Michael F. McNamara
Each weekday ALL MARINE RADIO host a liberal arts discussion about current events, DOD events and historical events with a heavy emphasis on post-traumatic mental health.
ALL MARINE RADIO airs daily LIVE program radio show from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM Pacific Time that appears as a podcast shortly thereafter.
POST-TRAUMATIC WINNER: Wade Cates… former Marine NCO, the “Socrates of the Semi” & father of Juan… who took his life last May
At 10:09 PM on June 6th of 2022, I received a long email from a guy named Wade Cates. At 11:15 PM, I woke up, read the email, and told him to call me if he was still awake. We spoke the next day. Wade is a former Marine NCO, he drives a semi-truck for […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham talks balloons, the Philippines, and his new book — “When China Attacks: A Warning to America”
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy, and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves toward […]
ALL MARINE RADIO VET-TALK: Marine Corps Vietnam Veteran Karl Marlantes discusses dealing with the aftermath of Vietnam
Former Marine 1stLt Karl Marlantes, a decorated infantry officer in Vietnam and now a best-selling author (Matterhorn, What It Is Like to Go to War) joined ALL MARINE RADIO us to discuss how he made sense of the war he fought in after he came home. Originally published on October 12, 2016. Karl is a […]
ALL MARINE RADIO BOOKTALK: Vietnam Marine Karl Marlantes discusses his book “What It Is Like to Go to War”
This interview was originally published on ALL MARINE RADIO in August of 2016 — due to technical errors it has not been available to listeners… enjoy. Mac Karl Marlantes needs no introduction to most Marines… but in case you don’t know him, here is a brief rundown of who he is from Wikipedia: Karl Arthur […]
ALL MARINE RADIO Special Edition: Grant Newsham discusses the impact of the assassination of Japan’s former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Woody Williams, the Marine Corps’ last living Medal of Honor recipient of World War II passes away… I was fortunate enough to interview him… here it is
CWO4 Woody Williams, USMC (ret) is a Marine Corps legend. He was the recipient of the Medal of Honor for his actions against Japanese forces on the island of Iwo Jima and was the last surviving Marine Corps World War II Medal of Honor recipient. He joined ALL MARINE RADIO at the Marine Corps Marathon […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Mac takes a book-writing hiatus
ARTICLE: The Atlantic — The Biggest Disruption in the History of American Education Powered by wordpress technical support
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensa’s thoughts on the passing of General Richard “Butch” Neal + READER QUESTION: “How have your experiences impacted your faith, or did they?”
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: The passing of former Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps, General Richard “Butch” Neal, USMC READER QUESTION: “How have your […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Gulf War TOW Gunner, underwater construction diver, bodyguard & the author of 37 books — meet Geoff Hopf
A week ago a Marine Sergeant gave me the quote that sits to the right of this text. I thought it was a profound piece of wisdom and so I went looking for the author. His name is Geoff Hopf. As luck sometimes has it, he’s a former Marine who fought in […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: A salute to General Richard “Butch” Neal, USMC (Ret)
Upon his passing, we share two wonderful interviews with a remarkable American… Richard I. “Butch” Neal, who haled from Hull, Massachusetts, and rose to become the Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps. Some notes: You can find his biography HERE and HERE The second interview begins at 2:06:00 (if you want to skip to that…) […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensa’s talk SECNAV’s LOCs + USMC and USN Aviation Standdowns + Ukraine War
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: SECNAV Letters of Censure USN & USMC aviation safety standdowns Ukraine War & Russian Electronic Warfare
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham talks Japan’s tough talk on their defense budget + Post-“Shangri La Dialogue” thoughts
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: “Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times” G. Michael Hopf
Here is Glenn Greenwald’s opinion piece: Joe Biden’s Submissive — and Highly Revealing — Embrace of Saudi Despots Here is G. Michael Hopf’s book: Those Who Remain Powered by amazon easy store franchise
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensas talk — General Allen + What’s the purpose of the military social media? + The gap between the USN & USMC shipbuilding plans is HUGE
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: General John Allen, USMC (Ret) — “Brookings Puts Its President on Leave as FBI Probes Alleged Qatar Lobbying, John Allen, […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: A guided tour of the Map of the Pacific Rim with Grant Newsham
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: add the USS Connecticut to the list of Fitzgerald, McCain, Somerset… Aaron Amick (USN retired) dissects it… stunning
Find Aaron Amick’s full YouTube report HERE
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Owen West’s commentary piece: ARE THE MARINES INVENTING THE EDSEL OR THE MUSTANG? The USMC Twitter nonsense: Marine Corps sparks […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Year #7 Commences! + Grant Newsham on a Chinese setback in the Pacific & a “game-changer” for US-Taiwan relations
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensa’s talk Evalde + “What do you do on Memorial Day Weekend?”
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: The Uvalde school shooting “How do spend Memorial Day Weekend?”
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: School Security + Submarines running into “seamounts” + Memorial Day + Grant Newsham reacts to POTUS’s Asian trip
Read the USNI News article about the USS Connicutt HERE
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham talks President Biden’s trip to Asia
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy a,nd a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves towards […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: we look at the news and celebrate the life of Iwo Jima Veteran — PFC Cal Humphrey, USMC
One of the great honors I have had in the six years I have done ALL MARINE RADIO is the interview I did with Cal Humphrey. Cal is the uncle of my good friend Jess Humphrey who set the interview up. Cal passed away this week… so we’ll celebrate his amazing life by playing the […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: CSIS’s Mark Cancian discusses Monday’s “On the Future of the Marine Corps: Assessing Force Design 2030” forum
Here is the link to the CSIS’s forum entitled: ON THE FUTURE OF THE MARINE CORPS: ASSESSING FORCE DESIGN 2030 Col Mark Cancian, USMCR (Ret) joined ALL MARINE RADIO to discuss Monday’s forum (cited above)…
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Finland & Sweden make history + “news from the front” for Russia is not good + Will weighs in on Rep Luria’s interview
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensas talk “The Weakness of the Depot” (Russia/Putin – New Yorker) + Rep Elaine Luria is once again making too much strategic, budgetary & shipbuilding sense
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: ARTICLE: THE WEAKNESS OF THE DESPOT — An expert on Stalin Discusses Putin, Russia and the West, The New Yorker, […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham discusses the Philippine election; Rep Luria’s criticism of US Navy shipbuilding & former Japan PM Abe is prodding Japan to fund it’s defense
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy, and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Jeff & Tim (former recruiters) discuss the problems all the Armed Services face as their recruiting efforts are failing
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Recruiting for the Uniformed Services in the Covid and Post-Covid eras — doomed to failure? With rising obesity rates and […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensas discuss 6 articles (Schmidt / Zinni / Van Riper / Newbold / Dake / Krulak-Sheehan-Zinni) that criticize Force Design 2030
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Maj John F. Schmitt, USMC (Ret.): The Marines Are Marching toward Irrelevance Gen. Anthony Zinni (Ret.): What is the role […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO NEWS HOUR: The curious case of student loan forgiveness… hmmmm
THE MENSA BROTHERS: the Mensas answers EIGHT personal questions
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S QUESTIONS FOR THE MENSA BROTHERS: The Greatest Speech in American History? Your Favorite Steak? The PLACE in Washington DC that you […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: some news & some other stuff
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham discusses SECDEF’s “weakened Russia” comments + a Chinense Naval Base in the Solomon Islands… it’s coming!
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensas discuss Sec Autin’s “weakened Russia” comments + former CMC Krulak joins the “Force Design” public debate
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Jeff Kenney is absent today What is behind Secretary of Defense Austin’s Call for a ‘Weakened’ Russia? Washington Post Opinion: […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: BIG changes are in store for the way we consume news… Twitter, the NT Times & CNN are about to change & more
Less advocacy, more journalism. Changes at CNN and New York Times may signal push to the centre Washington Post Opinion: War is a dirty business. Will the Marine Corps be ready for the next one? By Charles Krulak, Jack Sheehan and Anthony Zinni
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensa’s discuss (1) Generals Zinni & Van Riper discuss Force Design 2030 on YouTube; (2) US Navy ship building; (3) Russia vs Ukraine
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: VIDEO: A Critical Discussion About Force Design General A.M. Zinni, USMC (Ret) — Task & Purpose, April 19, 2022: […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham on (1) Solomon Islands & China deal + (2) Strategic Ambiguity & Taiwan + (3) North Korea missile tests
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: a Mensa late entry —- What’s is Russia’s next move in their war on Ukraine?
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: an amazing week of doing Post-Traumatic Winning at Marine Barracks Washington + The Russian try again in Ukraine
HERE is the link to the YouTube video of the “A Critical Discussion on Force Design 2030 with LtGen Paul Van Riper and Gen Anthony Zinni“
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: The Mensa’s talk (1) Russian & Ukrainian troop movements — retreating or regrouping? (2) What comes next?
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Russian & Ukrainian troop movements — what do they mean? What is next for Russian forces and what is next […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Headlines from the Russia/Ukraine War — retreating or regrouping?
