Poetry Pea - haiku and other English Language Japanese short forms
Poetry Pea
Poetry Pea is a poetry podcast from www.poetrypea.com. It features haiku and senryu and other Japanese short form poetry. There are lots of free writing resources, workshops from experts, readings of original poetry, haiku and senryu, as well as prompts and writing exercises. You can submit your haiku or senryu to Patricia and be featured on the podcast and in the Poetry Pea Journal. Let’s write together.
S8E7 Summer Poetry
A feast of summer haiku & a few senryu too!Join Patricia for original poetry, written by you and for you on this week's podcast.Shownotes
S8E6 Poetry of Love
What am I up to this week? Apart from trying to lose those extra kilograms I put on on holiday?Well February is the month of love; the month we celebrate St Valentine’s Day. So today, a little early, or maybe late, depending on when you are joining me, we are going to hear love haiku, senryū, tanka and haibun. For limks and citations please head to the show notes
S8E5 Belonging in Poetry
I want to introduce the theme for this year’s anthology to you. Little Marvels, our annual anthology will be on the theme of belonging and alienation. Speaking of belonging, if you want to belong in the anthology you need to sign up for our mailing list, as it is by invitation only and only people on the list will be invited.If you’ve enjoyed this podcast please consider making a donation via Buymeacoffee or Paypalshow notesFor expanded show notes please purchase it via Buymeacoffee or take out
S8E4 A Love Story in Poetry Ryokan and Teishin
What poetry would you write to the love of your life?Have a listenWrite your love a poemSee what ocmes backLet me know...Shownotes
S8E3 The Great Fool Poet Ryōkan
Some poems for you to contemplate and perhaps wonder:Why is this poet not considered one of the great masters of the Japanese short formCould you have lived as he didWhat brings you joy in lifeNow perhaps you're inspired to write some haiku / senryu or even tanka.Shownotes
S8E2 How to Write Scifiku
Get some expert advice on how to write scifikuBe ready for the submission period 1-15 Feb 2025WriteCheck out the submission diary.Shownotes
S8E1 New Year, Original Poetry, Split Sequences
If you want a how to write split sequences I have a workshops for you by Peter Jastermsky.Today you will hear:Solo sequencesCollaborative sequencesA sequence by host Patricia and Peter JastermskyHope you enjoy it.show notes
S7E53 The Poetry that is Tanka
shownotesThis is the very last Poetry Peacast of season 7, a special one, full of your original tanka poetry.Thank you to all of you loyal listeners and all my new poet friends who have joined us this year. It’s a treat for me to spend time with you and to read your work during the submission periods.I enjoy the comments that our lovely editing team make when we read your work and I learn so much from the interaction with them, so thank you to all the members of the various teams, Liam, Robert,
S7E52 Poetry for the Festive Season
This week a festive Poetry Peacast, with some Christmassy poetry from our November Video Prompt on YouTube. Thanks to Linda L Ludwig who curates this feature. It is rapidly becoming a standout feature of the podcast. Congratulations to the poets who have been chosen to feature.In the spirit of Christmas may I wish all of you a very happy time of the year, whether you are celebrating or not. shownotes
S7E51 Poetry Pea awards 2024
How do you get onto this list? Check out the show notesCongratulations to all the poets featured today, the culmination of all the work we've done together this year.
S7E50 What if Frankenstein wrote haiku?
Why do you need to have a listen to this week's and last week's podcasts? Well because the first submission period of 2025, yes, 2025 is nearly upon us, and it's scifiku. Just scifiku.One of the last things Debbie said to me was something along the lines that she wouldn’t be her if she didn’t write about Mars. So I’d like you to follow in Debbie’s footsteps and write about all things scifi.To help you along the way I’ve got some favourites from the episode previously inspired by Debbie which wer
S7E49 Deborah P Kolodji a Tribute to her Poetry
A Cuttlefish poetry reading, part two.This time Patricia at Poetry Pea wanted to pay tribute to Deborah who was such a great friend to Poetry Pea, indeed to haiku worldwide. In this episode you will hear Debbie give a workshop on Scifiku a repeat from an episode in 2022, to inspire you to write for the first submission period of 2025. Finally, you will hear Debbie's last recording for us. She ends it with hope. Do listen all the way to end. God Bless Debbie.Show notesAlso available on YouTube
S7E48 An Anthology of Poets
Cuttlefish poets read to us part 1Today an anthology of poets who have published with Cuttlefish books, Robin Smith, Julie Bloss Kelsey, Allyson Whipple and Lenard D Moore read to us from their Cuttlefish books. This is only part 1. Do join us again for part 2 next time.Show notesAlso available on YouTube
Japanese Female Tanka Poets part 3: Tawara Machi
show notes
S7E46 Japanese Female Tanka Poets part 2
In episode S7E45 we left the podcast with a bit of scandal, a menage à trois or even quattre. If you haven’t a clue what I’m on about you’d better go back an episode and have a listen. There’s some great poetry on there. You don’t want to miss out.Today I’m going to open with some poetry from Yamakawa Tomiko, explore some female tanka poets who were not included in Ueda’s Modern Tanka Anthology and then have a listen to some work from more of the female poets he did include.Lots of poetry to ins
S7E45 Japanese Female Tanka Poets Part 1: Yosano Akiko
Time for a bit more tanka poetry, because if you are listening to this in real time, the beginning of November 2024, submissions are open for tanka, your deadline the 15th November.This episode is about the poet Yosano Akiko, an extraordinary woman, mother, poet, essayist, traveller, co-founder of a school for girls. A feminist of her time and a woman who wrote great tanka.Hear her work, learn something of her life, find out what people thought of her in her lifetime.Show Notes
S7E44 Poetry; It's Madku Time!
This time on Poetry Pea you will hear the senryu written in response to Bona M Santos' presentation on madku.Bona, along with Lynne Jambor, Matthew Defibaugh, Alvin B Cruz and Katherine E Winnick, chose their favourite poems to nominate for the judges' choice and tell us why. Check the show notes for more info.If you've enjoyed what you've heard, please give us a review and maybe think of sponsoring the podcast with a membership or buying us a coffee.Thanks for joining us.
S7E43 Haiku Futures Short Form Poetry from India
Thanks to Poetry Pea's host Alex and to the poets from India who came along to tell us about Triveni Haikai India and read some of their poetry for us. Thanks to Triveni Haikai India who collaborated with Poetry Pea on this episode.You will find our more about the poets and a link to Triveni Haikai India in the show notes. Of course the poets will also feature in the Poetry Pea Journal 5:24.Enjoy!
S7E42 Hungry Tortoise Haiku
Today we are celebrating the humble tortoise in poetry, here at Poetry Pea. If you are a regular you may well know that this little reptile is one of my favourites, actually I think it's the only reptile I could say I like. I’ve wanted to have one as a pet since I was a small child. Sadly, it’s never happened, but when Linda Ludwig sent me a video of a cute little chap having lunch, taken by her daughter Renee, it was a shoe in for the video prompt. Thanks Renee.show notes
S7E41 Contemporary Tanka Poetry
Today Patricia at Poetry pea with help from Vandana Parashar, brings you contemporary Tanka poetry.How to write themTopics to write aboutExamples of poetry to inspire youshow notes
S7E40 A blast from the Past at Poetry Pea
It’s our birthday.Can you believe that Poetry Pea is going into our 8th year?Seven full years and have things changed here at Pea Towers? Well some things have changed, I’m older, but more healthy so bad news and good news there.I was curious as to how the podcast had changed, I barely remember the early days (post-menopausal brain and the recent bump to the head probably). So today I'm going to revisit a couple of podcasts from the early days.How do you think things have changed?Can you help wi
S7E39 Poetry by the Sea
Did you enjoy last week’s haiku from Dejan Pavlinović? If you’ve not heard it, go back and have a listen, he’s a lovely bloke and quite a poet too. This week on the Poetry PeaCast we have more haiku, but this time original poetry from a number of poets, from all around the globe. We’re hearing the poetry written for August’s video prompt. A lovely video from Arvinder Kaur which took us to the seaside.Show notesYouTube Channel
S7E38 Poetry Reading with Croatian Poet Dejan Pavlinovic
I believe I have a treat for you today. We’re off to Croatia, yes, in the summer when the weather is beautiful and we’re going to meet with Dejan Pavlinović one of Croatia’s pre eminent haiku poets. He’s going to read from a couple of his solo works, one of which has just launched, yes, you are one of the first people to hear this work, Life Lines.Links in the show notesAlso available on YouTube
S7E37 Tanka Poetry - The Reforms
Last time I outlined the development of waka, prior to the late 1800s and gave you some idea as to why waka was becoming a disappointing art. I left you with the promise that this time you were going to hear what happened to waka during the initial tanka reforms and thereafter.So that’s what I have for you today. Tanka reforms, the initial ideas and the concepts and movements that flowed from them. It's more interesting than you might think. Of course I do have lots of poems to read to you a
S7E36 The Poetry that is Waka
The next couple of months I’m going to intersperse our haiku and senryu poetry podcasts with podcasts about tanka, because we’re going to have a go at writing them in November 2024.Today I’m looking at the premodern period, so a poetry type known as waka, composed before the tanka reforms of the late 1800s. By the end of the podcast you should know a bit about the history of waka and see the development of the form in this pre tanka world. It’s starting to look like something we might just recog
S7E35 Poetry The Senryu Way part one
Today’s poetry is our very first senryū only edition of the poetry pea podcast. If you don’t know what senryū is, and it is a bit tricky to define in one sentence, please go and have a listen to the few podcasts I’ve recorded, including the podcast with Bona M Santos who came along to inspire you to write for the next call out in September 2024. Links will be in the show notes so do go and have a look and a listen or of course a watch. There are slides for Bona's presentation on YouTube. In case
S7E34 It's all About the Bees - Original Haiku Poetry
poetrypea.com brings you a podcast of haiku all about the bees, well, more or less. The first poems were inspired by the Poetry Pea Video prompt which you can find on the Poetry Pea YouTube channel. There's a prompt every month except December. You can leave your poems in the comments section (as many as you want) and Linda will read them and chose some to feature on the podcast and in the Poetry Pea Journal. Go on you know you want to do it! Then in the second section Patricia reads more or
S7E33 Madku, featuring West Coast Poet, Bona M Santos
Don't get mad... write some poetry.How to let off steam by writing short poetry with Bona M Santos.You will find the slides on the YouTube version, otherwise if you are an Issa or a Buson member they will be sent to your inbox, as long as I have the right email address. Membership information on the website.Show notes here.
