Mere Christians

Mere Christians

Jordan Raynor

How does the gospel influence the work of Mere Christians—those of us who aren’t pastors or religious professionals, but who work as entrepreneurs, baristas, and accountants? That’s the question this podcast explores every week as Jordan Raynor interviews guests across the widest variety of vocations.

Hannah Brencher (Author of The Unplugged Hours)

Hannah Brencher (Author of The Unplugged Hours)

How your phone blocks you from “wanting what you want,” how Hannah spent 1,000 hours away from her phone in 1 year, and how to exchange “why me?” with “who for? when experiencing trials.Links Mentioned:Hannah BrencherHannah Brencher on InstagramHannah Brencher on XThe World Needs More Love LettersThe Unplugged Hours: Cultivating a Life of Presence in a Digitally Connected WorldCalled to Create: A Biblical Invitation to Create, Innovate, and RiskFour Thousand Weeks: Time Management for MortalsRed

Feb 26, • 49:30

Chris Hunt (National Account Manager at Clorox)

Chris Hunt (National Account Manager at Clorox)

What Jesus might say to the conventional wisdom that "you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with," the value of interfaith employee resource groups, and how Chris stopped chasing promotions and started chasing a quieter life.Links Mentioned:Chris Hunt on LinkedInCloroxClorox ERGsTim KellerWill: The Sunday Times Bestselling AutobiographyThe Selfless Way of Christ: Downward Mobility and the Spiritual LifeTo Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy, and Possibility of Christiani

Feb 19, • 48:20

Holly Kim (Director of Marketing & Operations at Credibly)

Holly Kim (Director of Marketing & Operations at Credibly)

How being faithful to God cost Holly in her career (and why that’s a good thing), how to isolate and attack the lies in your head, and how our peace at work can make space to bear others’ burdens at work.Links Mentioned:Holly Kim on LinkedInCrediblyRedeeming Your TimeCalled to CreateThe Cost of DiscipleshipExperiencing GodJordan RaynorMere Christians Podcast Survey

Feb 12, • 31:33

Mark Batterson (Author of A Million Little Miracles)

Mark Batterson (Author of A Million Little Miracles)

How our work can teach us more about God, why you should consider installing a “personal Mount Rushmore” behind your desk, and how to make work more playful and fun for your team.Links Mentioned:Mark BattersonMark Batterson BooksMark Batterson on XMark Batterson on InstagramMark Batterson on FacebookNational Community ChurchA Million Little Miracles: Rediscover the God Who Is Bigger Than Big, Closer Than Close, and Gooder Than GoodEpisode: Mark Batterson (Author of Please, Sorry, Thanks)Episode:

Feb 5, • 37:43

Dr. Denise Daniels (Author of Religion in a Changing Workplace)

Dr. Denise Daniels (Author of Religion in a Changing Workplace)

The data shows that your non-Christian co-workers want to talk about faith, but don’t want to be treated like “salvation projects,” why Jordan is begging you to stop calling your business a “Christian business,” and why mere Christians disagree with their pastors’ assessment that they “talk about work” from the pulpit.Links Mentioned:Dr. Denise Daniels on LinkedInReligion in a Changing WorkplaceWorking for Better: A New Approach to Faith at Work Wheaton CollegeElaine Howard EcklundSkye Jethani o

Jan 29, • 38:14

Peter Greer (Co-author of Lead With Prayer)

Peter Greer (Co-author of Lead With Prayer)

How to “leave the phone off the hook” to commune with God while you work, how to move from duty to delight in prayer, why I plan on showing up to meetings 5 minutes early from now on.Links Mentioned:Peter GreerPeter Greer on XPeter Greer on InstagramPeter Greer on LinkedInPeter Greer on FacebookHope InternationalLead with Prayer: The Spiritual Habits of World-Changing Leaders

Jan 22, • 39:16

Shannon Doss (Social Worker)

Shannon Doss (Social Worker)

How to ensure you aren’t stealing from your employer when you work from home, how Shannon’s repentance led to spiritual conversations at work, and why you should consider “following your pain” rather than your passions as you make career decisions.Links Mentioned:Shannon Doss on LinkedInCandice Levert (IT Operations Manager)Josephine ButlerUnoffendable: How Just One Change Can Make All of Life BetterThe Truth About Us: The Very Good News about How Very Bad We

Jan 15, • 37:40

Dr. Mark Shrime (Chief Medical Officer for Mercy Ships)

Dr. Mark Shrime (Chief Medical Officer for Mercy Ships)

How Mark’s 3 appearances on American Ninja Warrior sharpened his skills as a doctor, how the gospel compels him to think differently about “The Checklist Manifesto,” and why he felt he could die happy during a near-death experience.Links Mentioned:Dr. Mark ShrimeDr. Mark Shrime on XDr. Mark Shrime on InstagramDr. Mark Shrime TEDxMercy ShipsAmerican Ninja WarriorSolving for Why: A Surgeon's Journey to Discover the Transformative Power of Purpose

Jan 8, • 40:03

Graham Cochrane (Author of Rebel)

Graham Cochrane (Author of Rebel)

How Christian guilt about dreaming actually blocks intimacy with God, how Graham’s “50 Dreams” exercise can help you clarify which dreams are from God, and 3 practical things Graham does to work with the Holy Spirit.Links Mentioned:Graham CochraneRebelGraham Cochrane on LinkedInGraham Cochrane on InstagramGraham Cochrane on FacebookGraham Cochrane on YouTubeGraham Cochrane on XCalled to Create

Jan 1, • 49:57

Daniel Darling (Author of The Characters of Christmas)

Daniel Darling (Author of The Characters of Christmas)

How Jesus’s vocation assigns eternal meaning to your “non-spiritual” work, what the shepherds can teach us about how to lead well today, and the #1 book I recommend for overcoming insecurity at work.Links Mentioned:Daniel DarlingDaniel Darling on LinkedInDaniel Darling on InstagramDaniel Darling on XThe Character of ChristmasThe Characters of EasterHidden ChristmasThe Freedo

Dec 25, 2024 • 39:08

Dr. Kennon Vaughan (Lead Pastor at Harvest Church)

Dr. Kennon Vaughan (Lead Pastor at Harvest Church)

How Kennon’s near-death experience in a plane crash changed his work, how common misapplications of the Great Commission thwart your purpose at work, and why we need to “do less” and “abide more” to effectively make disciples.Links Mentioned:Kennon Vaughan on XKennon VaughanDownline MinistriesCounterfeit GodsThe Meaning of MarriageThoughts for Young MenThe Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers & Devotions

Dec 18, 2024 • 53:01

Bob Goff (Author of Catching Whimsy and Love Does)

Bob Goff (Author of Catching Whimsy and Love Does)

What it looks like to be “whimsically available” to others at work, how to make the shift from “will it work” to “will it last” in your work, and how God can use working in adventurous places like Disneyland and Kennedy Space Center.Links Mentioned:Bob GoffBob Goff BooksCatching WhimsyDream Big Podcast with Bob Goff & FriendsBob Goff on XBob Goff on InstagramBob Goff on FacebookBob Goff on YouTubeMaria Goff on I

Dec 11, 2024 • 28:58

Robin John (CEO of Eventide Asset Management)

Robin John (CEO of Eventide Asset Management)

How to guarantee eternal success in any endeavor, the 6 criteria Eventide uses to evaluate investments that “make the world rejoice,” and how to stop thinking selfishly about your investments, votes, and time.Links Mentioned:Eventide Asset ManagementRobin John on LinkedInThe Creator in YouEvery Good Endeavour: Connecting Your Work to God's Plan for the WorldWhy Business Matters to God (And What Still Needs to Be Fixed)Work Matters: Conne

Dec 4, 2024 • 40:41

Dr. Francis Collins (Author of The Road to Wisdom)

Dr. Francis Collins (Author of The Road to Wisdom)

What Francis learned from getting punked by Borat’s Sacha Baron Cohen, the 4 criteria he uses to discern who to trust at work and in life, and what Tim Keller’s Out of Office message said the day he died.Links Mentioned:Dr. Francis CollinsEpisode: Dr. Francis Collins (Fmr. Director of the National Institutes of Health)Braver AngelsWho is America?The Road to Wisdom: On Truth, Science, Faith, and Trust

Nov 27, 2024 • 27:14

Kathy Keller (Co-author of The Meaning of Marriage)

Kathy Keller (Co-author of The Meaning of Marriage)

The significant role Christian professionals played in making Christianity credible to her sons, why sometimes “the worst thing God can do for you is to let you be happy,” and how to die wishing you had spent more time at the office.Links Mentioned:Kathy KellerThe Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of GodRoosevelt IslandGo Forward in Love: A Year of Daily Readings from Timothy KellerBooks by Timothy Keller

Nov 20, 2024 • 31:17

Justin Mathews (Manager at PwC)

Justin Mathews (Manager at PwC)

The dangers of feeling entitled to a calling, how to think “Who Not How” in prayers for your work, and a simple way of thinking about “sowing eternity into the world.”Links Mentioned:Justin Matthews on LinkedInPwC‘Strategy in Life Principle #2: Purpose unlocks fulfillment’Quarter-Life CallingEvery Good EndeavorWho Not How

Nov 13, 2024 • 47:52

Vineet Rajan (CEO of Forte)

Vineet Rajan (CEO of Forte)

How Forte is providing “soul care as a service” for some of the world’s largest companies, how to practically stop working for love and start working from love, and why we should praise God for giving us more than we can handle.Links Mentioned:Vineet Rajan on LinkedInVineet Rajan on XThe Marine Monk NewsletterForteForte for Faith OrganizationsThe Intellectual Life: Its Spirit, Conditions, MethodsCrime and PunishmentWaldenThe Sacredness of Secular Work: 4 Ways Your Job Matters for Eternity (Even

Nov 6, 2024 • 42:32

Jeremy Swafford (CFO at Southeast Restoration)

Jeremy Swafford (CFO at Southeast Restoration)

How to cultivate humility and a Jesus-like others-obsession, why multiple pastors have quit ministry to work at Southeast, and the spiritual benefits of sticking with a job for many years.Links Mentioned:Jeremy Swafford on LinkedInSoutheast RestorationLighthouse MinistriesEpisode: Audiobook excerpt of The Sacredness of Secular WorkEpisode: Tim Keller (Author of Forgive)Episode: N.T. Wright (Theologian)

Oct 30, 2024 • 47:35

Dr. Gisela Kreglinger (Vintner + Theologian)

Dr. Gisela Kreglinger (Vintner + Theologian)

Why the wine industry is in trouble and why Christians should be the ones to help, how to show everyday hospitality to those you work with, and how the gospel can shape not just your work but also the work of others that you consume.Links Mentioned:Dr. Gisela KreglingerDr. Gisela Kreglinger on FacebookDr. Gisela Kreglinger on InstagramDr. Gisela Kreglinger LinkedInDr. Gisela Kreglinger XDr. Gisela Kreglinger (Wine Expert & Theologian)

Oct 23, 2024 • 45:21

Ricky Dickson (Fmr. CEO of Blue Bell Creameries)

Ricky Dickson (Fmr. CEO of Blue Bell Creameries)

Ricky’s spiritual disciplines during the listeria crisis at Blue Bell, how to accept critical feedback humbly and winsomely, and how a college paper on Blue Bell landed him his career.Links Mentioned:Ricky DicksonRicky Dickson on LinkedInOne Scoop at a TimeBlue Bell CreameriesInternational Dairy Foods Association (IDFA)Chase the LionIf‘Leadership Breakfast Series: Tim Tassopoulos, President & COO, Chick-Fil-A’Scottie Scheffler on InstagramThe Royal in YouThe Sacredness of Secular WorkRedeeming Y

Oct 16, 2024 • 39:27

Shane Kimbrough (Astronaut)

Shane Kimbrough (Astronaut)

How Shane discerned whether to pivot or persevere after 4 rejections from NASA, how “asking the right questions in the right way” led to NASA approving him reading Scripture from the ISS, and why he counts “consistency” during his time on earth as “worship."Links Mentioned:Shane KimbroughShane Kimbrough on LinkedInShane Kimbrough on XShane Kimbrough on InstagramNASAQuanta Services, Inc. Rocket MenRick WarrenThe Last Supper on the MoonReaching Your Next Summit!Extreme OwnershipMake Your BedHeaven

Oct 9, 2024 • 37:53

Jena Viviano Dunay (Founder of Recruit the Employer)

Jena Viviano Dunay (Founder of Recruit the Employer)

5 things Christian leaders can do to fire their neighbors as themselves, the spiritual and business benefits of investing in employees after you lay them off, and the sign I hung in my office to help me stop working like an orphan.Links Mentioned:Jena Viviano Dunay on LinkedInJena Viviano (Career Strategist)New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel DevotionalJordan Raynor

Oct 2, 2024 • 37:25

William Winchester (COO of Berg Mill Supply)

William Winchester (COO of Berg Mill Supply)

William’s biblically informed vision of “zero waste” on the New Earth, the new question I’d encourage anyone to ask when making vocational decisions, and why William chose to work as an employee rather than an entrepreneur.Links Mentioned:William Winchester on LinkedInBerg Mill SupplyMere Christians CommunityJohn BevereThe Me I Want to Be: Becoming God's Best Version of YouJordan Raynor

Sep 25, 2024 • 34:06

Ruth Chou Simons (Author of Now and Not Yet)

Ruth Chou Simons (Author of Now and Not Yet)

How to be content with what you have and strive for what’s next at the same time, the 4 questions Ruth asks to help her see her circumstances the way God does, and how she is currently processing the disappointing slowdown in her once rapidly growing businessLinks Mentioned:Ruth Chou SimonsRuth Chou Simons BooksRuth Chou Simons on InstagramRuth Chou Simons on YouTubeNow and Note Yet Book WebsiteNow and Not Yet: Pressing in When You’re Waiting, Wanting, and Restless for MoreGraceLacedGraceLaced o

Sep 18, 2024 • 28:10

Stephen Bargatze (Magician)

Stephen Bargatze (Magician)

What it means to Stephen that Satan had no idea what Nate Bargatze would become, how magic can create awe and wonder that leads to belief in God, and the gospel-centered mental shift he credits for the salvation of his mom on her deathbed.Links Mentioned:Stephen BargatzeStephen Bargatze on InstagramStephen Bargatze on YouTubeNate Bargatze The International Brotherhood of MagiciansJason MichaelsAndre KoleThe Crown: RuritaniaThe Sacredness of Secular WorkRedeeming Your TimeContact JordanJordan Ray

Sep 11, 2024 • 30:48

NEW: Mike Sharrow (CEO of C12)

NEW: Mike Sharrow (CEO of C12)

The dangers in the Church’s culture of giving, what Christian peer groups might have looked like in the first century, and how to create “mini Bema Seat moments” to judge your work before God does.Links Mentioned:Mike Sharrow on LinkedInMike Sharrow on XC12 Business ForumsC12 Business Forums on YouTubeCURRENT25WalgreensUnoffendableThe Sacredness of Secular WorkRedeeming Your TimeContact JordanJordan Raynor

Sep 4, 2024 • 44:40

NEW: Julianna Rubio Slager (Artistic Director of Ballet 5:8)

NEW: Julianna Rubio Slager (Artistic Director of Ballet 5:8)

How God is using ballets about faith to reach non-Christians, how to not undersell the power of the Holy Spirit at work, and Jordan’s favorite This Is Us scene that powerfully illustrates the gospel.Links Mentioned:Julianna Rubio SlagerJulianna Rubio Slager (5:8 Ballet)Julianna Rubio Slager on LinkedInJulianna Rubio Slager on InstagramJulianna Rubio Slager on Linktr.eeBallet 5:8Julianna Slager (Co-founder of Ballet 5:8 2019)The School of American BalletBallet MagnificatKathy Thibodeaux on Linked

Aug 28, 2024 • 32:34

NEW: Jenna Barrett (Manager of Brand Advertising and Marketing at Choice Hotels)

NEW: Jenna Barrett (Manager of Brand Advertising and Marketing at Choice Hotels)

How to discern what God wants to renew in your workplace, 3 positive things boasting in weakness produces, and Jordan’s new vocational dream for the New Earth.Links Mentioned:Jenna Barret on LinkedInJenna Barret on InstagramChoice HotelsJenna Fortier (Student & Founder of PASTA) (Episode 61)Jordan Raynor (Host of Mere Christians) (Episode 100)Aliyah Boston on InstagramPaige Bueckers on InstagramTamika Catchings on InstagramCalled to Create: A Biblical Invitation to Create, Innovate, and RiskThe

Aug 21, 2024 • 37:14

NEW: Joe Rigney (Author of Strangely Bright)

NEW: Joe Rigney (Author of Strangely Bright)

5 practices for ensuring your work doesn’t become an idol, why “gratitude is the on-ramp to adoration” of God, and why Jesus said he is the “bread of life” and not the “grain of life.”Links Mentioned:Joe RigneyJoe Rigney on XJoe Rigney on LinkedInStrangely BrightLive Like A Narnian: Christian Discipleship in Lewis's ChroniclesThe Sacredness of Secular WorkLeaf by Niggle‘Mythopoeia’The Great DivorceLetters to MalcolmJordan Raynor

Aug 14, 2024 • 43:25

NEW: Jen Wilkin (Author of Revelation: Eternal King, Everlasting Kingdom)

NEW: Jen Wilkin (Author of Revelation: Eternal King, Everlasting Kingdom)

What Jen envisions her work looking like on the New Earth, how the “dangerous light” in you makes every Christian’s work sacred, and why it’s significant that gold will be trampled on for eternity.Links Mentioned:Jen WilkinJen Wilkin on InstagramJen Wilkin on XRevelation - Bible Study Book with Video Access: Eternal King, Everlasting KingdomJen Wilkin BooksAndy CrouchThe Sacredness of Secular WorkArt and Faith: A Theology of MakingThe Knowledge of the HolyThe Holiness of GodJordan Raynor

Aug 7, 2024 • 33:00

FAN FAVE FLASHBACK: Anne Beiler (Founder of Auntie Anne's)

FAN FAVE FLASHBACK: Anne Beiler (Founder of Auntie Anne's)

How Christ redeemed Anne after horrific trauma and abuse, how her trauma gave her purpose and ambition for Auntie Anne’s, and how to stop overcomplicating the presence of God.This episode originally aired on August 23, 2023. Because you all loved it so much, we are re-releasing it as a part of our Fan Fave Flashbacks series this summer! Would you like to be a guest on the Mere Christians podcast when we begin new episodes this fall? Share your story with our producers at

Jul 31, 2024 • 44:32

FAN FAVE FLASHBACK: Josh Thompson (Janitor)

FAN FAVE FLASHBACK: Josh Thompson (Janitor)

What the “dirty jobs” of God mean for you and me, the power of dwelling on what God has saved you from, and how to “choose joy” in a job you don’t love.This episode originally aired on July 19, 2023. Because you all loved it so much, we are re-releasing it as a part of our Fan Fave Flashbacks series this summer! Would you like to be a guest on the Mere Christians podcast when we begin new episodes this fall? Share your story with our producers at Mentioned:Janitor JoshTh

Jul 24, 2024 • 31:15

FAN FAVE FLASHBACK: Dave Evans (Co-founder of EA Sports + Author of Designing Your Life)

FAN FAVE FLASHBACK: Dave Evans (Co-founder of EA Sports + Author of Designing Your Life)

How the truth that “God’s will is much more a way than a thing” leads to a radical freedom in life and work, the difference between “justifying your legitimacy” and “expressing your belovedness” through your work, and the most brilliant interpretation of Ecclesiastes I’ve ever heard.This episode originally aired on July 5, 2023. Because you all loved it so much, we are re-releasing it as a part of our Fan Fave Flashbacks series this summer! Would you like to be a guest on the Mere Christians pod

Jul 17, 2024 • 45:35

FAN FAVE FLASHBACK: Mike Kelsey (Pastor at McLean Bible Church)

FAN FAVE FLASHBACK: Mike Kelsey (Pastor at McLean Bible Church)

Why common grace is the key to worshiping more while you work and experience the work of others, how calling out the work of non-Christians as God’s work can build bridges for sharing the gospel, and how Jordan explained to his kids how God protected them on a recent road trip.This episode originally aired on June 14, 2023. Because you all loved it so much, we are re-releasing it as a part of our Fan Fave Flashbacks series this summer! Would you like to be a guest on the Mere Christians podcast

Jul 10, 2024 • 43:08

FAN FAVE FLASHBACK: Dr. Curt Thompson (Psychiatrist + Author of The Soul of Desire)

FAN FAVE FLASHBACK: Dr. Curt Thompson (Psychiatrist + Author of The Soul of Desire)

How to shift from “playing not to lose” to “playing to win,” why acknowledging that you’ll never have a pure motive is unbelievably empowering, and how to take your Christian community with you mentally as you do hard things.This episode originally aired on March 15, 2023. Because you all loved it so much, we are re-releasing it as a part of our Fan Fave Flashbacks series this summer! Would you like to be a guest on the Mere Christians podcast when we begin new episodes this fall? Share your sto

Jul 3, 2024 • 44:46

FAN FAVE FLASHBACK: Mimi Chan (Head of Seasonal Events at Amazon Books)

FAN FAVE FLASHBACK: Mimi Chan (Head of Seasonal Events at Amazon Books)

How to speak up for the powerless in your office, how to take a stand for God’s way in a God-honoring way at work, and why we need Christians rushing INTO “secular” workplaces in order to claim them as sacred.This episode originally aired on December 7, 2022. Because you all loved it so much, we are re-releasing it as a part of our Fan Fave Flashbacks series this summer! Would you like to be a guest on the Mere Christians podcast when we begin new episodes this fall? Share your story with our pr

Jun 26, 2024 • 44:45

THIS WEEK ONLY: Doors are open to the Mere Christians Community!

THIS WEEK ONLY: Doors are open to the Mere Christians Community!