Here is John F. Schmitz’s article on Force Design 2030: The Marines Are Marching toward Irrelevance
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensas talk discuss “high functioning conformists” and Force Design 2030
Background articles relative to today’s discussion: General Jack Sheehan’s opinion piece — March 10, 2022: Wasteful Spending, a Shrinking Force and the Marine Corps’s Big Bet LtGen Paul K. Van Riper’s opinion piece — March 21, 2022: Jeopardizing national security: What is happening to our Marips? Col Matt Jones (Ret) opinion piece — March 2022: Modernizing […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Col Mike Marletto, USMC (ret) talks Australia vs China; the Russia vs Ukraine War & the Force Design 2030 debate
I had heard about Col Mike Marletto while I was deployed to Iraq in 2004 as part of the Division Staff of the 1st Marine Division led by MajGen James Mattis; everyone who spoke of Col Marletto spoke of him with great respect. I finally met Mike when he sent an email to ALL MARINE […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham talks (1) Russian-Ukraine Peace Talks; (2) Soloman Islands news; (3) USMC Force Design debate thoughts; (4) the Philippines steer a middle course & (5) China navigates a Russian War
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Khe Sanh Marine Ken Rodgers joins us on Vietnam Veterans Day
On National Vietnam Veterans Day one of our favorite Veterans joins the program — Ken Rodgers. Ken served with Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 26th Marine Regiment during the epic battle of Khe Sanh in Vietnam during 1968. He and his wife Betty have made two documentaries in the last ten years: “Bravo! Common Men, Uncommon […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensas frame the unprecedented debate about “Force Design 2030” unfolding in the Marine Corps — led by retired USMC General Officers
Articles cited in today’s discussion: General Jack Sheehan’s opinion piece — March 10, 2022: Wasteful Spending, a Shrinking Force and the Marine Corps’s Big Bet LtGen Paul K. Van Riper’s opinion piece — March 21, 2022: Jeopardizing national security: What is happening to our Marips? Col Matt Jones (Ret) opinion piece — March 2022: Modernizing the […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensas talk about feedback from our “GO–Force Design” discussion and that war in Ukraine
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: “Retired General Officer Force Design discussion” feedback Ukraine War news: ships sunk & counterattacks
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham discusses his article — “Will China Invade Taiwan in 2022?” (and other things too)
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves towards […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: public dissent by retired USMC General Officers over Force Design 2030 — the Sheehan & Van Riper opinion pieces
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: LtGen Paul K. Van Riper’s opinion piece: Jeopardizing national security: What is happening to our Marips? General Jack Sheehan’s opinion piece: […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: USMC General Officers take on General Berger’s “Force Design 2030” IN PUBLIC — Ken Kirkabe talks US actions in the face of Russian nuclear threats
TODAY’S TOPICS: LtGen Paul K. Van Riper’s opinion piece: Jeopardizing national security: What is happening to our Marips? General Jack Sheehan’s opinion piece: Wasteful Spending, a Shrinking Force and the Marine Corps’s Big Be Ken Kirkebey’s letter to the Wall Street Journal From: kenneth kirkeby To: Subject: WSJ Weekend Article 3/12-13 “The […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Mensa’s Brothers — “Open Source Ops/Intel Brief” — Monday, March 21, 2022
TODAY’S TOPICS: Drones, Counter-Battery Radars, Stingers, Javelins, S-300s & MIGs — Tim & Jeff rank their importance LIVE NEWS FEEDS: NEWS FEED: BBC Live News Feed: The Russian Invasion of Ukraine NEWS FEED: WorldNews Live Thread for the Russian Invasion of Ukraine (Reddit) — courtesy of Patrick F. McNamara MAPS: here are a few maps […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Drones, Counter-Battery Radars, Stingers, Javelins, S-300s & MIGs — rank their importance –Thursday March 17, 2022
TODAY’S TOPICS: President’s Zelenskyy’s speech to Congress spoke of MIG aircraft… where do they rank on a list of “most lethal” things that the United States can supply Ukraine? Will Costantini gives us his opinions. LIVE NEWS FEEDS: NEWS FEED: BBC Live News Feed: The Russian Invasion of Ukraine NEWS FEED: WorldNews Live Thread for […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Thoughts on President Zelenskyy’s address to Congress for Wednesday March 16, 2022
TODAY’S TOPICS: President’s Zelenskyy’s speech to Congress LIVE NEWS FEEDS: NEWS FEED: BBC Live News Feed: The Russian Invasion of Ukraine NEWS FEED: WorldNews Live Thread for the Russian Invasion of Ukraine (Reddit) — courtesy of Patrick F. McNamara MAPS: here are a few maps and sources that I follow: Maps: Tracking the Russian Invasion […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: (1) Grant Newsham and (2) the Mensa’s Brothers — “Open Source Ops/Intel” Brief for Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Mensa’s Brothers — “Open Source Ops/Intel” Brief for Monday, March 14, 2022
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini (absent), Colonel Jeff Kenney (absent) & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Tim: world reactions and changes in the past 24 hours Mac: current operations update on the ongoing […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham talks Ukraine vs Russia + the changed landscape of China vs Taiwan + South Korea elects a conservative President
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Mensa’s Brothers — “Open Source Ops/Intel” Brief for Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Mac: world reactions and changes in the past 24 hours Jeff: current operations update on the ongoing fight between […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Mensa’s Brothers — “Open Source Ops/Intel” Brief for Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Tim Lynch: world reactions and changes in the past 24 hours Jeff: current operations update on the ongoing fight […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Mensa’s Brothers — “Open Source Ops/Intel” Brief for Monday, March 7, 2022
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Tim Lynch: world reactions and changes in the past 24 hours Jeff: current operations update on the ongoing fight […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Mensa’s Brothers — “Open Source Ops/Intel” Brief for Sunday, March 6, 2022
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Tim Lynch: world reactions and changes in the past 24 hours Jeff: current operations update on the ongoing fight between […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Mensa’s Brothers — “Open Source Ops/Intel” Brief for Saturday, March 5, 2022
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Tim Lynch: world reactions and changes in the past 24 hours Jeff: current operations update on the ongoing fight between […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensa’s Brothers — “Open Source Ops/Intel” Brief for Friday, March 4, 2022
Tim Lynch: world reactions and changes in the past 24 hours Mac: current operations update on the ongoing fight between Ukrainean and Russian forces Will Costantini: Economic events impacting the Ukraine//Russia fight What’s Next: what are you most interested to see in the next 24 hours? LIVE NEWS FEEDS: NEWS FEED: BBC Live News Feed: […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: (1) Grant Newsham and (2) the Mensa’s Brothers — “Open Source Ops/Intel” Brief for Thursday, March 3, 2022
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Grant Newsham: is China’s thinking relative Taiwan changing after watch the world reaction to Russia aggression in Ukraine? Tim Lynch: […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensa’s Brothers — “Open Source Ops/Intel” Brief for Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Tim Lynch: world reactions and changes in the past 24 hours Jeff Kenney: current operations update on the ongoing fight between Ukrainean and Russian forces Will Costantini: Economic events impacting the Ukraine//Russia fight What’s Next: what are you most interested to see in the next 24 hours? TOMORROW: we’ll discuss this “War on the Rocks […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: (1) Grant Newsham; (2) the Mensa’s Brothers — “Open Source Ops/Intel” Brief for Tuesday, March 1, 2022
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Grant Newsham’s thoughts on events in the past 24 hours Tim Lynch: world reactions and changes in the past 24 […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: (1) Grant Newsham; (2) the Mensa’s Brothers — “Open Source Ops/Intel” Brief for Monday, February 28, 2022
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Grant: Historical statements from former Japanese Prime Minister Abe on (1) hosting US nuclear weapons on Japanese soil; (2) ending […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensa’s Brothers — “Open Source Ops/Intel” Brief for Sunday, February 27, 2022
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Tim Lynch: the last 24-48 hours of world reactions to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine Jeff Kenney: current update on Russia’s […]
ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Our “Open-Source Ops-Intel Brief” returns focused on the Russian/Ukrainian War
Our “Open-Source Ops-Intel Brief” restarts again today… focusing on the Russian-Ukrainian War.
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: The Mensa’s talk Russia/Ukraine… how far will Putin go? + Michner + Historical Fiction + our first ADDEMDUM segment!!!
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Jack Keane video is HERE The early hours of the Russian invasion of Ukraine Historical fiction: The Gospel According […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham on the latest concerning Russia vs Ukraine… with China looming
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensa’s on — Places We Want to Visit + Ukraine + Funerals & Eulogies + Wisdom + Conspiracy Theories “YES or NO”
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Places we want to visit but have yet to go Our latest “Ukraine thoughts” Where do you want to […]
AN ALL MARINE RADIO SPECIAL EDITION: the Mensa Brothers discuss – Greg Newbold’s OPED + BGen Sullivan’s Afghan NEO comments
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: We’ll dicuss the latest news on Russia vs Ukraine Greg Newbold’s (LtGen USMC ret) opinion piece entitled: A retired […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham on defending Taiwan — “Hardware Alone Isn’t Enough” + other stuff
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: The Mensa’s talk “Vietnam Movies” and other stuff
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Best Vietnam movies… Russia vs Ukraine
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham discusses his article — “Will China Invade Taiwan in 2022?” (and other things too)
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensa Brothers cover the world (yes, you read that right)
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Too numberous to name here… just listen
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: The Mensas talk the NFL, “The American Boys”, Russia vs Ukraine, Putin & Shipping Containers
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: The NFL Playoffs… mental mistakes… tactical mistakes The American Boys… part of Al Capone’s thug army Russia vs Ukraine […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO NEWS HOUR: With Germany on its knees and France not far behind — will Putin succeed in breaking NATO?
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham discusses the escalating crisis in the Ukraine — as Germany sells out Ukraine, NATO & Europe
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensa’s talk the Biden Press Conference + Gen Berger’s latest interview + NATIONAL POWER — why no US economic egagement across the Pacific?
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Friday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: President Biden’s Press Conference The Commandant of the Marine Corps, General David Berger, did an interview with Ryan Evans […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: CSIS’s Mark Cancian penned “U.S. Troops Are Not Terrorists: Parsing The Violent Extremist Numbers” –we talk about it
Mark Cancian is a Senior Adviser, International Security Program at the Center for Strategic & International Studies; he joined ALL MARINE RADIO to discuss what the DOD found in its “extremism” investigation. Mar’s Forbes Article: U.S. Troops Are Not Terrorists: Parsing The Violent Extremist Numbers, by Mark Cancian DOD Report on Extremism: Report on Countering […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham discusses “National Power” — Why isn’t American Economic Power being used well in the Pacific?
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensa’s talk December DOD “Extremist Data” + Ukraine + and can the Navy embrace “A Warfighting Imperative”?
