Baptism on SermonAudio
The latest podcast feed searching 'Baptism' on SermonAudio.
27 - The Baptism of the Holy Ghost
A new MP3 sermon from Audiobooks by Horatius Bonar is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: 27 - The Baptism of the Holy Ghost
Subtitle: Light and Truth - Vol 3
Speaker: Horatius Bonar
Broadcaster: Audiobooks by Horatius Bonar
Event: Audiobook
Date: 1/27/1800
Bible: Acts 11:15
Length: 7 min.
A New Adventure
A new MP3 sermon from Gateway Bible Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: A New Adventure
Subtitle: Book of Joshua
Speaker: Christopher Lowe
Broadcaster: Gateway Bible Baptist Church
Event: Sunday - PM
Date: 8/25/2024
Bible: Joshua 3:1-6
Length: 44 min.
The Sacraments of The Lord's Supper and Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: The Sacraments of The Lord's Supper and Baptism
Speaker: Joshua Sparkman
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday School
Date: 8/25/2024
Length: 54 min.
The Importance of Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Calvary Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: The Importance of Baptism
Speaker: Pastor Manny Mallari
Broadcaster: Calvary Baptist Church
Event: Sunday - AM
Date: 8/26/2024
Bible: Romans 6:1-11
Length: 31 min.
Lesson 6 - Two Ordinances - Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Berean Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Lesson 6 - Two Ordinances - Baptism
Subtitle: Baptist Distinctives
Speaker: Ben Forrester
Broadcaster: Berean Baptist Church
Event: Sunday School
Date: 8/18/2024
Length: 31 min.
Preach the Gospel
A new MP3 sermon from By the Word Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Preach the Gospel
Subtitle: Book of Acts
Speaker: Randall Easter
Broadcaster: By the Word Baptist Church
Event: Sunday - AM
Date: 8/25/2024
Bible: Acts 10:44-48
Length: 43 min.
Covenant Household Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Heritage Reformed Presbyterian Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Covenant Household Baptism
Speaker: Thomas Booher
Broadcaster: Heritage Reformed Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 8/25/2024
Bible: Acts 11
Length: 98 min.
Your Child's Profession of Faith
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Life Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Your Child's Profession of Faith
Speaker: Dennis Gundersen
Broadcaster: Grace Life Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 8/25/2024
Bible: 1 Timothy 1:5; Ephesians 4:11-14
Length: 57 min.
No Idea
A new MP3 sermon from Taylor's Chapel Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: No Idea
Speaker: B.F. Stickle
Broadcaster: Taylor's Chapel Baptist Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 8/25/2024
Bible: John 21:2-17
Length: 37 min.
Covenant Baptism 5: Jesus and Children
A new MP3 sermon from Trinity Reformed Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Covenant Baptism 5: Jesus and Children
Subtitle: Covenant Baptism
Speaker: John van Eyk
Broadcaster: Trinity Reformed Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 8/25/2024
Bible: Mark 10:13-16
Length: 39 min.
A new MP3 sermon from Village Bible Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Baptism
Speaker: JJ Sexton
Broadcaster: Village Bible Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 8/25/2024
Bible: Acts 10:44-48
Length: 27 min.
Our Bondage to Sin, Christ's Ransom to Life
A new MP3 sermon from St. John's Reformed Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Our Bondage to Sin, Christ's Ransom to Life
Speaker: Nelson, Chris
Broadcaster: St. John's Reformed Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 8/25/2024
Bible: Isaiah 52:13-53:6; Mark 10:35-45
Length: 38 min.
A new MP3 sermon from Sequoyah Sovereign Grace Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Baptism
Speaker: Tim James
Broadcaster: Sequoyah Sovereign Grace Baptist Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 8/25/2024
Bible: Matthew 28:19-20
Length: 51 min.
Remember Your Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Northland Reformed Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Remember Your Baptism
Speaker: Christopher Campbell
Broadcaster: Northland Reformed Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 8/25/2024
Bible: Titus 3:4-7
Length: 29 min.
Kingdom or Covenant Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Heritage Reformed Congregation of Jordan is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Kingdom or Covenant Baptism
Speaker: Brian Najapfour
Broadcaster: Heritage Reformed Congregation of Jordan
Event: Sunday - AM
Date: 8/18/2024
Bible: Matthew 13:47-52
Length: 48 min.
Reformed Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Bethel Evangelical Free Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Reformed Baptism
Subtitle: This We Confess
Speaker: Gervase Charmley
Broadcaster: Bethel Evangelical Free Church
Event: Midweek Service
Date: 8/21/2024
Bible: Romans 6
Length: 31 min.
A Review of Believer's Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Eastford Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: A Review of Believer's Baptism
Speaker: Timothy Howard
Broadcaster: Eastford Baptist Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 8/11/2024
Length: 33 min.
Pentecost for the Gentiles (4)
A new MP3 sermon from Heritage Reformed Presbyterian Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Pentecost for the Gentiles (4)
Speaker: Thomas Booher
Broadcaster: Heritage Reformed Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 8/18/2024
Bible: Acts 10:34-48
Length: 95 min.
What is Baptism?
A new MP3 sermon from Harvest Liberty Lake Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: What is Baptism?
Speaker: Sam Kraemer
Broadcaster: Harvest Liberty Lake Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 8/19/2024
Bible: Romans 6:1-5
Length: 31 min.
The Sign and Seal of Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Stillwater Reformed Presbyterian Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: The Sign and Seal of Baptism
Subtitle: Guest and Miscellaneous
Speaker: Bruce Parnell
Broadcaster: Stillwater Reformed Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 8/18/2024
Bible: Romans 6:1-14
Length: 35 min.
One Message For All
A new MP3 sermon from Liberty Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: One Message For All
Subtitle: Foundations of the Faith
Speaker: Rick Brooks
Broadcaster: Liberty Baptist Church
Event: Sunday - AM
Date: 8/18/2024
Bible: Acts 10
Length: 57 min.
Jesus's Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Hill Village Bible Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Jesus's Baptism
Subtitle: The One True God
Speaker: Larry Hodgkins
Broadcaster: Hill Village Bible Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 8/18/2024
Bible: Matthew 1
Length: 37 min.
