Seedcast is a story-centered, Webby-nominated podcast where we dig up, nurture, and root stories of the Indigenous experience from around the world. Produced by Nia Tero.
Seedcast em Português: 20 anos de Acampamento Terra Livre
Listen to this episode in EnglishO Acampamento Terra Livre (ATL) é a maior mobilização indígena do Brasil. Em 2024, ano de seu 20º aniversário, 9 mil indígenas do Brasil e do mundo reuniram-se em Brasília para defender seus direitos e suas terras. Atualmente, a representação indígena no governo brasileiro é a maior de todos os tempos. Muito mudou ao longo desses 20 anos de ATL, mas pairavam sobre a reunião as preocupações de todos com a tese do marco temporal, que poderia limitar os direitos de
Twenty Years of Free Land Camp
Acampamento Terra Livre, or Free Land Camp, is the largest Indigenous mobilization in Brazil and 2024 marked its 20th year, as 9,000 Indigenous People from across Brazil – and the world – gathered in Brazil’s capital, Brasilia, to defend their rights and their lands. With more Indigenous representation in the Brazilian government than ever, some things have changed in twenty years, but the “Marco Temporal” law that could limit many Indigenous Peoples' rights to their lands loomed over the gather
Seedcast em Português: Prévia do Acampamento Terra Livre com Dinamam Tuxá
Listen to this episode in English “Os povos indígenas que querem o seu território demarcado para a proteção da sua própria vida automaticamente protegem a vida da humanidade.” Dinamam Tuxá (Povo Tuxá, Brasil) O Brasil abriga uma enorme parte da biodiversidade global. É, também, um dos lugares mais perigosos do mundo para os defensores ambientais — mas também está sob a guarda de centenas de poderosas nações indígenas. Esta semana, milhares de povos indígenas de todo o Brasil estão reunido
Acampamento Terra Livre Preview with Dinamam Tuxá
Convidamos você a curtir esse episódio em português aqui!“Indigenous Peoples, who want their territory demarcated for the protection of their own lives, automatically protect the life of humanity.” – Dinamam Tuxá (Tuxá People, Brazil) Brazil is home to an outsized portion of the world’s biodiversity. It is also one of the most dangerous places in the world for environmental defenders – but also a place guarded by hundreds of powerful Indigenous tribes. This week, thousands of Indigenous People
Sonic Journey Five: Pili Ka Moʻo
Close your eyes. Imagine standing on land that your family has held for generations. The waters that trickle nearby sing your family name, and your ancestors are there with you, buried deep in the earth. Now, imagine a stranger coming along and violating this land with no regard to the lineage it carries. This is the story at the heart of our latest Sonic Journey. We’re sharing the story of the Fukumitsu family who is protecting their land -- their ‘āina -- through the Emmy Award-winning film “P
Sonic Journey Four: Ma's House
In our latest Sonic Journey, join us on the lands of the Shinnecock Nation, which have been cared for by the Shinnecock People for over 10,000 years. Here, photographer and artist Jeremy Dennis has restored his family’s home in order to create a place for creativity, care, and community for a new generation of BIPOC artists. This unique space is called Ma’s House, and Jeremy documented the building’s restoration in a short film of the same name. Lean closer and listen to fond remembrances of Ma
Sonic Journey Three: SŪKŪJULA TEI (Stories of My Mother)
Who’s ready for a little Indigenous joy, knowledge, and inspiration? We’re starting Seedcast Season Four with deep listening, as a powerful way to witness one another. Welcome to the rich desert landscape of the Wayuu People on the Guajira Peninsula in northern Colombia and northwestern Venezuela. You hear more from birds, goats, and cacti in this story than you do people, and when you do hear human voices, they’re speaking Wayuunaiki, the language of about half of Wayuu Peoples, a language cur
Coming Soon: Seedcast Season 4 – An Invitation to Listen
We can’t believe that we are kicking off Season 4 of Seedcast on February 14! With so much chaos and noise around us, we’re going to start off this season by getting grounded and listening to Indigenous song and language. So here’s an invitation: Close your eyes, and get quiet: What do you hear from the world around you, from the lands you’re on? And what does that stir inside of you? Season Four of Seedcast starts with a series of Sonic Journeys, which immerse us in the deep knowledge of Indige
Sending Light This Winter Solstice
As the winter solstice approaches here in the northern hemisphere, the light is changing quickly, and the sun sits lower on the horizon with each passing day. By now, all the harvest celebrations have come to an end, but the practice of gratitude and acknowledgement for the rewards of summer’s hard work continues. As we wrap up Season 3 of Seedcast, this very special final episode is dedicated to the hard work that has gone into this podcast. We revisit the diversity of nine productions created
The Sacred Essence of Blackfoot Culture
