Thriving In Menopause
Prevention Australia
At Prevention we know how confusing and truly overwhelming the changes caused by menopause can be. That’s why we’ve enlisted some of Australia’s best health experts to share simple ways to make midlife easier in our new podcast, Thriving in Menopause. We cover it all, from minimising those awful hot flushes, to easing mad-eyed mood swings, to managing sudden weight shifts, to handling your relationship. If you’re a woman in midlife, this series just for you!
S11E6: S11 E6 Conquering menopausal sleep demons
Professor Sharon Naismith is a clinical neuropsychologist from the Brain and Mind Centre and Charles Perkins Centre, who is leading a world-first project looking at the focus of sleep disruption in accelerating cognitive decline, which can lead to dementia. On today's podcast episode, Professor Naismith helps us understand why sleep problems are so rife during menopause and how we can ensure our sleep issues are put to bed before they go on to cause serious health issues later in life. See omnys
S11E5: S11 E5 Prioritising ourselves in midlife
When we're feeling fatigued, stressed and burned out - not to mention grappling with menopausal symptoms - carving out time for ourselves can seem like an impossible task. But as life coach Danielle Colley explains in this episode, ensuring that we are allowing ourselves the necessary amount of work, rest and play in our lives, is absolutely crucial for our health and wellbeing, and can even make our menopause journey smoother. She explains how we can go about it.See for
S11E4: S11 E4 The Senate inquiry into menopause
In November 2023, an inquiry on Issues related to menopause and perimenopause was referred to the Senate Community Affairs Committee. Co-sponsored by Labor Senator Marielle Smith and Greens Senator Larissa Waters, the motion hoped to shine a light on menopause and the physical, social, economic, mental and wellbeing impacts for women. Lasting nine months and following 266 written submissions as well as public hearings in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Adelaide and Perth, the Committee re
S11E3: S11 E3 How exercise supports menopause
In this podcast episode, we welcome back Michelle Bridges, fitness icon and mastermind of the 12WBT program and her new menopause-specific program, The Menopause Method. Today, we explore the many ways that exercise supports our bodies through the menopausal journey and focus on the kinds of exercise we should be doing to best support our health and wellbeing as we enter into this phase of our lives and beyond. If you need some motivation to kickstart you into moving more, you've come to the rig
S11E2: S11 E2 Sexual pleasure as a menopause management tool
Sexologist Christine Rafe is a sex and relationships expert for Womanizer, a brand dedicated to supporting women's sexual health and pleasure. Womanizer recently teamed up with the Kinsey Institute, world renowned for its research on human sexuality, to conduct a fascinating new study that looks at the importance of both masturbation and sex as effective tools for helping to manage menopausal symptoms. In this podcast, Christine shares details about the study and how we can go about enjoying the
S11E1: S11 E1 Nutrition to support perimenopause
Accredited practising dietitian and bestselling author Jaime Rose Chambers has now written a new book, The Peri Diet. In this podcast episode, Jaime shares her best tips for eating for a happy and healthy perimenopause and beyond. Learn which foods can help to minimise your symptoms, control menopausal weight gain, combat the key hormonal changes that occur at this time of life and set you up to for a long, healthy future.See for privacy information.
