Pessimistic at Best

Pessimistic at Best

Sam Georgson

Welcome to Pessimistic at Best, a podcast for those with a penchant for frequent frustrations, personal gripes, unpopular opinions, honest observations, and the like. Hosted by Sam, your resident Pessimistic Patty, this weekly show dares to ask the question—have we tried listening to women? Each week, Sam sits down with a guest to explore the good, the bad, and the ugly. A surprisingly good country album by your favorite pop artist, a bad bang trim you gave yourself during a manic episode, a military homecoming video on the internet that made you ugly cry. The list is endless, and th...

Breakfast Is Thrust Upon You

Breakfast Is Thrust Upon You

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Brunch is something you plan in advance. It's an event you prepare for. Heck, you might even put on a cute outfit! Breakfast, on the other hand, is thrust upon you (whether you like it or not!)Luke and I take to the podcast to rejoice in the pleasure of breakfast with your friends, complain about the reality of women's healthcare, and clap back at people who pick on picky eaters.Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisti

Feb 18, • 1:31:28

Death of the Mainstream

Death of the Mainstream

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Everyone can be someone and anything can be cool — and isn't that beautiful? Sure, there will always be pop stars with seismic fanbases like Taylor Swift and Beyoncé, but the "mainstream" is over, you heard it here first!James and I take to the podcast to dive into the death of the mainstream, protest our apparent collective dedication to ignoring the human desire to hibernate, and shame TV and movie franchises that refuse to let a good thing go.

Feb 11, • 1:03:49

When Your Pants Get a Little Loose at the Knees

When Your Pants Get a Little Loose at the Knees

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)We're back, babies! And ever so grateful to be back in your ears each week. We missed you terribly — what a long two months it has truly been. Much to catch up on, so let's take it from the top!James and I take to the podcast to share our favorite onomatopoeias, lament over the humiliation of running to catch the bus, and complain about pants when they inevitably get a little loose at the knees after a long day of wear.Get silly with us on social

Feb 4, • 46:00

You Seem Tired

You Seem Tired

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Friendly reminder that the absolute worst thing you can do is tell someone they seem tired, it never goes over well. Instead, you could try, "You look like shit," or "What the hell is your problem." This week James and I take to the podcast to encourage more themed parties, commiserate about just how much it sucks to throw up, and to render our final verdict on the fake Christmas tree of it all.Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstag

Nov 26, 2024 • 31:15

Becoming a Better Person

Becoming a Better Person

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Great news team, becoming a better person is actually incredibly easy! Follow our 5-step process and you'll surely go straight to heaven or be reincarnated as something really cool or whatever. In this week's episode, James and I take to the podcast to celebrate the versatility of the fist bump, condemn the act of killing bugs outside, and drag the folks who film strangers in public without their consent — seriously, don't do that! Get silly with

Nov 19, 2024 • 40:16

What’s up with Delaware?

What’s up with Delaware?

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Have you ever been to the state of Delaware? Because me neither, and I have no designs on visiting! Devonte and I take to the podcast to celebrate finding fulfillment in our respective careers and shared community, to burst the bubble that is traveling for work, and to throw shade at the CTA.Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @pessimisticatbestWebsite: pessimisticatbest.comFOLLOW SAMANTHAInstagram

Nov 12, 2024 • 1:07:12

Weaponized Incompetence

Weaponized Incompetence

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Playing dumb is all fun and games until you're on the receiving end of such behavior — we said what we said! Aidan and I take to the podcast to sing the praises of our favorite fast-food chain (Taco Bell, duh!), deliberate over the appropriate way to deplane after a flight, and expose people for weaponizing their incompetence.Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @pessimisticatbestWebsite: pessimisti

Nov 5, 2024 • 1:28:38

The Quest to Become a Morning Person

The Quest to Become a Morning Person

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Are you buying into the propaganda that morning people are more productive? Because we’ve sold our souls and signed on the dotted line. Manu and I are just a couple of night owls on the quest to become early risers and get that damn worm if it's the last thing we do! Join us on the podcast for a conversation about embracing new hobbies, getting bad sleep, and the curse of the Hyundai Sonata. Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram

Oct 29, 2024 • 1:18:46

What Your Cracked iPhone Says About You

What Your Cracked iPhone Says About You

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)If you listen to this episode I'm sorry and if you make it all the way to the end something is literally wrong with you! Truly rubbing my last two brain cells together for this one, enter at your own risk! James and I take to the podcast to relive the golden age of computer games, lament the hassle of cleaning one's makeup brushes, and shame anyone with a cracked iPhone based on what it says about their personality — trust me, it speaks volumes!G

Oct 22, 2024 • 50:53

We're Not Friends We're Business Partners

We're Not Friends We're Business Partners

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)We're starting a support group for people who have had to execute a Facebook Marketplace pickup while viciously hungover—do you want in? Luke and I take to the podcast this week to chat about our favorite micro-influencers, our aversion to submitting maintenance requests as renters, and our deep disappointment when we reconvene with our besties after a night out and no one has collected any good tea.Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTI

Oct 15, 2024 • 1:11:29

Concert Etiquette

Concert Etiquette

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)If it's one thing about us, it's that we're going to buy tickets to the concert! Annie and I take to the podcast to share in our love for being "woo" girls at our favorite live shows, to bitch about music venues that don't have water stations, and to shame our friends who don't know how to purchase concert tickets without getting scammed. (You know who you are — said with love!)Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimistic

Oct 8, 2024 • 1:33:13

9 Beers, 9 Hotdogs, 9 Innings

9 Beers, 9 Hotdogs, 9 Innings

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)How many hotdogs could you reasonably consume in a 2.5-hour sitting? The 9x9x9 challenge has officially met its match, and I have the absolute pleasure of hosting our fearless champion on this week's podcast! Neil and I take to the pod to chat about the joys of trying your hand at something new, the horrors of bad plumbing, and the ultimate buzzkill—getting slapped with a parking ticket (or two). Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInst

Oct 1, 2024 • 1:26:04

Autumn's Rebrand

Autumn's Rebrand

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Is it just us, or do all Midwestern dads have the same undeniable penchant for building elaborate underwater ecosystems within the home? What’s the story there? This week on the podcast Grace and I share our affinity for Autumn's rebrand, our loathing of overcrowded spaces, and our tendency toward bad sportsmanship. Join in, you know you wanna!Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @pessimisticatbestW

Sep 24, 2024 • 1:18:43

The Man Behind the Curtain

The Man Behind the Curtain

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)If you're chemically addicted to watching Chicago apartment tours on TikTok, this episode is for you! Get to know the man behind the curtain (or camera), from his least favorite household chore to his go-to Chipotle order. Dean and I take to the podcast to chat about how he got started doing his now infamous apartment tours, the ups and downs of social media, the challenges that come with growing out of friendships, and so much more!Get silly wit

Sep 17, 2024 • 1:01:26

Nature's Still Got It

Nature's Still Got It

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)You know you've been spending too much time indoors when you go outside and think to yourself, man it rocks out here!! James and I take to the podcast to chat about the benefits of being curious, the worst smells at the Logan Square Farmer's Market, and the absolute freaks that think it's okay to litter.Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @pessimisticatbestWebsite: pessimisticatbest.comFOLLOW SAMAN

Sep 10, 2024 • 47:42

This Year We're Acting Hot

This Year We're Acting Hot

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Now, I'm not here to tell you to fake it until you make it, but sometimes the key to being hot is simply acting hot!!! Pat and I take to the pod this week to share our mutual love of Google Calendar, divulge our early interest in retirement, and discuss doing the hard work of confronting our emotions.Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @pessimisticatbestWebsite: pessimisticatbest.comFOLLOW SAMANTHA

Sep 3, 2024 • 59:14

Not Going to Let a Man Tell Me What to Do

Not Going to Let a Man Tell Me What to Do

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)If it's one thing about us, it's that we're never going to let a man tell us what to do. Dante and I take to the podcast to sing the praises of this summer's pop girlies, lament the horrors of moving, and ruminate over the audacity of people at the airport. Join in, you know you wanna. ;)Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @pessimisticatbestWebsite: pessimisticatbest.comFOLLOW SAMANTHAInstagram: @s

Aug 27, 2024 • 1:13:10

Brat Summer

Brat Summer

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Did you know that humans cement their taste in music in their late twenties? Feeling incredibly blessed to live during a time in which my Saturn Return overlaps with Brat Summer — formative years to say the least! Mickey and I take to the podcast to discuss the ups and downs of owning a fully developed pre-frontal cortex (try saying that five times fast!) and, more importantly, to talk mad shit about Glen Powell. Join in, you know you wanna. ;) G

Aug 20, 2024 • 1:06:34

Standing on Business

Standing on Business

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)The Olympics had us singing "Party in the USA" just before the Chicago Air and Water Show came along and knocked the red, white, and blue right out of us again — because that's where we simply must stand on business! Ciara and I take to the podcast to celebrate Team USA and triangular-shaped buildings before we debate over our differing tastes for spooky szn and so much more — join in, the water's fine!Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCA

Aug 13, 2024 • 1:08:54

For the Love of the Game

For the Love of the Game

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)We're baaaack, and much to everyone's dismay, we're better than ever! Join us for our season kick-off where James and I take to the pod to share in our love for swimming and our distaste for servers that overcompensate, and stay for an impassioned speech about how much I hate having to get up out of my seat when the person next to me on a flight has to use the restroom. Did you miss me?Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pes

Aug 6, 2024 • 47:38

I Love Limes

I Love Limes

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Is there anything better than seeing how the other half lives? If you enjoy treating yourself to celebrity home tours or listening to Dakota Johnson ramble on about false fruit obsessions, this episode is for you! Join us for a silly little conversation about Architectural Digest tours, the impending cicada boom, and the horror of discovering you have self-tanner hands.Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFac

May 28, 2024 • 43:50

I Hate White Rabbits

I Hate White Rabbits

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Sitting around the campfire is all fun and games until you become the chosen one and suddenly you're blind and both of your lungs collapse. Not to mention the lingering smell that adheres to everything you own — 'tis the season! James and I jump on the podcast to fawn over reunion videos, complain about smoke in the eyes, and argue over whether being late is culturally acceptable, join in!Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTIn

May 21, 2024 • 38:11

We Contain Multitudes

We Contain Multitudes

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Did you have a Christian phase? Have you also been arrested? I'm not saying there's a correlation, but let's look at the facts. Kyle and I self-identify as total sweethearts, but previously we were singing hymns and doing time. Join us for an honest conversation about the joys of dating, the burden of having a downstairs neighbor, and the harsh reality of it being an election year.Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInsta

May 14, 2024 • 1:23:53

Closing Time

Closing Time

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Picture this: It's 1:30 am, the lights come on, 'Closing Time' starts playing over the speakers, the bartenders have turned on you and there are two big burly guys telling you that you can't wait for your Uber inside. Is there anything worse? I think not! Owen, James, and I take to the podcast for a deep and intellectual conversation about e-cards, eye doctors, expiration dates, and more. You're seriously not going to wan

May 7, 2024 • 1:06:21

Death Penalty

Death Penalty

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Do you suffer from road rage or are you medicated? As a proud passenger princess myself, I typically abstain — but I understand the urge, driving is hard! Let it out, bestie! Dylan and I take to the pod to grumble about physical labor and publicly shame people who don't use their turn signals. Join in the fun, you know you want to. ;) Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @pessimisticatbestWebsi

Apr 30, 2024 • 1:21:50

Open Campus Lunch

Open Campus Lunch

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Did your high school have an open campus lunch or were you one of the unlucky ones? I hate to break it to you, but there is truly no experience that could compare to piling seven deep in a friend's car and zipping across the street to the mall food court for a slice of Rocky Rococo's pepperoni pizza and a pink lemonade. None! Join us for a silly little conversation about drunk McDonald's orders, quicksand, walkable cities and so mu

Apr 23, 2024 • 1:07:53

iPad Kids

iPad Kids

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Do you ride or die for Steve Jobs? Don’t worry, you’re safe here! Jake and I take to the podcast to discuss the finest technological advances of our lifetime (caller ID & iPhone cases with kickstands) while simultaneously confessing our unyielding need to touch grass and perhaps create something with our hands, because we contain multitudes!Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @pessimisticatbest

Apr 16, 2024 • 1:02:08

With the Works

With the Works

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)I need to apologize to anyone who listens to this episode and purchases a ticket to Lollapalooza because I said Phoebe Bridgers is on the lineup. That is utter misinformation, she's probably busy that weekend, and I have no idea where I heard this rumor or why it came out of my mouth. Please forgive me!Okay, now that we got that out of the way. If you're NOT mad at me, consider joining us for a silly little episode about dogs — big dogs

Apr 9, 2024 • 1:03:17

Who Invented Nicknames

Who Invented Nicknames

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Do you have a nickname? Was it self prescribed or bestowed upon you? Do you prefer your god-given name? What if god isn’t real, then what? So many questions! While you contemplate your answers, why not join us for a silly little episode about the magic of visiting your local Asian supermarket, the terror of encountering your local Christian Bible thumper, and the harsh reality of taking an overwhelming amount of supplements and vitamins before em

Apr 2, 2024 • 53:01

Watch This Space!

Watch This Space!

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Becoming an adult means getting a printer for the home and we're officially shedding our youth today, folks. James and I take to the pod to discuss the versatility of breakfast sandwiches, lament over the incredible inconvenience of having to type in a password, and persecute anyone who willingly leaves the house with a chipped mani. Sorry, not sorry! Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @pessi

Mar 26, 2024 • 33:58

We Used to Have Class

We Used to Have Class

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)What ever happened to getting all gussied up for a night at the theater? We used to have class, we used to have taste, we used to have culture — now all we've got are a bunch of hussies wearing their "Kiss me, I'm Irish" t-shirts to the Saturday evening showing of My Fair Lady. Join us for a silly little conversation about comfort shows, modern architecture, and boring losers who refuse to shake ass on the dance floor.Get sill

Mar 19, 2024 • 39:38

Super Fresh

Super Fresh

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Not to be dramatic, but I would happily lay down my life for the man who sings songs to his goat on TikTok. Have you had the pleasure of encountering this sweet creature? His gentle spirit, his adoring fan, I simply can't get enough! Join us on the pod for a silly little conversation about whether our reverence for animal videos spans generations and stay for my hot take on what it takes to grow out a pixie cut — GUTS.Get silly with us on so

Mar 12, 2024 • 33:25

Choose Your Own Destiny

Choose Your Own Destiny

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Did you know that if you get bad news during a tarot reading it's your fault? Anyway, Jasen paid 30 dollars for a woman to tell him he was destined to get famous by coming on my podcast, so here goes! Join us for a silly little conversation about rollerskating, apartments with no personality, and reality TV's latest innovation, The Traitors. You're going to love it, seriously!FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook:

Mar 5, 2024 • 1:11:30

Ketchup or Mustard

Ketchup or Mustard

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)When it comes to condiments, how refined is your palate? I'm a mustard girlie, but I admittedly still fuck with ketchup, is that okay? You can be honest! Join us for a silly little conversation about our favorite mayo-based dressings, our biggest red flags, and our thoughts on the ugliest running shoes.Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @pessimisticatbestWebsite: pessimisticatbest.comFOLLOW S

Feb 27, 2024 • 1:10:30

Locked In

Locked In

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Besties, are you tweaking out or are you locked in? We're asking the tough questions today on Pessimistic at Best! Personally, I'm tweaking but I'm trying sooo hard to lock in. Join us for a comically unstable conversation about bidets, movie trailers, and the Twitter comments section.Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @pessimisticatbestWebsite: pessimisticatbest.comFOLLOW SAMANTHAI

Feb 20, 2024 • 47:40

Slay the House Boots Down

Slay the House Boots Down

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Are you a cat person or a dog person? I'm not trying to start drama but personally, I've never seen a dog boots the house down, just saying!!! Zoe and take to the podcast to fawn over the feline's primordial pouch, trash talk Chicago winters, and share our hot takes on hairless pets — join in if you're feeling frisky ;)Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @pessimisticatbestWebsit

Feb 13, 2024 • 55:30

Popping Off

Popping Off

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)It's 2024 and the rumors are true, I'm popping off this year! So sorry you had to find out like this, destiny is calling and I'd be a fool to let her go to voicemail, as they say! We're back with a new season and a slightly new episode format that I'm so excited to finally pump into your sweet little ears. This season we're starting a new segment on the pod called, "the good, the bad, and the ugly," and (no

Feb 6, 2024 • 48:38

Internet Couple

Internet Couple

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)We’re just another internet couple creating content for our adoring fans. It’s hard work, but somebody’s got to do it. So, here we present you the final episode of season six.We’re celebrating Festivus a little early this year and airing our grievances with one another right here on the pod, so join us in discussing the things we like the least about each other. The perfect start to a merry holiday season, if I do say so myself! See you next year

Nov 28, 2023 • 51:33

Who Are We to Say?

Who Are We to Say?

