OWN IT The Confidence Podcast
Annica Torneryd
Annica brings an intriguing package of the mindset of a former kickboxing champion, the experience of extreme burnout, having had three babies in one year, and then diving into single parenthood. She's an avid writer and has self-published several books, is an Amazon Bestseller who has invested the last decade into studying, coaching, and mentoring with some of the most respected profiles in the industry of personal development, and became an award-winning mentor herself. Annica shares lessons learned from starting and building a business in a foreign country, the brutal process of facing a pandemic as an independent, the ups...
#130 Who are you showing up for?
It's so easy to show up for people we love and care about. What do you need to do to show up for you? Shoutout to my friend Teo, who inspired me to record an episode after 479 days, well it turned out to be 481 days, of excuses.
#129 For those who can't
My first episode recorded out in nature, after an uphill jogging session surrounded by bugs and fields, for those who can't. #motivation #inspiration #encouragement #nature
#128 International Women's Day 2023
Today we celebrate amazing women, brave women, the hard work of women, the brilliant women, the successful women, the winning women, the rich women, the leading women. We celebrate the magic of women, the strength of women and the love, grit and beauty of women. Also, we celebrate all the women who work silently on the sidelines, the women who never get any credit or opportunities to shine, the women who fight alone against all odds, the women who have no money, no job, no free ride and no help.
#127 Today you broke a big record
It's time to celebrate! Not just that the podcast turned 2, but much more importantly there's something for you to celebrate. Also sharing a story about the power of perspective.Very happy to be back on track with the podcast and hope to be exchanging a lot with you! Tell me what's been going on in your life, I want to hear!#celebrate #perspective
#126 Knowledge that will change your life
How much do you really know? What are your sources? How do you know that your sources know what they're talking about? Sometimes helping someone by educating them or teaching them things can be bad. When we think we know, but are actually in the wrong, we pass on information and "knowledge" that will potentially do harm, or at least not do any good.This episode will make you think again about what you claim to know, and hopefully make you question your sources. Knowledge about for example how ou
#125 Perfect Parenting
Is there such a thing as perfect parenting? Are you a great parent? Do you ever feel like you're failing with the mission? Do your children behave in a way that you sometimes wonder who raised them?This episode is for all the parents who do all they can for their little ones. #parenting #dialogue #family
#124 The thing about OVERWHELM
What do you do when there's too much of this, too much of that, too much on your plate, and no rest? What do you do to avoid getting into overwhelm, where you no longer function? What if you have one foot placed in burnout but still keep pushing, and wanting to perform well, be healthy, look sexy, have a beautiful home and be happy... how can you do it differently? Sharing my personal opinion and experience on how to stay away from overwhelm. #overwhelm #burnout #personalleadership
#123 Trick or treat?
Trick or treat is a big buzz around Halloween, it's on everyone's lips and it's a feast for the kids. But what about a deeper look into that question? Trick or treat; are you tricking or treating yourself and others? Who gets the best of you? Are they worth the effort? And why do scammers try to trick people? How can they sleep at night? So many questions. I end by sharing a true scammer story. #trickortreat #halloween #scammers
#122 What you think is wrong
It’s easy to accept the concept that a person will go through their life being right a certain amount of times, and be wrong a certain amount of times; I mean, in every argument, every conflict, in every disagreement, someone is wrong, or at least they have a different perspective. That’s just very logical. But if we then say, that - in order for that to be a fact, it also includes ourselves. WE are wrong, more often than we know, way more often than we want to know… Let me share a real-life exa
#121 What is your first thought in the morning?
Good morning, rise and shine! Do you wake up loaded with energy, bursting to kick the day off and face all angles of life? Do you wake up in pain, totally drained, feeling like you almost didn't have time to even fall asleep before the alarm went off? Or are you somewhere in between? Do you know what your very first thought in the morning is? Is it a good thought? Is it helping you? Making you want to get up and live life? This podcast has the potential to help you set up a new and VERY powerful
#120 Are you out of shape? Own it.
Maybe a tough and slightly provocative title. But at least it's true. Very often, the truth hurts a little bit, or at least it stings. I had to look myself real good in the mirror and stop lying to myself, as the scale kept showing higher and higher numbers that were supposedly my weight. I ignored it. Didn't think it was possible. Thought the scale is probably exaggerating (yeah, right). And just kept eating, and yes, kept on putting on weight. This episode is an encourager, a tough but caring
#119 Don't drink like a camel!!!
Do you know someone who makes noises, says certain words or have habits that TOTALLY get on your nerves? Please say yes!! Or I will just seem like a not so nice person. I have developed an allergy to the sound effects that come when my son drinks water. It literally sounds like someone is stuck in his throat and screaming to get out. It's super stressful to try and eat dinner while someone is screaming like crazy from inside someone else's body, imagine!!! Also, he doesn't EAT foo
#118 Aren't you doing too much?
Why is it that so often when we make a commitment to invest in our health, our personal development or studying, our diet, our health remedies, our engagement in charity work, those close to us will ask questions like: Aren't you doing too much? Why are you so hard on yourself? Attention so you don't shock your system? Aren't you being mean to yourself? Don't exaggerate! I understand it's their concern and they want us to be safe and happy. But why this question when we are clearly and obviously
#117 I put on 10 kilos of fat
#116 What triggers you? Copycats and lazy people!
Relationships are what make life worth living. It's also a source that can trigger us to feel upset, angry, disappointed, frustrated, betrayed, furious, hurt, disrespected, and so on. Other people's actions, their words, or lack of, can be very hard to handle. I find selfishness, lazy people, and injustice incredibly triggering. I'll have to mention teenagers, especially lazy teenagers. And one specific thing that triggers me to the point my head spins is COPYCATS. Do your own thing for crying o
#115 Moments that mark you (Hollywood movie pt. 2)
You know when something very unpleasant, or on some rare occasions it's a pleasant thing, but most often it's unpleasant, something happens that marks you for life. Those moments feel like something we just want to forget when we're right in the middle of it. But if we take some time and process what actually happened, and why it felt so unpleasant, that moment can give you very powerful information. It can help you get better, it can guide you to make better choices, do more of what's right and
#114 Your biggest energy drainer: stress or guilt
All of us are tired and drained now, from this darn pandemic. We need our energy levels to be high, more now than ever before. What if you could find a way to stop unnecessary energy leaks from your system, and focus all your energy where you want it and need it most. Check out this episode for inspiration and food for thought about how to take ownership of your energy leaks, and grow confident in your daily thoughts, choices and actions. A shoutout to Kevin McCarthy, author of the book Blind Sp
#113 My addiction...