S10E6: S10 E6 Mental health in menopause
Professor Jayashri Kulkarni AM is a psychiatrist and researcher at Monash University, internationally acknowledged as a leader and expert in the field of women’s mental health, in particular, for her innovative work on reproductive hormones and mental illness. In this episode of the podcast, Professor Kulkarni will be discussing mental ill health during menopause, particularly depression and anxiety, and shares what needs to be done to help women experiencing these symptoms.See
S10E5: S10 E5 'Menopause mouth' and how to deal with it
'Menopause mouth' is a term that reflects the many changes and symptoms that can affect our mouths throughout the menopause transition, from dry mouth to 'burning tongue', to gum issues and bad breath. To talk us through how we can best combat these symptoms, we're joined in this episode by dentist to the stars, Dr Gamer Verdian, Chief Executive Officer at D-Group, which encompasses both the luxurious Dental Lounge in Sydney’s Double Bay, as well as Dental 99, which offers essential dental treat
S10E3: S10 E4 Igniting positive change in menopause
Dr Gemma Munro is an internationally recognised, award-winning speaker and presenter with a PhD in performance psychology. Through her talks with global audiences (including Google, Amazon and Paypal), as well as her online coaching program, she's a catalyst for immediate and sustained shifts in mindset, behaviours and results. Dr Gemma sees perimenopause and menopause as a portal of transformation, encouraging women to harness the amazing power that comes with this stage of midlife to transfor
S10E3: S10 E3 Treating hot flushes and night sweats
Professor Rodney Baber is Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Faculty of Medicine and Health at the University of Sydney, and Past President of the International Menopause Society and Australasian Menopause Society. In this episode, Professor Baber explains what really happens inside our bodies when we experience hot flushes and night sweats, and the latest treatments available to minimise their impact on our lives. See for privacy information.
S10E2: S10 E2 Overcoming roadblocks to a fulfilling sex life
Dr Judy Craig is a GP, Cosmetic Physician and the medical director and founder of Natural Looks Cosmetic Medicine in WA ( In this podcast episode, Dr Craig shares how women can overcome the changes and challenges presented by menopause, to continue enjoying a fulfilling sex life. This includes addressing a range of menopausal symptoms including vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, incontinence, delayed or impaired orgasm and reduced libido, all part of Genitourinary Syndrom
S10E1: S10 E1 Menopause and gut health
Bridget Foliaki-Davis is a Sydney-based/Auckland-raised award-winning chef, qualified nutritionist, and author of six cookbooks, who has cooked on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Faced with her own significant health challenges, including obesity, fatty liver disease and pre-diabetes, she learnt about the importance of gut health to assist her in managing her conditions. Not only did she lose weight and transform her health, she also vastly improved her debilitating perimenopausal symptoms. In this pod
S9E6: S9 Ep 6 Growing a positive mindset through menopause
Can the way we think about the menopause transition have an impact on our experience of it as a whole? And if so, how do we go about changing our attitude towards menopause to make this life change more successful? In this episode, clinical psychologist Dr Emmanuella Noble shares helpful tips on how to reframe your perspective on menopause and, in doing so, make your menopausal experience both easier and more positive.See for privacy information.
S9E5: S9 Ep 5 Dr Mindy Pelz on intermittent fasting in menopause
Increasingly popular as a weight management tool, intermittent fasting is also an effective way to harness our bodies' own healing abilities to achieve optimum health, slow ageing and help manage our menopause symptoms. Dr Mindy Pelz, author of best-selling books Fast like a Girl and The Menopause Reset, explains the most effective methods for women to follow a fasting lifestyle while working in harmony with their hormones. She also outlines how intermittent fasting, nutrition and lifestyle chan
S9E4: S9 Ep 4 What to wear in midlife
With the changes in body composition that can often come about during midlife and menopause, dressing to accommodate and flatter our unfamiliar body shapes can require a change in strategy. Sally Manhire, a personal stylist specialising in midlife women, guides us through the steps we need to take to learn to love our wardrobes again and feel comfortable and stylish in our fashion choices, even in the midst of a hot flush. Sally is a Gold Coast-based personal stylist and the co-founder of @HowT
