficulties. Difficulties will occur, and many of them are not preventable. Still, your attitude and the degree of impact of those times will be significantly affected by your ability to remain deliberately thankful. Are you thankful? List five things for which you are grateful. Make time to ponder about the many things

Oct 20, 2021 • 2:32

Ponder about Weaknesses

Ponder about Weaknesses

Ponder about human weakness and frailty. How we love to hide and deny our weaknesses. To admit to weakness we falsely assume is a statement of incompetence or powerlessness. What are your weaknesses? How can you turn your weaknesses into a strength? You can turn your weaknesses into strengths, but it will take some thought.--- Support this podcast:

Oct 13, 2021 • 4:37

Ponder about Thoughts

Ponder about Thoughts

What occupies your thoughts? Do you spend endless hours being consumed by worry? Where is the best place for you to separate yourself and spend time pondering in solitude? When did you pause to ponder last? Will you stop and ponder today?--- Support this podcast:

Oct 6, 2021 • 2:47

Ponder about Stuff

Ponder about Stuff

Ponder about things that affect all of us. Does your stuff own you? What does your stuff say about you? Do you have issues getting rid of stuff? Are you generous with your things, or are you hanging on with all your might? What do you value?--- Support this podcast:

Sep 29, 2021 • 5:09

Ponder about Observations

Ponder about Observations

Ponder about things that affect all of us. Does your stuff own you? What does your stuff say about you? Do you have issues getting rid of stuff? Are you generous with your things, or are you hanging on with all your might? What do you value?--- Support this podcast:

Sep 22, 2021 • 5:29

Ponder about Shared Issues

Ponder about Shared Issues

We are all separate individuals, but we share many things in common. Ponder about issues we all share in common. What are the typical things you share with others? Do you consider what is going on with those around you? What is essential to your neighbor? What is vital to your children or your spouse? This poem is about the importance of thinking about your role in your family.--- Support this podcast:

Sep 15, 2021 • 4:33

Ponder about Social Issues

Ponder about Social Issues

Ponder about cultural and social issues and concerns. How is your community changing? What are your cultural values? Where are your culture and society headed? What do you believe? How are you contributing to your community? You exist to make your world a better place. Think about that.--- Support this podcast:

Sep 8, 2021 • 6:12

Ponder about Human Qualities

Ponder about Human Qualities

Ponder about critical human qualities and characteristics. What kind of person do you want to be? What would you like others to say about you at your funeral? What do you want your children and grandchildren to remember about you? What are you doing to become that person you want to be?--- Support this podcast:

Sep 1, 2021 • 5:32

Ponder about Spiritual Things

Ponder about Spiritual Things

As human beings, we are much more than just mortal mammals. We are spiritual beings. Do you think of spiritual things? What does it mean to you that you are a spiritual being? Ponder about spiritual concepts. Think about things that are bigger than you!--- Support this podcast:

Aug 25, 2021 • 4:31

Ponder about Issues

Ponder about Issues

What has power in your life? What scares you? Ponder about major life issues and characteristics, like bitterness. I spent several weeks meditating on Psalms 37 and the power of bitterness. Bitterness has such destructive power, more power than cancer, or heart disease, but it does not seem to cause much fear. We should be more afraid of becoming bitter than we are of getting terminal cancer.--- Support this podcast:

Aug 18, 2021 • 7:06

Ponder about Wonder

Ponder about Wonder

We live in a world full of wonder, most of which we will never discover. Ponder about things you may have always wondered about, even if it seems silly. Give yourself a gift and look up and embrace the wonder around you. You will be surprised by what you might discover.--- Support this podcast:

Aug 11, 2021 • 3:46

Ponder about Pondering

Ponder about Pondering

Put aside all pretense and make it your goal to be authentic.  Taking time to ponder will foster authenticity. A manufactured, false image will only foster incorrect, meaningless, pressure-filled connections with others. If you want meaningful, genuine relationships, you need to be authentic. So, what does the path to authenticity look like in this crazy, fast-paced, noisy world? Only in silence and solitude will you find authenticity. It is in solitude where isolation will make you stronger.  W

Jul 27, 2021 • 19:17

Fodder for Ponder Introduction

Fodder for Ponder Introduction

This podcast is an excerpt from the book "Fodder for Ponder" available on Amazon as an ebook and paperback.  This series encourages the listener to pause in solitude and take time to enrich themselves by pondering.--- Support this podcast:

Jul 25, 2021 • 4:18

Godly Grit 48 - Stand!

