Freepoint's Work It Out
Take this playlist with you as you hit the Freepoint gym, head out for a run through Fresh Pond or explore the city.
Pacing is everything
When Keith Giroux decided to run the Boston Marathon he had a number of logistical hurdles to overcome. For starters, he hadn’t run a qualifying race. In fact he’d never run any formal race ever. Then there was the issue of gear. He didn’t own a pair of running shoes or running shorts. And he only had ten days to solve all these problems. Also he was in jail.
Step toward understanding your footwear
Shoes. Everybody wears ’em, but what do we really know about them? This week, we discuss all different kinds of shoes and share some very important opinions about that famous footwear everybody’s talking about: shoes! Also, Tom has some words for people who don’t check their email, and we solve a problem from a lady who can’t convince her boyfriend to get the kind of dog she wants.
All you need is 60 seconds
Martin Gibala, Ph.D. (@gibalam) is a professor and chair of the kinesiology department at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. His research on the physiological and health benefits of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) has attracted immense scientific attention and worldwide media coverage. Martin has published more than a hundred peer-reviewed articles, is frequently invited to speak at international scientific meetings, and has received multiple awards for teaching excellence. He is
Getting ready to do it right
Today on the First 40 Miles, we’ll talk about setting reasonable expectations—and why it will make your trip even better! Then, our Top 5 List will give you some great ideas for how to say happy birthday on the trail—without the mess of confetti or balloons. Next on the SUMMIT Gear Review, an upgrade for your Nalgene water bottle that will save you the embarrassment of spilled water in your lap. For today’s Backpack Hack of the Week, learn the trick for getting closer to one more birthday.
This isn’t a holy space
John Muir rhapsodizing about Yosemite is one thing, but Outside contributing editor Ian Frazier has had it with people calling their favorite outdoor spots “cathedrals,” “shrines,” and “sacred spaces.” When he made his case in an issue of Outside, it struck a major nerve with readers. Here, Frazier explains his argument, reacts to reader letters, and reads the story that ignited a firestorm.
Drink it all in
The dynamic duo of Sarah and Dimity dive into a conversation about hydration with Vishal Patel, the in-house nutritionist at Nuun. Vishal shares how he and his team develop new flavors—and why Nuun won’t be introducing cayenne- or wasabi-flavored electrolyte tablets anytime soon. He talks about why replenishing electrolytes are important for race performance, and he posits an intriguing theory about seasonal changes in hydration needs as well as post-run headaches. Find out how to mitigate what
Woman on the run
Celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of Kathrine Switzer’s historic run where she pinned on a bib and ran the 1967 Boston Marathon, which was at the time a men’s-only run.