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Friday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Mar’s Forbes Article: U.S. Troops Are Not Terrorists: Parsing The Violent Extremist Numbers, by Mark Cancian DOD Report on […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham talks Putin’s endgame & American “resolve” in Ukraine… as China watches
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
ALL MARINE RADIO NEWS & COMMENTARY: The University of Chicago + DOD’s “Extremism data” + Gleen Greenwald… the truth & the future
Powerline Blog Article on the data analysis done by the University of Chicago: The three-part series, written by that appeared in “The Federalist” on “Self-Governance”: Part 1: What the Founders Meant by Self-Governance ( Part 2: Part 3:
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: The Very Mensa (-) Christmas Week continues with Draconian Covid Measures + Will Russia invade Ukraine? + Economic Trivia
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Draconian Covid measures that most of the nation is ignoring Will Russia invade Ukraine?
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: The Very Mensa (–) Christmas Week continues with “Mental Fitness” talk + we revisit the “Wizard of Oz Deep Dive”
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Mental Fitness The Wizard of Oz — Timmy’s populist ruse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: ARPA & DARPA’s Post-WWII & Vietnam legacy + a MENSA DEEP DIVE on the movie “The Wizard of Oz”
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Rob’s & Sarah’s story: Dad meets daughter for the first time just before Christmas Tim Lynch’s unique Vietnam thought: […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the USMC SNCO promotion warrant is changing (we don’t get it) + unique aspects of Vietnam we’ve discover
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: The USMC SNCO promotion warrant is changing — watch the USMC video
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensas discuss — Col Bathurst’s letter + No AAV’s in the water + the movie “The Wizard of Oz” (Jeff Kenney sings!)
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Col Jim Bathurst’s “Open Letter to the Commandant” (December 05 2021) USMC AAV’s will no longer go in the […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham talks Russia/Ukraine & Russia/China + South Korea’s Moon’s odd week + Blinken in Southeast Asia
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO BOOK HOUR: Peggi Cooney discusses her life and book — ‘This Side of Alcohol’
Peggi Cooney is a smart, down to earth, FUNNY and direct woman. I met her a year ago when she along with another mutual friend told me I should begin doing “online seminars” with my Post-Traumatic Winning presentation — I had never met her before. Their advice changed my life and the lives of many […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensa’s talk the Army-Navy football game + new Afghan violence? + Guadalcanal facts
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: US Army Veteran of World War II, former US Senator from Kansas Bob Dole — a true “American Hero” passes away
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Mensas talk Heritage Turkeys + Will vomits in his car + what’s next in Ukraine vs Russia? More US hand wringing?
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Tim’s $300 “Heritage Turkey” — how did it taste? Will vomits in his car The Russia vs Ukraine situation… […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO NEWS HOUR: NATO and US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken bluster while Putin declares a “Red Line”
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Tim’s $300 “Heritage Turkey” — how did it taste? Will vomits in his car The Russia vs Ukraine situation… […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO NEWS HOUR: NATO and US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken bluster while Putin declares a “Red Line”
Today we’ll look at news headlines.
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham on Russia vs Ukraine + Solomon Island unrest + Taiwan invited to the Democracy summit? Hmmm
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: The “Omicron Strain” uncertainty & hysteria + An orientation to “The Ukraine-Russia Crisis”
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Some news… and the Mensa Brothers join me for “Happy Thanksgiving” (Part 2)
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Lasagna Favorite Thanksgivng deserts Hemingway’s short story “The Short Happy Life of Francis mecomber” Frank Capra’s movie “The Best […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensas talk “Heritage Turkeys” + favorite military photos + celery in dressing, cranberry (yes/no) and fork loading
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Tim’s “Heritage Turkey” Favorite military pictures of all-time YES or NO? Celery in Thanksgiving stuffing YES or NO? Cranberry […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: LIBERAL journalist Glenn Greenwald’s opinion on the Rittenhouse verdict and “corporate journalism” is worth your time
You can find Glenn Greenwald’s website HERE and the link to the video you just heard HERE
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Mensa Bros — What makes the Marine Corps GREAT? What role does ‘diversity’ play in that? Diversity of thought? Diversity of skin color? Will you lower standards to get there?
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: 2016 Officer and Enlisted Comparison of the Air Force, Army, Navy and Marine Corps by race and ethnicity General […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: General Berger told NPR “The Marine Corps is reinventing itself to reflect America” — what is the USMC’s racial & ethnic makeup today and what is the problem?
NPR article & interview: The Marine Corps is reinventing itself to reflect America, says top general REPORT: Marine Corps by Gender, Race and Ethnicity, Office of Diversity Management and Equal Opportunity STUDY: Ground Combat Element Integrated Task Force Experimental Assessment Report
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham shares his thought on the “Biden-Xi Summit” and an important Presidential election in the Philippines
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: a listener sent in a list of questions for The Mensa Brothers — Will & Tim will answer them (Jeff is “absent”)
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney (absent) & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Ten Questions from a listener!
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: “Will C” joins me with thoughts on the 246th Birthday of the United States Marine Corps
246th Marine Corps Birthday Message of the Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro 246th Marine Corps Birthday Message of the Commandant of the Marine Corps
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Chinese mockups of US Navy ships + Taiwan ascending + China’s power problem + a “new” approach to North Korea?
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: #1 son gets promoted + who knew Trace Gallagher (of Fox News) and I were football brothers?
On this 8th day of Noverber we’ll talk: My oldest son got promoted to the rank of Major today! A huge day in our family! #prouddad Birthday Week in the Marine Corps for the 246th time Trace Gallagher (who you know from Fox News) and I crossed paths on Saturday at a football reunion at […]
ALL MARINE RADIO: who knew Trace Gallagher (of Fox News) and I were football brothers?
Trace Gallagher (who you know from Fox News) and I crossed paths on Saturday at a football reunion at our alma mater, the University of San Diego. Check the pictures below… you can quickly determine who got into television! A great guy, an interesting conversation about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the state […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: The Mensa Brothers talk “A Culture of Lying” + HUGE USMC manpower changes + the Chinese Marine Corps + Brits win in 29 Palms? + the R. Lee Ermy estate’s gun auction
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Commander Salamander’s Blog post on the USNI Blog: Massive USMC Manpower change is outline in this USNI article: […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham talks Virginia politics (he’s a native) + closed Chinese telecoms in the US + Xi’s absence from Glasgow + Japan’s election + Chinese naval power projection
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: do you believe the Navy’s story about a submarine driving into an “undersea mount”? Incompetence (again) or spin?
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensas discuss the Bill Lind vs the Brothers Van Riper duel unfolding in the Marine Corps Gazette
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Bill Lind and the Brothers Van Riper (LtGen Paul Van Riper and Col James Van Ripers) have squared off […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Enes Kanter is the first NBA player to speak the truth about China + Marine Corps Gazette talk with Chris Woodbridge
See the Enes Kanter video HERE Colonel Chris Woodbridge, USMC (ret) is the editor and publisher of the Marine Corps Gazette, he joined ALL MARINE RADIO and here is what we covered: Woody’s Novemeber editorial about “did our service matter” in Afghanistan The USS Somerset investigation The USS Bonhomme Richard Investigation The Van Riper brothers […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO NEWS HOUR: a “complex, coordinated and deliberate” drone attack on US Troops in Syria, sponsored by Iran… huh?!
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham talks US & China hypersonic testing +
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves towards […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO NEWS HOUR: the 38th time we remember Beirut + a blank fire death? + retail supply and gas shortages will get worse?!
Two (2) options to watch the Ceremony Live: The 38th Beirut Memorial Observance Ceremony will take place at the Beirut Memorial in the Lejeune Memorial Gardens on Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, N.C. Oct. 23, 2021. The special ceremony honors the fallen service members and survivors who served in Lebanon from 1958 to 1984 and […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensas talk Colin Powell’s legacy + USS Bonhomme Richard investigation
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Colin Powell’s legacy took him through My Lai and the War in Iraq… we’ll talk about both The USS […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Navy released the results of the USS Bonhomme Richard Investigation – Will Costantini joins me with initial thoughts
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham talk his newfound fame + Chinese go hypersonic + the Philippines tilting west again?
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO NEW HOUR: Colin Powell’s legacy is truly an American legacy… flaws and all
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: on the passing of former Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin L. Powell
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: amazing conversations + LA beats SF + Vito joins me for a LtCol Scheller CM update + Sub rumors!
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Mensas talk LtCol Scheller’s Article 32 hearing + Greatest US Navy moments in history + USS Somerset thoughts a day later
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Is the court martial of LtCol Scheller appropriate and what do you expect from the carnival that will surround […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: The Mensas discuss the Navy’s investigation into the USS Somerset’s role in the sinking of a USMC AAV that killed 8 Marines & 1 US Navy Corpsman
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: You can find the US Navy’s investigation into the USS Somerset’ HERE
THE ALL MARINE RADIO NEWS HOUR: “Finding 137” & “Finding 138” of the Navy’s investigation into the USS Somerset/15th MEU AAV incident
In preparation for the discussion of the US Navy’s Investigation into the 15th MEU AAV incident of July 2020… I was reading. I thought I would share this with you. You can find the US Navy’s investigation HERE.
ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham talks Xi’s threats regarding Taiwan & the measured response of Taiwan’s President
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: US Navy releases its investigation into the USS Somerset — 15th MEU AAV incident + a US Navy sub collides with “something” in the South China Sea
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensa’s talk LtCol Scheller + thoughts on the recent Congressional Afghanistan Hearings
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Thoughts on the case of LtCol Scheller Thoughts on the Congressional Hearings on Afghanistan
THE ALL MARINE RADIO NEW HOUR: after three weeks of traveling and doing Post-Traumatic Winning — “And we’re BACK!”
After three weeks on the road doing Post-Traumatic Winning for the 2nd Marine Air Wing… we’re BACK!
