History of the Second World War
Wesley Livesay
History of the Second World War is a weekly podcast which will cover World War 2, beginning with the tumultuous years after the First World War, continuing into the descent into war during the 1930s, through the war years, and then into the post war aftermath.
Preview 18: The Victorious Royal Navy Pt. 6 - Preparing for War
This episode sees another previously member only episode released on the main feed. War clouds on the horizon. Contact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War. History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Preview 17: The Victorious Royal Navy Pt. 5 - Aviation
This episode sees another previously member only episode released on the main feed. Naval aviation was a major topic of conversation between the RAF and the Royal Navy. Contact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War. History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Intelligent Speech 2025
Come check out my keynote speech on the topic of Deception in February 2025: https://intelligentspeechonline.com/Coupon Code: SECOND Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Preview 16: The Victorious Royal Navy Pt. 4 - Building Better Battleships
This episode sees another previously member only episode released on the main feed. Time to build new ships, and they had to be good. Contact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War. History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Interview 38: The Forgotten War with Jack Bowsher
This week I was joined by Jack Browsher to discuss a new World War 2 Podcast The Forgotten War, which covers the events in Burma during the war. Find out more about the Forgotten War here: https://shows.acast.com/the-forgotten-war-podContact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War.History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Preview 15: The Victorious Royal Navy Pt. 3 - The End of the Naval Treaty
This episode sees another previously member only episode released on the main feed. The treaties that were so important to the course of naval warfare during the interwar years would expire, what next?Contact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War. History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Preview 14: The Victorious Royal Navy Pt. 2 - The Early 30s
This episode sees another previously member only episode released on the main feed. What were some of the events that impacted the Royal Navy during the early 1930s?Contact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War. History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Preview 13: The Victorious Royal Navy Pt. 1 - Budgets
This episode sees another previously member only episode released on the main feed. The story of the interwar Royal Navy is one of trying to simply do too much with not enough resources. Contact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War. History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
207: The Fall of France - Epilogue: Riom
In early 1942 the new Vichy French government would bring charges against 6 men in the effort to determine the reasons for France's defeat in 1942. The resulting trial would not go as planned. Come check out my keynote speech on the topic of Deception in February 2025: https://intelligentspeechonline.com/Coupon Code: SECONDContact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War.History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more a
206: The Fall of France - Defeat
France was defeated. Why? Who? How?Come check out my keynote speech on the topic of Deception in February 2025: https://intelligentspeechonline.com/Coupon Code: SECONDContact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War.History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
205: The Fall of France - Surrender
With the fall of the Reynaud government, Petain rapidly moved into armistice negotiations with Germany, although calling them negotiations might be inaccurate. Come check out my keynote speech on the topic of Deception in February 2025: https://intelligentspeechonline.com/Coupon Code: SECONDContact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War.History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megap
Interview 37: RAF Gardening Operations with Jane Guilliford Lowes
While their other operations get most of the publicity, throughout the entire war the RAF was constantly sending bombers on missions to drop sea mines, operations code named Gardening operations. Nevermind The Dambusters: https://nevermindthedambusters.buzzsprout.com/Come check out my keynote speech on the topic of Deception in February 2025: https://intelligentspeechonline.com/Coupon Code: SECONDContact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War.History of the
204: The Fall of France - About that Maginot Thing
The French had this cool thing called the Maginot Line, what has been happening there?Come check out my keynote speech on the topic of Deception in February 2025: https://intelligentspeechonline.com/Coupon Code: SECONDContact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War.History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Interview 36: General Stanisław Maczek with Jenny Grant
Pick up a copy of The Price of Victory from Pen and Sword: https://www.pen-and-sword.co.uk/The-Price-of-Victory-Hardback/p/51599Come check out my keynote speech on the topic of Deception in February 2025: https://intelligentspeechonline.com/Coupon Code: SECONDContact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War.History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
203: The Fall of France - Falling Apart
After the fall of Paris things continued to just as poorly as they did before. Come check out my keynote speech on the topic of Deception in February 2025: https://intelligentspeechonline.com/Coupon Code: SECONDContact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War.History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
202: The Fall of France - "To Make a Corpse Feel"
Paris Falls. General Brooke realizes that the British are no longer capable of helping the French.Come check out my keynote speech on the topic of Deception in February 2025: https://intelligentspeechonline.com/Coupon Code: SECONDContact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War.History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
201: The Fall of France - "The Last Quarter of an Hour"
After the beginning of Case Red, the overall situation for the French would quickly begin to fall apart completely. Come check out my keynote speech on the topic of Deception in February 2025: https://intelligentspeechonline.com/Coupon Code: SECONDContact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War.History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
200: The Fall of France - Case Red
Stage one of the German invasion had went so well, so now it was time for stage two.Come check out my keynote speech on the topic of Deception in February 2025: https://intelligentspeechonline.com/Coupon Code: SECONDContact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War.History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
199: The Fall of France - The Battle of Abbeville
What were the Germans going to do to finally defeat France? What was going to happen to the critical Abbeville bridgehead?Come check out my keynote speech on the topic of Deception in February 2025: https://intelligentspeechonline.com/Coupon Code: SECONDContact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War.History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Interview 35: The Man Who Calculated Death with Suzanne Rico
In this interview I was joined by Suzanne Rico who has released the new podcast The Man Who Calculated Death about her grandfather Robert Lusser, the man who led the team that built the V-1 bomb.Check out the podcast at https://www.themanwhocalculateddeath.com/Come check out my keynote speech on the topic of Deception in February 2025: https://intelligentspeechonline.com/Coupon Code: SECONDContact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War.History of the Second
198: The Fall of France - Picking Up the Pieces
The evacuation of Dunkirk was underway, but discussions had already started for what the British and French would do next.Come check out my keynote speech on the topic of Deception in February 2025: https://intelligentspeechonline.com/Coupon Code: SECONDContact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War.History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
197: The Fall of France - Operation Dynamo
Operation Dynamo would be wildly more successful than anybody would have predicted. Come check out my keynote speech on the topic of Deception in February 2025: https://intelligentspeechonline.com/Coupon Code: SECONDContact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War.History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
196: The Fall of France - The Myths of Dunkirk
Dunkirk, legends, myths, realities, all wrapped into one. But also, it sort of does not matter. Come check out my keynote speech on the topic of Deception in February 2025: https://intelligentspeechonline.com/Coupon Code: SECONDContact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War.History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
195: The Fall of France - The Collapsing Bag
The situation in Belgium and Northern France was falling apart, and disaster was looming. The only question was how the disaster would be managed.Come check out my keynote speech on the topic of Deception in February 2025: https://intelligentspeechonline.com/Coupon Code: SECONDContact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War.History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoi
Interview 34: Battle of Britain: Canadian Airmen in their Finest Hour with Ted Barris
Battle of Britain by Ted Barris: https://sutherlandhousebooks.com/product/battle-of-britain/Ensure your data is private online at incogni.com/SWW and then use code SWW to get 60% off an annual plan.Come check out my keynote speech on the topic of Deception in February 2025: https://intelligentspeechonline.com/Coupon Code: SECONDContact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War.History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn m
Interview 33: Midway: The Pacific War’s Most Famous Battle with Mark Stille
Midway: The Pacific War's Most Famous Battle https://www.ospreypublishing.com/us/midway-9781472862037/
Ensure your data is private online at incogni.com/SWW and then use code SWW to get 60% off an annual plan.
Come check out my keynote speech on the topic of Deception in February 2025: https://intelligentspeechonline.com/
Coupon Code: SECOND
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcas
Interview 32: Hero City: Leningrad 1943-44 with Prit Buttar
Hero City: https://www.ospreypublishing.com/us/hero-city-9781472856609/
More books by Prit Buttar: https://www.ospreypublishing.com/us/author/prit-buttar/
Ensure your data is private online at incogni.com/SWW and then use code SWW to get 60% off an annual plan.
Come check out my keynote speech on the topic of Deception in February 2025: https://intelligentspeechonline.com/
Coupon Code: SECOND
Contact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War.
History of the S
Interview 31: Hitler's People: The Faces of the Third Reich with Richard Evans
Check out Hitler's People here: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/653631/hitlers-people-by-richard-j-evans/Ensure your data is private online at incogni.com/SWW and then use code SWW to get 60% off an annual plan. Come check out my keynote speech on the topic of Deception in February 2025: https://intelligentspeechonline.com/Coupon Code: SECONDContact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War.History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media p
194: The Fall of France - Boulogne, Calais, and The Halt Order
The channel ports were critical for the BEF, and the Germans knew it.Come check out my keynote speech on the topic of Deception in February 2025: https://intelligentspeechonline.com/Coupon Code: SECONDContact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War.History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
193: The Fall of France - Cut Off
The British and French divisions that were cut off in Belgium had a real problem, and it was getting worse by the hour. https://intelligentspeechonline.com/Coupon Code: SECOND Contact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War.History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Interview 30: Hell Let Loose with Matt White of Expression Games
In this interview I was joined by Matt White, Creative Director and Co-Founder of Expression Games the developers of Hell Let Loose. Hell Let Loose is a grounded first person shooter which is based in the world of the Second World War. Hell Let Loose: https://www.hellletloose.com/Contact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War.History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adc
192: The Fall of France - To The Coast!
