The Listening Porch
Ray Hughes
The Listening Porch is a podcast from Ray Hughes. Connect with Ray and support the show at:
Deep Roots & Tangled Limbs P6: Heirlooms and Inheritance
Storytellers are the guardians of memories, Ray tells us.
In this episode, Ray shares some of the memories of his early years and how the stories of our lives give shape to the people we become.
These formative memories of family history encourage us that our memories, even the darker, painful ones can become a wellspring of hope and redemption for generations to come.
Visit The Listening Porch online for more inspiring episodes. You can help support the show by becoming a Patron at patreon.c
Deep Roots & Tangled Limbs P5: Places of Encounter
The Places we love have a profound ability to awaken wonder in our hearts and fill us with a sense of purpose and destiny.
In this episode, Ray shares about his love of Wales, Scotland and Ireland a how a prophetic encounter set him on a lifelong course of discovering how deeply these lands were woven into his heart.
Visit The Listening Porch online for more inspiring episodes. You can help support the show by becoming a Patron at or sign up for one of my online courses
Deep Roots & Tangled Limbs P4: Music, Misfits & The Life of King David
In this episode, Ray Hughes shares from his lifelong study of King David and shows how this misfit shepherd boy’s unwavering pursuit of God's presence shaped his legacy as a poet, worship leader, and king.
Ray emphasizes the timeless relevance of David's story, highlighting how his longing for God expressed through music continues to inspire generations and shape the language of worship today.
If you'd like to dive deeper into Ray's teachings on worship, creativity and the life of King David,
Deep Roots & Tangled Limbs P3: The Generational Power of Storytelling
In today's conversation, Ray shares about the generational power of storytelling. This episode spans everything from the importance of paying attention to learning the difference between a distraction and a daydream.
Visit The Listening Porch online for more inspiring episodes. You can help support the show by becoming a Patron at or sign up for one of my online courses at Also, check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
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Deep Roots & Tangled Limbs P2: Dialect and Destiny
In this conversation,Stephen and Ray are continuing the discussion on fascination imagination and wonder, adding to it a bit about storytelling, songwriting, and how dialect impacts destiny.
Visit The Listening Porch online for more inspiring episodes. You can help support the show by becoming a Patron at or sign up for one of my online courses at Also, check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
You can connect with Stephen's work
Deep Roots & Tangled Limbs P1: Fascination, Imagination & Wonder
In this opening conversation, Ray Hughes shares his timeless wisdom on the topics of fascination, imagination and wonder. As creatives and followers of Jesus, nurturing these expressions of faith are vital to living a full and vibrant life. Tune in to hear Ray share insights on how we can move beyond dull obligation to a religious life and maintain a sense of wonder for the long haul.
Visit The Listening Porch online for more inspiring episodes. You can help support the show by becoming a Patr
Introducing Deep Roots and Tangled Limbs: A Series of Talks on Life, Faith and The Creative Journey
Hello Everybody.
I am thrilled to announce a new series of conversations here on The Listening Porch.
Each week, starting Friday, February 2nd, (that's Groundhog Day in case you were wondering,) my good friend Stephen Roach will be joining me for a series of talks about life, faith and the creative journey I've traveled.
We’re calling these talks Deep Roots and Tangled Limbs. I believe these candid conversations will inspire and encourage you in your own creative pursuits.
- Ray
Visit The
Happy New Year
I'd like to wish you a Happy New Year!
Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
What is Beauty?
Somebody asked me, "What is Beauty"?
Here's what I told them.
Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
Ever Speaking
Today I'd like to tell you about my new book.
Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
Thank God and Horace Kephart
I'd like to tell you about the man who saved the Smoky Mountains, Horace Kephart.
Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
Sauntering and Meditation
Join me for a little porch chat about prayer and meditation
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Hill of Beans/Bogey and Patty Duffer
I'd like to tell you about the smartest man from the Hill of Beans, Bogey Duffer.
Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
I'd like to share a poem with you today.
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Unnecessary Urges
Let's talk about creativity and noise.
Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
God’s Love
I've been reading the past couple of days about the greatness of God's love.
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Chatting About Spurgeon
Let's chat about Charles Spurgeon.
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The Bible tells us thousands of stories that consist of real people experiencing God in real ways.