Godly Grit 48 - Stand!

If you follow Jesus and begin to use your voice, you will face adversity, lots of hardship. John 16:33 (NKJV), “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”  How you react to these tribulations will determine how close you can get to fulfilling God’s plan for your life. You will need the mindset of a warrior.  1 Timothy 1:18-19 (NKJV), “This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, accordin

May 2, 2021 • 40:30

Godly Grit 47 - Storehouse 10 - The Holy Spirit

Godly Grit 47 - Storehouse 10 - The Holy Spirit

Our culture has devolved into an individualistic, self-centered, “all about me” society. We have lost our contention with God as well as our compass to find our way back to God. We have turned our backs to God and pursued selfish interests with passion and rage. We may still have “In God, We Trust” stamped on our coinage, but it is gone from our hearts. As a society, we have rushed down this disastrous path as fast as we can, and we are a mess. As a disciple of Jesus, if you hope to survive this

Apr 28, 2021 • 27:34

Godly Grit 46 - Storehouse 9 - Sanctification

Godly Grit 46 - Storehouse 9 - Sanctification

How do we improve as people? How do we become the people that God intended us to be? In the world of theology, the term for this process is sanctification.  Unfortunately, there is no place for stable stagnation; we are either growing or dying.  The path of faith is a lifelong journey. This process of growth and sanctification requires persistence and grit. The goal is to become the people that God intended. The path is narrow and uncrowded. Philippians 1:6 (TPT), “I pray with great faith for yo

Apr 25, 2021 • 31:23

Godly Grit 45 - Storehouse 8 - Faith

Godly Grit 45 - Storehouse 8 - Faith

We claim to live by faith, yet we live most of our lives as if we are part of a grand science experiment. We use our senses to gather data; we formulate a hypothesis, test, sample, and then proceed down a path we consider is the best and the safest. Now we can look at a chair and feel confident it will hold us. We apply the same formula and determine that some people are safe and others are dangerous.  We consider this faith, but it is not faith. Confidence based on our senses may help us pick a

Apr 21, 2021 • 19:43

Godly Grit 44 - Storehouse 7 - Service

Godly Grit 44 - Storehouse 7 - Service

We must choose our footwear carefully. Our footwear must fit properly and be appropriate for our purpose. Your footwear is your contact point with the world. If you are golfing today, you will need footwear that will give you traction, and if you are ice skating, you will need footwear that will allow you to glide across the ice. If you are a disciple of Jesus, your footwear should be the gospel of peace. The gospel of peace is your faith in action. It is your place and purpose where you connect

Apr 18, 2021 • 25:49

Godly Grit 43 - Storehouse 6 - Restoration and Reconciliation

Godly Grit 43 - Storehouse 6 - Restoration and Reconciliation

The third part of righteousness is restoration and reconciliation. When you have done the work of taking an honest, moral inventory and experienced the impact of redemption, it is time to move ahead by admitting offense and harm and moving forward towards apology, forgiveness, and restitution.We do not live on a desert island. Our relationship with God and our fellow humans is vitally important. The process of apology and forgiveness is how broken relationships are mended. It is also how relatio

Apr 14, 2021 • 22:19

Godly Grit 42 - Storehouse 5 - Redemption

Godly Grit 42 - Storehouse 5 - Redemption

We pursue a solution where we see a need; we become complacent where we do not see a need. We all know of multiple areas of our lives that require change. We live with the belief that a little effort here and there will accomplish all the needed change. Redemption is a meaningless concept if we do not see a need for redemption. If we do not see the need we will abandon contentment and cling to complacency.Redemption is the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil. It is the regai

Apr 11, 2021 • 11:54

Godly Grit 41 - Storehouse 4 - Surrender

Godly Grit 41 - Storehouse 4 - Surrender

In the next three chapters, we will look at the importance and significance of the breastplate of righteousness. You will want your storehouse stocked with protective righteousness. As a piece of armor, a breastplate protects your most vital organs, your heart, and lungs. Spiritually we are to pursue righteousness to protect our heart, the source of our emotions and desires, and our lungs, our God-breathed spirit.The surrender of our will and life to God is the ultimate act of humility that can