Recording this episode made me feel small, insecure and nervous. Why? Because I think it's fair to say that if we have a behavior that we cannot control, but we should control it, it signals a certain weakness. If that is true, I definitely do have a weakness in the area of everything related to sugar, to the point it's to be considered an addiction. An addiction means that we have a repetitive engagement in a behavior, such as drinking, drugs, shopping, gambling, over-eating, other not-so-nice
#112 Who do you think you are?
How often do you hold yourself back because you're considering the thoughts of others, and in particular the ugly one "who do you think you are"? Have you been bold and brave and taken action on things you really wanted to do, in spite of that nagging feeling that some are thinking about you "who does she/he think she/he is"? If you did; high five to you! Have you experienced it; doing something you believe in and someone commenting the hurtful words "who do you think you are"? Many have experi
#111 Sweating of embarrassment
I was sweating preparing to record this episode, I felt the pressure of remembering this moment and I feel totally ready to jump into my pajamas now. Do you have a lot of embarrassing stories or moments from your life? I thought I didn't, as I've been "the clown" very often (covering up my low self-esteem). But then I started thinking about it, and now I know of THREE embarrassing moments, like REALLY embarrassing. To the point you almost don't want anyone to know about it, even less share it wi
#110 My Hollywood movie lead role
Not a lot of people know about my lead role in a Hollywood movie. For several reasons, and I share them all in this episode. Did one character shoot with machine guns and scratch cars, did another one throw eggs at people, and who was the rudest of rude? The story is tense and thrilling, suspense from beginning to end. What you're about to hear is something that taught me three very important things: 1) be very careful how you use humor, 2) learn Luxembourgish like a native Luxembourger, just do
#109 Choose to challenge (IWD2021)
I celebrate women. Because they are amazing creatures, with no end to their strength, perseverance, endurance, stamina, compassion, creativity, EQ, great values, and hope for happy endings. This year I invited women from all around the world, from four different time zones, to come together and celebrate International Women's Day. The conversations were so powerful, heartwarming, soul-shaking, inspiring, and painful that we went through the full emotional spectrum a few times over. What women an
#108 Covid curves and closet cleaning
Yup, I got myself some (very unwanted) covid curves. Chocolate, candy, good food, cookies, more chocolate, bah... all the things that make you curvy. I ate it. Today is the end of a sad era of very little self-respect, and the start of a powerful phase with self-love, commitment and focus on the things that matter to me. If you're feeling low, even overwhelmed, and out of control of an area in your life, or maybe even several, I hope this episode will give you some food for thought. What are the
#107 The Power of Perspective 2 (what you think you know)
Not so long ago, my son gave me a beautiful reminder of how powerful it can be to be seeing things in only one perspective, when literally always, there are other parts, angles and perspectives to a story. When we hear something, when we see something, when we feel something, and when we think something - we think we know. We even KNOW that we know. Cause we know, right!? Well, in today's episode, I share two brilliant stories of how one perspective can give a very interesting, and straight-out
#106 To Tinder or not to Tinder
What do you do when you're single and you've had enough of being single, and you'd really like to meet someone? Not just anyone, but THE ONE... do you get on Tinder? Or do you absolutely not get on Tinder? That's the question today. I have a whole long list of arguments against it, but then again... it's the curiosity and the happy stories you hear about the odd couple that DID meet on the internet. Pretty face filters make you uglier, yup, that's a fact. Don't use the pretty face filters. Use t
#105 Do it NOW!
Strange... I had everything lined out to create, plan, record and release a new podcast episode every week. I rrrrreeeeally wanted to, I've been waiting and waiting and collecting stories to share with you. But then... life happened. You know: conferences, evening activities, work, plowing through more episodes of the series I've become addicted to on Amazon Prime (almost at the end of season 3 and then I think it's over). Note to self: do not start watching any other series. Gosh, what a waste
#104 Back on track
Hej hej!!!! And we're back on track. I had to take a break to sort out my professional situation. My time as an independent coach is over. The pandemic hit hard for many, including my business. So, this is a new start, of a new year, with me in a new professional role, with a new series of the podcast, but with the same focus on what we talk about. One difference is that there is nothing that will be sold going forward, no promotion of any paid events or coaching opportunites. However, if you ar
#103 Time Management trick: PoPoP (YOYL)
Sometimes we need to take inventory of what we do with our time. Are you investing it? Are you spending it? Or are you wasting it? If you want results, and if you want to be in control of your life and situation, here's a great tool to help you move ahead. The PoPoP is a system I have developed with my clients, helping them identify the tasks and actions of their daily schedule that are filling their cups and emptying their cups. The three P's represent very different ways to manage your time, a
#102 HONESTY: 10 things I lie about (YOYL)
Swimming in self-loathing right now. From end of March until end of July, I worked out harder than I have ever done in my whole life, including the time when I competed in full-contact kickboxing. I got in the best shape I have ever been, at 45. I was happy, I was proud, I felt so great, I loved it. And then... little "challenges" started pearling up. I dealt with them, one after the other. They took all my time, so each day I had to focus on dealing with the situation and push off working out u
#101 Time to break the rules!!!