I MARRIED THE WAR: Southern California showing and you’re invited! — Saturday, Beverly Hills
Betty & Ken Rodgers are two of my favorite people… their first documentary was an incredible piece of work, centered on Ken’s unit in the Vietnam — Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 26th Marines. The documentary told the amazing story of young American Marines fighting at a place called Khe Sanh and how those violent, bloody […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham talks Bob Woodward & General Milley + Australian submarine intrigue
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensa’s talk the last week of Afghan news
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Thoughts on the aftermath of the US non-combatant evacuation from the Kabul International Airport VIDEO LINK to video captured […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Chris Woodbridge talk Afghanistan… is Goldwater-Nichols V2 needed? + this month’s MC Gazette
Colonel Chris Woodbridge, USMC (ret) is the editor and publisher of the Marine Corps Gazette, he joined ALL MARINE RADIO and here is what we covered: Afghanistan The September edition of the Marine Corps Gazette
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham talks China’s opportunities inside & outside Afghanistan after the strategic defeat of the US + first EVER Japan-Taiwan bilateral defense meeting
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves towards […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO NEWS HOUR: the 20th rememberance of Sept 11th is looming… this time as a defeated nation + the hallowness of hearing “…your service mattered…” from failed leaders
After a long weekend, and plenty of time to ponder, I offer some thoughts on the following in addition to looking at the news: What will the 20th commemoration of the attacks that took place on September 11, 2021 be like? This year… with the sting of strategic defeat ringing in our ears… and the […]
ALL MARINE RADIO: SECDEF Austin & Chairman Milley held a “Post-Afghanistan” Press Conference – the Mensa’s Brothers (-) discuss it
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: SECDEF & CJCS PRESS CONFERNEC REACTIONS: The Secretary of Defense (Lloyd Austin) and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs […]
ALL MARINE RADIO: some closing thoughts on what we’ve watched in Afghanistan from the Mensa’s Brothers
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: In the past two weeks we’re not spoken about policiy decision… and we’ll change that today as we give […]
ALL MARINE RADIO KABUL NEO UPDATE: the Mensa’s Brothers — “Open Source Ops/Intel” Brief for Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: US Evacuation Flights: complete US Retrograde Operations: all operations inside of Afghanistan are complete Our struggle to keep our emotions […]
ALL MARINE RADIO KABUL NEO UPDATE: the Mensa’s Brothers — “Open Source Ops/Intel” Brief for Monday, August 30, 2021
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: US Evacuation Flights: will depart within hours of this post Kabul Rocket Attack: what we know about this breaking news […]
ALL MARINE RADIO KABUL NEO UPDATE: the Mensa’s Brothers — “Open Source Ops/Intel” Brief for Sunday, August 29, 2021
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Explosions in Kabul: how do friendly forces react to rocket and mortar attacks? 2nd US Drone Strike in Kabul: what we […]
ALL MARINE RADIO KABUL NEO UPDATE: Will Costantini — “Open Source Ops/Intel” Brief for Saturday, August 28, 2021
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Things we don’t understand: how did a single explosion kill 13 Americans and 200 Afghans, and wound 150 more… in […]
ALL MARINE RADIO KABUL NEO UPDATE: the Mensa’s Brothers — “Open Source Ops/Intel” Brief for Saturday, August 28, 2021
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: General Situation update Kabul International Airport map orientation Afghanistan: Intell picture Afghanistan: Ops picture Things we don’t understand: how did […]
ALL MARINE RADIO KABUL NEO UPDATE: the Mensa’s Brothers — “Open Source Ops/Intel” Brief for Friday, August 27, 2021
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: General Situation update & map orientation: the Abbey Gate and the Baron Hotel Afghanistan: Intell picture Afghanistan: Ops picture Our […]
ALL MARINE RADIO KABUL NEO UPDATE: the Mensa’s Brothers — “Open Source Ops/Intel” Brief for Thursday, August 26, 2021
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: General Situation Update Afghanistan: Intell picture Afghanistan: Ops picture Thoughts on the Kabul International Airport bombing(s) Where does the US […]
ALL MARINE RADIO KABUL NEO UPDATE: the Mensa’s Brothers — “Open Source Ops/Intel” Brief for Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: General Situation Update Afghanistan: Intell picture Afghanistan: Ops picture Ops impact of President Biden’s August 31st decidion The impact of […]
ALL MARINE RADIO KABUL NEO UPDATE: the Mensa’s Brothers — “Open Source Ops/Intel” Brief for Monday, August 24, 2021
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Afghanistan: Intell picture Afghanistan: Ops picture The Director of the CIA (William Burns) meets with Taliban Co-Founder Mullah Baradar (Washington […]
ALL MARINE RADIO KABUL NEO UPDATE: the Mensa’s Brothers — “Open Source Ops/Intel” Brief for Monday, August 23, 2021
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Afghanistan: Intell picture Afghanistan: Ops picture Three Districts (Banu, Deh Salah, Pol-e-Haser) in the Baghlan Province were reported to have […]
ALL MARINE RADIO KABUL NEO UPDATE: the Mensa’s Brothers — “Open Source Ops/Intel” Brief for Friday, August 21, 2021
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Afghanistan: Intell picture Afghanistan: Ops picture What would American SOF units be doing… if they were hypothetically there? Kabul International […]
ALL MARINE RADIO KABUL NEO UPDATE: the Mensa’s Brothers — “Open Source Ops/Intel” Brief for Friday, August 20, 2021
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Afghanistan: Intell picture Afghanistan: Ops picture You can find the video of the entire SECDEF/CJCS press conference HERE We’ll discuss […]
ALL MARINE RADIO KABUL NEO UPDATE: the Mensa’s Brothers — “Open Source Ops/Intel” Brief for Thursday August 19, 2021
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Afghanistan: Intell picture Afghanistan: Ops picture Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin & Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff […]
ALL MARINE RADIO KABUL NEO UPDATE: the Mensa’s Brothers — “Open Source Ops/Intel” Brief for Wednesday August 18, 2021
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Afghanistan: Intell picture Afghanistan: Ops picture Hamid Karai, Abdullah Abdullah & Gulbuddin Hekmatyar — all have remained in Afghanistan […]
ALL MARINE RADIO KABUL NEO UPDATE: the Mensa’s Brothers — “Open Source Ops/Intel” Brief for Tuesday August 17, 2021
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Afghanistan: Intell picture Afghanistan: Ops picture The task of organizing the chaos that is the reality of the Kabul […]
ALL MARINE RADIO KABUL UPDATE: the Mensa’s talk the current situation and the challenges of Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations (NEO)
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Afghanistan: Intell picture Afghanistan: Ops picture What’s next around the Kabul International Airport where the US is conducting a […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensa’s (-) talk Leaders they have loved to have observed first hand
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini (excused absence), Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Threee Leaders we’d like to have tagged along with when they were leading…
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensa’s (-) talk Leaders they would have loved to have observed first hand
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Marine Corps Heritage Foundation Board Member Dave Armstrong joins us to talk about “THE Museum” and… his podcasting career!
Dave Alexander is a retired Marine Corps Artillery Officer, he is the President and Co-Founder of Monument Wealth Management and is a member of the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation’s Board of Directors. AND… if that isn’t enough, Dave is a podcaster — MOMENTS IN LEADERSHIP is his creation. We’ll meet Dave and talk to him […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Marine Corps League National Commandant Dennis Tobin joins us as on the occasion of their 97th National Convention to discuss “The State of the League”
This week the Marine Corps League is gathering for their 97rd National Convention in Springfiled, IL. We caught up with the National Commandant of the Marine Corps League, Dennis Tobin, to find out “what’s new” — and there’s a lot new… wel’ll talk about it.
