Claiming Zero

Claiming Zero

Daliyce and Vanessa

What happens when society tells you, you have nothing to claim but "zero"? You make a podcast for the Childfree & Fencesitter community. Vanessa is a case manager for men and women in prison with a schedule filled to the brim, and Daliyce is just trying to fill her schedule with anything but kids. Join us as we share our hilariously honest life experiences living childfree in a world full of mommy blogs.Music by the show and “buy us a coffee or two” - claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comInsta/FB - @claimingzero

Ep 199: A Look Back at 4 Years of Claiming Zero

Ep 199: A Look Back at 4 Years of Claiming Zero

Today we’re looking back at the past 4 years and over 200 episodes of Claiming Zero by breaking down the four episode types, including some follow ups to our most popular episodes!To continue following Daliyce after Claiming Zero, she’s on Instagram @DaliyceSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Mar 4, • 55:28

Ep 198: Meet Childfree Guest, Nia

Ep 198: Meet Childfree Guest, Nia

On today’s episode we have the joy of chatting with Day 1 listener, Nia! She’s a dance teacher so of course her and Daliyce had a great time nerding out about dance (apologies in advance 🙂). We even got a surprise visit from her husband!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Feb 25, • 53:50

Ep 197: HimStory: Jesus of Nazareth

Ep 197: HimStory: Jesus of Nazareth

On today’s episode, Vanessa takes us through the life of a man many people around the world, both religious and not, know (of). He’s been a humble carpenter, Jewish preacher, and religious leader but he’s never been a father!Title: Did Jesus Exist? Searching for Evidence Beyond the BibleSource: Biblical Archaeology ReviewLink: The Bible says Jesus was Real, what other proof exists

Feb 18, • 55:32

Ep 196: Reddit Reads: Can Incentives Convince People to Have Children?

Ep 196: Reddit Reads: Can Incentives Convince People to Have Children?

On today’s episode we’re heading into the future. Daliyce came across the subreddit r/Futurology where a user posted an article that discusses the offers of incentives around the world to try to raise fertility rates. As we find out, the incentives aren’t really working and are more proof the Childfree community cannot be bought!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Feb 11, • 43:21

Ep 195: Making Childfree Friends

Ep 195: Making Childfree Friends

One of the big reasons for this podcast is to foster community for people who are childfree and fencesitters. In today’s episode, we’re sharing our experiences in meeting childfree people in the real world and how to find people in your local communities! While we encourage you to go out and meet new friends, we remind you to be safe and trust yourself when meeting people from the internet. Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Feb 4, • 40:49

Ep 194: Meet Childfree Guest, Dr Nicole

Ep 194: Meet Childfree Guest, Dr Nicole

Today our guest is Dr Nicole McGraw! She lives in Michigan and is a Childfree Ob/Gyn who happily advocates for her childfree community. When she’s not supporting all the women who come to her practice, she’s finding calm and peace with yoga! We encourage you to reach out to Nicole @coleymcgrawSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Jan 28, • 37:57

Ep 193: HerStory: Maurine Dallas Watkins

Ep 193: HerStory: Maurine Dallas Watkins

Today Daliyce is sharing the life and mostly unknown legacy of Maurine Dallas Watkins. She had a passion for writing and spent 8 months writing for the Chicago Tribune that included covering some sensational murder trials. Little did she know this would inspire a play, a few movies, and a broadway musical! This is also a story of how you really can't control your legacy after you're gone.Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Jan 21, • 51:37

Ep 192: Reddit Reads: Fencesitter Regret

Ep 192: Reddit Reads: Fencesitter Regret

On today's episode, Vanessa is sharing a Reddit post from r/Fencesitters. The topic has us talking about the regret some fencesitters may face after spending so much time on the fence, sitting with their indecision and what happens/how you feel when you finally “decide”. Surprisingly, we're also discussing why being 70 isn't really that old!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Jan 14, • 41:56

Ep 191: Childfree Holidays

Ep 191: Childfree Holidays

Today's episode is all about how Daliyce and Vanessa have been spending their Childfree holidays this season. From gathering with likeminded friends to sharing Christmas morning with family, there's a lot of different ways to spend your holidays. Happy New Year 2025! Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Jan 7, • 47:57

Ep 190: Meet Childfree Couple, Jenna & Rob

Ep 190: Meet Childfree Couple, Jenna & Rob

Today we had the chance to chat with Vegas locals Jenna and Rob! They’ve been married for 8 years and are some of the most self aware and emotionally intelligent people we’ve ever met! They’re pet parents to 4 fur babies and love to spend their time attending concerts and traveling. Follow their real life rom-com journey @jheathmoreno and @therobbeo and check out Jenna’s podcast “Tearin Up My Heart”Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Dec 31, 2024 • 58:15

Ep 189: HerStory: Stevie Nicks

Ep 189: HerStory: Stevie Nicks

Today Vanessa shares another listener suggested Childfree HerStory story! Stevie Nicks, front woman of Fleetwood Mac, has led an incredible life and she continues to wow us with her music and legacy. We also want to wish a Happy Holidays to all!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Dec 24, 2024 • 54:05

Ep 188: Reddit Reads: Grieving Grandparenthood

Ep 188: Reddit Reads: Grieving Grandparenthood

Today Daliyce is reading comments from two different subreddits. r/boomersbeingfools and r/millenials both had posts related to the November New York Times article about the silent grief of parents who won’t become grandparents thanks to their Childfree children. Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Dec 17, 2024 • 38:01

Ep 187: Reasons to be Childfree: Time

Ep 187: Reasons to be Childfree: Time

Today we’re talking about all the extra time Childfree people have in their lives! Or maybe that's another misconception about us and we don’t actually have any time because we’ve filled it doing things that bring us joy or hobbies or volunteering. However you choose to spend your time in this world living as a Childfree person is up to you and we hope it’s glorious!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Dec 10, 2024 • 49:54

Ep 186: Meet Childfree Guest, Tamara

Ep 186: Meet Childfree Guest, Tamara

Today we got to chat with Tamara about her Childfree life as a Librarian, and it was way more exciting than you might think! She’s a vegan Alabama native who lives with her husband in California and she loves reading and running!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Dec 3, 2024 • 45:30

Ep 185: HerStory: Debbie Harry

Ep 185: HerStory: Debbie Harry

Today's Childfree HerStory comes from a listener suggestion! Daliyce is talking about the living music legend Debbie Harry, best known as the lead singer of Blondie. She's effortlessly cool and still rocking her iconic blonde hair and unique fashion. Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Nov 26, 2024 • 56:58

Ep 184: Reddit Reads: What Parents Want Childfree People to Know

Ep 184: Reddit Reads: What Parents Want Childfree People to Know

This week we're going behind enemy lines (jk) and getting feedback from the parents of toddlers. Vanessa is bringing us a post from r/toddlers where someone asked what parents want Childfree people to know and the parents came to play! While there's plenty of unkind comments, Vanessa is sharing some insightful ones and we're discussing how to build that bridge between us.Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Nov 19, 2024 • 47:45

Ep 183: Am I Childfree?

Ep 183: Am I Childfree?

Today we’re playing a game called “Am I Childfree?”. We give each other a scenario and decide whether or not that pretend person could call themselves childfree. Are we judging made up people? Maybe a little lol but we quickly realized there’s a lot of nuance in people lives and there simply isn’t a black and white way of answering that question.Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Nov 12, 2024 • 54:56

Ep 182: Meet Childfree Guest, Rachel

Ep 182: Meet Childfree Guest, Rachel

Today we’re talking with TikToker @RachelandRue about her journey through an accidental pregnancy to finally getting accepted for sterilization surgery. Now she’s a Childfree content creator sharing her story and helping others feel less alone.Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Nov 5, 2024 • 41:43

Ep 181: HerStory: Florence Nightingale

Ep 181: HerStory: Florence Nightingale

On today's episode Vanessa is bringing us back to our ladies of the 1800's! Florence Nightingale was a social reformer, statistician and founder of modern nursing. She refused to be married and instead studied to be a nurse who went on to train other nurses during the Crimean War. Her nursing style focused on personalized care and transformed quality health care as a whole. Her techniques can be found in her book, Notes On Nursing.Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claim

Oct 29, 2024 • 36:12

Ep 180: Reddit Reads: The Obligation of a Childfree Auntie

Ep 180: Reddit Reads: The Obligation of a Childfree Auntie

Today Daliyce is sharing two Reddit posts from r/childfree. They both discuss the expectations and obligations (or lack thereof) for Childfree aunts and uncles. What do we owe our siblings who decide to become parents and how do we navigate the relationship changes that come with them having kids?Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Oct 22, 2024 • 33:56

Ep 179: How the Declining Birth Rate Affects the Childfree Community

Ep 179: How the Declining Birth Rate Affects the Childfree Community

On today’s episode we’re bringing you news from around the world that includes proposed bills and potential laws that could directly affect the childfree community. From Russia to South Korea to the USA. Links below include the articles discussed, and while most are free resources, some may be behind a paywall.