S7E32 Poetry Uncensored senryu with bite
A short tribute to Deborah P Kolodji and some senryū poetry to inspire you to write outside your comfort zone.Push your writing boundaries!If you enjoy this podcast, make sure you are subscribed and tell your friends to join us at poetry pea.comShow notes
S7E31 Poetry Across the Water New York to Dublin
This week you can hear the poems chosen from the Poetry Pea Video prompt from June. Have you left your poetry in the comments this month? You'll find it on the Poetry Pea YouTube channel. Thanks to Linda for reading all the entries and choosing this selection for the podcast and the Poetry Pea Journal.Episode webpage.
S7E30 Seasonal Poetry Autumn & Winter haiku
poetrypea.com presents haiku poetry celebrating the seasons. In part two of this mini series you will hear poems from Autumn and Winter. If you are on the Poetry Pea mailing list you will know why I’ve featured these poems to inspire your writing. If you are not…quick, sign up!If you’ve enjoyed these poems please like and share and maybe you can think about becoming a member or buying us a coffee. Details on the website. We’d be very grateful.Show notes here
S7E29 Seasonal Poetry. Spring & Summer Haiku
This is part 1 of a miniseries on haiku seasons. This week Spring & Summer, next week Autumn & Winter. Those of you on the Poetry Pea mailing list will know why I'm highlighting seasonal poetry. If you are not on the mailing list there is still time to sign up and be involved in something a little special. Sign up now!Thank you for joining us today if you've enjoyed it, please consider buying us a coffee or becoming a member, with benefits to you.If you could tell your haiku frie
S7E28 A Gift of Warm Coins and Poetry - Diarmuid Fitzgerald
poetrypea.com presents the Irish writer Diarmuid Fitzgerald who reads to us from his books Thames Way and A Thousand Sparks, published by Alba publishing.I smiled for days when editing this. I hope you enjoy it too.Show notes here.
S7E27 A Bike Ride Accompanied by Poetry
Come on a bike ride with me to the lake and back via the woods, river and farm and along the way we'll enjoy some haiku and senryū poetry written especially for the podcast and some senryū to inspire you to write.Check out the show notes here.
S7E26 Single Object Haiku & Senryu Poetry
Today we have oodles of original poetry, haiku and senryū, written by you about one single object.Much like beauty, the object is often in the eye of the author and the reader and so some of you might disagree with some of our choices, which as you know I don’t have a problem with. if you do disagree, slip me an email and let me know why. We won’t fall out about it.I promised you a journal out at the end of the month and so far I think I’m going to be able to do it, it will be journal 3:24 if yo
S7E25 Modern Senryu Poetry Workshop
Next month, July 2024, we are writing senryū together. To inspire your creativity and to give you a background in the history of senryū I’m running a series of podcasts all about them. This is the second one, the first was episode 23 of this series, so it would make sense to go back and listen or watch that one before you crack on with this.Unfortunately while I was preparing for this series of podcasts, my dear husband brought a rather nasty cold into the house and kindly shared it with me, and
S7E24 Poetry Pea Reading Irish Poet Jeremy Haworth
Today at poetrypea.com I’m inviting you to head off with me to my old summer stomping ground, the Irish countryside. For a reading of poetry, more particularly haibun.We’re going to meet the poet and farmer Jeremy Haworth and listen to the poems he wrote while he was learning his farming craft.“in Four Season farm, Jeremy Haworth’s writing is skilled, deliberate and accomplished. It is honest, humble and refreshing. Written in a clear and original voice, Four Season farm is a remarkable debut an
S7E23 Pre modern Senryu Poetry
Over the next month or so I’ll be looking at senryū. At why senryū are often seen as a lesser form of poetry, at senryū in the pre modern era in Japan, ie. pre 1868 and how they developed from that point on both in the Japan and in the English speaking world.It has been a fascinating study from a poetry and an historical point of view. I’ve always thought that haiku can instruct us about life in the past, but as I hope to show you, senryū can give you a fascinating insight into the past.It has a
S7E22 Haiku Poetry for Knights
This week poetrypea.com presents you with the haiku & senryu poems chosen by Linda to feature on the Podcast from the Poetry Pea YouTube prompt. There's one every month (except December).Issa and Buson members will get a copy of the poems featured today, but if you are not a member and you'd like to read them you can buy the next Poetry Pea journal, 3:24 out at the end of June. If you become a member in time you will receive it as one of the perks.For links in todays Peacast do click
S7E21 A live poetry reading from the collection Off The Main Road
poetrypea.com presents a live reading of haiku & senryū poetry from the collection Off The Main Road. The poets and editors are joined by a global audience to celebrate the launch of this new collection of haiku & senryū. This collection is a book poetry from 6 poets who have not yet had their single collections published, but on the evidence of this reading... that day is not so far away.Show notes here
S7E20 A Postcard to my Poetry Friends 2
Patricia from poetrypea.com records a little postcard for all poetry lovers. This week a reading from a haibun by Thomas Festa, a short form that combines poetry and prose. There's a call for haibun submissions this month. Don't miss it.Show notes here
S7E19 A Postcard to My Poetry Friends part 1
While she takes a little RnR, Patricia has recorded a postcard for poetry lovers. A little bit about seasons in haiku and then a split sequence, the editor's choice from the recent Poetry Pea journal of split sequences, Split Peas.Show notes here
S7E18 Fun and Games with Haiku Poetry: Toriawase
Joshua Gage, haiku guru, came along and gave Poetry Pea a masterclass in Toriawase and how to use it to write your haiku. In fact I think you could use it in any writing practice. We then asked you to write some haiku and senryu using the prompts he suggested in the workshop.I was chatting to some of the editing team a little while ago and they mentioned that the submissions for Toriawase were really accomplished, so thank you to Joshua for supplementing our knowledge and to all you poets who se
S7E17 Three Little Birds and their haiku
Poetry Pea presents poems spoken out loud. In this episode the successful poems from the Poetry Pea Video Prompt.If you'd like to feature on the podcast and in the Poetry Pea bi-monthly journal, you can go to the Poetry Pea YouTube channel and leave your poem in the comments. You can submit as often as you'd like and Linda will read them and choose her favourites to feature.There's one every month except December and the submission period is open all month.Check out the show notes he
S7E16 Haiku Futures, a live poetry reading
Poetry Pea presents a live poetry reading, haiku and haibun from a group of North American poets, from, shall we say, a younger generation of poets.Read the show notes here.Thanks to Alex for hosting of this episode and to our lovely poets:Antoinette CheungNicky GutierezCarly Siegel ThorpAri Azimuth aka Brown WeaselRyland LiMatt Snyder, one of Poetry Pea's Renga mastersYvette Nicole KolodjiEdward Cody HuddlestonTheir bio's are in the show notes, their unpublished haiku will be in the nex
S7E15 All hokku are single object poetry, aren't they?
A companion podcast to S7E14. This podcast by Poetry Pea offers:more examples of poems by the disciples of the master haiku poet Bashoillustrations of the single object method of writingan answer to the the question: all hokku are single object poems, aren't they?You may not agree, in which case, let me know.Hope you enjoy the poetry, it's always lovely to hear poetry spoken aloud, isn't it?