Chapter 29: Of Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Emmanuel Reformed Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Chapter 29: Of Baptism
Subtitle: 1689 London Baptist Confession
Speaker: Matthew Vincent
Broadcaster: Emmanuel Reformed Baptist Church
Event: Sunday School
Date: 8/11/2024
Length: 48 min.
Acts 26:9-18 - Baptism Service 1
A new MP3 sermon from St Paul Alliance Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Acts 26:9-18 - Baptism Service 1
Subtitle: Acts
Speaker: Norm Keulers
Broadcaster: St Paul Alliance Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 1/1/2023
Bible: Acts 26:9-18
Length: 22 min.
Acts 26:9-18 - Baptism Service 2
A new MP3 sermon from St Paul Alliance Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Acts 26:9-18 - Baptism Service 2
Subtitle: Acts
Speaker: Norm Keulers
Broadcaster: St Paul Alliance Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 1/1/2023
Bible: Acts 26:9-18
Length: 22 min.
Acts 26:1-32 - Baptism Service
A new MP3 sermon from St Paul Alliance Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Acts 26:1-32 - Baptism Service
Subtitle: Acts
Speaker: Norm Keulers
Broadcaster: St Paul Alliance Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 1/1/2023
Bible: Acts 26:1-32
Length: 23 min.
Cleansing Our Consciences
A new MP3 sermon from Hopewell Associate Reformed Presbyterian is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Cleansing Our Consciences
Subtitle: Family Worship
Speaker: James Hakim
Broadcaster: Hopewell Associate Reformed Presbyterian
Event: Devotional
Date: 8/16/2024
Bible: Numbers 19
Length: 19 min.
Matt Slick Live
A new MP3 sermon from Christian Apologetics Research Ministry is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Matt Slick Live
Speaker: Matt Slick
Broadcaster: Christian Apologetics Research Ministry
Event: Radio Broadcast
Date: 8/15/2024
Length: 48 min.
The Meaning of Your Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from South Austin Presbyterian Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: The Meaning of Your Baptism
Subtitle: Romans
Speaker: Jim Cassidy
Broadcaster: South Austin Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday - AM
Date: 8/11/2024
Bible: Romans 6:1-4
Length: 30 min.
Church Ordinances - Part 1 - Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Immanuel Bible Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Church Ordinances - Part 1 - Baptism
Speaker: Aaron Smith
Broadcaster: Immanuel Bible Church
Event: Sunday School
Date: 8/11/2024
Length: 68 min.
Baptism - 5 Words
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Baptist Church of Canton is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Baptism - 5 Words
Subtitle: Baptism
Speaker: Gordon Cook
Broadcaster: Grace Baptist Church of Canton
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 8/11/2024
Bible: Romans 6:1-14; Matthew 28:16-20
Length: 34 min.
When I Find Time
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Community Bible Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: When I Find Time
Speaker: Dr. Jeff Rich
Broadcaster: Grace Community Bible Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 8/11/2024
Bible: Acts 24:24-27
Length: 31 min.
Remember Your Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Reformation Bible Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Remember Your Baptism
Speaker: Gabe Rogers
Broadcaster: Reformation Bible Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 8/11/2024
Bible: Matthew 28:16-20
Length: 50 min.
The Godly Household
A new MP3 sermon from Cornerstone Presbyterian Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: The Godly Household
Speaker: Gavin Beers
Broadcaster: Cornerstone Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday - AM
Date: 8/4/2024
Bible: Psalm 128
Length: 56 min.
Believer's Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from First Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Believer's Baptism
Subtitle: Act's Study
Speaker: Wayne Boyd
Broadcaster: First Baptist Church
Event: Sunday - AM
Date: 8/4/2024
Bible: Acts 10:46-48
Length: 60 min.
Baptism = Identification
A new MP3 sermon from Granite State Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Baptism = Identification
Subtitle: Bible Terminology
Speaker: Dr. Peter Chamberland
Broadcaster: Granite State Baptist Church
Event: Midweek Service
Date: 8/1/2024
Bible: Romans 6:1-6
Length: 34 min.
Communion and Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Evansville Bible Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Communion and Baptism
Subtitle: The Church, The Body of Christ
Speaker: Keith Carter
Broadcaster: Evansville Bible Church
Event: Sunday School
Date: 7/14/2024
Length: 55 min.
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Family Baptist Church - Conroe is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Baptism
Subtitle: Systematic Theology
Speaker: Kyle Westmoreland
Broadcaster: Grace Family Baptist Church - Conroe
Event: Bible Study
Date: 8/6/2024
Length: 19 min.
Act of Identification
A new MP3 sermon from Chardon Christian Fellowship is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Act of Identification
Speaker: Pastor Wayne Sanders
Broadcaster: Chardon Christian Fellowship
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 8/4/2024
Bible: Matthew 28:16-20
Length: 33 min.
Of Such is the Kingdom of God
A new MP3 sermon from Bethany United Reformed Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Of Such is the Kingdom of God
Speaker: Eric Van Der Molen
Broadcaster: Bethany United Reformed Church
Event: Sunday - AM
Date: 8/4/2024
Bible: Mark 10:13-16
Length: 33 min.
Chapter 28: Of Baptism and the Lord's Supper (Paragraph 2)
A new MP3 sermon from Emmanuel Reformed Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Chapter 28: Of Baptism and the Lord's Supper (Paragraph 2)
Subtitle: 1689 London Baptist Confession
Speaker: Michael A. Phillips
Broadcaster: Emmanuel Reformed Baptist Church
Event: Sunday School
Date: 7/28/2024
Length: 39 min.
2024 Salt and Light - One Baptism - The Ordinance
A new MP3 sermon from Tyler Primitive Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: 2024 Salt and Light - One Baptism - The Ordinance
Subtitle: 2024 Salt and Light
Speaker: Elder David Wise
Broadcaster: Tyler Primitive Baptist Church
Event: Special Meeting
Date: 8/3/2024
Bible: Ephesians 4:6; Acts 2:37-40
Length: 44 min.
2024 Salt and Light - One Baptism - Its Meaning
A new MP3 sermon from Tyler Primitive Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: 2024 Salt and Light - One Baptism - Its Meaning
Subtitle: 2024 Salt and Light
Speaker: Elder Robert Adam
Broadcaster: Tyler Primitive Baptist Church
Event: Special Meeting
Date: 8/3/2024
Bible: Romans 6
Length: 43 min.
The Baptism of the Spirit
A new MP3 sermon from Bible Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: The Baptism of the Spirit
Subtitle: Revival 2024
Speaker: John Van Gelderen
Broadcaster: Bible Baptist Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 6/24/2024
Bible: Galatians 3:26-27
Length: 61 min.
HC 69-74, Holy Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Reformed Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: HC 69-74, Holy Baptism
Subtitle: Heidelberg Catechism
Speaker: Rev. Sam Perez
Broadcaster: Grace Reformed Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 7/21/2024
Bible: Matthew 28:18-20; Titus 3:3-5
Length: 35 min.
Who may be baptized?
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Fellowship Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Who may be baptized?
Subtitle: The Baptist Catechism
Speaker: Chris Wade
Broadcaster: Grace Fellowship Baptist Church
Event: Sunday School
Date: 7/28/2024
Length: 29 min.
The Sovereign Hand in Salvation
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Reformed Fellowship is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: The Sovereign Hand in Salvation
Subtitle: Acts
Speaker: Philip B. Strong
Broadcaster: Grace Reformed Fellowship
Event: Sunday - PM
Date: 7/28/2024
Bible: Acts 16:12-15
Length: 41 min.
Biblical Basis for Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Tabernacle Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Biblical Basis for Baptism
Speaker: Robert Sperbeck
Broadcaster: Tabernacle Baptist Church
Event: Sunday - AM
Date: 7/28/2024
Bible: Acts 8:26-39
Length: 29 min.
Baptism and the Kingdom of God
A new MP3 sermon from Byron Center Protestant Reformed Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Baptism and the Kingdom of God
Subtitle: Baptism
Speaker: Prof. Russell Dykstra
Broadcaster: Byron Center Protestant Reformed Church
Event: Sunday - AM
Date: 7/28/2024
Bible: John 3:1-24
Length: 57 min.
God's Covenant of Grace
A new MP3 sermon from Bethany United Reformed Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: God's Covenant of Grace
Speaker: Eric Van Der Molen
Broadcaster: Bethany United Reformed Church
Event: Sunday - AM
Date: 7/28/2024
Bible: Genesis 17:1-14
Length: 40 min.
Ch. 28 - Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Reformation Presbyterian Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Ch. 28 - Baptism
Subtitle: The Westminster Confession
Speaker: Neil van der Wel
Broadcaster: Reformation Presbyterian Church
Event: Midweek Service
Date: 7/24/2024
Length: 57 min.
On the Necessity of the Baptism of Infants
A new MP3 sermon from Providence OPC (Scottsdale) is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: On the Necessity of the Baptism of Infants
Subtitle: The Heidelberg Catechism
Speaker: David Schexnayder
Broadcaster: Providence OPC (Scottsdale)
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 7/21/2024
Bible: Colossians 2:9-14
Length: 35 min.
Baptism Now ‘Saves’ You?
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Baptism Now ‘Saves’ You?
Speaker: Geoff Willour
Broadcaster: Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday - PM
Date: 7/7/2024
Bible: 1 Peter 3:18-22
Length: 34 min.
Spiritual Formation & The Biblical Means of Grace
A new MP3 sermon from Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Spiritual Formation & The Biblical Means of Grace
Speaker: Patrick Hines
Broadcaster: Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Church
Event: Podcast
Date: 7/25/2024
Bible: 1 Peter 2:2; Romans 10:17
Length: 54 min.
Baptized Unbelievers
A new MP3 sermon from Westside Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Baptized Unbelievers
Subtitle: The Continuing Acts of Christ
Speaker: Dan Unruh
Broadcaster: Westside Baptist Church
Event: Sunday - AM
Date: 5/21/2023
Bible: Acts 19:1-7
Length: 44 min.
Chapter 28: Of Baptism and the Lord's Supper (Paragraph 1)
A new MP3 sermon from Emmanuel Reformed Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Chapter 28: Of Baptism and the Lord's Supper (Paragraph 1)
Subtitle: 1689 London Baptist Confession
Speaker: Michael A. Phillips
Broadcaster: Emmanuel Reformed Baptist Church
Event: Sunday School
Date: 7/21/2024
Length: 42 min.
The Cross and Christian Baptism (1 Corinthians 1:14-18)
A new MP3 sermon from New Life Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: The Cross and Christian Baptism (1 Corinthians 1:14-18)
Speaker: Eric Swinney
Broadcaster: New Life Baptist Church
Event: Sunday - AM
Date: 7/21/2024
Bible: 1 Corinthians 1:14-18
Length: 26 min.
Baptism means something
A new MP3 sermon from Providence Baptist Chapel is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Baptism means something
Subtitle: Baptism Service
Speaker: Pooyan Mehrshahi
Broadcaster: Providence Baptist Chapel
Event: Sunday - AM
Date: 7/21/2024
Bible: Romans 6:1-7
Length: 33 min.
Baptism: Efficacy & Frequency
A new MP3 sermon from Cross Creek Presbyterian Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Baptism: Efficacy & Frequency
Subtitle: Sacraments
Speaker: Michael Mock
Broadcaster: Cross Creek Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday School
Date: 7/21/2024
Length: 44 min.
Baptism is God’s promise of absolute cleansing
A new MP3 sermon from Free Reformed Church of Mundijong is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Baptism is God’s promise of absolute cleansing
Subtitle: Heidelberg Catechism Sermons
Speaker: Rev. Abel Pol
Broadcaster: Free Reformed Church of Mundijong
Event: Sunday - PM
Date: 7/21/2024
Bible: 1 Peter 3
Length: 46 min.
The Baptism Of The Eunuch
A new MP3 sermon from South Grove Free Presbyterian Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: The Baptism Of The Eunuch
Subtitle: Special Occasions
Speaker: Pastor Philip Knowles
Broadcaster: South Grove Free Presbyterian Church
Event: Special Meeting
Date: 7/20/2024
Bible: Acts 8:29-39
Length: 24 min.
Chapter 28: Of Baptism and the Lord's Supper
A new MP3 sermon from Emmanuel Reformed Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Chapter 28: Of Baptism and the Lord's Supper
Subtitle: 1689 London Baptist Confession
Speaker: Michael A. Phillips
Broadcaster: Emmanuel Reformed Baptist Church
Event: Sunday School
Date: 7/14/2024
Length: 45 min.
HC 65-68: Spirit, Word, Sacraments
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Reformed Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: HC 65-68: Spirit, Word, Sacraments
Subtitle: Heidelberg Catechism
Speaker: Rev. Sam Perez
Broadcaster: Grace Reformed Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 7/7/2024
Bible: 1 Peter 2:23-25; John 3:5
Length: 36 min.
Believer's Baptism, Part 2; Who should be Baptized?
A new MP3 sermon from Faith Community Bible Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Believer's Baptism, Part 2; Who should be Baptized?
Subtitle: Key Doctrines of the Bible
Speaker: Tom Chesko
Broadcaster: Faith Community Bible Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 7/14/2024
Bible: Acts 8:26-40
Length: 49 min.
An Infallible Assurance of Faith
A new MP3 sermon from Hopewell Associate Reformed Presbyterian is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: An Infallible Assurance of Faith
Subtitle: Hopewell 101
Speaker: James Hakim
Broadcaster: Hopewell Associate Reformed Presbyterian
Event: Sunday School
Date: 5/26/2024
Bible: Hebrews 6:9-20; 2 Peter 1:4-11
Length: 37 min.
The Baptism of Jesus to Fulfill All Righteousness
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Life Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: The Baptism of Jesus to Fulfill All Righteousness
Subtitle: The Book of Matthew
Speaker: Alex Camarillo
Broadcaster: Grace Life Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 5/26/2024
Bible: Matthew 3:13-17
Length: 30 min.
The Great Commission
A new MP3 sermon from Word of Life Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: The Great Commission
Subtitle: Matthew
Speaker: Arnold Brevick
Broadcaster: Word of Life Church
Event: Sunday - PM
Date: 4/28/2024
Bible: Matthew 28:18-20
Length: 34 min.
Gracie Anne Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Christ Church of Acadiana is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Gracie Anne Baptism
Subtitle: Baptism Homilies
Speaker: Brandon Nealy
Broadcaster: Christ Church of Acadiana
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 5/27/2024
Bible: Isaiah 59
Length: 4 min.
Testimony & Baptism - David Herbert
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Baptist Church Aberdeen is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Testimony & Baptism - David Herbert
Subtitle: Testimony & Baptism
Speaker: Various Speakers
Broadcaster: Grace Baptist Church Aberdeen
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 5/27/2024
Length: 5 min.
Testimony & Baptism - Freddy McBoyle
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Baptist Church Aberdeen is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Testimony & Baptism - Freddy McBoyle
Subtitle: Testimony & Baptism
Speaker: Various Speakers
Broadcaster: Grace Baptist Church Aberdeen
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 5/27/2024
Length: 5 min.
What It Means To Be A Disciple Part 3
A new MP3 sermon from Mid Valley Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: What It Means To Be A Disciple Part 3
Subtitle: Sunday School - No Series
Speaker: Travis Reeves
Broadcaster: Mid Valley Baptist Church
Event: Sunday School
Date: 5/26/2024
Bible: John 14:27
Length: 26 min.
Scriptural Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from New Testament Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Scriptural Baptism
Speaker: J. C. Settlemoir
Broadcaster: New Testament Baptist Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 5/26/2024
Bible: Matthew 3:15
Length: 34 min.
Covenant Theology: Baptism in the New Testament
A new MP3 sermon from Hope Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Covenant Theology: Baptism in the New Testament
Subtitle: Theological Foundations
Speaker: Robert Bosley
Broadcaster: Hope Baptist Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 5/26/2024
Length: 47 min.
Understanding Baptism: Why Be Baptized?
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Bible Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Understanding Baptism: Why Be Baptized?
Speaker: Jerry R. Harmon, Ph.D
Broadcaster: Grace Bible Baptist Church
Event: Sunday - PM
Date: 5/19/2024
Bible: Acts 2:41-42
Length: 33 min.
Water Baptism is Absolutely NOT Necessary for Salvation.
A new MP3 sermon from Dr David C. Mackereth is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Water Baptism is Absolutely NOT Necessary for Salvation.
Subtitle: Dr David C. Mackereth
Speaker: Dr. David Mackereth
Broadcaster: Dr David C. Mackereth
Event: Podcast
Date: 5/22/2024
Bible: John 3:5
Length: 62 min.
What Is The Baptism For The Dead? AM
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: What Is The Baptism For The Dead? AM
Speaker: Dr. Alan Lee Herd, Sr.
Broadcaster: Grace Baptist Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 5/5/2024
Length: 56 min.
Does Baptism Save? Acts 2:38 AM
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Does Baptism Save? Acts 2:38 AM
Speaker: Dr. Alan Lee Herd, Sr.
Broadcaster: Grace Baptist Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 4/28/2024
Length: 59 min.
What was the purpose of John's Baptism?
A new MP3 sermon from Pilgrim Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: What was the purpose of John's Baptism?
Subtitle: Baptism
Speaker: Jimmy Fortunato
Broadcaster: Pilgrim Baptist Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 5/19/2024
Bible: Matthew 3:1-6
Length: 41 min.
A Baptism In The Desert Pt. 2
A new MP3 sermon from Quinter Reformed Presbyterian Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: A Baptism In The Desert Pt. 2
Subtitle: Acts
Speaker: Matthew Sexton
Broadcaster: Quinter Reformed Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday - PM
Date: 4/7/2024
Bible: Acts 8:26-40
Length: 35 min.
A Baptism In The Desert Pt. 1
A new MP3 sermon from Quinter Reformed Presbyterian Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: A Baptism In The Desert Pt. 1
Subtitle: Acts
Speaker: Matthew Sexton
Broadcaster: Quinter Reformed Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday - AM
Date: 4/7/2024
Bible: Acts 8:26-40
Length: 40 min.
The Sacraments of The Lord's Supper and Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Christ Presbyterian Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: The Sacraments of The Lord's Supper and Baptism
Speaker: Joshua Sparkman
Broadcaster: Christ Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday School
Date: 5/19/2024
Length: 63 min.
Pentecost 2.0
A new MP3 sermon from Living Word Community Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Pentecost 2.0
Speaker: Jordan McGehee
Broadcaster: Living Word Community Church
Event: Sunday - AM
Date: 5/19/2024
Bible: Acts 10
Length: 31 min.
[05/19/2024 AM] - “Baptism is A Beginning” - Isaiah 44:1-5
A new MP3 sermon from First United Reformed Church of Oak Lawn is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: [05/19/2024 AM] - “Baptism is A Beginning” - Isaiah 44:1-5
Subtitle: God's Amazing Purpose
Speaker: Rev. Harold Miller
Broadcaster: First United Reformed Church of Oak Lawn
Event: Sunday - AM
Date: 5/19/2024
Bible: Isaiah 44:1-5
Length: 30 min.
Why Do We Baptize Babies?
A new MP3 sermon from King's Cross Reformed Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Why Do We Baptize Babies?
Speaker: James Howard Lynch
Broadcaster: King's Cross Reformed Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 5/12/2024
Bible: Luke 18:15-17
Length: 54 min.
Acts 049 – Baptism by Immersion
A new MP3 sermon from Sugar Land Bible Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Acts 049 – Baptism by Immersion
Subtitle: Acts
Speaker: Dr. Andrew Woods
Broadcaster: Sugar Land Bible Church
Event: Midweek Service
Date: 5/15/2024
Bible: Acts 8:34-38
Length: 64 min.
Philip and an Ethiopian
A new MP3 sermon from West Park Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Philip and an Ethiopian
Speaker: Russell Threet
Broadcaster: West Park Baptist Church
Event: Midweek Service
Date: 5/15/2024
Bible: Acts 8:26-40; Isaiah 53:7-8
Length: 34 min.
“The Subjects of Baptism”
A new MP3 sermon from Green Run Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: “The Subjects of Baptism”
Speaker: Pastor Steven Azzara
Broadcaster: Green Run Baptist Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 5/12/2024
Bible: Acts 11:1-18
Length: 52 min.
Believing then Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from First Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Believing then Baptism
Subtitle: Act's Study
Speaker: Wayne Boyd
Broadcaster: First Baptist Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 5/5/2024
Bible: Acts 8:8-12
Length: 59 min.
The need for baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Clear Branch Baptist is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: The need for baptism
Speaker: Brandon Hartfield
Broadcaster: Clear Branch Baptist
Event: Sunday - AM
Date: 5/12/2024
Bible: Matthew 3:13-17; Romans 6:1-13
Length: 42 min.
A Biblical Case for Church Membership
A new MP3 sermon from Providence Church Mansfield is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: A Biblical Case for Church Membership
Speaker: Jamie Terry
Broadcaster: Providence Church Mansfield
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 5/12/2024
Length: 51 min.
A Biblical Case for Church Membership
A new MP3 sermon from The Pulpit Ministry of Jamie Terry is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: A Biblical Case for Church Membership
Speaker: Jamie Terry
Broadcaster: The Pulpit Ministry of Jamie Terry
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 5/12/2024
Length: 51 min.
Biblical Baptism and its Importance
A new MP3 sermon from Calvary Memorial Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Biblical Baptism and its Importance
Speaker: Pastor Charles Garrison
Broadcaster: Calvary Memorial Church
Event: Sunday - PM
Date: 5/12/2024
Bible: Acts 8:35-39
Length: 34 min.
Ordinance Of Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Community Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Ordinance Of Baptism
Subtitle: The Local Church
Speaker: Ryan Sullivan
Broadcaster: Grace Community Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 6/11/2017
Length: 71 min.
Household Baptism - Final Look
A new MP3 sermon from Apologia Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Household Baptism - Final Look
Speaker: Dr. James White
Broadcaster: Apologia Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 9/12/2021
Length: 64 min.
Baptism - Final NT References
A new MP3 sermon from Apologia Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Baptism - Final NT References
Subtitle: Baptism
Speaker: Dr. James White
Broadcaster: Apologia Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 2/27/2022
Length: 65 min.
Baptism: Q&A
A new MP3 sermon from Ketoctin Covenant Presbyterian Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Baptism: Q&A
Subtitle: Covenantal Baptism
Speaker: Ben Franks
Broadcaster: Ketoctin Covenant Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday School
Date: 5/5/2024
Length: 49 min.
Baptism and Church Membership
A new MP3 sermon from Bethel Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Baptism and Church Membership
Speaker: James Crace
Broadcaster: Bethel Baptist Church
Event: Sunday - AM
Date: 5/5/2024
Bible: Matthew 3:13-16
Length: 74 min.
Bought, Baptized, Anointed
A new MP3 sermon from Reformation Bible Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Bought, Baptized, Anointed
Subtitle: Exodus
Speaker: Ray Shores
Broadcaster: Reformation Bible Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 5/5/2024
Bible: Exodus 30:11-33
Length: 38 min.
Pastoral Authority and Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Calvary Bible Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Pastoral Authority and Baptism
Subtitle: The Church
Speaker: Pastor Floyd F. Radebaugh
Broadcaster: Calvary Bible Baptist Church
Event: Midweek Service
Date: 5/8/2024
Length: 46 min.
What is the baptism of Moses? 1 Corinthians 10:1-4
A new MP3 sermon from Pilgrim Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: What is the baptism of Moses? 1 Corinthians 10:1-4
Subtitle: Sunday School Lessons
Speaker: Jimmy Fortunato
Broadcaster: Pilgrim Baptist Church
Event: Sunday School
Date: 5/5/2024
Bible: 1 Corinthians 10:1-4
Length: 39 min.