Oct 15, 2024 • 59:37

Ep 178: Meet Childfree Guests, Zak & Jenna

Ep 178: Meet Childfree Guests, Zak & Jenna

Today, Vanessa got the opportunity to chat with Zak and Jenna about the very interesting and very factual childfree research they do! Jennifer Watling Neal, Ph.D.Professor, Psychology, Michigan State University  Co-Editor, Methodological Articles, Social DevelopmentFollow Jenna on IG @jennawneal Zachary Neal, PhDProfessor, Michigan State UniversityEditor, Evidence & PolicyEditor, Global Networkswww.zacharyneal.comNote: Todays episode is solely hosted by Vanessa, as Daliyce was still without powe

Oct 8, 2024 • 39:23

Ep 177: HimStory: Alan Rickman

Ep 177: HimStory: Alan Rickman

On today’s episode Daliyce is sharing the life and work of Alan Rickman. From Shakespeare and the theater to his breakout performance in Die Hard, Alan Rickman left us with a legacy of iconic film and television roles. Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Oct 1, 2024 • 38:30

Ep 176: Reddit Reads: Ask Men

Ep 176: Reddit Reads: Ask Men

This week Vanessa gave Daliyce a choice between two great Reddit topics and r/askmen was too tempting to pass up! What will the men of Reddit say about their choice to be childfree and how detailed will those answers be? Tune in to find out. Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Sep 24, 2024 • 46:42

Ep 175: Becoming an Aunt/Uncle 101

Ep 175: Becoming an Aunt/Uncle 101

Today we’re sharing some of our tips and advice on being a great auntie or uncle! Both of us have many nieces and nephews (aka niblings) spanning all ages so these are tested and proven tricks to bonding with all those kids we love! If you hate kids, this one isn’t for you.Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Sep 17, 2024 • 46:25

Ep 174: Meet Childfree Guest, Millissia

Ep 174: Meet Childfree Guest, Millissia

Today we’re chatting with one of our badass listeners, Mellissia. She’s a powerlifter, nurse, dog mom and of course childfree! Enjoy our wonderful conversation and follow her journey @mellissia_ruth7Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Sep 10, 2024 • 36:15

Ep 173: HimStory: The Wright Brothers

Ep 173: HimStory: The Wright Brothers

Today Vanessa is sharing the story of Orville & Wilbur, two brothers who were more dedicated to their pursuit of flight than they were of having children. They took ideas and concepts from other aviation inventors, and built and flew the world’s first successful airplane. Legacy without children is possible!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Sep 3, 2024 • 1:00:02

Ep 172: Reddit Reads: Do You Regret Having Kids? Millennial Edition

Ep 172: Reddit Reads: Do You Regret Having Kids? Millennial Edition

Today's episode topic comes from r/Millenials and gets down to the difference between regret and doubt. Parents commented honestly about their feelings about having kids and what they might go back and do differently. Childfree folks are providing insight into their well thought out reasons for not having kids and how they came to their decision.Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Aug 27, 2024 • 37:28

Ep 171: Childfree Summer 2024

Ep 171: Childfree Summer 2024

On today’s episode we’re going to Big Bear, the Paris Olympics, and Michigan. Daliyce and Vanessa are catching up on all the happenings of summer 2024. Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Aug 20, 2024 • 53:37

Ep 170: Meet Childfree Guest, Cheryl

Ep 170: Meet Childfree Guest, Cheryl

Cheryl is one of the amazing people we got to meet while on our Childfree Cruise in Feb 2024! She started as a teen who imagined herself having tons of kids, to being a Fencesitter, to being decidedly Childfree. Cheryl lives in Canada and works in an assisted living facility doing hair for the elderly tenants.Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Aug 13, 2024 • 54:03

Ep 169: HimStory: Bill W

Ep 169: HimStory: Bill W

Today’s episode is for Friends of Bill W.Alcoholics Anonymous was co-founded by Bill in the 1930’s as a program to help people abstain from drinking. Bill believed in the program so much that he dedicated his entire life to developing and supporting AA and remained sober for the entire second half of his life.Find support at AA.orgSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Aug 6, 2024 • 55:26

Ep 168: Reddit Reads: What If I Regret My Choice

Ep 168: Reddit Reads: What If I Regret My Choice

Today’s episode comes from r/fencesitters and tackles regret. Is it worth it to have a kid so you don’t have regret? What if you regret never having kids? There is never a way to know what your life would be like with both scenarios, so how do you come to a decision? We’re going to try to answer these existential questions today!Support the Show.Patreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Jul 30, 2024 • 46:57

Ep 167: Reasons to be Childfree: School Safety

Ep 167: Reasons to be Childfree: School Safety

TW: this episode will discuss school shootings, bullying and suicide.Today’s episode is not really a joyful topic but it’s something we both agree is necessary to discuss and educate ourselves on because while we aren’t having our own kids, these events likely impact people we love. Listen with care.Bath, MI school bombing book: Bath Massacre: America's First School Bombing by Arnie BernsteinCorrection: Columbine was the deadliest mass shooting in a K-12 school at that time. It has sadly been su

Jul 23, 2024 • 1:15:03

Ep 166: Meet Childfree Guest, Andrea

Ep 166: Meet Childfree Guest, Andrea

Our guest today is Andrea! She comes to us from our Childfree book club on Patreon and she loves reading. But our biggest fascination comes from the stories of the more than 300 kids her mom has fostered over decades. Follow her on IG @childfree_andhappySupport the Show.Patreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Jul 16, 2024 • 50:52

Ep 165: HerStory: Miley Cyrus

Ep 165: HerStory: Miley Cyrus

On today’s episode, Vanessa is giving us the Hoedown Throwdown low down on the life of the talented Miley Cyrus! From her start as Hannah Montana to her spicy past and fashionable present. Warning: Daliyce gets overly excited about one of her favorite artists and can’t control herself at times. Sorry. Support the Show.Patreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Jul 9, 2024 • 1:00:24

Ep 164: Reddit Reads: Communication Breakdown

Ep 164: Reddit Reads: Communication Breakdown

Today, Daliyce is sharing two different Reddit posts from two different subreddits that have the same theme: communication. We’re talking about a trend we’ve seen lately of relationships breaking down over people not having the emotional maturity to really communicate properly. Support the Show.Patreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Jul 2, 2024 • 47:41

Ep 163: What if I AM Afraid of Dying Alone?

Ep 163: What if I AM Afraid of Dying Alone?

We’ve all heard the Bingo: “you’re going to die alone”. And we all have different responses to that comment. But what if deep down we are a little concerned about dying alone? Today we get deep and unpack these thoughts!Support the Show.Patreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Jun 25, 2024 • 54:30

Ep 162: Meet Childfree Guest, Dilly

Ep 162: Meet Childfree Guest, Dilly

Today's Childfree guest, Dilly, was suggested by you our listeners! Dilly is a flight attendant with a husband and 4 cute fur babies. You can follow her @childfreeblessingsSupport the Show.Patreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Jun 18, 2024 • 41:06

Ep 161: HerStory: Sarah Paulson

Ep 161: HerStory: Sarah Paulson

Once in a while, an actor comes across our screen and we can’t quite remember their name. But with good reason! They play such iconic and memorable characters that consume their identity, we forget they’re just acting. That is the incomparable Sarah Paulson!Support the Show.Patreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Jun 11, 2024 • 49:57

Ep 160: Reddit Reads: Pet Grandparents

Ep 160: Reddit Reads: Pet Grandparents

On today’s episode, Vanessa brings a fun topic about pets and grandparents. For some childfree people, having a pet is as far into parenthood they’ll go. But what about their parents? Do your parents appreciate your fur babies as much as you do?Support the Show.Patreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Jun 4, 2024 • 34:58

Ep 159: I’m Childfree, but I’m Also…

Ep 159: I’m Childfree, but I’m Also…

As childfree people, we know there’s so much more about each other than not wanting kids, so today we’re getting personal and sharing some of those things. It’s Q&A time! Share your responses with us, we’d love to know more about our listeners!HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY VANESSA!Support the Show.Patreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

May 28, 2024 • 45:34

Ep 158: Meet Childfree Guest, Lisbeth

Ep 158: Meet Childfree Guest, Lisbeth

This week’s guest is Lisbeth, a chronic illness warrior and caring advocate. Our conversation led to some beautiful discussions about living your authentic life and not being afraid to stand up for what you believe. Follow her journey @earl.grey.girlieSupport the Show.Patreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

May 21, 2024 • 36:44

Ep 157: HerStory: Alyssa Carson

Ep 157: HerStory: Alyssa Carson

Today is one of those episodes about a Childfree person most of us have never heard of. But Vanessa delivered today with the life (so far) of a young woman willing to give it all up to join the mission to Mars! Follow her journey @nasablueberry Support the Show.Patreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

May 14, 2024 • 51:56

Ep 156: Reddit Reads: Adulting for Men

Ep 156: Reddit Reads: Adulting for Men

Today's episode topic comes from a subreddit we haven't ventured into yet but it brought the goods! Daliyce found a post from r/Adulting where a young man is asking for advice on what to do about the life timeline he's created for himself. Support the Show.Patreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

May 7, 2024 • 36:35

Ep 155: The Cost of Being Childless

Ep 155: The Cost of Being Childless

This week we decided it was time to honor and spotlight our Childless and Childfree not by Choice friends! While neither of us knowingly experience infertility, we wanted to educate ourselves about the experiences of those in our community who do. Remember folks, we're not doctors or scientists so we did our best to provide insight into IVF and Adoption as best the internet would allow haha Support the Show.Patreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claim

Apr 30, 2024 • 1:22:38

Bonus Episode Preview: Childfree Financial Planning with Dr. Jay

Bonus Episode Preview: Childfree Financial Planning with Dr. Jay

Enjoy this sneak peak from our sit down with Dr. Jay Zigmont, founder of Childfree Wealth and author of Portraits of Childfree Wealth and The Childfree Guide to Life and Money (out Dec '24).  Dr. Jay shares some of his best tips for getting out of debt, how to talk to your parents about money and financial boundaries as they age, and he even weighs in on whether you should rent or buy a home as a person or couple without kids! You can hear this episode in full and other expert interviews by beco

Apr 26, 2024 • 7:09

Ep 154: Meet Childfree Guest, Paulette

Ep 154: Meet Childfree Guest, Paulette

For our first guest of the season we’re chatting with Paulette! She’s the childfree Latina hosting La Vida Más Chèvre and breaking down cultural brainwashing. Paulette would love to connect with you so hit her up @pauletteeratoSupport the Show.Patreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Apr 23, 2024 • 33:54

Ep 153: HerStory: Iris Apfel

Ep 153: HerStory: Iris Apfel

After a failed attempt to get the incomparable Iris Apfel to join the pod while she was still with us, Daliyce has decided she’s the perfect Childfree icon to start out Season 4 HerStory with!Happy Birthday Daliyce!Support the Show.Patreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Apr 16, 2024 • 42:43

Ep 152: Reddit Reads: Pretending to Have Kids for Perks

Ep 152: Reddit Reads: Pretending to Have Kids for Perks

On today’s episode Vanessa shares a post from r/childfree about whether it’s a good idea to lie to your colleagues about having a kid to benefit from “parent perks”. Could you manage to keep the lie going?Support the Show.Patreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Apr 9, 2024 • 31:18



Support the showPatreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Apr 2, 2024 • 2:23

Ep 151: Is Vanessa Still a Fencesitter?

Ep 151: Is Vanessa Still a Fencesitter?

Welcome to Season 4! We’re starting with a big honest update and Vanessa is getting candid about how she feels about being a fencesitter and how she’s gotten to this point. Support the showPatreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Apr 2, 2024 • 47:59

Ep 150: Childfree Cruise Adventures

Ep 150: Childfree Cruise Adventures

Today we’re celebrating our Season 3 Finale and Episode 150! We’ve just returned from our Childfree Cruise with the adults only cruise line Virgin Voyages! We had an incredible time and we hope you’ll join us for the next one!Support the showPatreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Feb 20, 2024 • 1:10:53

A Look Forward to Season 4

A Look Forward to Season 4

We have some great things coming up for you, our podcast friends, and we’re spilling the beans early! Today’s episode is a quick breakdown of some of the things you can expect for Season 4, which  begins April 2!Support the showPatreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Feb 6, 2024 • 15:20

Ep 149: Reddit Reads: Kids, No Kids, or Divorce?