Rules make life easy! Rules make life boring! Which one is more true for you? For me, it's definitely something that makes life easy. Being Swedish and totally respectful of standing in line, waiting for my turn, and accepting the rules of the game makes it natural for me to feel it's a good thing. I know this is not the same for everyone. And lately, I have been thinking a bit about the rules we have in our lives. The rules we CREATE. And in particular, the rules we create that are supposed to
#100 Corona in the family
Life and death in perspective. Someone told me not to share that we have Corona in my family, because it may lead to people not wanting to get close, we may have problems after, and other brutal things. But you know what... we have done nothing wrong. Someone in the family has this stupid virus. Very mild symptoms, if any at all. Could hardly believe the test result. The kids HAD to get tested as several students in the class were positive. For the past 10 days we've been in house quarantine, wi
#99 Win a FREE coaching session with me
Paying it forward! As a token of my appreciation to my phenomenal and generous mentors Chris Robinson and Tim Novak, who both took time for me today and helped me with something I needed excellent thinking partners on, I am gifting a free coaching session to someone. It can be you! Whether you're an "old" client of mine, a current client, if you've never worked with me or if you've been listening to the podcast for a while, you can join the draw! If you don't care much for coaching, but you know
#98 The hidden power of REAL CONNECTIONS (WED2020)
She's the kind of woman that everyone wants to be best friends with. She has thousands of fans, who all secretly wish they could be her friend. She's the "behind the scenes" power engine that makes everything work like a smooth selling machine working with her husband. She's a mother of four (one of which with disabilities). Imagine being told by the doctors when your child is born with "issues" that her condition "may not be compatible with life". This mother has soldiered on and been a great m
#97 TIME MANAGEMENT expert turned her passion into a business (WED2020)
Time Management expert, Virtual Assistant, and Organising & Planning Coach Charlee Ovenell shares how she turned her passion into a business and lives life by design, created intentionally to be able to enjoy as much time as possible with her family and at the same time do what she loves. Charlee created her own concept for maximized efficiency and productivity called "Ten2Zen" and has a great following on Instagram where she shares her daily thoughts, ideas and tips to be not just in control of
#96 How she built the largest FEMALE NETWORK in the world (WED2020)
Meet Leona Burton, founder and CEO of Mums/Moms in Business International, THE largest female empowerment network in the world for moms and women in business with 66 THOUSAND members as I type this. Former actress, singer, mother of five, a citizen of the world who is homeschooling. When this podcast episode was recorded, Leona was in Florida with her family, exploring cultures, supporting communities, helping abused women, expanding her business, visiting friends and family, and enjoying the wo
#95 A healthy workspace with ENTREPRENEUR Gosia Kramer (WED2020)
Gosia Kramer, co-founder and CEO of The Office, a co-working space in Luxembourg, and also founder of Lokaal "honest food, supplied locally", catering services of organically and locally grown produce. A female that makes heads turn, not just for her stunning looks, but also because she boldly and bravely stands up for causes of the heart and speaks her mind. "My mouth should be arrested sometimes," she says. Gosia is a self-made entrepreneur who challenged the status quo in the real estate mark
#94 Do you suffer from IMPOSTER SYNDROME? (WED2020)
In the celebrations of Women's Entrepreneurship Day 2020, I had the honor to interview Dr. Deena Brown who has done extensive research on a topic so many suffer from: IMPOSTER SYNDROME. We talk about where it comes from, how it shows up and what to do to not have to deal with this ingredient in our life. This information is incredibly valuable and everyone who hears this will surely find it helpful. Share with your friends! You can get a free copy of Dr. Deena's ebook from her Instagram account:
#93 How to CREATE your own HAPPINESS (WED2020)
Why are so many people so unhappy? Right now it's easy to "blame" this, that and the other. And maybe even rightly so... but still, do we HAVE to be miserable and unhappy? I say no. Irene Masiku, Happiness Coach, and panel expert on today's virtual summit Women's Entrepreneurship Day 2020 celebrations, says no. This is an honest, authentic and valuable conversation around how to create your own happiness. There are so many powerful messages here, golden nuggets and ideas on how to improve your q
#92 What are you worth?
The greatest lesson a con artist taught me is, surprisingly enough, about self-worth. Let's be clear, at the time I heard these words, nobody considered this person anything else than a super successful entrepreneur, who had lots of wisdom to share. And, here is one piece of gold that is worth sharing and spreading. How much are you really worth? Why do you so easily downgrade yourself? What effort do you make to stop under evaluating yourself? Imagine how your mood, health and results would im
#91 Who hurt you most? Your Sacred Friends (YOYL)
Who said or did something that really hurt you? You know that comment or the words that still hurt... Perhaps there's a way to shift that pain and transform the "hurtful comment/words" into an empowering message. Even something that can help you become an EVEN better version of yourself! If The Dalai Lama could forgive the Chinese government for having chased him and forced him to live in exile from his people and country Tibet for over 40 years and learn to live life in a powerfu
#90 COMMITMENT on a scale 0:10 (YOYL)
Who is the person or the project you are most committed to? Who would you drop everything for if they asked or your help? Who would you adjust to and be flexible for? In my personal opinion, the one person you should be the absolute most committed to is: YOU! This morning as I was brushing my teeth I realized that I keep making the same mistake over and over, in so many different ways. I believe most of us do, because we want to be nice, we want to please or we actually care a great deal, so we
#89 How your EGO ruins your relationships (YOYL)
I believe that one of the best ways to ruin a relationship is to give a lot of space to your ego. Have you ever been in a "conversation" with a partner, friend, colleague, lover and you feel 100% triggered and get sucked into a "fight" because you KNOW you are right? And the most frustrating thing is that the other person, who you KNOW is wrong, also believes they are right. But they're not. Or, are they? Will we ever know...? But anyway, you are in that moment and you KNOW you are right, becaus
#88 TIME MANAGEMENT is nonsense (YOYL)
Whether you manage your time or not, the same thing will happen: tic... toc... tic... toc. Yes, time passes, for every breath you take, for every step you take, for every blink you make, for every drop that falls from a fountain, more of your time is forever gone. Pretty impressive thought, the kind that makes you want to stand up and get things done NOW! Today we're talking about time thieves, about time being the most valuable commodity we have - shoutout to Kelly Fidel who said that to me bac
#87 CLARITY is your best foundation for results (YOYL)
Clarity is key to any change or improvement, to understanding where you are and what you have to do to get to where you want to be. Without clarity, you will never ever know if you're taking the right action. Without clarity on what you want to do, be, have or achieve in your life, how on earth are you going to feel in control of your situation on a daily basis when you don't know what direction to go? Good question I believe. And I also think it's very sad that most people walk around with so m
#86 Do you know your VALUES? (YOYL)
check outYou Own Your Life: VALUESI think we owe it to ourselves to be and do all we can! How will you ever get close to that without knowing your values? Increase your self-awareness, confidence, and self-esteem, and on top of that - get a powerful decision-making tool! Knowing your values can be the best tool you ever have; clients of mine use it for their recruitment process in building solid teams, making decisions on what large clients to take on, knowing how to prioritize in pressured situ
#85 How a small change in your home environment can lead to big change
Watching our Tiny Dwarf Rabbit explore my office space today with a full floor carpet was exceptionally entertaining. He started out by just strolling around sniffing cables, biting binders, looking into the recycling paper bin and sitting still just watching the new space. Then all of a sudden he went crazy. Like totally cray-cray. He took off like a rocket. The usual surface he has under his little paws is either his cage or our tiled floors. The carpet in my office was PERFECT for him to expl
#84 I pray for you
Tough times now for a lot of people. Is it the pandemic? Is it actually tougher now...? Or are we all getting wound up in our own negative thoughts? It would be nice to just blame our sad mood on the government, the rain, the grey sky, or the train passing by the bedroom in the middle of the night. But, that won't change much, will it? Like many of you, I am currently going through a rough patch myself, kind of still in the middle of it. But, I wanted to take some time, a full episode even, to s
#83 Why do you think that?
The power of our thoughts is one of my favorite topics. Today I share something VERY interesting I read in one of my favorite books, Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz. And yes, the book goes deep on the power of our thoughts and how we can use them to reconstruct and improve our self-image, and thus our results and our whole life. Sometimes we create more pain than we really need to endure by maintaining thoughts that hurt us. I've been doing it myself lately, and this episode is a gentle kic
#82 Do you have a dream?