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)How old were you when you learned to eat vegetables? As a former picky eater, I was admittedly a bit of late bloomer, myself. Magda and I may have grown up in different cities but we were both members of our respective middle school skiing clubs, neither of us can do a cartwheel, and we both decided to take up Gender & Women’s Studies minors sooo, you do the math. Join us for a silly little conversation about health fads, screen time, and our

Nov 21, 2023 • 1:03:14

Midwestern Casserole

Midwestern Casserole

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)What's your favorite season? If the answer isn't fall, you're wrong, no offense! The weather, the clothes, the variety of soups — I mean seriously, what's not to love? Join us for a little chat about our mutual love for all things autumnal and stay for a run-down of the campiest horror movies and our go-to Thanksgiving side dishes — you're not going to want to miss this wholesome little episode. ;)Get silly with us on soc

Nov 14, 2023 • 1:05:57

Hell on Wheels

Hell on Wheels

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Did you know opting out of Boom Cup could prevent you from contracting coronavirus? That's a W for my non-competitive gals if I've ever heard one! Yes, the rumors are true, James got the vid and then got his job back, and I got to be home for one whole day last week! Anyway, join us for an incredibly slap-happy little conversation that will take you all the way from Las Vegas, Nevada to Nashville, Tennessee, where some guy named Pitt wi

Nov 7, 2023 • 37:30

Pickle in the Fridge

Pickle in the Fridge

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Someone on YouTube commented on one of my recent podcast episodes and said, "Good video and pretty feet," so do with that information what you will! Safe to say I've been wearing socks on the pod ever since. Anyway, your favorite co-host is back, so tune into this week's ep for a breakdown of the difference between spooky movies vs. horror movies and stay to find out why I cried at work. It'll be so fun, I swear! <3Get

Oct 31, 2023 • 37:05

Two Hours in Calabasas

Two Hours in Calabasas

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Have you ever traveled to Calabasas and back in a day? Well I have, and it stunk! Picture this—you’re flying Southwest Airlines, you unknowingly choose the seat in between a large party of 40-year old divorcees, you land at LAX and are forced to walk 2 miles to the Uber pick-up spot, you drive to your meeting, black out while pitching ideas to your client, and then head right back to the airport only to find out that your flight home to has been

Oct 17, 2023 • 39:06

Mother Knows Best

Mother Knows Best

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Do you still seek approval from Mom? Don't worry, you're amongst friends! I mean come on, there's truly nothing more validating than an endorsement from your mother, even at the ripe old age of twenty-seven. Alex, Andrew, and I take to the podcast to discuss the challenges of living with food restrictions, the absolute magic of snow days, and the three incredible women single-handedly saving our economy — let's go girls!Get si

Oct 3, 2023 • 1:35:17

Girls Just Want to Play Outside

Girls Just Want to Play Outside

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Do you believe in astrology? Meg and I are both fire signs entering our Saturn Return, so send us your thoughts and prayers, besties! On this week's ep, we discuss the pros and cons of recreational sports, recount the trauma of running the pacer test in gym class, and share our mutual ick for grown men riding electric scooters in their business casual clothes. We're just a couple of gals on a mission to get out of the house, join in!Get

Sep 26, 2023 • 1:36:33

Funk It Up

Funk It Up

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Besties, what do you do when you get into a funk? Do you quit your job? Move to a new city? Guest star on a friend's podcast? All valid options, to be sure! Collin and I take to the pod to chat about when it's appropriate to run away from your problems, what not to order at your favorite fast-casual restaurants, the evolution of bracelet trends in the early 2000s, and so much more. Join us — you know you want to. ;) Get silly with us on

Sep 19, 2023 • 1:55:33

F*ck Ass Bob

F*ck Ass Bob

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)My wonderful friend Clair and I take to the podcast for a philosophical discussion about a few of the very particular life experiences explicitly reserved for twenty-somethings who are post-college, but pre-normal, happy, functioning adult life — including, but certainly not limited to, teaching English in Spain, working in logistics (bonus points if it's for a random trucking company), crying at a music festival, and chopping off all of you

Sep 12, 2023 • 1:04:42

This One's for My Non-Sporty Girls

This One's for My Non-Sporty Girls

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)I'm not a particularly competitive person and I certainly wasn't gifted with strong hand-eye coordination—and as they say—two wrongs don't make a right. Brit, Cat, and I take to the podcast to share our mutual disdain for competitive sports, dive into our incredibly unlucky losing streaks, and give Cat a proper Chicago send-off before she embarks on her new journey abroad. We're certainly going to miss you, Cat! Catch you acro

Sep 5, 2023 • 1:35:14

Only Child Syndrome

Only Child Syndrome

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Fun fact: I once had a classmate give a 5-minute speech about how I'm actually not that big of an asshole despite being an only child — pretty cool right! Ray and I take to the podcast to bond over our "only child syndrome," debate over Drake's silly little habit of adopting new accents, and share our love/hate relationship with self-promotion in the pursuit of our individual creative endeavors. Join in!Get silly with us on so

Aug 29, 2023 • 57:36

Where the Hell Have You Been, Loca?

Where the Hell Have You Been, Loca?

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Ok be honest, was Twilight your sexual awakening too? I think it goes without saying that we're Team Edward, but the thing about being Team Edward is that we were obviously still hootin' & hollerin' along with everyone else in the theater during that shirtless scene in New Moon. I mean come on, we're only human! My bestie girls and I take to the podcast to dissect the myriad of ways we could become famous, discuss the unse

Aug 22, 2023 • 1:26:02

Irrational Fear of Teens

Irrational Fear of Teens

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Do you dodge teenagers like the plague? Do you cross the street to avoid crossing their path? You may have ephebiphobia or an irrational fear of teens, and let it be known that you're amongst friends. Sarah and I take to the podcast to share our mutual fear of TikTok's target demographic and bond over our experiences growing up in the catholic church before diving into life as a grief therapist and the terror of subbing for an intramura

Aug 15, 2023 • 1:29:58

Feeling Strong and Brave

Feeling Strong and Brave

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Season 6 is here at long last! Let us catch you up on everything that's happened since we last spoke, from vowing never to travel with our cats again to waking up with a stranger in our bed to Lizzo getting canceled for body-shaming her backup dancers. It's been an eventful few weeks, to say the least, let's dive in. ;)Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @pessimisticatbestWebsite: pe

Aug 8, 2023 • 51:05

Just a Girl and Her Dental Fillings

Just a Girl and Her Dental Fillings

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)One hundred episodes in and we're feeling fine! James and I take to the podcast to celebrate with a riveting discussion about our stance on hot tubs, Chicago's breakfast spots, and the potentially life-altering decision to say goodbye to Eucerin forever, sounds fun, right? Join in! P.S. To whom it may concern, I recently discovered that I had two cavities and got my first-ever dental fillings hours prior to recording this episode — so m

Jun 27, 2023 • 46:25

Sore Loser

Sore Loser

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)If it's one thing about me, I'm not competitive, but I am a sore loser. James and I just got back from a trip to Milwaukee to celebrate a friend's birthday and we played an absolutely ridiculous amount of card games, got in a fight about whether or not to go to Summerfest, ate copious amounts of kettle corn, then, ironically won a ticket to Summerfest — life is a silly little game, isn't it? Anyway, join in!Get silly with us o

Jun 20, 2023 • 52:59

24K Magic in the Air

24K Magic in the Air

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)The theme is rhinestones and denim, honey! Friend of the pod, returning guest, the light of my life, and fire of my loins, Grace Ferolo joins me back on the podcast to recap her recent trip out to Sin City to see the man, the myth, the legend, Bruno Mars, before we dive into the plight of the angry woman, the blessing & the curse of having a busy schedule, and the quest for love in all forms.Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInsta

Jun 13, 2023 • 1:01:35

Naked Bike Ride

Naked Bike Ride

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Personally, I've never had the urge to get butt naked and take my bicycle for a spin through the city streets, but who am I to yuck somebody else's yum! Join us on the podcast for a lovely little recap of James' birthday weekend and stay for my newfound favorite cure for the hiccups, James' issue with divvy-bike sanitation practices, our pitch for the drink of the summer, and more!Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCAST

Jun 6, 2023 • 46:54

America's Favorite Pastime

America's Favorite Pastime

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)There's nothing more patriotic than celebrating Memorial Day Weekend with a Vienna hotdog and a Miller Lite at the stadium, am I right ladies? James and I take to the podcast to discuss my googling "grills for beginners" ahead of our trip to Home Depot, our mutual distaste for sandals, and more! Gear up for a taste of the American spirit, if you know what I mean, xoxo.Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessim

May 30, 2023 • 44:53

America's Favorite Pastime

America's Favorite Pastime

There's nothing more patriotic than celebrating Memorial Day Weekend with a Vienna hotdog and a Miller Lite at the stadium, am I right ladies? James and I take to the podcast to discuss my googling "grills for beginners" ahead of our trip to Home Depot, our mutual distaste for sandals, and more! Gear up for a taste of the American spirit, if you know what I mean, xoxo.Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @pessimisticatbestWebsite: pessimisticatbest

May 30, 2023 • 44:53

Barefoot-Boy Summer

Barefoot-Boy Summer

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Barefoot-boy summer is upon us, the sun is shining, and for better or for worse, the toes are OUT. Kyle and I take to the podcast to reminisce on our first swear words (or cuss words for you Texans), share our favorite phone games, and swap foot fetish stories, join us if you dare. ;)Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @pessimisticatbestWebsite: pessimisticatbest.comFOLLOW SAMANTHAInstagram: @samge

May 23, 2023 • 1:47:19

It's Not a Proper Doctor's Office Unless There's a Fish Tank

It's Not a Proper Doctor's Office Unless There's a Fish Tank

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)When was the last time you had a hand cramp? Well, I got one writing the notes for this episode, so it must be good! James and I take to the podcast to discuss the odd marketing tactics of a quirky local establishment here in Logan Square called the Friendship Chinese Restaurant before diving into my unhealthy obsession with Facebook Marketplace and my stance on Doctor's offices without fish tanks.Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCA

May 16, 2023 • 51:55

Slap a Label on Me

Slap a Label on Me

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!) If it's one thing about me, it's that I love a personality quiz. Categorize me, put me in a box, slap a label on me, I don't mind! I just got back from my all-company summit in which I found out that I'm a "collaborator" within the Predictive Index. I actually felt like I learned a lot about myself — and all after answering two measly questions, imagine! Anyway, join us on the podcast to learn how many times I pick

May 9, 2023 • 51:55

Money Does Buy Happiness

Money Does Buy Happiness

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Rich people ruin everything but also like — gimme some, you know? Money absolutely does buy happiness and whoever says otherwise is lying to your literal face and should not be trusted, got it? Anyway, join us for a heated debate about the importance of adding to your savings account, and stay for a riveting conversation about voodoo dolls & ouija boards, closeted nerds, men in heels, and more, xx.Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCAS

Apr 25, 2023 • 1:11:11

Drive Your Tractor to School Day

Drive Your Tractor to School Day

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Today the Kedzie Kids™ take to the pod to tackle an important question — 'Drive Your Tractor to School Day' — urban myth or rural fact? Join us for a riveting conversation about middle school bullies, ripped pants, and life on the dairy farm — and stay for a charming little anecdote about the time that I almost threw up when it was my turn to milk the cow during a school field trip.Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram

Apr 18, 2023 • 1:08:28

TV Is for Intellectuals

TV Is for Intellectuals

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)At this time, I'd like to give a shoutout to British Airways via American Airlines for reconnecting me with Abby Mackinnon on the way to the most magical place on earth — London, of course! I can genuinely say that I'm so incredibly happy our departing flight got moved up a full 3 hours and that our connection was moved all way from JFK to CLT because had that not been the case, I wouldn't have seen the girl in her Yankee's ca

Apr 11, 2023 • 1:06:53

Bopping Around for Drinks and Snacks

Bopping Around for Drinks and Snacks

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Not to brag, but I recently had a Tweet go viral (upwards of 2+ likes) about how vacation is really just about bopping around for drinks and snacks., and honestly? I stand by that. James and I just got back from London, the literal trip of a lifetime, so naturally I wrote up a pros and cons list for the recap. Let's dive in, shall we?Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @pessimisticatbestWebsit

Apr 4, 2023 • 46:38

The Girl Who Never Shuts Up About Study Abroad

The Girl Who Never Shuts Up About Study Abroad

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me! James and I decided to take a ten year anniversary trip across the pond and I may or may not have gotten us an Airbnb as close to my old dorm as humanly possible — we're reliving the glory days, baby! Goals for the trip include convincing at least one person that I'm British and maintaining a healthy gut microbiome throughout our stay, wish us luck, xx.Get silly with us on social:FOL

Mar 28, 2023 • 34:21

Drunk on Spring and Sudafed

Drunk on Spring and Sudafed

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)I sold my car and bought a Pitchfork ticket — spring has sprung and love is in the air! Spring is an incredibly intoxicating season, isn't it? Especially when you live in a winter hellscape like we do here in the midwest, but as they say, you have to experience the lows to appreciate the highs, am I right ladies? Join us for a conversation about attempting to sell your car online, cleaning out your childhood home, finding love in a hopeless

Mar 21, 2023 • 39:52

Number Two

Number Two

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)This one is for my IBS girlies! This is probably the first time we've openly discussed excrement on the pod, and frankly, it may also be the last! But in the wise words of Tarō Gomi — everyone poops. So, with that said,  join us for a liberating conversation about bodily fluids, new friends, light-up shoes, and more!Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @pessimisticatbestWebsite: pessimisticatbe

Mar 14, 2023 • 2:02:38

Justice for Anne Hathaway

Justice for Anne Hathaway

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Anne Hathaway is in her bag and where are you? We, as a society, owe Anne and all of the try-hard girlies and cringey queens a sincere apology. Allow women to be cringe! It’s their god-given right. So all of that is to say, if you’re team Anne, join us for a conversation about following celebrities on social media, cutting your bangs right before leaving the house, and so much more! You know you want to, xx.Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE

Mar 7, 2023 • 1:06:35

Somebody Call the Locksmith

Somebody Call the Locksmith

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Life hack: Lock a stranger out of their own home in order to force them into a life-long friendship! That's how Evan and I became besties and the rest is literally history. Tune in for the deets on our friendship origin story and stay for a lovely little conversation about our mutual love of thrifting, our shared struggle to find our respective TikTok personas, the delicate art of feng shui, and more, xx.Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW TH

Feb 28, 2023 • 1:10:21

Girls Can Have a Little Hangxiety as a Treat

Girls Can Have a Little Hangxiety as a Treat

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Welcome to the hangover episode where Sophia and I discuss the politics of bar-time karaoke and share our go-to hangover prevention methods before embracing our hangxiety and freaking out over our impending Saturn return. Pop some Advil and come along for the ride if you’re feeling brave, xoxo.Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @pessimisticatbestWebsite: pessimisticatbest.comFOLLOW SAMANTHAInstagr

Feb 21, 2023 • 58:11

We Stand with Renters

We Stand with Renters

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Have you heard about the guy who traded a paperclip for a house? Well how about this for news —  Jake and I are both renters in Chicago, and although we may not have a house like Paperclip Guy, we do have beautiful relationships with our maintenance workers and we don’t have to shovel snow like the freaks with mortgages. Join us for a conversation about holidays, home decor, concussions, and more!Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInst

Feb 14, 2023 • 1:00:30

Inviting Strangers Over for Dinner

Inviting Strangers Over for Dinner

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)We’re back, we paid off our couch, and we’re onto season 5! Join us as we recap our break and catch you up to speed on all of the adult things we’ve been doing recently, including but not limited to making the active choice to spend less time on our phones, opening a new line of credit, going to a friend’s wedding, and inviting strangers over to our house for a sit-down dinner. Incredible things can be accomplished at twenty-six!Get silly with us

Feb 7, 2023 • 34:35

A Festivus for the Rest of Us

A Festivus for the Rest of Us

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Happy (almost) Festivus! Are you familiar with the holiday? Originally coined by Frank Costanza of Seinfeld, Festivus is a holiday based around the airing of grievances, a practice I’m quite comfortable with myself. Are you familiar with the TikTok trend, “the ick challenge?” Think of Festivus as the original ick challenge and join us as James and I air our grievances or share our icks with one another as we round out season 4 of Pessimistic at B

Dec 20, 2022 • 32:00

In His Flop Era

In His Flop Era

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Did you survive your work holiday party? We made it out alive, but not without taking a few Ls (literally) along the way. To sum it all up, I left my credit card at a bar after making the conscious decision to open a tab (classic) and James swapped jackets with one of my coworkers and lost his wallet in the process. So, naturally, the next morning was spent traipsing around Madison in search of clues—but all's well that ends well, as they sa

Dec 13, 2022 • 37:42

That Wasn't on My 2022 Bingo Card

That Wasn't on My 2022 Bingo Card

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)We’ve been back and forth between Chicago and Madison quite a bit recently. We went home for Thanksgiving, brought the cats, Misho went down the laundry shoot, James shot a deer—it’s been eventful, to say the least! Anyway, we're heading back to Madtown this weekend for my work holiday party, wish us luck, xoxo.Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @pessimisticatbestWebsite:

Dec 6, 2022 • 32:15

The “R” Word

The “R” Word

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Have you heard of the Camino de Santiago? It’s a popular pilgrimage through the north of Spain and my dad just finished his trek. He took the “French Way,” which is roughly the same length as the journey across the state of Wisconsin. Now that you have that perspective, does that make it more or less cool? For me, it’s tough to say, but I can confirm that I would not want to spend 45 days walking across the great badger state. Anyway, my dad’s be

Nov 29, 2022 • 1:06:59

Susan’s Applehole

Susan’s Applehole

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Coworkers by day, Daycatcher groupies by night—we’re just a couple of girls slaying the social media game before pounding a respectable amount of Twisted Teas™ at a basement show and if that’s not your vibe, we don’t want it, sister. Ginny was my first hire at work and now she’s stuck with me forever! Join us for a conversation about surprises, long-distance moves, Ginny’s first snowfall as a Wisconsinite, and more!Get silly with us on social:FOL

Nov 22, 2022 • 1:04:35

Do You Think of Me Differently Now That I Have a Ring Light?

Do You Think of Me Differently Now That I Have a Ring Light?