Ep 149: Reddit Reads: Kids, No Kids, or Divorce?

The final Reddit episode of Season 3 is a cautionary tale of what happens when you don’t communicate properly in your relationship. Whether or not you want to have a kid can change and if you aren’t honest with your partner, it can also change your relationship. Support the showPatreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Jan 30, 2024 • 31:07

Ep 148: Meet Childfree Guest, Bekah, Again!

Ep 148: Meet Childfree Guest, Bekah, Again!

Back before we had an Instagram or an email, in Episode 4, we had our very first guest! So we thought for our final Season 3 guest, we'd check back in with Bekah; so many things have changed!Support the showPatreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Jan 23, 2024 • 37:11

Ep 147: HimStory: Jay Leno

Ep 147: HimStory: Jay Leno

For over 2 decades Jay Leno hosted The Tonight Show, which he took over from Johnny Carson. He and his wife, Mavis, are childfree by choice and are known to donate to important charities for women’s rights. With the money not donated, Jay is often adding to his collection of over 300 vehicles!Support the showPatreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Jan 16, 2024 • 35:08

Ep 146: Reddit Reads - Are All Dads Trying to Escape?

Ep 146: Reddit Reads - Are All Dads Trying to Escape?

One of our best episodes, if we do say so ourselves! This episode is all thanks to Laura for suggesting a great Reddit from r/AITA about a dad and his new Childfree girlfriend. Support the showPatreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Jan 9, 2024 • 31:53

Ep 145: Childfree Holidays, Part 2

Ep 145: Childfree Holidays, Part 2

Happy New Year and Cheers to 2024! We hope you all had a wonderful holiday and managed to do exactly what you wanted, no matter how big or small. Sending lots of love and reminding you all how much we  appreciate our listeners!Support the showPatreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Jan 2, 2024 • 30:04

Ep 144: Meet Childfree Guest, Taren

Ep 144: Meet Childfree Guest, Taren

Today we’re chatting with Taren! She was born and raised by her grandparents on the island of Kauai. By creating boundaries and keeping some people in her life at a distance, she’s been able to live her childfree life just how she wants and is thriving in San Francisco! Just what we like to hear about our friends ;)Support the showPatreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Dec 26, 2023 • 31:52

Ep 143: Himstory: The Man, The Myth, The Legend

Ep 143: Himstory: The Man, The Myth, The Legend

Who could it be this week? You’ll just have to listen as Vanessa shares the story of a very famous man who we all know…Happy Holidays To All!Support the showPatreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Dec 19, 2023 • 38:23

Ep 142: Reddit Reads: What If…

Ep 142: Reddit Reads: What If…

This week Daliyce has a Reddit post asking, what if? What if one day you walked into the doctor’s office feeling a little gassy and all of a sudden you’re giving birth?! Some people know exactly what they’d do and others aren’t so sure. Have you ever seriously thought about this scenario of having a cryptic pregnancy?!Support the showPatreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Dec 12, 2023 • 35:13

Ep 141: How to Talk About Being Childfree, Part 2

Ep 141: How to Talk About Being Childfree, Part 2

Last season on episode 80, we discussed ways to talk about your choice to be childfree. It was a popular episode and we’re always coming up with new ways to have a conversation about your lifestyle choice so we went for round two!Support the showPatreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Dec 5, 2023 • 33:43

Ep 140: Meet Childfree Couple, Mayra & Carlos

Ep 140: Meet Childfree Couple, Mayra & Carlos

Today we are chatting with childfree by choice couple Mayra and Carlos! Even though both of them grew up under the expectation and pressure to have kids they were lucky enough to find love and support in one another.  Now they spend their days making music, napping, and loving their fur babies!  Support the showPatreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Nov 28, 2023 • 36:26

Ep 139: HerStory: Matthew Perry & Diana Nyad

Ep 139: HerStory: Matthew Perry & Diana Nyad

We’re back this week with a 2 for 1 like the old days! First Daliyce has decided that if you want children but pass way before being able to have any, you’re childless. Then, Vanessa gives us some motivation to never give up on a dream, no matter your age!Support the showPatreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Nov 21, 2023 • 50:32

Ep 138: Reddit Reads: Childfree Airbnb

Ep 138: Reddit Reads: Childfree Airbnb

This week Vanessa has a Facebook post about people hosting guests via Airbnb and what sort of limitations they have. Home sharing has its up and downs but if you’re choosing to be a host, can you decide not to allow children? What are your thoughts?Support the showPatreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Nov 14, 2023 • 29:59

Ep 137: Childfree and the Media

Ep 137: Childfree and the Media

Todays discussion is an extension of the Childfree Convention panel: Childfree in the media. Lucky for us, Vanessa has a broadcast journalism degree and works at a local news station! She’s bringing so much knowledge and insight we hope you can learn from. Support the showPatreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Nov 7, 2023 • 58:27

Ep 136: Meet Childfree Guest, Johanna

Ep 136: Meet Childfree Guest, Johanna

We were so grateful to have this chat with today’s guest. Johanna shares her story of getting approval for sterilization at a young age and navigating the medical field on her journey to becoming a Doctor. If you have any questions for her send them to us at the showPatreon: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB: @claimingzero

Oct 31, 2023 • 29:17

Ep 135: HerStory: Daliyce

Ep 135: HerStory: Daliyce

Vanessa is taking some personal time this week so at the last minute, Daliyce decided to make this one all about her! Haha, in a good way! This is a cliffs notes version of the 38 year herstory of Daliyce!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Oct 24, 2023 • 24:12

Ep 134: Reddit Reads - Magnets Are Dangerous

Ep 134: Reddit Reads - Magnets Are Dangerous

This week Daliyce shares a Reddit post from r/AITA It has babies, magnets, an emergency room trip, and questionable friendship. Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Oct 17, 2023 • 34:00

Ep 133: Childfree Travel

Ep 133: Childfree Travel

This week we're talking about traveling while Childfree. From finding Childfree spaces, to paying more on airlines, and we're getting really honest about how we feel about parents traveling with kids. There's still room to join us on our Childfree Cruise, so visit @cf.travelconnect and chat with Katie about all the details!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Oct 10, 2023 • 34:08

Ep 132: Meet Childfree Guest, Lana

Ep 132: Meet Childfree Guest, Lana

Today we’re chatting with Lana, who started a community and growth experience that focuses on how to love your life when you’re childless not by choice. She’s such a bright light and advocate for others like her and even hosts an “Others Day Brunch” in May in Chicago! Follow her @lana.manikowskiSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Oct 3, 2023 • 32:47

Ep 131: HerStory: Marie Tharp

Ep 131: HerStory: Marie Tharp

This week Daliyce is sharing the Childfree life of a woman you probably haven’t hear of, but as a middle schooler, you probably learned about her work! Marie Tharp is the woman who mapped the ocean floor.FYI we’re back on Instagram with a new handle! Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Sep 26, 2023 • 33:49

Ep 130: Reddit Reads: Facebook Edition

Ep 130: Reddit Reads: Facebook Edition

Vanessa has returned from her international travels and with her she brought 2 posts from Facebook! Both come from the DINK / SINK group but each one had us feeling very differently.Reminder: Our Instagram was hacked. Do not engage w/ itSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Sep 19, 2023 • 33:18

Alert! Instagram Hacked - That Was Rude

Alert! Instagram Hacked - That Was Rude

ClaimingZero Instagram account has been hacked and we want to ensure you do not fall victim as well. Do not engage with our Instagram account @claimingzeroSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Sep 14, 2023 • 5:44

Ep 129: Childfree in the Workplace, Part 2

Ep 129: Childfree in the Workplace, Part 2

We know being childfree in this world often comes with a stigma, but in the workplace, it can be almost worse. This topic is always evolving, so we’re revisiting the conversation we started with Episode 5 and sharing all the changes we’ve had at work since then!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Sep 12, 2023 • 34:29

Ep 128: Meet Childfree Guest, Chase

Ep 128: Meet Childfree Guest, Chase

Chase is no stranger to the Claiming Zero Family; he works alongside Vanessa at the news station and is decidedly childfree. Today he’s sharing his story and providing some great advice for the single folks out there trying to date! Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Sep 5, 2023 • 30:56

Ep 127: HimStory: Leonardo da Vinci

Ep 127: HimStory: Leonardo da Vinci

We're going back in history a few hundred years to hear about the incredible life of Leonardo DaVinci. Many of us know him as an artist, but he accomplished so much more than that. He might be a time traveling alien, but he is not a turtle who knows ninja!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Aug 29, 2023 • 46:01

Ep 126: Reddit Reads - Leading Words

Ep 126: Reddit Reads - Leading Words

Todays episode comes from r/AITA and has Daliyce and Vanessa a little at odds. This one has everything: a childless widow, a possible golden child, a Ukrainian refugee, and a spare house. Intrigued? Listen now and let us know what you think!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Aug 22, 2023 • 35:33

Ep 125: Reasons to be Childfree: Genetics

Ep 125: Reasons to be Childfree: Genetics

Continuing with our series on reasons to be Childfree, today we’re discussing genetics. While neither of us are doctors or well educated scientists, we did our best to research what role genetics plays in our own lives and how it affects potential offspring. Did we get something wildly wrong? We’re happy to hear your respectful feedback explaining the facts.Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Aug 15, 2023 • 47:40

Ep 124: Meet Childfree Guest, Dr Angela Harris

Ep 124: Meet Childfree Guest, Dr Angela Harris

Today we have a long awaited guest who has been on our wish list for months! Dr Angela L Harris joins us from North Carolina, where she’s busy curating a space to celebrate and empower Black Women who are Childfree with her platform @nobibsburpsbottles We had so much fun sharing and enjoying our commonalities while appreciating our different experiences and we hope you do, too!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Aug 8, 2023 • 35:40

Ep 123: HerStory: Oprah

Ep 123: HerStory: Oprah

She’s a woman known by only one name, but are we mispronouncing it? Is she really Childfree? Daliyce is answering these questions and sharing so much more about the life of Oprah Winfrey!Happy International Childfree Day!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Aug 1, 2023 • 51:15