Apr 7, 2021 • 18:49

Godly Grit 40 - Storehouse 3 - Confession

Godly Grit 40 - Storehouse 3 - Confession

A confession is a next step after taking a moral inventory. It is the recognition and declaration of a fault or weakness.The subject of confession is the confessor. A confession is a statement without strings attached. It is not a request for forgiveness – that is an apology. It is not a request for a second chance – that is repentance and mercy. It is not a request for restored trust – that is most often manipulation. Confession can be used as a form of deception where the confessor uses a conf

Apr 4, 2021 • 24:39

Godly Grit 39 - Storehouse 2 - Evaluation

Godly Grit 39 - Storehouse 2 - Evaluation

Inventory taking, we do it all the time without even realizing what we are doing. When we glance at the gas gauge in our car, we are taking inventory. Just try covering up that gauge and going for a long drive. Not being able to see how much gas you have will significantly increase your level of anxiety. When we check our refrigerator and pantry, we are taking an inventory before going to the store to get groceries for the weekend.At any given time, we are on multiple paths. We should be taking

Mar 31, 2021 • 18:18

Godly Grit 38 - Storehouse 1 - Honesty

Godly Grit 38 - Storehouse 1 - Honesty

When it comes to stocking your storehouse with the armor of God, we need to start with the belt of truth. We do not stand a chance against the enemy’s attack if we are not grounded in biblical truth. We need to know the truth about God and the truth about ourselves. We need the truth about what the scriptures say about our relationship with God. Without this truth, there is no foundation for the other weapons. John 8:32 (NKJV), “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” T

Mar 28, 2021 • 15:16

Godly Grit 37 - Building a Storehouse

Godly Grit 37 - Building a Storehouse

To become the person God intends you to be, to fill your part in His kingdom will take more than tearing down strongholds and overcoming the enemy's schemes. You are not a threat to the enemy if you spend your life focused only on the strongholds like lady Macbeth continuously washing her hands. To break free of the cycle of tearing down strongholds and be free to use our voice and live as God intended, we will need a storehouse within His fortress where we can grow and mature. This storehouse i

Mar 24, 2021 • 13:20

Godly Grit 36 - The Enemy's Playbook

Godly Grit 36 - The Enemy's Playbook

If you are the coach of a team headed to the Super Bowl, you would have a considerable advantage if you had the other team’s playbook. A playbook details the game plan, listing what options you have and how you will respond based on the game's unfolding. The Bible is not only a guidebook on how to live, but it is also a revelation of the enemy’s playbook. You will be at a considerable advantage if you know how the enemy plans to stop you from fulfilling God’s plan for your life.If you seek God a

Mar 21, 2021 • 14:53

Godly Grit 35 - Fortress of Shalom

Godly Grit 35 - Fortress of Shalom

Life is hard, confusing, troubling, and at times, feels impossible. We all struggle with insults, painful losses, injustices, and our own sinful nature. Our goal during these times of difficulty is not complacency or comfort; our goal is contentment. The Bible refers to another stronghold, one that is protective and not destructive. If you are a disciple of Jesus, you have a defensive fortress manufactured by the cross's wood and nails. This fortress is a place of peace and contentment where you

Mar 17, 2021 • 22:10

Godly Grit 34 - Stronghold 20 - Adoration

Godly Grit 34 - Stronghold 20 - Adoration

The belief and demand that you deserve to be worshipped is the stronghold of adoration. The enemy whispers, and the enemy knows where we are weak and when we are vulnerable. The enemy knows when to whisper and what to whisper, and when we are in pain, we listen. The enemy's whispers are lies that encourage us to focus on ourselves during times of anguish. With the stronghold of adoration, the enemy exploits another one of our weaknesses, the desire to be worshiped. When it comes to adoration, th

Mar 14, 2021 • 25:04

Godly Grit 33 - Stronghold 19 - Narcissism

Godly Grit 33 - Stronghold 19 - Narcissism

The stronghold of narcissism is the belief and demand that I deserve to be loved. Narcissism is the internalization and personalization of perceived inadequacy resulting in ongoing, intense self-centeredness and self-adoration.  Self-love is the “sin that so easily entangles” recorded in Hebrews 12:1. All of the strongholds are types of insults and offenses used by the enemy to get you to focus on yourself. Once we start focusing on ourselves, we begin to lose our God-given peace, purpose, and p