Making history today as I'm for the first time ever standing up in my recording studio to record today's episode. Exciting! The question I want to share today, and I hope you'll find it as intriguing as I do, is: do you have a dream, and "if God asked you to trade your dream for his (oh hers, if God is a lady), would you? Hum... makes you thin, doesn't it?! Do you have a dream? Is it big enough? Is it fulfilling and significant enough? Are you daily working on getting to live your dream? And if
#81 Something to warm your heart
Friends, neighbors, family, loved ones, clients and others - including my own little family - seem to have a lot of pressure and challenges now. With this short little episode, I hope to put a smile on your face, or maybe even in your heart. After rain, there will be sunshine. If you're having a rough day, if it all feels uphill, remember that better times will come! Shoutout to my friend Deli who shared a great story on Facebook, and a shoutout to one of my favorite Instagram accounts @tanksgoo
#80 There is no such thing as WORK/LIFE BALANCE
This topic drives me nuts. Most of my clients express some, a lot or extreme levels of stress of not having any work/life balance in their life. Well, that's totally normal and logic, because you can't have balance between these two areas. In this episode, I dive into why this is my opinion, and how to look at this whole concept in a different way to create harmony, enjoyment and fulfillment in life. Let me know what you think of this topic! What is your trick to create a sense of harmony in you
#79 Do you have more success or failure in your life?
Did you ever ask yourself the question if you have, or experience, more success or failure in your life? I think most of us don't really reflect on that, but as a general rule we tend to focus on all the things we don't have, all the things we can't do, and all the reasons why we can't do or have that. Perhaps, if you really look at your life, there are things you need to celebrate? Or perhaps you have way more success than you think... If you want to dive deeper on this, check out Chapter 9 in
#78 Who is holding you back now?
Today we're taking a look at who is holding you back from living life to the fullest, from reaching your goals and becoming your everything. The three pillars I have used myself, and still use on a daily basis, to go from feeling broken, sad, and hopeless (even depressed), to living a life by design and enjoying my life full-heartedly, I am sharing them with you today. They have the potential to make you unstoppable :) I shared them earlier today on a virtual web summit in the Mums/Moms in Busin
#77 How to write top notch emails
Today I received two outstanding business emails from complete strangers. One in the category PHENOMENAL and one in the category IRRITATING. Surprisingly, the phenomenal one did not mention or try to invite me to buy ANYTHING, it was just an awesome display of how to build a relationship. The irritating one triggered all my buttons in how I do NOT want to build a relationship and who I will never become a client of. So much to learn from these two emails. Massive shoutout and bowing to Dillon Bu
#76 Three post-it hacks for your next interview
Do you have an upcoming interview or presentation to deliver and feel like you'll blow it cause you're so nervous? These three hacks are things I use daily with both small groups, closed groups, virtual summits, and speaking to 5000 people, as well as with 1:1 clients. An interview or a presentation, the tricks are equally powerful. I hope you find them useful!
#75 Three ways to increase your happiness instantly
We all seek happiness. Most people want to be happier than they are. Some are desperate to feel at least "some" happiness rather than the overwhelming emotional pain they find themselves in. I am hoping you already apply some or maybe even all three steps. And perhaps get reminded to increase your intensity and commitment to nurturing your own happiness. If they are all new to you, or you just never thought of being intentional in CREATING YOUR HAPPINESS, fantastic! If you have your personal "qu
#74 Your CV: How to make yourself stand out
This episode came alive thanks to the lovely input from Diana Trisca-Rusu, Partner President at IDCN Luxembourg and Madalina Pirvu, Customer Relationships and Account Manager, plus she's an artist; DJ Miss MAD. They both commented on a blog post I wrote about how to make our CV's more personal. The blog was called "10 Things You Didn't Know About Me". Diana shared that she loves to do puzzles, and Madalina shared that she will add to her "corporate CV" that she's a talented DJ. Like Madalina sai
#73 How to deal with negative feedback
"It's crazy how 1000 people can compliment you and you'll spend all day thinking about the ONE who criticized you". My client Anders shared that quote from an email from James Clear. Very true, isn't it? This episode is a little follow-up on episode #69 where I shared how a post on social media got some really harsh comments from a complete stranger. Sharing more inspiring information about the eagle, and how they deal with "haters", I remind you of the very interesting story about how the eagle
#72 How to strengthen your immune system for up to 24 hours
Les Brown talked about the power of laughing, and the damage of being angry. With 1 minute of anger weakening your immune system for 4-5 hours, we may want to reconsider the time we spend being angry, right! And with 1 minute of laughter, we strengthen our immune system for up to 24 hours. That definitely makes it worth the effort to try and laugh for a while every day. Here is an attempt at making you laugh. If you have great jokes, I would LOVE to hear them!!!
#71 He's breaking up with me
If you can't stand hearing another person cry, don't listen to this episode! Impossible to deliver this in any other way than crying. I just understood today why I feel so much pain. He's breaking up with me. Sloooowly, but surely. And I don't want him to leave me. Ever. But he will. He's already on his way, a little more day by day. This episode is inspired from hearing the radio show WSFM with Jonesy and Amanda. Thank you!
#70 First day of High School
Very happy to introduce you to my second co-host, my 12-year old daughter Mia, who has just started high school. We talk about what's new and exciting, what it's like to meet new friends and how to prepare for big tests. Also sharing a little trick to make sure you can articulate when recording, learned it from Holly Matthews in the 10 Days to get Seen program.
#69 Good intentions don't matter
When you express yourself, thinking it is obvious what you mean and thinking everyone or that someone specific will understand exactly what you mean, just like you mean it, sometimes that goes very wrong. Last time it happened for me was now, just before recording this podcast episode. I am still shaking as I write this, because of the very negative feedback I got about me and what I wrote in a post on Facebook. This is not pretty. It is hard core, it is personal, it is very painful, for more th
#68 Under Attack
Today has been HYSTERICAL. I am exhausted. A very long day with prep for a client, training session to improve the marketing in my coaching business, cooking lunch with my kids, crafting my brand story (homework from the training I'm doing now), catch up with my accountability partner, post valuable content on social media (LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram), read a book in my garden (a book on branding, not a romance or thriller or something, only time to study and grow), chat with my kids, make
#67 The Ugly Truth
They say that children, drunks and fools say the truth. Today one of my children pointed out some ugly truth for me, in a way that made me just want to be a better version of me. I hope this episode and my questions will make you take a good look at who you show up for. Who gets the best of you?