S7E14 How to write Single Object Haiku
On this podcast from Poetry Pea you will learn:How to write single object haiku & senryu poetry and get your work published using a variety of techniquesReversing expectationToriawaseUsing sensesSketch from lifeLooking beyond the boundaryYūgenShow notes here.You can submit haiku & senryū for this topic to Poetry Pea May 1-15 2024.Become a member
S7E13 Spoken Poetry from the Anthology To Live Here
featuring the UK poet, Katherine E Winnick. Poetry Pea presents the Anthology To Live here, published by Wee Sparrow Poetry Press, proceeds of which go to charity. Show notes.Become a member
S7E12 Meet the Heron: Original spoken Poetry
This week Poetry Pea features some original haiku from the February video prompt on The Poetry Pea YouTube channel. If you'd like to feature please add your poetry to the comments on the latest video prompt on YouTube. There's some exciting news for all you poets and writers out there.Become a member
S7E11 Poetry Pea Reading American Poet Kristen Lindquist- Island
Is this a tourism advert for Monhegan Island off the coast of America? No, it's a reading from one of Maine's premier short form poets. A master of haiku, Kristen Lindquist illustrates her prowess in the haibun form too in her reading from her latest book, Island. The book is inspired by Monhegan Island off the coast of Maine.Show notes.Become a member
S7E10 Ghosts of Haiku featuring US poet Craig Kittner
Poetrypea.com has a visit from Craig Kittner at Ghosts on Vacay. We discuss many, many writing topics, but why should you listen?We discuss:What’s your writing process?Do you sometimes have periods when your need to unlock your creativity?What his process and website can offer you in your journey to become a better writerWhether you write poetry or prose, there's something for you.Show notesBecome a member
S7E9 Harry Potter meets the wolf twenty years hence - poetry spoken here
Poetry Spoken here: Today poetrypea.com presents a podcast of original haiku and senryu alluding to other pieces of literature for example:Harry PotterLittle Red Riding HoodWinnie the PoohAn opportunity for poets to let their haiku imaginations run riot.Five judges join Patricia to choose their favourite of the original poems. Will you agree with them?Show notesBecome a member
S7E8 Poetry out loud Haiku in a Flash
There are few things better in life than listening to poetry. This podcast from poetrypea.com brings you haiku and senryu written for the video prompt on the Poetry Pea YouTube channel (you submit by writing your poem in the comments... there's a prompt every month, except December) AND our latest successful flashku, more wonderful haiku and senryu from Poetry Pea's listeners and viewers. Poets on our mailing list are invited to submit to this spontaneous call out for poetry and then we
S7E7 Sangita Kalarickal reads from her Poetry Book Mamina and we discuss the influences on her work
What influences your writing?CultureEmigrationTravelInteracting with other writersor other things.Meet Indian poet, living in the US, Sangita Kalarickal.Have a listen at poetrypea.com or wherever you get your podcasts. Then email me and let me know what influences you.Become a membershow notes
S7E6 Having fun with Toriawase, a poetry masterclass
poetrypea.com presents the American poet Joshua Gage, one of editing team at Cuttlefish books who tells us:What Toriawase isHow we can use it to improve all our poetryGives us a recipe for haiku punch, available on the websiteJoin us for a poetry drinking game, you can drink tea, I will!Become a memberShow notes
S7E5 German haiku poetry after the second world war. A case study in English
poetrypea.com presents a podcast looking at:What happened to German haiku poetry after the second world war?What is the inner emmigration movement in literature?Listen to haiku poetry in English and German.Be inspired to write some poems of your own.Become a memberShow notes
S7E4 Haiku comes to Europe, a case study of Germany, in English
poetrypea.com presents a workshop.When did haiku come to EuropeWhat did it look likeWould we recognise it as haiku todayWhat book was published in 1939 that had an impactBecome a memberShow notes
S7E3 George Swede goes beyond with his poetry
In this second part of a conversation with the preeminent poet George Swede about his book "The Way A Poem Emerges, A Haiku Trinity and Beyond, Patricia and George strive to get to grips with the differences between haiku / senryu and short form poetry, amongst other things. We'd love your response, do get in touch.Become a memberShow notes
S7E2 Poetry Pea Readings: George Swede pt 1- The Way a Poem Emerges
A Haiku Trinity.poetrypea.com has a visit from the eminent poet George Swede. He reads to us from his book, "The way a poem emerges, a haiku trinity" and we discuss the haiku form and the benefits to your health of writing haiku. It's fun, it's thoughtful and a great way to start the year of short form poetry that Poetry Pea has in store for you.Become a memberShow notes
S7E1 Happy Poetry New Year... A new season begins
poetrypea.com presents a podcast of poetry written especially for Poetry Pea. Some you are hearing them for the first time, some you will have read them in our poetry Journal. All of the poets are superb. Find out which poems Poetry Pea nominated for the Haiku Foundation Touchstone Awards. Check out the submission diary on the website... perhaps you will have your work nominated next year.Become a memberShow notes
S6E44, Original Poetry, haiku and senryu using Zoka
poetrypea.com presents a podcast of poetry following the creative, Zoka. Patricia is joined by poets from India and the USA to discuss the haiku & senryu and to award this month's Judges' choice. If you had your submission chosen, well done, if you were unsuccessful, there will be a next time. Check out all the submission possibilities on the webs site.
S6E43, Haikai, Honkadori and Honzetsu, the Finale - allusive variation in poetry
poetrypea.com presents the final part of a three part series on allusive variation in poetry. This time Honzetsu, in which a piece of prose writing is the foundation piece. Lots of contemporary poetic examples and some long form poetry in this edition too. Themes of sadness, death, decay, age and bravado, as well as the wistfulness of children's stories.
S6E42 Haikai, Honkadori, & Honzetsu, part 2, allusive variation in poetry
poetrypea.com presents a workshop about honkadori, which is allusive variation in poetry. This is part 2 of three podcasts. If you've not listened to part 1, it's the previous episode, do go and have a listen. How can you as poets use allusion to create, fresh, unique poems? Well hopefully this will answer that question and inspire you to write.
S6E41 Haikai, Honkadori and Honzetsu, part 1
poetrypea.com presents a poetry podcast. This time the spirit of haikai is discussed. There's a little bit of poetry history from the Japanese canon, waka, renga, tanka and haiku. Poetry is read aloud, some of it humorous, there's a little vulgarity, but not too much... have a listen, tell me what you think.
S6E40 Poetry Pea Does Renku
poetrypea.com presents a spoken word poetry podcast. This time Patricia (me) is joined by a plethora, a gaggle, an anthology, a dinner party of poets who read their renku to us. There are two renku, a Japanese form of collaborative poetry, for you to enjoy. There are a couple of questions for you too, do let me know the answers and I show myself up with my pronunciation... letters and email will come, but you can't be more embarrassed for me than I am myself. Enjoy the poetry.
S6E39 Poetry from our Prompts from South Africa to the flying Swans of Scotland
poetrypea.com presents original poetry written by poets around the globe in answer to our video prompt on YouTube, out every month, and our call for Flashku. You'll need to be signed up for our mailing to submit for that. Hope you enjoy the haiku & senryu.
S6E38 Haibun nominated for Poetry Awards
poetrypea.com brings you the haibun that have nominated for a Touchstone poetry award in 2023 and one that isn't. Why? You'll have to find out when you listen... Check out our submission pages to find out when you can submit your poems to Poetry Pea.
S6E37 Want to hear some original poetry?
poetrypea.com invites you to join us for lots of original poetry, this time in the form of Split Sequences. You'll hear a reading from the very first Split Sequence anthology edited by Chrissi Villa. You'll also hear from the poet David Jacob with a real opportunity for poets who have not had their first individual collection published to get into print. Do join us and of course there will be links in the show notes.
S6E36 A Question of War Poetry
This time on Poetry Pea poetrypea.com I ask you questions about the writing of war poetry and offer you in return some examples of poetry written by poets with experience of war. Join me and let me know what your opinions are.
S6E35 New Original Poetry the Cut in Haiku
The poetry podcast, poetrypea.com is happy to bring you original poetry from around the globe. This time our poets have been focusing on using the cut in their haiku. Our community judges are from India, the UK, and France by way of the US. Will you agree with their choices? Do email me and let me know.
S6E34 Q&A with Irish Author & Poet Sean O'Connor - writing haibun
poetrypea.com was so honoured to launch Sean O'Connor's book, The God of Bones. A truly remarkable work of haibun. Something that will ignite the minds of writers of prose and poetry in the English speaking word and inspire them to write in new directions. As you will hear, the global audience found the reading very moving. I hope you enjoy and learn from the questions and answers from a very honest author and next time we do one of these live events I hope you'll join us. But you ne
S6E33 Poetry Pea Celebrates Poetry & Prose featuring Douglas J Lanzo
poetrypea.com is celebrating 7 years of poetry podcasts with some poetry from Maine in the US and some prose. The prose is a reading from Douglas J Lanzo's award winning book, The Year of the Bear. Douglas is regularly featured as a poet on Poetry Pea and when he told us about his first novel being such a success how could we not invite him along to read to us and tell us a bit about how he got it published.
S6E32 Zoka part 2, a tool for all writers featuring Janice Doppler
poetrypea.com presents the second part of a presentation by Janice Doppler on Zoka. She gives all writers a tool they can use not just for poetry but for prose writing too. Be like the snail that pokes his antennae up to look around the world, record the transformations that you see in your world. Submit your haiku to Poetry Pea.
S6E31 Zoka, how to use it in your writing featuring Janice Doppler
poetrypea.com presents US poet Janice Doppler helping us to understand the idea of Zoka and reading some examples of poetry illustrating Zoka. Zoka is something all writers can use in their work. I think Janice will leave you wanting more, but that's ok as she's back next week, with more super poems for you and tips on how to get started, if you haven't already written something.
S6E30 Foxy haiku & other poetry
poetrypea.com presents a short podcast of original poetry, specifically haiku and monoku this time. You'll hear more poetry to inspire you to write for our submissions and the results of the YouTube video prompt for August 2023. If you enjoy hearing poetry then you've come to the right place. Hope you enjoy it. Let me know and of course, join in with our submissions.