Mar 10, 2021 • 12:27

Godly Grit 32 - Stronghold 18 - Entitlement

Godly Grit 32 - Stronghold 18 - Entitlement

The next three strongholds share a common theme. The strongholds of entitlement, narcissism, and adoration present because of a naïve, immature world-view carried into adulthood. What is appropriate and necessary for a three-year-old is not suitable for a thirty-year-old. In 1 Corinthians 13:11 (AMP), it is written: “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.” Living entitled, self-focused, and

Mar 7, 2021 • 9:27

Godly Grit 31 - Stronghold 17 - Addiction

Godly Grit 31 - Stronghold 17 - Addiction

An addictive substance is a non-essential element, meaning it is not necessary to maintain or sustain life. These chemicals can impact the nervous system by producing a sensation of satisfaction as it creates the desire (craving) and need (physiological dependency) for more of the element. Using the element repeatedly will result in a changed nervous system that now defines the element as necessary for life, as essential as oxygen, food, water, shelter, and relationships. Eventually, this elemen

Mar 3, 2021 • 18:03

Godly Grit 30 - Stronghold 16 - Agony

Godly Grit 30 - Stronghold 16 - Agony

The stronghold of agony is the experience of physical pain. The offense in agony is betrayal. This type of betrayal is not one you can easily ignore because, with agony, your own body betrays you. If you are suffering under the stronghold of agony, your world gets very small, very quickly. Pain is tangible; you feel it, yet the source of the felt pain is often unknown. Pain’s origin can be physical, emotional, existential, or spiritual. This chapter is not a thesis on pain's pathophysiology but

Feb 28, 2021 • 14:30

Godly Grit 29 - Stronghold 15 - Legalism

Godly Grit 29 - Stronghold 15 - Legalism

Legalism is the internalization and personalization of a set of rules or a code of conduct strictly adhered to and promoted as the way to achieve righteousness.  Legalism emphasizes what you do and neglects what you are. Legalism is an attempt to secure rightness in God’s sight by good works. Those who live legalistically add human rules to God’s laws and treat them as divine.What is the appeal of legalism?  What is the power of legalism? Legalism is attractive because the focus of living is on

Feb 24, 2021 • 15:15

Godly Grit 28 - Stronghold 14 - Grief

Godly Grit 28 - Stronghold 14 - Grief

Grief is the internalization and rumination about a significant unbearable loss. The magnitude of the loss determines the degree of suffering. What losses would result in the experience of grief? The dictionary definition of grief is:  “Grief is the response to loss, particularly to the loss of someone or something that has died, to which a bond or affection was formed. Although conventionally focused on the emotional response to loss, it also has physical, cognitive, behavioral, social, cultura

Feb 21, 2021 • 16:10

Godly Grit 27 - Stronghold 13 - Shame

Godly Grit 27 - Stronghold 13 - Shame

Shame is the internalization, personalization, and rumination about our inadequacy and depravity.   Shame causes emotionally painful self-condemnation. Shame is a state of bitter, paralyzing remorse when you get a glimpse of who you are.   Shame is a powerful force. We do all we can to look good and intact from the outside, knowing something is rotten on the inside because of shame.   We all hide and avoid exposure.Shake off the shackles of shame.   Do not believe the lie of the enemy who is try

Feb 17, 2021 • 20:20

Godly Grit 26 - Stronghold 12 - Greed

Godly Grit 26 - Stronghold 12 - Greed

The power behind bitterness is greed and emptiness. Greed is the passionate pursuit of more, just for the sake of having more. It is an insatiable longing that cannot be satisfied. It is a loud, demanding hunger. A hunger that does not go away. It desires more food, money, affirmation, affection, power, knowledge, status, or comfort. It is an inability to experience contentment with what you currently have. Greed is an intense pang of hunger with unattainable peace. The Merriam-Webster dictionar