#66 The FEAR of Other People's Opinion (OPO)
I wonder if there is ONE SINGLE PERSON on earth who has never worried about the opinion of others? I think not. In one way or another, we either care about their opinion, we worry about it or straight out fear it. Some even live in the shadow of their true self, just because they are so scared of what others will think if they step into their full glory. I say it's a waste of lifetime to hold back because of what someone might think or feel about who we are and what we do. Remember: what someone
#65 The C-word
So many c's in this day. Some scary, some chocking, some entertaining, some wonderful and some funny! I hope this little personal share gives you some food for thought. And I leave you with my gratitude for listening to this podcast. If you enjoy it, we'd be so crazy happy to receive a review and 5-star rating!
#64 When all is slippery and uphill...
You know when things just don't go your way, things break, you forget important things, loose things, and it all just keeps on happening. How do you pick yourself up and move forward? In this episode, I share how a VERY unpleasant experience at the technical control station "helped" me make two big decisions. Looking back, I must say I am pleased, as both decisions are really a win for me.
#63 Where's your BLINDSPOT?
Do you know what a blindspot is? Up until a year ago, I had never heard the term. I would guess it's an area you don't see. I would even suggest it's a traffic term, when you look over your shoulder to make sure there is not a car coming up from behind you. Isn't that called the blindspot? I believe it is. Anyway, today I'm talking about a different kind of blindspot. One that I learned in a painful way, but that has brought much wisdom and understanding. It has made me a better me. Thanks to on
#62 When Women Lead
There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish. That's what Michelle Obama said. And Madonna said "I'm tough, ambitious and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a biiiiiiiip, okay." Yes, and last but not least, Sheryl Sandberg said "In the future, there will be no female leaders. There will just be leaders". Today's episode, that was simultaneously broadcast as a Facebook live on my personal page, is all about When Women Lead. A combination of my own business experiences, greates
#61 I'm a bad mom 2: are you being a great role model?
After almost six months at home with three kids, or pre-teens that is, I am at the end of my rope as a mother. Tired. Irritated. Frustrated. Did I say tired. I've had enough of cooking ALL the time, all the time, all the time. Don't even want to mention the dishes. Ugh. I long for school to begin, so we can go back to some sort of routine, with moments of peace and quiet - so that I can get some REAL work done. I got some feedback on my parenting today, from my teenager. It wasn't great. It wasn
#60 First time ever
This episode is the FIRST TIME EVER we have a co-host. It's my youngest son, Max. He's 12 and has just been on a 3-day virtual conference with me. It's also his first time ever as a co-host on a podcast. No big surprise there. We're sharing our experience from our first time ever virtual IMC. And, Max is reading from The Youth Book, written by his mom. That's me. This episode will be a longtime favorite of mine; I almost can't believe he had the courage to sit with me and speak English, without
#59 Dreams come true in Luxembourg
OK, with this episode I am celebrating 20 years in Luxembourg. I really do have trouble understanding that it's been twenty years, like I have trouble grasping that I started this podcast on my 45th birthday. How can I be 45? It's magic. This episode is me sharing twenty, plus one bonus, things I have experienced during the years here. Some of them are REALLY BIG DREAMS that have come true, some are really embarrassing things, some are tough and painful, and then there are the beautiful things t
#58 Who are the Champions?
This upcoming weekend is the International Maxwell Certification event, the first-ever virtual one. Thousands of coaches and speakers from around the world will be enjoying training and sessions with our fantastic mentors and teachers. As I'm thinking of all the great people who've mentored me and been my champion, helping me not just succeed, but to become the person I really want to be, I was reminded of one of the biggest shifts of perspective I have ever experienced. One that has made a giga
#57 White sharks, rude people and cliffs
The title of today's episode might be raising some questions. It is referring to a message I received from one of you listeners, Francesca, Italian very driven and lifelong learner based in Luxembourg. Francesca wrote and shared what scares her most, in response to episode #53: What are you afraid of? In one way, this is very entertaining, but at the same time, if you live with these, or any other fears, you'll not be enjoying it so much, the fear that is. The question that remains to ask is; wh
#56 Big Results in five steps
Does everybody want results? I thought so. But the more I speak with people and clients, the more I see that not all adults seek to achieve big things or "live the dream" or at least a fraction of it. Today I got a perspective and the input of a person in a mastermind I am in, and understood a key factor that separates those who seek for and desire results, and those who don't. Two key ingredients actually. And I add them to my "Results Formula", that now has five steps.
#55 Who do you support?
Which is better: to give support or to receive support? I've often felt that I'm not a super nice human as I'm not super supportive of this, that and the other. But, I always go all in to add value and bring my best. If I am nice to myself, maybe I add a lot of support and value to others... I know for a fact that there are those who are always supporting others, always encouraging, and sometimes, that support in itself is what makes the person "leading the way" continue to have strength and cou
#54 How to be courageous
What is the most courageous thing you've ever done? I don't mean only crazy things like sky diving, bungy jumping off a bridge, and adrenaline chocks like that. I mean all the steps that required you to believe in you, have faith, trust someone else or do life in a whole new direction. This episode shares some profound ways people have been courageous in their life; sometimes by choice, sometimes by force or no other choice. The most courageous thing I did so far in my life was giving up my secu
#53 What are you afraid of?
The list of what we are afraid of is quite impressively long, and for each individual quite different from others. Personally, I am afraid of bad things happening to my children and those I love. Apart from that, I think the only thing I'm not in control of my fearful thoughts yet is: the dark. I am ridiculously and almost unreasonably scared of the dark. Or like I share in this episode; what my creative imagination can create in that dark space. If you listen to what I share about Elon Musk bei
#52 The power of PERSPECTIVE (or how to not break)
You know when you feel like you can't take any more, when life is to tough and hard and unfair and confusing it just hurts. When no matter how much you give and try and show up, it doesn't "happen". Well, today's episode is about that; and in particular how to get yourself through that moment, and move on with life in a way that feels lighter, happier and more hopeful. Putting things into perspective is the most powerful tool I know of to change our focus and energy in an INSTANT! With the power
#51 Why we love and hate feedback
Today, I received two very detailed and specific messages. One on WhatsApp and one via email. What they had in common is that they were both about the podcast. What was different about them is that one was positive feedback and one was negative feedback. Don't we just LOVE positive feedback!!!! It's so nice. Nice. Nice. Lovely! And our ego is so happy and content. Life is great! We are awesome :) But how about the negative feedback. Ouff... right? Not so nice. It hurts, makes us feel stupid, we
#50 Support a LOKAAL business and feed a family
One of the best things about supporting local business and small businesses is that, whether you think of it of not, you are the once supporting a family put food on their table and pay their bills. Like I share in this episode, there is no one I am more grateful to than my 1:1 coaching clients, those of you who are members in on online coaching program and the companies who book me to facilitate virtual training with your staff. To all of you, I LOVE you. Thanks to you, I can continue to do wha
#49 Self-love... how?