Buried with Christ in Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Bread of Life Fellowship is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Buried with Christ in Baptism
Subtitle: Baptism
Speaker: Damien Garofalo
Broadcaster: Bread of Life Fellowship
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 5/5/2024
Bible: Colossians 2:8-15
Length: 35 min.
The Olive Tree: A Picture of Baptism into Christ
A new MP3 sermon from Heritage Reformed Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: The Olive Tree: A Picture of Baptism into Christ
Subtitle: Romans
Speaker: Hank Rast
Broadcaster: Heritage Reformed Baptist Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 5/5/2024
Length: 39 min.
Improve Your Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Messiah's Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Improve Your Baptism
Speaker: Brian E. Coombs
Broadcaster: Messiah's Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 4/28/2024
Bible: Romans 6
Length: 44 min.
Blessings to the Congregation
A new MP3 sermon from Ketoctin Covenant Presbyterian Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Blessings to the Congregation
Subtitle: Covenantal Baptism
Speaker: Ryan Elliott
Broadcaster: Ketoctin Covenant Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday School
Date: 4/28/2024
Length: 41 min.
03 The Reminder of Purpose: BAPTISM
A new MP3 sermon from North Harford Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: 03 The Reminder of Purpose: BAPTISM
Subtitle: Our Purpose
Speaker: Matt Fortunato
Broadcaster: North Harford Baptist Church
Event: Sunday - AM
Date: 5/1/2024
Bible: Matthew 28:16-20
Length: 42 min.
The Vows of Reformed Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Immanuel Fellowship Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: The Vows of Reformed Baptism
Speaker: William Boekestein
Broadcaster: Immanuel Fellowship Church
Event: Sunday - AM
Date: 4/21/2024
Bible: Genesis 18:17-19
Length: 38 min.
Debate: Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation (Traever Guingrich vs. Church of Christ)
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Chapel Reformed Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Debate: Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation (Traever Guingrich vs. Church of Christ)
Subtitle: Debates (w/ Church of Christ)
Speaker: Traever Guingrich
Broadcaster: Grace Chapel Reformed Baptist Church
Event: Debate
Date: 4/18/2024
Bible: 1 Peter 3:21; Luke 23:39-43
Length: 164 min.
Gall Of Bitterness
A new MP3 sermon from Nebo Free Will Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Gall Of Bitterness
Speaker: Daryl Hensley
Broadcaster: Nebo Free Will Baptist Church
Event: Sunday Afternoon
Date: 4/21/2024
Bible: Matthew 3:7-8; Acts 8:19-24
Length: 40 min.
Tell The Good News About Jesus
A new MP3 sermon from Lee Creek Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Tell The Good News About Jesus
Speaker: Joseph Allen
Broadcaster: Lee Creek Baptist Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 4/28/2024
Bible: Acts 8:26-40
Length: 55 min.
Scriptural Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Scriptural Baptism
Speaker: Seth Bourn
Broadcaster: Grace Baptist Church
Event: Sunday - AM
Date: 4/28/2024
Bible: Acts 16:25-34
Length: 56 min.
Changed from the Inside Out
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Changed from the Inside Out
Subtitle: Romans
Speaker: Tim Richmond
Broadcaster: Grace Baptist Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 4/28/2024
Bible: Romans 2:25-29
Length: 36 min.
Christ Cutting Straight to the Heart
A new MP3 sermon from West Sayville Reformed Bible Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Christ Cutting Straight to the Heart
Speaker: Rev. Andrew Eenigenburg
Broadcaster: West Sayville Reformed Bible Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 4/28/2024
Bible: Acts 2:14-41
Length: 28 min.
The Watery Wedding Ring of Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from New Covenant Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: The Watery Wedding Ring of Baptism
Speaker: David De Bruyn
Broadcaster: New Covenant Baptist Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 4/28/2024
Bible: Colossians 2:11-12
Length: 30 min.
Baptism in Corinthians
A new MP3 sermon from Apologia Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Baptism in Corinthians
Speaker: Dr. James White
Broadcaster: Apologia Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 12/26/2021
Length: 63 min.
Session 5 - Ministries of the Church-Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Community Church of Bowling Green is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Session 5 - Ministries of the Church-Baptism
Subtitle: Theology - Ecclesiology (2016)
Speaker: Steve Wilson
Broadcaster: Grace Community Church of Bowling Green
Event: Teaching
Date: 3/6/2016
Length: 64 min.
General Laws Of Biblical Interpretation-Pt 2b
A new MP3 sermon from Central Baptist Church Of Orange Park is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: General Laws Of Biblical Interpretation-Pt 2b
Subtitle: Biblical Interpretation
Speaker: Jerry N. Thrower
Broadcaster: Central Baptist Church Of Orange Park
Event: Bible Study
Date: 3/21/2024
Bible: 1 Corinthians 15:29; Acts 2:38
Length: 24 min.
Church Authority, Pastoral Authority, Authority in Baptism - Part 3
A new MP3 sermon from Mt Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Church Authority, Pastoral Authority, Authority in Baptism - Part 3
Speaker: Elder Tom Ross
Broadcaster: Mt Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church
Event: Midweek Service
Date: 3/13/2024
Bible: Acts 20:17-28
Length: 21 min.
“Clean Feet: The Washings of Christ” (John 13:2–17)
A new MP3 sermon from Living Water Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: “Clean Feet: The Washings of Christ” (John 13:2–17)
Subtitle: John: Life in Christ's Name
Speaker: Shaun Marksbury
Broadcaster: Living Water Baptist Church
Event: Sunday - AM
Date: 3/17/2024
Bible: John 13:2-17
Length: 51 min.
Water Baptism: an Outward Expression of an Inward Reality
A new MP3 sermon from Shepherd's Fold Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Water Baptism: an Outward Expression of an Inward Reality
Speaker: Dr. Lance T. Ketchum
Broadcaster: Shepherd's Fold Baptist Church
Event: Sunday - PM
Date: 3/17/2024
Bible: Acts 1:1-8; Romans 6:3-4
Length: 30 min.
The Baptism Of Jesus
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: The Baptism Of Jesus
Speaker: Mitch Lush
Broadcaster: Grace Church
Event: Sunday - PM
Date: 3/17/2024
Bible: Matthew 3:1-12
Length: 25 min.
Why we need baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Chilliwack Canadian Reformed Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Why we need baptism
Speaker: Ben Schoof
Broadcaster: Chilliwack Canadian Reformed Church
Event: Sunday - PM
Date: 3/17/2024
Bible: 1 John 1; Matthew 28:16-20
Length: 28 min.
God's new covenant riches for our households
A new MP3 sermon from Free Reformed Church of St Thomas is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: God's new covenant riches for our households
Subtitle: Covenant and Baptism
Speaker: Pastor Eric Moerdyk
Broadcaster: Free Reformed Church of St Thomas
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 3/17/2024
Bible: Romans 6:1-11; Colossians 2:10
Length: 40 min.
Cathy Campbell's Baptism - Mar 10, 2024
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Cathy Campbell's Baptism - Mar 10, 2024
Speaker: Ryan Combs
Broadcaster: Grace Baptist Church
Event: Special Meeting
Date: 3/10/2024
Length: 1 min.
John 3: Jesus, the Divine Teacher
A new MP3 sermon from Christian Family Reformation is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: John 3: Jesus, the Divine Teacher
Subtitle: The Book of John
Speaker: Christian Horstmann
Broadcaster: Christian Family Reformation
Event: Podcast
Date: 3/13/2024
Bible: John 3
Length: 13 min.
Church Authority, Pastoral Authority, Authority in Baptism - Part 2
A new MP3 sermon from Mt Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Church Authority, Pastoral Authority, Authority in Baptism - Part 2
Speaker: Elder Tom Ross
Broadcaster: Mt Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church
Event: Midweek Service
Date: 3/6/2024
Bible: Matthew 28:18-20
Length: 24 min.
Life’s Circumstances Are No Hindrance to Faith
A new MP3 sermon from Christ Reformed Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Life’s Circumstances Are No Hindrance to Faith
Subtitle: 1 Corinthians
Speaker: Nathan White
Broadcaster: Christ Reformed Baptist Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 3/10/2024
Bible: 1 Corinthians 7:10-24
Length: 48 min.
Why We Baptize Babies
A new MP3 sermon from Denison RP Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Why We Baptize Babies
Subtitle: Baptism
Speaker: Caleb S Allen
Broadcaster: Denison RP Church
Event: Sunday - AM
Date: 3/10/2024
Bible: Genesis 17:1-14
Length: 38 min.
The Importance of Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Pastor Allen Fox is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: The Importance of Baptism
Speaker: Pastor Allen Fox
Broadcaster: Pastor Allen Fox
Event: Sunday - AM
Date: 3/11/2024
Bible: Romans 6:3-5
Length: 15 min.
He Must Increase
A new MP3 sermon from Grace City Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: He Must Increase
Subtitle: The Gospel of John
Speaker: Matt Hand
Broadcaster: Grace City Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 3/10/2024
Bible: John 3:22-36
Length: 40 min.
How are You Using Your Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Salt and Light Reformed Presbyterian Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: How are You Using Your Baptism
Speaker: H. P. McCracken
Broadcaster: Salt and Light Reformed Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 3/10/2024
Bible: Matthew 28:18-20; Romans 6:1-4
Length: 30 min.
Salvation for Families & Nations
A new MP3 sermon from Heritage Reformed Presbyterian Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Salvation for Families & Nations
Speaker: Thomas Booher
Broadcaster: Heritage Reformed Presbyterian Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 3/10/2024
Bible: Acts 2:39
Length: 101 min.
John 1: Jesus, the Son of God
A new MP3 sermon from Christian Family Reformation is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: John 1: Jesus, the Son of God
Subtitle: The Book of John
Speaker: Christian Horstmann
Broadcaster: Christian Family Reformation
Event: Podcast
Date: 3/11/2024
Bible: John 1
Length: 10 min.
The Believer's Confession
A new MP3 sermon from Providence Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: The Believer's Confession
Speaker: David Simpson
Broadcaster: Providence Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 3/3/2024
Bible: 1 Peter 1:18-25; 1 Corinthians 11:26
Length: 35 min.
Final Thoughts on Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Christ Bible Church Kingsport is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Final Thoughts on Baptism
Speaker: Damon Joseph
Broadcaster: Christ Bible Church Kingsport
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 1/5/2020
Length: 46 min.
The Significance of Christ's Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Christ Bible Church Kingsport is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: The Significance of Christ's Baptism
Speaker: Damon Joseph
Broadcaster: Christ Bible Church Kingsport
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 1/26/2020
Length: 71 min.
Scriptural Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Bethel Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Scriptural Baptism
Speaker: James Crace
Broadcaster: Bethel Baptist Church
Event: Sunday - AM
Date: 3/3/2024
Bible: Philippians 3:1
Length: 64 min.
Believer's Baptism, The Next Step Of Obedience After Salvation
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Missionary Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Believer's Baptism, The Next Step Of Obedience After Salvation
Speaker: Pastor Jeffrey Sapocinik
Broadcaster: Grace Missionary Baptist Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 7/23/2023
Length: 73 min.
One Church
A new MP3 sermon from Dutton United Reformed Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: One Church
Speaker: Rev. Talman Wagenmaker
Broadcaster: Dutton United Reformed Church
Event: Sunday - AM
Date: 3/3/2024
Bible: Ephesians 4:1-6; John 15:1-11
Length: 32 min.
Elected, Substituted, Redeemed
A new MP3 sermon from Hopewell Associate Reformed Presbyterian is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Elected, Substituted, Redeemed
Subtitle: Numbers
Speaker: James Hakim
Broadcaster: Hopewell Associate Reformed Presbyterian
Event: Sunday - PM
Date: 3/3/2024
Bible: Numbers 3
Length: 42 min.