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)The rumors are true—I bought a ring light. Which officially makes me the worst and most famous person that you know. What you decide to do with that information is frankly none of my business. In the meantime, follow me on TikTok, xoxo. What else have you missed? Let’s see—James had his first Chicago show, I lost my credit card, and I’ve officially started beef with our neighbor who somehow manages to set their car alarm off every single day.Get

Nov 15, 2022 • 38:36

Fight or Flight

Fight or Flight

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Serving up my second public apology on a silver platter, honey! I’m genuinely so sorry for going completely MIA for a full three weeks. I had two back-to-back trips (because I’m rich) and am truly terrible at planning ahead but I’m back and ready to bitch about my least favorite airline, brag about my new iPad, totally rock your world, etc.Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @pessimisticatbestWebsi

Nov 8, 2022 • 33:31

A Crazy Amount of Squash

A Crazy Amount of Squash

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)James released an album (Playhead, out everywhere, xoxo!) and I asked him if he wanted to be on the podcast to promote it like a *real* guest and he laughed in my face! Anyway, join us for a conversation about tunes, tummy aches, and tons of squash if you’re into that sort of thing.Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @pessimisticatbestWebsite: pessimisticatbest.comFOLLOW SAMANTHAInstagram: @samgeor

Oct 11, 2022 • 34:20

Camp Girls Who Can’t Swim

Camp Girls Who Can’t Swim

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Were you a camp kid? Typically, most of us fall on one side of the fence, but then there are those of us who landed somewhere in between, went to camp, became obsessed with pop culture, and eventually started podcasts rooted in pessimism—just us? Oops! Anyway, meet my internet-friend-turned-real-life-bestie and learn more about life in Toronto, the reality of the dark web (AKA Reddit), how to play it extremely cool in front of Jake Gyllenhaal, an

Oct 4, 2022 • 1:01:06

Living in Abundance

Living in Abundance

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)We’re giving rich, we’re giving luxury, we’re giving opulence, honey! Jake, my former intern turned work bestie, also just moved to the Windy City™, and to say we’re thriving would be a massive understatement. Is our rent too high? Duh. Are our Ubers outrageously expensive? Obviously. But we’re rich in experiences, baby—and that's what counts. We’re just a couple of city gals living in absolute abundance, what can we say! xxGet silly with us

Sep 27, 2022 • 1:14:08

Chronically Online

Chronically Online

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)From the unanswered question surrounding Lea Michele’s ability to read to the Don’t Worry Darling red carpet drama to the Queen’s death (RIP in peace), it was quite the week—especially for those of us who simply can’t pry our eyeballs away from the internet. Sara and I are social media managers by day and pop-culture connoisseurs by night. We’re just a couple of gals with an incurable disease in which we quite literally can’t stop consuming conte

Sep 20, 2022 • 1:30:36

Running My Silly Little Errands

Running My Silly Little Errands

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Scheduling a dentist appointment to cement myself as a Chicago resident, wbu? Seriously though, there’s nothing quite like running undesirable errands to make you feel established in a new city. A trip to Milan Laser is next—time to fill that calendar, honey!P.S. Justice for Tasha, Love Island Season 8. xxGet silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @pessimisticatbestWebsite: pessimisticatbest.comFOLLOW SAM

Sep 13, 2022 • 47:19

Crying in Public

Crying in Public

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)We’re BACK! Did you miss us? Because we sure missed you! It’s been eight long weeks, but to recap everything you may have missed—we made the big move to Chicago, one of us has picked up a new habit of crying in public, and the other’s been dabbling in AMAs on Instagram. Anyway, it’s great to be back! Season four, here we come. ;*Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @pessimisticatbestWebsite: pessimi

Sep 6, 2022 • 38:57

Being More Intentional or Whatever

Being More Intentional or Whatever

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)And that’s a wrap on season 3! Join us for a mid-year intentions check-in where we discuss how little I’ve worked on being better at spending time alone and how much more “intentional” James has been since setting his new year's intention as being more intentional. Confused? Same! Hope to figure it all out once I turn 26—see you in August, xx.Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @pessimisticatb

Jun 28, 2022 • 41:05

Hot People with Tummy Aches

Hot People with Tummy Aches

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)James and I just got back from the PNW, are you jealous? We thought so! We took a trip up to Seattle and Vancouver to visit friends and family and had a blast, but unfortunately, we also had tummy aches the entire time—you win some, you lose some! Enjoy this little trip recap and see if you can guess what made our tummies hurt! xxGet silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @pessimisticatbestWebsite: pessim

Jun 21, 2022 • 47:22

Computer Games Raised Us

Computer Games Raised Us

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Did you grow up playing computer games?  Did you base your friendships on whoever had the best internet connection? Did your parents take money out of your allowance so that you could be a member of both Club Penguin and RuneScape? Well, you're in luck, because Annie and I can very much relate! Tune in to this week's pod to listen to us reminisce on our early friendship, divulge our elementary school crushes, and dive into our neighborh

Jun 7, 2022 • 2:03:09

The Crushing Weight of Existing Online

The Crushing Weight of Existing Online

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)For someone who works in social media, I admittedly have absolutely no idea how to be online. I can’t remember how to Instagram, I still don’t know how to Tiktok, I’m on BeReal for some reason, and I’ve recently developed social media anxiety? Cute and hot! James and I take to the pod to discuss the crushing reality of existing online whilst trying to promote our various projects, the irony of online critics (haters make us famous!), and more—joi

May 31, 2022 • 31:26

Sitting Next to Someone at the Airport is Brave

Sitting Next to Someone at the Airport is Brave

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Something that nobody’s talking about is that it’s actually really brave to sit next to someone at the airport. Personally, I would never be caught dead doing something like that, but to each their own! Desperate for more airport etiquette by yours truly? You’re in luck! I just got back from a work trip and I saved all of the juicy details just for you, tune in!Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @

May 24, 2022 • 44:56

You Literally Can’t Go Home If It’s the Weekend

You Literally Can’t Go Home If It’s the Weekend

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Did you know that during the weekend you’re supposed to spend as little time at home as humanly possible? That’s right, Saturday and Sunday are for leaving the house and never returning. You literally can’t go home until Monday, if you do you’ll probably light on fire! Anyway, here’s what’s been keeping us busy on the weekends when we leave the house. Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @pessimisti

May 17, 2022 • 46:37

Life? She’s Messy!

Life? She’s Messy!

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Most of the time you plan your little events and your trips and your dinners with friends and life is good, other times you have a quick menty-b and dissociate at work while looking at memes about having your rights stripped away, it’s called BALANCE. Ironically, the week that I return from my unplanned podcasting hiatus just so happens to be National Mental Health Awareness Week, perhaps a sick joke? But in all seriousness, let this little ep be

May 10, 2022 • 38:27

Water Is Not a Beverage

Water Is Not a Beverage

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)The #1 rule that I live by is this: If you consume three or more specialty beverages within a short period of time, that automatically means you’re having a good day. And just so we’re crystal clear, water is not a beverage. We’re not here for hydration, we’re just here to sip our little drinks and be merry. It’s simple really. What else are we drinking? We’re drinking the Shonda Rhimes Koolaid, honey! Confused? So are we! Oh, by the way, we’re m

Apr 12, 2022 • 34:26

Just a Couple of Gals Doing Local Things

Just a Couple of Gals Doing Local Things

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Hobbies are exhausting. I know because I have one, it’s this podcast, and I’m literally tired all the time. Now just imagine having enough hobbies to own and operate 17 [seventeen] different Instagram accounts. This week on the pod, I’m joined by my internet acquaintance turned real-life friend Sigra to chat about all of her various avocations which range from bands to bugs. She’s 10x more interesting than I’ll ever be, so trust me—you won’t want

Apr 5, 2022 • 53:26

Meet Me at the Impound Lot

Meet Me at the Impound Lot

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)We’re back after an unexpected hiatus, so it’s time to ask the question—did you miss me? Because boy, did I miss you! Let me start by apologizing for my unplanned absence, last week was truly a week from ~hell~ and I simply needed to take a beat. The good news being that my streak of terrible luck left me with plenty of fuel for the pod. Ready to catch up on everything you missed? Well, buckle on up, because this is a story all about how I wound

Mar 29, 2022 • 40:55

She’s Not a Regular Art Teacher, She’s a Cool Art Teacher

She’s Not a Regular Art Teacher, She’s a Cool Art Teacher

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Girls who had their friend's parents blocked on Twitter in high school (*cough, cough*) now have severe social media anxiety. Can you imagine growing up with social media today? It was one thing to stress over which song you were going to select for your Myspace profile, but being 16 and feeling the pressure to be hot on main?  Pass! This week on the pod I’m joined by none other than my bestie for the restie, the hottest art teacher in Minne

Mar 15, 2022 • 1:07:54

A Bout of Seasonal Depression or Whatever

A Bout of Seasonal Depression or Whatever

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Gorgeous, gorgeous girls suffer from seasonal depression! I don’t know about you, but this gal is desperate for some vitamin D. Winter sucks for a myriad of reasons, but first and foremost the fashion is absolutely atrocious. Practical footwear? Parkas? If I have to even so much as look at my winter coat again, I’ll scream. Then there’s the snow, the cold temps, the dry skin—anyway, we’ll just be here bitching about it until spring. You know the