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Mountain Talk
Join me today for some Mountain Talk.
Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
Man From A Hill Of Beans
I grew up six miles from the hill of beans.
Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
Of mockingbirds and men.
Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
Wonder-full Imagination
A wonder-filled imagination is a wonder-full thing.
Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
A Right To Choose
Quiet is not the absence of sound. It is an invitation to listen and to hear life. The good news is that you get to choose what you listen to. Choose life today.
Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
When you can’t see a horizon in your life you can start to feel disconnected to your own future. It’s easy to feel that way in these times of turmoil.
Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
Season 2 Trailer
Well as you may know I have been focused on my health the last couple of years. I've been taking walks and jotting down things that come to me in between the notes of the bird’s songs. These walks have been important to me but I’m back now, sitting on the porch. Let's chat!…
Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at
15 Reasons to Praise: Part 8
Part 8 of my online course on 15 Reasons to Praise and Worship God... Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
15 Reasons to Praise: Part 7
Part 7 of my online course on 15 Reasons to Praise and Worship God... Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
15 Reasons to Praise: Part 6
Part 6 of my online course on 15 Reasons to Praise and Worship God... Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
15 Reasons to Praise: Part 5
Part 5 of my online course on 15 Reasons to Praise and Worship God... Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
15 Reasons to Praise: Part 4
Part 4 of my online course on 15 Reasons to Praise and Worship God... Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
15 Reasons to Praise: Part 3
Part 3 of my online course on 15 Reasons to Praise and Worship God... Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
15 Reasons to Praise: Part 2
Part 2 of my online course on 15 Reasons to Praise and Worship God... Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
15 Reasons to Praise: Part 1
Part 1 of my online course on 15 Reasons to Praise and Worship God... Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
A Walk In New Orleans
A pair of poems inspired by one of my favorite places...
Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
Poet and Old Ghosts
Sacred seeds are the words of truth that awaken hope in a longing heart when a soul is broken and only listens to old ghosts...
Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
Without Hannah's prayer we would never have David's song. Hannah is one of the great mothers in the Bible so today for Mother's Day I thought I would share with you a session on the life of Hannah from my online course "David: The Singer of Secrets." You can sign up and get the first month free at: Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can als
Today Feels Write
I want to encourage you today to take up pen and paper and process your life with the written word...
Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
Embracing Recalibration
My friend Matt Tommey has a ministry called The Thriving Christian Artist. He asked me to answer 5 questions and I wanted to share my responses with you. You can hear answers from other leaders in the creative resource that Matt has made entirely free at Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at selahministri
Gipsy Girl
Sometimes I like to get up in the morning and go on walks fully intending on paying attention to the things that inspire...
Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
The Power of Stillness in a Tumultuous Time
An extended interview with Eagle Mountain Radio. Find them at or on YouTube... Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
Dublin Morning
An original poem, "Dublin Morning," and the story behind it...
Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
I‘m From Kentucky
Today I'm going to give you a little piece of poetry that kind of speaks to the world that I came from...
Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
There's a difference between isolation and solitude...
Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
Dressed In Dust
I was digging in the garden today and had a few thoughts about dust and dirt...
Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
Thing 1
Today on the podcast I talk about Thing 1 from my book "107 Things I Forgot To Say the Last Time I Talked About Worship, Creativity, and Music." You can find the book on Amazon or order it from Bethel Media...
Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at redriverturning.
Rewrite Your Past
Some people say you can't change the past, but I say its all in how you write it...
Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
Old Home Place
Some stories about my Old Home Place in Adolphus, KY...
Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
Quarantine Thoughts
My mom knows how to navigate the fearful unknown...
Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
Mutinous Wind
While the world is in quarantine, I think I'll read some original poetry...
Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
Just A Thought
I was cleaning pollen off the porch and had a thought about 2 Chronicles 20...
Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
Nora and Padraig
I love Ireland so much I've been 34 times. You can go with me sometime:
Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
Sing It
I love to sit on my porch and listen to the birds sing...
Visit The Listening Porch online! You can view a video version of this episode and help support the show by becoming a Patron at You can also sign up for one of my online courses at or check out my beautiful, handmade ink pens at
The Listening Porch
The Listening Porch is a new podcast from Ray Hughes. Connect with Ray and support the show by becoming a patron at: