We're really not that different
This world does not need any more racism, sexism, homophobia, and hate. We need more diversity and inclusion, and this playlist will hopefully help you open your mind and realize we're all people and everyone contributes something positive. Audible Feast is a podcast review and recommendation site established in 2015 with over 70 podcast reviews to date. You can find its unique star rating system with eight well-rounded categories, an index of all reviews, a daily listening log, and more at audiblefeast.com, and a newsletter with bonus content at tinyletter.com/audiblefeast.
Fall in love
Gary Presley is a quadriplegic who falls in love. His story is read by Colin Farrell, who does a masterful job infusing all kinds of emotion into this story. Love is love, and everyone deserves to experience it.
Sending your kid to second grade, where no one knows her secret
How to Be a Girl, a show about a mother raising her trans daughter, is actually fantastic all around, but I liked this particular episode because I identified with Marlo Mack as a parent, being nervous for how your child will be treated at school.
When religious faith and sexual identity clash
Josh Tranen talks about leaving one type of bad, just expecting another type of bad to begin as he goes off to college, and then he ever so slowly and gently steps out of the closet. Truly an arrival into a new life, which is what this sometimes-abstract show is all about. I’m also always happy to hear from more GLBTQ voices.
Interview with America’s leading sex advice columnist
“I’ve heard Dan Savage both on his own show, where I think he is very eloquent and smart, and interviewed several times. This interview of Savage is the best I’ve ever heard – Black once again expertly flows between serious inquisition and sarcastic wit at just the right times. Imagine Savage discussing his sexual show content and then Black saying, “Ok, I’m just jotting down some notes. And sketches.” Snort. I love this interview.” is what The Audible Feast had to say about this epi
Adelaide Marcus is much more than one type of artist
This was my first listen to Alter Ego, and the show drew me into its web in one episode. Alter egos are intoxicating. In this episode, Adelaide discusses her three alter egos: Miss Giggles, Rapelaide, and Merlaidy.
Could Mary Lou Bruner influence the content in textbooks used across the nation?
Mary Lou Bruner, who made headlines with her wild accusations about President Obama is running for Texas State Board of Education. If elected, she’ll be responsible for guiding the nation’s second largest public school system. Could she influence the content in textbooks used across the nation?” I live in Texas so this is of particular interest to me. Host Trey Kay very respectfully handles Mary Lou Bruner, who actually lost her election bid after this episode of Us & Them was published in M
One woman’s mission to get more women and people of color in tech
Inflection Point is my “spirit podcast” that I identify with more than any other as a strong feminist and person trying to make a difference in the world by changing the status quo. I was raised to speak up, to make a difference, and to be myself, and that is what Inflection Point is all about. I think this is my all time favorite episode of this show, I just can’t say enough about what it means to have role models who truly try to make a difference for women in traditionally male fields. Thank
I *will* be an engineer!
The Story Collider features recordings from live shows where storytellers discuss something having to do with science. Dr. Amanda Stockton talks about being that awkward young lady wanting to pursue engineering.
What’s it really like to be on welfare?
The Uncertain Hour will help you understand what it is like to be on welfare, something so many of us are too privileged to understand and thus look down upon. The entire series (which is only 6 episodes) is phenomenal.
How Audra McDonald learned to embrace new challenges
Michael Ian Black is a phenomenal interviewer. This is my favorite part of the arc of his career and I admire his ability to balance humor and tenderness. Audra McDonald’s heartfelt, honest admission of perfectionist tendencies and insecurity was wrenching and relatable. I wanted to give her a virtual hug.
Why it’s hard (and important) to talk about white identity
What does “whiteness” mean and why is it considered “good?” This inaugural episode of Code Switch sets the tone for the rest of the episodes in 2016.
Mike Birbiglia: the truth about maleness and whiteness
Phoebe Robinson and MIke Birbiglia talk about the difference between improv and stand-up, and of course, Birbiglia’s new movie, “Don’t Think Twice.” But they also discuss what it is like to be a token white guy.