Learn more and sign-up at

Jun 24, 2024 • 2:40

FAN FAVE FLASHBACK: Skye Jethani (Co-host of the Holy Post Podcast)

FAN FAVE FLASHBACK: Skye Jethani (Co-host of the Holy Post Podcast)

Why Jesus rose from the dead on a Sunday and what it means for your work, how a biblical view of heaven assigns untold dignity to the work you do today, and how to use everything from Altoids to doorframes to cultivate an awareness of God’s presence at work.This episode originally aired on September 28, 2022. Because you all loved it so much, we are re-releasing it as a part of our Fan Fave Flashbacks series this summer! Would you like to be a guest on the Mere Christians podcast when we begin n

Jun 19, 2024 • 49:25

FAN FAVE FLASHBACK: Jodi Benson (Voice of Ariel in The Little Mermaid)

FAN FAVE FLASHBACK: Jodi Benson (Voice of Ariel in The Little Mermaid)

How Jodi has responded to criticism of Disney from Christians, why Jodi thinks of ministry as less of what she does for a living and more of who she is while she’s doing what she’s doing, and how to spot where the Spirit is moving as you work.This episode originally aired on September 14, 2022. Because you all loved it so much, we are re-releasing it as a part of our Fan Fave Flashbacks series this summer! Would you like to be a guest on the Mere Christians podcast when we begin new episodes thi

Jun 12, 2024 • 56:39

FAN FAVE FLASHBACK: Ron Johnson (CEO of Enjoy)

FAN FAVE FLASHBACK: Ron Johnson (CEO of Enjoy)

How Ron “made love visual” through the Apple Store, his final conversation with Steve Jobs while Jobs was on his deathbed, and why he chose to “start at the bottom” of the career ladder when he had every opportunity not to.This episode originally aired on June 22, 2022. Because you all loved it so much, we are re-releasing it as a part of our Fan Fave Flashbacks series this summer! Would you like to be a guest on the Mere Christians podcast when we begin new episodes this fall? Share your story

Jun 5, 2024 • 39:49

FAN FAVE FLASHBACK: Joni Eareckson Tada (Painter)

FAN FAVE FLASHBACK: Joni Eareckson Tada (Painter)

The first 3 things Joni plans to do when heaven comes to earth, how everything we do in this life either increases or decreases our capacity for leadership on the New Earth, and how our work can be “ingredients in God’s happiness.”This episode originally aired on June 15, 2022. Because you all loved it so much, we are re-releasing it as a part of our Fan Fave Flashbacks series this summer! Would you like to be a guest on the Mere Christians podcast when we begin new episodes this fall? Share you

May 29, 2024 • 28:54

Brittany Whitenack (Founder of Antique Candle Co.)

Brittany Whitenack (Founder of Antique Candle Co.)

The incredible impact of Antique Candle Co.'s “Prayer Committee," how Brittany’s faith compelled her to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a “non-essential” company perk, and what heaven might smell like.Links Mentioned:Brittany Whitenack on LinkedInBrittany Whitenack on InstagramAntique Candle Co.Sign Up for the Antique Candle Co. NewsletterThe Sacredness of Secular WorkMaster of Scale Ep. 138: Find Co-creators Everywhere: Exploding Kittens Inc.’s Elan LeeExploding KittensDavid Block (Founde

May 22, 2024 • 41:48

Kelsey Kemp (Career Coach)

Kelsey Kemp (Career Coach)

The 8-step process to landing your dream job in a God-honoring way, the “half-baked theology” keeping Christians stuck professionally, and 3 things that should set apart how Christians search for jobs while employed.Links Mentioned:Kelsey Kemp on LinkedInKelsey Kemp on XKelsey Kemp on InstagramKelsey Kemp on FacebookThe Called CareerJob DictionaryAnswer the Call on SpotifyLuke 18Galatians 3:10‘Three Questions to Unlock Your Authentic Career: Ashley Stahl at TEDxBerkeley’Timothy KellerEphesians 6

May 15, 2024 • 50:29

Doug McKelvey (Author of Every Moment Holy)

Doug McKelvey (Author of Every Moment Holy)

How liturgies can help you see and respond to the holiness of every mundane moment at work, what quantum physics can reveal about why God might choose to work through you and me, and how “rehearsing for the new creation” shapes Doug’s science fiction writing.Links Mentioned:Every Moment HolyDouglas Kaine McKelvey on InstagramDouglas Kaine McKelvey on FacebookEvery Moment Holy on InstagramEvery Moment Holy on FacebookThe Rabbit RoomHutchmoot ConferenceAll the Pretty HorsesPaul KingsnorthThe WakeJ

May 8, 2024 • 30:26

Peter Demos (Restaurateur)

Peter Demos (Restaurateur)

What a Christ-like view of competitors looks like practically, whether or not it's biblical to set goals about “winning” and “beating” competitors, and how Peter practically cultivated joy amongst his team during the COVID crisisLinks Mentioned:Peter DemosPeter Demos on FacebookPeter Demos on XDemos’ RestaurantsAngus BuchanFaith like PotatoesBlessing Or Curse: You Can ChooseVictory Over DarknessMark WhitacreMere Christians Podcast SurveyJordan Raynor

May 1, 2024 • 39:50

Jamie Ivey (Host of the Happy Hour Podcast)

Jamie Ivey (Host of the Happy Hour Podcast)

The vocational dream Jamie is afraid to say out loud, how to work hard with your hands but not with your soul, and why Jesus was so good at saying “no” to requests for his time.Links Mentioned:Jamie IveyJamie Ivey on InstagramJamie Ivey on FacebookJamie Ivey on YouTubeJamie Ivey BlogThe Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey PodcastWhy Can’t I Get It Together?Books by Jamie IveyJust Mercy: A Story of Justice and RedemptionWith: Reimagining the Way You Relate to God Happy Hour Podcast -  HH#429: Skye Jethani

Apr 24, 2024 • 45:52

Noah Sanders (Farmer)

Noah Sanders (Farmer)

Why faithfulness requires focus and killing things that are working, how dreaming about work on the New Earth makes it easier to focus today, and why you should stop asking, “What can I learn from this person?” and start asking, “What is God teaching me through this person?”Links Mentioned:Noah Sanders on LinkedInNoah Sanders on InstagramRedeeming the DirtRedeeming the Dirt AcademyRedeeming the Dirt on YouTubeBorn-Again DirtMatthew 71 Corinthians 10:31Genesis 2:15Isaiah 28Romans 1Genesis 3The Ma

Apr 17, 2024 • 50:15

Candice Levert (IT Operations Manager)

Candice Levert (IT Operations Manager)

The impact of knowing that God cares about your work and not just how you spend your lunch break, how to use Show & Tell for grown-ups to move from Surface > Serious > Spiritual, and how to practically make people feel valued beyond their productivity.Links Mentioned:Candice Levert on LinkedInMere Christians: Sean Kouplen (CEO of Regent Bank)Mere Christians CommunityFaith 101: NOW, Faith ISEvery Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God's WorkHeavenWith God DailyThe Sacredness of Secular WorkCa

Apr 10, 2024 • 39:08

Ray Greene (Roofing Professional)

Ray Greene (Roofing Professional)

Why “losing your life” for Christ is less about moving overseas and more about losing control, what Scripture’s focus on Jesus’s “one-off” miracles and engagements means for your unseen work today, and how to practically “number your days” so that you may grow in wisdom.Links Mentioned:NOD & GrowThe Sacredness of Secular WorkA Praying LifeWhen Breath Becomes AirFamous at HomeThe Intentional FatherWild at HeartJordan Raynor

Apr 3, 2024 • 31:49

Scott Sonju (Managing Director of TrailRunner International)

Scott Sonju (Managing Director of TrailRunner International)

Why viewing sports as trivial diminishes God’s sovereignty, why we’re tempted to assign priority where God does not, and how Christians should think differently about free enterprise.Links Mentioned:Scott Sonju on LinkedInScott Sonju EmailTrailRunner IntTrailRunner Int SportsCounterfeit Gods by Tim KellerPraxis LabsFault Lines: The Social Justice Movement and Evangelicalism's Looming CatastropheThe Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper PlaceMoney, Greed, and God:

Mar 27, 2024 • 46:51

THIS WEEK ONLY: Doors are open to the Mere Christians Community!

THIS WEEK ONLY: Doors are open to the Mere Christians Community!

Learn more and sign-up at

Mar 25, 2024 • 5:56

Mike Maihack (Spider-Man Comic Book Artist)

Mike Maihack (Spider-Man Comic Book Artist)

How superheroes can show us how to follow Jesus, why Christians should pursue cultural literacy as a means of evangelism, and what we should do with the fact that our Heavenly Father has more fun working than we do.Links Mentioned:Mike Maihack on XMike Maihack on InstagramMike Maihack on LinktreeSpider-Man: Animals Assemble! (A Mighty Marvel Team-Up)Spider-Man: Quantum Quest! (A Mighty Marvel Team-Up # 2)Spider-Man: Cosmic Chaos! (A Mighty Marvel Team-Up #3)Cleopatra in Space TV SeriesCleopatra

Mar 20, 2024 • 44:53

Christy Wright (Host of the Get Your Hopes Up Podcast)

Christy Wright (Host of the Get Your Hopes Up Podcast)

How to honor employers you leave, how feelings of inadequacy often mask an arrogance toward God, and how to obey God when you have no idea what his purposes are.Links Mentioned:Christy WrightChristy Wright on InstagramChristy Wright on XChristy Wright on YouTubeChristy Wright on FacebookGet Your Hopes Up PodcastBusiness BoutiqueTake Back Your TimeRamsey SolutionsRachel Cruze The Gap and The GainAtomic HabitsChristine CaineStephanie Meek on FacebookThe Sacredness of Secular WorkContact JordanJord

Mar 13, 2024 • 45:28

Jon Houghton (CEO of The Holy Post)

Jon Houghton (CEO of The Holy Post)

How caring about ALL that God cares about will change how we work, how to think about evangelism and social action as two elements of an interconnected flywheel, and why Christians should never outsource their discernment (and how we frequently do).Links Mentioned:Jon HoughtonJon Houghton on LinkedInJon Houghton on InstagramJon Houghton on XThe Holy PostYoungLife‘Racial Justice, Evangelism, Discipleship’Rene PadillaThe Answer to How is YesSubversive WitnessKaitlyn SchiessCasey Crouse on LinkedIn

Mar 6, 2024 • 39:51

Cory Carlson (Author of Win at Home First)

Cory Carlson (Author of Win at Home First)

How Paul’s example of boasting in weaknesses compelled him to “hand over his small story for a greater story,” 2 ways Christian “self-care” should differ from the world’s, and how winning at home first leads to bigger wins at work.Links Mentioned:Cory CarlsonCory Carlson on LinkedInCory Carlson on InstagramCory Carlson on XWin at Home First: An Inspirational Guide to Work-Life BalanceRise and Go: How to Get Back Up with Courage and Move Forward with ConfidenceLibsynThe Word Before Work: A Monday

Feb 28, 2024 • 34:48

Jennifer Allwood (Author of Get Unstuck and Stay Unstuck)

Jennifer Allwood (Author of Get Unstuck and Stay Unstuck)

How to get unstuck professionally by mining the depths of Scripture, why comparison is a thief of joy AND a helpful teacher, and how to replace the world’s call to “confidence” with the biblical call to “courage.”--Pre-order The Sacredness of Secular Work today and you could win an epic trip for two to celebrate the sacredness of your “secular” work in a castle, vineyard, cathedral, and more! Entering to win is simple: Step 1: Pre-order the book on Amazon or one of these other retailersStep 2: F

Feb 21, 2024 • 26:39

Dr. Darrell Cosden (Author of The Heavenly Good of Earthly Work)

Dr. Darrell Cosden (Author of The Heavenly Good of Earthly Work)

What the nail scars in Jesus’s hands mean for the work of your hands, why the eternal value of your “secular” work depends upon the value of creation, how we got to the place of overemphasizing heaven v. the “renewed earth.”--Pre-order The Sacredness of Secular Work today and you could win an epic trip for two to celebrate the sacredness of your “secular” work in a castle, vineyard, cathedral, and more! Entering to win is simple: Step 1: Pre-order the book on Amazon or one of these other retaile

Feb 14, 2024 • 45:37

Dave Hataj (Owner of Edgerton Gear, Inc.)

Dave Hataj (Owner of Edgerton Gear, Inc.)

How good jobs are saving the lives of 20-somethings at his company, why our definition of “kingdom work” needs to expand beyond saving souls, and how to plant a desire for goodness and truth that ultimately leads to Christ.--Pre-order The Sacredness of Secular Work today and you could win an epic trip for two to celebrate the sacredness of your “secular” work in a castle, vineyard, cathedral, and more! Entering to win is simple: Step 1: Pre-order the book on Amazon or one of these other retailer

Feb 7, 2024 • 55:58

Luke LeFevre (Founder of Holy Work)

Luke LeFevre (Founder of Holy Work)

The 7 stages everyone goes through when creating with God, why failure may be a sign of God’s favor, and how to journal well in just 11 minutes.--Pre-order The Sacredness of Secular Work today and you could win an epic trip for two to celebrate the sacredness of your “secular” work in a castle, vineyard, cathedral, and more! Entering to win is simple: Step 1: Pre-order the book on Amazon or one of these other retailersStep 2: Fill out this formNO PURCHASE NECESSARY. US Residents, 18+. Visit jord

Jan 31, 2024 • 42:48

Dr. Linda Braddy (CEO of American Red Cross - North Texas)

Dr. Linda Braddy (CEO of American Red Cross - North Texas)

How Linda was freed from analysis paralysis about discerning “God’s will” for her work, the biblical evidence that God cares about your work and not just what your work does “for the kingdom,” and how a proper theology of the New Earth has made Linda feel more alive and much more likely to share her faith--Pre-order The Sacredness of Secular Work today and you could win an epic trip for two to celebrate the sacredness of your “secular” work in a castle, vineyard, cathedral, and more! Entering to

Jan 24, 2024 • 50:57

Audiobook excerpt of The Sacredness of Secular Work

Audiobook excerpt of The Sacredness of Secular Work

Get the full audiobook here: The Sacredness of Secular Work before February 3 and you could win an epic trip for two to celebrate the sacredness of your “secular” work in a castle, vineyard, cathedral, and more! Entering to win is simple: Step 1: Pre-order the book on Audible,  Amazon or one of these other retailersStep 2: Fill out this formNO PURCHASE NECESSARY. US Residents, 18+. Visit for full rules, entry steps (incl alternate entry), prize det

Jan 19, 2024 • 1:32:23

Matt Rusten (President of Made to Flourish)

Matt Rusten (President of Made to Flourish)

5 easy ways for your pastor to encourage Mere Christians in their work this Sunday, how to better understand your biblical call to be a “priest” at work, and 5 circles of influence to pray through in your job.--Pre-order The Sacredness of Secular Work today and you could win an epic trip for two to celebrate the sacredness of your “secular” work in a castle, vineyard, cathedral, and more! Entering to win is simple: Step 1: Pre-order the book on Amazon or one of these other retailersStep 2: Fill

Jan 17, 2024 • 41:40

Kaleigh Cox (VP of Business Development for DxTEL)

Kaleigh Cox (VP of Business Development for DxTEL)

How to stop viewing your co-workers as “salvation projects,” the #1 thing pastors can do to free the mere Christians in their pews from feeling like “JV Christians,” and how the gospel compels us to market in ways that serve always—even while selling.--Pre-order The Sacredness of Secular Work today and you could win an epic trip for two to celebrate the sacredness of your “secular” work in a castle, vineyard, cathedral, and more! Entering to win is simple: Step 1: Pre-order the book on Amazon or

Jan 10, 2024 • 49:34

Skye Jethani (Author of What If Jesus Was Serious About Heaven? + Co-host of The Holy Post)

Skye Jethani (Author of What If Jesus Was Serious About Heaven? + Co-host of The Holy Post)

Why heaven being on earth matters so much to your work, how to not sacrifice the way of Jesus for the mission of Jesus, and where Skye sees himself professionally in five million years.--Pre-order The Sacredness of Secular Work today and you could win an epic trip for two to celebrate the sacredness of your “secular” work in a castle, vineyard, cathedral, and more! Entering to win is simple: Step 1: Pre-order the book on Amazon or one of these other retailers Step 2: Fill out this formNO PURCHAS

Jan 3, 2024 • 46:26

Gary Chapman (Author of The 5 Love Languages)

Gary Chapman (Author of The 5 Love Languages)

Which of the 5 languages are most popular in the workplace, 3 ways to discover your co-workers’ language without asking, and what Jesus said gives non-Christians the right to judge Christians.Links Mentioned:Love LanguagesThe 5 Love LanguagesThe 5 Languages of Appreciation in the WorkplaceDr. Gary Chapman on XDr. Gary Chapman on FacebookDr. Paul WhiteTake the MBA InventoryDisneyWarJordan Raynor

Dec 27, 2023 • 33:42

Maina Mwaura (Journalist)

Maina Mwaura (Journalist)

How Jesus-like mentors “show you what life can be like,” what Maina learned about discerning calling from CBS’s James Brown, and why you should serve at the worst times of life.Links Mentioned:Maina MwauraMaina Mwaura on FacebookThe Influential MentorHow to Know a PersonThe Ethics & Religious Liberty CommissionUrban FaithGrace SnellvilleJames BrownMark BattersonPlease, Sorry, ThanksThe Coupon Mom's Guide to Cutting Your Grocery Bills in HalfKing: A LifeDavid Brooks on XTrillion Dollar CoachJorda

Dec 20, 2023 • 40:12

Benay Shannon (Master Distiller at Restless Spirits)

Benay Shannon (Master Distiller at Restless Spirits)

Why Benay is convinced that God has called her into the dark alcohol industry, why a biblical theology of heaven inevitably leads to Anti-Bucket Lists, and how thinking of work as rehearsing for eternity takes the pressure off of today.Links Mentioned:Benay Shannon on LinkedInBenay Shannon on InstagramRestless SpiritsThe Sacredness of Secular Work: 4 Ways Your Job Matters for Eternity (Even When You're Not Sharing the Gospel)The Prodigal GodTimothy KellerTeena Dare (Waitress + Host of the Faith,

Dec 13, 2023 • 26:39

Mignon François (Founder of The Cupcake Collection)

Mignon François (Founder of The Cupcake Collection)

How the fact that “prayers never expire” changes how Mignon works, the impact Sabbath has had on her business and team, and how God took her business from $5 to $10M in sales.Links Mentioned:Mignon FrancoisMignon Francois on InstagramMignon Francois on LinkedInMignon Francois on YouTubeMignon Francois on FacebookMignon Francois on XThe Cupcake CollectionMade from ScratchEpisode: Mignon Francois (Founder of The Cupcake Collection)The Sacredness of Secular WorkBusiness Made SimpleThe Success Princ

Dec 6, 2023 • 31:03

Philip Klayman (Owner of Three Tree Coffee)

Philip Klayman (Owner of Three Tree Coffee)

Why you should consider NOT leading with your why, how and why God calls us to make counter-strategic moves at work, and how Jesus’s example leads us to push back against worldly wisdom about delegation.Links Mentioned:Philip Klayman on LinkedInPhilip Klayman on XThree Tree Coffee RoastersCoffee & PodcastJeff Heck of Monday Night BrewingThe Will of God as a Way of LifeTim KellerTheology of Work CommentaryFair Trade USAEvidence Not SeenThe Tale of Three TreesMark RichtJordan Raynor

Nov 29, 2023 • 43:26

J. Warner Wallace (Homicide Detective)

J. Warner Wallace (Homicide Detective)

The significance of Scripture calling government officials “ministers,” how the fruit of the Spirit outed Jim as a Christian on the police force, and what a California jury proceeding can teach you about the veracity of the resurrection.Links Mentioned:J. Warner Wallace on XJ. Warner Wallace on InstagramJ. Warner Wallace on ThreadsJ. Warner Wallace on IMDBCold-Case ChristianityCold-Case ChristianityFocus on the FamilyThe Lord of the RingsRomans 131 Peter 2BonhoefferThe Sacredness of Secular Work

Nov 22, 2023 • 50:25

Dr. Monique Perry-Graves (Executive Director of Teach for America North Carolina)

Dr. Monique Perry-Graves (Executive Director of Teach for America North Carolina)

How to deliver radical candor in a distinctly Christ-like way, the power of pursuing visions that will never be achieved, and how to lean into the hard parts of your story for God’s greater glory.Links Mentioned:Dr. Monique Perry-Graves on LinkedInLights & Lessons NewsletterTeach for AmericaChristy Adams on the Mere Christians PodcastNo Rules RulesRadical CandorThe Infinite GameRedeeming Your Time100 Days of Believing BiggerNot a BoxWhat Do You Do With an Idea?Hidden PotentialJordan Raynor

Nov 15, 2023 • 48:36

Shauna Pilgreen (Author of Translating Jesus)

Shauna Pilgreen (Author of Translating Jesus)

Why some Christians need less Bible study and more Bible doing, how to translate Jesus in today’s post-Christian culture, and how to avoid making co-workers feel like “salvation projects.”Links Mentioned:Shauna PilgreenShauna Pilgreen on LinkedInShauna Pilgreen on XShauna Pilgreen on InstagramTranslating Jesus: How to Share Your Faith in Language Today's Culture Can UnderstandAlphaBasic ChristianityMere Discipleship: Growing in Wisdom and HopeMadeleine L'Engle on AmazonHe Restores My Soul: A For

Nov 8, 2023 • 39:35

Kevin Finch (Executive Director of Big Table)

Kevin Finch (Executive Director of Big Table)

Why Kevin quit his job as a pastor SO THAT he could better minister to people through his work, how NOT being explicit about his faith has led to more conversations about faith than most people ever have, and 3 things you can do to bless the most pained workers in our culture.Links Mentioned:Kevin Finch on LinkedInKevin Finch on XKevin Finch on InstagramBig TableStart with Why‘How to care while eating and sleeping’‘Highest-Paying Careers’Eugene H. PetersonActs 2IsaiahRocket FuelCuesEssentials of

Nov 1, 2023 • 46:52

Michelle Myers (Founder of She Works His Way)

Michelle Myers (Founder of She Works His Way)

How to ensure you don’t end your life describing your work as “meaningless” like Solomon does in the book of Ecclesiastes, the biblical case for enjoying more of the fruits of your labor, and one thing you can do to renew your awe of God and his Word.Links Mentioned:Michelle MyersMichelle Myers on LinkedInMichelle Myers on XMichelle Myers on InstagramShe Works His WayShe Works His WayConversational Commentary on Ecclesiastes: Wisdom to Live for Heaven While on Earth‘Episode 51: Michelle Myers (F

Oct 25, 2023 • 49:41

Aarti Sequeira (Food Network Chef + Author of Unwind)

Aarti Sequeira (Food Network Chef + Author of Unwind)

What Aarti expects coffee to taste like on the New Earth, symptoms that work has gone from a good thing to an ultimate thing, and how to “punch light into the darkness” via your work.Links Mentioned:Aarti Sequeira on InstagramAarti Sequeira YouTubeAarti Sequeira on XAarti Sequeira on FacebookUnwind: A Devotional Cookbook for the Harried and HungryThe Mere Christians Podcast Episode: Aarti Sequeira (Food Network Host)Food NetworkThe Sacredness of Secular Work: 4 Ways Your Job Matters for Eternity

Oct 18, 2023 • 44:01

Jason Woodard (Plant Manager)

Jason Woodard (Plant Manager)

How to fire your neighbor as yourself, why Christians should lean into automation and AI as a means of blessing—not eliminating—people, and why excellence is “your ticket to entry” in sharing the gospel at work.Links Mentioned:Jason Woodard on LinkedInJason Woodard on XBiblical Leadership @ Work PodcastJosh Thompson (Janitor Josh) EpisodeThe Adventures of Janitor JoshStrengths Finder 2.0The Word Before Work Podcast'5 reasons to give thanks for “thorns and thistles” that make work difficult'Seven

Oct 11, 2023 • 44:30

Bethany Brown (Nurse Practitioner + Owner of The Aesthetics Lounge and Spa)

Bethany Brown (Nurse Practitioner + Owner of The Aesthetics Lounge and Spa)

The biblical grounds for doing work some see as vain, how to display Jesus when you get fired, and how God uses even the curse to bless and sanctify us.Links Mentioned:Bethany Brown on LinkedIn Bethany Brown on XBethany Brown on InstagramBethany Brown on FacebookThe Aesthetics Lounge and Spa‘Wilberforce’s List of “Launchers”’James 1Every Good EndeavorHow Then Should We Work?Lean InIf Disney Ran Your HospitalCreating MagicThe Prodigal GodEmily Lincoln on InstagramContact JordanJordan Raynor

Oct 4, 2023 • 30:47

Justin McRoberts (Songwriter + Author of Sacred Strides)

Justin McRoberts (Songwriter + Author of Sacred Strides)

How to work and rest from a place of belovedness, what types of rest can save you from burnout and exhausting vacations, and how ridiculous songs like “You Make the Poops” can honor God.Links Mentioned:Justin McRobertsJustin McRoberts on LinktreeJustin McRoberts on FacebookJustin McRoberts on XJustin McRoberts on YouTubeJustin McRoberts on InstagramSacred Strides: The Journey to Belovedness in Work and RestThe Rest of God: Restoring Your Soul by Restoring the SabbathJohn O’DonohueIn the Name of

Sep 27, 2023 • 42:25

Ole Kirk Christiansen (Founder of LEGO)

Ole Kirk Christiansen (Founder of LEGO)


Sep 26, 2023 • 14:10

THIS WEEK ONLY: Doors are open to the Mere Christians Community!