“Our way of life is a collective. All Blackfoot people are one.” - Johnathon Red Gun (Siksika) In Blackfoot Territory, a powerful people is in relationship with a powerful place. At the Continental Divide, the snow-capped Rocky Mountains leap out from prairies that stretch out flat for what feels like forever. Rivers from Blackfoot Territory flow across much of North America, and the Blackfoot see their territory as the source of water for this vast continent. Spend time with a group of people f
Spotlight: The Native Seed Pod - Indigenous Food Warriors with Chef Crystal Wahpepah
“If you want to talk about the Indigenous Food Warrior, that's what we all are. We're here to protect. We're here to give. We're here to heal.” - Chef Crystal Wahpepah (Kickapoo) How Indigenous people show up in the kitchen is how they will show up for community, so the responsibility and care in creating food for others is taken very seriously, from the recipes created to the sourcing of ingredients. Our latest Spotlight comes from the amazing team behind The Native Seed Pod. In this episode,
'Weʻve Become Paolo for Everyone': Creating UTOPIA for Queer and Trans Pacific Islanders
“I'm sacred, the next person is sacred, and all life is sacred. That connection we have to each other and to all forms of life is sacred and must be cherished. In the same way, the relationship we have with land and the relationship the land has with us should be honored.” - Agaiotupu Viena (Samoan) Colonization has disrupted the identities of queer Indigenous Peoples, and because of this, they practice deep forms of care, often making chosen families as a built space of refuge. In Samoa, one wa
Tuhaymani'chi Pal Waniqa (The Water Flows Always) in the Mojave Desert
For this episode of Seedcast, let’s meet in the Mojave Desert in a spot where we can gaze upon Mamápukaiv, also known as the Old Woman Mountains. We’re surrounded by boulders, mesquite, deer, bighorn sheep, and even eagles. The air smells of creosote, and when it rains, you can smell tar. Water is an extremely precious resource here, and the survival of every living thing - humans, animals, and plants - depends on it. Almost thirty years ago, a group of Native communities came together to form
Wolastoqey Sounds Like This: Jeremy Dutcher - Live On KEXP
“Our language is a land acknowledgment, you know, when we use that language, it automatically imbues our world with life force. We're not going to cut down that tree. And if we do, we're going to offer something, you know, because it's a being just like us.” ~Jeremy Dutcher, Member of the Wolastoqiyik People of the Neqotkuk Today we’re listening to music that is an act of language revitalization and a crafted response to the crises we collectively face. Recently, Nia Tero brought musician and
Sonic Journey Two: Weckuwapok (The Approaching Dawn)
[In Passamaquoddy] “And all of a sudden the sun begins to rise until everyone could see the sun. And the sun felt so nice and was very bright. The Knowledge Keeper says, ‘The People of the First Light know that the sun loves us.’” ~ Roger Paul, Passamaquoddy Language Keeper and Storyteller In Seedcast's second Sonic Journey, join the circle as we bear witness to a Wabanaki ceremony singing up the sun. We’ll listen to spoken words, music, and the ocean breeze that fills the soundscape of the
Princess Daazhraii Johnson and the Generation Reclaiming Gwich'in
Imagine learning a language that is spoken by only a few hundred people—an Indigenous language that belongs to a people and a land that have been in relationship with each other for countless generations. This is the heart of our episode about Gwich’in language revitalization in the Boreal. Princess Daazhraii Johnson (Neets'aii Gwich'in) is an Indigenous TV and film producer on a patient journey of learning, reclaiming, and revitalizing Gwich’in. The language connects her to the land and to the
Sonic Journey One: Diiyeghan naii Taii Tr’eedaa
“I’ll always remember my grandfather’s stories... about what it means to be a Gwich'in person. We want our children to live like our Ancestors.” - Alisha Carlson, translation from Gwich’in We hope you’re ready for something different. In this episode of Seedcast, we’re going on a Sonic Journey, immersing ourselves in the words and sounds from a story told entirely in the Gwich’in language. “Diiyeghan naii Taii Tr’eedaa (We Will Walk the Trail of Our Ancestors)” is a short film created by friends
Spotlight: Solidarity Index - Colors Our Ancestors Can See, With Korina Emmerich
“It’s a radical act of solidarity in itself to take care of the Earth that we are all living on. We can’t be here without the nurturing that we get from the Earth.” ~Korina Emmerich Indigenous cultures have contributed to some of the most exquisite and incredible fashion designs that people wear today, and it’s no surprise that Indigenous fashion designers are thinking about their impact and how it affects climate change. Our latest Spotlight comes from the amazing team behind The Solidarity In
ᏙᎯ (Tohi) with Brit Hensel
