I’m Not Gay My Wife Is
I'm Not Gay, My Wife Is
I’m a bad lesbian- I don’t fit the mold of what the picture perfect lesbians on social media have set for me & it took me a hot minute to figure out that that is okay so I want to help you figure it out too.
Pay them no mind
Build your community based on your needs, not anyone else’s! --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/imnotgaymywifeis/support
LDR Lesbians
HAPPY WEEK 2 OF PRIDE MONTH! I’m fascinated by LDR Lesbians. So much so that Sara & I have decided to try it out *explanation in episode🤪*
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Happy Pride month everyone! For this month I want to dive into the history of Pride! This episode covers a brief history of where June as LGBTQ Pride Month originated
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Let us Love
Mother’s Day was just a bit ago which got me thinking a lot about the issue that many people have with same sex couples being parents. In this episode I rant a lot about how I think that that is just dumb and how I don’t get it - enjoy my heated-ness
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Religion is Hard
This week, I had the opportunity to sit down with Rebecca Inman of "A Different Officiant" to talk about the journey of discovering religion and spirituality.
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Ep 14 - The Diversity Panel
This past week I had the opportunity to be on a diversity panel. I battled some insecurities and learned a lot throughout the process. Overall, I’m so glad that I was able to be a part of such an amazing event.
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Ep 13 - One Piece At A Time
We preach love is love in the lgbtq community and while it relates to our right love each other it also mean loving yourself. It won’t happen all at once but if we start piece by piece eventually we will be complete.
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Ep 12 - who am I?
Who am I? Someone who is trying to kick insecurity’s ass an be myself & I encourage you to do the same!
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Ep 11 - 22 Jokes about Lesbians
In this week's episode, I found an article titled "22 Jokes About Lesbians That Ya Gotta Admit Are 100% Accurate". I pulled the birthday card and had my lovely wife join me for this episode as we read through them together! Check out the article here: https://www.buzzfeed.com/lyapalater/jokes-about-lesbians-that-ya-gotta-admit-are-100-accurate
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Ep 10 - Lesbian Labels
In this episode, I talk about a few different labels that are used in the lesbian community. Check out the article here: https://www.datingadvice.com/lesbian/types-of-lesbians
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Ep 9 - Things not to say to a lesbian
In this weeks episode I go over this article and talk about the top 10 things not to say to a lesbian! https://www.salon.com/2013/09/25/10_things_not_to_say_to_a_lesbian_partner/
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Ep 8- 2020 was like coming out..??
2020 was like coming out..? YES! Well, in this podcast it is! There are so many emotions that you go through when you're coming out, similar to the emotions that 2020 has put us all through.
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Ep 7 - Straight Talk
This week, I chat with my best friend, Julia about being on the straight side of molds.
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Ep6: Happy Holigays!
It’s officially the holiday season! This can be a really tough time for a lot of people. Sara & I went through it ourselves so in this episode we have a chat about our own struggles with the holiday season in the past & the things we are looking forward to this year!
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Ep 5- Some People Just Don’t Listen
Some people just don’t listen... but love is love regardless so keep preaching babe!
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Ep4- Love is Love, “Ya’ll”
I’m finally married!! Ep 4 is about appreciation, education and love. Show love everywhere, people.
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Ep3- How I Met My Wife - WEDDING WEEK
In honor of wedding week, I’ve invited my wife to be to join me in telling the story of how we met.
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Ep 2: Coming out!
We come out everyday with every new place we go and and every new face we see but nothing beats the first time. Here’s the story of my first time!
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Ep 1 - F*** the mold
On the first episode of “I’m not Gay, My Wife Is” I talk about living your own life and my own struggles with trying to visualize myself in a mold that isn’t meant for me.
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I’m Not Gay My Wife Is (Trailer)
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