S9E3: S9 Ep3 Menopause treatments through different stages
There is undoubtedly a great deal of confusion and misunderstanding about menopause... starting with the simple matter of how the various stages of menopause are classified. Menopause expert Dr Kelly Teagle talks us through the different hormonal changes and symptoms of each menopausal stage and explains why it's so important to be vigilant with our medical screenings during these transitions. She also discusses the various menopause treatments. A GP in Canberra specialising in menopause, at age
S9E2: S9 Ep2 Navigating menopause in the workplace
When menopause starts affecting our ability to perform our jobs, many of us feel we need to suffer in silence - or worse yet, leave our positions or take a lesser role. Talking about menopause within the workplace often seems like a taboo subject, but things are starting to shift. Recruitment expert Sarah Piper is a champion of flexible and inclusive workplaces. She explains our workplace rights and details what forward-thinking companies need to do to support menopausal women at work.See omnyst
S9E1: S9 Ep1 Michelle Bridges on supporting bone health in menopause
We often don't think about the health of our bones until it's too late. Health expert Michelle Bridges explains why menopause is a critical time for bone health and how we can make sure our skeleton is as strong as it can be in later life. The mastermind behind the hugely successful 12 Week Body Transformation (12WBT) program, Michelle has now launched The Menopause Method, a diet, fitness and mindset program to assist women through this phase of their lives.See for priva
S8E6: S8 Ep6 Sex and libido in menopause
Psycho-sexologist, scientist, and sex and relationship expert Chantelle Otten joins us on the podcast to discuss the reasons our sex lives and libido can be challenged during the perimenopause years, as well as advising on the options available to help us navigate this transition to achieve greater intimacy and satisfaction.See for privacy information.
S8E5: S8 Ep 5 Itchy, dry skin in menopause
Dr Ginni Mansberg has been a GP for over 30 years, specialising in women's health and menopause. In this episode, she shares her wealth of knowledge on how we can deal with one of menopause's more irritating symptoms, itchy and dry skin, in every imaginable part of our bodies!See for privacy information.
S8E4: S8 Ep 4 Rethinking how we treat menopause
One of the UK's most influential menopause warriors, Dr Louise Newson is the founder of the Balance App and website, and her mission is to help women around the world get the best support and treatment for their menopause symptoms. She shares her valuable insights on the future of menopause care and why we need a total rethink of the way we look at and treat perimenopause and menopause. See for privacy information.
S8E3: S8 Ep 03 Coping with heavy periods in menopause
Dr Talat Uppal is a gynaecologist and the Founder and Director of Women’s Health Road – an innovative, digitally integrated, multidisciplinary obstetrics and gynaecology centre. She is passionate about women's health and has a special interest in helping women navigate heavy periods, a common menopausal condition.“Heavy menstrual bleeding is a common condition and is really a problem with many solutions, and I encourage women to proactively seek medical care, for such a fixable issue," she says.
S8E2: S8 Ep 02 Self worth and eating disorders in menopause
Dr Gemma Sharp is a researcher and senior clinical psychologist at Monash University, specialising in body image and eating disorders. She lends her valuable insights into why and how our self worth is impacted by the changes that happen to us during perimenopause, which has led to a rise in eating disorders for women in midlife. See for privacy information.
S8E1: S8 Ep 01 Cartoonist & author Kaz Cooke on the insane truth about menopause
Journalist and author Kaz Cooke surveyed more than 8000 women about menopause and their frank, fearless responses inform Kaz' new book It's The Menopause. Told with candour, amusing illustrations and practical advice, the book is an essential guide for every woman navigating midlife. In this episode Kaz discusses some of the highlights. Grab a copy of Kaz' book at the Prevention Book Club on Booktopia here. See for privacy information.
S7E6: S7 Ep 06 After menopause: what happens now?
Once your periods stop, do all those annoying symptoms vanish? In this episode, menopause specialist Dr Fatima Kahn returns to discuss how life feels after menopause. Dr Kahn treats women on both sides of menopause at the Agora Centre at Epworth Hospital in Melbourne. She also runs the informative Instagram page Menopause Specialist.See for privacy information.
S7E5: S7 Ep 05 Easy bladder fixes every woman should know
Women's health physiotherapist Caitlin Dunsford explains why your bladder can become less reliable in your 40s and 50s; from suffering embarrassing little leaks when you laugh to waking up for the fourth time in the night with an overwhelming urge to pass urine. Caitlin discusses the reasons your bladder is letting you down, why it may be a symptom of other issues and what you can do about it. See for privacy information.
S7E4: S7 Ep 04 How menopause begins - a personal journey
Jo Caminiti had no idea that what was happening to her had a name: perimenopause. And now she's determined to make sure other women know that menopause can come in many guises - and it's not always having hot flushes. Here she shares her story, and the signs and signals she didn't understand until much, much later. If you are in your 40s and your health is gets rocky, it's worth you and your doctor putting menopause on the table (despite how remote 'menopause' may seem). Here's the Australian Me
S7E3: S7 Ep 03 Top menopause questions to ask your GP
Many doctors have little training in menopause. In fact they can fail to recognise the signs, and aren't equipped to help women through menopause. So in this episode Dr Sarah White, who is CEO of the Jean Hailes women's health clinics, talks about how to discuss menopause with your GP and get the help and support you need. You can find the Jean Hailes symptom tracker here. Using it can be an effective way to discuss your health problems with your doctor.See for privacy in
S7E2: S7 Ep 02 The Menopause Diet with nutritionist Faye James
When nutritionist Faye James hit her mid 40s she found herself piling on kilos around her belly. As someone who had always eaten healthily she was bewildered, and decided to investigate. The result is a cookbook, The Menopause Diet, which Faye and her photographer husband Darrin James have created, packed with very simple nutritious recipes that lean into the foods we need more of during menopause, and avoid ingredients known to trigger hot flushes and weight gain. In this episode Faye shares h
S7E1: S7 Ep 01 Melissa Doyle and Naima Brown on feeling great about midlife and menopause
Journalist Melissa Doyle and her best friend Naima Brown discuss how women can find confidence and pride in approaching our 50s. Their book How to Age Against The Machine explores many facets of life after 40, with a view to empowering others. In this episode Melissa and Naima candidly share how during the writing of this book they've reframed their own outlook on ageing and how they've come to feel great about midlife. Grab a copy of How to Age Against the Machine from Prevention's Book Club h
S6E6: S6 Ep06 How to find happiness at midlife
It's surprisingly common for women to feel restless, disappointed or just less happy in our 40s and 50s. In fact, researchers have found that we tend to hit the bottom of the happiness curve in midlife. So how do we find our way back to feeling joyful and inspired by life again? In this episode clinical psychologist Dr Emmanuella Murray shares how to set yourself on the path back to happiness and live your best life at midlife.See for privacy information.
S6E5: S6 Ep05 How Menopause Affects Your Joints
Among the many roles oestrogen plays in our bodies, it turns out that it is important in cushioning our joints. In this episode Rebecca Sabine, senior physiotherapist at Adelaide's Vital Core Physiotherapy, explains what happens to our joints as our oestrogen fluctuates during perimenopause. She also offers valuable advice for what you can do to keep your joints strong and healthy at midlife.See for privacy information.
S6E4: S6 Ep04 How alcohol impacts menopause
Female alcohol and binge drinking coach Kathryn Elliott shares her own journey to sobriety and discusses tips and tricks to help women drink less. You can find Melbourne-based Kathryn Elliott at Or, if you are looking for support from elsewhere in Australia, find coaches near you at See for privacy information.
S6E3: S6 Ep03 Is brain fog menopause or dementia?
It’s a fact that two thirds of women experience ‘brain fog’, during perimenopause, the years leading up to menopause. And it’s natural to wonder, is this the start of a slippery slope to dementia?