Feb 14, 2021 • 9:26

Godly Grit 25 - Stronghold 11 - Bitterness

Godly Grit 25 - Stronghold 11 - Bitterness

Bitterness is the internalization and personalization of a real or perceived injustice with a persistent and intense rumination about the injustice or the injustice agent, resulting in more damage caused by the bitterness than could ever be caused by the injustice.Tannerite is a combination of two safe and stable compounds, an oxidizer consisting of ammonium nitrate and ammonium perchlorate and a catalyst comprised of aluminum powder. The oxidizer and the catalyst are very safe if kept separate,

Feb 10, 2021 • 9:56

Godly Grit 24 - Relational Strongholds

Godly Grit 24 - Relational Strongholds

The last category of strongholds is the relational strongholds. With our first breath and first cry, we begin learning how to relate to our world. As we grow and mature, we develop and discover ways that we feel work for us. In the world of psychology, these are called coping mechanisms. Many of these coping mechanisms work well for both the people around us and us. There are some coping mechanisms that we may feel work well for us but do not work so well for the people around us; we label these

Feb 7, 2021 • 6:02

Godly Grit 23 - Stronghold 10 - Transgressions

Godly Grit 23 - Stronghold 10 - Transgressions

As people, we will do almost anything to hide our transgressions, yet it is the hiding of them that makes them so damaging. We have all done wrong. We have all deeply wounded the people who love us. We all carry the scars of hurting others. To live your life carrying these injuries is stressful. The enemy whispers that you can successfully cover your transgressions, and they will not produce negative consequences.None of us like the process of looking at where we have hurt others. The stronghold

Feb 3, 2021 • 7:33

Godly Grit 22 - Stronghold 9 - Covering Responsibility

Godly Grit 22 - Stronghold 9 - Covering Responsibility

As humans, we function best when we are personally responsible, care for ourselves, and function with a meaningful purpose. However, there are times when this is not possible, and you are in the position where you have to provide necessary care, boundaries, and security for someone you care about that is not willing or able to function independently. In Galatians 6:5 (MSG), we read, “Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.”It is hard enough to

Jan 31, 2021 • 11:26

Godly Grit 21 - Stronghold 8 - Uncertainty

Godly Grit 21 - Stronghold 8 - Uncertainty

In the book of Philippians 4:6 (TPT) in the New Testament, we are encouraged by the following words. “Don’t be pulled in different directions, or worried about a thing.”Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to live an utterly worry-free life, with no uncertainty or confusion? Unfortunately, life is not that easy to navigate. Life is filled with times of confusion and uncertainty.  Life is filled with times of troubling uncertainty and confusion.If your stress is in the area of uncertainty, question, cl

Jan 27, 2021 • 12:20

Godly Grit 20 - Stronghold 7 - Strained Identity

Godly Grit 20 - Stronghold 7 - Strained Identity

To function in life as a human being, with some sense of meaning, purpose, and direction, we all operate from a platform of self-definition. This platform is a form of ego-intactness, how we see and define ourselves, and how we think others see us. If our self-definition becomes unfamiliar or not authentic, there will be stress.  We need a grip on our true identity.In the Bible, we are encouraged in Romans 12:3 (TPT), “I would ask each of you to be emptied of self-promotion and not create a fals

Jan 24, 2021 • 15:46

Godly Grit 19 - Stronghold 6 - Imminent Danger

Godly Grit 19 - Stronghold 6 - Imminent Danger

Most of us face the imminent danger type of stress day-to-day in the category of the fearful “what ifs.” What if someone breaks into my house? What if the road is icy on the way to work? What if there is a flood? What if my house catches fire? What if the stock market crashes and I lose all my retirement?We are human beings devoid of reason and directed by emotion. So now, when you take a concept of threat and danger and a mix of emotion and fear, you have the ingredients for a toxic soup. Our e

Jan 20, 2021 • 13:34

Godly Grit 18 - Stress Strongholds

Godly Grit 18 - Stress Strongholds

Stress is one of those terms that we toss around with presumed conceptual familiarity while lacking the necessary substantial understanding. Stress strongholds are life experiences where we feel inadequate. The enemy uses these situations to whisper to us that we will not make it, that we should be afraid that we are about to collapse. These strongholds stir up thoughts that if I was only more fearless, more together, more aware, or more intact, then my life would be complete. The enemy also use