Ep 122: Reddit Reads - Dogs vs Kids

Ep 122: Reddit Reads - Dogs vs Kids

Today Vanessa reads from r/fencesitters that was posted by someone seriously reconsidering the idea of having children after adopting a new puppy! This is a topic often discussed by both parents and the childfree. Is having a pet similar to having kids or are we comparing apples to crocodiles?Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Jul 25, 2023 • 32:38

Ep 121: Childfree Representation in TV & Movies

Ep 121: Childfree Representation in TV & Movies

Today we have Part 2 of a great topic  from Season 1 Ep 29; Daliyce and Vanessa are discussing current TV and Movies and how they represent the childfree community. Potential spoilers ahead!FYI: this was recorded prior to Hulu’s HIMYF season finale, where the fates of Val & Charlie are revealed.Link to ABC article Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Jul 18, 2023 • 34:15

Ep 120: Meet Childfree Couple, Angela & Jack

Ep 120: Meet Childfree Couple, Angela & Jack

This week we’re chatting with a childfree couple! Angela knew she’d be better off without children after spending time caregiving for parents and then devoting time to parent herself and her inner child. Jack is a scientist involved with climate change and sees academia as a profession that just doesn’t fit well with being a parent. Their biggest advice to other couples? Keep checking in with each other and confirm you’re still on the same childfree page!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcas

Jul 11, 2023 • 26:27

Ep 119: HerStory: Jessi Combs

Ep 119: HerStory: Jessi Combs

This week Vanessa tells the story of the fastest woman on 4 wheels, Jessi Combs! When we say being Childfree means more time for hobbies, we mean keeping house plants alive, but this woman decided her “hobby” would set her on the path to break the women’s land speed record! What have you done today?!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Jul 4, 2023 • 33:17

Ep 118: Reddit Reads w/ Basic and Boujie

Ep 118: Reddit Reads w/ Basic and Boujie

It’s our first crossover episode and we’re teaming up with the Basic and Boujie Podcast! All four of us are sharing our thoughts on a Reddit post brought to the group by Daliyce and r/childfree. Follow Basic and Boujie on YouTube & IG @basicandboujiepodcastSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Jun 27, 2023 • 29:59

Ep 117: Reasons to be Childfree: Aging Gracefully

Ep 117: Reasons to be Childfree: Aging Gracefully

This week we’ve found yet another reason to live Childfree. If we’re lucky enough, we’ll grow old and experience many of life’s adventures in our Golden Years. Without children, we think that experience gets a lot better. But, that’s just our opinion ;)Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Jun 20, 2023 • 36:35

Ep 116: Meet Childfree Guest, Dane

Ep 116: Meet Childfree Guest, Dane

Today Dane joins the pod and shares his deep passion and joy for the childfree community! He’s so excited about it, he even wrote a book! Check him and his book out @forgethavingkidsimhavingfunSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Jun 13, 2023 • 26:57

Ep 115: HerStory: Martha Graham

Ep 115: HerStory: Martha Graham

Todays episode involves two big passions for Daliyce: living Childfree and Dance. She shares the life and legacy of Martha Graham, the mother of Modern dance and a true icon in the dance world. Do you have a passion that’s purposefully enveloped your life thanks to living without kids? Share it with us!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Jun 6, 2023 • 31:04

Ep 114: Reddit Reads - Babysitting Expectations

Ep 114: Reddit Reads - Babysitting Expectations

The Reddit topic today comes from r/AITA and it’s not even specific to being Childfree. Do you feel like you’re expected to babysit on a whim because you have “so much time”? Have you ever been left out of your family plans simply because you’re “other”? It’s another discussion about being the outcast and fighting back for yourself. Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

May 30, 2023 • 32:56

Ep 113: Ways to Avoid Having Kids

Ep 113: Ways to Avoid Having Kids

You know you don’t want kids, but how do you make sure it doesn’t happen? Today Vanessa & Daliyce are talking birth control and abortion. Then we’re joined by Haley, who recently underwent sterilization surgery. Everyone has their own way of deciding how not to have kids, so let’s remember to respect those choices. Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

May 23, 2023 • 44:01

Ep 112: Meet Childfree Guest, Nancy

Ep 112: Meet Childfree Guest, Nancy

Today we have Nancy from Austin, who shares her childfree journey with us. She loves her partner and their 3 dogs, baking, and the freedom to visit wineries and breweries anytime! Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

May 16, 2023 • 33:37

Ep 111: HimStory: Pedro Pascal

Ep 111: HimStory: Pedro Pascal

On today’s episode, Vanessa shares the story of the hilarious and mucho talented, Pedro Pascal! Some of his recent roles have him playing fatherly figures, but does that make him a good candidate for becoming a father or is he just a good actor? And, is he really even childfree? Tell us what you think!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

May 9, 2023 • 33:32

Ep 110: Reddit Reads - Is “Childfree” a Spectrum?

Ep 110: Reddit Reads - Is “Childfree” a Spectrum?

Here comes the controversy! Daliyce found a Reddit that immediately stuck out as something that would ruffle some feathers. Is there a concrete definition of what it means to be Childfree, or is it a broader umbrella with grey areas? Tell us your thoughts (in a kind way plz!)Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

May 2, 2023 • 34:42

Ep 109: Childfree News Around the World

Ep 109: Childfree News Around the World

Today's episode is a reminder that there are childfree people all around the world! However, depending on what country you live in, your ability to remain childfree and continue to have a choice varies. To read more about the articles discussed in this episode, see links below.

Apr 25, 2023 • 30:57

Mini Episode - LIB Reunion Recap!

Mini Episode - LIB Reunion Recap!

Surprise! No, this hasn’t turned  into a reality show recap podcast. We just found out we’re both obsessed with Love is Blind and after a reunion like that, we had to share our two cents! Let us know how you’re feeling Email - claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comIG/FB - @claimingzeroSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Apr 20, 2023 • 29:25

Ep 108: Meet Childfree Guest, Kendra

Ep 108: Meet Childfree Guest, Kendra

When you think of the nomadic lifestyle, RV’s and the open road are synonymous. This week Kendra shares her incredible journey (thus far) with us and brings an entirely new childfree perspective to the pod. TW: discussion of suicideGet in touch with Kendra @kendracontinuesSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Apr 18, 2023 • 33:36

Ep 107: HerStory: Coco Chanel

Ep 107: HerStory: Coco Chanel

Coco Chanel was a milliner, business entrepreneur, couturier, mistress to many, and an anti-semite. You read that right! This weeks episode gets into all the juicy details of the Childfree life of Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel.Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Apr 11, 2023 • 32:09

Ep 106: Reddit Reads - Being an Aunt is Hard

Ep 106: Reddit Reads - Being an Aunt is Hard

This week Vanessa has a Reddit post that discusses what it’s like being an Auntie, when you just don’t feel the vibes with your niblings… aka your siblings kids/nieces/nephews! Email - claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comInsta/FB - @claimingzeroSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Apr 4, 2023 • 29:01

Ep 105: Why Did Your Parents Have You?

Ep 105: Why Did Your Parents Have You?

Obviously none of the Childfree people come from Childfree parents. But, what was their reasoning for having each of us? We asked our parents, and the answers are really eye opening and have us looking at our parents in an entirely different way!So, tell us, why did your parents have you?Email: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFacebook & Instagram: @claimingzeroWant info on the Childfree Cruise? Connect with Katie @cf.travelconnectSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Mar 28, 2023 • 33:59

Ep 104: Meet Childfree Guest, Mike

Ep 104: Meet Childfree Guest, Mike

Our first guest of Season 3  is Mike from Chicago! He's a fence sitter who has graciously offered to share his story up until now. His journey will simultaneously brings tears of grief and tears of joy. Thank you Mike for being so candidSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Mar 21, 2023 • 36:02

Ep 103:  HerStory: Megan Rapinoe

Ep 103: HerStory: Megan Rapinoe

In our first Herstory episode of the season, we open with a woman who Vanessa promised one day to talk about, and today she delivered! Megan Rapinoe isn't just engaged to Sue Bird, she's also a pretty badass soccer player and social justice advocate. Enjoy this week's episode and don't forget to follow/rate/review/subscribe wherever you're listening.Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Mar 14, 2023 • 28:29

Ep 102: Reddit Reads - No Kids Menu

Ep 102: Reddit Reads - No Kids Menu

Our first Reddit episode of the season is a good one! A NJ restaurant has decided not to serve children under 10 and the movement of more adult only spaces has begun! Be sure to show some love to Nettie’s House of Spaghetti and your two favorite podcasters with a coffee below ;)Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Mar 7, 2023 • 28:43

Ep 101: Reasons to be Childfree - Divorce

Ep 101: Reasons to be Childfree - Divorce

Welcome to Season 3! To start things off, we're going back to another reason to remain Childfree by Choice. But is this one really true? Only the research can tell us. Listen in and share your opinions on the topic with a DM @claimingzero or an email claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comAs always, don't forget to follow/rate/review and if you're feeling generous, support the pod belowSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Feb 28, 2023 • 30:50



We did it! We made it to 100! February 2, 2021, we posted the very first podcast episode. It was meant as a hobby & a way to stay in touch while living 1000’s of miles apart. We’ve built a community who we want to thank for being a part of the podcast and our lives!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Jan 24, 2023 • 40:56

Claiming Zero Request Hotline

Claiming Zero Request Hotline

During our live recording of our 100th episode in Las Vegas, we want to answer some of your burning questions! Send us any questions you have from things related to being childfree to favorite pizza to deep burning personal questions! Post them to our Instagram or email us at claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Jan 17, 2023 • 9:03

Ep 99: Meet Childfree Guest, Devin

Ep 99: Meet Childfree Guest, Devin

Devin! We know him! After 2 years and 99 episodes, the infamous Devin is here! Vanessa’s partner and the mastermind behind the naming of Claiming Zero is chatting with us for our penultimate Season 2 episode.Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Jan 10, 2023 • 37:47

Ep 98: HerStory: Sandra Oh

Ep 98: HerStory: Sandra Oh

On today’s episode, Daliyce is sharing the life story (so far) of Sandra Oh! She’s had the acting bug since she was 10 years old and hasn’t stopped since! From film to TV to real life, Sandra Oh is a Childfree icon  we absolutely adore!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Jan 3, 2023 • 27:44