Things were going very badly for the French, but then the Germans gave them a bit of a breather. Contact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War.History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
191: The Fall of France - Breakouts
After the failure of the French counter attacks there was only one path forward, to the west. Contact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War.History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
190: The Fall of France - Stonne and Flavigny's Failure
After the failures of the first counterattacks by forces available to Lafontaine, the French would have another opportunity, this time with 3 divisions under the command of General Flavigny. Contact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War.History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
189: The Fall of France - French Counterattacks of May 14
After the first failed counterattacks on the morning of May 14th, the French would attempt to launch another, far larger, effort in the afternoon. The key word in that sentence is "attempt". Contact advertising@airwavemedia.com to advertise on History of the Second World War.History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
188: The Fall of France - Reinhardt and Rommel
Have you heard of this Rommel guy? He seems to always be doing things.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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187: The Fall of France - Crossing the Meuse
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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186: The Fall of France - To the Meuse!
A critical part of the German plan for the invasion of France was to reach the Meuse as quickly as possible.
10 Years of Podcasting Update: https://www.patreon.com/posts/10-years-of-107050529
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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185: The Fall of France - Through the Ardennes
While fighting was occurring to the north, it was through the Ardennes that the decisive German forces were moving.
10 Years of Podcasting Update: https://www.patreon.com/posts/10-years-of-107050529
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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184: The Fall of France - Hannut and Gembloux
As the Germans moved across central Belgium the exact kind of battle that the French Army had been anticipating for years occurred, and they did very well.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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183: The Fall of France - The Invasion of Belgium
The German invasion of Belgium would begin on the morning of May 10th. The Belgian army had one goal: to buy time until reinforcements could arrive.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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182: The Fall of France - The Invasion of the Netherlands
On May 10th, 1940 there would be multiple countries invaded by the German military, the one that the podcast will cover first is The Netherlands.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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181: The Fall of France - Fall Gelb
The original German plan for the invasion of France was safe, conservative, and downright boring. But then another plan appeared that was far more interesting.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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180: The Fall of France - French War Plans
The French had been preparing for this moment since 1919, so what did they come up with?
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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179: The Fall of France - Can We Fight Somewhere Else?
Join British and French leaders as they spend roughly 8 months trying desperately to fight a war anywhere but eastern France.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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178: The Fall of France - Preparations for War
During the period of the Phoney War the French and British would frantically prepare for the war that they were already in.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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177: The Fall of France - Playing the Long Game
When they entered the war the British and French had a plan, they would fight a long war against Germany. This would allow them to take advantage of their worldwide empire and their control of the seas. Then after years of rearmament and preparations they would launch their attack. All they had to do was hold off the Germans for a few years while the German economy imploded, it was such an easy plan. It would fail.
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Summary 3: The September Campaign
This is a new series of episodes that are designed to solve one problem, this podcast is going to take a long time. One side effect of the amount of content the podcast needs to cover is that there are times when there is information from previous episodes or series that originally released years in the past which is now important background information for episodes that are about to release. This is where the summaries come in. Moving forward I will drop in a few summaries at appropriate times
Summary 2: Germany Prepares for War
This is a new series of episodes that are designed to solve one problem, this podcast is going to take a long time. One side effect of the amount of content the podcast needs to cover is that there are times when there is information from previous episodes or series that originally released years in the past which is now important background information for episodes that are about to release. This is where the summaries come in. Moving forward I will drop in a few summaries at appropriate times
Summary 1: The Third Republic
This is a new series of episodes that are designed to solve one problem, this podcast is going to take a long time. One side effect of the amount of content the podcast needs to cover is that there are times when there is information from previous episodes or series that originally released years in the past which is now important background information for episodes that are about to release. This is where the summaries come in. Moving forward I will drop in a few summaries at appropriate times
176: The Invasion of Norway - The End and Beginning of Norwegian Resistance
The campaign was almost over, but for the people of Norway the war was just beginning.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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175: The Invasion of Norway - The Recapture of Narvik
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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174: The Invasion of Norway - The Snows of Narvik
In the areas around Narvik the fate of northern Norway would be decided.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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173: The Invasion of Norway - "Your troops haven't been defeated!"
While the Norwegians were trying to hold back the German attacks, they believed that help was on its way.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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172: The Invasion of Norway - Allied Reactions
As the Germans invaded Norway, in Paris and London decisions had to be made about how to respond.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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171: The Invasion of Norway - The Naval Battles of Narvik
After the German assault on Narvik it was only a matter of time until the Royal Navy responded.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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170: The Invasion of Norway Pt. 8 - Narvik
While the German invasion was occurring in central and southern Norway, the northernmost German forces were going ashore at Narvik.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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169: The Invasion of Norway Pt. 7 - Fight We Shall
As news of the German invasion spread, the Norwegian government tried to determine what was happening and what they should do about it.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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American History Tellers: The Underground Railroad
Wondery’s podcast American History Tellers takes you to the events, times and people that shaped America and Americans — our values, our struggles and our dreams.
In the early 1800s, slavery rapidly expanded across the American South. But each year, thousands of courageous enslaved men, women, and children fled their owners in search of freedom. And in Philadelphia, secret allies came to their aid. Quaker abolitionists collaborated with free Black people to bring the freedom seekers to safety.
168: The Invasion of Norway Pt. 6 - The Battle for Oslofjord
The German ships on their way to Oslo were in for a nasty surprise, courtesy of the Norwegian defenders of the fortress at Oscarsborg.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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167: The Invasion of Norway Pt. 5 - Denmark, Kristiansand, Sola, and Trondheim
The German invasion would begin with disconnected attacks which forced individual units in several areas to make critical decisions.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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166: The Invasion of Norway Pt. 4 - The Gallant Glowworm
With British and German ships both sailing off the coast of Norway, at some point they were going to run into one another.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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165: The Invasion of Norway Pt. 3 - Operation Weserübung
The Germans would quickly put together a plan to invade Norway after realizing that the British might get there first.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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164: The Invasion of Norway Pt. 2 - British and French Invasion Plans
The German military would invade Norway in April 1940, but not before the British and French came very close to beating them.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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163: The Invasion of Norway Pt. 1 - The Altmark Incident
Before the German invasion of Norway, the Altmark reenters the podcast as the centerpiece of an international incident.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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162: The Early War at Sea Pt. 12 - The 1940 Sea Change
In June 1940 the war at sea was about to change.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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161: The Early War at Sea Pt. 11 - Never Enough Boats
U-boats in Scapa Flow! Wolfpacks on the prowl!
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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160: The Early War at Sea Pt. 10 - Opening U-Boat Moves
When the war started the German U-boats were already prepared to play their part.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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159: The Early War at Sea Pt. 9 - Finding U-Boats
The threat that the U-Boats posed was well known after the First World War, so how did the British plan to protect their trade from them?
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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158: The Early War at Sea Pt. 8 - The End of the Admiral Graf Spee
After being sighted by the British cruisers under Captain Harwood, it was only a matter of time before the story of the Admiral Graf Spee came to an end.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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157: The Early War at Sea Pt. 7 - Admiral Graf Spee on a Rampage
For a few weeks the Admiral Graf Spee would be on a rampage in the South Atlantic.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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156: The Early War at Sea Pt. 6 - Panzerschiffe
The Germans would have their surface raiders in position even before the war started.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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155: The Early War at Sea Pt. 5 - Danger Above and Below
From above soared the bombers from below floated the mines.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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154: The Early War at Sea Pt. 4 - Opening Moves
When the war started in Poland, so did the war at sea.
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Introducing AUSA’s Army Matters podcast
AUSA’s Army Matters podcast amplifies the voices of the Total Army – one story at a time.
Join hosts LTG (Ret.) Les Smith and SMA (Ret.) Dan Dailey every other Wednesday as they interview the modern chroniclers of the Army experience to discuss inspiring leadership stories, current issues faced by Soldiers and our military families’ journeys.
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153: The Early War at Sea Pt. 3 - The Kriegsmarine
The leaders of the Kriegsmarine did not want to repeat the mistakes of the last war, so what did they want to do?
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152: The Early War at Sea Pt. 2 - Building Big British Battleships
This week the narrative takes a bit of a detour into conversations of the British shipbuilding industry during the interwar years.
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151: The Early War at Sea Pt. 1 - All Around the World
We start the discussions about the naval war with the largest navy in the world: The Royal Navy.
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Preview 12: Treaty Cruisers
This episode sees another previously member only episode released on the main feed. This episode discusses one of the lasting legacies of the of the Washington Naval Treaties, the class of ships that would come to be known as Treaty Cruisers.
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Preview 11: The Washington Naval Treaty
This episode sees another previously member only episode released on the main feed. This episode discusses the Washington Naval Treaty, why it was signed, and some of the impacts it had on navies around the world.
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Interview 29: Leyte Gulf: A New History of the World's Largest Sea Battle with Mark Stille
You can find more information about Mark's book here: https://ospreypublishing.com/us/leyte-gulf-9781472851727/
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Preview 10: The Imperial Japanese Navy
This episode sees another previously member only episode released on the main feed. This episode discusses the state of the Imperial Japanese Navy after the First World War and the views of Japanese naval leaders.
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Preview 9: The Victorious Royal Navy
This episode sees another previously member only episode released on the main feed. This episode discusses the state of the Royal Navy after the end of the First World War to set up discussions around the creation of the Washington Naval Treaty.
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150: The Winter War Pt. 8 - The End
As February turned into March, the desire of the Finns to find a way out of the war would finally succeed.
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149: The Winter War Pt. 7 - The Isthmus Grind
In early 1940 Timoshenko and Zhukov would arrive, it was time for the Red Army to get serious.
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148: The Winter War Pt. 6 - The War in the North
During the December 1939 and January 1940 there was fighting occurring all over Finland north of Lake Ladoga.
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147: The Winter War Pt. 5 - Suomussalmi
One of the most famous battles of the entire war would be fought in northern Finland in late December.
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146: The Winter War Pt. 4 - Tolvajärvi
North of Lake Ladoga, near Tolvajärvi the first successful Finnish counter attack would be launched.
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Member Preview 8: Shattered Sword
In a break from the Winter War series, here is an episode from the Member Archives, discussing what is one my top Second World War reading recommendations.
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145: The Winter War Pt. 3 - The Attack Begins
On November 30th, 1939 the first bombers would appear over Helsinki. The Winter War had started.
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144: The Winter War Pt. 2 - Plans
The Winter War was starting, how did both sides plan to fight the war?
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143: The Winter War Pt. 1 - Nordic Defiance
After the negotiations with the Baltic nations, the Soviet Union turned its eye northward with the hope of another easy diplomatic victory.
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142: The Baltic Takeover
While the Second World War was ongoing elsewhere in Europe, the Soviet leaders would use the distraction to achieve a few of their longstanding goals in the Baltic.
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141: The Soviet Union Pt. 11 - By Air and By Sea
The Five Year Plans were important to the Red Army, they would also be very important to the Soviet Air Force and Navy.
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140: The Soviet Union Pt. 10 - The Red Army
How was the Red Army preparing for war?
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139: The Soviet Union Pt. 9 - The Military Purges
The military would not escape the purges.
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138: The Soviet Union Pt. 8 - The Great Purges
It was time to clean house.
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137: The Soviet Union Pt. 7 - The Other Five Year Plans
After the first Five Year Plan, there were two more!
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136: The Soviet Union Pt. 6 - Holodomor
Eventually the agricultural areas of the Soviet Union would hit a breaking point, people were dying from starvation and something had to change.
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135: The Soviet Union Pt. 5 - Collectivization in Action
This episode will dive into what collectivization looked like in practice and the impact it had on those in the countryside.
United24: https://u24.gov.ua/
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134: The Soviet Union Pt. 4 - Collectivization
Collectivization was the path forward for Soviet agriculture, regardless of whether not the people actually wanted it.
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133: The Soviet Union Pt. 3 - The First Five Year Plan
Massive economic changes are hard, but that would not prevent the Soviet Union from trying.
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132: The Soviet Union Pt. 2 - Stalin Comes to Power
Stalin rises to complete power in the Soviet Union, and the Red Army goes through major changes during the 1920s.
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131: The Soviet Union Pt. 1 - The Man from Saqartvelo
Season 3 begins with the story of a young man from Georgia, Joseph Stalin.
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Member Preview 7: Reichswehr Pt. 3
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Member Preview 6: Reichswehr Pt. 2
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Member Preview 5: Reichswehr Pt. 1
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Member Preview 4: Polish-German Documents
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Member Preview 3: German-Soviet Relations
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Member Preview 2: The British Blue Book
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Member Preview 1: The French Yellow Book
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130: The September Campaign Pt. 22 - The Long War Ahead
Even though the September Campaign was over, for the people of Poland the war had just begun.
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129: The September Campaign Pt. 21 - The End
The September Campaign was over, this episode evaluates the performance of some of its participants.
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128: The September Campaign Pt. 20 - The Last Surrenders
In the last days of September and early October the final organized resistance in Poland ended.
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127: The September Campaign Pt. 19 - The Fall of Warsaw
In the final days of September the Capital of Poland would finally surrender to German troops.
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126: The September Campaign Pt. 18 - Mopping Up
After the invasion by the Soviet Union, for the remaining pockets of resistance all over Poland it was only a matter of time.
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125: The September Campaign Pt. 17 - A War on Two Fronts
Just when it looked like things could not get worse for Poland the Soviets would invade.
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124: The September Campaign Pt. 16 - The Advance on Warsaw
By the end of the second week of the invasion the Germans were closing in on Warsaw.
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123: The September Campaign Pt. 15 - Battle of the Bzura
With the Polish defense collapsing throughout Poland, on September 9th the remnants of Army Poznan and Pomorze would launch Poland's largest counterattack of the campaign. Contact sales@advertisecast.com to advertise on History of the Second World War. History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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123: The September Campaign Pt. 15 - Battle of the Bzura
With the Polish defense collapsing throughout Poland, on September 9th the remnants of Army Poznan and Pomorze would launch Poland's largest counterattack of the campaign.Contact sales@advertisecast.com to advertise on History of the Second World War. History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
122: The September Campaign Pt. 14 - Collapse
While they now had allies in the war against Germany, things were not going well in Poland.
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121: The September Campaign Pt. 13 - A Disappointing Start
With the British and French now in the war they could come to the rescue of the Poles....maybe?
British Cabinet Papers: https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/cabinetpapers/cabinet-gov/cab65-second-world-war-conclusions.htm
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120: The September Campaign Pt. 12 - Poland's Allies
After the start of the German invasion, Poland would place their faith in their allies of Western Europe who would not immediately enter the war.
Discussion of the change in the Membership Program: https://www.patreon.com/posts/time-for-change-74730428
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119: The September Campaign Pt. 11 - The Southern Front
In Southern Poland the most important target of the German invasion was Krakow.
Discussion of the change in the Membership Program: https://www.patreon.com/posts/time-for-change-74730428
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118: The September Campaign Pt. 10 - The Central Front
The primary point of German focus would be an attack by Army Group South targeting the area between Army Poznan and Army Lodz.
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117: The September Campaign Pt. 9 - Army Pomorze
In the Polish Corridor Army Pomorze had the unenviable task of defending not just an attack by one, but two, German armies.
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116: The September Campaign Pt. 8 - Danzig and Army Modlin
We begin our story of the defense of Poland by starting in the north with the hopeless defense of Danzig and the Baltic sea coast before moving further east to Army Modlin north of Warsaw.
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116: The September Campaign Pt. 8 - Danzig and Army Modlin
We begin our story of the defense of Poland by starting in the north with the hopeless defense of Danzig and the Baltic sea coast before moving further east to Army Modlin north of Warsaw.Contact sales@advertisecast.com to advertise on History of the Second World War. History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
115: The September Campaign Pt. 7 - September 1, 1939
September 1, 1939.
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114: The September Campaign Pt. 6 - The Last Days of Peace
On August 31st Europe was just hours away from the Second German Invasion of Poland.
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113: The September Campaign Pt. 5 - Panzers
A brief look at some of the equipment and organization of the German Army that would move into Poland in September 1939.
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112: The September Campaign Pt. 4 - Fall Weiss
We have talked quite a bit about Poland the last few episodes, time to check in on the Germans.
Sources mentioned in the last few minutes of the episode:
Unsigned Memorandum: https://archive.org/details/documentsongerma0007unse/page/200/mode/2up
170th Day of Trial of German Major War Criminals: http://nizkor.com/hweb/imt/tgmwc/tgmwc-18/tgmwc-18-170-03.shtml
Colonel General Halder Notes: https://archive.org/details/documentsongerma0007unse/page/556/mode/2up?view=theater
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111: The September Campaign Pt. 3 - Justifiable Bad Choices
Due to the reality of Poland's position in 1939, there were no great options, and the actions of others would force them into an even worse position.
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110: The September Campaign Pt. 2 - Polish Rearmament
Throughout the 1930s Poland would prepare for war.
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109: The September Campaign Pt. 1 - Poland
On September 1, 1939 the German Wehrmacht would begin their invasion of Poland. But before we get there, we need to look at Interwar Poland. During this episode we will look at developments in Polish internal politics and foreign relations.
- Case White: The Invasion of Poland 1939 by Rober Forczyk
- Poland 1939: The Outbreak of World War II by Roger Moorhouse
- Appeasement: Chamberlain, Hitler, Churchill and the Road to War by Tim Bouverie
- The Origins of the Second World War: An In
108: Interwar Reflections
It has been 107 episodes, so for one episode I will take a step back and try and summarize some of the themes and events of all of the Interwar episodes before we jump into the fighting in Europe in September 1939.