Sometimes it’s important to go back to your roots. Seedcast is proud to re-release our third episode ever, an interview with filmmaker Brit Hensel (Cherokee Nation). When first released in December of 2020, our team was just beginning to learn how to produce a podcast. We still love the rawness and honesty of this conversation between Brit and host Jessica Ramirez. In this episode, Brit talks about the meaning of reciprocity, cultural preservation by way of language, how the ways in which we tre
Indigenous Sovereignty Begins at Birth: A Conversation With Camie J. Goldhammer
“Pregnancy is a natural time to think about, ‘what is it that I'm going to pass down?’ For most of us, that is culture... our spirituality, our language, our food, and our connection to land.” Parenting is a cultural practice that has the power to heal historical trauma, according to Camie J. Goldhammer (mixed race heritage, Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate). She is a birth worker and lactation consultant who is devoted to supporting Indigenous parents - both living on their homelands and in the diasp
Spotlight: Lore of the Land - Joe Morrison
Who are you? Where are you from? And who’s your mob? This new Seedcast Spotlight is coming from friends in Australia, and we love this opening question offered by Lore of the Land, because for Indigenous peoples, where you’re from and who your people are is at the center of stewarding the land we are connected to. Lore of the Land is a podcast produced by the Aboriginal Carbon Foundation. In this excerpt, host Sean Appoo (Birri Gubba and Kabi Kabi) interviews Joe Morrison (Dagoman and Torres Str
Celestial Wayfinding and Pili Ka Mo’o with Justyn Ah Chong
“This Earth is an island, just like we inhabit Hawai’i as an island. Island mentality [is] that you live in this place that's confined in geography and limited in resources. Because of that, you depend on the community that you live with to take care of each other and to steward those resources in a meaningful way.” Justyn Ah Chong (Kānaka Maoli) is a climate storyteller who guides creative projects in support of Indigenous land sovereignty in Hawai’i. In this episode, Justyn shares the magic of
The Omen Birds Still Sing in Sungai Utik
“The land is our mother. The forest is our father. And the river is our blood.” Today we share a story of an Indigenous people who fought for their forest – and won. Sungai Utik is a village in the Indonesian province of Kalimantan on the island of Borneo, where people treat nature “as if it is our own bodies.” Since the 1970s, companies have tried to take trees and land, but the village has successfully defended their forest. In this special episode, 18-yr old Kynan Tegar, a Dayak Iban filmmake
Spotlight: 5 Plain Questions - Jeffrey Gibson
We’re overjoyed to share with you an episode from 5 Plain Questions, a podcast hosted by Joe Williams (Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate). In this episode, Joe talks with Jeffrey Gibson (Choctaw/Cherokee), an artist who exemplifies the care of community and the sharing of resources that makes a difference for so many Indigenous peoples for collective benefit. Jeffrey speaks about the progression of his art, from his formal training as a painter to his more recent work in immersive installations incorporat
'No Climate Justice Without Racial Justice': Rev. Yearwood and Leo Cerda with Tracy Rector
We’re asserting joy in this conversation about Black and Indigenous solidarity work in the climate justice movement. Seedcast’s Executive Producer Tracy Rector talks with global leaders who are connecting Black and Indigenous communities in their shared work toward building a healthier society and Earth for all. Reverend Lennox Yearwood Jr. is President and CEO of U.S.-based Hip Hop Caucus, which activates the Hip Hop community to create racial justice, healthy communities, and a sustainable pla
Seedcast em Portuguese: DJ Eric Terena: Sons Coletivos para Uma Nova Era
Na esteira de uma mudança política no Brasil em direção à justiça ambiental e aos direitos indígenas, o ativista e DJ Eric Terena (do povo indígena Terena) compartilha neste episódio de Seedcast como a música pode contribuir para o bem coletivo. Ele conta a história de como aprendeu a integrar suas identidades de ativista, comunicador e artista, e como suas colaborações com llideranças indígenas como Sonia Guajajara e Celia Xakriabá podem ajudar na conscientização sobre os direitos indígenas em
Spotlight: Many Lumens with Maori Karmael Holmes - Sky Hopinka
“If I want to make films about things I want to see, why not make them?” - Sky HopinkaIn our first Seedcast Spotlight of the year, Sky Hopinka – visual artist, filmmaker, educator, and MacArthur Fellow – speaks with Maori Karmael Holmes on Blackstar’s Many Lumens podcast about centering the stories Indigenous artists want to share and sidelining viewpoints of dominant white culture and artist spaces. BlackStar uplifts the work of Black, Brown, and Indigenous artists through their podcast, the
Indigenous Narrative Sovereignty on TikTok