S6E29 Haiku from the Philippines featuring Alvin B Cruz
poetrypea.com presents a poetry reading with poet Alvin B Cruz all the way from the Philippines. He is reading from his book "Paper Cranes". We don't just discuss poetry, particularly haiku, senryu and tanka, we do culture too. Did you know how popular karaoke is in the Philippines? I didn't. Don't worry neither of us sing. Hope you enjoy this chat as much as we did. Do let me know. I can't make better podcasts without your feedback.
S6E28 Book Launch: Irish author Sean O'Connor reads from his book "The God of Bones"
poetrypea.com were truly honoured to be chosen to launch the wonderful book of haibun written by Irish author Sean 0'Connor. As you will hear I believe this to be a ground breaking book. It pushes the boundaries of haibun writing in a powerful way. Strong writing from Sean. Whether you write prose or poetry there is something in this book to move you. Many of the audience reported being moved to tears. Hope you enjoy this reading... do email me and let me know. Don't forget to check out
S6E27 Original Poetry: Haiku using Toriawase
poetrypea.com presents a podcast packed with poetry, specifically haiku using the Japanese aesthetic of Toriawase. Patricia is joined today by Jerome Berglund, editor of Heterodox Journal, Srinivasa Rao Sambangi, Brian LeBansky and Keith Evetts. Keith of course gave us an insight into Toriawase in S6E13. This is a podcast great for all levels of poets and writers too. We can all learn from it and as a bonus enjoy the haiku too.
S6E26 Haiku and Tango
poetrypea.com presents haiku and senryu written by poets from all around the globe. Partly to the July video prompt on the Poetry Pea YouTube channel (a new prompt on there every month), hence the tango theme, and partly in response to a spontaneous call out for haiku. Only poets on the Poetry Pea mailing list get the invite, so it's quite, quite special. Sign up for the mailing if you want to be invited to our next "flashku", it's an extra chance to write poetry and be featured
S6E25 The languages of haiku
poetrypea.com is delighted to welcome Canadian poet Michael Dudley and two Croatian poets, Tomislav Maretić and Dejan Pavlinović to the show. Together they have co created a wonderful book of short form poetry, which they read to us. We discuss how it is they came together to work, how that process worked across different languages and generally what it is about haiku that makes us happy. Patricia discovers she is not the only haiku poet who is not particularly zen. Hope you enjoy listening. Mor
S6E24 Ready Haijin One
Today on Poetry Pea we're back visiting with David Jacobs, UK poet.We talk haiku, monoku and books in general. Do stay to the end, I'll read to you some monoku from one of David's recommendation. I wonder what you'll think? Hosai Ozaki does write haiku about ordinary everyday things.If you'd like to see the books we talk about, head to the show notes on the website. www.poetrypea.com
S6E23 Haiku inspired by Thailand
poetrypea.com brings you a selection of haiku from their poetry video prompt which can be found on the Poetry Pea YouTube channel. There's a book review for you too. Hope you enjoy and have taken part in this month's video prompt.
S6E22 Creating the Cut in Haiku with Kala Ramesh
Poetry Pea brings you all the wisdom of the Indian poet Kala Ramesh who today inspires us with a writing workshop on the cut, or kire in the Japanese Short-form of haiku. You can find the show notes at poetrypea.com. I hope this inspires you to write some wonderful haiku or maybe monoku to submit to us in the not too distant future.
S6E21 What are you reading Tim Roberts?
When Patricia interviews poets, they often get to talking about what books they are currently reading, what books they are excited about and why. Feedback from you, our listeners and viewers suggests you rather enjoy adding to your book lists. So here you have some recommendations from Patricia and Tim Roberts. If you'd like to hear Tim read some of his work, from his poetry book, Busted, please go back to S6E16, listen to him read and find out why poetry and haiku have become so important i
S6E20 Poetry with UK Poet David Jacobs
poetrypea.com presents a podcast with the UK poet David Jacobs. Now an accomplished poet in the Japanese short form , haiku, senryu, monoku and haibun, he started his poetic career writing long form. We take a journey with him through his career and learn a bit along the way about getting published, and of course about him and his lovely family. Joke warning... there is one very bad joke included in this podcast. Come along and listen, perhaps afterwards you'll want to share some of your ter
S6E19 Original haiku, senryu and other related poetry
poetry pea.com presents a podcast filled with original poetry (haiku, senryu and other related forms) written by poets around the globe. We celebrate our monthly video YouTube prompt, our flashku submissions and our wonderful friend Marion Clarke from Northern Ireland being a runner up in the Seamus Heaney new writers competition in Northern Ireland. Do come along and celebrate poetry with us. And afterwards, tell your friends and send us feedback, maybe even review us where you get your podcast
S6E18 Original Haiku expressing Inner and Outer Weather
poetrypea.com presents a podcast of original english language haiku which expressed the relationship between the outer weather and our inner weather. Haiku being one of the most popular forms of poetry, worldwide.
S6E17 Haibun with a difference featuring US poet, Curt Pawlisch
poetrypea.com presents a Japanese short form poetry podcast, featuring a poet from the USA, Curt Pawlisch. He introduces the next haibun submission period with a haibun that is a little bit different. If you enjoy writing fiction and poetry, had you thought of combining the two in this delicate and satisfying poetry form? Have a listen... se if you will have something to submit for the call out. Check the show notes and the submission diary and join us, we'd love to read your work.
S6E16 Tim Roberts reads from his Poetry Book, Busted
poetrypea.com presents Tim Roberts, reading haiku, senryu and haibun from his book Busted. He squeezes in a little bit of long form poetry too. Tim discusses writing as therapy, speaks honestly about having Parkinson's and about his time in the UK Police Service. Join us, we had fun and I think you might too.
S6E15 An Audience with the Award Winning Haibun Writer Sean O'Connor
poetrypea.com presents the Irish award winning poet and haibun writer Sean O'Connor answering the questions from an invited audience of poets and writers. I learnt a few writing tricks and tips to improve my writing, both the prose and the haiku. I hope you do too. Links to his work are in the show notes on the website.
S6E14 Haiku from the Prompt and Flashku
poetrypea.com presents to you an episode of haiku and senryu. Some were submitted via our YouTube channel. There's a prompt every month. If you are a poet and would like to submit, leave your poem in the comments under the YouTube video. They will be read and you could be in our Poetry Pea Journal. Our flashku are original haiku and senryu submitted to our spontaneous call out. The only people who can submit are those on our mailing list. Do sign up, or you will miss out on the chance to hav
S6E13 The Haiku Technique Toriawase featuring Keith Evetts
Poetrypea.com presents a haiku technique podcast on Toriawase, featuring the moderator of Facebook's largest haiku group, The Daily Haiku and editor of The Haiku Foundation's Re:Virals, Keith Evetts. It's a cracking podcast with much to inspire the haiku writer.
S6E12 Haiku Translation
poetrypea.com presents a haiku podcast posing questions about translations in poetry. Using haiku by one of the masters, Buson Patricia illustrates the differences in translation and ask for your feedback.
S6E11: Sean O'Connor reads haibun from his book Fragmentation
poetrypea.com presents a live event. The award winning Sean O'Connor reads haibun from his book Fragmentation in front of a live audience. The Q and A will be published soon. Do subscribe to the podcast for more great poetry content.
S6E10 Book Review with Lorraine A Padden
poetrypea.com talks to the poet Lorraine A Padden about what she is currently reading, fiction and poetry. Find our what her answer is and perhaps you will find something to read that will inspire you creatively or perhaps something that is just fun.Show notes on the website.
S6E9 Reimagining Poetry...the original
Happy International Poetry Day! Celebrate original poetry with us.poetrypea.com presents a podcast of original poetry, haiku and senryu. Our Judges, haiku experts, offer analyses of their favourite poems. Patricia reminds you of all the ways you can get your writing published at Poetry Pea. Do come along, listen and perhaps next time you will submit to us and hear your poems on our podcast.
S6E8 Linda's YouTube Haiku Picks
This week on the Haiku Pea Podcast from poetrypea.com Patricia reads the poems chosen by Poetry Pea's YouTube prompt editor, Linda L Ludwig. Thanks Linda. All the poems will be in the Poetry pea Journal, out in July. If you'd like to have a chance of being featured next month. Do go to our YouTube channel, Poetry Pea and submit your haiku or senryu in the comments. Linda reads them all.
S6E7 Poetry Pea Reading with Lorraine A Padden
poetrypea,com presents a poetry reading of haiku, senryu and haibun featuring Lorraine A Padden. She is a poet of considerable talent who writes her Japanese short form poetry from an historical and social perspective.
S6E6 Inner and outer weather in haiku
this time on poetry pea we have a presentation of haiku from Eve castle, featuring a variety of poets from around the world. Thei poems illustrate the relationship between the external weather and our personal inner weather. In addition to that we have some poetry written especially for poetry pea. Check the website for the show notes.
S6E5 Split Sequences featuring Peter Jastermsky
poetrypea.com invites Peter Jastermsky to talk poetry, particularly Split Sequences. These are a relatively new form of poem, utilising haiku and senryu. Want to know more about it, directly from its founder? Hopefully you will encouraged to give it a go and submit to the podcast.