THE ALL MARINE RADIO NEWS HOUR: the Mensa Bros join the program to talk about three Afghan Provincial capitals falling to the Taliban this week
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Three Provincial capitals fell to the Taliban last week in Afghanistan… we’ll talk about it Here is the link […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Promotion Photos + Afghanistan observations + USS Bonhomme Richard arson charges + Rep Luria listened and wrote to clarify some things
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Promotion Photos Afghanistan — places are falling without major fighting… have the deals been struck? A US Navy Sailor […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Chris Woodbridge discusses the July (Recruiting) & August (Acquisitions) editions of the Gazette
Colonel Chris Woodbridge, USMC (ret) is the editor and publisher of the Marine Corps Gazette, he joined ALL MARINE RADIO and here is what we covered: The challenge of recruiting “Operation Excellence” is missing from our discussions on the modern force
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham talks SECDEF Austin in INDOPACOM + Where is the trade plan that brings the Philippines & Vietnam into the orbit of the G7
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves towards […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Tim Loranger represents families involved in a lawsuit against BAE Systems who made the AAV that sank a year ago off the coast of California killing 8 Marines & 1 Sailor – he talks to us
Tim Loranger joined the Marine Corps out of high school, got out of the Marine Corps and became a lawyer. He currently represents families that announced last week that they would sue BAE Systems, the maker of the AAV that sank, for design flaws that contributed to the incident. Tim joined ALL MARINE RADIO to […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensa’s talk Rep Elaine Luria’s “A New U.S. Maritime Strategy” paper
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: HERE is the link to Rep Elaine Luria’s piece entilted “A New U.S. Maritime Strategy” HERE is a video, […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO NEWS HOUR: SECDEF in the Pacific + HMS Queen Elizabeth Strike Group in the South China Sea + CENTCOM air support for Afghan Forces
We’ll look at today’s defense news headlines: Fentynal supplanting Afghan opium on the world market? The SECDEF in Singapore, Vietnam & the Philippines CENTCOM has stepped up its air support of Afghan Government forces
15TH MEU AAV FOLLOWUP: HQ USMC updated its “Assault Amphibian Training and Readiness Manual” this month — Col Walt Yates, USMC (ret) analyzes the update
We continue to follow the aftermath of the 15th MEU/USS Somerset AAV Incident that killed eight US Marines and one US Navy Sailor in July of 2020 off the coast of Southern California. Earlier this month Headquarters Marine Corps published an update the the “Assault Amphibian Training and Readiness Manual” (here is the PDF NAVMC […]
POST-TRAUMATIC WINNER: David Whitesock’s path from alcohol addiction, through broadcasting, to jail, to law school, to advocate will inspire you
I met David Whitesock doing radio in Grand Forks, ND in the early 2000’s, we worked for the same broadcasting group. David did everything… he did every radio format we had among the five stations… rock, pop, country (new or “classic”) and talk radio — which is not common. David built websites, he did live […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: The Mensa’s talk being able to see one historical battle + Franz Marty’s interview on Afghanistan
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: If you could be at one historical battle… impervious to the elements and not ceceptable to death or wounding… […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: John Schrey — from “troubled Afghan combat vet” to transforming lives at “Mending Fences Treatment Center” in Florida
John Schrey enlisted in the Marine Corps at the age of 25 and went to Afghanistan twice as a combat engineer. When he got out of the, like many, he drifted into a life of numbing himself with alcohol and drugs. John now transforms the lives of others at the Mending Fences Mental Health & […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham talks “China’s One-Two Punch” + US, NATO, EU blame China for cyberattack on Microsoft + Afghanistan
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: from Kabul, Afghanistan — freelance Swiss journalist Franz Marty on what’s behind the “pace” of the Taliban’s progress
Tim Lynch introduced me to Franz Marty’s work when he sent me his recent article that is linked to item #1 below. Tim then introduced us and Franz graciously accepted my invitation to come on ALL MARINE RADIO and explain what he’s seeing in Afghanistan amidst the US and NATO pullout. The interivew that you’ll […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensa Brothers talk “The Cotton Report” on “The Fighting Culture of the US Navy Surface Fleet”
You can find a copy of the Cotton – Crenshaw – Banks – Gallagher Report HERE (just follow the links) Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S […]
POST-TRAUMATIC WINNER: an IED in Haditha, Iraq took Matthew Bradford’s sight and legs and put him on a path to #NoLegsNoVisionNoProblem
I met Matthew Bradford at a Marine reunion in Montana. Matthew had his sight and both legs taken away by an IED blast in Haditha, Iraq in Juanuary of 2007. He joined ALL MARINE RADIO to talk about his path from civilian, to the Marine Corps, to Iraq, to Bethesda Naval Hospital, to Brook Army […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Mark Cancian of CSIS talks how the US Navy & US Marine Corps fared in the Biden FY2022 Budget (it ain’t good)
Mark Cancian is a Senior Adviser, International Security Program at the Center for Strategic & International Studies; he joined ALL MARINE RADIO to discuss US Navy and the US Marine Corps fared in the FY 2022 Biden Budget that is being worked on this summer.
TRAUMA 2 JOY: Ronnie Reyes updates his journey from Vietnam War Gold Star son to home renovator in Vietnam near the site his Dad was killed in action
I met Ronnie Reyes in the spring of 2018, HERE and HERE are links to our first two interviews. His story is amazing… Ronnie grew up a Gold Star son, his father killed in action at Khe Sahn in 1968 — yet today is is the personification of POST-TRAUMATIC WINNING. Ronnie has become a fundraiser […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: ***Mensa Brothers Special Addition on the current status of Afghanistan *** + The Chef and GLo on the NCAA and $$$$
The Mensa Brothers made a special appearance on the show today to talk about Afghanistan in the aftermath of the President’s press conference yesterday: Tim’s first article on Afghanistan, by Franz Marty: Tim’s second article:
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensa Brothers — a discussion about nothing
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Nothing
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham discusses CCP defectors & Chinese counterintelligence defectors (allegedly), the Chinese SEC + Afghanistan
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: harsh opinions of Don Rumsfeld upon his death + the Afghan collapse is faster than anticipated + a former high ranking CCP member calls US policies ‘naive’
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Don Rumsfeld’s legacy Afghanistan appears to be folding before the Taliban… are you surprised? Former high ranking Chinese Communist […]
ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: former CCP insider turned China regime critic Cai Xia calls the west naïve and China hallow + Chris Woodbridge talks the June & July issues of the MC Gazette
Colonel Chris Woodbridge, USMC (ret) is the editor and publisher of the Marine Corps Gazette, he joined ALL MARINE RADIO this morning and here is what we covered: The June edition of the Marine Corps Gazette which features an article by MajGen Dale Alford, entitled “The Four Block Littoral Force“ The July edition of the […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO BOOK HOUR: Iraq and Afghan veteran Andy Biggio talks about his incredible book “The Rifle” — about an M1 Garand and the men who carried it in war
Andy Biggio has a passion for history, he’s a Marine infantryman who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, his great uncle (whose name he bears) was killed during the US Army’s fight up the “Italian boot” against the German Army in World War II — all those factors combined to produce his outstanding book entitled “The […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: what’s going on in Iraq and why the “air strike” against an Iranian proxy with Col Jeff Kenney, USMC (ret)?
Colonel Jeff Kenney joined host Mike McNamara for discussion on: Current American force levels in Iraq How drones pose an real threat to US capabilities in the region Why attack the proxy and not Iran?
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: The Chef talks “normal food” tips — scrambled eggs, tuna sandwiches, thick bacon and tuna melts!
The ALL MARINE RADIO Head Chef joined the program today to talk about: The ALL MARINE RADIO Head Chef and former New York Jets offensive lineman and our great friend Greg Lotysz joined the program to discuss life… today we’ll discuss: Food tips for “everyday food” Cream cheese in scrambled eggs Fried bologna sandwiches Red […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: MENSA Bros talk 7k KIA and 30k active duty & veteran suicides in our Post-9/11 Wars + more HASC Budget Hearing thoughts
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: The Brown University study on Post-9/11 Active-Duty and Veteran Suicide The audio clips of the House Armed Services Committee […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: visiting “The Punch Bow” + Rep’s Luria, Golden and Gallagher will give you reason to believe in Congress
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: “The ‘Trigger’ Breath” + Amazing Seminars!!!! + Part 2 of select segments of CMC & CNO budget testimony to the HASC
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: plumbing adventures, “Aloha” from Pearl Harbor-Hickam + Part 1 of select segments of CMC & CNO budget testimony to the HASC
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Mac on “The Breath” and behavior change + The Mensa’s on the terrible reality of the US Navy & USMC budgets
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: The US Navy & USMC budgets… are both services falling further behind in the Fiscal War? China’s most deadly […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham talks G7 + Wuhan Lab + Philippines + Biden-Putin + a permanent US Navy South China Sea presence
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensa’s discuss what intrigues them about the Normandy invasion + the USMC Commandant fires MajGen Casellvi
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: QUESTION: “What do you find interesting about the Normandy invasion of June 1944?” — We’ll talk about it Yesterday […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: D-Day 77 years after the Allies went ashore at Normandy — we remember their courage and sacrifice
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensa’s discuss Iran’s tough day + a USMC “Blue Ribbon” commission + the complex world of commanding today
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: The third Iranian naval ship to sink in three years caught fire and sank this week… we’ll talk about […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Greg Lotysz & Kim Holmes talk summer heat + grilling gadgets + prawns, crawfish, shrimp
The ALL MARINE RADIO Head Chef joined the program today to talk about: The ALL MARINE RADIO Head Chef and former New York Jets offensive lineman and our great friend Greg Lotysz joined the program to discuss life… today we’ll discuss: The current heat wave in the upper midwest — it will hit 100 degrees […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: our 6th year starts with Grant Newsham talking about Iran’s largest naval ship burning and sinking + The Wuhan Lab returns to the news
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves towards […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: The Chef & Greg Lotysz talk about the BEST thing that ever stuck in their mouths that came off a grill
The ALL MARINE RADIO Head Chef (Kim Holmes) and former New York Jets offensive lineman and our great friend Greg Lotysz joined the program to discuss life… today we’ll discuss: Memorial Day The BEST thing you ever stuck in your mouth that came off a grill?
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Mensa’s discuss the relief of Space Force squadron CO for expressing his opinion about Marxists based teaching sponsored by the DOD + diversity of thought + Linn Wells’s awesome memo about the future
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: The Department of the Air Force Inspector General has opened an investigation into the relief of a Space Force […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: one of the BEST days of my life + Gen Tony Zinni talks “Discipline”
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Off to present + Gen James Mattis talks “Discipline”
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: DOD News + LtGen Paul Van Riper talks… “Discipline”
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: homecomings gone poorly & Greg Lotysz talks about “unwritten rules” in sports
Former New York Jets offensive lineman and great friend Greg Lotysz joins the program to discuss life… today we’ll discuss: High school graduation parties The “unwritten rules” of professional sports
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Tim the intelligence operator + Israel vs Hama + No mission for USMC infantry after two years… huh?
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Was Tim an intelligence collector in Afghanistan? What’s going on in the Israel vs Hama fight? Marine Corps infantry […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Union & Confederate artillery on Day 3 of the Battle of Gettysburg — with Col Mike Marletto, USMC (ret) (WITH MAPs!)
The former Commanding Officer of the 11th Marine Regiment, artilleryman extraordinaire, Col Mike Marletto, USMC (ret) joined ALL MARINE RADIO to discuss the reality (lots of myth out there) on the ground on Day 3 of the Battle of Gettysburg. If you love history… if you love artillery… you’ll be in heaven. CHECK OUT THE […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham talks the French & the UK militaries in WestPac + New Zealand + Franz Gayl
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: is the US Military actually doing better than most cities and colleges relative to sexual assault? David Schlueter
David Schlueter is a retired US Army Judge Advocate General with a storied career in the practice of law; here is a sample of David’s bio (lifted from the St. Mary’s School of Law website: “Schlueter received his B.A. degree from Texas A&M University in 1969 and his J.D. degree from Baylor University School of […]
THE MENSA’S + MARLETTO: after the first Congressional Hearing… is the Marine Corps on the right path… solving the right problems… in the wake of its nine AAV deaths?