"Black Indigenous people of color in the 21st century are navigating the digital space and grounding ourselves in joy, community, beauty, skincare, dancing, and storytelling, all through connection to land.” - Lofanitani Aisea Did you say "influencer"? Seedcast’s first ever Artist-in-Residence, Lofanitani Aisea (Black and Tongan, Modoc, Tahlequah Cherokee, and Klamath tribes), has gone viral on TikTok for her stories that celebrate her cultures and shine a light on others. Lofanitani speaks wit
DJ Eric Terena: The Collective Sounds for a New Era
On the heels of a political sea change in Brazil toward environmental justice and Indigenous rights, activist and DJ Eric Terena (of the Terena Peoples) shares how music is being used for the collective good. He tells the story of how he learned to integrate his identities as an activist, journalist and musician. His collaborations with political leaders like Sonia Guajajara and Célia Xakriabá raise awareness about Indigenous rights worldwide. Producer Marianna Romano brings us this episode from
Coming Soon: Seedcast Season 3
Seedcast is back on March 15 with a new season, and host Jessica Ramirez will continue guiding us through a whole new series of stories at the intersections of Indigenous land guardianship, culture, and rights. Indigenous peoples protect 80% of the world’s biodiversity, and Indigenous cultures, knowledge, and practices of reciprocity are the best guide to the future we all want to live in. In Season 3, we’ll go around the world to hear from Indigenous peoples who want to grow our knowledge toget
The Life-Giving Pottery of Katsitsionni Fox
“When I'm making pots, I'm thinking all the way back to creation.” - Katsitionni Fox Welcome to this final episode of Seedcast’s second season, a story full of heart and warmth about the power of intention. Katsitsionni Fox (Haudenosaunee artist, Bear Clan) takes us inside her studio and shares how making clay pots connects her to her ancestors, the women who made pots for daily use in Akwesasne, a Mohawk Territory in upstate New York. The practice of making these pots was lost for generations
Hypocrisy and Solidarity at COP27
Indigenous leaders at the forefront of the fight against climate change were at the COP27 climate talks in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt this month and Nia Tero showed up in solidarity. Break through the noise and the corporate greenwashing, and listen with us to Indigenous policy advocates, activists, storytellers and artists who made the trip to Egypt, often at risk to themselves -- because everything is at stake in this moment, and we need the collective power of all peoples to meet it. Featured vo
Spotlight: On Being with Krista Tippett - Robin Wall Kimmerer - The Intelligence of Plants
It’s time for a new Seedcast Spotlight episode. This time we’re sharing an episode from the podcast On Being with Krista Tippett featuring mother, scientist, and professor Robin Wall Kimmerer, an enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation. "In Indigenous ways of knowing, we say that we know a thing when we know it not only with our physical senses, with our intellect, but also when we engage our intuitive ways of knowing — of emotional knowledge and spiritual knowledge,” says Robin Wall Ki
Coming Soon: Seedcast is Headed to U.N. Climate Talks in Egypt
Seedcast is headed to Egypt! Seedcast Producer Felipe Contreras and Executive Producer Tracy Rector share notes from the road (or, rather, the sky) on their way to COP27, the U.N. global climate talks happening in Sharm el-Sheikh. No Blue Zone or Green Zone passes here, but Felipe and Tracy will be showing up in solidarity with Indigenous leaders from around the world and hearing stories from the front lines of climate change. Indigenous land defenders and storytellers don’t make headlines enoug
Fighting Climate Change with Storytelling: Julian Aguon
"If climate change is the fight of our lives, we cannot win that fight by way of facts.” Julian Aguon is a CHamoru Indigenous human right lawyer from Guam and author of the essay “To Hell with Drowning,” which was published in The Atlantic and nominated for a Pulitzer Award in 2021. Alice Walker said this of Julian’s soon-to-be-released memoir-manifesto, No Country for Eight-Spot Butterflies: “Its fierce love—of the land, the ocean, the elders, and the ancestors—warms the heart and moves the spi
How Stories Give Life to Knowledge and Culture: Two Decades of imagineNATIVE
When was the first time you saw yourself represented on a big or small screen? Hollywood representations of Indigenous peoples have been rare and often harmful, and that’s why Indigenous filmmakers are working to dismantle decades upon decades of negative stereotypes. In this episode, hear how Indigenous narrative sovereignty – telling our own stories – is connected to Indigenous land sovereignty – having a say in how the lands we are connected to are cared for. Also, find out how imagineNATIVE
He Who Charges with Thunder: A Conversation with Matt Remle
“We just need to be better; or we need to be kinder to each other.” When the world is in turmoil, how do you stay grounded? We talked with Matt Remle (Hunkpapa Lakota from Standing Rock Sioux Reservation) about how his Lakota teachings, guidance from his elders, and even his name guides his actions and how he shows up in the world. Hear Matt and dear friends singing in this episode, as well as a special recording of ancestor Vi Hilbert of the Upper Skagit sharing a story about the importance of
Meet the Gabbra People of East Africa Pt 2: How Connection to Creator, Moon, Stars, Earth, Sun, and More Guide Gabbra Knowledge
At the start of each year, the Gabbra people of eastern Africa come together to celebrate. They spend much of the year traveling long distances, managing large herds of grazing animals across vast stretches of grasslands and deserts. In this episode, hear their songs of celebration and how they stay in close and constant dialogue with each other, exchanging knowledge they glean from the sun, moon, stars, clouds, slaughtered animals, the long memories of elders, and more, as they work to pass on
Meet the Gabbra People of East Africa Pt 1: How Traditional Knowledge Saw The Gabbra People Through Colonization and Climate Crisis
One hundred years ago, Gabbra elders in the dry lands of eastern Africa told their nomadic people that a big change was coming. To get through it, they would need to hold their traditions close. In this episode of Seedcast - the first of two parts – hear from a Gabbra senior elder as he shares a story with a member of his community. He speaks about how Gabbra traditional knowledge has allowed their ecosystem to support human, animal, and plant life through generations, while also helping them na
TRAILER: Meet the Gabbra People of East Africa: A Special Two-Part Episode Coming Soon to Seedcast
“If you know where you’re coming from, you know where you’re going, and you cannot get lost.” At a tea house on the side of the road, on the way to Marsabit, Kenya, a Gabbra senior elder sat down with a member of his community to tell a story about how colonization has affected the rhythms of their peoples’ nomadic ways of life in the grasslands and deserts of eastern Africa, and how traditional knowledge has gotten them through. Drawing from interpretations of the moon, the sun, the stars, the
Back Home with Chad Charlie
We're coming up on the two-year anniversary of Seedcast, and this week we're celebrating by re-releasing our very first episode featuring filmmaker, comedian, and poet Chad Charlie (Ahousaht First Nation/Black.) Chad, who is currently on the writing staff for Reservation Dogs, talks about his community approach to filmmaking, his journey toward activism, and what it means to him to be both Black and Indigenous. What we also get in this episode is another chance to hear Seedcast host Jessica Rami
Spotlight: Kokonati Talk - Meli Tuqota - Cultural Reconnection Through Art
This week we’re excited to share a podcast episode from Neisau Tuidraki, who is also a Nia Tero Pasifika Journalism Fellow. Neisau is the host and producer of Kokonati Talk, a podcast that explores Fijian stories from the homeland and diaspora communities. Season 1 explores Indigenous guardianship and what that means to the lives of creative Fijians. In this episode, Neisau talks with Meli Tuqota, a Fijian filmmaker who made the animated film, Soli Bula ,and reconnected with his own heritage and
Seedcast em português: Nara Baré — Os povos indígenas seguram o planeta
“É como se os povos indígenas estivessem segurando todo o planeta. Vai chegar um momento em que, se vocês não vierem conosco também para essa luta, a gente não vai conseguir sozinho.” — Nara Baré Neste episódio do Seedcast, apresentamos Nara Baré, da Nação Baré. A história da Nara é de empoderamento por meio do conhecimento. Ela nos conta como, a partir de sua trajetória de educação e sua participação em manifestações estudantis, ela se aproximou do movimento mais amplo de apoio à soberania ter
Spotlight: Parks - Acadia
This week we’re shining a light on the land of the Wabanaki through an episode by our friends at the Parks podcast. The state of Maine was established on the lands of tribes including the Maliseet, Mi'kmaq, Penobscot, and Passamaquoddy, collectively known as the Wabanaki, or “People of the Dawnland.” By the time the Rockefeller Family, who’d built their fortune on the oil industry, donated land to be used to form Acadia National Park, the Wabanaki people had already been long displaced from
Valérie Courtois and Sacred Kinship in the Boreal
In the Arctic Circle, Innu peoples’ relationship with caribou “is so sacred that we could become them, and they could become one of us,” says Valérie Courtois. She is a member of the Innu community of Mashteuiatsh, a forester by trade, and the Director of the Indigenous Leadership Initiative, an organization dedicated to strengthening Indigenous nationhood and leadership. Valérie has spent her life bridging traditional Indigenous knowledge and Western science. She shares stories about what it’s
Indigenous Peoples Hold the Planet: A Conversation with Nara Baré