S6E4 Original haiku & senryu using Food
poetrypea.com presents a podcast with original haiku, senryu and short poetry using food.Our panel of poets has read all te poetry submitted for this topic and have chosen the poems that best represent the writing of Japanese short poetry using food kigo. I wonder if you will agree with them? Show notes on the website
S6E3 A Poetry Reading with Bruce H Feingold
from poetrypea.com this week a reading of haiku and senryu from Bruce H Feingold's latest book "Everything with an Asterisk". A grand book, which my family enjoyed reading as you will hear. I'm joined by Kelsey, one of my family who will read her favourite senryu from the book. If you would like to purchase the book you'll find details in the shownotes at poetrypea.com and also how to connect with Kelsey on Instagram. Join us for more original haiku and senryu next time.
S6E2: All about the Haibun
poetrypea.com presents a workshop by Sean O'Connor and Shane Pruett both haibun editors of popular Journals.Hope you learn along with me and this workshop will increase your chances of having your submissions accepted.
S6E1: Reimagining Poetry
poetrypea.com presents the opportunity to listen to some long form poetry and reimagine them as haiku or senryu. You can submit to this topic in March 2023. In the meantime poets... enjoy the reading and keep writing!
S5E24 Food and Seasons in Haiku with Allyson Whipple
poetrypea.com presents a haiku podcast featuring Allyson Whipple in which she presents the idea of food and seasons. Do let us know what you think and of course check out the submission topics on the website.
S5E23 Poetry Pea's nomination for the Haiku Foundation Touchstone Haibun awards 2022
Poetrypea.com presents Patricia and poet friends, Wendy Gent, Norman Silver, Reid Hepworth and Lorraine A Padden reading their nominated haibun. Patricia reads a fifth one by John S Green.
S5E22 Original Haiku & Senryu
poetrypea.com presents a podcast of original haiku and senryu submitted for our open theme and the video prompt on our YouTube channel @PoetryPea. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this podcast. See you all again soon.
S5E21: Poetry Pea's Touchstone haiku nominations
poetrypea.com presents Patricia's nominations to the Haiku Foundation Touchstone awards. Hope you enjoy them. Would you have chosen differently if you were in her shoes?
S5E20: Original haiku & senryu with depth
poetrypea.com presents a podcast of original haiku and senryu written by a global community. Patricia is joined by a panel of judges to discuss nominations for the Judges' choice. Come along, listen, and perhaps you will be inspired to submit to Poetry Pea and feature on a future podcast or in our Journal.
S5E19: The importance of haiku in haibun featuring Sean O'Connor
poetrypea.com presents Sean O'Connor one of the leading experts on haibun. He is talking to us about the importance of haiku in haibun. I hope this will be useful to you when you are writing haibun / haiku or prose of any style.
S5E18: Original haiku & senryu using contrast
poetrypea.com presents splendid haiku & senryu using contrast in their juxtaposition. Patricia reads a selection, more will be in the Poetry pea Journal. Listen to them here on the podcast or on our YouTube page. Roger Watson and Ronald K Craig, who received 1st place in The Tenth Annual Peggy Willis Lyles Haiku Awards – 2022 in the Heron’s Nest, are here to give their nominations for the Judges' choice and this time I'll make a nomination too. Will you agree with us, I wonder? Let m
S5E17: Haiku to get your juices flowing
Poetry Pea haiku podcasts at poetrypea.com presents the latest Haiku Pea Podcasts. This time a selection of haiku to inspire you when you are making submissions to Poetry Pea in October. Our topic this time is freestyle. Any haiku or senryu you like.
S5E16:The vulgar, the commonplace and the Taboo
This time on poetrypea.com we bring you original work, some of Linda's favourites from July's video prompt on YouTube and then work befitting the title of the episode. It is a podcast I wouldn't listen to with small children. The clue is in the title, expect bad language and topics that are very moving.
S5E15 Writing your haiku with Depth
poetrypea.com presents a workshop with Joshua Gage, editor of the Otoroshi Journal. It's a podcast for all poets but particularly haiku and senryu poets. Do you know how to add depth to your poetry using the vertical and horizontal axis? Joshua will give you so many ideas. Hope you enjoy it.
S5E14 Original Haiku & Senryu using Memories
poetrypea represents a selection of original work in which the poetry writing community express themselves by using their memories. It's an often moving and funny selection which shows that although we are a global community we have lots that connects us. Thanks for listening and if you haven't written yet, why not have a go next time. Submission details on on the website.
S5E13: Haiku using contrast
Patricia at poetrypea.com, has noticed that haiku poets rarely use the juxtaposition technique of contrast, and yet it's a highly effective way of writing your haiku. Here she explores the technique through an analysis of a number of haiku
S5E12 Original Speculative Haiku & Senryu
poetrypea.com presents a selection of original haiku & senryu written by poets from around the globe. What is speculative poetry? Sci-fi, horror, fantasy and science related. Come and be amazed and horrified, does someone get eaten? Well have a listen and find out!
S5E11: Vulgar Haiku
poetrypea.com presents haiku with a vulgar theme. The presentation is by Keith Evetts who is the current editor of Re:Virals at the Haiku Foundation. The aim is to show how vulgarity has been a theme of haiku through the ages, but has the way we have expressed this vulgarity changed? We'll talk about how far you can go before you cross over into offensive or disgusting, we'll even have a disagreement. Can you spot it? Hope you enjoy it, but take care the language is a little more salty t
S5E10: Writing haikus like Jack Kerouac
This time on Haiku Pea from poetrypea.com our community of poets, inspired by Jack Kerouac, write original haiku & senryu. A great place for poets to listen to original work and perhaps find a group of poets they would like to write with. I hope you enjoy it and next time if you haven't already submitted you can join us as one of our lovely poets.
S5E9: How to use memories in haiku
On The Haiku Pea Podcast from poetrypea.com Patricia is joined by the award winning haiku poet Roberta Beary who is giving a workshop on the use of Memory in our haiku. It's inspiring... I hope it inspires you to write some haiku and submit to Poetry Pea. Check out the submission topics and deadlines on the website.The workshop will answer these questions and more:What resources do you have in your writer's workbox?Should you write about events straight away?What is important in crafting
S5E8: Original haiku and senryu with punctuation
This time on the haiku pea podcast from poetrypea.com our community of writers and poets have pushed the boundaries of haiku & senryu and added punctuation. I'm joined by Richard Matta, Steve Ullom, Mark Scott, Jason Furtak and Allyson Whipple for a discussion. Have a listen... have we converted you?
This time at poetrypea.com Poetry Pea presents a writer's workshop on scifaiku or speculative haiku with the renowned expert Deborah P Kolodji. But it's not just about scifi... there's some great writing advice in this podcast.
S5E6: Original Haiku using colour
On the Haiku Pea Podcast from poetrypea.com this week our community judges review and discuss the submissions of haiku using colour. Who will win the prestigious Judges Choice... You can listen here, or onPoetry Pea's YouTube channel. Check out the website for lots of free writing resources.
S5E5: Write like Jack Kerouac
poetrypea.com presents a workshop to celebrate Jack Kerouac, featuring Stanford M Forrester of bottle rockets press.
Stanford is an authority on the poetry of Kerouac, whose centenary we are celebrating in this podcast. He will take you through some of his favourite Kerouac haikus and along the way you'll get great insight and some tips for writing super haikus. Do join us and tell us what you think.
S5E4: Haiku Punctuation!
This time on the Haiku Pea Podcast from poetrypea.com Allyson Whipple joins Patricia for a workshop on punctuation. Hope it inspires you to submit your haiku and senryu to Poetry Pea.
S5E3: 5 Favourite Haiku and other poems
Lots of poems on the Haiku Pea Podcast from poetrypea.com. Richard Tice reads his 5 favourite haiku and we discover Patricia's top poems from Autumn 2021 and the poems Linda has chosen from the Poetry Pea YouTube channel prompt for November and December 2021. A poem packed episode.
S5E2: Haiku at the old pond
The Haiku Pea Podcast from poetrypea.com presents a new feature "Linda's picks" haiku and senryu from the Poetry Pea YouTube channel and we hear some of Patricia's favourites from the Poetry Pea Journal 2021, plus more exciting news from Pea Towers.
S5E1: Colour in your haiku
The Haiku Pea Podcast from poetrypea.com presents a workshop on the use of colour in haiku and senryu. You can find out what emotions colour evoke, what they suggest to your reader, how to make your poetry pop with colour. You are invited to listen and then to write some haiku and senryu. See the website for details.
S4E24:Haiku across the ponds
The Haiku Pea Podcast from poetrypea.com brings you wonderful original haiku and senryu from around the world. As a special bonus Stanford M Forrester from bottle rockets journal makes a special guest appearance.
S4E23: Haiku Masters of Melancholy
The Haiku Pea Podcast from poetrypea.com presents a reading from Peter Jastermsky and Bryan Rickert of their book "Just Dust and Stone" and Patricia brings you some of James Young's favourite haiku and senryu from the Poetry Pea YouTube channel's monthly prompts.
S4E22: Original Long Haiku
This time on the Haiku Pea podcast from poetrypea.com a huge selection of original long haiku written by poets from around the globe. We'd love you to join in with us... please go to the website and sign up for our mailings to find out what we're writing about next.
If you enjoy our podcast please consider going to the website and buying me a coffee. It helps to pay for our costs and I’d be very grateful. Thank you. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Poetrypea
S4E21: Haiku are seasonal... aren't they?