GP Dr Ginni Mansberg, author of Save Your Brain, discusses what causes women to start to feel fuzzy-brained during perimenopause, and if there's a link to dementia. She also reveals the important lifestyle changes in your 40s and 50s that can have a huge impact on your risk of developing dementia later
S6E2: S6 Ep02 A fresh take on perimenopause with Shelly Horton
What are the first signs of perimenopause? Unlike the much easier signal, years earlier, that you were having your first period, there's no specific sign or marker of this transition. And because the process starts many years before actual 'menopause' (which is, officially, 1 year after your last period) it usually happens in our early to mid 40s. For TV presenter Shelly Horton it was an enormous shock when her doctor suggested she was perimenopausal. “I'm like, hang on a minute, I'm 46! I'm h
S6E1: S6 Ep01 The secrets to body confidence after 40
Whether it’s about your clothes getting tight, or anxiety about your partner seeing you naked, you are not alone. In fact, this kind of body self-criticism causes many of us to have a troubled relationship with eating, says dietitian Lyndi Cohen, author of ‘Your Weight is not the Problem’. In this episode Lindy details tips and strategies to cut the negative self-talk and develop a healthy relationship with food and with your body. Get Lyndi's book Your Weight Is Not The Problem through Prevent
S5E6: S5 Ep 06 The Secrets to an Easy Menopause
In this episode Dr Fatima Khan, a highly skilled menopause and perimenopause doctor, discusses the fundamental pillars every woman needs to be aware of in order to thrive during menopause. Over decades of treating menopausal women, she has found that there is no point taking a pill without addressing these underlying issues. Here, Dr Khan supplies daily management strategies for your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.See for privacy information.
S5 Ep 05 Are these mindless habits causing weight gain?
Why is it that some people manage to lose weight then see it slip straight back on, while others keep it off for good? Dr Gina Cleo has the answers. Gina is one of the world's leading habit change experts. In this episode she shares the surprisingly simple tweaks that will make it easy for you to stick with healthy habits, and recognise the unseen triggers that may be sabotaging them. Learn how to avoid mindless snacking (or that sneaky glass of wine after dinner) to making fitness a regular par
S5E4: S5 Ep 04 Easy ways to build more confidence in midlife
Confidence coach Mel Schilling is a former psychologist and currently the relationship coach on Married At First Sight in Australia and the UK. In this episode she shares powerful tips to build your confidence and navigate a positive outlook through the ups and downs of midlife. + Find the questionnaire Mel discusses to define your personal strengths here + Grab a copy of Mel's book The C Word (Confidence), here.See for privacy information.
S5E3: S5 Ep 03 Belly fat - what to eat to beat it
Dietitian Susie Burrell joins us to chat about belly fat and how our nutrition needs change during midlife, and what you should be eating more of. She also shares which of the popular diets really work - is it keto, 5:2, low carb or intermittent fasting that's best for long-term weight loss. You can hear more nutrition advice from Susie on her podcast The Nutrition Couch See for privacy information.
S5E2: S5 Ep 02 These moves soothe hot flushes & create calm
Taking us through gentle moves that can ease menopause symptoms is yoga teacher Justine Thompson, who runs workshops for perimenopausal women. Rest assured, there's no headstands or mantra chanting involved. Studies have proven that simple yoga moves and yoga-style slow, deep breathing can help us with the physical and emotional upheavals around midlife. You'll want to try these simple moves at home! For more details about Justine and her workshops click here. Here's what research has shown abou
S5E1: S5 Ep 01 How can your relationship survive menopause?
This episode is essential listening for every couple. Get your partner to hear this one episode - it could be a game-changer for your relationship! GP and menopause expert Dr Ginni Mansberg discusses the healthiest way to navigate mood swings, night sweats and, most importantly, what you should both know about sex and intimacy during menopause. Straight-talking Dr Ginni shares important no-holds-barred truths. Note: this episode contains explicit content.
Dr Ginni Mansberg has written the compr
S4E6: S4 Ep 06 Changes to your eyes an optometrist wants you to know
Dry, sore eyes...blurry vision... these are common problems in our 40s and 50s - and the good news is there are simple fixes. In this final episode of series 4, optometrist Greeshma Patel from Specsavers makes sense of the changes you might be experiencing in your peepers, and shares surprising insights into how you can protect your sight and keep scratchy, dry, red eyes at bay.See for privacy information.