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107: Highway to the Danger Zone Pt. 5 - Gonna Take It Right Into the Danger Zone
On August 23rd an important step would be taken that would completely shift the balance of power in Europe: Germany and the Soviet Union had signed a nonaggression pact.
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106: Highway to the Danger Zone Pt. 4 - The Hotter the Intensity
There was always the option of getting the band back together, the three amigos joining forces once again to fighter Germany.
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105: Highway to the Danger Zone Pt. 3 - The Further on the Edge
Everybody was preparing for war in their own way
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104: Highway to the Danger Zone Pt. 2 - Always Where I Burn to Be
In the years before the war Italy would bring itself closer and closer into the German orbit, but then as the war began it would back away.
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103: Highway to the Danger Zone Pt. 1 - Out Along the Edges
All around Europe smaller nations would be stuck in a rough spot. Also, at sea replenishment? Amphibious operations?
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102: Nomonhan Pt. 4 - Disaster on the Holsten
In August 1939, the Red Army would unleash an offensive that the Japanese did not expect, and would be incapable of defending against.
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101: Nomonhan Pt. 3 - July Attacks
With both sides deciding to bring in more resources to defend their definition of the border, the Japanese decide to launch an attack in early July, 1939.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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28: Close Air Support with Dr. Matthew Powell
Dr. Matthew Powell joins the podcast to discuss tactical air power during the interwar years.
Author of: The Development of British Tactical Air Power, 1940-1943: A History of Army Co-operation Command
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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100: Nomonhan Pt. 2 - Opening Phases
The summer of 1939, near the Mongolian village of Nomonhan, would see the largest clash between the Soviet Union and Japan of the interwar years, and it would have important ramifications for relations between the two nations as the world was rapidly descending into war.
Anti-Russian and Anti-Soviet Subversion: The Caucasian-Japanese Nexus, 1904-1945 by Hiroaki Kuromiya and Georges Mamoulia
Japanese Geopolitics and the Mongol Lands, 1915-1945 by Li Narangoa
Khalkin-Gol: The Forgotten
99: Nomonhan Pt. 1 - Changkufeng
During 1938 the border tensions between the Soviet Union and Japan would explode on the hill of Changkufeng near Lake Khasan.
Anti-Russian and Anti-Soviet Subversion: The Caucasian-Japanese Nexus, 1904-1945 by Hiroaki Kuromiya and Georges Mamoulia
Japanese Geopolitics and the Mongol Lands, 1915-1945 by Li Narangoa
Khalkin-Gol: The Forgotten War by Amnon Sella
The Lake Khasan Affair of 1938: Overview and Lessons by Alvin D. Coox (1973)
Soviet-Japanese Confrontation in Outer Mongoli
98: Hungary Pt. 2 - Expansion
As tensions in Europe continued to increase, Hungary would be provided with opportunities to settle its own scores.
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97: Hungary Pt. 1 - Eastern European Outcast
During this episode we dive into the story of one of the smaller players in European politics during the interwar years, Hungary.
Be sure to check out World War II On Topic from the National World War II Museum: World War II On Topic | The National WWII Museum | New Orleans (nationalww2museum.org)
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27: First World War Bombing Raids with Dr. Brett Holman
Author of The Next War in the Air Britains Fear of the Bomber 1908-1941
Also the author of an upcoming book _Home Fires Burning: Emotion, Spectacle, and Britain’s First War from the Air_
Find more of Dr. Holman's work at Airminded
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96: Interwar Airpower Pt. 5 - Schemes and Dreams
During the 1930s the RAF would spend a lot of time and effort trying to make its dreams a reality.
Remember, Athletic Greens is going to give you a FREE 1 year supply of immune-supporting Vitamin D AND 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase. All you have to do is visit athleticgreens.com/WW2HISTORY to take ownership over your health and pick up the ultimate daily nutritional insurance!
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History of the Seco
95: Interwar Airpower Pt. 4 - Axis of Airpower
The Italian and German air forces enter the war at very different points of their interwar evolution. One of was fading from power, the other was at its zenith.
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Presenting - History Daily
Check out History Daily for your daily history podcast fix: History Daily - podfollow.com
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94: Interwar Airpower Pt. 3 - National Overviews
In which we look at the development of air power theory and capabilities in several nations that will be very important to the future course of events.
Remember, Athletic Greens is going to give you a FREE 1 year supply of immune-supporting Vitamin D AND 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase. All you have to do is visit athleticgreens.com/WW2HISTORY to take ownership over your health and pick up the ultimate daily nutritional insurance!
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93: Interwar Airpower Pt. 2 - Where do you expect us to go when the bombs fall?
A major topic of conversation during the interwar years was the ideas, power, and future of strategic bombing.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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92: Interwar Airpower Pt. 1 - So Close Yet So Far
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Airpower was an important feature of the First World War, but after the conflict was over it entered into the great unknown - peace.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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91: The British Empire Pt. 6 - The Approach of War
During 1939 British rearmament efforts would escalate rapidly, but was it going to be enough?
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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90: The British Empire Pt. 5 - Army of Empire
The British Army would be in a very clear third position when it came to defense spending during the interwar years, but that did not mean that it did not have moments of innovation and thought leadership. Money would be a real problem though.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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89: The British Empire Pt. 4 - Rearmament
During the last half of the 1930s the British needed to get serious about rearmament, but they had some problems to solve first.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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26: 1930s Britain with Dr. Alan Allport
Dr. Alan Allport has written the excellent Britain at Bay: The Epic Story of the Second World War, 1938-1941. He joined me to chat about various topics relating to interwar Britain, and of course Lord of the Rings (I really cannot resist, I am sorry).
Find out more about Dr. Allport: Alan Allport, Professor (syr.edu)
Check out Britain at Bay: Britain at Bay by Alan Allport: 9781101974698 | PenguinRandomHouse.com: Books
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88: The British Empire Pt. 3 - Mare Nostrum
While the Pacific ocean was on the other side of the world, far closer to home for the British was the Mediterranean, where there were also many problems.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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87: The British Empire Pt. 2 - The Other Side of the World
The British Empire spanned the entire globe, which was great...except for the fact that it meant defending the entire globe.
Air Power and Colonial Control: The Royal Air Force 1919-1939 by David E. Omissi
Anglo-American Strategic Relations and the Far East 1933-1939: Imperial Crossroads by Greg Kennedy
The History of Anglo-Japanese Relations, 1600-2000 Volume III: The Military Dimension Edited by Ian Gow and Yoichi Hirama with John Chapman
'A Fearful Concatenation of Circumstances'
86: The British Empire Pt. 1 - Domestic Politics
During the interwar period there were some areas in which British politics would change, but in many ways it would be more of the same.
Air Power and Colonial Control: The Royal Air Force 1919-1939 by David E. Omissi
Anglo-American Strategic Relations and the Far East 1933-1939: Imperial Crossroads by Greg Kennedy
The History of Anglo-Japanese Relations, 1600-2000 Volume III: The Military Dimension Edited by Ian Gow and Yoichi Hirama with John Chapman
'A Fearful Concatenation of Cir
25: The Vickers MG Collection & Research Association with Rich Fisher
PREORDER NOW: A CANLOAN Officer – a VMGCRA Reprint (PRE-ORDER) - The Vickers Machine Gun (vickersmg.blog)
In this interview I was joined by Rich Fisher from the Vickers MG Collection & Research Association to talk about the Vickers, how the Association got started, and a new book that is available for pre-order today which is a reprint of a memoir of a CANLOAN officer, Lieutenant Rex Fendick.
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History of the Secon
85: The Night of Broken Glass
During November 1938, a man would be murdered in Paris, and it would have drastic consequences for Jewish Germans.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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84: Germany Prepares for War Pt. 7 - Influences and Decisions
The interwar period of military evolution was a complicated web of influences, decisions, and inferences.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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83: Germany Prepared for War Pt. 6 - The Luftwaffe
There were many different opinions about the best method of projecting air power, in this episode we touch on some of the choices that the Luftwaffe would make.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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24: Hindenburg, Ludendorff, and Hitler with Alex Clifford
The two most well known German military leaders from the First World War would have two very different experiences in postwar Germany. But both who have interactions with one very particular person who would later be quite important.
You can find Hindenburg, Ludendorff, and Hitler by Alex Clifford here.
History's Most Podcast: History's Most (libsyn.com)
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Medi
82: Germany Prepares for War Pt. 5 - More Boats
During the late 1930s the expansion of the Kriegsmarine would get serious.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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81: Germany Prepares for War Pt. 4 - All About Them Boats
Because you know I'm all about them boats, about them boats, no aircraft.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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80: Germany Prepares for War Pt. 3 - Running on Fumes
In the last 18 months before the war Germany's desires far outstripped its available resources.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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79: Germany Prepares for War Pt. 2 - The Plan
Preparing for war is a delicate balance of short and long term preparations, but not everybody in Germany agreed about what those should be.
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History of the Second World War is part of the Airwave Media podcast network.
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78: Germany Prepares for War Pt. 1 - Overview
In 1936 Germany began to seriously prepare for a future conflict, and almost immediately began to run into some economic problems.