True story: a moment ago I was laying in the sofa with my kids waiting for our bedrooms to cool off in the crazy hot heatwave here in Luxembourg. I said to them "I have to record a podcast, what shall I talk about"? My boys were deeply concentrated on some very important documentaries (uhm... not quite that, but you get it) on YouTube, and my daughter answered immediately: "talk about self-love". Say what?! I loved that she said that!! I asked her what she meant, and what came next is just too g
#48 Teenage HORMONES pt 2. How to deal with it
When I shared episode #47 on my Facebook, I got such amazing feedback, input, help, advice and wisdom from teenage parents from all over the world, I just had to share it with you in this episode. Journalist Sarita Rao who writes for Luxembourg Times shared this link to an article she wrote on finding an upside to parenting a teen. Personally, I feel sincerely grateful to everyone who took the time to share your thoughts and experiences on the topic of how to deal with teenage hormones and our p
#47 Teenage HORMONES pt. 1 HELP!!!
I'm not talking about my hormones. Nope. I'm OK. I'm stable. I'm goooood. I am talking about teenager hormones, and possibly even worse; pre-teen hormones. My house is full of them. And I don't know how to handle this... It triggers me in so many ways. The laziness. The lack of drive. The lack of gratitude. The disconnect. And worst of all: the ATTITUDE!!! It drives me crazy. I feel like I am missing some vital parenting skills about how to cope with all this. Is there nothing I can do to "get o
#46 What to do with negative results
Some negative results are REALLY good; like getting a negative test result from the Covid-19 testing. Great result to be negative. And there are others. But in general, when we experience "negative" things (that are truly negative) we tend to sink into sadness and drift off towards victimhood and other not so nice places to be. Even if I'm sincerely grateful to be negative in the test, I am also a little sad with this whole virus thing that is stopping so many people from being with their loved
#45 Today I tested for Covid-19
Sharing my experience of getting tested for Covid-19. Not because I have a reason to want to get tested. But only because the government invites us to do voluntary testing. My daughter and I got tested, and within 24-48 hours we will get notified of a negative result, or receive a phone call with instructions if it's a positive result (which would not be very positive at all). And how do you cope with planning out the summer activities, what are your kids doing all day long if you have to work?
#44 Multitasking: good or bad?
How many things can you do without it taking a toll on the result? Not very many at all, in my opinion. Yes, some mechanical things can be done simultaneously, whereas some shouldn't; like driving and putting on mascara, or having dinner with our family and checking our phone. In today's episode I share some of my thoughts around how to avoid and limit how much we multitask, in order to maximize the output of our invested time. 1) Know your priorities. Do what is most important to you first. Not
#43 The worst communicator EVER!!!
Today I was attacked by a mean, mean, mean lady in the forest. She "just" attacked me with her hate, negativity and anger. It hurt like hell, and I still feel a little shook by it. But, I forced myself to bring out something positive of it. Hey Lady in the forest, IF you hear this, please know that you cannot take ANY credit of what went down in the forest today. None. But, I do respect and admire your courage to stand for what's important to you.
#42 What do you do when everything goes wrong?
Having one of those days? No matter what you do, it all goes wrong, nothing works, you give but the day takes. I'm having one of them days today. My best strategy to own my day, in spite of a challenge like that, is that I create a disruptive shift in my mood, energy and focus. Jumped into my workout clothes and am heading over to the gym right NOW! Shift your thoughts, with force if needs be. Get yourself out of your funk! Here we go!!!!
#41 Trust your gut
Have you ever made a decision that you really wanted, something you longed for or felt you needed, even if you had the feeling that it wasn't really the best decision? I am sure you have. We all do it. And then we have to live with the consequences of that choice, right. I made a decision like that, and shared it in the last podcast episode For your Perusal. Well, in today's episode, I share how that backfired, as I didn't care about my gut feeling. I disregarded my intuition, and now I have to
#40 For your perusal...
Everytime you learn something new is a great day! Today I learned a whole new word, from my awesome client Tracey! Talking about how you invest your summertime, your me-time and the "reading time" you have allocated this summer, I'd love to hear what you've added to your list of perusal. Quite pleased with myself for not making the assumption about something, and instead learning something new, with reference to yesterday's podcast episode on not to make assumptions.
#39 Never make assumptions
Never think you know what someone else is thinking or feeling, never make the assumption that you know based on what you think they feel. They may have had a rough night, gotten rejected, have a water leak in the basement, lost their kitten, found out their loved one is not doing well... all these elements play a big part in how we interact with others, it changes our energy levels and can inflict on our attitude. Never make assumptions that you know what a person thinks or intends with a certai
#38 Hope is not a success strategy
Are you hoping for better relationships, more money, a long nice summer holiday, a bonus at work, maybe even a new job? Or you're dreaming about finding love, hoping he will be Mr. Right. Hoping to get a better social life, and hoping that there will be less friction in your life? Whatever you're hoping for, don't forget that hope is not a success strategy. There are specific and strategic steps we can take to get on top of our situation, our results and our life. In today's episode I share thre
#37 "I buy my friends"
What do you do when you're an adult, totally busy with your life, work, family and everything else, but you feel that you don't have a social life. Or, for those who are expats, and left the circle of friends at home. Or, those who followed their partner to another country, and don't "even" have a job to go to, but just sit at home wasting time wondering if this is all there is to life... How do you create a social setting that makes you happy and inspires you? Today I'm talking about how "I buy
#36 The Expats' summer decisions
Whether you're an expat or not, this summer we have different kind of factors to take into consideration for our big summer holiday decisions. Under normal circumstances, we plan, we select, we pick and we decide how and where we spend our summer holidays, right! For an expat, a person living in a foreign country, often the summer holidays are about "going home", travel to meet family and friends from your home country. But this year, everything is different, expat or not. We can't travel as we'
#35 The problem with advice from people who love us
As a follow up on yesterday's episode on how to get better results, today I want to add an important factor of WHO you seek advice from in order to reach new goals and get better results. You can't just keep on listening to mom's well-meant support, not if you want results at least! Those closest to us very often "support" us with love and comfort, which unfortunately does not give us the fire and drive to push through uncomfortable and challenging phases.