“It's as if the Indigenous peoples were holding the whole planet. And the time will come when if you don't come with us for this fight, we won't be able to do it alone.” – Nara Baré In this episode of Seedcast, meet Nara Baré, member of the Baré Nation. Nara's story is one of empowerment through knowledge. She shares how her educational pursuits, including participation in student protests, prepared her to join the larger movement to support land sovereignty for the Indigenous peoples across the
Seedcast en Español: El Barco de Sueños - Cómo los Achuar Adoptaron la Energía Solar
El pueblo Achuar vive en los bosques tropicales de la Amazonía Ecuatoriana y es guardián de terreno que contiene parte de la biodiversidad más rica del mundo. Dependen en gran medida del transporte fluvial, y en años más recientes, los Achuar han comenzado una misión para reducir su uso de barcos con motores de gas hacia algo menos dañino para el ambiente. En este episodio de Seedcast, conocemos a Nantu Canelos, Luciano Peas y Oliver Utne, quienes nos hablan sobre una asociación única entre el p
A State of Perpetual Memory: Native Identity Through Connection to Land
There is no singular Indigenous experience. We take a walk with five Indigenous peoples from five different regions of Turtle Island in what is currently known as the United States to hear their stories about their identities, their cultures, and their connections to land. Guests featured are John Scott-Richardson (Haliwa-Saponi Tribe, Tuscarora lineage from Six Nations), Carey Flack (Mvskoke Creek descent, Cherokee and Choctaw Freedmen descent), Jeremy Dennis (Shinnecock Indian Nation), Lofani
Spotlight: Beyond the Narrative - The Perfect Wave with Hannah Bennett
Hannah Bennett (Rotuman), a professional surfer based in Fiji, shares what makes the perfect wave and how the connection of surfers to the elements makes them such natural stewards of reefs and oceans. She spoke with Fenton Lutunatabua, a Nia Tero Storytelling fellow, on Beyond the Narrative, a podcast that showcases the complex and dynamic truths of everyday Pacific Islanders and those that call the Pacific home. This is part of our series of Spotlights that shine a light on other Indigenous po
Spotlight: Finding Our Way - Seeds, Grief, and Memory with Rowen White
You know we love to shine a light on other great podcasts doing the good work, and this week we’re excited to share with you an episode of the Finding Our Way podcast, hosted by Prentis Hemphill. Prentis is a therapist, somatics teacher and facilitator, political organizer, writer, and the founder of The Embodiment Institute. In this episode of Finding Our Way, Prentis talks with Mohawk Indigenous seed steward Rowen White about their relationship with the natural world and healing, and how we fi
Guided by her ancestors, Joan Carling fights back
Joan Carling (Kankana-ey Igorot, Philippines) has been fighting for Indigenous peoples’ rights, social justice and sustainable development for over 30 years. As co-founder and global director of Indigenous Peoples Rights International (IPRI), Joan is keenly aware that violations of Indigenous peoples’ rights are escalating all over the world, despite international protections. She shares how she navigates dealing with those in power, why it’s essential for the survival of the planet to support I
Spotlight: How to Survive the End of the World - Aurora and Ricardo Levins-Morales
This week Seedcast is proud to shine a spotlight on another podcast we adore, How to Survive the End of the World, hosted by sisters adrienne maree brown and Autumn Brown, about learning from apocalypse with grace, rigor, and curiosity. In this episode, part of their sibling series, adrienne and Autumn interview Aurora and Ricardo Levins Morales, two legendary artists and activists in social justice movements who were raised amongst the mountains in Puerto Rico. They hold a rich ancestral histor
The Boat of Dreams: How the Achuar Embraced Solar Power
Los invitamos a escuchar el episodio en español aquíThe Achuar people living in the rainforests of Ecuadorian Amazon are stewards of land that holds some of the richest biodiversity in the world. They rely heavily on river transportation, and in recent years, the Achuar have been on a journey to reduce their use of gas-powered boats to something less harmful to the environment. Jessica Ramirez talks with Nantu Canelos, Luciano Peas, and Oliver Utne about a partnership between the Achuar people a
Coming Soon: Seedcast Season 2
Host Jessica Ramirez is back with new stories about the intimate connections of Indigenous peoples caring for their communities and the entire planet. The first episode of Season 2 debuts on February 2, 2022 - that's right - 2/2/22! We can't wait to spend another year with you.Seedcast is a production of Nia Tero, a global nonprofit which supports Indigenous land guardianship around the world through policy, partnership, and storytelling initiatives.Enjoy the Seedcast podcast on Apple Podcasts,
“My people are my family” - Samoan island values in the Pacific Northwest