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch as well as Special Guest Artilleryman Col Mike Marletto, USMC (ret) joined host Mike McNamara for discussion here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: After watching the House Armed Service Sub-Committee on Military Readiness Hearings from last week entitled: […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: USMC Generals testify before the HASC Sub-Committee on Readiness — General Gary Thomas, Asst Commandant & MajGen Olson, Staff Director — you should listen
The testimonies of the Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps, General Gary Thomas and the Staff Director of the Marine Corps, MajGen Greg Olson are the most detailed statements we have heard about the 15th MEU AAV incident of July 2021 which killed eight Marines and one Sailor. Both Generals testified before the House Armed […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Parents Testify before the HASC Sub-Committee on Readiness — Peter Vienna Father of Navy Corpsman Christopher “Bobby” Gnem & Peter Ostrovsky Father of Pfc. Jack Ostrovsky — you should listen
You should listen to these two parents, it is well worth your time, both lost sons in the 15th MEU AAV incident of July 2021. Peter Vienna is the Father of Navy Corpsman Christopher “Bobby” Gnem & Peter Ostrovsky is the Father of Pfc. Jack Ostrovsky, both testified before the House Armed Service’s Subcommittee on […]
ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Marine Corps AAV fleet hasn’t “been to war” since 2005-2006 — WHY ARE THE MAINTENANCE NUMBERS SO GOD AWFUL LOW?!
To my knowledge, and I’ve enquired around the Marine Corps through friends, the USMC’s AAVs left Iraq in late 2005 and 2006 after 14 Marines and one interpreter from 3rd Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment were killed in action in the vicinity of Haditha, Iraq in an AAV on August 1, 2005. Why is this fleet […]
THE MENSA BROTHERS: Franz Gayle’s article + MajGen Olson’s comment to Congress — “…20 years of landborne operations have caused us to lose some of our amphibious edge” is BULLS***
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Pearl Harbor Franz Gayle’s article entitled “Why US will lose a war with China over Taiwan island“ 15th MEU […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Chris Woodbridge talks the May issue of the Marine Corps Gazette & separate courts for sexual assaults
Colonel Chris Woodbridge, USMC (ret) is the editor and publisher of the Marine Corps Gazette, he joined ALL MARINE RADIO and here is what we covered: Separate military courts for sexual assaults The “optics” of the Marine Corps overall handling of the 15th MEU AAV incident The May 2021 edition of the Marine Corps Gazette […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: separate military courts for sexual assaults seem immanent + USMC Generals testify before Congress on Ground Safety… with Will Costantini
Col Will Costantini, USMC (ret) joined ALL MARINE RADIO this morning to talk current events and two subjects dominated the discussion: The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Milley, has withdrawn his opposition to a separate court system for sexual assault cases… removing them from the authority of the Commanding Officers of military […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO NEWS HOUR: a USA TODAY op-ed on why the military sexual assault conviction rate so low + SEALs to CBS News “We need help”
LINK: Military takes tough sexual assault cases to trial. That’s why its conviction rate is low. I want nothing more than to see the eradication of sexual assault from the military and society. But not at the expense of our constitutional rights. Catherine Cherkasky Opinion contributor Published 3:15 a.m. ET Mar. 31, 2021 | Updated […]
Col Walt Yates, USMC (ret) ( is a former artillery officer and a graduate of Naval Post-Graduate School in Monterey where he received an advanced degree simulation analysis. His “Post” Naval Post-Graduate Degree career then took him into the world of training systems and evaluations. In this capacity he was involved in the review of […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Back from a great trip to share Post-Traumatic Winning with leaders and spouses of the Pacific Air Force
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham talks Australia’s rejection of Chinese “belt & road” money & President Duterte’s bluster on the Philippine Economic Exclusion Zone
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: CENTCOM’s Commanding General frets publicly about Afghanistan Withdrawal
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Greg Lotysz & Kim Holmes… my Mom’s best meal + compounding butter for steaks + Kim’s Buffalo Ribs!!!!!!
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Aussies says “NO” to Chinese money + Mr Duterte’s SCS bluster + watching the media cover Columbus is frightening
THE MENSA BROTHERS: US Navy questions & final thoughts about the 15th MEU/AAV Investigation into the deaths of 8 Marines and 1 Sailor
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: 15th MEU/AAV Investigation questions for the Navy Implications for Commanding Officers & Commanding Generals
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: thoughts on the Chauvin Verdict and 2nd & 3rd order effects on the nation’s Law Enforcement Community and our cities
The Chauvin Verdict: Impact on the nation Impact on the nation’s Law Enforcement Community
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: we talk Jason Quintero’s path from DESERT STORM Marine to helping people succeed in life as a ‘Life Coach’
I met Jason Quintero when he took part in a Post-Traumatic Winning Online Seminar. Jason is a certified Life Coach, he helps people overcome life obstacles… he’s also a former Marine NCO and a DESERT SHIELD/DESERT STORM veteran. Jason joined ALL MARINE RADIO to discuss his career as a leader of Marines and also to […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: USS Somerset questions in the 15th MEU AAV Investigation + Ever made a list of the traumatic events of your life?
TODAY’S TOPICS: How could the USS Somerset’s Combat Information Center NOT have an “Execution Checklist” item that covered the Safety Boat situation on the movement to San Clemente Island… and then back to the USS Somerset? Ever thought of listing all the traumatic events in your life? Someone gave me that idea… it is an interesting […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: The Chef talks ‘Salmon honey glaze’ part 2 + How to make GREAT Brussel Sprouts!
The ALL MARINE RADIO Head Chef joined the program today to talk about: The ALL MARINE RADIO Head Chef and former New York Jets offensive lineman and our great friend Greg Lotysz joined the program to discuss life… today we’ll discuss: We deep dive into how to make a great tasting honey glaze for Salmon […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: The Mensa Brothers discuss President Biden’s Afghan withdrawal plan
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: President Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal plan vs. President Trump’s Afghanistan withdrawal? Is President Biden’s plan repeating the sins of President […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Afghanistan, the Taliban and President Biden’s departure plan for US Forces — with Tim Lynch
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham asks “Is INDOPACOM’S Admiral Aquilino On A ‘Fool’s Errand?’” + we discuss the WSJ article: “China’s Message to America: We’re an equal now”
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Will Costantini talks Iran’s centrifuge event + The GAO reports lower DOD readiness + Russia vs Ukraine + US suicides DECREASE in 2020
Colonel Will Costantini joined host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion today here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Iran reacts to a fire that destroyed part or all of their a centrifuge facility at a facility in Natanz, Iran The GAO reports that DOD readiness is not meeting DOD goals Putin […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: The Chef & Greg Lotysz talk Salmon glazes & French Food
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THE MENSA BROTHERS: we review the “Findings of Facts” from the Investigation into the sinking of an AAV that killed eight Marines and one Sailor
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: We “police up” loose ends and questions from lasts weeks program We look at the “Finding of Facts” that […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Marine Corps active-duty suicide increases 27.5% to an all-time high + LtGen Mundy III will lead a second USMC Investigation into the deaths of eight Marines and one Sailor
1. USMC Suicide Totals by Year (all data is DOD Suicide Prevention Office data or DOD Suicide Prevention Task Force data) 2. USMC Suicide Rates by Year (all suicide data is DOD Suicide Prevention Office data or DOD Suicide Prevention Task Force data; Active Duty end strength numbers 1999-2018 are from the […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Suicide in the US population DROPS in 2020 but suicide in the Active-Duty Military sees yet another increase — WHY?!
BACKGROUND: 1. Below is the actual number of suicides in the Active-Duty Force from 1999-2020 (the source of all data is the DOD): 2. Below is the suicide RATE in the Active Duty Military from 1999-2020 (the source of all data is the DOD): […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: an amazing sports weeks + reading the quotes of families grieving the deaths of eight Marines & one Sailor is brutal
MARINE CORPS TIMES — “Heartbroken families of fallen Marines, sailor react to failures exposed in tragic AAV sinking investigation” — by Phil Athley
THE MENSA BROTHERS TALK THE 15TH MEU INVESTIGATION: (1) Joining equipment to the MEU… (2) The training of AAV crews and the “Track Company”
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: How the equipment from subordinate units joins a Marine Expeditionary Unit preparing to deploy How an AAV platoon trains […]
ALL MARINE RADIO: when the audio and video don’t match — our national media’s pathetic quest to parse the news in order to validate their narratives
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the digital age empowers & funds the craziest in our world + Jeff Kenney discusses MajGen Alford’s paper entitled “The Four Block Littoral Force: The Infantry’s Attack towards Force Design 2030”
MajGen Dale Alford, USMC recently wrote an paper that will be published in the Marine Corps Gazette in June of this year… I received a copy of it and with Dale’s permission, I invited Jeff Kenney on the program to discuss it.
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Chris Woodbridge taks this month’s Marine Corps Gazette + Twitter’s impact on organizational leadership (and lots more)
Colonel Chris Woodbridge, USMC (ret) is the editor and publisher of the Marine Corps Gazette, he joined ALL MARINE RADIO and here is what we covered: March 2021 edition of the Marine Corps Gazette April 2021 edition of the Marine Corps Gazette Leadership and “the Twitter” — unit leadership is different
ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham talks American weakness in Alaska + what’s next in Myanmar + a Chinese “poke in the chest” for Joe Biden in the South China Sea
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Greg Lotysz & The Chef talk — “The worst thing I ever put in my mouth + The worst place I ever visited…” and more!