A workshop from poetrypea.com: what do seasons bring to your haiku? There are a few questions for you too... I hope you enjoy it. Let me know.
If you do enjoy it why not swing by our website and buy me a coffee?
S4 E20: Our Best Haiku
This time on The Haiku Pea Podcast from poetrypea.com the community of poets write their best haiku and senryu. Perhaps you'd like to join us next and write your best haiku?
Call for submissions: Long Haiku
Call for submission to the Poetry Pea Journal of Haiku and Senryu at poetrypea.com
Listen hear to find out what we're looking for
Happy Haiku Birthday
This time The Haiku Pea Podcast from poetrypea.com celebrates its 4th birthday. Patricia is joined by Matt Synder, Craig Kittner and James Young for a renku and the award winning poet Debbie Strange reads to us from her latest book "The Language of Loss".
S4E18: Original haiku using Place Names
The Haiku Pea Podcast from poetrypea.com features original short form poetry from poets around the globe. This time we've all been focussing on writing poetry including place names. It's a veritable travel plan and you will certainly find somewhere to add to your bucket list. I know I did.
S4E17: Long Haiku featuring Mark Gilbert
The Haiku Pea Podcast from poetry pea.com feature Mark Gilbert in conversation with Patricia. Talking about Long Haiku and other things. Have a listen and perhaps you'll be inspired to submit to the podcast and journal.
S4E16 original haiku with yūgen
This week on the Haiku Pea Podcast from poetrypea.com our haiku community write original poems using the technique yūgen. Yes it's difficult to use and understand, but there are so many wonderful poems here, you'll enjoy learning about it.
If you enjoy it please consider going to the website and buying me a coffee. It helps to pay for costs and I'd be very grateful. Thank you. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Poetrypea
S4E15 Ladybirds, Place names and haiku
This week on the haiku pea podcast from poetry pea we hear a reading from David J Kelly who also gives us the low down on getting your haiku published. Richard Tice gives us a workshop on effectively using place names in haiku.
S4E14: Realistic haiku and senryu
The Haiku Pea Podcast from poetrypea.com presents original haiku and senryu created using selective realism.
S4 E13 Part 1: Place names and Wasps
This time on the Haiku Pea podcast from poetrypea.com our latest workshop, this time on Place names. This time Richard Tice concentrates on Japanese haiku, next time he'll look at how to use place names effectively in English language haiku. There is also a reading from the Irish poet, Maeve O'Sullivan from her new book Wasp on the Prayer Flag.
S4E12: Original Haiku of the season
S4E12: Original Haiku of the season by Haiku Pea
S4E11 Yūgen for your haiku toolbox
This time on The Haiku Pea Podcast from poetrypea.com a workshop on Yugen from Stanford M Forrester of Bottle Rockets Journal and a little bit of sage advice from the fabulous poet Ben Gaa.
Bonus Episode: Haiku Pea Tea Ceremony
A bonus episode of the haiku pea podcast from poetrypea.com. The tea ceremony, as promised in S4E10: Euphonic haiku
S4E10: Euphonic Haiku
This time on the Haiku Pea Podcast from poetrypea.com some wonderful haiku and senryu from talented poets, concentrating on sound and rhythm. A treat for anyone who emjoys poetry and would lke to know more about composition.
S4E9: Haiku from the Island
This week on The Haiku Pea Podcast from poetrypea.com a writer's workshop on selective realism, tips for writing haiku and a wonderful reading of haiku from the Island by Kristen Lindquist. Find out the latest topic for submissions.
S4E8: No Ego Haiku
Poetrypea.com presents the Haiku Pea Podcast, S4E8 No Ego Haiku. Haiku and Senryu written by the community especially for the podcast. If you would like to submit, check out the website for topics.
See the website for details.
If you enjoy the moment please consider going to the website and buying me a coffee. It helps to pay for our costs and we’d be very grateful. Thank you. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Poetrypea
S4E7: Seasons of haiku
The haiku pea podcast from poetrypea.com brings you a workshop with Randy Brooks who discusses the use of seasonal references in haiku. We'll meet Ted Sherman and find out about his project bringing haiku to prisons and the charity project which came from that. All info in the shownotes and of course on the Poetry Pea YouTube channel. Hope you enjoy it.
If you enjoy the moment please consider going to the website and buying me a coffee. It helps to pay for our costs and we’d be very grateful
S4E6: Haiku with exaggerated perspective
This time on the Haiku Pea Podcast from poetrypea.com our writing community have written haiku and senryu with exaggerated perspective. Come along and have a listen and see if you agree with the community judges. Would you chose the same verses?
S4E5: Haiku Sound...and Fury
Poetrypea.com presents the haiku pea podcast, this time with a fabulous workshop from Brad Bennett on Euphony, it doesn't matter whether you write haiku or another form of poetry you should find this interesting, Bruce H Feingold read for us from his latest book arrhythmia, and the latest from the renku plus much more... come along and join this growing community of poets, you'd be most welcome.
See the website for details.
If you enjoy the moment please consider g
S4E4: Humorous haiku
This time on the Haiku Pea Podcast from Poetry Pea our poets are writing original humorous haiku and senryu, using a variety of techniques.
If you enjoy the moment please consider going to the website and buying me a coffee. It helps to pay for our costs and we’d be very grateful. Thank you. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Poetrypea
S4E3: Haiku without me
The Haiku Pea Podcast from poetrypea.com brings you a special workshop from Ben Gaa about ego in poetry. Should you be very obviously in your haiku or senryu or should you be in the background? Of course there is a lot more, like a chat with the renowned poet Alan Summers. Come along and have a listen.
S4E2: Spring and Autumn Haiku
Haiku is poetry. The Haiku Pea Podcast from poetrypea.com presents haiku and senryu using Kigo, or seasonal words. Creating micropoems using Japanese traditional and some contemporary kigo. Written by our writing community.
If you enjoy the podcast, please consider going to the website and buying me a coffee. It helps to pay for our costs and we’d be very grateful. Thank you.
S4E1: Let's Exaggerate
This time on the Haiku Pea Podcast from poetrypea.com you can hear a workshop presented by Deborah P Kolodji on "Exaggerated perspective in haiku", our collaborative renku, and a new project to get involved in, Jim Force comes along to tell you all about it. Hope you enjoy it and come along and get involved.
See the website for details.
If you enjoy the moment please consider going to the website and buying me a coffee. It helps to pay for our costs and we’d be ver
S3E24: No verbs
This week on the Haiku Pea Podcast from poetrypea.com our community of poets are writing haiku and senryu without verbs. Who knew you could write successful poetry without using verbs?
If you enjoy the podcast, please consider going to the website and buying me a coffee. It helps to pay for our costs and we’d be very grateful. Thank you.
S3E23: Humour
This time on the Haiku Pea Podcast from poetrypea.com, Roger Watson introduces the topic of humour in haiku and senryu, there's a little bit of Christmas, a haibun and a reading from Brad Bennett from his book, "a drop of pond". I hope you enjoy it and maybe write some haiku for one of our podcasts.
Perhaps if you enjoy the moment you might go to the website and buy me a coffee for which I would be very grateful. Thank you.
S3E22: Social Issues
This time on the Haiku Pea Podcast from poetrypea.com our poets are writing about social issues which they care about. This is a global community of writers and it's interesting to hear just how similar we are across the world.
Perhaps if you enjoy the moment you might go to the website and buy me a coffee for which I would be very grateful. Thank you.
S3E21: Audaciousness
Poetrypea.com presents the haiku pea podcast featuring a chat with Craig Kittner, a renku and a reading from m shane pruett. Also a heads up o the topics for next year.
See the website for details.
Perhaps if you enjoy the moment you might go to the website and buy me a coffee for which I would be very grateful. Thank you.
S3E20: Found
This time on the haiku pea podcast from poetrypea.com the community write haiku and senryu which they have found in the words of others.
See the website for details.
Perhaps if you enjoy the moment you might go to the website and buy me a coffee. Thank you.
S3E19: Happy Birthday
This week on the #haiku pea podcast from poetrypea.com we are celebrating our third birthday, with some chat from Craig Kittner, our latest renku and some haibun from Jennifer Hambrick. I hope you join us. Perhaps if you enjoy it you might go to the website and buy me a coffee, I can drink it with my cake. Thank you.
S3E18: Loss
This week on the haiku pea podcast from poetrypea.com our writing community interpret the theme of loss in haiku and senryu form. I hope you enjoy it.
Perhaps if you've enjoyed the podcast you might go to the website and buy me a coffee. Thank you.
S3E17: One Breath
This time on the haiku pea podcast from poetrypea.com Ben Gaa reads from his latest book "One Breath" . There's feedback and the roots of discussion for you to reply to and of course the latest from the renku.
The haiku pea podcast from poetrypea.com presents a number of rather wonderful original haiku and senryu from their community of poets.
If you've enjoyed it, perhaps you'd go to the website, read all the information and then buy me a coffee?
S3E15: Chocolate box
This week on the haiku pea podcast from poetrypea.com there is something of a treat. A workshop about editing from Ben Gaa and a lovely melodic reading of haiku from Roger Watson. I hope you enjoy it.
S3E14: Voyages
The haiku pea podcast from poetrypea.com writes haiku and senryu on the topic of voyages. With many people being in lockdown globally this might be just the ticket!