Growing up in the multiracial, working class neighborhood of White Center on Coast Salish land, Sili Savusa (Samoan) learned from a young age that her role in life was to take care of her people. Now, as Executive Director of White Center Community Development Association in Seattle, Washington, she works to create places where working class communities of color can live their dreams. In conversation with an islander from the Caribbean, Seedcast’s Felipe Contreras, Sili explains how she held ont
Indigenous women on the frontlines of climate change at COP26
At COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland, world leaders gathered to discuss the future of the planet, the need to address climate change, and the actions required to do that, but not all of the important activity was occurring in official meetings. Meet several Indigenous women who gathered, marched, and supported one another both inside and outside of the conference rooms in Glasgow. We talk with journalist, filmmaker, and 2021 Ford Global Fellow Andrea Ixchíu Hernández (Maya-K’iche’, Guatemala); Indigeno
The Indigenous woman behind a new Native kitchen
Lisa Fruichantie (citizen of the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma) has served as a vibrant connector within her communities since she started her first business at 13. Last year Lisa put those skills to work as the new executive director for the restaurant and arts venue Alma in Tacoma, Washington, the traditional lands of the Puyallup peoples. In this episode, find out why it was important for Lisa to draw upon her Indigenous network as she expanded her team, and what it has been like to bring her d
4th World filmmakers 'doing the damn thing'
Indigenous storytelling is vital to a deeper understanding of our world as well as to addressing the climate crisis, but how do we best support those storytellers? The 4th World Media Lab does just that, supporting early and mid-career Indigenous filmmakers from around the globe. In this episode, members of the 2021 cohort - Brit Hensel, Ajuawak Kapashesit, Jared Lank, Erin Lau, Lucía Ortega Toledo, and Theola Ross - share how Indigenous-focused spaces make room for growth, why Native filmmaking
Spotlight: Parks - Yellowstone
We’re sharing an episode of the podcast Parks, which explores the truth about the creation of U.S. National Parks, retold alongside Indigenous peoples. This, the first episode of Parks, dives into the history of Yellowstone Park with guests Lynette Saint Clair (Eastern Shoshone) and Shane Doyle (Apsáalooke Nation). They share stories about Indigenous stewardship of this land from the Ice Age to the present, and speak about the U.S. treaties made and broken with local Indigenous peoples in advanc
Victoria Tauli-Corpuz and Jennifer Corpuz: The mother and daughter who fight for Indigenous rights
Victoria Tauli-Corpuz and Jennifer ‘Jing’ Corpuz (Kankana-ey Igorot, Philippines) are policy makers and Indigenous rights advocates as well as mother and daughter. Both women share personal stories about making the shift from student activism to effecting change on a global scale with world leaders, as well as how they honor and continue a family legacy of leadership. They also share ideas for what we all can do to support policy work on behalf of Indigenous peoples and the planet. Hosted by Jes
Spotlight: What's Up With Docs - Storytelling as Medicine
This week, Seedcast is sharing an episode of the podcast “What's Up with Docs” by our friends Toni Bell and Ranell Shubert, who have each supported documentary creators for years and now interview them to share what’s hard and what’s amazing about creating documentary film. We're sharing the very first episode they aired, with Seedcast Executive Producer and Nia Tero Managing Director of Storytelling Tracy Rector. The interview was recorded live at Big Sky International Film Festival in 2020, an
Picking berries and building power with Indigenous farmworkers
A community of Indigenous Mixteco and Triqui farmworkers were displaced from their homelands and are now organizing to challenge the exploitive work conditions they face in the United States, all while finding ways to preserve their language, culture and relationship to the Earth. Marciano Sanchez (Mixteco) and his father Lorenzo Sanchez Basurto (Mixteco) tell host Jessica Ramirez about their family’s path from Southern Mexico to the berry fields of Washington State. We also hear from Edgar Fran
Princess Daazhraii Johnson and the generation reclaiming Gwich'in
Princess Daazhraii Johnson (Neets'aii Gwich'in) is an Indigenous TV and film producer on a journey of learning, reclaiming, and revitalizing her ancestral language of Gwich’in, which is only spoken by a few hundred people. In this new episode of Seedcast, find out how Indigenous residential schools on Turtle Island contributed to this language crisis and how Princess is inspiring a whole new generation to be curious about Indigenous languages through her work as a screenwriter on the Peabody awa
Spotlight: Not Invisible - Native Women on the Frontlines