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: The Mensa Brothers talk — Investigations + The Biden Administration meets China + Confidence levels relative to defeating China
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: The release of the 15th MEU & USS Bonhomme Richard investigations will be released sometime in the not too […]
Fidelis Leadership Group’s Mike Ettore: The challenge of leading in the private sector “woke times” (Part 2)
The Founder of Fidelis Leadership Group is Mike Ettore, he joined ALL MARINE RADIO to discuss leadership in a “woke” culture both in the military and in the business world. Here is Part 2 of the interview.
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: “Woke and Weak” — is that the reality of those who lead America’s DOD?
HERE is Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s introduction to the “Extremism Training” that all member of the DOD are currently undergoing. HERE is Molly Hemmingway’s column
Fidelis Leadership Group’s Mike Ettore: leading in “woke times” + and is the US military headed down a path to be able to defeat the Chinese military?
The Founder of Fidelis Leadership Group is Mike Ettore, he joined ALL MARINE RADIO to discuss leadership in a “woke” culture both in the military and in the business world. Here is Part 1 of the interview.
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the Marine Corps begins to roll out its discipline decisions in the wake of the amtrack incident that left 8 Marines and a Sailor dead — the CO of the 15th MEU is relieved
HERE is the link to Sam LaGrone’s article in USNI News
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: I’m heartened to see the work of Glenn Greenwald, Andrew Sullivan & even Bill Mahar (yep!)… as they push back garbage journalism and the absolute intolerance of cancel culture
Find the iGrill-2 Digital Meat Thermometer HERE Find Andrew Sullivan’s column entitled “When The Narrative Replaces The News” HERE Find Glenn Greenwald’s column entitled “Journalists, Illustrating How They Operate, Yesterday Spread a Significant Lie All Over Twitter” HERE
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Glenn Greenwald + cancel culture & Teen Vogue + The Chef and GLo discuss “favorites”
The ALL MARINE RADIO Head Chef joined the program today to talk about: The ALL MARINE RADIO Head Chef and former New York Jets offensive lineman and our great friend Greg Lotysz joined the program to discuss life… today we’ll discuss: The BEST… (fill in the blank)
MENSA BROTHERS: (1) Uniformed military reactions to a media member, (2) Command cultures that promote such reactions (3) Standards & Readiness really matter if you want to win a war against China
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Individuals members of the US Armed Services verbally attacking a civilian journalist while in uniform What does this Tucker […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the problem of agenda driven news and reporters who become fabricators — SCARY
HERE is the NY Post editorial about the Washington Post ‘Trump-Georgia Secretary of State phone call’ retraction HERE is the Glenn Greenwald column HERE is Senator Tom Cotton’s (R-AR) column
Wife of a Vietnam Veteran and documentary film maker (x2)… Betty Rodgers talks about her latest effort: ‘I MARRIED THE WAR — a story about living with the trauma of loved ones’
Ken & Betty Rodgers have become great friends of mine… our paths relative to post-traumatic mental health are parallel. Their first documentary chronicles Ken’s Company in Vietnam — Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 26th Marines and is entitled “Bravo! Common Men, Uncommon Valor” — WATCH IT!!! Betty Rodgers Joined ALL MARINE RADIO to discuss her and […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: the military “readiness” discussion is important… the continuation of the ‘Post-WWII Rules Based Order’ is at stake now
After you get past the distractions surrounding the Tucker Carlson segment on what the US Military is focused on… you’ll find a very serious subject. Sadly, few will get there.
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: we painstakingly walk through Tucker Carlson’s March 11th show and each Tweet from the II MEF IG account — WHAT IS GOING ON? — with Will Costantini
Col Will Costantini, USMC (ret) joins the program to take a look at an issue that is quite frankly beyond embarrassing for the DOD and the Marine Corps… it’s head scratching. What is going on? HERE is the link to Tucker Carlson’s March 11, 2021 show HERE is the link to MGySgt Scott Stalker’s video […]
ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham talks Admiral Davidson’s SASC Testimony + The India-Japan-Australia-US meeting + The DOD attacks a journalist
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Greg Lotysz & the Chef talk coming out of the “Covid Year” + best eat ribs… buffalo… beef or pork?
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Prince William strikes back + The Mensa Brothers talk favorite restaurant chains & the troubling discussions about the F35
Two retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini and Colonel Jeff Kenney join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Your favorite restaurant chain The disturbing discussion about the F35 not being a good investment for the DOD… and the recent quotes […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: suicide & education levels + “When the Tempest Gathers” author Andy Milburn talks Afghanistan & “senior mentoring”
The author of “When the Tempest Gathers”, Col Andy Milburn, USMC (ret), rejoined the ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR to discuss the Biden Administration’s choices in Afghanistan as well as his role as a “Senior Mentor” to Marine units who are exercising in the high desert of California.
Khe Sanh veteran, documentary film maker (x2)… Ken Rodgers talks about his latest effort: ‘I MARRIED THE WAR’ — a story about living with the trauma of loved ones
Ken & Betty Rodgers have become great friends of mine… our paths relative to post-traumatic mental health are parallel. Their first documentary chronicles Ken’s Company in Vietnam — Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 26th Marines and is entitled “Bravo! Common Men, Uncommon Valor” — WATCH IT!!! Ken Joined ALL MARINE RADIO to discuss he and Betty’s […]
The joy of watching ‘The Sound of Music’ + CSIS’s Mark Cancian updates his thoughts on ‘Force Design 2030’
Mark Cancian is a Senior Adviser, International Security Program at the Center for Strategic & International Studies; he joined ALL MARINE RADIO to update our discussion about the Commandant of the Marine Corps plan to transform the Marine Corps — Force Design 2030.
The Chef & Greg Lotysz: ‘If I could live anywhere, I’d live…’ + ‘Go To’ fast food + did I read that right… ‘Dr. Seuss is getting cancelled?’
Covid-19 drop 81% between Jan 7 & Mar 2… now what? + THE MENSA BROTHERS TALK: our ideal marksmanship program & POTUS’s Sulamani decision
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Our ideal marksmanship program DECISION DISCUSSION: President Trump decides to execute the strike that will kill Iranian Republican Guard […]
The Nation begins to reopen + Mental Health “kryptonite” + Grant Newsham talks ‘Australia vs China’, ‘Choosing China or the US’ & ‘Were Taiwan to fall’
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
Jeff & Will react to the “60 Minutes” piece on the Al Asad attack (it ain’t pretty) + Gen Berger’s Feb 23 2021 memo to the SECDEF on Force Design 2030
You can find the 60 Minutes report HERE You can find the footage that the DOD released on March 1, 2021 HERE
Baseball is back — soooooooooo HAPPY! + Our favorite interview with an Iwo Jima veteran — PFC Cal Humphrey, USMCR
In the past week we’ve discussed the Iwo Jima… and we can’t go near that island without playing our favorite interview… the Uncle of a friend of mine… Jess Humphrey. Jess’s Dad (Bob) and his Uncle (Cal) both fought on that island… you’ll hear Cal in the interview. #AWESOME
Irrelevant air-strikes + Greg Lotysz & Kim Holmes talk “Mental Fitness” and “My favorite…”
The ALL MARINE RADIO Head Chef joined the program today to talk about: The ALL MARINE RADIO Head Chef and former New York Jets offensive lineman and our great friend Greg Lotysz joined the program to discuss life… today we’ll discuss: Mental Fitness My Favorite… Movie Hors d’oeurve Candy Restaurant entrée Vehicle you’ve owned Moment […]
THE MENSA BROTHERS: news consumption + the Marine Corps rifle qualification course of fire is changing + Iwo Jima
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Are you watching the news these days? Marine Corps rifle qualification course is changing… good idea or bad? Grunts […]
Col Keil Gentry, USMC (ret) was a member of all three boards that looked into the Iwo Jima Flag Raisings — he talks about it
Keil Gentry is a retired Marine Officer, an artilleryman by trade with a long distinguished career. He joined ALL MARINE RADIO to discuss his experiences as part of three different boards that two different Commandants of the Marine Corps convened to look into the accuracy of Marines identified as “Flag Raisers” on Iwo Jima. Keil […]
Chris Woodbridge talks: the fight on Iwo Jima + the Marine Corps “Staff Non-Commissioned Officer problem” + This month’s Marine Corps Gazette
Colonel Chris Woodbridge, USMC (ret) is the editor and publisher of the Marine Corps Gazette, he joined ALL MARINE RADIO and here is what we covered: The early days of the Iwo Jima fight The Marine Corps “SNCO problem” This Month’s Marine Corps Gazette edition
THE MENSA BROTHERS: A “Pause Button” for Afghanistan + Thoughts on the opening days of the landing on Iwo Jima
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: The Biden Administration hits the “Pause Button” on Afghanistan — to what end? We’ll talk about it. This time […]
WSJ: “We’ll Have Herd Immunity by April” + THE ATLANTIC: “Covid Cases Are Dropping Fast. Why?” + Greg & Kim: Can We All Just Get Along? Uhhhh… no
Two pretty interesting articles published in the last 48 hours by pretty prominent publications: The Wall Street Journal: “We’ll Have Herd Immunity by April”, by Marty Makary, February 18, 2021 The Atlantic: “COVID-19 Cases Are Dropping Fast. Why?”, by Derek Thompson, February 17, 2021 Not so much discussion of this data… hmmmmmmm.