Perhaps if you enjoy the podcast you might go to the website and buy me a coffee. Thank you
S3E13: Still Brief
This time on the haiku pea podcast from poetrypea.com we're still looking at brevity, doing a bit of editing with the help of the community, listening to the latest renku and as a special treat you can hear Craig Kittner reading and commenting on some of his work. It's beautiful. Hope you'll join us.
If you do enjoy the podcast perhaps you will support our work and buy me a coffee.
S3E12: Ageing
poetrypea.com presents haiku and senryu written specially for the podcast from a wonderful community of poets
S3E11 Keeping It Brief
This week from the haiku pea podcast from poetrypea.com we're talking about brevity, listening to the latest renku, and we have a five minute reading from Ronald Tobey. PLUS an invite to a mini workshop.
S3E10: Monoku
A haiku pea podcast special from poetrypea.com. This week our community of poets write monoku for us. A splendid collection.
S3E9: A New Dimension
Big news this week, the Spring edition of the poetrypea journal is out and in this week's haiku pea podcast from poetrypea.com we add a new dimension to the story. A five minute reading by Hifsa Ashraf, as well as the usual features, a short opinion piece and the latest from the renku.
S3E8 Afternoon Break
This week poetrypea.com presents haiku and senryu written for the podcast by their community of poets. Thank you to all who took part. The topic this week? "Afternoon break".
S3E7: Collective Unconscious
poetrypea.com present Episode 7 of the 3rd series of the haiku pea podcast. Talking through the essence of haiku, with a few choice examples. Also the renku which the community are collaborating on.
S3E6 Haiku Recipes
This week poetrypea.com presents the haiku pea podcast on the topic of recipes. Also available on the poetrypea channel on YouTube. Please join our community of writers who have written beautiful verses for you to listen to. Perhas you would like to write for us? Check out the website.
S3E5 Simply Every Day
This week on the haiku pea podcast from poetrypea.com we're continuing the series of podcasts talking about the essence of haiku. Next time in S3E6 we'll read a selection of haiku and senryu from the writing community on recipes. Something to get your taste buds going...
S3E4 Loving The Haiku And Senryu
The haiku pea podcast from poetrypea.com is a spoken word poetry podcast specialising in haiku and senryu. This week, the community of poets is writing about love.
S3E3 The Haiku Moment
poetrypea.com presents "the haiku moment" from the haiku pea podcast. What do you think is the essence of haiku. Patricia starts to present her proposals this week. What do you think? Let her know.
S3E2: Haiku All about animals
The haiku pea podcast from poetrypea.com this week focuses on animals. Have a listen to what our community of poets has been writing and maybe next time you will join in. See the website for topics and deadlines.
S3E1: Happy New Year
This week from poetrypea.com a haiku pea podcast featuring Shakespeare! Who knew he wrote haiku? Submissions now open for haiku and senru about love...
S2E24 Art Through Haiku Eyes
This week on the haiku pea podcast from poetrypea.com the community is writing Ekphrastic haiku and senryu. Come along and view art though haiku eyes, maybe next time you would like to write for us?
S2E23: Treats
this week on the haiku pea podcast from poetrypea.com, I have some treats for you created by our lovely community of poets. Have a listen
S2E22: Men
This week on the haiku pea podcast from poetrypea.com the community of poets are writing haiku and senryu onthe topic of men.
S2 E21: Making Music
This week on the haiku pea podcast from poetrypea.com we're talking about and hearing verses that illustrate the music in the japanese short form poetry.
Series 2 Episode 20: Spirits
this week on the haiku pea podcast from poetrypea.com the community writes on the topic of spirits. Come along and listen to some spoken poetry...
Series 2 Episode 19: Happy Birthday
Series 2 Episode 19: Happy Birthday by Haiku Pea
Series 2 Episode 18: Flowers
This week on the haiku pea podcast from poetrypea.com our community writes haiku and senryu on the topic of flowers.
S2E17 Whoku With Mark Gilbert
Today on the haiku pea podcast from poetrypea.com we have a special guest, Mark Gilbert from the UK. He is here to talk about whoku. What is it? Well have a listen and you will find out. Also we begin the next renku. Want to join in?
S2E16 Sense Switching or Synesthesia
This week on the haiku pea podcast on poetrypea.com we are writing about sense switching using the synesthesia method. I hope you join us and enjoy it.
S2E15 Coffee Without Verbs
This week on the haiku pea podcast from poetrypea.com we're tasting coffee and thinking about verbs.
S2E14 Trees
This week on the haiku pea podcast from poetrypea.com the communit is writing haiku and senryu about trees. If ou would like to join in and submit your work go to the website and have a look around and of course listen to the podcast.
S2E13 Unseen And Unheard
This week on the haiku pea podcast from poetrypea.com we're talking about reading haiku; seeing the unseen, and hearing the unheard. Oh, and there's quite a lot about the night.
S2E12 Erotica
This week on the haiku pea podcast on poetrypea.com the community is writing erotic haiku and senryu.
S2E11: Spring Break
This week on the haiku pea podcast from poetrypea.com a book review, a featured guest; m shane pruett and the renku continues. Any feedback is more than welcome.
S2E10: Weeds Or Wildflowers?
This week on the haiku pea podcast poetrypea.com the community of poets write haiku and senryu on the topic of weeds. Come along and listen and perhaps next time you will write something for us. You would be welcome.
S2E9: Man And Nature
This week's podcast available on poetrypea.com, man and nature. What exactly can you write about when writing haiku? Book review "Dewdrops", a featured poet and the renku so far
S2E8: Filmku
This week the haiku pea community write haiku and senryu on the topic of film...Filmku. Shownotes on poetrypea.com
Poets from around the world contribute. If you would like to submit visit the website and send me an email...
Don't forget we are writing a renku together, if you would like to join in let me know
S2E7: Ego
the latest podcast from poetrypea.com. This week discussing ego in poetry, developing renku and introducing a new poet from the US, Wayne Kingston.
S2E6 Harmonious Haiku- haiku and senryu on the theme of music
The latest Podcast from the Haiku Pea on poetrypea.com. Harmonious Haiku, haiku on the topic of music. Our community of poets write haiku and senryu about music. You are welcome to join with us, the next theme is film. Check out the website poetrypea,com
S2E5: Aiming For The Moon
The latest podcast from the haiku pea on poetrypea.com.
This week we review Tim Gardiner's haibun book "the Flintknapper's Ghost", start a 22 verse Renku with Giddy Nielsen Sweep from Australia and Robert Horrobin from Scotland and meet Andy Syor a new poet to the podcast.
S2E4: Sportku
This week on the haiku pea podcast, www.poetrypea.com Poets from around the world writing haiku and senryu on the topic of sport. Sportku
S2E3: Beauty in decay - Mono No Aware
The latest podcast from The Haiku Pea on poetrypea.com
What is mono no aware and examples of the technique used in haiku.
And a new featured poet.
Series 2 Episode 2: Childhood
The latest podcast from Haiku Pea on www.poetrypea.com
This week our community write haiku and senryu on the topic of childhood. Haiku from around the world. Some to make you laugh, others might make you cry. Have a listen and join the community of writers
Seeking submissions on the topic of Sport by the 11th February please.
Series 2 Episode 1: When Is A Haiku Not A Haiku?
In this first episode of series 2 of The Haiku Pea podcast from www.poetrypea.com we look at the origin of haiku as we know it today, compare western poetry of the time of haiku's global inception and try and figure out the meaning of a contemporary haiku.
Next time a haiku special on childhood. For submissions go to the poetrypea website .
Yugen the mystery of the unknown
The latest haiku podcast from poetrypea.com . This week we are looking at the Japanese Aesthetic of yugen. Don't know what that is? Come along and find out.
Featuring guests from India and Australia and inviting submissions for 2019.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our lovely listeners.
Episode 51: Wabi
the latest podcast from poetrypea.com This week thinking about the Japanese aesthetic, Wabi, featuring contemporary poets. If you would like to submit to the haiku pea podcast go to the submissions page on poetrypea.com and find out our topics for 2019.
Episode 49: Pain
the latest podcast from poetrypea.com. This week poets from around the world explore the topic of pain.
Episode 47 Sabi
the latest podcast from poetrypea.com. This week we are looking at Japanese Aesthetics, starting with Sabi. Can you feel the loneliness?
Episode 46: Remembering the Summer
A special podcast from poetrypea.com A poet in her own voice. Kate Alsbury features as this week's guest.
Episode 45: Cow Bells
The Latest podcast from poetrypea.com. Listen to the Swiss cow bells and hear the international English language haiku, including one from Switzerland! Looking for submissions on the topic of Childhood.
Episode 43 Making Sense Of The World
The latest podcast from www.poetrypea.com
Travel the world with our haiku and senryu poets.
Episode 41: Innuendo
The latest podcast from www.poetrypea.com This week we're looking at the haiku technique double entendre, I don't think it should offend anyone, but if you are thinking of listening with younger children, have a listen yourself first and check.
Episode 39: Cameras, Cathedrals and Cherry Blossom
The latest podcast from the haiku pea at www.poetrypea.com
Looking at haiku technique, narrowing the focus, featuring haiku poets from around the globe.
Episode 37: Summer in the mountains watching the tourists
The latest podcast from the haiku pea at www.poetrypea.com. This week we're looking at the haiku technique, "what, where and when" visiting France, Switzerland and Slovakia with our lovely haiku community. Come along with us... we'd love to have you.