Ep 97: Reddit Reads - When Tragedy Strikes

Ep 97: Reddit Reads - When Tragedy Strikes

This week Vanessa found a Reddit post that she really connected with. Listen as she shares a personal story of a recent experience she and her family went through. Some life experiences make us thankful to be childfree and if you ever need a shoulder to lean on, we’re here!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Dec 27, 2022 • 28:15

Ep 96: Childfree Holidays

Ep 96: Childfree Holidays

Happy holidays to all of our listeners! We’re in the thick of it and ‘tis the season for plenty of fun (and not always fun) festivities with friends and family. Today the girls are chatting about being childfree during the holiday season. Tell us about the good and bad happening in your life claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Dec 20, 2022 • 32:44

Ep 95: Meet Childfree Guest, Kelsey

Ep 95: Meet Childfree Guest, Kelsey

This week we’re talking to Kelsey aka @DiaryoftheChildfree and we realized something many of us have in common. At first glance, we all thought we were alone in our childfree journey, but once we started creating our own content, we saw just how many of us are out there! You are not alone. We’re here! Never be afraid to reach out claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Dec 13, 2022 • 30:19

Ep 94: HerStory: Sue Bird

Ep 94: HerStory: Sue Bird

This week Vanessa is taking her shot (pun intended) at sharing the story of an incredible athlete. WNBA rockstar Sue Bird is maybe more of a fence sitter, but when your fiancé is Megan Rapinoe and your lives as professional athletes are always busy, kids are something that often take the back burner. Send us your Herstory suggestions with a DM @claimingzero and buy us a coffee at the link belowSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Dec 6, 2022 • 37:48

Ep 93: Reddit Reads - To Aunt or Not To Aunt

Ep 93: Reddit Reads - To Aunt or Not To Aunt

This week Daliyce reads a Reddit post from r/AmItheAsshole and it’s a doozy! It has moms, newborns, selfish comments, childfree outcasts, and more! Tell us your thoughts on the post @claimingzero and don’t forget to register for our Childfree Weekend in Las Vegas! Buy us a "coffee" at the link belowSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Nov 29, 2022 • 27:37

Ep 92: Childfree News

Ep 92: Childfree News

This week Daliyce and Vanessa break down some various news articles and topics circling the world of the Childfree community. If you've seen or read something positive, be sure to send it on over and don’t forget to send some love by buying us a coffee at the link belowSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Nov 22, 2022 • 30:11

Ep 91: Meet Childfree Guest, Jordan

Ep 91: Meet Childfree Guest, Jordan

This week Daliyce is flying solo but she's got a great cohost in Jordan, who runs the Childless & Childfree Instagram Violet_Unexplained. This week Jordan is sharing her story; a journey that began with being Childless due to Infertility to making a decision to be Childfree. Feel free to reach out and share your story claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Nov 15, 2022 • 30:23

Ep 90: HerStory: Sarah Grimke & Captain Kate McCue

Ep 90: HerStory: Sarah Grimke & Captain Kate McCue

This week Daliyce and Vanessa are each going to share a Childfree story of 2 incredible women. Daliyce will share the life story of Sarah Grimke, whose birthday is a mere 16 years after the birth of the United States of America. Vanessa went for a listener request, and shares the journey of Captain Kate McCue and how she became a cruise ship captain! If you know of a Childfree person whose story should be shared with the world, send us a DM @claimingzero or email us

Nov 8, 2022 • 1:01:17

Ep 89: Reddit Reads - Halloween as a Childfree Person

Ep 89: Reddit Reads - Halloween as a Childfree Person

This week Vanessa shares two Reddit posts from r/childfree about Halloween. Discussion includes who gets to celebrate, the expectation of decorations and giving out candy, and the reason why Vanessa didn’t celebrate as a kid. Share your favorite Halloween costume photos with us claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Nov 1, 2022 • 31:35

Ep 88: Dedicated to the Fencesitters

Ep 88: Dedicated to the Fencesitters

This week it’s time to show up for the fencesitters and get a better understanding of what it’s like to be unsure of whether or not you want kids. And we want to be sure everyone in our community knows, it’s ok to not know! We’re not here to convince anyone of one choice or another; we just want everyone to feel heard and understood. Tell us your story Don't forget to take our Childfree Weekend Survey on our Instagram page @ClaimingZeroSupport the showEmail: claimin

Oct 25, 2022 • 34:07

Ep 87: Meet Childfree Guest, Diana

Ep 87: Meet Childfree Guest, Diana

On today’s episode we get to chat with Diana, one of our kindest and sweetest guests! She has made the decision to remain Childfree, but as a first generation Asian American woman there was a lot of pressure from family and the history of her culture that made the decision difficult to come out with. Let us know your story with an email claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Oct 18, 2022 • 30:57

Ep 86: We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Program to Bring You…

Ep 86: We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Program to Bring You…

… a random episode in the midst of our busy lives and talk more about our IN PERSON CHILDFREE WEEKEND! Today we’re just chatting and catching up with each other and filling you in on what’s in store for our Childfree Vegas Weekend! Complete the survey using the link in our Instagram BioSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Oct 11, 2022 • 34:49

Ep 85: Reddit Reads - Look Both Ways

Ep 85: Reddit Reads - Look Both Ways

SPOILER ALERT! If you haven’t watched Look Both Ways on Netflix, do it before you listen to this week's episode! Vanessa convinced Daliyce this was a good movie so she watched it. She wasn’t the only one because Reddit also had something to say about it, so we joined the millions and chatted about it, too.Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Oct 4, 2022 • 26:42

Ep 84: Leaving a "Legacy"

Ep 84: Leaving a "Legacy"

On today’s episode we’re discussing the concept of a legacy and what it means for people who are childfree. Parents (men in particular) often claim the need to leave a legacy is their reason for wanting offspring, but there’s no guarantee that legacy will even make a difference after you’re gone. Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Sep 27, 2022 • 30:38

Ep 83: Meet Childfree Guest, Josh

Ep 83: Meet Childfree Guest, Josh

This weeks episode guest is Josh from MN and Josh just recently got a vasectomy! We were so curious about his childfree life and what brought him to make the decision to get snipped. This is great info for everyone who is certain they want to remain childfree and we hope you appreciate his candor. But also, see a doctor for the facts and don't take medical advice from strangers!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Sep 20, 2022 • 24:16

Ep 82: HerStory: Julia Child

Ep 82: HerStory: Julia Child

On today's episode, Daliyce takes us through the many accomplishments and fascinating life of Julia Child. She was a renowned cookbook author, essentially started the cooking show genre of TV, and lived one of the most extraordinary lives as a Childfree woman. Next time you take a picture your food or find some fabulous recipe on Pinterest, think of our gal Julia!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Sep 13, 2022 • 32:08

Ep 81: Reddit Reads - Being Treated Differently Than Parents

Ep 81: Reddit Reads - Being Treated Differently Than Parents

This week Vanessa has two Reddit posts for us!  The first one is about being treated as less of an adult (or less mature) compared to those who are mothers. The second one is about celebrating the big and small milestones of our fabulous lives.DM us @claimingzero about an accomplishment from your life so we can all celebrate together!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Sep 6, 2022 • 29:02

Ep 80: How to Talk About Being Childfree

Ep 80: How to Talk About Being Childfree

Today we discuss how we like to approach talking about our decision (and contemplation) around being childfree. Talking about ourselves and having conversations about life’s choices definitely varies on the individual. How much you want to share or keep to yourself is up to you and while we always want people to be respectful, it can be hard sometimes! Share your story with us claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Aug 30, 2022 • 28:55

Ep 79: Meet Childfree Guest, Margaret

Ep 79: Meet Childfree Guest, Margaret

Are you or is someone you know on the fence about having kids? Margaret is here to help counsel and guide people towards making the serious decision about whether or not to have children. She never pressures anyone to feel one way or the other, but knows that it’s helpful to have someone help you along the path for counsel and guidance. Visit her website and follow her on Instagram @arekidsformeSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Aug 23, 2022 • 34:41

Ep 78: HimStory: Jack Daniel

Ep 78: HimStory: Jack Daniel

Jack Daniel? Thee Jack Daniel of whiskey making fame?! That’s right! Vanessa discovered that the distiller himself was Childfree so we’re getting a little history lesson about whiskey and the man we know on a first name basis. Cheers!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Aug 16, 2022 • 36:12

Ep 77: Reddit Reads - Friends with Kids

Ep 77: Reddit Reads - Friends with Kids

Today's episode asks whether or not Childfree people can have friends with kids. There are some strong opinions about this one, but honestly, it's up to you! Are you the kind of person who can handle all that comes with mom friends or would you rather not even bother? Tell us where you fall with a DM @claimingzeroSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Aug 9, 2022 • 33:12

Ep 76: Childfree Summer 2022

Ep 76: Childfree Summer 2022

Summertime is the season for vacations and hot days out by the pool. Daliyce and Vanessa chat about how their summers are going and what it's like on those annual family vacations as Childfree adults. We’d love to hear about your summer so give us a shout Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Aug 2, 2022 • 40:09

Ep 75: Meet Childfree Guest, Sarah

Ep 75: Meet Childfree Guest, Sarah

Today we talk with student and childfree by choice listener, Sarah! She’s got a great point about the age of social media and her self awareness gives us hope that the future of our community is going to thrive! We appreciate what all generations have to bring to the table and we gotta say,  Gen Z, you’re going to do just fine!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Jul 26, 2022 • 28:20

Ep 74: HerStory: Ava and Kathy and Fortune

Ep 74: HerStory: Ava and Kathy and Fortune

On today’s episode, Daliyce shares the stories of 3 incredible women in various aspects of the entertainment industry! Not everyone who lives their life without children is as open about it as us, and that’s ok! These 3 women don’t have kids and we’re fairly certain they don’t want them, and that’s all we need to feel connected to them and the Childfree community.Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Jul 19, 2022 • 34:32

Ep 73: Reddit Reads - One For the Guys

Ep 73: Reddit Reads - One For the Guys

This week Vanessa has a Reddit post that asks a pretty good question for the guys! Since we’re both women, we put our two cents in, but really have no idea what men are actually thinking. We invite the guys of childfree status to reach out and tell us everything!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Jul 12, 2022 • 29:31

Ep 72: Reasons to be Childfree: Biology

Ep 72: Reasons to be Childfree: Biology

TW: Todays episode talks about being pregnant and giving birth.This week we wanted to share a more physical (and mental) reason for why people may chose to remain childfree. The biology (we are definitely not scientists!) and the way bodies can change during gestation can affect people negatively and be traumatic. While it’s just one moment in your life, birthing a child can have lasting affects that we just don’t want to risk dealing with!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB:

Jul 5, 2022 • 37:46

Ep 71: Meet Childfree Guest, Marcia

Ep 71: Meet Childfree Guest, Marcia

This weeks guest is considered to be a pioneer of the modern childfree movement (at least to us)! Marcia’s story is an incredible journey that played out in the public eye when 60 minutes approached her to “come out” as childfree to her in-laws on their show. Listen as she shares how her life has meaning and purpose and is so full of love that you’d think she’s never heard a “bingo” in her nearly 80 years of life! Follow her on instagram @childfree_guruSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@

Jun 28, 2022 • 28:52

Ep 70: HerStory: Trivia!