This week, Seedcast is doing something a little different. We’re sharing an episode of the podcast “Not Invisible: Native Women on the Frontlines” by our friends and partners at Red House Project, whose primary focus is to shine a light on the overlooked crisis of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women, Girls, Transgender, and 2-Spirit people (#MMIWGT2S) and the ties between that crisis and extractive industries on Turtle Island. In the episode of “Not Invisible” we’re sharing, co-hosts Tanis Par
Rooting and re-humanizing in the African diaspora with Inye Wokoma
Guest host Felipe Contreras talks with artist, journalist, filmmaker, and co-founder of Wa Na Wari Inye Wokoma (Kalabari/African-American) about what it means to be Indigenous and part of a diaspora. We hear Inye's essay about the intersection of Black home ownership and Indigenous land sovereignty, originally written for the South Seattle Emerald and read here by Inye's brother, hip hop artist Yirim Seck. Featuring music by Yirim Seck. Produced by Jenny Asarnow and Julie Keck; hosted and mixe
Nia Tero’s CEO Peter Seligmann (BONUS)
In this special bonus episode of the Seedcast podcast, Executive Producer Tracy Rector talks with Nia Tero CEO and co-founder Peter Seligmann about why he dedicated his life to being an ally to all beings on the Earth and how that led to founding Nia Tero. Tracy also gives us a glimpse into who makes up the Seedcast team. Guest Host: Tracy Rector; Produced and edited by Seedcast Senior Producer Jenny Asarnow.Seedcast is a production of Nia Tero, a global nonprofit which supports Indigenous land
How traditional land stewardship can save life on Earth
In the latest episode of Seedcast, we explore the ways in which Indigenous knowledge and Indigenous land sovereignty are essential tools to stop mass extinctions, alleviate climate change, and prevent future pandemics. We learn about the complicated history of Indigenous peoples and Western-guided conservation initiatives, and why efforts like the global 30x30 initiative to protect at least 30% of the land and sea on Earth by 2030 are essential (and why they may not go far enough.) Our guests in
Planting Seeds with Colleen Echohawk
In the first Seedcast podcast episode of 2021, we talk with Chief Seattle Club Executive Director Colleen Echohawk (Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma), who is currently running to be the first Indigenous mayor of Seattle, Washington. Colleen talks about how her Indigenous identity and the inspiring matriarchs in her life shaped her as a leader. Topics include Indigenous farming and Native Works’ Sovereignty Farm, Chief Seattle Club’s new Native housing project, seed keeping, and setting aside assumption
Trailer: A New Season of Seedcast
A new season of Seedcast is coming March 24! Join host Jessica Ramirez to hear conversations with Indigenous peoples all over the world. We’re kicking it off with Colleen Echohawk, who is running to be the first Indigenous mayor of Seattle. Share, subscribe, and spread the word! Seedcast is a production of Nia Tero, a global nonprofit which supports Indigenous land guardianship around the world through policy, partnership, and storytelling initiatives.Enjoy the Seedcast podcast on Apple Podcast
ᏙᎯ (Tohi)
In the third episode of the Seedcast podcast by Nia Tero, host Jessica Ramirez explores the concept of reciprocity with Cherokee documentary filmmaker, activist, and member of the Cherokee Nation Brit Hensel (Native and American, Zibi Yajdan.) Topics include cultural preservation by way of language, how the ways in which we treat animals reflects how we treat each other, and who holds responsibility for telling Indigenous stories.Hosted by Jessica Ramirez; produced by Jessica Ramirez, Felipe Con
Talking Story
In the second episode of the Seedcast podcast by Nia Tero, host Jessica Ramirez, inspired by the Pacific Islander wisdom sharing practice of Talking Story, guides a conversation between friends Senator J. Kalani English (Native Hawaiian/Kanaka Maoli) and diplomat Taholo Kami, Senior Pacific Islands Policy Advisor for Nia Tero and Special Representative for Oceans for the Government of Fiji (Tongan, raised in Papua New Guinea, resides in Fiji). Topics range from the exploration and definition of
Back Home with Chad Charlie
Listen to our very first Seedcast episode, featuring an interview with filmmaker and poet, Chad Charlie (Ahousaht First Nation/Black), by our host, Jessica Ramirez. We started Seedcast as a platform to introduce you to the lives of Indigenous peoples from around the world. We have an amazing group of folks to introduce you to over our first season and beyond, each bringing diverse perspectives on what it means to hold Indigenous identity and how that relates to sacred duties to land. Hosted by J
Indigenous peoples and communities have long used stories to understand the world and our place in it. Seedcast is a story-centered podcast by Nia Tero about nurturing and rooting stories of the Indigenous experienceSeedcast is a production of Nia Tero, a global nonprofit which supports Indigenous land guardianship around the world through policy, partnership, and storytelling initiatives.Enjoy the Seedcast podcast on the Nia Tero website, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and your other favorite podcast