THIS WEEK ONLY: Doors are open to the Mere Christians Community!

Learn more and sign-up at

Sep 25, 2023 • 5:17

Debbie La Bell (Director of Marketing at Hayden Flour Mills)

Debbie La Bell (Director of Marketing at Hayden Flour Mills)

How to serve AND be served in your marketing, Hayden Flour Mills’s redemptive approach to wheat, and the simplest way your work matters to God.Links Mentioned:Debbie La Bell on LinkedInHayden Flour MillsThe Bible AppThe Perfect LoafChiles and SmokeThe Miller’s DaughterKendall VandersliceSeven Loaves of BreadPat Gelsinger on LinkedInJordan Raynor

Sep 20, 2023 • 36:02

Jen Wilkin and JT English (Authors of You Are a Theologian)

Jen Wilkin and JT English (Authors of You Are a Theologian)

Why everything you do at work is an act of theology, why Christians should view even mundane work as “infused with supernatural meaning,” and how Genesis 1 democratizes human dignity.Links Mentioned:J.T. English on LinkedInJ.T. English on XJen WilkinJen Wilkin on XYou Are a Theologian: An Invitation to Know and Love God WellNone Like Him: 10 Ways God Is Different from Us (and Why That's a Good Thing)Gospel CoalitionThe Knowledge of the HolyDelighting in the TrinityHannah AndersonAndy CrouchJorda

Sep 13, 2023 • 24:47

Dr. Deborah Haarsma (Astronomer + President of BioLogos)

Dr. Deborah Haarsma (Astronomer + President of BioLogos)

How to worship God while you work, even if you spend more time staring at spreadsheets than stars, how thinking of today as rehearsing for eternity can change how you work, and 3 reasons why we need mere Christians working in the sciences and other secular fields.Links Mentioned:Dr. Deborah HaarsmaDr. Deborah Haarsma on LinkedInDr. Deborah Haarsma on InstagramBioLogosCalvin UniversityPsalms 8:3-5GalileoJohannes KeplerRobert BoyleThe Origin of SpeciesDr. Francis CollinsPsalms 103Thanks a Thousand

Sep 6, 2023 • 38:04

Dr. Andreas Köstenberger (Theologian)

Dr. Andreas Köstenberger (Theologian)

The 3 spheres of excellence every Christian is called to, why so many Christians are “addicted to mediocrity,” and the importance of calling out the God-given excellence in others.Links Mentioned:Dr. Andreas Köstenberger on Biblical FoundationsDr. Andreas Köstenberger on LinkedInDr. Andreas Köstenberger on XBiblical FoundationsExcellenceMaster of OneGenesis 1:262 Peter 1:3-5Matthew 25:14-30Matthew 5Dorothy SayersAddicted to MediocrityPhilippians 3:13-14Genesis 1:28Nehemiah 6Ephesians 2:8-10John

Aug 30, 2023 • 33:55

Anne Beiler (Founder of Auntie Anne's)

Anne Beiler (Founder of Auntie Anne's)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Anne Beiler, Founder of Auntie Anne’s, to talk about how Christ redeemed her after horrific trauma and abuse, how her trauma gave her purpose and ambition for Auntie Anne’s, and how to stop overcomplicating the presence of God.Links Mentioned:Auntie Anne Beiler on InstagramAuntie Anne BeilerAuntie Anne’sTwist of FaithHe Will Hold Me Fast on YouTubeEmerge Counseling MinistriesCome to the TableDisciplines for the Inner LifeOvercome and LeadJordan Raynor

Aug 23, 2023 • 44:32

Nicky Gumbel (Pioneer of Alpha)

Nicky Gumbel (Pioneer of Alpha)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Nicky Gumbel, Pioneer of Alpha, to talk about why Alpha is the #1 tool I recommend for sharing the gospel winsomely with your co-workers, how Ephesians should compel pastors to view themselves as the “backline” and mere Christians as the “frontline,” and how to “draw out the deep well” in others.Links Mentioned:AlphaBible in One Year (BiOY)Nicky Gumbel on InstagramNicky Gumbel on TikTokNicky Gumbel on FacebookNicky Gumbel on XNicky Gumbel LinktreeAlpha Film Series‘Al

Aug 16, 2023 • 37:15

Stefanie Gass (Host of The Stefanie Gass Show)

Stefanie Gass (Host of The Stefanie Gass Show)

How “discernment alarms” can alert you to the work beneath your work, how Stefanie has seen simple vulnerable storytelling lead to opportunities to share the gospel, and why dissenting from the Kingdom of Noise is so critical to your work.Links Mentioned:Stefanie GassStefanie Gass on InstagramStefanie Gass on TwitterStefanie Gass on LinkedInStefanie Gass on YouTubeThe Sefanie Gass ShowTimothy KellerAuntie Anne's ‘Paul’s secret for escaping the comparison trap’Romans 12Sacred MarriageNew Living T

Aug 9, 2023 • 44:41

Paul TenHaken (Mayor of Sioux Falls, South Dakota)

Paul TenHaken (Mayor of Sioux Falls, South Dakota)

How Paul seeks the Lord when making decisions for his city, how to be relational before we’re confrontational at work, and why Christians should “embrace the chaos” of this world.Links Mentioned:Paul TenHaken on InstagramPaul TenHaken on TwitterClick RainAdam WeberThe Audacity to WinHalftime: Moving from Success to SignificancePaul David TrippGospel CoalitionKingdom Calling: Vocational Stewardship for the Common GoodThe Hole in Our Gospel: What Does God Expect of Us? The Answer That Changed My L

Aug 2, 2023 • 46:14

Russell Moore (Editor-in-Chief of Christianity Today)

Russell Moore (Editor-in-Chief of Christianity Today)

Russell's terrific advice for deciding when to leave a job, why confidence is what American Christians need most in the workplace, and how to “own your exile” and experience freedom.Links Mentioned:Russell MooreChristianity TodayLosing Our Religion on AmazonChronicles of Narnia on AmazonMere Christianity on AmazonSouthern Baptist ConventionThe Dip on AmazonCounterfeit GodsThe Practice of the Presence of God on AmazonThe Uncontrollability of the World on AmazonThe Witch Trials of J.K. RowlingJord

Jul 26, 2023 • 45:44

Josh Thompson (Janitor)

Josh Thompson (Janitor)

What the “dirty jobs” of God mean for you and me, the power of dwelling on what God has saved you from, and how to “choose joy” in a job you don’t love.Links Mentioned:Janitor JoshThe Adventures of Janitor Josh on AmazonThe Power of a Praying WifeJordan Raynor

Jul 19, 2023 • 31:15

Letisha Bereola (Fmr. News Anchor + Founder of Paradigm Media Group)

Letisha Bereola (Fmr. News Anchor + Founder of Paradigm Media Group)

How to honor your employer with your side hustle, what AI means for human connection and podcasting, and how to “show your work” when you create any content at work as a means of demonstrating trustworthiness.Links Mentioned:Letisha BereolaLetisha Bereola on LinkedInLetisha Bereola on TwitterLetisha Bereola on InstagramLetisha Bereola on FacebookParadigm Media GroupAudacity With Letisha Bereola‘Replay of my last conversation with Tim Keller’ | Jordan Raynor‘Carpool Karaoke with Tim Keller’Kelly

Jul 12, 2023 • 42:13

Dave Evans (Co-founder of EA Sports + Author of Designing Your Life)

Dave Evans (Co-founder of EA Sports + Author of Designing Your Life)

How the truth that “God’s will is much more a way than a thing” leads to a radical freedom in life and work, the difference between “justifying your legitimacy” and “expressing your belovedness” through your work, and the most brilliant interpretation of Ecclesiastes I’ve ever heard.Links Mentioned:Dave Evans on LinkedInDave Evans on TwitterDesigning Your LifeDesigning Your LifeElectronic ArtsStanford UniversityStanford Life Design LabChristian Companion to Designing Your LifeBill Burnett on Lin

Jul 5, 2023 • 45:35

Bobo Beck (Realtor + Author of Wisdom Calling)

Bobo Beck (Realtor + Author of Wisdom Calling)

How to distinguish between holy ambition and selfish ambition, how to do “due diligence on your soul” and not just a deal, and could there have eventually been realtors in the Garden of Eden?Links Mentioned:Bobo Beck on LinkedInBobo Beck on TwitterBobo Beck on InstagramWisdom CallingWisdom Calling: A Professional's Devotional Guide to Skillful Life and WorkThe Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated AmericaVisioneeringThe Freedom of Self-ForgetfulnessDon’t Waste Your L

Jun 28, 2023 • 42:00

THIS WEEK ONLY: You're invited to join the Mere Christians Community!

THIS WEEK ONLY: You're invited to join the Mere Christians Community!

Learn more at

Jun 26, 2023 • 5:16

Christy Adams (Middle School Teacher)

Christy Adams (Middle School Teacher)

What Mordecai can teach us about working in exile, why Christy sees teaching in public schools as a form of justice, and how to insulate without isolating from the world.Links Mentioned:Christy Adams on Facebook'Christy Adams (Teacher) | Jordan Raynor’NetflixMicah 6:8Philippians 2:4John 17EstherRuthNicky Gumbel on TwitterAlpha'What is the work beneath your work?’Gilmore GirlsThe Creator in YouHarry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Jen WilkinJordan Raynor

Jun 21, 2023 • 27:35

Mike Kelsey (Pastor at McLean Bible Church)

Mike Kelsey (Pastor at McLean Bible Church)

Why common grace is the key to worshiping more while you work and experience the work of others, how calling out the work of non-Christians as God’s work can build bridges for sharing the gospel, and how Jordan explained to his kids how God protected them on a recent road trip.Links Mentioned:Mike Kelsey on LinkedInMike Kelsey on InstagramMike Kelsey on TwitterMcLean Bible ChurchMcLean Bible Church on InstagramKate Schmidgall on LinkedInTimothy KellerPraying Like MonksThe Imperfect PastorReading

Jun 14, 2023 • 43:08

Dr. Gordon Chen (Chief Medical Officer of ChenMed)

Dr. Gordon Chen (Chief Medical Officer of ChenMed)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Dr. Gordon Chen, Chief Medical Officer of ChenMed, to talk about their radical business model that is doing justice in powerful ways, how to embrace and address conflict at work in a God-honoring way, and what Jesus’s work as a physician means for us.Links Mentioned:Gordon Chen on LinkedInGordon Chen on TwitterChenMedThe Calling: A Memoir of Faith, Family, and the Future of HealthcareUnlimited Memory: How to Use Advanced Learning Strategies to Learn Faster, Remember

Jun 7, 2023 • 33:03

Jon Tyson (Pastor at Church of the City New York)

Jon Tyson (Pastor at Church of the City New York)

What will make Christians distinct in the workplace, what Sabbath ceasing, resting, embracing, and feasting can look like practically, and why the goal of local churches should be to equip believers for working outside the church.Links Mentioned:Jon Tyson on InstagramJon Tyson on TwitterChurch of the City New YorkPRAY.NYCThe Intentional FatherA Creative MinorityThe Burden Is Light''The great untold scandal': the sordid tale of boyband mogul Lou Pearlman’R.C. Sproul Ligonier MinistriesEphesians 4

May 31, 2023 • 48:17

Dr. Francis Collins (Fmr. Director of the National Institutes of Health)

Dr. Francis Collins (Fmr. Director of the National Institutes of Health)

Dr. Collins's remarkable response to death threats from so-called Christians during the pandemic, the theological root of many Christians’ dismissal of science, and what he’s currently writing in his first book in nearly 20 years.Links Mentioned:Dr. Francis Collins on LinkedIn‘“Genesis" Song – N.T. Wright and Francis Collins’N.T. WrightBioLogos‘Faith, Science, and Francis Collins’Psalms 1Timothy KellerThe Language of GodMere ChristianityThe Reason for GodDr. Jane Goodall‘Inspiration and Hope: An

May 24, 2023 • 31:16

Replay of my last conversation with Tim Keller

Replay of my last conversation with Tim Keller

Links Mentioned:Tim KellerTim's article in The AtlanticForgiveEvery Good EndeavorThe Prodigal GodThe Reason For GodTim Keller on TwitterGeorge WhitefieldFreedom of Self-ForgetfulnessCounterfeit GodsHow to Reach the West AgainEvangelism in the Early ChurchWhy We Are RestlessFrancis CollinsThe Language of GodThe Creator in You

May 19, 2023 • 29:22

Monica Swanson (Mom + Author of Raising Amazing)

Monica Swanson (Mom + Author of Raising Amazing)

How to access the Holy Spirit’s power to stop outbursts of anger at your colleagues at home (read: kids), how to be as intentional about the work in your living room as the work in your office, and how to surround your kids with impressive Christian professionals.Links Mentioned:Monica SwansonMonica Swanson on LinkedInMonica Swanson on TwitterMonica Swanson on InstagramMonica Swanson on FacebookLuke Swanson on InstagramRaising AmazingBoy MomOn BirthGritThe 40-Day FeastMind Your MindsetJordan Ray

May 17, 2023 • 42:27

Terry Glaspey (Author of Discovering God Through the Arts)

Terry Glaspey (Author of Discovering God Through the Arts)

How U2, Van Gogh, and Johnny Cash used art to point to spiritual truths, why we should think about our work as “spiritual timebombs,” and how to use mainstream films to share the gospel.Links Mentioned:Terry GlaspeyTerry Glaspey on LinkedInTerry Glaspey on InstagramTerry Glaspey on FacebookDiscovering God through the Arts75 Masterpieces Every Christian Should KnowThe Chronicles of NarniaAt Folsom PrisonMere ChristianityThe Lord of the RingsPhantastes1 Corinthians 3It’s a Wonderful LifeMatthew 5-

May 10, 2023 • 43:39

Sam Acho (Sports Analyst at ESPN)

Sam Acho (Sports Analyst at ESPN)

Why vulnerability is the key to freedom in your work, the power of Christ-like joy in the workplace, and why every mere Christian’s work matters to God.Links Mentioned:Sam AchoSam Acho on TwitterSam Acho on InstagramSam Acho on LinkedInChange Starts with YouLet the World See YouJesus CallingJordan Raynor

May 3, 2023 • 43:45

JP Pokluda (Host of the Becoming Something podcast)

JP Pokluda (Host of the Becoming Something podcast)

Why you should “only do vocational ministry if you can’t do anything else,” JP's terrifically freeing definition of calling, and what dirty bathrooms have to do with the worldview of mere Christians.Links Mentioned:Jonothan JP PokludaJonothan JP Pokluda on InstagramJonothan JP Pokluda on TwitterBecoming SomethingHarris Creek ChurchWhy Do I Do What I Don’t Want to Do?Welcome to AdultingOutdatedGot QuestionsOs GuinnessMatthew 51 Corinthians 7:20Skye Jethani on LinkedInN.T. WrightJohn 20The Creator

Apr 26, 2023 • 48:19

Tim Goeglein (Fmr. Special Assistant to President George W. Bush)

Tim Goeglein (Fmr. Special Assistant to President George W. Bush)

The remarkable grace and mercy Tim was shown in the Oval Office, how to protect against pride in your career, and why we should think of every yesterday as a prologue God has written for today.Links Mentioned:Tim Goeglein Focus on the FamilyFocus on the FamilyMan in the MiddleToward a More Perfect UnionHistory of the American People1776Jordan Raynor

Apr 19, 2023 • 31:03

Becky Pomerleau (Senior Director of Compliance at Paypal)

Becky Pomerleau (Senior Director of Compliance at Paypal)

How a near-death experience renewed Becky's passion for her work, how she contrasts the peace she has in Christ with the happiness many of her co-workers pursue, and why Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) can be a powerful means of sharing the gospel at work.Links Mentioned:Becky Pomerleau on LinkedInBecky Pomerleau on TwitterPayPaleBayWanji Walcott on LinkedInBelieve at PayPalEphesians 2:8-10John 1:12-13Ezekiel 36:26Pastor Roy Tinklenberg on LinkedInFaith and Work MovementRedeeming Your TimeJohn P

Apr 12, 2023 • 43:28

You're invited to the second Redeeming Your Time Retreat!

You're invited to the second Redeeming Your Time Retreat!

Learn more at

Apr 11, 2023 • 3:45

Mark Batterson (Author of Please, Sorry, Thanks)

Mark Batterson (Author of Please, Sorry, Thanks)

The best “please” Mark has ever received to speak at an event (and how you can mimic it), how an intern once confronted Mark with radical (but loving) candor, and why it’s so dangerous to treat the Great Commission as the only commission.Links Mentioned:Mark BattersonMark Batterson on TwitterMark Batterson on InstagramMark Batterson on FacebookNational Community ChurchPlease, Sorry, ThanksPlease, Sorry, Thanks PreordersWin the DayIn a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy DayThe Circle MakerThe Best Worst

Apr 5, 2023 • 42:29

Teena Dare (Waitress + Host of the Faith, Work & Rest Podcast)

Teena Dare (Waitress + Host of the Faith, Work & Rest Podcast)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Teena Dare, Waitress + Host of the Faith, Work & Rest Podcast, to talk about 3 ways to be distinctly Christian in any job, how to engage your industry without assimilating to the ungodly ways of your industry, and why the biblical narrative of work is so attractive to non-Christians.Links Mentioned:Teena DareTeena Dare on InstagramTeena Dare on TwitterFaith, Work, & Rest PodcastSurge NetworkIn Plain SightAarti Sequeira (Food Network Host)Isaiah 25‘The Table’The Missi

Mar 29, 2023 • 40:37

Michael Hyatt (Founder and Chairman of Full Focus)

Michael Hyatt (Founder and Chairman of Full Focus)

How to leverage Scripture to identify, interrogate, and reimagine the stories you tell yourself, how Michael’s recent heart attack has shaped his ambition for his work, and what Jesus’s lack of an Enneagram number means for you and me.Links Mentioned:Michael Hyatt on LinkedInMichael Hyatt on TwitterMind Your Mindset WebsiteMind Your MindsetPlatformLiving ForwardYour Best Year EverMegan Hyatt Miller on LinkedInMarissa Hyatt on LinkedInFull FocusFull Focus on InstagramFull Focus Planner Community

Mar 22, 2023 • 43:09

Dr. Curt Thompson (Psychiatrist + Author of The Soul of Desire)

Dr. Curt Thompson (Psychiatrist + Author of The Soul of Desire)

How to shift from “playing not to lose” to “playing to win,” why acknowledging that you’ll never have a pure motive is unbelievably empowering, and how to take your Christian community with you mentally as you do hard things.Links Mentioned:Jordan RaynorDr. Curt ThompsonThe Soul of DesireThe Soul of ShameDr. Curt Thompson on TwitterThe Great DivorceTim KellerN.T. WrightInto the Silent LandDominionFaith, Hope and CarnageSajan George

Mar 15, 2023 • 44:46

David Platt (Founder of Radical)

David Platt (Founder of Radical)

6 steps to following Jesus fully at work, how David’s view of the Great Commission has greatly expanded over time, and how to respond to gender pronouns in the workplace.Links Mentioned:David Platt on InstagramDavid Platt on TwitterDavid Platt on FacebookDavid Platt Books on AmazonRadicalThe Gospel at WorkEmbodiedGospel ThreadsKnowing GodDesiring GodJordan Raynor

Mar 8, 2023 • 48:20

Kendall Vanderslice (Baker & Theologian)

Kendall Vanderslice (Baker & Theologian)

What it means for your work that God never rescinded his claim that the material world is good, how to think about your work through the Creation, Fall, Renewal framework, and whether or not there will be gluten-free bread on the New Earth.Links Mentioned:Kendall VandersliceKendall Vanderslice on LinkedInKendall Vanderslice on TwitterKendall Vanderslice on InstagramKendall Vanderslice on FacebookEdible TheologyDuke DivinityBy Bread AloneWe Will FeastMercy ShipsMatthew 4:4John 1:1John 6Genesis 1G

Mar 1, 2023 • 40:57

Dr. Amy Sherman (Author of Kingdom Calling)

Dr. Amy Sherman (Author of Kingdom Calling)

How the “Too Narrow Gospel” and a bad theology of heaven are blocking your vision for your work, 4 pathways for stewarding your vocation for the advancement of the Kingdom of God, and why we should all think of our lives as ice cream tasting spoons.Links Mentioned:Dr. Amy ShermanSagamore InstituteKingdom CallingAgents of FlourishingRedeeming Your TimeThe World Before Work‘Skye Jethani (Co-host of the Holy Post Podcast)’Proverbs 11:10Timothy KellerHeavenThomas NelsonPsalm 37:23Being DisciplesSurp

Feb 22, 2023 • 49:18

Nathan Carnes (Sales Director at Automation Hero)

Nathan Carnes (Sales Director at Automation Hero)

How to build relationships with co-workers virtually, how to move from the Surface, to the Serious, to the Spiritual with those you work with, and how to respond to your employer when they ask you to do something that’s at odds with God’s Word.Links Mentioned:Nathan Carnes on LinkedInNathan Carnes on TwitterMimi Chan EpisodeSean Kouplen EpisodeDavid Green EpisodePrayer by Tim KellerThe Intentional Father by Jon TysonFortaJordan Raynor

Feb 15, 2023 • 41:57

Katelyn James (Founder of Katelyn James Photography + Education)

Katelyn James (Founder of Katelyn James Photography + Education)

What the tragic death of her son taught her about life and work, how to resolve conflicts at work in a Christ-honoring way, and how refusing to listen to the Holy Spirit has cost her tens of thousands of dollars.Links Mentioned:Katelyn JamesKatelyn James on TwitterKatelyn James on InstagramKatelyn James on FacebookKatelyn James on YouTubeKatelyn James on PinterestJames 1:2-4Proverbs 27:5    Find Your PeopleShay CochraneJordan Raynor

Feb 8, 2023 • 43:30

Stephen Mansfield (Author of The Search for God and Guinness)

Stephen Mansfield (Author of The Search for God and Guinness)

How Arthur Guinness’s faith motivated him to sign a 9,000-year lease, why monks and nuns viewed brewing beer as deeply missional, and how Guinness created a “thin place” between heaven and earth.Links Mentioned:Stephen MansfieldStephen Mansfield on TwitterThe Search for God and GuinnessThe Celtic Way of EvangelismThe Pursuit of GodMansfield's Book of Manly MenJordan Raynor

Feb 1, 2023 • 44:51

Jake Reed (Assistant Manager at Trader Joe's)

Jake Reed (Assistant Manager at Trader Joe's)

Why Jake voluntarily took a demotion for the good of his soul, the difference between hearing and listening to God’s voice, and the case for encouraging your team’s vocational dreams even if it leads them to leave your business.Links Mentioned:Jake Reed on LinkedInTrader Joe’sThe Mere Christians Podcast Episode 64: Harris IIIThe Mere Christians Podcast Episode 171: Tim KellerThe Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn TreaderIn the HeightsThe Creator in YouCalled to CreateRedeeming Your Tim

Jan 25, 2023 • 35:46

Rachel Marie Kang (Poet + Author of Let There Be Art)

Rachel Marie Kang (Poet + Author of Let There Be Art)

What it means to “fill and subdue” the earth per God’s command in Genesis 1:28, the intrinsic goodness of any work “that helps, heals, entertains, or redeems,” and why Rachel is intentional about doing work that nobody will ever see.Links Mentioned:Rachel Marie KangLet There Be ArtThe Fallow HouseRachel Marie Kang on LinkedInRachel Marie Kang on TwitterRachel Marie Kang on InstagramRachel Marie Kang on FacebookWalking on WaterCreation RediscoveredNaming the Animals

Jan 18, 2023 • 26:54

Lauren Gill (Co-Author of The Missional Disciple)

Lauren Gill (Co-Author of The Missional Disciple)

One of the best 2X2 charts I’ve ever seen to help you evaluate how deeply your faith is connected to your work, how a waitress, actress, and public school employee are “doing justice” in tangible, bite-sized ways, and 2 things your pastor can do this week to help the mere Christians in their congregations more deeply connect their faith and work.Links Mentioned:Lauren Gill on LinkedInThe Missional DiscipleGlobal Faith and Work InitiativeRedeemer City to CityThe Gotham Fellowship‘Justice in the B

Jan 11, 2023 • 43:21

Neal Samudre (Author of Start from Joy)

Neal Samudre (Author of Start from Joy)

How to practically find joy in your job regardless of circumstances, 5 options for a “joyful purpose” for your work, and Neal’s #1 tip for finding peace amidst the chaos of your work.Links Mentioned:Neal SamudreEnjoycoStart from JoyRedeeming Your TimeRuthless Elimination of HurryEssentialismBlack PantherLetitia WrightMichael B. Jordan

Jan 4, 2023 • 35:52

Andrea Sherwood (Director of Cyber Security at NBCUniversal)

Andrea Sherwood (Director of Cyber Security at NBCUniversal)

The difference between Christians insulating and isolating from the world, the power of articulating what jobs you want to be doing for eternity, and one of the rare times we’re called to disobey our bosses.Links Mentioned:Andrea Sherwood on LinkedInNBCUniversal MediaC-Suite for ChristThe Word Before Work CommunityMaple Street Biscuit CompanyCalled To CreateRedeeming Your TimeThe Holiness of GodMaturity

Dec 28, 2022 • 30:21

Vernon and Ellen Landreth (Santa and Mrs. Claus)

Vernon and Ellen Landreth (Santa and Mrs. Claus)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Vernon and Ellen Landreth, Santa and Mrs. Claus, to talk about why you should think of yourself as a “Secret Santa” at work all year long, how to take a “there you are” versus a “here I am” approach to your work, and why Santa comes at night.Links Mentioned:Ellen Landreth on LinkedInEllen Landreth on TwitterVernon Landreth on LinkedInThe Santa CoupleDream BigDawsA Chance to DieThings That Matter

Dec 21, 2022 • 31:41

Henry Ho (Co-founder of Field Agent)

Henry Ho (Co-founder of Field Agent)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Henry Ho, Co-founder of Field Agent, to talk about the email Henry sent to his team at P&G giving glory to God as he left, the difference between walking in confidence and walking in faith, and how working in a redemptive way can be as simple as asking somebody to share their name.Links Mentioned:Henry Ho on LinkedInHenry Ho on TwitterField AgentSimpli FieldNate’s HoneyThe Creator in YouThe Rule of LifeThe Redemptive NonprofitThe Redemptive BusinessWho Is My Neighbor

Dec 14, 2022 • 33:03

Mimi Chan (Head of Seasonal Events at Amazon Books)

Mimi Chan (Head of Seasonal Events at Amazon Books)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Mimi Chan, Head of Seasonal Events at Amazon Books, to talk about how to speak up for the powerless in your office, how to take a stand for God’s way in a God-honoring way at work, and why we need Christians rushing INTO “secular” workplaces in order to claim them as sacred.Links Mentioned:Mimi Chan on TwitterMimi Chan on LinkedInMimi Chan on InstagramMimi Chan on GoodreadsAmazon on LinkedInAmazonLecrae on InstagramII Corinthians 9:7-8Faith & Work MovementPeter Tsuka

Dec 7, 2022 • 44:45

Shaun Castillo (President of Preferred Technologies)

Shaun Castillo (President of Preferred Technologies)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Shaun Castillo, President of Preferred Technologies, to talk about how to spot the deeply personal needs of those you work with, the injustice blue-collar workers experience and how to help fix it, and 3 ways to “scratch-off” the Kingdom of God.Links Mentioned:Shaun Castillo on LinkedInPreferred TechnologiesGentle and LowlyWithThe Practice of the Presence of GodGood WorkEpisode 53: Dave Hataj (Owner of Edgerton Gear, Inc.)Redeeming Your TimeThe Waiting FatherThe Inte

Nov 30, 2022 • 45:59

Ronald R. Johnson (Customer Service Representative)

Ronald R. Johnson (Customer Service Representative)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Ronald R. Johnson, Customer Service Representative, to talk about how Ron came to embrace a job he once hated, how to have a real-time, 3-way conversation between you, God, and those you work with, and what managers can do to truly bless their frontline employees.Links Mentioned:The RobeCustomer Service and the Imitation of ChristEvery Good EndeavorThe Adventure of LivingNehemiah: An Expositional Commentary

Nov 23, 2022 • 37:25

Deb Liu (CEO of

Deb Liu (CEO of

Jordan Raynor sits down with Deb Liu, CEO of, to talk about rethinking evangelism as something we do every minute of every day, why Deb pitched Facebook Marketplace in her first interview with Sheryl Sandberg, and the super practical thing you can do today to show your co-workers that you value them beyond their productivity.Links Mentioned:Deborah Liu on LinkedInDeb Liu on TwitterDeb Liu on InstagramDeb Liu’s newsletter on SubstackAncestryMommy SchoolTake Back Your Power: 10 New Ru

Nov 16, 2022 • 38:27

Sadie and Eric Hess (Owners of Compass SLS)

Sadie and Eric Hess (Owners of Compass SLS)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Sadie and Eric Hess, Owners of Compass, to talk about the best definition of “worship” he's ever heard, how to dream big while remaining content, and symptoms that you’ve forgotten that all you have is from God.Links Mentioned:Eric Hess on LinkedInSadie Hess on LinkedInSadie Hess on TwitterCompassAnointed for Business by Ed SilvosoThe Purpose Driven LifeGentle and Lowly by Dane OrtlundThe God Impulse by Jack AlexanderLoving Our Kids on Purpose by Danny SilkUnpunishab

Nov 9, 2022 • 43:56

Tim Keller (Author of Forgive)

Tim Keller (Author of Forgive)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Tim Keller, Author of Forgive, to talk about the 4 actions that constitute true biblical forgiveness, how the gospel enables us to stop using work as a metaphorical fig leaf, and why mere Christians are going to be the ones most effective at making disciples in the next few generations.Links Mentioned:Tim KellerTim's article in The AtlanticForgiveEvery Good EndeavorThe Prodigal GodThe Reason For GodTim Keller on TwitterGeorge WhitefieldFreedom of Self-ForgetfulnessCo

Nov 2, 2022 • 25:58

Audiobook excerpt of The Word Before Work daily devotional

Audiobook excerpt of The Word Before Work daily devotional

Get the full audiobook here:

Oct 27, 2022 • 12:23

David Green (CEO of Hobby Lobby) and Bill High (Co-author)

David Green (CEO of Hobby Lobby) and Bill High (Co-author)

Jordan Raynor sits down with David Green, CEO of Hobby Lobby, and Bill High, Co-author of Leadership Not By The Book, to talk about why David has recently started giving less to missions and more to his employees, what Jesus might have told the 5 and 2 talent servants if they hadn’t doubled the Master’s money, and the best answer I’ve ever heard for why Christians shouldn’t retire.Links Mentioned:David Green on FacebookBill HighBill High on TwitterBill High on LinkedInLeadership Not by the BookM

Oct 26, 2022 • 46:54

Jessica Honegger and Liz Bohannon (Founders of Noonday Collection and Sseko Designs)

Jessica Honegger and Liz Bohannon (Founders of Noonday Collection and Sseko Designs)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Jessica Honegger and Liz Bohannon, Founders of Noonday Collection and Sseko Designs, to talk about how to know if you are working for your identity or from it, the costly measures these women are taking to honor all image-bearers in the global fashion supply chain, and how recognizing that you “house the glory of God” can free you to make decisions.Links Mentioned:Noonday CollectionSseko DesignsJessica HoneggerJessica Honegger on TwitterJessica Honegger on LinkedInJe

Oct 19, 2022 • 53:03

Dr. Susan Hillis (Epidemiologist)

Dr. Susan Hillis (Epidemiologist)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Dr. Susan Hillis, Epidemiologist, to talk about how God used her position at the CDC to spearhead caring for 10 million orphans, the profound impact that a silent retreat had on her life and work, and how to remind yourself of the Father’s delight in you as you work.Links Mentioned:Dr. Susan Hillis on LinkedInCDCWorld Without OrphansStrengthening Yourself in the LordHearing GodRed Sea RulesThe Ruthless Elimination of HurryResilient

Oct 12, 2022 • 41:06

Lisa Sharon Harper (Author of The Very Good Gospel)

Lisa Sharon Harper (Author of The Very Good Gospel)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Lisa Sharon Harper, Author of The Very Good Gospel, to talk about why it’s significant that God creates with beauty and function, how a “thicker” gospel gives greater purpose to your work, and the biblical case for “reconnecting shalom” through our work.Links Mentioned:Lisa Sharon HarperThe Very Good GospelLisa Sharon Harper on TwitterLisa Sharon Harper on InstagramFortuneBecoming Rooted

Oct 5, 2022 • 26:20

Skye Jethani (Co-host of the Holy Post Podcast)

Skye Jethani (Co-host of the Holy Post Podcast)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Skye Jethani, Co-host of the Holy Post Podcast, to talk about why Jesus rose from the dead on a Sunday and what it means for your work, how a biblical view of heaven assigns untold dignity to the work you do today, and how to use everything from Altoids to doorframes to cultivate an awareness of God’s presence at work.Links Mentioned:Skye JethaniSkye Jethani on TwitterSkye Jethani on LinkedInHoly Post PodcastWith God DailyWhat If Jesus Was SeriousFuturevilleWithThe P

Sep 28, 2022 • 49:25

Anita Corsini (Co-founder of Red Barn Homes)

Anita Corsini (Co-founder of Red Barn Homes)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Anita Corsini, Co-founder of Red Barn Homes, to talk about how her son’s near-death experience led to more freedom in her work, why Anita is intentional about working slower than she can, and what practically it might look like to “build houses” without the curse (see Isaiah 65).Links Mentioned:Anita Corsini on InstagramFlip or Flop AtlantaRed Barn HomesProfit like the Pros: The Best Real Estate Deals That Shaped Expert InvestorsCalled to CreateThe Creator in YouRede

Sep 21, 2022 • 44:27

Jodi Benson (Voice of Ariel in The Little Mermaid)

Jodi Benson (Voice of Ariel in The Little Mermaid)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Jodi Benson, Disney Legend, to talk about how Jodi has responded to criticism of Disney from Christians, why Jodi thinks of ministry as less of what she does for a living and more of who she is while she’s doing what she’s doing, and how to spot where the Spirit is moving as you work.Links Mentioned:Jodi BensonJodi Benson on InstagramJodi Benson on TwitterPart of My WorldPaige O'HaraHoward Ashman“Part of Your World”Jesus Calling

Sep 14, 2022 • 56:39

Asheritah Ciuciu (Author of Unwrapping the Names of Jesus)

Asheritah Ciuciu (Author of Unwrapping the Names of Jesus)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Asheritah Ciuciu, Author of Unwrapping the Names of Jesus, to talk about what to do when you’re bored with the Word of God, what the various names for Jesus mean practically for your work today, and how dabbling in side projects can cultivate “creative rest” that makes you even better at your core craft.Links Mentioned:Asheritah CiuciuAsheritah Ciuciu on LinkedInAsheritah Ciuciu on TwitterAsheritah Ciuciu on InstagramUnwrapping the Names of Jesus: An Advent Devotiona

Sep 7, 2022 • 44:37

Sean Kouplen (CEO of Regent Bank)

Sean Kouplen (CEO of Regent Bank)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Sean Kouplen, CEO of Regent Bank, to talk about the impact he’s seen from requiring all his managers to spend 30 minutes a week with each direct report with no agenda, how Sean has seen God bring 7 co-workers to faith in Christ, and the freedom that is found when you realize we’re all playing with house money.Links Mentioned:Sean Kouplen on LinkedInSean Kouplen on TwitterRegent BankLove WorksTractionThe 5 Languages of Appreciation in the WorkplaceMere Christians Podc

Aug 31, 2022 • 47:07

Marcus Brotherton (Biographer)

Marcus Brotherton (Biographer)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Marcus Brotherton, Biographer, to talk about why he left pastoral ministry to become a journalist and biographer, 7 questions to ask when you’re discouraged at work, and examples from both our careers about how God has used professional trials for our sanctification.Links Mentioned:Marcus BrothertonMarcus Brotherton on LinkedInA Bright and Blinding SunGary SiniseLouie GiglioEpisode 68Blaze of LightMaster of OneUnbrokenYour God is Too SmallDon’t Give the Enemy a Seat

Aug 24, 2022 • 42:33

Jillian Jenkins (Lunch Lady)

Jillian Jenkins (Lunch Lady)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Jillian Jenkins, Lunch Lady, to talk about why she turned down a job to make more money and work from home, what God’s Word says about humble, dirty jobs, and how we can lead others away from Christ with our words and our actions at work.Links Mentioned:J.F. Jenkins on AmazonHe Saw That It Was GoodCalled to CreateRedeeming Your TimeJordan Raynor

Aug 17, 2022 • 32:18

Tony and Lauren Dungy (NFL Hall of Fame Coach and Author)

Tony and Lauren Dungy (NFL Hall of Fame Coach and Author)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Tony and Lauren Dungy, NFL Hall of Fame Coach and Author, to talk about the barber who had a profound influence on Tony growing up, the best compliment you can receive at work, and the tension between pursuing excellence at work and being called to loving sacrifice at home.Links Mentioned:Tony Dungy on TwitterTony Dungy on LinkedInTony Dungy on InstagramLauren Dungy on TwitterNFL Hall of FameNBCPittsburg SteelersUncommon Influence: Saying Yes to a Purposeful LifeMast

Aug 10, 2022 • 34:33

Allen Arnold (Author of The Story of With)

Allen Arnold (Author of The Story of With)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Allen Arnold, Author of The Story of With, to talk about what it looks like practically to do your work with God and not just for him, the far better alternative to looking for “open and closed doors” as you make decisions, and how to be crazy busy without yourself feeling crazy.Links Mentioned:Allen ArnoldThe Story of With: A Better Way to Live, Love, & CreateWaves of Creativity: A Gathering of Ideas on Creating with GodChaos Can't: Overcome What Comes Against You i

Aug 3, 2022 • 53:26

Andrew Nemr (Tap Dancer)

Andrew Nemr (Tap Dancer)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Andrew Nemr, Tap Dancer, to talk about how to hear the applause for your work before you go on the metaphorical (or literal) stage of your job, how he came to realize that God doesn’t need us but wants us, and why we should view failure as a gracious gift from God. Links Mentioned:Andrew NemrAndrew Nemr on InstagramAndrew Nemr on TwitterIdentity: The Andrew Nemr StoryA Grief ObservedRenovation of the HeartJordan Raynor

Jul 27, 2022 • 44:20

Joshua Becker (Author of Things That Matter)

Joshua Becker (Author of Things That Matter)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Joshua Becker, Author of Things That Matter, to talk about why he left his 15-year career as a pastor to blog about minimalism, how our stuff distracts us from the good works God has prepared for us to do, and how to combat “the work beneath the work” that’s killing our souls.Links Mentioned:Becoming MinimalistBooks by Joshua BeckerThings That MatterThe More of LessClutter-Free with KidsThe Greatest Salesman in the WorldHow to Win Friends and Influence People

Jul 20, 2022 • 43:32

Andy Crouch (Author of Culture Making)

Andy Crouch (Author of Culture Making)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Andy Crouch, Author of Culture Making, to talk about the difference between impact and influence at work and why Jesus calls us to be the latter, the simple exercise you can do today to value those you work with beyond their productivity, and what Scripture has to say about the intrinsic value of your work.Links Mentioned:Andy CrouchAndy Crouch on TwitterPraxisChristianity TodayInterVarsityHarvard UniversityCulture MakingTech-Wise FamilyThe Life We’re Looking ForLecr

Jul 13, 2022 • 52:34

Danielle Andrews (Director of Global Impact for General Mills)

Danielle Andrews (Director of Global Impact for General Mills)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Danielle Andrews, Director of Global Impact for General Mills, to talk about how God uses our work as a crucible to form us into the image of Christ, why sharing the gospel with your co-workers serves your employer, and how to preach the gospel to yourself daily and uncover respectable sins.Links Mentioned:Danielle Andrews on LinkedInGeneral MillsGeneral Mills on LinkedInRespectable SinsRedeeming Your Time Coaching CommunityThe Timothy InitiativeThe Bible AppJordan R

Jul 6, 2022 • 35:38

Andrew Scott (CEO of Operation Mobilization USA)

Andrew Scott (CEO of Operation Mobilization USA)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Andrew Scott, CEO of Operation Mobilization USA, to talk about the startling percentage of early church growth that came through mere Christians, the practical implications of the fact that your “passions have been redeemed," and whether or not the Great Commission negates the First Commission.Links Mentioned:Andrew Scott on LinkedInAndrew Scott on InstagramScatterScatter GlobalWhat is Scatter Global all about?Scatter Foundations Video SeriesGlobal Jobs BoardDiscover

Jun 29, 2022 • 44:39

Ron Johnson (CEO of Enjoy)

Ron Johnson (CEO of Enjoy)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Ron Johnson, CEO of Enjoy, to talk about how he “made love visual” through the Apple Store, his final conversation with Steve Jobs while Jobs was on his deathbed, and why he chose to “start at the bottom” of the career ladder when he had every opportunity not to.Links Mentioned:Ron Johnson on LinkedInRon Johnson on TwitterEnjoyThe Life We're Looking ForBecomenew.meDallas Willard

Jun 22, 2022 • 39:49

Joni Eareckson Tada (Painter)

Joni Eareckson Tada (Painter)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Joni Eareckson Tada, Author of The Awesome Super Fantastic Forever Party, to talk about the first 3 things Joni plans to do when heaven comes to earth, how everything we do in this life either increases or decreases our capacity for leadership on the New Earth, and how our work can be “ingredients in God’s happiness.”Links Mentioned:Joni Eareckson TadaJoni Eareckson Tada’s PaintingsThe Awesome Super Fantastic Forever PartyN.T. WrightJonathan EdwardsDane OrtlundGentle

Jun 15, 2022 • 28:54



Listen to this short episode to learn why we're making the change!

Jun 9, 2022 • 4:36

Laura and Jason van Dyk (Founders of God's fingerprints)

Laura and Jason van Dyk (Founders of God's fingerprints)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Laura and Jason van Dyk, Founders of God’s fingerprints, to talk about why they felt called to grow slower than they could, the great example of how the gospel compels them to “take pains to do what is right” (see 2 Corinthians 8:21), and the problem with our limited view of what constitutes “evangelism.”Links Mentioned:School of Visual ArtsSchool of Visual Arts on LinkedInRedeeming Your Time: 7 Biblical Principles for Being Purposeful, Present, and Wildly Productive

Jun 8, 2022 • 40:34

Brian Sanders (Founder of the Underground Network)

Brian Sanders (Founder of the Underground Network)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Brian Sanders, Founder of The Underground Network, to talk about his freeing approach to calling outlined in his terrific book, The 6 Seasons of Calling, thinking about eternity in three stages of rest, reward, and reign, and why it’s essential that believers not “lose the plot” of redemption and why we do what we do.Links Mentioned:Brian Sanders on LinkedInBrian Sanders on TwitterNational Christian FoundationUnderground Church NetworkUnderground Church BookTampa Und

Jun 1, 2022 • 44:59

Todd Komarnicki (Screenwriter)

Todd Komarnicki (Screenwriter)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Todd Komarnicki, Screenwriter, to talk about how he was able to get a rare laugh out of Clint Eastwood when they were making Sully, why we need to question the language we use about being “hidden in Christ,” and how to get better at receiving feedback on your work.Links Mentioned:Todd Komarnicki on IMDbGuy Walks into a BarGuy Walks into a Bar on LinkedInScott Harrison (Founder of charity: water)Making A Good Script GreatStone ArabiaLetters to a Young PoetRedeeming Yo

May 25, 2022 • 45:00

Haejin Shim Fujimura (Attorney)

Haejin Shim Fujimura (Attorney)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Haejin Shim Fujimura, Attorney, to talk about the wild story of how a painting served as a wardrobe-like portal into the Kingdom, seeing Adam and Eve as lawyers before the Fall, and how she sees her work fighting human trafficking AND her work as a civil litigator as Kingdom work.Links Mentioned:Haejin Shim Fujimura on LinkedInHaejin Shim Fujimura on InstagramShim & AssociatesJordan RaynorThe Creator in YouI Am Culture CareEmbers InternationalInternational Justice Mi

May 18, 2022 • 46:25

Neil Ahlsten (CEO of Abide)

Neil Ahlsten (CEO of Abide)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Neil Ahlsten, CEO of Abide, to talk about how what you listen to before bed rewires your brain, how to identify yourself as a Christian at work, and the “20 minutes of fun” routine that Neil does with his family to cultivate rest and joy.Links Mentioned:Neil Ahlsten on LinkedInNeil Ahlsten on TwitterAbideWhat is the Hope for Humanity? A discussion of technology, politics, and theologyImagining the Future, Innovation, and God: N.T. Wright and Peter Thiel in San Franci

May 11, 2022 • 42:12

Andrew Klavan (Crime Novelist)

Andrew Klavan (Crime Novelist)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Andrew Klavan, Crime Novelist, to talk about how to cultivate originality in your work, why the Bible is “the great code of art,” and how Andrew came to understand the gospels by reading the great poets of the 18th and 19th centuries.Links Mentioned:Andrew KlavanAndrew Klavan on FacebookAndrew Klavan on TwitterAndrew Klavan on YouTubeThe Truth and Beauty: How the Lives and Works of England's Greatest Poets Point the Way to a Deeper Understanding of the Words of Jesus

May 4, 2022 • 44:17

Sean Devereaux (Executive Producer)

Sean Devereaux (Executive Producer)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Sean Devereaux, Executive Producer, to talk about how the Oscar process works, how he’s seen working with joy as a means to win people to Christ, and why you need to kill your backup plan today.Links Mentioned:Sean Devereaux on LinkedInSean Devereaux on TwitterSean Devereaux on InstagramSean Devereaux on IMBdJordan Raynor

Apr 27, 2022 • 42:45

Dr. Jerry Haag (CEO of One More Child)

Dr. Jerry Haag (CEO of One More Child)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Dr. Jerry T. Haag, CEO of One More Child, to talk about how “leaving loudly” and disabling email can bless your team, the difference between “valuing people” and making people “feel valued,” and my new partnership with One More Child.Links Mentioned:Dr. Jerry T. Haag on LinkedInOne More Child'Go Big and Go Home: Be A Leader In Work-Life Balance'Jordan RaynorThe Creator in YouRedeeming Your TimeThe Hole in Our GospelGood to GreatGentle and LowlyEd Kobel on LinkedInDeB

Apr 20, 2022 • 41:14

Full reading of my children’s book: The Creator in You

Full reading of my children’s book: The Creator in You

See the full book now on

Apr 15, 2022 • 5:22

Jonathan David (Illustrator for The Creator in You)

Jonathan David (Illustrator for The Creator in You)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Jonathan David, Illustrator for The Creator in You, to talk about the story behind how my new children’s book was made, how our work can create “anonymous worship,” and the significance of God “pacing himself” as he worked in Genesis 1.Links Mentioned:The Creator in YouJonathan VossJonathan Voss on TwitterJonathan Voss on FacebookJonathan Voss on GoodreadsThe Wishing BalloonsJordan RaynorJordan Raynor on TwitterJordan Raynor on LinkedinJordan Raynor on InstagramDummy

Apr 13, 2022 • 38:46

Chassie Anders (Founder of Crown of Glory Beauty)

Chassie Anders (Founder of Crown of Glory Beauty)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Chassie Anders, Founder of Crown of Glory Beauty, to talk about why she left “full-time missions” to do the “Kingdom work” she was best equipped to do, what Revelation says about the wedding dress we sow with our good works and 5 tips for sharing the gospel in our post-Christian context.Links Mentioned:Crown Of Glory BeautyTim KellerCalled to Create: A Biblical Invitation to Create, Innovate, and RiskThe Creator in YouThe Prodigal God

Apr 6, 2022 • 43:08

Sneak peek at my first children’s book!

Sneak peek at my first children’s book!

Watch the trailer now on

Apr 5, 2022 • 3:36

Aarti Sequeira (Food Network Host)

Aarti Sequeira (Food Network Host)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Aarti Sequeira, Food Network Host, to talk about what it means that God himself is “in the kitchen” preparing the Feast of the Lamb, what her conversations with God looked like when she lost her dream job at CNN, and what improv can teach us about “focusing out.”Links Mentioned:Aarti SequeiraAarti Sequeira on InstagramAarti Sequeira on TwitterRatioThe Jesus Storybook BibleMy Family Recipe Journal

Mar 30, 2022 • 52:43

Graham Cochrane (Author of How to Get Paid for What You Know)

Graham Cochrane (Author of How to Get Paid for What You Know)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Graham Cochrane, Author of How to Get Paid for What You Know, to talk about how Graham came to view his work as an entrepreneur as ministry even as he was planting a church on the side, 3 steps to discerning what knowledge you have that people will pay for, and our shared beginnings in musical theater via West Side Story.Links Mentioned:Graham CochraneGraham Cochrane on LinkedInGraham Cochrane on YouTubeThe Science of Online Business on YoutubeHow to Get Paid for Wha

Mar 23, 2022 • 46:05

Zach Williams (Creator of The Untold)

Zach Williams (Creator of The Untold)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Zach Williams, Creator of The Untold, to talk about why growth and comfort cannot coexist, why Zach is grateful that the Lord has given him way more than he can handle, and how a little-known story from Chick-fil-A inspired me to be intentional about not growing my business.Links Mentioned:The UntoldThe Untold on InstagramThe Untold on TwitterThe Untold on YoutubeZero to OneCalled to CreateDelivering HappinessThe Ride of a LifetimeDisney WarRedeeming Your Time Coachi

Mar 16, 2022 • 47:44

Rick Mountcastle (Assistant Attorney General, Virginia)

Rick Mountcastle (Assistant Attorney General, Virginia)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Rick Mountcastle, Assistant Attorney General, Virginia, to talk about how his experience with Dopesick shows that we have no idea the impact God will produce through our work, how God calls his people to do uncomfortable things to advance his Kingdom, and why the gospel should produce fearlessness in all believers.Links Mentioned:Rick Mountcastle on LinkedInDopesickSearching for Sugar ManUnbrokenRecountChristafari on Youtube

Mar 9, 2022 • 46:42

Kristin Joy Taylor (Illustrator of A Star for You)

Kristin Joy Taylor (Illustrator of A Star for You)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Kristin Joy Taylor, Illustrator of A Star for You, to talk about why play is so crucial to mastery and experiencing the gospel, what God’s promise to Abraham has to do with your work, and why she and her friend drove 16 hours to thank a pastor in-person for his sermon.Links Mentioned:Kristin Joy Taylor's websiteA Star for YouMakoto FujimuraGolden Sea by Makoto FujimuraIn Search of GreatnessSong TellerIsh, Dot, and Sky Color (Creatrilogy)Every Moment Holy by Douglas M

Mar 2, 2022 • 46:20

Valerie Woerner (Founder of Val Marie Paper)

Valerie Woerner (Founder of Val Marie Paper)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Valerie Woerner, Founder of Val Marie Paper, to talk about how she uses "pre-joicing" to remember her worth in Christ regardless of the results of her work, why Christians should be creating the most original and inimitable work in the world, and what you can learn by reviewing old prayers.Links Mentioned:Valerie Woerner on LinkedInValerie Woerner on TwitterVal Marie PaperVal Marie Paper on FacebookVal Marie Paper on InstagramVal Marie Paper on PinterestThe Wedding P

Feb 23, 2022 • 51:16

Carmen Enns (Technical Assistant at Intel)

Carmen Enns (Technical Assistant at Intel)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Carmen Enns, Technical Assistant at Intel, to talk about how travel can be a vehicle for worship, why we need Christians working in large institutions, and why silence is a crucial key to mastering your craft.Links Mentioned:Carmen Enns on LinkedInWhere in Da World websiteIntelEnneagram Personality TestGallup StrengthFinderMeasure What MattersThe Making of a ManagerThe Insanity of GodThe Juggling Act: Balancing Your Faith, Family and WorkPat Gelsinger on LinkedInVmwa

Feb 16, 2022 • 31:49

Christeen Rico (Founder of Dream Bigger Ventures)

Christeen Rico (Founder of Dream Bigger Ventures)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Christeen Rico, Founder of Dream Bigger Ventures, to talk about how her faith influenced how she thought about re-opening Apple’s 400+ retail stores after the pandemic, three questions Christeen asks to find eternal purpose in her work, and daily, weekly, and annual rhythms for cultivating unhurried stillness that expands her imagination.Links Mentioned:Christeen Rico on LinkedInChristeen Rico on TwitterDream Bigger VenturesApplePwCAngela Ahrendts on LinkedInLausanne

Feb 9, 2022 • 47:32

Chandler Bolt (CEO of Self-Publishing School)

Chandler Bolt (CEO of Self-Publishing School)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Chandler Bolt, CEO of Self-Publishing School, to talk about why to avoid asking “What’s New?” and “What’s Next?” in your work, and the two brilliant questions to replace those with, the difference between lightbulb and whack-a-mole approaches to management, and why every professional should consider writing a book.Links Mentioned:Chandler Bolt on LinkedInPublished: The Proven Path From Blank Page to 10,000 Copies SoldSelf-Publishing SchoolRedeeming Your Time: 7 Bibli

Feb 2, 2022 • 40:25

Scott Harrison (Founder of charity: water)

Scott Harrison (Founder of charity: water)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Scott Harrison, Founder of charity: water, to talk about the remarkable story of how he went from being a nightclub promoter to working to end the water crisis, the simple secret to staying focused on the work you’ve been called to master, and why our work matters for eternity even when we’re not sharing the gospel.Links Mentioned:Charity: waterThirstThe Ruthless Elimination of HurrySacred FireDallas WillardScott Harrison on LinkedInScott Harrison on TwitterScott Har

Jan 26, 2022 • 52:31

Makoto Fujimura (Artist)

Makoto Fujimura (Artist)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Makoto Fujimura, Artist, to talk about what the New Jerusalem’s 5,600 miles of precious stones tell us about our work, how the ancient art of Kintsugi preaches a powerful sermon of the gospel, and what lessons we can all take from “slow art” as we master our varied vocations.Links Mentioned:Makoto FujimuraMakoto Fujimura on TwitterMakoto Fujimura on YouTubeArt and Faith: A Theology of MakingCulture Care: Reconnecting with Beauty For Our Common LifeLeaf by NiggleCultu

Jan 19, 2022 • 43:25

Dr. Jennifer Wiseman (Astrophysicist)

Dr. Jennifer Wiseman (Astrophysicist)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Dr. Jennifer Wiseman, Astrophysicist, to talk about the remarkable story of discovering a comet when she was a senior in college, how studying the stars can lead us to worship, and a fun conversation about whether or not we’ll be able to travel through the New Heavens from the New Earth.Links Mentioned:Jennifer Wiseman on BiologosHeaven: A Comprehensive Guide to Everything the Bible Says About Our Eternal HomeThe Language of God by Francis Collins

Jan 12, 2022 • 33:18

Mike Cosper (Host of The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill)

Mike Cosper (Host of The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Mike Cosper, Host of The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill, to talk about what you learn by resisting shortcuts in your career, the value of living outside of the geographic center of your industry, and what Denzel Washington’s role in Training Day can teach us about how Christians can engage culture.Links Mentioned:The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill PodcastsMike Cosper on TwitterThe Artist's WayQuack This WayBorn Standing UpMary KarrLitTraining DayTed Lasso

Jan 5, 2022 • 44:28

The Word Before Work PODCAST is here!

The Word Before Work PODCAST is here!

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube today!

Jan 3, 2022 • 2:51

My 10 favorite podcast episodes and books of 2021

My 10 favorite podcast episodes and books of 2021

My 10 favorite episodes of The Call to Mastery from 2021:Janeen Uzzell (COO of Wikipedia)Ali Llewellyn & Nick Skytland (NASA Innovators)Amy Downs (CEO of Allegiance Credit Union)Sho Baraka (Hip-Hop Artist)John Eldredge (Author of Wild at Heart)Carla Hayden (COO of hope*writers)Randy Alcorn (Author of Heaven)Dr. Benjamin Long (Sleep Medicine Physician)Dr. Michaela O’Donnell (Executive Director of the Max De Pree Center for Leadership)Victor Boutros (CEO of the Human Trafficking Institute)My 10 fa

Dec 29, 2021 • 28:55

Jeff Brown and Jesse Wisnewski (Authors of Read to Lead)

Jeff Brown and Jesse Wisnewski (Authors of Read to Lead)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Jeff Brown and Jesse Wisnewski, Authors of Read to Lead, to talk about how losing your job can be a blessing, how to absorb books into your bloodstream, and what my personal reading and note-taking process looks like.Links Mentioned:Read to LeadJeff Brown on LinkedInJeff Brown on TwitterRead to Lead PodcastJesse Wisnewski on LinkedInJesse Wisnewski on TwitterPhoneBurnerReadwiseScaling UpThe CallEvery Good EndeavorMultipliersImpact PlayersDie EmptySeth Godin

Dec 29, 2021 • 36:28

Carey Nieuwhof (Host of The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast)

Carey Nieuwhof (Host of The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Carey Nieuwhof, Host of the Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast, to talk about 3 questions to help avoid the comparison trap, how to know if you’re doing your work with God, and how knowing your chronotype can help you do what you’re best at when you’re at your best.Links Mentioned:Carey NieuwhofThe Carey Nieuwhof Leadership PodcastCarey Nieuwhof on TwitterAt Your Best by Carey NieuwhofConnexus ChurchRedeeming Your Time by Jordan RaynorBrad LomenickChristy WrightLeader

Dec 22, 2021 • 49:31

Ryan Sweat (Student Pastor at Beach Church)

Ryan Sweat (Student Pastor at Beach Church)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Ryan Sweat, Student Pastor at Beach Church in Jacksonville, Florida, to talk about why Ryan is encouraging his students to scatter into the world of work, how practically Ryan’s church seeks the prosperity of their city, and not just the prosperity of their church, and the top 3 things we love to make fun of on Christian podcasts.Links Mentioned:Ryan SweatRyan Sweat on LinkedInBeach ChurchJordan Raynor’s bookshelfMaster of One by Jordan RaynorThe Word Before WorkJack

Dec 15, 2021 • 48:11

John Brandon (Journalist)

John Brandon (Journalist)

Jordan Raynor sits down with John Brandon, Journalist, to talk about how the Johari window can help us understand ourselves and our work, what our reticular activating system has to do with our addiction to social media, and A few 7-minute routines that can make you more productive towards the work God has called you to do.Links Mentioned:John Brandon on LinkedInJohn Brandon on TwitterThe 7-Minute Productivity Solution: How to Manage Your Schedule, Overcome Distraction, and Achieve the Results Y

Dec 8, 2021 • 40:25

I just launched a new podcast with Mark Batterson!

I just launched a new podcast with Mark Batterson!

Listen to “Redeem the Day” now wherever you listen to podcasts.

Dec 1, 2021 • 3:38

Edward Grinnan (Editor-in-Chief of Guideposts Publications)

Edward Grinnan (Editor-in-Chief of Guideposts Publications)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Edward Grinnan, Editor-in-Chief of Guideposts Publications, to talk about how Edward went from an alcoholic living on the streets to miraculously landing a job at Guideposts, what he learned about God dangling out the window of a hotel, and how Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAGs) can help you think bigger and more long term.Links Mentioned:Edward Grinnan on LinkedInGuideposts MagazineThe Power of Positive Thinking by Dr. Norman PealeThe Promise of HopeThe Road Less Tra

Dec 1, 2021 • 37:32

Victor Boutros (CEO of the Human Trafficking Institute)

Victor Boutros (CEO of the Human Trafficking Institute)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Victor Boutros, CEO of the Human Trafficking Institute, to talk about the “tangible hope” Victor and his team have for decimating human trafficking in this generation, why Victor has opted for a “master of one” as opposed to a “master of none” strategy for his career, and how building IKEA furniture with our kids can give us a picture of how our work partners with our Heavenly Father’s work.Links Mentioned:Victor Boutros on LinkedInVictor Boutros on TwitterHuman Traf

Nov 24, 2021 • 48:34

Dr. Michaela O’Donnell (Executive Director of the Max De Pree Center for Leadership)

Dr. Michaela O’Donnell (Executive Director of the Max De Pree Center for Leadership)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Dr. Michaela O’Donnell, Executive Director of the Max De Pree Center for Leadership, to talk about the helpful difference between “betting the farm” and taking the “next doable risk,” how Russian nesting dolls can help us think differently about calling, and 3 things to consider before joining the Great Resignation.Links Mentioned:Dr. Michaela O'Donnell on LinkedInMax De Pree Center for LeadershipMake Work MatterMoanaTed LassoLasso Leadership LessonsBill LawrenceDesi

Nov 17, 2021 • 48:02

Cheryl Bachelder (Fmr. CEO of Popeyes)

Cheryl Bachelder (Fmr. CEO of Popeyes)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Cheryl Bachelder, former CEO of Popeyes, to talk about the quote that stopped her in her tracks and led her to understand her calling as “developing leaders for a living,” and how she has learned to embrace her lack of discipline and routine.Links Mentioned:Cheryl BachelderOn Moral BusinessDare to ServeFaith for ExilesRedeeming Your TimeTransfluence

Nov 10, 2021 • 43:25

David & JJ Heller (Songwriters)

David & JJ Heller (Songwriters)

Jordan Raynor sits down with songwriters, David & JJ Heller, to talk about the difference between creating art that is “about the Light” and art that is about “what you can see because of the Light,” what they learned from their shift of releasing full-length albums every year to releasing singles every month, and what Mister Rogers has taught us about how God views our work.Links Mentioned:JJ HellerJJ Heller on TwitterJJ Heller on InstagramJJ Heller on SpotifyJJ Heller on Apple MusicHand to Hol

Nov 3, 2021 • 43:30

Jessica Honegger (Founder of Noonday Collection)

Jessica Honegger (Founder of Noonday Collection)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Jessica Honegger, Founder of Noonday Collection, to talk about what dignified work looks like practically, what the shame Adam and Eve experienced after the Fall has to do with courage and our work, and how prayer and Sabbath can help us “relax into the goodness of God.”Links Mentioned:Noonday CollectionJessica HoneggerJessica Honegger on TwitterJessica Honegger on LinkedInJessica Honegger on InstagramImperfect CourageThe Going Scared PodcastFood for the Hungry Inter

Oct 27, 2021 • 48:11

Becky Nesbitt (Editor at Penguin Random House)

Becky Nesbitt (Editor at Penguin Random House)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Becky Nesbitt, Editor at Penguin Random House, to talk about what happened when Becky started letting her friends curate the news for her, 3 tips for delivering great feedback, and how to view Sabbath as a feast, rather than a chore.Links Mentioned:Becky Nesbitt on LinkedInJordan RaynorJordan Raynor’s BookshelfRedeeming Your Time: 7 Biblical Principles for Being Purposeful, Present, and Wildly ProductivePerennial Seller: The Art of Making and Marketing Work that Last

Oct 20, 2021 • 46:55

Os Guinness (Author of The Call)

Os Guinness (Author of The Call)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Os Guinness, author of The Call, to talk about the surprising friendship between Guinness and William Wilberforce, why a rhythm of “engagement and withdrawal” is a key to redeeming our time, and why Christians should be bold to carry “the future key of history” into our places of work.Links Mentioned:Os GuinnessBooks by Os GuinnessOs Guinness on TwitterOs Guinness on FacebookPractical View of ChristianityPenséesCovenant and Conversations And don't forget, if you pre-

Oct 13, 2021 • 41:00

Audiobook excerpt of Redeeming Your Time

Audiobook excerpt of Redeeming Your Time

Get the full audiobook here:

Oct 11, 2021 • 1:11:19

Matt Perman (Author of What's Best Next)

Matt Perman (Author of What's Best Next)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Matt Perman, Author of What’s Best Next, to talk about his rich theology of “Gospel Driven Productivity,” why we shouldn’t “let go and let God,” but rather “trust God and get going,” and the important difference between “following your passions” and “following your interests.”Links Mentioned:Matt PermanMatt Perman on LinkedInMatt Perman on TwitterWhat’s Best Next BlogWhat's Best Next: How the Gospel Transforms the Way You Get Things DoneDesiring GodAmy WrzesniewskMak

Oct 6, 2021 • 53:16

John Mark Comer (Author of Live No Lies)

John Mark Comer (Author of Live No Lies)

Jordan Raynor sits down with John Mark Comer, Author of Live No Lies, to talk about why he is passing the baton of leadership at his church after 18 years, the difference between thinking about Scripture and THINKING scripture, and how and why to read the gospels as biographies of the life of Christ.Links Mentioned:John Mark ComerLive No LiesThe Ruthless Elimination of HurryBridgetown ChurchCal NewportHow to Be a High School SuperstarPowell's BooksShalom Y'allMalcolm GladwellAdam GrantThe Road L

Sep 29, 2021 • 49:30

Dr. Benjamin Long (Sleep Medicine Physician)

Dr. Benjamin Long (Sleep Medicine Physician)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Dr. Benjamin Long, Sleep Medicine Physician, to talk about the one shockingly simple thing you can do today to drastically improve your sleep, what scientists are learning about the correlation between faith and sleep quality, how we can help our neighbors—especially the marginalized—get better sleep, and Parks and Rec and Pitch Perfect.Links Mentioned:Benjamin LongBenjamin Long on InstagramThe Wholehearted MD websiteDeep Sleep Bible StudyRedeeming Your Time: Seven B

Sep 22, 2021 • 54:44

Randy Alcorn (Author of Heaven)

Randy Alcorn (Author of Heaven)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Randy Alcorn, Author of Heaven, to talk about the difference between Heaven and the New Earth and what it means for our work, the 2 excellent questions Randy asks when evaluating requests for his time, and how the hope of the gospel is getting Randy’s wife Nanci through the fight of her life.Links Mentioned:Randy AlcornRandy Alcorn on TwitterHeavenHeaven for KidsDesiring GodThe Dangerous Duty of DelightGentle and LowlyNick FolesAnd don't forget, if you pre-order a co

Sep 15, 2021 • 47:49

I'm giving away a trip to the Holy Land!

I'm giving away a trip to the Holy Land!

My new book, Redeeming Your Time, won't be released until October 19, but today I'm announcing an epic incentive for you to pre-order the book: I'm giving away a trip for two to the Holy Land (or a cash prize of equivalent value)!Why the Holy Land? Because Redeeming Your Time is centered around 7 timeless time management principles from the life of Christ and 30+ hyper-practical practices to help us live out those principles today, ensuring that we can all walk like Jesus walked. So, I thought,

Sep 14, 2021 • 4:33

Andrew Shearer (Founder of Farmshelf)

Andrew Shearer (Founder of Farmshelf)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Andrew Shearer, Founder of Farmshelf, to talk about how a bird pooping on his notebook at the site of Jesus’s tomb pushed Andrew to found his company, what “gleaning” can look like in our modern society, and what “deep work” can look like for night owls.Links Mentioned:FarmshelfAndrew Shearer on LinkedInPlay BiggerCrazy LoveRadicalJordan Raynor WebsiteJordan Raynor BookshelfThe Call To Mastery on Apple PodcastsJordan Raynor Email

Sep 8, 2021 • 46:39

Nate Knapper (Federal Agent)

Nate Knapper (Federal Agent)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Nate Knapper, Founder of The Joseph Project, to talk about the time I lied to President George W. Bush’s face, how Joseph’s story reveals a God of the pits and the palaces, and why the never-ending work is more inspiring than a finite one.Links Mentioned:The Joseph ProjectNate Knapper on LinkedInGodwinksThe Artisan Soul by Erwin McManus

Sep 1, 2021 • 47:13

Justin Giboney (Co-founder of The AND Campaign)

Justin Giboney (Co-founder of The AND Campaign)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Justin Giboney, Co-founder of The AND Campaign, to talk about why Christians should embrace, rather than lament “political homelessness,” what Steve Jobs can teach us about scaling ideas, and how Christians can speak less and reflect more on the important issues of our time.Links Mentioned:Justin Giboney on TwitterThe AND CampaignThe Leadership CampaignCompassion (&) ConvictionA Time to BuildCapitol MenJordan Raynor

Aug 25, 2021 • 35:03

Mary Marantz (Author of Dirt)

Mary Marantz (Author of Dirt)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Mary Marantz, Author of Dirt, to talk about her story going from a trailer in West Virginia to Yale Law School, how we can celebrate white collar work without demeaning blue-collar work, and how Eminem has served as an inspiration to both of our work.Links Mentioned:Mary MarantzMary Marantz on LinkedInMary Marantz on TwitterMary Marantz on InstagramDirtFrom Lost to FoundThe Whiteboard RoomLovemarksBird by BirdThe War of ArtSuperfansNever Lose a Customer AgainBeautifu

Aug 18, 2021 • 47:48

Dave Blanchard (Co-founder & CEO of Praxis)

Dave Blanchard (Co-founder & CEO of Praxis)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Dave Blanchard, Co-founder & CEO of Praxis, to talk about the difference between exploitative, ethical, and redemptive work, why Christ-followers might want to be looking for “brown fields” instead of “green field” opportunities, and the value of dedicated “competency days” each workweek.Links Mentioned:Dave Blanchard on LinkedInDave Blanchard on TwitterPraxis‘What is redemptive entrepreneurship?’‘Leading Beyond the Blizzard’The Infinite GameTractionRocket FuelAltern

Aug 11, 2021 • 43:33

Spencer Lewis (Carpenter)

Spencer Lewis (Carpenter)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Spencer Lewis, Carpenter, to talk about why he has chosen to resist the phenomenal opportunity he has to grow his business, the difference between excellence and perfection, and the significance of Genesis 2 showing us a God who works with His hands.Links Mentioned:My cell: +1 (813) 530-1419Insider Carpentry on YouTubeInsider Carpentry on InstagramThe Second MountainAlison CookJordan Raynor WebsiteJordan Raynor BookshelfThe Call To Mastery on Apple PodcastsJordan Ray

Aug 4, 2021 • 43:34

Jack Alexander (Founder of Rali Software)

Jack Alexander (Founder of Rali Software)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Jack Alexander, Founder of Rali Software, to talk about why understanding the difference between the “two chapter gospel” and the four or five chapter gospel of the kingdom is crucial to our work, the danger in outsourcing compassion, and how Christians ought to think differently about mercy in the workplace.Links Mentioned:Jack Alexander on LinkedInJack Alexander on FacebookRaliThe Reimagine GroupOneRace MovementRightNow MediaThe God ImpulseThe God GuaranteeTim Kell

Jul 28, 2021 • 45:11

Matt Wallace (Co-founder of ONOW Myanmar)

Matt Wallace (Co-founder of ONOW Myanmar)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Matt Wallace, Co-founder of ONOW Myanmar, to talk about what the Lord taught him after having to flee Myanmar after the country’s military coup, why he believes there’s no difference between spiritual and work conversations, and the #1 piece of advice he would give to aspiring entrepreneurs.Links Mentioned:Matthew Wallace on TwitterMatthew Wallace on LinkedInONOWEngaging the Powers by Walter WinkEvery Moment Holy by Douglas McKelveySurprised by Hope by N.T. Wright

Jul 21, 2021 • 45:08

Collin Hansen & Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra (Editors at The Gospel Coalition)

Collin Hansen & Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra (Editors at The Gospel Coalition)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Collin Hansen & Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra, Editors at The Gospel Coalition, to talk about the debate about what the “whole self” movement will mean for Christians in the workplace, the incredibly practical implications of the theological truth of “inaugurated eschatology,” and 3 problems with “following your passions” in your career.Links Mentioned:Gospel BoundThe Gospel CoalitionJohn HanfordMalcolm GladwellMaster of OneCalled to CreateJordan RaynorJordan’s Bookshelf

Jul 14, 2021 • 48:58

Lisa Lambert (Chief Technology & Innovation Officer of National Grid)

Lisa Lambert (Chief Technology & Innovation Officer of National Grid)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Lisa Lambert, Chief Technology & Innovation Officer of National Grid, to talk about why she went into software development instead of “full-time ministry,” how to disrupt your business or career before someone else does, and the #1 thing this 20+ year veteran VC looks for when investing in startups.Links Mentioned:Lisa Lambert on LinkedInJaneen Uzzell on LinkedInThe Fifth DisciplineThe Westly GroupSafe PeoplePat Gelsinger on LinkedInTaking The Bay

Jul 7, 2021 • 35:32

Carla H. Hayden (COO of hope*writers)

Carla H. Hayden (COO of hope*writers)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Carla H. Hayden, COO of hope*writers, to talk about the one question that will help force clarity at work, even if you’re not the boss, 3 excellent tips for showing love to remote teams, and how a personal quarterly retreat became an integral part of Carla’s work rhythms.Links Mentioned:Carla Hayden on LinkedInCoffee with Carla on InstagramHope WritersJordan Raynor WebsiteJordan Raynor BookshelfThe Call To Mastery on Apple PodcastsJordan Raynor Email

Jun 30, 2021 • 53:13

Jordan Raynor (Host of Mere Christians)

Jordan Raynor (Host of Mere Christians)

Jordan Raynor, Host of the Call to Mastery, takes the guest seat for this special 100th episode. In a conversation with one of the podcast's producers, Jordan shares 5 superlatives for the first 100 episodes including “Best Guest Nobody Has Ever Heard Of” and the “Most Underappreciated Episode,” his two biggest takeaways from reading Scripture front to back specifically looking for what it has to say about work, and how his “one thing” has become more refined.Links Mentioned:Jenna FortierThresho

Jun 23, 2021 • 1:13:40

Tom Bancroft (Animator)

Tom Bancroft (Animator)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Tom Bancroft, Animator, to talk about what it was like being at Disney during the animation renaissance that followed The Little Mermaid, how films like Tangled can help us long for the True Myth of Christianity, and hard questions Christians must wrestle with as we work in workplaces that are increasingly hostile to the gospel.Links Mentioned:Tom Bancroft on InstagramPencilish Animation StudioJordan Raynor WebsiteJordan Raynor BookshelfThe Call To Mastery on Apple P

Jun 16, 2021 • 48:03

Dr. John Delony (Author of Redefining Anxiety)

Dr. John Delony (Author of Redefining Anxiety)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Dr. John Delony, Author of Redefining Anxiety, to talk about how the gospel gives us the verdict before the performance, how to adopt the practice of academic “peer reviews” to your own work, and how the truth that God doesn’t need you is paradoxically freeing.Links Mentioned:Redefining AnxietyJohn DeloneyDave RamseyThe Ramsey ShowBelmont UniversityRich MullinsAnthony O’NealEsther PerelI Don’t Want to Talk About ItThe Body Keeps the ScoreLost ConnectionsThe Deepest W

Jun 9, 2021 • 44:36

Megan Hyatt Miller (CEO of Michael Hyatt & Company)

Megan Hyatt Miller (CEO of Michael Hyatt & Company)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Megan Hyatt Miller, CEO of Michael Hyatt & Company, to talk about what cutting their team’s working day by 25%—from 8 hours to 6—has done for their business, how to be mentally present at home, and how our adoption as children of God enables us to take bigger swings.Links Mentioned:Michael Hyatt & CompanyWin at Work and Succeed at LifeFull Focus PlannerHarperCollins Christian PublishingDee Ann TurnerC.S. LewisPhyllis TickleThe Divine HoursBook of Common PrayerAnn Vos

Jun 2, 2021 • 47:53

John Eldredge (Author of Wild at Heart)

John Eldredge (Author of Wild at Heart)

Jordan Raynor sits down with John Eldredge, Author of Wild at Heart, to talk about his work as a janitor for four years, why “the humility of emulation” is so crucial for mastering your craft, and the unique resources Christians have to take wild risks.Links Mentioned:Wild at HeartWild at Heart by John EldredgeCaptivating by John EldredgeGet Your Life Back by John EldredgeAll Things New by John EldredgeWalking With God by John EldredgeDiary of an Old Soul by George MacDonaldPhantastes by George

May 26, 2021 • 42:16

Sho Baraka (Hip-Hop Artist)

Sho Baraka (Hip-Hop Artist)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Sho Baraka, Hip-Hop Artist, to talk about what we can learn from studying the work of those outside our industry—Dave Chappelle and Taylor Swift, why Sho and I delete and reinstall Instagram on a daily basis, and what Negro spirituals can teach us about creating for the Kingdom of God.Links Mentioned:Sho Baraka on TwitterHe Saw That It Was GoodNate BargatzeDave ChappelleZora Neale HurstonAnthony JeselnikJohn MayerTaylor SwiftMykelti WilliamsSong of SolomonMere Christ

May 19, 2021 • 50:32

New book announcement!

New book announcement!

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May 18, 2021 • 5:44

Dr. Anthony Jones (Middle School Principal)

Dr. Anthony Jones (Middle School Principal)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Dr. Anthony Jones, Middle School Principal, to talk about how his family talks about work around the dinner table to instill a love of work in their kids, how “appreciative inquiry” can be used to develop teams, and why nobody goes to their seventh-grade reunions.Links Mentioned:Sligh Middle Magnet SchoolAppreciative InquiryWhat Great Principals Do DifferentlyAND CampaignEpisode 21 with Christy AdamsJordan Raynor Email

May 12, 2021 • 44:23

Ian Morgan Cron (Author of The Road Back to You)

Ian Morgan Cron (Author of The Road Back to You)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Ian Morgan Cron, Author of The Road Back to You, to talk about 3 ingredients to creative breakthroughs, the incredible story of Ian “betting the farm” on his career as a teacher of the Enneagram, and how the Enneagram can serve as the road back to the gospel.Links Mentioned:Ian Morgan CronTrue You CourseTypology PodcastThe Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery on AmazonJesus, My Father, The CIA, and Me on AmazoniEQ9 AssessmentEpisode with Douglas G

May 5, 2021 • 55:33

João Branco (CMO of Arcos Dorados)

João Branco (CMO of Arcos Dorados)

Jordan Raynor sits down with João Branco, CMO of Arcos Dorado (Brazil), to talk about how creating “delicious, feel-good moments” connects to God’s work in the world, the simple routine he performs each morning to remind himself of his why before work, and the brilliant, practical exercise he took his team through to pivot their marketing plans during the pandemic.Links Mentioned:João BrancoJoão Branco on InstagramChamados para criarArcos DoradosYouVersionTimothy KellerCalled to Create in Portug

Apr 28, 2021 • 34:46

Amy Downs (CEO of Allegiance Credit Union)

Amy Downs (CEO of Allegiance Credit Union)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Amy Downs, CEO of Allegiance Credit Union, to talk about what she prayed while buried in the rubble of the OKC bombing, her 4 steps to practicing hope, and how to cultivate self-awareness.Links Mentioned:Amy Downs on LinkedInAmy Downs on FacebookAmy Downs on TwitterAmy DownsAllegiance Credit UnionHope Is a VerbGetting Things DoneHope RisingRadical CandorNo Rules RulesThe Motive

Apr 21, 2021 • 49:06

Ali Llewellyn & Nick Skytland (NASA Innovators)

Ali Llewellyn & Nick Skytland (NASA Innovators)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Ali Llewellyn & Nick Skytland, NASA Innovators, to talk about the two unique advantages the Church has for shaping the future of the world, how to cast vision based on future possibilities rather than the familiar past, and why interdependence is a key to mastery.Links Mentioned:Ali Llewellyn on TwitterNicholas Skytland on TwitterNicholas Skytland on LinkedInNASANASA Twitter AccountQuite UncommonCampus Crusade Al JazeeraWhat Comes Next? On AmazonFrozen 2HamiltonYuri'

Apr 14, 2021 • 40:51

Jon Acuff (Author of Soundtracks)

Jon Acuff (Author of Soundtracks)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Jon Acuff, Author of Soundtracks, to talk about Yanni, 3 questions to ask of every soundtrack, and how to teach kids about the goodness of work.Links Mentioned:Jon Acuff on TwitterJon Acuff on InstagramJon Acuff on LinkedInJon AcuffJon Acuff BooksSoundtracksSoundtracksAll it Take is a Goal PodcastStuff Christians LikeThe Voice of The HeartWar of ArtA Technique for Producing Ideas

Apr 7, 2021 • 47:03

Cal Newport (Author of Deep Work)

Cal Newport (Author of Deep Work)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Cal Newport, Author of A World Without Email, to talk about how we can escape the tyranny of our email inboxes, how his career as a writer started with a college dare, and why he hears from pastors more than almost anyone else about Deep Work and Digital Minimalism.Links Mentioned:Cal NewportCal Newport on TwitterDeep Questions PodcastDeep WorkDigital MinimalismSo Good They Can't Ignore YouA World Without EmailOther Books by Cal NewportLincoln's VirtuesThe Case for G

Mar 31, 2021 • 45:22

Emily Ley (Founder of Simplified)

Emily Ley (Founder of Simplified)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Emily Ley, Founder of Simplified, to talk about why she volunteered to cut 40% of her revenue, the magic of “batch planning,” and why Christ-followers should be the boldest people on the planet.Links Mentioned:Emily Ley on LinkedInEmily Ley on TwitterEmily Ley on InstagramSimplifiedSimplified on InstagramThe Simplified PodcastGrowing BoldlyThe Four WindsEssentialismAtomic Habits A World Without Email

Mar 24, 2021 • 26:55

Janeen Uzzell (COO of Wikipedia)

Janeen Uzzell (COO of Wikipedia)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Janeen Uzzell, COO of Wikipedia, to talk about how Janeen manages the tension between “hustling” and “trusting” in God, how to build diverse teams that boost your bottom line, and what it looks like to show your kids that you really believe in them.Links Mentioned:Janeen UzzellJaneen Uzzell on TwitterLin-Manuel MirandaBlack EnterprisePaula MadisonMercy ShipsCalled to CreateOKRHot SeatGay Girl, Good GodWe're Going to Need More WineCoors BreweryCheryl Bachelder

Mar 17, 2021 • 51:05

Dr. Caroline Leaf (Cognitive Neuroscientist)

Dr. Caroline Leaf (Cognitive Neuroscientist)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Dr. Caroline Leaf, Cognitive Neuroscientist, to talk about a 5 step neurocycle that can help us live out Paul’s command to renew our mind and take every thought captive, the spirituality of science, and what we can learn about mental health from Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.Links Mentioned:Dr. Caroline LeafDr. Caroline Leaf on TwitterDr. Caroline Leaf on YouTubeDr. Caroline Leaf on InstagramDr. Caroline Leaf Books

Mar 10, 2021 • 46:27

Candace Cameron Bure (Actress)

Candace Cameron Bure (Actress)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Candace Cameron Bure, Actress, to talk about the origins of her signature phrase, “Oh Mylanta,” how practically she initiates conversations about faith in the workplace, and the sign in her church that changed her perspective on Hollywood.Links Mentioned:Candace Cameron Bure on TwitterCandace Cameron Bure on InstagramCandace Cameron Bure on FacebookCandace Cameron BureCandace’s Playful PuppyKind is the New ClassyExcellence WinsHorst Schulze Episode

Mar 3, 2021 • 36:57

Sam Verghese (COO of Florida Virtual School)

Sam Verghese (COO of Florida Virtual School)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Sam Verghese, the COO of Florida Virtual School, to talk about the leadership lessons he learned scaling-up to serve 10X number of students in just a few months, why Sam has chosen to dissent from the Kingdom of Noise of news and social media, and the significance of the fact that Jesus focused his ministry in a single geographic setting.Links Mentioned:Assessment: VergheseFlorida Virtual SchoolDr. AlgazeThe Effective ExecutiveJohn WoodenAdm

Feb 24, 2021 • 49:55

Dr. Nido Qubein (President of High Point University)

Dr. Nido Qubein (President of High Point University)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Dr. Nido Qubein, President of High Point University, to talk about his story of emigrating to the U.S. from the Middle East, 3 things he did to cause his university to grow 5% during COVID while the average university lost 16% of its enrollment, and the two other lists he keeps handy in addition to his to-do list.Links Mentioned:Assessment: Nido QubeinDr. Nido Qubein on TwitterHigh Point UniversityFree Online AssessmentThe Call to Mastery wi

Feb 17, 2021 • 53:08

Francine Rivers (Author of Redeeming Love)

Francine Rivers (Author of Redeeming Love)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Francine Rivers, Author of Redeeming Love, to talk about her involvement in the upcoming Redeeming Love film, Francine’s 3-year bout of writer’s block, and the striking parallels in her life story and that of C.S. Lewis’s.Links Mentioned:Francine RiversRedeeming LoveRedeeming Love: The Companion StudyA Path to Redeeming LoveA Voice in the WindLineage of GraceAngela HuntKarin Stock BuursmaWaterBrook & MultnomahRedeeming Love (film)Earth PsalmsThe Chronicles of NarniaT

Feb 10, 2021 • 36:27

Chris Carneal (Founder of Booster Enterprises)

Chris Carneal (Founder of Booster Enterprises)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Chris Carneal, Founder of Booster Enterprises, to talk about what he learned in going from 1,000 full-time employees down to 140 due to the pandemic and how they’ve rebuilt to nearly 400, how Booster makes the Kingdom winsome to their public school customers, and why Chris doesn’t go into the office until late morning.Links Mentioned:The Christian Entrepreneur eBookChris Carneal on LinkedInBooster EnterprisesCalled to CreateJohn SmoltzLaura VanderkamWhat the Most Suc

Feb 3, 2021 • 47:30

Got a follow-up question for our guests?

Got a follow-up question for our guests?

Learn more on my Instagram Story at

Feb 2, 2021 • 1:53

Darryl Strawberry (Fmr. MLB All-Star)

Darryl Strawberry (Fmr. MLB All-Star)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Darryl Strawberry, Former MLB All-Star, to talk about the remarkable story of how he went from a drug-addicted baseball star to evangelist, how Darryl submitted himself to the indirect mentorship of Billy Graham, and the power of praying mothers.Links Mentioned:Jordan's weekly devotional, The Word Before WorkDarryl Strawberry on InstagramDarry Strawberry on TwitterTurn Your Season AroundBilly GrahamCelebrity ApprenticeBret MichaelsGreg LaurieJack GrahamJentezen Frank

Jan 27, 2021 • 31:21

Brad Lomenick (Fmr. President of Catalyst)

Brad Lomenick (Fmr. President of Catalyst)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Brad Lomenick, Former President of Catalyst, to talk about the difference between cultural and biblical hustle, how to be an exceptional, service-driven networker, and how to “crush The Now until you get to The Next.”Links Mentioned:Jordan's weekly devotional, The Word Before WorkBrad Lomenick on TwitterBrad Lomenick on LinkedInBrad Lomenick on InstagramBrad LomenickH3 LeadershipH3 Leadership PodcastCatalyst LeaderCatalystExcellence WinsTribesTo Hell With the HustleC

Jan 20, 2021 • 51:05

Wendy Speake (Author of The 40-Day Social Media Fast)

Wendy Speake (Author of The 40-Day Social Media Fast)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Wendy Speake, Author of The 40-Day Social Media Fast, to talk about how she sold 100K+ copies of her first self-published book, the moment she heard God tell her to “hone her craft,” and the impact “social media fasts” are having on Christ-followers.Links Mentioned:Wendy SpeakeWendy Speake on TwitterTriggersThe 40-Day Social Media FastThe 40-Day Sugar FastLife CreativeThe Call To Mastery EP9 with Kelli StuartSell Your Book Like WildfireCalled to CreateMaster of OneHo

Jan 13, 2021 • 57:03

Kara Holden (Writer of Disney+’s Clouds)

Kara Holden (Writer of Disney+’s Clouds)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Kara Holden, Writer of Disney+’s Clouds, to talk about why Bob Iger was so adamant about distributing Clouds, the significance of Jesus as “the God who tells stories,” and why you should always take a glass of water in an interview.Links Mentioned:Kara HoldenKara Holden on TwitterCloudsHamiltonDisney+Gilmore GirlsSaved by the BellStep by StepSoul SurferCluelessBob IgerWonderMagic CastleArrested DevelopmentDavid CopperfieldUniversity of LouisvilleSheenaFootlooseUSCUCL

Jan 6, 2021 • 44:56

Mark Batterson (Lead Pastor at National Community Church)

Mark Batterson (Lead Pastor at National Community Church)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Mark Batterson, Author of Win The Day and Lead Pastor, National Community Church, to talk about the 5 levels of highlighting Mark uses when reading thousands of books, what the “law of requisite variety” means for us and our need to switch up routines, and how your uniqueness is a testament to God’s creativity—not your value.Links Mentioned:Mark BattersonMark Batterson on InstagramMark Batterson on FacebookMark Batterson on TwitterThe Circle MakerIn a Pit with a Lion

Dec 30, 2020 • 37:12

Nona Jones (Head of Faith-Based Partnerships at Facebook)

Nona Jones (Head of Faith-Based Partnerships at Facebook)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Nona Jones, Head of Faith-Based Partnerships at Facebook, to talk about her traumatic upbringing and how that’s impacted her life and work, how to cultivate curiosity on the path to mastery, and the importance of budgeting time to reflect in between meetings.Links Mentioned:Nona JonesNona Jones on LinkedInNona Jones on FacebookNona Jones on Instagram

Dec 23, 2020 • 28:44

Ronnie Andrews (CEO of Oncocyte)

Ronnie Andrews (CEO of Oncocyte)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Ronnie Andrews, CEO of Oncocyte (NYSE American: OCX), to talk about why it matters that Jesus met people first physically, then emotionally, and lastly spiritually, the impact phone vacations have had on his life, and why the next 10 years of cancer research will be more fruitful than the last 100.Links Mentioned:Ronnie Andrews on TwitterRonnie Andrews on LinkedInOncocyteDr. Katharine HayhoeDr. Katharine Hayhoe on The Call to MasteryThe Human Genome ProjectFrancis S.

Dec 16, 2020 • 44:09

Sherron Watkins (Enron Whistleblower)

Sherron Watkins (Enron Whistleblower)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Sherron Watkins, Former Vice President, and Enron Whistleblower, to talk about her experience blowing the whistle on Enron, how mastery puts us “in the room where it happens,” and the tremendous advice her pastor gave her when she was considering leaving Enron to go into more overt forms of ministry.Links Mentioned:Sherron WatkinsSherron Watkins on LinkedInMaster of OneTimeKenneth LayJeffrey SkillingThe Christian’s Secret of a Happy LifeBeing WrongBrené BrownThe Gift

Dec 9, 2020 • 34:58

Ask Me Anything

Ask Me Anything

A few weeks ago, I invited you all to submit any question you have for me on any topic at all. On this special episode of The Call to Mastery, I answer 7 of the best questions from our audience!Links Mentioned:Joel Manby on The Call to MasteryLindsey Ray on The Call to MasteryJeff Heck on The Call to MasteryN.T. Wright on The Call to MasterySeasonsReadingGod and the PandemicThe Eisenhower MatrixEmail for Jordan’s assistant: kayla.taylor@jordanraynor.comCommunity for Redemptive EntrepreneursMaste

Dec 4, 2020 • 42:53

Scott Stephenson (CEO of Verisk Analytics)

Scott Stephenson (CEO of Verisk Analytics)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Scott Stephenson, CEO of Verisk Analytics (VRSK), to talk about how to cultivate innovative ideas, how Christians can be both “ambitious and humane” in business, and the story that convinced Scott to say the name of Jesus whenever possible, even when leading a public company.Links Mentioned:Scott Stephenson on LinkedInVerisk AnalyticsForbesZero to OneBCGN.T WrightChristianity for Modern PagansHow to Be an Antiracist

Dec 2, 2020 • 47:18

Lorin & Kyle Van Zandt (Co-founders of MISSIO Hair)

Lorin & Kyle Van Zandt (Co-founders of MISSIO Hair)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Lorin & Kyle Van Zandt, Co-founders of MISSIO Hair, to talk about the difference between Product Market Fit and Impact Market Fit, the top lesson they’ve learned working with Chip and Joanna Gaines’ Magnolia brands, and how to work in light of the assured victory of Christ.Links Mentioned:MISSIO Hair on InstagramMISSIO HairDream CenterPraxisMagnolia MarketThe Speed of TrustRachel HollisFriendship at the MarginsWalking with the Poor

Nov 25, 2020 • 52:56

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Want to see job postings with Christian employers?

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Nov 24, 2020 • 3:13

David Ragan (NASCAR Driver)

David Ragan (NASCAR Driver)

Jordan Raynor sits down with David Ragan, a thirteen-year veteran NASCAR driver, to talk about how he is responding to instances of racism in NASCAR, how disconnecting from all news and noise brought him clarity about retiring from racing, and why he sets concrete goals with his 6 and 4 year-olds.Links Mentioned:David RaganDavid Ragan on TwitterNASCARDave RamseyLuke LeFevreLuke LeFevre on Call to MasteryRachel Cruze on Call to MasteryFOX SportsTony Dungy on TwitterJoe GibbsBubba WallaceThe Total

Nov 18, 2020 • 46:29

Ask Me Anything

Ask Me Anything

Dial (813) 616-3403‬ to submit your questions by November 24

Nov 16, 2020 • 2:27

Marcus Brotherton (Biographer)

Marcus Brotherton (Biographer)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Marcus Brotherton, four-time New York Times best-selling biographer, to talk about the important distinction between preaching Jesus and showing “the ministry of Jesus Christ” through our work, why Marcus pivoted from pastoral ministry to “secular” journalism, and how Christians should respond to career setbacks.Links Mentioned:Marcus Brotherton on FacebookMarcus Brotherton on AmazonMarcus BrothertonBlaze of LightWe Who are Alive and RemainA Company of HeroesHow to L

Nov 11, 2020 • 47:03

Diane Latiker (Founder of Kids Off the Block)

Diane Latiker (Founder of Kids Off the Block)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Diane Latiker, Founder of Kids Off the Block, to talk about what standing in between an AK-47 and 50 kids will teach you about leadership, how the pandemic has forced leaders to reframe their missions at a higher level, and how seemingly unsolvable problems bring us to greater levels of hustle and trust in God.Links Mentioned:Diane Latiker on LinkedInDiane Latiker on TwitterKids Off The BlockKids Off The BlockCalled to CreateBaker BooksBET Shine the Light AwardGeorge

Nov 4, 2020 • 43:26

Tamika Catchings (Hall of Fame Basketball Player)

Tamika Catchings (Hall of Fame Basketball Player)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Tamika Catchings, Hall of Fame Basketball Player, to talk about how Tamika and Jordan became friends over Called to Create, her surprising answer to the key to mastering her sport, and how mastery and joy have opened up doors for Tamika to share the gospel.Links Mentioned:Tamika Catchings on TwitterTamika Catchings on InstagramTamika Catchings on FacebookTamika CatchingsCatch a StarCatch the Stars FoundationTea’s Me CafeMultiply ConferenceFor an Audience of OneAthlet

Oct 28, 2020 • 45:04

Greg Brenneman (Exec. Chairman of CCMP Capital)

Greg Brenneman (Exec. Chairman of CCMP Capital)

Jordan Raynor sits down Greg Brenneman, Exec. Chairman of CCMP Capital, to talk about how leaders can exude hope and absorb fear in times of crisis, the 1 page, 5 step plan he uses for turning around or “turning up” any business, and why in Greg’s words, “revenue growth is next to godliness.”Links Mentioned:Greg BrennemanRight Away & All At OnceCCMP CapitalBurger KingPwC ConsultingQuiznosHome DepotBain CapitalBain & CompanyMitt RomneyErik WeihenmayerFrancis HealyTrammell Crow CompanyDavid Bonder

Oct 21, 2020 • 47:33

Harris III (Illusionist)

Harris III (Illusionist)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Harris III, professional illusionist, to talk about why wonder is essential for mastery at work, why he (and many of the shows other guests) refuse to wear the mastery label, and how Harris and Jordan geek out over circadian rhythms while sleeping and working.Links Mentioned:Harris IIIHarris III on TwitterHarris III on InstagramDavid CopperfieldAaron SorkinThe West WingThe Social NetworkA Few Good MenMarshall McLuhanThe Wonder SwitchRoald DahlAtomic HabitsThe Artist’

Oct 14, 2020 • 41:47

Andrew Campbell (Woodworker)

Andrew Campbell (Woodworker)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Andrew Campbell, Master Craftsman and Owner of Beaver Hill Woodcrafters, to talk about how mediocre work takes the Lord’s name in vain, how to calm “the cocktail party inside our minds,” and the death of ambition and the value of living a “quiet life.”Links Mentioned:Beaver Hill Woodcrafters on InstagramRed Gypsy Wagon AirbnbYouth DynamicsOutliers: The Story of SuccessMalcolm Gladwell on TwitterThe Tipping PointMaster of OneDeep WorkGood WorkInto the Silent LandJorda

Oct 10, 2020 • 34:16

Meet Graham Cochrane

Meet Graham Cochrane

Watch the first lesson of this new course for free at

Oct 9, 2020 • 7:52

Kevin and Sam Sorbo (Actors)

Kevin and Sam Sorbo (Actors)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Kevin and Sam Sorbo, Film and Television Actors, to talk about why we must focus on mastering our crafts before we push any particular agenda, Kevin’s conversation with Johnny Depp about watching your own work and, how to “put miles on the car” on the path to mastery.Links Mentioned:Kevin SorboKevin Sorbo on TwitterSam SorboSam Sorbo on TwitterHercules: The Legendary JourneysGod’s Not DeadGuthrie TheatreAndromedaUniversal StudiosWhat IfUnplannedSoul SurferLet There B

Oct 7, 2020 • 30:21

Jenna Fortier (Student & Founder of PASTA)

Jenna Fortier (Student & Founder of PASTA)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Jenna Fortier, Founder of PASTA - Peers and Students Taking Action, to talk about her genius habit of emailing God her prayers, why the truth that you can’t be anything you want to be is paradoxically freeing, and how to use being relatively unknown to your advantage at work.Links Mentioned:Jenna Fortier on LinkedInJenna Fortier on TwitterPeers and Students Taking Action (PASTA)High Point UniversityBrett HaglerStrong and WeakMaster of OneCalled to CreateThreshold 360

Sep 30, 2020 • 37:26

Phil Corson (Senior Product Manager at 7shifts)

Phil Corson (Senior Product Manager at 7shifts)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Phil Corson, Senior Product Manager at 7shifts, to talk about the value of literally “doing what your customer does” in order to cultivate empathy, how to get deep work done in a collaborative office environment, and how Phil and his team are using software to be the hands and feet of Jesus.Links Mentioned:Phil Corson on LinkedInPhil Corson on Twitter7shiftsThreshold 360GasBuddyThe Lean StartupMaster of OneTeamworthy VenturesCalled to CreateMister RogersWhy We BuyFai

Sep 23, 2020 • 51:46

Chris Basham (Jordan's Pastor)

Chris Basham (Jordan's Pastor)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Chris Basham, Lead Pastor of The Church at Odessa, to talk about why our sometimes “insufficient” view of the gospel leads to a bad theology of work, how gaps in between creation and delivery of content lead to great analogies, and how every job—even trash collection—brings us closer to Eden.Links Mentioned:Chris BashamChurch at OdessaTim KellerThe Gospel According to PaulJohn MacArthurThe Gospel According to GodKnowing GodJ.I. PackerMaster of OneJohn PiperN.T Wright

Sep 16, 2020 • 39:11

Mike Maihack (Graphic Novelist)

Mike Maihack (Graphic Novelist)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Mike Maihack, Graphic Novelist, to talk about why Mike initially declined an offer from Dreamworks, how the Old Testament’s “slow crawl to Jesus” inspires Mike’s stories, and how we can all—regardless of our vocations—think about “writing characters, not Christians.”Links Mentioned:Mike MaihackMike Maihack on InstagramMike Maihack on YouTubeMike Maihack on TwitterCleopatra in Space TV SeriesScholasticDreamWorksPeacockBoneChronicles of NarniaThe Lord of the RingsSteph

Sep 9, 2020 • 45:14

Mike Arrieta (Founder of Garden City)

Mike Arrieta (Founder of Garden City)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Mike Arrieta, Founder of Garden City, to talk about how he became the #1 Cutco salesperson at the age of 17, the 3 things he looks for when investing in businesses, and how excellence and distinction serve as calling cards for Christians.Links Mentioned:Mike Arrieta on LinkedInMike Arrieta on TwitterGarden CityBrett HaglerNew StoryCutcoZig ZiglarDocuSignThe University of AlabamaWiseDell TechnologiesY CombinatorMaster of OneAtomic HabitsAbideGarden CityJohn Mark Comer

Sep 2, 2020 • 48:03

Lou Holtz (Fmr. Head Coach of Notre Dame Football)

Lou Holtz (Fmr. Head Coach of Notre Dame Football)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Lou Holtz, Fmr. Head Coach of Notre Dame football, to talk about the keys to mastering the art of coaching, the simple “WIN” framework he uses for budgeting his time, and his three rules for a good, God-glorifying life.Links Mentioned:Lou Holtz on TwitterNotre Dame Fighting IrishWoody HayesSee You At The TopJordan Raynor BookshelfBen CarsonMark Twain

Aug 26, 2020 • 39:10

I signed a 5-book deal!

I signed a 5-book deal!

Learn more at

Aug 25, 2020 • 0:00

Glo Atanmo (Founder of The Blog Abroad)

Glo Atanmo (Founder of The Blog Abroad)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Glo Atanmo, a world-class travel blogger, to talk about how she turned $500 after graduating college into a hugely profitable travel blog, the important difference between “learn from me” and “look at me” content, and how to stop comparing your “Chapter 1” to others’ “Chapter 20” when you’re starting up.Links Mentioned:Glo Atanmo on LinkedInGlo Atanmo on InstagramGlo Atanmo on TwitterAlly Resource GuideAirbnbHorst SchulzeThe Ritz-CarltonXangaThe Blog AbroadRyanaireas

Aug 19, 2020 • 50:11

Beth Stafford & Jeremy Slagle (Children’s Book Author & Illustrator)

Beth Stafford & Jeremy Slagle (Children’s Book Author & Illustrator)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Beth Stafford and Jeremy Slagle, Children’s Book Author & Illustrator, to talk about how we can learn to celebrate the wins of others, why empathy is key to mastering any vocation, and the types of side-hustles that can improve your “one thing.”Links Mentioned:Happy Cargo BooksBeth Stafford on LinkedInSlagle DesignJeremy Slagle on InstagramJeremy Slagle on TwitterThe Jesus Storybook BibleLuke FlowersEric CarleMo WillemsOliver JeffersKarma WilsonBecauseSkillshareJorda

Aug 12, 2020 • 45:37

Dave Hataj (Owner of Edgerton Gear, Inc.)

Dave Hataj (Owner of Edgerton Gear, Inc.)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Dave Hataj, Owner of Edgerton Gear, Inc., to talk about what it means for our work that Jesus talked far more about his Kingdom than about “being saved,” how apprenticeships give you wisdom, while info products give you knowledge, and what Scripture says about our work lasting into eternity.Links Mentioned:Jordan RaynorMaster of OneDave HatajEdgerton Gear, Inc.Good WorkThe Road Back to YouThe Fisherman’s Lady / The Marquis’ SecretJordan Raynor’s Bookshelf

Aug 5, 2020 • 50:45

Dee Ann Turner (Fmr. VP of Talent at Chick-fil-A)

Dee Ann Turner (Fmr. VP of Talent at Chick-fil-A)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Dee Ann Turner, Former VP of Talent at Chick-fil-A, to discuss Jordan’s previously untold experience going through the hiring process at Chick-fil-A, the importance of choosing a spouse who will collaborate, rather than compete professionally, and the power of the “What’s your story?” question for creating empathy and understanding.Links Mentioned:Dee Ann TurnerBet on TalentChick-fil-ADee Ann Turner on TwitterIt's My PleasureCarly FiorinaSheryl SandbergLiz WisemanTri

Jul 29, 2020 • 52:29

Michelle Myers (Founder of She Works His Way)

Michelle Myers (Founder of She Works His Way)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Michelle Myers, Founder of she works His way, to talk about how to under-promise and over-deliver in order to create superfans, what Paul’s growing humility in the New Testament means for our work, and the danger in our man-made term, “servant-leader.”Links Mentioned:Michelle MyersShe Works HIS WayDave RamseyTim KellerThreshold 360BombBombLoomBonjoroDeep WorkMaster of OneHorst SchultzeLet Me Be a WomanPrayer: The Timeless Secret of High Impact LeadersDr. James Andrew

Jul 22, 2020 • 45:38

Alec Avierinos (2X World Champion Obstacle Course Racer)

Alec Avierinos (2X World Champion Obstacle Course Racer)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Alec Avierinos, 2X World Champion obstacle course racer, to talk about what happens to you mentally when you run a 24-hour obstacle race, how hobbies can make us more masterful at our vocations, and why you should “write your vision in pen and your plans in pencil.”Links Mentioned:Alec AvierinosAlec Avierinos on LinkedInOCR World ChampionshipsSpartan RaceTough Mudder3inONE Health Kickstart challengeJokes Aside gymThe Bible AppCraig GroeschelCalled to CreateDave Yarne

Jul 15, 2020 • 29:24

Tim Newton (Senior Creative Officer at Ramsey Solutions)

Tim Newton (Senior Creative Officer at Ramsey Solutions)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Tim Newton, Senior Creative Officer at Ramsey Solutions, to talk about how Nike, Apple, and Disney have built “transcendent brands” by mimicking personal friendships, how Tim’s faith fuels his passionate hatred of certain brands, and how you can open up space and time for God to speak into your work.Links Mentioned:Tim Newton on LinkedInRamsey SolutionsDave RamseyNikeAppleDisneyRamsey Live EventsLuke LeFevre on LinkedInShoe DogPhil KnightChristy WrightChris HoganMast

Jul 8, 2020 • 47:20

Dr. Katharine Hayhoe (Climate Scientist)

Dr. Katharine Hayhoe (Climate Scientist)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, one of the world’s leading climate scientists, to talk about why climate change is a pro-life issue, how the “expressed word” of God’s creation aligns with the “written word” of Scripture, and how combating climate change can help Christians provide food, clean water, and shelter to the world’s most vulnerable populations.Links Mentioned:Dr. Katharine HayhoeDr. Katharine Hayhoe on TwitterDr. Katharine Hayhoe TED TalkGlobal Weirding with Katharin

Jul 1, 2020 • 47:52

Andy Le Peau (Author of Write Better)

Andy Le Peau (Author of Write Better)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Andy Le Peau, a lifelong editor and author of Write Better, to talk about how the gospel gives us the courage to create and stop creating, the wisdom of taking all your vacation at the same time, and how "the idol of individualism” can impact our work.Links Mentioned:Andy Le PeauWrite BetterAndy Unedited BlogInterVarsity PressAndy CrouchN.T. WrightChristianity TodaySteve JobsScott KaufmanEvery Good EndeavourCulture MakingJohn Mark ComerThe Ruthless Elimination of Hur

Jun 24, 2020 • 35:27

Tom Raynor (Jordan’s Dad)

Tom Raynor (Jordan’s Dad)

Jordan Raynor sits down with his dad, Tom Raynor, a world-class salesperson turned entrepreneur, to talk about what Jordan learned while frequently going to work with his dad as a kid, what is takes to be in the top 1% of sales performers in a massive industry, and how Jordan’s dad earned the nickname Claw-Pa.Links Mentioned:Nu Vista Foods GroupMaster of OneCalled to Create

Jun 20, 2020 • 27:47

Emily P. Freeman (Author of The Next Right Thing)

Emily P. Freeman (Author of The Next Right Thing)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Emily P. Freeman, bestselling author of The Next Right Thing, to talk about her response to The Next Right Thing in Frozen II, the genius of “theme days” on your calendar, and how to avoid the temptation to “fake mastery.”Links Mentioned:Emily P. FreemanEmily P. Freeman on TwitterThe Next Right Thing PodcastThe Next Right Thing“The Next Right Thing” Song on YouTubeKristen Bell on TwitterThe Walt Disney CompanyUniversity of North Carolina GreensboroAnnie DownsB.J. Nov

Jun 17, 2020 • 45:24

N.T. Wright (Theologian)

N.T. Wright (Theologian)

Jordan Raynor sits down with N.T. Wright, whom Newsweek has called “the world’s leading New Testament scholar,” to talk about why Paul is “rolling over in his grave” over the Church’s response to George Floyd and systemic racism, the danger in the Church’s overemphasis on “saving souls,” and how the work we do today can physically last into eternity.Links Mentioned:NT WrightN.T. Wright on TwitterTimothy KellerGod and the PandemicChristianity Offers No Answers About the CoronavirusZondervanHistor

Jun 16, 2020 • 53:07

Joon (J.S.) Park (Hospital Chaplain)

Joon (J.S.) Park (Hospital Chaplain)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Joon (J.S.) Park, Hospital Chaplain and author, to talk about how the Lord moved him from a “devout atheist” to a hospital chaplain, the three phone habits he employs that positively affect his mental health, and how God’s sovereignty is manifested through the “miracle” of our work.Links Mentioned:Joon ParkJoon Park on InstagramJoon Park on TwitterThe Voices We CarryCleopatra in SpaceJordan RaynorMaster of OneMade to StickZora Neale HurstonTimothy KellerEvery Good En

Jun 10, 2020 • 45:18

Sheryl J. Anderson (Showrunner of Sweet Magnolias)

Sheryl J. Anderson (Showrunner of Sweet Magnolias)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Sheryl Anderson, Showrunner of Netflix’s #1 new show, Sweet Magnolias, to talk about Netflix’s reaction to the Christian characters Sheryl wrote into this megahit show, how we can model Jesus’s “gospel subtext” as we tell great stories through our work, and how to give and take great “notes” of feedback.Links Mentioned:Jordan RaynorSheryl J. Anderson on IMDBSheryl J. Anderson on TwitterSweet Magnolias Master of One: Find and Focus on the Work You Were Created to DoTh

Jun 9, 2020 • 50:43

Noah Elias (Artist)

Noah Elias (Artist)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Noah Elias, to talk about how to make space to hear the “screaming whisper” of God, the most common disciplines of highly successful creatives, and how Christ-followers can work for a “100X” eternal reward.Links Mentioned:Noah EliasNoah Elias on InstagramNoah Elias on TwitterNoah Elias on LinkedIn31 Disciplines of Highly Successful CreativesCal NewportTimothy KellerArtCenter College of DesignWHOOPDavid AllenGetting Things DoneStephen R. CoveyThe Law of RewardsWild at

Jun 3, 2020 • 44:19

Duane Blasdel (Camp Director at Mapleridge Ranch)

Duane Blasdel (Camp Director at Mapleridge Ranch)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Duane Blasdel, Camp Director at Mapleridge Ranch, to talk about what Duane did to increase his camper retention rate from 40% to 80%, why boards of advisors are so valuable and how to easily build one, and his powerful testimony of seeing God do “immeasurably more” than he could imagine in his work.Links Mentioned: Duane Blasdel on LinkedInDuane Blasdel on TwitterMapleridgeJordan RaynorMaster of OneCalled to CreateStartup StoriesStandoutGood to GreatGarden CityDeep W

May 27, 2020 • 45:50

Lindsey Ray (Nurse Practitioner)

Lindsey Ray (Nurse Practitioner)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Lindsey Ray, a nurse practitioner, to talk about why “obedient absence” from your kids is better than “disobedient presence,” how to avoid envy of other people’s callings, and Jordan’s life-changing hire that Lindsey plans to copy (and you can too).Links Mentioned:The Happy HourPopcastThe Bible BingeFSUUniversity of North FloridaThe Bible RecapThe West WingChristy NockelsThe Insanity of God The Freedom of Self-ForgetfulnessFixer Uppers

May 20, 2020 • 42:46

Will Weatherford (Fmr. Speaker of the Florida House)

Will Weatherford (Fmr. Speaker of the Florida House)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Will Weatherford, former Speaker of the Florida House, to talk about the insane plane crash that changed his life his first day working in politics, why politics is a reflection of culture rather than a driver of it, and how the Church can approach 2020 in a different, less polarizing way.Links Mentioned:Will Weatherford on TwitterWeatherford CapitalGavin Newsom on TwitterGary VaynerchukRodel Fellowships in Public LeadershipAllan G BenseMarco Rubio on TwitterJeb Bush

May 13, 2020 • 48:15

Joel Manby (Fmr. CEO of SeaWorld)

Joel Manby (Fmr. CEO of SeaWorld)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Joel Manby, Former CEO of SeaWorld, to talk about the brilliant 2X2 matrix Joel used to measure goals and values in tandem, how Christians can “lead with love” during times of crisis, and the steep price Joel paid for losing sight of the gospel at work.Links Mentioned:2X2 matrix to measure "do goals" and "be goals"Jordan RaynorMaster of OneMy BookshelfJoel ManbyLove WorksLove Works by Joel Manby FacebookGeneral MotorsHerschend Family EntertainmentDollywoodStone Mount

May 6, 2020 • 40:34

Dr. Gisela Kreglinger (Wine Expert & Theologian)

Dr. Gisela Kreglinger (Wine Expert & Theologian)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Dr. Gisela Kreglinger, a wine expert & theologian, to talk about her “passion for reclaiming food and wine as spiritual gifts,” what Jesus’s first miracle of turning water into wine means for our work today, and why “relinquishing control” is essential to mastering wine-making and any other vocational discipline.Links Mentioned:Dr. Gisela KreglingerDr. Gisela Kreglinger on InstagramDr. Gisela Kreglinger on LinkedInThe Soul of WineSamford UniversitySurprised by HopeTh

Apr 29, 2020 • 35:05

Brett Hagler (Co-founder of New Story)

Brett Hagler (Co-founder of New Story)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Brett Hagler, Co-founder of New Story, to talk about New Story’s innovative solution to preventing homelessness during the COVID-19 crisis, Brett’s personal testimony about vocational mastery making the gospel winsome, and why A-players attract other A-players to your team.Links Mentioned:Jordan's Link on New StoryBrett HaglerNew StoryThe NeighborhoodMaster of OneFastCompanyY CombinatorGoldman SachsForbesFlorida State UniversityIconNew Story Apple TV EpisodeCharity:

Apr 22, 2020 • 44:05

Tim Keller (Founder of Redeemer Presbyterian Church)

Tim Keller (Founder of Redeemer Presbyterian Church)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Tim Keller, Founder of Redeemer Presbyterian Church, to talk about how the Church should respond to COVID-19, which of his books he hoped would reach a wider audience, and how creatives like Lecrae and C.S. Lewis have made art that points to God’s “Master Narrative” for the world.Links Mentioned:Master of OneTimothy KellerTimothy Keller on TwitterRedeemer Presbyterian ChurchThe Reason for GodThe Prodigal GodEvery Good EndeavorThe Meaning of MarriageReformed Theologic

Apr 15, 2020 • 23:51

Ruth Chou Simons (Founder of GraceLaced)

Ruth Chou Simons (Founder of GraceLaced)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Ruth Chou Simons, founder of GraceLaced, to talk about what good, righteous, gospel-driven ambition looks like in our work, how the simple creative connection of “depth and beauty” allowed Ruth to create something unique in the world, and how to think about our work as a generous gift to the world.Links Mentioned:Ruth Chou SimonsRuth Chou Simons on TwitterGraceLacedGraceLaced (book)Beholding and BecomingECPA Christian Book AwardMorning and EveningCharles SpurgeonThe

Apr 8, 2020 • 41:34

Shundrawn Thomas (President of Northern Trust Asset Management)

Shundrawn Thomas (President of Northern Trust Asset Management)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Shundrawn Thomas, President of Northern Trust Asset Management, to talk about how to gracefully renegotiate commitments when you’re overwhelmed, why commitment is what makes a calling, and how to find joy in the job you already have.Links Mentioned:Shundrawn ThomasShundrawn Thomas on TwitterNorthern TrustDiscover Joy in WorkMorgan StanleyMaster of OneGallupThe 4 Hour WorkweekTim FerrissMalcolm GladwellTrillion Dollar CoachBill Campbell9 Lies About WorkThe Infinite Ga

Apr 1, 2020 • 54:26

Sam Eitzen (Co-founder of Snapbar)

Sam Eitzen (Co-founder of Snapbar)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Sam Eitzen, Co-founder of Snapbar, to talk about the genius of learning entrepreneurship on someone else’s dime, how you can win at business by “caring about the boring stuff,” and why there’s no such thing as a “Christian business.”Links Mentioned:Sam Eitzen on LinkedInSam Eitzen on TwitterThe SnapBarInc.The Missional EntrepreneurRhino Camera GearCESMaster of OneSayfie ReviewThreshold 360Jeff Bezos on TwitterGood to GreatThe E-Myth RevisitedMalcolm Gladwell on Twitt

Mar 25, 2020 • 54:27

Mark Fincannon (Emmy Award-winning casting director)

Mark Fincannon (Emmy Award-winning casting director)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Mark Fincannon, an Emmy Award-winning casting director, to talk about how casting a TV show works week-in week-out, the incredible story behind casting End of the Spear (the story of Jim Elliot), and how Christians can “impose hope” rather than their explicit faith in film.Links Mentioned:Mark FincannonEmmy AwardsSteven SpielbergGeorge Lucas David LynchRayThe Blind SideSandra BullockHomelandDawson's CreekOne Tree Hill NashvilleEnd of the SpearJim ElliottOscars1917Par

Mar 18, 2020 • 46:43

Kristin Molenaar (Founder of YesBossVA)

Kristin Molenaar (Founder of YesBossVA)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Kristin Molenaar, Founder of YesBossVA, to talk about how to delegate well, habits for “starting days slowly,” and why less is sometimes more when it comes to consuming content.Links Mentioned:Kristin Molenaar on LinkedInYesBoss VASumo MayaHireMyMomThreshold 360Richard Branson on TwitterThe Ruthless Elimination of HurryEssentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of LessClockworkMarshawn Evans DanielsCalled to CreateMaster of One

Mar 11, 2020 • 51:24

Mignon Francois (Founder of The Cupcake Collection)

Mignon Francois (Founder of The Cupcake Collection)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Mignon Francois, Founder of The Cupcake Collection, to talk about their quest for the best donut on earth, the benefits of not raising capital, and how to earn the right to be mentored by the world’s most masterful people.Links Mentioned:Jordan RaynorMaster of OneCalled to CreateMignon FrancoisThe Cupcake CollectionThe Cupcake Collection TwitterTripAdvisorBlack Enterprise MagazineBAM 323Donut PalaceChris' DonutsGibson's DonutsHole in One DonutsFirecakesEntrepreneur C

Mar 4, 2020 • 45:15

David Block (Founder of Previnex)

David Block (Founder of Previnex)

Jordan Raynor sits down with David Block, Founder of Previnex, to talk about the leap of faith David took to give away vitamins to malnourished children before it made sense financially, the wild story about how 3 separate street preachers in 3 separate subway cars helped lead David to Christ, and what Abraham and Joseph can teach us about patience in our work.Links Mentioned:Master of OneJordan RaynorJordan Raynor on TwitterJordan Raynor EmailDavid Block on LinkedInDavid Block on TwitterPrevine

Feb 26, 2020 • 52:50

Maxwell King (Mister Rogers's Biographer)

Maxwell King (Mister Rogers's Biographer)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Maxwell King, Author of The Good Neighbor (the first full-length biography of Fred Rogers) to talk about how Fred “rehearsed” each day through prayer, which books Fred was reading on his deathbed, and the transformative moment in which Fred realized his work was ministry.Links Mentioned:Maxwell KingFred RogersMr. Rogers’ NeighborhoodThe Good NeighborThe Pittsburgh FoundationThe Fred Rogers CenterThe Philadelphia InquirerWon't You Be My Neighbor?The Heinz EndowmentsJo

Feb 19, 2020 • 44:01

Carly Fiorina (Fmr. CEO of HP and Presidential Candidate)

Carly Fiorina (Fmr. CEO of HP and Presidential Candidate)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Carly Fiorina, former CEO of HP and 2016 presidential hopeful, to talk about her fond (and not so fond) memories of the campaign trail, the difference between following a path and following a plan for your career, and how technology played a role in drawing Carly closer to Christ.Links Mentioned:Carly FiorinaHewlett-PackardFind Your WayBy Example PodcastThe Good NeighborJohn MaxwellCalled to CreateMaster of One

Feb 12, 2020 • 44:17

Chris Perry (Lead Researcher for Master of One)

Chris Perry (Lead Researcher for Master of One)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Chris Perry, the Lead Researcher for Jordan’s latest book, Master of One. In this conversation, Jordan and Chris talk through their process for researching and writing Master of One, how the promise of Heaven on Earth should shape our work today, and the value of a weekly “mind dump.”Links Mentioned:Chris Perry on LinkedinChris Perry on InstagramMaster of One on AmazonYouVersionDavid BoudiaFred RogersTony DungyMonday Night BrewingBrett HaglerNew StoryCalled to Create

Feb 5, 2020 • 45:27

Luke LeFevre (Chief Creative Officer at Ramsey Solutions)

Luke LeFevre (Chief Creative Officer at Ramsey Solutions)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Luke LeFevre, Chief Creative Officer at Ramsey Solutions, to discuss how a copy of Called to Create at Goodwill led to their meeting, the importance of hiring mission-focused people, and why Luke so strongly recommends journaling to anyone looking to master the art of leadership.Links Mentioned:Luke's tips on journalingLuke LeFevreLuke LeFevre on LinkedInLuke LeFevre on TwitterRamsey Solutions Jordan Raynor Jordan Raynor on LinkedIn Master of OneRoyal Caribbean La Sa

Jan 29, 2020 • 32:21

Douglas Gresham (C.S. Lewis's Stepson & Exec. Producer of Netflix's Narnia Series)

Douglas Gresham (C.S. Lewis's Stepson & Exec. Producer of Netflix's Narnia Series)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Douglas Gresham, C.S. Lewis's stepson and Executive Producer of Disney and Netflix's Narnia series, to share a detailed account of C.S. Lewis’s daily routines as he pursued mastery of his craft, Doug’s surprising first encounter with his soon-to-be stepdad at the age of 8, and which Lewis book Doug gives away most frequently.Pre-order Jordan's new book, Master of One, and enter to win a European cruise for two, dinner with Jordan in Barcelona, and a private tour of t

Jan 22, 2020 • 41:25

Christy Adams (Teacher)

Christy Adams (Teacher)

Jordan Raynor sits down with his good friend Christy Adams, a masterful educator, to talk about why finding your “one thing” requires a ton of career experimentation, the importance of getting feedback from those you serve (even if they’re middle schoolers), and how the Lord grants us power as we achieve mastery of our crafts.Pre-order Jordan's new book, Master of One, and enter to win a European cruise for two, dinner with Jordan in Barcelona, and a private tour of the magnificent La Sagrada Fa

Jan 15, 2020 • 40:29

Stefan Kunz (Artist)

Stefan Kunz (Artist)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Stefan Kunz, internationally acclaimed artist and hand letterer, to talk about how Stefan thinks about being open about his faith even when working with non-Christian clients at places like Apple and Coca-Cola, what Stefan’s routines are that enable him to consistently produce great art, and how Stefan’s “30 Days of Bible Lettering” challenge took off. This episode also includes a bonus conversation with Aundi Kolber, author of Try Softer.Pre-order Jordan's new book,

Jan 8, 2020 • 59:47

DJ Snell (Jordan's Literary Agent)

DJ Snell (Jordan's Literary Agent)

Jordan Raynor sits down with his literary agent, DJ Snell, to talk about how to get a book deal with no platform, the impact Payne Stewart’s death had on DJ’s career, and the Church’s overemphasis on the depravity of man. This episode also includes a bonus conversation with Drew Dyck, author of Your Future Self Will Thank You.Pre-order Jordan's new book, Master of One, and enter to win a European cruise for two, dinner with Jordan in Barcelona, and a private tour of the magnificent La Sagrada Fa

Jan 1, 2020 • 54:30

Carey Nieuwhof (Founder of Connexus Church)

Carey Nieuwhof (Founder of Connexus Church)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Carey Nieuwhof, Founding Pastor of Connexus Church, to talk about the seven greatest challenges nobody expects, but everyone experiences, how we can be “dealers of hope” through our work, and how Carey made himself a morning person.Links Mentioned:Carey NieuwhofConnexus ChurchCarey Nieuwhof Leadership PodcastJohn OrtbergToronto Film FestivalToronto Christmas MarketUniversity of TorontoKnox CollegeUniversity CollegeJordan PetersonDiablo’sJim CareyMike MyersDrakeThe Ba

Dec 31, 2019 • 57:45

Missy Wallace (Executive Director of the Nashville Institute for Faith and Work)

Missy Wallace (Executive Director of the Nashville Institute for Faith and Work)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Missy Wallace, Executive Director of the Nashville Institute for Faith and Work, to talk about the significance of Jesus being born into the home of a carpenter, Missy’s incredible path from management consulting to being one of the world’s leading thinkers on the topic of faith and work, and what church leaders can be doing to help every member understand the eternal significance of their work. Pre-order Jordan's new book, Master of One, and enter to win a European

Dec 25, 2019 • 41:23

Jeff Heck (Co-founder of Monday Night Brewing)

Jeff Heck (Co-founder of Monday Night Brewing)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Jeff Heck, Co-founder and CEO of Monday Night Brewing, to discuss C.S. Lewis’s love of beer, the phenomenal increase in productivity Jeff experienced when he went from working on multiple things to focusing on just one, and why “weekends are overrated.”Pre-order Jordan's new book, Master of One, and enter to win a European cruise for two, dinner with Jordan in Barcelona, and a private tour of the magnificent La Sagrada Familia: Ment

Dec 18, 2019 • 53:40

John Mark Comer (Author of The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry)

John Mark Comer (Author of The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry)

Jordan Raynor sits down with John Mark Comer, pastor and author of The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, to talk about why hurry is “the great enemy of spiritual life,” how to turn off “internal noise” that leads to anxiety, and their mutual love of Aaron Sorkin (creator of The West Wing, The Social Network, etc.). Pre-order Jordan's new book, Master of One, and enter to win a European cruise for two, dinner with Jordan in Barcelona, and a private tour of the magnificent La Sagrada Familia: https:/

Dec 11, 2019 • 49:07

William Warren and Meg Easterbrook (Founder and Director of Operations at The Sketch Effect)

William Warren and Meg Easterbrook (Founder and Director of Operations at The Sketch Effect)

Jordan Raynor sits down with William Warren and Meg Easterbrook the Founder and Director of Operations at The Sketch Effect, to talk about how the gospel compels us to love people in business well—even when they’ve wronged you, the productivity systems I taught William and Meg that have helped their business scale, and how William thought about making the leap from a great job at Chick-fil-A corporate to starting his own business. This episode also includes a bonus conversation with Chris Norton

Dec 4, 2019 • 53:12

Krystal Whitten (Creator of The Lettering Prayer Journal)

Krystal Whitten (Creator of The Lettering Prayer Journal)

Jordan Raynor sits down with his good friend Krystal Whitten, Creator of The Lettering Prayer Journal, to discuss best-practices on “batch creating” content, how to master the art of the graceful “no,” and the good that has come from Krystal’s children watching both of their parents work outside the home. This episode also includes a bonus conversation with Mark Sayers, author of Reappearing Church.Links Mentioned:Krystal WhittenKrystal’s InstagramThe Lettering Prayer JournalCalled to CreateThe

Nov 27, 2019 • 55:59

Jeff Goins (Bestselling Author of The Art of Work)

Jeff Goins (Bestselling Author of The Art of Work)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Jeff Goins, bestselling author of The Art of Work and Real Artists Don't Starve, to talk about how great masters like Michelangelo and da Vinci were able to master more than one discipline in different seasons of their careers, Jeff’s habits for churning out bestseller after bestseller, and why Jeff wants to hear President Trump on The Call to Mastery.Links Mentioned:Jordan RaynorMaster of OneJeff GoinsThe Art of Work: A Proven Path to Discovering What You Were Meant

Nov 20, 2019 • 54:05

Shay Cochrane (Founder of Social Squares)

Shay Cochrane (Founder of Social Squares)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Shay Cochrane, Founder of SC Stockshop and Social Squares, to talk about how she is able to run two six-figure businesses with only 16 hours of work each week, why her first entrepreneurial endeavor was shut down by military police, and how she inadvertently created the styled stock photography niche. This episode also includes a bonus conversation with Todd Chipman author of Until Every Child is Home.Links Mentioned:Jordan RaynorShay CochraneGraham CochraneiStockGet

Nov 13, 2019 • 56:06

Brad Dean (CEO of Discover Puerto Rico)

Brad Dean (CEO of Discover Puerto Rico)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Brad Dean, CEO of Discover Puerto Rico, to talk about why Jordan is all-in on Puerto Rico as a destination, the spiritually beautiful and not so beautiful parts of the travel and tourism industry, and Puerto Rico’s favorite son, Lin Manuel Miranda. This episode also includes a bonus conversation with Chris Heuertz, author of The Sacred Enneagram.Links Mentioned:Brad DeanDiscover Puerto RicoBrad Dean on TwitterLin-Manuel MirandaWalt DisneySteinwayPirilo PizzaThreshold

Nov 6, 2019 • 1:00:21

Kelli Stuart (Author of A Silver Willow by the Shore)

Kelli Stuart (Author of A Silver Willow by the Shore)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Kelli Stuart, the award-winning author of Like a River From Its Course and A Silver Willow by the Shore, to talk about how Jordan’s epic dinner with C.S. Lewis’s stepson caused him to become one of Kelli’s biggest fans, how Kelli goes about writing exceptional fiction, and what John Grisham had to say to Kelli’s class at Baylor about why he doesn’t write “Christian fiction.” This episode also includes a bonus conversation with Cory Carlson, author of Win at Home Firs

Oct 30, 2019 • 1:00:51

Will Barrett (Director of Field Operations at Threshold 360)

Will Barrett (Director of Field Operations at Threshold 360)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Will Barrett, Director of Field Operations at Threshold 360, to talk about their experience working together at Threshold 360, what Will has learned after making more than 100 hires in less than 3 years, and the spiritual significance of Will’s Two of Clubs tattoo. This episode also includes a bonus conversation with Patrick Gray and Justin Skeesuck, authors of Imprints. You can pick-up this great book at along with a ton of great bonuses.Links Menti

Oct 23, 2019 • 1:05:12

Kevin Cloud (Author of God and Hamilton)

Kevin Cloud (Author of God and Hamilton)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Kevin Cloud, the masterful author of God and Hamilton, to talk about why Hamilton’s life was both extraordinary and also thoroughly ordinary, the 5 movements of the creative process, and how art and culture can create “thin places” where God seems to break through, and what normally feels hidden becomes real and tangible. This episode also includes a bonus conversation with Costi Hinn, author of God, Greed and the (Prosperity) Gospel.Links Mentioned:Kevin CloudKevin

Oct 16, 2019 • 59:27

Jena Viviano (Career Strategist)

Jena Viviano (Career Strategist)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Jena Viviano, a Wall Street investment banker turned career strategist, to talk about how she inadvertently found Jesus on Wall Street, how she has helped more than 900 clients land their dream job, and the good, the bad, and the ugly about being an Enneagram 3. This episode also includes a bonus conversation with Debra Moerke, author of Murder, Motherhood, and Miraculous Grace.Links Mentioned:Jena VivianoYour Career Story PodcastJena Viviano on TwitterDebra MoerkeMu

Oct 9, 2019 • 57:44

Horst Schulze (Co-founder of The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company)

Horst Schulze (Co-founder of The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Horst Schulze, Co-founder of The Ritz Carlton Hotel Company, to talk about the world’s best hotels, how he thinks about loving every employee as himself, and why Christians ought to have the highest standards of excellence in our work.Links MentionedExcellence WinsHorst SchulzeCapella Hotel GroupRitz-Carlton HotelThe Huka LodgeMaster of OneKen BlanchardThreshold 360Tim KellerDan CathyStephen CoveyJordan Raynor

Oct 2, 2019 • 45:03

Rachel Cruze (#1 New York Times bestselling author of Smart Money, Smart Kids)

Rachel Cruze (#1 New York Times bestselling author of Smart Money, Smart Kids)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Rachel Cruze, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Smart Money, Smart Kids, at Ramsey Solution’s amazing new headquarters in Franklin, Tennessee to talk about the cautionary advice Rachel's dad (Dave Ramsey) gave her before she joined the family business, the hard things Rachel's leaders have required her to do in order to become a masterful teacher, and why Dave Ramsey’s team believes that their work has great eternal significance.Links Mentioned:Rachel CruzeThe

Oct 2, 2019 • 38:52

Chad Cannon (Chief Sales Officer at Michael Hyatt & Company)

Chad Cannon (Chief Sales Officer at Michael Hyatt & Company)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Chad Cannon, Chief Sales Officer at Michael Hyatt & Company, to talk about what the most successful content marketers will be doing 5 years from now, what Bob Goff’s book (Love Does) was almost horribly titled, and how Chad sees his work at Michael Hyatt & Company as bringing great glory to God.Links MentionedChad Cannon on LinkedInMichael HyattChad Cannon on InstagramChad Cannon on TwitterJordan Raynor podcast

Oct 2, 2019 • 51:30

Julianna Slager (Co-founder of Ballet 5:8)

Julianna Slager (Co-founder of Ballet 5:8)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Julianna Slager, Co-founder of Ballet 5:8, to talk about how her team uses ballet to engage people in conversations about faith, the remarkable parallels between her own story and the story of Beth Pearson, the fictional character from the hit show, This is Us on NBC, and why she’s all in on this concept of being a “master of one.” You can follow Julianna's work on Instagram at @JuliannaSlager.Links Mentioned:Jordan RaynorMaster of OneBallet 5:8Building a StoryBrandH

Oct 2, 2019 • 41:55

Graham Cochrane (Founder of The Recording Revolution)

Graham Cochrane (Founder of The Recording Revolution)

Jordan Raynor sits down with Graham Cochrane, Founder of The Recording Revolution, to talk about his remarkable path from food stamps to a $1M+ business with zero employees, how you can turn nearly any skill into a content business, and how faith in Christ provides continued ambition for your work, even after you are financially “set.”Links MentionedGraham CochraneThe Recording RevolutionCalled to CreateMaster of OneCS LewisMere ChristianityBBCMasterclassDave RamseyCal NewportDigital MinimalismE

Oct 2, 2019 • 58:39

Bonus: About Jordan Raynor

Bonus: About Jordan Raynor

Get to know Jordan Raynor, host of The Call to Mastery podcast.Jordan is most well-known for his work helping millions of Christians connect their faith with their work. His book, Called to Create, became an instant bestseller when it was released in 2017. His next book, Master of One, will be released by Random House on January 21, 2020.In addition to his writing, Jordan has spent more than a decade pursuing mastery of his craft as an entrepreneur. Today, Jordan serves as the Executive Chairman

Sep 28, 2019 • 20:31

Trailer for the Mere Christians podcast

Trailer for the Mere Christians podcast

A quick preview of what you can expect from Mere Christians

Sep 22, 2019 • 1:24

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