Ep 70: HerStory: Trivia!

Vanessa listened back to allllll of our HerStory and HimStory episodes and came up with a fun trivia for Daliyce and the listeners. See how much you know or remember and rewind back to some of the incredible people we spotlight throughout both seasons. Tell us how you did and who you want to learn more about by emailing claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Jun 21, 2022 • 25:26

Ep 69: Reddit Reads - Bringing Your Kids to Work

Ep 69: Reddit Reads - Bringing Your Kids to Work

This week our Reddit post is talking about those local small businesses that run underground daycares! Haha sort of… have you ever gone into a mom and pop shop and seen their kids hanging about? If they were well behaved and out of the way you probably didn’t pay them any mind. But if you experienced kids running amok at a coffee shop you might concerned. Tell us your thoughts on businesses moonlighting as childcare with a DM @claimingzeroSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @

Jun 14, 2022 • 30:45

Ep 68: Childfree Terminology

Ep 68: Childfree Terminology

Today we tackle some of the terminology related to Childfree living. From medical terms to silly acronyms to avoiding the nasty ones altogether! If there's a hot topic surrounding the Childfree community you'd like to hear us chat about, send over an email claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Jun 7, 2022 • 26:42

Ep 67: Meet Childfree Guest, Jackie

Ep 67: Meet Childfree Guest, Jackie

This week we get to see Vanessa fan-girl over fellow Childfree woman, Jackie Dives! Jackie has done what so many of us have thought about, but have never been confident or brave enough to do it: she created a Childfree Gift Registry! But it’s not about the gifts, it’s about the message and the artistry that comes from the eye behind the lens. We encourage you to support her in whatever way you are able and connect with her on Instagram @jackiedivesphoto and her Etsy Store JackieDivesHome. Suppor

May 31, 2022 • 30:52

Ep 66: HerStory: Mae West

Ep 66: HerStory: Mae West

This week Daliyce shares the life story of the incredible Mae West! She worked nearly her entire life in the entertainment industry and broke barriers we never thought women could. She was a real spitfire and loved her life more fully than most ever get to!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

May 24, 2022 • 31:37

Ep 65: Reddit Reads - Childfree Over 50

Ep 65: Reddit Reads - Childfree Over 50

Today’s Reddit topic is a call out to the Childfree community who are over 50, whether those are your retirement years or you’re in your prime. The experiences you’ve had are from a different and unique perspective and give us jaded millennials comfort, knowing our futures are going to be incredible! Tell us your story by emailing claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

May 17, 2022 • 24:53

Ep 64: Childfree Community Says…

Ep 64: Childfree Community Says…

Claiming Zero has been around for almost a year and a half and we’ve gained an incredible group of listeners. Today’s episode shares what some of those listeners are saying on Instagram and a little personal life update from Vanessa and Daliyce!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

May 10, 2022 • 26:17

Ep 63: Meet Childfree Guest, Jody

Ep 63: Meet Childfree Guest, Jody

This week Vanessa got the chance to chat with our new friend, Jody, who  is the words and lived experience behind Childfree and Confident. Today she shares her personal journey on how she navigated  being childless after early menopause, to feeling like Childfree better describes her way of life! Follow her on instagram @childfree_and_confident Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

May 3, 2022 • 31:05

Ep 62: HerStory: Queen Esther

Ep 62: HerStory: Queen Esther

Queen Esther (yes THAT Esther from the Bible) If you are not a Christian please don't run away from this episode! Esther's story is one of strength and perseverance. She is someone anyone can relate to if you are childfree. There is no pushing of faith on you here, we promise!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Apr 26, 2022 • 37:17

Ep 61: Reddit Reads - We Can Be Tired, Too

Ep 61: Reddit Reads - We Can Be Tired, Too

It’s on the list of Bingo’s we can’t stand to hear: you don’t know tired until you’ve had kids. It’s frustrating and hits a nerve for many Childfree people, because we know what tired feels like, too. This episode, we talk about this Reddit topic as well as an update on Daliyce’s dating life!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Apr 19, 2022 • 27:11

Ep 60: Dating while Childfree

Ep 60: Dating while Childfree

While Vanessa has a partner, Daliyce is completely single. So, she took one for the team, downloaded the dating apps, matched with a few guys, and lived to tell the tale! Listen in and find out how it all went and if she’s still truly single! Slide into our DMs @claimingzero or go old school and email us claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Apr 12, 2022 • 28:07

Ep 59: Meet Childfree Guest, Jamie

Ep 59: Meet Childfree Guest, Jamie

Jamie wrote to us about her reasons for choosing to live Childfree and one of them was her job. We were so intrigued by what she did and how that became part of her story so we had to have her on! If you want to share your story, send us an email and follow us claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Apr 5, 2022 • 30:04

Ep 58: HerStory: Laverne Cox

Ep 58: HerStory: Laverne Cox

TW: Mentions of SuicideWith credits like Orange is the New Black and Inventing Anna, it's a surprise that some of you don't know who this woman is! haha Don't worry Vanessa is right there with you. That's why Daliyce has all the details on this incredible Childfree woman who is a big advocate for the LGBTQ community and a legendary actress.Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Mar 29, 2022 • 26:31

Ep 57: Reddit Reads - Childfree at a Child's Birthday

Ep 57: Reddit Reads - Childfree at a Child's Birthday

On today's episode we're talking about what it's like to be the only Childfree person at a children's event. Whether it's for family birthdays or friends showers, we want to show up and be supportive. But at what cost? Should we feel obligated to go when we know all the adults will end up talking about kids, or should we just avoid it at all costs? Our email is open to suggestions and follow us on Instagram for all the fun @claimingzeroSupport the showEmail: claimin

Mar 22, 2022 • 18:14

Ep 56: Destinations for the Childfree

Ep 56: Destinations for the Childfree

There are very few places that are strictly Childfree. If you’ve ever seen kids in bars, you know that rules are often lax. So we’re giving you a few fun destination ideas for the next trip you’re planning. It’s definitely tricky but it can be done. Even if it means staying home and creating your own movie theater experience!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Mar 15, 2022 • 32:02

Ep 55: Meet Childfree Guest, Sam

Ep 55: Meet Childfree Guest, Sam

We're so excited to have the chance to speak with another Childfree guest who is a dude! Sam lives in Texas and he's known since his teen years he never wanted to have kids. He has passions in music and video games that likely wouldn't be possible if he had kids. Sam is a vocal supporter of the Childfree community and you can follow him on Instagram @bullet_beltsBe sure to show your support for the Podcast for the Childfree Community using the link below!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcas

Mar 8, 2022 • 22:18

Ep 54: HimStory: Sir Isaac Newton

Ep 54: HimStory: Sir Isaac Newton

He’s the reason we know calculus, can see the stars through a telescope, and have another famous man from history who was Childfree! Sir Isaac Newton was too busy discovering some incredible things to be bothered to have children, let alone get married. With a mind like no other in history, Newton is an icon of various fields in science and math. Enjoy learning about his life and send us your suggestions of childfree people by dropping us a DM @claimingzeroSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodc

Mar 1, 2022 • 36:22

Ep 53: Reddit Reads - No Kids, No Car

Ep 53: Reddit Reads - No Kids, No Car

This week Daliyce found our Reddit topic from r/AmItheAsshole and it did not disappoint! The post comes from a mom with 2 adult children trying to make an ultimatum for one of her kids who has made it known they're Childfree by choice. Also, is a car purchase considered generational wealth? Listen to find out and follow us @claimingzero for all the latest content.Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Feb 22, 2022 • 27:25

Ep 52: Childfree and Childless - The Difference

Ep 52: Childfree and Childless - The Difference

Season 2 Premiere! We’re so excited to be back and we’re starting with a chat about another type of people who don’t have kids: the Childless community. Since Daliyce and Vanessa are childfree by choice, we invited Jerra to chat with us about her experience being Childfree and Childless! Be sure to follow her @unfertilizedeggs and us @claimingzeroSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Feb 15, 2022 • 24:59

Ep 51: HerStory: Betty White

Ep 51: HerStory: Betty White

Happy 100th Birthday Betty White! While we were devastated to learn of her passing, we have so much to celebrate. Without further ado, we present the episode dedicated solely to the queen herself. Share your favorite Betty White moments, shows, movies, or quotes on Instagram @claimingzero and we’ll be back with Season 2 in February Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Jan 17, 2022 • 57:34

Ep 50: A Celebration & Look Back at Season 1

Ep 50: A Celebration & Look Back at Season 1

We’ve made it to 50  episodes and we’re celebrating with a look back at the top episodes and top moments of our first season! This little hobby we thought would help us feel a sense of purpose and give us a chance to stay in touch while living across the country has turned into something so real! Every one of you has helped us along this journey in some way or another and we’re so thankful! Cheers to 50 more!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Jan 11, 2022 • 40:41

Ep 49: Reasons to be Childfree: Your Job

Ep 49: Reasons to be Childfree: Your Job

In the last of our episodes about reasons to be Childfree, we were inspired by a listener email. While everyone has their own reason, and there are plenty of them, this one fascinated us. As people who have never been pregnant, we've never had to consider what might happen if we couldn't do our jobs anymore. We're exploring different jobs that might not be something a pregnant person, or parent, should do. Let us know what job you have that might not suite a  person with children by emailing cla

Jan 4, 2022 • 22:35

Ep 48: Meet Childfree Couple, Erin & Ross

Ep 48: Meet Childfree Couple, Erin & Ross

This week we learned about a new holiday called Rossmas while chatting with another Childfree  couple! Erin and Ross reside in the UK and they’re planning a “Childfree” wedding so we just had to hear more about it! Erin is also the founder of a community for women living Childfree lives, @thechildfreelounge Be sure to give her a follow! Don’t forget you can now rate podcasts on Spotify!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Dec 28, 2021 • 27:08