#34 How to get better results
Whether you want better results in your professional situation, in your relationship or with your fitness goals, my best advice, tried and tested over and over again, is: get a coach. Not just any coach. Not the cheapest one because "at least then you've tried". No. Get a really good one, someone who as achieved what it is you want to achieve, and do everything they tell you to do. Not some of it, not half of it, not 3/4 of it. All of it! In today's episode I share how I'm stepping up my game to
#33 How to answer difficult questions
What do you do when you get questions you can't answer? You don't know the answer, you don't know if it's the right or the best answer, you don't even know if you're helping. What do you do then, especially with the persons who need you to show up as if you know, as if you're in control and as if you can help bring comfort and understanding? This episode comes to you with a personal story of how I find the confidence to feel I bring what is needed, when it's needed.
#32 Building rock solid confidence with an accountability partner
This episode is my declaration of love to my Personal Trainer Barbara Hajduk. She is the power behind me being able to transform my body from totally out of shape, to feeling really confident and good about myself again. I had put on 8 kilos of fluff and puff, FAT really, from eating chocolate, chips and dip, lovely dinners with sauce and second servings, and the fanciest cakes and desserts I ever made in my life. Every day. Oh, and the ice-cream and pop-corn. And more chocolate of course. Just
#31 The first day of the rest of your life
Today marks the first day of the second half of 2020. Every opportunity to start fresh is worth making the most of. Personally, I'm fully committed to maintaining my physical shape, but am adding on two monsters I will tackle now going forward. And, I'm sharing a ninja technique to get it done. Check out #ten2zen with @editwithcharlee on Instagram, she'll get you going with getting on top of things in your household, easy peasy. I'm starting today! What will you be diving into? What project will
#30 Can I get a hug?
Today's episode will give you a way to reduce stress in only 20 seconds. I hope you share this episode with everyone you care about :)
#29 How to keep going when you're not MOTIVATED
How do you keep producing and showing up when you don't find the motivation? I often get this question from my clients, and I always give the same answer. Very seldom in my life do I feel a lack of motivation, but... today it happened. So, what a great opportunity to showcase an example of how I do to keep producing and showing up even when I don't feel like it. Today's episode is an example of how I do it. I choose my thoughts, very carefully. I take action, in a very intentional way. And I get
Do you get to the end of the day feeling exhausted because you just didn't stop? You were at it from early morning, fixing, helping, delivering, producing, caring, working and making sure you deliver, but you just couldn't get to the end of your to-do-list? This episode is for you! Perhaps my story of how an incident of fate helped me change from being a burned-out perfectionist with constant and daily "failures", feeling incredibly insufficient and useless, to being someone who every day seeks
#27 How to take CRITIQUE like a Champion
We're making history today by recording simultaneously the first-ever podcast AND Facebook live at the same time. The reason I did this was to show the draw of who wins a FREE 1:1 COACHING SESSION with me. Thank you, everyone who's left fantastic reviews and 5-star ratings, it means so very much to me! In today's podcast, I'm sharing some thoughts on how to handle the moment when you get critiqued or receive a harsh or hurtful comment. Just because someone has really poor communication style, is
#26 I'm a bad mom 1: how (not) to manage disrespect
Whether you identify with this as a parent, as a leader of a team or more generally from a self-leadership perspective not feeling quite successful with your actions, I hope you will consider the point that when we feel like we're about to "go bananas", it's too late. That sounds negative, but what I really mean is this: when you feel that you're being triggered, pushed, disrespected and not listened to, you need to make sure you strengthen your boundaries and put your foot down much earlier. Wh
#25 The Power of your Thoughts: for happy memories
Recording this episode was quite tough, especially towards the end, as I really just wanted to cry. I don't know how impactful a podcast is if the listener can't really hear what you're saying because you're crying or sobbing, or sniveling. Anyway, I made an effort to get this out of me, because I believe it has a very powerful and very important message. I know that I am not the only one who carries a memory or two that is sad, hurtful, or holds some shame. I hope this story about how I remembe
#24 You have to be PERFECT?
Are you a perfectionist? With constant and omnipresent pressure on yourself to always be, do, and deliver PERFECTION? This is a subject that comes up quite regularly with my 1:1 coaching clients. Their struggles with the feeling that they HAVE to be perfect. And of course, their pain and suffering when they feel they didn't reach perfection. When there was a tiny mistake, a shortcoming, or perhaps just the lack of an acknowledgment of their "performance". One of my clients expressed that she HAS
#23 Are you GRUMPY?
Maybe you're not grumpy. Maybe you're irritated, or stressed, or worried... Whatever you feel you are, even the really positive feelings, there's always another perspective. Today's episode is about exploring "the other perspective" in a situation where you feel stuck, down, irritated or perhaps grumpy. Don't walk around thinking of yourself that you are grumpy, or any other negative word, like Katja from the workshop I facilitated with eBay. Make sure you seek out the positive reflection of tha
#22 Tiger Balm in the eyes
Today is my little brother's birthday. He turns 35, almost adult now :) Let me entertain you by singing the Swedish birthday song, and share a little story from when we grew up. I was 14, he was 4, and I loved when he wanted hugs and let me carry him. At one point, I was quite creative in finding a way to get him to want more hugs. So... I took my Tiger Balm, put a thin layer (it really was a thin layer) under his eyes. Looking back now, I can see that it wasn't a good idea, of course. But hey,
#21 Your COMMUNICATION style sucks
I'm not saying YOUR communication style sucks. I am talking about when you feel like your communication style sucks, or the way someone talks to you. So many times in life do we find ourselves in conversations that hurt, that make us sad, make us feel less intelligent, super frustrated, angry, scared, pressured, humiliated even. All the feelings. And of course all the good ones. But today's episode focuses on the conversations that are difficult, and using a Personality Character Profiling Syste
#20 YOU are in charge of your SELF-IMAGE
There is so much that "helps" us create and shape and mold our self-image as we grow up and continue through life. As of today, if you hadn't considered it before, I would like to invite you to take full responsibility of your self-image. Join in on the journey of exploring, understanding and improving our self-image to become something that supports and helps us achieve our goals, live happy and fulfilled and own our life!
#19 Back to the GYM
The world is changing again, many of our old routines start to take space on the agenda again, like going to the gym. Today was my first visit, after three months of lockdown. I discovered we don't all use disinfectant the same way, some use it as an aftershave! Are you one of the persons who's gotten in better shape during these months, are you one of the totally overwhelmed who feels like you need a vacation at a retreat, or are you somewhere in the middle? I'm one of the more extreme cases I
#18 Which is better: being an INTROVERT or an EXTROVERT?