S4E5: S4 Ep 05 How to get better sleep
Think of this as a bedtime story with a happy ending. If you wake up in a tangle of sweaty sheets, or find yourself staring endlessly at the ceiling, psychologist Dr Moira Junge, head of the Sleep Health Foundation, shares some practical advice to help you get a good night's sleep. Here's more practical tips from our website: How to Get Better Sleep After 40 12 Natural Remedies for Better Sleep 10 Things that Sabotage Your Sleep After 40 See for privacy information.
S4E4: S4 Ep 04 A wee problem - what's happening to your pelvic floor
Accidentally weeing when you laugh... a urinary tract infection...a vagina that's painfully tight...these and other problems 'down there' happen to a surprising number of us! In this episode pelvic health physiotherapist Heba Shaheed comes to our aid. She explains the changes that happen to our pelvic floor as a normal part of going through our 40s and 50s, and the wide range of niggles and embarassing problems that can happen as a result. The good news is that with the right help, most of the t
S4E3: S4 Ep 03 What really fixes thinning hair? An expert's useful tips
Our hair is a defining part of who we are, so if we notice it start thinning or if we find strands of shed hair all over the place, it can be really distressing. But it's very common. In fact, it happens to many of us after menopause, or after a course of medication. Doctors may prescribe sticky lotions that you need to use every day which is, quite frankly, a pain. But there are other, better ways. Trichologist Carolyn Evans-Frost specialises in treating hair loss and scalp problems. In this ep
S4E2: S4 Ep 02 How the Female Brain Gets Stronger & Better at Midlife
Good news! Neuropsychiatrist Dr Louann Brizendine is revolutionising the way we think about menopause, which she refers to instead as The Upgrade. She has been studying the changes that take place in our brains during and after menopause and says, “we are not defined by our declining hormones.” In this episode she explains how our brains really do change during and after menopause, and shares the science of why we get happier every decade of our life. You can buy Dr Louann Brizendine's book The
S4E1: S4 Ep 01 Covergirls go through menopause, too...
Alison Brahe Daddo, who once graced the covers of Dolly and Cleo, drops into the studio for an unfiltered chat about her shifting hormones and changing body. As she muses…“Even the Kardashians will go through menopause!” She can laugh about it now, but some of her experiences will resonate with every woman. As a bonus we have an extract from her book Queen Menopause on the link here. See for privacy information.
S3E6: S3 Ep 06 Mad, bad & dangerous! The bizarre history of menopause
Throughout history menopause has been shrouded in myth and superstition. Niki Bezzant, author of This Changes Everything, discusses some of the strange treatments and 'cures' that male doctors and healers have inflicted on women when they reached the end of their reproductive lives. From ancient Rome to as recently as the 1960s, these 'remedies' range from the odd to the tragic and, with our modern understanding, frankly infuriating. Get Niki Bezzant's book This Changes Everything - The Ho
S3E5: S3 Ep 05 So busy! Can't stop! Are you suffering productivity guilt?
That voice inside our head always seems to judge what we didn't do well, never what we did. So how do we reframe this? Melbourne author Madeleine Dore's book “I Didn’t Do the Thing Today” looks at the kind of productivity guilt we all suffer and she points up some of the simple traps that might be unwittingly making you less happy than you deserve to be. See for privacy information.