The Wages of Destruction: The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy by Adam Tooze
War and Economy in the Third Reich by R.J. Overy
The Wehrmacht and German Rearmament by Wilhelm Deist
The Third Reich and Yugoslavia: An Economcy of Fear, 1933-1941 by Perica Hadzi-Jovancic
Hitler A Biography
Hitler's Eagles by Chris McNab
Quest for Decisive Victory:
77: The Munich Agreement Pt. 9 - Aftermath
The Munich Agreement had been signed, the territory transfers had started, it was time for the whole area to calm down....right?
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76: The Munich Agreement Pt. 8 - The Munich Agreement
On September 30th, just before 2AM, the Munich Agreement was signed. Territory transfers were scheduled to begin less than 24 hours later.
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75: The Munich Agreement Pt. 7 - To the Brink
It seemed clear that nobody wanted to force the government in Prague to accept the Godesberg Memorandum and its demands, and war loomed on the horizon.
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74: The Munich Agreement Pt. 6 - I Am Altering the Deal
Chamberlain would triumphantly arrive at Bad Godesberg with the agreements from Prague in hand, the Munich Crisis was now over....and then it absolutely was not.
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73: The Munich Agreement Pt. 5 - We had no other choice....
...because we were left alone.
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72: The Munich Agreement Pt. 4 - Plan Z
One of the major events leading up to the Munich agreement was a series of two personal conversations between the British Prime Minister Nivelle Chamberlain and Adolf Hitler. The original idea for these conversations originated in London during conversations that would occur in late August
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71: The Munich Agreement Pt. 3 - The Summer of 1938
After the events of May and the phantom invasion and Czechoslovakian mobilization, the overall vibe in the area was tense. It also had a real effect on many governmental ministers all over Europe as for the first time in 20 years they had been pushed to what felt like the brink of a European wide war.
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70: The Munich Agreement Pt. 2 - The May Crisis
In May 1938 a rumor would begin circulating, based on intelligence gathered by Czechoslovak and British sources, that Germany was about to launch an invasion.
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69: The Munich Agreement Pt. 1 - Background
On September 30, 1938 one of the more controversial events of the interwar period would occur. But first, some background.
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68: The Third Republic Pt. 8 - The French Army
We have talked about the Maginot Line and rearmament, now it is time to look at what the French army was planning to do.
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67: The Third Republic Pt. 7 - Rearmament
If France wanted to compete militarily with the growing power of Germany, it was going to have to start a serious effort to rearm itself.
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23: A Naval Chat with Dr. Alexander Clarke
Usually these interviews start with a topic and go from there, but in this case I was joined by Dr. Alexander Clarke for a wide ranging discussion on naval history. We talked about the Royal Navy, the perception of its preparations for war, the role that naval aviation played in naval planning during the interwar years, Dr. Clarke's upcoming book on British destroyers, and several other topics. You can find Dr. Clarke's upcoming book Tribals, Battles and Darings: The Genesis of the Modern Destro
66: The Third Republic Pt. 6 - Political Cleanup
In the last years before the war there were many different concerns in Paris, honestly too many to cover in one episode, but this episode discusses a few of them.
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22: The Politics of Veteran's Benefits with Dr. Crotty, Dr. Diamant, and Dr. Edele
After the wars were over, there were millions of veterans and each nation and each group of veterans found themselves in different positions. In this interview I was joined by Dr. Martin Crotty, Dr. Neil Diamant, and Dr. Mark Edele to discuss their book that looks at the experiences of veterans from many different nations after both World Wars.
Check out The Politics of Veteran Benefits in the Twentieth Century here https://www.cornellpress.cornell.edu/book/9781501751639/the-politics-of-vetera
65: The Third Republic Pt. 5 - Popular Front in Power
With the victory of the Popular Front it was time to completely transform French society, to fix all of the problems they had identified in the previous years....right? RIGHT?!
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64: The Third Republic Pt. 4 - Left Left Left Right Left
The events of February 6th 1934 would result in a new unity on the French Left, enter the Popular Front.
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21: Fighter Pilot Nostalgia with Dr. Michael Hankins
Release Note: I was unable to record this week, so pulling forward this interview that was going to release later this year. In this interview I was joined by Dr. Michael Hankins to discuss Fighter Pilot Nostalgia before, during and after the Second World War. The conversation ends up far past the Second World War, but I simply cannot resist a discussion of jet fighters. You can follow Dr. Hankins on Twitter: https://twitter.com/HankinstienDr. Hankins' Website: http://mwhankins.com/index.htmlFly
63: The Third Republic Pt. 3 - France and Friends
Among the most important projects by France during the 1930s would be relations with other nations.
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62: The Third Republic Pt. 2 - The Shadow of Victory
After their victory during the First World War the French had some very real problems. Those problems and their possible solutions would shape French policy during the interwar years.
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61: The Third Republic Pt. 1 - The Maginot Line
During the interwar period the French decided to take a bit of concrete and build some fortifications, 5 billion Francs later they had completed an impressive bit of construction.
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20: Fascism in Interwar France with Dr. Chris Millington
Follow Dr. Millington on Twitter: @DrCMillingtonA History of Fascism in France: From the First World War to the National Front https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/history-of-fascism-in-france-9781350006539
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60: Anschluss Pt. 4 - Operation Otto
When the Anschluss occurred, there would be no fighting.
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59: Anschluss Pt. 3 - The February 1938 Meeting
During February 1938 relations between Austria and Germany begin to spiral out of control.
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58: Anschluss Pt. 2 - Hossbach Memorandum
On November 5th 1937 a meeting would take place where Hitler would outline the situation in Europe as he saw it, and why Germany would soon have to go to war.
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57: Anschluss Pt. 1 - The Dreams of Greater Germany
The concept of joining Austria and Germany was not a new idea though, and certainly not one that originated in Nazi Germany. It was instead something that was quite popular at various points in the past, and during this episode we will look at the roots of Pan-Germanism as a movement in the months and years immediately following the end of the First World War, and also why those Pan-Germanist dreams were not fulfilled after 1918. The movement would then have an interesting evolution as its stron
Season 2 Introduction
In this episode we talk about what we will be talking about. Website: http://www.historyofthesecondworldwar.comPatreon: http://www.patreon.com/historyofhegreatwarApple Podcast Subscription: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/channel/history-of-the-world-wars/id6442476986?ls=1&at=1010l36mt&ct=01Twitter: @WorldWar2PodFacebook: historyofthesecondworldwar
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56: Second Sino-Japanese War Pt. 7 - Sinking Deeper
After the fall of Nanking, there was still no end in sight for the fighting in China.
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55: Second Sino-Japanese War Pt. 6 - Death and Suffering in Nanking
After the Japanese Army took Nanking in December, what would follow was pain, death, and suffering.
Jutland Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymr1u5hy1XQ&t=1s
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54: Second Sino-Japanese War Pt. 5 - Failure and Retreat
With the Japanese landings from Hangzou Bay the Chinese positions in and around Shanghai become completely untenable.
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53: Second Sino-Japanese War Pt. 4 - Battle for Shanghai
After the fighting spilled outside the city with Japanese landings on the river, the fighting would continue for months.
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52: Second Sino-Japanese War Pt. 3 - Shanghai
While the Japanese invasion of northern China continued, further south the first major battle of the war was about to begin in the streets of Shanghai.
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51: Second Sino-Japanese War Pt. 2 - Moving South
The establishment of the puppet state of Manchuria would not be the end of the adventures of the Japanese in China, and instead they would endeavor over the course of the next decade to extend their influence, and during that expansion they would eventually fall into a full scale war with China. This episode will first look at why the Japanese felt they had to constantly increase the territory under their control, before looking at the Marco Polo Bridge incident, which would ignite the Second Si
50: Second Sino-Japanese War Pt. 1 - Background
During the 1930s China would experience a devastating invasion. This invasion was launched by the Japanese who were trying to obtain greater access to the natural resources available in Manchuria and northern China. The result would be the start of the Second Sino-Japanese War, a devastating conflict, and perhaps the start of the Second World War.
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49: The Spanish Civil War Pt. 14 - Legacy
The Spanish Civil War was over, but its legacy would live on, both inside Spain and in a Europe that was soon plunging into a much larger conflict.
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48: Spanish Civil War Pt. 13 - The End of the Spanish Republic
Everything that has a beginning has an end.
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47: The Spanish Civil War Pt. 12 - Disaster on the Ebro
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After the defeat at the Battle of Teruel, and with Valencia under threat, the Republic launches yet another attack, this time across the River Ebro.
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46: The Spanish Civil War Pt. 11 - The Battle of Teruel
The large Republican attacks on the city of Teruel would backfire, and result not in victory, but with the Nationalists reaching the coast, cutting Republican Spain in two.
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Spanish Civil War Interview Series 18: Memory and the Civil War with Tom Wardle
On this episode of our Spanish Civil War Interview Series I was joined by Tom Wardle. Tom's research focuses on memory activism and how the Spanish Civil War is remembered, and how that memory is fought over, in modern day Spain. When discussing history it can be easy to fall into just discussing Person A did thing B on date C, when in fact one of the most important aspects of history is not just what happened, but also what the effects of those events were, and how we today remember those event
Spanish Civil War Interview Series 17: Antiauthoritarian Counterculture in Francoist Spain with Dr. Louie Dean Valencia
On this episode of our Spanish Civil War Interview Series I was joined by Dr. Louis Dean Valencia. Our conversation covered several different topics, including the concept of alt/histories, or the purposeful misrepresentation of history to serve a specific, often political, purpose. This idea is in no way limited to the history of the Spanish Civil War, or the Second World War, but is a concept that can be found throughout history.
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Spanish Civil War Interview Series 16: Civil War Veterans with Dr. Stephanie Wright
On this episode of our Spanish Civil War Interview Series I was joined by Dr. Stephanie Wright. The author of “Glorious Brothers, Unsuitable Lovers: Moroccan Veterans, Spanish Women, and the Mechanisms of Francoist Paternalism.” We discussed the treatment of wounded war veterans in post-Civil War Spain and Morocco. We also discuss Dr. Wright's current research into sexual violence in Francoist Spain. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Intelligent Speech 2021
I will be giving a talk at Intelligent Speech 2021 on April 24th. Register now to hear me talk about the Czech Legion, and excellent presentations from 40 other presenters. Use code: great in the cart for an extra 10% discountBuy here! https://www.intelligentspeechconference.com/shop/=
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45: The Spanish Civil War Pt. 10 - The Battle of Brunete
Two Republican attacks were launched in the hope of forcing forces to be moved from the north to other areas of Spain. These two attacks, at Guadarrama and Huesca will be our first topic for this episode. However, the primary focus will be on the battle of Brunete. This attack would be launched in July 1937 by the Republican Army and it would achieve one of its goals of forcing the Nationalists to move troops away from their attacks in the north, even if it was in reality too late to halt the co
Spanish Civil War Interview Series 15: British Foreign Office and the War with Stephen Rainbird
On this episode of our Spanish Civil War Interview Series I was joined by Stephen Rainbird. Stephen's research focuses on the political relationship between Spain, Britain, and Portugal in the years before and during the Second World War. Our conversation focused mostly on the reaction of British political leaders to the events in Spain that led up to the Civil War, and then some of the reasons that the British government chose the path that it did during the conflict. We also discuss the very i
44: The Spanish Civil War Pt. 9 - Struggles for Power
After the opening battles of the Civil War, behind the front the political maneuverings would continue.
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Spanish Civil War Interview Series 14: Scotland and the Civil War with Fraser Raeburn
On this episode of our Spanish Civil War Interview Series I was joined by Dr. Fraser Raeburn. This interview continues our series of regional specific discussions, in this case about Scotland and how people in Scotland reacted to the Spanish Civil War, why some of them chose to go to Spain to fight in the International Brigades, and the humanitarian efforts that originated in Scotland.
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Spanish Civil War Interview Series 13: Military History with Dr. Charles Esdaile
On this episode of our Spanish Civil War Interview Series I was joined by Dr. Charles Esdaile. Unlike some of the other interviews I have done for this series, this interview focuses very heavily on the military side of the conflict. At the end of the day the Spanish Civil War was a military conflict, and the military side of the story does deserve some attention. One of the interesting items that we discussed was how a seemingly small decision, how military units were organized, could have cons
43: The Spanish Civil War Pt. 8 - The War in the North
After the failure to take Madrid, the Nationalist shift their focus, and in their sights is the Republican Enclave in northern Spain.
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Spanish Civil War Interview Series 12: Prisoners in Francoist Spain with Jessica Thorne
On this episode of our Spanish Civil War Interview Series I was joined by Jess Thorne to discuss the treatment and experiences of prisoners during the Civil War and after. Discussing prisoners during a Civil War is always interesting because their experiences are often quite different than what is experienced by more traditional Prisoners of War. There was a political dimension for why they were imprisoned during the war, and then why they were kept in prison after the war was over and we discus
Spanish Civil War Interview Series 11: Gender Violence in the Spanish Civil War with Charlotte Walmsley
On this episode of our Spanish Civil War Interview Series I was joined by Charlotte Walmsley a PhD researcher focusing on post-conflict gender violence. Gender violence is a phrase that we use several times in this interview, and so I thought it would be good to give a clear and concise definition of the term. I am by no means an expert on the topic, but there is a good quote from the European Institute for Gender Equality: "Gender-based violence and violence against women are terms that are oft
42: The Spanish Civil War Pt. 7 - Jarama and Guadalajara
After the Nationalist attack on Madrid was stopped, they shifted tactics and attempted to surround the capital with an attack from the south across the Jarama river and from the north near Guadalajara.
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Spanish Civil War Interview Series 10: Milicianas with Jessica McIvor
On this episode of our Spanish Civil War Interview Series I was joined by Jess McIvor, a PhD researcher to discuss the portrayal of women fighters during the Spanish Civil War. One of the really interesting pieces of the story of the Civil War is how it interacted with the views of the different groups around what they felt Spanish society was and should be. The presence of women within the militia units early in the war gave this ideological conflict a greater urgency and focus. Jess also menti
Spanish Civil War Interview Series 9: Stalin's Niños with Dr. Karl Qualls
On this episode of our Spanish Civil War Interview Series I was joined by Dr. Karl Qualls to discuss his research into the Spanish child refugees that would make their way to the Soviet Union during the Spanish Civil War. These children would have unique experiences during their time within the Soviet Union, first expected to be a few months, turned into years and then decades. Many of them would never be able to openly return to Spain, and the Soviet Union would become their new home.
Learn mor
41: The Spanish Civil War Pt. 6 - International Involvement
While the Spanish Civil War was Spanish in both origin and participation, there would be both diplomatic and military involvement from other nations around the world.
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Spanish Civil War Interview Series 8: Basque Children with Dr. Ed Packard
On this episode of our Spanish Civil War Interview Series I was joined by Ed Packard from the Basque Children Association. We discussed the story of the 4000 children that were brought to Britain in 1937. These children came to Britain at a time when their homes and their families were in serious danger, and their story is a mixture of fascinating and heartbreaking. If you want to learn more you go go to basquechildren.org, which I have included a link for in the show notes and on the podcast's
40: The Spanish Civil War Pt. 5 - Madrid
Madrid was the capital of Spain, and with its location in the center of the Iberian peninsula it was within striking distance of a nationalist advance. Capturing the city would be a huge political victory for the Nationalists, and so it would be the site of one of the first major battles of the Civil War.
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Spanish Civil War Interview Series 7: International Brigades with Alexander Clifford
On this episode of our Spanish Civil War Interview Series I was joined by Alexander Clifford to discuss the International Brigades which would be such an important part of the Spanish Civil War. These groups of international volunteers would bolster the Republican cause, both from a public relations perspective as well as on the battlefields of Spain. We discussed why these individuals chose to go to Spain, what they experienced during their time fighting in the war, and their view of the war wh
Spanish Civil War Interview Series 6: British Public and the Civil War with Harry Taylor
On this episode of our Spanish Civil War Interview Series I was joined by Harry Taylor, a PhD researcher who focuses on the reaction of Britain to the Spanish Civil War. Harry has done a lot of research into information like how the Civil War was portrayed in British newspapers and the grassroots efforts to try and assist those experiencing hardship in Spain. We talked about many different topics, including milk tokens, a very ingenious way of bringing awareness to the public and of raising mone
39: The Spanish Civil War Pt. 4 - Disagreements
In this episode we will discuss how the Republican zone of control was organized and some of the disagreements between the various factions. As these disagreements will be an essential theme of this entire series of episodes, this will not be the last time we discuss it. We will also end this episode with some discussion of the role of women within the Republic, and how that participation differed from the gender expectations before the war, and also how the Nationalists used that difference as
Spanish Civil War Interview Series 5: Cuban Antifascism with Dr. Ariel Lambe
On this episode of our Spanish Civil War Interview Series I was joined by Dr. Ariel Lambe from the University of Connecticut to discuss her book No Barrier Can Contain It: Cuban Antifascism and the Spanish Civil War as well as her ongoing researching into Cuban antifascism in the period surrounding the Spanish Civil War. My conversation with Dr. Lambe was fascinating, and provided unique insight into events in Cuba before and after the Civil War, and how those events were both related to events
38: The Spanish Civil War Pt. 3 - Violence
We check in with the leadership situation in the aftermath of the coup, and then discuss the violence of the opening months of what was rapidly becoming a civil war.