Navy quotas in writing? + The Mensa Brothers talk their favorite guns
Notes to myself after watching “I Married the War” + Grant Newsham talks the Biden Administration’s first step in the Western Pacific
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves towards […]
Luke Wikle is Post-Traumatic Winner #1 — he and his wife Emma joined us to discuss volunteering & spreading the gospel of Post-Traumatic Winning
Luke Wikle is “Post-Traumatic Winner #1” — the first person that taught me the power of the 3 Goals & 10 Commandments of Post-Traumatic Winning — he and his wife Emma (herself a rape victim) joined the program to discuss life and their work at a mission in their hometown of Huntsville, Alabama where they […]
AND WE’RE BACK! F18man explains the concept of an aviation “bug-splat” diagram + Weather updates from around the country with Will & Tim
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: a generational leadership challenge — losing “The Barracks War”
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: inconvenient climate data…
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini & Colonel Jeff Kenney join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: 2019 Carbon emissions stats for the nation of the world… find them HERE
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: two former 8th Marines Regiment Marines (Jeff & Will) talk about their Regiment as it’s deactivated
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: 8th Marine Regiment: a sad day in Marine Corps history… the storied 8th Marine Regiment is deactivated — Jeff […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: 2/3 of the Mensa Brothers talk about nothing
Two retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini & Colonel Jeff Kenney join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Nothing
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Jeff & Tim talk “second chances” + books + Admiral Stockdale
Three two retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: If I had a second chance… Unique books we’ve read… Is there a more unique leader… for a […]
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: The ‘Mensa Brothers’ do Seinfeld… ‘a show about nothing…’
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Nothing
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: excited to be in North Carolina again!
THE ALL MARINE RADIO HOUR: Grant Newsham on “riots… insurrections” & China tests Biden immediately
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
LYNCH – KENNEY – COSTANTINI: are you “optimistic” about the future? + Favorite stretch of “America” to drive? + Good to Greatness quiz
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Optimism? Yes or No? Will’s been doing a lot of driving lately… so “what is your FAVORITE stretch of […]
NEWS & COMMENTARY: ‘Post-Traumatic Winning’ gets out of its banks & ‘The Barracks War’ is being lost
Former MLB General Manager Bill Bavasi remembers Tommy Lasorda
MLB executive Bill Bavasi joined ALL MARINE RADIO to discuss Tommy’s incredible life of former Los Angeles Dodger manager Tommy Lasorda who passed away this past week. Bill met Tommy when as a kid while tagging along with his father Buzzie Bavasi; Buzzie was an executive for the Brooklyn Dodgers and later became the General Manager of […]
NEWS & COMMENTARY: why am I so not-optimistic?
What do you mean the Inauguration isn’t today? Who knew!? And other amusing thoughts on a Tuesday
Good to be back home after an awesome week at Camp Lejeune doing “Post-Traumatic Winning” the with Marines & Sailors of II MEF HQBN
LYNCH – KENNEY -COSTANTINI: our favorite beer, mixed drink, hospital care advice & some other stuff
TOMMY LASORDA: an all-time great Dodger, a baseball legend and a wonderful man passes away
I met Tommy Lasorda when I was a teenager… he was a bigger than life person, a wonderful man, a patriot, a “Dodger” til the day he died and as funny as the day is long… we remember his exceptional life and my sister Maureen on what would have been her 61st birthday.
NEWS & COMMENTARY: And now what? At what point will the adults show up?
THE DAY AFTER: Know that this will get worse
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: The Capitol was overrun yesterday Will the violence get worse? The President’s role in what happened?
LYNCH – KENNEY – MAC: IED history – “The War is Lost” – & other stuff
MAC + KENNEY: got a prediction for 2021? Jeff does
LYNCH – KENNEY – COSTANTINI: leadership experiences in at The Basic School + leader failures that impacted us + public policy failures during Covid
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Too many to name… but… included in that group is a story about John Allen hitting a homerun in […]
The Nashville bomber’s girlfriend met with police in 2019 about his bomb making — they didn’t look into it appropriately #brutal
ALEX HOLLINGS: Christmas + Mental Health-Talk + SANDBOXX NEWS surpasses twenty-million views in its first year of business – WOW & CONGRATS!
Alex Hollings is a long-time contributor on ALL MARINE RADIO as well as an Editor-in-Chief at SANDBOX.COM — he joined us this morning to discuss: Christmas Mental Health Sandboxx News hit the incredible milestone of twenty-million views… IN ITS FIRST YEAR! Congratulations to Alex and his entire crew at Sandboxx! Well done!!!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS from Mac, Timothy, Jeffrey & William!!!!
LYNCH – KENNEY – COSTANTINI: our top stories of the year… overall… and in the DOD
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Top overall story of the year Top DOD story of the year Your greatest academic failure
“I was going to kill myself this weekend”
BOOKTALK WITH BING WEST: The Last Platoon, A Novel of the Afghanistan War
Renown writer and former Marine Officer Bing West joined ALL MARINE RADIO to discuss his latest book, which is entitled: THE LAST PLATOON, A Novel of the Afghanistan War In this interview you’ll hear why Bing chose “the novel” as the literary vehicle for this story, his thought on the prospects for peace in Afghanistan, […]
NEWS & COMMENTARY: is it time to evolve the idea of a “Drill Instructor”? + The Mandalorian joins Post-Traumatic Winning because “This is the Way”
GRANT NEWSHAM: at what point is an electronic attack an ‘Act of War’? + The Swalwell fiasco + No “President Xi” caricatures on the iPhone? Huh?
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
Exited about doing Post-Traumatic Winning this week + Testing my tolerance for sci-fi with “The Mandalorian” + Dr Birx’s sad story
MAC – LOTYSZ: dealing with life altering stress that show no sign of letting up
Former New York Jets offensive lineman and great friend Greg Lotysz joins the program to discuss life… today we’ll discuss: His singing talent Prolonged exposure to stress The mental health benefits of physical activity
NEWS & COMMENTARY: this latest Russian hack will be worse than the Feds are admitting + Prolonged stress is a beast – stay active!
LYNCH + KENNEY: was Tom Cruise right? + Will USMC gender integrated recruit training lower male recruit performance? + Gen Milley meets the Taliban
Two retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Was Tom Cruise out of line in his rant? Will “Gender Integrated” Recruit Training lower male recruit scores for physical fitness events? […]
NEWS & COMMENTARY: Tom Cruise was RIGHT to snap on his crew! + The curious case of not 1 but 2 meetings between the Taliban & Gen Milley
The Covid-19 Data for the State of Kansas + Gender Integration is coming to Recruit Training at MCRD San Diego: Will Costantini
Post-Traumatic Winning: a great half day spent with the leaders of the 3rd Marine Air Wing at MCAS Miramar — #awesome
“I MARRIED THE WAR” — a new documentary about caregivers living with the trauma of loved ones: Betty & Ken Rodgers
I met Betty & Ken Rodgers after they released their first documentary which was entitled “Bravo! Common Men, Uncommon Valor” — they are wonderful people and so I have been looking forward to their newest project coming close to fruition… entitled “I Married the War”. In this interview with both Betty and Ken you’ll see […]
ALEX HOLLINGS: “I love Christmas” and I love UFO’s!
Alex Hollings is a long-time contributor on ALL MARINE RADIO as well as an Editor-in-Chief at SANDBOX.COM — he joined us this morning to discuss: Christmas UFO’s Life
We heard “the winter will be worse” for months… more ICU beds maybe… just in case? Business owners are now paying the price for idiot politicians
THE CHEF & G-LO: tension in the room these days… Covid… Elections… businesses struggling & Ginger Lime Pork Tenderloin
Ginger Lime Pork Tenderloin I made this up one night with garlic mashed potatoes and my husband made me swear to include it in the rotation. It originated from a marinade my mother had for moose meat, but the lime and chili garlic sauce adds a fresh twist. Warning: I didn’t measure; it’s all approximations […]
Have you seen the video of former USMC Officer Carlos Zapata speaking to the Shasta County Supervisors? Like it or not… he speaks for lots of people
HERE is the link to the video of Shasta County veteran and business owner Carlos Piccata addressing the Shasta County Supervisors… with thanks to Libby!
Three retired Marine Infantry Officers — Colonel Will Costantini, Colonel Jeff Kenney & Major Tim Lynch join host Mike McNamara for an hour of current events discussion every Thursday here on ALL MARINE RADIO. TODAY’S TOPICS: Thoughts on General Austin’s nomination and confirmation Thoughts on a Chinese Professor’s comments about Chinese influence “at the top […]
Hunter Biden actually IS a story? (OMG! Who knew?) — Google/YouTube ban “false” election commentary videos (welcome to 1984!) — And a warning from a veteran business owner that you should watch
HERE is the link to the video of Shasta County veteran and business owner Carlos Piccata addressing the Shasta County Supervisors… with thanks to Libby!
So this dude in China is doing a presentation… and HE’S ACTUALLY TELLING THE TRUTH about “friends in America”! AND THEY RECORDED IT! Oops!!
I’m sure this will be explained away by those who don’t want to see the money train from China derailed by something as silly as the “rules based order of the post-World War II world” but it is pretty interesting stuff… and one of the things that makes it REALLY interesting is that this video […]
So… I’m out walking my dogs and then someone got their life changed — another story of “Winning” in the Valley of the Shadow of Death
We’ll talk about another in a series of events that happen to me as people find a path through the “Valley of the Shadow of Death.” Amazing.
Grant Newsham is a senior research fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, a senior research fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a retired United States Marine Officer. He was the first US Marine liaison officer to the Japan Ground Self Defense force and was instrumental in promoting the JSDF’s initial moves […]
Birthday Dinner! + No Christmas decorations to buy in SoCal — so I went to Long Beach!!! + BGen Chuck Yeager dies + ISIS was “the JV”? Who knew!
CHINESE INFLUENCE OPERATIONS: this Aspen Institute discussion is well worth your time
The last hour of the Aspen Institute’s virtual “Cyber Summit”is well worth your time. The hour is moderated by Aruna Viswantha of the Wall Street Journal and features Bill Evanina, Director of the US National Counterintelligence and Security Center (which falls under the Director of National Intelligence) and the Department of Justice’s Senior Counter-Terrorism official […]
My birthday… the 23rd Psalm… and Post-Traumatic Winning
THE CHEF & G-LO: Thanksgiving leftovers + cabbage rolls + pies made from scratch + the ‘art’ of gravy
The ALL MARINE RADIO Head Chef and former New York Jets offensive lineman and our great friend Greg Lotysz joined the program to discuss life… today we’ll discuss: Cabbage Rolls Pie Crust The “art” of gravy Great post-Thanksgiving sandwiches