Episode 36: Women
The latest podcast from www.poetrypea.com This one is a podcast special featuring various poets from around the world on the topic of women. Come along and find out what we have to say.
Can you spot the mistake?
Episode 35: The Riddle of the Wildfire
The latest Haiku Pea Podcast from www.poetrypea.com The haiku technique of Riddles. Do you know how to write haiku using this technique? If not you can find out here...
Episode 34: Sharks, Squirrels and Bees
The latest Podcast from www.poetrypea.com. Have you discovered the haiku technique "as is above: is below"? No? Well this one might be a good listen for you.
Episode 33 The Colour of Money
The Latest Podcast from Haiku Pea with Guest poet Goran Gatalica, at www.poetrypea.com and a lot of help from my haiku friend Nicholas Klacsanzky.
Today we are continuing to look at the haiku technique of synesthesia.
Episode 32: Can you smell the deer?
The Latest podcast from poetrypea.com
Today we talk about synesthesia or sense switching, Our featured haiku Poet is Kate Alsbury from the USA.
Episode 31: Fly me to the moon
The Latest podcast from poetrypea.com
Off we go to the moon via Zürich in Switzerland and the UK's city of culture, Hull. Learning how to write better haiku.
Episode 30: Lemons and Butterfies
The latest podcast from poetrypea.com
Can you compare lemons and butterflies, blue skies and lemons? Listen and find out as today we travel from Zürich to Australia via the USA.
The technique of comparison
The technique of comparison sounds so easy. I read how Betty Drevniok in her hand written pamphlet Aware - a haiku primer (1) describes it, she says “think of two sides of the coin an image on one side – an image on the other side”.
Episode 29 Cola, poppies and holidays
The latest podcast from The Haiku Pea www.poetrypea.com
Episode 28 Memories
Episode 28 of the Haiku Pea from www.poetrypea.com
English haiku expressing memories of poets from Japan, Australia, England, USA, Ukraine, Indonesia and Switzerland.
Episode 27 Vancouver via Zürich
The latest podcast from The Haiku Pea at www.poetrypea.com
How do you get from Vancouver to Zürich? By juxtaposition of course!
Episode 26 Haiku and Collective Consciousness
A haiku podcast from www.poetrypea.com
What has haiku got to do with the collective consciousness? Visit Australia with us and be a tourist in London.
Episode 25 Haiku, healing and the milky way
The latest podcast from www.poetrypea.com
Can haiku help with your healing?
Do you want to know what the most exciting happening in the village was this year?
Episode 23 The Breakfast Special
The latest haiku pea podcast from www.poetrypea.com
Today we visit the USA, Australia, South Africa and Switzerland on a haiku storytelling journey to find out what we are eating o breakfast.
What’s it all about? Well, it’s a podcast in which I share what I am learning in my endeavour to understand haiku and become a better haiku writer and I showcase other writers of haiku. You can find links and resources that I have found helpful on the website, poetrypea.com .
Episode 21 - Shasei, a sketch from life
The latest podccast from www.poetrypea.com
Episode 19 Heron, Seagull, Pigeon
The latest podcast from www.poetrypea.com This week Alan Summers helps me with the subject of articles. Giddy Nelsen Sweep features with her Haiku from Australia and I find a bit of peace and quiet with a seagull.
Do you think that articles are the building blocks of haiku?
What is “a bridge of nuance"?
Why would a pigeon delay your breakfast?
Does a heron belong in the underworld?
The answer to these questions in the podcast.
Seeking haiku submissions on the topic of breakfast where you
Episode 18 Articles, Lawnmowers and Worms
The latest podcast from www.poetrypea.com
This week I’m happy to welcome back to the podcast as our guest Mineko Takahashi from Japan. If you remember she joined us on February the 19th. If you haven’t heard that episode then have a listen. Her Haiku was very moving. She has raised an interesting question with me this week, but more of that later.
This week I wanted to briefly discuss definite and indefinite articles in the writing of Haiku. Sometimes I really want to leave them out and I have
Episode 17 Ekphrastic Haiku
The latest Haiku Pea Podcast from www.poetrypea.com featuring Veronica Hosking from the US
What do you know about Ekphrastic Haiku?
Does it snow in the desert?
What is your favourite art gallery?
Episode 16: The Birds
A podcast from poetrypea.com exploring Haiku. This week we are talking one image Haiku and featuring Eva Drobna from Slovakia as your guest.
Episode 15 A week in the city
Podcast Episode 15 from The Haiku Pea at www.poetrypea.com
Join us for Haiku moments in the city of Zürich, Switzerland.
We will talk about the use of keywords in Haiku.
Today we feature Kate Alsbury from the USA.
Episode 14 Round and round the garden
Episode 14 The Haiku Pea Podcast from poetrypea.com
This week my guest haiku comes from a Japanese poet, another first thank you Mineko Takahashi, I shall read that shortly.
This week's podcast includes Haiku inspired by my garden and the snow and lack of it. I suggest some Haiku publications that you can submit your Haiku too and finish with a wonderfully moving Haiku from Mineko Takahashi.
Episode 13 Trains, trams and buses
The latest podcast from www.poetrypea.com- Taking about Haiku, Kigo, seasonal words and keywords.
Looking at the evolution of Haiku writing.
Exploring Zürich on the trains, trams and buses.
Crossing continents to India
Episode 12 A walk in the countryside
The latest podcast from Poetrypea.com Walk the countryside with haiku.
Episode 11: Inspiration from the World Economic Forum
Welcome to episode 11 of the Haiku Pea podcast. www.poetrypea.com. I’m Patricia, your host. This podcast recounts my journey as I try and improve my haiku writing. And I’m sharing what I learn along the way with you.
I also like to feature work from other Haiku writers and find out what interests them, what they are reading and what they can recommend to you and I. This week my Guest Haijin is Goran.
You may know that I live in Switzerland, and last week we had rather an important event goi
Episode 10: Look! The snow's back
Episode 10 of the Haiku Pea podcast all about Haiku from www.poetrypea.com.
It’s snowing again here in Zürich. My apologies if you can here the icy snowflakes falling on the roof of my studio. I hope the weather is better where you are.
So last week I told you about the new pages on the website which recommend books and websites which I have found useful and this week, I’d like to tell you about another new feature on the website, which I will build up over time, publications, blogs etc which
Episode 9 A day in the life
Welcome to Episode 9 of the Haiku Pea podcast from www.poetrypea.com. We welcome submissions.
I’m delighted to say that our guest Haijin today is Tim Gardiner from the UK. It was hard to choose just which of his haiku to start with, but I chose one that was relevant to the season. I’ll tell you more about him shortly, and read you his haiku which I hope you will enjoy as much as I did.
If you go to our website at www.poetrypea.com, you will see that I have now started a page purely for recommen
Episode 8: A mixed bag but mostly snow...
Episode 8 the latest podcast from www.poetrypea.com
A mixed bag but mostly snow.... yuk
Welcome to episode 8 of the Haiku Pea, a podcast all about Haiku,. I’m Patricia, your host and I hope over time to share some of my daily haiku, submissions from you my wonderful listener and tips for writing that I glean along my journey.
This is the first podcast after the Christmas break. If you remember, I was looking forward to welcoming my family home again for the holidays and maybe getting them to
Episode 7 Home from the holidays
Episode 7 of the Haiku Pea podcast, all about Haiku, from www.poetrypea.com. I’m Patricia and I hope over time to share my daily haiku, submissions from you my wonderful listener and tips for writing that I glean along my journey.
RECOMMENDED READING: Haiku in English- the first hundred years and it’s edited by Jim Kacian, Philip Rowland and Allan Burns and it really was a great find. It has haiku by Ezra Pound, e.e. cummings, Alan Ginsberg and my particular favourite Seamus Heaney to name but
Episode 6 The Indian Ocean
The Haiku Pea podcast from www.poetrypea.com
Welcome to episode 6.
At the end of last week’s episode you will have noticed a difference in the tone. I went on holiday, travelling from the cold early winter of the northern hemisphere to the much warmer climes of the start of summer in the southern, I travelled to the beautiful island of Mauritius. It was quite inspirational in a way that surprised me. Shall we have a listen together?
Guest Haiku this week from Hannes Froehlich. Thanks Hannes.
Episode 5: A wander round the hills of Zürich
Have you ever been to Zürich? No? well have a wander around my countryside through the medium of Haiku.
Episode 4 Mountains and Cities
Welcome to episode 4 of the Haiku Pea podcast. from www.poetrypea.com A podcast for Haiku, where I hope over time to share my daily haiku, submissions from you and tips for writing that I glean along my journey.
I’m surprised and cautiously optimistic about submissions as they have started to come in already. Even so it would be great if you could spread the word that people can get a Showcase here on The Haiku Pea podcast and the website of course, www.poetrypea.com.
This week I did lots of
Episode 3:
I share the daily haiku from week 2 and expand the podcast to tell you what I have learnt about the craft of writing Haiku this week. I'm also happy to share a guest Haiku with you. See you next week.
Episode 2:
poetrypea.com I give you the daily haiku from my first week. Feedback is welcome. Please get in touch via the website.
Episode 1:
This is an introduction to the Haiku Pea Podcast from www.poetrypea.com.
Come and share the love of Poetry, Haiku and community.