Church Authority, Pastoral Authority, Authority in Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Mt Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Church Authority, Pastoral Authority, Authority in Baptism
Speaker: Elder Tom Ross
Broadcaster: Mt Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church
Event: Midweek Service
Date: 2/28/2024
Bible: Matthew 28:18-20
Length: 22 min.
The Sacrament of Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Heritage Reformed Congregation is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: The Sacrament of Baptism
Subtitle: Belgic Confession Sermons
Speaker: Pastor David Lipsy
Broadcaster: Heritage Reformed Congregation
Event: Sunday - PM
Date: 3/3/2024
Bible: Colossians 2:1-15
Length: 61 min.
Is pouring or sprinkling sufficient for Baptism?
A new MP3 sermon from Free Grace Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Is pouring or sprinkling sufficient for Baptism?
Subtitle: Ask FGBC Anything
Speaker: Jim Butler
Broadcaster: Free Grace Baptist Church
Event: Question & Answer
Date: 3/2/2024
Length: 3 min.
A new MP3 sermon from Providence Baptist Chapel is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Baptism
Subtitle: Baptism Service
Speaker: Pooyan Mehrshahi
Broadcaster: Providence Baptist Chapel
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 11/19/2023
Length: 28 min.
Christian Water-Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from New Road Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Christian Water-Baptism
Speaker: Paul Forrest
Broadcaster: New Road Church
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 9/21/2023
Bible: Acts 8:26-39
Length: 48 min.
Romans #25 - Baptism Saves
A new MP3 sermon from God's Point of View is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Romans #25 - Baptism Saves
Subtitle: Romans Explained
Speaker: D. Earl Cripe
Broadcaster: God's Point of View
Event: Radio Broadcast
Date: 8/2/2023
Bible: Romans 6:4-14
Length: 26 min.
Have You Been Fooled?
A new MP3 sermon from Gospel Light Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Have You Been Fooled?
Speaker: Pastor Brian Warren
Broadcaster: Gospel Light Baptist Church
Event: Midweek Service
Date: 2/16/2022
Bible: Galatians 2:16-21; Galatians 3:1-14
Length: 40 min.
Covenantal Baptism - Part 8
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Church (PCA) is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Covenantal Baptism - Part 8
Subtitle: The Value of the Sign
Speaker: Doug Agnew
Broadcaster: Grace Church (PCA)
Event: Sunday - PM
Date: 12/2/2007
Bible: Genesis 17:10-12; Genesis 17:22-27
Length: 32 min.
Covenantal Baptism - Part 7
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Church (PCA) is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Covenantal Baptism - Part 7
Subtitle: Conviction or Convenience
Speaker: Doug Agnew
Broadcaster: Grace Church (PCA)
Event: Sunday - PM
Date: 11/25/2007
Bible: Ezekiel 18
Length: 36 min.
Covenantal Baptism - Part 6
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Church (PCA) is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Covenantal Baptism - Part 6
Subtitle: Conviction or Convenience
Speaker: Doug Agnew
Broadcaster: Grace Church (PCA)
Event: Sunday - PM
Date: 11/11/2007
Bible: Mark 16:16
Length: 29 min.
Covenantal Baptism - Part 5
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Church (PCA) is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Covenantal Baptism - Part 5
Subtitle: Conviction or Convenience
Speaker: Doug Agnew
Broadcaster: Grace Church (PCA)
Event: Sunday - PM
Date: 11/4/2007
Bible: Acts 2:37-39
Length: 38 min.
Covenantal Baptism - Part 4
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Church (PCA) is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Covenantal Baptism - Part 4
Subtitle: Conviction or Convenience
Speaker: Doug Agnew
Broadcaster: Grace Church (PCA)
Event: Sunday - PM
Date: 10/21/2007
Bible: Genesis 17:1-14
Length: 37 min.
Covenantal Baptism - Part 3
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Church (PCA) is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Covenantal Baptism - Part 3
Subtitle: Conviction or Convenience
Speaker: Doug Agnew
Broadcaster: Grace Church (PCA)
Event: Sunday - PM
Date: 10/7/2007
Bible: Romans 6:1-6
Length: 24 min.
Covenantal Baptism - Part 2
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Church (PCA) is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Covenantal Baptism - Part 2
Subtitle: Conviction or Convenience
Speaker: Doug Agnew
Broadcaster: Grace Church (PCA)
Event: Sunday - PM
Date: 9/30/2007
Bible: Acts 9:17-18
Length: 37 min.
Covenantal Baptism - Part 1
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Church (PCA) is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Covenantal Baptism - Part 1
Subtitle: Conviction or Convenience
Speaker: Doug Agnew
Broadcaster: Grace Church (PCA)
Event: Sunday - PM
Date: 9/23/2007
Bible: Ezekiel 36:25-27
Length: 39 min.
Covenant Baptism
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Church (PCA) is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: Covenant Baptism
Speaker: Doug Agnew
Broadcaster: Grace Church (PCA)
Event: Sunday - AM
Date: 3/13/2011
Bible: Acts 16:11-15
Length: 36 min.
The Baptism of Christ
A new MP3 sermon from Grace Church (PCA) is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: The Baptism of Christ
Speaker: Doug Agnew
Broadcaster: Grace Church (PCA)
Event: Sunday - AM
Date: 10/24/2010
Bible: Luke 3:15-22
Length: 38 min.
What is True Assurance?
A new MP3 sermon from Berean Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: What is True Assurance?
Subtitle: True Discipleship
Speaker: Pastor Jerry Slate, Jr.
Broadcaster: Berean Baptist Church
Event: Midweek Service
Date: 3/27/2024
Bible: 2 Corinthians 13:5; 1 John 5:13
Length: min.
27 - Distinguishing the Seven Baptisms
A new MP3 sermon from Grace & Truth Bible GA is now available on SermonAudio with the following details:
Title: 27 - Distinguishing the Seven Baptisms
Subtitle: Biblical Distinctions [2023/4]
Speaker: Dale Pearson
Broadcaster: Grace & Truth Bible GA
Event: Sunday Service
Date: 3/24/2024
Bible: Matthew 3:4-12
Length: min.