Mar 8, 2022 • 34:55

Stay at Home Dad

Stay at Home Dad

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Is this a retirement announcement? That’s yet to be determined, however, my dad did turn in his notice at the company he’s been employed at for the last 17 years, so hey, that’s something! In this week’s episode, we take to the pod to bitch about work, running (or the lack thereof), winter, remodeling, and the works. Join us!Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestWebsite: pessimisticatbest.comFOLLOW SAMANTHAIns

Feb 22, 2022 • 55:23

Be My Valentine

Be My Valentine

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)In this week’s episode, we dare to ask the question—Valentine’s Day, sweet or tacky? Perhaps both! Join us in a conversation about love, rom-coms, proposals, PDA, overpriced menus, heart-shaped pizzas, and more!Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @pessimisticatbestWebsite: pessimisticatbest.comFOLLOW SAMANTHAInstagram: @samgeorgsonTwitter: @samgeorgsonWebsite: samanthageorgson.comFOLLOW JAMESInstag

Feb 15, 2022 • 26:20

Um, We Don’t Get It

Um, We Don’t Get It

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Guess who’s back on the pod and ready to bond over all of the things we don’t understand—my bestie Claire, obviously! Bitcoin? What’s that! NFTs? Not computing! Dust? How in the hell did that get there! Space? Not a chance! Child stars? Who allowed it! Join in!Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @pessimisticatbestWebsite: pessimisticatbest.comFOLLOW SAMANTHAInstagram: @samgeorgsonTwitter: @samgeorg

Feb 8, 2022 • 58:34

The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far from the Tree

The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far from the Tree

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)I have a *very* special guest joining me for today’s episode. She’s an incredibly talented artist, a total grump ass, and she’s my very best friend—my sweet, sweet Mama! Join us for a lovely little conversation about motherhood, math, creativity, and more!Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestFacebook: @pessimisticatbestWebsite: pessimisticatbest.comFOLLOW SAMANTHAInstagram: @samgeorgsonTwitter: @samgeorgsonWe

Feb 1, 2022 • 1:10:11

Should We Move to Chicago?

Should We Move to Chicago?

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)In today’s episode, James and I dare to ask the question—should we move to Chicago? Join us, as we take you through our entire pros and cons list, bitch about our current apartment’s heating system, and hypothesize about the overly grandiose lives we could lead in The Wind City. Will moving two and half hours away fix all of our problems, you ask? Only time will tell, xoxo.  Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatb

Jan 25, 2022 • 39:07

The Year of Like, Realizing Things

The Year of Like, Realizing Things

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Happy New Year to my Pessimistic Pattys and my Pessimistic Pattys only! Remember when Kylie Jenner famously claimed that 2016 was the year of “realizing things?” Well, joke’s on her because the year is now 2022 and I just realized how terrible I am at spending time alone, which brings me to our season 3 kick-off epi! Join us, as we recap everything you missed during our holiday hiatus, dive into our intentions for 2022, and more! So good to be ba

Jan 18, 2022 • 43:07

And Just Like That...

And Just Like That...

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Season two has officially come to a close and Adam’s final days in Madison are upon us! Since Adam has finally decided to jump ship and leave my ass in the dust, it seemed only appropriate that we close out the season on his move-out day with a little send-off smoke-sesh (yep, we mean weed! Flower! Bud! Green!) epi for the fans. Join us as we reminisce on the year Adam and I lived together during my brief stint as a pothead, our worst experiences

Nov 30, 2021 • 1:12:32

Health Insurance Is Always Good

Health Insurance Is Always Good

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Listen, it’s hard to be twenty-five. This week on the podcast my wonderful friend Abby and I gripe about the trials and tribulations of being a twenty-something desperately searching for a job that provides health insurance and cool roommates to split the rent with. I mean seriously, all we’re asking for is a raise and a few friends, is that really so much to ask?Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestWebsite:

Nov 23, 2021 • 48:31

An Entire Year of Complaining On-Air

An Entire Year of Complaining On-Air

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Can you believe it? I’ve been complaining at you guys for an entire year! And what a wonderful year it’s been. We’ve laughed, we’ve cried, we’ve gossiped, we’ve quit old jobs, we’ve started new ones, hey—we’ve even contracted Coronavirus, and we’ve managed to bitch about something or someone every step of the way. Cheers to the next year and may we never run out of things to complain about! xxGet silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagra

Nov 16, 2021 • 34:17

Art Actually Isn’t Dead

Art Actually Isn’t Dead

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Something that sucks about being a “creative” is that, on occasion, you find yourself in a job that actually stifles your creativity—ironic, isn’t it? But hey, that’s capitalism, baby! The good news is, that hasn’t stopped my friend Jacob, not even a little bit. He’s one of the most talented photographers and artists I know, and if you try to tell me otherwise I WILL report you! Anyway, join us for a conversation about art, sleep schedules, our p

Nov 9, 2021 • 55:58

So, We’re Thinking About Getting a Roomba

So, We’re Thinking About Getting a Roomba

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)So, we have news, we’re thinking about getting a Roomba. I know, this is a big step, but I assure you—we’ve thought long and hard about this. You see, after conducting an extensive amount of research, we’ve come to the conclusion that simply can’t carry on living this miserable, Roomba-less life any longer. We’re adults, and adults have Roombas. It’s as simple as that.Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestWebs

Nov 2, 2021 • 42:20

Two Rotisserie Chickens, Please

Two Rotisserie Chickens, Please

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Note to self, if you’re purchasing a rotisserie chicken (or two), don’t use the self-checkout. Happy almost November! Here we are, in the throes of cold and flu season—I’m sick, you’re sick and we’re all just sipping our tea, slurping our soup, and hoping for the fucking best. But on the bright side, the Holidays are just around the corner and we don’t know about you, but we’re excited! So, grab a drumstick and join us as we tease our Halloween c

Oct 26, 2021 • 40:53

Nothing like a Little Hangxiety on a Sunday

Nothing like a Little Hangxiety on a Sunday

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Truly nothing like a persistent 24-hour hangover to set the tone for some extremely terrifying Sunday scaries—am I right, ladies? James and I went out for the Badger game last weekend and I managed to drink a little too much on a relatively empty stomach and well, you know what they say, you reap what you sow. Anyway, come and work through your mid-week depression with us as we prepare to do it all over again next weekend, hooray!Get silly with u

Oct 19, 2021 • 37:28

Was It Life-Changing?

Was It Life-Changing?

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)If you're wondering whose podcast this even is at this point, you're not alone! My friend Joe takes the reins on this week's episode per absolutely no one's request, but hey, at least he's interesting. We chat about his time in China, the grudge he's been holding since we previously roasted him on the pod for his poor travel planning tendencies, and his weird obsession with my dad. P.S. If you listen all the way to t

Oct 12, 2021 • 1:22:58

Early Bird Gets the Worm, or Whatever

Early Bird Gets the Worm, or Whatever

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Davis’ first alarm goes off at 4:45 every morning but he doesn’t drink coffee—like, comment, and subscribe if you think that seems sus! On this week’s epi, Davis and I discuss our morning routines, argue over bottled water rankings, and share in our absolute love for movin’ and groovin’ on the dance floor.Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestWebsite: pessimisticatbest.comFOLLOW SAMANTHAInstagram: @samgeorgson

Oct 5, 2021 • 1:13:18

Flannel for Fall? Groundbreaking

Flannel for Fall? Groundbreaking

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)James and I just got back from the Apostle Islands where the only coffee shop in town was closed, everyone was wearing flannel, and all of the restaurants were closed by 7pm. Don’t get me wrong, we had a sweet little time, but we also wound up leaving ~early~ because we literally ran out of activities. What can I say, I’m a city girl at heart—sue me!Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestWebsite: pessimisticatb

Sep 28, 2021 • 44:34

Phone, Keys, Wallet

Phone, Keys, Wallet

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Are you a responsible adult or do you lose at least one of your most important belongings every time to leave the house? If you’re anything like me, you’re so used to things going missing that you assume they’re lost before you even look. And you know what? Most of the time, you’re fucking right! But every once in a while you cancel a debit card and order a new one, only to find that you just put it back in the wrong pocket of your wallet. C&apos

Sep 14, 2021 • 36:09

Just the Two of Us

Just the Two of Us

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)So, here’s the thing, Adam and I are running out of friends. We’ve both lived in Madison for basically our entire lives, we both grew up on the west side, we both graduated from UW, and slowly but surely all of our mutual friends have up and moved away, leaving us in the fucking dust. Are we bitter? Obviously not, but like our new “608” group chat is just our two-person text thread, so do with that information what you will. Anyway, we’re on a mi

Sep 7, 2021 • 51:16

Taking Pics at the Apple Store

Taking Pics at the Apple Store

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Would you guys believe me if I told you Josie paid a visit to the KK post-pandemic before me? Honestly me neither—but it’s true folks—just her and one hundred and twenty of her nearest and dearest! So glad I wasn’t waiting in that line and, more importantly, so glad I got to see my mountain girl! In this episode, we bitch about living in outdoorsy cities in the summertime, reminisce on middle school mems and our countless Facebook albums filled w

Aug 31, 2021 • 1:00:33

Venice, Vegas, or the Wisconsin Dells?