Ep 47: HerStory: Bessie Coleman

Ep 47: HerStory: Bessie Coleman

If you've ever flown and seen a female pilot, you have Bessie Coleman to thank. As the first African American and Native to earn an international pilot's license, Bessie was a trailblazer! During WWI, the stories of pilots and aircraft drew out a desire in her she never knew could be possible. Daliyce shares the fascinating, albeit short, life of the incredible Elizabeth "Bessie" Coleman.Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Dec 21, 2021 • 24:08

Ep 46: No Kids, No Pets, No Opinions, According to Reddit

Ep 46: No Kids, No Pets, No Opinions, According to Reddit

This week Vanessa presents a less-common Reddit topic from r/Childfree. While not a lot of people had responses to it, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a whole group of people out there who don’t want any pets or creatures to have responsibilities for and that’s ok! The Childfree community is vastly unique and we’re here for all the different types of people it represents.Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Dec 14, 2021 • 23:42

Ep 45: Childfree Content Creators, Part 2

Ep 45: Childfree Content Creators, Part 2

Did you know we now have a Childfree anthem?! LiLi Roquelin is a singer, songwriter, and producer who recently released a song entitled “Childfree” and it’s already a hit among the community! We talked with her about the process, what the lyrics mean to her, and how she came up with that powerful cover art of 55 Childfree women from all around the world. Listen to the full song now on, Spotify, Apple iTunes, and follow her @LiLiRoquelinSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodc

Dec 8, 2021 • 20:00

Ep 45: Childfree Content Creators, Part 1

Ep 45: Childfree Content Creators, Part 1

Some of us are creators. Some of us are consumers. Both are necessary for the other to exist. In this first of two parts, we’re talking to Tanya from Australia who has become a pillar in the Childfree community. She’s figured out different ways to help people feel great about their choice to live a Childfree lifestyle through various platforms and media! You can find all her content at and you can follow her on Instagram @childfree_tanya and @childfree_magazi

Dec 7, 2021 • 28:40

Ep 44: Meet Childfree Guest, Marcela

Ep 44: Meet Childfree Guest, Marcela

Sometimes we feel a certain way, but can’t always put a word to it. This weeks guest, Marcela, knew kids weren’t going to be in her future and wasn’t even sure anyone else felt the same. Then she discovered the Childfree movement and dove head first into the community! Her high energy and creative videos have helped her draw a great following on her YouTube channel and her Instagram in just a year of content creation! Definitely give her a follow @childfreemillenial and remember, you are not alo

Nov 30, 2021 • 30:09

Ep 43: HerStory: Frida Kahlo

Ep 43: HerStory: Frida Kahlo

The true tale of a tragic artist. A woman who lived in pain and put it on display with paint and canvas. Frida Kahlo is a name known to many with a story only few could understand. Vanessa brings us the tale of a childless woman who bore her soul in her artwork and didn’t shy away from all the tragic events that turned her into one of the most well known Hispanic female artists of our time. Share your favorite piece of Kahlo art and what it means to you on Instagram @claimingzeroSupport the show

Nov 23, 2021 • 32:26

Ep 42: Am I Old Enough to Make the Choice, According to Reddit

Ep 42: Am I Old Enough to Make the Choice, According to Reddit

How old were you when you really knew you wanted to live Childfree? Was it as early as 7 years old? Or maybe 22? This week Daliyce reads a post from a Reddit user about whether he’s really old enough to know that he wants to be Childfree. And if you or someone you know had a traumatic 9 year old birthday party that solidified your choice to be Childfree we want to hear from you! Claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Nov 16, 2021 • 25:14

Ep 41: Reasons to be Childfree - Money

Ep 41: Reasons to be Childfree - Money

To say that children cost a lot of money is an understatement! This week Daliyce and Vanessa break it all down. From childbirth, to child care, and into the college years it's not something you can avoid as a parent. Some think Childfree people have loads of money since they don't have to spend it on kids, but not all of us are living the lifestyle of the rich and famous. Drop a message in our DM's and let us know how you like to spend your "extra" childfree money @claimingzero or send us an ema

Nov 9, 2021 • 39:21

Ep 40: Meet Childfree Couple, Aimee and Brandon

Ep 40: Meet Childfree Couple, Aimee and Brandon

On today's episode we get the opportunity to hear from a Childfree couple! Aimee and Brandon haven't always been on the same page about whether or not to have kids. Aimee dreamed of the fairy tale life and checking all the boxes, but over time she started to consider other options. Brandon has never felt the need to have kids, but never pressured Aimee in her choice. While the couple currently resides in Texas, the Air Force has had them living all over the country and they're so happy to have t

Nov 2, 2021 • 29:35

Ep 39: HimStory: Bob Barker and Milton Hershey

Ep 39: HimStory: Bob Barker and Milton Hershey

This week we decided to give you another Himstory episode and this one doesn’t disappoint. Bob Barker is a controversial man who taught us not all Childfree people are great, but gave us that beloved game show and taught us to love animals. Milton Hershey showed us what a Childfree person can do to leave a (very tasty) legacy long after they’re gone. Tell us your thoughts and be sure to subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzer

Oct 26, 2021 • 52:16

Ep 38: Fence-Sitters, According to Reddit

Ep 38: Fence-Sitters, According to Reddit

It’s another post submission from Reddit! This week Daliyce convinces Vanessa why she should hop off that fence and commit, to not committing to having kids! HAHA just kidding! Vanessa reads a Reddit post from someone wanting to know what convinced people to swing toward the choice to live Childfree instead of trying to have babies. There are lots of reasons, and some sound more convincing than others. Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Oct 19, 2021 • 29:16

Ep 37: Childfree Summer

Ep 37: Childfree Summer

Summer time means sunshine, long days, vacations and an influx of kids! For parents, summer break is defined solely by the school system, but when you’re Childfree things are a little different. This week Vanessa and Daliyce catch you up on how their Hot Girl Summer went and what fun those family vacations were.Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Oct 12, 2021 • 31:55

Ep 36: Meet Childfree Guest, Sydney

Ep 36: Meet Childfree Guest, Sydney

This week we are honored to talk with a long time listener and friend, Sydney! She represents Gen Z and also the proud Filipino community. Family and traditions can definitely have an impact on your choices, and while Sydney is mostly a fencesitter, it's a decision she doesn't take lightly and thinks about often. We loved hearing from her and we want to hear from you! Feel free to email us your story at or drop a DM @claimingzero and come on the show!Support the sho

Oct 5, 2021 • 30:42

Ep 35: HimStory: Seth Rogen & Keanu Reeves

Ep 35: HimStory: Seth Rogen & Keanu Reeves

This is it! It's the highly anticipated HIMSTORY episode! Today Vanessa and Daliyce chat about two Childfree men. Yes, men are Childfree, too. Tell us your thoughts and let us know who you would like to hear about at or DM us @claimingzero Please remember to rate, review, like, and subscribe on Apple Podcasts.Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Sep 28, 2021 • 37:23

Ep 34: Childfree Weddings, According to Reddit

Ep 34: Childfree Weddings, According to Reddit

If you've ever been to a wedding, surely you have experienced how kids can make an impact. This week Daliyce reads a reddit topic about making the choice to have a Childfree wedding, and what drama that might bring. We'd love to hear your experiences of either side of the coin: how great a Childfree wedding was, or how one little punk ruined the day. Maybe you eloped to avoid the whole situation! Email us at claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @cl

Sep 21, 2021 • 25:28

Ep 33: Reasons to be Childfree - Climate Change

Ep 33: Reasons to be Childfree - Climate Change

Carbon footprint. Greenhouse gas emissions. Global warming. What do these have to do with Childfree people? We all have varying reasons for our choice to be childfree, and Climate Change is one we've heard from a lot of people. This week we dive into some facts, stats, and opinions on how adding more children to the world affects the climate. We're no experts but we did some research and learned a lot about science and the way humans are changing the world. Tell us your reason for being Childfre

Sep 14, 2021 • 33:18

Ep 32: Meet Childfree Guest, Michaela

Ep 32: Meet Childfree Guest, Michaela

Zooming in all the way from the land of small town Iowa, we get to learn about the life of our new friend and Childfree guest Michaela! An army brat and a fitness fanatic, she and her husband didn't always know they were heading down the Childfree path. We'll discuss endometriosis, moving more times than you can count, and what it's like to have the Childfree conversation with your partner. Be sure to follow Michaela @taylord2fitness and let us know who your Childfree inspiration is @claimingzer

Sep 7, 2021 • 22:13

Ep 31: HerStory: Charlotte Perkins Gilman & Megan Mullally

Ep 31: HerStory: Charlotte Perkins Gilman & Megan Mullally

We’re back with another great woman from the 1800’s and a comedic actress and singer who’s still in her prime! These two women inspire us to be exactly who we want to be and to never feel pressured to squeeze into society’s norm. Our lady from the past was submitted by a fellow listener so please let us know who you want to see featured! @claimingzero and claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comDon’t forget to rate and review on Apple podcasts and subscribe wherever you listen!Support the showEmail: claimi

Aug 31, 2021 • 34:52

Ep 30: Your Childfree Support System, According to Reddit

Ep 30: Your Childfree Support System, According to Reddit

On today's episode Vanessa brings us a Reddit post about being thankful for having a positive support system in our lives.  Whether it's your family who finally quit asking about you having kids or your fellow Childfree friends who are a shoulder to lean on when you need it. We're showing some appreciation to those who openly support us and letting all of our listeners know that we're here for you, even if it's only on the internet and through this podcast. No matter your life's choices, you des

Aug 24, 2021 • 29:13

Ep 29: Childfree TV and Movies

Ep 29: Childfree TV and Movies

SPOILER ALERT: This week we're chatting about the representation of Childfree characters on  TV  (and some movies). From Grey's Anatomy to Sex and the City, we'll talk about how we see ourselves represented on screen. While it took some digging, we found a few good ones and a few not so good ones. Tell us your favorite Childfree character or a movie that inspired you to remain Childfree @claimingzero and claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimi

Aug 17, 2021 • 33:12

Ep 28: Meet Childfree Guest, Jessica

Ep 28: Meet Childfree Guest, Jessica

On this week's episode we have the joy of talking to a  Childfree teacher who loves her job and doesn't hate kids! Jessica has been teaching for over 30 years and is definitely the cool teacher you always wish you had in high school. We're honored to get the hilarious wise words of a woman over 50 who has always known she didn't want to have children, but always knew she wanted to be a teacher. Check out her relatable TikToks @myteacherface and tell us your thoughts on people who work with kids,

Aug 10, 2021 • 32:59

Ep 27: HerStory: Queen Lili'uokalani & Dolly Parton

Ep 27: HerStory: Queen Lili'uokalani & Dolly Parton

Some of the greatest moments in history are all because a woman was doing something incredible! This week's episode will start with the first and only queen of Hawaii who lived and died for her people and her culture, even if that meant adopting 3 kids. Then we'll get into the impressive life of a singer with over 180 awards and a loser of her own look-alike contest. Tell us about your favorite Childfree women @claimingzero and claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodc

Aug 3, 2021 • 34:41

Ep 26: Traveling Childfree, According to Reddit

Ep 26: Traveling Childfree, According to Reddit

One big benefit of being Childfree is the freedom to do what you want, when you want and for many people, this involves traveling. Unless you've discovered Paradise, you're probably going to see/hear/experience kids around you while on your travels. This week our conversation is  guided by a Reddit post that got us thinking about our own experiences and how different they are from each other! Shoutout to the Reddit communities r/childfree, r/fencesitter, r/truechildfree for always making us feel

Jul 27, 2021 • 31:04

Ep 25: What the Bible Says About Childfree Living

Ep 25: What the Bible Says About Childfree Living

Childfree people come from all different backgrounds and have varying degrees of challenges that await them based on their lifestyle choices. Vanessa takes us through some Bible passages and breaks them down to help some of us get a better understanding. For those outside of the religious community, don't skip this one; there's something for everyone! Feel free to reach out in response by emailing claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Jul 20, 2021 • 31:35

Ep 24: Meet Childfree Guest, Mandi

Ep 24: Meet Childfree Guest, Mandi

This week we get the scoop on Childfree living from another awesome guest, Mandi! Just like her IG says, Mandi is a dental hygienist who loves teeth! We'll dive into her choice to be Childfree, but even more exciting, Vanessa and Daliyce will finally learn who is right about when to floss: before or after brushing?! Follow Mandi on Instagram @mandilovesteeth and let us know if you want to be featured on a guest episode by emailing us at claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comSupport the showEmail: claimin

Jul 13, 2021 • 27:32

Ep 23: HerStory: Georgia O'Keeffe & AOC

Ep 23: HerStory: Georgia O'Keeffe & AOC

Have you ever wondered who paints all of those beautiful floral paintings hanging in the doctors office? Well it wasn't our Childfree woman in history, Georgia O'Keeffe! Her art, and her life, are a bit more unique than that. Our Childfree woman of the present is the wonderful Congresswoman for NY-14, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Tell us about your favorite Childfree woman @claimingzero and email claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Jul 6, 2021 • 33:05

Ep 22: Working w/ Kids VS Being Childfree, According to Reddit

Ep 22: Working w/ Kids VS Being Childfree, According to Reddit

This week Vanessa has chosen a Reddit topic from r/fencesitters and we'll discuss our thoughts on whether working with kids has had an affect on our choices to be Childfree. We'll also dive into some comments about whether Childfree people can still be good caretakers, and how strange it is to think that people have grown up without being around kids very much!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Jun 29, 2021 • 32:11

Ep 21: Listener Topics - A Letter and A Video

Ep 21: Listener Topics - A Letter and A Video

We've received some great input and feedback from you, our listeners! So this week we're going to share some of that with everyone. We have a letter from Daliyce's aunt, who represents the older generation of childfree women. We'll also talk about a documentary that was shared with us, Why Some Mothers Choose Not to Live With Their Kids. Check it out us @claimingzero and be sure to share anything you'd like to hear us talk about by emailing claimingzeropodcast@

Jun 22, 2021 • 32:33

Ep 20: Meet Childfree Guest, Katie

Ep 20: Meet Childfree Guest, Katie

This week we get to hear the story of Katie, and goodness did we learn a lot! Katie shares with us her struggles with getting diagnosed with Endometriosis and what it's like living Childfree in Milwaukee, WI! You can follow her on Instagram @thatcatmomauntlife and check out our page @claimingzeroSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Jun 15, 2021 • 22:55

Ep 19: HerStory: Mother Teresa & Margaret Cho

Ep 19: HerStory: Mother Teresa & Margaret Cho

We never know which two women we're going to pair together for our episodes on the Childfree women of past and present. This week we couldn't have picked two women less alike yet still similar on some levels. A bit lengthier than some of our episodes, this one takes a deep dive into the long life of Mother Teresa and the captivating story (so far) of Margaret Cho. Let us know your fave CF women @claimingzero and Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB

Jun 8, 2021 • 46:54

Ep 18: Interrupting Zoom Meetings, According to Reddit

Ep 18: Interrupting Zoom Meetings, According to Reddit

It's been over a year since many people have stopped going into the office and started using Zoom for everything from work and school, to happy hour and fitness classes. For those using Zoom for work, where is the line between keeping it professional and letting your personal life distract from the job? This week we take on a Reddit post from r/Childfree and discuss the difference between "It's ok, I understand" and "Please mute and turn off your camera". DM us your thoughts on Instagram @claimi

Jun 1, 2021 • 28:10

Ep 17: Please Don't Call Me Mom

Ep 17: Please Don't Call Me Mom

We're Childfree but can we still be moms? Maybe you're a dog mom or a plant mom or something in between. What's in a name? This week we're discussing the word "mom" and how it makes us feel. Tell us what you think and follow us @claimingzeroSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

May 25, 2021 • 28:54

Ep 16: Meet Childfree Guest, Hannah

Ep 16: Meet Childfree Guest, Hannah

There's a whole community of childfree women supporting each other all over the world and this week we're talking to Hannah from Canada.  Be sure to follow her YouTube channel as well as her Instagram @wifewithoutkids. Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

May 18, 2021 • 26:34

Claiming Responsibility: The One For Laura

Claiming Responsibility: The One For Laura

Now that we have a couple episodes under our belt, we want to take the time to update and correct a few things. Please feel free to send us updates and/or corrections via email at or through our instagram @claimingzero. Thanks for listening and last, but certainly not least, sorry Laura!  Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

May 15, 2021 • 9:24

Ep 15: HerStory: Rosa Parks & Aisha Tyler

Ep 15: HerStory: Rosa Parks & Aisha Tyler

This week we honor the Mother of the Civil Rights Movement and the beautifully talented actress who didn't always plan to be Childfree. We want to hear about your favorite childfree women and @claimingzero Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

May 11, 2021 • 31:13

Ep 14: Hold My Baby

Ep 14: Hold My Baby

How do you feel about holding babies? Apparently there's a baby holding spectrum and this week we'll talk about where we fall and how we feel about that.Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

May 4, 2021 • 25:05

Ep 13: The Childfree Person Who's Good With Kids

Ep 13: The Childfree Person Who's Good With Kids

This week Daliyce and Vanessa respond to an article they were sent and talk about the pros and cons of being childfree aunts. See an article you want to send us? Email us at or DM us @claimingzero on Instagram. Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Apr 27, 2021 • 31:18

Ep 12: Meet Childfree Guest, Sydney

Ep 12: Meet Childfree Guest, Sydney

Do you know what Tocophobia is?  Well this week we find out while talking to Vanessa's Childfree roommate, Sydney from Las Vegas. Find us on Instagram @claimingzero Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Apr 20, 2021 • 24:18

Ep 11: HerStory: Louisa May Alcott & Gloria Steinem

Ep 11: HerStory: Louisa May Alcott & Gloria Steinem

This week it's a chance to meet another childfree lady of the 1880's and a pioneer of feminism and women's rights activism. E-mail us with your favorite  childfree women at claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comSupport the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Apr 13, 2021 • 35:41

Ep 10: Favorite Things About Being Childfree, According to Reddit

Ep 10: Favorite Things About Being Childfree, According to Reddit

This week Daliyce and Vanessa look on the bright side of living Childfree with opinions from  the subReddit r/Childfree. Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Apr 6, 2021 • 29:36

Ep 9: Childfree Adult Seeking Adults Only Spaces

Ep 9: Childfree Adult Seeking Adults Only Spaces

Should some places/events be adult-only?  Should Instagram create a child-friendly platform separating adults and kids? Most importantly is Greenville, SC really green? Daliyce and Vanessa discuss it all in today's episode!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Mar 30, 2021 • 33:51

Ep 8: Meet Childfree Guest, Matteo

Ep 8: Meet Childfree Guest, Matteo

This week Vanessa and Daliyce get a look at the male perspective of living Childfree with Matteo from Las Vegas.Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Mar 23, 2021 • 32:12

Ep 7: HerStory: Sally Ride & Jennifer Aniston

Ep 7: HerStory: Sally Ride & Jennifer Aniston

This week Vanessa and Daliyce discuss two amazing Childfree women of past and present. Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Mar 16, 2021 • 33:16

Ep 6: Big Families and Childfree Dating, According to Reddit

Ep 6: Big Families and Childfree Dating, According to Reddit

This week Vanessa and Daliyce read more posts from their favorite subReddit, r/childfree, about big families with lots of kinds and Childfree dating.Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Mar 9, 2021 • 28:51

Ep 5: Being Childfree In The Workplace

Ep 5: Being Childfree In The Workplace

This week Vanessa and Daliyce discuss what it's like being childfree in the workplace.Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Mar 2, 2021 • 29:46

Ep 4: Meet Childfree Guest, Bekah

Ep 4: Meet Childfree Guest, Bekah

This week Vanessa and Daliyce talk with their first childfree guest, Bekah from Alabama!Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Feb 23, 2021 • 28:19

Ep 3: HerStory: Chelsea Handler & Nellie Bly

Ep 3: HerStory: Chelsea Handler & Nellie Bly

This week Vanessa and Daliyce discuss 2 Childfree women from past and present.Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Feb 16, 2021 • 29:54

Ep 2: Freedoms and Pressures of Living Childfree, According to Reddit

Ep 2: Freedoms and Pressures of Living Childfree, According to Reddit

This week Vanessa and Daliyce read posts from their favorite subReddit, r/childfree, about the freedoms of living childfree and the pressures of guardianship.Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Feb 9, 2021 • 26:04

Ep 1: Meet the Girls

Ep 1: Meet the Girls

The very first episode! Get to know Daliyce and Vanessa on a personal level as they talk about family, friends, and their awesome childfree lives.Support the showEmail: claimingzeropodcast@gmail.comFB: @claimingzero

Feb 2, 2021 • 31:55

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