S3E4: S3 Ep 04 A dermatologist's guide to skincare after 40
The skin doctor will see you now! Cutting through all the beauty industry hype, dermatologist Dr Shyamalar Gunatheesan discusses all the skin concerns that you may be wondering about: from dryness and age spots, to rosacea, frown lines and that 'tired' look you can't shake. And she explains the ABC of getting your glow back. Dermatologist Shyamalar Gunatheesan is the founding dermatologist at ODE Dermatology in Melbourne. You can follow her on Instagram here.See for priva
S3E3: S3 Ep 03 What happens to our lady parts during menopause
In this explicit episode, Dr Kelly Teagle delivers straight-forward answers to questions you probably don’t ask your girlfriends. We discuss how our changing hormones impact everything from the look of our sexual organs to the way they respond to sex. Menopause also affects arguably our most important sexual organ – the brain. And this impacts everything from our level of interest in sex to our ability to get aroused. Understanding all of this can help you find new ways t
S3E2: S3 Ep 02 Radically good ways to fix belly fat at menopause
Learn simple ways to shift unwelcome kilos – they're radically good, because they are so very doable, and don’t involve dieting! Nutritionist Michele Chevalley Hedge, author of Eat, Drink and Still Shrink, shares smart hacks to ‘nudge the dial’ towards better health, just by gently tweaking your regular daily habits into better, lighter ones. Michele will discuss her ‘gin and sonic’ and other not-so-guilty pleasures! As she explains, once you start making thes
S3E1: S3 Ep 01 Brain fog - why can't I think straight?
Brain fog – why can't I think straight? It's a common fear when you start forgetting names, wondering why you just walked into a room, struggling to concentrate…that what if this is the start of dementia? It's a proven fact that this cloudy thinking becomes worse for many of us around perimenopause. But the good news is that most times these aren't early signs of dementia. In this episode Dr Caroline Gurvich, a clinical neuropsychologist at Monash University in Melbourne, discusses
Season 3 - A sneak preview!
We're back with a new season that's packed with fresh inspo and info to help you thrive! Here's a sneak peak at what's in store when Series 3 launches on Monday, February 28.See for privacy information.
S2E6: Life's lost its spark? How to love your life again at midlife
During menopause, this midway point in life, it's not uncommon for women to feel stuck in a rut, or perhaps a little bit disappointed by how life’s turned out at. So in this episode we help you clear the path to a really rewarding next chapter. Michelle Seelig, is a midlife transition counsellor and coach shares strategies to help you rediscover joy, and live a life you truly love. Michelle Seelig runs the Live Well Playground in Melbourne.
S2E5: A makeup artist shares pro tips that make a difference at menopause
Award-winning makeup artist Amanda Ramsay is ‘pro-ageing’. Her mission is to deliver confidence to women at midlife. Amanda explains the key changes that happen to our skin around menopause and the essential skincare regimen that can restore a healthy ‘glow’. Plus, she imparts smart tips for applying makeup so you look confidently polished and radiant. Don't miss this!Amanda Ramsay offers online makeup masterclasses exclusively tailored to women 40+. Visit htt
S2E4: Menopause and mood swings - learn the natural way to get calm
Many of us go around judging ourselves and at the same time feeling wild outbursts of anger, frustration and sadness that can all brought on by our see-sawing hormones. What if there was a lighter way you could be – no medication required? Mindfulness coach Charlotte Thaarup shares tips for managing frustrating real life scenarios with grace and calm. And she coaches us through a simple technique to stop, pause and live in more in the moment. Learn how to swap the noisy destructive chatter
S2E3: 4 top hacks to stay lean & happy during menopause
Amanda Thebe is a force of nature for women who are experiencing menopause hell and want to start feeling healthy and fit in their 40s and beyond. In episode 1 of this series she shared her own story, and in this episode she's back with a veritable toolkit of practical ways to look after your health at midlife. She explains how to avoid weight gain, overcoming emotional eating, soothe stress and anxiety, recharge your energy and rediscover the inner happy you.Amanda's lively Facebook group
S2E2: Hot flushing at work... the confidence tricks you need
Hot flushing when talking to your boss, a memory that now has more holes than swiss cheese... menopause can make us feel less confident in our jobs. In this episode workplace and wellbeing coach Thea O'Connor shares game-changing tips and tactics for when our hormones invade us at work. Learn how to sail through with confidence.Learn more about Thea's online program The Change to help menopausal women thrive in their workplace here:
S2E1: It's not you, it's your hormones...unmasking perimenopause
A subtle, progressive shift in our hormones can start as early as our late 30s, and it creates a raft of changes in our body and our brain. While it’s different for every woman, this can include mood swings, migraines, depression, loss of confidence and feeling like you’re not yourself anymore. Author and fitness coach Amanda Thebe dubs it the ‘Menopocalypse’. In this episode Amanda describes her harrowing journey through perimenopause, from her debilitating symptoms to h
Season 2 - A sneak preview!
Season Two of Thriving in Menopause is on its way! The new series starts on Monday, October 18, 2021, which is World Menopause Day. Think of this 6-part series as your menopause toolkit. You'll learn practical tips for so many parts of your life, from how to manage embarrassing hot flushes in public, to how to talk to your doctor about your symptoms. And there's even professional makeup tips to boost your confidence and take years off. Most of all, in this season we'll dive into how, even whe
S1E6: "My crazy menopause" with comedian Julia Morris
In this final episode of the season, comedian Julia Morris shares hilarious stories of her own menopausal adventures. She opens up about the professional counselling she went through to relieve her menopausal mood swings. “I wanted to stab people!” she says. Julia also shares some valuable advice on being kind to yourself at this sensitive time. Yes, there’s practical tools from Julia, along with a few great belly laughs to help us sail happily through menopause and beyond.CREDITS Host: Andrea
S1E5: How sex changes after 40
Three out of four women suffer from a pretty crappy sex life during menopause – though it’s hardly something we talk about. Common symptoms are not feeling in the mood, suffering from dry or painful sex, and physical changes down there. But all is not lost as sexologist Tracey Cox, author of Great Sex Starts at 50, talks frankly and offers practical advice to maintaining a happy, healthy sexual relationship. Warning: this episode includes graphic content. CREDITS Host: Andrea Duvall. Producer:
S1E4: HRT and the best natural remedies
The good news is that there are great treatments available to nip your menopause symptoms in the bud. They'll not just take away the hot flushes, but soothe the mood swings, restore sleep and make you feel like yourself again. GP Dr Ginni Mansberg, author of The M Word, talks about the latest the evidence around HRT: Is it really safe? What kinds of symptoms does it treat? And if you want an all-natural option, Ginni shares what science shows really works – you’ll be surprised!
S1E3: Feeling angry, sad or overwhelmed? Fixing the moody blues
Yes, you may feel like you’re going a little crazy, but rest assured it’s not you, it’s your hormones. Psychologist Dr Emmanuella Murray talks about the common intense changes that our hormones can cause: If you feel like your normal happy self has been stolen, or if you suddenly want want to leap out and punch someone who cuts you off in traffic, you’ll know what we mean. Dr Emanuella discusses how it’s quite normal to feel overwhelmed by life, exhausted and
S1E2: The lowdown on weight gain and belly fat
Why do so many of us notice weight creeping on - especially around our belly - during menopause? In this episode, Dr Joanna McMillan, leading nutrition scientist, author and creator of Get Lean, explains why our metabolism slows down. And she discusses why belly fat can be risky for our overall health, compared with 'bingo wings' and the other places we may have discovered added padding.Dr Joanna guides us through how to curb weight gain without 'dieting'. She shares a range
S1E1: Hot flushes...Who turned the heater on?!
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by hot flushes, intense mood swings and exhaustion from another lousy night’s sleep, you’re not alone. In this episode GP Dr Ginni Mansberg, author of The M Word (Murdoch Books, $32.99), explains what's really going on with our bodies, and what changes you can expect as you navigate this roller coaster of hormones that take over your body somewhere between the ages of 40 and 60. Dr Ginni answers the most common questions women ask, and shares down-to-earth advice