What do you think is better? Being an introvert or an extrovert? Which personality type has a higher success rate in society? Who is perceived as the better person? I used to think, until just a year ago, partly because I was told so: that I am an extrovert. Then WHY did networking, mingling and attending "girls nights out" feel so incredibly uncomfortable? Why did hanging out with groups of truly nice people drain me to a point I felt like I would collapse? My conclusion was that there must be
#17 Why growth hurts - The Lobster & The Eagle
Why does growth hurt so much? Why is personal development, and personal growth so very uncomfortable that most people just don't pursue it? Compared to the pain of growing into a better, stronger version of ourselves, many prefer taking the pain of frustration, the pain of being stuck, and the pain of unfulfillment. I hope that these stories about growth and creating change, not just to survive, but to thrive and to live, will inspire you to want to grow further. You may find more inspiration an
#16 How many times will we die?
They say we die twice; once, when our physical body gives in, and the second when someone speaks our name for the last time. Whether you live to be remembered and live on long before you and your loved ones are gone, or you live to make an impact on those close to you, make sure you live life to the fullest while you are here.
#15 Dumbest messages during lockdown
Have you also received some really fun or sweet or totally mad messages during the lockdown? I'm sharing some of the most unprofessional, disturbing, and sweet messages I have received. And possibly a marriage proposal... Long live the crazy people who don't see, understand, or know boundaries, finesse and etiquette, at least the ones that make you laugh! For anyone wanting to check out my London based photographer that I mention at the end, here is her website: Nicky West Photography. If you ha
#14 How to be SUCCESSFUL
Following up on Episode 3; Done is better than PERFECT, we're talking about what you have to do if you want to be successful. What is the first thing you have to do? Besides knowing what it is you want to do. Number 1: you have to START!!!! You have to start. You gotta jump! But here’s the thing: almost EVERYONE feels that “naaaaahhh…. I’m not ready yet….” For how long are you going to be “not ready yet”? What are you waiting for? What EXACTLY is it you need to get to the point where you feel “N
#13 Are you in a bad relationship?
The most important relationship in your life, is the one with yourself. If that relationship is not what you want it to be, you have to acknowledge that it won't be getting any better with time just by repeating over and over again the same thoughts you've been maintaining until now. In this episode we talk about how to make the relationship with ourselves better, to make it the best one in our life!
#12 Raising Confident Children
Before an eTV interview I did last week, on how to influence with confidence, I received so many questions on the topic of confidence. Today's episode is a compilation on three of the questions around how to raise confident children and how to instill positive self-esteem in your little ones. I think this episode is valuable for everyone, because we all have relationships, at the very least with ourselves, and we all have an inner child who could use some love and affection, to grow a little bit
#11 You make bad choices
You make bad choices - because - you're human. We all do it. We all have to carry the weight of choices we made that turned out to be not so good. And yet, some of those really bad choices turn out to be a blessing in disguise. If you want to be in control of your life, to own it, to create a life by design, there are lots of things you can do to learn how to make better choices. Like Aristotle said "knowing yourself is true wisdom". I'm actually not 100% sure he said that, but I read on the int
#10 The White Privilege
Episode 10, two digits, comes with a heavy heart, deep concern about the evolution in our society and the encouragement to make sure you have an opinion that speaks of mutual respect. Your blood is red, but what is the color of your skin? Do you benefit from The White Privilege? How is the life of mother, who worries about all the things a mother worry about for her child, how is her life and her worries different depending on the color of the skin of her child? Let's talk about humans, not skin
#9 Do you feel CONFIDENT?
Today's session is a first of a series coming up the coming days, also connected to the live eTV show interview I did earlier today on how to "Influence with Confidence" organized by TLR Talks. How common is it to have issues around lack of self-confidence and low self-esteem? I think you'd be surprised if you could hear the thoughts people have about themselves in general; it's all about not having or not being enough, or not being worthy of what they have. And yet, we all give our everything t
#8 Can you create positive change?
We're all going through a lot of change now. For some it's more on the personal side, having to work from home, with children in the "working space". For some it's more on the professional side, not gaining an income as they cannot sell to their clients right now. For some, it's both personal and professional change in a big and overwhelming way. The question is, how can we be in charge of our emotional state, how can we take ownership of the situation instead of feeling like a victim and depend
#7 You're OLD
A terribly honest conversation with my daughter pushed me into a thinking space that ended up being a really nice place to be. Where are you in life right now, and how do you feel about being there?If we don't pay attention to how we invest our lifetime, in a swoosh it will all be gone.Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mystery.Today is the present, that's why we call it a gift.Are you feeling OLD, or are you feeling that you are RIGHT where you want to be?I would love to hear from you!And if yo
#6 The Mom Guilt and Men of Genius
This episode is for Charlee and all the moms who feel guilty for liking some time alone, some piece of quiet and a moment of rest. You are all wonderful! And remember, that every great man, every great woman, every great creation was made by a person who came from a mother. What creations and innovations would we get to experience and benefit from if all the moms had the same amount of uninterrupted time to focus on her genius, to be in the zone, as all the men of genius of our history?It's OK t
#5 Impact through kindness
What is the reach of an act of kindness? How much impact can we have with it?Where do "you" begin and end, and where do "I" begin and end? How much of our behavior impacts those around us, and how far do the ripple effects stretch from an act of kindness. Some really interesting facts from research, shared by Erik Fernholm (founder of 29K.org), who was interviewed by Alexander Pärleros, on the Framgångspodden, top 10 podcast in Sweden.I would love to hear your favorite story about random acts of
#4 Who do you take for granted?
Relationships are not always easy. The closer they are, the more challenging it can get.Today's episode is about the relationship I have with my "new dad", my stepfather Lennart. Through my teenage years, and as a young adult, I'm not sure I could appreciate our relationship fully, what was there, I probably just took it for granted, without being able to appreciate it. Today is his birthday, and I celebrate him and the very special relationship we have built. Who is someone you have in your lif
#3 Done is better than PERFECT
If you're a perfectionist and want things to be perfect before you start, make sure you don't end up taking your dreams with you to the grave. The most valuable place on Earth is the cemetery, because so many people die with their dreams still within.This episode is about how to take bold action, way before you're ready, and create results and turn dreams into reality as you go. Imperfect action. Done is better than perfect!
#2 How to deal with disappointment
Yesterday was my birthday and I thought it was gonna be a great day, a day to remember.I was very wrong. At first. Here's my story of how to deal with massive disappointment! The best strategy I know of, the one that is most efficient for me, is disruptive action-taking. Start doing something that is totally unrelated to the topic of your disappointment, and with all your focus, dive into massive action on this other thing. Something that, when you complete it, will automatically bring you great
#1 Happy birthday to the podcast and myself
Happy birthday!!!Today I turn 45, officially adult :)This podcast is long due and I am so so so happy to share it with you.A quick intro to what Own It is all about, I really hope you want to follow along.Daily bite-sized snippets of valuable thoughts, life lessons, challenges and fun.Let's begin./Annica