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Spanish Civil War Interview Series 4: Transnational Anarchism with Dr. Morris Brodie
On this episode of our Spanish Civil War Interview Series I was joined by Dr. Morris Brodie. One of the major reasons I wanted to do this interview series was to talk to people who had done research into the reactions of people outside of Spain to the events occurring within Spain. It can be challenging to research this myself given the scale of the world, and I was very excited with Dr. Brodie agreed to do the interview. Dr. Brodie is the author of Transatlantic Anarchism During the Spanish Civ
Spanish Civil War Interview Series 3: Spanish Anarchism during the Civil War with Dr. Danny Evans
On this episode of our Spanish Civil War series I chatted with Dr. Danny Evans. Some of our previous interviews in this series revolved around Anarchism, and this time I discussed the Anarchist movement during the Civil War. We discussed the preparedness of the Anarchist groups for the war, their reactions to the start of the conflict, and then many of the political developments that occurred within the Republican camp as the Civil War developed. One topic that we discuss, that I think is worth
37: The Spanish Civil War Pt. 2 - The Coup of July 1936
As political unrest escalated military leaders all across Spain and Morocco began to put in place a plan to drastically alter the situation in Spain.
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Spanish Civil War Interview Series 2: Asturian Revolution with Dr. Matthew Kerry
On this episode of our Spanish Civil War Interview Series I was joined by Dr. Matthew Kerry the author of Unite, Proletarian Brothers! Radicalism and Republicanism in the Second Spanish Republic which was released earlier this year. Our discussion focused on the events in Asturias, a region of Spain, in 1934. During October 1934, there would be a national strike throughout Spain, and in most areas this strike would be either quickly broken up or would rapidly burn itself out. However in Asturias
Spanish Civil War Interview Series 1: Spanish Anarchism with Dr. James Yeoman
This is our first episode in our Spanish Civil War interview series. In the decades before the Spanish Civil War Spain had experienced a very rocky political period. The Spanish economy had been somewhat precarious even before the economic upheavals of the First World War, and the resulting economic booms and busts of that war would set the country up for a tumultuous 1920s and 1930s. There were many different political beliefs present in Spain at this time, and one political ideology that would
Spanish Civil War Interview Series 0: Introduction
Over the last few months I have been recording interviews with a host of excellent guests. All of these interviews have been centered around one topic, the Spanish Civil War.
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HMS Warspite with Iain Ballantyne
This episode is the first interview for the podcast, but certainly not the last. Last week I released the Warspite special, when I did that I did the normal social media stuff, and when I posted on Twitter Iain Ballantyne was tagged. For every series of episodes for the podcast there is a foundational source, it is sometimes the book I read first, sometimes the book I find the most useful, but there is always something that functions as the baseline for all of my other research. For the Warspite
36: Spanish Civil War Pt. 1 - The Second Republic
Spanish politics would have a rough and rocky century before the First World War, and the uncertainty was only beginning.
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35: The Second Italo-Ethiopian War Pt. 2 - Resolution
After the Italians moved into Ethiopia there was little doubt in how the war would end, unless another European power became involved.
* Great Britain and the Abyssinian Crisis, 1935-1936 by Louis John Smith
* Black Nationalism and the Italo-Ethiopian Conflict 1934-1936 by William r. Scott
* 'No More Hoares to Pairs': British Foreign policymaking and the Abyssinian Crisis, 1935 by Andrew Holt
* Canada, Sanctions, and the Abyssinian Crisis of 1935 by Brock Millman
* Between Rome and Lo
Special 1: HMS Warspite
A memorial stands near Prussia Cove in Southwest England, a small reminder of a ship that had served its purpose, defending a worldwide empire for 30 years and during some of its darkest days. It reads "HMS Warspite 1915 - 1945 Ran aground and broken up on these rocks 1947, her final haven. Known to all who served aboard her as The Grand Old Lady. May she with many gallant shipmates rest in peace."During this long episode we will discuss the entire life of the ship, from the design of the Queen
34: The Second Italo-Ethiopian War Pt. 1 - Invasion
In October 1935 Italian forces would invade Ethiopia ending months of negotiations and discussions that attempted to find a peaceful end to tensions that had been growing for over a year.
* Great Britain and the Abyssinian Crisis, 1935-1936 by Louis John Smith
* Black Nationalism and the Italo-Ethiopian Conflict 1934-1936 by William r. Scott
* 'No More Hoares to Pairs': British Foreign policymaking and the Abyssinian Crisis, 1935 by Andrew Holt
* Canada, Sanctions, and the Abyssinian C
33: The Third Reich Pt. 19 - The Rhineland
In early 1936 German troops would move into the Rhineland, in violation of the Treaty of Versailles.
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32: The Third Reich Pt. 18 - Rearmament
The Nazi leaders were planning for a war, but to fight a war they needed an army, equipment, and an economy that could support both.
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31: The Third Reich Pt. 17 - Nuremberg Laws and the Saar
This episode is a bit of a grab bag of topics. The Nazi government would put in place the Nuremberg Laws to further their discrimination against Jews, while also being unable to define who actually should be discriminated against. In early 1935 a small part of Germany would decide whether to join with France.
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30: The Third Reich Pt. 16 - We Live in a Society
The Nazi leaders had goals, and those goals required changes to be made. The people, the church, and the children would be only some of the areas effected.
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29: The Third Reich Pt. 15 - Control
After attaining power changes would be made to German society, but before those changes could be made control had to be guaranteed.
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28: The Third Reich Pt. 14 - Work Work Work
The Nazi government would come to power at the height of the worst unemployment crisis in Germany since the First World War. It was a problem that had to be addressed, and they would do so in many different ways.
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27: The Third Reich Pt. 13 - Show Me the Money
While not a priority for the new Nazi government, the German economy would have to be considered if it wanted to accomplish its goals.
The Coming of the Third Reich by Richard J. Evans
Germany and the Second World War Volume 1: The Build-Up of German Aggression by Wilhelm Deist, Manfred Messerschmidt, Hans-Erich Volkmann, and Wolfram Wette
Hitler: A Biography by Ian Kershaw
The Third Reich by Thomas Childers
The Wages of Destruction: The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy b
Promo - The Fault Line: Bush, Blair and Iraq
On this season of The Fault Line: Bush, Blair and Iraq, renowned journalist, David Dimbleby, explores the 18 months between 9/11 and the start of the war and how the distrust in leadership response to crisis effects our world today.The Fault Line: Bush, Blair and Iraq – premieres on September 29th on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher or wherever you get your podcasts.
26: The Third Reich Pt. 12 - Night of the Long Knives
After asserting power in the political realm, it was time for the Nazi party to deal with the demon that it had created, the SA.
The Coming of the Third Reich by Richard J. Evans
Germany and the Second World War Volume 1: The Build-Up of German Aggression by Wilhelm Deist, Manfred Messerschmidt, Hans-Erich Volkmann, and Wolfram Wette
Hitler: A Biography by Ian Kershaw
The Third Reich by Thomas Childers
The Wages of Destruction: The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy by Ada
25: The Third Reich Pt. 11 - Changes
Throughout the Spring and Summer of 1933 the new Nazi regime would start to make changes, some big, some small, some just a small part of larger plans.
Email: historyofthesecondworldwar@outlook.com
The Coming of the Third Reich by Richard J. Evans
Germany and the Second World War Volume 1: The Build-Up of German Aggression by Wilhelm Deist, Manfred Messerschmidt, Hans-Erich Volkmann, and Wolfram Wette
Hitler: A Biography by Ian Kershaw
The Th
24: The Third Reich Pt. 10 - The Enabling Act
In the aftermath of the Reichstag Fire, the scheduled election would be held in Germany. The results were surprising, but it did not prevent the Nazi leaders from moving forward with the next part of their plan, the Enabling Act.
Email: historyofthesecondworldwar@outlook.com
The Coming of the Third Reich by Richard J. Evans
Germany and the Second World War Volume 1: The Build-Up of German Aggression by Wilhelm Deist, Manfred Messerschmidt, Hans
23: The Third Reich Pt. 9 - The Reichstag Fire
Just a month after the Nazi led government was created, an event with lasting ramifications would occur.
Email: historyofthesecondworldwar@outlook.com
The Coming of the Third Reich by Richard J. Evans
Germany and the Second World War Volume 1: The Build-Up of German Aggression by Wilhelm Deist, Manfred Messerschmidt, Hans-Erich Volkmann, and Wolfram Wette
Hitler: A Biography by Ian Kershaw
The Third Reich by Thomas Childers
The Wages of Destr
22: The Third Reich Pt. 8 - January 1933
January 1933 would see the end of the Schleicher government that lasted under two months, and on January 30th a new era in Germany would begin.
Check out Pax Britannica: https://paxbritannica.info/
Email: historyofthesecondworldwar@outlook.com
The Coming of the Third Reich by Richard J. Evans
Germany and the Second World War Volume 1: The Build-Up of German Aggression by Wilhelm Deist, Manfred Messerschmidt, Hans-Erich Volkmann, and Wolfram Wett
21: The Third Reich Pt. 7 - "We Will Win Ourselves to Death"
Another round of political chaos results in another national election, with disappointing results for the Nazi party.
Email: historyofthesecondworldwar@outlook.com
The Coming of the Third Reich by Richard J. Evans
Germany and the Second World War Volume 1: The Build-Up of German Aggression by Wilhelm Deist, Manfred Messerschmidt, Hans-Erich Volkmann, and Wolfram Wette
Hitler: A Biography by Ian Kershaw
The Third Reich by Thomas Childers
20: The Third Reich Pt. 6 - The 1932 Presidential Election
A German Presidential election was scheduled for 1932, and it would perfectly illustrate how divided the German political landscape had become.