Jan 17, 2021 • 8:38

Godly Grit 17 - Stronghold 5 - Spiritual Emptiness

Godly Grit 17 - Stronghold 5 - Spiritual Emptiness

Spirituality is essentially restoration. It is the restoration of body, soul, and spirit. It is the path and process of reclaiming a relationship with God, learning to walk with Him, and not be in opposition to Him. It is the recovery of the image of God in man. It is the rebirth of our spirit with subsequent transformation in our soul and body.Spiritual emptiness is the pursuit of comfort and a sense of completeness apart from a relationship with God. Man attempts to negotiate his life path wit

Jan 13, 2021 • 19:37

Godly Grit 16 - Stronghold 4 - Mortality

Godly Grit 16 - Stronghold 4 - Mortality

Psalms 103:15-16 states (TPT): “Our days are so few, and our momentary beauty so swiftly fades away! Then all of a sudden, we’re gone, like grass clippings blown away in a gust of wind, taken away to our appointment with death, leaving nothing to show that we were here.”  Life is short, and the longer you live, the more you realize how quickly time and life pass by. And then it is over. One day it will be over for everyone; there is no escaping the reality of our mortality.In this chapter, I wil

Jan 10, 2021 • 20:30

Godly Grit 15 - Stronghold 3 - Free Choice and Responsibility

Godly Grit 15 - Stronghold 3 - Free Choice and Responsibility

Our life is filled with daily choices – too numerous to count. We choose a path, and the way leads to a result. The result is the consequence of the decision we have made. It is our choice – select the road leading to life or the road leading to death. The decision is your responsibility.In this chapter, I will be dealing with the stronghold of free choice and personal responsibility. We are in the privileged and yet, the terrifying position of creating who we are through the choices we make. Th

Jan 6, 2021 • 20:41

Godly Grit 14 - Stronghold 2 - Meaninglessness

Godly Grit 14 - Stronghold 2 - Meaninglessness

In Ecclesiastes 6:7 (MSG), we read, “We work to feed our appetites: meanwhile our souls go hungry.”  Hour after hour, day after day, we work our fingers to the bone to feed our hunger. A hunger that never seems to be satisfied. We end up exhausted and unfulfilled. We struggle to find meaning in who we are and what we do. We strive to find meaning, and in the process, lose contact with our value.What is wrong? Why is there a disconnect between purposeful action and an expected result? The existen

Jan 3, 2021 • 25:17

Godly Grit 13 - Stronghold 1 - Isolation

Godly Grit 13 - Stronghold 1 - Isolation

Isolation is a deep, painful craving for connection. God created us with a longing for belonging.  A yearning that is never fully met. God made humanity for this kind of relationship, to love and to know we are loved. The enemy uses every experience of rejection or isolation to plant the thought that we are not worthy of being loved. We are not worthy of being loved by other humans, and we are not worthy of being loved by God. We feel we must somehow change ourselves to become more lovable. We l

Dec 30, 2020 • 22:28

Godly Grit 12 - Existential Strongholds

Godly Grit 12 - Existential Strongholds

We live in an age of abundance. We have a wealth of food, distractions, entertainment, possessions, and an overabundance of information. We have all we could need, but we still want more. With all we have, you would think we would also have an abundance of contentment. Instead, we have a wealth of discontentment. It does not matter if you have a lot or have just enough to survive; we all struggle with the same significant issues. Suicide and addiction rates are climbing as we continue to anguish

Dec 27, 2020 • 17:55

Godly Grit 11 - Tearing Down Strongholds

Godly Grit 11 - Tearing Down Strongholds

What is a stronghold, and how do we tear them down? A stronghold is a barrier to experiencing God and His path and plan for your life. A stronghold is any and every system of belief, state of mind, or external circumstance that distracts from knowing God by turning your attention onto yourself.  A stronghold is a distraction, a burden, or a stumbling block. If the enemy can cause you to focus on yourself, your situation, your turmoil, or your emotional pain, the stronghold will effectively block

Dec 23, 2020 • 12:35

Godly Grit 10 - The Press

Godly Grit 10 - The Press

To live this life of seeking God, finding your voice, using your voice, battling against principalities and powers, we will all need a healthy dose of Godly grit.  Our real battles in life are not with our boss, our rebellious teenager, our nasty neighbor, or someone from an opposing political party. This podcast looks at why we need Godly Grit to move ahead in our lives.--- Support this podcast:

Dec 20, 2020 • 6:14

Godly Grit 9 - Your Voice

Godly Grit 9 - Your Voice

In this podcast, we will look at how we express ourselves. We all have a voice, but only a few will find it and use it for its intended purpose.  You express your voice through music, art, verbalization, or many other avenues. Your voice is a gift from God; it is unique and is the expression of your purpose. Your voice is why you exist. If you find your voice, exercise it appropriately, and use it as intended, you will find that it comes equipped with an ample supply of sustaining grit.--- Suppo

Dec 16, 2020 • 21:05

Godly Grit 8 - Godly Grit

Godly Grit 8 - Godly Grit

In this episode, we look at the need for Godly Grit.  Godly Grit is Holy Spirit infused passion and perseverance that we require if we expect to be the people God called us to be.  Godly Grit is needed to humble ourselves, tear down strongholds, and exercise our God-given voice.--- Support this podcast:

Dec 13, 2020 • 22:57

Godly Grit 7 - Grit for Community Service

Godly Grit 7 - Grit for Community Service

How we interact with our society is another area in our lives where we need grit.  We all have a unique role in our community, an individual position of influence and responsibility.  It takes grit to find your part and to maintain your function.  Every role in our society has its rewards and its difficulties. There is no silver spoon. There is no easy path. God has a place and purpose for you, and it will come with many challenges and responsibilities. It will take grit to stand by your values

Dec 9, 2020 • 11:58

Godly Grit 6 - Grit for Needs and Desires

Godly Grit 6 - Grit for Needs and Desires

Grit is an energizing force. It is a blend of passion and perseverance needed to achieve a specific goal. The goals, hopes, and dreams you are moving towards are vital in defining yourself. Your primary life goal will determine the type of grit you need to achieve those goals and objectives. In the next three chapters, we will look at grit in the context of three primary life-direction goals. We will look at grit for needs and desires, grit for values and morals, and lastly, what it means to hav

Dec 6, 2020 • 17:21

Godly Grit 5 - Grit

Godly Grit 5 - Grit

It takes more than resilience to be the people God desires us to be. It takes grit. What is grit? Is grit different than resilience? Is grit important? Grit is a combination of passion and perseverance, when combined with talent, equals skill, and skill when combined with grit, equals accomplishment. In other words, if you apply your passion with perseverance, you will be more successful with what you are trying to accomplish.What does the Bible say about grit? In Ecclesiastes 2:24 (NIV), we rea

Dec 2, 2020 • 13:48

Godly Grit 4 - Fractured Resilience

Godly Grit 4 - Fractured Resilience

What causes a loss of resilience with a subsequent slide into a life of despair? Why are some people resilient while others are not? What can we do to get more resilient?Trials and challenges are a fact of life. These trials and challenges can either make us stronger or gradually wear us down. This podcast focuses on the science behind the breakdown of resilience.How does your resilience fracture?--- Support this podcast:

Nov 29, 2020 • 11:12

Godly Grit 3 - Resilience

Godly Grit 3 - Resilience

This podcast focuses on the science behind resilience. Resilience is the ability to get knocked down and then get back up again; it is the power of recovery from adversity.For an elastic band, resilience is the ability for that object to be stretched and then return to its original length.For human beings, resilience is the power and ability to get back to a predefined normal state – unless stretched too often. At that point, you have established a new norm, or you continue to live in despair.--

Nov 25, 2020 • 15:24

Godly Grit 2 - How it all began

Godly Grit 2 - How it all began

In this second Godly grit podcast, I share the inspiration for the book "Godly Grit."  One of the most difficult, if not the most difficult, encounters in life is aging. If we want to learn about grit, we should look at the elderly. In the Old Testament, we are encouraged to honor our father and mother. In the original language, this meant to pause quietly and lean in to hear, for understanding. We have a lot to learn from our mothers, fathers, and elders, so let's pause and lean in with our eye

Nov 22, 2020 • 6:30

Godly Grit 1 - Overview

Godly Grit 1 - Overview

This podcast is the first of many from the book “Godly Grit” which was published in the early Spring of 2021. This first podcast is an overview of the various topics covered in the book. We read in Hebrews 12:1-2,  “As for us, we have all of these great witnesses who encircle us like clouds. So we must let go of every wound that has pierced us and the sin we so easily fall into.  Then we will be able to run life’s marathon race with passion and determination, for the path has been already marked

Nov 18, 2020 • 11:16

No Cure for Systemic Racism

No Cure for Systemic Racism

Systemic racism does not have a cure because it is not a disease but rather a symptom of the deadly disease of self-centeredness fueled by greed.  This podcast is addressed to Christians who want to have a meaningful impact on their troubled world during this time of cultural chaos.  --- Support this podcast:

Jul 4, 2020 • 12:00

Thriving in an angry, bitter world.

Thriving in an angry, bitter world.

Our present world is filled with offense and injustice.  This podcast addresses these issues from a Biblical perspective with some clear actions we can take to not just survive but thrive during times of cultural upheaval. --- Support this podcast:

Jun 16, 2020 • 36:38



God gave us an eternal spirit.  What does this mean and how should it impact how we live today?--- Support this podcast:

Jan 5, 2020 • 24:42



God made us to have power and to exercise our creativity.  How do we tap into the creative power and energy that God has provided for us?--- Support this podcast:

Jan 5, 2020 • 30:26

The Image - Substantial Value

The Image - Substantial Value

What value do we have as people? Part of having the image of God is the value we have because of that image.--- Support this podcast:

Jul 17, 2019 • 33:53

The Image - Relationship

The Image - Relationship

What is the image of God in man? This episode outlines the relational aspect of the image of God in man.--- Support this podcast:

Jun 25, 2019 • 28:28

Contentment and the Cross

Contentment and the Cross

What is contentment? Why is it so hard to find contentment? Why does life seem like such a constant struggle?--- Support this podcast:

Jun 16, 2019 • 18:36

Burden of Spiritual Emptiness

Burden of Spiritual Emptiness

What does it mean to be spiritually empty and how does that affect all areas of our life.--- Support this podcast:

May 16, 2019 • 24:33

Burden of Mortality

Burden of Mortality

All humans struggle with the reality of their mortality. This struggle causes increased denial that can be damaging.--- Support this podcast:

Apr 18, 2019 • 24:57

Burden of Free Choice and Responsiblity

Burden of Free Choice and Responsiblity

How do we choose the best path for our life? What is the burden and pressure in daily choices?--- Support this podcast:

Apr 2, 2019 • 26:01

Burden of Meaninglessness

Burden of Meaninglessness

The struggle with meaning and the purpose of our life. How to find meaning and value.--- Support this podcast:

Mar 13, 2019 • 29:21

Burden of Isolation

Burden of Isolation

The burden of isolation and loneliness.  Importance of authenticity and solitude.--- Support this podcast:

Mar 8, 2019 • 27:56

Existential Burdens

Existential Burdens

Isolation, mortality, meaninglessness and their impact.--- Support this podcast:

Feb 14, 2019 • 15:19

Chemicals of Addiction

Chemicals of Addiction

A brief description of the various chemicals that can cause an addiction.--- Support this podcast:

Feb 4, 2019 • 54:41

Addiction Recovery

Addiction Recovery

What is recovery from addiction?--- Support this podcast:

Jan 30, 2019 • 25:12

Roots of Bitterness

Roots of Bitterness

What are the roots of bitterness and how do you avoid them.--- Support this podcast:

Jan 25, 2019 • 44:07



The evils of bitterness and need to avoid being exposed to bitterness.--- Support this podcast:

Jan 24, 2019 • 14:58

Quick Fixes

Quick Fixes

Take time to live life deliberately and responsibly.--- Support this podcast:

Jan 23, 2019 • 8:19



How different types of stress affect resilience. Learning how to deal with stress productively. --- Support this podcast:

Jan 13, 2019 • 1:11:10



What is the disease of Addiction? This reviews current medical understanding of addiction and the difficulties in working with the disease. What help is there for families and friends of addicts.--- Support this podcast:

Jan 12, 2019 • 32:07



A study of resilience, what it is, what destroys it and how it can be strengthened.--- Support this podcast:

Jan 11, 2019 • 40:25

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