Venice, Vegas, or the Wisconsin Dells?

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)You know what they say—what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas—and for good reason. Have you made the trip out to Sin City? Well, let me spare you because it’s honestly just an expensive version of the Wisconsin Dells. Everything’s neon, everyone’s sunburnt and walking around in flip flops and, for some reason, Bruno Mars can be heard everywhere you go.Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestWebsite: pessimisticat

Aug 23, 2021 • 44:27

She's BIG Busy

She's BIG Busy

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Why do we glamorize being busy? Like seriously, when did we decide being busy was cute? Today on the podcast Sophia and I chat about how much we loathe (but also kind of love?) being busy. Here we are, so desperately wishing to be those girls who wake up with enough time for a cup of coffee (or two!) before our morning workout class that we somehow manage to squeeze in before starting our day. We want to have packed schedules and full social cale

Aug 17, 2021 • 55:04

We’ve Got the Runs

We’ve Got the Runs

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)We’re runners, but do we actually enjoy running? That’s a loaded question. And yet here we are, signing our lives away to Hal Higdon himself with plans to run 26.2 for the second time this November. So, in honor of signing up for our next race, this week on the podcast Kayla and I chat about one of our favorite (and somehow simultaneously least favorite) pass-times. We swap horror stories, bitch about our current training program, and fawn over o

Aug 10, 2021 • 41:26

Did you miss me? Be Honest!

Did you miss me? Be Honest!

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Even if you didn’t miss *me*, you did miss out on watching the Bucks win in overtime at Silk Exotic, dinner at SUR without a single Lisa Vanderpump sighting, turning twenty-five on the Tipsy Cow dance floor, and spending lots of time with the a-dults—let's recap shall we?Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestWebsite: pessimisticatbest.comFOLLOW SAMANTHAInstagram: @samgeorgsonTwitter: @samgeorgsonWebsite:

Aug 3, 2021 • 29:46

Sayonara, Suckers!

Sayonara, Suckers!

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)It’s almost July and you know what that means—it’s time to check in on our 2021 intentions! I have to be honest, this epi was a little bit of a gut check because I quite literally haven’t been living up to, well, ANY of my intentions. But you know what? That’s why we check in halfway through the year—to feel sorry for ourselves and then to get serious with it, okay? So here goes!Oh, and P.S. This is also the end of season one! Are you sad? I’m sa

Jun 22, 2021 • 36:36

No Flights, Lots of Feelings

No Flights, Lots of Feelings

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Did we recently record an episode on the many downsides to traveling? Yes! Are we going to take it one step further and record another all about the absolute worst place on earth—the airport? You bet your ass we are! As you may have guessed, I just got back from an incredibly sweet little vacay and let me just tell you, everything that could’ve possibly gone wrong with my flights, did! How sweet is that? Give this epi a listen and you just might

Jun 15, 2021 • 1:04:53

Booked and Busy

Booked and Busy

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Thirty episodes in and we’re feelin’ fine! This week on the podcast James and I recap his v special birthday weekend, bitch about being too busy all of the damn time and brag about our cutie pie apartment to anyone who will listen, join in!Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestWebsite: pessimisticatbest.comFOLLOW SAMANTHAInstagram: @samgeorgsonTwitter: @samgeorgsonWebsite: samanthageorgson.comFOLLOW JAMESInsta

Jun 8, 2021 • 36:35



Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Summer is overrated. It was cool when we were kids because it meant three months of absolute freedom, but now? Now summer just means feeling way worse about not being able to spend time outdoors because you’re stuck inside for eight (plus!) hours a day doing something tacky like answering emails. Don’t get me wrong, I like summer just fine, but imo, people give this hot, sweaty, sticky, bug-ridden time of year way too much credit. That being said

Jun 1, 2021 • 38:17

Planes, Trains & Automobiles

Planes, Trains & Automobiles

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)When applied to the act of traveling, the phrase, ‘it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey,’ is actually so stupid. Traveling sucks. The entire process is a great big fat pain in the ass from start to finish and nothing, I mean NOTHING ever goes according to plan. Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestWebsite: pessimisticatbest.comFOLLOW SAMANTHAInstagram: @samgeorgsonTwitter: @samgeorgsonWebsit

May 25, 2021 • 51:27

Quarter Life Crisis Coming in Hot

Quarter Life Crisis Coming in Hot

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Guess who’s turning 25 next week? My best friend Zoe is! That’s right folks, go and wish my sweet, sweet bug a happy mother fucking 25th birthday, or else! Rumor has it turning 25 is hard. I wouldn’t know, but I will in exactly two months from now, luckily for me, Zoe’s going first. The thing is, we’re already in the midst of our quarter life crises, and on top of what is already a challenging time in our lives, we’re living through a fucking pan

May 18, 2021 • 1:00:40

Ok, But Like Why Do Bugs Exist

Ok, But Like Why Do Bugs Exist

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)I really don’t like bugs. I’m terrified of spiders, I hate mosquitos, I’m afraid of bees, and above all else, I’m absolutely REPULSED by ticks. I literally can’t think of anything worse—and boy do I have a story for you.Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestWebsite: pessimisticatbest.comFOLLOW SAMANTHAInstagram: @samgeorgsonTwitter: @samgeorgsonWebsite: samanthageorgson.comFOLLOW JAMESInstagram: @daycatcher_Tw

May 11, 2021 • 56:03

When Life Gives You Lemons, Apply For Grad School

When Life Gives You Lemons, Apply For Grad School

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Last time we recorded, Elisia was still trying to figure out her next move after Miss Rona cut her Peace Corps experience short, but my girl is turning lemons into lemonade and moving down to Austin, Texas for grad school and let me tell you, I can’t wait to establish a semi-permanent residence down south with all of my Texas girlies—yeehaw!Get silly with us on social:FOLLOW THE PODCASTInstagram: @pessimisticatbestWebsite: pessimisticatbest.comFO

May 4, 2021 • 54:03

Til Death Do Us Part

Til Death Do Us Part

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)If the pandemic was good for anything, it was encouraging, nay, enforcing a pause. Today I have my amazing friend Victoria on the podcast to chat about the non-stop grind that is life in the service industry and even crazier reality of working in a salon in the midst of a pandemic. When you work with people, especially when you work behind the chair, you can’t exactly afford to have a bad attitude while on the clock. Instead, you develop a sort o

Apr 27, 2021 • 52:24

Are We Adults Yet?

Are We Adults Yet?

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Ok, we get it, we're almost twenty-five and we still don't know how to do our taxes or get our oil changed, so what? Adulting is actually super messed up when you really think about it, and we prefer to believe that the fact that we don't know how to balance a checkbook or schedule our own appointments is really just a testament to our youth. We're working on it ok? We have big girl jobs, we've been flossing more, and hon

Apr 20, 2021 • 1:06:05

Jill of All Trades

Jill of All Trades

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Why is it that when you work in a creative field, you’re so often expected to do it all? Ashley and I can certainly attest to this, as we’ve both taken turns playing the role of social media manager, graphic designer, marketing director, copywriter—you name it, we’ve done it—and we probably weren’t paid fairly for it either. Oh, and don’t even get us started on freelancing. In this episode, we bitch about the tricky business of being a “creative,

Apr 13, 2021 • 54:30

Paralysis by Analysis

Paralysis by Analysis

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Do you know what the School of Human Ecology is? How about ‘Human Development and Family Studies’ or ‘Retail and Consumer Behavior?’ No? That’s ok, because honestly, we don’t either! Josie and I weren’t entirely sure what we wanted to do when we got to college, hence the abstract majors, and frankly, we’re still not sure where we’re going to end up, so don’t you dare ask! We’re just a couple of over-thinkers trying our absolute best, ok?Get silly

Apr 6, 2021 • 50:05

They Hate to See a Girlboss Winning

They Hate to See a Girlboss Winning

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)It’s true, they really do hate to see a girlboss winning, but you know what they say, nevertheless she persisted! When we were twelve, we’d stay up all night long at sleepovers fantasizing about being married with kids at the age of twenty-five. Then, a few years later we watched the Carrie Bradshaws and the Sophia Amorusos, I mean, Marlowes of the world build their empires and take their cities by storm, all with impressive ease and impeccable s

Mar 30, 2021 • 1:06:00

Sam’s Cookin’

Sam’s Cookin’

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Was ‘learning to cook’ one of my 2021 intentions? Yes, yes it was! Is it working out? Absolutely not! But you know what they say, shoot for the moon and you’ll land amongst the stars—or at the very least you’ll become good pals with the delivery driver at your favorite bagel shop! I’m no chef, and frankly neither is James, though he does whip up some mean scrambled eggs. Cooking just doesn’t come naturally to me, and when something doesn’t come e

Mar 23, 2021 • 41:43

You Got Eczema?

You Got Eczema?

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)If you don’t know what Eucerin is, then you don’t *really* know me. I have the driest of dry skin. We’re talking eczema, keratosis pilaris—the works. I don’t even really have skin, I have scales. My dry skin condition is genetic (thanks a lot, mom!) and I’ve been suffering from and complaining about dry, dehydrated skin for, well, my entire twenty-four years of existence and counting! Get silly with us on social: FOLLOW THE PODCAST Instagram: @pe

Mar 16, 2021 • 39:52

We Just Really Love the Internet

We Just Really Love the Internet

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Liz and I fucking love the internet. Liz is a fellow podcaster and we met on Facebook after I volunteered myself to be a guest on her show. Our mutual love for the internet is just one of the many things we have in common. Liz and I both got into podcasting after seeking out creative outlets during quarantine. We were both furloughed last April, we both launched our podcasts in November and we both just accepted new jobs, go us! We’re also both b

Mar 9, 2021 • 1:20:16

The Death of Our Egos

The Death of Our Egos

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)You would think Lauren and I would have relatively small egos considering we were both banished to the B-team during volleyball our freshman year of high school, but sometimes you have to bond over being mediocre and well, cheers to that, am I right ladies? Now we’re here recording a podcast about the struggle to establish career goals whilst escaping the chaos of a statewide power outage (Hey, Texas) and the irony of being hit with an ice chunk

Mar 2, 2021 • 1:01:24

Wish Us a Happy Anniversary, Or Else!

Wish Us a Happy Anniversary, Or Else!

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Eight years down (you know, give or take) and lots more to go! Today is our anniversary, and normally we’d be out celebrating in another city over a delicious meal at some fancy restaurant, but this year we’re ordering takeout and hanging out at home and we're going to like it god damn it! Even though 2020 was one big fat bummer, I’m so thankful to have spent the majority of it—like practically every waking moment—with my smooch. So, on that

Feb 23, 2021 • 55:06

Milkshakes and Bad Dates

Milkshakes and Bad Dates

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Molly and I were bound for best friendship the second we realized that we would both be studying abroad in London our junior year. I found our flights, she found her way to O’Hare airport and the rest is history. We planned European adventures over milkshakes, shared stolen beers with a pickpocket, got naked on the top of a mountain and still made it back to Wisconsin in one piece. On today’s episode we reminisce about some of our shenanigans ove

Feb 16, 2021 • 1:24:07

Not My President

Not My President

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)After the absolutely insane four years we just lived through, my best friend Adam and I have collectively decided that it’s time we take our civic duty to the next level and actually educate ourselves on the ins and outs of American politics in hopes of never allowing another egotistical-reality-TV-star-turned-dictator to obtain office ever again. We’re two relatively well-informed, highly opinionated people with a lot to learn and we’re just get

Feb 9, 2021 • 1:08:10

Thank a Nurse Today

Thank a Nurse Today

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Don’t know any? DM me and I’ll give you my friend Claire’s number cause my girl is putting in work on the frontlines, ok? You owe her! But seriously, my best friend Claire McCarthy is an amazing human and I’m so proud of her for fighting the good fight on our behalf during this absolutely insane year. She’s a caretaker by day and the queen of complaining by night which is why she’s perfect for this pod—well, actually she works the night shift, bu

Feb 2, 2021 • 44:02

Big Girl Decisions Are Being Made

Big Girl Decisions Are Being Made

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Thank god Mikey's apartment flooded junior year or we wouldn't be here recording this podcast together today! In this episode, my wonderful friend Mikey Meyerhofer and I sit down to chat about making big girl decisions—you know, like becoming a dog mom and buying a house—as well as the many, many hilarious mistakes we've made along the way. Join us!Get silly with us on social: FOLLOW THE PODCAST Instagram: @pessimisticatbest FOLLOW

Jan 26, 2021 • 1:03:40

Hey, Metal Mouth!

Hey, Metal Mouth!

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)If you don't remember me with braces, are we really even friends? I was a metal mouth for longer than probably anyone else ever and now I have four fake teeth that fall out on occasion and deep hatred for my former orthodontist. Are you thinking about getting veneers? Don’t. Are you intrigued? Dive deeper into my dental horrors on this week's episode!Get silly with us on social: FOLLOW THE PODCAST Instagram: @pessimisticatbest FOLLOW SA

Jan 19, 2021 • 51:15

We Can't Talk Right Now, We're Doing Hot Girl Shit

We Can't Talk Right Now, We're Doing Hot Girl Shit

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Sophia and I both moved to Madison, Wisconsin on Friday the 13th when we were 8 years old and we've been inseparable ever since, that is, when you subtract the 4,136 miles that typically exist between us. Today we're taking to the podcast to chat about living abroad, moving in the midst of a pandemic and the grad school grind—hot girl shit! Get silly with us on social: FOLLOW THE PODCAST Instagram: @pessimisticatbest FOLLOW SAMANTHA Ins

Jan 12, 2021 • 1:26:42

Not Another New Year's Resolution

Not Another New Year's Resolution

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)You might be asking yourselves, is this going to be one of those "new year, new me" kind of episodes? And frankly, I'd prefer not to answer that question. You might also be wondering if this a pitch to get you to come on my podcast. Again, I'm not at liberty to say, but what I can tell you is this—I wouldn't even be here recording this if it weren't for my annual half-assed attempt at a New Year's Resolution, so

Jan 5, 2021 • 21:31

What Are Your Intentions?

What Are Your Intentions?

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Raise your hand if you’re ready to kiss 2020 goodbye—I know I sure am! I mean seriously, this year was an absolute dumpster fire and I, for one, am welcoming 2021 with open arms. Today James and I are back on the podcast to do some annual intention setting for the upcoming year, so join us and together, we'll manifest all of the good things to come! Or at the very least we can all cross our fingers and hope for the fucking best. Get silly wi

Dec 29, 2020 • 28:48

Sneaking Out and Making Art

Sneaking Out and Making Art

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)You know the saying, “opposites attract?” Well, those words hold true for me and my next guest, Sam Christensen, because he’s about as optimistic as they come, but like, in a good way, I promise! On today’s episode we chat about a few of Sam’s most notable life experiences, from sneaking out of the house in high school to landing a super cool print-making internship in college, and it's safe to say that we could all afford to take a page out

Dec 22, 2020 • 43:44

Be Fucking Nice and Tip Your Server

Be Fucking Nice and Tip Your Server

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Do you work in the service industry? Do you love it, but like, also absolutely hate it at the same damn time? We feel your pain. Today I have my wonderful friend Adam Kammer on the podcast for a passionate rant about life in the service industry, because as we know, sometimes it's hell and other times you close up early and drinks are on the house! Get silly with us on social: FOLLOW THE PODCAST Instagram: @pessimisticatbest FOLLOW SAMANTHA

Dec 15, 2020 • 46:21

Trauma Bonds Us

Trauma Bonds Us

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Today I have my amazing friend Elisia Cintron on the podcast to chat about our humble beginnings working retail at The University Book Store, her (unfortunately short lived) time in the Peace Corps due to that b*tch Miss Rona, and the quarantine hobbies that are keeping us busy. Check it out! Get silly with us on social: FOLLOW THE PODCAST Instagram: @pessimisticatbest FOLLOW SAMANTHA Instagram: @samgeorgson Twitter: @samgeorgson Website: samanth

Dec 8, 2020 • 47:28

I Left My Heart at Akira Toki Middle School

I Left My Heart at Akira Toki Middle School

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Did you learn more about womanhood from the American Girl book ‘The Care and Keeping of You’ than from your own health class? Did you have your heart broken in middle school? Well then this episode is for you! Today one of my very best friends, Zoe Sprout, joins me on the podcast to chat about everything we used to complain about at the age of 12 compared to now at the ripe old age of 24, and honestly, ain’t shit changed. Get silly with us on soc

Dec 1, 2020 • 48:28

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Today we dive into the top 5 things I complain about, sourced by my beloved partner James, who could have easily kept the list going but was kind enough to cap it for all of you—here goes nothing!  Get silly with us on social:  FOLLOW THE PODCAST  Instagram: @pessimisticatbest FOLLOW SAMANTHA Instagram: @samgeorgson Twitter: @samgeorgson Website:  FOLLOW JAMES   Instagram: @daycatcher_ Twitter: @daycatcher_ Website: thed

Nov 24, 2020 • 28:53

A Podcast for Complainers, by Complainers

A Podcast for Complainers, by Complainers

Send us a love letter (or hate mail, your choice!)Welcome to Pessimistic at Best—a podcast for complainers, by complainers, hosted by me, Samantha Georgson. In this episode I introduce myself, share my motivations for starting this silly little podcast, and complain about the state of the world to anyone who will listen, including you. Enjoy! Get silly with us on social: FOLLOW THE PODCAST Instagram: @pessimisticatbest FOLLOW SAMANTHA Instagram: @samgeorgson Twitter: @samgeorgson Website: samant

Nov 17, 2020 • 19:41

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