Email: historyofthesecondworldwar@outlook.com
The Coming of the Third Reich by Richard J. Evans
Germany and the Second World War Volume 1: The Build-Up of German Aggression by Wilhelm Deist, Manfred Messerschmidt, Hans-Erich Volkmann, and Wolfram Wette
Hitler: A Biography by Ian Kershaw
The Third Reich
19: The Third Reich Pt. 5 - The Election that Broke Germany
The 1930 election would result in a drastic shift in German politics.
Email: historyofthesecondworldwar@outlook.com
The Coming of the Third Reich by Richard J. Evans
Germany and the Second World War Volume 1: The Build-Up of German Aggression by Wilhelm Deist, Manfred Messerschmidt, Hans-Erich Volkmann, and Wolfram Wette
Hitler: A Biography by Ian Kershaw
The Third Reich by Thomas Childers
The Wages of Destruction: The Making and Breaking of
18: The Third Reich Pt. 4 - The Republic
The Weimar Republic would be dealt a poor hand, but they would make it worse.
Email: historyofthesecondworldwar@outlook.com
The Coming of the Third Reich by Richard J. Evans
Germany and the Second World War Volume 1: The Build-Up of German Aggression by Wilhelm Deist, Manfred Messerschmidt, Hans-Erich Volkmann, and Wolfram Wette
Hitler: A Biography by Ian Kershaw
The Third Reich by Thomas Childers
The Wages of Destruction: The Making and Bre
17: The Third Reich Pt. 3 - The New Nazi Party
The middle years of the 1920s would be a challenging period for the Nazi Party as it tried to find its way.
Email: historyofthesecondworldwar@outlook.com
The Coming of the Third Reich by Richard J. Evans
Germany and the Second World War Volume 1: The Build-Up of German Aggression by Wilhelm Deist, Manfred Messerschmidt, Hans-Erich Volkmann, and Wolfram Wette
Hitler: A Biography by Ian Kershaw
The Third Reich by Thomas Childers
The Wages of De
16: The Third Reich Pt. 2 - The Munich Years
In 1923 the National Socialists would try to move things along by launching a putsch in Munich, it would go very poorly.
Links to some Mein Kampf translations can be found here: http://historyofthesecondworldwar.com/episodes/the-third-reich-supplements/
Email: historyofthesecondworldwar@outlook.com
The Coming of the Third Reich by Richard J. Evans
Germany and the Second World War Volume 1: The Build-Up of German Aggression by Wilhelm Deist, Manf
15: The Third Reich Pt. 1 - The Austrian
Germany would play a critical role in driving events during the interwar period, and within Germany political volatility would cause drastic changes.
Roadmap and full text of 25 points can be found here: http://historyofthesecondworldwar.com/episodes/the-third-reich-supplements/
Email: historyofthesecondworldwar@outlook.com
The Coming of the Third Reich by Richard J. Evans
Germany and the Second World War Volume 1: The Build-Up of German Aggress
14: The Great Depression Pt. 4 - Unemployment in Germany
We end our series on the Great Depression by taking a deeper dive into how the German government chose to interact with rampant unemployment.
Email: historyofthesecondworldwar@outlook.com
China During the Great Depression: Market, State, and the World Economy, 1929-1937 by Tomoko Shiroyama
Germany and the Great Depression by Dieter Petzina
The Global Impact of the Great Depression: 1929-1939 by Dietmar Rothermund
Japan and World Depressio
13: The Great Depression Pt. 3 - London and Paris
The Great Depression was a worldwide phenomenon, but in this episode we focus on just two states: France and Britain.
Email: historyofthesecondworldwar@outlook.com
China During the Great Depression: Market, State, and the World Economy, 1929-1937 by Tomoko Shiroyama
Germany and the Great Depression by Dieter Petzina
The Global Impact of the Great Depression: 1929-1939 by Dietmar Rothermund
Japan and World Depression: Then and Now Edited By
12: The Great Depression Pt. 2 - The Depression
In the early 1930s the depression would spread around the globe.
Email: historyofthesecondworldwar@outlook.com
China During the Great Depression: Market, State, and the World Economy, 1929-1937 by Tomoko Shiroyama
Germany and the Great Depression by Dieter Petzina
The Global Impact of the Great Depression: 1929-1939 by Dietmar Rothermund
Japan and World Depression: Then and Now Edited By Ronald Dore and Radha Sinha
The Failure of Econom
11: The Great Depression Pt. 1 - The Crash
The Great Depression would have many causes, this episode discusses two of them.
Email: historyofthesecondworldwar@outlook.com
China During the Great Depression: Market, State, and the World Economy, 1929-1937 by Tomoko Shiroyama
Germany and the Great Depression by Dieter Petzina
The Global Impact of the Great Depression: 1929-1939 by Dietmar Rothermund
Japan and World Depression: Then and Now Edited By Ronald Dore and Radha Sinha
The Fa
10: Rise of Mussolini Pt. 4 - The Italian Fascist State
Italy represented the first nation to come under the control of a Fascist government, and they would do everything in their power to keep it that way.
Email: historyofthesecondworldwar@outlook.com
Fascism in Italian Historiography: In Search of an Individual Historical Identity by Emilio Gentile
Fascism, Industrialism, and Socialism: The Case of Italy by Albert Szymanski
The Fascist Revolution in Italy: A Brief History in Documents by Marla Sto
9: Rise of Mussolini Pt. 3 - Prime Minister Mussolini
After the March on Rome Mussolini would be made Prime Minister.
Email: historyofthesecondworldwar@outlook.com
Fascism in Italian Historiography: In Search of an Individual Historical Identity by Emilio Gentile
Fascism, Industrialism, and Socialism: The Case of Italy by Albert Szymanski
The Fascist Revolution in Italy: A Brief History in Documents by Marla Stone
The Fiftieth year of the "March on Rome": Recent Interpretations of Fascism by Char
8: Rise of Mussolini Pt. 2 - March on Rome
In October 1922 the Fascists would take an important step, and they would stage a March on Rome. The results were as good as they could have possibly imagined.
Email: historyofthesecondworldwar@outlook.com
Fascism in Italian Historiography: In Search of an Individual Historical Identity by Emilio Gentile
Fascism, Industrialism, and Socialism: The Case of Italy by Albert Szymanski
The Fascist Revolution in Italy: A Brief History in Documents by
7: Rise of Mussolini Pt. 1 - Fascism
The rise of Fascism throughout Europe, beginning in Italy, would be an important catalyst for future events.
Email: historyofthesecondworldwar@outlook.com
Fascism in Italian Historiography: In Search of an Individual Historical Identity by Emilio Gentile
Fascism, Industrialism, and Socialism: The Case of Italy by Albert Szymanski
The Fascist Revolution in Italy: A Brief History in Documents by Marla Stone
The Fiftieth year of the "March on Rom
6: League of Nations Pt. 3 - Failure
During the 1920s and 1930s the League of Nations would have many issues when attempting to execute on one of its most important goals, disarmament. It would not be the only challenge that the League would face in the 1930s.
Email: historyofthesecondworldwar@outlook.com
Global Community: The Role of International Organizations in the Making of the Contemporary World by Akira Iriye
A History of the League of Nations by F.P Walters
The Guardians
5: League of Nations Pt. 2 - Around the World
Among its many goals the League of Nations hoped to oversee a new way for European colonialism to manifest around the world.
Email: historyofthesecondworldwar@outlook.com
Global Community: The Role of International Organizations in the Making of the Contemporary World by Akira Iriye
A History of the League of Nations by F.P Walters
The Guardians: The League of Nations and the Crisis of Empire by Susan Pedersen
In Pursuit of Equality and Resp
4: League of Nations Pt. 1 - Foundations
The Paris Peace Conference would result in the creation of the League of Nations, designed to foster communication and cooperation between all nations.
Email: historyofthesecondworldwar@outlook.com
Global Community: The Role of International Organizations in the Making of the Contemporary World by Akira Iriye
A History of the League of Nations by F.P Walters
The Guardians: The League of Nations and the Crisis of Empire by Susan Pedersen
3: The Paris Peace Conference
After the First World War was over, the leaders of the victorious nations convened a Conference in Paris to determine what terms would be presented to their defeated enemies.
Email: historyofthesecondworldwar@outlook.com
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2: The War to End All Wars
The First World War would cast a shadow over the next two decades, altering the course of nations. In this episode we discuss, in the briefest way I know how, the History of the Great War.
Email: historyofthesecondworldwar@outlook.com
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1: Season 1 - Introduction
Season 1 of the podcast will be all about the much neglected interwar years. During this period there were many changes that are critical to understanding the start and course of the Second World War.WebsitePatreonTwitterFacebookDiscordEmail: historyofthesecondworldwar@outlook.com
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0: Introduction
History of the Second World War is a (mostly) weekly podcast that will cover the events of the Second World War in (rough) chronological order.WebsitePatreonTwitterFacebookDiscordEmail: historyofthesecondworldwar@outlook.com
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